BDSM Library - Sarah Porter's Schooldays

Sarah Porter's Schooldays

Provided By: BDSM Library


Chapter 1. In which Sarah arrives at Harkwood Academy

The large stone edifice of Harkwood rose up through the trees at the end of the gravel drive, looking like something from the opening scene of a Merchant Ivory film. It was Sarah Porter's first look at her new school. The taxi took almost five minutes to traverse the winding gravel road from the front gate and the closer she came to her destination, the more apprehensive Sarah became.

She was excited to be sure, but a new school was always something to be nervous about. A new school in a new country was definitely something to be nervous about. It was a great opportunity, she had to keep telling herself that. Just because her stepdad wanted her out of the way didn't mean she shouldn't be grateful. When she had researched the school on the internet it had great credentials, a brilliant academic record and curriculum. Just what she had always wanted. She knew she should be happy, but to fly all the way to England to a boarding school at 16 was just a little scary.

Sarah heard the crunch of gravel as the cab pulled away and drove back to the town. She must have been daydreaming as she hadn't even realised they had arrived. She turned back to the imposing wooden doors set in the great, grey stone building. Sarah stood there, her two bags beside her - all her possessions in the world now. She was only 5 foot tall and slender and standing before this old gothic building made her think of the horror stories by Lovecraft that she loved so much. She almost expected to see a great tentacled horror burst through the thick metal banded oak doors.

She gave a small shiver, picked up her bags and moved up the few wide stone steps. It was late afternoon, and even though it was the middle of summer, the day was overcast, something she thought she would need to get used to now she was in England, and slightly chilly. She pulled her coat a little tighter and was so glad she was wearing stockings under her jeans. She wanted to get inside, to see her new school and get settled. Her hand trembled a little as she reached for the large iron ring set in the middle panel of the doors and knocked twice.

Almost instantly the doors opened and she was greeted by a smiling bearded face.

"Hello miss, and what would you be wanting here?"

"Um, I'm Sarah Porter," she mumbled.

Even though he was smiling this giant of a man was an imposing figure. Well over six foot tall and well built, he exuded power.

"Sarah Porter is it? And who's Sarah Porter when she's at home?"

Sarah was unsure what to say to this, obviously some quaint English colloquialism. He definitely had an odd way of speaking in questions which was slightly off-putting.

"Um, I... I'm a new student here at Harkwood. I've just arrived," Sarah stammered, indicating her bags on the ground beside her.

"Ah well then, you had better come in hadn't you?"

With that he moved out of the doorway and motioned for her to come inside. She picked up her bags and moved through the large door into the hallway beyond, a little chagrined that he had not offered to help her with her bags. After all he probably could have picked them up with his pinkies.

"We had better be off to the headmistress hadn't we? You're already late and we don't want you getting in any more trouble now do we?"

More trouble? What was he on about? Sarah did have to admit she was late though. Her flight had been delayed and then she had stopped off to post a few postcards in London but school did not start for another week. She had heaps of time to get to know the place. She picked up her bags and struggled after the man's figure as it retreated down a corridor to her left. She had to admit he had a definite appeal, his obviously muscular physique was not lost on the girl. She could get used to following him around, even if he did look ten years older than her.

Halfway down the corridor, he stopped and knocked at a door. Sarah was just catching up to him as he opened the door and stepped inside. She arrived just as the door was closing.

"Headmistress Mrs P Huffington-Smythe," Sarah read off the gold lettering embossed on the door. Wow, what a mouthful she thought to herself. Sarah could hear muffled voices from behind the door and was just about to lean in a little closer when it sprang open, the handsome man strode out and off down the hall without another word to the startled girl.

"Enter," rang a rather stentorian voice. Sarah stood staring down the corridor a little astonished at the rudeness of the man. Weren't the English supposed to be polite?

"Are you deaf or a dullard?"

Sarah jumped, grabbed her bags and hurried inside the room. The large office was beautifully appointed, richly decorated with thick burgundy carpet, leather chairs and a stunning mahogany table. The walls were covered in portraits in elaborate, baroque frames. Sarah's eyes drank in the finery of the room, she had never seen its like. It had the air of a royal palace.

"Dullard it is then." proclaimed the woman seated behind the large wooden desk that dominated one side of the room. Sarah blushed, pulling her gaze from surveying the walls and beheld the speaker. The woman would have been in her 40's but she was very attractive. She had a poise and grace that Sarah found enigmatic and simultaneously made her feel surprisingly inadequate. She dropped her bags and stepped forward with her hand extended.

"Hi I'm Sarah Por..."


Sarah was stunned. The sheer volume and violence of the word startled her and she took a step backwards, instinctively looking towards the door.

"Pick up those bags, walk to the door and place them neatly to one side against the wall, then come back and stand there," the headmistress said, indicating a spot in front of her desk, her eyes never leaving those of the frightened young girl.

Sarah picked up her bags and walked them meekly to the door. Five minutes in and she was already questioning her presence here, so far from home. Sarah made her way back to the desk and stood in front of this stern woman, so much different from the headmaster at her old school. Old Mr Jamison was really friendly.

"That is not where I told you to stand. Move to your right."

Sarah raised an eyebrow questioningly but took a step to her right, wondering what possible difference it made where she stood, but looked to the headmistress for approval.

"Uppity little prig aren't you?"

Sarah had no idea what a prig was but she was sure it wasn't complimentary.

"No Mrs Hufflington Smith, I am not," Sarah said obsequiously. Better not anger her any further, after all day one is not the best day to start being in trouble Sarah thought to herself.

"How dare you! You have a lot to learn little miss. Being from such a cultureless country is no excuse for the ignorance and crassness of the individual. You shall address me as Ma'am and you have earned yourself one infraction for impudence. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," mumbled Sarah, though she had no understanding at all of what was going on.

"Speak up, mumbling is indicative of ill-breeding, as if we needed anymore evidence of that in your case," proclaimed the headmistress as she leant back in her chair.

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah said more loudly this time.

"Yes Ma'am what?"

"Um, yes Ma'am I understand," Sarah said uncertainly.

"I highly doubt you do but I do not wish to be here all night."

The headmistress opened a folder before her on the desk.

"Sarah Josephine Porter, 16 years of age. American," this last was said with a disdainful curl of the lip. "Your father has arranged for your tuition here for the next two years."

At the mention of the word 'father' Sarah opened her mouth to speak but quickly caught herself. He wasn't her father, just the latest rich bastard her mother had managed to dig her hooks into.

"Stand up straight. Shoulders back, feet shoulders width apart. Arms behind your back, hands in the small of your back, right palm resting in the left. Elbows back."

Sarah was a little shocked, too shocked to move. The instructions had almost been spat at her, so quickly and so forcefully had they come. The headmistress stood up slowly. She moved with a quiet grace that was tinged with menace. Sarah quickly shuffled herself into position wondering what kind of school her stepfather had enrolled her in. She knew it was a prestigious finishing school but she had never thought it might be one of those 19th century disciplinarian schools, like something out of Dickens.

The headmistress walked slowly past Sarah, the silk sleeves of her blouse almost brushing the trembling body of the young girl. Sarah turned her head to watch where she was going.

"Eyes front."

Sarah snapped her head back forward. How had she known? She couldn't have seen her. Sarah felt something hard and heavy placed on the top of her head. She instinctively moved away but was caught by the arm in a vicelike grip that began to hurt immediately.

"Stand still until you are told to move. Now head up and eyes forward."

Sarah did as she was told and quickly realised that a book had been placed on her head.

"When you are standing to attention you stand like this. And when you are in the presence of any teacher or authority figure you will be standing at attention unless told otherwise. Slovenliness is not something tolerated in any girl at Harkwood. Your eyes stay to the front, curiosity is not becoming in a girl. You wait until you are given a point of focus and then you focus on that."

The headmistress circled Sarah as she spoke, moving in and out of her field of vision, providing constant temptation to move her head or eyes to follow the movement. Sarah held firm and focused on a portrait hanging on the wall behind the large desk, presumably a previous headmistress.

As she sat back down Sarah's eyes moved to follow her. She was facing forward and thought it was the right thing to do to look at someone as they spoke to you.

"One infraction for disobedience and one infraction for poor posture," the headmistress said resignedly. Sarah's eyes snapped back up and refocused on the portrait.

"I personally find slow learners to be quite tedious, but many of your teachers will find this a challenge. Do you understand your current position Porter?"

"Um, yes Ma'am."

"Well describe it to me."

Sarah had not quite thought that question through. She had just felt it better to agree and the consequences were not long in coming. What did she mean, position. She couldn't come up with anything better and she knew time was critical.

"I am standing at attention Ma'am," Sarah said, hoping this was right. She was feeling very confused and just a little stupid - not something she was used to at all.

"Go on."

"Um, I am standing..."

"If you say um one more time you will earn yourself another infraction. Um is what stupid people say to try and get their brain to work at the same speed as that of a normal person."

"Yes Ma'am, sorry Ma'am. I am standing at attention with my back straight, shoulders back and with my hands behind my back."

"And why are you standing at attention?"

"U...because you told me to Ma'am." Sarah caught herself just in time and cringed slightly, hoping she had not caused herself more trouble.

"Well simple minds provide simple results I suppose. You are standing at attention because you are in the presence of a superior. From what I have seen in this short time I think you will be hard pressed to find someone here who will not be your superior at Harkwood," the headmistress said with a sneer.

Sarah flushed in embarrassment, her cheeks becoming a mottled pink. She felt like a small child. Nothing she could do was right. Nothing she said was right. She had been in the building 10 minutes and she already felt like she didn't belong. Maybe she should have stayed at home at her normal high school, maybe she should have refused the chance to go to this great school and really excel.

She had always been a straight A student but that didn't mean much at her old school where most other students were lucky to see anything higher than a C on any exam result. But here she already felt like she might not be able to measure up and she had only just met the headmistress. Somewhere deep inside Sarah found the courage to stop the doubt. She had to pull herself together and believe that she could excel. No not just excel, but to be the best: best in class, best in year and best in school.

"Now, your father has enrolled you in our special curriculum. This means that you will be placed in Trinity house. Your classes will be taken only with other Trinity students, you will reside in the Trinity dormitory and be subject to all rules and regulations pertaining to Trinity house. You are being given a special opportunity Porter. We have a number of very distinguished Trinity alumni, including two wives of European heads of state. I must stress that Trinity girls are set a higher standard. There is no pass or fail for Trinity girls. It is 100% or failure and let me tell you Porter, failure is not tolerated at Harkwood. Understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah said with conviction. This was her chance to prove herself. A special school house, special subjects. It was everything she had dreamed of.

"Before you are outfitted and meet your handler, first we have to deal with some paperwork. Sign this form in the places marked. Your parents have signed these forms already, as have I. Once your enrolment is complete, your time at Harkwood will begin."

The headmistress rested a pen on the folder and pushed the papers across the desk towards Sarah. She knew this was a test, she only just caught herself from flicking her eyes to the papers. Finally her brain was kicking into gear, after the initial shock of being treated like a child. She knew she wasn't supposed to lean down and take the pen as not only would the book fall off her head but she would be out of position without permission. The only thing that worried her was if she was supposed to ask to move or just wait. She decided that making the headmistress wait might be the worse option.

"May I move to sign Ma'am?"

"Yes Porter, remove the book from your head, place it on the table and sign your enrolment forms."

Sarah reached up and removed the leather-bound book from her head and moved to place it on the table. She reached for the pen and looked at the papers. There was her mothers and step-fathers signature, there was the headmistress large florid signature and all that remained was for her to sign. It was over in seconds. She did not even think to read the document, after all it would have been boring stuff about permissions and grades.

The instant she lifted the pen from the page the headmistress took back the papers and pen and placed them in a draw of the desk. She looked up at Sarah who quickly scrambled back to attention and waited with apprehension for what was to come next.

"Come in Miss Harper," shouted the headmistress.

The door behind Sarah opened and it took a mammoth effort of will for Sarah not to turn around and see who it was.

"Ah Miss Harper. This will be your charge for the rest of the semester. Her name is Porter. Please take her to the Supply Office, have her outfitted and ensure her physical is taken, then give her a perfunctory tour of the grounds. I am afraid that you will miss dinner but a late supper will be provided for you once your charge is safely in dorm."

"Yes Ma'am." Sarah could still not see the girl in question. She sounded a little older, which would make sense. Probably a senior assigned to help her out and help her settle in.

"Porter, this is Miss Harper and you will address her as such. She is a prefect from Medea house. She is to be counted among your superiors here at Harkwood as are all prefects. You owe her your obedience and good behaviour as your behaviour reflects upon her. Technically

she is your Housemother but that term is a little archaic and it has become a general rule just to call them handlers. It is a little break with tradition that I allow. Now, go."

Sarah turned to look at the girl and then move towards the door. The girl was a little taller than her and quite a bit stockier than her. Not fat exactly but definitely not slim. A little smile crept onto Sarah's face. This could be her first friend at her new school.

"Porter, when you are dismissed from the presence of a superior you show the proper respect. Now curtsy to Headmistress." Sarah's smile quickly vanished. So much for a new friend. This bitch was probably one of those stuck-up cows that got off on thinking she was better than everyone else. How could she even do a curtsy, she wasn't wearing a skirt.

Sarah's mind raced. She turned back to the headmistress and sort of bent her legs in what she thought was a kind of curtsy she had seen someone do once on TV.

"Wrong,” spat Harper. "Stand at attention. Now move your right foot directly behind your left and bend your knees. Too much, you're not doing squats." Sarah was mortified to be corrected like this by another girl but she grit her teeth and did as she was told.

"Now keep your back straight but bend at the waist and lean forwards slightly. Hands out to your side where your skirt should be. Forefinger and thumb together and the rest of your fingers fanned out. Now do it all at once."

Sarah felt the heat of the blush move up her chest to her neck and face. She felt her cheeks go bright red as she performed her first curtsy at the insistence of another young girl.

"Do you wish for this to be marked as an infraction Ma'am," Harper asked the headmistress.

"No Harper this time I shall let it pass. She has earned herself three infractions already, for disobedience, impudence and poor posture. Please make a note for this to be amended to her record at processing."
"Yes Ma'am. Come Porter, pick up your bags and lets get going."

Sarah bowed her head and shuffled to the door behind the older girl. She picked up her bags and stepped into the corridor, her mind whirling in confusion, humiliation and just a little fear. This was like a crazy place but she would just have to adapt. She would show these people that all their silly rules and traditions were no match for her.

Chapter 2. In which Sarah is issued a uniform

"Move it Porter."

Sarah struggled with her bags as she tried to keep up with her handler. What did that even mean -  'handler'? It was a rather strange title but then everything was pretty strange at this school. Sarah was unsure if it was what all English boarding schools were like or if it was just all English people in general.

She ran along behind the fast-moving girl, quickly losing her way amongst the twists and turns of the old building. They passed only one other girl in the corridor and Sarah noticed that she was dressed in the same uniform as Harper. It was a cute little uniform of blue pleated skirt and white blouse with a blue chequered tie, white knee-socks and black shoes.

"I like your uniform," Sarah gasped when she caught up to Harper. The older girl stopped abruptly and twirled to face her, almost causing Sarah to fall over and knock the other girl down in the process. She only just managed to stumble against the wall to prevent it.

"Listen Porter I am a prefect of this school. Do you know what that means? You heard Mrs Huffington-Smythe explain it to you. I am your superior. You do not speak without permission and when you do you address me as Miss Harper. You got that?" The anger was evident on the young girls face.

"Uh, yeah Miss Harper," Sarah stammered somewhat taken aback.

"Uh, yeah Miss Harper," the older girl mimicked in a high-pitched whiny voice. "Try again and this time with respect, spunk."

"Yes Miss Harper," Sarah almost whispered, admonished by the venom in the girls voice.

"You listen and listen good. I am in charge of you during free periods, lunch, house events and generally any other time you are not under the supervision of a teacher or housemistress. If you get in trouble I get in trouble. Now I get in trouble and you better believe you will feel bad about that. You do what I say when I say. Fucking Trinity bitches. I know you cunts have your uses but you better not cost me any privileges. Fucking Trinity bitches! Fucking spunk! Now lets get you processed."

Sarah was shocked by the tirade. She had no idea what was going on. Harper had already turned away and continued on so she stumbled after her, her mind reeling. This chick obviously hated her. But for what? For being in a different house? For having to show her around and be responsible?

Sarah knew she didn't hate her for who she was, she didn't know her. She vowed to do whatever she could to show the older girl she would not get her into trouble. She needed friends here. She never really had any great girlfriends back home. She was too studious, too quiet and reserved. All the other girls just wanted to watch the football players and get drunk or talk about vampires or some other stupid crap. She was hoping these English girls just might be a little more mature.

Sarah saw Harper disappear into a room ahead and hurried to follow her inside. The room was large and without a door, simply a large square opening that let on to the corridor. Directly ahead was a large counter behind which she could see a mass of caged shelves. To her left the entire wall was covered in small pigeonholes, some small letter-sized others much larger and might be able to hold one of her bags. To the right the room was split into three cubicles that all seemed empty right now.

"Put your bags up here on the counter and then move back into the middle of the room and wait," ordered Harper as she dinged the small metal bell that sat on the countertop. Sarah strode forward and struggled to lift her bags up onto the high counter. She then moved back into the centre of the room and looked at the pigeonholes. Most were empty but some had letters, some had small or large boxes and some contained some rather strange looking things that Sarah could not quite make out.

"Porter, what the hell? Attention!" Harper snapped.

Sarah jumped and quickly stood to attention. Damn, damn, damn. Her first chance squandered.

As she picked out something to focus on to keep her eyes ahead, she hoped that if she did something wrong and no one else was there that it would not reflect badly on Miss Harper. She chose the clock on the wall behind the counter. It was too far away for her to make out anything but the numbers but if she squinted she could almost see the thin hour and minute hands.

Harper stayed at the counter mumbling to herself and dinged the small metal bell again. Sarah wasn't sure exactly how long it took for someone to show up but she heard the bell ding twice more before she noticed some movement out of the corner of her eye.

"Sorry it took so long, it's after hours you know. And on a Sunday. Now how can I help you young lady." Sarah could tell from the voice it was an older lady, late 40s for sure. And she sounded rather matronly. Isn't it funny, she thought to herself, how you can get an impression from someone's voice alone. A small dreamy smile spread across Sarahs face.

"She looks happy," observed the matronly woman.

"I have no idea why Mrs Goodwin. This is a new girl for Trinity house. Needs processing and she already has four infractions," stated Harper matter-of-factly. Sarah composed herself.

"Oh dear, another Trinity girl. Well let's begin. It's after five already and Miss Marple is on tonight. Never miss it dear. Ok, Porter is it. You can begin undressing, have her put her clothes in this bag and we can add it to her other bags for storage."

Sarah's mind couldn't quite process what she had just heard. She just stood, frozen to the spot. The only movement she made was the heaving of her chest as she fought for air and the blinking of her eyes as she tried to understand what was going on.

"Come on Porter. I know you're Trinity and all but surely you understand 'getting undressed'," derided Harper. Sarah's mind whirled.

"Uh yeah Miss Harper but... but...I...why do I have to get undressed?" Sarah asked plaintively.

"Well you need to be fitted for your uniform. It's all part of student processing. You are to wear your uniform at all times while are Harkwood. Even on excursions, if you have the permissions, you are to wear your uniform as you are always representing the school and your behaviour is always under scrutiny. Come on, you are at an all girls boarding school. You really think you have anything that hasn't already been seen?"

Well maybe for you, Sarah thought, but you haven't seen mine. She so wanted to answer back but she knew she already had a bunch of marks against her name and she desperately just wanted to fit in. Sarah didn't move however, until Harper started to advance towards her with the large paper bag.

"Two seconds Porter and you get infraction number five," threatened Harper.

Sarah took the whole two seconds to try and orientate herself. She moved towards one of the cubicles to her left and began unbuttoning her jacket.

"Get back here. What do you think you are doing?"

"Um, getting changed?"

"Well, well, infraction five it is," her handler said, shaking her head.

"Um, getting changed Miss Harper," Sarah quickly corrected herself.

"Well finally catching on but too late. Now those cubicles are for examinations. I told you to get undressed. Not to move anywhere. Now hurry it up."

"Yes Miss Harper," Sarah replied dejectedly. She began unbuttoning her jacket again and ducked a quick glance behind her as she did. The doorway was wide open. Anyone happening past could see straight in. At least it was warm inside the school, something she had noticed upon entering, what seemed like hours ago.

"I am going to count to ten Porter. If all your clothes aren't in this bag by the time I hit one you will have another infraction."

Tears began to form in Sarah's eyes. She was being treated as if she was entering prison instead of a highly respected school. Just because this was the way things were done here didn't really help to console her at all. She hurriedly placed her jacket in the bag, her jumper soon followed, then her overshirt.


Sarah hurried. She removed her t-shirt and then bent over and untied her sneakers and removed her socks, placing them in the bag as she straightened up.


What happened to seven and eight? Sarah unlaced her belt and zipped down her jeans. She looked at Harper plaintively and seeing nothing but the stony-faced girls lack of compassion she slid them down her shapely legs, folded them and placed them in the bag as well. She then stood her arms folded across her chest, clad only in the plain black bra, black cotton panties and the full-leg black stockings.



Sarah scrambled to remove her stockings. She bent right over at the waist as she rolled them down her legs, balled them up and placed them in the bag.


The tears that were welling in Sarah's eyes now tumbled down her cheeks.

"Please, I am undressed, stop counting," Sarah pleaded, though knowing full well that this was not what was expected. She just could not force herself to remove her bra and panties. No one living had seen her in anything less than bra and panties other than her mother and even she hadn't seen that for years. Sarah was not a prude but she was self-conscious about her body. She knew it was nice and slim and proportioned but she definitely didn't class herself as pretty. And her breasts, well her breasts... well they were hers.

"Two. Infraction six. Now we are going for number seven."

Sarah grit her teeth, screwed up her courage, fought back the wave of tears and quickly slipped the straps of her bra down her arms, twisted it around, unclipped it and threw it in the bag.


Sarah slipped her fingers in the band of her panties and slid them down her legs and demurely placed them in the bag along with the rest of her clothes, her protection, the remnants of her life before Harkwood.

"Now the necklace, bracelet and earrings. Personal jewellery is not permitted at Harkwood."

Sarah dejectedly removed the bracelet and earrings, and placed them gently in the bag. Then she reached up and unclasped her necklace, conscious of how her breasts moved with this action, the one present her mother had given her that meant something. She almost sobbed as she placed it in the bag with the rest of her possessions.

"Zero. Now take your bra out of the bag and place it in like a nice girl, not like some stroppy bitch. I won't put up with that bullshit disrespect," spat Harper.

Sarah, mortified now she was naked in front of another girl, and the older Mrs Goodwin whom she had totally forgotten about until now, sniffed and reached into the bag, took out her bra and placed it gently back in the bag.

"Now apologise for being a nasty little bitch."

"Uh sorry Miss Harper," sniffed Sarah, wiping the tears from her cheeks.

"What for Porter? Don't you even know how to apologise properly. Surely you have had to do a lot of it, or maybe not. Well we are not as forgiving of little bitches here. Now apologise properly and stand at attention. That is the last time I will tell you." Harper moved in close to Sarah as she moved to attention - back straight, arms behind her, hands in the small of her back and her right palm resting in her left - almost but not quite touching her breasts.

"You better learn one thing right now. You stand at attention whenever you finish doing anything. You are supposed to do that in the presence of superiors but seeing you are a Trinity girl then that means pretty much everyone. It better become second nature to you quicksmart or you are going to have one tapestried ass. Got it?"

"Yes Miss Harper."

Sarah had resumed the humiliating position. To do it while clothed was one thing, now that she was naked it was totally different. Her breasts were slightly pushed out in front of her and her legs being shoulder-width apart meant her vagina was able to be seen. She had hardly any hair on her mound, just a light down of brown curls. She had always been rather annoyed that her pubic hair had not grown in so much as she knew it should, even for a 16 year old, and now more than ever as it left her even more exposed.

What did that 'tapestried ass' remark mean? Did they still have corporal punishment here? Or was she just trying to scare her. Sarah looked forward and tried to focus on the clock again. But the remnants of the tears in her eyes just made everything a huge watery blur. This wasn't fair. She was a good girl. She didn't deserve this treatment.

Sarah tried to justify it to herself in any way she could. Maybe it was some weird hazing kind of thing. Maybe it was just the weirdly strict British way. She had heard some strange things about Europeans. Maybe... well whatever, she needed to just get through it, get her uniform and try to figure out why everyone hated Trinity house. She had heard of girls being jealous of other girls who were smarter than them and Trinity was the special house for advanced students so maybe that was it. Well Sarah was determined to not follow the trend and be a Trinity girl who didn't turn her nose up at the other less fortunate girls of the other houses.

Sarah straightened her shoulders a little bit, blinked away the tears as best she could and waited patiently like she knew she should.

Sarah could hear the brisk clip of Mrs Goodwins heels on the hard flooring as she approached the girl. She steeled herself to remain looking forward. She was going to do right, she had six infractions, or something like that. She had no idea what they meant but she heard they would go on her record, and that was not a good thing.

"Right I am going to measure you for your uniform. We have a very strict uniform code here at Harkwood and infractions are earned for each and every breach. All these details can be found in the school rules which you will be issued with as part of your student kit. It is your responsibility to look after your uniform and kit. Any damage will be paid for by you, not your patron. Your patron pays for your tuition and your place at this hallowed school not for clumsiness, laziness or just plain wilfulness on your part. Do you understand, my dear?"

"Yes Mrs Goodwin."

"Porter, for fu... Mrs Goodwin is staff. This means you treat her with the appropriate respect."

What had she done wrong now? She was respectful, very respectful, she was trying her best. Was it her tone? No she had been very sweet. Too sweet? No, surely not. Then it hit her like a bolt from the blue.

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied meekly.

"You want me to add it Mrs Goodwin? She really should know better," questioned Harper.

"No dear that's alright. She didn't mean anything by it I am sure. I have dealt with enough of these Trinity girls over the years to know better."

"I know Mrs Goodwin, it's just that this one is mine and I don't want to gain strikes because of her. I don't even know why we have to have them here at all," pouted Harper.

"Come now, that's not quite fair. They have to be educated somewhere and Trinity house has always brought in a lot of money for this school. You have a rowing program, a full orchestra of instruments and world-class gym because of them. Besides, it's not their fault. I know how easy it is to blame, but God gave us all different gifts. He blessed you with brains, Miss Maths Champion, and he blessed this girl with something else entirely."

"I guess Mrs Goodwin. You are a wise lady."

"Ah Clarice, aren't you a sweetie. Now lets get you measured my dear," Mrs Goodwin said turning again to the waiting girl.

Sarah had stood patiently at attention, listening to this conversation. Now she was even more confused. Harper was smart? A maths champion? Well why wasn't she in Trinity house? And exactly how much had her stepfather paid to send her here. She didn't have long to dwell on these thoughts as she soon felt a cool plastic measuring tape placed around her waist. Mrs Goodwin leaned in, read off the measurement and wrote it down on a little pad.

"Arms up dear."

Sarah raised her arms above her head, feeling the air move across her breasts as she did so. The young girl was so glad it was warm in here. Her nipples were small and pink and sat just a little bit above the middle of her breast, but when they got hard it was entirely different. She had looked it up on the internet and not all girls nipples got hard like hers, but when they did they moved her whole breast a little and they ended up pointing a little upwards. Sarah thought it was kind of cute, like they were saluting the sky, after she had gotten over her initial embarrassment about them. If they got hard in front of someone else though, she would just die.

She felt the tape go around her chest just under her breasts, then again around her breasts themselves, scraping her nipples as it did so. Mrs Goodwin hummed to herself as she worked, measuring the teen girls body.

"Arms out to the side."

Sarah complied and the tape went right up in her armpit and along the underside of her arm and then again from the top of her shoulder along the top of her arm to her wrist. As soon as this was finished Sarah stood back to attention. This elicited a smile from Harper, she was finally learning.

The tape next snaked around her throat and then around her forehead.

"Feet together."

Sarah stepped her feet together, very conscious of her thighs touching and finally hiding her sex. She felt the tape from her hipbone down to her ankle and then she felt the hand of Mrs Goodwin intrude between her thighs. Sarah almost jumped as she felt the tape brush past her downy pubic hair and touch the inside of her left thigh. and then be drawn all the way down to her ankle. Sarah felt herself grow uncomfortably warm. She knew her chest and face had just gone bright red and little beads of sweat popped out on her body. Her mind was swirling like a maelstrom. She was losing it.

Sarah felt Mrs Goodwin push the tape between her legs and she shuffled them slightly apart.

"No dear, feet back together for this measurement," Mrs Goodwin said pushing her thighs back together.

Sarah felt the tape loop up over her left breast and come together on her left shoulder. This movement pulled the tape up tight against her sex and Sarah gasped at the gentle touch. The process was repeated for her right shoulder. When Mrs Goodwin was finished she whipped the tape out from between Sarah's legs, the friction along her bare sex making her gasp.

As Mrs Goodwin moved away Sarah stepped back to attention, surprised herself that she had kept the presence of mind despite the confusion the humiliation her measuring had brought. But no one had commented on her blushing, no one had even noticed.

"Now left foot up dear."

Sarah lifted her left foot slightly off the ground, trying to balance herself with her hands behind her back was not easy. Very quickly however she felt her foot held by Mrs Goodwin and placed down onto a cold metal surface. Sarah soon realised it was one of those machines used to measure your foot. The same thing was done with her right foot and then Mrs Goodwin disappeared behind the counter.

When she was gone, Sarah could feel Harper walk around her. Her blush intensified, something she did not think possible. She knew her whole body was being scrutinised.

Harper liked what she saw. The milky white skin of this young girl was almost flawless. She had a small mole between her shoulder blades and another just above her bellybutton but other than that she was like porcelain. No tan lines at all, strange. She thought all Americans had tans.

Her ass was well rounded but petite, her legs were slim but quite toned. She had a rather boyish waist though, it wasn't really much narrower than her hips. Harper didn't pay much notice to her vagina, not interested, but her breasts were really nice. Tiny pink nipples almost topping them, she had not seen breasts like this before. Hers were larger, C while Sarah's were B, and her nipples were large and kind of indistinct. Harper would kill for these tiny nipples with well defined areola and little nubs like erasers.

Done with her inspection, Harper walked back to the counter to wait for Mrs Goodwin. She didn't want to be caught inspecting the new girl like that. She didn't want any rumours of her being a lesbian to start floating around the school.

"Okie doke. I think we have everything here," stated Mrs Goodwin upon her return. She wheeled a trolley out from behind the counter, upon which was piled clothes and a number of assorted boxes.

"Now Porter, you are being assigned these items as part of your uniform and they are now your responsibility. Your uniform comprises one part of your student kit. Ok, we will go through your uniform as you dress so you understand each piece, the correct way in which it is to be worn and the proper care of each item."

"First, seven pairs of knee socks, white. One pair for each day of the week, Saturday is laundry day by the way."

Each item was sealed in a plastic bag and Mrs Goodwin now broke open one bag of socks and handed them to the girl. She was standing off to one side of Sarah who was still obediently facing her eyes ahead and could not quite see the movement.

"Good girl Porter, but Mrs Goodwin is handing you something. When you hear her open each bag you may look to the item as it is handed to you," Harper commanded.

"Thank you Miss Harper." Sarah felt it best to thank her handler for this kindness in helping her not make a fool of herself and another member of staff. She desperately wanted to get this girl on side.

Sarah looked down to the pair of white socks being offered to her, reached out to take them and proceeded to put them on.

"Oh my god. You really make me regret helping you spunk. Apologies for my language Mrs Goodwin, but she is really trying. Now spunk I don't know what it's like in whatever broken-home ghetto neighbourhood you come from but when someone gives you something you thank them," sighed the exasperated Harper. Sarah just hung her head in shame.

"Sorry Miss Harper."

"Don't apologise to me dunce, apologise to Mrs Goodwin."
"Sorry Mrs Goodwin."

"Right, infraction seven. Sorry Mrs Goodwin but we already let that slide once and I don't think kindness is a great learning tool and she is going to need all the help she can get."
"I tend to agree with you Clarice. Please hand the socks back to me Porter and we shall try that one again shall we."

Sarah dejectedly handed the socks back. She was trying her best but failing abysmally. She had to get her brain into gear. Start thinking smart, well start thinking fullstop would be a good start. She took a deep breath and reached out again for the waiting pair of socks.

"Thank you Ma'am," said the dejected teen timidly. Sarah bent over at the waist and slid each white sock over her foot and then up her leg. She found they came up almost to the bottom of her knee, she had never owned socks like this before. There was an elasticised band at the top of the sock to keep them up over her calf. Sarah found it strangely wonderful just to be wearing anything at all, and she had really only been nude for a short time. It just made you realise how wonderful and powerful clothes were. Sarah was back at attention and just not having the hard floor directly under her feet was a wonder.

"I think we need to get that hair out of the way. So much easier to dress. Here Porter, you will be issued with two elastic hair bands, blue. Wrap that hair into a ponytail so it doesn't get in the way."

"Thank you Ma'am." Sarah reached out and took the small hair band, gathered up her shoulder-blade length, shiny brown hair and wrapped the band around it once, then twice. She pulled the hair behind the band apart, tightening it up and creating a pretty ponytail high on the back of her head."

"Now as I said, one pair a day. They are to be worn so as to come two inches below the knee. You will also be issued with five pairs of gym socks, white, but they can remain bagged for now. Next, shoes. Once again you will be issued with gym shoes as well as regular footwear. These are your gym shoes, try them on."

Sarah looked down and took the proffered shoes, "Thank you Ma'am." Out of the corner of her eye Sarah saw Harper throw her hands in the air like a hallelujah.

It made Sarah feel good, not only had she done something right but it really seemed like Harper was harsh only because she wanted her to succeed and so far Sarah had let her down. Miss Harper, she admonished herself. Miss Harper. You have to start thinking right or the wrong thing is just going to pop out.

Sarah squatted down to try the shoes on, noting that her gym shoes were black leather lace up shoes with a soft springy sole, not sneakers like she had been expecting.

"No, no, no, no, no. Porter, slatterns squat down, you bend over when you put your shoes on. Now hand them back to Mrs Goodwin and try again."

Sarah knew everyone was getting frustrated with her. And if it was something she had learned at home, when people are frustrated with you, they start to get angry. She was really going to have to do better, but how was she to know that squatting down was the wrong thing to do, at least she didn't get an infraction. This just reinforced Sarahs good opinion of Miss Harper.

Sarah handed back the shoes, went back to standing at attention and then took them back again, thanking Mrs Goodwin. She then bent at the waist and a little at the knee, the least she could, and popped first one shoe on and then the next. She was immediately aware of how exposed this position made her. She needed to spread her legs to do it and her buttocks stuck right out, exposing her vagina from behind, she knew what this looked like, having played around in front of mirrors like any teen girl. She quickly laced up the shoes and stood at attention.

"Ok my dear, walk around the room a few times to get used to them to make sure they fit," smiled Mrs Goodwin.

Sarah began to walk around the edge of the room, her every move watched. She hoped to god she was walking correctly. Sarah thought it was strange that this was her first thought, instead of what she looked like, naked but for socks and shoes, her breasts bouncing slightly with each step. Why was she being dressed from the ground up? Why not...

"How does that feel dear?"

"Good thank you Ma'am," replied Sarah. And they did. The soles were surprisingly springy and she felt they would be great for running or any kind of gym work.

"Try standing on your tiptoes." Sarah did and found her foot moved not at all in the snug shoes.

"Now jump up and down a few times."

Sarah looked at Mrs Goodwin in despair. She knew what this would look like and what effect it would have. Sarah had always had sensitive nipples and her breasts moving erratically had always caused her nipples to stiffen. But Mrs Goodwin looked on only with concern for the shoes fitting correctly so Sarah steeled herself and jumped on the spot twice. Thankfully this was not enough to trigger her embarrassing nipples.

"They feel very good Ma'am."

"Ok now do some steps at the bench along the wall, right then left a few times to make sure they don't move at the heel." Sarah followed the instructions obediently, feeling her downy pubic hair brush her thighs as her vagina opened slightly each time she extended her leg and stepped up to the bench.

"Any movement dear?"

"No Ma'am."

"I don't know why you even bother asking Mrs Goodwin. You are so good at this. I remember you fitting me perfectly too."

"Well Clarice dear I take pride in my work. Ok Porter back here and take off those shoes and try on your everyday footwear."

Sarah walked back to the centre of the room and removed the shoes making sure to bend at the waist. She knew she was exposing her behind and vagina to anyone who might walk past the doorway but there was nothing she could do. She handed the shoes back to Mrs Goodwin who replaced them on the trolley.

"Ok dear here is your next item. Lovely shoes if I do say so myself."

Sarah reached out for the next item. She managed to get out a distracted "Thank you Ma'am" as she took the shoes. They were a shiny black with a thick four inch heel, a strap across the top of the foot and another buckle strap around the ankle. Sarah had never worn heels in her life, well once as a dress up to see how sexy she looked but she hadn't really walked in them.

"Oh I know dear," sighed Mrs Goodwin. "Aren't they lovely? Look even Clarice is jealous. They are great for the posture and will help you to no end in your deportment lessons."

Sarah bent over once again and placed the first shoe on her left foot and did up both straps, needing to stand on tiptoes on her right foot to keep her balance. She repeated the process for her right shoe and stood up to attention. She was not looking forward to doing circuits of the room to test these out. Her calves started to strain almost immediately, she just was not used to wearing shoes like this.

"Oh yes, lovely. You will be given the proper kit to keep these clean and sparkling but we can go into that later. You only have the one pair of shoes so take good care of them. At the end of the term you can come back and be refitted as I know you are still a growing girl. Ok?"

"Yes Ma'am," replied the stunned teen, flexing the muscles in her thighs and calves trying her best to acquaint herself with this new sensation of being so high off the ground.

"Now panties. You will receive seven pairs of panties, white and five pairs of gym panties, blue. We need not worry about those gym panties, they can go unopened with the socks. Here, one pair of panties, white."

Sarah looked and took the panties from Mrs Goodwin.

"Thank you Ma'am," the young girl almost groaned. Panties! There was hardly any material there at all. What she had been given was a tiny white g-string with a back strap so thin it was barely as wide as her finger. The crotch was a tiny triangle only three inches wide that branched up in thin strips to go around her hips. It would cover her sex sure, but only just. Sarah hesitated, holding the minute piece of material in her palm. She could screw it up in her hand so it was no bigger than a golf ball.

She slowly unravelled the panties, trying to make sure they did not get tangled again. She slid the tiny garment up her legs and seated it snugly against her skin. The material caressed her crotch but she knew it would not cover her pubic hair, this was one time she was glad she did not have much, it must look terrible. She knew there was a thin band between her buttocks but it felt like there was nothing there at all.

"I know that must seem a strange part of the uniform but you will realise in time what a blessing they truly are," observed Mrs Goodwin.

Sarah had no idea what she was talking about but respectfully reserved the right to disagree.

"And did you notice dear, they are all one piece of material, so no seams. They are about 40% cotton blended with some great synthetic fibres that give them that great nice snug fit, silky feel and ability to breathe. Do you like them dear?"

"Yes Ma'am," replied Sarah, though she wasn't too sure she did. They felt very smooth, almost silky but they gently hugged her every contour like a second skin. She still really felt like she had nothing on at all.

"Now for a bra, I guess you will be glad for one of those hey. I know your breasts aren't as large as Clarice's here," at this both girls blushed, "but even B cups need support. Now these bras are the best designed for growing breasts. They support but do not confine. You will be issued with three bras for everyday wear and five sports bras, which are much less fitted and we won't need to try on here. So three support bras, blue and five sports bras, blue."

Sarah reached out for the next item of her uniform. It was not immediately apparent what was wrong but as soon as she had straightened it out she felt a sinking feeling in the put of her stomach.

"Thank you Ma'am,' she said as she stared at the half cup blue bra. Sarah had to admit it was very pretty, a deep blue, the colour of the Harkwood uniform and the cup was trimmed with blue lace. As she went to put it on she noticed that it also clipped in the front. The design was quite ingenious, the clasps being hidden behind a layer of soft material. She unclipped the bra and shrugged into it. This was new for Sarah and she wasn't quite sure exactly how to fit it properly.

She decided to clasp the cups together and then slip them down past her breasts and then bring them up. It worked pretty well, as the straps were a slightly elastic, but her breasts were a little squashed and she had to cup each one and lift it up to settle them comfortably.

"Yes very nice my dear. The straps have spandex in them so they have a bit more give. Feel how they support each breast and how they leave the main part of the breast and the nipple free. No pressure, means more comfort and a lot of room for growing. Biggest mistake most girls make."

Sarah wasn't too interested in the future health of her breasts just then. She felt like her whole breast was still exposed. All this 'bra' really did was push her boobs up slightly. Sarah stood still, trembling as Mrs Goodwin fussed about the bra, adjusting the straps slightly and checking to see that her breasts sat in the cups properly.

"There now, that is fitted perfectly. You won't need to make any further adjustments until the end of term. Do you feel how perfectly your breasts sit my dear? See under the breast, the material of the cup lifts and sits tight to your skin, none of that nasty slippage or pinching. And definitely none of that nasty peeking out underneath that underwire bras can cause. Comfortable aren't they?”

"Yes Mrs Goodwin, they are very comfortable." Sarah could not believe she was discussing her breasts with this woman. She was mortified though she did have to admit that the bra was easily the most comfortable she had ever worn, if she didn't feel so terribly expose she could happily wear it.

"I know it can be hard to believe that a half cup like this can provide better support, so many girls are incredulous. Just bounce up and down a few times, dear, you will see. Just bounce, I know that jumping in those lovely shoes might not be the easiest thing."

Sarah closed her eyes and took a deep breath, instantly aware that this pushed her breasts out even further. She hung her head in shame, bent her knees slightly and bounced up and down on the spot three times.

"Head up Porter, you are likely to fall over doing that. You are still at attention you know,” snapped Harper.

"See dear," beamed Mrs Goodwin, "the breasts are allowed full movement but they always come to rest perfectly in the cups, exactly where they started. A truly brilliant design."

Sarah stood perfectly still. She had to simply assume that Mrs Goodwin was right. Her breasts still felt perfectly comfortable even though she knew they had moved, and moved quite a lot. Her breasts were only B, though she knew they were closing in on C, how did those girls with much bigger boobs deal with it.

Then she felt it. Sarah squeezed her eyes closed for just an instant and tried to think of boring things like calculus problems. She had felt her nipples begin to harden, that bouncing had done it. Sarahs focus was a little off as she tried her hardest to halt the tightening of her nipples, she knew with some girls you could hardly tell but there was no mistaking when hers got hard, but she heard Mrs Goodwin start talking.

"Now for your skirt. You will be issued with three skirts, pleated, blue. This is a little different from the skirts you might be used to. It wraps around, but this has been fitted quite exactly and there is just the one small clip that fastens it. Easily removed with just the one hand but quite secure."

Sarah reached out, took the skirt and thanked Mrs Goodwin. As she was studying the skirt and locating the clip, Harper stepped behind her.

"Mrs Goodwin I don't think she is used to skirts at all. She is American remember, they don't even have uniforms over there."
"Ah, I had heard that. Is this true Porter?"
"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied as she wrapped the pleated skirt around her waist and fastened the clip, glad finally to have some real clothes.

"What did you usually wear to school then, my dear," asked the inquisitive older lady.

"Um just whatever Ma'am. Jeans and shirts mostly."

"How positively vulgar, young ladies dressing like that at a place of learning no less. Well you are here now and a uniform is a very important part of school life. It allows the student to focus on the studies and not obsess about fashion and other trivial things."

Yeah right, thought Sarah. If anything she was focusing more on what she was wearing then she ever had in her entire life.

"Now the skirt is designed to fit so that it sits ten inches above the knee. Socks two inches below the knee, skirt ten inches above, you would do well to remember that," said Mrs Goodwin as she took out her tape and measured this distance between sock and skirt at each knee. "See I knew as soon as you put that skirt on, it was wrong. You have it entirely too high. Did you not feel that it was loose? Silly girl, the way you have it you would be flashing half the school."

Mrs Goodwin moved behind Sarah and unclasped the skirt, lowered it so that it fit perfectly around her hipbones and refastened it. Now it sat snug against Sarah's hips, falling straight down in front and pouting out behind her as it met her buttocks. The material was soft but a little stiff and it flared out a little behind her.

Sarah's blush continued to deepen at her continued inability to get the simplest things right. But at least I managed to get my nipples under control, she thought triumphantly. Thank you calculus!

"Blouse. You will be issued seven blouses, white."

Sarah reached out and was relieved to see it was a standard white school blouse, like any other she had ever seen. It buttoned up the front with pretty white flower buttons. It had a stiff collar and a band at the waist that also looked a little stiff. Sarah thanked Mrs Goodwin and proceeded to put the blouse on. As she slid her arms through each sleeve she noticed how this movement accentuated her exposed breasts. She hurriedly buttoned the blouse, noticing at the same time how short the sleeves were. They only came a few inches down her arm and were a very snug fit.

When she was finished Sarah stood back at attention. It was only as she straightened up that she realised how tight the blouse was. The sleeves were tight, the somewhat stiff waistband fit perfectly to the top of her skirt, but across her chest the blouse pulled and strained slightly. Sarah hoped this was just because she had her hands behind her back but even so, she could feel the fabric push against her nipples.

"Now, don't you look lovely. Last thing we need to add for your everyday uniform is your tie. Unfortunately tradition has fallen a little by the wayside in this regard and this is just a clip-on."

"Thank you Ma'am," Sarah said as she took the last part of her uniform. It was a tiny blue chequered tie with two clips at the top, only some four inches long in total length. She was wondering just how the clips fit but as she raised it she felt two tiny loops of thread under her collar. It was a matter of seconds to clip it and put her hands behind her back once again.

"There now, a real Harkwood girl. Now your hat is not meant to be worn all the time but anytime you leave the building you are expected to be wearing it," Mrs Goodwin said as she placed the straw hat on Sarah's head. "Nice fit, but as you are inside I will place it with the rest of your kit that can go straight to your dorm."

"Last two items we won't need to worry about right now. A leotard for dance and a swimsuit, they can go straight to your dorm. Well uniform fitted and supplied. We had better hurry seeing as it is really getting on. Clarice please put her in cubicle one, we will take the pictures and quickly finish this up so you can get her acquainted with the facilities."

"This way Porter," Harper commanded as she walked to the right, into one of the cubicles.

Sarah's feet had begun to tingle, standing at attention in the one spot in her new shoes for so long. She almost stumbled with her first step but managed to steady herself. By the time she had taken the eight steps to the cubicle she had managed to get somewhat used to the shoes. Her steps were a little smaller than usual but at least she was steady.

"Stand up against this wall."

Sarah moved to attention against the far wall and stared at the pigeonholes across the room. Mrs Goodwin passed in front of her pushing a different trolley.

"OK now we need to take some photos for your school id. Look straight at the camera and smile, just a little." No sooner had Sarah looked at the lens of the large camera Mrs Goodwin had focused on her than, FLASH. She was almost blinded.

"Terrible, you have your eyes closed and there is definitely no smile. Once again."

This time at least Sarah was prepared. She tried to smile as best she could, the little sweet smile her mother had always said was cute. FLASH.

Mrs Goodwin looked at the back of the camera. "Better, you really are a pretty girl Porter. Though that smile is a little too... well provocative. But it is to be expected I suppose."

Provocative? What the hell was she on about, thought Sarah. That was sweet, just sweet.

"Ok, we will go with that. Two minutes to get this card stamped and we should be about done. Clarice be a dear and tag her while I do this."

"Yes Mrs Goodwin," replied Clarice enthusiastically. The prefect grabbed something quickly from the trolley and advanced towards Sarah. She went to her left side and came in very close, Sarah could feel her breath on her left ear.

"Tilt your head to the right," commanded Harper.

Sarah did as she was told, trembling now, not only with the closeness of the other girl but in fear of just what was going on. She shivered as Harper took her left earlobe and gently slid an earring into the waiting hole. Sarah heard a sharp click as Harper applied pressure to the ring. She moved away leaving the stunned girl wondering what had just happened.

"Thank you Clarice, you are such a helpful girl. Right now Porter. Here is your id. I will place it with the rest of your kit as you may have noticed that your uniform does not have any pockets. You are only required to carry your id when you leave the grounds. That's what we have your tag for. I am glad you were already pierced, as I honestly don't relish doing that myself.”

Mrs Goodwin took a hand scanner off the trolley and scanned the barcode on Sarah's school id. She consulted the laptop on the trolley, “Ok, card working." She then walked towards Sarah, leaned in and grabbed the small metal tag that dangled from her left ear. Sarah heard the loud beep as the scanner read the barcode on the tag and she blinked back the tears as she watched Mrs Goodwin walk back to the trolley.

She had been tagged like a piece of livestock. This was disgusting. They weren't even treating her like a person. Telling her what to do and then ignoring her, discussing her as if she wasn't there and now marking her like an animal. It was too much for Sarah and the tears began to run down her cheeks as she felt the small metal tag swinging from her ear.

"The wonders of modern technology hey Clarice. I can't tell you how much easier this has made everyone's job. Now we can keep track of them with a simple computer. And especially for Trinity house. So much less paperwork. Clarice, we may as well add these infractions in now. How many was it?"

"Eight Mrs Goodwin. One was for poor posture, one for impudence and six for disobedience," Harper replied succinctly.

"Very good. All entered. Now Porter your permanent record can be updated from either your ID, which you won't carry very often, or your ID tag, which will remain with you every minute you are a student at Harkwood. The ring is permanently closed and will need to be cut off when you graduate. Many girls like to keep it as a memento, but that is really up to your patron."

"Ok Clarice you can take her to the nurse now. I let Miss Sharp know you would be coming so she should be ready for you. Porter, the other items of your kit will be waiting for you in your dorm. The most important piece is your School Manual. This details all the rules of Harkwood and you will need to familiarise yourself with it from back to front."

"Thanks Mrs Goodwin. See you later, come on Porter."

"Thank you Ma'am," said Sarah, curtsying as she had been taught, before she tentatively made her way after Harper.

"My pleasure, it was nice to meet you Porter. You are now officially a student at Harkwood College."

Chapter 3. In which Sarah undergoes a physical

Sarah hurried as best she could out of the room and after her handler. She was still struggling a little with the heels and Miss Harper was moving so fast. She had to take very fast mincing, almost running, steps to catch up to her. As she caught up to the older girl she slowed down and began to walk at a more comfortable pace. Every now and then she took a slight misstep but she was definitely getting used to the new shoes.

"You walk two steps behind me and slightly to my left Porter. That is your position. Keep to it and I don't have to worry where you are. If I have to look for you, ever, you will regret it."

"Yes Miss Harper," Sarah breathlessly replied.

As she settled into a more normal speed and a more natural gait she realised it was anything but normal. The high heels of the shoes caused her to swing her hips a little more than usual and she could feel her skirt swish around the backs of her thighs with each step. It was also causing her breasts to move much more than normal, though Sarah was sure the lack of a proper bra was exacerbating that. As her nipples incessantly brushed against the stiff fabric of her blouse she felt them harden slightly and then fully tighten. It happened so quickly she didn't even have a chance to fight it.

Sarah almost stopped to try and arrest the motion of her blouse against her now rock hard nipples. She snuck a glimpse at her chest and was horrified to see the perfect outline of her nipple and areola through the white blouse, it was like someone had just draped tracing paper over her breasts. The movement was constant, each step brought a slight tensing of the blouse. She knew that as long as she was moving, her nipples had no chance of going down. Her face was so hot she felt like she had a fever.

So focused was Sarah on her predicament that she bumped into Harper when she stopped, pushing her right breast into the prefect's elbow.

"Porter, what the fuck. Another infraction. We'll add that when we log you in the dorm. Now get inside the fucking office. You have to have a physical, then I have to give you a tour and there is no way you are making me miss my late supper. Move it."

Sarah stepped past her handler and into the office. It was a very clinical room: white tiled floor, white walls with medical charts and blazing white halogen bulbs lighting the entire room amazingly brightly.

The only piece of furniture in the room was a strange table with weird metal legs protruding from it. Sarah felt she had seen something like it before but couldn't quite place it. It was obviously something medical. The young girl started to tremble. She had always hated the doctor and almost fainted at just the idea of a needle. But she tried to calm herself down, telling herself she was probably just here so the nurse could make sure she had no allergies and stuff like that.

She had only just finished her quick scan of the room when a door on the far side opened. Sarah just had time to come to attention and get her eyes forward, but she still managed to get a glimpse of what was no doubt the school nurse. She was beautiful, Sarah could tell that from the split second look she had, that plain white nurses pinafore could not disguise the voluptuous body beneath.

"Right Harper, you can wait in my office, make yourself comfortable. This won't take long, I don't really wish to lose too much of my Sunday night." The woman spoke with such authority, it was not what Sarah had expected from a nurse.

"Thanks Miss Sharp," bubbled Harper as she almost skipped across the room.

"Right Porter, you are here for your physical exam and medical history. I am thorough but I will not dawdle through it so pay attention as I am not in the habit of repeating myself."

"Y...yes Ma'am," stammered the frightened teenager.

"Undress, place your clothes in the far corner," commanded the stern nurse, dismissively indicating the empty corner behind Sarah as she walked out the far door.

Sarah froze, and risked a glance at the back of the nurse as she disappeared through the door. She had only been clothed for maybe five minutes and she was already expected to once again lose that protection. As meagre as her uniform was the time she had already spent naked had made her truly thankful for it.

Sarah snapped herself out of her funk and began to undress. She was alone but it did not make it any easier to remove her clothing. She sniffed back any tears that might possibly start forming and first removed her shoes and socks, one leg at a time, sighing as she stepped out of each high heeled shoe, feeling the relief in her calves as her feet flattened on the cool tile floor. She rolled up each sock and placed it in each shoe. Next she unclipped her tie and placed it on top of her shoes, she realised as she bent down that there was no danger of her clothes getting dirty placed on this floor. It was pristine.

"What do you think you are doing?" boomed Nurse Sharp as she appeared at the door pushing a trolley laden with apparatus.

"Undressing Ma'am," Sarah replied softly, confused and terrified as to what she had done wrong now. Sarah saw Miss Harper appear but she was waved away by the furious nurse.

"I have this Harper. You may be new but ignorance is no defence. Protocol must be followed in all things and the flouting of one rule is a show of disrespect for the whole school, the staff and the other students of the school. Now put those clothes back on and be quick about it."

Sarah hurriedly picked up her tie and fumbled badly as she tried to link the clips into the hoops under her collar. Undress. Get dressed. Sarah was confused beyond belief. Just focus on right now, you can't get bogged down in the past, she told herself. She finally managed to get the tie clipped in, reached for her socks and rolled them back up her legs, then stepped into each shoe and rebuckled the straps. Sarah was a blur of motion as she dressed and stood at attention, waiting to see what she had managed to stuff up now.

"Now Porter, I do realise you are headed for Trinity house, believe me I have seen your kind before, but this does not excuse you from an inability to follow rules and a basic lack of manners. On the contrary it is more important for you than for anyone to get these things right. Don't you agree?"

"Yes Ma'am," replied Sarah. She really did agree though she was sure there was more to what was being said than she could comprehend now. She was tired, flustered and more confused than she had ever been in her life.

"How long ago were you issued your uniform?"
"Um, about ten minutes ago Ma'am."

"About ten minutes? About? You will have to do better than that Porter. There are clocks in every room. Time is an important concept for you. Learn to tell the time and learn to keep time. What is the time now?"

"About five past six Ma'am."
"Fucking, about. You better stop fucking about Porter. You just earned an infraction for wilful disobedience. You don't want too many of those. Now what is the time?"
"Six past six Ma'am," Sarah replied disappointedly. She was really letting herself down. She should have known better, she should have paid more attention to what she was saying. Please Sarah, she begged herself, do better, please.

"I suggest you make sure you know the time you enter a room and the time you leave each room. As I said time is an important concept to grasp, even more so for you Trinnies. Now remember all the way back to 10 minutes ago, remember being issued a uniform. Do you remember the order in which you were issued your uniform?”

“Yes Maam.”

“Simply reverse the order for undressing. Now be quick about it. And Porter dont just throw the clothes in the corner. You fold them neatly. Well dont just stand there, I told you to move.”

Sarah flew into motion. She unclipped her tie and placed it on the cool tiles in the corner then furiously began to unbutton her blouse. The whole time she was fumbling with her buttons she could not take her eyes off her nipples pushing against her white blouse, creating tiny dark circles under the white material. She shrugged out of her blouse, turning the tight sleeves inside out as they clung to her arms, arching her back as she did so, forcing her breasts to become even more prominent.

Sarah did not stop for a moment, quickly folding her blouse and then unclipping her skirt, folding that and adding it to the pile. She almost began to pull the straps of her bra off her shoulders before remembering that it clipped in front. She really did have to admit it was a great little item. She would happily wear it all the time if only she could have a t-shirt and jumper over the top. She unclipped her bra and slid the straps down her arms, immediately feeling the loss of support for her breasts.

After placing the bra on the pile she slipped her fingers in the strap of her panties and slid them down her legs. Sarah was so used to folding her panties when she took them off but she always wore full briefs, she didn't own anything else. This g-string however simply rolled up as they went down her legs and once she stepped out of them they almost folded in on themselves. She hurriedly dropped them on the pile, once again feeling the full vulnerability of being naked, her sex able to be seen peeking through her thighs each time she bent over, as she now did to unbuckle and remove her heels and slide her socks off, placing them in her shoes.

The whole process had taken just over a minute. Sarah didn't think she had ever undressed as quickly as that. She almost jumped back up to attention, desperate not to anger this beautiful nurse again. She knew she was imposing on people, on their Sunday night and she so wished she had not stopped off for some sightseeing after her plane landed this morning.

"Finally, we can start. Every student has a full medical workup prior to being admitted to the general school. We don't want any nasty surprises with allergies or any pre-existing medical conditions now do we?"

"No Ma'am," replied the docile teen.

"That was a rhetorical question Porter. That means it is a question that does not require an answer, it is simply posed to make you think. Do you understand?"
"Yes, Ma'am," replied the thoroughly humiliated young girl.

She knew what rhetorical meant, but what if she got it wrong and got in trouble for not answering. Even though she felt horrible that someone thought she was stupid it was better than having someone angry at her. She had always been a girl who did her best and tried her hardest and she hated letting people down.

"See you got that right, that was a question directly to you. Good girl."

Even though it was humiliating to be praised like a child stacking blocks, Sarah felt a tiny flush of pleasure inside at pleasing someone and finally having someone happy with her.

"First things first, lets get your file up."

The nurse picked up a small scanner, reached out and tugged gently at the tag dangling from Sarah's left ear. The beep caused Sarah to close her eyes in shame, reminded of the tag she now wore like a farm animal. Her chest and face flushed in embarrassment. One saving grace, thought Sarah, was that maybe the heat from the blush would help her still hard nipples to soften.

"Oh my, you already have eight infractions," exclaimed nurse Sharp. "Adding the one you earned in here and you are going to have a very busy form session in the morning. But let's get on shall we. First what we need to do is take your vitals and perform an extended physical. You will be moving around quite a lot so there is no need to be at attention during the examination, but don't take advantage by slouching like a tramp," explained the nurse as she placed a rough plastic cuff around Sarah's left bicep.

"Arm out straight."

An apprehensive Sarah straightened her arm as the band was tightened and pumped up. With relief she realised she was just having her blood pressure taken. The pressure was soon relieved and the band removed from her arm. Sarah knew she didn't have to be at attention but she wasn't sure what would be considered 'slouching'. She simply put her arms at her side but otherwise stayed standing straight. She made sure not to touch her hips with her hands as it only reminded her how vulnerable and exposed she was in her nudity.

It was so difficult for the young girl to keep her hands at her side. With every moment that passed it became harder and harder to fight the urge to cover her body, one hand across her sex and the other hiding her breasts. She was afraid to move but the feeling of vulnerability was starting to become an obsession.

She let her eyes dart to the trolley that the nurse was returning to. Other than the laptop, Sarah could not really tell what most of the stuff was, some of it being covered by dimpled white medical paper.

She watched the nurse pick up a small black baton like object with a triangular head. She knew what this was as her doctor had used it on her many times. It shone a little light that they used to look in your ears and mouth. The nurse continued her examination in silence, swiftly checking each ear. She returned to the trolley and came back with the standard wooden tongue depressor.

"Mouth open, say aaah," directed Nurse Sharp.

Now the examination had begun she was all business. Her manner was brisk and efficient and Sarah hoped that this would mean the examination would be quick and professional so she could get her uniform back on. Even though this was another woman and she was a medical professional, she still felt terribly uncomfortable being naked in front of her.

"Aaaaaurrrgh," Sarah gagged as the thin piece of wood was placed far back in her mouth and caused her to step back away from the invading object, almost retching in the process.

"Get back here now. What are you some kind of fucking baby. Fucking atrocious behaviour. Move again and I will secure that mouth open," boomed the irate nurse.

She glared at Sarah as she stepped forward again, straightened her back and reopened her mouth. The young girl was terrified now. She had not meant to react that way, it was just so unexpected. She had never had anything shoved so far back in her throat before. She was sure she would do better now that she was ready for it, but she fervently hoped it would not go in as far this time.

The nurse continued to glare at the trembling teen, her head tilted back slightly and her mouth wide open but still with a straight back and in a position almost at attention. The older woman noticed that even though she had relaxed her stance somewhat, with her hands at her sides now, balled into fists, she had still kept her legs shoulder width apart. Maybe she would do ok after all, the nurse thought to herself, though nine infractions accrued in a few hours was very high.

Sarah tensed as she watched wide-eyed as the nurse placed the depressor in her mouth again. She was dismayed to feel it go as far back as before and as it was pressed down against her tongue she tried her best to vocalise.

"Aaaaah," said Sarah as her throat tensed as the nurse shone the small light in her mouth and she fought back the urge to push the nurse away to get this foreign object out of her mouth. As the depressor was removed Sarah gagged slightly, making a choking sound.

"Aaah, what Porter," questioned nurse Sharp. She had decided she would have a little fun with this girl. After all she was giving up her Sunday evening for this.

"Aaaah, Ma'am?" replied Sarah questioningly.

Surely she hadn't been expected to say that. She held her breath as she waited for another tirade or infraction to be added to her list. But the nurse simply moved back to the trolley and clicked away at the laptop.

Sarah watched as her medical chart was filled. She couldn't help but admire the physique of the nurse. She looked like one of those pinup girls from the 50s, curves in all the right places and a bouncy bob of beautiful, thick blonde hair.

With two steps the nurse was back leaning over Sarah, very close. She reached in to her face and pulled open Sarah's right eyelid, causing her to stare, unable to close her eyes.

"Look straight ahead," demanded the nurse. Sarah did as she was told as the light was shone directly into her eye. "Look left, now right. Up. Down." The nurse spoke the commands with no emotion, as if she was talking to a dog. The process was repeated with her left eye and when the nurse walked away Sarah was left blinking furiously, her entire field of vision filled with burst of amorphous yellow and orange shapes.

Sarah hadn't realised the nurse was back until she felt her warm hands around her throat. The confused teen was startled by this unexpected touch, but it was gentle. Nurse Sharp was pushing softly on the sides of Sarah's neck, up under her ears and following her jaw line down. Gentle pressure but insistent. Sarah started to relax, the soft warm hands a comfort to her.

With almost no space in between the nurse placed a stethoscope to the bewildered teens chest. Sarah jumped slightly as the cold metal head was placed against her left breast. Almost instantly Sarah's nipples rehardened. She felt her breasts move slightly as her nipples tightened and perceptibly moved upwards. She dared a glance at the face of Nurse Sharp and saw an eyebrow raise in question. Oh god, the horrified teen thought to herself, now she thinks I am some kind of pervert or lesbian or something.

"Breathe in and out slowly until I tell you to stop, full deep breaths," directed the nurse.

Sarah breathed in as deeply and slowly as she could, then let the breath out the same way. She continued this as the nurse moved the head of the stethoscope from breast to breast, high on her chest and low, at one point the stethoscope head and the nurses hand lay nestled underneath Sarahs breast.  She then moved around behind her and moved the stethoscope around her back in the same manner.

Sarah then felt the hands of the nurse on her back. They were warm and smooth and she relaxed at the comforting touch. She felt a sharp tap on her back, then another. This was repeated a number of times before the nurse moved back in front of her.

Sarah was still breathing in and out slowly. She was not sure how long she could keep it up as she was getting a little lightheaded. She was then shocked to feel the hands of the nurse on her breasts. The tapping started again, first her left breast then her right. With each tap her breast jiggled and rippled with the force. Sarah tried to tell herself not to be bothered but she had never, ever had another person touch her bare breasts. She hadn't been to the doctor for an exam since they had started to develop. She felt it was wrong but it wasn't like it was sexual. It was medical. She tried to tell herself to stop being silly.

Finally the nurse moved back to the trolley, clicked away at the laptop and then placed a compact glass set of scales on the floor in front of her.

"You can stop the deep breathing now. Step up on the scale and stand still."

Sarah was grateful for being told to stop the deep breaths. She had started to feel quite dizzy. She hadn't eaten anything since lunch and breathing like that was almost too much. She stepped up on the scales, placed her feet together and stood stock still. It was a strange sensation to feel her thighs touching. She hadn't been really aware of it too much before but it only deepened the sense of exposure she had been feeling while standing with her legs so far apart.

"Step off. You could lose a kilo or two but the BMI will tell us more," stated the nurse.

Sarah was a little annoyed. She was slim, always had been. It wasn't that she exercised that much, or dieted. She just watched what she ate. She definitely didn't need to lose any weight.

Sarah's side, just above her hip, was pinched by a pair of plastic callipers, then again at her belly, just beside her bellybutton. Then she felt a tape measure being placed around her waist, above her hips, and then again around her hips across her pubis. She felt the nurses hands scrape across her downy pubic hair and groaned inwardly at the intimate touch. Her naked body was being poked and prodded like a slab of unfeeling meat and she just couldn't accept that this was alright, that it was normal.

"Over against the wall and face out. Heels, buttocks, back and head flush against the wall."

Sarah quickly stepped across the room, noticing thin blacks marks on the wall marking out a height chart that she hadn't noticed before. The nurse came over and took the measurement and went back to the trolley.

She watched as the nurse turned around with a small camera in her hand. She heard the telltale click as the camera took a number of pictures of her naked form. The poor teen was mortified. Now they had naked pictures of her. She had heard all the stories at school of other girls sending pictures to their boyfriends or even doing stripteases on their webcams but Sarah had never thought of ever doing anything like that. The most she had ever done was dance in front of her mirror, but always clothed. They shouldn't be allowed to take pictures of her naked body. She was just about to open her mouth to protest when the nurse cut her off.

"Right, back in the centre of the room and run on the spot until I tell you to stop."

Sarah moved back to the centre of the room, a little more slowly than before. She did not want to do this. Running naked was not ladylike, not like anything else she had done naked was, bending over and baring her vagina to the world each time she got dressed for instance. She didn't really feel like she had any alternative though. Everything had happened so fast, she had just been swept along on the wave of humiliation and didn't quite know how to get off. She took one deep breath and started to jog on the spot, barely lifting her feet off the floor.

"I said run, not flop around like some terminally ill retard."

Sarah cringed and ran harder. She lifted her feet higher off the ground and moved faster, truly running on the spot. She felt like an idiot but it didn't take her long before she had to focus on her breathing and keeping up the pace, more than how she felt and what she looked like. She may be slim but she was definitely not a fit girl. Her breathing began to be laboured and a thin sheen of sweat broke out all over her body. The bouncing motion of her breasts was keeping her nipples hard enough to cut glass. After only a couple of minutes her speed began to slow and her steps began to falter.

"You are terribly unfit young lady. You should be able to keep that pace up for a good ten minutes. You can stop running and we will see how your heart rate has changed," said the nurse as she advanced once again with the stethoscope. Sarah had stopped running and stood as still as she could to let the nurse get accurate readings. Her chest heaved up and down as she struggled for breath.

"Terribly unfit," the nurse tutted to herself as she listened to Sarah's increased heart rate.

"OK, get up on the table and hang your legs over the end," said the nurse as she entered the latest data into Sarah's medical evaluation.

Sarah trotted over to the strange table and popped up onto the cool leather, dangling her bent legs off the end. She took this opportunity to look at the table in more detail. It looked like a cross between a chair and a table really. She noticed that it had two strange metal protrusions at the end, she was sitting between them and the chair itself could obviously be moved to a full reclining position. It looked kind of like a dentists chair but not really.

Nurse Sharp came over and tapped each knee with a hard little triangular hammer, making each of Sarah's knees jump out from the table. Sarah, smiled to herself. She had often done the same thing with a ruler when she was bored at school. It was kind of fun how your body could do things on its own. Kind of like my nipples, she thought to herself, instantly removing the smile that had brightened her pretty face.

"Now before we move on it's time for a little Q and A. When are you due for your period?"

Sarah thought a little before she answered.

"Towards the end of the month Ma'am."

"Well that's a long period of time Porter, when exactly?"
"Um I am not sure Ma'am. Usually towards the end, maybe the last couple of days."

"Are you telling me you don't keep track of your periods?"

"Um, no Ma'am. I mean yes Ma'am. I do but I just don't..."
"Stop babbling," spat the incredulous nurse. "You obviously have little regard for your body, I find it hard to believe you cannot narrow down your period to more than the 'end of the month'. You may as well have said, sometime each month. Bloody hopeless. Well at least tell me what they are usually like."

Sarah was more confused than before. Did other girls know the exact time each month they would have their period? She was sure hers didn't come the exact same day each month anyway. And she wasn't sure what the question meant now, and she was deathly afraid of giving another stupid answer.

"Um, they are usually not too bad. Only a little painful and I get some cramps and ah my..." Sarah bit her lip as she tried to explain, "my um, my nipples get quite tender Ma'am."

Tears began to well in Sarah's eyes as she heard the nurse sigh, knowing she had once again said the wrong thing. How was it possible she was being so stupid?

"What are your periods like Porter? Heavy days, light days, how long do they last? That is the information I need to know, not the difference you notice when your boyfriend plays with your nipples."

Sarah was mortified. She almost blurted out that she didn't have a boyfriend but she caught herself in time. Instead she thought about the question before answering. She figured it was important if the nurse was asking as part of her medical exam and if she was not truthful it might go bad for her in the future.

"Um I usually have one light day and then a heavy day and than another light day. And usually nothing after that at all Ma'am," Sarah replied, quite confident she had been as accurate and truthful as she could remember.

"Sexual partners?"

Sarah just sat there. She told herself she wasn't even sure that was a question, though she knew deep down it was. She just didn't want to answer it. She should not be ashamed, hell she should actually be proud.

"I am a virgin Ma'am," Sarah said softly, though with a hint of pride in her voice.

"Bloody hell," exclaimed the nurse. She was sure that all teenagers from America were sexually active. The country may pretend to be overly prudish on the surface but all this did was hide the bubbling hotbed of sexual proclivity. Well, this is the first American virgin Trinity house has seen for many a year she thought to herself. Definitely in my tenure.

"Well we will see. Lie back on the chair and put your feet up in the stirrups."

The mention of the words stirrups jogged something in Sarah's brain. She had been so dense. She was sitting in a gynaecologists chair, the weird metal things were stirrups and her feet were supposed to go in them. Her feet were supposed to go in them and they would expose her terribly. Open her sex terribly.

Sarah took a deep breath and leaned back in the chair. As soon as she had done so she realised the stirrups needed to be swung around in front of the chair. She straightened up, swung each stirrup around in front of the chair and lay back. Sarah closed her eyes and talked herself into putting her feet in the stirrups. It's a medical exam, it's a medical exam. She's a nurse, she's a nurse, she repeated to herself.

Her mantra was interrupted as she felt her left foot yanked out and placed in the stirrup. Her eyes flashed open to see the nurse grab her right foot and pull it forcefully outwards and place it in the remaining stirrup. She watched as the nurse pulled her legs further down the stirrups and it was only then Sarah realised they weren't meant for her feet but the backs of her lower calf would rest on them, her feet dangling over the end. The helpless teen watched as the nurse drew a Velcro strap around each ankle, securing her legs firmly into the stirrups.

Sarah groaned in horror as the nurse stepped between her stretched legs and pushed them further apart. She kept pushing until Sarah heard a click from each side. Her legs were now obscenely spread and her knees were pushed back towards her chest creating a splayed M shape. Sarah could feel the air across her vagina and cringed at the sight she knew she must make. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, trying to relax.

Suddenly Sarah jerked her left leg hard. Her foot almost jerked out of the stirrup but it was held firmly in place by the Velcro strap. Her eyes flicked open to see the nurse now moving to her right foot, a small metal wand in her hand. She felt the touch again on her right foot. The nurse gently swished the wand up her foot from heel to toe and Sarah's right leg jerked this time, once again barely moving, her foot tightly bound by the Velcro strap. Sarah kept her eyes fixed on the nurse now, she didn't want any more surprises.

She watched down her body, over the twin mounds of her flattened breasts and heaving stomach as the nurse wheeled a small stool between her legs, watched as Nurse Sharp put on white surgical gloves and watched as she leaned in towards her obscenely spread sex.

Sarah's eyes snapped shut as she felt the gloved fingers prod her the intimate area between her legs, she couldn't watch this. She felt the fingers run across the outside of her lips, rubbing her stubbly pubic hair, then gently push her labia apart. She felt her most private of lips being pulled apart, then she yelped a little when she felt her small inner labia also being manipulated. It was over in moments, the nurse didn't linger, she had a job to do, but the clinical way in which she had been violated left the young girl trembling in fear.

Sarah sighed with relief and wiped the burgeoning tears from her eyes. She opened them in time to see the nurse pick up a weird metal instrument, then proceed to pour a thick, clear syrupy liquid over the two long metal tongues.

Sarah closed her eyes and tensed. She knew what it was, she knew what was going to happen. She began to sob a little, her shoulders jerking and her breasts bouncing gently as she lay back on the leather gynaecological chair.

Her whole body tensed as she waited for the ultimate humiliation. Sarah jumped and jerked her feet in the stirrups when the cold metal touched her delicate labia. With one quick, deft motion nurse Sharp had the speculum inside the trembling teen's vagina. Once fully inserted the nurse opened the tongues, spreading the vagina, and locked them in place. She picked up a small plastic instrument similar to a chopstick but with a flared paddle on the end. With this she prodded the inner walls of Sarah's vagina as the teen squirmed in discomfort.

"Well there you have it," Nurse Sharp said with surprise. "Your hymen is intact and you have a healthy vagina as well. You would be surprised how many girls have problems down here."

Sarah felt odd lying back, totally exposed and having the nurse converse with her in this way. But there was also a little relief. She hadn't spoken for some time and Sarah had been a little afraid that she had thought her a liar when she had mentioned she was a virgin.

"How often do you masturbate?"

"Um," Sarah answered and clammed up. She knew she had to answer but her brain was having a hard time cooperating, preoccupied as it was with going over and over the humiliating position she was in: naked, legs spread, vagina spread open by some infernal piece of metal and then being asked to reveal her most private of acts.

"Now if you tell me you don't masturbate, I will know that you are lying. I want you out of here in ten minutes so hurry up."

"Only about once a week Ma'am," Sarah replied through her sobs.

"And how do you do this," inquired the nurse as she released the tongues of the speculum and removed it from the crying teens sex.

"With my fingers Ma'am."
"Never with anything else?"
"No Ma'am," Sarah replied with trepidation as she sniffled her runny nose.

She did not have to volunteer how often she had thought about using her hairbrush and had even inserted it just a little a few times but never actually used it to masturbate, so she didn't tell a lie technically.

Sarah heard the twin tearing sounds of the Velcro straps being undone and her whole body relaxed in relief, sure that this was a sign her ordeal was over.

"Back in the centre of the room," commanded the nurse as she removed the gloves and threw them on the trolley. "Just one more exam and we are finished."

Sarah had managed to get her crying under control before it turned into a full bout of body wracking sobs. The relief that this ordeal was nearly over was enough to calm her down. Medical exam or not this had been the most humiliating experience of her life. How did women go through this all the time, and with male doctors as well? She knew she was just being silly, it was just that the day had been so overwhelming.

"At attention now Porter. We are almost finished and we are now back to normal rules," directed the nurse as she stepped in close behind the defeated teen.

Sarah gritted her teeth as felt the nurses warm hands encircle her left breast. Sarah grunted as Nurse Sharp began to squeeze her breast, from the outside moving inwards and compressing the breast meat until her hands met over her nipples which she squeezed hard between thumb and fingers. She repeated the process again on her left breast and moved around behind the teen to replicate it on the right.

Sarah's mind was whirling. She had put up with a lot but what the hell was this for. She had heard of breast exams and she had done one on herself once though she knew it was not necessary but she was sure this hard squeezing, almost milking motion, was not the way in which they were done. It also hurt and this made her reel a little. Everything else had been degrading but nothing had actually hurt. It was a strange sensation that Sarah found hard to digest.

"No discharge, good," said the nurse to herself as she went back to the trolley and entered the final piece of information into Sarah Porter's medical history.

Discharge? Sarah had no idea what she was talking about. She would have loved to have asked, as far as she knew the only time anything came from the breast was when you were pregnant and then that was normal. Was that a pregnancy test? If so it would have to be one of the most inaccurate in history, Sarah thought to herself. The young girl just stood there at attention staring at the far wall hoping and hoping that her time in this room was at an end.

"Samples and we are done. Open wide." Sarah snapped her mouth wide as Nurse Sharp opened a plastic test tube. The lid had a long cotton-tipped swab attached on its underside. This she used to swab the inside of Sarah's cheeks. She then handed Sarah a small plastic cup with a screw top.

"Fill that to the line and not over and we are done. I can get on with my night, or what is left of it, and you can take up someone else's time."

Sarah took the offered plastic container. She just looked at it, then looked at both doors.

"What are you waiting for? Are you deliberately trying to annoy me Porter?"
"No Ma'am. Um Ma'am please, where is the toilet?" asked the desperate girl.

"Toilet, what are you on about. Fill the cup where you stand. I am not asking you to piss a gallon, just fill the cup. Is that too much to ask?"

"No Ma'am," Sarah replied timidly.

Sarah unscrewed the cap from the small container. She slowly lowered the plastic cup between her legs and moved it tight up against her sex, she needed to move her legs a little wider to do this comfortably. She knew she must look lewd and ridiculous but she had to make sure she didn't spill any on the floor, or God on her hands, it wasn't like she had any control over it after all. She couldn't believe she had been asked to pee right out in the middle of the room, and with another person in the room. She couldn't believe that she was actually going to do it!

Sarah stood in the centre of the sterile white room, holding the cup up between her legs and waited. She had not been to the toilet since lunch, and it had been quite a long taxi ride here but still she couldn't go. She knew she needed to go, she had actually thought of asking Miss Harper on the way if they could stop but she hadn't dared. And now it seemed she had some stage fright. She knew it was just that she was nervous, standing naked in the middle of a room and expected to urinate into a cup.

Sarah desperately wanted to pee. The longer it took the more nervous and agitated she became. Her legs began to tremble a little, the strain from standing with them spread was starting to show. She heard the nurse walk towards her, stopping just behind her back. Sarah could not see her but she could feel her presence. The poor girl began to panic, tensing her muscles trying desperately to pee. She cringed, waiting for the tirade about wasting time that she knew was coming.

"Relax Porter. You will never give me what I want like that. You have 4 minutes to fill that cup and honestly it doesn't take much to fill. So relax and pee like a good girl. But believe me, take more than the allotted time and I will have to obtain the sample through other means," warned the nurse, now speaking directly into Sarahs left ear, close enough that the movement of warm air had sent shivers down her left side, causing goosebumps to appear along her body.

Instantly Sarah began to pee, she was not sure what had removed that mental block but she thought it most likely it was the involuntary shivers that the nurse had caused with her deliciously warm breath.

The embarrassed teen heard the loud splattering noise as her urine hit the hard plastic bottom of the cup. She felt the splashback as her pee hit the surface with great force. Sarah quickly bent at the waist, hurrying to make sure that she stopped before overfilling the cup. She almost started crying again as she watched the clear cup fill with her dark yellow urine. She watched carefully as her pee neared the line to which she had been told to fill. She clenched her muscles and stopped peeing, just short of the line and removed the cup from her vagina, screwed the top on quickly and handed it out to the nurse, who was still standing close behind her.

"See not so hard, girls like you just need the right motivation. The rule holds true for pretty much everything. Don't you think Porter, it's just a matter of motivation and anything is possible?"

Sarah wasn't entirely sure she was supposed to answer but the flustered teen had already decided that it seemed better to err on the side of caution.

"Yes Ma'am."

Nurse Sharp swapped the cup of Sarah's urine for a tissue, "Wipe yourself and place it in the bin then hurry up and get dressed."

Sarah took the tissue and wiped the few droplets of pee that still clung to the lips of her sex. She hurried around the nurse and popped the tissue in the small bin on the trolley and all but ran over to the corner and started to dress. Now she really did need to pee. She had only let out a tiny amount and starting and then stopping had now made her really feel the need to empty her bladder. She didn't know when she would get a chance but vowed to ask Miss Harper as soon as they were out of the room.

Sarah knew it had not really been that long but it felt like hours since she had been clothed. She could not wait to feel that warm protective feeling she knew her uniform would give her. It was a matter of moments for her socks to be rolled up her legs and her shoes to be on and buckled - now there was something she hadn't missed. The heels were as strange a feeling as ever, the added height and the tense feeling in her calves as they were stretched a little to accommodate the new position would still take quite some getting used to.

She heard the nurse leave the room, wheeling the trolley but she neither turned around nor stopped dressing. She hadn't thought about being obedient or that curiosity was not becoming as she had been told, she was just desperate to be clothed and out on her way.

She hurriedly slipped her panties up her legs, taking time to adjust the straps and making sure the actual material of the panties was covering her sex properly. She wasn't sure she would ever get used to the feeling of these panties, the seamless design and decided lack of material made it feel like she was not wearing anything at all which caused the odd jarring sensation when every now and then a movement would cause the material to shift and she would be reminded that she was indeed wearing them.

One thing she definitely could get used to, she thought, was the new bra. She still intensely disliked how exposed her breasts felt, and she was dreading walking with the blouse on knowing her nipples would get hard again, but the comfort was unbelievable. Once she had adjusted her breasts slightly, just pushing the sides a little with her fingers, they felt like they were cushioned on marshmallows.

As she was clipping her skirt, making sure it sat on her hipbones and not around her waist as she had done the first time, she heard someone come into the room behind her. Sarah hurriedly put her blouse on and buttoned it up and took only seconds to clip on her tie, she was already becoming adept at this action. She scooted back into the centre of the room and stood at attention, spotting both Miss Harper and the nurse looking at her.

"Thanks so much for letting me use your room Miss Sharp. It's fantastic."
"That's ok Clarice. A prefect, a maths champ and a very polite young lady. You can come over anytime you would like to have a chat."
"Oh thanks Miss Sharp," beamed the ecstatic girl.

"Call me Michelle, but just when we are alone, don't want the other girls getting jealous now do we," smiled the voluptuous nurse.

"Haha, sure Michelle. If I may ask, where did you get that brilliant throw."
"Oh that old thing," nurse Sharp answered coyly. "That's from Harrods."
"I knew it," exclaimed Harper. "It is so beautiful."

Sarah could not believe what was going on. She had been pushed and prodded and rushed about like the world was going to end and now here they were just talking away as if they had all the time in the world. And she felt a special hurt when the nurse had talked about being alone. They were treating her as if she wasn't even in the room.

"How did she do Michelle. Please don't tell me I have a problem girl on my hands?"
"No Clarice, she has a clean bill of health. And she's a virgin."

Sarah could have died on the spot. She thought this kind of thing was supposed to be confidential and here it was blabbed to the first possible person. She wasn't ashamed of being a virgin but she knew what girls were like and she hoped and prayed that it wouldn't get used against her.

"O.M.G. Michelle."
"Clarice don't talk like that. Those abbreviations are things I expect to hear from common girls, not from a student of Harkwood."
"Sorry Michelle. It's just wow, thats not something I expected from a Trinnie."

"Well Clarice every now and then we can be surprised by anything. I have a suspicion that she has not even kissed a boy."
"Wow is that true Porter?"

"Oh Clarice we don't have time for this chit chat really. You pop along and remember, you are welcome anytime."
"Sure Michelle and thanks again. Come on Porter we need to hurry now, I don't want to be at this all night."

Oh now we need to hurry, thought Sarah. Now you have finished your small talk, when it suits you. Sarah got a little angry but immediately regretted it. She needed to remember that thinking like that caused slipups, and she was likely to let it through next time she spoke which would be disastrous.

Sarah turned to follow her handler out the door but was halted in her tracks as the nurse spoke to her.

"Porter, what is the time?"

"Um, I don't know Ma'am," Sarah replied dejectedly. She had forgotten to look at the clock before she left, after she had been specifically advised to.

"Look now Porter and don't forget it. I am too tired to open your file again so get moving."

Sarah glanced at the clock before popping a quick curtsy and scurrying out of the room. It had read 6:48. The examination had taken only 42 minutes. Sarah could have sworn she had been in there for way more than an hour.

Chapter 4. In which Sarah tours the school

Sarah ran to catch her handler. The short steps the heels forced her to take had her nipples hard well before she caught up to the older girl. Sarah knew that it was inevitable but she still hated that everyone who looked at her would be able to see the stiff little nubs almost breaking through the thin white material of her blouse. Even when she reached her handler she still had to take twice as many steps to keep up the swift pace the prefect was setting. She fell in two steps behind, and a little to the left of Miss Harper and tried to keep up.

Sarah watched her surroundings as they walked down corridors, noting the beautiful decor of the old building. She kept her eye out for a possible toilet as she was dying to pee. After they had moved down a number of halls and back past the headmistresses office, Sarah could wait no longer. She had no idea of the layout of the school and didn't know how far away the toilets were, or, indeed, even if they were getting further away with each step. She screwed up her courage and asked.

"Excuse me Miss Harper but could we go to the toilet please, I really have to go," asked Sarah in a very sweet, pleading voice.

"You should have thought about that when we left the infirmary. There were toilets just around the corner. You can wait until we reach your dorm. Now come on, through here we will be back in the foyer and then we can start the tour. I am only going to show you the main areas, because some parts of the school you won't need to worry about and others you will find in time as your lessons take you."

They were soon back in the foyer, the large wooden doors closed and bolted. This was Sarah's first chance to see the outside since she had looked through the windows in the headmistresses office. She could tell through the large stain-glass windows above the doors that it was now dark outside. It must be close to seven o'clock now. It had been a really long day already, she had hardly any sleep on the plane and though she had dozed in the taxi, the poor girl was tired. The humiliating time she had spent inside the school, which had been almost every single minute, had only exhausted her further, both mentally and physically.

"Porter stand here and face into the school."

Sarah did as she was told, looking down the long hall. To her right was a wide staircase that she could see ended in a landing on the first floor, and obviously continued upwards to a third floor beyond. Straight ahead along the hall were a number of openings through which she could see nothing, despite the well lit interior.

"Upstairs are the dorms of all houses - Medea, Morrigan and Annan. Trinity house dorm is accessed by a different stair as it is in the left wing of the school. The school is in three wings, I guess I should have started with that. We are in the main wing now. Left is your dorm, the gym, the kitchens and food hall and the chem labs, plus I guess most of your classes are held in your own wing. Main wing has all our dorms plus our classrooms and the right wing has the main hall, the library, classrooms and the study rooms. So lets go right first."

As they moved through the corridors of the school, Sarah marveled at how large it all was, and all in the one building. She peered into the classrooms as they passed, most were darkened but one or two had a light on, she even saw one with a fish tank in it. How wonderful she thought, this was the kind of school she had dreamed of. A real place of learning where there was more to the process than just textbooks and spitballs.

The first place her handler stopped was at the study rooms. These seemed to be small glassed cubicles set around the walls of a large hall. In the middle of the hall were numerous long tables with countless chairs down each side. Sarah was so happy. Here was an entire huge room just devoted to academic endeavours. Study was almost a swearword at her old school and being a good student was the easiest way to become a target for teasing. She just knew that here at Harkwood her talent would be able to shine.

"I thought it best to show you these rooms even though you probably won't be using them much. Trinity house has it's own study hall."

Yes, rejoiced Sarah, giving herself an internal high-five.

They left the large study hall and moved down the corridor. Not far down was the library.

As the pair of young girls entered Sarah's breath caught. The place was huge. She had never seen so many books. She had seen pictures of the huge libraries at Universities and dreamed of the day she could wander down the aisles. The daunted teenager distractedly followed her handler over to the large counter just inside the door, preoccupied by the rows and rows of bookshelves.

BING, Sarah's head snapped around at the sound of Miss Harper ringing the little metal bell on the counter.

"The library is open from seven in the morning until ten at night, seven days a week. The librarian is Mrs Walker. There is no talking in the library, of course, but Mrs Walker is really strict about it."

The prefect was about to ding the bell again when an extremely tall and stately woman emerged with an armful of books. She placed them upon the counter and stared at the two teen girls.

"Hi Mrs Walker, this is a new student for Trinity house that I am showing around."

"Yes, good evening Miss Harper," replied the librarian. "I am aware of who this is as the headmistress has previously informed me of her potential presence tonight. Come here girl," she motioned to Sarah, who was standing at attention the correct two feet behind her handler.

Sarah moved up to the counter and looked at the librarian. She looked to be around 50, with wisps of grey in her red hair, twirled up in an elaborate bun on the top of her head. She had a very old-fashioned style and Sarah thought that she was the absolute epitome of what a librarian should be. As she closed in on the counter she noticed the librarians gaze flicker to her chest and watched the older woman's face crease into a frown.

Sarah flushed scarlet as she realised the woman had seen her outstandingly erect nipples and obviously disapproved. She was dying to explain it was not her fault but she just cringed inwardly and sighed to herself. Does anyone ever believe that kind of stuff anyway?

"Lean forward," commanded the librarian quite coldly.

Sarah leaned over the counter as the librarian reached out, grabbed the small metal tag dangling from her left ear and scanned the code upon it. The dreaded beep of the scanner right in her ear caused the dejected teen to die a little inside each time. That simple act of scanning the tag brought the whole humiliating process back to the front of her mind. The only piece of jewellery she wore was a tag like those used to identify animals.

The librarian proceeded to work at the computer as Sarah stepped back behind Miss Harper.

"The permissions have been set. Standard Trinity permissions. You are allowed to borrow up to three items from collections 62 to 66 for a duration of 48 hours. You make your selections, come to the desk here where they are processed. You return your items to the desk here to be processed. At no time do you ever just leave borrowed items on this counter for collection. Understand."

"Yes Ma'am."

"And there is no talking in this library apart from at this counter. Not in the shelves and not at the desks. This library is my domain, any infractions earned here are dealt with here. Remember that Sarah Josephine Porter."

"Yes Ma'am," replied the thoroughly cowed young girl. This old woman was frightening. Sarah bet if she let her hair down she would look like a witch. The image almost made her smile but one look at that stern visage stifled any chance of the smile making it onto her face.

"Right let's go, no need to see anything more in here. It's like any other library so I am sure you will find what you need when you need it."

Harper wasn't wasting any time now, she left the room without a backwards glance, safe in the knowledge her charge would follow. As Sarah turned to go she realised she had forgotten to look at the time as she entered the library. She looked around for the clock as she left, it was 7:12. Knowing the time brought back to her how much she needed to pee. Miss Harper had told her that she could go in her dorm and Sarah pondered just how much longer it would take to get there.

She made a quick curtsy to the librarian who barely glanced at her and ran to catch the older girl. It seemed she was always running to catch up, she was always behind. They had only to go around one corner to be confronted by a large open space in front of a wide set of double doors. The corridor had flared open here to create a kind of foyer in front of the doors.

"This is the main hall or great hall," Harper explained. She pushed open the left hand door and entered, followed closely by Sarah. "This is where all assemblies are held. There is an assembly each Friday morning and this is also where we entertain any guest speakers, have concerts and the yearly dance is held here too."

Sarah had only just stepped inside and looked at the massive hall, the stage at the far end and the masses of chairs all lined up against the back walls when her handler began to shut the door on her.

"There's nothing to see in there now. It's an empty room, geez. We are just going to skip middle wing. You don't need to see our dorms anyway," stated Harper as she strode off.

This suited Sarah just fine. She needed to pee and the sooner they made it to her dorm the better. She was sure she didn't to see them anyway. She was sure she would be able to find her way around in time. 

Her handler kept up the punishing pace as they moved back through the main foyer and on into the left wing. Sarah was struggling only a little with the high heels now. She had becoming accustomed to walking in them and now understood why so many women wore them. They weren't that hard to move around in and they actually felt quite good, though her legs hurt a little from the strain but she was sure she would get used to that too.

"Left are the labs, we have chemistry and biology practicals in there," Harper stated as they passed a corridor. Sarah only had time to glance down and saw only an empty corridor with rows of closed doors. The tour was kind of disintegrating into just a walkby of various features.

"Now left is the gym, right is food hall and the kitchens. Gym first." And left they headed, Sarah following obediently behind.

The doors to the gym were similar to those of the main hall, only this time made of glass. Sarah was astonished with what lay beyond. She had thought it would be like the gym at her old school, but this looked more like an actual fitness club. The huge room was full of equipment: running machines, exercise bikes, step and weight machines and all manner of apparatus that the young girl did not immediately understand.

This was Sarah's first chance to see some of the other students at Harkwood. There were three girls in the room, working out on different machines. They were all quite athletic looking, dressed in small blue exercise shorts and halter tops. They were very cute little outfits thought Sarah. She had never really been a fan of gym, and had always worn the baggiest clothes possible but she felt that it wouldn't be so bad to exercise looking as nice as that.

Her handler waved to one of the girls on a running machine who waved back. "This is the main gym for the school. It is open from six in the morning until eight at night. To use the facilities you have to log in first and log out when you are finished. Trinity house has its own smaller gym upstairs but there you have to log in on each machine as well. Now out the back is the main court."

The older girl led her to a door at the back of the gym. Through it was an immense open court with polished hardwood floors. This was something that was similar to her school back home but this one was much larger and there weren't the standard basketball hoops at each end. The ceiling was extremely high, 30 feet at least. If they didn't play basketball in here, what sports did they play in this country.

Once again the door was closed on her before she really had a chance to get a good look. But from what she had seen, the school was amazingly well equipped. The rich really did give their children a better start in life.

Sarah had been extremely worried about coming so far to go to a new school, no matter how prestigious. But she was beginning to feel that this was her chance to finally get something out of one of her stepdads. She only hoped that this time it lasted long enough with her mother for her to really benefit.

Sarah obediently followed her handler back through the gym and out into the corridors again. She was not taking much notice of where they were going, thinking instead of how fantastic this school seemed to her now. Even though the ever-present hardness of her nipples was a constant reminder of her humiliation since she arrived, Sarah was now trying to fit that into an overall idea of the school. She was even more sure now that it was really nothing to worry about, it was degrading yes but she was beginning to accept that it was just the "new student" treatment and she was sure she would soon fit in and everything would seem more natural to her once she accepted it.

"And this," said Harper, startling the daydreaming teen, "is the music room and studio. Fully functioning AV recording studio and soundproofed practice room."

The room was a marvel of electronic equipment and musical instruments of every shape and size.

"Know any instruments Porter?"
"No Miss Harper," replied the excited teen, wondering what instrument she would like to learn the most.

"Well I am sure you will be fluent in one or two before you graduate," the prefect chuckled to herself.

