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Review This Story || Author: RH Music

House Training

Chapter 10

Chapter 10:


The man sitting in the chair across from me smiled. "Half of me thinks you are
the luckiest person alive, and the other half of me thinks that no amount of
money in the world would entice me to go through what you have obviously been

"I'm sorry?" I looked over at Mr. Blakely. Following instructions, the cab
driver had driven me to the legal offices of 'Howard, Johnston, and Blakely' and
now, after a short wait, I was sitting in Mr. Blakely's office.

"You're Jonathan McDonald, correct?"

"Yes! Can you tell me what's going on, Mr. Blakely?" Finally, someone who knew
my real name! I had begun to think that I had entered some alternate-reality
universe or something.

"Please, call me William. And yes, I can finally tell you what's going on.
Somehow you broke into Mr. Hewitt's house...?"

"Oh, no! I'm a paralegal, and I was assigned to search the house for documents
relating to Mr. Hewitt's Last Will and Testament. You see, the hospital couldn't
find any next of kin or contact information..."

"And that would be because there are no next of kin," Mr. Blakely interjected.

"Oh, OK. And so they turned the case over to the State which contracted with our
law firm to dig up more information and dispose of the estate, and so I was sent
over to look the place over."

"And did you find a copy of the will?" Mr. Blakely grinned, obviously enjoying a
joke at my expense.


"And would you like to see a copy of the will?"


"Well!  It so happens that I have a copy right here!" Mr. Blakely handed me a
sheaf of papers with evident satisfaction. "You see, we're the official
executors of Mr. Hewitt's estate. Why don't you look through the document. The
final revision was faxed to me this morning."

"What... What do you mean, this morning?"

"I think you'll understand when you read it."

Of course I wasn't a lawyer, but I could read legal-language well enough. I
started flipping through the pages, pretty standard stuff, until I got to the
appendix... when I started shaking violently.

"But!" I sputtered, "This can't be!"

I looked again:

    The bulk of my estate, including personal financial assets of
    roughly $400 million dollars (as of 1/1/2002) and the house and
    grounds (of roughly 129 acres) at 1 Hewitt place I leave to
    Jennifer McDonald, formerly Jack McDonald, of 413 Pine Orchard Way.
    I further name her to be the chairperson and president of the Hewitt
    foundation, responsible for the charitable disbursement of the
    foundation's assets in accordance with the mission statement,
    guidelines, and charter, a position which pays a salary of
    $1 million per annum.

"Um... how much money is in the foundation?" I asked.

"Roughly 2.5 billion dollars."

"Oh!"  I fainted.

- - - - - - - - -

"Miss? Miss?" I shook my head away from the horrible smelling salts. Opening my
eyes I saw a young-ish man standing over me. "Are you OK? Do we need to take you
to the hospital?"

"No, thank you. I'm fine."

"She's had quite a shock, Tim,"  Mr. Blakely chuckled. I sat up slowly and saw
him looking at me, amused. "I think she'll be fine. Thanks for the quick first

"Oh, no problem sir," said Tim as he packed up the first-aid kit and left the

"That was Tim, my paralegal," said Mr. Blakely. "Just like you... well, not
anymore, obviously. Listen, Jonathan, or, um... Jennifer, there are a few things
and a couple more tests that we'll need to do before you can assume your new
role. So, let's move over to the table here and I'll guide you through it..."

"Tests, William?" I asked, as I sat down at the table.

"Right. And the first one is this." Mr. Blakely put a form in front of me.

It was a legal name change document, to 'Jennifer McDonald'.

"I'll give you a few minutes to think it over. Just call for me when you're
ready." Mr. Blakely left the room.

I sat and stared. This was the moment of truth. Sign over my name and inherit
Mr. Hewitt's fortune (about $300 million after taxes). Become Jennifer and I
would become one of the wealthiest people in the country. Become Jennifer and I
would run one of the largest charitable foundations (the 15th largest I would
find out later) in the United States.

I pulled out my powder compact and opened it up. I looked at myself in the

I didn't escape when I was in the mall, and I could have.

And now I would be making it permanent. I would permanently become Jennifer. I
suppose that somewhere I realized that I could just sign, take the money, and
then run away or change my name back, or something...

But that wouldn't be right. If I was going to do this, I should commit to it
fully, without reservation.

I looked at the paper.

I reached for a pen, put it to the paper... paused... and signed my name. It
would be the last time that I would ever sign "Jonathan McDonald" in my life.

I smiled and felt a surge of pleasure course through my body.

- - - - - - - - -

After that, it was mostly formalities. An employment agreement for the
foundation, receiving the title for the house and grounds, change of ownership
forms for all of the financial assets, etc. etc. etc. Dozens and dozens of

I got a lot of practice signing "Jennifer McDonald" that day!

Finally, we were done and Mr. Blakely sat back in his chair. "Well,
congratulations, Jennifer! What do you think you'll be doing first?"

"Gosh, I don't know. I guess I should study up on how to run foundations..."

"Well! Good answer! I can help you there. I have some books here that you can

"Thank you!"

There was an awkward pause for a moment. Mr. Blakely obviously had one more
thing to say, but was having trouble saying it.

"Yes, William?" I looked at him... and batted my eyes.

"Yes, Jennifer, there is... ahh.. one more test you need to pass before I am
allowed to process the paperwork."

"What's that?"

"Well... ah... You see..." he was blushing! "I just have to verify that you have
actually gone through the full training at the house... and, ah..."

"You mean, this body and these clothes are not enough?"

"Well, um... quite right. That was certainly one test that you passed... and
passed with flying colors I might add! But there is one more thing..."

"What's that?"

"Well," Mr. Blakely said as he looked at me intently. "Have you heard any good
jokes lately?"

- - - - - - - - - -

Review This Story || Author: RH Music
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