Sarah wasn't too sure what was funny but she smiled at the older girl anyway, showing off the cute dimples that formed in each cheek when she smiled.

"Priceless," remarked Harper as she observed the reaction on the face of her charge. "One more stop before your dorm, let's leg it."

This time Sarah was ready and kept up with her handler the entire way. Finally she didn't have to chase her. They soon arrived at the food hall. If Sarah hadn't known better she could have sworn it was her old cafeteria. It was just the same: a large room filled with tables and chairs and a long glassed counter at one end. Sarah followed the prefect as she walked up to the counter.

"Mrs Lancaster," yelled Harper, startling Sarah. The echo reverberated around the empty room. Sarah heard a clatter from the kitchen and watched as a pretty young woman in her 30s came out.

"Evening Clarice, I have your supper still warm for you. But I was only told to expect you. I could heat something else up."
"That's ok Mrs Lancaster. This is Porter, she's in Trinity house. She's the reason I missed dinner, she's my new charge."

"Ah I see dear, well it comes with the territory, ok take a seat and I will get your supper. Spaghetti bolognaise and French bread sound fine."
"Sounds delicious Mrs Lancaster. You know Sunday nights are all the girls favourites.”

"Porter go and set up one of those chairs so I can have my supper."

Sarah turned around to the empty food hall, went over to the nearest table and took one of the chairs from its upside down position on the table and set it on the floor. She wasn't entirely sure what to do then so she stood at attention and faced into the room, exactly where her finished task had left her.

She was running over in her mind that she was not going to be allowed to eat. Maybe it was just here though and she would get a snack in the dorm. Her eyes flicked to the clock on the wall, instantly reminding herself that she had forgotten to check the time in every room since she left the library. Four rooms she had totally forgotten, she was going to have to do better.

It was now 7:40. She realised that not only hadn't she had anything to eat for about six hours but that she had now been needing to pee for almost an hour. And now it seemed like she would have to stand here and wait until Miss Harper had finished a meal before she would get to see her dorm. She soon smelt a wonderful aroma behind her.

"Here you are my dear, and there is today's paper too. Not sure if you had a chance to read it or not, but thought you might like to while you eat."
"Thanks a lot Mrs Lancaster. That's really thoughtful of you, it's not a lot of fun eating alone."

Sarah's heart sank. Once again she was being treated as if she didn't exist. Or maybe that wasn't quite right. She was being treated as if she didn't matter. She wasn't even sure which was worse. She felt herself on the verge of tears again, so soon after she had felt like she was getting on top of everything.

Sarah remained standing as Harper sat down and began to eat her dinner, reading the paper as she enjoyed the spaghetti bolognaise and wonderfully crunchy French bread. Sarah could smell each and every aroma and from the contented noises her handler was making she knew it was delicious. She heard the pages of the paper turn as Miss Harper ate and a tightness formed in her chest at the humiliation of being ignored.

Sarah felt terrible that someone would rather read a paper than talk to her. She didn't know if Miss Harper was trying to be mean, or maybe she just didn't want to get to be too close friends seeing she was responsible for her. Hell, Sarah didn't know much of anything right now. Apart from the fact she was very hungry and her bladder was now becoming slightly painful. Standing at attention like this, her legs spread slightly was even worse. The relief to be gained from just putting her legs together was sure to be amazing she thought.

"Are you hungry Porter?"
"Oh yes Miss Harper, I haven't eaten anything since lunch."
"I didn't ask for your life story Porter. A simple yes will do."
"Are you hungry?"
"Yes Miss Harper."
"At your feet Porter, I dropped some bread. You can have that if you want."

Sarah looked down at her feet, thoroughly degraded. There was a small broken piece of bread on the floor. Now Sarah was sure that the older girl was simply being mean. They might have tagged her like an animal but she wasn't eating off the floor like one.

"No thank you Miss Harper."

"Well suit yourself, but don't say I wasn't nice to you."

Sarah knew that the older girl was playing mindgames with her but it didn't stop them from working. She was now in two minds about her motivation.

"Well pick it up and put it in my bowl and then you can take them to Mrs Lancaster. Take them straight through to the kitchen," commanded her handler as she continued to read the paper.

Sarah bent down and retrieved the bread from the floor. She felt like a servant now more than ever, following someone around like a puppy and being made to stand at attention in everyone's presence was something she was finding very difficult to get used to but now being ordered around like this made her more fearful that her time with her handler was going to be a little harder to deal with than just some innocent hazing powerplay.

Sarah dutifully placed the bread in the bowl, collected it, the cutlery and the glass and took them past the counter and into the kitchen. She was a little anxious that she would get in trouble for being back here but she been ordered to come after all. She walked into the kitchen and saw Mrs Lancaster sitting at a table with some cookbooks spread out in front of her.

Sarah stood at the entrance to the kitchen and waited to be acknowledged. She waited and waited but Mrs Lancaster did not look up or show any indication she even knew she was there. Sarah was going to stick with her policy of trying to do what she thought right so people would not get angry, so she decided she would have to act.

"Excuse me Ma'am, I have brought Miss Harpers dirty dishes," Sarah said meekly.

Mrs Lancaster didn't move. Sarah started to worry. She knew she wasn't deaf because she had talked with her handler. Sarah knew she would have to be more bold, after all Miss Harper was waiting for her. The anxious young girl advanced further into the kitchen stepping as loudly as she could on the hard linoleum floor.

That seemed to do the trick. Before Sarah could open her mouth to speak again, the seated womans head whipped up and stared at her in shock. Sarah took an involuntary step back.

"What are you doing here?" Mrs Lancaster almost shouted.

"Excuse me Ma'am but I have brought back Miss Harper's dirty dinner dishes," replied the fearful teenager.

It was only then that the woman reached up to her ears and removed the headphones she was wearing. Instantly Sarah could hear the faint tinny music coming from them. No wonder Sarah was able to surprise her.

"What are you doing back hear," Mrs Lancaster repeated, obviously not having heard Sarah's previous response.

"I have brought back Miss Harpers dinner dishes Ma'am."

"Put them in the sink over there and thank Miss Harper for being so thoughtful as to save me going out for them."

Yes, thought Sarah, wasn't Miss Harper thoughtful to have me do this.

"And take a cloth back with you and wipe down the table," directed Mrs Lancaster as she replaced the headphones and continued to peruse her cookbooks.

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied, even though it was doubtful she could be heard.

She took the cloth and marched quickly back to the food hall, a little fearful that she had taken too long. But Miss Harper was still seated and still happily reading her paper.

"You took your time, did you wash the dishes yourself?' joked the prefect.

"No Miss Harper, Mrs Lancaster was liste..."

"Whatever Porter. You can take the paper back to Mrs Lancaster now and tell her thank you from me. And then replace the chair, we have to be going."
"Yes Miss Harper. Mrs Lancaster wanted to thank you for being thoughtful and having the dishes returned and she also wanted me to wipe the table down."
"Well hurry up. I won't wait all night."

Sarah folded the paper and wiped the table down as her handler walked towards the exit. She lifted the chair back on the table and ran back into the kitchen, slowing down just as she entered the doors, put the dishcloth back into the sink and placed the paper on the table. Sarah looked to Mrs Lancaster for guidance but the cook didn't even look up.

"Miss Harper says thank you for the paper," said Sarah hesitantly.

She waited a few seconds, wondering whether she needed to be heard for it to count but was desperate not to be left behind. She decided that was good enough and walked out of the kitchen. As soon as she was around the corner she began to run again, through the serving area, out through the food hall and into the corridor, tiny mincing steps that had her breasts bouncing in the half cups of her bra and her skirt swirling out around her. If she had lost Miss Harper she was doomed, she had no idea where she was. But to her relief the prefect was waiting for her in the corridor, lounging casually against the wall.

"Time to drop you off Porter."

The staircase leading to the first floor was not far away and all Sarah could think of on the way was finally being able to relieve herself. Her need to pee had become a dull throb in her bladder. Needing to pee made her realise that once again she didn't know what the time was. How could she keep forgetting this one simple thing, and forgetting almost every time. It was one of those things that she needed to become a habit she realised so she didn't have to consciously focus on it all the time as there were just too many distractions for her to keep her head straight.

"Now your dorm is on the second floor. First floor are your classrooms and some other boring stuff," intoned the prefect as she started up the stairs.

With her first step on the carpeted stairs, Sarah realised that there was more to walking in heels than she thought. She seemed to have almost mastered walking, and even running, kind of, on flat surfaces but stairs required a little more concentration. She wobbled slightly but kept her balance and managed to be walking normally by the time she reached the second floor landing.

"Once you are logged in to your dorm you are off my hands. I won't see you until lunch tomorrow where I need to supervise you during that free period, so you can wait for me outside the food hall," continued her handler as they ascended the last flight of stairs to the second floor.

The stairs terminated on a landing that had only one exit. A wide corridor led off down the left, a number of doorways leading off both sides. The hallway was a little gloomier than the rest of the school had been, with only every second set of lights turned on. It gave this particular corridor a kind of creepy feeling.

As she followed Miss Harper down the hall she noticed that the ceiling actually alternated sets of lights with large domed skylights. There was almost nothing to see tonight as it was overcast but it must look lovely when the stars and moon are out.

The corridor terminated in an open doorway that led into a brightly lit room filled with girls. Sarah was eager to enter and meet her new schoolmates, girls among whom she was sure to find a great affinity and hopefully make some friends for life. The subdued murmurs from the room quieted as the two girls neared the end of the corridor. Sarah was prevented from seeing fully into the room as Miss Harper ushered her into the doorway closest to the corridors end, knocking on the opened door as she did so.

"Hi Miss Peach. I have your last girl for you."

"Finally," sighed a clearly annoyed woman. She was lounging back on a couch on one side of the room reading a novel. The first thing Sarah noticed was that she was the first person she had seen at Harkwood that was even a little chubby. She wasn't fat she just... filled out her clothes Sarah finished the thought rather kindly.

"Her kits already installed. Her bed is the fourth on the left, name's on the cupboard anyway," continued the reclining woman dismissively.

"Um Miss Peach, I was hoping to leave her with you. Only I have to get back to my own dorm."

Miss Peach looked at the prefect over the top of her book, then at Sarah who was staring at the window on the other side of the room, only barely aware of the movement in her periphery.

"Alright Harper but we better see another maths award out of you this term. Got to keep up the record you know. You toddle off and I will see this one the rest of the way."
"Thanks Miss Peach, and Porter don't forget. Tomorrow lunchtime."

With that her handler literally skipped out of the room and down the corridor. Leaving Sarah with another strange woman, and one which didn't seem to be too happy that her reading had been interrupted.

"This way," Miss Peach snapped as she swayed past Sarah.

The bewildered teen only had time to turn around and take two steps when she was rudely yanked by the ear into the Trinity lounge. Miss Peach had reached out and grabbed the tag hanging from her left ear and dragged Sarah to a small scanner on the wall inside the door. The young girl stumbled forward leaning her head as far forward as she could to prevent the ring being ripped out of her ear.

She was about to cry out when she heard the loud beep in her ear that let her know her location had once again been scanned. That small humiliating sound was enough to keep her mouth shut.

"97817402," stated Miss Peach as she let go of Sarah's tag, allowing the young girl to straighten up to full attention. Sarah stared at the small computer readout on the wall under the scanner. It looked a lot like a security alarm but there weren't any buttons to speak of, just the scanner embedded in the wall and the lit display.

"That's you Porter. 97817402. I know your induction has been severely lacking but that is your fault. You should have been here five days ago. You had better remember your student number and you better provide the correct response."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Close Porter. I am the Housemistress. So to show me the proper respect you refer to me as Mistress. Now try again."
"Yes Mistress." Sarah hoped she could keep all these different terms straight in her mind.

"This is the lounge for Trinity house. Each time you enter or leave you check in by scanning yourself. If there is ever a problem and your correct number is not shown you are to report to my office immediately. Do you know where my office is?"
"Yes Mistress."

"When you leave the lounge out of school hours you are to report your destination and estimated duration of absence. All this information is logged to ensure you are not wandering aimlessly or sitting idle somewhere in the grounds. Your patron is not paying for your tutelage here to be wasted on frivolity or laziness is he?"
"No Mistress," replied Sarah, thinking of her 'patron'. She still wasn't sure how she should feel towards her stepfather for sending her here. She was sure she would be grateful  when she graduated though.

"This area is where you will spend a lot of your time. When class ends for the day you are to come here and complete any homework assignments or work on any projects you may have. Turn around so you can get acquainted."

Sarah turned around and saw the room filled with her housemates. They were all dressed identically to her: in the cute school uniform of Harkwood. The girls were of all shapes and sizes and nationalities but universally pretty and they were all standing at attention. They must have instantly sprung up when Miss Peach entered the room thought Sarah, as she could see little clusters next to small raised platforms around the room and single girls over by a bank of computer terminals against one wall.

"As you can see this room contains everything you will need to continue your education outside of class. We have a number of showing platforms here, computers and plenty of space for special apparatus. Anything you need can be brought in here from other rooms and installed without a problem either at your request or that of a teacher."

Sarah looked around the room, noting the platforms that the housemistress had mentioned; they were raised off the floor about two feet and these were obviously what a lot of the girls had been sitting on. There were two in the far corners of the room that had shiny metal poles in their centre which went all the way to the ceiling.

"Doorway to the left are the toilets and showers. Doorway to the right is the house gym."

At these words Sarah's eyes zoomed in on the left doorway. She was frantic to pee now. She had been waiting desperately ever since she had to provide the sample for the nurse. Starting to pee and then having to stop so quickly afterwards had heightened her need terribly.

"Excuse me Mistress may I go to the toilet," Sarah asked boldly.

"Don't interrupt Porter. Straight ahead is your dorm. Your bed is the fourth on the left. There is a scanner on each doorway just as there is on the main lounge door. You are to scan each time you move between rooms. The computer login is also run by the same system so you login each time by scanning your eartag. Can you imagine how much work it was keeping track of all this before we had the scanners. These last four years have been brilliant."

Sarah was saddened at how easily her request had been dismissed. If she didn't get to go soon, she thought, she would just march off and go anyway and damn the consequences. Sarah laughed scornfully at herself. She knew she wouldn't. She hated getting in trouble, even from her mom, and she hated people being angry at her. She guessed it was what made her such a good student and made all her old teachers like her.

"You can find your bed and kit later, the hot water will be on in two minutes," observed Miss Peach as she glanced at the clock on the wall. Damn thought Sarah, again she hadn't checked the time, it was starting to become a personal peeve with herself.

"Hot water is on for ten minutes. Lights out at nine. Wakeup is six. I don't have anymore time to waste on you tonight, the other girls can fill you in."

And with that the housemistress walked out of the lounge, leaving Sarah standing there unsure of what to do. When she saw all the other girls visibly relax and look at her, she began to relax too. She looked around at the gathered girls. It was a strange mexican standoff with no one moving. Sarah decided that as she was the new girl she would make the first move. These girls were going to be her new best friends for the next 18 months.

"Hi I'm Sar..."

BEEP. A muted bell sounded from the door to the left and every girl moved quickly towards the doorway, leaving a confused Sarah standing on her own in an empty room.

Well that went well, she said to herself dejectedly.

Chapter 5. In which Sarah meets her classmates

A pretty flame-haired head popped around the doorway to the showers as Sarah watched the last of the girls disappear into the annexed room.

"Hey Porter, come on. Only ten minutes of hot water and believe me you don't want to shower in the cold," urged the helpful teen.

Sarah noted her accent as Irish. Sarah had always admired the way the Irish spoke, such a beautiful, almost musical, way of speaking. She hurried towards the doorway, her first port of call would have to be the toilets, not the showers, ten minutes of hot water or not.

She hurried after the other girls, went through the doorway and stopped in her tracks on the threshold. The room was just one big open space. The whole room was tiled in white, with a little band of blue tiles halfway up the wall. The entire right side of the room was delineated by a little raised step to keep the water from the showers spilling out into the other half of the room. The showers themselves were just nozzles pointing down from the wall, there were no cubicles.

Sarah was more shocked to see that there were no cubicles for the toilets either. There were four toilets directly across from her, she realised they could be seen through the open doorway from the lounge. The wall to the left was covered in one huge long mirror, under which was a row of small hand basins.

The dazzled teen noticed all this in an instant, but what drew her attention was the gaggle of girls undressing beside her. Many of the girls were already in their underwear. Sarah watched as they continued to undress, placing each item in white cloth drawstring bags that were hanging from hooks on the wall. Each girl seeming to have her own bag on their own hook.

Sarah stood dumbfounded. She  watched the pretty girls all wearing the same uniform but all in different states of undress. All the girls wore the same half-cup bra as she did, but it seemed every pair of breasts was different: big and small, big nipples, small nipples, dark nipples or light, taut and firm or soft and malleable. They were all contained and supported beautifully, until the bra came off and gravity took hold, allowing the true differences in each bosom to be seen.

Sarah had never seen so many pretty girls in one place and she was extremely self-conscious, knowing she would not measure up. Sarah never really denied to herself that she was cute, but she had that girl next door prettiness. She definitely wasnt beautiful like these other girls.

"C'mon Porter we don't have much time," urged the pretty red-headed Irish girl.

Sarah's eyes flicked to the ever-present clock on the wall. It was just coming up to one minute past eight. Already some girls had completely stripped and were making their way into the shower area.

Sarah made a move towards the toilets. Exposed or not she needed to go and she needed to go now. She didn't even make one step before her arm was grabbed and she was pulled to the side.

"Login first, and hurry," urged the Irish girl, who by now had her blouse off and in a bag.

Sarah stared at the girl as she unclipped her skirt and placed it in her bag. She didn't take her eyes off her as she leant down towards the scanner. The girl was exquisite. Her skin was pure white, her tiny nipples such a delicate shade of pink. With her long deep-red hair and shining green eyes she looked more like a painting than flesh and blood.

The scanner did not beep so Sarah had to reach up to the dangling piece of metal at her ear and twist it around in front of the scanner until it registered. She could just feel the raised side that contained the barcode. Beep, the scanner sounded, producing the familiar crimson flush through the shy teen's cheeks.  

"You can pee in the shower. Trust me it is heaps easier that way. I have to go, I don't want to miss all the hot water." With that the, now naked, helpful teen hurried off to the showers, where Sarah could already see all the other girls.

Sarah had peed in the shower once or twice, but she felt it was a little wrong. To do it in front of these other girls however... but maybe they wouldn't notice. They all seemed pretty busy already. She decided to take a chance and go for it. Haha, she laughed to herself, what a rebel.

She found the bag on the wall that was empty. It was numbered four, which she guessed was the number of her bed as well. There were three rows of six hooks on the wall and hers was the only empty bag, so there were a total of 18 girls in her dorm.

That didn't seem like many, after all she had read on the internet that there were over 200 girls at Harkwood. She remembered back to researching the school when her stepfather had told her of the idea. It had a great website, really professional with heaps of pictures of the girls having fun and learning, running cross country races against other schools, performing concerts and doing charity work. It seemed like a great school and Sarah had pretty much decided on the spot that Harkwood would be a great opportunity.

Sarah thought no more of the numbers as she started to get undressed. She hurriedly removed her uniform, putting each piece of clothing in her bag, except for her bra and tie which she hung from the hook. It seemed that is what all the other girls had done so she felt it best to follow them.

Her shoes were placed on the floor beneath the bags, directly over a number four stencilled on the tiles in bold black type.

Once again Sarah was naked at Harkwood. It seemed like her time here was just a seesaw between nude and clothed, a truly crazy few hours she thought as she scampered over to the showers.

There were only ten showerheads projecting water, five on each side of the small room so some girls were having to share. It seemed they had a pretty good system. The showers were all turned on full so even if you weren't directly under one the lovely warm spray was likely to fall on you somehow.

She hesitatingly stepped over the small lip and moved towards the girl that had been so helpful. She seemed to have a showerhead to herself and Sarah was sure she wouldn't mind her sharing it, or her peeing there as she was the one who had suggested it.

"Murphy," the alabaster girl said cheerily, offering her hand. Sarah shook the outstretched hand, grateful for the first signs of friendship she had so been hoping for here.

"Here, stand under and get wet, wash your hair first. The water doesn't last long and the shampoo here is fantastic. Make sure you wash it each shower, it's amazing," beamed Murphy.

"Thanks I'm Sarah Porter."
"Just Porter is best. All the teachers and staff and prefects all call us by our last names. We all decided it was best if we stuck to those just for a while, it has made it heaps easier. Especially seeing we have two Kates and two Annes," smiled the amiable Irish lass.

Sarah reached out and took the shampoo bottle from a little alcove in the wall under the showerhead. She took a quick glance at the bottle, it was a 2-in-1 shampoo/conditioner. She had tried a few of the combinations before and was sceptical, they never seemed to be as good as the separate products. It was a brand she had never heard of, probably something European, she thought as she squirted a generous measure into her hand.

Sarah could not wait any longer. As she shampooed her hair she gratefully let a long stream of dark yellow urine run down her legs. It was like a huge weight had been taken off her belly. It was the most wonderful feeling, the relief was so intense it was almost pleasurable.

The embarrassed teen looked around the room at the other girls, hoping no one had noticed. She looked at Murphy next to her, she was sure she knew but she didnt seem to care.

"Here, use these gloves, they are great for exfoliating." Sarah took the gloves offered to her and put them on each hand. They were made of a rough, synthetic material and were a pretty deep blue, in keeping with the Harkwood colours.

Sarah continued to wash herself under the beautifully hot water. The temptation to watch the other girls shower was too much, the scene was almost hypnotic. As Sarah lathered the soap between the rough wash gloves she watched the seventeen other teenagers. Everyone was wearing the same blue gloves she had on and all were busy soaping and lathering their beautiful young bodies. It was a strange sight; seventeen naked bodies with little blue hands constantly darting across the shiny flesh. It was like some erotic modern dance recital.

There seemed to be almost every skin tone in the spectrum from the alabaster whiteness of her Irish friend to the deeply tanned skin of one particular tall raven-haired girl. There was even one girl who looked like she was still wearing panties, her tanline was that pronounced. It did seem odd to Sarah that there were no really dark-skinned girls though. That was a really big difference to her school back in the States.

Everyone was slim or athletic in physique. Sarah felt like she was showering with the cheerleaders back home or maybe with a bunch of young models. She imagined that they would have looked like this. She had always avoided gym and the showers, being so studious and the best student in the school had helped her with this. She didn't really pay too much attention to washing herself, just the warm water falling on her body felt good enough to her.

Sarah noticed that she was the smallest girl here. She was not even 5 feet tall, but she was still growing. Well she hoped she was. She hadn't really grown any taller in the last six months. She had not really worried about it until now, but being in a room with seventeen other girls her age really made her feel her size. Of course she was filling out in other ways, her breasts had sure been growing, it was what made her B size breasts seem more like a C.

As she watched the other girls shower, absentmindedly lathering her own body she heard one of the girls nearest the doorway call out "One minute." All the girls burst into a frenzy of activity. There was a good-natured jockeying for position directly under the showerheads to rinse off all the lathered soap. Sarah heard the girls laughing and squealing as they played around under the last of the water. She smiled to herself, the last few humiliating hours were almost beginning to wash away. She was amongst her girls now, laughing and having fun. School was going to be great.

"You have a really cute smile," Murphy complimented, breaking into Sarah's daydreaming. "I just love your dimples."

Sarah blushed, thankful that it would be hidden under the heat of the showers. She was not very good at taking compliments. She had never really had a chance to get used to it.

"You have the most amazing skin Murphy. Its so white, it looks like porcelain," Sarah complimented in kind. She felt strange calling, what she hoped was a new friend, by her last name. It felt terribly impersonal.

"Thanks, you don't get a lot of chance to go sunbaking in Ireland you know," Murphy joked as she turned off the taps. The two girls took off their gloves and placed them in the alcove with the shampoo and soap.

All the girls moved out of the shower area together, there was no reason so stay once the water had gone cold. The sight of seventeen nubile, naked young girls moving through the steam looked to Sarah like something from a movie. All the girls took a towel from a bench outside the showers.

"Ah," groaned Murphy. "These towels are terrible. It's weird how great everything else is, great shampoo, lovely soap, cute uniforms and beautiful sheets but these damn towels are like sandpaper."

Sarah picked up her towel from the pile and started to dry herself off. It was a white towel with the word Trinity embroidered in blue in one corner. She knew immediately what the other girl meant. The white towel was scratchy and rough and felt horrible against her skin. Even once it was wet it did not soften. As the other girls finished drying themselves they wrapped the towels around their hair, piling them on top of their heads like some strange white turban. The girls with short hair simply threw their towels back on the bench.

It was a strange sight to see each girl bend down in front of the scanner inside the doorway, wait for the beep and head out. Sarah wondered why they hadnt put the scanners higher on the walls. She was the shortest girl here and even she had to bend her knees slightly to get her tag in front of the scanner. Surely there couldnt have been shorter girls than her in past years. Sarah looked at Murphy inquiringly.

"Ah we are usually better prepared but when Mistress came in we didn't have a chance to get our toiletry bag from the dorm. Come on, you are in the bed next to me, I'll show you where your stuff is."

Sarah tied her towel on her head and joined the parade of naked girls, leaning down to the scanner and registering her exit from the room. She was not comfortable being naked, not even among all these girls her own age, but it was better than in a strange room with a grown woman. Somehow in those situations she felt she was being judged. The way her breasts swayed and bounced as she walked was still off-putting, but at least here the blouse was not rubbing against her nipples and making them hard. Maybe there was at least one tiny upside to being nude.

As Sarah and Murphy were entering the dorm, they were being passed by the line of girls going the other way, each one carrying a small mesh bag. Sarah waited as two outgoing girls used the scanner before she could proceed into the room. She had no idea why all this was necessary. Scanning the movement from each room had no point that she could see. It just seemed odd to need to know in which exact room they were in, especially inside the dorm.

Once she heard the beep, registering her presence in the room, she got her first look into the dorm proper. It was not a large room, it wasn't as large as the lounge through which she had just passed. There were nine beds ranged down each side of the room and a small doorless cupboard next to each. On the wall at the far end, directly opposite the doorway was a large floor-length mirror almost four feet wide. Sarah quickly looked away at the rest of the room, not wanting to look at the reflection of her naked body standing in the doorway.

The beds were simple: metal framed, thin metal legs with a slim mattress, but they were made immaculately. There was no footboard or headboard but a pillow rested near the wall. The white sheets on each bed were crisply aligned, a small blue band showing where to turn the sheet back, and she was sure that you could bounce a quarter off them, as the saying went.

The cupboard next to her bed looked more like a bookcase, recessed into the wall. From the top of the cupboard hung her skirts and blouses. They had all been removed from their plastic wrappings - six blouses and 2 skirts. Underneath this space there were four shelves. On the top shelf were two large boxes, still sealed and a book, which she could see was the school rules. Second shelf down were her folded socks and panties and bras. The third shelf was bare and the bottom shelf contained her gym shoes and a place reserved for the shoes she had left in the showers, another empty shoe sized spot and a small box of shoe cleaning materials. This now seemed to be the entirety of her possessions at Harkwood.

It didn't amount to much. But what will I really need thought Sarah, everything will be provided for. Still she couldn't help but feel a little strange and a little sad that this small cupboard was everything she was allowed and none of it felt like it was truly hers.

Sarah reached up to a small hook that hung at the top of the cupboard near her skirts and removed the mesh bag the other girls carried. She turned around to look for Murphy but realised she was alone in the dorm. She hurried to catch up to the other girls. She was really relying on them, needing to follow their lead. They had all been here some time, had most likely read the rules and knew what to do and what was to happen.

She leant down to the scanner before leaving. She waited exasperatedly for the beep and when it didnt sound, reached up and grabbed the tag and held it before the scanner angrily. This really was annoying, but all the other girls seemed to have no trouble so she would just have to persevere. She was dying to ask them how they felt about being tagged like an animal. Through all the humiliating situations she had been in since her arrival, the degrading tag was by far the worst.

All the girls were now lined up at the basins along the far wall. There were only six basins so many girls were just waiting for their turn to brush their teeth, chatting amiably. Sarah took this opportunity to look at the contents of her bag. It held a small toothbrush, the handle was much smaller than she was used to, it seemed only about three inches long. A small tube of toothpaste, a small brush and three tampons with an applicator in a smaller plastic bag. Sarah noticed the absence of any makeup or even deodorant.

When she asked Murphy she was told that the soap they used to shower with was some special formula that killed all the bacteria that actually cause body odour so there was no need for deodorant.

"I know it sounds a bit strange but it's true."
"What's in the two big boxes," inquired Sarah. "I noticed everyone's are still sealed."

"Well that's just it isn't it. Theyre sealed," teased Murphy. "I guess we'll find out tomorrow, but I reckon it's all our text books and stuff, you know pens and all that other stuff we will need for classes."

Sarah found it hard to take her eyes off the Irish teen. She was captivating. But she felt it would be rude to keep staring so Sarah took this opportunity to look at the other girls. Just quick glances here and there, nothing creepy.

Not only was the inquisitive girl fascinated by the different sizes and shapes of the other girl's breasts but their pubic regions were also a source of immense interest. Some girls had thick thatches of pubic hair in large triangles that seemed to fill the space between their legs - these must look terrible in their small white panties thought Sarah. Others had just downy patches like herself, some girls had shaved or waxed their pubic hair into just a thin strip and some were totally bare.

One of these smooth girls stood out from the rest by her behaviour. She was extremely sexy, overtly so. The way she moved was more like sashaying than walking, her hips moved so enticingly and her full pouting lips seemed so inviting. Sarah had trouble keeping her eyes moving once they had found her. She wasn't a lesbian, even now she wasn't turned on looking at her it was just that she had never seen a girl move and act like this.

"Yeah that's Casta," offered Murphy, noticing Sarah's preoccupation. "She's French and she's a tart. She's been telling stories for days now about all the things she has done and she diddles herself every night under the sheets."

Sarah looked shocked at this information. Not that she demonised anyone for masturbating but in a room full of other girls and every night! Sarah locked her door and made sure everyone else was asleep or out of the house when she pleasured herself. She honestly didnt quite get the big deal with it, but she certainly didnt want anyone else knowing about it.

"And she has some weird ideas. You know all this stuff we have to do, you know with the prefects and the staff and standing at attention and these damn things," complained Murphy as she flicked the metal tag hanging from her own left ear. "Well Casta reckons it's because this isn't really a normal school at all, it's a sex school and we are being made into sex slaves to be sold to rich Arabs for their harems." At this Murphy burst out laughing, her wonderful, musical laugh was infectious. Sarah started to giggle too.

"But really," Murphy continued, "we have been brainstorming it for a few days between us girls and we reckon that it's some kind of initiation thing. You know when we get to be seniors we'll do the same things. You must know all about this stuff, they do it all the time in the States right."

"Yeah, at college they do it a lot," Sarah agreed. Just hearing that someone had the same theory that she had contemplated made her extremely happy.

"Our turn," exclaimed Murphy, stepping up to a basin, while Sarah took the one next to her.

Sarah looked at herself in the mirror, took the towel off her head, giving her hair a final dry. She was about to wrap it about her body when Murphy snatched it and threw it with hers on the pile of used towels.

"Not allowed, it's not part of the official uniform so you can't use it to approximate clothes. Weird, but that's the English for ya," laughed the flaming-haired teen.

Sarah started to brush her hair, watching herself in the mirror. She watched as her breasts swayed and moved with each brushing movement. It seemed that everything she did highlighted her nudity. Being surrounded by other naked girls helped a little, as she felt she could blend in and kind of get missed in this crowd of beautiful girls, but it couldnt make those self-conscious feelings go away.

As she flicked her hair around with the brush she became fascinated by the small metal tag that dangled from her left ear. It was about an inch long and sparkled in the bright lights that illuminated the room, reflecting off the tiles and mirrors allowing almost no shadows to be cast. It was attached to her ear by a small silver ring. It looked strange, only having one earring, it seemed almost pirate-like thought Sarah. She would have laughed to herself over that if the burden of the humiliation had not been so great.

“Dont worry about it,” said Murphy, trying to cheer her up. “We all have one, think of it as a mark of our sisterhood. I know you must be more used to that kind of stuff, you know with thinking about college and your sororities. We dont have that stuff over here, so its really all new for most of us.”

Sarah looked at her friend in the mirror, noting the shiny silver tag dangling from the redheads left ear, jumping on the small ring as she brushed her own luxuriant hair. She glanced at the other basins at the other young girls, brushing their hair or teeth. She could see the glint coming from each girls left ear. But no matter how hard Sarah tried she couldnt reconcile this degrading jewellery to herself.

“Well why dont all the girls from the other houses wear them,” pined Sarah. “I saw a few other girls and none of them had them.”

“Yeah we have tried to figure that one out. We all got an ID too right. Well it looks like the other girls get to carry bags around with them, you know for books and stuff and they have purses in their bags too. We still havent figured out why we dont have bags though,” admitted Murphy between bouts of brushing her teeth. “I mean there are some weird things that just Trinity house has but then we get some great perks too. Our lounge is way bigger than the other houses, I saw my handlers on my tour, and we even have our own gym.”

Sarah pondered this as she brushed her own teeth with the tiny toothbrush. Both this and the hairbrush had little handles, like they were for a child or a doll or something. It definitely made brushing her teeth a little more awkward. Just then Sarahs stomach grumbled. Brushing her teeth had made her remember how hungry she was, not having eaten for eight hours already. She hadnt gone to bed without dinner since she was about six.

“Hey Murphy, do you think the other girls seem to resent us because we are much smarter than them,” asked Sarah, continuing their conversation as they finished getting ready for bed.

“Well I think that theory is shot out of the water by the presence of Mitchell, she is dumb as a bag of hammers,” Murphy nodded her head towards a large-breasted girl at a basin further along the wall. “Nah it seems that they resent us because we are all here because of our rich families.”

Murphy had moved over to the clothes bags by the entrance, she took down her bra and tie and picked up her shoes before heading out of the room. Sarah followed her lead, depositing her clothes back in her cupboard, watching Murphy like a hawk to see where everything went. Sarah didnt know what she would have done without the help of the pretty Irish teen.

It was only as she watched the other girls sit on their beds, or climb under the sheets, that she realised all of them were doing this still naked. It had only just now dawned on her that she had not been issued any pyjamas. Sarah pulled back her top sheet and scooted under the covers.

“Murphy, you think its strange we dont have any pyjamas?”
“Yeah, but I only slept in panties before anyway and really who cares,” replied Murphy. “I guess I could still wear panties but none of the other girls have bothered so why should I, besides we have a pair for each day, dont wanna use em to wear to bed. And Porter, call me Murph.”

“Thanks Murph. I hope that you will be my friend, you seem really neat,” commented Sarah hesitantly. She hadnt much experience with friends: making them or keeping them.

“Ah itll be grand Port,” beamed the Irish teen, propping her head up on one elbow to look at Sarah.

Sarah smiled as she propped her pillow up against the wall and sat up in bed, hugging the sheet across her chest. She had never had a nickname before and this small gesture of friendship almost overwhelmed her.

Most of the other girls were in bed as well, talking softly to the girls in the beds next to them. Out of the corner of her eye she noticed something on the wall beside her. She turned her head to look and noticed that a large metal ring about two inches in diameter hung from the wall. She looked around the room and noticed there were two of these above each bed. Sarah looked to her right and sure enough there was a second ring on the wall above her bed.

“Yeah, they are on the floor to, and in the lounge and in the gym as well. We have been trying to figure out what this place was before it was a school. Casta reckons it was an asylum but that chick is full of bollocks. Most of us just think it was an old manor house, the big gym court was probably for indoor tennis, they used to play that you know.”

Sarah looked hopefully at her new friend, but she wasnt so sure.

CLANG. All heads turned to the doorway where a white metal gate had shut across the opening. It looked exactly like a prison gate: thick metal bars running from ceiling to floor, all within a rectangular frame. Sarah looked around the room in a panic but all the other girls were just settling down in bed. All lights in the room and the lounge outside went out simultaneously, plunging the room into darkness.

“Where the hell did that door come from,” whispered the terrified Sarah, the sudden eerie darkness making her feel frightened of making too much noise.

“Its recessed in the wall, closes every night at nine sharp, lights out. It opens again at six, no need for an alarm clock.”

“But, but what if theres a fire or something. Surely thats against the law.”
“We arent supposed to talk after lights out. So night Port, see you in the morning.”

Murphy leaned out of her bed and extended an arm to Sarah. Sarah looked over, she could see the shape of Murphys bared breast in the gloom, her pale skin seemed to be glowing in the dim light. Sarah reached out and took Murphys extended hand and they squeezed together in mutual comfort, all too briefly.

Sarah lay back and looked at the huge glass skylights. Almost the entire ceiling was glass and as time went on the gloom receded enough for her to make out an occasional cloud and once or twice a fleeting glimpse of a star.

Sarah heard a strange muffled sound, coming from the other side of the room. She raised herself on her elbows and peered into the shadows. All the other girls lay flat in bed, but in the bed three down, the sheet was raised in a big tented shape. This was where the noise was coming from. It took Sarah only moments to realise it was Castas bed and she had drawn her legs up and was pleasuring herself.

Sarah didnt think she could sleep, her mind was already whirling around with hundreds of thoughts intruding on one another, not allowing her the chance to fully focus on just one. But she was exhausted from the long flight and the degrading afternoon and evening at Harkwood. She slowly drifted off, the last moments before she slept filled with the soft moans of pleasure from the masturbating French girl.

Chapter 6. In which Sarah begins her schooling

Sarah woke with a start. She shot up in bed, disorientated. It took the bewildered teen a moment to remember where she was, the sight of a room full of naked girls emerging from their beds helping to cement her in time and space. The nudity of the pretty teens also reminded her of her own lack of clothing and she pulled the sheet up over her breasts.

Sarah couldn't believe that she had slept so soundly. She had not dreamed at all, at least she couldn't remember any of them. The last thing she remembered was looking at the ceiling and hearing the French girl pleasure herself under the covers. She lay back in bed and looked at the ceiling, the magnificent skylights allowing her to see the beautiful azure sky as they flooded the room with early morning sunlight. She watched as clouds skidded across the pale morning sky. She could stay in bed all day and watch this, she thought.

"Port, come on," urged a voice to her right.

Sarah looked over to see Murphy, already out of bed, toilet bag in hand. She sat up in bed again and noticed that most of the girls had already left the dorm.

"Hot water starts when the gate opens at six. Just ten minutes as usual."

Sarah almost jumped up out of bed. She was reticent to leave not only the comfort of the bed, and it was a wondrously comfortable mattress, but also the cover of the sheets. She dreaded walking around unprotected again. The amazing naked body of her alabaster-skinned friend, so close and so exposed did nothing but reinforce Sarah's own concerns about her lack of covering. She grabbed her bag and scurried into the showers remembering, with slight annoyance, to register her tag at each door.

She joined the other girls already lathering their bodies under the steaming water, jetting from all ten showerheads. Sarah sought out Murphys white form amongst the girls but noticed she was already sharing a showerhead with another girl. There was a space free next to the large-breasted girl called Mitchell that Murphy had pointed out to her last night. Sarah hung up her small mesh bag on her hook, noticing that all the cloth bags containing their clothes had been removed during the night.

"Hi I'm Mitchell," the buxom girl smiled at Sarah.

"Porter," Sarah offered.

"You're little," Mitchell stated, looking down at Sarah as she continued to run her blue-gloved hands over her body.

Sarah wasn't sure how to react. She knew she was the smallest girl here but Mitchell was only about five foot four. It wasn't like she towered over her. Sarah put on her own set of gloves from the alcove under the shower-head. It seemed like the gloves were just for universal use and obviously one-size fits all. She began washing herself, running the rough gloves over every inch of her flesh. When it came to washing between her legs she made sure to be quick. The rough gloves felt amazingly good on her sex and she didn't want any of the other girls to think she was playing with herself if she lingered.

"You're American?" questioned Mitchell as she ran her hands over her large breasts. Sarah marvelled at their size. They were clearly the largest of any girl in Trinity house. They were easily D but looked really good on her frame: broad-shouldered and thin-waisted, a real hourglass figure.

"Yeah I am," Sarah replied, continuing to watch as Mitchell washed her breasts, lifting them up and sliding her hand underneath. They were nowhere near as pert as her own breasts Sarah observed, but they were still pretty firm, almost as if the skin was having trouble holding them all in.

"You don't sound like a real American. Do you live in Hollywood?"

"No, I used to live in Washington." What the hell was a real American, Sarah thought.

"I would live in Hollywood. Do you like school?"


"I don't. I want to act and knowing how to spell or who the Prime Minister is won't help that. Do you like movies?"

"Yeah I guess," replied Sarah, now slightly bewildered by the barrage of nonsensical questions.

"I do too. Do you like Angelina?"

"Um yeah she's ok I guess."

"I do. I want to be just like her. I wanted to dye my hair like hers but my guardian said no. He has weird ideas, he wouldn't let me get a tattoo either."

"One minute," one of the girls yelled.

Thank god for that thought Sarah. She managed to quickly rinse off and get out of the showers before the hot water ran out, meeting up with Murphy after they had both snatched towels from the pile. Murphy was all smiles.

"Sorry Port, I saw you got caught up with Mitchell. Did she get started on Angelina Jolie?

"Yeah," cringed Sarah.

"Obsessed much."

Both girls laughed as they continued to dry their hair. Sarah started to notice a weird noise coming from the gaggle of naked teens to her left.  She looked at Murphy, eyebrows raised.

"Hair dryer," she answered the unasked question. There's just the one and we try to all have a fair go, best to get your hair as dry as you can first."

"Why didn't we use it last night?"

"It's only turned on for the morning shower. It's not like a normal one, it's just a big tube from the wall but it gets the job done. I brush my hair and use a towel while I wait, then I just use it to finish it off."

Sarah retrieved her brush with Murphy and waited her turn at the dryer. As the other girls started to disperse she got her first glimpse of the humming contraption. Murphy's description was pretty much spot on. It was just a big piece of ribbed tubing snaking from a hole in the wall down near the floor.

The tubing was around three feet long. Sarah could see a white section of plastic flipped up to reveal the hole in the wall into which it was plugged. It was currently being used by an Asian girl, bent over at the waist to allow the tubing to reach her hair.

Sarah waited a minute or two until the Asian girl finished and it was Murphy's turn. She watched as her friend took the tube and bent over and began to dry the remnants of moisture from her thick burgundy hair. Sarah could not help but notice the tight pink labia of Murphy's vagina poking out between her legs. There was no hair on her sex itself, just a thin thatch of red curls on her mons. The young girl looked casually around the room and then glanced back at the peeking pussy. She could only see Murphy's outer lips, those delicate inner folds hidden entirely. Sarah knew that this is what hers would look like when she went to dry her own hair and she blushed at the mere thought of it.

She didn't want to be accused of anything perverted so she stepped to the side, but even there she was treated to a view of Murphy's pure white breasts hanging pendant beneath the teens bent body, pale blue veins visible beneath the alabaster skin. She watched as Murphy's shiny red hair was blown in waves around the teens head and bent body. It was beautiful, almost cinematic she thought.

Murphy straightened up and handed the tube to Sarah to use. She hesitatingly bent over and began to dry her hair, knowing what a sight she was causing for the remaining girls waiting. She focused on drying her hair as quickly as possible so she could straighten up and get out of there. Once dry she handed the tube to the next girl, moved away and brushed her hair a few last times in the mirrors over the basin to ensure it was looking nice. She had to admit, the gentle blowdrying action of the air from the tube had made her slightly wavy hair look beautiful and soft. It cascaded down across her shoulders, seeming even fuller than usual. It just wasn't long enough to fully come down and cover her chest though, at the front the tips just brushing the top her breasts.

Sarah left the shower room, picking up her bag on the way. When she got back to the dorm she noticed it was a hive of activity, her classmates in various states of undress. It was definitely a sight to see: seventeen girls all getting dressed in the exact same clothes in the exact same way - socks, shoes, panties, bra, skirt, blouse, tie.

Sarah made her way to her own cupboard and began to clothe herself. She was soon standing once again in the high heels, the familiar stretching sensation in her calves was back but it did not seem to be as bad as the day before, but then again Sarah thought, the day hasn't even really begun yet. At least there would be a lot of sitting during class she thought. As she slipped her panties up her legs she tried to get an idea of the day ahead.

"So what happens next Murph?"

"Breakfast is at seven sharp. We have to be in the food hall by then, not just getting there. We get served before all the other girls, which is pretty good. Today is different though, because after that I guess we have class. Up till now we have just been spending our days together, mostly in the lounge so I'm not really sure."

Sarah continued to dress, adjusting her breasts into her bra and quickly adding her skirt, blouse and tie. She had noticed that all the other girls with long hair had put theirs up in ponytails so Sarah took the hairband she had been issued and followed suit, leaving a few stray strands to frame her face, as the hair was a little too short around her fringe to make it into the tail.

The uniformed teen then stepped over to join Murphy at the big mirror at the end of the dorm. This was the first time she had a chance to see herself in uniform. What a sight she made. From head to toe she looked the quintessential schoolgirl. Sarah had to admit that she did look cute in the uniform. She actually doubted that anyone from her old school would even recognise her out of her baggy, layered clothing.

Her legs were slim and the high heels made them seem even more toned. The bands of colour on her legs looked more than a little sexy: white socks to the knee, then the flesh of her thigh until it met the blue of her pleated skirt. The blouse was tight across her chest and the pretty sleeves high up on her arms accentuated her lithesomeness.

Sarah looked herself in the eye. She definitely did look cute, from her straight, small button nose, her pouty lips framing her little mouth to her wide brown eyes. But the whole look was ruined by the small metal tag dangling from her left ear. Sarah could not help but focus on it. It was the only piece of jewellery she was wearing and it hung so prominently when her hair was up.

"Port you are so cute," observed Murphy standing next to her, watching her in the mirror.

"Thanks Murph," Sarah blushed. "You are beautiful though. You could so be a model." This was not just empty flattery. Sarah thought the Irish teen was one of the most beautiful girls she had ever seen, much more attractive than half the stick-thin, so called supermodels.

"Ah Port, not sure about that. Who would want to do that, having people perv on you all day and just stand around wearing weird clothes."

Both girls laughed and headed out of the dorm, ready for their first day of school.

"Don't we have to make our beds?" inquired Sarah, seeing the 18 dishevelled beds in the dorm.

"Nah, they are made by the maid. It's great, it's like being in a hotel. We haven't seen her do them but a couple of girls got a glimpse of her one day. She was in a proper uniform too, you know those little black and white things they used to wear in the olden days. She even had the little hat on. It was so cool," Murphy described enthusiastically.

All the girls were just hanging around in the lounge, sitting on the platforms or standing in small groups. Sarah wondered why they hadn't already headed down to the food hall, so she asked her friend.

"Well we have to get there before seven but it's still a quarter to. We have to get there before but not too much before. A few of the girls got in trouble one day because they were just milling around too early. They each got an infraction for that."

"What are those Murph? They go on our permanent record but what do we get from them, detention or something.

Not sure. We all have one. Most of the girls have one, I think Mitchell has two though."

Sarah's heart sank. Most of the girls have one, she had said. And how many did she have? Nine or was it ten?

"How many do you have Port, probably none, hey, seeing as you were only here for an afternoon."

"Um, I have nine I think," replied the crestfallen teen.

'Holy shit," exclaimed her friend. "I am so sorry. Maybe it won't be so bad seeing that school hadn't even started yet," Murphy said with little conviction.

"Shh, here comes Miss Peach," whispered one of the girls.

Every schoolgirl stood instantly at attention. In one second the humiliation of the previous day was slammed back into the forefront of Sarah's brain.

"What is going on here?" bellowed Miss Peach. "Why aren't you lined up? This isn't some lazy holiday. School has started. Haven't any of you slovenly girls read your school rules? Now get lined up. Two lines in front of the door. One to nine here, ten to eighteen here."

There was a frantic shuffling as the girls moved themselves into the positions they had been shown, lining up according to the numbers assigned to their beds.

"Right line move to your right, closer to the other. Keep moving, closer. Until you are almost touching," commanded the housemistress, her stern voice accompanied by the sounds of nine pairs of high heels shuffling on the hard wooden floors.

"Tighten up the lines, close those gaps. You should be close to the girl in front but not touching."

There was more shuffling as the girls took tiny steps forward to close the gaps producing two near solid lines of uniformed teen flesh.

"Before scanning you are to state your student number, loudly and clearly. If there is any discrepancy between your number and the readout you are to report to me immediately. Now because of your time wasting you are going to have to hurry to get to breakfast on time. You will move out in order, remaining in orderly lines, no running. Once you have cleaned up after breakfast you are to report back here. Move it."

The first girl exploded into movement, quickly stating her number, scanning her tag and moving off briskly down the corridor. Each girl followed, seemingly in a game of follow the leader. Down the corridor and two flights of stairs the extended line of schoolgirls snaked, ending at the door to the food hall where the two identical columns of girls reformed.

Sarah was desperately hoping they had arrived in time, she assumed the punishment for lateness was missing out on the meal as she had done last night with dinner. She was ravenous now, having not eaten anything for more than 16 hours. She realised if she had looked at the clock before leaving the lounge she would know if they had made it. She cursed herself for not remembering and she was angry that she had let herself down. She had to start early in reversing that behaviour.

There was a metallic clang from inside the food hall and the lines of girls were moving. Obviously this was the signal that breakfast was served, the bewildered teen mused. She glanced at the clock as she entered and there it was seven o'clock on the dot. Her classmates moved directly to the front of the hall, each girl picking up a plastic tray as they moved along the bench.

Behind the counter there were four women. Mrs Lancaster was the only one Sarah recognised. There seemed to be three stations. At the first Sarah was handed a bowl of porridge. It was a lumpy goop the colour of cream. She had heard of porridge but she had never had it. Wisps of steam rose from the hot contents of the plastic bowl. Next a piece of doughy bread was added to the tray and lastly a small glass of orange juice. Sarah picked up a plastic spoon and left the counter, following the girl in front of her.

It seemed the girls were headed to the very far corner of the room. When Sarah arrived she noticed that these two tables were different from the rest in the room. All the other tables had plastic chairs. They were now all situated under the tables but Sarah had seen them all stacked neatly atop them last night when she had watched her handler devour a late supper.

But the two tables that the Trinity girls were seating themselves at had small, round plastic stools that extended from the floor on single metal poles. They were obviously not movable. As the other girls seated themselves, Sarah noticed that the stools were set back from the tables causing each girl to lean forward to eat their meals.

Sarah positioned herself on the stool next to Murphy, placing her tray on the table in front. As she sat down she noticed that the flesh of her bare buttocks was in contact with the stool. She looked down the row and noticed the skirts of all the girls flared out behind the stools, completely hiding the round plastic seats, creating the illusion that the girls were sitting on the poles themselves. The sensation was strange, she knew she was clothed but the feeling of her bare buttocks on the seat made her feel like she wasn't wearing anything at all.

"We reckon it's to stop the spillage of food on our uniforms but we are the only house who uses these seats so... It's one of those weird things Port and as you are noticing there's quite a few, volunteered her friend as she stirred her porridge.

Sarah looked at the other girls already eating their breakfast and decided it was best to start.  She leant forward on the stool and dipped her spoon in the porridge. She noticed that to eat properly she had to lean quite a way forward and to spread her knees a little to keep her balance. The first spoonful of porridge she brought to her mouth looked dreadful. It honestly looked like something someone had already eaten and spat out, but it smelt quite nice and when she finally tasted it she was pleasantly surprised. It was nice and sweet, completely at odds with the way it looked.

Sarah was soon joining the other girls in greedily devouring the small morning meal. It was not long before her bowl was almost empty and she was using her piece of thick doughy bread to clean up the last few bits sticking to the side.

She had to admit, she might not have sat more uncomfortably to have breakfast but she had rarely had a better tasting one. She was beginning to sip her orange juice, which still contained the pulp, just the way she liked it, when the other girls from the school started to meander through the doorway in ones or twos. Sarah sat back on her stool and watched the other Harkwood girls.

She was about to turn to Murphy to ask a question when she glanced under her table. She was shocked to discover that she could see straight up the skirt of the girl opposite. She could see the girls white panties as they met the black base of the stool, the flesh of bare thighs compressed against the smooth plastic seat. Sarah's eyes flicked along under the table as far as she could see from this angle and saw another two pairs of white panties framed by the spread thighs and taut blue school skirt. This was what she must have looked like while eating her breakfast. She lowered her eyes as she felt her face start to heat up. All thoughts of talking to her friend momentarily forgotten in her humiliation.

The lunchroom soon filled with the sounds of hundreds of girls chattering away. Sarah finished her orange juice and turned to Murphy who was watching the girls from the other houses. She was about to speak when she noticed one of the Trinity girls at the second table stand. Sarah glanced up and noticed that Mrs Lancaster was coming towards their tables.

Sarah stood up, stepped behind her stool and stood at attention. She looked straight ahead, into the eyes of the girl across the table. The pretty teen gave her the briefest of smiles. Sarah didn't even know her name, she would have to make more of an effort throughout the coming days to get to know the other girls in her house. She couldn't just stick with Murphy the whole time.

"Morning girls."

"Morning Ma'am," all 18 Trinity girls intoned.

"I know you haven't been issued with your Trinity house manual yet so I am here to explain the Food Hall rules. Trinity house eats first at the breakfast meal. This is to allow you time to finish your meal before commencing clean-up duty. As soon as all the girls from the other houses have been served and seated you are to bring up your trays and then you can begin to clear the tables as the other girls finish. You will know when all the girls have been served when the small red light above the counter goes on, this denotes end of service.

"There are 18 stations around the walls of the room. They are all marked. You find your station and begin clearing tables as you see other students finish and leave. Don't worry about them dawdling over meals, they have places to be too. Place all empty trays on the counter, they will be dealt with by the staff. Once tables are clear they are to be cleaned and all chairs are to be neatly tucked underneath."

Sarah watched as the pretty girls face across from her moved into a frown. Obviously this had not been how the meals had gone here previously.

"You are to clear your sections first, and only then may you move on to other sections. Once all sections are clear you are to move back to your station and the staff will provide a final inspection. Once approved you are to move off to class. This hall must be spotless by 8:20. You don't leave until it is and if that means you are late for class then so be it. Is all that clear?"

"Yes Ma'am," the girls replied in unison.

With that she turned around and walked back into the kitchen. As she left, the Trinity girls sat down slowly, finishing their breakfasts if they had not already done so.

"Well that sucks, we have to clean up after everyone? Every time? This is getting stupid," said a pretty blonde girl at the end of the table.

Sarah looked at the tables around her, at the girls from the other houses. A number of them were looking at her with disdain and some groups were looking over and laughing, obviously making fun of the girls from Trinity house, the small group of girls at the school that were treated so differently.

Honestly, thought Sarah, there better be some pretty good payoff for all this. Hopefully a guaranteed placement at some top university or something. Murphy just sat next to Sarah quietly pondering.



"Penny for your thoughts," Sarah elaborated.

"Just thinking. She said after every meal but she didn't say for how long. I thought maybe it was a different houses turn every few weeks or something. Like a roster. But she said that there were specifically 18 positions. Eighteen girls in Trinity house. That's not a coincidence. It looks like we are stuck with this for good."

"Lights on," whispered someone. Almost as one the girls from Trinity house stood up. They all picked up their trays and moved through the tables full of other girls to the counter at the front of the room. As they moved past the tables they caught snippets of conversation, most of it about them and most of it derogatory. Sarah wasn't sure why, if it was only Trinity house doing all these humiliating tasks, the other houses had such dislike for them.

Once their trays were stacked on the counter the girls scattered throughout the room looking for their station. Sarah and Murphy stuck together, knowing that station three should be right next to station four. They headed straight for the walls and began to walk around the room.

Sarah soon noticed what the stations they were after looked like. She saw a small '16' stencilled on the floor. They continued walking along the wall of the room. The next number they saw was a '7'. It was then that it dawned on both of the girls that the numbers weren't in order. They looked across the room and noticed that the same realisation was being made by all the Trinity students, a collective epiphany. Sarah noticed that the Asian girl had found her station but she was the only one.

Sarah and Murphy began to move faster. They kept moving around the wall, trying to be systematic and ensure they found their station as fast as possible. Sarah noticed that Mitchell had panicked and was starting to move from one side of the room to the other looking for her number. She had sympathy for the girl but couldn't spare the time to help her.

There was '3'. Murphy clasped Sarah's hand and squeezed before standing at attention facing into the room. They hadn't been told to stand at attention but it made sense, with staff and prefects possibly moving around the room. She had to walk past two more empty stations and another that was occupied by the tall black-haired teen before she found the '4' stencilled on the ground. Sarah dutifully stood at attention. Her eyes rested briefly on the clock, it read 7:46. She hoped that the seated schoolgirls would hurry up and finish their breakfast as she wasn't sure how long it would take to clear all these trays.

It was then that she saw Mitchell still frantically moving around looking for her station. Sarah watched with relief as the large-breasted teen noticed the only empty spot around the walls and hurried there.

They didn't have long to wait before the other girls began to get up from their tables and leave the food hall. Sarah began to watch her section, waiting for a table to be fully emptied. It was 7:54 and she had only just started to clear her section. She was worried now that they would not be able to clear the room in just over 20 minutes.

Sarah moved to her first empty table and collected all the bowls and spoons and glasses together on the one tray, stacking up all the empty trays underneath. She had stacked nine trays from her table before she started to take them up to the counter, making sure she carried them far enough away from her body to prevent her blouse getting dirty. As she arrived she noticed other girls were depositing their own stacked trays.

She turned and rushed immediately back to her station to clear her remaining tables. The last of the other students were exiting the food hall, leaving just Sarah and her housemates scurrying around the room clearing tables and busing trays. As she returned her second set to the counter she noticed Mitchell returning with one tray in each hand. Sarah couldn't believe that the stupid girl was bringing up only two trays at a time. They would be here all morning at that rate.

"Mitchell, stack the trays on top of each other like everyone else, see," Sarah pointed to the piles of stacked trays on the counter.

"Thanks," said the clearly distressed teen.

As she picked up a dishcloth from the counter Sarah wondered if Mitchell knew that she was dumb. She thought it must be terrible not to be able to comprehend such simple things. She wiped down the two tables she had cleared and pushed the chairs in under the tables, before moving on to the next table in her section. Sarah had worried about cleaning the whole room but almost all the trays had disappeared now and most girls were wiping down their areas with the small, damp cloth they had been issued.

Sarah took the last set of trays to the counter and hurried back to her section, cleaning and straightening the last two tables. She looked around and spotted a table in another section and went to wipe it down. It only took another couple of minutes before the rest of the room was cleaned and straightened. The eighteen teenagers moved back to their stations as they had been instructed. Sarah glanced at the clock, it was 8:16. They had done it. It was strange but Sarah felt a definite sense of achievement for completing the task.

Once all the girls were back on station, Mrs Lancaster and the other three women came out of the kitchen and began to walk around the room, checking each table.

"These chairs here are not straight. There are numerous tables with chairs out of alignment. The backs of the chairs have to be in a straight line with the table, one inch from the edge. Move it."

There was a mad scramble as girls rushed to fix the alignment of the chairs, desperately hoping to get it done in time. Each girl could only worry about her own section, there simply wasn't time to check too far afield. In only a minute all girls were back on station and standing at attention, hoping the second inspection had been passed. The four women critically eyed every table and chair.

"It will pass," conceded Mrs Lancaster and the four women walked back into the kitchen.

Sarah smiled and glanced quickly at the clock. Her spirits sank as she saw it was 8:22. They had competed their task, yes, but they had gone over time. She wasn't sure what would happen but as with failing to do anything she was sure it wouldn't be good. It occurred to all the girls at once that they had been dismissed and they hurried, almost as one unit, back to their dorm.

Miss Peach was waiting for them when they arrived.

"Your form class starts at 8:30. You had better hurry. Room 2C. Everyone be sure to take your studies box marked '11'."

All eighteen girls rushed the doorway to the dorm at once. There was an immediate bottleneck as they scrambled to register on the way in, snatch the larger of their two sealed boxes and head back into the lounge, the outgoing girls getting in the way of the incoming girls still trying to register. Sarah realised quickly how important being on time really was. The need to register between each doorway slowed things down immensely.

The scurrying gaggle of girls hurried out of the lounge and down the stairs. Sarah had no idea where room 2C was but luckily the building had a fairly linear plan. Their form room was the third room down the corridor from the first floor landing. When Sarah arrived the girls were all forming themselves into two neat lines. No one was sure they had to do this but it seemed it had simply started to happen.

There was a lot of shuffling and jockeying for position as the girls arrived in random order, each carrying the large cardboard box in front of them. There were no clocks in the corridor so it was impossible to tell if they were on time or late, or indeed if they were early and would have to wait. The two rows of tightly packed teenage flesh had only just settled down when a loud electronic bell sounded throughout the school. Sarah looked around but could not see any sort of loudspeaker system, but she assumed this was what was being used and the strangely muted sound was the call to class.

The door in front of them swung open. A tall, Amazonian figure stepped into the corridor to survey the silent and still group of girls. The woman was six foot tall with long, pitch-black hair that hung straight down, framing her angular face. She had a little dark mascara on each eye that gave her an exotic look. A look accentuated by her full figure. She was definitely a beauty, thought Sarah. Lucky she was in an all girl school, because the boys at her old school would be left drooling on their desks if they had her as a teacher.

You each have an assigned seat. Proceed inside and stand next to your position.

Her voice was strong and sonorous but her manner of speaking was crisp and clipped. It was an odd combination, thought Sarah. She was hopeful. She felt a good vibe from this woman. She couldnt say why, and she laughed a little to herself for using the term good vibe but she couldnt think of any other way to put it.

The girls moved into the room in order, from one to eighteen, as their little experience so far today had shown them. Inside the room were eighteen desks arrayed in three rows of five and a final row, at the back of the room, of three. The first girl inside the room, scanned her eartag and moved to the far desk in the front row and stood at attention beside it. Each girl simply followed suit, filling up the desks from front to back.

Sarah had never seen a classroom like this one it was definitely not what she was expecting. The other classrooms she had glimpsed on her tour last night had been the standard setup: rows of desks, blackboard at the front, teachers desk in the front corner and assorted cupboards and project stuff scattered around the walls. But this room was…well this room was something else.

The desks next to each girl looked more like something out of a science fiction movie than a school desk. They were made of a clear Perspex-like material and were shaped like a pushed over capital U, all curves and smooth lines. The top of the desk curved around to the right, allowing each girl to slip their legs under from the left. The contoured plastic split into two tines as it reached the floor, leaving the large space directly under the desk, where each girls feet would rest, open to the bare wooden floor.

The seat was once again a round black plastic stool, almost identical to those reserved for Trinity house in the food hall. The only difference Sarah observed as she took up her position at her desk was that here the metal poles seemed to slot directly into holes in the floor, not moulded into it as in the food hall.

At the front of the room was a raised platform, very much like those in the Trinity lounge but this one was rectangular, around four feet long and set out three feet from the front wall. Where the teachers desk was usually located was instead a high-backed beautiful red leather chair, inset with hundreds of brass studs. In the opposite corner at the front of the room sat a tall wooden stool, its four legs projecting the seat almost four feet off the ground. The far wall contained a number of large windows, under which was a row of cupboards that ran almost the length of the room.

The only real sense of normalcy the room had was a large blackboard at the front of the room. This was the most black black-board that Sarah had ever seen, it looked like it had never been used. The teacher stood by the door and watched each girl enter the room and stand by their desks. When the last girl was in position, she closed the door and moved over to stand by her chair.

"Sit," she commanded.

There was a noise of shuffling as each girl sat at her assigned stool and slid her legs under her desk. Sarah felt the familiar sensation of the bare flesh of her thighs and buttocks on the plastic surface under her. She knew that the stool each girl sat on would be completely hidden from view. The stiff pleats of each girls skirt flared past their ass just enough so that when they sat was there was no chance of folding it under them. Each girl, after adjusting herself on the small round seat, placed their large sealed cardboard box on the clear desk in front of them.


A few girls looked at each other but they all dutifully stood up and moved back to attention beside their assigned desks.

"Pick up those boxes. Who told you to place those boxes on your desks?" questioned the teacher imperiously. Not a girl answered. They all just stood there staring ahead worriedly. "That is correct girls, no one told you to place those boxes on your desks," purred the teacher as she paced back and forth in front of them. "Sit."

Once again all eighteen girls sat in unison, sliding their legs under the desks almost as if it was a choreographed. This time each girl made sure to hold the box in both hands above the clear surface of their desks.

"You will not be needing the contents of those boxes in this first form period so you will place them under the desk and between your feet but your feet are not to touch the boxes. We don't want your pretty shoes to be scuffed on the first day. Do so now."

Sarah twisted to her left and placed her box under her desk, slid her legs back under, straightening her right leg so it went over the top of the box. She looked down through her desk to make sure the box was in the middle and her feet were on either side. She was satisfied she had done it correctly and rested her arms on the top of her desk, waiting for the teachers next command.

"Stand," the command rang out through the classroom. "Pick up those boxes," the teacher bellowed.

Sarah groaned inwardly. What had they done wrong now? She leant down, grabbed her box and stood again beside her desk, wondering when they would be finally allowed to sit down and stay seated. The overbearing woman continued to pace back and forth in front of the confused teenagers.

"Do you girls understand the concept of standing at attention," she asked, stopping in front of the girl next to Sarah. "You Clark, answer."

"Yes Ma'am," replied the quivering girl.

"Enlighten us."

"It is when we have to stand up with our backs straight, our legs wide to our shoulders and our arms behind our backs."

"Hmmm, half right and sloppy," the teacher said disappointedly. She turned to Sarah, "Porter enlighten us with your knowledge."

"Ma'am standing at attention is the position a girl of Trinity house is to adopt when standing in the presence of a superior. It is standing with the feet shoulder width apart, backs straight, arms behind the back with elbows back and our hands are to rest in the small of our backs with the right palm in the left."

"Correct Porter, good girl. That is almost textbook."

Sarah inwardly beamed. This was her element now. She was a good student, all her teachers had always said so. When she got into the classroom her brain just kicked into gear. Her first chance to prove herself to her new teacher had gone so well she had been complimented. She was just a little surprised how comforting it was to be told she was a good girl. She figured that the previous day where nothing had gone right and where she had felt so vulnerable had put her in this delicate frame of mind.

"Do you all understand what Porter has just stated," the teacher asked the class.

"Yes Ma'am," they replied together.

"Sitting in class is no different. You are in the presence of a superior and you are to keep proper posture, not leaning slovenly all over your desks." Sarah cringed, knowing that she was one of the reasons they were standing up again.


Once all the girls had sat down on their meagre stools, they waited, holding their boxes out in front of them off the surface of the table. They waited, watching the teacher pace along the front of the room and down the side. As she passed their desks the girls could no longer watch her as to do so they would have to turn their head, something they all knew would get them in trouble. They all knew they were being watched and that if any girls box touched the desk they would be made to stand again.

As she sat holding her box off her desk, Sarah realised how degrading it was to be told to sit and stand and sit. It was like being treated like a dog. She hadn't thought about it while it was happening, she was too busy trying to do the right thing. The shame of being treated like that somehow made being called a good girl all the more important.

"Boxes down."

Sarah slid to the side again and went to place her box on the ground under her desk when she was stopped by the bellow of the teacher.


What now, thought Sarah. She had not even managed to get her box on the ground.

"Mitchell, when everyone else sits, you remain standing."

Sarah groaned inwardly. If they were going to be punished as a class for everything that one of them did wrong, with Mitchell there they would be here forever.

"Sit." Now it was getting tiresome Sarah thought as she sat once again, though now she was more consciously aware of being treated like a dog being trained. "Boxes down."

Sarah gently set her box under her desk, placed her feet to either side and took a quick glance down to make sure everything was correctly placed. She marvelled at the clear desktop that allowed her to do this but realised, just as she straightened up to sit at attention, just how she was sitting.

Her feet were on either side of the large sealed box, causing her legs to be spread widely creating a taut tent of skirt across the top of her thighs. She knew that as she sat up straighter and placed her hands in the small of her back that this would only accentuate the lewd position she was displaying. She began to feel the familiar flush of heat up her chest and throat as she thought of the teacher seeing her bare thighs creating a tunnel of flesh to her panty clad sex. 

Sarah desperately wanted to lower her eyes in shame but she didn't want to be the cause of them having to repeat the whole process over again because she was not looking forward.

"Now Mitchell, do you see what happened when I said boxes down?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Now what was different to what you did?"

"I put my box on the table and not under it Ma'am."

"Right first time, now sit," directed the teacher, emphasizing the last word. She was standing directly in front of Mitchell watching her every move.

"Box down."

Sarah heard the teacher move back to the front of the class and soon saw her move into view. She walked over and sat in the leather chair, crossing her legs and smoothing out the long flowing blue dress down her shapely calves.

"The one difference while sitting at attention in a classroom is your focus. You are here to learn and for that you need to focus on what is important. While I am speaking that is me." Instantly eighteen sets of eyes moved to the teacher.

My name is Miss Watson. I am your form teacher, which means I will also be your primary teacher. What that means is that I will be taking many of your classes. Now form class is usually only 30 minutes in length and is used mainly for housekeeping issues. Seeing as how you have already wasted half this class however it seems that we will have to spill over into the first class, so you will be making that time up at the end of the day."

Sarah wanted to look at the clock, to see how much time had already elapsed but she realised the clock was on the back wall of the room.

"First order of each form class is dealing with infractions accrued since the previous form period." As she spoke, Sarah watched her open a drawer in the small cabinet next to her chair and flip up what looked like a laptop screen. "When I call your name come here, register at the scanner," at this she indicated a small stalk that projected from the top of the laptop screen that was blinking with red laser lights. "Then move onto the platform in the front of the room, facing the class.


As her name was called the girl in the first seat stood up and walked hesitantly in front of the class. She leaned over to scan her tag as shown and stepped up onto the dais slowly, as the almost two-foot high step in high heels was not an easy one. Once she was up she turned around to face the class and stood at attention. Sarah could see the fear on her face. None of the girls really knew what to expect and being first was always the worst.

Sarah looked back to the teacher as she stood up. She moved around behind the leather chair and emerged with a long, thin supple piece of wood in her hand. Sarah's eyes widened in confusion and fear. She had dreaded that the school would have corporal punishment, she had read that quite a few schools in Europe still used it but the sight of that innocuous rod made her shiver in horror.

"This is a cane. This is what is used to help instruct you in understanding the rules we have at Harkwood and to help you realise the importance of their observance and the repercussions of the failure to do so."

Sarah's eyes never left the cane as Miss Watson swished it lazily through the air as she spoke. She was dreading what was to come but the sense of the inevitable was deadening her.

"For each infraction one stroke of the cane is received. Once ten infractions are accrued you will be set detention. If ten infractions are accrued in one session an extra five strokes are to be added to the correction. I can see from your faces that the importance of obedience and following rules is beginning to become clear.

"Murphy, what is important to you?"

"Being obedient and following rules Ma'am."

"And getting good grades, doing well at your schoolwork. Is this important to you?"

"Yes Ma'am, it is very important."

"So Murphy what is important to you?" Miss Watson said, resting the tip of the cane on Murphy's desktop.

"Being obedient, following rules and doing well at my schoolwork Ma'am," replied Murphy desperate to give the right answer.

Sarah felt for her friend, knowing how confusing it was to be asked questions when you aren't sure of the answer. But to have an imperious Amazon of a teacher, casually menacing you with a cane must add a real element of fear to the confusion. Murphy had done really well to keep her composure, even though her voice had trembled a little.

"Porter, what is important to you?"

"Obedience, following the rules, excelling in my schoolwork and pleasing my superiors Ma'am," Sarah replied, hoping her embellishments were the right thing to say. They seemed right to her, it was how she felt.

"Well Porter those are the right priorities for a girl. Do you think you will be able to fulfil those claims?"

"Yes Ma'am," replied Sarah moving her gaze from the tip of the cane that rested on her desk to the face of her teacher.

She tried to keep the confidence in her voice but she was beginning to feel confused and unsure under the stern gaze of Miss Watson. Sarah could not look her teacher in the eye for long, instead looking at the moist pink lips as they crept into a smile. Sarah began to smile back but it faltered before it was fully realised. The smile on her teachers lips had no warmth in it and it made Sarah shiver.

"Olsen," Miss Watson snapped as she spun around to face the teen standing on the platform, the cane swishing in a wide arc. "As with everything for a girl of Trinity house there is a correct position for receiving correction. Turn around and face the blackboard. Put your ankles together so they almost touch. Now bend over at the waist."

Sarah watched as the first girl to go in front of the class and be caned bent over at the waist. She could see that the young girl was already shaking, her thighs visibly quivering as her skirt rode up and her upper body moved parallel to the ground.

"Flick your skirt up to rest on your back."

The now terrified teen reached back to comply, her shaking hands taking hold of her skirt on either side and drawing the stiff fabric up onto her lower back. Her ass was now bared to the class, the small white panties could be seen covering her sex. The sliver of tight material that went between her stretched buttocks before flaring out and framing her ass as they encircled her waist did nothing to cover her puckered anus. Sarah was horrified but could not look away.

"Place your hands around your ankles, your thumb and forefinger are to follow the ankle strap as a guide. Keep those knees straight," snapped Miss Watson tapping the back of the frightened schoogirls legs. The quivering knees instantly straightened. Miss Watson moved to the side of the girl, giving the whole class a perfect view of the elevated teenage ass and legs. Sarah was sitting slightly to the side and could just see Olsen's face, her eyes wide and panicked.

"Olsen, one infraction," Miss Watson read from the screen beside her chair. She walked back to stand beside the bent-over teen. She raised the cane and tapped it against the bare ass presented to the class. Olsen whimpered as the supple wood touched her tender flesh.

"Once in position you are to remain in position until ordered. After each stroke, you are to count the stroke aloud and thank your corrector. At the completion of the correction you are to stand up, turn around, face your corrector and thank them, curtsy and take your seat."

Miss Watson had not stopped tapping the cane against the buttocks of the exposed teen as she spoke. The vulnerable mounds of flesh were just below the shoulder height of the towering teacher. Without any warning Miss Watson swung the cane back in line with her body, pointing the tip at the class, and brought it down with force against the bared buttocks before her.

SWICK. The sharp sound of the cane hitting the tender flesh made every girl in the room cringe. It took a second for the pain to register through the surprise but the high pitched squeal unleashed by Olsen brought a tear to Sarah's eye.

"One, thank you Ma'am," Olsen sobbed obediently. She had managed to keep hold of her ankles, and to remain in position despite the pain that had rocked her body.

If you break position, the stroke does not count. If you fail to count, the stroke does not count. If you fail to show respect to your corrector, the stroke does not count. If you fail to speak loudly and clearly, the stroke does not count.

As Miss Watson made this speech every seated girl had their eyes glued to the quivering white skin of Olsens bare behind. A clear red welt was appearing directly across both cheeks. As they watched the welt became a raised ridge of throbbing pain, deepening in colour.


Olsen straightened up gingerly, turned to face the class and tenderly stepped down off the platform. She turned to Miss Watson thanked her for being corrected, curtsyed and walked back to her desk. She sat gingerly, easing her aching behind onto the hard plastic stool.

Cox. What an interesting name.

The next terrified teen stood up, registered her tag and moved towards the platform. She knew what was coming now and she was already taking deep breaths, telling herself it would be ok. The comment about her name almost didnt register, she had always copped a lot of flak for it but her mother had been to Harkwood and had even been in Trinity house and she was determined to make her proud. Cox stepped up onto the platform and immediately assumed the correct position, awaiting the terrible cane stroke she knew was coming.

Cox, one infraction.

SWICK. There was no preamble this time. Even though every girl knew it was coming, the harsh slap of the cane smacking into the delicate skin of the young girl made them jump.

One, thank you Maam.


Cox straightened, curtsyed and thanked Miss Watson with quivering lips and took her seat.


Sarah looked at her friend as she mounted the platform and bent over, obediently exposing her milky buttocks and thighs. She looked more than ever like a doll made of fine china. Sarah didnt want to watch this, but she knew she had to.

Murphy, two infractions.


One thank you maam, Murphy squeaked.

She had taken a tiny step forward with her right foot but managed to straighten up almost immediately. Sarah looked desperately to Miss Watson to see if that would be counted as breaking position. All she saw was the cane being drawn back again and this time she saw rather than heard the cane land.

It was almost as if time had slowed down. She saw the cane come rushing in to her friends vulnerable behind. She watched as the cane impacted the flesh of both cheeks, flattening them momentarily and creating ripples radiating through the soft flesh. Then time sped up and she heard the cry as the Irish teen felt the impact of her second stroke.

Two thank you Maam, she dutifully commented, though in obvious distress.


Sarah watched her friend curtsy and sit down, trying to catch her eye, to lend her some support but Murphy kept her eyes downcast, small tear droplets visible as she blinked. Sarahs heart went out to her new friend. She felt so sorry that she had to go through that and she desperately wanted to give her a hug.


Sarah stood up gingerly. She had been so focused on the other girls, empathising with their plight, that she had all but forgotten that she was a girl in this class and that she would soon be expected to go through this ordeal. She moved to the scanner and waited for the beep before moving up to the dais. She was careful as she stepped up, ensuring her whole foot was flat and secure before stepping totally onto the platform. She took one step forward, took a deep breath and bent over, ensuring her legs were together. She reached back with trembling hands to pull her skirt up to rest on her back. She let out her breath and clasped her ankles firmly with her hands, being sure to keep her knees straight.

She immediately began to feel the strain of the position in her calves and the back of her thighs. She was not used to stretching this way, she couldnt even remember the last time she had touched her toes. Now she had to wait. Her face had already flushed a deep crimson from the embarrassment of her position, showing her behind to the class, and especially her asshole, something she had never expected anyone else to ever see. Now waiting, bent over, she could feel the blood rush to her face as well. She had also felt her breasts shift in her bra, due to the design her breasts were actually hanging free at the moment, she hoped they would re-seat themselves when she stood up. The last thing she wanted was to have to fondle her breasts in front of the class.

Porter, nine infractions.

The class let out a collective gasp. They had just seen a girl receive two strokes of the cane. They knew that no one else had any more than two but the new girl, the girl that had been here less than a day had nine! Sarah could already feel the tears start to form. What would the other girls think of her now? She could talk the talk in class seemingly but she now appeared to be a troublemaker. She wanted to turn around and explain to the girls of her house that it wasnt like that. She was still fretting over how the other girls felt when pain exploded in her plump buttocks.

The shock had taken her completely by surprise. She thought she would have at least heard some warning swish as the cane moved through the air. The pain felt like someone had taken a knife and slashed her. If she hadnt already seen the affect the cane had on three other girls she would have been sure she was bleeding.

One, thank you Maam.

SWICK. The second stroke impacted her backside the instant she had finished speaking. Her left foot shuffled forwards slightly but the abused teen had the presence of mind to bring it back in line before responding to her second stroke.

CRACK. The third stroke left Sarah breathless. She almost choked as she tried to speak.

Three, thank you Maam, Sarah croaked as loudly as she could.

Can anyone tell me why Porter is having trouble speaking? Miss Watson enquired of the horrified girls. Raise your right hand to answer.


Because she is in pain Maam?

Incorrect. Anyone else? No? Well surely she is in pain. That is the entire point of the correction, to impress upon you the importance of appropriate behaviour. Spare the rod and spoil the child. There is no better learning tool than the judicial application of pain for correction. Dont you agree Olsen?

Yes Maam, answered the morose girl, her backside still smarting from her solitary stroke. She could feel the heat from that single welt permeating the tender flesh of her buttocks. She felt thankful though that she was not Porter. She couldnt imagine having her current pain multiplied by nine.

Miss Watson turned back to Sarah, still bent over, grasping her ankles. There were now three very clear and very red lines across her backside.

Porter here is having trouble speaking because she is not breathing correctly. Proper breathing is extremely important for all activities.

Sarah couldnt believe what she was hearing. Now she was going to be told how to breathe as well? The poor girl was becoming lost in a sea of humiliation and pain. Knowing that seventeen girls could see her exposed bottom was almost as bad as the pain that was radiating from her backside, down her legs and up into her belly.

During correction, the teacher continued, proper breathing is essential. The more prolonged the session of correction the more important this becomes. Are you listening Porter?"

Yes Maam, Sarah replied obediently.

She may have been rocked to her core by the pain of the cane but she was listening to every word her teacher spoke, desperate to not only prevent further punishment but to show her new teacher that she wasnt the kind of girl who would incur so many infractions, really she wasnt.

Slow normal breathing. Breathe out fully after each stroke and breathe in before responding. There is no need to rush. Correction takes as long as it must.

Sarah listened and put the lesson into practice immediately. She slowed her quick, shallow breathing down until she was breathing slowly and normally, fully charging her lungs with oxygen.

SMACK. She had only just taken a breath when it was pushed out of her by the shock of the next strike. One of the hardest things Sarah was dealing with was the unexpected nature of the caning. She did not know when each stroke was coming, there was no pattern or rhythm that she could decipher and adapt to.

Sarah took a deep breath to compose herself before fulfilling her part of each stroke, apart from standing there exposing her ass to be a target for the punishment. Sarah had begun to see the correction as a process in which each participant had their function. Her teacher was duty bound to provide the correction for wrongdoing and she was there to ensure that the effort was not wasted, her part was to accept the pain from the correction and learn from it, making her a better person. Her mind seemed so clear, she did not even second-guess her reasoning.

Four, thank you Maam, the young girl said, speaking loudly and clearly so her words carried to all the girls in the class.

See girls, the difference is quite marked.

As each stroke was delivered to Sarahs quivering behind it became harder and harder to stay in position. The pain that had previously been coming in waves was now an almost constant force, threatening to overwhelm the poor teenager. Her legs were straining badly to remain straight and tears had long ago begun to drip from her face onto the platform beneath her.

As the eighth stroke smacked into the tender crease where her buttocks met her thighs, Sarah noticed a long string of mucus hung from her nose. It must have been about 5 inches long now, long enough to be dangling so low that she could see it. Sniffing did nothing to remove it and Sarah realised that due to the way she was bent over it was actually hanging from the tip of her nose.

Sarah felt true shame. She had been reduced to a blubbering mass, her entire body quivering and awash with pain and now, when she stood up, she would have a stream of mucus covering her face like a baby unable to control itself. How these thoughts even intruded past the barrier of pain from her abused ass was beyond the sorry girls comprehension.

SWICK. The ninth stroke landed with just as much force as the preceding eight. Miss Watson was not showing any mercy to the now openly sobbing girl.

Nine, thank you Maam, Sarah spoke as loudly and clearly as she could, though her whole body was shuddering as she cried.


Sarah stood up, quickly wiping the long string of sticky mucus from her nose. She had no idea what to do as the degrading goo spread and webbed across the fingers of her left hand.

Wipe that off you filthy girl, spat Miss Watson, handing the still crying teen a tissue poised on the tip of the stiff piece of the wood. The cane which had caused her such distress, pain such as she had never felt before in her life was now being used to degrade her in yet another way. Sarah continued to sob as she took the offered tissue, humiliated further by the obvious fact that her teacher had no intention of getting anywhere near the mucus covered hands of the distressed schoolgirl. Sarah hurriedly wiped her hands and her nose, soaking the tissue in seconds with the slimy discharge. The red-faced girl stood down from the platform, moving slowly, making sure her wobbly legs would support her before transferring her weight.

Thank you for my correction Maam, Sarah blubbed, trying to slow down her breathing and somehow get her crying under control. She felt like she should have done better, should have weathered the painful storm better. She curtsied to the waiting teacher and moved to her desk.

Bin that filthy rag Porter.

Sarah looked around for a bin, desperate to rid herself of the evidence of her humiliation. She spotted a small black bin near the door of the room. She trotted across the class, deposited the soggy tissue and moved as quickly as she could back to her desk. She could not raise her eyes from the floor as she walked in front of the class. She could not bear to catch the eye of any of her classmates.

As she moved she was consumed by the need to touch her throbbing buttocks. She needed to reassure herself that she was not bleeding, to feel the painful welts that crossed her tender mounds. Her hands began to drift behind her to rub her buttocks, anything to help her deal with the pain that was radiating throughout her whole body. She caught herself in time, frightened of incurring more punishment.

As Sarah sat down on her stool a fresh wave of pain lanced up her body. The nine raised welts that criss-crossed her buttocks were sending great throbs of agony pulsing up her body and into her chest. She gingerly rested all her weight on the small hard seat and felt as if she was being hit once again. A sharp stab of pain lanced into her abused buttocks, making her gasp as each raised welt was pressed into the hard, unyielding seat. She sat at attention, her feet on either side of her box, once again causing her legs to spread.

Even amidst the pain she was feeling from her caning the humiliation of such a position made her cringe inside. Her shoulders heaved every now and then with a residual sob but she almost had her emotions under control. Sarah breathed deeply and slowly trying to calm herself down and try and deal with the pain. Her nose was still running and she could feel the mucus slowly oozing onto her upper lip.

She was horrified by this, but too scared to dare to move her arm. She sat as still as she could, watching the other girls in the class receive their caning. Every single girl in the class had received at least one stroke, with a number of girls receiving two. Sarah reflected on the fact that she had nine and could not understand exactly how it had happened. She could not feel the individual marks on her bottom, the whole area was simply a mass of throbbing agony. Surely she wasnt that bad? She was a good girl. She tried to be a good girl. What had gone so wrong?

As the last girl in the class left the platform, curtsying to Miss Watson on the way, Sarah was still fighting the humiliation of the twin trails of mucus that had dripped down her nose and over her lips. She had not dared to move, her levels of anxiety deepening as she felt the slimy trails ooze over her upper lip. She tried to think of something else, even focusing all her attention on each cane stroke, critiquing the position of each girl, admiring those that took their stroke stoically and sympathising with those that cried.

No matter what she tried, her thoughts kept returning to her face, what she must look like, how filthy and infantile she must appear with the clear ooze from her nose now covering her lips. The more she tried not to think of it the more it grew in her mind. The temptation to open her mouth and lick the discharge away was becoming almost overwhelming but she could not give in to it. What would everyone say? Even she knew it was disgusting but the sensation as the thick slime sat on her lips was maddening. Sarah kept her mouth tightly pursed, adamant that nothing would enter. Her cheeks were flushed red at the degrading position she had been forced to hold but she vowed that she would not add to it. She just had to sit still, no matter how hard that simple task had become.

Seventeen minutes into the first lesson. That time you will make up at the end of class today. As this is our first form class I dont think we have any further business.

Chapter 7. In which Sarah learns her first lesson

So caught up was she in her own dilemma, Sarah had not even noticed the muted electronic bell that chimed at the end of the form class. She was a mess, both physically and mentally. Even though her ass, pressed against the hard plastic seat, hurt beyond anything she had known, her focus was almost entirely on her face. She did not think she could stand it for much longer.

I hope this has provided a valuable learning tool for you girls, continued Miss Watson as she moved to stand directly in front of the class. Sarah followed her with pleading eyes, hoping her predicament would be noticed and she would be allowed to wipe her nose and mouth.

The first lesson of the day is usually deportment and etiquette, however as today is our first class together we shall be discussing your curriculum, Trinity house and its place at this school and a little history of the school itself.

The girls were excited at this news. There had been a lot of speculation and no one could really put all of the evidence into a cohesive argument.

Harkwood school was founded in 1806 by Charles Harkwood. He was a self-made man, making his fortune in shipping. He was a man of his convictions and he felt the slipping morals of the age could be traced back to a small handful of causes. The most prominent of which was the unnatural growth in the rights of women. Charles believed, and rightly so, in the natural inferiority of women.

Throughout history the female of the species had always been relegated to the domestic chores, taking the lead from the male and finding a natural place as the subservient worker, the mother and the keeper of the home. This natural order extends back to the era of the hunter-gatherer societies of early man and remains with us on a primal, instinctual level.  In the early 19th century as the world began to be industrialised as it never had before, this natural balance began to be upset. Charles Harkwood was disturbed at the way society was developing and set out, in his small way, to redress the balance.

The state of society today is a clear indication of Charles Harkwoods forethought and concern as the dangerous and unnatural path that was in its infancy when our school was founded has become rampant in the world today, providing us with the highest rates of crime and the almost total breakdown of societal norms.

Sarah could not believe what she was hearing. There was some truth in what the teacher was saying but the anxious teen couldnt quite see the point of what was being said. She knew she wasnt the only one, as she could sense the uneasiness of the other girls.

It took Charles Harkwood eleven years to see his dream become a reality. After purchasing the ancestral lands of a recently disgraced lord he devoted the rest of his life to establishing a school for girls, to teach them correct values and impart all the knowledge they would need to successfully resume their correct place in society. He felt that only when this occurred on a wide enough scale would society have any chance of producing the utopia that many writers of the day pined for.

Over the last 200 years Harkwood school has endeavoured to right this balance. Over the years society has forced such endeavours to be diluted somewhat but here at Harkwood, Trinity house has remained true to the original tenets of the dream of Charles Harkwood his dream for a better society.

With a handful of sister schools, we at Harkwood have maintained an exceptional standard of education. Here you will be taught proper deportment and etiquette, how to cook and clean and how to sew. You will be instructed in the art of dance and the grace of movement. You will be taught the meaning and importance of obedience and subservience. You will learn to pleasure both a man and a woman. You will be educated in all forms of domestic and sexual servitude. In short your true natures will be allowed to flourish, each one of you will blossom into the true form that all women desire and strive for, though sadly most do so unknowingly in todays society.

Miss Watson stood before the class, her cane still resting languidly in her right hand. She surveyed the stunned faces of the young girls who would be her charges for the next eighteen months. She knew from her nine year experience at Harkwood that it would take a little while for the information to sink in. Even then, it sometimes didnt quite dawn on these girls and she had, over the years, taken to emphasising her point.

In short girls, you are here to be groomed into well-rounded true women. The correct terminology for your status is slut. Some would say whore or slave. But even though you will come to embrace the fact that you are sluts as all women are, I do not like to use the term slave. It implies a lack of will in ones acceptance of ones true nature. And by the time you graduate you will be properly educated to accept and embody the pleasure that your servitude will bring.

During this speech every girl in the room turned to look at Casta. Even those in the rows in front forgot what they were doing and sought out the French girl. Casta sat in her chair, her mouth open in shock. She had never believed her joking assessment could somehow be correct.

Eyes front, bellowed Miss Watson. Servitude is never easy, it is what makes it so rewarding. Your patrons have paid a very great deal of money to ensure your well-rounded education at Harkwood. Now let us not waste any more time and lets begin creating those wonderful creatures that your patrons wish for you to be, and indeed that Charles Harkwood wished for you to be. Let us begin to create a better society.

Retrieve your boxes and place them on the desk in front of you, commanded Miss Watson. This was the critical moment in every year. She watched each girl. It had become somewhat of an art for her to recognise those girls that would cause trouble at the outset and those for whom the inability to accept their new lives would simmer beneath the surface, and this command after the revelation of their status was the key.

Ah Ozawa, Miss Watson thought to herself, perfect as always. The Japanese girls were never any trouble. Their predisposition to submissiveness was ingrained deeply. They were the culture most in touch with their genetic heritage. Mitchell, the cow-breasted dullard, had reacted perfectly, the dull accepting expression as she placed her box on her table indicated that there would be no trouble from that quarter.

Even Porter, the girl who had managed to accrue so many infractions in such a small time had seemed to accept, though with clear reservations. Miss Watson could see the inner turmoil rage as logic and the unnatural will for freedom that society had so falsely drummed into these girls battled with the more primal truth that each girl contained.

Ness, stand, drilled Miss Watson. The Amazonian teacher had noticed the slight hardening of features that she had come to recognise over the years, as not only the inability to accept their new status but the cunning scheming that would safely hide the true feelings. She knew that this would manifest itself in trouble later on, maybe not for a few months but so much time would be lost where the true message of the lessons would be wasted. Miss Watson knew what to do.


The beautiful blonde teen was not sure what that meant, though she took a guess and moved to the front of the class. Just do what this stupid bitch says for now, she thought to herself. First chance I get and BAM I will be lost into the sunset, she comforted herself. It would only take until lunchtime when she could get lost in the mass of girls and she would be out the front doors. She was already planning it, she would have to hide in the town until dark and then make her way to London. She had no money and she could not go home to her so called uncle but she would find some friends in London and tell the world about this freakshow. Thats how she could make some money, selling the story to the tabloids of this silly little country.

All this flashed through her head in the seconds it took to reach the front of the class. Miss Watson watched her strut towards her. Yes definitely scheming, she thought. The little Scandinavian thought she was so smart, such a good actress but her body language gave her away as easily as if she wore a flashing neon sign above her head.

The teacher stepped forward, towering over the young girl. She was a beauty that was for sure. Typical Scandinavian: long blonde hair, perfectly blue eyes and smooth, richly tanned skin. But she also had that Scandinavian haughtiness, far too much barbarian in her. The trouble makers were, more often than not, the girls from Scandinavia or Germany. Funny, the teacher thought to herself, how patterns form along cultural lines.

When the command Front is given in this classroom it is an indication for you to move up to the platform, turn and face the class and stand at attention. Do so, commanded the imperious teacher. Now open your boxes. Ness will come around with the bin for you to place your wrapping in, directed Miss Watson, flicking the cane at Ness, indicating for her to move.

Sarah and the other girls broke the plastic wrapped seal on their boxes and waited for the bin to be brought around by Ness. Sarah was still reeling from what she had been told. It couldnt be true. It must be some kind of sick joke being played on them. But every time she thought that, she kept coming back to the little things the rings set in the walls in the dorm. The obvious clues, such as the degrading treatment and revealing uniforms just werent registering.

As the pretty blonde teen approached her desk with the bin, Sarah fought the temptation to wipe her nose with the scrunched up plastic wrap. The ooze from her nose was beginning to dry and crystallised all the way from her nose to her upper lip. As Ness approached she saw the sudden look of disgust on her face as she noticed the state of Sarahs face and the battle was lost. She quickly reached up and wiped her nose with the wrap before placing it in the bin.

It was an immense release to have the mess cleared. She had only had the chance for the one wipe but it had removed the majority of the mass of hardening slime. She could feel the broken crust of what was left, irritating her nostrils and upper lip. She knew this must look dreadful but it was a relief just to have the salty, slimy mess off her lips.

Open your boxes and retrieve the manual that you see.

In unison seventeen cardboard lids rose into the air and seventeen small blue books were removed from each box. The girls were unsure what to do with them, the general consensus being to simply hold onto them for the moment.

Sarah took this opportunity to move her feet closer together, closing her legs and preventing the humiliating view of her sex. The revelations that she would be treated like a sexual object and turned into a sexual deviant were having trouble penetrating deep into her mind, where her sense of self, of being a good girl lay hidden.

Replace your lids. Ness remove each box from each desk and place it on the corresponding benchtop position, Miss Watson directed, indicating the row of cupboards that extended from the doorway all the way to the back of the room.

As Ness carried out this repetitive task, carrying one box at a time from desk to cupboard, the seated girls read the cover of the book. It was a thin book, looked to be some 200 pages long and was covered in what felt like blue leather. Embossed on the front cover in white writing was Trinity House Student Manual underneath which was the Harkwood coat of arms.

Girls, open your manuals to page 13, place them on the desk in front of you, they will stay open. We are going to begin today with some general positions. As you know, correct positioning is important for maintaining posture and providing not only a pleasing aesthetic but also for demonstrating that you understand your submissive role.You already know attention. But for the remainder of this class we shall learn some new positions. Ness here, Miss Watson indicated the teen still clearing desks of boxes, is going to be our model.

Sarah looked at page 13 of her student manual. The heading at the top of the page was Seated Attention. The majority of the page was covered by a stylised drawing of a faceless young girl in Harkwood uniform seated on a stool. The girl was large-breasted, her nipples clearly defined under the familiar blouse. There was a front view, showing the feet wide apart and a clear V of panties visible under the tented skirt, and a side view showing the correct position of the arms behind the back. Small numbers were dotted around both images, with the legend underneath explaining them: elbow, head, knee etc.

As Sarah began to read the description under the image, she shuffled her legs wide apart, as wide as they had been when straddling the box. She knew what she looked like, there was a visual representation on the page in front of her. She could imagine what it would look like at the front of the class: eighteen sets of legs spread wide to show eighteen teenage mounds cupped by tightly fitting white panties. Now the reasoning behind the transparent desks became devilishly clear to her. She blushed as she read the impersonal instructions directing the reader on how to properly sit at attention.

"The student sits at attention by placing the spine in an upright position. The legs of the student are to be separated to a 30 degree angle. The calves of the student are to remain perpendicular to the surface beneath. The students arms are to be drawn behind the torso, the elbows drawn back to create a straight line across the student's back. The hands of the student are to be brought to rest in the small of the back with the right palm cupped within the left. The head of the student is to be raised and the focus of the eyes is to be forward.

"When done correctly the 'seated attention' position ensures the posture of the student is maintained while simultaneously highlighting the assets of the student: the tits, thrust forward due to the trinity of shoulders, elbows and arms, and the pussy due to the spread of the legs."

Sarah read the passage numbly. They were talking so matter-of-factly about her, about the way she was supposed to sit. It was like reading a manual on how to set up a DVD-player; scientific and dispassionate. What disturbed her most of all was how simply it was written, so simply Sarah thought, that even Mitchell would be sure to grasp the concepts within. She realised as she looked again at the faceless drawing that she was already sitting with her legs spread as shown in the diagram. She didn't recall widening them. She realised with a little horror that she had done so subconsciously as she read. This was simply due to her drive to be a good student she told herself, not from any other desire.

What further disturbed Sarah was the use of the term 'pussy', there was even a numbered arrow pointing to it on the diagram. She had never, ever, not once referred to her sex as that.

"Everyone but Porter, Winkle and Ozawa stand," commanded Miss Watson.

Sarah looked up from her manual worriedly.

"Shah, what page were you asked to read?"

"Page 13 Ma'am."

"And what was that page about Shah?"

"It was about the position of seated attention Ma'am."

"Now Shah, do you think you have a superior in this room?" asked Miss Watson menacingly.

"Yes Ma'am," the worried teen replied.

"And who would that be?"

"You Ma'am."

"So explain to me why, when you had just read about the correct posture you did not adopt this position."

The exotic middle-eastern looking girl was confused. She had no idea how to answer that question without getting herself in trouble. Sarah felt sorry for the girl singled out to receive the ire of the teacher. Only three girls had exempted themselves by doing the right thing, and she was glad that she was one of them. Her ass was still extremely painful and she was praying she would not get any more infractions any time soon. She had no idea what her bottom looked like but she was sure it would not be pretty.

"I don't know Ma'am."

"Yes you do Shah, you are just a little too stupid to realise it. Porter tell them why they are standing now."

"Because they showed disrespect to a superior by not adopting the correct position Ma'am."

"Correct Porter," Miss Watson said as she sat down in her high-backed leather chair. "One infraction for disrespect. Ignorance is never an excuse. If it was, some of you girls would be able to get away with murder." Miss Watson began typing on the laptop, registering the infractions by seat location.


Sarah looked at Ness, standing at attention on the platform in front of the room. She was glad that another girl had been spared the infraction. She hated having to answer, knowing what she said had contributed to their punishment.

"Shah stand up and sit on the stool in the corner. Porter turn to page 19 and read what is written there."

"The dunce stool," Sarah began. "The dunce stool is reserved for students who have shown exceptional lack of intelligence. The student is to sit in the dunce chair, facing the class. The student is to adopt a 'seated attention' position. The student is to spread the legs to a 50 degree angle. The heel of each foot is to be resting on the top crossbar behind each front leg of the stool. The student is to wear the dunce hat."

Sarah stopped reading and watched Shah adopt the position she had described. She stepped up backwards onto the tall stool and hooked the heels of her shoes into the crossbar that sat high up the legs of the stool. The bar fitted neatly into the valley between the tall heel of the shoe and the pointed toe section. She looked for all the world as if she was squatting on the high stool. The young girl slowly spread her legs wider until she had decided she had reached 50 degrees. Sarah knew that this position would not be easy to maintain as the pushing of her legs locked into the bar would naturally force the weight to the back of the stool but the girl had to sit up straight with her hands behind her back so balance would be an issue.

Sarah could see that Shah had been one of those girls with an extremely full thatch of pubic hair. The widespread legs of the degraded teen clearly exposed her sex to the class. The small white panties bulged over the tight mound and thick black hair pushed out around the sides. It was like someone had dropped a tissue on an afro, Sarah thought to herself, amazed that she could make a joke at the expense of the suffering schoolgirl. Sarah also noticed that due to the knees being elevated there was no chance that her skirt could ever cover her exposure as it was trapped against her body by her raised thighs.

Miss Watson picked up a large pointed hat from behind her chair. It was white with a large blue D painted on the front. It was basically just a two-foot-tall stiff, cardboard cone. She placed the hat firmly on the head of the humiliated girl. Shah perched precariously on the tall stool as Miss Watson leaned into the terrified teens face and whispered, "If you ever answer a question with 'I don't know' again you will receive an infraction." The humiliated young girl went pale,  the cold menace in the teachers voice terrifying the already witless teenager.

"Okay girls," Miss Watson said cheerily as she turned back to the class, "turn to page 14, kneeling."

Sixteen sets of eyes flicked from the spread legs of the humiliated dunce to their student manual on the desk in front of them. Almost together the girls reached up with a right or left hand and turned to page 14, before quickly resuming their position.

"Ness, kneel."

The confused teen knelt down on the platform, but she did not have a manual, how was she to know if she had done it right. She soothed her panic by telling herself it didn't matter if she got any infractions, she would not be here to collect them. All that mattered was to make it to lunchtime and her chance to escape. No fucking way she was being anyone's sex slave.

"Wrong. Put your shins flat on the ground, spread your knees. Wider. Stand up. Remove your blouse and skirt so the girls can properly see what you are doing."

The haughty blond teen stood up, her hands hesitating on the lowest button of her blouse.

"Resume the correction position," Miss Watson commanded angrily.

Ness looked at the teacher toying with the cane. Her eyes downcast, the pretty teen turned around and clasped her ankles as she had done for her earlier infraction.

"A position you can get correct. Maybe this position is your favourite."

Before anyone in the room was ready the cane flew towards the exposed buttocks. A new red welt was soon added to the existing stripe.

"Now you can also remove your bra and panties."

This time Ness did not hesitate. Her tie came off and she placed it on the platform beside her.

"No, you will be using that platform, place your clothes on your desk."

Ness, carefully stepped down from the platform, walked to her desk and placed her tie on it. Her fingers flew up her blouse unfastening three buttons before she was stopped.

"Ness you are to undress on the platform. Move," bellowed Miss Watson.

The harassed teen scurried to the front of the room, her blonde ponytail bobbing with each hurried step. She carefully alighted upon the platform and turned to face the class. She continued to unbutton her blouse.

"No Ness, fix your mistake and then continue undressing."

The exasperated girl buttoned up the three she had previously undone and then proceeded to undress, her now trembling fingers fumbling with the tiny buttons. When she had removed her blouse she stepped down and placed it on her desk. Repeating the procedure for her skirt and her bra. She hesitated just a little before removing her panties but she dutifully slid them down her legs and placed them on the top of the pile of clothes on her desk, looking thoroughly harassed.

Ness sat one row behind Sarah so she could only watch her as she undressed and moved up and down the platform. The pretty Scandinavian teen had unusual breasts, to Sarah at least. Her nipples were quite large and puffy, almost as if they had been sucked into the end of a vacuum cleaner.

"Kneel," Miss Watson commanded, the instant Ness had resumed attention on the platform. Ness kneeled obediently, placing her shins flat on the floor as she had been told on her first attempt.  Wider," the teacher commanded, smacking the exposed right thigh. The whole class was surprised but none more so than the kneeling teen. They had all assumed that the cane was only for corrections. Now they knew it could be used at the teachers whim, for instruction as well as correction.

Ness did not need to be told to keep her hands behind her back.

"Your ass should be nestled inside your feet," Miss Watson corrected as she walked around behind the platform.

Ness lifted her buttocks slightly off the ground, thrust her pelvis forward and resettled so her buttocks were nestled on the inside of her feet. Sarah was directly in front of the demonstration and she saw the lips of Ness sex move apart slightly as she thrust her hips forward. It was lewd and wrong and Sarah felt terribly sorry for the girl.

"Now compare your manuals with Ness. Raise your hand if you can see any differences."

Each girl pored over her manual, the diagrams and the explanation for the kneeling position, looking back at Ness constantly to compare. Sarah raised her hand with trepidation.


"Her eyes are not downcast Ma'am."

"Good girl Porter. Indeed she has kept her eyes focused forward."

Sarah felt a flush of pride at her teachers praise. She noted Ness lower her eyes.

"This is a demure position and the eyes are to be cast downwards, but open. Note the pussy, how the elevation of her ass allows a nice view even though it is low to the ground."

Ness's face went bright red. She was being treated like an object, as if she wasn't even a person. And now the whole class was staring at her pussy, being asked to admire how exposed it was.

"Page 15, display. Rise up on your knees, push your hips forward, lock your hands behind your neck, thrust your tits out. Hips further forward. Elbows back, and keep them there. Now girls, compare your manuals to the model."

This time Ness kept her eyes downcast and held the uncomfortable position. She was straining her back to hold her hips prominently displayed.

"Hips forward," Miss Watson corrected, emphasizing her words with a strike of the cane to the straining teenagers ass.

The seated girls continued to compare their manual with the live example before them. This time however there was no difference to be found.


Ness moved smoothly back into the kneeling position.


Once again Ness rose up on her knees and thrust out her hips and breasts to the class.

"Do you all see the natural affinity of these two positions?"

"Yes Ma'am," the class intoned as one. Every girl could see the easy transition from kneeling to displaying and back again.

Miss Watson pushed the tip of the cane into the kneeling teens right breast, squashing the puffy nipple and causing the rebellious young schoolgirl to scowl at her.

"This position is named display for a reason. The tits are thrust forward prominently and the cunt is open. The spread of the legs opens the cunt, even on such a tight pussy as displayed here. This is more clearly seen when a pussy is clean, which unfortunately is not the case here, but don't worry girls, this will be rectified in a following period."

Sarah blushed as the humiliated girls most intimate body parts were discussed so openly. She watched the kneeling girl display her body and those facets which made her more a woman than a girl and saw a tear drip onto the exposed left breast.







Ness bounced up and down, sinuously thrusting her body on display and coming back to rest her buttocks on the shiny black heels. A thin sheen of sweat began to form on the exposed flesh of the teen as she struggled to keep time. Her breathing became fast and laboured.




Miss Watson put the teen through a workout of positions. Ness kept pace with the demands for position changes, often being commanded to change as she had just settled into the correct position. The poor girls mind was reeling. She forgot everything but the positions she was being commanded to perform. Her nudity was forgotten, her rebellion was forgotten. Her focus had been reduced to the moment.

Ness began to worry as the rapid-fire position changes had stopped and left her in the correction position. She dreaded what was to come and hoped and prayed she would not be caned again. She had tried to keep up, tried to make the correct contortions of her body.

"Girls do you see in the correction position that it also provides a good view of the cunt and asshole. Widen your legs, a little wider, just past your shoulders. Simply by moving the legs a little wider, we now have an excellent view of the cunt and anus. This is an unofficial position, and so not one on the curriculum, but one we call 'cunt display'. It is useful to remember."

Ness began to sob quietly. Tears dripped onto the platform below her, as the strain in her legs began to become painful and the humiliation of being used as a mindless dummy, a teaching tool, an object, began to take their toll.

"Page 22, present."

The girls looked down from the exposed backside of their classmate and flicked to page 22 in their manuals. Sarah's eyes glanced at Shah as she lowered her head. The pretty girl seemed to be in some distress. Her thighs were tensing, though Sarah wasn't sure if this was involuntary or not. What was more worrying was that the poor girl had failed to maintain the proper posture and the dunce hat had slipped slightly askew, creating quite a comical picture. Sarah caught only a glimpse and she couldn't spare more than a momentary thought for the girl, trying to silently will some strength to her so she would not let the hat fall.

Sarah looked at page 22 and blushed. The diagram on this page was of a girl on the floor, her ass raised in the air presenting her sex for all to see. Sarah dutifully read the description, referring back to the diagram to confirm certain details. She realised that having a live model do this in front of her really was a huge help in learning the positions, even though she felt a little disgusted at herself for admitting the humiliation of another girl was a help to her.

"Kneel, facing away from the class. Now lean forward in one smooth movement placing your palms flat on the ground and leaning your face on your hands. Arch your back, more, come on, move the belly to the floor but keep that ass up in the air. Think about what you are doing silly girl, this position is to display your ass and cunt. You have to feel the position and what it is designed to achieve before you can inhabit it."

Miss Watson proceeded to tap the twin mounds of her exposed ass as she directed the prone girl into the proper position. The force of the cane was only a tenth of the strokes used for correction but the constant drumming pattern was creating a maddening rhythm of pain for the distressed teen.

"Chest down lower, mash those tits into the floor. Think of each part of the body, how it looks in the position you adopt."

Miss Watson interrupted her staccato caning of Ness' buttocks and prodded the tender lips of her pussy.

"Once this mess is removed," Miss Watson continued, running the tip of the cane forcefully over the smattering of golden pubic hair that grew sparsely on the teens pussy lips, "you will be able to see both sets of lips, clit and any enhancements that have been desired, as well as the current state of arousal."

"It is also perfect for determining the level of cleanliness the slut has maintained in two of her important holes," the teacher intoned, lightly smacking the pussy lips and anus of the girl as she spoke.

"Your next lesson is with Miss Rice. She will be instructing you in anatomy, hygiene and a great many other lessons. Even for sluts, knowledge is essential and must be cherished. We have a few minutes left, so while Ness cleans my boots I will take any questions on todays lesson," said Miss Watson as she sat in her leather chair. "Ness, come."

The thoroughly cowed teen scrambled over before the seated teacher, the ever-present cane resting comfortably across her lap.

"Kneel. Now lick my boots clean, I want them both gleaming by the end of the class."

Ness leaned forward, her mouth closing in on the knee high black boots favoured by her teacher. She looked at the smooth black surface, smelling the earthy aroma of the leather. She hesitated, not able to voluntarily debase herself further. She had displayed the most intimate parts of her young body, places that no one had ever seen in the detail they had during this class - no one, not even her boyfriend.

The cane came crashing down on the side of her thigh, the explosion of pain shocking her out of her hesitation, any thoughts of modesty and rebellion burst away by those of self-preservation. Her young pink tongue flicked out with relish, licking up her teachers boot, from the toe to heel.

"Now class, any questions?" asked Miss Watson, satisfied that the young girl at her feet, obediently cleaning her boots with her tongue, was sufficiently broken. Ness was well on her way to embracing her subservience and becoming the slut she was destined to be. Sometimes breaking a girl was so very easy. She was a little disappointed to be honest, she quite enjoyed the rebellious little buggers.

All the girls in the class remained silent, unsure of what to do. Should they try and think of a question to ask? If they did, they would have to make sure it wasn't frivolous or incorrect. The example of Shah, sitting in the dunce chair in the front corner was reminder enough that if you opened your mouth, what came out had to count. But already the girls were second-guessing themselves. What if no one asked a question? Would that be worse? Every girl breathed a sigh of relief when Sarah's hand was slowly raised.


"Ma'am, when moving from a floor position to a standing position is there a proper way to do it or is just moving as fast as possible the most important thing?" Sarah queried, blushing as she did so.

The question had come to her as she watched Ness change positions in front of her. She was genuinely curious but she worried about what the other girls would think of her. Would they think she was into this stuff? Would they think she was a teacher's pet? Would they hate her for trying to do well, like they did at her old school?

"Perceptive question Porter, you definitely seem to have the makings of a true slut's mind. The slut should always endeavour to ensure every move she makes be one of grace and beauty. After lunch we will begin a little theory but as a slut, you exist to please others and what is more pleasing than beauty and obedience?' Miss Watson paused, the only sound heard in the room was the moist slurping sounds as Ness continued to kiss and clean the teachers leather boots.

"Nothing is more pleasing than beauty and obedience Ma'am," Sarah answered when the silence made her feel nervous, made her feel like that question was not one of the rhetorical ones.

"Did you have to think about that Porter?"

"No Ma'am," the young girl replied with trepidation, now regretting a little that she had opened her mouth to begin with.

"I don't like to be kept waiting Porter. I can be a very patient woman but not with sluts. Now to answer the question, yes there is a more pleasing way to move from the floor positions to the standing positions. You move with grace, being sure that there is maximum exposure of the parts of your body that are most important: the ass, the pussy, the tits. You must also move with speed, but remember that speed should never make your movements ugly. It is better to take the punishment for being slow and move pleasingly than to be swift and ugly."

Sarah was glad that her question was a good one, though she didnt quite know what to think about how Miss Watson had described  her mind. Sarah, like every other girl in the class was still too overwhelmed by the events of the morning to truly understand and accept her predicament. Her mind had decided to treat the problem in the most familiar of ways: this was a school and she would do her best to be a good student. The repercussions for the rest of her life were a little too big and a little too recent to break through the delusion.

"Ness, sit," Miss Watson commanded.

The blonde girl scrambled to her feet and moved back to her seat. Sarah had watched the naked schoolgirl as she had licked almost every available surface of the teachers boot. When the front had been cleaned she had moved herself around to each side, her tongue searching for new surfaces, afraid that she would be caned again if she slowed down or her enthusiasm was lacking.

"Dress before you sit."

The Scandinavian girl dressed quickly and thankfully. She had been humiliated and degraded, used like an object and there was no way she could look her classmates in the eye. She sat at attention, two wet trails on her face highlighting her shame.

Miss Watson stood up and walked over to Shah, still seated on the stool, still wearing the conical dunce hat, though barely. Her legs were trembling from the strain, her calves taught and her thighs quivering visibly. It had taken a great effort to keep the dunce hat from falling. Her stomach muscles had been tensed almost constantly, trying to remain upright and balanced on the small stool. Her humiliation was deep-seated but even she was glad that she had been spared the treatment Ness to which Ness had been subjected.

"Look at our dunce here, how intelligent she looks. She is here because she was stupid. When you are asked a question and you do not know the answer, and this will happen many times, there is a correct response. The correct response is 'I am a slut'. This answer provides all the information that is necessary to explain the situation. Now all of you try it to make sure you have it right."

"I am a slut," the class repeated in a staggered chorus.


"I am a slut."

"Shah, what is the average length of a cock?"

"I am a slut, Ma'am," Shah replied softly.

"Speak up, Shah."

"I am a slut Ma'am."

"I know Shah and you are here to be trained to be the best slut you can be. But what is the average cock length?

"I am a slut Ma'am," the frightened girl replied, frantically thinking of how to get out of this situation. This could go on forever.

"Never forget that Shah, and never forget this lesson."

"No, Ma'am."

"Sit," the teacher commanded as she removed the dunce hat from her head.

The exotic teen had to use her arms to help unhook her heels from the crossbar. Her legs were stiff from the strained position and the four inch heels had become caught along the wooden rod. She gingerly stepped down, groaning as her legs took the weight of her body. She hobbled back to her seat and sat gratefully, sobbing with the pain and indignity. Once all girls were seated Miss Watson addressed the class.

"In the remaining time in our first lesson we have an important task to perform. I want each girl, in order, to go to her box, lift the first partition, take out the contents and return to her seat. Now."

Olsen, was the first to stand and move rapidly to the cupboard along the wall. She opened her box, removed something and returned to her seat. Sarah could not see what was going on and her glimpse of Olsen as she walked in front of her revealed nothing.

"Once seated hold the contents in both hands in front of you,  palms up."

Sarah watched and waited until it was her turn. When she heard Murphy sit down next to her she stood up, attempting to be as graceful as she could, and moved to her box. Once opened she saw the small cardboard partition that was used to create levels within the box. She lifted this out and looked at what was underneath.

There, on another cardboard partition was a circlet of silver metal. It was a band about one inch in height, with a ring protruding from the front. Sarah realised instantly that it was a collar and it didn't take a genius to understand that she would soon be wearing it. She was surprised at how light it was. It felt far lighter than any metal had a right to be. She replaced the partition and lid of her box and sat down.

In her peripheral vision she saw the girl next to her stand as she sat down, but her focus was on the collar in her hands, her collar. It had a dull sheen, shiny but not polished. The ring sat to the front of the collar and she could see that it was attached by an ingenious flange that looked to be a part of the metal band itself. She could not see any way for the collar to open, it seemed as if it was one solid piece of metal.

"Olsen, front and kneel."

Sarah had been so preoccupied in the study of her collar that she had lost track of time. She looked up to see Olsen kneeling in front of the class, her own metal circlet, identical to the one Sarah held, lying on her outstretched palms, like an offering. Miss Watson stood behind the kneeling teen, surveying the class.

"Girls, what you are holding is your collar. Once fitted this will remain with you until you graduate, at which time your patrons will replace it with one of their own. Your collar is not only a tool for control and restraint, it is a physical reminder of your servitude, a reminder that you are property now. Your collar marks your ownership. Later this may be added to. When you feel the caress of the collar around your neck it will remind you that you live to serve."

"Offer your collar to me Olsen."

The kneeling girl lifted her hands above her head, offering her collar like a crown at a coronation. Miss Watson reached over the girls head and lifted the collar from her outstretched palms. Olsen immediately placed her hands behind her back doing her best to approximate the new position she had learnt, and that Ness had been forced to demonstrate. The class watched, captivated, as Miss Watson touched a small metal cube to the back of the collar. There was an audible click and the class could see that the thick metal band had come apart. There was now a seam, a gap of only a couple of millimetres.

"Your collars are fastened by locking magnets. This allows for a seamless design which is much more pleasing to the eye than some unsightly padlock. And what is most pleasing to us Porter?" Sarah was not expecting the question, she hesitated for just a moment, hoping that this pause would not cause the teacher to be angry or disappointed with her.

"Beauty and obedience Ma'am."

"Which is more important to you Porter?"

Sarah's mind spun, what was the right answer. Which was more important? Was there a right answer? Sarah had to trust in herself and answer the question exactly as it had been asked. What was more important to her? Beauty was important, everyone wanted things to be beautiful, Sarah wanted to be beautiful. But what was beauty without obedience. Sarah believed that obedience made people much happier, you were actively doing something to show them your respect. She decided.

"Obedience Ma'am."

"Well Porter I hope that we see the strength of your convictions. You are all beautiful in your own ways. Beauty is easy, but for a slut, obedience is key. Even an ugly slut can please through her obedience."

Miss Watson leaned down behind Olsen and placed the collar around her neck. The teacher strained to widen the gap in the back of the collar. Pulling as hard as she could but it was still a very tight fit, the collar scraping the flesh of the kneeling girls neck as it was stretched around it. As soon as each prong was past the widest part her neck, the collar popped back into shape, the gap closing once again to bare millimetres. Olsen winced at the audible click as the teacher closed the collar around her neck.

"Thank me for your present and take your seat."

Olsen stood up, thanked her teacher as she curtsied and took her seat. Sarah could not take her eyes of the collared teen. The wide metal band looked amazing. All Sarah could think of was how it would feel around her own neck. Sarah worried herself a little with these thoughts, but the collar looked just like jewellery. She knew there was a lot more to it, but there didnt have to be. Couldnt it just be admired as a thing of beauty, in and of itself? She wasnt entirely sure that it could, knowing that despite the collar being, in essence, a band of ordinary metal, it represented so much more, something deeper and more profound.

Sarah watched as first Cox, then her friend Murphy, received their collars. As the mesmerised schoolgirl watched the collar slide around her friends neck she began to get nervous. She knew that she was next, that soon she would have her collar placed and locked around her own neck. That once there she would not be able to remove it. Now her initial thoughts seemed silly to her. She did not want to wear a collar. She did not want to always have this solid piece of metal constricting her neck, reminding her that this was not a normal school and she was no longer a normal girl.


Sarah stood in a daze. She meekly walked to the platform and knelt before her teacher, raising her arms and offering her collar when directed. She sat stunned, her eyes looking forward, but not focused. Her vision was glazed as her entire being focused on the feel of the collar as it passed around her neck. She felt the metal ends scrape the soft flesh of her throat as Miss Watson settled the collar on her.

As it closed with a metallic click, as loud as a door slamming to the dazed teen, Sarah closed her eyes. It was done. The collar was not tight but she felt its entire circumference in contact with her neck. She swallowed and realised there was no need to panic for she could breath and swallow unobstructed. But she knew, from this moment forward, she would be always reminded that it was there. Always be reminded that she was not a simple schoolgirl here to learn maths and history but that she was a slut in training. Her life would never be the same and it was a life that she could not even begin to imagine right now.

Sarah stood up and stepped down from the platform. She turned to her teacher and curtsied politely.

"Thank you for my collar Ma'am."

She returned to her seat. Sarah's whole world seemed to have shrunk, she seemed unable to focus on anything but her collar. The way the cool metal was already warming to her own body temperature, the way the collar made contact in different places around her neck if she moved even slightly, lifting a little here, fitting a little more snugly there.

Sarah watched, but didn't really notice, the procession of teens as they marched to the front of the room and were collared. The temptation to lift her hands and feel the band at her throat, feel the hard metal meet the soft flesh of her neck, was almost overwhelming. She tried to shift her focus to what was happening in front of her but it was like the world had been enveloped in a thick fog, dampening sight and sound, isolating her. Nothing existed but the tight metal band around her neck. Sarah's daze was interrupted by the stentorian tones of Miss Watson.

"Girls, you will notice that the collars are fitted quite closely. Mrs Goodwin, our outfitter, does an amazing job with all Harkwood students, but especially with the little sluts of Trinity house. There are slight contours to our collars designed to make them comfortable but also to ensure minimal slippage. Your collars will not spin around your neck and they will always ride as high  as they sit right now.

"Your collars are a representation of your status and are to be kept clean and polished at all times. Any scratches or marks will be punished. Your collar will only be removed for medical or disciplinarian purposes. You can all sit quietly for the last minute or so of this class. Your next class is with Miss Rice, two doors down. When you are dismissed you will move there in an orderly fashion.

"Your position at Harkwood is something that is not to be discussed with anyone but the other sluts in your class, the staff of Harkwood and the prefects. As far as the students from the other houses are concerned Trinity house is a behavioural modification program that the school runs for troubled and wayward girls as part of a government initiative. So the truth of your tuition is correct as far as they need to know. We may all dream of a world in which such a deception is unnecessary but we have not advanced society to the point where it is, as yet, ready for such a paradigm shift.

"Of course all Harkwood girls are taught the importance of obedience but out of necessity their tuition and training will not be as in-depth as yours. You need to display an exceptional example to the rest of the school. As you are lower in status you are held to higher standards."

Sarah sat in silence, staring straight ahead. Her mind was running in circles: from the throbbing pain that was still present in her ass to the weird feeling of the collar around her neck, to the positions she had been shown, thinking of the right ways to form the positions and back to the pain in her abused cheeks. The pain had lessened, it was no longer so sharp, but the throbbing ache had settled deep in her young flesh.

There was only a few moments of silence before the familiar chiming of the bell. Sarah looked to her teacher, who was lounging in her leather chair staring at the class. After sitting up straight on the tiny seated stool, Sarah longed to be able to lounge in a comfortable chair like that.


Sarah immediately stood up and moved to the door, she did not want to be late for the next class.

"Stop," snapped Miss Watson. "Back to your seats. I see you bitches need to be told every single thing. When you are dismissed you thank your teacher for the lesson and curtsy as you leave. You do this in order. Dismissed."

"Thank you Ma'am," intoned Olsen as she curtsied in front of the seated teacher, then hurried out of the room, registering her eartag on the scanner as she exited. Sarah waited her turn.

"Thank you for the lesson Ma'am," she said meekly as she curtsied before the lounging teacher.

"Did you enjoy the lesson Porter?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"What was your favourite part of the lesson?"

"My favourite part was having the positions demonstrated Ma'am," the worried teen replied. Why was she being singled out for these extra questions?

"Hmmm, interesting. Sluts do learn by example, but they learn better through practice. Now practice does not make perfect, but it will make you as close as you can come. Remember that Porter, no matter how much you enjoy watching another little whore perform you must be sure to practice yourself. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Will you promise me Porter?"

"Yes Ma'am I promise to practice."

"Good girl,' the teacher said standing up and moving towards the startled teenager.

Sarah was a little worried, unsure why her teacher was advancing on her. Without warning Miss Watson leant down and kissed Sarah on the lips. A quick full-lipped kiss, brief yet sensual. Sarah responded instinctively, leaning ever so slightly into the kiss, lips shifting tenderly.

"Hurry along now," Miss Watson dismissed her with a leisurely wave of her hand.

Sarah was dazed and confused as her teacher sat back down, a languid smile on her face. She turned and hurried out of the room, almost forgetting to scan her tag as she left. She had just been kissed by a woman. Her first kiss was with a woman. A woman who was her teacher! And she had responded, she had not pushed her away in revulsion, she had not even simply stood still. She had participated. She had kissed back. She was not a lesbian. She knew she wasn't, she had a major crush on Scott Tomkins. She thought about boys when she played with herself.

Her mind continued to whirl as she took her place behind her Irish friend, who was standing obediently at attention down the corridor. Her first class at her new school was over. Her life had changed. So much had happened and all of it seemed like a dream after that kiss. She could not settle her mind, she could not focus. She vaguely felt the other girls take their places in line, simply waiting for their next class to begin. Sarah did not even contemplate what the next class would bring.

Chapter 8. In which Sarah has her first Biology class

The bell chimed and the two lines of motionless girls looked expectantly at the closed door in front of them. None of them knew what to expect from this class with Miss Rice.

Their worlds had just been rocked to their foundation. They had just been told they were not at the prestigious Harkwood academy for normal schooling, to prepare them for a world of academic achievement at the premier universities of the world. They had been told that they were here to be made into sluts, whores, sex slaves for their patrons. The rich guardians and relatives who had paid for their tuition, paid for them not to be schooled in calculus, history and physics but to be schooled in fucking, sucking and subservience.

Their lives now consisted of learning to be slaves, to please their owners. Not one of the eighteen girls accepted this fate. They were too bewildered by the revelation and the speed at which it had all happened. Half of them had not even believed it, until at the end of their first lesson at Harkwood a metal collar had been fixed around their necks - a slave collar. They still did not accept what was happening but they knew now that it was real. They were property now.

"Enter," a voice called from within the classroom.

Olsen, the first girl in line, opened the door and proceeded inside, leaning her eartag in front of the ubiquitous scanner and registering her presence in the room. As Sarah followed the girls in front she was very glad that she was not the first. The responsibility to do things first, to make sure that nothing was forgotten would be immense.

Which reminded Sarah that she had not looked at the clock when she left the last class. She looked now as she entered. It was 10:01. Only three hours ago she had been a teenage girl preparing excitedly for her first day of school. Now she was a slave preparing for her second class that would teach her how to be a slut and prepare her for her new life of sexual servitude.It still didn't make much sense to her, how something like this could happen in this day and age and in a school full of other girls who were not involved. But the reality of the situation was resting around her neck, unable to be escaped.

Sarah glanced about the room to orient herself with the new classroom. It was very similar in design to the previous room. The platform in front of the class, clean blackboard on the wall behind it, cabinets down one side of the room. This time however, there were none of the clear desks in evidence. The room contained 18 small stools arranged in a staggered crescent formation in front of the platform. Sarah stood next to the appropriate stool and looked at her new teacher.

Miss Rice could not have been more different from Miss Watson. The woman was only about five foot five and petite in stature, she reminded Sarah very much of herself. Her sensual oval face was framed by a mass of dark wavy curls. The light tan, cafe au lait skin was smooth and unblemished, and with her dark almond eyes, produced an air of exotic sensuality. Her flowing white cotton skirt and blouse, and barefoot nature gave her a decidedly gypsy flare. Miss Watson had been brooding and intimidating but Miss Rice was earthy and sensuous. Instead of the leather chair that Miss Watson favoured, in the front corner of the room was a red velvet chaise lounge. The teacher stood in front of this waiting for all the girls to enter and take their places.

"Sit," their new teacher commanded, the soft sweet voice tinged with a slight accent, none of the girls could place, that lent even this one small word an aura of lascivious delight.

As one the class sat on their hard plastic stools, assuming the correct seated attention position they had all learnt only minutes ago. None of the girls knew what to expect. Their previous lesson had left them all a little dazed: the combination of pain, humiliation and being told they were now belongings had not left much room for thinking.

"Now girls, my name is Miss Rice. I teach biology to Trinity house. This will be a little different from any biology class you have had before. In my class we will be focusing on anatomy, hygiene, physiology and erogenous zones. A solid understanding in these areas is critical for all sluts. To bring pleasure you must understand the human body and those systems that are important to you."

Sarah listened to her biology teacher talk about their new curriculum. When she heard biology a tiny flicker of hope had lit inside her, only to be dashed as this 'new' biology was explained. She could guess what kind of perverted biology class this was likely to become.

"I have been reviewing your physicals and in this first lesson we will deal with the very basics of anatomy, touch on erogenous zones and conduct our first hygiene practical. Porter step over here and undress, place your uniform on my chaise if you will. Shoes and socks to remain."

Sarah rose without thinking. She had been told to do something and she responded, the unexpected speed at being called out had caught her unawares. As she approached the chaise what she had been told to do broke through the haze that had clouded her senses. It seemed that this lesson it was her turn to be the model. Did it have anything to do with her comments at the end of the last lesson? Could that have been communicated so quickly? She unclipped her tie and began to slowly unbutton her blouse, unconsciously trying to prolong the time she could stay clothed.

Sarah had come to see her uniform as a layer of protection. The previous 24 hours had shown her that she could be humiliated and degraded even when clothed but it seemed to her that these flimsy layers of material were like a suit of armour to her and she was loathe to relinquish them.

"Hurry Porter. Unless told otherwise a slut should always undress efficiently and speedily. Now why might a slut not undress speedily... Mitchell?"

The large breasted teen was startled by being called on. She had been absentmindedly watching Sarah undress and was not prepared to answer.

"Um because you would be told to?"

"You? Are you calling me a slut Mitchell?" asked Miss Rice, amusement playing clearly across her face.

"No Ma'am. I just meant that a slut and I.. any slut.. I mean I don't really understand the question Ma'am," replied the flustered teen.

Sarah felt sorry for Mitchell, but she was glad of the distraction as she hurriedly finished undressing, hoping the focus had been taken off her, if only for a moment.

"Oh Mitchell I asked you under what circumstance a slut would not undress with the usual speed that is expected."

"Um because she was asked to Ma'am?"

"Are you asking me a question Mitchell?"

"No Ma'am."

"Then answer the question properly. Porter stand up on the platform," the teacher added, noticing that Sarah had finished removing her uniform.

"Because she was asked to Ma'am," Mitchell finally responded with more conviction.

"Mitchell are you a slut?"

"Yes Ma'am," the less than quick-witted teen responded meekly.

"Then do not answer questions with vagaries. When asked what a slut would do, consider yourself that slut. That is a valuable lesson for all you girls. Now Mitchell try again."

"Um because I had been asked to Ma'am."

"Wrong Mitchell, you would not be asked you would be told, now try again."

"Because I was told to Ma'am," replied the increasingly frustrated teen.

"We had already established that you would be told Mitchell, the question was why would you be told?"

", someone wanted me to Ma'am."

"Well it seems that it is true what they say, the bigger the breasts the smaller the brain. Porter answer."

"A slut could be told to undress slowly so that someone could watch them and they could enjoy it and they would be more beautiful Ma'am," replied Sarah. She had been willing the answer to Mitchell as she felt sorry for her, it wasn't her fault she was stupid.

"Correct, in part. Even when undressing with speed you should be beautiful, you should be aware of your body, it's position and movements with respect to the room you are in and the occupants of the room. Even when alone you should do this as it is a slut's duty to be beautiful in all things. We must think of the old adage "if a tree falls in a forest and no one is there to hear it, does it make a sound'. Apply that to yourself Porter."

"When a slut performs and nobody is there to see is she still a slut Ma'am."

"Very good Porter, you have very good instincts to complement that slut mind of yours. And the answer?"

"The answer is yes Ma'am."

"That's right girls, a slut is always a slut. Not only do you never know who may indeed be watching, but a slut is what you are. It should be embraced every waking, and indeed every sleeping, moment of your life.

"Now Porter, let us get on with our lesson. Basic anatomy and its corresponding terminology. Every slut has three holes. It is why this house is called Trinity house. It is an extremely apt way of categorising yourself. Your three holes are important to a slut and to those who own or use you. For some, these three holes may be all that is important."

Sarah was horrified at this speech. Not only was the revelation that the very name of their house highlighted their degradation but the way this sensuous teacher was speaking made her feel like she was talking about objects not people. Sarah realised that these classes, even though they were dealing with crude and demeaning subjects were actually being taught like any other normal subject. Were they going to have tests?

Sarah felt something touch her lips. She cringed and almost pulled away, but caught herself just in time.

"Porter, how embarrassing," said Miss Rice, as she removed the tip of a cane from Sarah's face. "When anything is placed near a slut's mouth, that mouth opens in welcome. If any small pressure is applied the object is to be welcomed inside the slut's mouth."

The teacher raised the cane tip once again to Sarah's mouth, and this time she parted her lips slightly and then hesitantly opened her mouth a little wider. Her face instantly reddened at the shame of being made to perform like an animal in a circus.

"Ah a physiological reaction we will talk about in more detail in another lesson. The blush response is a common response that modest people have when they feel shame or embarrassment. It is quite rare in a well-trained slut, but seen often during training. No matter, I find it cute at any time," said Miss Rice, patting her open palm on Sarah's bare buttocks as she spoke.

The warm touch of flesh on flesh made Sarah shiver. The gentleness of the gesture calmed her but the intimate nature confused her at the same time. A strange tingling deep in her belly gave her pause, she had never felt anything like that before. It was like being nervous but not quite the same.

"Now," continued the teacher, again placing the cane tip at her mouth, "this hole is commonly called the mouth, though alternates include suckhole or sometimes it is crudely referred to as the facehole. Now repeat after me girls. Mouth. Suckhole, Facehole."

The seventeen seated girls repeated each word obediently, many blushing at being treated like children learning to speak.

"Good, these are the acceptable terms for a slut to use. In all your project work you are to use these terms only. Also in conversation it is important to remember your terminology. Speech for a slut is just as important as any other aspect of your behaviour.

"These are the tits," stated Miss Rice as she moved the cane tip from Sarah's cheek to her right breast, prodding it slightly. "They can sometimes be referred to as breasts, or indeed a hundred other more colourful terms, but that is a decision for your betters. You refer to them as tits. Tits," the teacher stated as she prodded Sarahs breast again, producing the desired result of the class of 17 girls dutifully repeating the word.

"You can close your mouth Porter, we don't want you catching any flies," Miss Rice chuckled.

Tears began to well in Sarah's eyes as she was not only degraded but made the butt of a joke.

"Now on the tits we have the nipples," said Miss Rice, moving the cane and tapping Sarah's nipple. "Sometimes there are just no better words to describe something. Nipple," again the teacher tapped the cane against Sarah's nipple making her grimace in pain. It was more uncomfortable than painful but Sarah was not in the frame of mind to analyse it too closely. The cane moved down Sarah's body and rested beside her bellybutton.

"This is the belly, not tummy, which is childish, or stomach which sounds harsh. Belly."

"Belly," came the reply from the seated teens.

"You see girls, the words a slut uses are important to not only convey a message but to convey a mood. You should not only look pleasing but also sound pleasing. Not only the correct tone of voice but the correct words will help to make this impression. This will all be touched on in more depth in your other classes."

Again the cane moved down her body and rested on the mound above her sex.

"This is the second of the important slut holes. Some say the most important, but that kind of thinking can be troublesome. All three holes are important, differing in importance for some people but to the slut all holes must really maintain equal importance. Present Porter, much more beneficial."

Sarah quickly moved to kneel down, facing away from the class. The tears that had been threatening now began to fall down her cheeks. As she raised her ass into the air and lowered her chest to the floor, she felt glad that at least her tears would be hidden. She laid her arms flat and rested her head upon them, spreading her knees wider at the same time. The quietly sobbing teen arched her back, as she had learnt, exposing her ass and nether regions to the class more effectively.

"Good girl Porter. A perfect position, and one which was only learnt less than an hour ago. A slut is always eager to present her holes and you have shown not only eagerness but an excellent understanding of form."

Sarah's tears flowed more freely as her willingness to do well was misinterpreted as a willingness to show her most private of areas to a class full of girls. She would never do this by choice, but she felt she had no choice. Not following the order had not even occurred to her, nor did it now, but her perceived lack of choice did not make it any easier.

"So many stripes Porter. I have no doubt you earned them but I admit it is disappointing. I count nine, one more and you have a detention.

"Now the cunt," Miss Rice said as she tapped the cane against Sarah's pussy, causing the exposed girl's thighs to tense and make her butt bounce a little higher. "The cunt or the pussy for a slut. We do not use any of those cruder terms, though others may choose to. Vagina is for doctors, and sex is your gender. Cunt. Pussy."

The class obediently repeated the words as Miss Rice tapped Sarah's pussy with the cane.

"Ass," said the teacher as the cane prodded Sarahs fleshy buttock. "Now the ass refers to the two fleshy mounds. More specifically these may be called the asscheeks. This is not to be confused with the third of the slut's holes, the asshole. This can be a difficult one as often they can be interchangeable. Such as during your anal training you may be told to put something up your ass. Now obviously you use your brain to understand exactly what is being said. If you are wrong during training you will be corrected. If you are wrong during service then you will have caused disappointment and this is what you must never do. Disappointing your owner or user brings shame upon you and punishment should always be sought. Ass. Asshole.

Sarah felt the cane prod her delicate pink sphincter and instinctively it tensed, puckering tightly. The sobbing schoolgirl heard her teacher laugh and a fresh wave of shame flowed over the her as she heard the class repeat the shameful word.

"Now class lets play a little game, after all what is education without a little fun. Now, you call out the body part indicated. You too Porter."



"Cunt. Pussy."


"Cunt. Pussy."

"Hmmm, very interesting. Porter you are the only one using pussy instead of cunt. Why is that so?" inquired the intrigued teacher.

"I like pussy better Ma'am," Sarah replied through her sobs.

"Ah you 'like' pussy. Well I must admit Porter that I do too. But what you like is quite irrelevant and that kind of thinking in a slut can produce unwanted results. All sluts must be constantly aware of their surroundings and adapt to the likes and dislikes of those around them. Darwin was never more correct than when his wisdom is applied to sluts - survival of the fittest indeed. Adaptability is just as important to a slut as obedience and enthusiasm.

"Attention Porter."

Sarah stood up and faced her class. Her cheeks were wet with tears and her breasts bounced with each fresh sob. She tried desperately to get her emotions under control. She hated people seeing her crying. Exposing herself and being degraded was humiliating enough, but to have to face her class as they yelled her body parts as the teacher prodded them was on an entirely new level.

"Cunt. Pussy."

Sarah still felt like pussy was the right thing for her to say. She hoped that Miss Rice's speech before was not a rebuke of her choice.


"Mouth. Suckhole."

Sarah looked at Casta, she was the only girl to have chosen the more vulgar usage. She had a sly smirk on her face as she called out the words and Sarah quickly looked away, her vision blurring as fresh tears rose. She could not believe that one of her own classmates was laughing at her. Laughing at her humiliation. Laughing as she was treated as the object of a game, no different than a monopoly board.




"Ah girls, well played," laughed Miss Rice as she whisked the cane around Sarah's body before coming back to prod her breasts each time.

"Now girls, time to be serious again. Mitchell and Taylor undress and join Porter, Mitchell on her right, Taylor left."

The two named girls hurriedly undressed, placing their clothes in small piles next to Sarah's, on the chaise. They quickly stood up next to the naked, sobbing girl. Even with this company, Sarah felt no better. Maybe getting lost in a crowd would help her but having a naked girl either side of her while standing high on a platform made her feel no less exposed and vulnerable.

"Now every slut is different as we all know. But to just demonstrate the importance of this truth look at the three sluts before you. You three look at each other."

Sarah turned her head to Mitchell, her large breasts riding high on her chest, the slight curve of her belly, her full hips and thighs providing a very womanly body shape. Taylor was the polar opposite: a toned, fit young girl with almost no breasts, slim hips, flat muscular stomach.

"Mitchell has large tits, D almost E. In fact they really should be called udders. Class, Mitchell's tits are now referred to as her udders. Porters tits are a more normal size, suiting her figure perfectly. Pert and taut but soft and pillowy at the same time."

Sarah blushed anew at this description of her body. At least she had been spared the shame of having her tits renamed to that of a farmyard animal.

"And lastly Taylor has small, petite tits. In fact her tits are so small that Mrs Goodwin deemed it unnecessary for a bra to be issued as part of her standard uniform. Isn't that right Taylor?"

"Yes Ma'am," responded the humiliated teen.

Sarah felt more sorry for Taylor than Mitchell. Sarah knew how self-conscious girls could be over their breasts, especially if they were small. It made many girls feel much less feminine and Sarah could not imagine how that must feel.

"Now a slut with Taylor's tits by her very nature will be unable to provide certain forms of release for an owner. Titslapping and titfucking are but two forms of pleasure she will be unable to provide. It is important for any slut to be aware of her body and her abilities and her strengths and weaknesses. If a slut is deficient in one aspect she must be sure to make up for that in other ways. Some of a sluts weaknesses are immediately apparent, such as in Taylors case here. Others only make themselves known through training."

Sarah could see the girl on her left crying, the tell-tale shrugging of the shoulders could be seen out of the corner of her eye. Even in her own predicament she still felt for the girl.

"Of course most other problems can be overcome through training. All three of a slut's holes can be well trained. But when they cannot a slut must be sure to direct attention away from these areas to minimise the disappointment that she may cause. What must never be changed is the permanent form of a slut. Breast augmentation is highly frowned upon, if someone prefers bigger tits then a new whore should be found. Of course your owners may feel differently but the Harkwood influence is not inconsiderable. Temporary enhancement is something we will discuss in a few weeks.

"Mitchell and Taylor you can go through the door at the rear of the room and wheel in the chair you will find. It fits across the platform so I want it positioned to face the class."

The two girls stepped carefully down from the platform and hurried through the rows of seated girls and out the back. Sarah watched them wheel the gynaecological chair into the room, the mere sight of it bringing back the humiliating physical she had undergone only a day ago. A day! It seemed like a year to Sarah. It seemed impossible that such a short period of time had elapsed.

"Move it to the edge of the platform, position the front and back sets of legs either side and leave it there. Take your seats."

Sarah watched as the two naked girls went back to their stools, both glancing longingly at their uniforms, still in two small neat piles on the teachers lounge. They sat at attention, Sarah now able to see how fetching the seated attention position was. It provided the girl with great posture and yet it showed off her tits and pussy without seeming crude.

"Before we have our first lesson in basic hygiene we will touch on some physiological reactions. We mentioned before that the blush response is quite a common response. But it is an example of a physiological response that can be trained out of a sluts behaviour. Most sluts do not blush, as what reason do they have to feel shame or embarrassment, unless of course they have failed their owner in some way. This slut," Miss Rice swung her cane and poked Sarah in the ribs, "blushes simply because she is naked. Charming to be sure. Most of the responses we will be dealing with in this class though are true slut responses. Some of these are purely physiological and others are behavioural. The difference? Observe."

At this the teacher rested the cane against her lounge and stepped up on the platform next to Sarah. The frightened girls eyes grew wide and frantically searched the faces of her classmates. What she was searching for she had no idea. Some form of solace that no girl of Trinity house could possibly provide?

Sarah felt the teachers finger touch her lips. She obediently opened her lips slightly, only to feel the finger penetrate gently into her mouth. She closed her lips around the finger and sucked softly upon it.

"That is evidence of a behavioural response. As a slut should, she welcomed my finger into her mouth. See how she is suckling it. A slut's mouth longs to be filled and a great amount of comfort is found in this. See how the slut has calmed down. A slut yearns constantly to have her holes filled with cock, but any substitute can provide the calming influence almost as well."

Sarah was amazed as she listened to Miss Rice talk about her. The woman was overwhelmingly sensuous: her movements, the warmth of her body, the way she spoke, even her sweet earthy smell had a carnal appeal. Sarah could not believe what she had heard but she was the evidence. She had calmed down as she suckled on her teacher's finger. The pressure of the finger on her tongue and the feel of her lips as they encircled the feminine digit had made her forget her fear of moments ago.

"Now observe a physiological response over which the slut has no control."

Sarah's head tilted forward slightly as the finger was withdrawn from her mouth. She hadn't meant to do it and she was instantly horrified at herself. How could she have done that? She had no time to contemplate her behaviour as Miss Rice moved behind her, caressing her body. The soft, warm hands flowed around Sarah's body, cupping her breasts from behind, thumbs flicking across her nipples. She felt them move down her body, fingers barely touching her hips, the feathery touch moving across her ass and down her thighs.

Sarah lost focus on her surroundings. She had never felt anything like this before. Her mind was trying to bring her back to reality. To bludgeon her with the truths that she was not a slut, she was not a lesbian but these thoughts faded quickly as the sensations from her body overwhelmed her.

She let out a soft groan as the teachers hot, moist mouth closed over her left nipple. Instantly both nipples stiffened fully. Miss Rice smiled as she felt the nipple harden in her mouth. How easy this girl was, how much she reminded her of herself at that age. How much fun it would be training this girl to fully realise what she so obviously was.

"The nipples hardening as a response to sexual desire is a physiological response that everyone has, both male and female alike. In a slut it is much more pronounced, occurring with minimal stimulation, often with no physical contact but merely by the slut's thoughts.

"Now the response we saw on this slut was excellent. The nipples hardened extremely quickly and hardened to their fullest extent almost instantly. Your nipples will harden in cold weather and this is a similar response to goosebumps, due to a hardening of tiny muscle fibres. A slut's nipples will also harden during physical activity, such as during your gym work. This is due to the physical activity being a reminder of sexual exertion and the nipples harden as if stimulated sexually."

Sarah tried to listen to Miss Rice teach. She could still feel the warmth of her teachers mouth on her nipple and she longed for it to happen again. She knew it was wrong, knew it deep in her heart, but she wanted it. She was dismayed by the way the teacher had stopped so abruptly once the response she wanted had been achieved. As if such an intimate act meant nothing.

"The natural state for a slut's nipples is to be hard. Sexual activity is always at the forefront of any slut's consciousness. As your training progresses this will be held as one of your cardinal truths. You may feel at times that your body is betraying you, but by not embracing the fundamental state of being it is you who are betraying your body."

Miss Rice reached out and pinched Sarah's nipples gently, twisting the hard pink nubs, causing Sarah to groan. Again the petite schoolgirl was transported into an ecstasy she had not imagined. She had never felt this way when masturbating. This tightness in her belly, the weakness in her legs, the light-headed, almost dizzy feeling.

"Can anyone tell me the other slut response that sexual stimulation will produce?"

Sarah gasped as the teacher ceased the attention of her nipples and addressed the class. How could she keep stopping like it was nothing? Sarah needed it to continue. The humiliation of being naked had been forgotten. The shame of being aroused in front of seventeen other girls had not even occurred to the longing teen, her focus directed inwards, the sensations in her body consuming her thoughts.


"The pussy becoming moist Ma'am."

Sarah snapped out of her sexual dreamstate at the sound of her friend's sweet Irish lilt, where she was and what she was doing came crashing in upon her. Her face burned with shame. She was disgusted with herself. How? She had acted like some lesbian whore, some kind of sex addict. She lowered her eyes to the floor, knowing that she was breaking position but unable to care.

"Correct Murphy. The cunt of a slut produces juices due to sexual arousal. This helps lubrication. Porter, attention. Infraction for disobedience."

Sarah snapped her eyes forward, disappointed at herself for displeasing her teacher. The disappointment warred with her shame. She had no tears left. She felt like she would die at any moment. What was her life becoming? What was she becoming?

"Now where was I Porter?"

"Um you were talking about the juices a slut's cunt produces Ma'am," Sarah replied meekly.

"Yes, each slut produces their own style of cunt-juice. Some sluts juice is thin and watery, others produce a thicker, whiter substance, very much like cum in appearance and or course we everything in between. Each slut smells different and each slut tastes different. Porter, wheel the table over to the middle of the platform and get on it," directed the teacher.

Sarah did as she was told, glad for any distraction from standing there listening to Miss Rice teach. She pulled the strange chair until it reached the middle of the platform and climbed over the side. As she slid over the chair and faced the class, the full realisation of what she was doing hit her. She had tried to put it out of her mind as long as she could, but she could no longer escape it.

The anxious schoolgirl sat on the table, her legs dangling between the stirrups. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for the humiliation she knew was to come. As her legs spread she heard some soft titters from the girls in front of her. She knew what they were reacting to. As her legs came apart, strings of sticky moisture could be clearly seen connecting her thighs. As she lifted her legs into the stirrups she heard another round of muted noise from her classmates.

"Exactly," cried Miss Rice. "This is what we call cream. Cuntcream of pussycream or plain cream. Not all sluts cream so this is fortuitous for our first lesson."

Sarah felt disgusted as she heard her teacher describe the state of her pussy. As she had spread her legs her pussylips had opened slightly, showing the class the dollop of thick white cream that had collected at the entrance to her vagina. She had always thought it was normal for all girls to have their pussy produce this. To have produced this from the attentions of her female teacher confused and terrified her. What if she really was a lesbian? Really, thats the biggest worry right now, the forlorn girl chastised silently.

"Now let's get you settled and we can continue with our lesson," stated Miss Rice as she strapped the young girls legs into the stirrups.

Sarah winced as she felt something cold against her pussy. She watched, eyes wide like a deer in headlights, as her teacher scooped a sizable amount of thick white cream from her pussy. She watched as Miss Rice removed the spoon, a long string of sticky cream connecting the metal utensil and slit until finally it broke, leaving a thin wet trail from her pussy down onto the smooth plastic of the chair beneath.

"The cunt did not want to let that go," laughed Miss Rice. The sultry teacher bent down to Sarah's pussy, "do not worry little cunt, you can always make some more."

Sarah watched through newly forming tears as the teacher took the spoonful of her cream to Olsen. She did not think that anything could be worse than having the class see the evidence of her arousal, but being ridiculed for it made her want to shrink in on herself. If she was not strapped in she thought she may just have run from the room, punishment or not.

"Take her cream Olsen. Smell it, go on. Yes, breathe it in. That is the scent of a slut other than yourself. Each slut is different. This one has a very minor scent. It is a nice thick cream but with little pungency, which is quite different."

Sarah stared as Olsen lifted the spoon of cream under her nose and breathed in her scent. Olsen's eyes were tightly closed as she sniffed the white dollop.

"Now taste the slut's gift Olsen."

Sarah watched Olsen's eyes flicker open. They darted around the room, at her teacher, at Sarah strapped and spread before her. Sarah could feel she was almost in a panic.

"Just dip your tongue in Olsen, all the girls need to smell and taste Porter's cuntcream. Sluts must familiarise themselves with all scents and tastes. It is important to be able to recognise your owner or in fact anyone who uses you from any information available."

Sarah cringed as Olsen's tongue hesitantly edged out of her mouth towards the cream filled spoon. Just the very tip of the tongue darted into the thick white cream and then disappeared back inside her mouth.

"Olsen you could not have tasted that properly. Do you not want to learn Porter? Rest your tongue in the cream for three seconds. Then pass it along to the next girl. Once it reaches you Carew bring it to the front and give it to Porter. She should not miss out."

Sarah watched as each girl was passed the spoon, smelled and tasted her cream and passed it on. Most girls were clearly disgusted. She almost died when it was Murphy's turn, but her Irish friend looked Sarah straight in the eyes as she boldly stuck her tongue deep into the thick cream. She knew her friend was sending her a message, telling her to be strong but it did little to lessen the revulsion she felt with herself.

Taylor was the only girl to react differently. Sarah saw her almost revel in the scent from the spoon. And her tongue lingered in the thick liquid much longer than the three seconds. In fact Sarah was sure it flicked slightly from side to side. There was bound to be one Sarah thought. In a group of 18 girls there had to be one lesbian. Or maybe there were more, she was still very confused by the cause of her arousal.

Soon, too soon, Carew walked forward and handed the spoon to Sarah. The trembling teen knew what she had to do. She lifted the spoon to her nose and smelled herself, the subtle scent she knew but the taste would be something entirely different. She had never even thought to taste herself. She rested her tongue in her own cream, feeling the fresh tears slide down her cheeks.

'You can have it Porter," said Miss Rice as she placed a box on a stool she had set up next to the chair. She had been busy while the class taste tested Sarah's pussy.

Sarah held the spoon in confusion. How long was she supposed to hold it for? What was the point?

"Eat up Porter. All fluids are to be consumed. A slut must never forget that, clean up any mess that is made, whether it comes from you or someone else. This includes spit, cuntjuice and most importantly cum. You are never to waste a drop of cum. Cum is a slut's manna from heaven, it is the greatest gift that you will ever receive. A slut craves cum almost like an addiction."

Sarah listened to her teacher in horror. She was being told to eat her own juice. Eat something that came out of her pussy! The rest of the speech was almost lost on her as she stared at the pool of slimy liquid cupped before her. She looked at Miss Rice, who only smiled sweetly at her. The smile did something strange to Sarah. It calmed her and focused her thoughts. She didn't want Miss Rice to stop smiling. Right at that moment she could not bear it if Miss Rice stopped smiling.

Sarah popped the spoon in her mouth and poured her cream inside. She turned the spoon over and cleaned the concave side with her tongue as she withdrew it from her mouth, never taking her eyes from the sensuous curve of Miss Rice's smile.

"Thank you Ma'am," Sarah said, gratified as her teachers smile widened slightly.

"Good girl. Now we have to move on, there will be plenty of time to enjoy each others cuntcream. Our first basic lesson in hygiene is keeping a clean cunt. Now girls, cunt hair is an evolutionary relic. It serves no purpose, is unsightly and most importantly obstructs the view of a slut's holes.

"Now your owners may decide to style the hair on your mons but that is their prerogative. At Harkwood, Trinity cunts are kept clean. I know that many of you have quite filthy cunts at the moment and we will end this lesson by rectifying that. It is a slut's responsibility to keep her cunt clean. No excuses are accepted. Shaving is not acceptable as it leaves unsightly rashes and stubble. Some of your patrons may choose to permanently remove your cunt hair but for now you will learn how to wax your cunt and asshole."

Sarah had never thought of shaving or waxing her pussy. She had wanted her hair to grow thicker. She had always wanted to look less girlish and more like a woman. She had always been disappointed it was not thicker and now she was going to have it removed forever. She knew it was popular, called Brazilian waxing and she had never really understood the appeal but what Miss Rice had said did make a kind of sense to the teen.

"We use wax strips at Harkwood, hot wax is used more often when the cleaning is done by another. In future cases the first step is irrelevant but the cunthair should first be trimmed to allow the wax to take proper hold. Luckily we don't have to do this with Porter, her body is clearly striving for the natural slut state, see how sparse the hair is.

"These are cold strips, meaning we do not have to heat the wax first. Now Porter take this strip, now place the waxy side down onto your cunthair. Rub along the strip in the direction the hair is growing, making sure the wax adheres well to the hair, rub it a few times. That's right. Now grab the end of the strip that is furthest away and pull the strip up towards you. If you look at your cunthair it grows down so you wax against the grain. Put your other hand on the skin above the strip, pull the skin tight. Good, now pull hard and fast, one quick motion."

Sarah had followed all the teachers instructions without hesitation, doing her best to not only please her teacher but to get herself off this chair and out of this degrading position as quickly as possible, but now she hesitated for a moment. She grit her teeth and screwed up her face as she prepared to pull the strip back.

"Aaagh," Sarah yelped as she ripped the strip off her body, pulling her hair out by the roots. She had only managed to pull half the strip from her skin. At least half the length of the white strip was still connected to her body.

"Terrible, but it was a first try. You need to work with much more conviction. A slut must commit fully to every task she is set. The results of failing to do this are obvious. Try again.

Sarah grit her teeth, took a deep breath and pulled on the strip with all her strength. She moaned pitifully through clenched teeth as the strip came away from her skin and dangled in her hand like some mangled animal.

Look at how much hair is left behind, atrocious. Continue Porter. Refine your technique. Keep going until your cunt and asshole is clean. Make sure you press the wax hard into your skin, your first pass was weak. Now girls watch the way she is working the strip around. You use a strip for two or three passes, good passes not weak ones like the one we just saw."

Miss Rice continued to talk as Sarah worked the wax strips across her pussy, painfully pulling out more and more hair with each try. Her focus was totally on what she was doing. She didn't notice her teacher move around behind the chair until she felt her warm hands caressing her, gently stroking the hair back from her head.

Sarah yelped and gasped with each fresh pull but the tender stroking of the teacher helped her to deal with the pain, helped her to focus on doing a good job. It took her at least three attempts before she managed one good clean removal. She had always hesitated just that little bit, never fully committing to the action, and it had showed. She knew this was not going to stop until it was done properly, so she had grit her teeth and forged ahead.

"Rub your fingers over your cunt, make sure those areas are totally clean. One hair will earn an infraction," instructed Miss Rice as she continued to caress Sarah's forehead.

As Sarah finished one strip and reached for another she gingerly rubbed her fingers across the areas of her pussy she had waxed. She felt one or two tiny hairs that she could not see and made sure to remove those on her first pass with the new strip. In only a few more passes Sarah had completely denuded her pussy.

"Now girls watch as the slut moves down to the asshole. It is a little more difficult to reach on your own but you must learn how to do this yourselves. Often you may be given help but often you will not."

Sarah leant forward a little more to reach the area around her asshole, where the sparse, downy brown hair grew even less frequently. She wished Miss Rice would call her by name and not 'this slut', it made her feel cold and small as if she had no feelings at all. This was hair she would not miss but the humiliation of spreading her asscheeks further was no less for that. The young girl made quick work of the area around her asshole and hesitantly ran her fingers around her sphincter to make sure nothing remained.

"I am finished Ma'am," Sarah stated proudly, and with a little reticence as she knew it would mean that her teacher would stop her soothing attentions.

"That remains to be seen Porter."

The teacher moved in front of the trembling teenager and leaned over, her face extremely close to Sarah's pussy. Sarah watched as her teacher scrutinised her freshly waxed pussy, her face a mere inch away from the freshly smooth skin. After the visual inspection, Miss Rice began to slide two fingers across every inch of Sarah's pussy; her mons, her lips, the crease of each thigh before moving down to her asshole.

Sarah had begun to lose herself in the sensations caused by her teachers fingers. The tightening in her belly returned, her nipples hardened and her thighs tensed trying to close her legs on the fingers, prevented by the strap on each stirrup that kept her legs widely spread. Her whole body tensed and her asshole puckered as her teachers questing fingers slid over and around her tight pink sphincter.

"Good girl Porter. Slow but thorough. Now we wipe the cunt and asshole with a wetwipe that will remove any traces of wax and moisten the skin. Finally we rub a tiny amount of baby oil over the area to soothe and moisturise. Just a tiny drop on the tip of your index finger, smooth it around. We only want to moisten, not smother the cunt. If you need to use another drop then do so but only a drop at a time."

Sarah poured a small drop of oil on her finger and began to slowly spread it around her pussy, starting with her mons and moving her way down. She needed a number of drops to do the area properly and she was especially careful to touch her pussylips and clit with great care. She did not want anyone to suspect she was attempting to pleasure herself.

"Girls come up one by one and feel this slut's freshly cleaned cunt. See how red the skin is, you can see the tiny red dot of some of the nastier follicles. Once you have all felt how a clean pussy feels we will clean up the rest of those cunts."

Olsen stood up and moved between Sarah's spread legs. She reached out and placed two fingers on Sarah's smooth cunt, moving her fingers around, feeling for herself the evidence of a job worthy of her teachers praise. After a cursory feel she removed her fingers and moved to sit down.


The girl turned back towards Sarah and saw Miss Rice's outstretched hand offering her the spoon that had contained Sarah's pussycream.

"The slut is still producing cream. I want each girl to check the slut's cunt when they have finished examining it. If there is cream, scoop it out and eat it. Savour the flavour and replace the spoon on the slut's belly. It is a terrible thing for a slut's cream to be wasted."

Olsen took the spoon and gently scraped up the small trickle of thick cream that was oozing from Sarah's pussy. There was enough to create a small pool in the bottom of the spoon, though not as much as Sarah had consumed. Olsen hesitantly moved the spoon to her mouth and in one quick motion emptied the slimy contents inside. She was not as thorough as Sarah had been with her own juices and a think string of moisture stretched from Olsen's mouth as she withdrew the spoon. It snapped and swung back onto the shamed schoolgirls chin, leaving a thin glistening line down from her lip. She placed the spoon on the reclining girls belly as it if was a dangerous spider and hurried back to her seat.

Sarah lay back on the chair, unable to move, and watched passively as the remaining girls of her class came up to feel her pussy. Her freshly waxed skin throbbed a little, but this tiny pain was nothing compared to the still present ache of the cane strokes on her bruised buttocks. The near constant attention of fingers over her pussy and ass kept her in a state of arousal, her pussy continuing to pump out the thick cream to feed her classmates. Her breathing had become rapid and shallow and the flush of desire had mottled her chest, neck and face.

The reactions of almost all the girls were identical: reluctance, shame and revulsion at having to consume the juices from her pussy. Murphy was different; her pretty Irish friend approached her purposefully, felt her smooth pussy and ass with tender affection. Sarah knew she was acting with such strength, showing silent solidarity with the tormented teen. As Murphy caressed her pussy, Sarah began to feel a need to play with her nipples. They had remained hard and they had become almost painfully so. As the attention continued the need became a compulsion and her hands balled into fists to prevent her from touching her the tight buds of flesh that tipped each breast.

The only other girl to react differently was Taylor, even the sneering Casta was reluctant despite her apparent bravado. It was Taylor who surprised Sarah, her actions cementing in Sarah's mind that she was a lesbian. The small breasted girl's fingers were questing, even slipping inside the wet pussy for an instant. Her touch was lingering where the other girls had been cursory and impersonal. Sarah could have sworn that Taylor had even shivered slightly as she swallowed a large spoonful of Sarah's cream.

When the last girl had finished fondling Sarah's pussy, when the last girl had used her as a teaching tool, Sarah realised that nine of her classmates had consumed her cream. Nine of her potential friends had eaten something from her body, from her most private of places. Did they hate her for producing the cream? Would she if the positions were reversed? Then again Miss Rice had said she was an unusual slut, that not many girls produced what she did.

Sarah bit her lip as she realised that she had just referred to herself in her own thoughts as a slut. Was she? She really didn't think so but she seemed to know the right things to say, things that a slut would think. Her body was definitely acting this way and her teachers had praised her for it. She was deeply confused. She knew it was wrong. She knew she had to get out of this school. But what could she do? She was going to be beaten again and simply for not keeping her eyes forward. What could she possibly do?

"We are running a little low on time girls, so I will be cleaning the rest of your cunts myself. I believe you have seen enough from Porter on self-technique but it will be valuable to see how it is done by someone with experience. Everyone undress, put your clothes on your stools and stand at attention until you are called up.

"Porter you can assist me in cleaning these cunts. Move it Olsen, you are next."

Miss Rice released the straps holding Sarah's ankles in the stirrups. Her legs had been spread wide for so long that they trembled and felt weak as she stepped off the chair. Her thighs actually felt strange not being spread so wide. She felt that if she lay down they would spring open on their own. The young gorl stood at attention next to the chair and waited as Olsen clambered up, taking the position Sarah had so recently vacated.

"Strap her in Porter."

Sarah looked to Olsen, pleading with her eyes, hoping that the frightened girl would forgive her. She lifted the unresisting teenager's legs into the stirrups and fastened the straps, locking her in place.

Sarah moved beside the chair again and waited, watching Miss Rice's every move. What had taken Sarah minutes was accomplished in a matter of moments by the more experienced teacher. Olsen breathed hard and yelped as the hair was ripped from her tender flesh and Sarah fought to stand still so great was her need to comfort the girl.

"Porter once they are clean, unstrap them, wipe and oil the cunt and asshole of each slut. They will step off the chair and Present on the platform where you stand."

Sarah immediately unstrapped the girl from the chair and brought the box of wipes and the oil to her side. Olsen scrambled off the chair and immediately moved to the present position, exposing her pussy and ass to Sarah's ministrations.

"When you are finished with them Porter, slap the ass and they will move to their seats and stand at attention, giving the oil a chance to dry."

As she wiped and oiled Olsen's pussy, the teacher called up the next girl. Miss Rice was so accomplished that Sarah had barely finished oiling Olsen's bare pussy when the next girl was ready. Sarah slapped Olsen's ass and the humiliated teen scrambled up and went back to her seat. Sarah shared the girl's humiliation. She was now being used to help demean her friends. Once again she was just a tool and nothing more.

The next ten minutes was a whirl of activity as the teacher waxed her classmates and Sarah cleaned and oiled them. It was not until Taylor was called up that there was a break in the process and she had a chance to think.

She had just fondled the pussies of numerous girls her age. She had never touched a girl like that before, never even thought about it. Her nipples were still hard, becoming a little more painful with each passing minute. She knew her own pussy was still wet, still producing her cream. She felt it on her thighs as she worked. The fact that none of the smooth teenage pussies presented to her had juiced like hers made her all the more conscious of her difference, made her feel separated from the other girls and it only deepened her shame. She was the only slut in the class who was sexually aroused.

"Now girls see this cunt, the dirtiest in the class. It is in a shocking state," Miss Rice commented as she pulled the thick thatch of hair on Taylor's mons. The skinny young girl had an extremely thick, dark triangle of hair between her legs and around her asshole. The hair was even growing well into the crease to either side of her pussy.

"We are going to have to trim this forest back before the wax can get in there. Taylor you have earned one infraction for letting your cunt get into this state. It would be two but the juice you are producing is indicating that the slut is not entirely bad, just lazy."

Sarah saw what Miss Rice was talking about. The hair around the entrance to Taylor's pussy was sopping wet, matted together in a veritable swamp of pussy juice. There was no evidence of the cream that Sarah had but it was clear to the whole class that Taylor was deeply aroused.

The buzzing of the electric clippers filled the room as Miss Rice began to trim back the long, thick hair from between the girl's widespread legs. Tears were already running down the slim schoolgirls cheeks. The rich triangle of hair between her legs had always been her badge of womanhood. Her breasts were small and her slim figure had always made her seem more girlish than her 16 years. Now it was being taken away from her. She felt this was worse than having the collar locked around her neck. Something was being taken away from her, something much more tangible than freedom. This was something key to her identity, integral to the way she saw herself.

Sarah watched as the clippers trimmed back the hair. When the teacher had finished and reached for the wax strips, she thought that the girl's pussy already looked much better. She could not help but agree that a smooth and clean sex looked much better: more feminine, more sexy and much tidier. Did that thought make her a slut?

The transformation between Taylor's legs was like night and day. Miss Rice had quickly removed the stubble and left behind a gleaming, smooth area. From her close vantage point Sarah could see a number of little tiny droplets of blood on the skin. That hair must have been in there good, she thought.

"Before this slut gets oiled, everyone come out here and smell this cunt. Get some experience in the differences between sluts. We are very lucky in our first lesson to have two sluts juice up so well. You will notice that Taylor has the more common variety of cuntjuice: clear, much less viscous, less creamy and more watery in nature."

Olsen, as the first girl, moved between Taylor's spread legs and leaned in towards her smooth, red pussy. She breathed in the scent, noticing the much stronger odour.

"Lick. Taste as well. Start at the opening of the cunt and lick to the top of the slit. File that taste away, lick three times to ensure you have it. Really get that tongue in contact with those fat cuntlips."

Olsen's tongue quivered as it neared the spread girl's plump labia, the bright lights of the schoolroom causing the newly smooth lips to glisten. There was a moment's hesitation as she breathed in, steeling herself for the degrading task she had been told to perform, inhaling the strong scent of Taylor's pussy as an unexpected by-product.

Taylor moaned as the hot wet tongue made contact with her pussy, made all the more sensitive by the recent waxing. As each girl in the class tasted Taylor's pussy, her arousal increased. Her chest heaved as she struggled for breath, her face and neck coloured deeply, her eyes glazed as her body succumbed to the pleasure that was steadily rising within her. Her thighs trembled, unable to close or even move.

Sarah was standing only feet away, watching the pretty young teen lose herself in the sexual feelings. Her hands were clasped tightly together behind her back and she realised with shame that her hips had begun to move back and forward in tiny circles. She caught herself and stood still, horrified that she had reacted in this way, terrified that any of her classmates had seen her.

"Porter, your turn."

Sarah stepped in front of the strapped down teen struggling for breath. Without any hesitation she licked the exposed pussy three times. She did not linger but nor did she rush through it. Her teacher had placed some importance on learning scents and tastes and she knew this was not an idle indulgence.

Well that settles it, she thought. I am not a lesbian. That pussy was definitely not to my taste. Surely lesbians love the taste of pussy? It was a true solace for Sarah to think this way. She had been shocked and dismayed by the growing realisation that she might be a slut but the confusion over the way her body had reacted to the touch of a woman was now put to rest. It was a great relief.

As she resumed her position next to the chair, the taste of Taylor's pussy strong in her mouth, she watched as Miss Rice leant down between Taylor's legs and began to eat her pussy. This was no mere licking. Sarah and Taylor were the only ones to be able to see what was going on but her teacher's whole mouth had enveloped the slim girls delicate pink lips.

Taylor's reaction was immediate. Her hands flew to her breasts, kneading them, caressing her nipples. Moans escaped her mouth as she threw back her head in ecstasy. Sarah hoped that Taylor would get her hands off her chest before the teacher saw. It took a mammoth effort of will for Sarah not to follow Taylor's example and fondle her own breasts.

"Casta," called Miss Rice as she stood up from between the moaning girl's legs.

Porter immediately unstrapped the prone teen, hoping to distract both her teacher and Taylor from the sight of the girl fondling herself. She had not been told not to, but Sarah was sure it was not allowed. She looked at Miss Rice who was looking at Taylor and licking her lips. Sarah hurried her off the chair and made sure the dazed girl adopted the correct present position.

"Now class look at this. Here is a slut who has tried to embrace her nature but simply failed in execution."

Sarah looked at Casta as Miss Rice secured the straps across her ankles, ensuring her legs would remain spread widely during the waxing. Sarah had seen the young French girls pussy from a distance, in the showers. She had been shaved but since being at Harkwood she had obviously not had access to a razor and the stubble had begun to grow back. It must have been rather itchy and uncomfortable Sarah thought.

"Fortunately the hair is long enough to be removed but here is evidence enough why shaving is so undesirable. It looks terrible and it feels disgusting," said the teacher as she rubbed her hand across the French girl's exposed vulva. It did not last long however. Miss Rice proceeded to denude the prickly pussy as Sarah oiled Taylor's still wet one.

It was not long before every cunt in the class was clean and smooth. Sarah looked out from her vantage point on the platform at her classmates arrayed before her, naked, more naked now than they had been when they started. She glanced at the bare pussies she could see and imagined what her own must look like. As she stood at attention and looked out at the class she noticed that most every girl was looking at her. Not just at her but between her legs. Sarah began to feel extremely self-conscious. She already felt horribly vulnerable, nothing that had happened had yet managed to lessen her attitude to her own nudity.

Miss Rice soon noticed the class seemed to be collectively focused on Sarah's pussy. She moved around from beside the chair and looked at what was so mesmerising. Sarah was unsure what to feel when she saw the sultry lips of her teacher curve into the sensual smile that she so longed to see.

"Ah now that's a good little slut. Yes girls, the slut has kept producing her cream all this time.  Good girl Porter. I am aware that you will probably never have seen this before and it is only fair that you do. Carefully lean forward and look at your pussy."

Sarah was a little worried at what she would find. Miss Rice was very pleased with her though so she knew it could not be a bad thing. The pretty teen carefully leaned forward, bending at the waist, and looked between her legs. Dangling from her pussylips was a thick string of her cream, almost two inches long. It was swinging slightly as she moved.

Sarah bit her lip to stifle the sobs. She no longer cared that her teacher was pleased with her. She was ashamed but more than that she worried what the other girls would think of her. Miss Rice had already said she was an unusual slut for producing such thick pussy cream but now, after standing at attention, it was oozing out of her, visible to everyone.

"Porter straighten up and spread your legs wider, very gently. Just shuffle them, heel then toe. Good girl."

Sarah was now standing with her legs spread almost three feet apart. She could not see but she imagined the string of cuntcream swaying and swinging as she inched her feet wider. The tormented girl hoped whatever was going to happen would happen quickly. Her thighs were already straining to hold the uncomfortable position.

Miss Rice disappeared behind Sarah. She could hear movement but she stayed true to her brief training and looked straight ahead. She was looking at the clock on the back wall, noticing it was only minutes away from the end of period when she felt a tickling of her thighs. It felt like... hair. Sarah's eyes opened wide as she felt a hot breath between her legs.

"You may watch Porter."

Sarah's gaze instantly flew to the open space between her legs. Miss Rice was leaning backwards between her legs, the top half of her face visible beneath Sarahs freshly denuded mound. The flustered teen locked eyes with her teacher and watched as Miss Rice opened her mouth and raised it towards Sarah's pussy. Upwards rose the supine teacher's mouth enveloping the long string of hanging cream until lips met lips and the questing tongue sought out the cream at its source.

Sarah moaned as contact was made, her eyes remained locked with the mesmerising green eyes of her teacher. She had never felt anything like this, her whole body shivered but she could not look away. A pulse of heat burst through her chest into her nipples and wave after wave of almost overwhelming pleasure crashed through her pussy. Masturbating was nothing like this, even when she flicked her button it did not feel like this. But this was her teacher. Teachers werent supposed to do this. Not even here, at this school that was so wrong. The young girl felt disconnected from reality, as if time and space was somehow disjointed.

As suddenly as it began, the ecstasy was over. Sarah groaned in despair as Miss Rice moved out from beneath her and appeared standing in front of the gasping schoolgirl. She could see her teacher moving her tongue within her mouth and imagined her cream swirling around her teachers delicate pink tongue, the tongue that so recently had been on her, inside her.

"Now girls I hope you were watching. The slut was clearly approaching orgasm. No slut is allowed to come without permission. An immediate detention is earned for each orgasm. Porter is a good slut, especially considering she is untrained and a virgin."

Sarah was instantly wrenched from the pleasurable daydream she had lost herself in, reliving the sensations of her teachers mouth on her pussy, trying desperately to hold on to the ecstasy she had felt as her teacher sucked the cream from her cunt. She came crashing down as she realised that now the whole class knew she was a virgin. She heard the whispering gasps as her classmates reacted to the announcement.

"She is highly sexual, almost coming from a mere touch on her pussy. A slut needs to learn that her pleasure is not important and it is a gift to be treasured and cherished if granted. The fact that she is such an easily aroused slut may make her training a little more strenuous but she should be proud of it nonetheless. Proud of yourself Porter?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied in a daze. She was trying to take everything in but she felt so conflicted.

"Explain your pride to the class."

"Ma'am I am proud that I am a natural slut and that this pleases you Ma'am."

"Good girl Porter, surrender to your instincts. Feeling pride, and taking satisfaction in, the pleasure of your betters is second nature to you that much is obvious. Attention. Now all girls dress and take your seats."

Sarah thankfully straightened up and left the platform to retrieve her clothes and dress herself. Was it so obvious, her feelings of pride. She definitely felt them. She almost glowed inside when her teacher smiled at something she had done. When she spoke to the seductive Miss Rice she was sincere, more than she had ever been in her life. She hardly even thought about what she was saying. The words seemed to just tumble from her mouth.

"You must remember girls that 'pride cometh before the fall'. While it is the way a slut will feel simply due to what she is, it is not acceptable to indulge such thoughts as this redirects the focus inwards and a sluts focus should always be outwards. Feelings of pride, satisfaction and even pleasure in service are to be accepted as simply a facet of your nature, like your need to indulge your craving for sexual release or your desire to satisfy this need in others.

"Think on this girls. Search your feelings as your training continues. The true depths of your personalities will become increasingly apparent to you. They are already transparent to your teachers, trainers and owners, it is why you are here. It is obvious to those who have experience, those who know what to look for. It could not be more obvious if slut or whore was written across your foreheads.

"Of course some are further along than others. Porter has already begun to embrace the essence of who she is. Every slut here will graduate from Harkwood. Every slut in this room will leave Harkwood and provide a valuable contribution to society and a long life of pleasure and servitude to her owner. This is not in question. The journey however is up to each and every slut herself."

Sarah sat on her stool, listening to her teacher speak. She felt the truth of the words but somehow, for some reason she could not quite accept them in the way that she knew Miss Rice thought she had. She felt much better now that she was no longer naked. She still burned with the humiliation she had endured during the class, but it was tinged with the pleasure that lingered from her contact with Miss Rice and the protection she gained from her uniform made her feel secure and more herself.

She felt terrible that she did not feel the way Miss Rice wanted her to. She longed to confess it to her but she was terrified of making her unhappy, afraid that she would not see her teacher smile at her again. That was something she simply could not bear. The bell sounded.

"Run along to lunch girls. I will see you again this afternoon."

Sarah's heart missed a beat as she heard this. She would see Miss Rice again today. She almost skipped as she followed Murphy out of the room. The annoying beep of the scanner in her ear made her frown but not even that degradation could totally dampen the happiness she felt knowing she would see the mesmerising teacher again so soon.

Chapter 9. In which Sarah has her first free period

Sarah once again thanked her lucky stars that she was not the girl first in line. She wasn't sure she could make it back to the food hall if she was leading. The class of Trinity girls only made it as far as Miss Watson's door before they were halted. Their form teacher was standing in the open doorway of her classroom. Sarah joined the three girls before her, standing dutifully at attention. Within moments two close lines of uniformed girls had formed neatly in front of Miss Watson.

"Girls, you are heading to the lunch period now. This is your first test with the general population of Harkwood and I want a good showing from Trinity house. Your handlers know what to do. I want the report I receive to show that there were eighteen obedient Trinity sluts during lunch period.

"Your movement around the school as a house should be as you are now formed. When you leave a room, you form up before moving off. I don't want to see you wandering around the school like that herd of cows that I just witnessed. Is that understood?"

"Yes Ma'am," the class chorused obediently.

"When you are dismissed from lunch you report to your dorm. Your housemistress will then take over your instruction. Move off."

The two neat lines continued down the corridor. As they approached the landing the school began to come alive. The noise of schoolgirls moving through the halls, chatting and laughing, filled the air. The eighteen silent girls of Trinity house moved across the landing and down the stairs to the ground floor. The formation became ragged and chaotic as they moved down the stairs. The untrained girls were simply unable to negotiate the steps in their high heels and still remain in their neat lines.

They came together at the bottom of the stairs and headed towards the food hall, moving with the flow of the other girls. Sarah saw the looks they were getting, no doubt the simple fact that they were neatly lined up and silent was enough to garner attention. Sarah, however was sure that their collars and high heels were also causing them to be stared at.

More than likely her still hard nipples would also be a topic of conversation and staring. She heard a number of girls laugh as they walked past her and she was positive they were laughing at her. She wasn't sure how long her nipples had been hard, almost an hour she was sure. The rubbing sensation of her blouse across her already hard nipples ensured that as long as she moved they would remain tightened, causing her no small discomfort. Sarah looked around at her classmates, trying to read their minds or their body language, anything to gain an insight into how they were feeling.

They were surrounded by girls who were not her to be trained as slaves, normal girls, leading normal school lives. What if they found out? What if she, or one of her classmates, could just walk up to one of these girls and reveal the secret, debased side of Harkwood? Would they be believed? It seemed as if the staff here would have that all thought through, they had been doing this for years. They had a cover story that would make anything a Trinity girl said sound stupid and staff and prefects were scattered everywhere. What would the penalty be for attempting such a thing? Sarah could feel the ache in her abused buttocks, radiating unceasing waves of pain throughout her body. How could they do anything?

They were soon at the food hall and the noise was now immense. It was not that it was so loud but after the near silence of her classes this cacophony of teenage girls hit her an almost physical blow. As the other girls of the class moved inside and took their turn in line, Sarah broke with formation and stood outside the hall, looking in, trying to spot Miss Harper. She had been told to wait for her outside. Obviously none of the other girls' handlers had made this same command.

Sarah was soon all alone in the corridor. The last few straggling girls had trickled past her into the hall to get their lunch. As the moments ticked by, Sarah began to worry. She tried not to panic and used the time to assess how she was feeling. Her nipples were uncomfortable. Really they were aching slightly, just over the threshold into being painful. Her ass still ached from the caning she had received that morning, though the sharp sting had subsided. Her sex tingled, it almost felt like she had pins and needles running all over the tender flesh of her pussy and asshole. As she thought about her pussy, she thought about how smooth it seemed and how wonderful her panties felt against her.

She wasn't sure if it was just because she now had no hair between her legs or if she was just becoming more sensitive but she could feel the panties on her pussy, conscious now of the sheer material where she had not been before her waxing.

Sarah began to think about her lessons so far that day but the worry that she had been forgotten began to occupy her mind. She could see all the other girls eating, she could smell the delicious food but she could not see her handler. She must be at one of the tables that Sarah could not view from the angle she had from outside the food hall.

She could not go inside. Sarah knew the moment she moved she would be in trouble. After all she had stood outside by herself for this long which had made her more conspicuous. Just when she had really begun to panic, when the indecision over whether she should stay or move had begun to be unbearable, she saw Miss Harper moving through the crowd of seated girls.

Sarah could not help but smile at the approaching prefect. Her relief was immense. She was glad to see Miss Harper. She knew more about what was going on here now, facts she had not known the last time she had seen her handler. Now she understood just what Miss Harper had to do, the responsibility she had in looking after her and in reinforcing her training. She vowed that she would never give her handler a reason to be disappointed.

"What are you smiling at Porter?" enquired Harper, genuinely curious.

"Hello Miss Harper," Sarah replied, curtsying as she did so. "I am happy to see you."

"Well Porter, okay," said the somewhat bewildered prefect. She was not entirely sure how to respond to what was an obviously sincere sentiment.

"Did you enjoy your first lessons at Harkwood?"

"Yes Miss Harper."

"Miss will do Porter. Did you learn a lot?"

"Yes Miss."

"I bet you did. I hope you are going to be a good girl for me during lunch. All meals are generally the same. You must clean the hall after eating your lunch. If you finish cleaning before the end of the period you are to come directly to me. I will be in the main courtyard, which is directly off the main foyer, I forgot to show you that last night. I am responsible for you during this period so I don't want you dawdling all around the school, understand?"

"Yes Miss," Sarah replied obediently.

"Okay hurry inside and get in line. I don't think any Trinity girls have been served yet. At lunch and dinner you get served last. Breakfast is different because it is easy to get you out of the way, otherwise you would miss valuable minutes of schooling and no one wants that do they?"

"No Miss."

"Hurry along."

Sarah trotted off to stand in line. Harper watched her go, a little confused. She had thought she would have found Porter upset, perhaps rebellious and disobedient. Instead she found a girl who greeted her with a smile and who actually seemed happy. She was going to have to talk with the other prefects about their girls.

Sarah hurried to the front of the food hall, aware that almost everyone she passed stared at her. Her cheeks could not help but colour as she imagined what they were saying about her; her collar, her hard nipples, her provocative walk forced upon her by the high heels. She remembered that these girls knew nothing about her special schooling, nothing about her being trained to be a slut. They all thought they were troubled girls sent to Harkwood to be straightened out. She was sure they all thought she was probably here for being some kind of sex fiend.

She definitely heard the word nipple at least once as she walked the length of the hall, joining the line of girls waiting to be served. She noticed that her classmates were standing in a separate line against the wall. There were only a handful of girls from the other houses still to be served and Trinity house obviously had to wait aside until last.

It did not take long before her line was moving. She shuffled forwards eagerly, aware now that she was quite hungry. It was soon Sarah's turn, she collected a plastic tray and waited to be served. One of the kitchen staff put a bowl of salad on her tray and a large bottle of water. She had seen the other girls getting served so she was not surprised but the lunch she and her classmates received was very different from the rest of the school. She could still smell the delicious odours of pasta and curry and a number of other dishes.

Every Trinity girl had been given the same thing: salad and water. Sarah weaved between the tables of schoolgirls, eating their lunch and chatting merrily. Her stool next to Murphy was free. She placed her tray on the table and sat on the plastic stool, noticing again how the seating caused her to naturally spread her legs. She did not even have to think about adopting the position.

"You should hurry and eat Port, you missed it but Mrs Lancaster said that we have until 15 past to eat our lunch and then we have to go to our stations and be ready to clean. So you only have about five minutes," the Irish girl said between mouthfuls of salad.

"Thanks Murph," Sarah replied as she stabbed her salad with her plastic fork.

She had to admit, the salad was delicious. The lettuce was crisp, the cucumber sweetly refreshing and the dressing was subtle yet amazing. In fact, Sarah admitted to herself, it was perhaps the best salad she had ever tasted. She reached for her bottle of water and noticed for the first time that it was already opened and that there was no lid. Even her water was delicious, with a slight hint of lime.

Sarah focused on enjoying her meal, as every other Trinity girl was doing. She tried to forget the rest of the day and just be right here, right now. She glanced up at the clock and realised she only had a minute remaining. She had almost finished her salad, so she did not need to worry.

The other girls at the table started to stand. Sarah looked to the front of the hall and noticed the red light was on. She went to lift her tray but noticed that all the other girls had left theirs behind on the table. Sarah was not sure what was going on but it must have been something else she had missed. As she started to move off to her station she glanced back at the table. Her eyes were immediately drawn to her stool. Sarah was horrified to see a dark wet spot in the middle of the black circle. Her pussy juice had obviously soaked into her panties and now leaked from there onto her stool.

Sarah frantically looked around the room, terrified someone would notice. She didn't know what to do. She remembered from her classes this morning that all fluids were supposed to be consumed but there was no way she could get down and lick the stool in front of the rest of the school. In front of girls who were unaware of her status.

The humiliated teen rushed off to her station, hoping and praying that no one would notice her pussy juices on the stool. Hoping and praying that it would quickly dry before anyone had a chance to see. She soon stood at attention at her station, making sure her pussy was directly over the number 4 stencilled on the floor beneath her. No one had told her to be so specific but she felt it was right to be neat and it felt good to do something that felt correct without being told.

The rest of the school were slowly finishing their lunches and drifting out of the food hall in small groups. Sarah watched her section like a hawk. She did not want to annoy any of the normal schoolgirls and so was waiting until a section of table with at least four empty seats had opened up.

Normal schoolgirls? She knew there was a definite distinction between the girls of Trinity house and the rest of the school, that had been made abundantly clear, but she was unhappy with herself over the choice of words she had unconsciously used. Her gaze kept darting back to the Trinity table, back to her stool, desperate for people to stay away from that area to give her pussy juices a chance to dry. The fear of being caught began to prey on her mind.

She spotted a space clear as a couple of girls left the table in front of her. Sarah swooped in and cleared up their lunch dishes. She could see the remnants of a number of different dishes as she cleared the trays. Her salad was delicious but it had not been particularly filling and she realised she was still hungry.

As Sarah took her first round of trays to the counter she noticed that the hall was beginning to empty much faster now. The lunch period was almost half over and Sarah guessed the girls wanted to spend the rest of their period doing something more fun. She, however, was stuck here cleaning up after the other houses. She was not sure how long this would take. The breakfast clearing had not taken too long and the girls were a little more experienced now.

By the time she made it back to her station all the tables were empty. She was able to clear whole tables now and she decided to take a gamble and clear every tray from a table at once. Sarah stacked eight trays together, piling up the dishes and empty drink containers, attempting to distribute the weight evenly across the tray.

She hoped she was not making a mistake by doing this but it would save a lot of time. She took a deep breath and lifted the trays. They weren't that heavy, it was just the balance she would have to watch. Her steps were a little slower but, as she safely deposited the eight trays on the counter, she knew she had saved time.

Sarah hurried back to repeat the process, maybe she could even add an extra tray or two. She admitted to herself that even though cleaning up after other girls her age was a little demeaning she was beginning to enjoy it. She was starting to make a game of the activity, see how quickly and efficiently she could complete the task set for her.

A second and then a third table in her section was cleared. She had retrieved a washcloth on her last trip to the counter and now began to clean her section and straighten the chairs, making sure to catch every crumb and every spilled droplet of moisture. Her section was the first to be cleared and she moved on to the tables surrounding hers and helped her classmates. She lost track of time as she immersed herself in her task, becoming absorbed by doing a good job and making sure all the tables were clean and tidy. She had always liked things to be neat, always hated mess and seeing things out of place. Soon all the tables were cleared and cleaned, leaving only the two Trinity house tables unattended. As the girls were moving back to their stations, Mrs Lancaster came out of the kitchen and called them over to their tables.

"Stand behind your assigned seats."

Sarah looked worriedly at her stool as she moved to stand behind it. Her pussy juice had dried thankfully, but there was the very slightest of marks on the black plastic. Sarah was sure no one could see it if they didn't know what to look for. She relaxed just a little.

"I see a number of meals not finished. You are on carefully controlled diets and if you are set a meal you are to eat it. I am gratified that you liked the salad well enough but I see four bottles that have not been finished. The girls in question step up to the table and finish now."

Sarah and three other girls stepped forward. She hadn't known she had to finish everything, even the water. She took the 650 ml bottle and began to drink. Over half was left and after only a few mouthfuls she began to struggle. She continued drinking mouthful after mouthful. When the last trickle was gone she set the bottle down on the table, noticing that she was the last to finish and that all eyes were on her. She fervently hoped that she had not caused any of them to get into trouble.

"Not finishing a meal is a show of disrespect to myself and my kitchen staff. You are dismissed to seek out your handlers for the remainder of the lunch period. You four come with me."

Sarah's heart sank. She had found trouble again and through something as small as not finishing a bottle of water. She joined Ozawa, Ness and Cox as they followed Mrs Lancaster to the kitchen area. Here they were lined up against the wall and Mrs Lancaster scanned each of their eartags and made the correct notifications against their records on the ubiquitous laptop that every staff member seemed to have.

The anxious schoolgirl glimpsed the screen as her infraction was added. This was her second since the tally was reset after her correction that morning. What really worried her was the flashing red 'DETENTION' that appeared at the top of the screen. She dreaded what this would mean. Detention had always been a fear of hers, even though she had never even come close to attending. But here, now, the word detention took on a whole other level of terror for the young girl.

"Dismissed," Mrs Lancaster declared sternly.

Her classmates quickly vacated the kitchen, unhappy and disappointed in themselves that they had earned more strokes of the dreaded cane. Sarah lingered for just a moment.

"I am very sorry for any disrespect Ma'am."

"Thank you Porter. Now run along, there is still 20 minutes of lunch left and your handler must wish to know where you are."

Sarah moved to hurry off to find Miss Harper.

"Oh and Porter?"

"Yes Ma'am," she replied turning around, halfway through the door.

"If you fail to finish a meal again your infractions will double, I won't tolerate any disrespect of my staff and their efforts to keep you healthy. Understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," she replied dejectedly.

She honestly did not need the reinforcing message. She still didn't quite see how not finishing a bottle of water was disrespect but that was not really for her to question. There was a lot she did not understand and a lot she was having trouble accepting but she vowed to do better. Sarah hurried out of the food hall in search of the courtyard, quickly found herself in the foyer. She had passed a number of girls along the way but now she was alone. The great oak front doors were but steps away. Through those doors lay another life; the simple life of a teenage girl whose biggest worry was what breakfast cereal to have. Just through those doors, thought Sarah, staring at the huge wooden panels.

She sighed and turned away, heading to the other end of the foyer and on to the courtyard. Through a simple open archway she entered the large stone-tiled courtyard. It was a huge open square with two long corridors of columns down each side of the main building, creating a pleasing wave of curving arches until they met the building edge and turned back to finish the square. A number of huge trees shaded parts of the courtyard and stone seats and benches were dotted around the open area, all covered in chatting and laughing schoolgirls.

Sarah stood at attention and surveyed the courtyard trying to locate her handler. She did not want to get in trouble for being unattended during a free period. She spotted Murphy and her handler and was tempted to wave, but Murphy had her eyes focused on the ground at her feet.

Sarah kept scanning, becoming a little desperate before she finally saw Miss Harper, seated under a tree with a group of girls. She hurried over and curtsied before her handler. She felt it best to perform this show of respect in front of her handlers friends. Miss Harper had taken on a great responsibility in looking after her and Sarah felt that she should do her best to make her happy that she had done so. After all the prefect was only a year older than her, Sarah doubted she could accept the same burden.

"This is my girl," Harper explained to her friends. "Porter come stand behind me."

"What is she supposed to do Reece?" asked one of the seated girls, staring at Porter as if she was some strange alien being.

"Behave herself. She is here to be trained to be a valuable member of society. You know about the Trinnies Miranda."

"Yeah I know Reece but what's she supposed to do here, I mean here with us."

"Can't be trusted on their own during free periods," explained Harper.

"What's that on her neck?"

"Collar. They've all got one, they need it for discipline," replied Harper.

"Ha, like a dog," one of Harper's friends laughed.

"So shes just going to stand there the whole time?"

"She does whatever she is told."

'Tell her to do something then," piped up a girl called Stacey.

"Like what?" replied an exasperated Harper, not particularly interested in talking about her charge for the whole period.

"I don't know, make her stand on one leg," laughed Stacey.

"Porter stand on one leg," commanded Harper.

Sarah obediently raised her left leg, attempting to balance on the small surface area that the high heel of her right shoe allowed. It was not the easiest thing to do with her hands behind her back.

"That's pathetic, make her raise her leg higher."

"Raise it Porter, get your knee out level."

Sarah raised her leg higher, lifting her knee to hip height. She wobbled a little but managed to correct herself by shuffling her right foot, scuffing it on the hard stone flooring. All the girls in Harpers circle laughed at her. Sarah felt the familiar flush of heat to her face as she bore the brunt of their ridicule.

"Clarice, I can see her panties. Make her turn around."

"Turn around and face the tree Porter."

Sarah turned and faced the trunk of the great tree that was shading them from the hot noonday sun. She focused her attention on the gnarled bark, trying to lose herself in the intricate patterns, to forget about the humiliation she was suffering at the hands of these girls, schoolgirls like herself. She was doing her best for Miss Harper. She hoped she was not causing her any embarrassment.

"Back on one leg Porter," commanded Harper.

Sarah lifted her right leg, this time her leg continued high, her knee stopping once it reached hip height, knee creating a perfect right angle which, while aesthetically pleasing, was not an easy position to maintain. She was constantly struggling to maintain her balance, requiring small movements of her legs, body and arms.

Harper and her friends continued their conversations as if Sarah did not exist. She tried not to listen in, feeling it was in some way rude to hear the private conversations of her handlers friends. She could not help but overhear certain details, mundane things mostly, about movies and fashion and boys. All the things that were part of a different world now. A world she had existed in only days ago but was now closed to her.

"Change legs Porter."

Sarah silently thanked her handler, she had begun to really struggle to maintain the position and retain her composure. She smiled as she lowered her right leg and raised her left. She had not been forgotten and for some reason this made her feel happy. The confused schoolgirl felt a wave of feelings for the older girl. Sarah wasn't quite sure what they were: a strange mixture of respect and happiness and maybe, if she admitted it to herself, a little pleasure that Miss Harper had thought of her. The feelings were tainted by the fact that the group of girls continued to talk as if she was not there. They laughed and joked with each other. They never spoke self-consciously or mentioned her presence and it felt terrible to feel like she did not exist.

Sarah's legs had begun to tremble and her leg had been bobbing up and down as she struggled to hold it high. Her leg had once dropped almost to the ground before she caught it and swiftly lifted it. She felt bad that she had not managed to hold her position but it did not seem that anyone was even watching her. She heard the electronic bell sound, though it had a slightly different chime. The flurry of activity she sensed in her peripheral vision told her that the courtyard was quickly emptying as the girls headed back to class.

"See you in class, I have to get my girl back." Sarah felt a tiny flutter in her belly when she heard Miss Harper refer to her as "my girl". The feeling unnerved and confused her. "Come Porter," her handler commanded.

Sarah gratefully lowered her foot to the ground and turned to follow her handler. Both her legs felt rubbery as she walked after Miss Harper, being sure to stick to her position, slightly behind and to the left

"Miss?" Sarah ventured hesitantly.

"You ask permission to speak Porter."

"Permission to speak Miss?" said the chastened girl.


"Miss, why was the bell different?"

"It's the warning bell, letting us know we have five minutes before class resumes."

"Miss I am sorry that I was not able to hold my proper position during lunch," Sarah blurted, unsure, even as the words left her mouth, why she was asking for trouble.

"Well... just try to do better next time," replied a slightly bewildered Harper. She had her back turned to Porter the whole time. She had honestly wanted to forget she was there, try and have a normal lunch with her friends. She was going to have to ask Miss Peach about Porter at the prefect's form the next day.

Sarah followed her handler in silence the rest of the way to her dorm, still pondering her hurried confession as they arrived. Most of the other girls were already present and had begun to form their usual lines.

"In line, I will see you at lunch tomorrow." With that her handler strode off to class, leaving Sarah with her classmates. Miss Peach came out of her room and stood before the quickly forming lines of girls.

"Hmm Mitchell, is missing. Where is... Move it Mitchell," Miss Peach yelled. Sarah could hear the clatter of high heels on the wooden floors as Mitchell ran down the corridor to take her place in line.

"Infraction for tardiness Mitchell. Inside and change into your gym clothes. You will have gym first period after lunch every day. You need to be changed and in front of the gym by second bell, which you will not make today. You sluts need to learn to be on time. Your time is not your own. Your time, like everything else, belongs to your superiors. Right now that is to the staff of Harkwood, later it will be your owner. When you waste someone's time you will find it will always be recompensed."

The bell for class echoed down the corridor.

"See, late already and you have not even changed. Move, now."

Olsen led the way, scanning at the lounge door and then again in the dorm. The other girls followed in turn, performing the obedient game of follow the leader that was becoming so much a part of their routine.

Sarah moved to her bed and started to undress. She was sure to fold all her clothes neatly on the bed, noticing that it had once again been immaculately made. As she removed her shoes she placed them in the appropriate space in her cupboard. Once she was naked she looked for her gym clothes.

She had not taken any notice of these small garments, during her induction they had all still been wrapped in plastic and she hadn't had a chance since then to inspect them. The socks were no trouble: small white ankle socks, two tiny balls of material, looking for all the world like little pompoms dangled from the elastic band at the back. She had never seen socks like this before, they were cute but they had a definite little girl feel she thought, not really something a fashion conscious teen would wear.

The shoes she had already worn and once again she marvelled at the comfort from the deceptively functional black shoe. She tried her best to follow the general rules of dressing and reached next for her gym panties. They were much more substantial than the small g-string she wore as part of her normal uniform. They looked similar to the pants she had seen the girls working out in last night but they appeared much more brief.

As she pulled them up her legs she noticed how wonderfully stretchy and fitting the material was. They felt just like the cotton/lycra blend of the gym clothes her mother had bought for her, and which she had failed to wear even once, but these appeared to have a much shinier finish and fit snugly over her freshly shaved pussy. The gym panties were really tiny shorts: each leg finishing high on her thigh, in line with her pussy, the back cut a little higher, the bottom of each asscheek not quite covered.

Unlike her uniform panties, these had a seam running through the middle, from front to back. The waistband was much thicker than she had seen before; almost two inches thick. It was white and contrasted with the deep blue material to look almost like a belt, Sarah thought. The waistband fit snugly just below her hipbones, the whole garment really only covering about six inches of her tender teenage flesh. The elastic of the thick waistband was tight, there was no danger of them going anywhere during exercise she thought thankfully.

The bra matched the panties. It was of the same material and cut in a brief halter style, with a Y shaped back. The front of the bra crossed over high on her chest, just below her throat leaving a large teardrop shaped opening that displayed the curves of her breasts as the tight material pushed them together. Sarah had never worn anything that gave her cleavage like this. She snuck a glance at Mitchell and noted the teens large tits were mashed together entirely filling the opening with jiggling breast-meat.

Her hair was still in a ponytail so she guessed her gym uniform was complete. She hurried out the room, scanning as she went and took her place in the almost complete lines. Miss Peach was waiting for them, surveying the young schoolgirls now scantily clad in their gym uniforms. What a sight they made, the housemistress thought. It was a truly great day when she had accepted her position at Harkwood. The housemistress watched as the last girl found her place in line.

"Hassel, step out of line."

The frightened teen stepped out from the illusory protection of her classmates and stood before Miss Peach. From behind her back the housemistress produced a wicked-looking leather crop. She brought the instrument sharply against the girl's left thigh and buttock, three, then four times.

"The last girl into line is letting everyone down. I won't abide dawdlers in my house. Get back into line and stop snivelling or I will really give you a reason to. Now get to class."

Olsen and Mitchell led the girls off to class. Once again the neat, clean lines disintegrated into organised chaos as they went down the stairs but reformed instantly when they were again on flat ground. It did not take them long before they reached the gym where they could see a woman waiting for them. She did not look happy.

Chapter 10.  In which Sarah has physical education

The two lines of anxious schoolgirls formed up before what was obviously their gym teacher. She was dressed in a two piece outfit in the Harkwood blue, very similar to what every girl in Trinity house now wore. Sarah could see the prominent muscles of the woman's frame clearly defined. She was more than athletic, she had muscles that went well beyond being toned.

"Seven minutes," she snapped. "Seven minutes. This time will be made up at the end of standard class today. Get inside the gymnasium on the double."

The girls marched through the well-appointed gym and into the large gymnasium.

"Register and form up, single file along the red line."

The polished wooden floors were covered in coloured lines. Each girl looked down and soon spotted the red line which seemed to form a large rectangle following the contours of the room, some four feet from the wall. Olsen moved off to her left and all the other girls followed.

"Left arm up, reach out and touch the shoulder of the girl to your left, move along to your right until your fingertips just touch. This is what you do when told to form a line."

In moments the eighteen schoolgirls had spaced themselves neatly.

"On my whistle, 10 squats."


Sarah wasn't exactly sure what to do so she simply bent her legs and lowered her ass and then raised it back to a standing position.


"My god, I have been lumbered with a pack of imbeciles. You, Cox, come out here and face the class. The rest of you slackers copy Cox."

The pretty blonde teen stepped out in front of the class and turned to face them. From her first moments in the showers Sarah had felt an affinity with Cox, even though she looked almost the total opposite of Sarah. She was not sure exactly why, maybe because she also had that cute, girl-next-door look or maybe it was because she was the only other American.

Cox had ash-blond hair that fell bright and smooth to her shoulders. She was slim but definitely not toned. Her slightly fleshy shape made her look soft and inviting and Sarah always felt like cuddling her. She would be great to snuggle up to she thought, like a cuddly teddy-bear.

Right now though, Cox stood in front of the class in the fetching gym uniform and it was only as she stood to attention that Sarah noticed the effect of the gym panties had on the crotch of the young girl. The seam of the small shorts had been devilishly placed. Sarah could clearly see the outline of Cox's pussy lips as the seam went straight between them. She cringed inwardly as she knew that all the girls must appear this way, especially now they were freshly smooth.

"Squat. Cox, back straight, hands behind your head, fingertips just touching your head, do not clasp your hands. Those arms are to remain straight. Now as you squat you bend the knees, lower your ass to the ground. As you go down your knees spread wide. Hold the position for a count of two and rise, closing the knees as your legs straighten into the standing position.

"No Cox, legs spread wider and smoothly as part of the squat, you don't reach the lowest point and then spread them. Smooth movements. Arms straight Cox."

The teacher turned to the class and surveyed the nervous girls.


All eighteen girls began their squats. As they lowered their asses to the ground, the teacher walked among them, threading herself down the line of schoolgirls. She made corrections along the way: making sure knees were spreading smoothly, arms were remaining straight, backs were not slouching.

"Ten lunges. Cox, step out your left leg directly in front, further. Now you lean into the lunge, lower your rear knee to the ground, and bend your forward knee into a right angle. Do NOT overextend the forward knee. Hold for the count of two. BACK STRAIGHT. You should not have to be told to keep your back straight. Next girl earns an infraction. Five right, five left.'


Again, like a carefully choreographed dance, all eighteen girls began to lunge forward together. Sarah was already feeling the effects of this physical exertion. She began to sweat, her heart beat faster and her breathing became fast and shallow. Her thighs began to ache with the strain being placed upon them. A strain they were most definitely not used to. She could see some of the other girls were having similar reactions.

"Cox, get your ass on the floor. Turn sideways to the class. Lie on your back, hands straight by your side, knees bent. Crunches. Lift your body off the floor, head and neck straight. Slide your arms up your thighs until they reach the knee. Tense your core. Hold for two. Down.

"Everyone on your asses. Crunches, ten. Go."


Damn that whistle was getting annoying. It was ridiculously loud in the huge empty hall. Sarah winced each time it sounded. She started her crunches, her entire body quivering by the time she started on her third. Her feet started to lift off the floor and she was immediately pounced on by the teacher. The distressed girl managed to make it through all ten without again drawing the ire of the imposing and slightly scary Miss Vonn. She lay back, sucking in deep breaths, praying for a small break.

"On your feet. Cox, remain turned to the side, on your belly. Hands by your tits. Feet apart, further, past your shoulders. Pushups. Lift your body up off the ground until your arms are straight. Keep that bloody ass level, don't poke it up in the air. There ain't no cocks around to stuff you now. Lower your body. Do not rest, keep the movement smooth. Pushups, ten."


The girls all fell to the floor and adopted the position they had seen Cox demonstrate. Sarah pushed her body off the floor and then slowly lowered herself. She could not do this. There was no way she could get through ten. As she raised herself for the second time her arms began to wobble and she could feel the strain through her belly and chest.

"Breathe in when your tits touch the ground, breathe out as you push off the floor. Dont lock the elbows. Mitchell dont think those big udders mean you dont do a full pushup. Mash those fat sacks into the floor."

Sarah pushed up for the third time, her arms and body quivering. She held herself off the ground for a moment, gathering herself before attempting another. She raised her body for a fourth and then a fifth time, breathing as she had been instructed, finding it marginally easier. She marvelled as she performed the sixth, the seventh and the eighth but as she attempted to raise herself off the floor for the ninth time her strength failed her. She collapsed to the floor, gasping for breath. She looked at her classmates out of the corner of her eyes, desperate to know she was not alone in her failure. Cox was already back on her feet, as were a few of the other girls. Mitchell was still struggling and Taylor had collapsed as she had.

"Any girl who does not finish a set earns an infraction. Mitchell, one to go. Porter and Taylor, two. Get those sloppy sacks off the floor. Cox get my belt, you will see it hanging on a hook by the door."

Sarah heard Cox run off to retrieve the teachers belt as she raised herself off the floor. She attempted another pushup, lowering and raising her body as quickly as she could.

"Doesn't count Porter, get your ass in line."

Sarah groaned but obediently lowered her ass so her body was once again in a straight line. She focused on keeping her body straight as she tried to replicate her last effort. Down and up as one swift smooth movement. She was doing well until she had to straighten out her arms. She struggled and wobbled for a moment but collapsed again, no closer to finishing the set.

Sarah looked to her left, Mitchell was now standing at attention, her chest heaving and Taylor finished her last pushup as Sarah watched. Now she was the only girl who had not completed the exercise. She was extremely disappointed in herself, and a little angry. She could not be the only girl who failed at this.

She pushed herself up off the floor and raised her body, ready to begin again. She held the position for a second to gather her strength and tried for her last effort. She lowered quickly, but as she raised herself from the ground the wobble in her arms and body threatened to best her again. She could not get these last two. She lowered her knees and head to the ground and her eyes began to water in despair.

Her whole body jerked off the ground as pain shot through her. Sarah instinctively reached back to her thigh. It felt as if a wasp had stung her, a wasp on steroids. She rolled on her side and looked up. The teacher was standing over her, a wide leather belt now strapped around her waist with what looked like holsters at each hip, the bottoms of which were also strapped around the teachers shapely thigh. She looked as if she was ready for an old west gunfight.

Sarah saw the contraption that had caused her such pain. The teacher held a small black plastic tube in her hand, it looked a little like those electric fire starters people used at barbecues. As she watched the teacher depressed a switch and a bright blue spark jumped from the tip. Sarah realised she had just been shocked by electricity.

"You have one minute to finish the last two pushups Porter. At the end of that time you will accrue infractions for any that are unfinished. If you break position I will again provide you with some motivation."

Sarah immediately resumed the pushup position. Her arms extended straight from the floor, her body maintained the pleasing straight lines that she was expected to display at all times. She gritted her teeth and lowered down and pushed up. As she straightened her arms she began to feel the familiar weakness, the terrible quivering. She remembered the pain of seconds ago but also the despair she had felt that she would fail. Sarah let out a loud grunt as she straightened her arms for her ninth pushup.

She gasped and struggled to breathe, the pain in her arms an throbbing ache. Her legs trembled, her asscheeks quivering under the tight blue panties. She had one more to go, just one more. She vowed to herself that she would do it no matter what. She took a deep breath and lowered her body to the floor, her nipples just brushed the floor and she struggled to raise her own weight. She passed the danger point as her elbows straightened but the final small movement was proving too much. Just a few more inches she begged her body.

"Right," she heard the teacher proclaim.

Sarah used every ounce of energy she had and pushed herself up. She had completed all ten, she would not get an infraction, she had not failed. The wasp stung again and she collapsed on the floor, clutching her thigh. The puffing teen scrambled to her feet and stood at attention, chest heaving as she struggled for breath, her face red from exertion. Beads of sweat had formed across her body and, much to her chagrin, Sarah also noticed that her nipples had hardened.

"Porter, one infraction for laziness. You took much longer than the allotted time. You did manage to finish the set however. See what a little motivation can do. That should be a lesson for all you sluts. Your bodies can always do more than you think. It is often not the body that is weak it is the mind, though in Porters case it seems they are competing against each other to see which is the weakest. When you think you cannot continue, that is when you need to find your inner reserves and push harder than before. I can guarantee you that the alternative is always going to be worse than any transitory pain you may feel."

"Shuttle sprints. I am sure you all know these, Cox back in line. Hand on the red line. Sprint across, touch the other red line and come back. Shuttle sprints, ten."

Sarah could not believe there would be no break. She had managed to get her breath back a little as her teacher spoke but she didn't know how she was going to do this next exercise.


Eighteen girls raced across the room, their rubber soled shoes squeaking on the polished wooden floors. Sarah was easily the last of the pack, she just could not keep up.

'They are called sprints not dawdles. Run you lazy sluts."

The harassed schoolgirls picked up the pace. Sarah watched as her classmates began to pull away from her. She bit her lip and turned her focus inward. She thought of the disappointment she would bring to her teachers, she thought of the pain of the cane strokes that would result from a bad performance, she thought of Miss Rice frowning as she heard of her lack of commitment.

Sarah ran and ran, focusing only on the line in front of her, touch that, turn around and focus on the line in front of her. She was not even attempting to count, she just ran on instinct, watching her breathing and trying to move as fast as she could. As she approached the line again, the shrill whistle erupted in her ear. The strident noise startled her so much she almost lost her footing.

"Attention Porter. What do you think you are doing?"

Sarah struggled for breath. She needed to bend over, she needed to lie down. It took all of her willpower to remain standing and not rest her hands on her knees as she gasped and attempted to fill her lungs with air.

", shuttles... Ma'am," she stuttered between breaths.

"You were told to run ten. Why did you not stop?"

"Sorry Ma'am. I... lost count," replied the shocked girl. She could not believe that she had just kept running after everyone else had stopped.

"Another infraction for disobedience Porter, you had better get your act together. Over to the bench. Your gym bottles have been arranged for you so line up in order."

Sarah followed the sweating form of Murphy over to a bench situated at the far end of the room. As she got closer she could see eighteen small blue bottles lined up along the bench. She stood in front of the fourth from the left. The bottle looked similar to a normal water bottle but the lid was distinctly different. It looked almost like the plastic nipples at the top of a baby bottle.

"Drink. Keeping up your fluids is an important part of all exercise. Keep drinking until you are told to stop. Just as important as consuming fluids is the rate of intake. The natural tendency of a slut is to gorge herself and this is not conducive to a productive session."

Sarah leaned down and retrieved her bottle. It was cold to the touch, but all she focused on was the tip. She placed the clear plastic nipple in her mouth and sucked, instantly feeling the cool moisture trickle in to her mouth. Each suckle brought forth a little more liquid but she had to work for each drop. She kept suckling until she was told to stop and for all that effort she felt like she only really managed to get one or two mouthfuls but she was grateful for even that. All the girls replaced their bottles and turned to face their teacher.

"My name is Miss Vonn. I am your gym teacher. It is my responsibility to condition you to ensure your fitness and stamina is at the highest level to allow you to perform the duties of a slut without physical impediment. We have seen from the disgusting performance of Porter just how out of condition you sluts are. Most of you would struggle to complete a standard fuck session, let alone three or four."

Even after all that had happened today, Sarah had a hard time listening to her teacher talk this way. Fuck sessions? This was the reality of her new life? This kind of talk, and indeed eventually this kind of activity, was to be part of her everyday existence? She just didn't know how she could deal with that. She had never even had sex. She had never even seen a penis in real life. She felt ashamed just hearing a teacher mention it so casually, as if it was nothing. It may very well have been nothing to the teacher, but it was everything to Sarah. It was her life.

"After that very disappointing start we are going to begin your conditioning. First off you will run laps. Ten laps, alternating between running and duckwalking. One lap running back to this spot, then change to duckwalking. Cox front and centre. Squat down, hands on your knees. Now move. This is duckwalking. Single file. Everyone keeps up, if the line begins to stagger I shall motivate the weak link. Follow the yellow line. Ten laps."


That damn whistle, Sarah cursed to herself. It was blown right next to her and she actually jumped in surprise. Olsen set a cracking pace. Sarah watched Murphys back as she ran, the beautiful white skin already beaded with sweat. Her gaze lowered to Murphys ass, covered by the brief blue shorts that clung to her curves like a second skin. She watched as the twin mounds of flesh bounced and jiggled as the young Irish teen ran. She wondered if Clark was watching her ass as well. Sarah noticed they were approaching the bench again and prepared to change into the duckwalk.

As Murphy squatted down she followed suit. Almost without breaking stride she began to waddle around the gym. She had not gone far when the realisation of how difficult this was going to be hit her. She tried to ignore the burning in her thighs and focused on Murphy's bouncing, burgundy ponytail. As they again approached the bench Sarah felt a wave of pride as she realised she had managed to keep up with the girl in front. Two laps down and she had kept pace.

As she straightened up to begin running the third lap the burning in her thighs intensified. Sarah's world became consumed by burning: her lungs burning for air, her muscles burning with fatigue, even the ache in her hardened nipples felt like they were being scorched by a naked flame.

Too soon the running lap morphed into a waddling lap, and again Sarah had kept pace with Murphy. As they approached the bench for the fifth time, Sarah heard a scream behind her. She didn't dare look but she could guess that one of her classmates had faltered and been shocked. She knew that pain and the very thought of it kept her running, desperate not to let Murphy get away.

On the sixth lap, the third during which she had to squat-walk around the gymnasium, the inevitable began. Sarah simply could not keep up. Her lack of fitness was telling once again. As the lap continued she began to fall further behind. As they approached the bench Murphy was a good six feet in front of her, the gap increasing every second. She watched for Miss Vonn, steeling herself for the 'motivation' she knew was coming.

As she waddled in she saw the teacher move towards her. As she straightened up to run Miss Vonn leaned in and shocked Sarah through the large opening in the front of her halter top. Pain exploded in her left breast, propelling her forward. She closed the gap with the girl in front in a matter of seconds. How obvious was that, she pondered as the sharp stinging sensation in her breast subsided. Miss Vonn was right, I was falling behind, I didn't think I could keep up but here I am back next to Murph. She vowed not to force Miss Vonn to motivate her anymore. She knew her body had limits. She knew she was horribly unfit but she would push herself to those limits and beyond. She knew Miss Vonn had a low opinion of her, the teacher had even used her as the benchmark for how bad the class was. She would make Miss Vonn proud of her yet.

The remaining laps went by without event for Sarah. She constantly struggled to keep in contact with Murphy, allowing the gap to widen slightly before spurring herself on and closing it again. The sweat was dripping off her now. Rivulets of moisture ran down her face, her breasts and her sides. Her bra and panties were wet with sweat, though this changed the material very little, only slightly darkening it in places.

The relief as they finally finished the laps was immense. Sarah attempted to control her breathing but she could not stop gasping for air. She stood at attention as best she could, her mouth gaping as she tried to get as much oxygen inside her as quickly as possible. Her knees twitched and shook as she attempted to remain upright at attention.

"Breathing is important. Slow breaths, in through the nose and out through the mouth. Porter you look like a drowning fish. In through the nose, blow it out slowly through your mouth. That's right. In and out." Miss Vonn walked along the line of panting girls, assessing who was having the most trouble and who seemed to be coping with the punishing workout of their first gym lesson. "Drink."

Sarah turned to the bench and grabbed her bottle. She placed the nipple in her mouth and immediately began sucking. She desperately wanted that liquid and suckled as hard as she could while still fighting for breath. The fatigued schoolgirl soon realised that it did not matter how hard she sucked, only so much was going to come out. She settled down to a rhythm, trying to suckle as economically as she could, there was no need to waste so much energy to achieve the same result. Drinking in a rhythm also seemed to calm her and help with her breathing. Before she was told to stop she felt she had managed to get three or four good mouthfuls this time. Sarah replaced her bottle and stood back at attention, waiting obediently for the next challenge, hoping fervently she would be up to the task.

"Ok girls, step back to the bench and place your hands on the edge, hang your asses off the edge and put your legs out in front, feet flat, knees at right angles. We are going to work those triceps. Lower your asses to the ground, just touch and raise back up. Slowly and smoothly, ten."


Sarah lowered her body slowly and touched her ass to the ground before raising her body back to the height of the bench. After the first full movement she could already feel the muscles at the back of her arm being worked. This exercise did not seem to be as bad as the others however and she managed to get through it and finish in time with her classmates.

"Right, back on the red line. Squat down, place your hands flat on the ground behind you, fingers facing away from your body. Now push your hips up, keep the arms straight, knees bent. Your body, from your knees to your head should form a straight line parallel with the floor."

Sarah pushed her hips up to the desired position. She needed to shuffle her hands and feet a little to keep the position but she soon managed to find her balance.

"Hold this position until told otherwise," commanded Miss Vonn as she walked down the line of stretched girls. She admired the taut young bodies, eager to test their potential and mould them into something to be proud of. She reached out and randomly caressed the girls as she past.

She could not resist Mitchell's tits, the large mounds sitting up off her chest, the ingenious support bra allowing the supine position to flatten them only a little. The teacher reached in and pushed beads of sweat around on the exposed flesh, dipping her fingers into the inviting crack between the malleable mounds. Miss Vonn smiled as Mitchell closed her eyes to the humiliation.

She moved on down the line of struggling teens, spotting Porter making a valiant effort to keep her body straight. The teacher leant down and patted the bulging mound of Sarahs pussy, the lips spread by the seam so invitingly. It was like the panties were moulding themselves to reflect what was underneath. Sarah cringed at the easy way in which her body was used, the casual touch that held no hint of concern for her feelings. The self-loathing that swept through her at her submission to the intimate assault made her want to curl up into a ball in the corner.

“This position is one of many standard yoga positions. Some of you may have done Pilates in the past but that is just a trendy version of a much older discipline. At Harkwood you will be learning both Ki and Hatha Yoga, two different disciplines that will provide you with great flexibility and great strength. Not muscular strength, but strength of joint and strength of control. Ozawa straighten those arms.

“There are three key aspects to the physical conditioning of a slut: flexibility, stamina and control. We call this the trinity of condition. You need to be flexible to ensure your body can adopt any sexual position your partner desires. You need the stamina to be able to pleasure any who present themselves, with enthusiasm and skill no matter the timeframe. And you need control to enable you to hold positions, some of which are unstable and often uncomfortable, for as long and as often as your owner wishes.

“Todays introductory class was a chance for me to assess your current state of condition. Hinka get that ass up. A very poor lot. Not one of you is closer than 30% of optimal condition. Of course you are untrained but even so, the sloppy state of your bodies is a disgrace to the current generation and a sad indictment on society. Schools like Harkwood are needed more now than ever and you are the perfect evidence of this.

“On your feet. Cox bring over that box from the bench. Now for the remainder of the lesson you will take a skipping rope and skip on the spot,” Miss Vonn explained as she walked down the line of girls, placing a coiled up rope in the hand of each girl.

Sarah took hers with trepidation. The little bundle of white rope and blue handles struck fear in her. She had not skipped a rope since she was a little girl and even then she was hopeless. She begged the gods of all things sporting that her coordination had magically improved over the years, despite her never really using, or needing, it.


Sarah took a handle in each hand and shook out the rope. She stepped gingerly over the inert white line as it lay on the floor, as if was about to rise up and strike her. Here goes, the anxious teen thought to herself. Sarah spun her wrists in small circles, bringing the rope up behind her and straight into the back of her head. She immediately flushed crimson as she heard both Clark and Murphy giggle. Yes, she was sure it looked quite hilarious but she was even more sure that if she did not get this right, and quick, Miss Vonn would be making sure no one would be giggling.

Sarah focused more intently, obviously she needed to swing the rope with more speed. The next time she was successful in getting it over her head but she badly mistimed her jump and the rope smacked into her feet before she had a chance to properly lift them.


“Cox and Porter, front and centre. All eyes on these two girls as you resume skipping.”


Sarahs colour deepened, her chest, neck and face mottling a deep crimson as the class stared at her as she attempted to skip. She knew she looked like a retarded pelican trying to take off but she was trying her best. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Cox, skipping competently, timing her jumps to perfection.

Being out in front of the class was actually beneficial to Sarah, she could see how all the other girls were doing it and she did her best to imitate their actions. She tried to put the humiliation out of her mind, tried to forget that she could not grasp such a basic activity as skipping rope. Her gaze flicked from girl to girl, trying to pick up any pointers she could. She was soon skipping, only faltering every third or fourth spin, mistiming her jump and lifting one of her feet a little too slow. As time wore on she began to get the hang of what she was doing but her muscles were tired and it seemed like she had been out of breath for the entire lesson.

Sarah looked at the exhausted row of girls skipping, their young nubile bodies bouncing, glistening with sweat. Mitchell was a sight to behold. Her large tits seemed like they were struggling to escape through the small open area in the front of her top. The support the sports bras provided was amazing, but no bra in creation could stop tits bouncing, especially not ones the size of Mitchells.

The sight of sixteen pairs of breasts bouncing and sixteen pairs of hard nipples made Sarah think of her own. Her nipples could be seen as two small bumps under her tight gym top. Not nearly as prominent as they were in her blouse, where almost the entire shape of the aureola was visible. The almost constant hardness of her nipples throughout the day was beginning to become a source of distress for the young schoolgirl. The growing desire to massage the poor aching nubbins of flesh was, at times, almost overwhelming.

“Tomorrow we will start our program. Each gym period will consist of 20 minutes of yoga to begin. Once you are warmed up, a cardio routine that will vary each day will last for 20 minutes. For the last 20 minutes we will do circuit training. As your bodies become trained and accept their conditioning the regime will evolve. Exercise in itself is fun and rewarding but for something a little extra we will be having games and events as well.

“In three months, the annual cross country is due. Seven schools compete in this event. Harkwood has a reputation to uphold. I expect a Trinity slut to place in the top five at the very least. You have gym five days a week, always the same period after lunch. On Saturday you have swimming scheduled.

“I will be working with each girl closely on her program and I will be monitoring your fitness and condition. Every slut has a different body shape and your patrons have some very specific ideas on the way they wish you to look. There are no grades in my class. It is pass or fail and if you fail then you stay until you pass. So simple a slut can understand. You have access to the Trinity gym after school hours and I will be ensuring each and every one of you makes full use of the facilities.

“Some of you have a lot of extra work in your futures,” finished the teacher, looking in Sarahs direction.

Sarahs face was red with exertion, the sudden flush of humiliation lost like a match on a fire. She was not going to be able to continue for much longer. It felt like her heart was going to burst out of her chest. Her hair was plastered to her face and both her bra and panties were soaked. Every single muscle in her body ached, most of which she hadnt even known existed an hour ago. Her vision was becoming slightly blurry, but whether this was from tears, sweat or exhaustion she did not know.


Sarah all but collapsed on the floor. Her arms hung limply at her sides and she gasped for air, trying to breathe as she had been instructed but she felt this was not providing her with enough air. She had to resort to breathing through her mouth, panting noisily.

“Drink. Finish off your bottles.”

The girls moved to the bench and began drinking greedily. Sarah at least had the presence of mind to immediately move into her suckling rhythm, ensuring she got as much of the precious moisture as possible. She could only suck for a second or two before she needed to continue sucking oxygen into her lungs instead. Despite her terrible lack of cardio fitness she was the first girl to finish her bottle. She set it down on the bench and wondered what to do. The skipping rope still dangled from her left hand. Without knowing what she was supposed to do, Sarah fell back on the first thing she had learnt, standing at attention.

“Porter, tie up your rope, collect all the others and place them back in the box.”

Sarah rolled her skipping rope around her hands until it was in a tight coil. Before she could place it in the box she was almost deafened by the squealing whistle in her ear.

“Porter is that how the rope was issued to you?”

“Um, no maam,” replied the frightened girl, her ear still ringing.

“Tie up the rope as it was issued to you.”

Sarah uncoiled her skipping rope and stared at it as it dangled limply from her hand. She had no idea how it had initially been tied up, she hadnt really taken much notice. She tried to think back but she had no idea.

“I am a slut maam,” she replied despondently, tears welling as she degraded herself with those terrible words for the first time.

“Give it to me,” Miss Vonn snapped. She quickly and efficiently coiled and then tied the rope in a neat, tight bundle. She then proceeded to unravel it once again before handing it back to the unfortunate girl.

“Tie up the rope as it was issued to you.”

Sarah did her best to copy what her teacher had done. She managed to coil and tie the rope but it was neither as neat nor as compact. She hoped that it was good enough as she looked expectantly at Miss Vonn.

“In the box, now collect the rest.”

Sarah went down the line of still panting girls, collecting their tied ropes and adding them to the box. All her classmates had finished their bottles of water and were now lined up at attention. Once the last rope was in the box Sarah joined the line and took her position.

"After each gym class you are to return to your dorm and shower before your next class. You have 20 minutes before your next class starts. There will be no bell for this class, your housemistress will direct you. We have a few moments before the end of class and we can't have you standing around idle. You can run laps until the bell rings, when it does finish the lap you are on and exit the room."

With that, Miss Vonn began to check each bottle to make sure every slut had consumed her assigned water. Olsen led the class in another punishing lap. Sarah hoped that the bell would ring very soon because she didn't think she could take much more, and this time she really meant it. Not even if she was shocked could she push herself much harder.

The exhausted schoolgirls completed one full lap but just as they passed the door the bell rang. Olsen ran even quicker to get back to the doorway. Sarah was now running flat out, as fast as she could, even so Murphy began to pull away from her. Luckily the door arrived before the gap became too noticeable. The girls quickly scanned their eartags and left the gym, forming up into two lines and making their way back to their dorm.

Sarah was tired, more tired than she could remember ever being in her entire life. Her arms and legs felt like lead and she wondered if she would ever catch her breath. She walked back to her dorm in a daze, dreading the fact that she would have to come back tomorrow and do it all again. The lines of girls stopped abruptly outside the lounge door. Miss Peach was waiting for them.

"Oh my, look at you girls. Did you enjoy your workout?"

"Yes Ma'am," the class intoned with a decided lack of enthusiasm.

"I know gym is tough but it is for your own good. Everything we do is for your own good. I know you all wish to be the best slut you can be and just being able to suck a cock does not a good slut make. You are expected at your next class at half past the hour but I like to get my girls to their next class as soon as possible. I am going to switch the hot water on now so you have ten minutes to clean yourselves. I don't want to see any slackers. Off you go."

The tired girls moved to the showers, scanning their tags along the way. Once again the small cloth bags were hanging from the hooks next to the door in the shower room. Sarah began to undress, glad for once to be rid of the clothes she was wearing. Her gym bra and panties were soaked. She more peeled them off than removed them and headed directly to the showers.

The gentle, warm water striking her skin was the best feeling Sarah thought she had ever experienced. She just stood under the shower for a minute or two just relaxing. Before she put on the exfoliating gloves, she ran her hand over her nipples, relieved beyond belief that they were finally going down. The gentle caresses felt amazing, something she had been dying to do for hours. It was only then that she noticed Murphy showering next to her.

"Hi Port, I didn't want to disturb you. You looked so peaceful," said her friend with a strained attempt at a smile.

"Thanks Murph. My nipples were really starting to ache. They got hard in biology and haven't gone down since."

"Yeah I noticed," replied Murphy, this time her smile was more genuine and held a touch of mischief.

"They have always been sensitive but these bras… Well Murph, I do like 'em, being so comfortable and all, but my nipples rub on my blouse and... Well it's ok if I'm not moving but how often has that been," Sarah explained as she put on her gloves and started washing herself.

"Port what are we going to do?"

"The best we can I guess," replied Sarah as she very gently washed her pussy and asshole. The skin was still very tender from the waxing and the rough material of the glove was only highlighting the tenderness.

"No Port that's not what I meant. What are we going to do about all this," Murphy said, exasperatedly grabbing her collar.

"But that's what I meant. What can we do? You heard them, they have been doing this for years. Our patrons signed us up, hell we signed us up Murph remember."

"You haven't given up have you Port? We have to think about this, we don't have time now but tonight after class we have to get together and figure this thing out. We can't become slaves and I am definitely not a slut. None of us are, well maybe Casta but she is definitely not like this."

"Yeah," Sarah replied without conviction. She agreed with her friend, she really did. It was just... some of the things her teachers had said kind of made sense. Hell she didn't know, she was so confused. When Miss Rice had put her mouth on her pussy... that was like... well she could not even describe it but surely only a slut would have felt that way. Now that she was out of class and away from her teachers it all sounded so wrong and bad but when she was there, in the moment well, it was different.

"Port you can't be..." Murphy was cut off by the shrieks of the girls around her as the hot water suddenly turned ice cold. The girls hurried out of the showers and dried themselves off with the rough towels provided. Sarah noticed that drying her neck was not a problem even with the collar, something she had been worried about the moment she stepped into the shower. The hairdryer slot was open again and Sarah hurriedly dried her hair as much as possible so she could get in early.

She watched the other girls jockey for position and she made sure she was near the front. She found herself next to Mitchell who stayed silent. All thoughts of being like Angelina Jolie obviously forgotten, Sarah guessed. Most of the girls were lost in their own thoughts, dealing with what had happened that day as best they could.

Sarah did not spend long drying her hair. She knew she was exposing her pussy as she did so and she was paranoid that the other girls would be staring at her, looking to see more of her cream. She hurried into the dorm to get dressed.

As She dressed in the same uniform she had on that morning she noticed a commotion in the dorm around her. She looked around as she slid her panties up her legs, resting them against her smooth and tender pussylips. They were still a little moist, a visible stain on the inside of the crotch and Sarah's cheeks instantly coloured a deep crimson at the thought of replacing these wet panties on her pussy.

A number of the girls around her had not started dressing. She looked at their beds, their clothes were gone. The distressed girls were looking around the dorm, at the other girls getting dressed, wondering what had happened.

"That's right you slovenly bitches. Your uniforms have been confiscated. When you undress, you fold your clothes neatly. You don't just throw them down like a lazy cunt. You four step out to the end of your beds.”

Sarah continued to watch as she dressed herself, glad that she had done the right thing. She already had a number of infractions and she simply could not afford more. She looked at Murphy and winced, her friend just pursed her lips and continued dressing.

"You have all earned an infraction for laziness but to earn back your clothes you must prove to me that you deserve them. Each of you will take three strokes of my crop," said Miss Peach, producing the wicked looking instrument from where it hung at her belt.

Miss Peach walked to Casta and handed her the crop. The bewildered teen took the instrument and held it as if it was radioactive.

"Casta you will apply the strokes to Mitchell's ass. Mitchell you will apply them to Clark, Clark will apply them to Manning and then we are back to Casta. This is your chance to show me that you deserve to wear the Harkwood uniform, remember that. Begin."

Casta turned slowly to Mitchell, who stood like a deer in the headlights, her naked breasts quivering in fear and uncertainty.

"Mitchell, turn around and face your bed."

Mitchell did as she was ordered. Not having the poor girl look at her made Casta's job much easier. Her resolve grew and she stepped up to the naked teen and brought the end of the crop down hard on Mitchell's asscheeks. The nude schoolgirl yelped and bumped forward into her bed. Casta pulled her arm back to strike a second time but was halted by Miss Peach.

"Mitchell, thank the slut. It is customary to thank those providing your corrections."

"Thank you slut," Mitchell whispered.

"Okay Casta, that one did not count as no one could tell if Mitchell appreciated it or not. Begin again."

Casta again brought the crop down hard on Mitchell's buttocks. The loud splat reverberating around the room.

"Thank you slut," Mitchell all but yelled.

Casta wasted no time in dispensing the last two strokes, Mitchell making sure she thanked her punisher so everyone could hear. When she had finished the trembling French girl handed the crop to Mitchell who took it and turned to Clark.

Mitchell strode over to Clark who immediately turned away and presented her bare ass to be punished. Sarah watched the girl in the bed next to hers as she prepared herself to receive the correction. She had screwed her face up in anticipation of the pain and Sarah desperately wanted to hold her, comfort her in any way.

Mitchell swung the crop into the fleshy mounds of Clark's ass. From the sound alone, every girl in the class knew the crop had hardly made contact. Instead of the loud smack it was simply a muted slap.

"Begin again Mitchell, that was atrocious. You could not have swatted a fly with that attempt. The slut before you has performed poorly. Do you not think she needs to be punished?

"Yes Ma'am," Mitchell replied hesitantly.

"Then show this class that you believe that," Miss Peach coached.

Mitchell stood to one side of Clark and planted her feet with purpose. She swung the crop and this time the noise echoed around the dorm. Clark screamed and threw her hands forward onto her mattress to stop herself from falling over.

"Thank you slut," she managed to squeak through the pain.

Mitchell swung again and again Clark screamed. Sarah could see that Mitchell was putting everything she had into each swing. Luckily we just had gym and much of her strength had been used, Sarah thought. The last stroke landed on Clarks ass, but with much less power. It was harder than the first weak attempt but not by much. Sarah could see Mitchell was crying and she was sure the lack of effort on the final swing was due to a mental failing and not a physical one.

After Clark thanked her, Mitchell handed the crop to the recently beaten girl and the process was repeated with Manning and then Casta. Manning seemed to take special pleasure in punishing Casta. Each stroke was hard and well placed on the same spot on Casta's left buttock, leaving an inflamed red patch on the tender mound of teenage flesh.

"Thank you slut," moaned Casta after her last stroke had landed. She took the offered crop from Manning and handed it back to Miss Peach.

"You girls may now dress, your uniforms are under your pillows. Mitchell, you obviously did not really want to wear a uniform. You failed to convince anyone here that you believed in the punishment you were tasked with giving. That is a responsibility Mitchell and one which you abused. You have another infraction for lack of respect and you will not be wearing your blouse to class this afternoon."

Mitchell's sobs began afresh as she dressed herself, looking longingly at her blouse, neatly folded on her bed, as she did so. Sarah watched, fascinated, as the large-breasted teen stopped dressing as she adjusted her large tits into her bra. She felt sorry for Mitchell. Her uniform had become something sacred to Sarah in such a short time. She would hate to be denied any piece of it. It was strange, she thought, how Mitchell almost looked more vulnerable and naked by being half clothed. She could not take her eyes off the girl's udders as she walked, the way they bounced and jiggled within the support of her half-cup bra was mesmerising.

"Form up outside the lounge, because of these four sluts you only have about two minutes to get to class."

There was a mad scramble to get scanned and through each door and in line outside Miss Peach's room. From Sarah's position in line she could not see Mitchell's udders but the bare back, with just the bra straps across it still drew her attention. Mitchell had two little dimples in the small of her back, just above the waist of her small skirt. Sarah had these too and had always considered them kind of cute. She had not thought about it much before, probably because she had always found Mitchell to be a little annoying, but she was an amazingly attractive girl. All the girls were of course, but Mitchell's figure really made her stand out. Now that Sarah thought about it, if she had any talent she could easily have become a Hollywood star, hell even if she had no talent she was sure to have become famous Sarah laughed to herself.

"Move off, I will see you after classes this afternoon."

Chapter 11. In which Sarah begins her cock training

It took the Trinity class less than a minute to form up outside Miss Watson's classroom. The moment the girls settled in formation, they were called inside. Each girl scanned her tag and stood beside her seat, Sarah again marvelling at the transparent desks Miss Watson's room contained.

"Well, well Mitchell you are an eager beaver. Couldn't wait to show those udders off it seems. Come out the front if you are so keen and let's have a nice look. Sit," Miss Watson commanded, waving expansively at the class.

The schoolgirls sat as Mitchell made her way onto the platform. Sarah watched the miserable teen turn to face the class and stand at attention, noticing the poor girls jaw clenching as she anxiously waited for the degradation that was sure to come.

“Bounce up and down, show everyone what those udders can do. Yes, arent they lovely. Do you like stripes Mitchell?”

“Uh yes Maam,” replied the bouncing girl, the flesh of her breasts bobbing sensuously in her bra.

“Maybe I should put a few across those udders, wouldnt they look even prettier? What do you think Mitchell?” asked Miss Watson as she swished her cane through the air.

“Please no Maam,” begged the distressed girl. Mitchell thought back to the pain from the cane strokes on her ass. Her udders were sure to hurt a hundred times more.

“Hmm, are you proud of those udders Mitchell?”

“Yes Maam,” she responded truthfully. She had indeed always been happy with their size, they definitely got her noticed by the boys.

“Take care Mitchell. A slut should take pride in her appearance but your first concern should be how others perceive you and your priority should be how others wish to see you. An important component of service is ensuring that you are pleasing to those around you. It is your duty to anticipate the needs and desires of others. Think about that always and let it influence everything you do and say. Understand Mitchell?”

“Yes Maam.”

“Well then would you like a few stripes to make those nice udders even prettier?”

Mitchell closed her eyes as she continued to bounce in front of the class. Sarah could almost hear the cogs and gears whirling in the busty girls brain, desperately trying to come up with the correct response. Whatever answer she gave, thought Sarah, would bring her pain. Of that she was sure.

“Yes please Maam,” Mitchell replied dejectedly.

“You do not seem too happy about it Mitchell. Do you want me to stripe those udders or not?”

“Yes please Maam,” Mitchell replied, mustering as much spark as she could.

“Then ask me nicely Mitchell, politeness costs nothing you know, “ said Miss Watson with a smile.

“Please stripe my udders Maam,” Mitchell replied, a smile on her face and sweetness in her voice.

“See Mitchell, how much more pleasing that is. Enthusiasm is important for a slut. Just going through the motions is not enough, it implies disrespect and that your focus is not correctly placed. Sometimes in service you will be faced with tasks that are unpleasant or painful but it is a sluts duty to treat them like any other, to show enthusiasm for all tasks, as performing any activity set by a superior is a chance for the slut to show her training, to show her obedience and servitude. All a slut can ask is that she is given the chance to serve, that in itself will provide all the pleasure that she should expect. The enthusiasm need not be for the task but for the chance to serve.

“Lean forward, bend at the waist. Chin up, head back.”

Three time, in quick succession, Miss Watson brought the cane down on Mitchells tender breast meat. The result was a whimpering girl with three neat red stripes across her chest. The strokes had been mild when compared to the corrections doled out during form class but it was enough to mark the more delicate flesh of the two large mounds contained by Mitchells half-cup bra.

“Sit,” Miss Watson snapped. She watched the sniffling girl take her seat, pleased with Mitchells grasp of the situation, though she had a sneaking suspicion it was more luck than any real understanding. She was going to have to really embrace her training and develop some exceptional instincts if she was going to make her patron happy.

“This lesson we will be focusing on cock training. Being familiar with, and pleasuring, a cock is an integral part of a sluts repertoire. You will all come to crave the very sight of cock, the feel of it in your mouth or cunt or asshole. The natural state of a sluts holes is to be filled and there is nothing more satisfying than a cock providing that filling. Dildos and other instruments do a good job but there is no substitute for cock.

“For you, right now, a dildo will suffice, we cant let untrained whores loose on real cock. I can just imagine the disaster that would be. Retrieve your dildo from your school kit, there will be three in there but for now you will be needing the one with the suction cup at the base.

“Ness once you have yours, collect the stand from the back room and bring it to the platform.”

Olsen stood up to begin the class retrieval of their dildos. Sarahs mind was in a whirl. This was moving ever so quickly now. Before they had not really talked about sex, she knew it was inevitable but as long as it was in the future she was happy enough to ignore it. Now she was being confronted by it, her life was going to become a whirlwind of sexual activity. She was going to be expected to perform acts she had never even dreamed about, with people she did not know and whom she did not love. She had always had a very romantic view of sex that would now, never be realised.

It was soon Sarahs turn and she rose to collect the instrument of her coming degradation. Under the next partition in her kit box lay three dildos. She had seen them before in pictures but never in reality. She quickly spotted the one she needed now: a large 8 inch long, thick, flexible cock. There were a pair of balls at the bottom and a large suction cup at the base of the shaft. Were cocks really like this? This big, this thick?

Next to it lay a smaller one made of clear glass, with strange undulations along its length and next to that was her final dildo that was strangely curved and which looked more like some alien torture device than a sexual toy designed to give pleasure.

Sarah reached out hesitantly and picked up the large dildo and returned to her seat. She held it above the desk in front of her as she had noticed the three girls before her had done. She stared at it while the rest of the class collected their own. She noticed a small row of numbers curving around the base of the suction cup. They were her school ID barcode, the same that was embossed on the tag that hung from her ear. There was no denying it, this was her dildo.

What an ugly word she thought. Sarah vowed to herself to refer to it as her cock. No one would know, her thoughts were still her own. They were the last bastion she had, no matter what happened they could not get inside there. She could never be held accountable for her thoughts. She gently squeezed the rubber cock to feel its consistency. It felt quite rubbery, stiff but with a little give. It was a creamy colour and had raised ridges along its length. They look like veins, Sarah mused to herself as she continued to study what was apparently going to be the focus of this class, and no doubt of many to come, she added a little fearfully.

Ness soon appeared at the front of the class struggling to carry a weird metal contraption. It was a thick metal frame consisting of a triangular base that supported a tall metal pole. What caught Sarahs attention was the item protruding from the pole about halfway up its length. A large black dildo, much longer, though no thicker than the one she held, was fixed to the metal pole. It stuck out horizontally but drooped under its own weight. There were thin bands of yellow around the entire length of the black cock, from base to tip, that looked to be around an inch apart, giving the dildo the appearance of the rear-end of huge black wasp.

“Set it down, facing to the side then take your seat. Girls you may place your dildos on your desks, be sure to press the cup hard to ensure it creates suction. Have the balls facing you.”

Sarah did as she was told, gripping the fake cock in both hands and pushed it into the desk. She felt the suction cup grip the smooth surface beneath and gingerly let go. The 8 inch cock flopped towards her but the cup held it to the table. It looks so strange, Sarah thought, as she watched the cock bob towards her as it settled in its new position. There is even a small dent in the end of it, which was where the pee would come from, Sarah marvelled.

“These dildos are as important to you as your uniform or your collar. Each one is imprinted with your ID number and it is your responsibility to take care of them. They are to be kept clean and blemish-free. A well cared for dildo can be like a best friend. Each of these dildos is made from a high-grade silicon compound that imparts durability as well as a non-porous bacteria free surface that will ensure a long life when cared for. They look very lifelike dont they girls? They have been moulded from a cock that you will have more to do with later in your training. Before we start lets get a little feel for the experience levels of the class.

“Who has given a handjob? Raise your right hand. Thirteen, not bad. Who has sucked a cock? Only six, very disappointing. Who has fucked a cock? Eleven! That is very disappointing, more of you sluts have fucked than sucked. Casta, why have you fucked and not sucked?”

“Um… I, Maam,” stammered the flustered French teen. “I have not sucked because, um it just didnt come up Maam.”

“Didnt come up? Are you trying to take the piss, Casta?” Miss Watson asked, pointing the cane menacingly at the now trembling teen.

“No Maam. Sorry Maam, I just meant that it just didnt happen.”

“I am not happy about that at all. Who has fucked two cocks at once. No one. Porter you did not raise your hand at all. Of all the girls I am most disappointed in you. I hope you will work hard to prove to me that your situation is simply an unfortunate accident of circumstance.”

“Yes Maam, I will work hard,” Sarah replied eagerly.

She had felt strangely anxious as these personal questions had been asked. Knowing the other girls were raising their hands and knowing that she never could, no matter what questions were asked. She honestly didnt want to disappoint anyone but she could not change anything now.

“Lets not dwell on the past though,” said Miss Watson in a show of synergy with Sarahs thoughts that made the surprised girls eyes widen in amazement. “You are here to be trained and your past indiscretions are not important. First thing we are doing today is taking a reading of your deepthroat index. Olsen scan your tag and kneel in front of Rex,” Miss Watson directed, a wide smile brightening her stern face. “You will find that you may come to name your dildos as we have done with Rex here.”

Olsen knelt on the platform in front of the stand. Her eyes were fastened to the long black cock suspended from the pole. It hung a few inches over the nervous girls head, the inert object ominously still as the class waited to see what would happen next.

“Right Olsen, get that cock as far down your mouth as you can and hold it. You have three attempts and your final effort will be recorded. Lick and spit on it first, lubrication is always important, whether dealing with dildos or cocks. No matter what hole a slut is expecting to have filled, lubrication is always important. Often you will only be using your natural juices, be they saliva or cunt juice to help lubricate. Learn to make the most of what you have. Begin.”

Olsen swallowed and raised herself slowly off her knees. She leaned in to the long black cock and licked the thick knobbed end. She gingerly took the head in her mouth, but immediately spat it out and went back to licking the shaft. Sarah could see almost no moisture on the black dildo. She was worried that her classmates  mouth was dry due to nervousness and she would not be able to lubricate it at all.

Olsen was having similar concerns. She was trying to suck her tongue to produce some saliva but she was not very successful. She continued to lick the end gently not sure what else to do.

“Olsen, get that cock IN your mouth. Move it in and out, fuck it with your mouth. This will produce the saliva that you need. Deeper, that is just the tip. The tip of a cock is the most sensitive part but you must not neglect any part. The entire cock is the object of this task and will become the object of your desire as your training progresses. Deeper. Right, now continue fucking at that depth.”

Olsen now had an inch or two of the cock in her mouth, moving her head back and forwards along the cock. Her ponytail swished behind her as she fucked the black dildo with her mouth. The motion helped produce the moisture she would need to go deeper and deeper on the dildo. She was relieved when she felt her mouth moisten around the rubber invader.

“You have three attempts. Take as much of the cock into your mouth as possible. When you are ready to make your attempt hold the position for a count of three. On your third attempt I will measure your progress.”

Olsen took a deep breath and forced the cock down her throat as far as it would go. She held it for a count of three, the quickest count of three she had ever done and came off the dildo gasping. She had nothing on which to judge her performance. Did she do well? Was she hopeless? The uncertainty gnawed at her insides.

Sarah watched her classmate force the cock deep in her mouth again. Olsens face had gone bright red with her efforts. The poor girls hands clenched tightly behind her back each time she forced herself on the long dildo. Sarah worried how she would do. It seemed Olsen was only getting about four inches of the cock in her mouth before she was gagging. Sarah was not sure if Olsen was one of the girls who had sucked cock or not but the dildo looked extremely long and the amount Olsen was sucking seemed almost insignificant.

For a second time Olsen forced herself on the black dildo, with no great improvement. A third time she tried, this time forcing a little more into her mouth. This time Miss Watson, who was hovering over the young girl, took the measurement. Olsen gagged and thrust herself off the plastic cock, falling to her hands and knees and gagging. Sarah was scared that she would bring up her lunch but Olsen managed to compose herself, leaving behind only a puddle of frothy saliva.

"Clean up your mess and sit down," commanded Miss Watson.

Olsen licked the loops of saliva off the large dildo, sucking the sticky strings when her tongue was not sufficient. She leaned over to the floor of the platform and pursed her lips. Sarah heard wet squelching sucking sounds as the pretty curly-haired teen sucked up the pool of saliva she had left behind. Once cleaned, Olsen took her seat and quietly sat at attention, her eyes lowered in shame, only to find her personal dildo rising from the desk before her. She swallowed a little roughly and fought back the tears.

"Cox. I am confident you shall do better, what with your pedigree."

The cute blonde rose and immediately kneeled before the measuring dildo. She stared at it with trepidation. She had been one of the girls who raised her hand in answer to the question about giving head. That boys cock had been nothing like this and she had only sucked the head really. She was even more worried after the pedigree remark Miss Watson had made. Her mother had come to Harkwood and even been in Trinity house, but she knew very little else about her. Just because of that, was she expected to be some kind of expert?

She was scared now that she would not only have to be as good as the other girls but better. She had always had to deal with jokes and humiliation because of her name but she would give anything to go back to that. The degradation she had suffered at Harkwood had made her school life until now seem like nirvana. Having larger breasts and being prettier than most of the other girls had not saved her, in fact it had made the attentions of the boys that much more intense. She had only had sex once and only with that boy because he had been nice to her, until after he had come.


Cox immediately took the dildo in her mouth and began fucking it. Within moments she had produced enough saliva to spit along its length. A long string of spittle hit the dildo just behind the head. Cox quickly went back to fucking it with her mouth, trying each time to go just a little deeper. She had already managed to reach the level Olsen had set as her benchmark.

Sarah watched the young girl fuck the dildo with her mouth, fascinated by the act. Trying to learn as much as she could. She was only one girl away from doing it herself and she had promised Miss Watson that she would not only do her best to learn from others but to practice herself. Not only that but Sarah had vowed she would do the best of all the girls, of course that was before she knew the subjects were going to be sucking cock and being a slut.

As Sarah gazed on, Cox paused on the shaft for the second of her three counts. The third came soon after. The gasping teen had managed to pass the sixth ring. She had taken two inches more than Olsen. The blonde girl immediately started licking the dildo clean removing any trace of her ropey saliva and leaving only the merest sheen of moisture on the black shaft.


Sarah shifted in her seat as she watched her friend move to the front of the class. She scanned her tag and knelt obediently in front of the imposing dildo-stand. Sarah could see her pretty alabaster skin mottled pink with humiliation and anxiety. Sarah hoped that the Irish girl would do well. Murphy had not sucked a cock, Sarah knew. How would she cope with her first time being with a huge plastic cock?


Murphy took a deep breath and plunged onto the cock. She gagged almost immediately, before three inches had even entered her mouth, and sat back on her heels and watching the dildo bob before her eyes.  Sarah cringed, hoping this did not bode ill for her friends attempts. Murphy quickly got over her nerves and began moving slowly back and forth along the length of the dildo. Sarah smiled for her friend, glad that she had managed to settle down and recover from her disastrous start.

Before long Murphy had used all three of her timers and her measurement was taken. She had managed five inches. Sarah cheered inside as her friend gagged and retched after her last effort. Murphy was now safe from being the lowest in the class.

"Well Murphy your performance seems to have pleased at least someone," observed Miss Watson as the beautiful flame-haired teen cleaned the dildo of her spit.

Murphy glanced straight at Sarah, managing to catch her exultant smile before it was wiped from her face at the realisation that Miss Watson had noticed her, and had probably misinterpreted it badly. Sarah saw her friend frown and return her attention to cleaning the dildo. Her heart sank, now Murphy also seemed to have taken her happiness the wrong way.


Sarah passed Murphy silently as she scanned her eartag before kneeling in front of the dildo stand. Well Rex, Sarah thought as she contemplated the long rubber shaft that hung above her, let's work together please. I so need to do well. Sarah almost laughed at herself, talking to an inanimate object she was about to degrade herself upon. What had happened to her? She had to think about it correctly though. This was a lesson. This was an important activity she had to learn. So many people talked about blowjobs, she knew all guys expected it, and if normal guys expected it then the people she would be meeting in her life would not only expect it but it expect it to be done brilliantly.


Sarah felt her cheeks colour as she rose up on her knees and touched her lips to the dildo. It had no real taste and no real smell, which surprised the young girl. The feeling of it on her lips and as it entered her mouth was strange. She had really expected it to be hard like a plastic bat but it was flexible and with a little give though not unlike a nerf cock. Sarah almost choked herself on the long dildo as she laughed at her own joke. What is wrong with me she thought, joking at a time like this. She composed herself and began to slowly move her mouth down the shaft in slow smooth movements.

The way the dildo had been attached meant she was actually supporting its weight with her mouth. The base of the dildo was set at the height of her nose but the weight of the long shaft caused the slightly thicker head to hang a good three inches lower. Sarah felt the weight of the plastic cock on her tongue as it entered her mouth a little deeper with each push.

As she progressed along its length, the young girl was producing more and more saliva. The inside of her mouth was soon filmed with long ropey strands and she leant back off the cock and spat along its length as she had seen Cox do. Much of it dripped off and left bubbly strands of spit hanging from the shaft, eventually breaking and falling on the platform beneath. She had never really spat before and she would obviously need a lot more practice. Half her saliva had simply dribbled out of her mouth and now hung from her lower lip and chin.

Sarah's blush deepened, what a sight she must have made, spitting on herself, it seemed she couldnt even manage to do that right. She tried to push this fresh humiliation to the back of her mind and focus on sucking the dildo. It was time to try and go deeper. The next time down, she told herself, but the next time came and went and she had progressed no farther. Why was she being a chicken? The other girls had done it, Murphy had done it. Cox had managed six inches. She hardened her resolve, next time down.

Sarah pulled her head right back, keeping just the tip in her mouth. She took a deep breath and pushed her mouth slowly down the shaft of the dildo, working her tongue on the underside of the slick shaft and opened her mouth as wide as it would go. She gagged and pulled back off the cock as the tip touched the back of her throat. She spat a large wad of spit on the floor, still managing to end up with a large strand of bubbly saliva hanging from her chin.

That was pathetic she told herself. Tears had started to form in her eyes but they were more a reaction of the gagging than from the emotions that threatened to overwhelm her. She was determined to do better. She was determined not to disappoint her teacher or herself. She thought of Miss Rice and how she would look when told of Sarah's hopeless performance.

The determined teen rose on her knees and gathered the bobbing, spit covered dildo in her mouth. She had to duck her head to capture the tip, as without support it hung at the level of her chin. Sarah straightened up and pushed her mouth along the shaft in one smooth movement. She forced her way along the shaft until the tip touched the back of her throat . She felt the gag begin but fought it as best she could. Real tears pooled in her eyes as she gently pushed the shaft a little further into her throat and held it for a count of three.

The kneeling schoolgirl slowly pulled back along the plastic cock, until only the slightly more bulbous tip remained inside. Her mouth was well lubricated and she tried to swallow some of her spit but the thick ropey strands refused to go down. Sarah let go of the tip and spat as much of the saliva on the dildo as she could. Most of the large blob slipped off the shaft and she tried not to think about what she would have to clean up later.

Again the pretty schoolgirl rose on her knees, enveloping the plastic cock as her head moved past the pendant black dildo. Second attempt Rex, Sarah thought. Deeper this time for sure.

This time Sarah tried not opening her mouth as wide, instead keeping her lips close around the thick shaft. She pushed her tongue into the bottom of her mouth and gently and smoothly pushed the dildo further back. She felt it touch the back of her throat, closed her eyes and pushed her head forward slowly, trying to swallow at the same time to see if that helped.

She felt the head of the dildo slide in a little further and counted to three, pulling back and breathing hard through her nose once the action was complete. She did not want to let go of the plastic cock this time. She felt her last attempt was good and she wanted to follow it straight away. After two deep breaths she pushed forward again. She didn't really know what she was doing but she tried to open her throat as she pushed down.

Sarah felt the tip pass the top of her throat and kept pushing. Her eyes were watering and she was on the verge of gagging. She held the cock in her throat and counted to three, glancing cross-eyed at the shaft as she did so. She tried to mark the place of her lips and slowly pulled off the shaft as she counted three. One, two, three, four, five, six rings, Sarah counted. The seventh yellow ring appeared as the head of the plastic cock dropped from her mouth, long strings of ropey saliva tethering the young girls open mouth to the thick head of the glistening, black dildo.

Seven! She had done it. She now had the highest score in the class. Sarah's jubilance surprised and also disturbed her. As she licked the shaft clean, taking back into her mouth all the saliva she had produced in response to its invasion, she tried to reconcile her happiness at this accomplishment. Could it really simply be her nerdish need to succeed at schoolwork, no matter how demeaning or degrading the subject. Even when what she was being forced to do was wrong. So very wrong, on so many levels.

Sarah left Rex clean and glistening, her mouth and tongue having collected every slimy thread and pool and spit. Thanks for cooperating she thought, as she mentally saluted the big dildo. She bent down and began licking her spit from the platform beneath the stand. All she succeeded in doing was pushing the small piles of frothy saliva around with her tongue. She pursed her lips and noisily slurped up every trace of her fluids, knowing how degrading her current position was, on hands and knees, ass in the air, but having no choice. She had trouble swallowing the thick mixture. It was almost like having a cold she thought, as the long strings of frothy slime refused to slide neatly down her throat.

She finally swallowed the viscous liquid and moved from the platform surface to the stand that held the dildo. Sarah licked and slurped her spit from the flat legs of the stand, the tangy metallic taste making her pull her teeth back and flick her tongue rapidly in and out of her mouth. Just an instinctive reaction to the taste she thought, she had always hated the taste of metal. Sarah checked the floor and the stand and took one last look at the dildo before rising to her feet.

Before she stepped down from the platform she looked at Miss Watson. Her imposing form teacher was still standing at the front of the class, her eyes never having left the young girl, observing and critiquing her every move, storing the information for the report on each student she would write at the end of the lesson.

"Thank you Ma'am," Sarah said as she turned to Miss Watson and curtsied before stepping off the platform and moving to her seat. She had no idea why she did that. It was just the sight of her teacher, standing there, watching her, her face expressionless, had moved something in her. Sarah did not know if she was pleased or disappointed and she had done it without even thinking. Seventeen pairs of eyes flew to the face of Miss Watson, eagerly awaiting the judgement of the addition Porter had added to her assessment. Seventeen girls were disappointed however, as Miss Watson's face remained impassive. It was as if nothing had occurred.


Sarah took her seat as the next girl approached the platform and the dildo she was expected to suck. The slimy saliva that coated Sarah's chin was a minor annoyance as it dried, but what worried her was that her nipples had again hardened, causing two small visible bumps that felt like they were almost bursting through the stiff white material of her blouse. It had to have been the movement as she sucked the dildo she assured herself, though with little conviction.

Sarah watched the remaining girls fuck the fake cock with their mouths, attempting to force it as far down their throats as possible, focusing all her attention on the girl's performances. She needed to forget about her hard nipples, they posed too many uncomfortable questions. Most girls managed around the five inch mark. Ozawa made six, but it was not until Mitchell that Sarah's mark was surpassed. She watched intently as Mitchell took her place on the platform. The stripes that Miss Watson had placed along Mitchell's udders had matured into raised red welts that Sarah knew must be agony.

Sarah had quickly become fascinated by the large-breasted girl. Ever since Mitchell had been denied her blouse as part of her uniform she had been a near constant thought in Sarah's head. She watched Mitchell much more intensely than the other girls, taking stock of the busty teen as she knelt down before the drooping black shaft.

Her hair was a wavy brown that Mitchell tended to wear down, letting fall in a dishevelled style about her shoulders. Now it was bunched behind her head in a thick ponytail.  Her large, dazzling brown eyes were surrounded by lusciously long eyelashes that almost seemed too perfect to be real and made her seem so innocent and pure. Sarah was sure all she had to do was bat her eyes a few times and people would have done anything for this girl. Her udders protruded from her chest, the two magnificent mounds tipped by large dark nipples with small light, pink tips in the middle of the darker pink areolas. Sarah wondered what they would look like when they were hard but this thought was a little too close to home and she quickly moved on.

The rest of Mitchell's body was curvy and smooth which suited her persona perfectly. She was in no danger of showing off any of her ribs as she breathed, unlike the slim, boyish Taylor, but she still had a flat belly and well-shaped thighs. Sarah could not see them now but she knew the two small dimples in the small of Mitchells back were there. They were always something Sarah had thought was supercute on other girls. After Murphy, Sarah thought, Mitchell was probably the most beautiful girl in Trinity house.

Mitchell wasted no time once Miss Watson gave the command to begin. Her mouth immediately enveloped the large plastic cock and sunk four inches of its length into her mouth. Unlike Murphy, who had unwisely begun this way earlier, Mitchell did not gag but continued fucking the black dildo with her mouth without a rest. She facefucked it for a minute, forcing the flexible shaft hard into her throat. Soon the first of her three counts came and she was already at the seven inch mark. On the second attempt Mitchell passed it but did not quite make the eight.

On her third and final attempt Mitchell plunged the dildo swiftly down her throat, her lips passed the eight inch mark and made it halfway to the nine. She held the thick cock deep in her throat for much longer than a three count before slowly, almost languidly, leaning back, letting the cock drop from her mouth, a thin thread of saliva connecting her lips to the dildo even once she had rested back on her heels.

Mitchell leaned forward, sticking out her tongue to collect the saliva string and promptly cleaned the black dildo. As the stepped down from the platform her udders bounced within the confines of her half-cup bra, the stripes that decorated each mound undulating in turn. Sarah was captivated. Mitchell had only been at the front of the class for maybe two minutes and she had produced the best result of the class so far, beating Sarah's by a mile. Well by an inch Sarah thought, but when you are talking cock in your throat an inch is like a mile, she mused.

The remaining girls took their turn at the dildo stand, Miss Watson watching closely, recording their benchmark deepthroat scores. As Carew returned to her seat, tears streaming down her cheeks after her humiliation at being forced to suck a piece of plastic and only managing four inches, Miss Watson addressed the class.

"All girls who recorded a score under six inches receive an infraction. Six inches is the minimum acceptable score for a slut. These scores are a benchmark for one important aspect of cock sucking - deepthroating. You will learn many different techniques that, when combined, will ensure that no cock will be able to resist the slut's attentions and will yield that beautiful cum which every slut craves. These benchmarks will be used to judge your progress as your training continues. An improvement of one inch every two weeks is expected until a pass grade is reached. Rex is available for extra-curricular study for any slut wishing to avail herself of it.

"There were quite a number of pathetic performances today," said Miss Watson sternly, glancing around the room, making eye contact with the girls in question. "There were two sluts who stood out however. Porter and Mitchell, front."

The named girls moved to the platform and stood at attention towards the class.

"Mitchell and Porter exhibited a very important behaviour during their assessment. Each slut showed self-discipline.  Deepthroating is all about self-discipline, repressing the gag reflex and making your body work for you. Self-discipline is the most important kind of discipline for a slut, it is her stock and trade. It is when a slut embraces her nature and exhibits self-discipline in the performance of her duties that she truly pleases her betters and will engender feelings of pride in her superiors. It is only when a slut's owner feels pride in their possession that a slut will be truly happy.

"As a reward you girls may kiss."

Both girls' eyes widened in surprise. As her teacher spoke Sarah had become deeply happy with herself. She had shown self-discipline, the most important kind of discipline, and she had pleased her teacher. She had humiliated and degraded herself with a piece of rubber shaped like a mans member but the memory of that had melted away at her teachers praise. A reward was surprising in itself, she was definitely not expecting it, but for it to be kissing one of her classmates was just a little bewildering to the schoolgirl.

"Face each other and begin," directed Miss Watson.

The two girls faced each other hesitantly. Sarah had to force herself to raise her eyes from Mitchell's striped udders and look her in the face. She blushed and was ashamed of herself for doing it, she was sure Mitchell had enough boys treat her that way. Both girls simply stood and looked at each other, unsure of what to do. Mitchell finally took the initiative and leaned down and kissed Sarah on the mouth, their lips barely touching.

"Ah girls, I suppose you have not really had a chance to read your house rules, but kissing between Trinity students is forbidden outside of class work, for which special permission must be sought. I would suggest you sluts take this opportunity to enjoy this gift that I have so graciously offered to you."

There was an unspoken menace in Miss Watson's voice that made Sarah shiver. After their good work on the dildo they were now disappointing their teacher. Sarah tilted her head back and parted her lips in invitation to the taller girl. Mitchell leaned in and their lips met. Sarah had never kissed a boy, let alone another girl and she had no real idea what to do. Mitchell had experience, this was instantly clear to Sarah, as the busty teens tongue darted into her mouth as their kiss deepened.

"Continue while I record all the results,"  Miss Watson remarked as she moved to her comfortable leather chair and laptop.

Now it was not only Mitchell leaning into the kiss. Sarah opened her mouth to the busty American teen, twisting her own tongue to meet Mitchells as it quested inside her mouth. Sarah felt Mitchells hands wrap around the back of her head and she raised her own and placed them on the topless schoolgirls hips, resting them on the warm naked flesh available to her due to the absence of Mitchell's blouse.

What had begun as a stuttering hesitant kiss had now evolved into a passionate embrace. Sarah could feel Mitchell's udders press against her own breasts, her hard nipples trapped between two soft expanses of tender young flesh. Her breathing became heavy and she knew that moisture had started to form in her pussy. By now she had already produced a nice dollop of cream she thought distractedly to herself as she continued to kiss her classmate with newfound passion.

Mitchell broke contact for a second, returning with a flurry of softer kisses that Sarah returned with enthusiasm. A quiet thrill made Sarah shiver as Mitchel licked her lips before the smaller teen caught the tongue and sucked it inside her mouth, again beginning a long, deep passionate embrace.


The two girls broke apart, panting. Their desire, while initially hesitant, had been stoked into a wildfire of unbridled lust. The soft intimate contact of another girl, another girl suffering the same fate as her, has been a panacea for Sarah's troubles. She had felt a great solace sweep over her even as the flames of her passion had risen.

Both girls stepped off the platform at the same time and performed a hesitant shuffling dance as they got in each other's way as they returned to their seats. As Sarah sat on her hard plastic stool she could feel the juices in her pussy moisten the tiny triangle of material that covered her sex, material that already carried the marks of her previous arousal.

So she was a lesbian then? She had just made out with another girl and her pussy had become wet, very wet. She hadn't liked the taste of Taylor's pussy though. Then she thought about the effect that Miss Rice had upon her. She could not hide from herself the fact that kissing Mitchell had been exciting, satisfying and... well, right. Her confusion was etched clearly on her face, a war of emotions and conflicting assumptions like a hurricane inside her head. The confused teenager was given no time for soul-searching as the lesson continued.

"We have touched on deepthroating so far in todays lesson, though technique has not been discussed. We will start first by familiarising you with the cock. Everyone look at your dildo in front of you. Each cock is different: different size, thickness, length. Some can have curves and some are straight, some can get amazingly hard while others will stay malleable throughout arousal, some are circumsized, others are not. You should always study each cock that is presented to you as best you can. It is a slut's duty to bring pleasure and first you must identify the object of that pleasure. But more than that you need to be able to identify individual cocks, just as you should with individual cunts.

"Despite all these possible differences and idiosyncrasies, each cock is basically the same. You will study this more in depth in Miss Rice's classes but we will touch on the basics here to make my lessons a little easier. At the tip of the cock we have the head. This is the most sensitive part of the cock and as such should receive the lion's share of the attention. Below the head is the shaft. The shaft, while less sensitive, is just as important as the head. A slut has to show her owner or user that every part of their body is a source of pleasure.

"At the base of the shaft are the balls. These are not particularly sexually sensitive for most men but attention in this area is highly desired. This is the source of cum and as such is an area revered by a slut."

Sarah looked over her dildo, identifying each part as Miss Watson spoke. The balls on her dildo were not fully formed, being just the top half above where the mould ended. The head of her dildo was much more fully formed than that of Rex. This one had a clearly defined neck, well that was the way Sarah identified it. A neck was always under the head right, she thought to herself, sure there was some other more correct term she would learn in Miss Rice's class.

Thinking of Miss Rice made Sarah think of Mitchell and the passionate session of kissing they had shared moments before. Even as she stared at the plastic cock stuck to her desk she was thinking of the soft, smooth lips of Mitchell, her hot, moist tongue and the way her udders felt pressing into her own. She had to focus! Sarah realised she had become a little rattled by the sensations kissing another girl had stirred within her. She needed to pay attention to her schoolwork.

"For our first lesson we will begin with a number of basic cock-sucking techniques. Girls, take the head of the dildo inside your mouths and commence sucking. Just the head, I don't want to see anyone further down than that. One very important lesson when sucking a cock is that the eyes of a slut are always open. The eyes are very much the windows to the soul and while a slut has no need for philosophy it is very important for a slut to be open in all things. When you close your eyes, you are closing yourself to the gentlemen whose cock you are sucking.

"Cock-sucking by its very name, implies the use of the mouth. That is something very obvious but very important. A slut has three holes to provide pleasure. When sucking a cock you use your mouth. Inexperienced sluts often use their hands but the only time a slut will use her hands is when she is presented with multiple cocks that need to be serviced or when her mouth is working the balls.

"One of the most common mistakes made by inexperienced sluts is to use their hands on the shaft and simply focus on the head with their mouth. Laziness," Miss Watson almost shouted the word. "A slut's mouth should work the entire cock. If a slut's mouth is empty her hands have no place being on a cock.

"Girls, probably the most important rule a slut must remember is that your teeth must never come in contact with the cock. A specific gentleman may rescind this rule but it is very uncommon. This is an extremely important rule that I suggest you follow implicitly if you want to keep your teeth."

Sarah continued sucking on the thick head of her dildo as she listened to Miss Watson lecture. It was such a strange sensation having something so big in her mouth. The only experience she had really had were lollipops or iceblocks, which were laughable objects of comparison. Her mouth was kept wide as she sucked, her lips clamped tightly around the shaft, just below the head. She had not been told to, and was not sure what the other girls were doing, but her tongue had started to caress the underside of the head with almost wavelike undulations.

"All sluts move down the shaft, three inches in and out. It is important that when a slut is sucking a cock that she remains aware of the reactions of the gentlemen and also her surroundings. Cock-sucking is one of the activities where focus is key. What is happening to you is irrelevant, your only goal is to bring pleasure to the gentlemen and hope that he will deem you worthy to receive his cum."

Miss Watson was walking around the room, inspecting each girl bob their bent heads down the shafts of their dildos attached to the desks in front of them. She stopped behind Sarah, the anxious schoolgirl immediately aware of her presence. Sarah continued to move up and down her dildo but her belly tightened and her eyes flicked sideways, though without a chance of seeing anything.

She felt her skirt being lifted and Miss Watson's hand slide underneath the front of her skirt. Sarah jumped a little, her belly quivering at the warmth of her teachers intimate touch. Sarah felt the hand slide across her panty covered pussy, two fingers pushing the tight material into her slit. The trembling schoolgirl heard her teacher make a small noise near her left ear before removing her hand and moving on.

What was that about Sarah thought, as she continued to fuck the dildo with her mouth. The wetness of Sarah's panties would be obvious to the touch. Was Miss Watson checking to see if kissing Mitchell had aroused her? It was obvious it had and now her teacher knew. She was beginning to come to terms with the fact that she would not be able to hide anything. Her body was no longer her own, she had no rights to prevent access by anyone to do anything.

It was a realisation that hit her hard. She did not miss a beat as her mouth worked on autopilot as she continued to contemplate this epiphany. More than anything that had happened, more than having a collar affixed around her neck, that casual check of her pussy as she sucked on a fake cock had reinforced Sarah's predicament. This was what her life would be like for the next 18 months as she was trained to be a slut.

After that? Life after school was not something Sarah could think about right now. She had to take it one day at a time, one class at a time, one activity at a time. Her focus needed to be in the here and now. She needed to learn. She had always been good at learning. She had been the best student as far back as she could remember. It would be no different now that her life had changed so dramatically, only here her success and her determination to succeed had potentially bigger benefits and failure definitely had bigger repercussions. Failure was not an option though, Sarah told herself as she slid her mouth up and down the shaft of her dildo.

"Ness, one infraction. A slut does not stop sucking a cock until told otherwise, nothing that is done to you is important enough for this rule to be broken. I think we are warmed up enough to begin learning a few basic techniques.” Sarah wondered what the teacher had done to the poor schoolgirl to make her stop sucking.

"Sluts, lick the head. Flick your tongue back and forth across the tip. Quickly move it from side to side, this is tongue technique 1, which we abbreviate to T1. Now swirl your tongue around the head of the cock, run it around the entire circumference, this is T2. Next take the head into your mouth and lick the underside of the head hard, moving your tongue up so the tips meet. As the tip of your tongue passes the eye of the cock, push it inside and then continue up past the head with a flick. This is T3.

"Show me just the tongue flick this time, mouths off cocks. The movement must be quicker, don't run it past the tip, flick it quickly. Ozawa you have it, Mitchell good. Taylor you are not licking an icicle. Quick sharp movement. Better."

Sarah practiced the quick flick of her tongue across the tip, watching the dildo bob on the table-top as she did so. She had not been told she was allowed to break position and use her hands so she caught the dildo in her mouth to stabilise it before flicking again.

"Ok everyone has that. Cocks back in your mouths. Flatten the length of your tongue against the underside of the dildo, find the area at the base of the head where there is a little ridge of skin. This is the remnant of the foreskin in circumsized gentlemen and is highly sensitive. It is also a place of interest in uncircumsized men as this is where the foreskin will bunch. Move your tongue gently back and forth across this ridge. This is T4.

"Back to sucking. As I call out techniques, switch to them. The key to a slut being a truly great cocksucker is not just technique but the way in which she uses them. Variety is the spice of life after all. First though we will just make sure that everyone remembers what they are doing.

"Cox, what is T2?"

"T2 is..." began Cox before Miss Watson stopped her.

"A slut does not abbreviate unless specifically given permission. At Harkwood this will not be the case. Abbreviating for a slut is a sign of laziness. Again."

"Tongue technique two is licking the head of the cock, then flicking the tongue into the eye and then past the tip Ma'am."

"Correct Cox but no one told you to stop sucking.

The pretty blonde teen's head immediately lowered to her dildo, her mouth sinking deeply on it as she resumed her sucking rhythm. Her short, straight blonde hair fell down along her face and she looked up at Miss Watson hoping she would be spared any punishment.

"Porter, T1."

"Ma'am, tongue technique one is when a slut flicks her tongue quickly back and forth across the tip of the cock Ma'am," Sarah replied, letting the cock fall from her mouth only as long as she spoke, quickly catching the captive dildo as she finished her last word.

"Right then, sluts T1."

Eighteen schoolgirls immediately switched their tongues to flicking the tips of their dildos. It was hard for Miss Watson to check every girl was mastering the techniques but she would soon do some spot checks. Besides it was in these sluts' best interest to get it right. When it was time for assessment there would be no hiding. Miss Watson continued to call techniques forcing the girls to switch between them, making sure they had plenty of practice transitioning from one to another.

"Resume sucking," Miss Watson commanded.

It was such a pleasing sight to watch a classroom full of young girls sucking cock, their heads bobbing obediently up and down, hair bouncing prettily. Mitchell was a particular sight, her naked tits, sporting the stripes she had been given, jiggled so enticingly.

"Those are the four basic tongue techniques a slut must know. Of course each slut will no doubt come up with some form of modification of her own and your owners may have a special predilection for you to fulfil. We will now move on to some sucking techniques. What you are doing now is not a technique, it is simply the standard sucking that a slut performs when she is not working a specific technique. It is sometimes referred to as warming up.

"Sucking technique one is moving down the shaft normally but creating suction as your mouth comes off. Try that now, I want to hear the pops as your mouths come off the dildo."

Miss Watson walked around the class as the girls practiced this first technique. The classroom began to fill with tiny muted popping sounds as the schoolgirls attempted this new manoeuvre. The short sharp sounds, provided a strange counterpoint to the soft, wet slurping noises that had, until then, dominated the room. 

Sarah managed to create a pop on her first attempt. Her forceful sucking had caused her dildo to swirl erratically around her desk and she chased the bobbing plastic cock with her open mouth, eager  to keep practicing. She eventually trapped the dildo and moved her mouth four inches down the shaft and slowly came back up sucking hard. She was rewarded with another pop as the tip left her mouth and she smiled to herself, proud that she had managed to master this so easily.

"For S2 a slut sets up a rhythm of three. Three times up and down the shaft. The first two are fast and deep, the third is slow and deeper. S2 synergises well with S3 which is deepthroating. For now let's see S2."

Sarah joined the rest of the class in practicing the rhythm of three. She stuffed up her first attempt, doing all three fast. She was a little disappointed with herself. The next time she was ready and managed to set up the rhythm and kept it going until Miss Watson called out for S3.

On her next deep stroke Sarah went as far down the dildo as she could. There were no measuring rings on her shaft but she felt like she managed a decent amount. The young girl pulled back off her dildo and plunged deeply again. As she fought back her gag reflex and relaxed her throat she felt like she took a little more but she wasn't sure. She hoped so though.

"Resume sucking. Technique four is licking the entire length of the shaft. Lick from balls to tip. Don't just lick underneath, lick that cock all over. Long, strong strokes. Make sure that tongue stays in contact with the cock at all times."

Miss Watson observed the class attempt this last technique. It was hilarious to watch the eighteen schoolgirls attempt to keep their tongue in contact with the dildo. The suction cup kept the dildo anchored to the desktop, but it did nothing to keep it still. The teacher even chuckled to herself as she saw Clark's dildo bounce back to hit her in the face. This technique was not entirely fair without the use of a hand for stabilisation but life wasn't fair.

"Girls the last technique we will learn today is just sucking the head. S5 is a perfect time for the use of all tongue techniques. So while you are practicing S5, practice T1 to T4 as well. It is important for a slut to take any and all opportunities to improve their skills. Knowing a thing does not make one good at it, it is only doing a thing which will help a slut improve. We have five minutes left in this class. I want to see you practicing all the techniques you have learnt today. I want to see some nice variety and some nice transitions and combinations."

Sarah joined the rest of the class in practicing her cock-sucking techniques. She tried her best to switch between techniques, trying to think which ones went together and which ones would feel the best. It was harder for her, she had no idea what a real cock felt like. She had to trust Miss Watson's teaching and hope her instinct served her well. She had been praised for it a number of times and had not been sure it was something that she wanted to be praised for but she was beginning to accept that if something was beyond her control then she needed to just accept it.

Miss Watson had begun to walk around the class and observe the techniques of the schoolgirls, correcting where she found fault and praising where a girl was doing particularly well.

"Remember girls, it is not about what the slut wants it is about what the gentleman wants. Just because you like a particular technique does not mean you are to favour it over others. That means you Taylor, S5 seems to be your favourite or maybe it is the tongue techniques that you are favouring," said Miss Watson as she towered over the slim teen.

Taylor immediately plunged the cock deeper down her throat and started to work a different technique. This was definitely something that she doubted she would ever be able to enjoy. It was fine for some teacher to tell her she would crave cum and look forward to sucking cocks but she liked girls, she knew she did and she had accepted that long ago. She had been in heaven when her guardian had told her about Harkwood. And now she was trapped here, being turned into a slut. Well they could try, she could be a slut with other girls but she was going to have to be clever and fake her interest in cock.

Sarah suddenly felt Miss Watson standing beside her. She was currently working on sucking technique two. The conscientious teenager was using it to transition to deepthroating and then back to technique one, creating a little pop each time. She tried not to use technique one too much because it meant the cock was out of her mouth. She felt that she should be trying to keep the dildo in her mouth as much as she could. She had tried to feel what the essence of cock-sucking was but she hoped she wasn't over thinking things.

Miss Watson stepped behind Sarah and placed her hand across the young girls throat. Sarahs eyes darted to the left as she felt the warm palm of her teacher rest across the delicate skin at the front of her throat, just above her collar. Sarah did not stop her rhythm, her teachers hand moving back and forth with her as she continued to draw her dildo into her mouth. She felt the slight pressure of Miss Watsons hand as she moved down on her third stroke, sending the fake cock deep inside her.

As her head came up off the dildo, Miss Watson removed her hand and patted schoolgirl on the head. Just as she was preparing to force herself upon the dildo once more, her head was pulled up and off the plastic cock. Miss Watson had a hold of Sarahs ponytail and was using this to direct the young girl. As soon as her mouth was emptied her teacher thrust her thumb into Sarahs mouth.

“T1,” Miss Watson commanded.

Sarah began flicking her tongue across the tip of Miss Watsons digit. It was an odd sensation, to be sucking the thumb of her teacher. Her large innocent eyes looked up at Miss Watson who returned the gaze impassively.


Sarah moved her tongue to the tip of her teachers thumb and proceeded to practice flicking her tongue up and off the tip as quickly as she could. It was not the most perfect of displays as Miss Watsons thumb was substantially smaller and did not contain the eye she should have paid attention to but she did her best.

After a number of successful attempts Miss Watson removed her thumb from the schoolgirls mouth and patted her on the head again. Sarahs empty mouth sprang back on her waiting dildo before she had a chance to smile. She did not want anyone, not even her teacher, to know that the tiny token of approval had left her feeling happy and content. She was afraid that her teacher would think it pride. Sarah would never have thought that the small gesture of a pat on the head would have such a marked effect on her.

The class continued to suck and practice their techniques for the remaining few minutes of the class. When the bell rang not one girl let her dildo go, but eighteen pairs of wide eyes sought out their teacher, waiting for permission to stop and move to their next class.

“Clean up your dildos and move off to your next class. You have another period of biology with Miss Rice.”

Each girl began to feverishly clean her dildo with her tongue, removing any remnants of saliva that may have slid down the shaft to collect around the suction cup at the base. As they finished each girl sat back at attention and awaited their turn to rise and leave.

Olsen left first, curtsying and thanking Miss Watson for the lesson as she did so. As it came to Sarahs turn to leave she tentatively glanced back at her seat. She had suspected as much and now it was confirmed, there was a small moist patch on her seat created by the constant leaking from her pussy. This time she could not risk doing nothing. Miss Watson was bound to check.

Sarah turned back to her stool, bent over at the waist and licked her pussy juices from the seat. As her tongue licked the black plastic surface she was acutely aware that her pussy and ass were pointing directly at her seated teacher. She tasted her sharp tang of her sex as she licked the seepage from her seat. It was over in three licks but the looks the remainder of the class were giving her caused a deep flush of crimson to colour her face. The humiliated girl turned to Miss Watson and curtsied sweetly.

“Thank you for the lesson Maam, Sarah said hurriedly, dying to get out of the classroom.

“You enjoyed the lesson Porter?”

“Yes Maam,” Sarah replied anxiously, wondering why she was always being singled out for these extra questions.

“I can see from the state of your pussy that you did. I am also happy to note that your general enthusiasm and attention to school rules does not go unnoticed. Dismissed.”

Great, Sarah thought. Now she was going to be seen as some kind of teachers pet. This trepidation was in direct opposition to the joy she felt at making a good impression on her teachers. Everything has a price she thought as she scanned her tag and left the classroom, nothing is ever just that easy.

Chapter 12. In which Sarah learns elementary pussy

“Enter,” rang Miss Rices sultry voice.

The two neat rows of girls entered the classroom. Sarah felt the familiar fluttering in her belly as she caught sight of the biology teacher. Every move the woman made seemed to entrance the schoolgirl, even the gentle swish of her long flowing skirt seemed to have a sensual flair for impressionable schoolgirl. As she stood next to her stool however, she noted that the gynaecological chair was still in position straddling the platform. Next to it was a small stool on wheels and a little trolley that looked very similar to the one Nurse Sharp had used during Sarahs physical.

“Sit. Now this lesson is your second of biology, our morning and afternoon sessions will be structured very differently. The morning sessions will focus on hygiene and body care and the afternoon classes will focus more on anatomy and usage. Today we have done things a little differently, but first days are always the exception,” said Miss Rice smiling at the class of girls, anxiously waiting to hear what new humiliations this class would bring.

“Now this lesson we will focus on that part of a sluts body that is so key to your very nature: the pussy. I reviewed each sluts file and used this mornings waxing to choose my model and as luck would have it we not only have a slut with an extremely attractive pussy but she is also the only slut with an intact hymen. Porter, undress and pop up here.”

Sarahs heart sank when she heard the word hymen. Once again she was going to be used as the demonstration piece for the class. So she had an attractive pussy, it was an upside to the situation she guessed but it obviously meant that she would attract more than her fair share of attention in class as well.

The young girl resignedly stood up and unclipped her tie, she looked to Miss Rice for instruction on where to put her discarded clothes and was rewarded with a small nod to the teachers sumptuous velvet chaise lounge. Sarah approached the chair and continued to undress before her class. She was sure to make her movements as attractive and graceful as she could, without taking too much time. She tried to emulate the way Miss Rice moved but she wasnt sure she was really getting it right.

In a matter of moments Sarah stood before the class, naked but for her shoes and socks which she seemed to be the standard uniform for a naked girl in class. Her pussy showed clear signs of creaming, as did her panties. She had tried to fold the crotch of her panties on itself to keep her skirt clean but she was not sure how successful her efforts had been.

Her lips around the entrance to her pussy were glistening with a sheen of moisture and the whiteness of her cream was just visible at the moist pink opening. Sarah knew as soon as she sat up in the chair that her pussy lips would part and it would be clear to all her classmates how turned on she had been and had remained.

The red-faced girl hopped up onto the chair and shuffled back until she was leaning comfortably against the backrest. She took a deep breath and lifted both her legs into the stirrups. Miss Rice immediately strapped both ankles, locking Sarah into the chair. The anxious schoolgirl settled back to await her fate. Simply being in this position was demeaning but knowing that she was to be used as a teaching tool in some way made her feel diminished as a person, no matter what the reason.

Miss Rice moved around behind the chair and gently took Sarahs right hand, pulling it back over her head, bending it at the elbow and strapping another Velcro cuff around her wrist behind the back of the chair. Sarahs eyes widened in alarm. Why were her hands being strapped behind her? Now she was totally vulnerable, she could not get out of this chair, all she could manage was to wriggle her body. She tensed her muscles and fought back the panic. As she felt the cuff close over her left wrist she looked plaintively at Miss Rice.

“During this lesson we shall use our time wisely. Porter will not be able to view the demonstration so instead of the lesson for her being wasted a start shall be made on her permanent depilatory program. Every slut should be as smooth and hair-free as possible. Waxing your pussy and asshole is acceptable as we do not wish, as this stage, for hair removal there to be permanent, that is for your owners to decide. Of course there are other areas where permanent removal is necessary.

“Harkwood uses a highly advanced electrolysis technique to permanently remove unwanted hair. The first stage in this program is the removal of hair from under the arms. We are yet to have a patron who did not sign off on this program so it just goes to show that no one wants a hairy slut.”

Miss Rice clapped her hands twice and the door at the back of the room opened. Sarah watched as a very pretty girl entered the room and advanced towards her. She had straight, silky brown hair that had been set into two cute pigtails, each tied in a pretty bow with a black ribbon. Her oval face and large doe eyes gave her a naïve and innocent air. A small metal ring poked out from her nostrils, hung from which was a tiny silver bell that provided a sweet, musical tinkling as she walked.

The graceful girl wore a small maids outfit that Sarah was not sure had ever really been a normal uniform. It looked just like the costume ones people sometimes wore at Halloween. The blouse was short and tight, cut low across her bosom to show off a substantial amount of cleavage. The skirt was black, tight and extremely small, just barely covering her rounded buttocks. A small white apron tied around her tiny waist, and the delicate lace that adorned each hem, broke up the black ensemble.

The shoes that the girl wore fascinated Sarah. She had been wearing four inch heels for the past day, something she was still not used to, but this girl appeared to be wearing six or maybe even seven inch heels. Her legs were extremely shapely and the clear definition of her calves was pleasing to look at but could not possibly be comfortable Sarah thought. The shoes were totally encased, leaving her feet look like shiny black spears at the end of her long white legs.

“This is Rascal. She is the maid for Trinity house. Rascal used to be a student at Harkwood. Unfortunately her patron was not able to take her upon graduation so Rascal decided to stay on at Harkwood and provide service to the school that gave her so much.”

Rascal curtsied before Miss Rice and took a place on the platform on Sarahs right. She was carrying a black plastic tray with a strange device and a shallow bowl resting on top.

“While we study Porters pussy Rascal will begin removing the hair under her arms. Every afternoon, in your project time, Rascal will spend half an hour with a slut. The rotation will proceed by number until the program is complete. Rascal you may begin when ready.

“Now girls lets get a look at this cunt shall we,” stated Miss Rice energetically. The teacher pushed a button on a small remote and a large flat-screen TV lowered from the ceiling above Sarahs body. The bewildered teen watched it descend until it stopped some two feet above her belly.

“Now to ensure every slut has a good view I will be using two small cameras. One mounted on this headset and this one for a more mobile and direct view.” The teacher placed a thin bandanna around her head, attached to which was a small pen-shaped camera situated at her right temple. She also held up another small camera that was shaped like a cigar. “Now this not only allows everyone a great view but we are recording the session. Porter you have no need to worry because you can watch it back later.”

Miss Rice pressed another button and the TV flickered on, providing an extremely clear colour picture from the camera mounted on her head. At another button press the picture switched to that shown from the handheld camera.

“Say hello Porter,” Miss Rice quipped cheerfully as she pointed the camera at Sarahs face.

“Hello,” Sarah replied, trying her best to smile and keep the dejection at the degradation she felt out of her voice. She had been strapped down into this infernal table with no chance of escape. A slave, for there was no other word Sarah could think of as more appropriate, was going to electrolyse her armpits and now Miss Rice was going to videotape a lesson on her pussy which she was going to have to watch later. Just when Sarah felt that she was getting a handle on her situation she was, again, thrown for a loop.

Too much was happening too quickly, the bombardment of conflicting emotions was sending her on an emotional spiral. Her gaze flitted from Rascal to Miss Rice to the back of the TV above her that obstructed her view of her classmates. All she could see was the lower half of the front row, her classmates legs spread, showing off their shapely thighs and white panties.

It was then that Rascal turned on the electrolysis machine. A barely audible hum started from the small box. It immediately drew Sarahs attention and she was actually glad that there was finally something for her to focus on. If she could focus on one thing she could hopefully calm her jittery nerves. The vulnerable girl watched as Rascal picked up a long needle like object and moved it towards her armpit. Sarah tried to move away as much as she could. Her body moved a little but her wrists, caught in the cuffs, kept her arms extended up behind her and her armpit vulnerable.

“Porter, one infraction for disrespect,” said Miss Rice sternly. Her expression softened as she placed a hand on Sarahs belly, causing it to jump and quiver at the gentle touch. “There is nothing to be afraid of. It will hurt no more than plucking a hair. You dont want to give the impression that you would prefer to have hairy armpits? To disappoint your owner and me?”

“No Maam, sorry Maam,” Sarah replied dejectedly. She hadnt meant to shrink away, it was just the needle looked so wicked. She just wasnt thinking right is all. She didnt want hairy armpits and she definitely didnt want to disappoint anyone. She had another infraction! What was she even up to now? Six? Seven? Her ass was still sore from that morning, how could she stand more punishment on her tender cheeks.

“Look girls, it looks like the slut has not stopped creaming since we last saw her. Mitchell come out here and assist me, this cream is going to get in the way and it will give you a chance to show off those lovely udders of yours,” said Miss Rice, smiling. “Arent you a cheeky girl,” the seated teacher said as Mitchell presented herself before her. “Lean down and let me feel your decorations.”

The buxom teen bent at the waist, allowing her breasts to hang beneath her, directly in front of the inquisitive teacher. Miss Rice reached out and traced each thin red welt with her fingers. Mitchell winced at the initial touch but her sensual teacher was being very gentle, her fingertips barely making contact with the raised ridges across her udders.

“Here Mitchell, take this straw. I want you to keep this cunt clear of cream so the class can get a clear view for the lesson. When I call for suction just suck that lovely cream of Porters out of the way. Stand off to the side, bend at the waist and lean in, you will have a wonderful vantage point as well. Legs straight, back straight. Better, remember to always think of your posture.”

Sarah was mortified as she listened to her teacher instruct her classmate. She stared down her body at the clear plastic straw that Mitchell held in her hand, poised before her exposed pussy. Her attention was broken as she felt a touch in her right armpit. She turned her head to watch as Rascal touched the metal needle to her skin. Sarah tensed and held perfectly still, despite her teachers assurances she was still frightened by the procedure. She felt a tiny spike of pain, very similar to having a hair plucked out and then nothing. She instantly relaxed, she should have trusted Miss Rice and actually felt a little ashamed that she had not. Sarah watched as Rascal moved the needle to the plastic bowl and wiped it on the side. She could only think that she was collecting the hairs to prevent any mess. The hair under her arm were only a few millimetres long, having shaved them only days ago.


Sarahs head whipped forward as she felt the touch of the straw at the opening of her pussy. The loud slurping noise that followed made the young girls eyes water with the humiliation. It lasted only seconds, her pussy now cleared of cream, but the damage to her fragile psyche had been done. Sarah closed her eyes and tried to process everything that was happening to her. Having her focus split like this was maddening. She felt the probe at her arm again as Miss Rice began to teach.

“Now girls, the pussy, the cunt. We shall start at the outside and move inwards. Your cunt consists of a number of important parts, all differing in sensitivity and use. These are your pussylips, known sometimes as outer labia. Labia is a funny word, isnt it. Now these lips help to protect your cunt. The lips of the pussy come in all different shapes and sizes. This sluts are very well formed and have a wonderful symmetry. They are plump and tight. Note how they close almost entirely over the pussy.

“Under these are another set of pussylips, the inner labia. In many sluts, these can be large and protrude past the outer lips. With this slut however, we have a perfect example of small inner cuntlips, note how they can hardly be seen when the outer cuntlips are together.

“Aah girls, this is very interesting. Did you see how when I touched these lips they opened for me and stayed open. This is a sexual response. As the lips flush with blood they become more rigid, a little like a cock. See how the pussy is now more open and the lips have tended to reveal a little more of what is inside.

“Suction. Good girl Porter. The slut is allowing us a good chance to observe some physiological reactions as we progress with our lesson on anatomy. Such a good specimen.”

Sarahs mind whirled as the constant referral to her as some kind of inanimate teaching aid made her pray for invisibility. Her humiliation was only deepened as her pussy continued to juice under the attentions of Miss Rice. The mere touch of her teachers fingers had created a fire between Sarahs legs. Her nipples had hardened almost instantly, tightening her breast as they pointed to the ceiling.

Every touch on her pussy felt like she was being tortured: pleasurable, blissful torture. Her breathing had become shallower and she felt her chest and face flush with heat. Her entire body felt like she had a fever. And again the maddening spike of pain at her armpit reminded her of the pretty slave, Rascal, working diligently away, removing her hair with tiny electric shocks.

“At the top of the cunt we have the clit. It is hidden underneath a fold of skin referred to as the clit hood, which as you can see is part of the inner cuntlips. Now the clit, as I am sure you all know, is the most sensitive part of a sluts anatomy. Now if I pull back the hood like this, you can get a great view of the clit itself. A tiny bundle of nerves that looks so innocent but contains such power. This slut has an average sized clit, later we will get Ozawa up here and we will see an example of an extremely large clit.”

Ecstasy exploded between Sarahs legs. Her teacher had begun to gently rub her fingertips across Sarahs exposed clit. She pushed her hips up, attempting to deepen the touch, seeking the source of the pleasure. She moaned lightly, but was immediately distracted by the tiny shooting pain in her armpit. The distressed schoolgirl tried to block out the attentions of Rascal and focus on those of her teacher between her legs.

“Did you see that girls, the slut responded instantly to the most gentle of touches. Her body yearns for more. If I rub a little harder, a little more forcefully, we shall see an even greater response,” Miss Rice stated with conviction.

She began to rub the schoolgirls clit harder. Miss Rice had relinquished her hold on the clit hood and rubbed her fingertips back and forth with increasing speed. Sarah closed her eyes as her breathing became faster and shallower. Her mouth opened invitingly, gasping as the unexpected pleasure rocked through her body in waves emanating from between her splayed legs.

“While the slut is very inexperienced, see how she responds so strongly to even the most cursory of sexual attention. This slut is not far from orgasm, but we are not ready for that just yet.”

The teacher removed her fingers from Sarahs pussy and called for suction. Sarah gasped as Miss Rice so cruelly stopped pleasuring her burning pussy. She moaned in despair as the rising crescendo of ecstasy slowly waned, leaving a dull throb deep in her belly. The sound of Mitchell slurping the cream from her cunt sent her into a spiral of humiliation. Fresh tears slowly trickled down Sarahs cheeks. The constant barrage of sensation and emotions was overloading her senses. She didnt know what else to do but cry.

She wanted to beg Miss Rice to continue. To let her come. To provide her with the release she had felt building inside her the entire day. She couldnt stand this much longer. She was ashamed of herself, deeply ashamed, for even thinking this way. How could she want to orgasm, strapped to a table with a classroom full of girls watching her, the whole thing being videotaped and this goddamned girl shocking her armpit without surcease.

She didn't mean to get angry and she was ashamed that she had. It was not Rascals fault. She was just doing what she was told. This shame was yet another emotion to add to the already raging whirlwind. The tears flowed freely down her face but no one was paying any attention. The teacher and the class were focused entirely on her pussy, the class wasn't even able to see Sarah's face, and Rascal was totally focused on her task.

"Note how the clit is now exposed. The hood has stayed off the clit in a similar reaction as we saw in the inner cuntlips. You may be asking yourself why call them inner and not little? Well on some sluts the inner cuntlips are actually larger than the outer cuntlips. This can be due to genetics or due to modification through stretching. I know that little clit is just begging for attention sitting up there, but a slut must be patient. Patience is a virtue which a slut must learn to embrace as surely as her need for sexual gratification and her will to serve.

"Now as you can see the clit has become a little larger than when we first saw it. The clit is actually quite similar to a cock in that when a slut is aroused the erectile tissue engorges with blood and stiffens. This clit has not quite doubled in size, but note how it is standing out from the lips and hood now, like a little slut erection.

"We will return to the clit soon but now we shall move inside the pussy. We can see just below the clit is the urethra. This is where a slut expels urine. Now this may be called a great many things by your superiors but a slut refers to it as her wee-wee. Of course your owners may prefer pisshole, peehole or anything else that takes their fancy. Until you have made this discovery, however, you will keep to the prescribed terminology we use here at Harkwood.

"Now this is called a sound. Once inserted this will open up the mouth of the wee-wee and it will be a little easier to see in the context of the cunt as a whole."

Sarah's eyes flew open. She stared at the thin metal rod that Miss Rice held. It was smaller than the thickness of a pencil but there was no way that was going inside her there, inside her... wee-wee. She had felt humiliated when the teacher had first used the term, making them use a baby's word but this was soon forgotten at the mention of the implement that would be used to penetrate her.

The helpless schoolgirl watched in horror as Miss Rice let two drops of liquid drip onto the metal rod and twirled it between her fingers to coat the tip and an inch of its length. Another tiny shock at her armpit and Sarah was again distracted from the terror that lay between her legs. She looked at Rascal pleadingly but again shifted her gaze back to Miss Rice when she felt her fingers on her pussy once again. The constant shifting of focus was making her almost dizzy.

"Permission to speak Ma'am," Sarah whispered pleadingly.

"Denied. Now the wee-wee is not specifically designed to conduct anything other than fluids but this demonstration will also show how versatile a slut's body can be. Suction."

Sarah's entire body tensed as the cool metal sound touched the entrance to her urethra. The noisy slurping as Mitchell cleared her pussy of her secretions was almost completely lost on Sarah as her entire consciousness was focused on the one tiny opening in her pussy. Slowly the metal probe entered her hole, distending it more than it had ever been. A sharp intense sensation shot through Sarah's pussy and into her bladder, her entire body jumping on the table.

The terrified girl clenched and unclenched the muscles in her belly, trying to force the intruder out of her smallest of holes, to no avail. Miss Rice pushed more of the sound inside her until an inch had disappeared within her body. Sarah was desperate to get this object out of her but what could she do. She was securely strapped to the table, completely at the mercy of her teacher. For a moment she thought about thrashing around on the table to attempt to dislodge the metal probe but she immediately discarded the idea as it was sure to anger Miss Rice. The weeping schoolgirl simply relaxed back into the chair and tried to deal with the uncomfortable sensation of having her urethra stuffed. The short sharp shocks in her armpit continued unabated as Sarah attempted to come to terms with the violation of her body.

"Now watch as I remove the sound, the wee-wee will stay open for a moment or two, enough to give you a better idea where this hole sits in relation to the rest of your cunt. Watch."

Sarah felt the sound slowly slide out of her. She was free for a few seconds before it was inserted inside her once again. The second time was no easier. Her body rebelled and she had to fight the urge to struggle within her bonds to dislodge it. It was only in her for a few seconds this time before it was again removed.

"Suction. Now I think it is time for a real treat. It is not something truly necessary for a slut to learn but it is quite rare to see one."

Miss Rice placed the sound back on her tray of instruments and chose a small metal speculum. She inserted this into Sarah's pussy without delay.

"Now girls you have all seen these before. A speculum is an excellent tool for opening a cunt for inspection. You can see how it has spread the pussy quite nicely. Now what we want to focus on first is this little crescent shaped piece of skin here at the base of cunt opening. Suction. This, girls, is the hymen. Porter is only the second slut to be admitted to Harkwood in my tenure to have had one. Of course we have had other virgins but the hymen can be broken in a myriad of ways, not the least of which is strong exercise, which tells us just how poor a slut Porter has been until now. *

"The hymen is not something which a slut concerns herself with however, whether she has one or not, it is just of interest to note. Last but not least we have the pussy itself. Some say the most important of a slut's holes but I do not agree with this assessment. Of course it is the hole that is unique to the slut but all holes should hold the same degree of importance. The natural state of any cunt is to be filled. When a cunt is empty there is a constant yearning on the sluts behalf to have it filled. Is this not true Rascal?"

"Yes Ma'am," the house slave dutifully replied, not pausing in her task for a second.

"Are you satisfied right now Rascal?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Tell the students why Rascal."

"I have a four inch dildo in my cunt and my favourite plug in my asshole Ma'am."

"Why Rascal."

"It is my reward for good service Ma'am."

Sarah looked at the pretty slavegirl who continued to remove the hairs from under her arm as she answered the teacher's questions. Underneath that tiny skirt she had both holes stuffed and this is what she wanted, this satisfied her. Had this girl started out just like her? Would she end up unhappy unless her pussy was filled?

"The pussy is a marvellous thing. Along its entire length are powerful muscles that a slut uses to bring pleasure to her users. Every slut has these muscles but most are inexperienced and lazy and never reach their full potential. Once you have been trained your cunts will be able to take the largest of cocks but at the same time pick up a thin pencil. With the speculum spreading the pussy we can see right to the back, to the cervix. Below the pussy we have a beautiful sensitive piece of flesh called the perineum. Such a sensitive and delicate little zone. The area serves no real purpose for a slut other than for decoration. The asshole we can all see, puckering so beautifully will be for another lesson.

"Before we have a look at Ozawa's clit we shall have a chance to see this slut orgasm and see how this affects the pussy. We will look at the effects of orgasm in much greater depth in coming lessons but a swift introduction is always beneficial. Remember that a slut must ask permission before coming."

Sarah did not want this to happen. She knew that only minutes ago she had almost been begging for it but she had calmed down now and she refused to let this happen. Before she had been caught up in the heat of the moment. Just thinking of the animalistic fervour with which she pursued her teachers attentions made her blush furiously with shame. To be used as a specimen, coldly and dispassionately forced to orgasm was something very different. She vowed that she would not come here in this classroom. She apologised to Miss Rice in her head because she knew she would be disappointed but she would take the infraction before degrading herself in front of her classmates.

"Mitchell you can take your seat, unless you would like to stay and continue assisting me."

"I will assist you Ma'am."

"You will? Are you telling me what to do Mitchell?"

"No Ma'am," said the confused teen, unsure what she had done wrong.

"Then you ask Mitchell. A slut always asks permission."

"Ma'am, may I stay and assist you."

"Yes Mitchell, you can put the straw down and you can begin licking her pussy."

Mitchell looked at Miss Rice and then at Sarah's pussy. From the girl's hesitation Sarah surmised she had asked to assist because she thought that is what Miss Rice wanted, that she thought she had been basically told to stay. Now it looked like Mitchell wanted to stay with her, that their kissing last class had started something. Had it? Sarah was not sure what to think.

Mitchell moved directly between Sarah's legs, bent at the waist and lowered her face to the already glistening sex. She started to gently lick the cuntlips of her bound classmate, immediately transporting the bound girl to another level of consciousness. One in which nothing existed but the pleasure that coursed through her body. She felt a pressure building in her pussy, as if her lips were blowing up like a balloon. A pressure that was sure to burst.

"Lick deeper, push your tongue inside her. Stiffen it and fuck her with it like it was a cock. Lick up the slit, that's right Mitchell. No need to be so gentle. Your tongue is soft and the cunt is soft. Think about what you have learned this lesson. Move up to the clit, yes good girl. Push that hood back with your lips. Kiss it, now apply some of those cock sucking techniques from your previous lesson and work that clit.

"Girls are you seeing this. See how the clit responds. It is standing up, begging for attention. Mitchell don't neglect that pussy, it's still producing cream. That's right make a meal of that cunt. You are getting a headstart on the rest of the class. A slut treats a pussy just like a cock."

Sarah was moaning in ecstasy but she was trying to fight the waves of pleasure that rose from her pussy and clit. She looked down to see Miss Rice holding the small camera in close to her pussy, filming Mitchell eat her. She felt the pleasure rising and felt herself losing control. She looked away and hastily focused on Rascal. The pretty girl had moved to her left armpit, but when Sarah had no idea. She tried to focus on the small sharp spikes of pain as the electrolysis machine sent electric shocks to her follicles.

Sarah tried her best but she was fighting a losing battle. She could not hold out, she could not control herself. She had to come. She had to, it was too much.

"May I come Ma'am," Sarah croaked desperately.

"Not yet Porter. Mitchell fuck the slut's pussy with your mouth. Girls do you see the muscles of the pussy tightening and relaxing. This pussy is desperate to have something inside it."

"Please Ma'am, may I come," Sarah gasped, humiliated that she had to ask, despite her vow.

"Not yet," replied Miss Rice distractedly.

A small wave of despair pulsed through her at her teacher's casual words. She couldn't fight it much longer she was going to have to give in. Being denied the chance to come was extremely demeaning. Not even having control over her body only seemed to make it harder to fight.

"That's enough Mitchell, stand at attention and watch," said Miss Rice as she took over and began to rub Sarah's clit between her finger and thumb from the top of her pussy, ensuring the camera a clear view. The class of schoolgirls watched Sarah's pussy on the big screen, much larger than life.

"Please Ma'am, please. May I come please Ma'am," Sarah begged.

"You may come slut."

Sarah all but exploded. She would have come anyway, she just could not hold it back. The wave of sensation was like a tsunami spreading out from her pussy, up into her chest and down her legs before rebounding and rushing back to its source where it doubled in power. Sarah's young body shook within her bonds. The outside world ceased to exist. She pulled at the cuffs binding her wrists, desperate to get her hands on her pussy.

"Watch the pussy, look at the action of the muscles. Even the asshole is puckering as the muscles are overtaken with the orgasm. Once we reach this stage there is nothing that can stop it. We do however have the option of allowing this orgasm to run its course or to prolong it, creating waves of multiple orgasms. This is a lesson however, we are not here to indulge a slut's sexual yearnings."

Her teachers words were lost to Sarah. She felt as if her entire body was effervescing, as if the physical wave of ecstasy was surging through her body, fizzing through her muscles, her veins, her nerves, from the soles of her feet to the tips of the hair on her head. Her mind was crashing around her body, riding the chaotic waves of pleasure that were only now beginning to subside. The shocks in her left armpit were the first sensation that broke through the post-orgasmic haze. Had Rascal continued to remove her hair all this time?

Sarah lay back in the chair and smiled contentedly, her surroundings all but forgotten. The violent tearing sound of the Velcro cuffs around her wrists shocked her back to the present. Her whole body was still quivering. That was nothing like the pleasant tingling she accomplished when she masturbated. She never knew anything could be like that. As her arms were released she lowered them stiffly, pins and needles immediately radiated throughout her liberated limbs. Her legs were soon released and Miss Rice told her to take her seat.

Sarah slid off the table to the side, taking a moment to steady herself on legs turned to jelly. The dazed schoolgirl gingerly walked back to her stool and sat down, spreading her legs and resting her hands in the small of her back. Miss Rice was pleased that the intense orgasm had not affected her training. Porter was definitely going to be one to watch.

"Dismissed, Rascal."

"Yes Ma'am," the Harkwood slave replied, immediately packing up her apparatus.

"I want an accurate count of the hairs removed in your log."

"Yes Ma'am," the pretty girl replied sweetly, before curtsying to the teacher and heading directly out the back door.

"Now who here has had an orgasm?" the teacher asked, turning back to the class.

Every girl in the class shot a hand into the air. After watching Sarah's performance many were not entirely sure what they experienced were orgasms but they were sure enough not to single themselves out in this class.

"Porter, had you experienced an orgasm before today?"

"No Ma'am," Sarah replied truthfully. When she had played with herself the result had been nothing like what she had just experienced, what she continued to experience. What she could only describe as aftershocks continued to pulse through her pussy, milder than before but they still made her catch her breath. Her red-rimmed eyes had remained downcast ever since she took her seat and caught a glimpse of the large TV suspended from the ceiling. A shot of her face, smiling in obvious sexual ecstasy was frozen on the screen.

"Ozawa, undress and hop up in the chair. Mitchell you can take your seat unless you would like to continue to assist me."

Mitchell immediately scurried to her seat. Sarah cringed knowing that her unwillingness would only reinforce the view she was interested in Sarah. A now nude Ozawa took her place in the chair, her legs quickly strapped into the stirrups.

"Now girls this is quite a different cunt. This slut has much bigger inner lips, you can already see them peeking out. You will also note that her pussy is a much darker colour than the rest of her body. While Porter's pussy was a rich pink, this one is a deep tan. This is typical of Asian races, Japanese in particular. Her nipples are the same," explained Miss Rice as she moved the camera to focus on the reclining teen's nipples.

Sarah watched the large screen as the picture changed from a close-up of Ozawa's pussy to one of her nipples. Sarah had not noticed before but the Asian girl's nipples were different from anything she had seen before. They seemed as if someone had pinched them and they had stayed that way. They had a definite horizontal aspect, somewhat flattened and elongated. The nipple inside the aureola was puckered and ridged with a clear depression in the centre, almost like a tiny crater.

"What I want to show you however is the size of the slut's clit. You all saw how Porter's clit increased in size when aroused. Now we will see what Ozawa has to offer. Porter would you like to pass on the favour that Mitchell did for you?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied sincerely. She was still feeling extremely vulnerable and she had not fully recovered from the maelstrom of emotions her orgasm had caused but she felt that refusing would be a minefield of potential problems. Besides, Miss Rice had told Mitchell that she was getting a headstart on the rest of the class and even through the haze of pleasure she had been feeling as Mitchell licked her pussy it had made sense to her. Really, Sarah thought to herself as she stepped back to the front of the class, I can't deny Miss Rice. The teacher had some kind of hold over her that she had never felt before.

Sarah was still naked and as she bent over before the strapped-down girl she was well aware that the class would be able to view not only her face as she licked the exposed cunt of the young Asian but her asshole and pussy. Sarah stood with legs spread wide, her body in an almost horizontal line, creating a very pleasing angle. Her face was right in Ozawa's crotch, nose almost touching the plump outer lips. She could smell the potency of the young girl's scent, stronger than hers or Taylor's, the only two pussies the inexperienced schoolgirl knew. Sarah closed her eyes and breathed deeply, not forgetting any of her lessons so far. Her mouth opened slightly without her realising it. The naked schoolgirl was poised to lick the pussy of a classmate. All she was waiting for was permission.

"How long must we wait Porter?" Miss Watson finally inquired.

"Sorry Ma'am. May I eat Ozawa's pussy please Ma'am," Sarah asked, the words tumbling out of her mouth.

"You may begin."

Sarah leaned forward slightly and brought her tongue into contact with the waiting pussy. She licked from the base of the slit all the way past the clit, hidden under its hood, to the top. At first all Sarah could taste was the pleasant, slightly salty taste of the skin. It did not take long however for the juices of the Asian girl to begin to flow.

Sarah placed her entire mouth over the pussy. She tried to make her tongue hard and pointed like a hot, moist spear and darted it into the opening of Ozawa's pussy. The taste changed. Sarah's tongue was coated with an intense and powerful flavour. She had to admit to herself as she continued to plunge her tongue inside the now opening pussy, that the slightly sour taste was definitely not to her liking.

"Enjoying yourself Porter?" Miss Watson interrupted.


"No one gave you permission to stop Porter. Once you have begun work on a pussy you continue until you are told to stop. Now answer the question."

"Yumf mumff," Sarah mumbled through a mouthful of moist pussy.

Her eyes flicked sideways as she spoke and she could see Miss Watson holding the small camera only inches away from her face.

"Porter your focus should be on the pussy and the slut before you. One infraction."

Sarah groaned to herself as she took her mouth off the pussy and resumed licking, moving her tongue over the inner lips and noting how they stayed splayed after her tongue had pushed them apart. She looked up at Ozawa as she moved her tongue over the hard protrusion of her clit. The Asian girl was looking directly at Sarah, their eyes locked as the young girl concentrated her attentions on the hardening clit.

Sarah could see the pretty Asian girl's eyes flutter as the pleasure began to build. She kept focused on Ozawa's face, trying to gauge the reaction of her licking on the petite teen. A momentary lapse had earned her another infraction. She tried to do her best but every single time she seemed to fall short. She was praised one moment and earning punishment the next. She tried not to think of what would happen the next morning in form class and instead redoubled her efforts on Ozawa's clit.

Sarah now put her lips over the clit, inclosing the hard nub with her mouth. She flicked he tongue rapidly from side to side, hoping that some of her cock-sucking techniques could be transferrable. Ozawa moaned as the pleasure in her pussy spiked as the focus on her clit continued.

As she worked Sarah could feel the clit grow larger and harder in her mouth. She kept her tongue moving trying tongue technique three. She was rewarded with more moans from Ozawa and now Sarah could feel the girl moving her hips, grinding her pussy into Sarah's face. Her eyes sparkled as she watched Ozawa close her eyes bite her lip as the ecstasy Sarah was bringing her began to overwhelm the tiny Asian girl.

Sarah had begun to treat it almost as a game. She had managed to put aside her dislike for the taste of the pussy and focus on the effects she was causing. The fact that she was the one causing such pleasure made her glow inside. She imagined Miss Rice in Ozawa's place. Thinking of her teacher in the throes of ecstasy, ecstasy caused by her mouth and her tongue sent shivers of tingling electricity through Sarah's pussy and up into her belly.

As Sarah focused on the reactions on Ozawa's face and the movement of her mouth on her clit, she was unaware of the reactions in her own body. Sarah had inched her feet a little wider, spreading her legs and opening her tight pussy a little more. Her hips had also begun to gyrate slowly, moving in tiny circles, her pussy attempting to grind on something that was not there.

The entire class had stopped looking at the large screen and now watched Sarah's behind in fascination. Her cream, that seemed to ooze from her pussy almost without pause, had, thanks to gravity, begun to slide down her slit and cover her lips. It looked almost as if someone had split white paint on the young, plump pussy.

"Porter, sit," commanded Miss Rice.

Sarah was almost dismayed to stop. She heard Ozawa groan, almost in pain, as she stepped away from the now heavily aroused girl. She took her seat in a daze, her face flushed and hot despite her lack of clothes. As she sat on the small plastic stool, Sarah caught a glimpse of her own pussy. The thick smear of cream across its entire length made her realise how aroused she had become. No doubt it was still the aftereffects of her own orgasm she told herself, something that powerful was bound to continue to affect her.

Ozawa was breathing rapidly and her breasts heaved as she fought to deal with being brought to the peak of arousal and then abandoned there. She was slowly coming down as Miss Rice continued to teach.

"Now that is how different two cunts can be girls. Just look at that clit. It is..." Miss Rice grabbed a small ruler from her tray of instruments and placed it alongside Ozawa's clit "...a touch over one inch in length, a truly prodigious organ for a slut. It is just as highly sensitive as any other clit. When a slut has a feature like this it is always used to advantage. I am sure your owner has great plans for that clit," Miss Rice said with a smile.

"Now does anyone have any questions about today's lesson?"

Sarah raised her hand.

"Yes Taylor."

"Ma'am, does having a clit that big mean that she can have bigger orgasms?"

"No the slut is not that lucky. A bigger clit does not mean bigger orgasms. The sensitivity is the same. It may be easier for a slut with a bigger clit to orgasm but that is simply due to the increased surface area of the most sensitive part of a slut."

"Porter," Miss Rice said.

Sarah had kept her hand in the air, eager to have her question answered.

"Um, I know every slut smells and tastes different but is it possible to change the way a slut's pussy juices taste," Sarah asked, curious to know but now, once it was out in the open, humiliated by her question.

"Very good question Porter. Every slut does have an individual taste. You girls will learn to identify other sluts by the taste of their cunts. It is possible, though, through diet to change the taste subtly. This however will make it harder to identify the slut so it will only happen at the behest of a slut's owner. Any more questions? Yes Ozawa."

"May I come please Ma'am," the naked girl, still strapped to the table asked meekly.

"How very presumptuous of you Ozawa. It is a great privilege for a slut to be allowed to come. A slut gains pleasure from giving pleasure and from serving her superiors. Porter was allowed to come as a teaching aid for my class not because she deserved it. A girl with seven infractions in one day would not normally deserve to come. Why did you ask to come Ozawa?"

"I need to Ma'am."

"You do not need to Ozawa. A slut never needs to come. A slut wants to come, that is natural of course. You need to do a great many things: breathe, eat, sleep, serve. Coming is not one of them. I was considering giving you an infraction for asking for something you know you don't deserve but you definitely convinced me that what you do deserve is some correction a little more immediate in nature."

Miss Rice went to the back of the room and exited through the rear door. She returned in a moment carrying a small leather flogger. The thin strips of supple red leather hung loosely from the teacher's hand. Every girl eyed the small whip with trepidation. None more so than the bound Ozawa who knew she was going to be the recipient of the wicked looking instrument. The teacher placed the flogger on the belly of the bound Asian and proceeded to strap her arms behind the chair. Sarah watched, sympathising with the position the trembling teen was in, having spent the better part of the lesson in the same strict restraint.

"You can make as much noise as you wish Ozawa but any noise will disappoint me greatly. Girls, a slut should be seen and not heard. I am sure you have all heard that old adage before. Even during punishment or correction a slut should do her best to remain silent unless your owner has a well known procilivity otherwise."

Once her speech was finished, Miss Rice collected the flogger and stood on the platform beside the frightened girl. She raised the small whip leisurely but brought it down with considerable force onto Ozawa's exposed pussy and still engorged clit. The young girl jumped in the chair, wrenching her bonds. Miss Rice paid no attention, once again raising the flogger and bringing it down upon the plump pussy of the naked schoolgirl.

After the fourth stroke, Ozawa's groans of pain became louder and sharper grunts of agony. Miss Rice continued for another three strokes before stopping to look at the reddened and slightly puffy flesh between the young girls legs. The clit was no longer engorged and had resumed its normal size, attempting to hide under the flimsy, delicate hood.

"Now Ozawa, do you need to come?" Miss Rice asked nonchalantly.

"No Ma'am," the sobbing teen muttered.

"Do you think that you deserve to come?"

"No Ma'am," Ozawa cried through clenched teeth.

"Let this be a lesson to all you sluts. Ability does not impart a right. Just because you can come does not mean that you should. Ozawa you also have an infraction."

The straps holding the Asian schoolgirl in the chair were undone and she took her seat when commanded. Sarah could see her hands twitching, dying to make contact with her abused pussy. Small tears had formed in Sarah's eyes as she had watched the pretty girl get punished. She felt bad for her but she was very silly to ask what she had, especially so long after the attention to her pussy had stopped. Miss Rice was a teacher and she was strict, as all teachers must be, but Sarah knew she wasn't a bad woman so she knew Ozawa must have deserved it. Sarah still felt bad for her though, she couldn't help it.

"Porter and Ozawa get dressed. The rest of you sluts think about how your cunts are different from the two we have seen featured in today's lesson. Olsen you begin, tell the class a way in which your cunt is different. Oh Porter, the state of your cunt needs to be seen to before you get those panties on, just look at your seat."

Sarah looked back to see the large smear of white slime in the middle of her small black stool. She knew that she would be cleaning that up before she sat back down.

"Ozawa, clean Porter's pussy so she can get dressed."

Sarah stood at attention, her legs a little wider than usual and waited as Ozawa knelt down between her legs and lapped the cream from the length of her pussy. She stood perfectly still as her classmate cleaned her smooth lips of all traces of her juices. She wondered if Ozawa enjoyed the taste of her. It did not take the Asian girl long to finish her task and soon she and Sarah were dressing together.

"My outer cuntlips are much fuller Ma'am, they close entirely hiding my clit and inner cuntlips," Cox said shyly.

Sarah had somehow missed what had Olsen had to say. She must have tuned out due to the attentions of Ozawa on her still heavily aroused and sensitive pussy. She would definitely need to do better, if she missed something important there was no telling what the repercussions could be. Sarah slid her panties up her legs and nestled them against her freshly cleaned pussy. Her panties were still moist and they felt terribly uncomfortable. Sarah knew it wouldn't make any difference soon as she would no doubt keep wetting them. She tried not to think about it as she finished dressing.

As she clipped on her tie Sarah noticed that Miss Rice was looking at the class as Shah was detailing how her pussy was much darker in colour. She reached out and gently caressed the arm of Ozawa, in a gesture of friendship. Ozawa looked at her sadly, with tears still in her eyes and moved to her seat.

"My clit doesn't have a hood Ma'am," said Ness.

"My yes, undress quickly Ness and hop up in the chair, let's have a look in the last few minutes we have left," exclaimed Miss Rice.

Ness scurried to the teacher's lounge and undressed as quickly as she could. It had been hard enough to talk about her pussy, now she was going to exhibit it for the class. She had been so strong this morning. So full of fight. She did not understand what had happened to her. She was doing whatever she was told, degrading herself but she was afraid of what would happen if she did not. She was ruled by fear more than anything.

She shuffled into the chair from the side, positioning herself under the large TV and placed her legs in the stirrups. She had seen two girls spread themselves before the class. It was ok for Porter, she seemed to enjoy it. It was clear she was a natural slut like the teachers kept saying. But for her to be up here, Sigrid Ness. None of her friends would believe she would allow it, but everything was different here. Here she felt like she had no power. Here she felt like a helpless little girl.

The pretty blond teen watched as Miss Rice donned the camera headset again and stepped between her legs. She tensed as she felt the touch at her pussy, her entire body on edge as Miss Rice spread her pussylips to substantiate her claim.

"There it is girls. The slut's clit is clearly visible. There is a hood Ness, you were wrong there. It is very tiny though. You can see it here girls, sitting just at the top of clit, this tiny flap of skin. You need to learn your own body better Ness. Every slut should know every inch of her body, if she doesn't how can she expect to use it to serve her owner?"

The bell rang ending the lesson. Ness prepared to spring out of the chair, eager to remove her body from display and end the humiliation, at least for now.

"Get dressed Ness. Dismissed. I will see you tomorrow girls, enjoy dance class," Miss Rice said with a wave, retiring to her chaise lounge to watch the girls leave the class, each girl thanking her and curtsying politely before scampering out the door.

Chapter 13. In which Sarah learns to dance

Sarah stood behind Murphy, waiting for all the girls to form their lines. She stared at the Irish teens beautiful red hair and contemplated the lesson they had just had. She couldn't say she knew a lot more about her, or any other, pussy after the lesson but she would get a chance to watch it all again later. The degradation she had suffered being used as the demonstration model for a lesson on the pussy was tripled when she thought of the fact that the entire thing had been videotaped and would be kept in the library for other people to watch.

As the lines started to move Sarah was once again thankful that she was not a leading girl. She had not been shown the dance hall and had no idea where it was. Her nipples stayed achingly hard on the journey to her next class. The constant switch between arousal and movement in her uniform had conspired to give her almost no respite for the entire day. She knew that her collar was supposed to be a constant reminder of her status, and it was, Sarah was not denying that the pressure of the metal collar around the tender flesh of her neck was not an ever-present reminder of her change in life, but her hard nipples and wet panties were equal, if not better, reminders of the slut she was being trained to be.

The collar was an object, artificial. The way her body was responding to the training, to her new life as a slut was what was confusing the schoolgirl. She was unable to keep her thoughts straight on anything. One moment she was adamant that she was not a slut, could never be one. The next her pussy was creaming like a dairy and she was responding to questions like a sex-mad fiend.

All her teachers had praised her for her instincts and the obvious natural way her mind and body worked. That had confused her, but what affected her more, what unbalanced her to the point of total confusion, was how she reacted to the praise. She had become flushed with happiness and pride. She needed time to reflect on everything that had happened. She needed time to process her feelings and emotions. She just needed some time to herself.

Sarah almost bumped into Murphy so deep was she in thought. They had reached their destination. It was a corridor like any other and Sarah had taken no notice whatsoever of the route. She really needed to pay more attention. She knew it would be just after four o'clock, at least she had managed the presence of mind to look at the clock as she left her last class. A minor triumph, and one which seemed to only reinforce her predicament, her new life of constant adherence to demeaning rules, but one which she held on to and which made her feel good.

"Enter," came the strident cry from the open doorway in front of the two neat lines of girls.

Sarah followed Murphy into the room, scanning her tag at the ubiquitous door scanner. The room she entered was everything she expected. A long rectangular hall of polished wooden floors, similar to the gymnasium though not as big and without the myriad of coloured lines. One entire wall and again on one end of the room, was a giant mirror. A wooden bar ran the length of the mirrored wall. A row of arched windows, set high in the wall lit the room with copious amounts of natural light., which, coupled with the bright halogen bulbs in the ceiling, created a room in which there were no shadows.

"Form up in a single line in the middle of the room. Face the mirror." said the new teacher, her clipped, business-like tone coloured by a hard-edged accent Sarah could not place.

"My name is Madame De Witt. You will refer to me as Madame. There will be no speaking in my class. I do not need to hear anything from you except Yes and No. Do you understand?"

"Yes Madame," eighteen schoolgirls responded in chorus.

"My job is to teach you sluts grace of movement and to move your bodies in a sensual way. You will not only learn to dance for the pleasure of others but you will learn how to inform all your movements, your entire body, with the natural grace of a slut. That may very well sound easy to some of you but it will take great discipline and great pain before your bodies move in a natural way. First disrobe and dress in your leotard. For future lessons when you enter my room you will do this immediately then form a line at the bar."

As the dance teacher had lain down the laws of her class Sarah had watched herself and her classmates in the long mirror they faced. She had to admit that her class made an amazing sight. Eighteen beautiful schoolgirls, dressed in the same uniform, lined up and standing at attention was something she found strangely appealing.

Sarah now turned with her classmates and moved to the uniform hooks by the side of the door. She began to undress hanging her blouse and tie on the same hook as the leotard. Once she had removed her skirt and panties she lifted her entire uniform off the hook, retrieved her leotard and replaced her brief outfit.

"Shoes and socks will remain. The heels that you wear are perfect for slut dancing. I know that some of you may be inexperienced with them but a slut never benefited from mollycoddling."

Sarah had not been about to remove her shoes and socks, but obviously some of the other girls had. It had occurred to her that dancing in these heels might be difficult but she was equally sure that it was exactly what they were going to be doing. Her instincts again? Or was she picking up on some subtle signals?

Sarah spread the leotard out in her hands to get a feel for the item. It was a little confusing at first but with a twist or two it soon became apparent. It was a one piece leotard of a soft stretchy material. The front was low cut and the back was shaped in a Y, similar to her gym bra. The crotch of the piece of clothing was what had mystified Sarah at first. It was soon clear that not only was the leotard a g-string but the material that would cover her pussy was very narrow.

The naked schoolgirl gathered the leotard and stepped into it. It was only a matter of seconds before she had pulled the straps over her shoulders and pulled the material tight. It was almost like a second skin. Her pussy was cupped securely, her lips pushed together, creating an image of an extremely plump pussy indeed. It was cut high over her hips and came together in the thin g-string that cleft her asscheeks. Her hipbones were clearly visible as the high cut left nothing but a vertical bar of skintight material almost all the way to her bellybutton.

The reinforcement under her breasts and the strong support provided by the Y back helped to cup and cushion her breasts, creating a delightful amount of cleavage exposed by the low cut. As soon as Sarah felt she had the uniform on right she moved over to the bar. She watched herself in the mirror as she walked. What she was wearing was less a leotard than a piece of lingerie a porn actress would wear. The way her pussy looked, cupped so severely in the sheer material, caused her to blush. Wearing some things just may be worse than being naked she thought as she took her place in line.

"When in my class all hair is to be tied up in a bun."

Sarah glanced at her teacher as she moved to turn her ponytail into a bun. Madame De Witt was tall and willowy. Her movements, even when she shifted her weight from foot to foot were graceful and fluid. Her every movement was also highly sexually charged. She did not have the sultry sensuality of Miss Rice but Sarah envied the way she moved. The young girl watched her walk along the row of girls, tying their hair. This woman definitely knew what she was talking about and appeared to practice what she preached. She was confident that anything she learned in this class was coming from definite experience.

Sarah quickly and efficiently tied her hair in a bun. Some of the girls with shorter hair had simply stood still, unsure of what to do. She could see Cox in the mirror struggling to tie her hair back. She had fine blond hair that was just of a length for a ponytail but she couldn't seem to get the volume to stay in a bun. Madame De Witt stood behind her and glared, causing the young girl to became increasingly agitated.

"Forget it," the unhappy teacher said, finally putting Cox out of her misery. The simple act of failing to tie her hair in a bun had seemed to upset Cox as much as any of the more demeaning tasks of the day.

"Right girls, everyone is appropriately attired. Your uniforms are designed for maximum ease of movement and to enable a clear view of your bodies as you move. It is important for our training to see the movement of the muscles. Dance will be a gruelling aspect of your training at Harkwood but the benefits a slut gains are immeasurable.

"A slut is to bring pleasure in everything she does and in my class you will learn to bring pleasure and serve your betters simply by moving: by walking, by bending, by such innocent acts as pouring a drink. By the time you graduate from my class you will be able to make a gentleman erect and a pussy wet simply by walking into a room."

Madame De Witt smiled as she spoke to the girls. Yes, they were large claims but she not only had the experience but the ex-students to back them up. These blank slates would soon be strutting and sashaying like true whores.

"First we are going to learn the very basics of ballet, that most graceful of dances. This is to provide a basis of movement that you can build on for your actual dancing. First position. Face the bar. Heels together, turn the balls of your feet out completely so your toes are pointing away from each other forming a straight line.

"No, no, no, no, no. Sluts, listen. Heels together, now slide your feet around so they form a straight line, parallel with the wall."

Sarah shuffled her feet into what she hoped was the right position. She was not a good dancer. She never went to the school dances and the times she had danced at home in front of the mirror had proved that her rhythm and grasp of choreography was dismal. The very first position she had to adopt had already bamboozled her. She thanked the gods of dance for the mirror, as she was able to watch the feet of the other girls and copy.

"Second position, same as first position only your feet should be about one foot apart. Why are you sluts moving so much? You are already in first position. Second position simply means you moved your feet one foot apart. Back to first position. Now to move to second, step your left foot to the left. Better. These are the basics! I should not have to babystep you through them. I sincerely hope you are not going to be a disappointing group of sluts.

"Third position. Keep your right foot turned as in first, now move your left foot in front of your right, left heel touching the ball of your right foot, feet touching."

Sarah was confused. She moved her foot into the position she thought was right but saw Murphy's foot looked different. She tried to decipher the backwards appearance of the mirror, dreading what her teacher would think of her, disappointed in her inability to grasp what was being said. Madame De Witt looked to be one teacher who would not be praising her. Sarah was suddenly annoyed at her defeatist attitude. It was precisely in these classes that she needed to try harder.

The slightly uncoordinated schoolgirl finally managed to shuffle her feet into the correct position. She vowed to watch Murphy like a hawk. Her Irish friend had obviously done some dancing before.

"That was atrocious. Fourth position, same position only one foot apart. Step your left foot forward. Keep the position, don't turn the feet. Third position, back to fourth. Third position, fourth. Right now it seems you have mastered those two difficult steps," their teacher said, her voice dripping with scorn.

Sarah felt the sting of her teachers words. She was most definitely one of the reasons Madame De Witt was unhappy. She was doing her best but she knew the old adage of "doing your best was all you can do" would not cut it at Harkwood. Being trained to be a slut to serve others was not a situation where near enough was good enough. Service and obedience did not come in grades of A, B or C. You either did or did not and she knew that in her new life one of these states was not acceptable.

"Fifth position, similar to third only now your feet should be heel to toe. Sarah's eyes were glued to Murphy's feet. She copied her classmates movements and soon stood in fifth position, the strain of the unfamiliar posture telling immediately on her legs.

"Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. More than half of you sluts are not able to even adopt this position. The class will hold this position until every one of you is standing correctly. I suggest you try harder sluts, as your little friends will be suffering because of your ineptitude."

Sarah felt the truth of her teacher's words. She was already struggling to hold her legs straight. Her thighs were burning and her knees had a constant tendency to start to bend and bow.

"One more. Everyone is waiting on you Shah. You are letting your class down. You are letting me down. And you are letting yourself down with your substandard performance. Do you like to dance Shah?"

"Yes Madame," the humiliated girl replied, trying desperately to twist her feet into the unusual position.

"Then why are you so terrible at it?"

"I am a slut Madame," the almond-eyed teen replied, almost in tears.

"Finally Shah. Maybe a little self-realisation was all you needed for motivation. Back to attention."

Sarah almost groaned as she moved her legs and feet back to the more familiar standing position. As she relaxed, Sarah flicked her eyes up Murphy's body. She drank in the beauty of the milky flesh of the Irish schoolgirl. Her pussy was beautifully cupped by her leotard and the blue material only highlighted her porcelain-like skin. When she reached Murphy's face Sarah realised her friend was looking at her. She tried a tentative smile but Murphy did not reciprocate and she looked quickly away, desperate to get Murphy alone to talk and set the record straight. She was dying inside having her friend think badly of her.

"Grand Plie. Second position. Hands on the bar. Your hands are a guide only, they are not to be used to generate any force. Bend your knees outward as you move your body down. Keep lowering your body, backs straight, until your thighs are parallel with the ground. As you reach the lowest point, lift your heels from the floor.

“Watch your thighs, calves and belly. Note the movement of the muscles. Porter I said watch YOUR thighs, not your neighbour's pussy."

Sarah went bright red as the class became aware of her inappropriate gaze. Her eyes flew back to her own body, the heat of humiliation coursing through her body. Even as she looked at her muscles, as she had been instructed, she could not help but glance at her own pussy. It was like being told, "don't stare at the red dot" after which you could not look at anything else. She desperately hoped that her pussy had stopped producing juice. Her nipples were still hard, clearly visible poking into her leotard, but she was not sure what the effect would be with the leotard cupping her pussy so tightly. Would her cream leak out, drip from the sides?

"Ten grand plie. Keep to your form. Back straight at all times. Focus on the muscles of your body as you move. Learn how your body works. A slut must know her body, know how it moves and what it is capable of before she can truly please her superiors. If I catch a girl watching anyone else they will receive an infraction. Another slut's body, while pleasing to watch, will not help you understand your own. Do you understand Porter?"

"Yes Madame," the schoolgirl responded, thoroughly demeaned before her classmates at being singled out. She had no one to blame but herself though. She should have been doing as she was told, not staring at her friend. She was sure Murphy had an even lower opinion of her now. Sarah kept her eyes glued to her thighs as she moved her body up and down, her legs spreading widely, exposing her pussy with each downward movement. She couldn't help but imagine what her pussy would look like without the leotard cupping it like a second skin. She was sure her lips would part, opening the inner folds of her sex to scrutiny.

Sarah felt the strain of the exercise intensely. Her thighs and calves tensed as she lowered and raised her body. Her young legs were stressed, keeping her legs wide and in line with her body, the muscles of her belly and lower back working to keep her body upright throughout the movement. She had completed only four, keeping pace with the girls beside her, before her breathing started to become laboured and a glistening sheen of sweat began to form on her bare flesh.

Sarah was unsure who was setting the pace but a quick surreptitious glance in the mirror told her that all the schoolgirls were performing the exercise simultaneously. As she raised her body for the tenth time Sarah let out her breath in relief. Her legs were quivering as she stood still after the exercise, gym class had really taken it out of her. Sweat was running down her chest and trickling between her breasts, her thighs gleaming under the intense lighting in the dance hall.

"Battements tendus sluts. This exercise will strengthen and tone your feet and legs. This exercise is to be performed with a count of four. I have very little confidence in any of you getting this right so turn around to face me. You weight is centred over the ball of your supporting foot. First count, slide your leg out in front. Second count, to the side. Third count to the rear and fourth count back resting at your side. Remember to keep your foot off the floor, back straight and head up. Move your leg as though you were standing in a big tub of honey - slow, smooth movements.

"Back to the bar, ten battements tendus left and then ten right."

Sarah spun back to the bar and tried to copy the movements of Madame De Witt. Her teacher had moved almost without effort. Her slim body had remained motionless as her left leg had spun around her in one graceful movement. Her teacher was not wearing any shoes but the pointing of her toes had imparted the beautiful tensing of the calf that Sarah saw when she watched her own leg swing slowly around her body.

"Mitchell, count in your head. I don't want to see those lips moving, save that for when they are wrapped around a cock."

Sarah felt sorry for Mitchell but the casual introduction of profanity by the teacher had shocked the schoolgirl. She was not sure why really, this was bound to be a class like any other. Madame De Witt had been focused on dance, she was obviously passionate about it. Sarah just had the impression that she was different, interested only in teaching them to dance, but she was just another teacher, teaching them how to be a slut, making sure the class knew what was expected of them.

Sarah was making sure to keep the movement of her leg in time with Murphy's. She dared not look directly at her friend but she could see the movement in her peripheral vision. On the fourth repetition, Sarah's leg dropped slightly as it moved out to her side, touching the floor for a moment.

"Stop. The count will start again. This time Porter, keep your foot off the floor. Do not drag your feet along the ground like some lame animal. Begin."

Sarah cringed, knowing she had let herself and the class down. She had actually been looking at her nipples, still hard and making two visible bumps under her tight leotard. She had wondered if she would ever have her nipples return to normal when her foot had scraped the ground for a split second. She couldn't believe she had caused trouble for her classmates over something so stupid. She needed to get her mind off her body, but then she was being told she had to be constantly aware of her body. Aware but not obsessed she told herself, ashamed of her tendency to reduce everything to a focus on those parts of her body that were overtly sexual in nature.

The harassed schoolgirl focused intensely on her balance and posture and watched her leg slide around her body, internally keeping up the four count. She tried to block out everything but the exercise. Before she knew it she had completed the ten on her left and immediately started on her right. This was easier than the plie, she thought to herself.

"Very sloppy sluts. Very sloppy indeed. Now while that may be something you will hear after you have been fucked by five men and your cunts are dripping with cum, in my class it is not a desirable state for a slut to be in. We will need to move on but we will definitely be working on your control in our next lesson. Once finished step back from the bar one step."

Madame De Witt waited for all eighteen girls to finish the current exercise before continuing to instruct the class. She watched the schoolgirls, dressed in their tight leotards, unimpressed with the current bunch. Murphy, the flame-haired Irish girl was the only one who showed any sign of dance experience. She could understand why Porter had watched her so closely. Not only was she exceptionally beautiful in a mystical, almost preternatural way, but she performed each exercise without hesitation.

"Arabesque. One half turn to the left, now lean into the bar, lifting up your left leg behind you. Both legs are to be kept perfectly straight, continue lifting until the leg is parallel with the floor. Watch in the mirror, legs straight. Back straight. Ten arabesque, left then ten right. When you switch, half turn to the right. Begin."

Sarah did her best, trying to keep everything straight. It seemed to be something that a slut had to always be aware of. Her knees began to shake just a little with the strain of keeping the position. Moving so slowly was what was making it so difficult. She tried hard not to moan as her legs ached, glad when the ten were finally completed and she could switch to her right, but it only meant that she would have to start it all over again with her other leg.

Sarah watched her leg slide up behind her. Watched the muscles tense and quiver as she struggled to maintain the posture expected. She saw how her bare ass moved as her leg elevated and how her pussy was exposed with each lift. Her leotard was soaked with sweat as she completed her final arabesque.

"Turn to the left and arabesque, left leg. Once your leg is elevated in line with the floor, hold it there and take a moment to enjoy the beauty of the position. The right angle formed by legs and body is a pleasing form. Lower. Arabesque, hold. Now elevate another foot. Body straight," snapped Madame De Witt, as every girl leaned forward to compensate for the higher elevation. "Your body stays upright at 45 degrees. Lower. Arabesque. Now hold that position for a count of five. Everything straight: legs, body, neck, arms. Good sluts. Soon we will have everyone performing at a much higher standard."

Sarah looked at her teacher in the mirror and saw her lean her body forward and extend her leg straight up behind her, the pointed toes reaching vertically for the ceiling. The schoolgirl's eyes widened in amazement. She had never seen anyone manipulate their body in that way and she was expected to be able to do that? Soon?

"Step one step back from the bar. Lift your right leg to the bar. Legs straight, lean your body down onto your raised leg. Slowly, all warm-up positions are to be performed slowly. Raise your body and lower it again, each time go a little lower. Look at the muscles strain and stretch. Note how pretty your pussies look as you stretch. Once every slut has mastered the basics of my class we can change you out of these beginner leotards into something more suitable."

Sarah brightened at the thought of being rewarded with a proper dancer's uniform when they had begun to improve and impress the teacher. She was doing her best and had managed to touch her forehead to her raised leg on that last stretch, which caused her to flush with accomplishment.

"Switch legs. Flexibility and control are important for a slut."

So many things were important for a slut, Sarah thought as she stretched her left leg. How could anyone be expected to remember all this and follow it? All the time!

"One last warm-up before we begin the class. Step into the bar. Raise your left leg and place the heel on the bar. Straight legs. Do you really have to be told this every time! You are beginning to try my patience. Once more and I will begin discipline. It is natural for sluts to take direction but some things you do not wait to be told.

"Move closer to the bar. Push those pussies up tight to the bar. Now lean your body along the leg, slide your hand along until you touch your feet. Raise your other arm, arcing it over your body. Gracefully, not like a broken chicken wing."

Sarah was as close to the bar as she could be but she could not push her pussy into it as directed. She tried but she was just a little too short. Was that going to be one of her weaknesses that could not be trained out? She didn't want to have anything she could not improve. She didn't want to disappoint people, even with something she could not control.

"Switch legs. I said pussies to the bar Hinka. Continue stretching," snapped Madame De Witt as she stalked to the end of the room. Eighteen pairs of eyes followed the graceful teacher as she seemed to glide along the wooden floors. At the very end of the room was a small table pushed well back into the corner. As the teacher returned the schoolgirls quickly resumed their eyes forward, focusing on their taut bodies.

Sarah dared a quick peek as Madame De Witt stepped towards the line of girls. She held a cane that was about two feet long. It was very different from Miss Watson's, being much shorter and it seemed more flexible, bowing slightly as the teacher moved. What made it seem more frightening to Sarah was its deep red colour, for some reason it made the instrument of discipline appear more wicked.

Sarah heard a faint swish followed by Hinka's squeal as the cane found its mark on the inner thigh of the young girls left leg. Sarah could just see the incident in the mirror. Hinka had managed to stay upright and keep her leg on the bar and immediately pushed her hips closer to the wooden pole, mashing her pussy against it.

"I will not repeat myself again. When I give you instruction you follow it. This is a very easy class for a slut. I do not make jokes and I mean every word that I say. When I give an order to a slut it is to be obeyed instantly and with vim and vigour. Repercussions will follow for any slut that fails in this so simple of tasks.

"Those little slut bodies should be warmed up so we can now begin with the class. First of all I need to gauge what I have to work with this semester. I have a feeling that this year Trinity house has been lumped with a rather pathetic crop. We should not worry too much though, you are all here because you are sluts. Someone with much more intelligence and experience than you has recognised your potential and decided that you should all be rewarded with the opportunity to fulfil your destiny. You are all very lucky. Becoming property is an extremely admirable lifestyle for a slut. An owned slut is a happy slut as they say.

“Ah but we are here to dance, I am sure your other teachers will have more eloquent discussions on the fortunate directions your lives have taken. Olsen step out. I want a front split. Once you have performed the position to the best of your abilities, move back in line and the next girl will continue.”

Madame De Witt stood in the middle of the room, holding her cane at both ends, flexing it absently. The sluts should all be ready, muscles warm and flexible. This was the test of their readiness for this class. The ability to perform a front split was a basic test of flexibility and control. Side split would come later. Very few girls could do a side split when they came to Harkwood, only the cheerleaders or gymnasts even came close. From their files none of these girls had those qualifications, though Murphy had done some Irish dance, which explained her sense of ease during the lesson. What had happened to girls these days? Even ten years ago at least half of the new Trinity classes had some dance or gymnastic training. Girls these days tended to be a lazy breed. It was what made Harkwood so important.

The willowy teacher watched haughtily as Olsen stepped in front of the class. She hated going first in all things. Why had she been put in the number one spot? She had to lead her classmates all over the school, she had to attempt every activity first. Her poor performance in deepthroating she put down to simply not knowing what was expected. At least she had been spared during biology. Porter seemed to relish the spotlight, she should really be the first girl. Olsens mind was spinning through thoughts as she settled herself for the task ahead. She tried her best to clear it and make sure this time she was not the worst in the class.

She stood hesitantly, trying to remember back to when she was a little girl and used to cartwheel around the house. She would often do the splits, though she was sure they were never really done correctly. She had to slide one leg forward and one leg backwards at the same time and try and get as low to the ground as possible. The anxious schoolgirl took a deep breath and began sliding her legs out underneath her. The high heels made the movement a little more difficult and she found herself having to turn her feet to the side, almost overbalancing as she did so. To correct herself, she dropped faster. Her legs slid quickly, spreading in front and behind.

Olsen was low to the ground now and she steadied herself with her hands. Her forward leg had managed to stay straight along the ground but her right leg which extended behind her had bent awkwardly keeping her pussy well off the polished wooden floor. She tried to gently move her body lower and managed to get her pussy an inch or two closer to the floor. Her thighs were burning and she simply could not stretch them any further. She had tried her best and now had to get up. She attempted to slide her legs together but her body would not cooperate. Olsen became anxious, desperate to get up but not wishing to make a fool of herself. The distressed schoolgirl quickly decided that looking foolish was a better alternative than angering her teacher.She leaned to her right and brought her legs together under her body, ending up resting on her hands and knees in a most unorthodox and unattractive position, before scrambling crudely to her feet. Her face coloured in shame. Once again going first had caused her to perform in a less than stellar manner.

“Pathetic,” Madame De Witt observed caustically as Olsen scurried back to her place in line.

Cox stepped out to fill the void and did her best version of a front split. Her movements were much smoother and she managed to move her body much lower than Olsen but still she moved in a way that could only be described as graceless and ugly. Sarah was watching in desperation as her friend stepped out swiftly and smoothly lowered herself into a perfect split. Her legs were both hugging the floor, contact made from hip to heel. She could see her friends leotard clad pussy almost touching the floor beneath her. Sarah now had to follow that! She would be made to look even worse than Olsen, at least she had the excuse of going first, if excuses were ever permissible for a slut. Sarah watched the milky-white teen like a hawk. She scrutinised every movement she made, needing as many tips on how to perform this position as she could get.

As Murphy moved back into line next to her, Sarah stepped in front of the class. She swept her arms out to her side as she had seen Murphy do and smoothly slid her legs apart. She performed a near perfect split as she lowered her body to the floor. As her legs continued to widen and her torso neared the boards her control came undone. Her already tired body and burning thighs could not take the strain as she attempted to contort herself into such an unfamiliar position. Sarahs body was a good foot off the floor when her it refused to cooperate any longer. She willed her legs apart, trying to ignore the pain in her thighs. The poor girl gritted her teeth and tried to force her body down further but succeeded only in overbalancing. She came crashing down in a misshapen heap, limbs flailing crazily.

“Atrocious. I can honestly say I have never been more disgusted by a performance,” snapped Madame De Witt as she glared with contempt at the schoolgirl sprawled on the dance-floor.

Sarahs eyes welled with tears. She slowly regained her feet and stepped glumly back into line. She had done her best, she honestly had. It was just that she had never really been athletic, never danced or tried out for cheerleading or done any real physical exercise at all to be completely honest and this damn leotard riding up her ass and squeezing her pussy wasnt helping. Sarah instantly admonished herself. Her leotard had nothing to do with it. She was simply in terrible physical shape. She was sure to be the worst in the class. That should make Olsen feel better she thought. Where were her instincts now? They would do her no good in this class. Sarah knew now that she would have to push herself to the edge and then force herself well over it to keep up with the other girls in this class, gym too.

The miserable teenager forced herself to watch her remaining classmates perform the splits. She wanted nothing more than to run away and hide in a cupboard somewhere but she was forced to stand here, at attention and watch the other young girls of her house perform for their teacher. Sarah had never realised how demeaning a simple action could be. Even had they not been wearing a stiff metal collar around their necks or had they not been wearing skin-tight leotards that left almost nothing of their nubile young bodies to the imagination, simply being forced to perform for another person had made her feel humiliated. She was sure her classmates felt the same.

As Carew touched the polished floor with her leotard sheathed pussy Sarahs spirits sank even further. A horrible empty feeling grew in the pit of her stomach as it was now clear that she had been the worst of the class. Not only the worst, but by a ridiculous margin. No other girl had fallen over and looked like someone having a fit. Every other girl had at least managed to come close to adopting the position. She tried not to dwell on it. She tried to think about the future and doing better, but failure was hard for her to accept. Knowing that she had not only done badly, disappointing her teacher, but that she was the worst, was something she had trouble moving past.

“Disappointing overall, a peak or two but nothing that could compensate for the hideousness of some attempts,” Madame De Witt said, more disappointed than angry. "Believe it or not each slut in this class will soon be completing this simple activity without the use of their hands. Yes girls, even Porter."

Sarah stared straight ahead, unwilling to make eye contact with her teacher. There was nothing she could do now but practice.

“Rhythm," Madame De Witt said abruptly. "A slut feels the rhythm of life as she moves. The pulse as her heart pumps blood around her body, the throb in her pussy as desire overtakes her senses, the bounce of her tits as she moves, the thrust of a cock as it enters her holes. All these things provide the slut an avenue for sensuality. Listen to the rhythms, let them flow through your body and it will respond, infusing your every movement with soft, sensual vivacity. You are all untrained sluts and as such will not have a very good ear for such rhythms. To assist you in the next section of the class, I will provide the rhythm for you.

“Each girl is to come out in front of the class and dance, for one minute. Feel the music, dance to its power. There is no choreography, let the music inform your actions. Porter, we will start with you. Dance until I call for the next slut.”

The colour drained from Sarahs face. She didnt know how to dance. She had no idea what to do. As Madame De Witt spoke, she had been thanking her lucky stars that she would have three girls to watch and hopefully help her with some moves. She stood frozen in line as the teacher removed a small, slim remote control from somewhere behind her. Sarah tried to move but she was like a deer in the headlights. Her mind refused to think, refused to accept the situation. But denial was not going to make the situation disappear.

Sarah felt the panic rise from her belly like an almost physical force. Could she just refuse and take the punishment? Would she dare? Over the past 24 hours she had been degraded and demeaned in ways she had never imagined possible but dancing in front of other people held a special brand of humiliation she did not think she could bear. Sarah knew however, that she could not refuse this command. She would fight it to the very end but she would obey. She knew that obedience was coming naturally to her but she could still not bring herself to abandon the fight for the inevitable.

As Sarahs mind continued to spiral into ever-increasing desperation, Madame De Witt depressed a button on the remote and music began to play from the invisible speakers situated throughout the room. All the girls, including Sarah had expected some kind of classical ballet music. Instead a bouncy pop song reverberated around the room, the sweet voice singing in a language Sarah did not understand.

"Porter, move that cunt onto the dance-floor," Madame De Witt snapped.

Sarah stepped slowly out of line and took a stance facing her teacher. Her mind was nearly frozen with panic. She closed her eyes and tried to think of some moves she could do to the music. Her dismal attempts to come up with a routine were shattered as pain exploded across her already abused ass. Sarah's eyes snapped open to see the teachers red cane flicking once again towards her stinging buttocks. Agony flared across her firm teenage flesh. Even if her leotard had not been a very strict g-string Sarah doubted if the skin-tight material would have softened the blow.

The abused schoolgirl had no more time to think. She had to act, something she knew she should have done when she had been told to. Sarah began to sway her hips to the beat of the music. She tried as hard as she could to not think, to trust her instincts and feel the rhythm. The leotard-clad teenager swayed her body, moving her hips in tiny circles while moving her feet in tiny steps to the left and right. Her hands were hanging unnaturally at her side, she knew she had to move them.

In desperation, having no idea where they belonged, she bent her arms and bounced them to either side of her body as she moved. Sarah heard soft titters from her classmates as she danced. Even over the music she knew what was happening. The other girls were laughing at her. Sarah could not look at them. She knew she would break down if she saw the other girls giggling as she attempted to dance.

"They are right to laugh at you Porter. You are dancing like a stoned grandmother of 82. A grandma with two false legs I might add. You were not told to stop Porter. It is true that no one should be subjected to the kind of torture you are currently putting me through but a minute is a minute. And you sluts, you were told I did not want to hear a sound from you unless in answer to a question."

The soft sounds of teenage girls giggling quieted immediately. Sarah continued to move after her momentary lapse. She had thought the admonishment of her teacher had been the thankful call for her to end the humiliation. Tears had welled in her eyes as she danced, unable to think of how to better her performance. For now Sarah resigned herself to the fact that she was a lost cause. That thought only made her feel worse. She had never been the worst at any class before. Even at her old school there had been girls worse at gym.

"Porter, get off the floor. Olsen, please don't disgust me."

Sarah hurriedly shuffled back to her place in line, relieved that her short time in the spotlight was over. The thoroughly humiliated teen dutifully watched as Olsen danced for their teacher. Sarah did not want to watch, all she wanted to do was curl up in a ball under a blanket and hide from the world. She knew better though. She knew she needed all the help she could get in this class and every second another girl danced was a second Sarah could use to prevent any further degradation at the hands of her lack of coordination.

Olsen was not a bad dancer, though Madame De Witt had no kind words for her performance. Cox was better, grinding her hips and incorporating some turns and even some booty shaking. Sarah had seen other girls do that and even attempted it herself once, needless to say that had been as disastrous as her recent minute of shame.

The music changed as it was Murphy's turn to dance. Sarah was captivated by her friend's performance. For one minute Sarah forgot her failure as she watched the Irish teen dance. Murphy moved her lithe white body to the beat, twisting and spinning sensually. Sarah was mesmerised as the dancing schoolgirl sashayed languidly across the floor, the small, tight leotard accentuating her lovely unblemished body.

She was almost sad when Murphy's minute ended and Clark was called to dance. Sarah watched her remaining classmates perform, the only girl to break through Sarah's daydream of reliving Murphy's dance was Mitchell. The large-titted teen had a raw style, lacking Murphy's natural sensuality and grace but Sarah was entranced. Thoughts of kissing Mitchell swam through her head as she watched her classmates udders bounce and Sarah began to feel the familiar flutter in her belly. All too soon Mitchell stepped back in line only to be replaced by the next girl. A few songs and eight girls later the teacher turned the music off and turned to the class.

"After that hideous beginning, the calibre did not improve very much. You are right to feel embarrassed and ashamed Porter. In my sixteen years of teaching sluts to dance, the atrocity that you inflicted on me was the most frightening thing I have seen in this room. Do you have anything to say for yourself?"

"Yes Madame," replied the startled teen. At least she had remembered to only speak in yes or no answers. At least she could do something right she thought.


"I am very sorry Madame. I am sorry I disappointed you so much. I promise to practice and do better. Please forgive me Madame," blurted the apologetic teen.

"I realise this is your first day and that you have not yet learnt how to structure a proper apology but do you think you deserve anything for your horrid display?"

"Yes Madame."

"Tell me what you deserve Porter."

"I deserve to be punished Madame," Sarah replied resignedly.

She had known exactly what her teacher had meant and Sarah had to agree. She had upset her teacher in a way that seemed to go beyond simple disappointment. She did deserve to be punished for making someone feel bad like that. She did not want to be punished, she dreaded the pain she knew was to follow, but she knew that she had to redeem herself somehow. If her teacher felt the way to do this was through punishment then she simply had to agree. She surely could not redeem herself through dance but she vowed to herself that she would eventually, though this vow was something separate from the immediate punishment she knew was inevitable.

"Very well slut. Out in front of the class. Turn to face your classmates. They may be sluts but even their untrained sensibilities were sure to be offended by your near-spastic capering and they should benefit from your punishment.

"Step your legs out wide. Wider, much wider than your shoulders. Hands behind your head. Now lower your cunt to the floor until your thighs are parallel. Yes, move your feet as wide as they need to go to accommodate. This position is called square."

Sarah felt the warm hand of her teacher slide along her taut inner thigh. It started at her left thigh and slid along the taut expanse of skin, gently caressing the tense muscles. The warm palm bumped across her plump pussy captured within the confines of her tight leotard and continued along her right thigh.

"Drop position and we start again," Madame De Witt snapped in Sarah's ear.

Sarah's thighs burned as she struggled to hold the difficult position. She was not sure she could hold it once the cane struck her ass. The ache from her morning caning had stayed with her throughout the day. Over time the intense, agonising burn had dissipated, even the throbbing had become hardly noticeable with everything else that had happened to her, but the ache deep in her flesh had never left.

Sarah watched in confusion as her teacher squatted behind her, able to see every move her teacher made in the mirror. She watched her thigh muscles quiver as Madame De Witt held her cane at both ends and moved the flexible tip between her legs and the floor, holding it only six inches from the underside of her right thigh. Sarah was afraid of what was to come but puzzled as to how her teacher could swing the cane with any force from that position.

Madame De Witt provided her with the answer as she pulled the tip of the cane towards the floor, the red plastic rod flexing under the force. Sarah watched anxiously, waiting for the pain, steeling herself against the unknown.

The teacher let go of the cane tip without warning. The plastic rod swing into the flesh of the tensed schoolgirls thigh with an audible crack. Sarah grunted as the pain exploded throughout her sensitive flesh. Almost instantly the agony radiated up her body; through her belly and into her chest. Her body had jumped slightly but she had managed to hold her position. As the pain intensified, shifting from the initial sting to a deeper, fuller burning, she held on to the accomplishment of remaining in position. She needed to accentuate her strengths and work on her weaknesses.

The tormented teen watched as the cane was again bowed away from her body. Again pain exploded in her thigh and again Sarah kept position. She had only barely managed to stop her hands from flying to her thigh in a feeble attempt to protect her tender flesh. Her whole body was now straining. The burning of her tense muscles was as nothing to the intensity of agony from the cane. She could not have believed that such a small movement could produce such a piercing pain.

Sarah watched the teacher move the cane to her right thigh. Twice more she held position as her right thigh received two identical red welts. Sarah's teeth were clenched tightly, her jaw muscles painfully tense as she blew out each breath in a ragged gasp. The tortured schoolgirl watched in horror as Madame De Witt moved the cane directly beneath her pussy. Sarah began to shake her head in tiny involuntary movements.

Her pussy was held in a tight, plump mound by her leotard. The seams of the narrow crotch of the garment sat to either side of her pussylips, efficiently capturing and pushing together the tender flesh of her labia. Sarah could not imagine the cane striking her there. She had barely managed to keep her composure as the hellish instrument impacted the soft flesh of her inner thighs.

As Sarah was indulging her fear Madame De Witt let fly the cane. Sarah's hands flew to her pussy as she collapsed in a writhing heap on the floor, her scream reverberating around the hall. The cane had struck her at a slight angle, ensuring the hard plastic caught the meat of both cuntlips.

"Porter you have three seconds to resume position or we will have to begin again. This will be the one and only allowance I am willing to make with you sluts, so Porter you had better count your lucky stars that you are the recipient. Lack of training will no longer be an excuse for loss of control."

As her teacher spoke Sarah managed to force her body to respond. She pulled herself to her feet and slowly lowered herself back into the square position. She felt like her whole body was on fire, though the seat of the furnace rested in her pussy. It had felt like someone had slashed her with a knife. How was anyone ever meant to stay in position after that? Her thighs continued to burn from the strain of the position and the sharper, more intense pain of the cane strokes, tears flowing freely down her cheeks. Sarah would not have thought she had any tears left but her body continued to amaze her.

"Porter here is unfortunate due to her lack of talent. But dancing is not like football, even those without talent can become great dancers. All it takes is a great teacher, discipline and a slut willing to learn. I think your situation can count all three of those don't you Porter?"

"Yes Madame.”

"Even factoring in a complete absence of talent your performance was still a travesty. The only explanation is that you demonstrated a lack of respect for not only myself, but for the hallowed halls of Harkwood and for the institution of dance itself. For that you have earnt an infraction. I am a very fair teacher Porter. My job is to instruct you in how to dance. It is the role of your other teachers to ensure your general discipline is satisfactory. You believe that you deserve that infraction on top of your punishment do you not Porter?"

"Yes Madame," Sarah responded obediently. Even if she had not actually agreed she would not have dared to disagree publicly.

"Murphy do you believe that Porter deserves two infractions due to the level of disrespect she demonstrated?" Madame De Witt inquired of the startled Irish teen.

"Yes Madame," Murphy replied, taken aback by the unexpected attention.

"Such conviction Murphy, thank you," said Madame De Witt sincerely.

"Porter do you believe that you deserve two infractions due to the severity of your disrespect?"

"Yes Madame," Sarah replied dejectedly.

"Excellent Porter I only want what is best for you and I am glad that we both believe that you would benefit from extra correction. Step back in line."

Sarah raised her body tenderly. The uncomfortable position had placed a severe strain on her body and her legs quivered when she returned to attention once she had rejoined her classmates along the bar.

"We can now move on to the lesson proper. A slut will dance whenever she is ordered. More often than not she will not be expecting to dance so knowing her body and feeling the rhythm are more important than choreography. However, even in these improvised performances the benefits of knowing some expressive choreography is a boon to the slut.

"There will however also be times when a slut knows a performance is imminent and she is given time to prepare. When a slut has this luxury she must prepare a routine. At the end of this year, as part of the yuletide celebrations Trinity house will be hosting a recital. Each student will perform a dance of their own choreography. Throughout my lessons you will all learn not only the choreography of others but you will also learn to create routines of your own and develop the ability to dance on command no matter the circumstance.

"So first of all we will begin with some very simple steps. We will end the lesson with some slightly harder choreography. Follow every movement I make. I will complete the routine once then you will join me for the following sets. I will start slowly so Porter can follow what we are doing and then we will do it at half speed, then at full speed."

Madame De Witt then proceeded to step and gyrate her body slowly through fourteen distinct movements. Sarah did her best to follow. She had been upset by her teachers comment but as she watched and struggled to follow the steps she felt Madame De Witt was justified in her demeaning comments. Sarah knew she would have to work phenomenally hard in this class.

When it was her turn to join her teacher in the choreography she did her best and actually managed to keep up until the ninth step which was a complex lowering of her body horizontally, followed by an undulation of her upper body which morphed into a gyration of the hips followed by a twist of her entire body as her arms slid up her torso, brushing the outside of her breasts.

Sarah became lost by the undulation of her body but managed to gather herself a few moves later. The next time through it was at a faster speed and Sarah managed to complete the choreography in time with the other girls, though her movements were ill-disciplined and sloppy. She knew her performance could not be deemed pleasing but she was glad that at least she had managed to keep up. Small victories she told herself, small victories. On the next set Madame De Witt moved at a normal speed. By this time Sarah knew the routine, knew the sequence of movements and was able to keep up though her technique was even sloppier this time through.

"Twice more sluts," Madame De Witt called as she stalked along in front of the schoolgirls watching and critiquing their movements. She watched the class as they practiced the routine a further four times. At the end of the fourth she stopped in front of Sarah and gave her attention exclusively to the struggling teen.

Sarah kept dancing. She was doing her best to not only complete the steps correctly and in time but also to infuse her movements with as much sensuality as she could. The revealing leotard helped her somewhat but the degrading situation was making it almost impossible for her to see herself as sexy.

As Madame De Witt stood in front of Sarah and watched her dance, she began to become increasingly anxious. She was trying her hardest but was there some fundamental flaw in her performance, apart from her lack of finesse. She focused herself more and more intently on each step she was performing, reassuring herself that she was doing each movement correctly. The continued silent scrutiny of Madame De Witt came close to tipping Sarah over the edge. She was second guessing everything she did, every thought she had. Tears came unbidden to her eyes and rolled down her cheeks as she continued to perform the choreography she had been taught.

"Once more sluts and then stop and watch the additions to the routine," said Madame De Witt as she shifted her attention once again back to the class in general.

Sarah almost collapsed in relief when her teachers gaze left her body. She must have been doing the right thing, otherwise she would surely have been corrected. She finished the final set and stood at attention, her chest heaving, sucking the air into her lungs with violent gasps. Her leotard was so tight that as she breathed in her tits pushed tightly against the garment which caused the sheer material cupping her pussy to pull even tighter. It was only now, standing still, that she was aware of the constant movement of her leotard against her smooth pussylips.

Without a word Madame De Witt began to dance the familiar routine, once again in slow motion. Sarah marvelled at the way her teacher moved. Her lithe body twisting with an almost feline grace. Once she had finished the familiar steps the dance teacher began a more complex series of contortions.

This time Sarah definitely struggled to follow the movements of her teacher. Her entire body was slowly and sensually gyrating. The steps by themselves looked easy but it was the fact that each step was actually a movement of leg, body, arms and head. Each step was four movements in one and Sarah could not take it all in at once, even with Madame De Witt's slowed speed.

Soon it was time for Sarah to join her teacher at the slowed speed. She did well with the familiar parts of the routine but stumbled on the very first part of the extended choreography. She caught herself on the next move but was once again lost on the remaining four.

Sarah was beginning to feel a little depressed. As her teacher sped up to a half speed routine she knew she was well out of her depth. All feelings of satisfaction she had from successfully remembering the earlier routine were dashed as her complete failure to grasp the more complex dance became increasingly apparent. At full speed Sarah felt like she should just stand still and give up but she could not bring herself to do it. She was not a quitter, she had never backed down from any challenge in her schoolwork before and she most definitely did not want to disappoint Madame De Witt again. She did not want her thinking she was being disrespectful.

"Continue," commanded Madame De Witt as she again scrutinised the class.

Sarah tried desperately to enact the routine as she had been taught. She was now just trying to remember the moves and perform them slowly to simply complete the complex steps. She knew she was slow. She knew she looked terrible. She knew she was the worst in the class but she kept trying. Madame De Witt took one look at Sarah's attempts and closed her eyes in despair.

"Porter step out of line. Turn around and study Murphy. You are very lucky she is your study partner. You simply stand here and watch her dance. Continue dancing sluts. While I called the latter half of the routine complex, this simple set is one of the easiest you will learn. It is, after all, why you are learning it first."

Madame De Witt walked down the line of dancing schoolgirls with a critical eye. She made minor corrections to each girls performance while Sarah stood at attention in front of Murphy and watched the beautiful Irish teen dance. Murphy didn't move as gracefully or as sinuously as the teacher but she was very close and the young girl watched as she performed the routine flawlessly. She had felt the familiar flush of heat in her cheeks at the humiliation of being singled out, removed from the class activity and simply ordered to stand still, as if she was part of a passive audience instead of an active member of the activity. Her failure was complete, her fragile self-esteem squashed by the crushing weight of her inability to follow such simple commands.

Sarah's gaze took in every part of Murphy's body, every movement the milky-skinned teen made. Murphy was watching Sarah as she danced, an odd smile creping onto her friends face throughout the routine. Sarah was sure it was not for her, it was just that Murphy was enjoying the dance. Sarah was buoyed by her friends happiness. She had felt a distance from her ever since lunch. She was dying to get Murphy alone so they could talk but for now, Sarah smiled with her friend and watched her lose herself in the freedom of the dance. As the class danced and Sarah watched, the bell rang. Not one girl missed a single movement. Seventeen schoolgirls continued to write and sweat without interruption, they knew better than to stop of their own accord.

"Cease at the end of the set," directed Madame De Witt.

In moments the class became still again, as all eighteen girls stood at attention awaiting further instructions. Sarah kept her place facing Murphy, holding position obediently until told otherwise.

"Porter back in line. Our next lesson will be on Wednesday. This gives each slut a chance to perfect today's routine. I understand you have to make up some time that you wasted today. You may get dressed and move directly to your form class."

The class moved forward together, almost as if it was a race to the clothes hooks. As soon as Sarah was at the wall she slipped her hands beneath the shoulder straps of her leotard and pulled them to the side, putting even more pressure on her pussy. She slipped the sheer garment down her body in one swift movement, her tits popping free from their tight confinement. She peeled the material away from her pussy and noticed a very small stain on the crotch. Her pussy was still producing juice though from this evidence it had all but stopped. Or maybe it was simply the fact that her pussylips had been so tightly clamped together that none could escape. Before Sarah had a chance to reach for her uniform she was interrupted.


"Yes Madame," Sarah replied with trepidation.

"Come here," commanded Madame De Witt.

Sarah hung her leotard on her hook and stepped back towards her dance teacher. She was naked but for her shoes and socks. The leotard may have provided a very meagre, and at times dubious, covering for her body but like any piece of clothing at Harkwood it had made her feel protected and just a little safer while she had been wearing it. Once again her body was exposed and she felt completely without protection. Her classmates were at this very moment in the process of dressing in their uniforms and Sarah felt increasingly vulnerable with each step that took her further from the group. It was this embarrassed, even fearful, reaction to being naked that allowed Sarah to keep questioning whether her teachers were correct about her being a natural slut. She soon stood before her dance teacher and adopted the perfect attention posture.

"Porter I was not exaggerating when I said that your performance was the worst I have seen in all my years of teaching. I want you to be clear on this. You have a great deal of work to do but I am confident that you will be able to accomplish any task that I set." Madame De Witt caressed Sarah's left breast with her hand, startling the young girl with the unexpected, casual, touch but she held her position, her only visible reaction a widening of her eyes.

"You are a very pretty little thing and your arousal is charming. You came into my class with hard nipples and I am glad that you are leaving it the same way. Your pussy is wet also?"

"Yes Madame," Sarah replied meekly.

"Yes well, being a pretty little slut is not enough and especially not in my class. I expect to see a great improvement from you. Do you remember the ways in which you demonstrated your disrespect during my class?"

"Yes Madame."

"Tell me."

"Through my pathetic performance I showed disrespect for you Madame, for Harkwood school and for the institute of dance."

"Yes Porter you gave me much to think about during this class. I believe that I may not have been entirely fair with you. How many infractions did you earn?"

"Two Madame," Sarah replied, fear causing her voice to catch.

"Tell me Porter, was I truly fair with you?"

Sarah hesitated before answering. She felt she knew the answer that was expected, an answer that would bring her more pain and humiliation but she needed to be sure because the wrong answer could potentially cause her even more suffering. She decided to trust her instincts as she had been taught.

"No Madame."

"How so Porter."

"I showed disrespect in three different ways but I only earned two infractions Madame. I think I should have earned three infractions. I deserve an infraction for each type of disrespect."

"I believe so too Porter. I am glad that you agree. A slut must never shirk punishment. She must always be aware of her actions and if she feels punishment is deserved she must bring it to the attention of her superiors. This time you were lucky Porter. I have a suspicion that you would not have brought this lapse to my attention but I shall put this down to your lack of training.

"A slut must always ensure her behaviour is corrected when it is lacking. I hope you remember that, as failing to report an infraction is a serious matter, one that in itself can earn the slut a detention. When you graduate from Harkwood it becomes even more important because your owner will most likely not have the staff available to keep an eye on your behaviour. Do you understand the importance of this Porter?"

"Yes Madame," Sarah replied truthfully. It was her duty to bring to light any wrongdoing or shortcomings on her part even if she knew no one else had noticed. She knew this would be a difficult thing to do because she would have to be constantly aware of everything she did. Sarah immediately critiqued her position but found herself to be standing perfectly at attention.

"Dismissed Porter. I will be watching your progress. I have high hopes for you, and let's face it, after today the only way is up."

Sarah curtsied daintily to her teacher, her lack of clothes making her feel comical, though no less conscientious for that. She hurried over to her uniform and began to dress. Her classmates had left and Sarah was worried about what to do next. Once she was dressed what should she do? She hurriedly donned her uniform, cringing as her damp panties once again cupped her pussy in their moist embrace. She would be very glad to put on a new pair of panties tomorrow. She had never had this problem before. The crotch of her panties had always absorbed what little moisture she produced and to have this constant reminder of the changes in her body made her feel uncomfortable and off balance. The petite teen was soon dressed and ready to leave the class. She scanned her eartag, screwing her nose up in distaste as the scanner beeped, registering her presence. She didn't think she would ever get use to the demeaning barcode she was forced to wear.

Sarah turned back to her teacher before leaving the classroom. Madame De Witt was not looking at her, rather she was watching herself in the mirror as she performed a particularly sensual dance. Sarah curtsied to her teacher, she felt it was only right. Madame De Witt deserved the extra display of respect after Sarah had disappointed her so badly, whether she was aware of it or not. For someone who loved dancing so much her pathetic performance must indeed have been as offensive as her teacher had said.

Sarah left Madame De Witt's classroom demurely. Dance was her last class of the day and she had much to think about. First though she had to rejoin her classmates. She hurried towards Miss Watson's room where the other Trinity students waited to make up the time they had wasted throughout the day. She moved as fast as she dared. She was not sure if she was allowed to run in the corridors so she decided she should not. She walked with fast, mincing steps that was almost running but did not look as ungraceful. Her tits still bounced with each step, her hard nipples rubbing maddeningly against the stiff white blouse, her small blue skirt swishing wildly as she sped to Miss Watson's class.

She reflected on what Madame De Witt had said. She would have to watch herself more carefully from now on. She would have to first make sure she knew all the rules. The Trinity house manual was not a slim book and she had only had a chance to see a few pages of positions so far. Was she also supposed to report infractions from other girls? Would this be seen as a good thing for a slut to do or would it be bad, should she only be focused on what she was doing? She would definitely not win herself any friends if she started reporting on the other girls.

Sarah made her way down one flight of stairs and saw her classmates lined up halfway along the corridor. She scurried to catch up and quickly inserted herself in her proper place behind Murphy. The other girls of her line had left a space for her and Sarah was thankful she had not caused any further trouble by being late. She stood at attention and tried to clear her mind of the whirling thoughts that spun inside her head.

Chapter 14. In which Sarah has some extra lessons


Sarah waited quietly. Her classmates stood in line around her, anxiously awaiting the call to enter the classroom. The weary schoolgirls had no idea what to expect during this makeup time. Their bodies were tired and their minds were rattled. Their first day of class at Harkwood had not been what any of them had expected. Sarah tried not to think too much about her day so far but her mind could not help but slip backwards and relive the experiences: the humiliation and degradation, the near-constant arousal, the ecstasy of her first orgasm, the pain of punishment and, most surprising of all, her connection with not only one of her classmates but one of her teachers as well.


Sarah had never experienced the highs and lows this one day had contained. The previous ten hours felt like an eternity had passed. She had trouble reconciling herself to the fact that it had indeed been less than one day. One day that had changed her life irrevocably. She was no longer a carefree teenager, worried about getting good grades, boys and fashion. She was a possession now, owned like a car or a piece of furniture property.


She still worried about getting good grades but the subjects were cocksucking not calculus, pussylicking not poetry, sex positions instead of science. She was being trained to be a slut. It was what her owner desired and what her destiny held for her. She had been chosen because of her natural proclivity for it. This was what Sarah was fighting with the most. The exhausted girl had almost accepted that her life was no longer her own but she would not admit that this was what she was meant to be. No matter the evidence that appeared to be piling up against her, she fought within herself. In moments of weakness throughout the day she had come close to giving herself over to the realisation that she was a slut, always had been and always would be. She said the right things, thought the right things and her body even reacted the way her teachers expected, her nipples had been hard for hours and her panties were soaked with her pussy juice.


Sarah was fighting still when the door before her opened and Miss Watson stepped into the corridor, her stern Amazonian countenance caused every girl to straighten up slightly.


“Seventeen minutes. Today you learnt a great many things but for these seventeen minutes you will be working on some of the very basic lessons a Trinity student must master. Posture and grace of movement. In other classes today you will have had the importance of these two concepts reinforced. They are key to the formation of a slut. I observed some truly abhorrent behaviour throughout the day and in this small session we will work on one aspect in particular.


“When you are formed as a class you represent Trinity house. As you move through the school you represent not only your house but the teaching staff that works so hard for you. Your form as a class is less than acceptable. Your negotiation of stairs looks like a herd of cats startled by a loud noise. This is not something that will be tolerated. About face.”


Eighteen schoolgirls spun around. Even this simple manoeuvre met with Miss Watsons disapproval.


“Carew step out in front. Face away from the class. When you hear the order about face, you pivot on your right foot and turn your body 180 degrees to the right. Your left foot leaves the ground, your right stays in contact and you turn on the ball of your foot. One smooth movement. Carew, demonstrate.”


The pert schoolgirl pivoted on her right foot and swirled around to face the class. She was sure to keep her back straight and her head held high. It was an odd sensation to perform this action with her hands still resting in the small of her back.


“Step back in line. We shall try that again. About face,” Miss Watson commanded, scrutinising the performance of her class. “Better. About face.”


Again, the two crisp lines of schoolgirls spun 180 degrees to face away from Miss Watsons classroom. The teenagers had soon found their rhythm and had moved as one. This was almost like being in the military thought Sarah. She was waiting for Miss Watson to start singing “I dont know what Ive been told”. A smile crept onto her face, even through all she had suffered today, she could still manage to make a joke. Was that a good sign?


“We will move down the corridor and move up the stairs towards your dorm. When we move off, the right column will take one step to their right. Mitchell and Olsen you will take one further step and lead the columns as usual. It is important for a slut to know her place. We dont want those pretty little brains worrying about such mundane things as where to stand in a line. Each girl will follow her column leader and reassemble the lines in their correct form. Begin.”


Sarah was almost cringing as Olsen and Mitchell took the lead. She was hoping that Mitchell had understood what Miss Watson had said, hoping the poor bare-breasted girl would not make a fool of herself and anger their teacher. Sarah smiled as Mitchell passed her confidently. She didnt have time to think more on it as she watched, first Cox and then Murphy pass her. It was her turn to resume her correct place in line. Sarah could see how this simple manoeuvre could cause problems, you had to be aware how many girls were behind you otherwise there would be a collision for sure. She stepped a little faster to catch up to Murphy but was soon close behind her friend once again.


The girls of Trinity house marched down the corridor without incident. It was not until they hit the stairs that the teenagers became anxious. Each girl knew that their lines had tended to scatter into chaos on the stairs. They were going to try their best now but were worried as they really had no idea how to keep together. Olsen and Mitchell stepped onto the first stair together and from that point on the whole exercise dissolved into disarray. Some girls took longer to negotiate the stairs on their still unfamiliar four inch heels. Others stepped too quickly and found themselves in danger of bumping into the girl in front so they stepped slightly sideways breaking formation and turning the two tight straight lines into a jittery, snaking mess.


Sarah found herself two steps behind Murphy. She only had one day experience with her shoes and did not have the confidence to move as quickly as some of her classmates. As the class reformed into their correct ranks Miss Watson called for them to stop.


“Horrible. Pathetic. You sluts are acting as if stairs have some magical power that drains your ability to control your own muscles. Porter, do you think that the stairs are magical?”

“No Maam,” Sarah replied meekly.

“Taylor, do you think the stairs have powers of mind control that cause only Trinity students to behave like congenital retards?”

“No Maam,” Taylor replied in a voice quivering with fear.

“Then there can be no other excuse. It is a wilful display of disrespect for your teachers and the lessons they are trying to teach you. You sluts are here to learn. Your teachers are here to ensure that you learn what you need to learn in order for you to become true sluts and to fulfil your role in society. We all work very hard. Our efforts are to benefit you. The time and effort we expend is on your behalf. I have a mind to deal an infraction to each and every one of you for this show of disrespect. But never let it be said that I am some kind of ogre. We have ten minutes remaining. If at the end of that time you are not negotiating the stairs in correct and proper formation you will all receive an infraction and we will continue this lesson after school tomorrow for another seventeen minutes.


“About face. When you move down the stairs you will take each consecutive stair with an alternate foot. Hold your backs straight and your heads up. You do not need to peer down at your feet like some shuffling hobo hoping to spot a few dirty coins. Walk with poise. Move surely, placing your leading foot on an angle to ensure both ball and heel are placed firmly on the stair. Watch.”


Miss Watson proceeded to walk down the stairs her body held at a slight angle. She moved with a smoothness that belied her statuesque frame. She seemed to almost flow down the stairs, her body bobbing gently with each step. Their tall, form teacher moved halfway down the stairs, off to one side to allow all her charges an unimpeded view, and proceeded back to the top.


“Mitchell, Olsen lead the class down the stairs. Each slut begins the descent, or ascent, once the slut in front has vacated the step. This will keep each rank in a pleasing formation as this is your goal. As Trinity students you are to move in not only a respectful fashion but also to guarantee a pleasing aspect is presented to those who may observe,” Miss Watson instructed as the schoolgirls began their descent.


Sarah had tried to memorise the movements of her teacher as she negotiated her way down the stairs. She turned her body slightly to the side, as Murphy had done before her, and placed her whole foot on the stair below, making sure to keep her leading leg straight and bend with her following leg. She almost stumbled on the second stair as she was so used to looking down at the floor immediately below her. This was now lost to her and she had to trust to the girl in front that the stair was not obstructed and trust to herself that she had stepped correctly. Keeping her head up and her focus to the fore made it easier to keep in time with the girl in front. As Murphys head bobbed lower, Sarah knew it was time for her to step down.


After the initial uneasiness the class began to move in a rhythm. The lines remained straight, though a little wobbly, and each girl had managed to keep an acceptable distance from her classmates. Miss Watson had them move up and down the stairs without respite. With each pass their technique improved, the two lines of schoolgirls looked increasingly more aligned, proving to be quite a charming sight. The eighteen girls of Trinity house seemed to move as one entity, flowing up or down the stairs as a cohesive ensemble.


Sarahs legs had begun to ache after the third time up the stairs. Moving down was just as hard, as the control required to move at the somewhat unnatural pace and still keep her body in the correct and pleasing posture placed a substantial strain upon her already tired muscles. Her breathing had begun to be laboured and she could feel the beads of sweat forming on her chest and brow. The constant gentle bouncing had also kept her nipples hard. She had tried to keep her focus entirely on her movement but the maddening movement of her blouse across her aching buds that tipped her breasts caused momentary lapses.


During these lapses the attention of her nipples made her thoughts flow to the other parts of her body that were causing her discomfort. Her thighs burned, not only from the stress to the muscles not used to exercise but also from the strokes she had received at the hands of her dance teacher. Strokes that she had been given for her atrocious attempt at dancing, which made her think of the leotard that was part of her uniform. The leotard that cupped her pussylips so provocatively. Her pussylips that were now contained within her small white panties, the dampness of which was a constant, uncomfortable reminder of her arousal throughout the day. The arousal that caused her nipples to harden and stand at attention.


Sarahs mind was caught in a loop of demeaning deliberation. It was not until Miss Watsons stern, clear voice called for the class to halt, that her focus snapped back to the task at hand. Sarah could not count how many times she had walked up and down the set of stairs before her. She admonished herself for losing focus but amazed nonetheless, that her body had taken over, performed the task on autopilot as her mind drifted in a sea of sensation that she had difficulty ignoring.


“A vast improvement. Hurry along to gym class. You have time with Miss Vonn to compensate for your tardiness.”


Sarah followed Murphys bobbing red ponytail as the class made its way to the gym. The exhausted schoolgirl almost audibly groaned as she thought about another session of physical exercise with the demanding gym teacher. She would give anything to just be allowed to collapse on her bed and drift off to sleep. Her attention became more focused as the class neared the stairway to the ground floor. She could hear the muted sounds of the schoolgirls from the other houses. She immediately thought of Mitchell. The poor girl was still without her blouse, her beautiful udders exposed for everyone to see. The udders that contained those three red welts that Miss Watson had given her.


Sarah watched Mitchell as they walked. She could catch glimpses of the soft udders as she walked, the gently bobbing flesh almost mesmerising the marching schoolgirl. As they neared the staircase Sarah saw Mitchells body stiffen. As the head of one of the lines she would be on full show and this thought had obviously just occurred to the busty schoolgirl. Sarah saw her arms twitch, guessing that the desire to wrap them around her exposed udders was flashing through Mitchells brain. To be exposed was bad enough, but being forced to keep your hands behind your back increasing her vulnerability, was something Sarah did not know how she would deal with.


The girls of Trinity house made their way down the stairs and into the corridor that passed the food hall and ended in the gymnasium. Sarah focused totally on moving properly and gracefully down the stairs. It was not until she had reached flat ground, proud that neither she nor any of the girls in front of her had broken formation, that she noticed the other schoolgirls in the corridor. Luckily it was almost deserted, there were only two girls visible. These stopped to stare as the two lines of Trinity girls walked towards the gym. Sarah didnt need to guess what they were staring at. The shocked exclamations of “look at that scrags tits” and “Sheena, look at the tits on that” rang clear as a bell in the near empty corridor.


The normal girls were dressed for gym and were obviously heading for a workout in their free time after class. Sarahs heart ached for Mitchell. She could almost feel the humiliation the girl must be grappling with. To be topless in front of her classmates who all suffered with her was one thing but to have her body viewed by girls who were not being trained as sluts, who had not spent the day sucking dildos and being forced to taste each others pussies was something else entirely. It only deepened the divide between them and the rest of the world, the world that was functioning as it always had. Nothing had changed for these girls. They were at the same school and yet they were learning as any young girl would. They had their freedom to go where they wanted, to stand how they wanted, to talk when they wanted. Her new status as property was rammed home intensely for Sarah.


She became more aware of her collar. It began to feel ever more constricting around her neck. The perpetual press of the hard metal on the soft flesh of her throat was inducing a near panic state on the distressed schoolgirl. Her breathing began to grow quicker and shallower, her chest heaved beneath her blouse, pushing her hard nipples viciously against the tight, stiff material. Amazingly it was the innocuous observation that the gym uniform that the students from the other houses wore was so similar yet so different from her own that allowed the panic to subside.  


The bottoms of the normal gym uniform were more traditionally cut, resembling a normal gym short. The top was a halter similar to the Trinity bra but it fully covered the breasts of the girl and came down well below her boobs. Sarah could not explain why these differences in uniform, which should have emphasised the overt sexualisation and the reinforcement of their lower status, had calmed her from the rising state of anxiety into which she had become caught. By the time the class reached the gym Sarah had almost completely calmed down. Being able to distract herself with thoughts of the mundane was a valuable lesson.


Miss Vonn was waiting for them outside the glass-walled gym. She ushered them silently inside and into the gymnasium. Sarah could have laughed at the slack-jawed looks of wonder on the faces of the exercising schoolgirl if the reason for their amazement was not so humiliating. Sarah was relieved when the swinging wooden door of the gymnasium clicked closed behind the last girl. What would those girls think about Mitchells bared breasts? Three girls had seen her walk around in only her bra. Would it be all around the school the next day? How could the teachers have allowed it? Sarah didnt have much time to think on the conundrum however.


“Get out of those uniforms and into your gym clothes. Then line up on the red line. Your time will start when every girl is lined up and ready to participate,” said Miss Vonn sternly.


The eighteen schoolgirls turned as one and moved to the hooks beside the door. Their clothes bags were hanging from their hooks, bulging with their gym bra, panties, socks and shoes. Olsen scanned her eartag and proceeded to undress, followed rapidly by the other girls of the class. Sarah moved as quickly as she could, removing her tie and blouse in a matter of moments. Even though both her body and mind were tired she remembered her lessons of the day and tried to make each movement as she undressed as proper and as pleasing as she could. She slowed only marginally, her expertise in removing the simple school uniform being greatly increased by the activities of the day.


When Sarah was completely nude she opened her bag and removed her shoes and socks. As she bent over to put them on, her mind replayed a scene from the previous minute. Over and over in her head ran the images of her removing her damp panties. Like a movie being rewound and replayed she saw and felt the tight material peel away from the bare flesh of her moist pussy lips. The light creamy stain of her pussy juice marring the pristine white of her sheer panties. Sarahs face and chest flushed scarlet as her own mind forced her to relive this humiliation again and again.


She soon had her gym pants and bra on. They were still slightly damp from the recent lesson but the blend from which they had been made was amazingly breathable and the soaked garments had all but dried. Sarah dashed to the red line and was relieved to see she was not the last girl there. Her performance in the gym had been less than stellar and she vowed to get through this next seven minutes without incident. She was exhausted, true, but she had to do everything she could not to make herself a target for more punishment. Her thoughts briefly flashed to the number of infractions she now had, seven or eight she could not remember. What she could not forget was the flashing red DETENTION she had seen on her file at lunchtime. She was dreading what that would be and indeed when it would be.


“Taylor thank you for finally joining us,” Miss Vonn sneered sarcastically. “We have seven minutes to makeup due to your outrageous tardiness. You sluts will learn that being late to my class will not be tolerated. For the next seven minutes you will be bell ringing. Now you will not actually be ringing any bells but the exercise is an old one and the name has stuck. Each of you will run across the hall. On the opposite wall you will see a small pressure pad on the wall. You are to jump and press the pad. When the blue light is lit you run back to the red line, touch it with your hand and repeat. I expect a minimum of ten repetitions. You have seven minutes.”




Sarah sprang forward before the shrill sound of Miss Vonns whistle had ended. She sprinted to the opposite wall, locating the pressure pad along the way. The small black pad was a good eight feet up the wall. Sarahs heart sank as she ran. She didnt know if she could even reach that. Again Sarah cursed her smallness, no matter how cute it appeared to others, she had never become enamoured with her lack of height.


As she reached the far side of the gymnasium she tried to use her momentum to leap up the wall and was overjoyed when her fingers touched the pad an inch from its bottom and the little blue light above her winked on. She immediately dashed back to the red line. She was already puffing as she straightened up after touching the line and headed back for her second attempt. Most girls were ahead of her but she took a slight amount of pride in the fact that she was not dead last.


Sarah tried to keep up with her classmates, increasing her pace as she neared the wall. She leaped and once again the light was triggered, though this time her fingers had barely managed to make contact with the plate. The fatigued teen turned and made her way back to the starting line, her wearied movements sapping her last reserves of strength.


She ran back to the wall and leaped with what energy remained to her. Her fingertips failed to find the small pressure pad. Sarah leaned against the wall momentarily, trying to think what to do now. Should she attempt a standing jump, or back up and take another running leap. Sarah decided to try a standing jump, even though she was almost positive it would not succeed.


The desperate schoolgirl stepped back from the wall and bent at the knee. She launched herself upwards. Her arms shot up, searching for the small black square. Her fingers managed to brush the base of the pad but not enough pressure was exerted to register. Sarahs hopes of being able to complete the task set for her crumbled. The petite teen backed away from the wall, sizing up the distance to her goal. She would not give up. She could not guess the repercussions for failure but it was something she tried to push out of her mind. She had already failed, it remained to be seen by how much.


Sarah took two deep breaths, set herself and ran at the wall. She leaped just before she reached the wall, stretching her limbs to reach the elusive black square. Her body crashed into the wall as her uncontrolled leap reached its apogee. The young girl collapsed against the wall, bent at the waist and rubbed her bruised elbow. She twisted her neck to look up at the light. She was overjoyed to see the small blue luminance shining above her. Three down, Sarah thought. As she trotted back to the red line, gathering her strength for another attempt, she noticed her classmates whizzing past her at varying speeds.


Her lack of stature had caused her to fail. Sarah had no doubt of that. Yes she was tired but if she was just six inches taller she would have been able to reach the pad, like the rest of the girls in the class. She could only do so much with the body she had. She knew that this would not be accepted as an excuse though. Failure of a task was not acceptable, no matter the reason. She sped up as she reached the wall but her leap fell far short. This was it. She would not be able to register a fourth hit. She would not see that little blue light wink on again during this session. She would not stop trying but Sarah knew her efforts were for naught.


The depleted teen kept leaping for the pressure pad, each attempt more pathetic than the last. Her movements became ragged as her already drained energy reserves ran out entirely.




Sarah nearly sank to the ground at the sound of the shrill whistle. She knew this was unacceptable so dragged herself back to the red line where the class had already formed and stood crisply at attention. She cringed at the look on Miss Vonns face as she filled the gap in the line of puffing schoolgirls.


“Dismissed,” cried Miss Vonn. “You are to go directly to your dorm until called for the evening meal. Porter you stay.”


Sarah stood stoically as her classmates undressed and left the room. She took this time to catch her breath and regain her composure. She had no tears left to cry but her spirits were at the lowest ebb of the day. Each lesson had been an ordeal and the accumulation of physical and mental suffering she had endured had taken its toll. She was a broken girl.


Silence reigned in the gymnasium. Sarah stood at attention, her laboured breathing the only sound she could hear. She could not see her teacher, who had moved behind her to supervise the dressing of her classmates. She focused her eyes on the wall opposite. She could just see the reason for her presence here, the small row of black pressure pads and the small unlit bulbs above them. Sarah almost jumped in fright when Miss Vonn spoke softly into her left ear.


“Why did you fail the task set you Porter?”


“Maam, I failed because I did not try hard enough. Im very sorry,” Sarah replied, her manner subdued. She had expected the question and had been ready with her answer. She knew excuses about her height or lack of energy would not be accepted. It was her fault, she should have tried harder. With the correct motivation maybe she would have succeeded. After all she made it three times, that meant she could do it, it wasnt impossible.


“It may be true that you did not try as hard as you could have. I sense a willingness in you Porter but I also sense a lack of motivation. Not to worry though. I will help your willingness to please and to succeed in servitude blossom. You will soon realise that true fulfilment will only come with service. You will need no more motivation than your innate desire to serve. It will be a long painful road to reach this enlightened state, Porter. Are you willing to endure any pain necessary, willing to obey any order given without question? Are you willing to give yourself completely to your training so you may ultimately bloom into the slut that we all know you can be?”

“Yes Maam, I am willing. I will do anything Maam, really I will,” Sarah blurted with sincerity. She wanted her teacher to believe her. She wanted the torment of uncertainty to end.

“Well Porter, you failed to complete ten reps of the task set. You managed only three. So how many do you owe me?”

“Seven Maam,” Sarah replied fearfully. She fervently prayed that Miss Vonn would not add each one as an infraction. She already had more than she could remember but an extra seven strokes of the cane on top of what she had already earned would put her in the hospital, of that she was sure.

 “Porter I am aware that you are the shortest girl in the class. The task set was most difficult for you. This shortcoming on your part, pun unintended,” smirked Miss Vonn, “however is not an excuse for your failure. When a slut has a weakness she works harder than ever to compensate for it, to guarantee that it will not be a cause of displeasure for her superiors. You see this do you not?”

“Yes maam.”

“Pull down your pants,” Miss Vonn commanded.


Sarah though taken aback by this abrupt request, complied immediately. She pulled her brief blue panties down over her hips and stepped out of them. She was unsure how to proceed so she fell back on the familiar and simply resumed standing at attention.


“Dont leave them there Porter, put them in their proper place,” ordered Miss Vonn.


Sarah reached town and hurried to place them on her hook, with the rest of her normal uniform. She reflected on the fact she was now half naked, her pussy and ass open to view. It felt strange to be half exposed. She felt somehow more vulnerable than being totally nude, as if her covered skin accentuated the bared flesh she was forced to reveal. She scurried back to the red line and stood at attention, trying to focus on the far wall and not the sensation of the cool air on her warm pussy.


“Spread your legs wider. Now push your hips towards me. Push that pussy out, offer it. It is important for a slut to be enthusiastic when showing off her equipment, no matter that it is for punishment. It is more important to present yourself for pain than for pleasure. When a slut receives pain there are two reasons for it: for punishment or for the pleasure of your superior. Both of which are far more important to a slut than any pleasure she may receive. Punishment makes you a better slut and the pleasure of your superiors is your entire reason for being. The receipt of pain is a selfless act that every slut embraces.


“Listen to me,” laughed Miss Vonn. “I sound like Lilith. It is important for you to know this though Porter.”


Sarah stood with her legs spread and her hips obscenely pushing her pussy towards her teacher. She listened to every word Miss Vonn said. She knew this was important, as was every lesson, but her teacher was using her own time to teach Sarah now. This was outside her normal lessons and Sarah knew she must not forget the fact that her teacher was here because of her failure. Miss Vonn had not kept her behind for any personal advantage. She was here only to benefit Sarah and she would not forsake that endeavour.


“Pull your pussylips apart,” commanded the gym teacher.


Sarah reached down to her pussy without hesitation. She grabbed each tender lip and pulled them gently apart. The slim hands of the schoolgirl trembled as she opened her most private of areas, though the days where she could consider any part of her body truly private had ended the moment she had stepped through those large wooden doors into Harkwood.


Sarah watched Miss Vonn remove the wicked plastic shocker from her belt. She had seen, and felt the effects of the device during the gym lesson and felt her grip on her pussylips lessen as she instinctively tried to protect herself. It did not take a genius to realise what was about to happen. The trembling schoolgirl bit her lip in anxious anticipation. She knew the shock lasted for only a second, but she had felt the sting for a minute afterwards and that had only been on her tit.


“We will now see if a little extra motivation will allow that little body of yours to reach new heights.”


Sarahs eyes were glued to the black plastic instrument as Miss Vonn moved it towards her exposed pussy. She held her breath and clenched her jaw as it came within inches of her tender slit. She had to fight the urge to back her hips away from the shock wand. She knew that if she did not offer herself and show enthusiasm for her punishment it would show disrespect for those who had deemed it necessary. She had just been told that shrinking from punishment was not only disrespectful but selfish and harmful to her training. The lesson was fresh and Sarah was glad for it. Without that recent reminder she may not have had the strength to offer her pussy for what was certain to be agony.


In one swift movement, Miss Vonn closed the last few inches and placed the tip of the wand directly on Sarahs clit. The small button of nerve endings was just peeking out from behind its hood and received the full force of the shock. Sarah screamed as her clit exploded with pain. The shock immediately radiated out from the tender button, sending sharp needle-like stabs of pain into her belly. The tortured schoolgirl jumped away from her teacher and bent over, sobbing, trying to move her abused clit as far away from the source of the pain as possible.


As the initial slashing pain subsided Sarah recovered her wits and quickly moved back to her teacher and resumed her position, her hands quivering and hesitant as they gently opened her pussy to the ministrations of the waiting teacher.


“Once is enough little slut. Now run at that wall and light it up.”


Sarah needed no further urging, she sprinted at the wall and leapt with all she had. Her fingers reached the centre of the pad with a satisfactory slap and the little blue light winked into existence. She ran back to her waiting teacher, bent down to touch the red line and started for the wall again.


“If you fail to light it up, motivation is necessary,” Miss Vonn called after the running teen.


She was not going to suffer that again, Sarah promised. The sharp pain lingered in her clit, though the residual sensations had subsided. She was intensely aware of her clit with each step she took. The abused teen imagined that if she glanced down as she ran she would see her clit immensely swollen, clearly visible as it thrust its way past the plump lips of her pussy. She knew it was nonsense but the unsettling sensation would not leave her.


She focused on her leap as she neared the wall. Slap. Again her fingers met the soft surface of the pressure pad. Her lips twitched with the tiniest of smiles as she saw the blue light shine above her. Back she dashed to the red line, to begin the process again. Five more to go.


Her next attempt, while successful, dismayed Sarah. Her fingers had landed just inside the bottom edge of the square pad. The reserves of energy she did not know she had, revealed to her by the shock to her clit, were being used up. Sarah felt an ache deep in her chest at the thought of failing to light up that little blue bulb. She did not want to face that electric shock again.


She ran back to her teacher and touched the red line running parallel to the wall. She paused for an instant to compose herself for the next attempt.


“Run little slut,” urged Miss Vonn, advancing on her with the wand extended towards her naked buttocks.


Sarah launched herself forward, narrowly escaping further torture. She heard the sharp snap of electricity behind her as she sprinted for the far wall. She slowed down as she reached the middle of the room and made sure her footwork was clean and smooth. The half-naked body of the panting schoolgirl leaped up the brick wall. Sarah expended all her effort on defying gravity one more time, little was left to cushion her return to the hard wooden floor. The exhausted teens body fell upon itself. The heel of her right shoe pushed hard against her bare pussy and her left leg was splayed out beside her as she came to rest in a heap at the base of the wall. Sarah rested her forehead on her knee and took in a deep breath before looking up apprehensively.


A small blue light illuminated the bricks far above her head. Sarah mentally cheered for her efforts. She had only four more to go. She groaned as she rose shakily to her feet and jogged exhaustedly back to her teacher. As she crossed the hall she analysed her situation in a realistic light. She had only just managed to touch the pad on her last run. She had not even had the strength to stay on her feet afterwards. Could she truly do it again? Did she have the energy? Could she do it on her own or would she only find the fortitude to continue after her clit received further motivation? Surely she could only push her body so far, punishment or no. She would feel ashamed if she gave up only to be re-motivated to success by her teacher. Self-discipline, Miss Watson had said. Self-discipline was the most important kind of discipline for a slut.


Sarah focused on her breathing and pushed herself to run more smoothly. She had begun to flap her arms raggedly and stomp her feet. She tried to regain some of the fleet, fluid style with which she had begun the day. The tired young girl pushed off each step as if it was her first. She judged the jump perfectly, her nubile body flew through the air, her small delicate fingers failing to reach the pad. She was a full inch short. Sarahs heart almost broke as she realised her failure.


She ran dejectedly back to her teacher. Instead of turning back for another attempt Sarah stepped before Miss Vonn, spread her legs widely and reached gingerly to spread her pussy. She hated that she had to do this. She hated that she had, of her own choice, without direction, presented the most vulnerable and fragile part of her body to be abused. She knew the pain that was to follow. She knew that she would once again attempt the jump after her clit had been shocked. Sarah questioned whether she would rather succeed or fail once the extra motivation had been dealt to her tender bud. To succeed would show that she had not tried hard enough. To fail would surely mean further pain.


“Good girl Porter. Do you think that you can complete the task that was set for you?” queried Miss Vonn, the evil black wand swishing casually before her opened pussy.


Sarah had brightened imperceptibly at the praise but thought hard on the question posed by her teacher. Could she finish? If she tried again and failed what would that mean?


“Yes Maam,” Sarah replied hesitantly, still not sure if the decision had been the correct one. It simply remained to be seen how much further the threat of intense pain could force her to push herself.

“Good girl Porter. Resilience and fortitude are extremely important to a slut. This is no different than a good hard gangbang really. Working hard on that seventh or eighth cock will also require you to search deep within yourself for energy to continue to serve with as much enthusiasm and vigour as if they were your first. Of course your efforts will be motivated by the reward of one more load of sweet cum instead of by pain. Your natural aptitude and appetites are clear but you are just a raw little slut. I dont think it will take long for your predilections to be cultivated into something beautiful. But come, we had best get you moving again.”


Sarah tensed as the devilish plastic wand swooped towards her spread lips, homing in on her exposed clit. Pain exploded in her pussy before the loud crack of the shock registered. Sarah curled up into a ball, squatting on her heels and hugging her legs like a little girl. The abused teen rocked her youthful body gently, desperately trying to ride through the pain. She stepped gingerly back to position, her movements slow and uncertain. As she gently gripped her pussylips and parted them carefully, she was rocked by a powerful blow to her left buttock.


“Run slut, stop playing with your cunt and light it up,” bellowed Miss Vonn.


As Sarah sped away from her, the imprint of a hand was clearly visible on the naked ass of the petite schoolgirl. Sarahs behind was now a patchwork of marks: the deep red welts of Miss Watsons cane, the bright pink handprint she had just felt and the thinner darker stripes from Miss De Witts plastic cane that patterned her thighs, worked together to colour her pale flesh with the hallmarks of a slut in training. Miss Vonn nodded appreciatively. This little slut had a lot to learn but there was something about her. The gym teacher knew she would do well, she had the spirit of a slut. She didnt know it, and no doubt she would fight it, but it was as clear as day to the experienced teacher and the experienced slut alike.


Sarah sprinted and leaped, almost without thinking. She was in a daze, not only from the pain but from the entire situation. She was alone with her teacher, half naked and forced to perform a task all her classmates had completed with apparent ease. It was well after school had ended and she was the only girl still being taught. What was wrong with her? All these thoughts flashed through her mind in an instant. She soon found herself at the base of the wall, desperate to see a blue light. Tears rolled down Sarahs dainty cheeks as the wall above her remained dark. She trotted grimly back to Miss Vonn.


Sniffling, Sarah took a wide stance, straightened her body and pushed her hips to her teacher. She reached down and spread her sex with grim determination. She had failed. Even after she had assured her teacher that she would not, she had failed. Sarah was fully prepared for what was to happen. She was unsure if she could stand it but she would do her best not to disappoint her teacher further.


“Porter, Porter, Porter,” said Miss Vonn admonishingly, shaking her head as she spoke. “You lied to me. I appreciate that you wanted to do well but a slut must know her limits. Making a promise you cannot keep is a guaranteed way to disappoint and is most deserving of punishment. Well little one, you have definitely disappointed me. Your failure is not forgivable, nor are your lies but your spirit has charmed me. You will still receive a shock for each incomplete attempt but I think that providing you with an infraction for each one may be unnecessary. You have to show me that you agree however.


“You have one chance and one chance only. You will eat my pussy for four minutes. If you can gift me with an orgasm in that time it will prove that your failure was a physical one and not one borne from lack of discipline, disrespect or laziness. How does that sound to you Porter.”

“Yes please Maam. I will do anything. Please Maam I meant no disrespect,” Sarah blurted.


She desperately wanted to be back with her classmates. Miss Vonn was not Miss Rice but she was pretty and had a beautiful athletic body. Today was the first day Sarah had ever touched another pussy. She had never eaten a pussy before, she had never even thought about it before today. Sarah hoped that the experience of having Mitchell eat her own pussy in biology class and the instructions Miss Rice had given her would help her accomplish her task now.


She needed this. She needed to show Miss Vonn that she was not disrespectful. She did not think she could have four more strokes of the cane added to her already numerous infractions. She was really going to do this. She was going to place her mouth on a womans vagina and pleasure her. A shiver ran through her body as the nervousness she felt twisting her insides.


"Begin slut. Your time will start when your tongue touches my pussy."


Sarah  dropped to her knees before her teacher. She instinctively spread her legs wide into the proper kneeling position. Miss Vonn still had her belt with the wand holster and her gym shorts on. Sarah shuffled closer to her teacher, careful to keep her legs wide and her pussy exposed. She had not been told to do it, and she did not enjoy the position, but had felt it was the correct thing for her to do.


She reached out gently to her teacher and unclipped the strap holding her belt together. The waist of the belt opened allowing Sarah to slide the loops around each of her teachers thighs and down the well-muscled legs. Miss Vonn stepped out of the belt harness as Sarah reached her feet. The obedient teen placed the harness to one side. With a little more assurance Sarah reached up to remove her teachers tight gym shorts. Miss Vonn watched her quietly. The silence unnerved the schoolgirl but the fact that her teacher had not interrupted or corrected her meant she was acting appropriately. She delicately grabbed the waistband of the shorts with her fingers and gently pulled the tight garment down. Once Miss Vonn had stepped out of the small shorts, Sarah folded them neatly and placed them with the harness.


The teacher was impressed with Sarah's behaviour so far. The care and respect she showed by folding her shorts was a clear indication to Miss Vonn that Sarah had the makings of an excellent slut. She would make her owner very happy.


Miss Vonn stepped once to her right, spreading her legs substantially, opening her cunt to the young girl kneeling before her. Sarah focused on her teachers bare sex, afraid to look Miss Vonn in the eye. Her teacher's pussy was only small. Her pussylips were thin and lay tight against her body, her inner lips poking visibly between them. Her teacher's pussy was bare like hers, but above the slit the thick hair had been neatly trimmed into two perfect circles and trimmed close to the skin. The smaller circle, just above her teacher's slit was only the size of a dime, the circle above was much larger, maybe twice the size. Sarah pondered the significance of this configuration. Whatever the reason, it looked quite pretty.


From the moment Sarah spotted the jewellery, however, she was fascinated. A small silver ring pierced Miss Vonn's clit hood. A tiny silver H dangled from it, sparkling in the gymnasium lights. Sarah had heard of people getting their bodies pierced. She had seen the emo kids with metal all over their face. She had seen Rascal in biology with a ring through her nose like a cow. But piercings in the pussy was something that shocked and intrigued her. How much did it hurt? What did it feel like when you were wearing panties? If she could have she would have asked hundreds of questions. But she had a job to do.


Sarah shuffled forward a little more, until her face was only inches from her teachers warm flesh. She noticed something past Miss Vonn's pink lips. A large sparkling diamond ringed by a thin band of silver sat where her teachers asshole should be. Miss Vonn was wearing a plug up her ass. A plug with a beautiful diamond embedded in it. Sarah's mind spun. Miss Vonn had taken their class with something inside her ass! Was this the same thing that Rascal wore? How could someone move and indeed run with something like that inside of them. Had she been wearing it all day?


Sarah snapped herself out of the shock-induced daydream. She had a task to complete. Perhaps the most important thing she had to do all day. It was up to her and her alone to bring pleasure to a superior. The ultimate pleasure, she had to make her teacher come. She took a deep breath and steeled herself for what she was about to do. She was going to actually eat another woman's pussy. Not just a gentle lick as she had done in biology. She would have to use her mouth and her tongue and her lips to get her teacher to orgasm. Even after everything that had happened to her that day, the bewildered teen had trouble accepting what she was about to do.


The obedient schoolgirl closed her eyes once to mentally prepare herself. Ok. Sarah opened her eyes and pressed her mouth against her teachers waiting pussy. She heard a little click above her but did not wish to lose focus and worry about it. The taste of Miss Vonn was unlike her own or Taylor's or Ozawas. It was strong and pungent but not entirely unpleasant. It reminded her of one of the hard cheeses her stepfather used to eat with his wine. It was extremely expensive and Sarah amused herself by sneaking slices when he wasn't looking.


She knew she was fighting the clock and her own inexperience and tried to remember what Mitchell had done to her and how amazing that had felt. She hoped enthusiasm could make up for her lack of technique, even if it was not real. Sarah placed her whole mouth over Miss Vonn's pussy, enveloping her lips and clit. Her bottom lip rested against the warm metal of the plug in her teacher's ass.


Sarah darted her tongue inside the moist opening. She was rewarded immediately by a moan from Miss Vonn. She began to move her tongue in and out of the pussy, fucking it with quick, short licks. Her teacher grabbed her by the ponytail and ground her face into her pussy. Sarah moaned and continued to fuck her teacher with her tongue, her nose squashed against the small circles of pubic hair, depriving her of air. She dared not pull away and continued to focus on moving her tongue in Miss Vonn's wet cleft.


Just as the young girl became desperate for air Miss Vonn released her grip. Sarah took this opportunity to lick her teachers glistening slit from top to bottom. She tasted the metallic tang of the ring and small charm. She shifted her attention to the clit that was marked by the jewellery. She had a short time in which to make her teacher come and she knew the clit was the best way to accomplish it.


Sarah flicked her tongue across the tiny red button, now exposed as the hood retracted slightly. She placed her mouth over the clit and sucked gently, continuing to dart her tongue across the hard bud. Miss Vonn groaned constantly as the eager schoolgirl teased her clit. Again Sarah's head was seized and forced sharply into her teachers crotch. She tried hard to keep her hands behind her back as she fought for air, the urge to reach up and push herself away almost overwhelming. She knew the time must be running out and tried to ignore everything but her mouth on her teachers cunt.


Sarah's attentions were rewarded by the increasingly hard grinding of her teacher's hips. Miss Vonn was thrusting her pussy towards Sarah's mouth, seeking the hot, moist source of her ecstasy. Sarah almost stopped sucking the rock hard clit when she felt the now familiar fluttering in her belly. At almost the same time she noticed her own hips grinding slowly in time with her teachers.


Sarah's head was rudely yanked away from the comforting warmth of Miss Vonn's pussy. Her teacher twisted her head to one side and pointed it up to face her.


"Stick your tongue out and keep it out slut," snarled Miss Vonn.


Sarah stuck her tongue out obediently. The mystified teen didn't have time to react as the shock wand flicked towards her face. She saw it only at the last moment and by then it was too late. Pain erupted in her tongue. It felt like a hot coal had been dropped in her mouth. Her head flew back but the vicelike grip of her teacher held her in place. She was drawn back to Miss Vonn's waiting pussy and the abused teen immediately continued to eat. Every movement of her tongue brought a fresh pain, as if a needle was constantly pricking the tender organ. Sarah doubled her efforts, sure now that her time was almost up.


"You have three more shocks," Miss Vonn groaned as Sarah's attention brought her close to the peak of an orgasm.


Sarah licked her teacher's clit desperately. She thought only of pleasing Miss Vonn, even the residual pain in her tongue and the fear of the punishment to come could not divert her attention. Sarah was now raising her hips in sync with each thrust of her teacher's pussy. Small moans escaped Sarah's lips as Miss Vonn groaned in ecstasy. She could sense the nearness of the orgasm. She ground her mouth into the wet cunt, lost in the moment.


Miss Vonn, slid the plastic wand into the shoulder strap of her top and grasped the sides of the young girls nodding head with both hands. Sarah lapped her teachers cunt with abandon. In moments she was rewarded by a sustained moan from her teacher, strong legs quivered as her body was wracked by a powerful orgasm. Sarah continued to suck the juice from Miss Vonn's pussy, not daring to stop. She felt as if she was attached to the wet slit. She would not stop until commanded to. The thought of what she was doing had long ago left her. The dazed teen had given herself to the pleasure of the moment, taking pleasure from giving pleasure.


"Suckle my inner lips slut. I like that after I have come," moaned Miss Vonn, the satisfaction clear in her voice.


Sarah obediently shifted her focus to the wrinkled inner lips of her teacher. She dutifully drew them into her mouth and rolled her tongue over the two tiny soft flaps of flesh. She kept her mouth closed over her teachers pussy as she played with the lips, suckling them gently. Sarah took a great solace from the contented moans that came from her teacher.


"Okay Porter you have had your fun. You may lick me clean and then dress me."


As she let the tender lips leave her mouth she pulled them out from her teacher's body and watched them dart back up into the safety of their neighbours. She smiled at the sight, wide enough for her dimples to form. Sarah licked the pussy before her without thinking, cleaning all traces of her saliva and her teachers watery juice from the satisfied cunt. It was not until she reached for her teacher's clothes that she came to her senses.


She realised not only what she had just done but also how she had reacted. Her face flushed crimson as her behaviour caused a wave of humiliation to pound upon her as an almost physical force. She hung her head as she unfolded her teacher's shorts. There was no way she could look Miss Vonn in the eye after this. She had seen her smile as she played with her pussylips, no doubt she had seen Sarah grind her own pussy as she ate her teacher's with a desperate vitality.


"I am not sure who enjoyed that more Porter," Miss Vonn laughed. "Well of course I did but I think you came very close. And that is only as it should be. A slut derives pleasure from giving pleasure. It is not uncommon for a slut to come when she causes those using her to orgasm. Of course that is only if the slut has been granted permission."


Sarah listened to her teacher talk as she slid her shorts up her legs and seated them snugly against her pussy. She adjusted the waistband and made sure the tight shorts sat smoothly and comfortably on her teacher. The kneeling teen slid her hands around her teacher's buttocks, smoothing the wrinkles in the tight material, trying her best to do the right thing without appearing to take liberties with her teacher's body. Sarah was amazed at the intimacy of the act of dressing her teacher. She could not explain why but it felt a lot more personal and exciting than when she had undressed her.


Miss Vonn stepped into the belt harness when Sarah offered it to her and waited as Sarah slid it up her muscled legs, finally clipping the harness and adjusting the leg loops to their correct position.


"You made a mess on my floor little slut," observed Miss Vonn.


The gym teacher squatted in front of Sarah and reached for her pussy. Sarah bit her lip to hold back a moan as her teacher's rough fingers scraped the entrance to her pussy. Miss Vonn brought her hand in front of Sarah's face, showing the young girl the large glob of thick white cream. The fingers came to rest only inches from her face and Sarah, remembering her training,  dutifully opened her mouth.


"So eager little slut. You are lucky Porter. I'm not a lesbian, so you can indeed have the pleasure of consuming your own cunt cream," said Miss Vonn, gently placing her fingers in Sarah's waiting mouth.


Sarah licked her thick cream, swirling her tongue over and between the two strong fingers. She sucked as Miss Vonn removed them from her mouth, making sure the digits were clean. The teacher wiped the remaining moisture on Sarah's hair as she stood up. The strong aftertaste of her own sexual secretions lingered in the young girls mouth. This taste was rapidly becoming familiar to her. It was not the fact that she tasted bad that made her blush with shame, in fact she found her cream to have a pleasant taste, which only added to the disgust she felt for herself.


If this day was anything to go by her pussy would produce copious amounts of cream when aroused and it was her duty as a slut to clean up all fluids, either from herself of from those she was servicing. She had never tasted herself before today. She had never contemplated doing so. Now she had not only eaten her own pussy juice but she had discovered that she liked the taste.


"Clean up your mess slut," commanded Miss Vonn.


Sarah shuffled backwards until she could see the small puddle of cream she had left on the polished wooden floor of the gymnasium. She leant her body slowly towards the floor. She had to be careful and move slowly as her hands were behind her back and could provide no help in stabilising her body as her weight shifted. Sarah spread her legs wide in a search for a more balanced position.


As soon as her mouth was close to the floor she flicked her tongue out to clean up her cream. She did little more than push the large blob of thick liquid around the floor. This was a lesson she should have learnt in her cock-sucking class. Sarah pursed her lips and started to suck her cream noisily from the floor. The loud slurping sounds made her cringe inside but she continued cleaning the floor. It did not take long for the small puddle to disappear into her mouth. Now her tongue would be effective, to clean up the last remnants and make sure the floor was as clean as possible.


Sarah could taste something other than herself and it was not until a small piece of grit got caught under her tongue that she realised that she was cleaning a floor. Cleaning it not only of her pussy juice but also of any dirt and dust that had accumulated. The prone teen was not sure what was causing her more distress, the demeaning act of cleaning a floor with her tongue, a floor that countless schoolgirls had run across just that day, or the shame she felt from slurping up her own juice.


Once the floor was clean and glistening with a shine from her saliva, Sarah jerked her body upright and settled back into a correct kneeling position and waited obediently for Miss Vonn to direct her. The moment her body was erect Miss Von stepped casually behind the kneeling teen.


Sarah's world turned upside down. She felt a tight pressure around her neck and her body was thrown backwards. It was all over in a second. The bewildered teen was on her back with the hard body of Miss Vonn underneath her. The thick, muscled arm of her teacher was wrapped tightly around the shocked schoolgirls neck, making it difficult for her to breathe. The intensely strong gym teacher had wrapped her legs around Sarah's and forced them open.


Sarah squirmed instinctively for a second but she did little more than wriggle her torso. The dazed schoolgirl did her best to relax into the position her gym teacher now held her in. Pain exploded in Sarah's pussy a moment before she heard the loud crack of the shock wand. A strangled gurgle burst from her throat. Three times in quick succession the wand found her most tender area. The top of her slit, the plump meat of her left cuntlip and the delicate skin of the crease between thigh and crotch all received the tip of the wand and the resultant shock.


Sarah threw her body into contortions but Miss Vonn's grip held strong. She barely moved though her hands flew to her pussy in a foolish attempt to protect it from further torture. Sarah's face had become bright red as Miss Vonn tightened the lock around her neck.


"Lie still slut. You will not be released until you lie still," Miss Vonn breathed into her ear.


Sarah fought the panic as her vision began to blur and quietened herself as best she could. Her mouth gasped for air and her hands tensed as she felt herself begin to lose consciousness. Miss Vonn released her grip once her body had finished squirming. She threw Sarah to one side like a ragdoll.


"Attention slut," bellowed Miss Vonn as she undulated her body and flipped herself to her feet.


Sarah gasped for breath, taking deep lungfuls of air inside her. Breathing had become everything to her. She had heard her teacher's command but it had sounded garbled to the distressed young girl sprawled in a heap on the gym floor, it had buzzed around inside her mind, nagging her. Sarah continued to gasp and pant but she slowly dragged herself to her feet.


Once she was upright her body moved to attention almost without thought. Stars danced in the schoolgirls vision, and her chest heaved, but the annoying feeling of doing the wrong thing had faded. It was something she had often felt in the past: when she had failed to do her homework or forgotten a chore at home. She was glad that this time it was so easy to rid herself of the terrible goading that had plagued her for hours in her previous life.


"Our lesson is concluded Porter. You have quite the talented little tongue. That patch of floor is the cleanest in the entire gymnasium. Maybe you should come back after dinner and clean the rest of the gym as well, hmmm. Would you like that Porter?"

"If it would make you happy Ma'am," Sarah replied between gasps.

"Now Porter, a charming sentiment but a noncommittal one. You did not answer the question asked of you. Do so," commanded Miss Vonn sternly.

"No Ma'am," Sarah replied anxiously. She would clean the gym floor with her tongue, she knew that all Miss Vonn had to do was give her that direction. But she would not enjoy it and Sarah could not bring herself to tell the lie that she would.

"If you are the only slut to not complete an exercise in my class again then that is exactly what you will be doing. Dismissed."


Sarah was still a little dazed from the end to the lesson. Everything after licking her pussy cream from the floor was a blur for the bewildered teen. Her mind was trying to catch up to the present, trying to put the last two minutes into some semblance of order. The teacher had tackled her with some kind of wrestling move and held her helpless while administering the remaining shocks she had earned. Sarah did not want to feel the terrifying power of her gym teacher again. Miss Vonn's muscles were like corded steel and the petite schoolgirl had been like a puppet in her grip.


Sarah curtsied to Miss Vonn and scrambled to the wall and the welcoming protection of her uniform. She was relieved to be finally finished with her lessons for the day, relieved that she would be leaving the presence of Miss Vonn, who she now held in some fear, relieved to be able to put her uniform back on, to finally have her bottom half covered.


As Sarah dressed she was again struck by how much her uniform had come to mean to her over the course of a day. The covering may have been meagre, with the tiny panties and half-cup bra, and the blouse may have kept her nipples maddeningly hard, but she felt so much safer when she was wearing it. Even her collar, which was a constant reminder of her servitude, felt part of the uniform now. Even when the rest of her clothing had been taken from her and she had been naked while forced to perform a task or be used for demonstration the collar had remained.


At first her collar had caused her a great deal of distress. It had been the final nail in the coffin of her old life. When Sarah thought about it now she was amazed at how her feelings towards the hard metal circlet had changed. Not only was the feel of her collar always present, the contact points changing as she moved, but the tiny metallic tinkling of the ring inset in the front was a sound that followed her everywhere. It was a part of her uniform now, a part of who she was as a student of Trinity house.


Sarah clipped her tie to her blouse then reached up and touched her collar. The metal was warm and unforgiving. She quickly brought her hands back to her sides. She was not sure if she was allowed to touch her collar in that way. The possible breach of the rules reminded her of where she was. She needed to get back to her classmates. She glanced at the clock on the wall above the door as she leaned down to scan her eartag. It was 6.15. Dinner was in 15 minutes! Sarah scurried out of the gymnasium and through the gym, not even noticing the multitude of girls exercising on the various machines.


Sarah walked as quickly as she dared. She glanced at the open doorway of the food hall as she passed it, aware that she would be back here in ten minutes time. She ignored the other girls as she desperately made her way to her dorm, still dazed by her recent experience. She had just had her first real sexual encounter. And it had been with a woman, a teacher. She still could not quite believe what she had done. She couldnt quite remember how it had happened, all she knew was that she had not fought at all. She had meekly accepted her fate, doing as she was told. She was still having trouble accepting the way she behaved. She was halfway up the stairs from the ground floor when her name was called. Sarah turned resignedly and descended the stairs to stand at attention in front of her handler.


"Porter what are you doing in the corridors after class has ended," Harper questioned angrily.

"I am going to the dorm Miss."

"Don't get smart Porter. Where is the rest of your house?"
"I don't know, I think they are already in the dorm."
"Once again Porter why are you in the corridors after class. I won't ask you a question a second time again. You also just earned yourself an infraction, you are not to answer a question in that manner."
"I was kept behind in class Miss," replied Sarah dejectedly. Why could she not do anything right. I am a slut, I am a slut, she chanted to herself. She realised what she was saying to herself but she vowed never to say 'I don't know' as long as she lived.

"Why were you kept behind?"
"I failed an exercise Miss Vonn set in the make-up time we earned Miss."

"Im very disappointed in you Porter. I want to hear all about it during your briefing tomorrow. Now get to your dorm. Dinner is in less than seven minutes and you will not be allowed down if you are not in your dorm when the bell rings. Move it. And don't dawdle Porter."


Sarah turned and stepped quickly up the stairs. She increased her speed once she turned the corner and was out of sight of the rest of the school. Only Trinity girls came up here. Sarah rushed across the landing and up the next set of stairs. She turned into the corridor leading to the dorm, now only 20 metres from her destination. The anxious schoolgirl almost ran the final distance. She breathed a sigh of relief when she scanned her eartag as she entered the Trinity dorm. It was the first time the beep of the scanner had not made her feel worthless. She had the chance to glance once around the room, noting her classmates clustered together in one tight huddle before Miss Peach interrupted the scene.


"Line up. Dinnertime."


Sarah had made it in time but she had no chance to talk with her classmates. She wondered what they had been talking about while she had been exhausting herself and licking her teacher's pussy in the gymnasium. She hoped for a chance to catch up with Murphy during dinner and afterwards. She took her place in line and waited for the dinner bell,  having only seconds to wait before the muted electronic tone echoed throughout the dorm. She had made it with less than a minute to spare. Sarah could not decide if she was extremely lucky or terribly unlucky or if luck even played a part at all.


"Move off," commanded Miss Peach. 


 The girls of Trinity house made their way quickly and quietly to the food hall. Sarah was ravenous, having eaten nothing since the small salad at lunch. Well nothing substantial, she corrected herself, thoughts of eating her teachers pussy and her own pussy cream brought a flush of scarlet heat to her face. Why was she even thinking of these things? Something as innocent as looking forward to a meal was now subjected to the interruptions of her slut training.


The two neat lines of schoolgirls negotiated the stairs with much more aplomb after their extra lesson with Miss Watson. The formation managed to stay tight and clean and each girl was gratified by this small success. Sarah felt good that they had all managed to learn and work as a team. These girls were going to be her friends until graduation and working together was important.


The sound of hundreds of chattering schoolgirls filtered up from the ground floor. As her line rounded the corner to the last set of stairs Sarah could see a sea of girls filling the corridor below. Olsen and Mitchell began to descend but stopped a few steps from the bottom. The press of teenage flesh was like a wave rushing towards the doors of the food hall. There did not appear to be anywhere for the girls of Trinity house to enter the manic fray.


Sarah waited patiently and watched as the tide of uniformed girls finally began to ebb. Olsen and Mitchell took their chance and entered the corridor. Sarah soon followed Murphys bobbing form down the last few stairs and was glad to be on level ground again. Standing at attention on the narrow stair had been a precarious undertaking. It was only as the lines attempted to move to the left hand side of the corridor, to be closer to the doorway to the food hall, that Sarah noticed that Mitchell was wearing her blouse. She was happy for Mitchell, it would have been utterly humiliating, well beyond anything they had already suffered, to be forced to eat in front of the rest of the school with her udders exposed.


An odd feeling struck Sarah as she thought of Mitchell topless before the rest of the school. The girls from the other houses, the normal girls, were a very different entity; one which she had never really thought about too much. They were not like the staff of Harkwood, who knew of the low status of the Trinity students and who knew of their training regime. The hundreds of Harkwood students not in her house were normal, happy girls. They held a power over Sarah. She realised that what these girls thought was important to her. She did not quite understand why, but it was a realisation that she was not happy with. The thought of having her body, or her new life, exposed to these girls was a horror that Sarah felt deep in her chest.


Her thoughts were interrupted as she neared the open doorway to the food hall. Her stomach grumbled as the wondrous aromas of the myriad main courses wafted towards her. This first day of class had been a long and exhausting one. As she had rushed back to her dorm all the young girl had wanted was a shower and then to fall into a blissful sleep but the first scent of food had flipped her priorities, she no longer thought about sleep. All she could think of was filling her belly with some of the delicious food that she could smell. She could not see into the room as she was too far back in line. Olsen and Mitchell were waiting until they could get into the hall without obstructing any other students.


Girls were still trickling into the hall in small groups. The sounds of clinking cutlery began to filter out to Sarah. Her stomach grumbled again as she imagined filling her own belly with all her favourite meals. There was something strange about the sound of cutlery hitting plate. It took Sarah a few moments to pinpoint the perplexing feeling. The cutlery the girls were using was metal! Sarah had never thought about it before. The knives, forks and spoons that she and her Trinity housemates used were all plastic. How could something as tiny as this difference make her feel any smaller. She did not understand it but it made it no less humiliating. Everything she experienced now, reminded her that she was different; reminded her that she was a possession now. Chattel, they used to call it in the olden days she thought.


Finally they were on the move. Sarah realised her line was moving into the hall first. She felt a physical urge to brush against Mitchell as she passed the buxom girl but she fought the inappropriate feelings and focused on sticking with Murphy. Once inside, the mouth-watering aromas hit Sarah like tidal wave of sensation. She had never had this reaction to food before. Then again she had never been this hungry before. She risked a glance at a table as she passed. She noticed a thick, juicy steak on one girls plate and caught the barest of glimpses of an elaborate pastry dish on another. Sarah felt like licking her lips. Every minute they had to wait was like an eternity for the famished teen.


As they had at lunch, the girls of Trinity house lined up against the wall and waited as the latecomers walked past and joined the line ahead of them. Before they had a chance to move Mrs Lancaster came to address the house of dutifully waiting girls.


“This is your first dinner service. As such I am instructing you once and once only. Once the main meals have been served you will receive your first service call. You are to clear away all the main course dishes and then serve the dessert. Only one dessert is prepared per dinner service so there is no need for the students to line up. It is your duty to serve the desserts to the tables. Once the desserts are finished, you are to clear and clean the tables and chairs, place the chairs upon the tables and clean the floors.”


With that brusque soliloquy Mrs Lancaster turned and retreated back into the kitchen. Finally, after what felt like an hour to Sarah, her line began to move. It did not take long for her to collect her tray and receive her meal. She had mentally crossed her fingers, and toes, hoping for a steak. Instead a bowl of salad and a side plate of fruit had been unceremoniously placed on her tray. Once the opened bottle of water had been added she moved off to her assigned seat, shoulders rounded in resignation.


Sarah sat down on the small round stool next to Murphy and started to eat. The salad was delicious: a number of different types of lettuce, shredded carrot, pine nuts, mushrooms, beetroot. The chefs at Harkwood definitely knew their stuff, but it was not a steak. In fact there was no meat whatsoever in the dish. Sarah looked longingly at the table across the way as a pretty girl cut her steak and chewed it delightedly. The girl somehow sensed she was the object of attention and looked straight at her. Sarah dropped her eyes in alarm and focused on eating her own meal. She did not know how long she had to finish it this time.


She admonished herself for the jealousy she felt. She had been given a delicious salad. A salad designed to fulfil all her dietary needs. She should not be coveting the meals of other girls. Was this one of those things that she should bring to a superiors attention? Was this a show of disrespect for Mrs Lancaster and the kitchen staff? Sarah couldnt help herself. She had always loved meat. When the popular girls at school had all become vegetarians in one of their many passing fads, Sarah had laughed to herself. She could never survive without her steak, without her bacon or her spicy chicken wings.


Her classmates were all obviously as hungry as she was. Not a word was spoken at their tables as they quickly devoured the small salad and the plate of fruit. Honeydew melon, orange, plum and apricot slices were all sumptuously juicy and sweet and all disappeared in seconds. It was not until Sarah had cleared both her dishes of every last piece of food, and had emptied half her bottle of water, that she looked to Murphy for conversation.



“Yeah,”  the pretty Irish teen replied ambivalently.

“Whats wrong,” Sarah queried with concern. Her friend felt so cold towards her.

“Wha…” Murphy coughed in amazement. “Port are you fucking kidding me?” she hissed.

“I dont mean with that Murph, I mean with us. I, well today we…” Sarah was struggling to find the words to express her feelings. Now that she had the chance to talk to her friend, confusion and fear were making her tongue-tied. “Murph I just really want you to be my friend. I know today was hard and we did things that… But Murph I thought a few times that you hated me. Please Murph, I dont think I could stand that.”


Sarah poured her heart out to her friend, close to tears, desperate for her to understand the way she felt and why she said and did the things during class that day. Murphys face softened as she saw the distress Sarah was in. The strong facade that Murphy had witnessed, and misinterpreted, throughout the day had cracked.


“Port dont worry about it. Lets talk after dinner. You better finish your water,” Murphy advised, giving Sarah a big smile to let her know that their friendship was intact. She had a great many questions for Sarah that would need answering. They all had a lot to talk about that night. Each girl had to deal with her new life in their own way but the support they could give each other was sure to be invaluable in dealing with the trials to come.


Sarah sniffed back the tears that had threatened and reached for her water. Murphys smile had brightened her mood immeasurably. She was such a stunningly beautiful girl. Her eyes seemed to sparkle with starlight when she smiled. Sarah slowly drank the rest of her water, forcing herself to swallow the last few mouthfuls. She checked her tray just to make sure she had finished her meal. She did not want Mrs Lancaster to feel disrespected and she definitely did not want to earn another infraction.


Sarah turned to talk to Murphy again but was interrupted by Coxs hissed warning that the light was on. Almost as if they had choreographed the move, all eighteen Trinity house students stood and moved to their stations. Sarah glanced down both of her houses tables as she left, noticing with satisfaction that every single bowl, plate and bottle was completely empty.


As she threaded her way through the tables of schoolgirls, chatting as they ate, Sarah felt vulnerable again. The comforting presence of her classmates was gone and she was alone amongst a sea of strangers, girls who intimidated her by their mere presence. Intimidated her by the fact that they were not training to be sluts, they were not owned by someone. Her perception of the world and of her place in it had changed more dramatically in one day than she would have ever thought possible. She dare not meet the eye of girls who were younger than her, something she struggled with intensely. She kept her eyes on the tables and trays, not on the girls.


Sarah tried to ignore the snippets of conversation that came to her through the general cacophony of the food hall. So many of them were centred around Trinity house, and her in particular. That was only natural though, she told herself, she was the closest Trinity girl to these tables. Sarah was just thankful that the calm during her dinner had allowed her nipples to relax back to their normal state. They were not trying to pierce her blouse and that was a huge relief, not only physically as they had been aching for some time, but mentally as well. The humiliation of high-beaming in front of these girls was not something she wanted to deal with.


Try as she might she could not ignore the comments that drifted to her. The conjecture about exactly what Trinity house was for was often lurid and derogatory. The fact that they were troublemakers in need of discipline was not in doubt. It was the details that were talked about endlessly: the collar, the high heels, the separate seating and separate meals and separate classes and separate teachers. With each comment the pressure built inside her. She wanted to shout at these girls, tell them exactly what was going on. She wanted to scream at them that she was being trained as a slut, that she was being groomed to be her stepfathers slave.


Sarah remained silent, the only outward sign of her inner struggle the tightening of her jaw. Her stepfathers slave. The thought, once there, would not go away. Miss Watson had said that she didnt like to use that term but she was the possession of another person and that was slavery. She did not have a chance follow this train of thought. She saw that the girls at the tables around her had finished their main meals and she needed to get to work. She had not cleared a table while people remained seated before. At lunch the girls had already started to leave the tables before she cleared them. She would have to be extremely careful not to annoy anyone.


Sarah moved deftly between the seated schoolgirls, collecting trays and stacking them as best she could. After collecting only four trays she had to start heading to the counter. The different sizes of dishes and the seated girls prevented her from stacking up a whole table of trays this was going to take longer than she had expected. She tried to move a little faster, sure that those who were cleared last would not be happy if they had to wait too long with dirty dishes when their friends had none.


For the next five minutes the eighteen girls from Trinity house scurried around the hall, clearing trays. Leaning down between two seated girls, making sure she did not touch either one, to gather the dinner trays became harder and harder. Her weary muscles began to fatigue from the strain of bending and lifting. Any other time she would have been able to perform this with no problems but the day had exhausted her and she was struggling to keep speed with the other girls. To make matters worse the bending and shuffling had caused her nipples to harden once again. She cursed her tight blouse as the giggling of the girls became apparent. Sarah didnt think it could get worse when, as she reached down between two girls, her positioning was not the best and her breasts brushed a shoulder, her hard nipples glancing across the arm of the seated schoolgirl.


“Ewww,” the startled girl said in disgust.

“Sorry Miss,” Sarah replied quietly, hoping the incident would not be forgotten.


She hurried away with her trays, thankful that these were the last that needed to be cleared from the tables in her section. She would have to return to serve the dessert but she would make sure she came nowhere near the girl she had touched. Her face burned with such intensity that she could have been mistaken for suffering from a deep fever. The girls horrified response had humiliated Sarah to her core. Her nipples were unmistakable as she worked her way between the tables, they were no doubt the first thing anyone would notice when glancing in her direction. How could things so little, feature so prominently in her mind.


Sarah placed her last stack of trays on the counter top and waited for the desserts to be served. All the Trinity girls immediately stood at attention as they waited for the dessert trays to arrive. If this was their first service Sarah wondered what had happened at previous dinner meals. She would have to ask Murphy later. Well after she had asked her the hundred and one other questions that she was desperate to have answered.


She watched the kitchen staff prepare the desserts. It was a true marvel how they moved along the assembly line, organising 200 meals in so short a time. What was truly amazing was that the food was so excellent. Sarah had dined at fine restaurants that did not offer meals as delicious and well prepared. Her old school had served simple slop-food. Well that was what she liked to call it. Definitely not a high standard, though the students had never seemed to mind.


Mrs Lancaster gestured for the girls to come into the kitchen area and begin serving. Each girl was handed a tray with ten bowls of dessert, and ten gleaming square-shaped metal spoons. Sarahs mouth watered as she carried her tray back to her section. Each small bowl contained a slice of apple and caramel cheesecake that she was dying to try. The temptation to dip her finger in a slice and revel in the sumptuous flavours was almost too much. She snapped herself back to reality as she weaved to her section, taking especial care not to touch even a hair on the head of any of the seated schoolgirls.


Once at her section she placed the tray at the end of the table and quickly placed the bowl and spoon before each girl. When Sarah had to serve the girl she had poked with her nipples, she stood well back from the table and stretched her arm to its maximum length. Even with this effort both girls leaned exaggeratedly away from her to ensure they went unmolested this time.


Sarah heard the giggles and demeaning comments as she left the table with her empty tray. One girl had told her friend she had been lucky she hadnt lost an eye. The whole table erupted in laughter and Sarah hurried away, mortified by the ridicule. She had wanted to scream at them that it was not her fault but the humiliation quickly deflated any momentary anger. She had to be silent and accept her place. She would never be able to stand up to these girls. Never be able to set the record straight. What good would it have done anyway? What a sight she would have made: collared, face flushed scarlet with shame, nipples near to bursting holes in the stiff material of her blouse. No one could ever have taken her seriously. Anything she said would have been dismissed as the raving of some lunatic, trying to find a way out of the disciplined rehabilitation program. All the girls knew that Trinity house was the last chance for young offenders, girls who had passed well beyond the ASBOs they had no doubt been assigned.


Sarah finished serving the desserts without incident. She stood back at her station, positioning herself directly over the number on the floor, and waited for the ordeal to end. Being forced to stand and watch as the obviously sweet desserts were consumed was torture to for the still hungry young girl. The salad and fruit, while delicious, were not filling. Even the large bottle of water had not made her feel any more satisfied, though it did have an effect on her bladder. She needed to pee and once that thought had forced its way to the front of her mind it would not be quieted. Standing perfectly still, her legs spread, was quickly becoming an ordeal in itself. The more she tried to think of other things, the greater her need to pee became. The thought of crossing her legs leapt into her mind but was immediately dismissed.


Sarah took deep breaths, letting each one out slowly, and tried to focus on the schoolgirls seated in her section. A few had begun to drift out of the hall, the freedom with which they moved was a tantalising reminder to Sarah that her life was governed by others now. Once the delightful dessert was finished the girls did not tend to linger. It was almost as if a pre-arranged signal had been received, as almost all the remaining girls left together, though she had to wait for more than a minute to begin clearing her section as her path was blocked by exiting schoolgirls.


Sarah rushed to the counter, collected a tray and began clearing. She wanted to complete this task as quickly as possible, not only so she could empty her bladder and relieve the pressure that was quickly preoccupying all of her thoughts, but so she would have as much time as possible to talk to Murphy and the other girls. She needed to discuss what had happened to them all. She needed to know how her classmates felt about the change in direction their lives had taken.


She stacked every bowl from her section onto the one tray. The load was a risk, and one which she second-guessed as she walked carefully to the counter. With an audible sigh of relief she slid the tray along the countertop and collected a washcloth. Sarah stalked back to her section and immediately began to clean the tables and chairs. Once cleaned, she stacked the chairs neatly, as she had seen them the night before. She made sure that each one was lined up correctly with each other and with the table edge.

Sarah made short work of her section and began to help clean those around her. She had neglected to check the time but she felt that in less than ten minutes all tables were clean and the food hall had been transformed into a forest of plastic chair legs.


“To your seats,” called Mrs Lancaster as she surveyed the work of the Trinity students.


Sarah scrambled back to the tables assigned to Trinity house, noting that these were the only two tables that still contained the dinner dishes. Mrs Lancaster walked down each table surveying the empty bowls and bottles. The lesson had been learnt not one bowl or bottle contained a scrap of food.


“Trays to the front. First nine collect a dustpan and brush and clean the floor. Sweep from the wall inwards, starting from the front of the room. Second nine collect a mop and bucket and mop the floor and clean each area as it is swept. When the entire floor is clean remove your shoes and replace the equipment. To ensure the floor remains as clean as possible you are to stay on your toes, you will be inspected.”


With that Mrs Lancaster began to walk along the tables, closely inspecting each section. Sarah bused her tray and collected her dustpan and brush. She quickly staked a claim to a table and began to sweep the floor with the small hand brush, from the wall inwards. She was not sure exactly how she should accomplish this but she tried to think of everything she had been taught that day. She opted for simply bending from the waist. She knew this would place a strain on her already aching thigh muscles but the only alternative she could come up with was to squat down. She had to just trust her choice, if choice is what it was. She knew that this position would cause her skirt to ride up, possibly exposing her ass but squatting would have exposed her pussy so there was no escaping it either way.


Sarah shuffled backwards as she swept, collecting a small pile of dirt, dust and discarded food. Once past the table she swept the small pile into her pan before moving on to the next table and repeating the tiring, demeaning process. She began to flag as she swept her fourth table. Thankfully it was the last table at the far end of the room. She could see her classmates sweeping beside her or mopping behind her. Everyone was looking a little haggard. Her legs ached, beads of sweat had formed on her face and her head felt hot and bloated from the constant bending. As she swept the final pile of rubbish into her pan she gratefully straightened up and stood against the wall of the food hall.


Sarah was soon joined by her fellow sweepers. They did not have long to wait for the moppers to join them, they had been following extremely closely. The floor glistened under the bright neon lights. Sarah was proud of the job they had done. She was exhausted but a tiny smile danced on her lips as she surveyed the gleaming hall.


The clang of a mop handle hitting the wall next to her caused Sarah to jump. Shah was standing next to her, leaning over and unbuckling the straps on her shoes. Sarah looked to the other girls who had been ordered to sweep to see how they were accomplishing the task of removing their shoes while holding a dustpan and brush. She spotted Cox who had leaned her pan and brush on the top of a mop bucket near her and had already taken one shoe off. Sarah hurried to do the same.


In moments she had both her shoes off, holding them in her left hand by the ankle straps and holding her pan and brush set in her right, making sure to keep the pan level. Spilling its filthy contents on the clean floor would be disastrous. She stood on her tiptoes and waited for someone to make a move. Thankfully Olsen started walking gingerly across the damp floor and was soon followed by the other sweepers. Sarah looked back to see Mitchell hand her shoes to Taylor so she could mop the area where they had just been standing, the last patch of floor to be cleaned.


By the time she reached the front of the hall, Olsen and Cox had already emptied their rubbish into the waiting bin, the large metal receptacle lined with a black plastic bag. When it was Sarahs turn she noticed, as she emptied her pan, that the bin contained the food scrapings from the entire school. She was dismayed to see some large chunks of steak in the bin. She would have given anything to have had a chance to eat a steak for dinner and some of these girls had not even finished theirs! Wasnt this disrespect to the cooking staff? It wasnt as if she would contemplate taking half-eaten food from anothers plate but here was food wasted that she was desperate to taste. It just wasnt fair.


“Wait outside. Kneel, leaning your head against the wall and I want both feet in the air, displayed for inspection,” directed Mrs Lancaster.


Sarah turned and made her way through the newly arrived mop-girls. The jealousy she had felt towards the students from the other houses remained with her as she left the food hall. It just wasnt fair. Why was she being trained as a slut, being told what to eat, where to go, how to stand, and not them. Miss Watson had said that every woman was a slut, just that most didnt realise it. Why was every girl in the school not being taught the same thing then? Deep down she knew why and she understood, it was just the sight of the juicy steak meat, discarded without thought, wasted by the privileged girls, had temporarily clouded her judgement.


Once in the corridor Sarah joined her classmates kneeling close the wall of the corridor. She placed her shoes on the floor beside her and knelt down in front of the wall and gently leaned her forehead against the cool plaster. She shifted her weight forward and lifted her lower legs off the ground, displaying the underside of her feet for inspection. She could feel a slight dampness on the ball of her foot, where her sock had absorbed some of the moisture that lingered on the clean hall floor. She hoped that she had managed to stay on her tiptoes. All thoughts of jealousy and lack of fairness evaporated at the thought of earning yet another infraction. She knew a detention was in her future and she feared that the infractions she had earned this day would mean it was only the first of many.


She waited for all her classmates to join her, the pressure building in her knees. Her weary body was struggling with what she was sure would have been an easy position. The muscles in her belly tensed as she tried to keep her body from slumping against the wall. Her calf muscles burned as she held her feet off the ground, with her toes pointed towards the opposite wall so Mrs Lancaster could inspect the bottom of her socks. Sarah began to beg Mrs Lancaster to hurry. She was deathly afraid of dropping the position and earning further infractions. The distressed teen heard movement behind her and hoped it was the head of the kitchen and not merely more of her classmates finally joining the line of kneeling schoolgirls.


“Once inspected you may rise and dress. Once the inspection is complete you will proceed directly to your dormitory. First Ozawa and Hinka. There are inconsistencies in your sections. Fix them now.”


Sarah heard the two girls named, scramble to their feet and re-enter the food hall. Once standing their movements were concealed by their soft white socks and their continued tip-toeing. She knew they had left by the soft tinkling of their collar rings, which made her once again conscious of her own. She thought on it only briefly however as her legs began to drop slightly as the strain from holding them elevated became too much for her exhausted muscles. She fought with every ounce of willpower to keep her legs lifted but her energy was fading fast.


She almost sighed with relief when she heard Mrs Lancaster and the two girls return. Her body had begun to tremble and she was sure she would lose the position within moments. Sarahs world narrowed. Her focus contracted. She thought only of her own body, desperately trying to wring every last ounce of strength she had into holding the strenuous position. She was startled by a gentle pat on her head. Mrs Lancaster moved past her, continuing the inspection as Sarah dragged herself gratefully to her feet. She stepped into her shoes and buckled the ankle straps of her four inch heels, safely securing them once again.


Sarah moved to stand at attention, her movements slower and less crisp than she would have liked. She could not take much more today. She needed to rest. She just needed to lie down for ten minutes to gather herself. The overwhelmed teen stood as if in a trance. It was not until Mrs Lancaster walked past her that Sarah noticed that Cox was still kneeling on the floor. Sarah glanced at pretty Americans feet and noticed a damp spot on her left heel. She felt sorry for the girl but she could not spare too much sympathy. They had all been given the same orders and Sarah was sure no one had endured as much as she had during the day and she had managed to follow orders. Sarah instantly regretted thinking this way. After all, she had endured so much due to her own failures. Sarah could guarantee that no one had anywhere close to the number of infractions she had accumulated over the course of the day.


“Cox, Hinka, Shah, Taylor and Casta. One infraction. Dismissed,” said Mrs Lancaster brusquely. She did not wait for any kind of response, disappearing back into the food hall.


The named girls remained kneeling for a few seconds before scrambling to their feet and taking their place in the formation. The two lines of Trinity girls were facing away from the stairwell that would take them back to their dormitory and Olsen took the lead and stepped once to her right, gently brushing the arm of Mitchell who quickly followed suit. The two girls then turned 180 degrees. The rest of the class followed their lead and performed an about face as they had been taught that afternoon. It was an unexpected manoeuvre and somewhat sloppy but it was a sizable improvement on the chaotic milling about that changing directions had previously caused. In moments the two tight lines of schoolgirls were striding down the corridor, the security and limited freedom of their dormitory their much desired goal.


Their journey was without incident, the formation holding as they ascended the necessary stairs. Sarah longed to reach the dorm. The promise of a chance to relax and lie down or at least to sit, consumed her thoughts. A smile of relief lit up her pretty face as they turned the last corner and their destination was in sight. She stepped into the dorm, scanned her eartag and immediately moved to a platform to sit. She groaned quietly as her tortured muscles finally had a chance to rest. Soon all eighteen girls of Trinity house were sat on various platforms. Murphy had found Sarah and sat beside the visibly fatigued young girl. The mere presence of her friend was enough to help Sarah relax further.


“Port, you dont look so good,” Murphy observed in concern.

“Tired Murph, just tired,” Sarah replied smiling through her exhaustion. Her friend was here and she would finally have a chance to talk to her about the day.

“Port Im sorry if I gave you the impression that I was mad with you. Its just that sometimes it seemed like you were into it. You know, that you agreed with everything and were on their side.”

“Murph, there arent sides. I dont… Im just really confused,” Sarah stammered wearily.

“You dont believe that all women are sluts and deserve to be slaves do you?” asked Murphy incredulously.

“Murph, its not like that. What do you think you can do? This is just how it is.”

“How can you just give up?”

“What do you intend to do Murph? Are you thinking of trying to run away? Are you going to be a rebel and not do what you are told?”

“I dont know Port, but you cant give up,” Murphy said exasperatedly.

“Seriously, do you think you can stop any of this. Think about it, do you really think that?” Sarah said, tired of her friends tone but not wanting to start an argument. “Theyve been doing this for 200 years. You dont think they know every trick a girl could use to get out. You dont think they are prepared.”


The beautiful Irish teen paused and looked at her weary friend. She could see she was upset but who wasnt. All their lives had been destroyed and then rebuilt into a grotesque pastiche of submission, servitude and sexual perversity. Up until now she had remained strong. She realised now that it was all bravado. She didnt truly believe that there was any escape from this. Her life was now set on an inevitable course, she had simply been unwilling to let herself accept that fate. Escape? Not likely. They had all signed themselves away. They were monitored every second of the day and they were in a school that was more like a fortress. Anything they did to try and escape, any spectacle they caused, would simply be dismissed as the actions of an out of control troublemaker. The cover story was airtight. Harkwood had been training girls like her to be sluts for more than 200 years, what hope was there.


“Sorry Port, I have just been trying to be strong,” Murphy admitted, tears running down her milky cheeks.

“Murph I know its not something that you want to hear or face up to. None of us do. But Murph, some of it makes sense.”

“Oh Port come on,” Murphy said with surprise.

“Think about it. Just think about everything all our teachers have said. Can you honestly say some of it doesnt just fit, that some things just feel right?”

“No I fucking dont,” Murphy replied vehemently.

“So what? What are you going to do? I dont want to think I am a slut, but just look at today. Look at what my… Murph I am so confused.”


Sarahs bottom lip quivered. This conversation was not going how she had planned. She wanted her friend to tell her the right things, to tell her it would be alright. But Murphy was just as frightened and confused as she was. Maybe more so because even though she knew it was all inevitable, Murphy refused to accept that she was a part of this universal truth.


“Hey guys, you need to look at this,” hissed Taylor from the doorway to the shower room.


Sarah looked up dejectedly, afraid of what she might see. All the girls rushed to the doorway to see what Taylor was pointing at. Murphy got up to investigate but hesitated when Sarah remained seated. She reached back, grabbed Sarahs hand gently and pulled her to the doorway. A gentle squeeze of her hand was enough to make Sarah smile again, glad to have Murphy as a friend.


A number of the girls had entered the shower room, blocking the view momentarily as they scanned their eartags. Sarah followed Murphy inside and looked at what everyone was staring at. The hooks that had held their clothes bags now held bags of a very different kind. Upon each hook was a square bag of thick clear plastic, small black measuring lines were printed down one side. Each bag was half full of liquid, indicating a 1.5 litre capacity. Along the bottom edge of each bag a long tube projected from a small black socket. The tube was coiled around the hook as well but looked to be around three feet long. Eight inches from the end the smooth clear tubing was interrupted by a black oval protruding to the side. Each tube ended in what looked like a small deflated balloon attached to a slim silver nozzle.


The whole contraption looked a little like the portable camping shower Sarah had once used. She wasnt sure what it was for, considering the showers were only a few feet away. The thought of what was only a few feet away caused the urge to pee to strike Sarah with full force. She rushed towards the toilet. Even after all that had happened that day she was still not happy that the room was full of girls. Sarah just could not disconnect herself from the concepts of modesty and privacy.


She stopped as she reached the bank of four toilets against the far wall. She had never really had a chance to study them and they were like no other toilet she had ever seen. Instead of the rounded bowls she was used to, the long oval bowl was a little off-putting. What was more worrying for her was that there seemed to be no water in the bowl, instead there was what looked like a metal drain in the bottom. She was not sure exactly what to do. A small metal touchpad was set into the wall just behind the bowl. Sarah looked to Murphy for help. It was at that moment that Miss Peach entered the room. Sarah was glad she had not sat down yet, even though she was desperate to pee. Would she get in trouble for not standing at attention if she was peeing?


“What are you girls milling around in here for?” questioned Miss Peach before her eyes alighted on Sarah. “Ah Porter, what are you doing over there?”

“Um I need to pee Mistress,” Sarah replied meekly.

“Not true Porter. Dont make me ask again,” the housemistress said menacingly.

“I need to do a wee wee Mistress,” Sarah responded correctly, her cheeks colouring in shame.

“Do you know how to do that Porter?”

“Um, no Mistress,” said Sarah. She truly didnt know how to use this contraption. She cursed her timing, two minutes earlier and Murphy could have shown her.


“Gather around sluts. Not one of you has used these correctly since arriving. Now there are no more excuses. You may not have had a chance to read your manuals but that is simply not acceptable. This slut is going to demonstrate.”


Sarah heard a number of beeps from the doorway as the remaining girls scanned their tags as they gathered to watch her debase herself. Again she was being used as a tool for demonstration. The humiliation stung her deeply. Going to the toilet was something sacred and private. Now other people would be watching her. Not only watching but inspecting every movement she made. The breath caught in Sarahs throat and she almost began to panic at the thought.


“A slut removes any obstructing garments when using a toilet for any reason. Remove your skirt and panties and hang them on the hook provided,” directed Miss Peach.


Sarah removed her skirt in one swift motion, folding it slightly and placing it on the small hook she now noticed behind each toilet. She slid her panties down her legs and moved to place them with her skirt.


“Porter, turn those panties inside out. Spread them out, yes like you are making a star with your fingers. These are a sluts panties. Show them to your classmates Porter.”


Sarah spread the damp, stained crotch of her panties between her hands, pulling the small triangle of material taut. She stepped away from the toilet and showed her panties around the arc of her gathered classmates. The white panties were no longer white. Almost the entire crotch had been stained a deep cream colour and was still visibly moist. Sarah could not look her classmates in the eye, instead  keeping them focused on her stained panties.


“Hang them up Porter, we will deal with those in a little bit. To correctly sit while voiding herself a slut places one leg on either side of the bowl and lowers herself, keeping her cunt positioned above the drain.”


As Sarahs buttocks touched the cool porcelain of the bowl a bright light came on above her, illuminating the area around her with a soft white brilliance. Not only were people watching her go to the toilet but a spotlight would show her each time she did! Her face burned with a fever and tiny tears welled in her eyes, they were all she had left at the end of a long day.


“The slut ensures her legs are spread, back straight. Yes Porter, very much like a seated attention position. The slut will always seek permission prior to voiding her bladder,” said Miss Peach, watching Sarah expectantly. 

“Can I do a wee wee Mistress,” Sarah asked contritely.

“I am sure you can Porter but that is not the issue here,” sneered Miss Peach.

“May I do a wee wee Mistress,” Sarah corrected.

“Yes slut, you may.”


Sarah closed her eyes and pissed into the bowl. Her legs were widely spread giving every girl in the room a clear view of her pussy and the thick stream of urine that erupted from her. She kept her head up and focused on the belly of a girl in front of her. She kept her eyes deliberately unfocused as she continued to pee, not daring to face any of her classmates as she performed this private, and she thought, filthy act.


"Stop," commanded Miss Peach.


Sarah looked at the housemistress as she tried to stop the flow of urine. She desperately clenched the muscles of her pussy and belly. It took a couple of seconds for Sarah to completely stop the flow. Miss Peach frowned at her the entire time.


"A slut must learn control of her bladder. A slut pisses when she is told and expels only as much as her owner permits. During your training each time you are permitted to piss you will stop and restart five times. Each restart must be full discharge to be considered. Piss Porter."


Sarah stopped clenching her muscles and again let the yellow stream burst forth. She had not thought that she could have been ordered to perform any more degrading acts than those she had performed this day but being instructed how to pee and being told when to stop and start was something she had never imagined. 


"That is full discharge. Stop."


Sarah again clenched the muscles and attempted to stop the flow. It was no easier this time. The only difference was that she was not so desperate. She knew she could stop herself.


"Far too slow Porter. When you are told to stop doing something you don't decide you will take five minutes to do so. You will need to work on that. You have three more to go. Remember you must reach full discharge before stopping."


Sarah once again relaxed her muscles and let her weak yellow pee splash in the bowl below her. She waited a few seconds until she had what she hoped was a full flow and then stopped herself again. The distressed schoolgirl did her best to stop as quickly as she could. She was not used to doing this and it took her a few seconds, though measurably less than before. She hoped this little improvement would be noticed by Miss Peach.


Once stopped she held her muscles tense for a few seconds and began again. Twice more Sarah stopped and started peeing. She had moved her gaze back to the anonymous belly again,  letting her eyes un-focus and the room become hazy. It was her only defence against what was happening.


As the flow finally started to diminish Sarah felt a wave of relief wash over her. Not only because the pressure in her bladder had finally been relieved, and would remain so, but also because it meant her ordeal was coming to an end. The humiliated teen didn't know which she was happier about. Finally the flow became a trickle and then a few drops.


"Once a slut has completed she must then ensure her pussy is clean. A slut has a duty to make sure all her holes are clean and ready for use at all times. Once your training progresses you will learn to keep a reserve in your bladder. A slut may be called upon to piss on command and woe betide the slut who is unable to fulfil that command because she selfishly emptied herself.


"Porter reach behind you and find the control panel. There are two small metal touch buttons. Touch the one on the left. If a slut has positioned herself correctly the corresponding jet will cleanse her cunt of any traces of piss."


Sarah touched the small metal square and was rewarded with a stream of warm water on her bare pussy. The water only lasted a few seconds but the sensation was one Sarah did not think she would ever forget. It was actually quite pleasant. The warm water felt amazing on her delicate flesh.


"Now the second button. This will dry the slut's cunt to a satisfactory degree."

Sarah felt for the second button and brushed her fingertips gently across it. A draft of warm air blew across her wet pussy. This was what the blow dryer would feel like on her pussy she thought. The tepid breeze lasted for around five seconds and dried the largest of the water droplets that clung to her smooth lips.


"Once clean the slut stands and inspects the toilet. A slut must be sure not to leave any evidence of her behind. While your thoughts may be those of a filthy slut your actions must be those of a clean one."

Sarah raised herself from the bowl. She had expected the light that illuminated her to shut off but it remained on, spotlighting her every move. Sarah turned her back on her audience and bent over and inspected the bowl of the toilet. Nothing remained except a few droplets of clear water.


"Did you leave any mess behind Porter?"
"No Mistress."

"And that is how a slut pisses in a toilet. The etiquette for pissing elsewhere is in your manual and I suggest you read it. Porter now that you have a nice clean pussy I want you to try and clean those cunt stained panties as best you can before you put them back on."


Sarah reached for her panties, held them timidly and looked at Miss Peach for direction, hoping she had guessed her housemistresses intentions incorrectly. She saw Miss Peach's eyebrow raise questioningly and quickly popped her panties into her mouth. She had placed the crotch of her panties down so they rested on her tongue and immediately began to lick and suck the still damp material. The taste of her pussy was strong. It should not have been any surprise to Sarah. The small triangle of cloth had absorbed a day's worth of her juices. The taste was not as pleasant as her fresh cream. Though true, Sarah could not believe she had just made the qualification.


"Hands behind your back Porter. Continue cleaning those until you think they are ready to replace."


Sarah let the straps of her panties drop and placed her hands in the small of her back. She was now standing at attention, naked from the waist down with the white straps of her panties dangling from her mouth as she suckled her pussy juice from them. Her classmates had continued to watch her, unsure whether they had permission to leave or not.


It was now up to her how long her panties remained in her mouth. If she took them out too soon she could earn the displeasure of her housemistress. If she left them in too long it would look as if she simply enjoyed it. She continued to move her panties around in her mouth trying to reach every part of the small triangle of material with her tongue. If she could have taken them out of her mouth she could have judged how clean they were. As it was she had to rely solely on taste. Would the strong taste of her own juices lessen as she cleaned them? Was the taste a little less already?


"Porter you seem to have these sluts entranced. I don't think they are learning anything here though. Well nothing other than the fact that you like the taste of your own cunt. If any of you sluts wishes to piss remember that permission must be sought."


Miss Peach looked at the assembled girls, all of whom continued to watch Sarah.


"A slut does not piss while showering. You are all very lucky that the infractions for that activity are not retroactively enforced."


Miss Peach smiled as she left the room, sure that her last statement had given them all something to think about. She had known the little bitches had been pissing in the showers to avoid using the toilets. She had let it slide until now. The looks on the faces of her charges was worth the lack of enforcement. The fear and the realisation that their secret was no secret at all had been priceless.


Once Miss Peach left the room the girls relaxed. They started to drift away from the spectacle of Sarah and her panties and into the other room. Only Murphy and Mitchell stayed with the forlorn young girl. She was glad for the presence of her friend but a little mystified by Mitchell's choice to stay. Sarah kept working on her panties for a minute. She wanted to be sure that Miss Peach didn't think she took the panties from her mouth the moment she left. She wanted there to be no question that she had only removed them when she felt they were clean, as she had been told.


Her two classmates waited patiently, not saying anything, afraid that if they did it would upset Sarah even more. Eventually she removed her moist panties from her mouth. She spread them out before her. The stain was still there, it was too deep in the fibres, but the surface juice had been removed, replaced with her saliva. The panties were as damp as ever and would feel just as uncomfortable when she replaced them but at least they were much cleaner than before. Sarah untangled the straps of her panties and slid them up her legs. The damp material felt uncomfortable against her waxed pussy. She quickly put her skirt on and stood before her friends, fully clothed and much happier for it. Murphy instantly gave her a hug.


"I'm sorry Port. I didn't mean to be so hard on you before. It was just that you seemed to be more with the teachers than with us. I was wrong to think that."
"Thanks Murph but you are wrong to even think of the teachers as against us. You believe me don't you Murph. They are doing what is best for us. I don't like it any more than you do but this is just how it is.”

"I believe you Port," Mitchell said. "Can I call you Port?"

"Sure Mitch."

"I believe you too Port. It's just that it's so hard."
"You don't have to tell me."
"Sorry Port, you have had it the worst of all of us."

"But that's just it Murph, I have learnt the most too. I didn't want it to happen but it just did. Our teachers really want the best for us. We are being trained as sluts and they are trying to make us the best sluts. That's just it."


Mitchell and Murphy stared at Sarah. She was worried that she had gone too far. It was the first time she had said out loud what she had been thinking for a little while. It was a thought that had been forming since Miss Watson had revealed the truth of their existence that morning. It had not reached a concrete form until her time with Miss Vonn. The time her gym teacher had spent with her after class had been important to the impressionable teenager.


"Say something," Sarah finally said, frantic at the silence of the two girls.

"Ok Port, ok. I agree," Murphy said reluctantly.

"Me too Port. I agree too," Mitchell said enthusiastically. 

"Mitchell why are you here," Murphy said, turning on the busty teen.

"I..." Mitchell was at a loss for words.

"Mitch we have to be honest with each other. Remember Miss Watson said that a slut must always be honest. But with each other we just have to be," Sarah said with conviction.

"I like you Porter. I really like you. I don't really have any friends here, all the other girls avoid me. I know I'm not smart and Port you are really smart. You know what is going on. And... And kissing you was the best thing that has happened to me since I came here," Mitchell confessed in a rush.

"It's ok Mitchell. I like you too. I would like it if we were friends."

"Port I gotta tell you something. None of the other girls accept this. After class, when you were kept back, they were all talking about you. They think you really belong here but they don't. Some even talked about trying to leave."

"That's ok Murph. Please promise me that you will always tell me the truth. I'm not sure if every girl really is a slut but I do know that this is our life now and if you fight it, it's just going to be harder and harder. I don't think I can fight it. I think I am a slut."


Sarah had finally said it. And this time, for the first time, she said it with conviction. Her stepfather knew it, her teachers knew it and the fact that all her classmates thought so as well had been more than she could handle. She had confessed to her friends. More importantly she had finally allowed herself to accept it. It had taken her only one day. One day of training and she had succumbed. Surely that also showed that she was a slut. Even after admitting it to herself she was still searching for validation.


"What should we do Port," asked Mitchell.

"Listen and learn Mitch. We just have to do our best. It's not a competition. We just have to try and make sure we please our teachers."
"What if we can't?" Murphy pined.

"Murph you can't think like that. We are going to get infractions. We just have to do our best and learn from them."


"You three like hanging out in the toilets?"


All three girls shot to attention. Miss Peach had returned and none of them had heard her coming. How long had she been there? How much had she heard?


"Let's see those panties Porter. How clean did you get them?"

Sarah obediently reached up under her skirt and slid her panties off. She spread the crotch and displayed it for her teacher. Sarah hoped she had done enough.


"I have heard you produce a very thick cream Porter. Do you have any to show me?"

"No Ma'am, sorry Ma'am."

"That is disappointing. Next time you cream up in my dorm I want you to present yourself to me. I want to see this firsthand. I haven't seen a creamer for some time. Your panties are passable. Remember this for next time. Your duty is to keep all your holes clean. Put them back on."


Sarah stepped back into her panties. Her acceptance of who she was, of her status as a slut, had not lessened the humiliation she felt when she was talked about like an object. She was not sure she would ever get used to the degradation. She was still struggling with the concept that she was owned by someone, that she was a possession now, no different from a pet dog.


“Sluts assemble in here,” Miss Peach called into the dormitory.


There was a mad scramble as the Trinity schoolgirls rushed to assemble in the ablutions room. A bottleneck was created in the doorway as each girl slowed down to scan her tag. Sarah and her friends simply stood at attention and watched the fracas. It did not take long for the room to be filled with silent student statues, all looking expectantly to Miss Peach. They had all thought their day had finally ended, they would have a chance to come to terms with what had happened to their lives over the last 10 hours. The look on their housemistresses face let them all know the day was far from over.


“You all heard me stress how important it is for a slut to keep her three holes clean. We are now going to look at how a slut keeps her asshole clean and ready for use. Every night before your shower each slut will give herself an enema. Who has had an enema?”


All eighteen girls remained frozen. Sarah had heard of an enema of course, the reason for the bag on the wall now became glaringly obvious. She was sure enemas were only for people who were constipated or had a problem. Why would she need to do this every day?


“Once you leave here a great many of you will have enemas more than once a day. In fact many of you will never have a normal bowel movement again. The purpose of an enema is to keep a sluts asshole clean and clear for use. When a gentleman wishes to fuck you in the ass he does not wish the slut to provide him with any unpleasantness.”


Sarah almost laughed out loud at the absurdity of the incongruousness of Miss Peachs speech. The housemistress mixed crudity with prudity in the same sentence. If the subject was not so serious, and indeed if it had not been a lesson that Sarah needed to learn, she would have burst into a fit of the giggles.


“We will begin with a 1.5 litre enema. This will be increased as your training progresses. First you will familiarise yourself with the apparatus for conducting an enema. First we have the enema bag, these bags have a maximum capacity of four litres. Next is the enema hose. The hoses on your enemas are three feet in length. A longer hose can be arranged if necessary. Next is the valve. These valves perform two important purposes. The first is that they regulate the flow of liquid from the enema bag into the sluts ass. Secondly they are used to inflate the balloon, which brings us to the last part. The balloon at the base of the nozzle is designed to keep the enema inside the slut until it is time for release. The nozzle is stainless steel and has four small holes around the tip through which the enema is distributed into the sluts ass.


“To demonstrate the proper procedure lets have the first four girls step up.” Sarah joined Olsen, Cox and Murphy as they stepped out from the crowd of girls and stood before Miss Peach. “A slut performs an enema naked. While at Harkwood your daily enema will be performed directly prior to your evening shower. Behind your enema bags are your dirty clothes bags. Undress.”


Sarah quickly removed her uniform and placed each piece in the cloth bag on her hook. She had to make sure she did not dislodge her enema bag or hose each time she deposited an item of clothing. Again she was naked in front of people, strangers. This was going to be a major part of her life as a slut, she told herself. The self-coaching did not help her deal with her exposure. By now everyone had seen her body, and seen it in much more revealing positions. Why she could not simply get used to being nude was a source of constant confusion. Her cheeks still coloured pink as she stood naked before Miss Peach and her classmates.


“The nozzles are thin but it is still good etiquette to first lubricate them. A slut should only need a moment to moisten the nozzle. Insert the entire length of nozzle and balloon, turn your asses to face the class upon insertion.”


All four girls lifted the end of the hose off the hook and took the nozzle in their mouths. Olsen and Cox showed a minor hesitation but Sarah and Murphy eagerly placed the slim metal nozzle in their mouths and started working their tongue around its smooth circumference, generating as much saliva as they could. A few seconds later Sarah removed the metal tube from her mouth, twisting it in her hand to twirl the thick string of saliva around its length. In one swift movement Sarah turned her back on the class, bent over at the waist and pressed the cold nozzle against her puckered pink asshole.


Never had she done anything like this before. She had never placed anything in her asshole. She knew about anal sex of course but it was something that she had always been adamant that she would never do. All the talk of a slut having three holes for service had never really registered properly with her until now. She was going to insert something inside her ass. Soon she would be taking things much bigger than this thin, finger sized nozzle. Hadnt one of her teachers even spent the whole day with something in her ass. Sarahs imagination failed her when she tried to imagine someone fucking her there, the images simply would not form. She had no experience on which to base her thoughts.


The feeling of the cold metal against her virgin asshole caused her to pause for but a second. Slowly she pushed the nozzle against her tightly clenched muscle. It moved a bare fraction of an inch. Sarah needed to relax. She was making it so much harder for herself, thinking of how much it would hurt.


“You sluts better not be serious,” Miss Peach said incredulously. “Relax your assholes, push your ass outwards as if you were voiding your bowels. In two seconds those nozzles had better be inside. There is no reason for any delay.”


Sarah listened to Miss Peachs direction. The naked schoolgirl tried to relax her tense muscles and simultaneously push out with her sphincter. Like magic, the nozzle slid into her asshole for almost its full length. There was no pain, though the sensation was uncomfortable and she moaned quietly as she felt the cool invader slide ever deeper.


“Yes, now the balloon. Push the hose inside until the balloon is resting inside your asshole. Easily done, good. Now the valve has two settings. The small silver wheel regulates the flow of liquid from the bag. The small black wheel will allow the bulb to inflate the balloon. Turn the black wheel until it stops. Now pump the bulb twice, this will be sufficient to inflate the balloon.”


Sarah did as she was told and pumped the black bulb. The results were immediate. She almost stood up with the shock as the balloon inside her anus inflated, doubling in size in a second. Another pump and the balloon was fully inflated. It placed a pressure on her sphincter, making her feel as if she needed to go to the toilet. Sarah had still felt no real pain, only discomfort, and she continued to be surprised by this. She had expected to be in agony. While Miss Peach had described its use Sarah had concocted all manner of nightmarish scenarios in her head, none of which bore any resemblance to the mild, though embarrassing and annoying, reality.


Sarah suddenly stumbled backwards, pain erupting in her ass.


“Inflated properly,” Miss Peach stated, before moving on to Murphy and tugging roughly on the hose protruding from between her smooth milky-white asscheeks.


Miss Peach continued to check that Cox and Olsen had inflated their balloons correctly. Sarah heard a grunt from each of the nude teenagers as the tightly inflated balloon pressed hard against their tender assholes. Sarah turned back to the wall, her face once again only inches from the liquid filled bags of her classmates. She knew the next step and was anxious about what to expect. All this liquid would be going inside her. It wasnt natural to do this.


“Stand up and face the class. Turn the silver wheel to a stop.”


Sarah turned back to face her classmates and reached around to release the flow of liquid. The effect was immediate. It was clear from the shocked visage of all four teens that the water now filling them was producing unexpected sensations. Sarah had opened her mouth slightly as the warm water began shooting inside her. It was an odd feeling that she could not describe. She felt a flush of sensation move up her body, through her belly and into her chest. As the water continued to flow inside her a pressure began to build and she started to feel full, as if she had just eaten a six course meal.


“The house procedure will normally be that once the flow is started the first four sluts will move to the toilets, hang their bags on the hooks provided and adopt a display position until their bag is filled. Once these sluts have moved the next four will begin their enemas. In this way all sluts will complete the procedure in the smallest possible amount of time. You four move. The next bunch of sluts can wait until the demonstration is complete.”


Sarah reached up for her enema bag and lifted it off her hook. The bag was more than half empty and her bowels had moved past full and had begun to feel bloated. She walked towards the toilets against the far wall, the pain in her belly continuing to grow and intensify. She fought the tendency to waddle and forced herself to step normally, glad to finally reach the far wall, hook her bag up and lower herself to the cool tiles. Sarah spread her knees, raised her ass in the air and gently lowered her body until her breasts were pushed into the smooth white tile. She gratefully rested her head on her hands as she had been taught in the very first lesson of her new life.


Her bag continued to empty and her ass continued to fill. The pain increased by the moment, as did the intensely uncomfortable feeling of fullness. The pain wasnt sharp or dull, it reminded Sarah of a mild cramping period pain. She was lucky that her periods caused her only mild discomfort, she had read horror stories in magazines of debilitating cramps that left the girl bedridden. She tried to breathe through it as best she could. Even though her upper body was now pressed against the cool tile floor, which had caused her nipples to harden, much to Sarahs chagrin, she felt her body flush with warmth. Beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. She didnt understand what was happening to her body. The liquid continued to flow into her but she could no longer feel its current. How long would it take to empty the bag? How would she know when it was empty? Sarah winced as a sharp pain squeezed her insides.


“Look back at your bags. Periodically check how much you have left to take. Once the level reaches the bottom line, as yours has done Porter and Cox, stand up and roll the bag from the top down, forcing the last of it inside you. It is important that each enema is completed fully.”


Sarah moaned quietly as she sought to stand up. She was afraid that the normal grace with which she would have changed positions had left her. Not only was she tired and weary from her long day but the uncomfortable weight of liquid inside her made her entire body feel unwieldy. As Sarah straightened up and reached for her bag she glanced down her body. Her normally flat belly had distended preventing her from seeing her pussy. It looked like she was pregnant. Sarah was horrified by this modification of her body, instantly feeling ugly and ponderous.


The distressed teen tried to put these thoughts out of her mind and gently rolled her clear enema bag from the top down, squeezing the last remnants of water and forcing them down the tube and into her ass. She unrolled the bag, rehung it and turned to face Miss Peach. The young girl stood next to the toilet closest to the mirrored wall and caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror as she turned. Her belly protruded from her body and the clear hose snaked out from between her buttocks, keeping her tethered to the wall. She felt extremely unattractive, as if she would never be pretty again. It was a strange feeling, one which Sarah could not understand. With the pain in her belly growing, why should she care what she looked like. 


"Next the slut detaches the hose from the bag. Wastage is not tolerated so when it is disconnected the slut makes sure to keep the hose held high as she places her mouth over the spigot to catch any liquid remaining in the bag," recited Miss Peach, indicating for the four girls demonstrating to perform this action.


Sarah faced her bag holding the spigot with one hand and the top of the hose with the other. She had to bend at the waist, her body almost parallel to the floor, so she could position her mouth close to the small opening, ready to catch any lingering liquid.


"Wrong," snapped Miss Peach. "You need to have the hose in front of you for the next stage. Straighten up. Lift your leg over the hose then continue."


Sarah slowly raised to a standing position. The discomfort caused by her taught belly was causing her movements to become sluggish. Once upright she tried to lift her left leg over the hose. She managed to raise her leg so her knee reached her belly before the pain became too intense. Sarah gasped as her foot slammed back to the floor.


Tears welled in Sarah's eyes as the pain shot through her body. She immediately tried again, this time she twisted her leg sideways as her knee raised and she managed to turn her body at the right time. The pain caused a high pitched yip to escape the anguished teen. It was then that Sarah overbalanced slightly and stepped away from the wall causing the hose snaking from her anus pulled the bag taught from the wall and pulled the balloon tight against her virgin asshole. Sarah yelped and almost fell as sharp stabbing pains pulsed through her tight bowels.


"Stop mucking around Porter. Detach the hose and empty the bag, must you be last in everything?"


Sarah tried to breathe deeply and ignore the pain. That was not possible but she needed to work through it. Tears streamed down her face as she bent over and once again turned to detach the hose as she had been ordered. As the schoolgirl moved her mouth close to the spigot, the hose protruding from her ass pulled up tight against her pussy, she had managed to turn her body slightly so that her distended belly had not put even more pressure on the hose.


Sarah placed her mouth almost over the spigot as she prepared to pull the hose away. The instant the hose detached the young girls parted lips moved to the small connection, catching a small spurt of liquid before her mouth closed over the small plastic hole. She remembered to keep the hose held high to prevent anything spilling to the floor, the thought of what she would be made to do with any spillage. She sucked the bag dry, receiving only one small mouthful of liquid before the thick plastic sides collapsed in on themselves. The taste was unexpected. Sarah had thought that each bag had contained simple water. The liquid that coated her tongue was slightly bitter and left a harsh aftertaste in her mouth. She sucked for a few seconds longer than necessary to be sure that there would be no drips to earn the displeasure of Miss Peach, the bag wrinkling as the air was completely removed from it.


As she released the clear container and stood up the bag audibly sighed as air rushed back to fill the vacuum she had created. Satisfied that she had not left any liquid behind, Sarah flicked her lips with her tongue, trying to alleviate the bitter taste in her mouth.


"Porter has discovered that enemas are an acquired taste," chuckled Miss Peach. "The contents of your enemas are not something you sluts need concern yourselves with. Suffice it to say that the mixture aids in cleansing. Suck the hose clean. Place it in your mouth and stand at attention. Once the hose is empty the slut must perform five squats. This helps the enema to penetrate deep and break up any nastiness the slut may be harbouring."


Sarah put the hose in her mouth and held it with her teeth as she resumed the position she had come to see as one of her natural states. She hesitated a little before sucking on the tube, afraid that she would not be just cleaning the tube of any residual liquid but also sucking some of it out of her ass. From the silence of the other girls, Sarah knew she was not alone with her fear.


She decided she had to trust Miss Peach. The housemistress had been quite clear on the fact that it was important for her to keep all of her holes clean so she surely wouldn't allow any of the filth from her ass to enter her mouth. Sarah began sucking the hose and was almost instantly rewarded with a small spurt of the bitter liquid into her mouth. She continued to suck for a good ten seconds without any further result so began her squats.


With each movement the pain in her swollen belly washed through her body like a wave. The tight, cramping agony forced the gasping teen to groan with each squat. Her legs began to tremble as she spread them for the second squat, sweat running down her face now, mingling with the salty tracks of her tears. Breathing was more difficult with the hose clamped between her lips and she was soon panting as if she had run a marathon. As she straightened from the fifth squat she noticed that the girls beside her, who were also part of this demonstration were already finished. It seemed Sarah was doomed to finish last.


"Finally,” Miss Peach said exasperatedly. “Sluts place yourselves on each toilet, being sure to position your asshole over the drain. Spread those legs, Cox. Keep those assholes clenched tight as you deflate the balloon. To do this you turn the black wheel to its starting position and depress it. Every enema is a chance not only for a slut to cleanse herself but its a chance to practice her control. No discharge is allowed until the nozzle has been removed and inspected. Deflate the balloon now."


Sarah eagerly twisted the little wheel and depressed it. The relief was instantaneous as the balloon began to deflate, an audible hiss coming from the black bulb. Sarah clenched her asshole as tight as she could, the tube still held tightly between her lips and the irrational fear of backwash resurfaced.


"When the hissing stops it indicates the balloon is fully deflated and the slut can remove the nozzle. Once removed the slut must visually inspect the balloon and nozzle to ensure no defects have arisen. Then, and only then the slut will release the enema. Be sure to hold the nozzle over the bowl but not in it."


Sarah listened carefully for the hissing of the bulb that protruded from between her legs to stop. The pressure in her gut was immense. She needed to empty herself, she had never needed or wanted anything more in her life. As soon as the hissing stopped Sarah gently pulled the nozzle from her ass, focusing all her energy on keeping her anus tightly shut. The deflated balloon and metal nozzle slid out of her gently and quietly.


Once they were clear Sarah quickly lifted the nozzle and looked at it. Both the balloon and the smooth silver nozzle were covered in brown stains and the smell of her faeces was clear. She cringed in shame and disgust, her cheeks flushing crimson. Not only was she forced to do this but she was forced to do this in front of a room full of girls, all watching every move she made. Sarah had to forget her surroundings and focus on herself, but it was almost impossible. She could feel the disgust of her classmates as a physical pressure pressing on her chest, making each breath a struggle.


Sarah lowered the nozzle between, holding it between her widely spread legs. She still held the tube tightly between her lips. As soon as the nozzle was out of her sight, Sarah relaxed her sphincter, the pain in her belly relieved at once as the pressure inside lessened. The bowl beneath the naked schoolgirl was spattered noisily with the contents of her ass. Sarah's face flushed in embarrassment as she voided her bowels before an audience.


The watery liquid continued to spurt into the bowl beneath her as Sarah heard the other girls begin to release their enemas as well. The mixture spilling out of her was a strange sensation. The liquid ejected with tremendous force and she felt she had no control over the process at all. She knew that her entire bowel was being emptied along with the 1.5 litre enema and it seemed an eternity before she finally started to feel empty.


Four or five times she stopped only to find that she was not entirely finished, small trickles making their way through her twisted bowels and spurting into the porcelain bowl. Finally the cramping of her belly and the pressure that had made her feel bloated had subsided. Her ass was completely empty. It was something she had never truly felt before. She felt so much lighter and a great relief washed through her.


"Once the slut has voided her bowels she washes and dries her ass. Once complete the slut then cleans her apparatus thoroughly in the sink with the materials provided. A slut always ensures that all her equipment is clean. In this case she ensures her body and each part of her enema kit is scrupulously clean. Infractions will fly thick and fast if any irregularities are discovered during inspections."


Sarah at once reached behind her to touch the buttons that would wash and dry her ass. This relatively peaceful part of the process gave the young girl a chance to think about what the housemistress had said. Miss Peach had referred to her body as a part of her equipment. Was that what it meant to be a slut? She had begun to embrace her sexual nature and her confession to Mitchell and Murphy had been on this account but she didn't think she could see herself or her body as an object or simply pieces of equipment like her dildo or enema bag. She was a person. A slut, but sluts were people too.


Once the warm air had played across her anus, drying it thoroughly, Sarah stood, collected her enema bag and moved to the nearest sink.


"Girls, we will follow this slut as she is the first finished. Watch closely as she demonstrates the correct procedure for cleaning your kit. Porter, turn on the tap and place the nozzle and balloon under the water for an initial rinsing. At this stage it is easiest to keep the tubing where it is, besides it is nice and comfortable in there isn't it Porter."


"Mmm mmmfmmmf," Sarah hummed around the plastic tube.


"As you know, a slut is always more content when she has one or more of her holes filled. That is enough Porter. Let the nozzle rest in the sink and squirt some soap into your hand. Rub your palms together to foam it up, good girl. Now clean your nozzle, balloon and tube."

Sarah did as directed and was soon rubbing her soapy hands across the end of her enema tube. She took to her task with a relish she had felt for few other activities introduced into her new curriculum. She had always been a very clean girl. Her possessions had always been scrupulously tidy, her room immaculate. It felt natural to her to keep her equipment clean and she was glad this was something she would not have to worry about. The fact that what she was cleaning had just been up her ass she tried to downplay. She had to think of the whole distasteful procedure as something that would help to keep her clean. It was just another part of her daily regimen. She needed to remember that.


"Porter take the tube out of your mouth and place it under the tap, making sure the nozzle is pointing to the drain. No Porter, so the water flows into the tube. Finally," said Miss Peach, her growing annoyance, evident in her sharp tone.


Sarah corrected her position and instantly filled the tube with the fast flowing water from the tap, watching as it gushed out the end of the nozzle in a delicate cascade.


"Fill the tube and turn off the tap. Lift the nozzle high and trap the water in the tube. Now girls, watch the end of the nozzle as the slut allows the water to drain," instructed Miss Peach, signalling for Sarah to do so. See how the stream splits into four smaller fountains. This is how the enema is flushed into your ass to fill you up and clean your insides. Porter have you cleaned your equipment properly?"

"Yes Mistress," Sarah said hopefully. She had done as she was told and hoped she had not been expected to know any further steps.


"Reattach your hose to your bag and exit the area. A slut does not linger," directed Miss Peach. "Hang your bag in your cupboard. A slut must be very sure that she does not allow one piece of her equipment to affect another. To this end the slut hangs her bag and takes the nozzle in her mouth to ensure there are no drips."

Sarah looked at Miss Peach sharply. The Housemistress met her gaze and held it, eyebrow raised in silent challenge.


"Do you have a concern Porter? Surely you are not thinking about where your nozzle has just been, after all did you not just clean it properly?"

"Yes Mistress."


"Um no Mistress I do not have a concern because I have cleaned it properly."

"All of you sluts should remember that all of your holes are no different. As you serve your superiors you will often have cocks or other objects transition between all of your holes within a session. Cleanliness is important."


Sarah rushed off to her cupboard once Miss Peach dismissed her. She looked back to see Murphy, Cox and Olsen all cleaning their kits. She could not get Miss Peach's words out of her head. Did she really just say that she would have a cock in her ass and then have it move to her mouth? She was sure that had been the gist of it. Would someone really want her to do that?


Sarah made her way to her cupboard and hung her bag on the high hook, where her toiletries hung. She had carried her enema kit so her nozzle had pointed upwards to prevent any drips. Once hung she took the nozzle in her mouth and knelt carefully beside her bed. She felt it was the best way to make sure that there were absolutely no drips. This way the tube would be at full extension, though it meant she had to tilt her head backwards slightly to maintain a correct kneeling position with her buttocks resting on her heels.


Even though it was a position she had chosen she thought of it as a degrading one. She was naked, kneeling with her face in cupboard and an enema tube snaking above her, connecting her to her cupboard. Not to mention the fact that the nozzle was currently resting in her mouth. Yes she had cleaned it with soap, and cleaned it thoroughly, but she could not forget where it had been.


Sarah began to lick the nozzle end and suck gently upon it as she saw Murphy enter the room out of the corner of her eye. Sarah flicked her eyes to the left and watched her friend hang her bag and copy Sarah's position. Moments afterwards, Cox and Olsen followed suit. Sarah was not sure she had done the right thing and now three of her classmates had copied her. She fervently hoped her instincts had been with her this time.


Sarah stayed on her knees, softly suckling her enema nozzle for almost a minute. She was positive there was no liquid left inside it. She was certain there would be not one drip. The naked teenager let the slim metal cylinder gently slip from between her lips, sucking to the last to clean it of all her saliva as well. She straightened up as the metal nozzle clinked against the wall of her cupboard and turned to look at Murphy.


Sarah would never cease to be amazed at the beauty of the Irish teen. Even seeing her in this demeaning position Sarah could not help but admire her: her perfect, unblemished alabaster skin, her flame-red hair, her small though perfectly formed breasts tipped with impossibly pink nipples. Sarah felt undeniably frumpy when faced with such a stunning example of beauty.


"What Port?" Murphy asked, smiling self-consciously.

"Nothing Murph, it's just that you are so beautiful. It makes me realise how ordinary I am."
"Port you are so silly, sweet but silly," laughed the abashed teen. "You are so sweet and so cute I could just eat you up." The pretty Irish teen instantly realised what she had said and her milky-white cheeks flushed scarlet. This only made her even more stunning. Murphy and Sarah looked at each other, then both burst out laughing.


"You know what I mean Port," Murphy qualified between giggles.

"I sure do," teased Sarah. "But Murph, remember back in form this morning that Miss Watson assigned everyone in pairs."
"Yeah," answered Murphy hesitantly, sure she knew where this was going.

"I am really glad we are study partners," Sarah said.

"Me too Port. And yes I can guess what that means."


The dorm had begun to fill up with girls now and Sarah looked expectantly around at her classmates. There were only four beds that did not have a naked teenage girl kneeling beside them and now Sarah really hoped she had done the right thing. The entire house had followed her example. Was this what it felt like to be Olsen, always having to go first, worrying about whether you were doing the right thing?


Sarah could not get dressed as her uniform was in the shower room in a bag. She looked at the clock. It was only five minutes to eight, she would soon be having a shower and then her day was almost at an end. This revelation made her immensely relieved, as if a great weight had been lifted from her slim shoulders.  Her first day of school at Harkwood had been like a waking nightmare. She could not wait for its end. She had no silly illusions that she would wake up tomorrow and it would all have been a dream. But she desperately needed to rest. Her body was not behaving the way it should. She was exhausted and every part of her ached in some way.


"Shower soon Murph," Sarah said, taking her toiletry bag from the hook it shared with her enema bag. How many more surprises did those two boxes hold, Sarah thought as she stared at the small of the two boxes she had been issued still sitting shrinkwrapped in her cupboard? The larger box must still be in Miss Watson's classroom thought Sarah.


Sarah and Murphy led the way back to the shower room, meeting the final four girls on the way. Miss Peach was still in there when they returned, lingering in the empty room. Sarah scanned her tag and hung her small mesh toiletry bag from her hook and stood at attention. What was Miss Peach still here for?


"Porter, present," commanded the housemistress.


In one swift, smooth motion, Sarah turned her back on Miss Peach and knelt on the floor; spreading her legs widely, pushing her ass in the air and pressing her chest down onto the cool tiles. She felt terribly exposed in this position, but that was the point she reasoned. The vulnerable teen felt a hand on her asscheeks, pulling them further apart. She felt a pressure on her asshole, but it was not the smooth warmth of flesh. It was a slightly rough texture, though it still felt like a finger gently scraping across her tight pink flower.




Sarah snapped back to attention, mindful of her position transition and being sure to move as gracefully as her weary body would allow. She noticed that Miss Peach was wearing a white glove on her right hand. Miss Peach stepped up to anxious young girl and placed her index finger before Sarah's eyes. The white material of the glove was clean and dry. This was what had brushed her asshole. She was immensely thankful that it remained unblemished.


"Satisfactory Porter," Miss Peach stated authoritatively.


The room had begun to fill with girls and the chime sounded to announce the hot water had been switched on. Their precious ten minutes had begun. Miss Peach surveyed the gathered girls of Trinity house with an appraising eye.


"Cleanliness. At any time of day or night I will be conducting inspections. Heaven help the slut that fails an inspection."


With those brusque words Miss Peach stalked out of the room, the stampede for the showers beginning the instant she rounded the corner. Sarah chose a position furthest from the doorway. She sighed, the tension visibly fading from her as she allowed the hot water to fall against her exhausted body.. As her classmates watched  themselves, Sarah was content to simply soak up the relaxing heat for a few minutes.


When she opened her eyes she noticed she was flanked by Mitchell and Murphy. She began to slowly wash her hair, her movements sluggish and ungraceful. She felt rough hands suddenly begin to gently massage her back. Startled, she turned to find Mitchell behind her, smiling.


"Youre exhausted Port, let me wash you. Just relax and wash your hair."

"Mitch I don't..."

"Please Port," the buxom teen pleaded.

"Ok Mitch," Sarah acquiesced. She could not deny it felt amazing to have someone else wash her body with the rough exfoliating gloves.


Mitchell's hands moved across her back and down to her buttocks, Sarah moaning softly as Mitchell's rough, gloved hand slid between her buttocks and grazed across her asshole. It did not linger, brushing back and forth twice before going lower down her legs. The tired schoolgirl relaxed, luxuriating in the feeling of having her body washed by someone else. She had never experienced anything like it.


Sarah continued to absently wash her hair as Mitchell's hands moved back up her body. Her breath caught as a rough-gloved hand gently caressed her smooth pussy. The touch was all too brief. She pushed her hips back into Mitchell's body, feeling her large breasts flatten softly against her shoulders. Mitchell's hands slid up her belly and across her breasts. Sarah couldnt believe how wonderful this felt. She had never encountered this kind of connection with anyone before. The ease with which she had done so now, with a strange girl in an even stranger school, disturbed her a little. But she was just too tired to think about it all now. 


It was not until Mitchell's hands slid across her shoulders and found her neck that she came back to herself, shocked into the realisation of her current predicament as her collar moved gently as the strange hands caressed her throat. The movement of her collar reminded her where she was and what she was. Should she have let Mitchell do this? Would they get in trouble? Was it against the rules? Sarah pulled away from Mitchell, slowly so as not to alarm her new friend.


"Thanks," was all the confused teen could manage. It had felt amazing and all she could muster was one paltry word. It sounded feeble even to her, she just hoped that the depth of her feelings could be seen in her face. Sarah prayed that they had not broken any rules. They had been told they were not allowed to kiss without permission. No one had said anything about washing each other, but then again no one had said anything about most of what had happened and her aching buttocks were a testament to ignorance being no defence against correction. It was her responsibility to familiarise herself with the house manual. And that was not a small book. There was an awful lot to learn within its pages.


Sarah looked at Murphy, a little worried what she would think. She was relieved to see that a cheeky smile sat sweetly on Murphy's face, making the gorgeous girl look even more enchanting. Sarah smiled back, glad to have such a friend in the house.


"One minute," came the warning from a girl near the doorway. Sarah hurriedly rinsed her hair and body, making sure that Mitchell had completed her own shower. She did not want the busty girl getting in trouble because she spent so much time on her. Mitchell smiled at her, happy that her new friend had thought of her.


The three girls stuck together as they dried themselves and brushed their teeth. After the shower all the girls made their way back to their dormitory. Sarah hung her bag and slid under her covers. She lay back and looked at the ceiling. The night was a clear one and she could see a bright sickle moon in the sky above her.


The exhausted schoolgirl closed her eyes and took stock of her body. Every muscle ached, but it was her thighs that stood out the most. The welts from the cane on her asscheeks and thighs still pained her. Her nipples though resting now, ached with a dull throb. Her jaw muscles felt sore and her throat even felt a little strained. Her collar was nestled close against the tender flesh of her neck, impressing upon her, even hidden under the clean white sheets that she was someone's possession now. Even through all this, it was her pussy that drew her attention the most.


Not only could she still feel the remnant of the pain from her waxing like a pale ghost, but the feeling of being bare and smooth was foremost in her mind. She tentatively rubbed her right hand across her smooth lips. She had been dying to do it all day long and it was a wonderful feeling. Sarah slowly eased a finger along her slit, dipping it ever so slightly into her pussy. She felt how wet she was. This was simply more evidence that her teachers weren't wrong about her. Surely only a slut would be wet now, when nothing was even happening.


But what did it mean to be a slut? Some things she felt undeniably but others she didn't know how to handle and still others she was sure she could never accept. Sarah sought comfort by telling herself she had only just begun her training. She had so much to learn. She would have to learn.


"Hey Port? Port?" Murphy called gently. When she received no answer she came over to her friends bed and leant over her. "Port?"


Sarah was already asleep, lips parted delicately, chest rising and falling in a slow, easy rhythm. Murphy leant down and kissed Sarah gently on the forehead then hurried back to her own bed. There was almost 30 minutes until lights out. Sleep would not come as easily for the pretty Irish teen.

Chapter 15. In which Sarah serves her Housemistress


Sarah woke with a start. Her sleep had been deep and untroubled by dreams. She was still quite drowsy, never being quick to wake, often languishing in bed, allowing the day to slowly creep up on her. She could sense the soft morning sunlight behind her closed eyelids. The languorous teen stretched out indulgently.


Sarah's eyes flew open. Her entire body had ached when she had stretched out her arms and legs. Reality had come crashing down upon her like a huge metal wrecking ball. She was not at home in her own bed, where no one cared if she slept the morning away. She was in the dormitory of Harkwood school, where she was definitely not free to waste away the early hours. In fact she had no freedom at all. Her entire day was planned for her.


The naked teen scrambled out of bed and moved to the shower room. She was the last girl left in the dormitory. Sarah almost stepped through into the lounge without scanning her eartag but remembered, with annoyance at the last moment. Her hurried movements had saved her from certain punishment. In her rush her eartag had been swinging violently and had hit the side of her jaw just as she stepped through the open doorway.


C'mon Sarah, she admonished herself as she stooped to scan her tag. The familiar beep of the scanner caused her cheeks to colour in shame. Every time she was forced to scan the barcode on her eartag she was reminded that she was a possession. She had not come to terms with that just yet. Sarah was a smart girl and knew that many of the degrading things she had done, and would be forced to do, were designed to be dehumanising to help her accept her new role but knowing did not make the doing any easier.


She could hear the showers already shooting forth their welcoming warmth and hurried to join her classmates for the morning cleansing. Her sleep had left her rested but her muscles ached in places she had not known muscles existed. As she stepped into the shower room she noticed that all four of the toilets were occupied. A bright spotlight shot down above each girl, highlighting her vulnerability.


Sarah knew how it felt to be under that light. Each girl had her legs spread wide and was sitting at attention, faces awash with emotion as they tried to come to terms with the demeaning position. As she headed into the showers, Sarah could see the thick streams of dark yellow fluid fall from each girl. Privacy in even the most personal of tasks was something that was not going to be permitted at Harkwood. Sarah had realised that last night. She wasn't sure why the spotlight was activated each time a girl sat on one of the toilets. If its purpose was nothing other than making each girl feel more degraded then it no doubt succeeded.

Sarah needed to pee but she was not going to wait in line now. The hot water lasted only ten minutes and she had already wasted at least two or three. She did not dare pee in the shower as she had done yesterday. It had been strictly forbidden. She had felt uncomfortable doing it anyway so it wasnt a great loss. As she stepped into the shower she searched for Murphy, finding her friend at the far end of the room. Mitchell was with her and they seemed to be chatting amiably. Sarah weaved carefully through the other girls and wasted no time in washing herself.


"Well, well, welcome sleeping beauty," teased Murphy, a seductively sweet smile on her face.

Sarah smiled in return and began to wash her hair.

"Hi," said Mitchell timidly.

"Hi Mitch," Sarah replied, giving the busty girl a big smile to put the obviously nervous teen at her ease.

"Port, Mitch was worried about last night. She feels she might have been too bold when she asked to help wash you. Of course she didn't know quite how to bring it up,' smiled Murphy.

"It's fine Mitch," said Sarah, reaching out to pat Mitchell's arm. "It was really lovely. I was really exhausted last night.”


Sarah saw Mitchell give Murphy a relieved smile, she was glad that these two girls were getting along. Sarah needed as many friends as she could get to help get through her training. They all did. They were going to be here for a long time.


"Mitch, please don't worry about saying anything. Friends should never be worried about telling each other anything. Okay?"

"Ok Port," Mitchell's smile broadened.


There they were. Those Hollywood looks. She had wanted desperately to be a movie star and Sarah had no doubt she could have been. Now her life would be spent pleasing people in other ways. Sarah noticed the three clear red stripes across Mitchell's breasts as she washed herself. She immediately thought of the cane marks her own body exhibited. Today would bring more pain and more stripes to add to her already numerous array. Her second form class would bring her considerable pain and double the still-painful impressions she had earned the previous day.


Sarah's mood turned serious as she quickly finished washing her body. She had tried her best to be a good girl but no matter how hard she worked she had only earned herself more infractions. She would try to treat her corrections as lessons to make her better, as she had been taught, but she was not sure how she would fare. Her caning yesterday had been agony, and today she already had welts that were turning into bruises, the pain of which never truly left her.


The thought of the detention she knew she had earned made her shiver, despite the hot water caressing her body. She didn't know what it would mean or even when it would occur. If the punishment for each infraction was a stroke of the abominable cane, then what would a detention be? Sarah had no experience with any of this. She had led a somewhat sheltered life and her imagination could not conjure up any plausible scenarios for her detention. It was this very uncertainty that made her so anxious. She stepped out of the showers before the hot water had ended. Her sudden silence had not gone unnoticed and Murphy hurried out of the shower after her.


"Port, wait up. The hot water's still on."

"I know, I am busting and need to wee wee," said Sarah, remembering her training, though embarrassed by the childish manner in which she was forced to talk.

"Port, don't forget you have to ask permission though, Miss Peach was here but she left before you came."


Sarah had indeed forgotten that she could not just go to the toilet. Her spirits sank as the reality of her situation was once again brought to the front of her mind. She had no control over her life anymore. She couldn't even go to the toilet by herself. Sarah continued to dry herself with the scratchy towel as she thought about what to do. She needed to go real bad but she did not want to lose the start she had gained by leaving the shower early.


She quickly dried her body and hair and was the first to use the drier that had been made available sometime during the night. She would get as much done as she could before she couldn't hold it anymore. Sarah bent over and dried her hair, aware of her exposed position, her pussy and ass on display for all the girls waiting behind her. Everything it seemed had its pros and cons: being first meant no wait but it also meant that more girls were watching her naked body as she dried her hair.


All the other girls were naked too, and they had seen everything her body had to offer, even inside of her, but it meant nothing to Sarah. Her modesty was deeply entrenched. What was worse was that the more she thought of it the more nervous and ashamed she became. Whenever she was robbed of clothing she was always conscious of her nudity but when something was happening to occupy her mind it did not prey on her so forcefully.


As she straightened up and handed the drying tube to Murphy, she noticed the pretty pink lustre of her friend's skin. She was not sure if it was the exfoliating gloves, the hot water or the rough, scratchy towel, or a combination of all three, but it made the pretty Irish teen more alluring than ever. Sarah was tempted to stay and watch her friend but this simple realisation made her scurry out of the room all the faster.


As she registered her exit from the shower room she decided to get dressed before asking Miss Peach for permission to relieve herself. Sarah knew that she would only have to remove her skirt and panties to pee, but the lure of her uniform was like a siren's call. Sarah stood before her cupboard and surveyed all the things she could now call her own. Or could she? Could a possession own things of her own? Could she say these things were hers? How could she when she herself was owned? Miss Peach had called a slut's body, part of her equipment. Was her pussy any different than her shoes or her collar? What was she really?


Sarah snapped herself out of the melancholy spiral of self-doubt and degradation she had begun to be caught in. She reached for a new pair of socks and focused on covering her body in the only clothing she would know for as long as she was a member of Trinity house. The moment she buckled her four inch heels around her ankle the strain in her calves began. The familiar feeling was both less and more than the previous day, her muscles becoming used to the way the heels caused her legs to extend in such a pleasing way, but they were also still sore from their prolonged use.


Sarah was glad to feel the smooth, dry material of her tiny panties. They had been not so much folded as rolled as they lay on the small shelf in her cupboard. She unrolled and untangled the thin straps of the g-string and stepped into the tiny garment, sliding the sheer white panties up her legs. As the material sat tightly against the smooth skin of her waxed pussy, she cherished the fact that they were dry. She had spent the second half of her first day of school with her panties damp from the cream her pussy produced so copiously. Sarah hoped that today would be a different day.


The half-naked schoolgirl next removed her bra from its hanger. She slipped her arms through the straps and pulled it tight across her chest, clipping it together in the front. A quick adjustment of her breasts and her bra sat perfectly. The comfort and support again surprised her. She just found it hard to believe that a bra that left most of the soft mound exposed could actually be so amazingly comfortable. Comfortable though it may be, it left her nipples open to the attentions of the tight blouse and its stiff white material that she would soon be putting on.


Sarah brushed her fingers gently across each nipple and felt a tiny precursor of the frustrating ache she knew was to come. She had not noticed any of the other girls be affected in the same way. It seemed it was only her nipples that were kept almost constantly hard by the infuriating material of the uniform blouse. She quickly donned her pleated skirt and blouse, finishing by clipping her tie to the loops under the stiff white collar and gathering her hair into the ponytail expected for a Trinity student during classes.


She stood briefly before the floor length mirror that spanned the entire wall at the far end of the dorm. The room had filled up with girls, all focused on their own wardrobe. All except Mitchell, Sarah noticed. The busty schoolgirl was almost dressed, needing only to don her blouse and tie to complete the ensemble. She was watching Sarah's reflection as Sarah watched her in turn, her large, soft udders were gently supported by the half-cup bra, creating enticing white pillows out of the large fleshy mounds.


The temptation was too great and Sarah let her eyes drop to Mitchell's chest. She had been drawn to them almost against her will. As Sarah gazed at Mitchell's breasts, the buxom girl ran her hands gently down the smooth slope of her breasts, softly pinching her nipples before she dropped her hands self-consciously at her side. Sarah blushed as the import of what just happened hit her. Her gaze flicked back to Mitchell's face, their eyes locked and they both smiled sheepishly at each other.


What was happening to her? She was supposed to be in a hurry to see Miss Peach and here she was, distracted by another girl. The dilemma of her sexual proclivities began again. The previous day, a non-stop battle had raged within her; a battle between being sure she was or was not a lesbian. Sarah swept her focus back on herself to check that she was dressed correctly. She made sure her skirt was situated appropriately around her hips and sat ten inches above her knee. She could not measure it but she felt if the top was right the bottom would follow.


Sure her uniform was correct, she left the dorm in a rush, desperate now to pee. She made a conscious effort not to look at Mitchell as she turned for the door. She had to focus. She had to make sure this day went better than the last. She had learnt a lot but she had made a lot of mistakes and she would be sure to make more if she lost focus every time she was with Mitchell. What was it about the girl that Sarah found so captivating? The kiss they had shared had obviously meant a lot to both girls.


She soon found herself outside Miss Peach's office. Now she had to put all other thoughts aside. She was unsure how she was supposed to attract the attention of the housemistress and the discovery of her ignorance of such procedure made her palms begin to sweat. Should she speak? Without permission that would be a bad idea. Should she knock? Sarah stood at attention in the doorway for a few moments debating with herself what she should do. She was desperate to pee now and she also knew that in roughly 15 minutes she would have to make her way down to breakfast.


"Enter Porter," Miss Peach called from inside her room.


Sarah was slightly startled but stepped inside immediately. The initial room was only small, containing a desk, a lounge and a bookcase. Miss Peach was not there though Sarah could hear noises from the doorway behind the desk.


"Come through Porter, you are just in time."


Sarah stepped hesitantly through the small office and into the alcove on the left. This room was sumptuously furnished with a large four poster bed in the centre. Every wall was covered in bookshelves, containing hundreds if not thousands of books. Sarah noticed all this in an instant but what drew her attention was Miss Peach lying on the bed, naked, her legs dangling off the end. Rascal, the house slave that had worked on her during biology, was kneeling between Miss Peach's widely spread legs, her head pushing back and forth into the splayed womans crotch.


Rascal was dressed in the maid's uniform that Sarah instantly recognised. Her hands were secured behind her with large black cuffs, locked together with a small silver padlock. The strict kneeling position Rascal was in had caused her short, frilly skirt to ride up and expose her buttocks and Sarah could clearly see the large black plug that was filling her ass.


"What do you want Porter?"

"Um, may I do a wee wee, Mistress?"

"Come here slut."


Sarah stepped further into the room until she stood beside Miss Peach's bed. As she passed the foot of the imposing piece of furniture she could not help but risk a glance between her housemistress' legs. Rascal's face was covered in a strange black mask and harness. A long black dildo protruded from her face, where her mouth should be, and it was with this that she was fucking Miss Peach's pussy. The pretty house slave did not miss a beat as Sarah came alongside her. Her eyes never left the pussy she was fucking. Her focus was absolute. Sarah stood at attention and stared at the bookcases that lined the walls, trying to read their spines to distract her from the perverted tableau playing out below her.


"What did you want Porter?" enquired Miss Peach.

"May I do a wee wee please Mistress?"
"Ah please now is it Porter?"


Sarah realised, with horror, that she had not said please the first time she had asked. Her first chance of the day to prove herself and she had already made a mistake.


"Rascal I will come now," said Miss Peach.


Rascal's head moved faster, fucking Miss Peach with even greater zeal.


"Knead my tits Porter," ordered Miss Peach. "There is nothing worse than an idle slut."


Sarah tore her gaze from the book-lined walls and stared at the prone woman. Miss Peach had large breasts, larger even than Mitchell's. They were white and soft and crisscrossed with blue veins. They lay flattened across the prone womans chest, each breast tipped with a large brown nipple, puckered and hard. Miss Peach's nipples stood out above her chest for at least an inch. Sarah had never thought she would ever see nipples like these. They did not seem natural; too large, too long.


The nervous schoolgirl leaned down across her prone housemistress and began to knead a breast between each hand. She had no idea what she was doing but she tried to gather as much as she could of each malleable mound and squeeze it gently between her hands. It felt like trying to knead two large mounds of soft dough. Sarah didn't think she was doing a very good job, but the moans from Miss Peach were telling a different story. She glanced down the body of the groaning woman and noticed that each time the dildo strapped to Rascal's head was fully embedded in Miss Peach's pussy, Rascal paused for a second and rubbed her nose across the prone housemistress' clit.


"Pinch my nipples slut," Miss Peach snapped. Sarah dropped the fleshy tits she had been kneading and softly pinched the unnaturally long nipples. "Harder. Pull on them. No Porter, milk me."


Sarah stopped the soft massaging and squeezed each nipple hard between her fingers, pulling them up and away from Miss Peach's body, lifting the heavy mounds as she did so. Sarah soon started a quick rhythm of lifting and dropping the nipples, adopting a jerky milking motion.


"Push my tits together and suckle both nipples at once. Quickly slut," ordered Miss Peach.


The urgency in her mistress' voice was clear. Sarah gathered as much tit flesh as she could and pushed them together, creating one large mound on Miss Peach's chest. Her body writhed as Rascal facefucked her pussy at a furious pace. The long dark nipples were now pressed together, looking almost like some strange, tiny alien tentacles growing out of Miss Peach's tits.


Sarah leaned over, bent at the waist, and without delay, engulfed both of the nipples in her mouth. The elongated nipples felt strange in Sarah's mouth. They were extremely hot and felt strangely rubbery, though Sarah was not sure if this was how all nipples felt. She tasted a strong salty tang as she flicked her tongue across the inch long tendrils of flesh, doing her best to help Rascal make Miss Peach come.


"I'm coming. All in Rascal, suck hard Porter," Miss Peach groaned.


Sarah held Miss Peach's tits together and sucked her nipples deep into her mouth. The amazed teen looked down the squirming body at Rascal. She had her face buried in Miss Peach's pussy, the dildo embedded it's full length. The raven-haired girl rubbed her nose across the engorged clit huffing as she did so.


Within seconds Miss Peach moaned, almost as if she was in pain. Her breathing became shallow and rapid and her hands screwed the sheets of the bed into twisted balls of ecstasy. Sarah had to hold tight to Miss Peach's large breasts as her body began to jerk. The entranced schoolgirl watched as her housemistress became lost in her orgasm, small mewling sounds escaping from her open mouth. It was an entire minute before Miss Peach became still.


"Attention," Miss Peach said languidly, once she had regained her breath.


Rascal and Sarah sprang to attention. As she straightened, her arms behind her back, Sarah noticed her nipples had become hard from the encounter. For the second time in as many days she had been a part of bringing a superior to orgasm. This had been just as unexpected as her tryst with Miss Vonn in the gymnasium and Sarah hoped she had conducted herself well. She had become excited, but nothing like with Miss Vonn.


Sarah remembered back to being forced to clean a puddle of her own cream from the floor after she had made her gym teacher come. This time her nipples had hardened but she was sure her pussy had not begun to leak so profusely. So this was it then? She was a lesbian? Or was it just that a slut gained pleasure from giving pleasure? Was that it? Sarah was beginning the day in confusion, something she hoped would dissipate as her training continued. Not knowing who she was caused the young schoolgirl no small amount of distress.


"Porter clean me up. Clean Rascal first. Rascal once this slut has cleaned you get back in your cage," said Miss Peach as she stretched lazily on her bed, revelling in the afterglow of her powerful orgasm.


Sarah moved towards Rascal. The pretty girl stood stiffly at attention. She wore the same, small black maid outfit, fringed with white lace. It was a quaint and cute ensemble thought Sarah that was strangely enhanced by the harness she wore strapped around her head. The lower half of Rascal's face was covered in a shiny black material that clung tightly to her jawline. Two thin leather straps snaked up either side of her nose before coming together, forming a triangle at the bridge of her nose. A single strap continued upwards and back across her head.


The dildo that protruded from the space where Rascal's mouth should have been was seven inches long, its black surface glistening with the juice from Miss Peach's pussy. The area around the dildo, and even Rascal's nose were also covered in a sheen of cuntjuice. Sarah knew what she was to do.


She stood directly in front of the pretty slave and began to clean the dildo with her mouth. She licked the length of the shaft, before taking it as far into her mouth as she could. Rascal was a little taller than Sarah and she had to tilt her head back to reach. The two girls eyes met and locked. Sarah pushed herself as far down the dildo as she could, standing on her tiptoes to do so. Their noses almost touched and Sarah shivered at the intimacy of the act. She could not go any further, Rascal was keeping fastidiously to her position. She had not lowered her head at all, making Sarah's job just a little more difficult.


Sarah did not fault her for it. She admired Rascal's control. She was obviously a very well-trained slut. After she had licked the dildo clean she moved to Rascal's face, licking her jaw and nose of all the slick residue from Miss Peachs sex. The only movement Rascal made was a quick wrinkle of her nose as Sarah's tongue tickled the ring that pierced her septum. Sarah could not help but smile. It had looked so cute and reminded her of that old TV show, Bewitched, where the lady in it would wiggle her nose when she did magic. What magic would Rascal perform if she could? Make the dildos in her holes bigger? Where the fuck had that come from, Sarah mused, bewildered by the way her mind seemed to be working.


Once she had cleaned Rascal, she turned back to Miss Peach. As the young girl knelt between the womans still widely spread legs, she heard Rascal leave the room. She was headed back to her cage, so Miss Peach had ordered. Sarah wondered just what that meant. She tried to forget about the other girl and focus on the task before her. She needed to do a good job but she desperately needed to pee as well. Her need as she suckled her housemistress' tits and cleaned her juice from Rascal's face had grown with each passing moment.


Sarah moved her face between Miss Peach's thighs and began to lick her hot moist pussy. She noticed that her housemistress also had her clit hood pierced, a small silver H dangling from the ring that pierced her delicate flesh. Sarah flattened her tongue against the smooth pussylips and licked long smooth strokes from bottom to top.


Miss Peach tasted very strong. She had only had tasted a weak remnant on the dildo, the juice covering the pussy itself had an intense flavour that Sarah could not describe. She did not think she would have any trouble recognising it again. The violent facefucking had spread the sexual secretions all over her thighs and asscheeks and Sarah licked every inch of soft flesh, removing every trace of the sticky pussy-juice.


She was sure Miss Peach was clean but she kept licking, trying to decide if she should stop, or wait for Miss Peach to direct her. She had been told a slut must always keep licking, or sucking or fucking until they are given permission to stop. But that was when you were pleasuring a superior. Was this different? She had been told to clean, not to pleasure. Miss Peach gave her no indication. She had not moved or spoken since Sarah had knelt between her legs and started to clean. The poor schoolgirl even entertained the thought that she had fallen asleep and Sarah would be stuck here, licking pussy all morning. Just as she was about to stop and try and get Miss Peach's attention, her housemistress spoke.


"Have you finished Porter?"
"Yes Mistress."

"So just enjoying yourself then?"
"Yes Mistress," Sarah replied, blushing.

"It was nice of you to come and help Porter but why are you here?"

"Um, may I do a wee wee please Mistress?"

"You had better make it snappy slut. You need to be in line and ready for breakfast in less than five minutes. Dismissed."


Sarah stood, curtsied politely to her naked housemistress, still lounging back on the now dishevelled bed. She walked slowly out of Miss Peach's bedroom. As soon as she was out of sight Sarah sped up, slowing down only to scan her eartag. She quickly removed her skirt and panties and sat down on the toilet, triggering the spotlight and began to pee almost immediately.


Through the open doorway she could see her classmates collected in the lounge, talking quietly. She noticed a number of girls watching her. Sarah's face flushed in shame, knowing what could be seen between her widely spread legs. She would never get used to people watching her in this most private of moments, of that she was sure. Through the humiliation of being seen peeing into a toilet, Sarah remembered what she was supposed to be doing.


She stopped and started her flow as quickly as she could, stopping as soon as she achieved full discharge. She was conscious of time running out and was relieved in more ways than one, when she achieved her fifth stoppage. She continued to empty her bladder, her only thought now was to quickly re-join her classmates. Now that her most pressing need was satisfied, she realised how hungry she was. She could not miss breakfast and spend another day in a constant state of hunger.


Sarah quickly finished, dressed and moved to the lounge to mingle with her classmates. She had only just reached Murphy when Miss Peach appeared, dressed immaculately in a strapless summer dress that flowed around her like a soft pink cloud. Sarah looked at the housemistress but she showed no signs of what had happened scant minutes ago.


"Two lines, sluts."


Within moments two crisp lines of schoolgirls stood within the dorm. Once again Sarah had not been able to join her classmates during those precious few moments of free time. Free, really seemed to be the wrong word to use. They weren't really free. It was more like unscripted time. She had only been able to talk to her friends for a couple of minutes last night. Even though the time was short, she cherished it and knew that the bonds she had formed with Murphy and Mitchell had been strengthened by it.


"Move off."


The trip to the food hall was uneventful. Sarah was glad to see their formation stayed true as they negotiated the stairs to the ground floor. The corridors were empty at this time of morning. Trinity house was the first to breakfast, unlike the other meals of the day. They moved into the hall and lined up at the counter without delay.


Sarah knew going first simply made their day longer but she was starving, so didn't mind. Breakfast was identical: porridge, bread and orange juice. Sarah could not wait to sit down and devour her meal. She had been hesitant the day before, never having had porridge before but no matter how unappetising it looked, the porridge Mrs Lancaster and her staff made was deliciously sweet. If she was allowed Sarah could have eaten two or three bowls.


The Trinity girls ate in silence until every morsel of food they had been served had disappeared. Sarah was still hungry. Would she always be hungry from now on? Mrs Lancaster had said their diet was strictly controlled. She was sure they were eating enough, getting enough vitamins and all that, but the volume of food was so much smaller than what she was used to. She ought not think like this though. She was sure it was in some way disrespectful to someone. No doubt there was a rule somewhere stating that a slut should always be thankful for what she is given because she deserves only what she receives.


Sarah turned to Murphy to stop her brain shooting off along these weird tangents. She was making up her own rules now? It sure sounded like something Miss Watson would say. She had already confessed to her friends that she was a slut, why was she trying to run from the evidence her own brain was providing her with.


"The porridge is great isn't it Murph?" Well done Sarah, she thought to herself. Sarah Porter, Queen of Banal Breakfast conversation.

"Yeah Port, there's only one thing wrong. There's no bacon in it." Both girls giggled. "Port how come you took so long to ask Miss Peach permission. You didn't get in trouble did you?"

"No," replied Sarah, turning away from her friend, not wanting her to see her cheeks colour.

"What took so long then?"

She had to be honest. Hadn't she said only last night that they all needed to be totally honest with each other. As sluts it was important to tell the truth but it was also important as friends.


"I helped Miss Peach come. Then she asked me to clean her pussy for her," Sarah responded, her heart pounding, worried what her friend would think.


Sarah looked up at Murphy. Her friend just stared. It was then that Sarah noticed that the other girls sitting close at her table had heard her. Everyone was staring at her. She was desperate for Murphy to speak but they were interrupted as someone whispered the light was on, indicating their cleaning duty had begun.


Sarah had not even noticed that the room had filled up as the girls from the other houses trickled in for their breakfast. She had to leave her friend and move to her station, ready to clean and clear the tables as the normal students finished their breakfasts. Had Murphy thought badly of her? Surely not, it must just have been shock. It wasn't really the answer she had been expecting, of that Sarah was sure. When someone asks you what you were doing, they surely don't expect you to say you made a woman come and then licked their pussy clean. From now on though, maybe they would.


Sarah wanted to seek out Murphy across the room, but she held to her training and kept her eyes focused forward as she waited for her section to clear. Besides, if Murphy was being good, and Sarah was sure she was, she would not have been looking in her direction anyway. The food hall began to empty as the schoolgirls of Harkwood headed back to their dorms to get ready for class. Sarah bused trays and cleared tables as speedily as she could, eager for any activity to keep her mind from spinning off down troubling avenues. The sooner they finished the sooner they could get to class. While that was not something she wanted to rush to, knowing that form class would hold a vast number of cane strokes for her, she did not want to be late.


As she headed back from the counter to wipe her tables clean, she was startled as someone caught her hand and squeezed. She looked up to see Murphy smiling at her. Sarah was ecstatic. She beamed a smile back at her friend, her dimples showing. It was a fleeting moment but one that buoyed Sarah's spirits. Murphy did not think badly of her. She knew she wouldn't. It was a slut's duty to do as she was told and to bring pleasure to her superiors. Murphy knew that.


Sarah almost bounced as she cleaned her section thoroughly. All thoughts of the coming pain forgotten for the moment. The food hall clean, each girl returned to her position to await Mrs Lancaster's inspection. Sarah stood directly over her number, she would have to make sure if her friends did the same. If they also felt it was only proper to do so.


Trinity house passed the inspection. Sarah was glad, everyone was learning. It made things so much easier when you did them right the first time. She thought about this as the house as a whole made its way to Miss Watson's class to being their second day of training at Harkwood.

Chapter 16. In which Sarah is taught some theory




Sarah had not felt nervous until that familiar voice had called them inside. Her head began to swim with visions of what was to come. Her first day at school had brought her situation after situation in which she had no experience at all. She had not known what to expect so her mind could not create nightmares of its own. Now, with only one day experience, her mind began working overtime, conjuring scenarios filled with pain and humiliation. She entered the classroom, scanned her eartag and stood beside her desk. Miss Watson stood at the front of the class, dressed elegantly in a tight pencil skirt that ended just above the knee. Her blouse was a sensual soft cream colour that hugged her body beautifully. Even without her position of power, and the fact that she was her superior in every way, Miss Watson's sheer height intimidated Sarah.




Eighteen obedient schoolgirls sat at their desks, the only sound a soft shuffle of shoes on the hard wooden floor. Sarah sat at attention, spreading her legs, displaying her panty clad pussy to Miss Watson, knowing her classmates had adopted the same position. She could not explain why she felt so good, knowing her classmates were doing the right thing. She just did. Not everything needed to be analysed she told herself.


"Morning sluts," beamed Miss Watson.

"Morning Ma'am," the class chorused back.

"Sleep well sluts?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Ready for another full day of training?"
"Yes Ma'am."

"I am very glad to hear that. Before we begin correction are there any girls who do not wish to continue with their training? Raise your hand."


Sarah could not believe what she was hearing. Was Miss Watson really asking if anyone wanted to leave? Sarah knew this could not be right and hoped that none of her classmates were silly enough to raise their hands. This had to be a test.


"Very well. I am gratified that the lessons of yesterday really made an impression. Each one of you deserves to be here. You all deserve to be trained to be the very best slut you can be. I am happy to know that all my efforts, and those of all the staff here at Harkwood, are welcomed and appreciated by each of you. It is important for a slut to strive to be better, to be constantly improving.


"Through your training, your natural instinct and desire to be a slut will be enhanced. Your techniques will be improved, your abilities will be accentuated and your behaviour refined. Some of you are more advanced than others, but at Harkwood we teach a standardised curriculum. Every slut takes the same classes and are expected to achieve the same standards.


"Of course there is always room for extra-curricular activities but those will be discussed at a later date. It is so very gratifying to know that we will simply be improving on already well-established principles, not building a slut from scratch. Now that we have established that you all want to be here, that you all desire your training, we can continue with our form lesson."


Sarah had breathed a silent sigh of relief when Miss Watson's speech had made it obvious that no girl had raised her hand. Sarah's had remained firmly behind her back. She had not even been tempted to raise it. She had come to realise that her training was inevitable, something she needed to make the best of. To do this she had decided that she would obey every order and try her absolute best to make her teachers happy. She would strive to be a true slut, in mind and body.


The constant reinforcement of stimuli, both through her teachers speeches and lessons that resonated with the impressionable schoolgirl's mind and through the physical response to situations she could not deny, had made the process easier. She had found the evidence of her feelings and the logic of her teacher's lessons to hold a universal truth. She was a slut. She had accepted the term, she just wasn't quite sure she knew what it meant.


Sarah's reverie was interrupted by Miss Watson's now businesslike tone, "Olsen, front. Two infractions."


Olsen stood immediately, stepping forward first to the small laptop to scan her eartag and then to the platform at the front of the class. The nervous teenager stood at attention facing the class, waiting for the command that would expose her to the waiting schoolgirls and herald a painful period of her new life.


"Olsen, correction."

Olsen swivelled and bent at the waist in one smooth motion. She reached back and lifted her pleated skirt to rest on her lower back, exposing her round buttocks to her classmates. She finished her position by grasping her ankles tightly, ensuring her thumb and forefinger followed the buckled strap of her high heeled shoe. Without preamble Miss Watson brought the cane crashing into Olsen's bared buttocks, causing the young girl's knees to buckle slightly, but only for a second. She quickly recovered from the shock and pain of the cane stroke and was once again straight of back and knee.


"One, thank you Ma'am," Olsen said through clenched teeth.


Again the cane landed with a loud crack on the soft mounds of the teenager's ass. Again Olsen counted and thanked Miss Watson. She then stood to face the class, stepped off the platform and curtsied to the teacher.


"Thank you Ma'am," said Olsen meekly before taking her seat.


Sarah watched her the slim girl receive her corrections with a stoic acceptance. She watched as Cox received three strokes and Murphy received the same. The new red welts joined the old, creating a tapestry of pain across the tender flesh of each teenage girl's behind. The older corrections had begun to change in colour, from the red of a fresh stroke to a more purplish, bruise like colour. As it neared her time on the block, Sarah began to become increasingly anxious. She knew she had earned a high number of infractions, at least triple those of any girl corrected so far.


"Porter, eleven infractions."

Sarah stood to the involuntary gasps of her classmates. She had seemed the girl who had the right answers and told the teacher's what they wanted to here. Yet here she was with such a high number of infractions. Maybe she was not the 'teacher's pet' that some had labelled her. She scanned her tag and stepped up to the platform, facing the class in the now familiar position of attention. She stared fixedly at the back wall, not daring to meet the gaze of any of her classmates. The condemnation on their faces was something she could not bear.


"Porter these sluts are right to exclaim their surprise, though they are wrong in thinking they have any right to speak at all. Another unsolicited sound and an infraction will be given. Porter, why do you come before this class with eleven infractions accrued in one 24 hour period?"


"I am a slut Ma'am," Sarah responded without thinking.


"Indeed. Class this slut has now earned not one detention but two. When a slut earns a detention, through accruing ten infractions, the detention is held at the end of the school day in which these infractions were corrected. Porter at the end of class today you will report immediately to this classroom. Your second detention will be served after class tomorrow.


"A detention is a necessary part of the training of a slut. They are a chance for the slut to prove herself and to demonstrate what she has learnt from her lack of obedience. A detention is not a punishment. If a slut earns three detention periods in one week however, a punishment session is scheduled. You have two detentions already this week Porter, how do you feel about that?"


"I am sorry Ma'am I will try to do better."

"How do you feel about earning a punishment session Porter, you are very close?"

"I look forward to a punishment session Ma'am," Sarah replied, close to tears before a single stroke had landed on her flesh.

"Oh Porter," said Miss Watson, intrigued. "Why is that?"

"It will make me a better slut Ma'am."

"That it will Porter. However it remains to be seen if it will improve your obvious lack of respect and your clear failures in obedience."


"Class, the slut is correct in her acceptance of punishment. Correction and punishment are but two of the tools necessary to train a slut. Pain is not something to shie away from or attempt to ignore. Pain is a necessary part of every slut's existence. It is a sensation to be valued, just as pleasure is. The only difference is that pain is something a slut accepts for herself, pleasure is something she gives to others.


"I hope though Porter, that you are not deliberately earning infractions to receive a punishment session. That would be a truly heinous act."
"No Ma'am. Please Ma'am I would never do that," Sarah rushed, eager to dispel any misgivings her teacher may have.

"Why Porter, why would you not. You have admitted that you look forward to punishment?"

"It would be a show of great disrespect Ma'am. I want to be obedient and I want to serve Ma'am, really. I want to do my best Ma'am, please," Sarah said plaintively, desperate for her teacher to believe her.


The distressed teen felt she was digging herself ever deeper into a pit of displeasure. She had only said what she thought was right but it had led into areas that she could not have anticipated. She could not have done any different, she had to ride it out and hope that the truth, as it felt to her, would be enough.


"Porter, correction."

Sarah gratefully adopted the position for her coming correction. She knew eleven strokes of the cane would tax her to her limits but the interrogation by her teacher had left her panicked and desperate. She felt she had been on a knife's edge of earning not only the displeasure of her teacher but even more infractions. To earn new while being corrected for her current would be a dire state of affairs. Sarah heard the swish of the cane a split second before it made contact. It had been a mere 24 hours since her flesh had last felt the sting of Miss Watson's cane and she had forgotten much of its power.


"One, thank you Ma'am," Sarah said, loudly and clearly, as the pain shot quickly from her buttocks, up into her chest. The second and third strokes followed with barely enough time for her to count them. The fourth landed high up her asscheeks, where the beautiful soft mounds reached their highest point above the ground.


SWICK. The fifth stroke landed at the base of her buttocks, in the tender crease between ass and thigh. Sarah stumbled forward but corrected herself immediately. She could not remember when her tears had begun to flow. Her vision was blurred and despite her best attempts to sniff them back into her nose, thick strings of mucus hung from each nostril.


"Six, thank you Ma'am," Sarah gasped as she attempted to control her breathing. The pain in her ass was now a constant agony that built moment by moment. Even during the interval between strokes the pain increased. Her chest heaved as she fought for breath, trying her best to stay in position. It was her only thought now. She had to make every stroke count.


"Ten thank you Ma'am," Sarah heard herself say, as if from another room. The tortured teen awoke as if from a trance. Ten? The last thing she remembered was calling her sixth correction stroke. Sarah beccame worried that she had lost position during her lapse. She quickly checked and found herself in standing correctly, though her knees were a little bent. She immediately straightened them and realised Miss Watson was speaking.


"Correct Casta. The eleventh correction is to be administered with a paddle. A maximum of ten strokes of the cane is permitted during each correction period. A maximum of ten additional strokes of the paddle is permitted during a correction period. If a slut has behaviour so abysmal that more than 20 infractions are earned in one period then an immediate, and additional, punishment session is scheduled. This session will be scheduled  for the nearest ten hour block uninterrupted by classes."


Even through the haze of pain that terrorised her body, Sarah could not help but shudder at the mention of ten hours of punishment. She had no idea what this could possibly entail. She didn't even know what to expect from a detention. If the pain she was experiencing, from simple corrections, was anything to go by she knew they would be ample deterrents.


"As I was saying, the holes in this paddle are to allow the air passage through the wood. This allows the paddle to move unimpeded and to attain the proper speed necessary to provide a satisfactory correction. Brace yourself slut."

Sarah tried to think what to do. She had to remain in position, so how was she to brace herself. The poor, confused schoolgirl had no time to come to a decision. A moment later pain exploded in her ass. Pain that made the cane strokes disappear from memory. Sarah staggered forward two steps, her knees bent and her back arched. She had the presence of mind to keep her hands firmly clasped around her ankles even though this almost ensured her fall from the platform.


She managed to right herself, step back to her original position and straighten her knees and back. Her entire body radiated pain. It was as if her body had not been able to accept that level of pain in one place and had transferred it into untouched regions of her flesh. It was only once she was back in position that she opened her mouth.


"El...elev..en. Thank you Ma'am," the agonised girl stammered.


Sarah righted herself slowly, the pain floating first up her body and then down again, always coming to reside in the abused flesh of her buttocks. She felt light headed as she stood at attention on the platform, pale bursts of colour, yellow and orange, coalescing in kaleidoscopic confusion. It took a moment for the sensation to clear. Her eyes were red and puffy and the long strings of mucus that had hung from her nose had now deposited themselves across her lips and chin. She stepped down from the platform and curtsied to Miss Watson.


"Thank you for my correction Maam," Sarah said. The slimy trails of mucus created thick, ropey bridges between her lips as she spoke. Sarah felt disgusted as she tasted the discharge from her nose.


"Porter, what is the rule regarding bodily fluids?" Miss Watson asked.

"A slut must always clean up all bodily fluids that are to be consumed Ma'am, whether they come from a slut or someone else."

"Correct Porter. Clean up your mess."


Sarah was amazed that her brain was still functioning correctly. She had not even thought of an answer, she was still focusing on the pain she was in. It was all she could think of. She had never been more glad that she had accepted her slut instincts. She needed to give herself over to them as they had never once failed her. She was a little unsure how to comply with her teacher's order. Don't think it through Sarah, she chided herself. Act!


Sarah licked her lips and sucked as much of the slimy mucus into her mouth as she could. As she swallowed what had been directly on her mouth, she reached up and scraped the remainder away from her nose. She pushed the fingers of her right hand into her mouth and used her tongue and lips to remove the thick slime from her fingers. She almost gagged as the ropey mucus became entangled on her tongue. The degradation she felt as she ate the discharge from her own nose had almost overwhelmed her, causing her body to reject it. Once her face was clean Sarah looked back at the platform and noticed a small slick of mucus she had left behind.


Her body awash with pain, she moved quickly back to the platform, knelt carefully and lowered her body until her mouth was over the glistening fluid. She instinctively arched her back, pushing her ass out, exposing the badly marked flesh to her classmates. Her stomach muscles tensed, holding her body above the ground as her hands remained in the small of her back where they belonged.


In one quick motion the young girl slurped the last of her discharge from the white floor. She stood up and moved back to her seat, curtsying to her teacher once more. Sarah hesitated briefly before sitting down. A fresh wave of agony surged through her body as her abused ass made contact with the hard plastic of her stool. Sarah punished her pretty lower lip as she tried not to call out as she settled herself on the small seat. She spread her legs into the correct seated position and tried to get her emotions under control. Unlike yesterday the pain did not subside as she watched her remaining classmates receive their corrections. Her tongue swirled around her mouth, trying to remove the slimy taste that seemed to coat the entire surface. The thought of what she had done caused her to balk and she clenched her jaw to try and regain her composure. Think of something else, she told herself desperately.


It had to be the paddle thought Sarah. It had been nothing like the cane. She realised she did not even know what the paddle looked like. She took her eyes from Ozawa as the cane landed on the Asian girl's small white buttocks. She noticed the paddle leaning against the small table next to Miss Watson's chair. It was a two feet long piece of wood an inch thick. After a small handle, it quickly flared into a wide rectangle perforated by a multitude of small finger-sized holes.


Sarah could now imagine why the excruciating pain her final correction had brought her had eclipsed that of the cane. The paddle could easily have made contact with her entire ass, both buttocks would have received the full force of the swing. Knowing what caused the agony she was currently in did nothing to help her deal with it. She tried to focus on the corrections her classmates were receiving as a way to deal with the pain. Each stroke that landed on a schoolgirl's bared buttocks only accentuated the fact that her correction had been so much worse. No other girl had received more than three infractions. Until Mitchell.


"Mitchell, four infractions."


Sarah watched as her new friend, and the girl that captivated her so deeply, strode forward. She walked purposefully to the platform and took her position. Even through her pain, Sarah was proud of her friend as she received her strokes without moving and thanked Miss Watson for each one in a clear, strong voice.


"Thank you for my correction Ma'am. Thank you for making me a better slut," Mitchell said sincerely, before returning to her seat. She glanced at Sarah as she turned and gave her the briefest of smiles. It was barely a flicker of the mouth but Sarah could see it in the buxom teen's eyes. She wanted to smile back at her friend, to let her know she was happy that Mitchell was trying to please, but the pain was too great.


Sarah was a mere spectator as the final nine Trinity students received their correction. By the time Carew was returning to her seat, tears in her eyes from the three strokes she had received, Sarah thought the pain in her ass had receded a little. She could not be sure however, so if it had it was such a small amount. Sarah would take anything she could get. She hoped and prayed she would not have to go the entire day of school with the pain at this level.


"Six minutes over time. If you sluts will insist on earning so many infractions, you will be making up an awful lot of time after school. For now let us begin the first class of the day."


"Yesterday you all had the privilege of beginning your training as sluts. As you have all accepted your new status with a desire that does you credit it makes your training that much easier. Discipline will now be much more strict, standards of behaviour will be higher and no staff member will show any leniency with regards to corrections and punishment. When a slut truly desires to be trained, as you have all demonstrated this morning, it is a true disservice for her training to be anything less than the most rigid and exacting it can be."


Sarah tried hard to listen to her teachers lesson. The pain in her buttocks was a constant intrusion. The lesson was important Sarah knew, though it wasn't like any of her lessons weren't, but she needed to concentrate. She quickly accepted her pain, let it sink deep within her until she could not tell its beginning or its end. It was a constant companion and this allowed her to focus on the words of her teacher. It did not lessen the agony she felt in any way. On the contrary, it gave her teacher's word the gravitas they may otherwise not have had.


Could their training become any more strict? What did that mean for her? She had been trying her best but despite that she already had two detentions and was on her way to a third. Her delicate body was wracked by the pain of her corrections for her misdeeds. If her behaviour was to be scrutinised more harshly how could she survive?


"Mitchell, front," commanded Miss Watson.


Mitchell sprang from her seat and strode to the front of the class with confidence and purpose. She immediately stood at rigid attention facing the class. Sarah was amazed at the change in the busty schoolgirl. Yesterday she had been hesitant and anxious. Today her movements seemed infused with a sureness and a sensuality that confidence brought with it. Sarah was glad her friend had accepted her fate. She wasn't sure if Mitchell was like her, and fully accepted she was a slut but she had clearly decided that her life was no longer her own and obedience was the only proper course.




Swiftly and smoothly Mitchell fell to her knees, spreading them wide. It was strange, Sarah thought, but by keeping her hands behind her back during the transition had leant Mitchell a grace that she found highly sexual. She gazed at Mitchell's chest, her large udders straining against the tight blouse. She was sure it was her imagination but she thought she could even make out the three faint stripes of the cane strokes across her chest.


"Today you will learn two more positions to add to your repertoire and then we will do some posture training. Olsen, hand out the student manuals to the class, then everyone turn to page 16."


As Olsen collected the schoolgirl's manuals and handed them out Sarah lost her focus for but a moment. She was staring at Mitchell and allowing herself to become lost in her pain. She had slept like a baby but the effects of the previous day on her body were still being felt. Sarah yawned, her mouth opening wide. It was done before she could catch herself.


"Really Porter," said Miss Watson. Her admonishing tone made Sarah snap her mouth shut and her cheeks colour with shame. Was she simply doomed to do the wrong thing every chance she got?


Miss Watson stalked to the back of the room. Sarah heard the door open and then close firmly and loudly, though without a slam, the sharp noise making the young girl cringe in her seat. Sarah hoped Miss Watson was not angry with her, but she knew she had to be disappointed. She had shown her teacher great disrespect and she was mortified by her lack of self-discipline.


"Open your mouth, slut," commanded Miss Watson, standing right behind Sarah.


The trembling schoolgirl obediently opened her mouth as wide as it could go, fearful of what was to come. As soon as it was open Miss Watson thrust a hard metal contraption inside her mouth. Sarah got the barest of glimpses as the gag was slipped inside her mouth. It looked like a set of steel shark jaws, but without the teeth. Two prongs of metal rested in the centre of her mouth above and below and just behind her teeth. As Miss Watson adjusted the gag, Sarah heard two clicks and her mouth was opened even wider, as pressure was applied via the metal prongs.


Her mouth was now stretched painfully open. Her lips began to sting and her jaw began to ache almost immediately. It was more uncomfortable than painful though she thought that anything would have a hard time feeling painful on top of the agony her abused ass was currently radiating through her body.


"Remove your skirt and blouse, we don't want them getting covered in drool. Place them neatly over the arm of my chair."


Sarah stood and removed her skirt and blouse and placed them over her teacher's chair. Again she was half naked and again it was no one's fault but her own. She felt a strange compulsion to cover her breasts, exposed as they were by the half-cup bra. Instead she meekly returned to her seat, already seeing the wisdom of her teacher's command.


Saliva was pooling inside her mouth and she was unable to swallow with her mouth stretched so widely. The only reason she was not already drooling all over herself was that she had managed to keep her head up and her posture correct.


"Turn to page 16. Murphy read to the demonstration slut while the class follows."

"Squat. The student lowers her body until ass rests upon the heels. The student's legs are to be separated to a 45 degree angle. The students arms are to be drawn back behind the torso, the elbows drawn back to create a straight line across the student's back. The hands of the student are to be brought to rest in the small of the back with the right palm cupped within the left. The head of the student is to be raised and the focus of the eyes is to be forward."


Sarah followed along as Murphy read the passage aloud. As soon as she tilted her head down to read the page, a long trail of drool cascaded out of her mouth and landed on the floor between her feet. She continued to dribble, leaving a slimy trail down her chin. She could see the wisdom of her teacher ordering her to undress. Her skirt and her blouse would have been soaked by now if she was still wearing them.


"Mitchell, squat."


The kneeling schoolgirl raised herself from her knees by shifting her weight back until her ass rested comfortably upon her heels. If she had not been wearing such high heels, the strain on her calves may have been greater. As it was her calves were already under strain, a strain that she was quickly becoming used to. She had again kept her hands behind her back, making sure that her transitions required the absolute minimum of movements.


"This position is one that allows good view and access to the cunt. Squat is often used prior to mounting when the slut is required to be on top. It is also a position that is commonly adopted by sluts for cock-sucking. Porter I hope you are taking notice as this position is more ideal for smaller sluts to be able to reach a pleasing height for cock-sucking."


Sarah looked up at Miss Watson. Drool ran out of her mouth in an almost constant stream. Now that she was again looking up the spittle ran down her chin and dripped onto her upthrust tits. She nodded to Miss Watson, letting her know that she was paying attention.


"Well Porter are you taking particular note of this position?"

"Yaar eeou," Sarah replied, the movement of her tongue pushing even more saliva out of her mouth to drip on her exposed bosom. Sarah's breasts glistened with the thick coating of saliva they had received. Under this sheen the soft mounds began to deepen in colour as the humiliation of her position became increasingly clear.


It was not necessarily the things that Sarah had been made to do that she found the most degrading. It was the things she was not allowed to do. Not being able to simply close her mouth made her feel more humiliated than anything she could remember. It was the loss of these simple freedoms of her own body that reinforced so cruelly that she no longer had any control over her actions or her future. She belonged to someone else now. Her life was now governed by the whim of others and if they decided she was not to close her mouth then she would not. She no longer had any input into what went in or came out of her body.


It was this harsh realisation that almost brought tears to the young girls eyes. This was what being a slut was and yet it was this part of who she was that she had not come to terms with. She was dismayed to realise the truth that what she had accepted was the sexuality of the slut. She had a long way to go before she would truly consider herself the slut that her superior's knew her to be.


"Mitchell, attention. Squat. Attention. Squat."


Mitchell bobbed up and down as Miss Watson put the busty teen through her paces. Sarah watched her friend switch positions without missing a beat. She really had found her rhythm and she was glad that she had been able to help her do it. She wasn't being proud but she doubted that Mitchell would be performing so well if she had not been a party to Sarah's confession of the night before.


"The second position for today is present. Page 17, Murphy again for the benefit of this slut. Mitchell remove your blouse and bra as you listen, place them on the empty arm of my chair. "


"Present. The student lowers her body until ass rests upon the heels. The student's legs are to be separated to a 45 degree angle. The students arms are to be brought tight into the body. The student's hands turn palm up and cup the corresponding tit of the student. Support is to be provided to the student's tits. The student is mindful to take the weight of the tit and provide support commensurate with that of a brassier. The head of the student is to be raised and the focus of the eyes is to be forward."


By the time Murphy had finished explaining the position Mitchell had removed her clothing as ordered and was back at attention on the platform. Sarah had read along with Murphy but she had also managed to catch a glimpse or two of Mitchell as she undressed. She could see that Mitchell had made a conscious effort to remove the items of clothes as sensually as she could. Sarah had definitely underestimated her friend. She was doing inordinately better than Sarah and the thought gave her pause.


"Mitchell, present."


In moments Mitchell was squatting on the platform, her legs spread widely, causing her skirt to sit tautly over her thighs, exposing her panty-clad pussy to the class. Her arms were tucked tightly into her body and each hand cupped a large breast, pushing them up slightly. Miss Watson stepped forward and poked Mitchell's right breast with the tip of her cane.


"Support those udders more. Better. This position is not ambiguous in any way. It is designed for the slut to present her tits. There is a companion position for a slut to present her cunt but we shall come to that tomorrow. This position is particularly effective when the slut has big tits like Mitchell here. Udders like hers are presented well. Taylor remove your blouse and present."


Sarah knew what was to come. She cringed inside knowing the humiliation that Taylor was about to undergo. Despite her own current demeaning position Sarah could still feel empathy with another girl about to be debased. The constant up and down movement as she read her manual and looked at Mitchell demonstrating had made a mess of her face, chest and seat. Her drool coated her chin in a slick layer of transparent slime. A thick string hung from her chin, about to break and drip down on her breasts as she watched Taylor move gingerly forward.


Saliva not only covered her breasts but a thin river ran down her belly and had begun to soak the top of her tiny white panties. Sarah could also see the large puddle that sat on the floor beneath her. She had been careful not to wet her manual but there was even a small amount on the edge of her clear desk which had happened while she watched Mitchell undress.


Taylor had now joined Mitchell on the platform and had attempted to adopt their newly learned position. Her breasts were very small. So small in fact that she had not been issued with a uniform bra. Sarah had thought that Taylor's breasts were cute but she understood that for a slut they were not as desirable as most other girls. A fact that Miss Watson was highlighting for them now. Sarah felt deeply sorry for the pixie-like teen. Her face was a deep shade of red and she could see the bright sparkle of tears in her eyes.


"No two sluts are the same, this we know. What is important for a slut to learn is the strengths and weaknesses of her body. Taylor does not strike a pleasing pose in this position. If ordered she must of course present. However it is her duty as a slut to please her owner in other ways, ways which will draw the attention away from her shortcomings. Take your seat and dress, both of you."


"Some of you may think that being a slut simply means you fuck a lot of men and women. That is the most minor part of being a slut, though it is the part that society has latched on to. Society usually labels girls as sluts when they are really only promiscuous. The proper term for them would be slag.


“Promiscuity is not the domain of a slut. A slut is loyal and obedient. A slut performs in any way she is ordered. Of course you will all crave any kind of sexual activity with any partner deemed acceptable by your owner but this is not promiscuity. It is a very important difference. As we know, every female is, in essence, a slut. It is society that is to blame for this primal and instinctive behaviour being buried under mountains of social convention and taboo. Schools like Harkwood simply strive to uncage the beast that is present in every sluts genes. Progress is being made and you should all be proud to be a part of a paradigm shift that will birth a new age of harmony."


Sarah listened to Miss Watson's speech. It was one of those speeches that made so much sense to her, even though there was a part of her mind that was trying desperately to disagree. The pain that radiated throughout her body and the ever-present humiliation of being unable to close her mouth and drooling all over herself seemed to be combining to drown out that already tiny voice of dissent.


She was born to be a slut. That was what Miss Watson was saying. It was a genetic thing. Sarah had heard the debates about nature versus nurture and had always felt it to be a combination of the two. Was this what was happening to her? Her gene's had already programmed her for this life but it would take her being trained at a school like Harkwood for her to reach this genetic potential.


"Porter," snapped Miss Watson, shocking Sarah from her daydream. "Will you yawn in my class again?"

"Oouo arrn," Sarah gargled, shaking her head at the same time, desperate to let Miss Watson know how she felt.

"Come here."


Sarah stood and approached her teacher with a mixture of anxiousness and eagerness. She stood before her teacher, at rigid attention, the continuous stream of drool connecting her chin to her chest in a long trail of clear slime.


Miss Watson reached out with both hands and released the pressure on the metal dental gag. Sarah winced as the metal contraption was removed from her mouth. The pain in her jaw as her mouth closed slightly was intense. The sides of her mouth stung where they had been pulled tight but Sarah kept her mouth open. She felt it was best as she had not been given permission to close it. She had to make sure she was more conscious that her every move required permission. Her body was not her own anymore, she had to make sure that truth was at the forefront of her considerations.


"If you yawn in my presence again Porter you will wear that gag for the rest of the day. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied, opening her mouth wide as soon as she had finished.

"Do you have anything to say Porter?"

"Yes Maam."

"Proceed," Miss Watson commanded imperiously.

"I am very sorry Ma'am. I was very disrespectful and that terrible behaviour should be punished."

"Of course you have earned an infraction Porter, do you think you deserve further correction?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah conceded, knowing that an infraction was the minimum she should expect.

"What would you suggest Porter?"

Sarah was totally unprepared for the question. Her brain would not function quickly enough. Her ass still radiated an intense pain, her correction that morning not something she would soon forget. Sarah couldn't suggest anymore caning, she didn't think she could deal with any further abuse of her tender buttocks. She realised within seconds that she simply did not have the imagination required to satisfy her teacher.


"I am a slut Ma'am," Sarah replied with trepidation. She hated to say it, as it felt like she had failed to do so, but it was her only recourse. She surprised herself with those feelings. She had been asked to think of her own punishment and when she could not she felt as if she had failed! Was this the work of her slut instincts?


"So the onus is on me Porter? Not only do you demonstrate disrespect but you wish to create work for me. That is the form in which your punishment will manifest. You will be my little slut helper for the rest of the lesson. First shut your mouth, you look like you are trying to catch flies. Second clean up your mess. Third, in the supply room you will find a small pile of rubber blocks. Fetch them."


"Class, being a slut is not just a state of mind or a physical manifestation of sexual desire. It encompasses those things but it is much more. It is a sacred duty. The duty of every woman to obey and serve.”


As Miss Watson continued to lecture the class Sarah went to her desk and began to clean the mess she had made. There was a large pool of saliva on the floor as well as traces on her desk and stool. She began with her desk, bending at the waist and sucking the small pool of drool with pursed lips. Her bruised ass was mere inches from Murphy, Sarah realised and hoped it would not distract her friend.


She tried to listen to Miss Watson teach the class more of the theory of being a slut. She needed to learn this, it made no difference what else she was doing. It was her fault she was not sitting at her desk, listening quietly like the rest of her classmates. Miss Watson spoke so eloquently and her lessons had always made so much sense to Sarah.


Once her desk was clean she licked the small trace of moisture from her stool and then knelt beneath her desk to finish the job. The pool of saliva was formed of thick ropy strands of translucent slime that had all melted together. It was different to the drool she had produced when sucking her dildo during yesterday's class. It was an odd thought, Sarah realised. Strange what popped into her head sometimes.


Sarah was trying her best to be pleasing, to in some way make up for her atrocious behaviour. She was trying to clean as speedily as she could, while listening to Miss Watson but also making sure that her body moved in a pleasing way and that she was displaying her body properly. She had knelt beneath her desk with her knees widely spread, her ass thrust into the air and her hands resting in the small of her back. Her hands seemed to spend more time behind her back than anywhere else she thought. It was becoming a natural disposition for her, which she was glad of. It was one less thing to think about. As her training progressed Sarah hoped that more and more things would happen by second nature. It would not only make her life easier but it would mean that she was making real progress.


Sarah sucked the pool of saliva as quickly as she could. She could see little pieces of dust and dirt sitting within the clear puddle of liquid but tried her best to ignore them. In only 30 seconds the young girl had cleaned the floor so only the barest sheen of moisture was left. She buried the shame she felt at her actions, buried it deep inside her, though the process was not entirely successful. Her face blazed a bright red, and it was not all from her bent position. Cleaning all the fluids her body could produce was going to be something she struggled with for some time. She could still taste the sticky mucus, though she tried to tell herself she was only being silly. Once the floor was cleanshe stood hurriedly and all but skipped to the back of the class to fetch the rubber boards Miss Watson wanted.


"A slut seeks pleasure. That is a universal truth. A slut seeks pleasure in everything she does. But a slut will never truly be fulfilled unless the pleasure she seeks is found through servitude and obedience. Achieving orgasm is a hollow pleasure if the slut does not have permission. Orgasms are not the right of a slut, they are a privilege gifted to them. Often a slut will find greater pleasure in the smile of her owner when she properly completes a task than she would in the most intense of orgasms. An orgasm is physical, the fulfilment a slut experiences from providing pleasure to a superior is something that is felt in her mind, body and soul."


Sarah hurried, not wanting to miss any of Miss Watson's lesson. She opened the door at the back of the class and stopped in her tracks. The room was only small but it was filled from floor to ceiling with hundreds of items. Many she had no idea of their use but the entire wall in front of her was filled with hooks, from which dangled whips, canes, paddles and a variety of wicked looking instruments that she sincerely hoped she would never discover the uses of.


Another wall was filled with ropes and restraints of countless varieties, the remaining wall covered by a glass-doored cabinet, filled with shelf upon shelf of dildos and what she guessed were plugs for the ass. The bottom few shelves were a series of small boxes, all labelled though she could not read any from the doorway.


On the plain wooden table in the middle of the room Sarah spotted the rubber blocks she had been tasked with retrieving. They were each an inch thick and the size of a large hardback book. There were two piles, each containing  nine of the black blocks all stacked neatly. Sarah lifted one pile easily. Upon discovering how light they were she stacked these on top of the remaining pile and picked them up, balancing them carefully until she could steady the top of the pile with her chin.


The petite schoolgirl scurried back into the room with her burden and walked towards her teacher, who was still lecturing the class on what was expected of them in their new life. Miss Watson continued to speak to the class without acknowledging Sarah's presence. It was not until Miss Watson had made her point about a slut's first duty was to always be aware of the needs of her owner first, then any other superior in their presence, then of her surroundings, that she turned to the obediently waiting schoolgirl.


"Place the blocks on the platform Porter. Close the supply room door, your manners today are abysmal. I was most gratified during the course of classes yesterday to notice the firmness of your nipples. I am disappointed to see that your slut responses are not so keen today. While you are back there find the box on the right labelled small pegs and bring two back with you."


Sarah placed the rubber blocks on the platform and returned to the supply room. Her cheeks ablaze as she scurried to the back of the classroom. She felt thoroughly chastised by her teacher's stern admonishments and she could not disagree at all. Her manners and her behaviour so far on her second day of school had been extremely poor.


She definitely deserved the punishment she was to receive, she only hoped that she could perform well enough to please Miss Watson and show her that she could be a good girl. The anxious teen needed her teacher's acceptance and praise more than she had could have previously imagined. Even through the pain and humiliation that threatened to overwhelm her senses the fact that she had disappointed her teacher caused a deep emptiness in her belly. A sinking feeling as if she would never be happy again.


Sarah entered the supply room and immediately sought the box labelled small pegs. The room, filled as it was with implements and instruments to be used in her training, intimidated the diminutive schoolgirl. She squatted down before the right wall and began to scan the small labels. As she searched Sarah was aware of the new position she had adopted, a position she had learnt only moments before. It definitely felt different to any other. It was a position she would have to practice as she was a smaller girl and Miss Watson had said it was better for cock-sucking for the littler sluts. It was a position that provided the same feelings of exposure and vulnerability but it was also harder to maintain as it required the slut to be constantly balanced. Definitely one she would have to practice and practice and practice.


Sarah's gaze flickered across the boxes, desperate to find the label she had been ordered to find. She saw labels for wrist cuffs, ankle cuffs, clover clamps, C clamps, forceps, cups and pegs before she spotted the box marked 'small pegs'. Sarah tried not to waste any time attempting to imagine what the other boxes contained, she simply reached out, pulled the small black box from the shelf and opened it.


Inside were hundreds of small black wooden pegs. They looked perfect to hang doll's clothes Sarah thought. She reached in and removed two of the small pegs, forcing herself to keep moving and not get lost in imagining what Miss Watson was going to do with them. Sarah quickly replaced the box and scurried from the supply room without a backwards glance, though making sure she closed the door behind her this time. She could not afford any more lapses in behaviour today.


The apprehensive teen stood before her teacher and waited to be acknowledged. She stood at attention, her left arm behind her back but her right arm held in front of her, palm up, displaying the two small pegs she had been ordered to retrieve. Miss Watson finished the point she was making about a slut's priorities with regards to her holes before she looked at the petite, half-naked schoolgirl.


"Well slut, let's get you dressed so we can continue with this lesson."


Miss Watson reached out and caressed the side of Sarah's face with a gentleness one would not expect from the Amazonian woman. Sarah could not help herself, she instinctively leaned her head into her teacher's hand, yearning for the comfort and intimacy such a caress promised. Miss Watson rubbed her thumb gently across Sarah's cheek before sliding her hand down her neck and onto her chest.


A flush of heat and colour rose from her chest, mottling the delicate skin of her neck a delicate shade of pink before coming to rest in her face. Sarah was defenceless against the attentions of her teacher. She could not control her reactions, reinforcing to her that her body was no longer her own. All she could control was her posture and position and she made sure her body did not move an inch. Sarah's tiny pink nipples hardened the instant her teacher's warm hand rested on her left breast. She saw the faintest of smiles cross Miss Watson's face. The young girls blush deepened but at the same time she was buoyed by the fact that her teacher was pleased with her.


"It seems that you required only a little motivation Porter. It is encouraging for your training to know that you required so little motivation but a slut can always do better. You can do better can you not Porter?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied with absolute sincerity. She knew she could.

"Right then," said Miss Watson as she took the two small pegs from Sarah's outstretched hand. Without any further preamble Miss Watson opened a peg in each hand and placed the opened teeth around each of Sarah's hard nipples.


Sarah squealed as the pegs closed over each sensitive pink nipple. The sound was not loud and was produced more from surprise than from any deep pain the pegs caused. Her ass still radiated pain throughout her body overshadowing this latest addition. Miss Watson had placed each peg so it ran parallel with Sarah's breast, creating a small vertical black line in the middle of each breast.


"Get dressed Porter," commanded Miss Watson. "Girls, a slut must be sure to conduct herself in a pleasing manner with every movement. Posture and grace are two extremely important attributes every slut must master to ensure that her movements are pleasing to the eye."


Sarah listened to her teacher as she replaced her skirt and blouse, luxuriating in the protection that her small uniform afforded her. The fact that she felt more comfortable, confident and protected when she was clothed was one of the things about her new life that confused her immensely. As a slut she should not be affected by her nudity, she knew this but still could not control her feelings of false modesty. As she buttoned her blouse, pressure was put on the pegs squeezing her nipples. The pain had been increasing moment by moment but now that her blouse was buttoned tightly across her chest the pain in her nipples spiked. Sarah fixed her tie and returned to her desk and stood obediently beside her seat, awaiting permission to sit. Standing at attention caused another spike in the level of pain caused by the tight wooden jaws of the pegs. Sarah nibbled her lower lip to stop herself making another untimely outburst.


"To begin each slut will collect a posture board. For the remainder of the lesson you will walk circuits around the classroom, training your bodies to the correct posture for a slut. The circuit you will walk is from the front of the platform, down the right wall, back wall and up the left. You will walk two feet from each wall, no contact is to be made with any wall surface.


"The posture board is to be placed on the top of each slut's head. Once a slut's board is placed on her head it is only to be touched as the slut retrieves it from the floor. Failure to follow these rules will result in an infraction. Each time a slut allows her board to fall she will move to the front of the room, step onto the platform and assume the correction position at which time Porter will use this switch and will provide the correction necessary.


"Porter your circuit will be back and forth along the front wall of the room. This will allow you to be available for each correction a slut requires. Porter you may remove your posture board when you are performing each correction. Porter will receive all her corrections at the end of the lesson.


"Collect your boards and take up your positions around the room," commanded Miss Watson as she reclined in her leather chair. As Sarah collected her board Miss Watson handed her the switch with which she was to correct her classmates.


With a board in one hand and the supple switch in the other, Sarah curtsied to her teacher and stepped to the front of the room, anxious about the part she was to play in the coming activity. She would make sure that her classmates received the appropriate correction, to do anything less would be doing them a disservice and would actually be harming their progress. Sarah recognised the need for correction but she knew it would not be easy to be the one to mete it out.


"Slut's, boards high," commanded Miss Watson.


All eighteen schoolgirls, arrayed around the room, reached up with both hands and balanced the thick rubber boards on their heads. Sarah was careful, adjusting the board with numerous small touches until she was confident it was balanced. She removed her hands, placing them slowly behind her back, and hoped for her board to stay put. Her body was rigid as a post: spine was straight, shoulders back and head held high. The petite teen was happy that her board had stayed up. Sarah rolled the switch between her fingers. It was very thin and flexible, not like a cane at all and Sarah knew that it would sting terribly.




Sarah stepped forward, her focus now totally on her posture and the board balanced on her head. She had only taken two steps when she heard a dull thud from her right. She dared to flick her eyes to the side and caught the movement of one of her classmates approaching the platform. She quickly reached up and removed her board to apply the correction.


As she stepped onto the platform Sarah recognised her first subject as Casta, the French teen who had seemed so much the slut even before their new life had begun. Her posture board rested on the platform and she was already standing in the correction position, her skirt flipped up onto her back. Sarah placed her own board next to Casta's and took up a position to one side of her classmate.


She knew that the sooner she performed the correction, the sooner she and Casta could return to their practice. With this in mind Sarah swung back the switch and brought it swiftly and forcefully down across Casta's exposed buttocks. She heard a tiny yip from the bent teen and instantly felt bad for being the cause of the pain. She consoled herself with the thought that she was not really the cause. Miss Watson had ordered her to do it and besides, Casta had earned it, as would each subsequent girl, by failing the task set them. Still the small nauseous  feeling in the pit of her stomach persisted as she saw the small red mark appear on Castas already striped buttocks.


"Porter make sure each slut receives some motivation with their correction. Training a slut is balance of disciplines," advised Miss Watson as she lounged in her chair.


"Try harder slut," Sarah said to Casta as she retrieved her posture board. She had tried to make her words sound as encouraging as she could, though she could not stop it sounding more like an admonishment.


Casta did not acknowledge Sarah's attempt at motivation though her back stiffened as she steadied the board on her head. She wasn't sure if it was simply part of her striving for correct posture or if she harboured some ill feeling for Sarah, who had only been doing as she had been told. Before she had a chance to grab her own posture board Sarah heard not one but two loud thumps from the classroom. Olsen and Hinka made their way forward. Sarah corrected and motivated each girl as quickly as she could. Not only was it important for these girls to get back to practicing but Sarah needed to as well. She had so far only been able to take two steps.


For the next 40 minutes Sarah was only able to take another four steps with her posture board. An almost constant stream of girls needed correction. Sarah was not even able to keep count of the corrections she dealt, though she knew that she had switched Mitchell twice and Murphy three times. Ozawa had gained an infraction for touching her board when she had tried to catch it before it hit the ground.


When Miss Watson had called an end to the exercise there was an almost tangible air of relief in the room. Each girl was instructed to return her board to the platform and sit at their desks. Sarah's board already rested on the platform, as it had done for the majority of the period. She felt as if the lesson had been a wasted one for her. She had not been given a real chance to participate but she had come to accept this as part of her punishment for her earlier horrid behaviour.


"I will take that switch Porter. I am sure you will be sorry to let it go. The vigour and enthusiasm with which you dealt each correction was, I think, was clear to everyone. Why was that Porter?"

"Ma'am, if a slut allowed her board to fall she was not working hard enough at the task set for her. This deserved a correction. It was my duty to see that each slut received the proper correction and motivation Ma'am."

"Good Porter. I was gratified to see that you ensured each correction was as harsh as it could be. I don't think I have seen the switch swung with as much panache by a student before. I am sure that your classmates are as happy with your performance as I am, however, the poor showing by these sluts meant that you barely took five steps during this class. After your detention you will report to me for 40 minutes of posture training, that is only fair, correct?"

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am," Sarah replied. She was thankful that she would not miss out on the work the other girls had done this lesson but she was a little frightened as to what this would mean for her time after class. How long would her detention last? Would she even be able to be ready in time for dinner?



Sarah rushed to her seat and sat at attention. Pain blazed from her ass as she rested her weight on the hard plastic stool. There was nothing she could do about the pain from the paddle and cane. She knew that she would be dealing with it for days to come. The pain in her nipples however could be reduced and she hoped with all her heart that Miss Watson had not forgotten about the small wooden pegs that squeezed them so tightly. Sarah found it hard to believe that she could have. Not only could her hard nipples be seen through her blouse but the shape of the pegs was also clearly visible beneath the stiff white material.


During the lesson the pain from the pegs had plateaued. Every now and then as she swung the switch there would be a sharp spike of agony that shot into her breast as a peg was caught against her blouse and twisted. It had become a constant pain but, like that in her ass, it was something she had accepted. She had no control over it but it was never something she could become comfortable with.


"Mitchell what did you learn in class today?" Miss Watson asked unexpectedly.

"I learned how to walk with the right posture Ma'am."

"Olsen, what did you learn."

"I learned how the correct posture can help my body move in a pleasing manner Ma'am."

"You are both right in a way. Today it was your mind that was introduced to correct posture. As in many activities and indeed in much of a slut's life, your mind is unimportant. It is your body that must learn posture and grace. The only way for this to happen is via exposure and practice.


"Your body will learn to do things which will occur independently of your mind. This is very important for a slut. An example that you all will be able to understand," with this Miss Watson looked directly at Mitchell, "is how your body is adapting to your new footwear. You are not thinking about walking in your high heels. Your body is adapting and working without your mind. A slut's body will train itself if given the correct amount of practice and repetition of task. It is all part of a slut's instincts that you will develop. Porter, come."


Sarah stood up quickly and moved to stand in front of Miss Watson. During her speech she had left her chair and was now standing before the class. Her imposing figure intimidated the diminutive schoolgirl. It was not only her height or her sheer physical presence. Miss Watson, more than any other staff member at Harkwood made Sarah feel small, inadequate and stupid. She knew so much about being a slut, she knew so much about what Sarah was going to be that it made the impressionable young girl feel as if her every action was somehow lacking something special and indefinable.


"Face the class."


Sarah turned on her heel to face her classmates. She felt more than saw Miss Watson step beside her. She felt more than saw the fingers that Miss Watson held an inch in front of her mouth. A split second later, Sarah opened her mouth as she had been taught the day before.


"The slut hesitated in the performance of her duty. She knew what she should do but the untrained slut needed to engage her mind first. As her training progresses, her body will not require any mental input when something is placed before her mouth. The slut has good instincts but they need definition."


Sarah was not sure if she was in trouble or not. She had opened her mouth as quickly as she could but it had not been quick enough. Sarah had thought about it as Miss Watson spoke. She had definitely had to think about opening her mouth. She would be glad when her body became naturally obedient. Not only was it the right way for a slut to be but it would please her superiors. It would also help to prevent her incurring further punishments, though this was the lowest priority of the three.


Without a word Miss Watson began to unbutton Sarah's blouse. She undid the buttons from the bottom up but stopped at the final button at her collar. The teacher tucked her blouse into the crook of the young girls arms behind her back and exposed her breasts. It one quick motion Miss Watson removed both pegs from Sarah's painfully hard nipples.


It took a moment for the action to register to the pretty teen but the pain was soon blazing through her chest. Sarah's breath caught as sheer agony pulsed through her nipples. The pain of their removal far surpassed anything they had caused while they had been firmly clamped around the tender pink buds. Sarah gasped as she tried to deal with the pain. She noticed she had begun to hunch her shoulders in a vain attempt to protect her nipples and instantly straightened her shoulders.


"Dress yourself Porter. Then return all the equipment used to the supply room." As Sarah buttoned up her blouse, trying as best she could not to bump her abused nipples, Miss Watson clipped both small pegs to the lobe of her right ear. "For the remaining minutes of this class open your manuals and study all the positions we have learnt so far," ordered Miss Watson as she returned to the comfort of her studded leather chair.


Sarah finished buttoning her blouse, wincing as the tight material closed over her aching nipples. The sharp slashing pain had faded, replaced with a deep ache that was ten times worse than they had felt last night after almost a full day of being hard. Sarah collected all eighteen posture boards and tried to hold them away from her body as she headed towards the back of the room but it was just too precarious. The tender teen leaned the thick rubber boards against her chest causing her to bite her lip against the fresh pain in her nipples. She hurried back to the supply room, eager to return the equipment and have the weight off her nipples.


When she reached the supply room door Sarah realised she had created a dilemma for herself. There was no way she could support all eighteen boards with one hand and no way she could open the door with her hands full. Was she allowed to put the boards down? Sarah knew she had no time to discover an answer. She was missing valuable study time and she knew Miss Watson would have much to say about a slut wasting time.


Sarah took a deep breath and made a decision. She shuffled her right arm slowly under the bottom board, pressing upwards to squash the tower of boards under her chin, ignoring the pain that flared in her tender nipples as the boards crushed her breasts. Sarah gently slid her left hand out from under the boards and made a grab for the handle. The frantic teen turned and flung the door open, the moment she had a grip of the smooth metal knob. Her left hand darted back under the boards just as they had begun to slip from her grasp. She dashed into the supply room and set them down on the table. A giant wave of relief washing over her as she separated the boards into two neat, even piles of nine. She headed for the door before remembering the pegs on her ear. How could she have forgotten those? They were not that painful but they were definitely uncomfortable.


Sarah squatted down before the boxes and found the one marked 'small pegs'. She opened the box and only then removed the two pegs from her ear and placed them inside. Sarah then moved as fast as she could, straightening up gracefully and then all but running back to her desk. She soon stood beside her seat awaiting permission to sit. It was something she had been unsure of the first time it had happened but she know knew that for a slut to be properly obedient she required specific permission for most anything. The class had been given permission to sit but she knew that permission had not been for her. If a slut was unable to obey at the time an order was given she would require specific permission when she was able. A slut's mind was good for something after all Sarah thought.


"Sit Porter."


Sarah sank gratefully onto her stool. The pressure of her body weight caused fresh surges of agony to erupt in the abused globes of her bottom but it was not enough to make Sarah wish she was still standing. She had lost so much time this lesson and she would lose even more time after classes ended. She was eager to study her manual, even if that meant more pain. She was well aware of the priorities she needed to have.


Just as Sarah opened her manual the bell sounded throughout the classroom. Tears of frustration appeared in Sarah's eyes. The poor teen gritted her teeth and bit back the small salty droplets that began to blur her vision. Nothing that had happened that lesson was not her own fault. Crying now would help no one.


"Dismissed," bellowed Miss Watson.


As Olsen thanked her teacher, Miss Watson addressed Sarah, ignoring the other students in the class, "Porter kneel." Sarah rose from her stool and knelt before Miss Watson. She sat to one side so her teacher could see her classmates curtsey as they thanked her for the lesson.


"What are we to do with you Porter? Out of all these sluts you show perhaps the most promise but you have also shown the greatest potential for trouble-making. You do appreciate our efforts don't you Porter? You appreciate what we are trying to do for you?”

"Yes, Ma'am," Sarah replied with absolute sincerity. She had to make sure Miss Watson knew she appreciated everything. She didn't know exactly why she caused so much trouble. She tried her best but so far her best had not been good enough.

"You pleased me with the power you applied to each correction. I was even more pleased with your reasoning. You did not enjoy causing pain to your classmates did you Porter?"

"No, Ma'am," Sarah replied. She heard Winkle thank Miss Watson for the lesson and hoped she and the remaining girls had heard this.

"Yes I could see that. You put all your strength into each stroke because you knew each slut deserved it?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah said with a smile. Miss Watson did understand!

"Hurry along now Porter." Sarah rose and curtsied to her seated teacher.

"Thank you for the lesson Ma'am. I appreciate all the work you do and all the knowledge you have that will make me a better slut."

"Porter were you given permission to prattle on?"

"No Ma'am, sorry Ma'am," Sarah replied dejectedly.

"Correction position."


Sarah immediately stepped up onto the platform, bent over and grabbed her ankles. Even when she was trying to be good she was being bad. Sarah felt the lowest she had been since learning of her new status. Pain burst in the tender flesh of her thighs. It felt as if a knife has been slashed across the back of her legs. A soft yelp left her lips as the first stroke was followed by a second. This was the pain she had caused her classmates during the last lesson. She knew they had deserved it and it would have been wrong for her to do anything less but it did not make her feel better knowing the as she did now, the exact level of pain she had caused.


"Now you know what to look forward to during your make-up class this afternoon. Next time you are required to speak make sure you are concise. The only dribble that should come from a slut's mouth is that produced when she is sucking a cock. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am."



Sarah hurried from the room without looking back. She flicked a glance at the clock as she left. It was 10:59. She hoped that the class had not as yet been let in by Miss Rice. She did not want to anger another teacher. The young girls spirits rose when she entered the corridor to find her classmates still lined up. She scurried between the silent teens and took her place in the gap that had been left for her. She had no sooner placed her arms behind her back when Miss Rice called for the class to enter.

Chapter 17. In which Sarah learns some limits


Sarah entered Miss Rice's classroom behind Murphy as always. As she took her place in front of her stool she noticed with a sinking feeling that the gynaecological chair was back in place straddling the platform at the front of the class.




Sarah sat and looked at Miss Rice, the owner of the sultry voice that caused something to stir deep inside her every time she heard it. Today Miss Rice was wearing a beautiful dress of a deep forest-green. It was made of a soft, almost sheer material that seemed to move around her teacher's shapely legs as if there was a constant breeze in the room. It was tight waisted and had a bodice that clung sensually to every curve of her body. Sarah lost herself in the beauty of her teacher. Every movement Miss Rice made appeared so free and reminded Sarah of an old painting she had seen of a dancing gypsy woman. Sarah had fallen instantly in love with the painting, had she done the same with her biology teacher? She had dreamt about that dancing gypsy woman many times. Looking back on these dreams with the knowledge of herself that she now had, Sarah realised that she had been having lesbian dreams long before coming to Harkwood.


"Girls, today we are going to continue our lesson on the pussy. Yesterday we learnt the basics of the anatomy of the cunt. Today we will learn the physiological changes produced in the cunt during stimulation and stress. We will also touch upon the physical limits of the pussy.


"Porter, undress and hop up here," said Miss Rice, patting the seat of the gynaecological chair. "You did so well yesterday and you have such a pretty pussy. It is always best to have a continuity in demonstration models."


Sarah stepped over to Miss Rice's chaise lounge and began to undress. She was about to spend another hour naked, strapped into a chair that exposed her more than anything she had experienced. Once again her body was going to be used as the demonstration equipment for her classmates to learn from. Sarah knew it was necessary for their training but she could not reconcile that with the fact that it was her body that was being used. Her naked body, she added. That was such a big part of her trepidation at being used in this way. She could not help the humiliation she felt at being used as an object, her body being treated just the same as the chair to which she would be strapped - a piece of equipment. What she hated was being naked. She knew she should not care, at least care less than being treated as if she wasn't a person, but her modesty regarding nudity was something her psyche seemed to be holding onto for all it was worth.


Sarah unclipped her bra, allowing her breasts to bounce free from their comfortable support. She placed it with her neatly folded skirt and blouse before quickly sliding her panties off and placing them on top of the small pile of clothes that constituted her uniform. As soon as she let go of her panties she knew her ordeal was to begin. She took the two steps to the platform and lifted herself onto the waiting chair. The plastic surface was cool against her skin, though not cool enough to provide any relief for the cane and paddle marks that still burned the delicate flesh of her buttocks.


"When you are told to sit in this chair, you are to sit properly slut," directed Miss Rice.


Sarah instantly shuffled backwards, using her hands to lift her tender buttocks off the chair. She lay back and lifted her legs, placing each one in the appropriate stirrup, spreading her legs almost painfully wide. Sarah was unsure if her hands were to be cuffed as well but decided to err on the side of caution and placed her arms back behind her head. Her upper arms now framed her pretty face and she curved her hands back down until she felt each wrist rest against a Velcro cuff.


She hadn't liked being cuffed in this position during yesterday's class. Being strapped down, unable to move was not a comfortable feeling. She already felt exposed while sitting in the chair but knowing she could not move even if she wanted to made her feel vulnerable and a little afraid. At least she would not get in trouble for moving without permission if she was restrained she thought. It was small consolation to balance the humiliation and helplessness she felt.


Miss Rice strapped each ankle and then each wrist to the chair, securing the cuffs tightly around the tiny schoolgirls petite limbs. When she had finished the last wrist cuff, Miss Rice patted the captive teen on the head. Sarah didn't understand exactly why, but she felt her anxiety lessen. All Miss Rice had done was pat her head as if she was a dog.


"Now class what is the first thing that stands out when you see this pussy? Disregard the cunt measles of course." Sarah blushed at her teacher's casual manner of talking about the most private and intimate part of her body. The tiny pink spots caused by her waxing had lessened but were still prominent, especially just above her slit. Sarah saw a number of hands were raised by her classmates.



"That it is very pretty Ma'am," the buxom teen ventured, though without confidence.

"Mitchell this is no time for point scoring. Later on there will be a chance for class participation. If you wish to continue your sweet-talking with this slut you can do it outside of class time. Cox?"

"That it is wet Ma'am."

"Indeed it is Cox. Hinka?"

"I also noticed that it was wet Ma'am."

"Hinka, if you open your mouth to speak, something interesting had better come out. Repeat another girl's answer again and you will receive an infraction."


"The first thing that you can notice about the pussy is that it's colour is different from the flesh surrounding it. This will be the case for every slut, with the exception of those of the darkest skin tones. This is due to the blood vessels in this area. The first reaction a pussy exhibits when stimulated is a deepening of colour. This reaction varies in depth with every pussy. Accompanying this flushing of colour is a slight engorgement of the cuntlips themselves. Both of these physiological reactions are due to an increased blood flow to the pussy."


Miss Rice grabbed the small remote from the trolley beside the platform as she spoke. Sarah had not even noticed the trolley and it's assortment of apparatus. She watched as the large screen TV lowered from the ceiling above her. It continued to approach her prone form until it obscured her view of her classmates. Now all she could see was the back of the TV. If she looked down her body, past her breasts and between her widely spread legs, she could see the bottom halves of her classmates. Her vision was filled with a sea of spread legs and white panties.


"Identify yourself for the record slut."

"Porter, 97817402 Ma'am."

"My, my Porter we haven't even begun the class and you are already creaming. Good girl. Class this is the natural response of a slut. It is typical for a slut to produce cuntjuice at the expectation of stimulation. A well-trained slut's cunt will become wet at the mere sound of her owner's voice."


Sarah felt her face flush as Miss Rice spoke of the state of her pussy. She knew she was becoming wet when she undressed. She had not been able to understand it or control it so Miss Rice's explanation had been a welcome one. It was her response to the presence of Miss Rice and the knowledge that she would be working on her pussy, not the humiliation she had been experiencing at the time. Sarah saw her teacher disappear between her legs and heard a metal clang. As Miss Rice reappeared Sarah noticed that she was again wearing the headset with the built in camera and light.


"The pussy is already in a low state of arousal. It is rare for the cunt of a slut to be at a level lower than this. As your training increases and your body becomes more free to follow its instincts you will all experience this. During this class we will pay closer attention to the way a pussy reacts and performs when stimulated through all levels of arousal."


"Watch the lips and the clit as the stimulation begins."


Miss Rice's words were accompanies by a muted buzzing that came from between Sarah's legs. An instant later the restrained schoolgirl felt the vibrator against her pussy. Miss Rice began at the entrance to her cunt, barely touching the vibrating wand to the plump lips of Sarah's pussy. The head of the wand moved slowly up her vulva until it rested for a moment on her clit. Sarah gasped as the pleasant build-up of sensation that had begun softly in her sensitive labia, exploded as the gentle vibrations buzzed through the delicate pink bud. The squirming schoolgirl moaned as the vibrator was removed and the buzzing stopped. Her breathing had become rapid and shallow and her whole body felt as if it was on fire.


"Now class do you see the changes in the cuntlips? Each slut will react in the same way but of course each cunt is different. As these lips are quite plump to begin with they don't grow too much in size, but notice the deepening of colour. Such a pretty pink. The clit however has grown considerably. Notice how the engorged clit pushes the hood back, abandoning its protection and seeking out sensation. Now the body undergoes a great many physiological changes upon arousal: pupils dilate, nipples harden, breathing becomes rapid and shallow, heart rate increases, body temperature rises. We will study all these at a later date. Let's continue with the pussy however. Watch closely as the pussy is stimulated to orgasm."


The buzzing began again and Sarah moaned as the rippled head of the vibrator played across her exposed clit. The ecstasy rushed through her body in waves, each one peaking higher and higher.


"An orgasm can be generated in a slut by a number of different methods. Direct stimulation of the clit, stimulation of the cunt, anal stimulation or a combination of all three. There is a common misconception in the society of today that the female orgasm is hard to achieve. This is one of the common misconceptions caused by the breakdown of societal norms. We won't go into that too much, that is more Miss Watson's forte.


"Suffice it to say girls that a slut reaches orgasm quite easily. It is a slut's duty however to ensure that she does not experience an orgasm without permission. Look at the pussy, see how it longs to be filled. If I prise these lips apart just a little you will be able to see the muscles of the cunt as they flex and contract. A slut wants her cunt filled at all times, but especially at climax. When this cunt comes we will see what happens when this is denied. The first orgasm will be due to clitoral stimulation."


Sarah heard the words through the daze of pleasure that had overtaken her body. She pulled at her wrist restraints, the desperate need to pinch and massage her nipples had risen as it had the day before. Sarah was about to experience the second orgasm of her young life and it was again to be at the hands of Miss Rice. The words 'first orgasm' penetrated the delirium of pleasure that threatened to overwhelm the naked teen. How many was she going to have? She had heard Miss Rice mention the ways in which a slut could have an orgasm. Was she going to be fucked? In her ass?


Her desire was reaching its crescendo. Sarah opened her mouth to ask for permission to come when the vibrator was cruelly removed from her clit. Her hips raised from the chair in an involuntary attempt to follow the source of the intense pleasure.


"Now, now slut. Your eagerness is adorable but you will come when I wish and not before. Class, at the point of climax the clit will pulse, so watch for that. What I want you to also focus on is the cunt itself. This will help you to see what happens in a cunt at orgasm."


Sarah guessed what was coming before she saw Miss Rice place it at the entrance of her pussy. A clear plastic speculum was being inserted inside her. A soft, barely audible moan escaped Sarah's pursed lips as Miss Rice manipulated her labia and inserted the hard plastic device. She was glad that the class could not see her face as she blushed deeply. She knew she should not feel humiliation at moaning in pleasure at the touch of her teacher. She had been doing so for the last five minutes as Miss Rice brought her to the brink of orgasm. It was the fact that she was no longer being pleasured, that she was enjoying any touch, no matter how casual or innocuous. She was deriving sexual pleasure from an activity she didn't see as sexual. But wasn't that right for a slut?


"Now class, this speculum is a little different from those generally used. I am sure you noticed this model did not have the long tongues. This model is designed to open the pussy for only an inch. This will allow us to see inside the cunt without any outside influence disrupting the activity within. I think we might just need to keep the slut in place. We don't want those dancing hips to move the cunt out of shot. Hips up slut."


Sarah lifted her hips as high off the chair as she could. It placed great strain on her thighs and stomach muscles as she had no real point of purchase with which to lift herself. She watched anxiously as Miss Rice took an item from under the trolley. It was a long, black leather strap on which she could see a number of silver D rings, similar to the one in her collar. Her body had started to tremble from the strain of holding her hips off the chair in such an awkward position. Rivulets of sweat ran down her flanks, tickling her as they went.


Finally, Miss Rice slid the strap under Sarah and pushed her belly back down onto the chair. After a few adjustments the teacher had the thick leather belt situated across Sarah's waist, covering her bellybutton. The belt was pulled suddenly tight, causing Sarah to gasp when it was buckled closed. The two inch thick belt had been cinched almost painfully tight. It was uncomfortable and made Sarah more and more conscious of her breathing. The restrained teen watched as Miss Rice connected a strap to each of the D rings at her sides pulling her tightly into the plastic surface of the chair.


Sarah squirmed, attempting to alleviate the discomfort but found that she could no longer move her lower body. The pretty schoolgirl could move her head a little and she could wiggle her shoulders but all other movement had been effectively taken from her. She was now more helpless than ever. Unable to move. Unable to prevent anything being done to her. She made a conscious effort to relax. There was nothing she could do and panicking would not help anyone.


"Now class it is wise to remember that a slut should generally only request permission to come once," stated Miss Rice, as she reapplied the vibrator to Sarah's clit. "The slut must know her body, know her proximity to orgasm and hold her question until the last possible moment."


Sarah was amazed at how quickly her body responded to the vibrator. Within moments, despite the lengthy interruption, she felt her body was on the brink of coming. She felt a tightness in her chest, her breath coming in ragged pants. She found herself licking her lips time and time again, moistening them  to mimic the lips of her pussy.


"We can see from the pulsing in the cunt that orgasm is imminent. Notice the muscles along the entire length of the cunt rippling to a rhythm. As your training progresses you will learn how to control these muscles to not only bring pleasure to your owners, but to provide your cunt with versatility."

"May I come please Ma'am," Sarah croaked. She had tried to wait until the last possible moment before asking.

"Now pay attention sluts, the cunt will orgasm in the next few moments. The recording will be available for further study, and you are encouraged to not only recreate and practice all your lessons but to study all available study material. It is a good idea to begin with the classes from your current year prior to delving into the archives."


Sarah had almost gone mad as Miss Rice spoke to the class about studying. Her arms and legs strained against their bonds. Her stomach muscles clenched and pushed against the tight restriction of the belt around her waist. Sarah pushed her head violently back into the back of the chair and clenched her jaw, trying desperately not to come. She could not control herself. The incessant and insistent buzzing of the vibrator against her tiny pink clit had pushed her over the edge of sanity, where the only thing that existed was the need to come.


"You may come slut," Miss Rice said with a mischievous smile.


The instant the words were out of her teacher's mouth, Sarah gave in to the overwhelming sensation. The naked schoolgirl became intoxicated with ecstasy, the world around her becoming enveloped in a dense fog of sensation, her senses dampened, as if she were submerged in marshmallow. Sarah lost all track of time as Miss Rice continued to hold the vibrator against her.


There was no relief from the sensations that threatened to drown her in a violent sea of desire. Her previous orgasm had not receded when another crashed upon her, pushing her over the edge. Sarah thrashed her head back and forth between her raised arms. The strict restraints kept her almost immobile but her arms and legs had begun to shake. Her belly trembled beneath its rigid leather belt. Her breasts bounced and shuddered as her body was overtaken by the her first multiple orgasm.


"The cunt has now undergone two orgasms and will soon experience a third. Every slut is capable of experiencing multiple orgasms each time they are given permission. The number of orgasms varies with each slut but there comes a point for each slut that further stimulation loses most of its pleasurable aspect. Further orgasms are possible once this threshold occurs."


Sarah heard her teacher's voice as a distant muted mumbling. The fact that she was not listening to her teacher give a lesson did not penetrate the orgasmic haze that had enveloped her. The third orgasm pounded what was left of her fragile mind into submission. Her mind shut down and her world went black.


"The third orgasm has occurred. By now you should be able to recognise the symptoms. I want you to raise your hand when the cunt undergoes it's next orgasm. The slut, which you will not be able to notice, has been overcome by this third orgasm. She has drifted into a different state of consciousness, something common to untrained sluts. It demonstrates a lack of control and will always earn the slut an infraction. A slut is of no use to their owner when they have allowed their lust to become the driving force of their behaviour."


Miss Rice reached out and pinched Sarah's right nipple, giving it a vicious twist. Sarah came gasping back to life, her body jerking violently in its bonds. Miss Rice continued to press the head of the vibrating wand into Sarah's clit giving the naked teen no respite from the constant stimulation.


Sarah cried out, an inarticulate cry of passion, as another orgasm rocked her delicate young body. Her moans began to take on a tortured quality as the continued pressure on her tender pink bud introduced something Sarah could never have imagined could exist. As the fourth orgasm coursed through her body Sarah began to pray for Miss Rice to stop. Her gasps were no longer those of desire. She had crossed that fine line from pleasure to pain. Sarah did not notice the forest of raised hands as her fourth orgasm pulsed through her. She did not notice the intense way her classmates watched her pussy spasm on the big screen. She did not notice the smile that had become a permanent fixture of Mitchell's face, or the almost possessed intensity with which Taylor watched her torture.


Her fifth orgasm took almost two minutes to arrive. Miss Rice adjusted the position and pressure of the vibrator constantly, though always ensuring Sarah's tender clit was in contact with its rippled edge. Small, unintelligible words burst from Sarah's mouth. She wanted to beg Miss Rice to stop but her brain would not work properly. She simply could not form the words. Instead the young girl moaned pitifully, her plaintive cries filling the otherwise silent room. Thankfully, after the sixth, painful orgasm Miss Rice removed the vibrator and turned it off. Sarah's body shivered as she adjusted to the loss of stimulation. Her entire being seemed to continue to vibrate now that the source had been removed. Her clit and pussy throbbed as the uncontrollable pleasure of the last ten minutes began to wane. The haze that had clouded her senses after the second orgasm was clearing,


Miss Rice's sultry tones began to come into focus. Sarah struggled to control her breathing as she listened to her teacher speak. She still could not make out the individual words but the soft sensual sound of her teacher's voice was a great comfort to the naked girl. She longed for Miss Rice to touch her. After the intense orgasms that had made her feel that she was something other than a simple schoolgirl, almost as if she was on another plane of existence, she yearned for the simple comfort of human touch.


"Correct. The cunt is definitely more sensitive after multiple orgasms. It will remain so for some time. The pain threshold however will diminish rapidly. By the time we are set up for the demonstration of orgasms from direct cunt stimulation this threshold should be reset. It is all part of the way a slut is designed. Due to her nature, a slut's body will seek to extract the maximum pleasure that it can. This is natural. This is also where a slut's training and discipline become paramount.


"A slut's body will always attempt to seek pleasure. The question posed however is should she? A well-trained slut will seek and find pleasure in any activity she performs, knowing that whatever task she undertakes is at the behest of her owner. The simple act of doing her owner's bidding is the single most decisive area in which a slut will find pleasure. Most importantly however is that the pleasure that a slut experiences conforms to her owner's wishes."


As Miss Rice spoke she had been busy setting up a machine at the base of the chair. Sarah watched her as well as she could, still feeling a little washed out from the multiple orgasms she had been forced to endure. She could not make out much of what was going on but she knew that whatever was being prepared, whatever was going to happen, she could not stop it.


"Cox?" queried Miss Rice, as she continued to fuss with the apparatus taking shape between Sarah's legs.

"Ma'am, is there a limit to how many orgasms a slut can have?"

"Good question. There is a limit to how much a slut's body can endure. There is no hard and fast rule or number but yes there is a limit to how many orgasms a slut can have. Taylor, how many orgasms has this cunt experienced in our lesson so far?"

"Six Ma'am," the petite teen replied with conviction.

"Six from clitoral stimulation, correct. Now this apparatus is something you will all become extremely familiar with during your training. It is a fucking machine. A model designed here at Harkwood. Of course, when possible, training with a real gentleman's cock is preferable but often not possible. This machine however is an excellent substitute."


"Now, during this part of the lesson the slut will not need to ask permission to come. I want each of you to watch closely and count the number of orgasms that the cunt experiences, there will be a quiz at the end of the lesson.


"This is the attachment that will be used for this demonstration," said Miss Rice, brandishing a nine inch shaft of clear glass. It was shaped like a cock, with a slightly more bulbous head, but along its length were added a number of ridges in the transparent material. "This attachment is made from glass, a wonderful substance. It's hard and unforgiving nature means that we do need to position quite exactly but there is nothing quite like glass."


Miss Rice attached the glass dildo to the end of a metal shaft that protruded from the large black cylinder Sarah could see situated between her legs. If she strained forward which she tried not to do as the added pressure on the strap around her belly sent sharp pains through her tender flesh, the captive schoolgirl could see the cylinder rested on a solid metal tripod. The anxious teen kept watch down her prone body as Miss Rice positioned the dildo against the opening of her pussy. After numerous small adjustments her teacher was finally happy with its placement. Sarah could feel the cool hard head of the dildo press gently against the scalding heat of her flushed labia. A shiver of pleasure ran through her body. She heard Miss Rice laugh and felt her cheeks redden in response. Why did she continue to let the little things affect her so much?


Here she was strapped tightly to a chair, unable to move her body more than a fraction of an inch, naked, legs spread wide, pussy terribly exposed, being used as a demonstration tool to teach a class of teenage girls about orgasms and she felt humiliated by her teacher laughing at the uncontrollable actions of her body! It was perhaps the least degrading part of what was happening and yet it brought Sarah close to tears.


"Now then class watch closely, pay attention to the lips and the outside of the cunt during insertion. See how the cunt is already open. You will have noticed during the previous orgasms when the cunt was empty how it behaved. During arousal the cunt will always revert to its natural state, which is to open ready to be filled. Even though the cunt itself has so far received no direct stimulation it opens as if it has."


Sarah watched, her eyes wide with fear as Miss Rice manipulated the machine, causing the long, thick glass shaft to penetrate her tender pussy. She had never had anything in her pussy, she was a virgin. Only yesterday Miss Rice had used her sex to demonstrate to the class what a hymen looked like. Would it hurt? She knew people had sex of course. She knew what the pussy was designed for. She had spent an hour sucking on a dildo during class the day before, a dildo she knew would eventually be used in her pussy. But for her virginity to be taken by a machine, while she was strapped down, helpless, in front of a class of schoolgirls was something she could never have imagined. It was something she did not want to imagine even now.


Sarah gasped as the hard shaft entered her. There was an intense moment of pain as the thick head pushed inside but it passed in a matter of moments. She continued to pant, trying to control her breathing but failing, as she felt the hard length of the shaft force it's way inside the deliate pink folds of her pussy.


The sensation was unlike anything she had ever imagined. Her muscles squeezed around the immovable shaft, finding no give whatsoever. It felt as if her insides had been totally filled. The cool glass shaft heated up almost immediately, taking on the same temperature as her body. Sarah was confused by the fact that she even noticed this small detail. Her brain was trying to process so many new sensations but she was still able to observe the minutiae. The devil is in the details, isn't that what they always said, she thought, her mind whizzing through a myriad of thoughts like a kaleidoscope. Miss Rice had stopped the machine once it had inserted around four inches of the glass dildo inside Sarah's waiting pussy.


"Now class see the way the cunt reacts. See how it is tensing around the shaft. These muscle movements are involuntary in an untrained slut and even a trained slut will not always be able to control her cunt. However a great deal of control is possible. You will learn how to use these muscles to do a great many things besides the obvious pleasuring of cocks.


"What we are seeing now, is the cunt settling and becoming comfortable now that it is filled. Once these initial fluctuations have calmed down we will see the next stage. The cunt will seek to draw the object deeper inside. When that is achieved it will begin to attempt to draw the precious cum from the dildo. This is only natural. The cunt will react this way no matter what is put inside. It is the slut's brain that introduces dissatisfaction that no cum will be forthcoming, though this will not affect the pleasure that the slut will gain.


"There class, see the movements become somewhat more deliberate. Now the cunt is trying to milk the dildo. You can see the slut realised this too as she tries to move herself on the shaft."

Sarah stopped moving at Miss Rice's words. She had been trying to push her hips out and move herself on the dildo. She had not meant to do it, her body had simply taken over. She had been strapped down so tightly that she had only managed to move herself mere millimetres but it was enough for Miss Rice's trained eye to catch it. Sarah closed her eyes as she burned with shame, thankful once again that the big TV hid her face from her classmates.


'Now of course a great amount of pleasure and comfort is derived simply from having the cunt filled. This class however, is not one dealing with pleasure and comfort. We are here to the study the cunt and its reaction to stimulus culminating in climax."


Miss Rice made one small adjustment and then pushed a button on the large black cylinder atop the tripod. Sarah groaned as the thick glass shaft was pulled slowly out of her pussy. The outward movement continued until the large transparent head appeared at the entrance to her slick, pink sex. Without pause the glass dildo reversed its movement and plunged slowly back inside the panting teen. Sarah winced as the shaft penetrated her tender pussy, entering a further inch past its previous position.


"Notice how the cunt grips the shaft as it pulls out. See how the cunt attempts to hold the dildo inside. We get a slight distention at the entrance to the pussy even though there are truly copious amounts of cunt cream to lubricate the motion. This is the first time this cunt has experienced such an event but notice that it simply reacts on a fundamental level. It is the way a slut's body is made. Is there any clearer argument for a slut's true nature than what we see before us?"


Sarah tested her bonds as the hard shaft continued it's relentless, methodical movements in and out of her captive pussy. The machine was moving the dildo at a slow pace, in and out and the flushed young girl began to calm down and let the sensations from her pussy flow through her. She could feel the familiar pleasure rising inside her, though it was very different from the more intense and more urgent sensations from the stimulation Miss Rice had forced upon her clit.


Sarah could feel her pussy close around the unforgiving shaft as it moved inside her. At this slow speed it felt as if a terrible void was being created inside her each time it almost pulled out of her wet cleft, only to have this void filled with a rush of ecstasy as it re-entered her soft, moist canal. She could hear the faint slurping sounds as her cream coated the shaft as it fucked her.


Suddenly the speed increased, the shaft now pumping much faster. The sensations began to blur and she was no longer sure she could differentiate between the feelings. A soft moan escaped her lips each time the glass bar moved all the way inside her. At least six inches of the dildo now penetrated her with each thrust. Sarah tried not to look, but the fascination she felt could not make her look away. She could see the clear shaft covered in thick smatters of white cream as it plunged mercilessly into her tight young pussy.


Almost without warning Sarah orgasmed, her pussy tightening around the smooth hard dildo as it pumped in and out without respite. She could barely move her body, settling for flexing her fingers and toes in a silent entreaty. Despite being caught in the throes of an ecstasy she had never imagined possible the young teen had the presence of mind to be thankful she had been given permission to come at will.


This orgasm felt unlike those she had just experienced. There did not seem to be the cycle of the dizzying heights of orgasm followed by the gradual drop in intensity. There was no ebb and flow to the pleasure she now felt. Her orgasm seemed only to grow more intense, pushing her higher and higher. It seemed as if this orgasm would never end. The sensation became too much for the poor schoolgirl and she began to mumble incoherently.


Sarah knew she was begging Miss Rice to stop the machine. Begging her for a chance to rest, even if it was for but a moment. The words just would not form. The dildo relentlessly pumping her sopping-wet pussy had begun to be painful. The orgasm was still peaking and yet she was now also feeling the very definite sensation of pain. Sarah was afraid there was something wrong. An element of fear crept into her mind, silent but gnawing at the edges of her ecstasy.


After what felt an eternity Sarah opened her eyes and realised Miss Rice was talking. She could no longer hear the muted hum of the fucking machine and as she looked down her body she realised she was moving. It took her a moment to understand just what was happening. The belt remained tightly strapped around her belly, but the ties securing the belt to the chair had been unfastened. She was now fucking the glass dildo with as much movement as this allowed. The dildo had been all but removed from her pussy, a good seven inches visible between her legs and the young girl in muted horror watched as her body slid forward, forcing herself another inch onto the thick shaft, forcing the round head deeper inside before pulling back, causing the wide head to stretch the entrance of her pussy.


Sarah watched as her body continued to slide back and forth on the sweat-slick plastic surface. It was almost like watching someone else's body, even though she knew it was hers. The mind numbing orgasm that had been forced upon her had passed but her continued motion was producing a strong sense of contentment deep inside her.


"Four minutes girls. As I said this was an unexpected development but a perfect example of a slut's primal instincts. To all those who said only one orgasm was experienced during the entire ten minute period, very well done. The cunt underwent a perpetual orgasm, one that peaks and lingers. It is more usual from clit stimulation so it is a rare treat to see the cunt react in this way. Yes, almost five minutes now. The cunt continues to perform as instinct dictates. If left to her own devices the slut would still be fucking that stationary shaft deep into the afternoon," lectured Miss Rice, her amusement clearly audible.


Sarah made a conscious effort to regain control of her body. She was mortified that she had behaved in this way, her body continuing to react while her mind had been lost in the orgasm that she could not escape.


"Ah there we are girls. Nearly six minutes. It seems the slut has finally decided, and rightly so, that this class is not her personal playground. As valuable a demonstration as was provided by the cunt, the time will be made up after class."


Sarah was slowly regaining her senses and was able to comprehend her teacher's words. At this rate she would not get back to the dorm until it was time for sleep. While all the other girls were provided with the opportunity to practice and study the lessons of the day, she would be forced to make up time she had wasted due to her poor behaviour. She could do nothing more than vow to be better behaved, to try harder.


"Now Mitchell, while we review the lesson and have a quick Q and A you have your chance for the participation you indicated you were so desperate for earlier. Move the fucking machine to one side and clean the cunt."


Mitchell sprang from her chair and moved towards the helpless form of her restrained classmate. Sarah moaned a toneless hum as the dildo was finally pulled from her pussy accompanied by a wet slurping sound she knew was audible throughout the classroom. As soon as the machine was out of the way Sarah saw her friend squat between her legs and immediately begin lapping her cream covered pussy.


Sarah gasped as the warm mouth and tongue of the schoolgirl, her newest friend, lapped at her sensitive slit. She felt the pleasure begin to rise as Mitchell's tongue probed deep inside her. Sarah locked gazes with Mitchell as she licked her outer lips that had become dry over the last few minutes. Sarah was not quite sure her sight was not still slightly clouded from her ordeal but the mischievous twinkle in Mitchell's eye was unmistakeable.


Sarah smiled involuntarily at her. She had not really felt much like smiling but seeing her friend squatting between her legs and obviously enjoying herself had buoyed her spirits. Mitchell was not eating her pussy just because she had been ordered to. She was relishing it, revelling in giving pleasure and, Sarah thought, in staying true to her vow to be a slut and follow her training.


Her smile widened as Mitchell's untalented but enthusiastic tongue brought her closer and closer to another orgasm. She was happy because she now knew she was not alone in accepting her place in the world and accepting who she was. Mitchell could not fake her happiness and enthusiasm and Sarah knew it was caused not only by the deep resonance that existed between them but also by Mitchell's acceptance that she too was a slut. This all occurred to Sarah in the flash of a moment. As most of her mind and body began to be swept away by increasing pleasure that was once again flowing from her pussy. She was amazed at how quickly the mind could work. She saw Mitchell's head duck lower and felt the warm moist tongue lick her asshole.


Sarah squirmed as an uncontrollable pulse of pleasure shot up her body. Her widespread, prone position had caused the copious amounts of cream her pussy produced to drip down and cover her tight pink sphincter. Sarah could imagine her asshole smeared in her pussy cream and shuddered at the thought that Mitchell had cleaned it with her tongue. The joy was still clearly visible in her friends eyes as she bobbed back into view and resumed eating her pussy.


Mitchell had enjoyed it but Sarah felt degraded at the mere thought of her friend licking her there. She knew a slut had three holes that would be trained and used extensively but she had always shied away from thinking about her asshole and what she would be forced to do with it. Her breath grew shallower and shallower as Mitchell brought her closer and closer to orgasm. Sarah tried to stave off the inevitable by listening as intently as she could to Miss Rice field questions from the class. Questions about her pussy and the other equipment used in the demonstration.


"That is not something that particularly concerns you Casta but yes there are a great many attachments that can be used. Many more, I am sure, than your little slut mind can imagine right now. Any more serious questions? Cox?"

"Ma'am, the fucking machine moved at a slow speed. that, will we," Cox hesitated unsure how to proceed.

"Don't tax yourself Cox. I think I understand what you are getting at. I understand that little slut's mind of yours is a little overwhelmed by the lesson. You have earned an infraction for disrespect. When a slut opens her mouth to speak to a superior, she is to be clear and well spoken. Now the fucking machine has variable speeds. The speed used today was a low setting. There are six settings, what was used on the cunt during today's lesson was setting two. The fucking machine is designed to approximate all speeds a slut may experience with a gentleman or indeed with a lady. The attachment used today is conducive only to low settings.


"So many questions about the machine. I see we have a class eager to do more than watch. One last question before we wrap this class up. Taylor?"

"Ma'am, how long does it take for a pussy to go back to normal after an orgasm?"

"It varies of course but a slut may find her pussy in a state of constant arousal. Once flushed it will often take a slut many hours to return to what we refer to as a dormant state. The slut's cunt is always only one word or one touch away from arousal even in this dormant state. This is why your question is one that has no real answer. It is common, and desired, for a well-trained slut to always be aroused. You will learn this truth as your training progresses."


Sarah listened intently as Mitchell's mouth closed over her pussy. Her hot sex was enveloped by Mitchell's widespread mouth, her tongue devilishly flicking Sarah's sensitive clit. Her tiny pink bud felt as if it was on fire in the hot wet cave of Mitchell's mouth. She was close now, so close to orgasm that she was panting like a dog, her limbs straining in her bonds, seeking for escape but knowing none was to be had.


"May I come please Ma'am," Sarah spoke between breaths.

"Mitchell return to your seat," commanded Miss Rice.


With one final slurp of Sarah's throbbing pussy, Mitchell raised herself from her squat and returned to her seat. Sarah clearly saw the sly smile that twisted Mitchell's glistening lips. In fact Mitchell's cheeks and chin also glistened from her fluids. Sarah groaned in despair as the orgasm was denied to her, pining for the loss, her hips thrusting gently at the empty air.


"Porter one infraction. A slut does not think of her own pleasure, outside of the context of how it pleases her superiors. Your blatant selfishness is disappointing and disrespectful. How many orgasms did you have during this lesson?" Sarah wracked her brain for the answer as the large screen TV rose to the ceiling. Miss Rice began unfastening the Velcro straps at her wrists and then her ankles. The loud tearing sound of the first restraint opening brought Sarah to her senses.

"Four Ma'am."

"Incorrect slut. Another infraction for lack of attention," Miss Rice said, a clear note of anger in her still sultry tones.


The last strap across her ankle came open and Sarah could feel the blood rushing back into her extremities. She still had not moved an inch, her arms still stretched behind her. Tears had sprung into her eyes as her teacher's admonishments took their toll on the emotional and impressionable teen.


How could she have been so stupid? How could she have been so selfish? What was wrong with her? She knew she should not have reacted that way. She knew that she did not deserve to come. She hated that she had made Miss Rice angry with her. Instead of being grateful for what she had received, no matter the circumstances, she had wanted more. She behaved like a spoilt child. She deserved the infractions, and more.


"Mitchell cleaned one piece of equipment for you. Clean the rest while the class sits quietly and reflects on the lesson."


Sarah pulled her legs together and slid off the chair, her body creating a wet squelching sound as the sweat-slicked plastic stuck to her naked flesh. Her legs felt weak and light, and it was strange to have them together after being spread so long and so wide. The thick leather belt remained strapped tightly around her belly, giving her a severe hourglass figure that she could never have attained naturally. She immediately bent at the waist, wincing as the belt dug into the tender flesh of her belly and began licking the glass dildo that had recently fucked her. It's entire length was covered in her thick white cream, from thin smears to small blobs that clung to the smooth surface.


Sarah began by taking the end of the dildo in her mouth, cleaning the thick head with her tongue and lips. A large amount of cream had collected behind the bulbous head, creating a milky collar that Sarah cleaned as she sucked the glass dildo using the techniques she had learned the previous day and with the enthusiasm of her newly made vow win back her teacher's goodwill. After taking as much of the dildo on her mouth as she could the young girl proceeded to finish cleaning the dildo by licking the length of the smooth clear material, applying as much pressure as she could with her tongue. She lapped her drying cream from the glass surface with gusto, delicately picking the thicker globs of slimy discharge with her pursed lips, as if the dildo contained the only food she would see for the next week.


Once the glass shaft was clean and clear, a thick sheen of her saliva the only moisture now left, Sarah knelt on the floor at the base of the platform and licked the small number of scattered spatters that had fallen from the machine during its mechanical fucking of her pussy. It was only as Sarah snuffled around below the chair that the small metallic noise she had heard at the start of the lesson became jarringly clear.


A shallow metal bowl had been placed directly beneath her pussy and now contained a substantial pool of her thick, clumpy white cream. She knew this had been collected during the multiple orgasms she had experienced from the vibrator on her clit. Sarah marvelled at the amount of cream she secreted. She never knew her body was capable of this before she came to Harkwood. Then again Sarah admitted, not only had she never had an orgasm before her training began but she had never realised she was such an overtly sexual being. She stood at attention once she had cleaned all traces of her fluids from the machine and floor. She had not been told to touch the bowl so she had left that repository of her secretions alone.


"Porter, why are you standing there idly? During the demonstration a large amount of sweat was produced. Clean all surfaces not just the ones you want to. As much as you want to eat your own cream your duty is to clean all surfaces of all mess."


Sarah's tongue was cleaning the plastic surface of the slick plastic chair seconds after Miss Rice finished speaking. Fresh tears pooled in her red rimmed eyes as she cleaned her salty sweat from the smooth surface. She had once again failed Miss Rice and herself. It also now looked like she cleaned her cream because she wanted to, not because she was following orders. She had tried to appear as enthusiastic as she could to please Miss Rice. Now it looked as if she was obsessed with eating her pussy cream even to the point of disobeying orders. What would her classmates think of her? What would Mitchell and Murphy think of her? She honestly hadnt thought about sweat as a bodily fluid, but then again she had not contemplated that she would be forced to consume the slimy discharge from her nose and she had done so that very morning.  


"Ozawa, you asked two very pertinent and well-constructed questions. Good girl. Your reward is the bowl of cream collected from the demonstration cunt. Come forward and receive it."


Sarah heard the soft click of the young Asian girl's high heels as she came forward to consume her prize. She continued cleaning the chair with long smooth strokes of her tongue but she managed to manoeuvre around so she could see Ozawa collect the bowl from the floor.


"Step side on to the class and lift the bowl above your mouth, tongue out. Let the cream drip inside. This is the correct way to consume cum or cunt cream from a container. Even though you are being allowed a true privilege in consuming either, your role is to please your superiors."


Sarah watched, her head cocked to one side as she continued to lap her sweat from the plastic chair. The pretty Asian teen lifted the bowl above her mouth and pushed her tongue out, creating a thin pink bridge up[on which to catch the poured pussy cream. Sarah almost stopped licking as the first big dollop dripped  into Ozawa's open mouth. Sarah's view of her face was obscured by the metal bowl so she could not tell if Ozawa enjoyed her reward or not. After the first thick dollop dropped, a thin steady stream of milky liquid poured into Ozawa's waiting mouth. Twice Ozawa righted the bowl to swallow giving Sarah a view of the petite girl's face. There was no twinkle in the eye, as there had been as Mitchell ate her pussy, but she did not seem to be upset at her snack.


"Lick the bowl Ozawa, waste not want not. Porter attention," snapped Miss Rice.


Sarah sprung to attention, thankful to be standing upright. The thick belt had begun to be increasingly painful as it dug into her side as she licked her dried sweat from the chair. Miss Rice unstrapped the belt from her waist, her rough movements causing the young girl to shuffle her feet to remain balanced. She struggled to remain upright as her petite body was tugged to and fro by her teacher.


"Get dressed slut," said Miss Rice dismissively, no hint of the affection Sarah had sensed from her the day before.


The distressed schoolgirl was crestfallen by her teacher's attitude towards her. She had let her down and lost her trust. Sarah would do anything to make it up to Miss Rice. She knew the best thing she could to was to be unfailingly obedient and behave like a true slut should but she felt that it would not be enough. She longed for that sense of intimacy she had shared with the sensuous teacher during yesterday's lessons. Sarah wracked her brain for ways to make her teacher believe she was a good girl, to believe that she wanted to be a slut and she not only wanted Miss Rice to teach her but she needed her to. She wasn't allowed to speak without permission but she began to formulate a very brief apology and promise for her in case she was asked or given permission to speak. By the time she had clipped her tie to her blouse Sarah had something she hoped would sound heartfelt while remaining succinct. *


Sarah had only just stood to attention when the bell went to signal the end of class and the beginning of the lunch period.


"Dismissed. Porter remain where you are."


Miss Rice faced Sarah and stared deeply into her eyes as the rest of the class thanked Miss Rice for the lesson, curtsyed and left the room. It was only after the scanner beeped after the last girl registered her tag as she left that Miss Rice spoke.


"Porter do you enjoy being a part of my lessons?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"You enjoy being a part of the class equipment used to teach the other sluts?"
"Yes Ma'am."

"Did you enjoy the orgasms you experienced when your cunt was being used to demonstrate?" 

"Yes Ma'am."

"Now Porter if this is all true, why was your behaviour so abysmal. Why did you show such disrespect during my lesson. What do you have to say for yourself?"
"I am very sorry Ma'am. I am an ill-disciplined slut that tries to do her best to be a good girl and a good slut. I deserve to be punished for my behaviour. I have no excuses for how I behaved. I deserve more punishment than the infractions you gave me."

"I agree with you Porter. What makes me so disappointed is that I believe that you are sincere. Your words do not match your actions. Your problem is that you think too much with your cunt. Your cunt is an instrument through which you serve others, not something that you serve. I am rethinking whether I should use your cunt again."

"Please Ma'am use my cunt in your lessons. Please do not punish the other girls for my behaviour."
"Well, it is best to continue lessons with the one cunt. Sluts need things to be kept simple. Take off your panties and assume the correction position."


Sarah did as she was told immediately. She had hoped that Miss Rice would punish her and having punished her would think well of her again. Her ass had not stopped throbbing from the pain of corrections that morning. It had only been during her intense orgasms that the pain in her bruised buttocks had not been forgotten. She knew she deserved any punishment she received but she was unsure how she would hold up during any more strokes on her ass.


A moment later Sarah heard Miss Rice return from the supply room at the back of the class. A strange smell filled the room. It was a smell familiar to Sarah but not one she could place. The bewildered teen felt a gentle pressure along her pussy lips as she stood bent over, clasping her ankles.


Miss Rice ran her fingers the length of Sarah's pussy. She pushed back the clit hood and ran her finger over and around the tight pink bud, still engorged from it's recent use. Sarah began to flush at the touch of her teacher. There was something electric in Miss Rice's touch. Sarah felt as if a shower of tiny sparks was erupting from her pussy and shooting up her belly and deep into her chest, terminating in her rock hard nipples. A shiver of gooseflesh ran through her body when Miss Rice made contact with her clit.


"Put your panties back on."


Sarah straightened up and slid her panties up her legs. She was thoroughly confused. She had expected a beating to atone for her behaviour. Instead Miss Rice had fondled her pussy something Sarah had longed for since the class had started. There was something she was not understanding.


"Now your cunt appears to be the problem Porter. To help you remember your place and remind you of your cunt's proper usage it has been coated with a cream that will help keep your mind where it should be. It is often used to relieve muscle and joint pain. What it will do for you is to help you to stop thinking with your cunt."


Sarah began to feel a mild heat building up in her pussy. She knew now why she had recognised the smell. She had often seen some of the cheerleaders using something similar after a practice session. With every passing moment the heat in her panties increased. It had taken only moments for the sensation to escalate from a mild warm buzz to a burning sensation that made her gasp.



"Thank you for the lesson Ma'am. Thank you for using my pussy to help teach and thank you for my punishment Ma'am," Sarah said, curtsying politely.

"Porter come here."


Sarah stepped quickly to Miss Rice, staring longingly into her teacher's exquisite green eyes. She was almost transported to another plane as the sultry teacher gently slid her hands along either side of Sarah's face. The touch was so delicate and tender that Sarah almost sighed with contentment. Miss Rice moved her hands behind Sarah's head and held her gently as she moved in closer, her nose almost touching Sarah's cheek.


Sarah was not sure what was happening but she did not want it to stop. Had Miss Rice forgiven her? The blazing inferno that raged in Sarah's panties made it nearly impossible to stand still. It took all her willpower to remain at attention but right now, embraced by Miss Rice, she would not have moved for the world.


"I sense that you are a good girl Porter. I like good girls. I prefer a slut that serves because service itself is her greatest desire. A slut for whom obedience is her most prized virtue," Miss Rice spoke between tiny tender kisses. She kissed Sarah's cheek, then the tip of her nose, her fluttering left eyelid and finally her young quivering lips.


Sarah could barely contain herself. Her pussy was burning. She felt as if it was literally burning, as if a pile of hot coals had been poured into her panties. Even through this all she wanted to do was break position and hold her teacher, run her hands through her luxuriant hair and ravish her with kisses.


"Porter are you a slut like that?"

"Yes Ma'am, oh yes Ma'am I am," Sarah gasped, her eyes all but rolled back in her head as Miss Rice kissed her left earlobe, setting her tag spinning.

"Then show me. Start behaving like a good girl. Stop letting your cunt influence your actions. Your thoughts should forever be on your superiors. Everything you do, every action you take must be for the benefit of your superiors. Before every decision you are allowed your thoughts should be 'how best can I serve'." Do you understand little one?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Now go, you don't want to miss lunch. It is important for a slut to maintain her energy levels."


Miss Rice kissed her deeply, her experienced tongue darting into Sarah's mouth, dominating her own passive tongue. Sarah pressed her body forward ever so slightly and ever so gently, pushing her breasts into those of her teacher.


Miss Rice stepped back and slapped Sarah on the ass. A sharp spike of pain shot through her abused buttocks but the pain of the loss of the embrace was worse.


"Off with you slut."


Sarah curtsyed once more and all but stumbled from the room. Now that her teacher's immediate and intoxicating presence was not overwhelming her senses, the burning in her pussy became maddening. She hurried to the food hall, desperate not to miss her midday meal, desperate to be back with her classmates. It was a strange sensation, to be separated from her class in large empty corridors of the school.

Chapter 18 - In which Sarah has a challenging afternoon


Sarah walked as quickly as she could, trying to focus on the route to the food hall, her posture, anything to take her mind even slightly off the scorching heat that blazed through her pussy lips and clitoris. She knew Miss Rice would not do something to damage her pussy but Sarah felt as if her labia were being seared and scarred by an unbearable heat.


The pain and her situation got the better of her and by the time she reached the food hall, tears were running down her face. If only she could have touched her pussy, just once, just to verify her it was still intact, she was sure she would be able to deal with the pain much better. She thought of Miss Rice's words and was determined to live up to them. She was determined to be the kind of slut that Miss Rice liked. She would constantly think of her role and how she could serve. She would make sure that everything she said and did first went through that mental filter of 'how best can I serve'. If she started right now she hoped it would not take long before it became one of the instinctual behaviours she had been taught about.


She entered the food hall and looked for the other students of Trinity house. Her classmates were still being served and Sarah scurried to join the end of the line. There were only four girls without a tray and in another minute she would have missed out on her lunch. She was extremely grateful to Miss Rice for allowing her to leave in time. It was yet another indication that the teachers at Harkwood had the students best interests at heart.


Sarah received her bowl and bottle and moved rapidly to the Trinity house tables. It was not until she sat down that she took stock of her meal. Once again it was a salad and again it was delicious. Large chunks of avocado were mixed with walnuts and numerous varieties of lettuce. The finely chopped slices of red that stood out amongst the green Sarah realised were hot chillies that left a pleasant burning sensation in her mouth. Unfortunately it reminded the poor teen of the burning in her sex but she ate the meal with aplomb. Not until she had finished the salad and all but gulped down her water in one long draught, that she turned to her classmates.


"You ok Port?" enquired Murphy, the worry clearly etched on her pretty Irish face.

"Sure Murph, just glad I didn't miss lunch."

"You looked like you were walking a bit funny. Did you get more strokes?"

"No, I have a cream on my pussy, you know like one of the muscle ones. It's really burning."


As she spoke fresh tears began to well in Sarah's already red eyes. The pain was always with her but as long as she had something else to focus on, a task to occupy her, the pain seemed barely manageable. It was a revelation to her that she could handle the pain much better if she kept busy. If she was still and allowed time for introspection the pain magnified and she feared that it would affect her composure and the way she behaved. She deserved the pain, she must remember that. Miss Rice had punished her for her own good.


"It's ok Murph," Sarah said, turning to her friend. "I deserve it. Miss Rice said I let my pussy rule my actions and she is right. My behaviour has been terrible today. After we all made that vow last night I am the one who is breaking it. But Murph, Miss Rice gave me a great piece of advice. Before everything you do and say first think 'how best can I serve'. She is such a great teacher."


As she was speaking Sarah caught a movement out of the corner of her eye. She looked at Casta who sat across from her. A look of disgust and amazement had twisted her face into an unattractive mask. Sarah looked at Shah and Ness and saw similar expressions. It was clear they could not believe what they were hearing. Sarah didn't understand. Were these girls still thinking that their lives were not changed forever? Did they not accept they were sluts and they would be trained as such? It was then that Sarah realised that of course they felt this way. They had not even received two days of schooling. It was a testament that she was truly a slut that she had taken to her training and had accepted her new life so quickly. She knew this was how it was going to be. She knew this was right.


Sarah sought out Mitchell to reaffirm her convictions. The buxom teen was staring at her, Sarah knew she had been since the moment she sat down, hoping and waiting for Sarah to look her way. Mitchell smiled at her, a beautiful self-conscious little smile. Sarah knew Mitchell felt about her the same way she felt about Miss Rice. What place did love have in the life of a slut? What should she love except serving her superiors. She could not help the way she felt but she had to make sure that her feelings did not impact her behaviour.


There was no more time to talk. Someone whispered the light was on and it was time to begin cleaning the hall. For the next fifteen minutes Sarah focused on cleaning her section, making sure everything was clean and tidy as fast as she could. Her thoughts drifted randomly like a lost boat adrift on a vast ocean, at the mercy of the currents. She tried not to dwell on the intensity of her orgasms, or the sensuous touch of Miss Rice. Instead she tried to steer her thoughts to her behaviour and where she had gone wrong and how she could do better. Every time her thoughts drifted to how amazing the glass dildo had been while it drove in and out of her pussy or how her nipples still throbbed as they remained hard, pushing against her blouse as she wiped the tables, she snapped her mind back to how stupid and selfish she had been to ask to come once her role in demonstrating to the class had ended or how she had yawned before Miss Watson.


Trinity house cleaned the hall on the first pass and were all thankfully dismissed. There was more than twenty minutes left in the lunch period and now Sarah had to search for Miss Harper, her handler. She knew that Miss Harper would be terribly disappointed in her, when she heard how she had behaved that morning. And when she heard that she had already earned two detentions.


Sarah was hoping that her handler would be waiting outside the food hall for her but she was not. Of course she would not be. Miss Harper had better things to do than wait around for a slut like her. It was her role to wait on her superiors, not the other way around. Sarah knew she could not just go wandering around the school so she thought for a moment before making her move. She would try to find her handler in the courtyard where they had spent the lunch period yesterday.


Her classmates had already left the corridor outside the food hall, all moving with quiet conviction. They must have known where to go. She had failed again. It was her responsibility to know where her handler wanted her to be. She would make sure that it would not happen again. Sarah headed for the courtyard, her strides purposeful yet graceful. As she entered the main foyer she noticed the sunlight streaming in through the front doors. The large oak doors were opened wide. She could see the gravel driveway wind and disappear into the grounds of Harkwood. She turned away from the open doors and moved towards the courtyard entrance.




The word rang out and echoed through the empty foyer. Sarah stopped dead in her tracks and froze in position. It was a male voice, deep and strong.


"Come here."


Sarah turned, fear making her knees tremble. Standing in the doorway, framed by the bright sunlight, was a tall man, his face hidden by shadows. Sarah walked towards the imposing figure, stopping a few feet in front of him.


"What are you doing wandering around the school?"


The man was one Sarah had not seen before. His tone was one of strength and authority. Even before she had learnt that all men were her superiors she would have found it difficult not to obey him. He looked to be around 30 years old, his hair cut very short, mere stubble on his head. Sarah could tell that beneath the tight fitting shirt and trousers there lay a muscular, toned body. She took all this in with a glance before her eyes rested on the impossibly blue eyes that snared her.


"I was looking for my handler, Sir."

"Idle? Well, well. Come with me."


Without waiting for an answer or to see if she was following, the man went through the doors and out into the sunlight. Sarah was in a state of near panic. She obediently followed the strange man, hoping she would not get in trouble for being outside the school. Fearing that she had done the wrong thing. She had been following an order from a man, from a superior. She had to trust that.


When she stepped out into the sunlight Sarah saw a white van parked on the driveway to one side. It had been hidden from the doors, which is why she had not seen it before. She followed the man round to the back of the van and waited at attention as he opened the doors.


"You can help Jessie carry these to the food hall."


Sarah looked into the back of the van. Her mouth opened in surprise at what she saw. In the middle of the van were two large cake boxes. Through the clear plastic lid of each box Sarah could see an ornately decorated cake bu what had caused such amazement in the young schoolgirl was not the cakes, it was what sat beside them in the van.


An extremely pretty girl sat cross-legged on the floor, a small purple pillow keeping her from direct contact with the hard metal flooring. She was dressed in an outfit as cute as Sarah's uniform: high heel shoes laced up the girl's shapely calves like an old Roman sandal, a small, short skirt of a delicate almost sheer, flowing material sat bunched around her waist. Her blouse was a tiny, skin tight garment of powder blue, contrasting beautifully with the deep magenta of her skirt. Her hair was swept back into two flowing pigtails, showing off her bewitching face. Her eyes were a little too close together, her nose a little too angular, her lips a little too full but Sarah could not take her eyes off her. She was not as beautiful as Murphy or Mitchell but there was something enchanting about her.


She was secured to a ring in the side of the van by a thick chain which was attached to a wide metal collar that surrounded her long delicate neck. The collar was similar to the one Sarah wore but it was thicker, wider and had a ring both at the front and back and at each side. The chain was attached to the rear ring via a large black padlock. It was to this padlock that the man went, unlocking it as the girl sat stock still, her eyes focused strictly forwards.


As the girl was released from her chain Sarah noted that she did not move a muscle. She was well trained. The tight top she wore made it obvious that not only were her nipples hard, as were Sarah's, but there was something else beneath her shirt clearly visible alongside her nipples. There were extra bumps and ridges both at the side and below her nipples. Sarah's horizons had widened enough in the past two days to recognise these as piercings. A small ring also hung from the centre of her nose, similar to the one she had seen dangling from Rascal's nose.


After noting that two of the staff at Harkwood had piercings in their pussies, Sarah wondered what other jewellery this girl wore beneath her skirt. She was intrigued by the piercings. She had always wondered about them but had never been brave enough to look into whole concept. She had her ears pierced three years ago and that had made her feel so feminine. Did these piercings in more tender and intimate places make you feel even more feminine, even more like a slut?


"These two cakes are to be taken to Mrs Lancaster. You have seven minutes."


With that he moved back to the front of the van and out of Sarah's sight. Jessie sprang into action at her Master's command. As she stepped out of the van Sarah noticed that her heels were even higher than her own. They were at least five inches yet the girl moved with such swift grace. She looked to be no more than a year older than Sarah and she wondered if she was an ex Harkwood student.


The girl looked at Sarah and silently indicated for her to pick up the left side of the first cake box. The cakes were very large and it was clear that carrying one by herself may have been possible but in heels and with the need to negotiate so many stairs she knew the girl was right and it was wiser to share the load. They would have to be quick and careful to be able to deliver both cakes within the seven minutes.


They wasted no time, carrying the load up the steps and inside. The girl seemed to know her way around and unerringly headed for the kitchens, lending weight to Sarah's theory that she was an ex-student. Then again she could simply have delivered product here before. She was dying to talk to the pretty young girl but knew she should not. Besides, if Jessie was well trained she would not speak without permission anyway.


They made their way to the kitchens without problem, passing a number of students in the hallways but the cake gained all the attention. Almost no one looked at Jessie, even though she was a stranger in the school, and no one even looked at Sarah. She was glad that her status as a Trinity student and her clearly hard nipples were not a topic of conversation and amusement but a tiny part of her felt a little melancholy at the thought that she appeared invisible.


When they reached the kitchens they placed the cake on the counter and Jessie moved into the kitchen. Sarah followed her lead, hoping the other girl knew what she was doing. Jessie appeared in the doorway to the kitchen and curtsied prettily to Mrs Lancaster, who was seated at the large table, a vast array of bottles spread before her.


"Ah Jessie, good girl, on time as usual," beamed Mrs Lancaster as she stood up. She went to a cupboard, removed something and approached the two girls.


Jessie instantly sank into a perfect squat before the school's head chef. She had opened her mouth, stuck out her tongue and raised her arms up in front of her, her hands flopping at the wrist looking for all the world like a begging puppy. Mrs Lancaster popped a small brown square on Jessie's waiting tongue. The instant the item left Mrs Lancasters hand and rested on her tongue, Jessie drew it inside her mouth and kissed the waiting hand with great tenderness. Mrs Lancaster patted the young girl on the head and went back to the table.


Jessie rose and turned in one fluid motion, exiting the kitchen so fast that Sarah had to scurry to catch up. She could see the wide smile on Jessie's face when she caught her. She had no idea what she had been given but it had made her exceptionally happy. Sarah was a little stunned by the whole scene that she had just witnessed. It was obviously something that had happened before. Jessie knew what to expect and how to act to receive her reward.


As they retrieved the second cake, Jessie gave Sarah a big smile that lit up her face. The pretty girl's happiness was contagious and Sarah smiled back at her, happy that she was happy. They delivered the second cake and again Jessie abased herself before Mrs Lancaster and again she received her treat. The girl bounced along to the front entrance, Sarah in tow.


When they reached the front doors Jessie went through them without a thought. Sarah was unsure if she should follow but if she didn't and she had needed to report to the man who had commanded her then she would be in a lot of trouble. She hurried after Jessie and stood at attention beside her, at the back of the van. Moments later the man got out of the cab and appeared at the back, the crunch of his boots on the gravel letting Sarah know he was coming.


"Sixteen seconds to spare, good girls."


He patted Jessie on the bottom and told her to sit. The pretty young girl climbed up in the back of the van giving the schoolgirl a glimpse beneath the small skirt that rode up as she stepped gracefully into the open vehicle. Sarah saw a large black circle where her asshole should be. She was wearing a buttplug, making Sarah wonder just what the sensation was like. She hadn't seemed to move any differently, then again neither had Miss Vonn. Miss Watson had told her it was a slut's natural state and that she would not be as comfortable without one. Sarah trusted her teachers but for someone who had never had anything in her ass before, and had not even thought about it, the concept was one she was having trouble understanding.


The obedient girl immediately sat cross legged on her small pillow and waited as her master chained her to the side of the van. She sat without a word or a glance at Sarah and remained perfectly in position as the doors were closed on her.


"What is your name and number?" he asked, looking the bewildered schoolgirl over from head to toe.

"Porter, 97817402, Sir," Sarah replied obediently.

"How long have you been here Porter 97817402?"

"Today is my second day Sir."

"I shall mention you in my dispatch Porter 97817402. You are well trained for such an inexperienced slut. You must be one of those natural, early starters?"

"Yes Sir," Sarah answered, not quite sure it wasn't a rhetorical question.

"I think I shall apply for you as my intern this year. Jessie sure seems to like you. Dismissed."


He walked back to the van and drove off, leaving Sarah standing dumbfounded in the driveway. The entire episode had left her in a daze. She scurried back inside the school and hurried to find Miss Harper. There would be very little time left in the lunch period and she was sure her handler would be angry that she had not reported earlier.


Sarah spotted her handler upon entering the courtyard. She was sat with the same group of friends under the same tree as yesterday. As she moved towards her, Miss Harper spotted her. Sarah could tell by the look on her face and the way she stood up and walked towards her that she was angry. The trembling girl stood still and waited for her handler to approach.


"Follow," Miss Harper spat as she kept walking past Sarah. She turned and ran after her handler, trying to catch the older girl as she strode purposefully in front of her. Sarah was led into the study hall and into one of the small study rooms.


"Close the door."


When Sarah turned back from closing the door the older girl was standing only inches away. She stared at Sarah with such venom that she began to tremble in fear of what was to come.


"Unbutton the top four buttons of your blouse and expose your tits."


Sarah did as she was told, even more worried by the cold dispassionate way in which Miss Harper had given her the order. She had expected yelling and anger, but her handler was calm and detached. Sarah's breasts jiggled slightly as her whole body trembled in anxiety and fear.


The moment the soft mounds were exposed, Harper slapped the top of Sarah's right breast with the back of her hand. Pain shot through the delicate flesh of her breast. Sarah grit her teeth, determined not to anger Miss Harper further by making a noise. Her left breast was slapped and then her right again. The prefect slapped each of Sarah's breasts five times each, the tender globes bouncing violently with each strike. It was a testament to the design of the bra that her breasts settled back into their cups each time.


The pain was different to anything she had experienced so far. It was unlike the cane, the paddle or the switch. Initially they had stung but the pain had then intensified and settled in her breasts as if after the initial sting  it had founds its true home. Sarah was unsure if that was the nature of flesh striking flesh or if it was because it had been her tits that were the target and not her ass for once. Tears spilled from her eyes when Miss Harper stood back and surveyed her reddening breasts. Sarah's tears were more from knowing she had disappointed her handler than from the pain, despite its intensity.


"Cover yourself," said Miss Harper, sitting down tiredly as if all her energy was spent. Two detentions Porter, and well on your way to a third. Do you realise how this looks for me? Not one other Trinity bitch has more than six infractions, while you have close to thirty. It is clear that leaving you to your own devices is only going to bring me more trouble. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Sorry Miss Harper. I promise to try much harder and to improve my behaviour. Thank you for punishing me. I deserve it for being so ill-disciplined and disrespectful."

"Damn right you do Porter. Don't think you can butter me up with sweet words. You have demonstrated you do not hold me in high regard, jeopardising my prefecture with your disgusting behaviour. What am I to do with you?"

"I am a slut Miss," Sarah replied, unsure if the question was for her.

"Well you have a funny way of showing it Porter. Are you being deliberately rebellious is that it? Do you think you can get kicked out of here if your behaviour is bad enough?"

"No Miss Harper. I want to be here. I want to receive my training. I want to be a good slut. Please Miss, I promise to try harder. Before everything I do I will first think of how best can I serve though my actions. I promise to be better. I promise to make you proud of me Miss."

"Stop babbling Porter. Things are going to change. I have organised a collection point for you. We have enough time to go there now. Follow me."


Sarah obediently followed her handler as she strode down the hallways of the school. She could tell that Miss Harper was still unhappy with her. It was understandable but it made Sarah desperate to fix it, desperate to make Miss Harper believe in her again. She found herself back in the wing that contained her dormitory, following Miss Harper past all the chem labs and into a room at the very far end of the hall. Her handler opened the door, a thick metal door that swung out into the corridor on silent hinges. The room was small, only two feet square and looked to be more a cupboard than a real room. A number of rings were set into each of the three walls at different heights. The tiny room was lit by one fluorescent bulb set high in the ceiling and surrounded by a small wire cage and sitting prominently on the floor was a large black padlock.


"When you are released into a free period you will report here. You will step inside and close the door behind you. You will take the padlock and secure your collar to the ring before you. You will wait at attention until collected. Do so now."


Sarah stepped into the small room as directed. She moved to close the door but her handler held it open, her first time was to be supervised. Sarah bent over and retrieved the heavy black padlock. It was unlike any padlock Sarah had ever seen. The basic design was same however there appeared to be no keyhole, the base of the padlock instead seemed to contain a small display screen, much like the scanner in the Trinity dorm.


Sarah stepped forward and lined herself up with one of the large rings in the opposite wall. She looped the hook of the padlock through the ring and reached with her other hand to pass it through the ring at the front of her collar. For Sarah to close the lock she had to step right into the wall, her nose almost touching the smooth grey surface.


"Stand up straight at attention. I see now why you have received so many infractions. You should know by now how to stand at attention."


Sarah straightened her posture causing her breasts to push lightly against the wall, her stiff nipples resting uncomfortably against the hard surface. Her vision became a blur as she stared straight ahead, the wall was only inches away and she could not focus properly on the dull shade of grey the wall had been painted, unable to find a point of reference. The anxious schoolgirl sensed her handler move into the tiny room with her.


"When dismissed from your cleaning duties after lunch, you come here. When dismissed after class you come here. When dismissed from your cleaning duties after dinner you come here. You report here at the beginning of every free period," the prefect hissed in her left ear. "You clearly cannot be trusted without supervision for even a moment. From now on I will be making sure that you are keeping up with your training and not slacking off."


"When this lock closes it starts a timer that displays underneath. This will tell me how long you have been secured when I collect you. I will be carefully monitoring the times between dismissal and locking. Do you understand Porter?"

"Yes Miss."

"Do you understand why this needs to be done?"

"Yes Miss."

"Now where have you been all lunchtime? I saw all the other Trinnies appear ages ago."

"A man stopped me Miss and I helped a girl deliver some cakes to Mrs Lancaster. I am sorry I did not report to you earlier Miss."

"Understandable but we can't have you gallivanting around the school. This way you know where you should be without having to think. The less you have to think about the better, don't you think?"

"Yes Miss."

"Do you have anything else to say for yourself?"
"Thank you for taking care of me Miss. I really appreciate everything you do for me and I will try harder, really I will. I just... I am not sure why my behaviour is so bad," Sarah replied, sobbing a little as her emotions got the better of her.


It was partly the tiny room, partly being locked so tightly and securely so close to the wall and partly that her handler was so angry with her. Hearing that she had more than triple the number of infractions of any of her classmates had really driven home the trouble she was in. She knew that her behaviour affected her handlers, but she was not sure how. If Miss Harper was punished because of her, Sarah did not know what she would do. Tears rolled down her cheek at the thought that she would be the cause of pain in another.


"Hush Porter, you silly little slut. You are a real problem. From all reports you are a natural slut, with some of the best instincts in your class. And yet you have earned so many more infractions. I believe that you are trying hard but I also believe that you are simply not smart enough yet to be able to realise your potential. That is all it is at the moment, potential. Apparently your techniques are good, it is just your behaviour that is poor. I don't want to hear any more promises from you that you are going to try harder or do better. A slut only speaks when she has something worthwhile to say. No one wants to hear what a slut thinks she will do or what a slut hopes for. A slut shows what she can do."


During this lecture Sarah managed to calm down and get her emotions in check. She was disappointed in herself for spouting so many empty promises. Miss Harper was right. Promising something meant nothing if she did not follow through. The chastised schoolgirl realised that she definitely talked too much. She realised that she had promised her teachers the same things and realised how stupid she had been.


"We are both going to be much more committed to this Porter. I have read your manual as well as my own. I accepted the responsibility to be a part of your training and I intend to devote as much attention and focus to this as I do to my maths. You understand what that means Porter?"

"Yes Miss."

"Tell me."

"It means that you will win the award for the best handler Miss."

"Ah Porter you are a funny slut," said Harper, laughing at the restrained girl's joke.


A smile spread across the young Sarahs face. Her spirits were buoyed by the fact she could make her handler happy. No one could have seen the smile, pressed so close to the wall as she was, but her happiness didn't matter. She was just glad that Miss Harper had laughed and was no longer so angry and disappointed with her.


"But no that is not what it means. It means that every moment you are out of class your training will continue. There will be no leniency. I will not be assigning infractions to you unless it is unavoidable. I will be a part of every aspect of your training and we will have weekly progress meetings where I will assess your training. These are on top of the assessments your teachers will set. Do you understand this?"

"Yes Miss," Sarah responded delightedly. With Miss Harper helping her, there was sure to be an improvement in her behaviour. She was happy that her handler cared about her training and would make sure she was to be a good slut. She marvelled at the emotional rollercoaster she had been on since coming to Harkwood.

"Hold this," Miss Harper directed, placing the hem of her skirt in Sarah's hands. Sarah clasped the pleated uniform skirt, baring her ass to her handlers scrutiny. She felt Miss Harpers fingers gently trace the cane welts that crisscrossed her asscheeks. Even that gentle touch caused minor tremors of pain.


"What is that smell Porter?"

"Miss Rice put a cream on my pussy Miss. It is a muscle relaxant cream."

"For what purpose?"

"It burns terribly Miss. It was applied because I think too much with my cunt and Miss Rice wanted me to remember that my cunt is for serving others not for myself."

"And has this worked Porter?"
"Yes Miss."


"My pussy feels like it is on fire Miss. It is all I think of when I think of my pussy and it reminds me of my place."

"Very interesting Porter."


Sarah found it strange, having a conversation with Miss Harper while she was basically speaking to a wall. She could hear her voice bounce back to her as it hit the rough brick only inches from her mouth. The fact that she was locked by her collar in a tiny cupboard of a room, holding her skirt up and baring her ass only added to the bewildering feeling.


"These on your ass Porter, do they still hurt?" asked Harper as she slapped the bare buttocks.

"Ugh, yes Miss Harper. Not as much as at first but the pain never really goes away."
"Does the cream on your pussy hurt more?"
"Not now Miss, but it did for a long time after it was applied."

"What about your tits Porter. How did my slapping compare?"

"They hurt a lot Miss, but that pain went down really quickly."
"I see. Tell me Porter, what are the three most important things you have learned so far?"
"I have learned that all women are sluts. That a slut exists only to serve her superiors and that the most important things to a slut are obedience and beauty and through these a slut seeks to please her superiors with everything she says and does."

"Well Porter I have really enjoyed our candid little chat. Honesty and loyalty are also virtues that are integral to a slut's behaviour. I want you to remember those as well as they will form the basis of our relationship."


It was then that the bell sounded to notify all students that class would begin in five minutes. Her handler stepped in close and released the padlock, though Sarah was unable to see how she had done so without a key.


"Turn around. Be good," Miss Harper said as she slapped the pretty schoolgirl hard across the face. Sarah was too shocked to respond. The sharp sting in her face was painful but it had not hurt as much as one slap of her tits. It was the pure, unexpected shock of what had occurred that had left her speechless.




Sarah strode after her handler, her face still stinging from the blow. She would not forget her experience in the tiny room any time soon. The ringing slap had imprinted the episode on her memory. She knew that Miss Harper was not angry with her anymore so the slap must have simply been something to help in her training. Her handler dropped Sarah off at her dorm where most of her classmates were already busy getting dressed in their gym uniforms. Sarah stopped when her handler stopped and waited patiently for Miss Harper to release her.


"Remember Porter. Be good."

"Yes Miss," the cowed schoolgirl replied, waiting for another slap. Instead Miss Harper simply strode down the corridor without a backwards glance.


Sarah hurried into her dorm and began undressing, eager not to be the last girl ready. She removed her uniform, noting that her panties were soaked with her pussy juice. After only a morning, her panties already looked as moist and stained as they had done when she had removed her previous pair last night. The multiple orgasms during biology had kept her in a state of arousal, even after the cream had been smeared on her tender lips.


Quickly, the young schoolgirl put on the four small pieces of her gym clothes. She checked that her regular uniform was neatly folded and made her way out of the dorm, to stand in line outside Miss Peach's office. She was keenly aware of how her gym panties cupped her pussy and the seam split her tender lips, making it seem as if they were painted on.


She was definitely not the last girl to be ready. There were many gaps in the line and she waited silently at attention thinking about all that had happened during the lunch period. The period that was supposed to be 'free' time. Had there ever been anything  more poorly named? Sarah thought not.

Chapter 19. In which Sarah begins a new regime


Sarah's face still stung as the class moved off to begin their next lesson. She had performed dismally during her first gym class and had been almost as bad as during her dance class. It seemed as is the physical classes would be her weakness. Thinking on this made Sarah a little nervous. So much of being a slut was physical. The next time she saw Miss Harper she would confess these fears to her in the hope that she could help with her training outside of class time.


They did not have to wait outside the gym this time. Miss Vonn was waiting for them and simply waved the anxious schoolgirls. Sarah had forgotten the correct procedure for setting up a gym class but fortunately Olsen had remembered and had moved into position on the red line once she had scanned her tag. Cox and Murphy had followed, making it easy for Sarah to set herself up an arm's length to the right from her friend. Sarah was a little ashamed that she felt so grateful she was not the leading girl. It was really a form of laziness, allowing her to not have to think about her responsibilities.


"Sluts, ten squats, ten lunges each leg, ten crunches, ten pushups."




Sarah had forgotten how much she hated the sound of that whistle. She immediately began her squats, lowering her ass to the floor and spreading her legs wide with each repetition. She imagined she could feel the seam of her panties push further up between her pussylips as she exercised. Whether this was actually happening or just her imagination she couldn't know, it simply made her more conscious of the revealing, sexual nature of her brief uniform, more conscious of the fact that though she was exercising she was actually performing for a superior.


Sarah was acutely aware that even these simple exercises that people did everyday were so much different for her. A slut really never just did anything. A slut was always performing for her superiors and therefore everything a slut did was sexual. It was her duty to embrace and accentuate that sexuality to please her owner or her teachers. She focused on her exercises, unable now to stop thinking about how her pussy looked as she lunged forward or how her breasts moved as she performed her crunches. It was not until it was time for her to finish the warm-up routine with her pushups that she thought about anything else. A slight hint of doubt crept into her thoughts. She had failed at doing the pushups the day before. Today her body was sore from the previous days efforts and her energy was already much drained thanks to the multiple orgasms forced upon her in biology.


Sarah was proud that she had kept up with her classmates as they progressed through the series of exercises. A number of girls had already started the pushups but Sarah was definitely in the middle pack. Beads of sweat had already formed across her body, the strain of the warm-up exercises taking their toll on the unfit teen. She lowered herself to the floor, took a moment to steady herself and get her breathing straight and began her pushups. Not only her did her arms ache but she could feel the strain in the muscles behind her breasts each time she raised herself from the floor. Sarah amazed herself, performing nine pushups before she began to struggle. She held her body off the floor, arms straight, as she steeled herself for the final one.


She sensed a movement in front of her and knew that Miss Vonn was not standing, watching her. Sarah grit her teeth, determined to make this final pushup on her first attempt. She really wanted to show Miss Vonn that simply being a good slut, obedient and dedicated to her training was all the motivation she needed. With a deep intake of breath Sarah lowered herself quickly to the floor, her tits squashing themselves against the hard surface. Sarah exhaled violently as she strove to push herself off the floor. Her arms trembled and her body shook with the effort but she managed to straighten up and complete her set.


Sarah moved quickly back to her feet and back to attention. She had finished her pushups with a small smile of triumph on her face, a smile that had been quickly dashed as she realised that she was the last girl to finish. She had definitely improved but she was still the last in the class.


"Sluts, this is how we will begin each lesson. From now on as soon as you hear the whistle you will begin. What I just witnessed was a highly undisciplined display. You perform as a class. I want to see all sluts begin and end each exercise together. So the onus is on those slack sluts that are holding the class back - Porter, Taylor and Mitchell. You will all return after class and makeup the time difference between the first and last girls finishing."


Sarah's heart sank. She had just caused her entire class to sacrifice yet more of their after class time. Sarah didn't really know what her classmates did with their time after class as she had been preoccupied yesterday but she knew how important it was to practice what they had learnt. She felt terrible that she was in some way detrimentally affecting her classmates training.


"The next part of each lesson will be a yoga session. Yoga is an ancient discipline designed to help sluts perform their sexual duties. It has been modified over time to allow anyone to experience the benefits of greater core strength, greater flexibility and excellent muscle tone. No one, however, benefits as much from yoga as a slut will.


"You will be learning two types of yoga that work in concert to help your bodies be pleasing to your owners. Ki yoga is a form of yoga that is more dynamic while hatha yoga focuses more on control. We will be alternating these classes week to week. Collect a mat from the end of the room and return to your position here. Unroll your mat and stand upon it. Go."


The class scrambled to the end of the room and collected the thin rolled up mats that rested in a small pyramid against the wall. Sarah felt the mat as she unrolled it on the hard wooden floor. It was very thin, not quite an inch, and made of a spongy plastic. She tipped her mat over, so the curled ends rested against the floor and stood upon it.


"Mitchell. How the fuck do you expect to use that mat? Look at every other girl in the class. Now fix it." Sarah risked a glance at Mitchell . She stood at attention on her mat, which had rolled up at each end, the rolls now resting against her legs. Sarah felt sorry for her. She knew the teen tried hard, it was just that she truly wasnt very smart.


Mitchell, humiliated by her stupidity, stepped off her mat and turned it over. Her face had turned bright red and tears had formed in her eyes. She was in constant fear that her lack of intelligence would earn her infractions. She could try and be a better slut, train hard and embrace her new life, as she had vowed to Porter and Murphy, but she couldn't get smarter. It was one of those weaknesses that could not be trained out that Miss Watson had mentioned. She would simply have to try harder at other things.


"During the yoga sessions you are to watch me for guidance on each position. Then you perform it. Do you understand?"


"Yes Ma'am," chorused the class, the echo reverberating around the large, empty hall.


The next twenty minutes was filled with weird positions that stretched Sarah's body in ways she could not have imagined. After only three positions her breathing became laboured and her muscles began twitching. She was simply not used to moving her body in this way. When Miss Vonn blew her whistle to stop Sarah felt like collapsing on her mat and sleeping for a week. Instead she stood at attention and waited for further orders, her chest heaving and sweat running down her face. A few strands of hair had come loose from her ponytail and now sat plastered to the side of her face.


There had been no respite during the yoga. Miss Vonn had them move between positions without a break. Each position was different but Sarah could see, and feel, some similarities as the class progressed. She had never thought yoga was so hard, or that it could leave her sweaty and breathless.


Finally, during the yoga session, her pussy had stopped burning. The cream had, at last, begun to lose its potency. Sarah was glad when she felt the sensation lessen to the point that she almost did not think about it. She had learnt her lesson, she would remain aware of her pussy at all times and be sure that it was used correctly, to serve her superiors, not to selfishly provide her with pleasure.


"Roll your mats and return them. Our next session is cardio based. Each of you collect a small wheel and return."


A wheel? It was not until Sarah had returned her rolled mat and saw the small pile of wheels that she understood. She was sure they had not been there before, or was she simply so focused on the task given her that she had not noticed them. She picked up one of the contraptions and scrutinised it as she returned to her position. It consisted of a rubber wheel around eight inches in diameter and two small handles that protruded from each side.


"Place your wheels at your feet and proceed to the drinks bench." Sarah did as instructed and stood at attention in front of the bench that held eighteen drink bottles, each topped with a clear nipple to ensure the sluts did not gorge themselves on the precious liquid. "Drink."


Sarah eagerly reached for her bottle and began suckling the teat immediately. She easily settled into the rhythm that allowed her to extract the maximum amount of moisture in the time they were allowed. All too soon, Miss Vonn ordered them back to their places but Sarah was happy in the knowledge she had sucked at least three substantial mouthfuls from her bottle. She had still blushed with the humiliation of having to suckle a baby bottle for her water but she tried her best to focus on the task instead. She was slightly troubled to admit to herself that she definitely felt calmer and a real sense of contentment washed over her when she had the long nipple in her mouth.


"Back to position. You will start this session by pushing your wheel across the room. Keep those asses in the air. A steady pace is what needs to be achieved, too fast and you risk injury, too slow and you risk punishment. The correct pace will become clear as you progress."




Sarah lowered her wheel to the floor, gripped the handles and began to push it across the gym floor. The wheel did not run easily. The stiffness forced Sarah to push with her entire body to force the wheel across the polished wooden floor. She had to keep her ass pushed high into the air to maintain the force needed to keep the wheel moving. The strain upon her arms and legs was felt immediately. Her thighs began to burn before she had even reached the far wall once. She dared a look as she turned around and noticed that she was the first girl to have reached the far side. Had she gone too fast? 


As she bent over again, creating a pleasing arch of teenage flesh, Sarah realised that maybe she had been first, and continued to do so, because she was shorter than all the other girls and this made it slightly easier for her to do this one exercise. She made her way back across the gymnasium, conscious of the seam in her panties slipping up between her pussylips. She had thought the squats had squeezed the seam tightly between her plump lips but the motion of pushing the wheel with her ass in the air forced her lips apart.


The panting teen also was sure she could feel a slight squelching in the crotch of her panties. Was she still producing cream? Was the act of pushing the wheel pushing her lips together at the same time her panties were forcing them apart? Was the cream caught in her panties squeezing out of her, churning at the entrance of her pussy? Would she find pussy butter in her panties when she removed them? Sarah actually giggled at her own joke as she continued to push her stiff wheel across the gym.


She may have continued to lead the class, but she was struggling with each step she took. The unusual exercise was taking its toll on her tired body. Her breathing was ragged and sweat ran in streams down her body. Her nipples were ferociously hard and had begun to itch, something she had never experienced before. She was dying to rub them, she was desperate to alleviate the strange sensation that she would have even preferred to wear her blouse, the rubbing across her nipples would have been a welcome distraction for once.


The schoolgirls completed six laps pushing the small wheels, each one becoming more ragged than the last, filling the room with the heavy, panting of eighteen young girls pushing their bodies to the limit. Upon completion of the sixth, Miss Vonn called a halt and had them hold the wheels above their heads. Sarah had not finished first, her lack of conditioning was more telling than the slight advantage her short stature had afforded her. But neither was she last, an achievement for which she felt more proud than she knew she should. She had gone from being a student who was always first in her class to one who was proud that she was not last. Her life had changed in so many ways.


"Sluts, we have reached the midpoint of the cardio session so a small break is in order. Lower the wheels behind your head until they touch against your neck. Do this slowly but do not allow the wheel to rest. As soon as contact is made, raise the wheel. Continue this during the brief rest period."


Rest period? Free period? She knew she was silly for thinking it but she wished the terminology used could sometimes be better. She could feel the burn in her triceps as she raised and lowered the wheel while she was 'resting'. Her breathing was given a chance to slow down and her heart rate was no longer pounding so fiercely in her chest but even when she was supposed to be resting she was at the mercy of the tasks set by her superiors.


Sarah counted twelve reps of the tricep exercise before Miss Vonn called a halt to the rest and informed them of their next task. For the remainder of the cardio session they would simply run laps with the wheel above their heads. This turned out to be slightly harder than Sarah had initially expected.


The wheel affected her balance and became impossibly heavy very quickly. Miss Vonn was at the ready with any extra motivation the girls needed to continue correctly. Sarah received a sharp shock to her right armpit that caused her to almost drop her wheel on her own head. She quickly recovered and doubled her efforts to run faster and keep in touch with Murphy, ashamed that she had needed the extra motivation. Each time Miss Vonn shocked her it meant she was underperforming and each time the motivation caused her to performance to increase she knew she had let Miss Vonn down, not having tried hard enough on her own.


When the strict gym teacher called a halt to the laps and instructed the girls to return their wheels, Sarah was a gasping mess. Her bra and panties were soaked with sweat. Rivulets of the salty liquid ran down her face and side, tickling her maddeningly. She could taste the humid tang that coated her upper lip and tried not to lick it.


The instruction came again to drink and Sarah thankfully sucked her bottle for the sweet, cool water. All too soon she was told to halt. She could have suckled at that tiny teat all day long, not only because she was thirsty and needed to replace the fluids she was losing but because of how safe and content it made her feel.


"Attention," Miss Vonn bellowed. "We are only two thirds of the way through our lesson and you are standing like a pack of slovenly bitches. Anyone would think you had run a marathon."


Miss Vonn then proceeded to move down the line of girls, shocking each one on her inner thigh or exposed breast. Sarah had been standing at strict attention but that had not stopped Miss Vonn from shocking her thigh. She had caused extra time after class for her housemates so it was only fair she be punished for the wrongdoing of someone else.


"For the remaining time in this lesson you will be circuit training. Two lines. Quickly! When I tell you to move you move quicker than that. Follow me."


Miss Vonn led the girls into the room filled with fitness equipment that was attached to the gymnasium. This was the first time Sarah would have a chance to really see what the room held. Previously she had only been allowed to move through the room on her way to the gymnasium, risking quick glances as she hurried by. There were whole banks of machines in this room, many of which she was familiar with. It was as well appointed as any fancy fitness club, maybe even better so as the equipment all looked brand new.


"There are five stations to experience in this session: bikes, rowing, step, boxing and running. Four minutes will be spent at each station. The machines are all set for four minute intervals, once the activity is started. Sluts are in groups of six. Each station has its own requirements.


"The spin bikes have a minimum rpm that is expected. When you have achieved this the display will light green. If you fall below it will display red. Two seconds of red and the machine will beep and you will be motivated. Rowing has a minimum speed expected, step has a minimum number of steps and running has a minimum speed. At the boxing station there is a minimum number of strikes you need to achieve in the allotted time. Disappointing results will incur infractions.


"Sluts one to six, start on the bikes. Sluts seven to twelve begin on the step machines and sluts 13 to 18 begin on the running machines. When I indicate, step onto your machines and hit the start button."




Sarah stepped up to the bike she had chosen, sat on the small plastic seat and slotted her feet into the straps on each pedal. She quickly hit the start button only to see the display instantly flash a row of red zeroes. She began pedalling furiously, trying to get the display to show green instead of the dreaded red. The wheel beneath her flew, blowing a welcoming breeze back upon her young, sweaty body, cooling her searing skin. It took her a good 15 seconds to achieve the correct speed.


The next four minutes were a whirlwind of burning pain. Sarah did not even think about her classmates struggling to keep their own revs up and displays green, nor did she think about her classmates who worked at the other stations. Her entire world consisted of her burning thighs, her burning lungs and the small coloured light display before her. For almost a minute Sarah kept the display green. She tried to focus on her breathing as best she could but she was soon panting desperately.


Sweat dripped from her nose and chin onto the steel frame of the machine below. When the display finally turned red, as Sarah knew it must, she pedalled even more desperately. Instantly the display flashed green, the beautiful safe green. What she had to try and do was keep her speed just above the minimum but not too far above. She could not tire herself out on the very first exercise. She heard a beep from one of the machines beside her and instinctively increased her speed. The beep was soon followed by a squeal as Miss Vonn shocked the offending girl. Before Sarah knew it, the room was full of beeps and the display on her machine went dark.


"Next station sluts," cried Miss Vonn.


Sarah scrambled off her bike and wasted no time in moving to a rowing machine. She had never used one of these machines before but she understood the principle. She was a little worried how she would perform on this machine more than any other. She sat herself down, slid her feet into the straps and pressed the start button.


As before the display flashed red and panting teen grabbed both handles and began to row. Her first few strokes were clumsy but Sarah soon got the hang of pulling the stylised oars and pushing with her legs. She was soon moving smoothly and managed to finally get up to speed and turn the display green, managing to keep the pace for less than a minute. There had been no break between stations and her already laboured breathing became increasingly ragged. Her heart pounded in her chest and her arms began to flag. The felt like wet noodles and she couldnt quite fathom where the strength was coming from to keep them from flopping at her sides.


The display moved red and even though Sarah tried her best, it was not so easy to increase the speed on this machine. Almost the instant her machine beeped, agony exploded in her side. Miss Vonn had to have been directly behind her, waiting for her to fail. Sarah supposed it had been obvious that she was struggling and tried frantically to re-establish her rhythm. She felt she was almost there when Miss Vonn shocked her again, this time in the soft flesh on the outside of her armpit.


The pain threw off the frantic schoolgirls rhythm, almost causing her to lose her grip entirely. Sarah tried to focus every last ounce of energy she had into pushing and pulling the poles she gripped so intensely. It took another four strokes and another shock to her vulnerable belly before Sarah's display finally returned to its green status. She almost let go, so great was her relief. She didnt know if her muscular gym teacher still hovered behind her but she tried not to think about it, focusing entirely on keeping up the speed she had finally achieved.


Less than thirty seconds later Sarah's display turned red, throwing the poor schoolgirl into a fit of terror. Seconds later her machine beeped. She tried desperately to pull the oars as hard as she could, gasping for breath as her muscles burned. It took Miss Vonn a little while to reach her but Sarah knew the shock was coming. She saw her teacher's disembodied hand reach in front of her, moments later pain spiked through her left breast. She yelped as she pulled herself forward with the oars and pushed herself back with her legs only to be shocked again, this time on her right breast.


Tears were streaming down Sarah's face now. They were tears more of frustration than pain. She was simply unable to get the hang of this machine. The fact that she could not catch her breath and her heart felt as if would fly out of her chest any second did not help. She knew she was working herself into a panic but she was desperate to stop the painful electric shocks, knowing, at the same time, that she was unable. Again pain exploded along Sarah's right hip as the shock wand made contact. Moments later her machine beeped and the display went dark. Sarah stumbled out of the machine, tears running freely down her face, mingling with the sweat that ran profusely from every pore.


"Next station sluts," bellowed Miss Vonn, almost in Sarah's ear.


Sarah moved swiftly to the step machine. She moved in a daze, room in her consciousness for one thing only: to keep seeing green lights. She stood patiently on her machine, sucking in deep lungfuls of air while she could.




Sarah started the machine and began stepping. Sarah tried to imagine she was climbing an endless flight of stairs, waiting for her at the top was Miss Rice. It was the best incentive that Sarah could think of in her current state of mind. The fantasy she created for herself did not even register on the teenagers dazed mind, she simply focused on stepping as fast as she could. Her performance at the rowing station was forgotten along with the numerous shocks she had earned. Sarah neither heard nor saw what went on in the gym over the next four minutes. The beep from her machine shocked her out of the haze she had retreated into. She had completed the station, keeping her display green the entire time. Sarah stepped exhaustedly off the machine, her calves aching more than she could possibly imagine.


"Next station sluts."


Sarah moved like a zombie towards the boxing station. She quickly donned the pair of small padded gloves and stepped up to the pillar that was to be her station for the next four minutes. It was covered in small black square pads with dark displays above each one. Two pads, however, had numbers lit on their displays. Two pads, at Sarah's shoulder height, each had the number 100 lit in red.




Sarah was not sure how this station would work but she immediately began to punch the pads. Each time she made contact the numbers counted down from 100. After 30 seconds Sarah had already reduced each count to below 80. This was a station she felt she would complete without a problem. As the four minutes wore on it became increasingly clear that her initial confidence was vastly misplaced. Her arms felt like lead and she was having trouble getting enough air into her lungs. She had less than 20 to go on each pad when she could no longer keep her hands up.


Her arms fell to her sides as if she was a puppet whose strings had been cut, her entire body sagging exhaustedly against the pillar. Sarah suddenly jumped into the air, hitting her head on the hard surface of the pole. Miss Vonn had positioned the shock wand between her legs, resting it against her pussy, her only protection an ultra-thin layer of material.


Sarah instantly began punching the pads, grunting with each blow. The force behind each punch would hardly have stunned a fly but it was enough to keep the count ticking down. Sarah dared not stop. If she rested again who knew what Miss Vonn would do. She didn't think she could take any more shocks but her body was giving out on her. She had never been pushed like this. She had never experienced anything like this before. She had always done her best to avoid strenuous activity.


Sarah groaned in relief when her counts reached zero. She had done it. She had finished the station in time. The fatigued schoolgirl slowly peeled the gloves from her hands and placed them on the floor. She did not know how much time was left but she immediately stood at attention and gasped air into her stressed lungs.


Sarah began counting slowly trying to match each breath with each count, trying to calm down and recover for the next station. One more to go. It was as she counted that her vision from the stair machine came back to her. She had used Miss Rice as her motivation. She had yearned to reach the top of those stairs. What was to happen when she did had not been a part of the delusion, which she found strange. Simply reaching Miss Rice had been her goal.


She blushed at the thought that she had such a crush on her teacher. A teacher that had humiliated and degraded her. A teacher that had used different parts of her body as specimens to teach a class. A teacher whose job it was to train her into a slut, a whore, a piece of property to be used at the whims of her superiors. A teacher who moved with such sensual grace. A teacher that had kissed her. A teacher that believed in her.


Sarah's blush was lost in the flush of exertion. Her face was red and covered in rivulets of sweat, her hair hanging lank to her shoulders. Her gym uniform was soaked. Her nipples were as hard as ever, and had been since the class had begun. The itch around each nipple had intensified as she exercised and she was desperate not only to rub her nipples but to know just what it was. Sarah's introspection was interrupted by Miss Vonn's loud voice yelling to change stations, she had managed to count to sixteen.


At the sound of Miss Vonn's voice Sarah moved immediately to her last station: the running machine. Tears welled in Sarah's eyes at the mere thought of another four minutes of agony. Nevertheless she stepped up onto the platform of the machine and stood at attention, waiting for permission to start.




Sarah started the machine and began to jog. It was quickly obvious that jogging was not enough to reach the minimum speed as her display stayed red. The exhausted girl increased her speed and began running on the moving platform. She was almost immediately out of breath. She felt as if the rest afforded by the few moments she had gained between stations had been for nothing.


The next four minutes of Sarah's life was a confusion of pain, the constant burning pain in her muscles and lungs was interspersed with more focused agony as her gym teacher shocked her body as she continued to fail to keep her speed above the minimum required. What was even worse for Sarah was that it was all done in silence. The gym was awash with noise, the grunts and groans of exhausted schoolgirls, the whirr and clank of the machines, but not a word was spoken. Since the session had begun, the only sounds not born of machine or tortured girl, were the repeated cries of 'next station sluts' from the teacher that constantly stalked amongst them.


She didn't understand why but Sarah wanted Miss Vonn to talk to her. Admonishments for failing, added punishments for performing so poorly, right now Sarah would have been happy for any words to be spoken to her by her teacher. The continued physical closeness of her teacher and the constant stream of shocks were beginning to unhinge the exhausted teens already confused and bewildered mind. Sarah could focus on nothing, her mind was a whirling maelstrom of sensation and emotion. All she could do was keep running.


She stumbled her way through the remainder of the session, no longer even able to count how many shocks she had received. Her display had failed to return to the safe green state and Sarah was sure Miss Vonn had stayed at her side, periodically shocking her during the entire four minutes at the final station. She groaned in immense relief as the machines signalled the end of the session with a final protracted beep. Sarah wanted to collapse where she stood. That wasn't quite right she thought, she needed to collapse where she stood. Instead she dragged herself upright and stood at attention at the end of her machine, her entire body heaving as she drew great gasps of air into her lungs. Her clothes were soaked and sweat continued to run down every surface of her body.


"Back to the drinking station," urged Miss Vonn.


Sarah turned and followed the other girls into the gymnasium. She could see her classmates were in no better shape than the ragged, shuffling mess in which she found herself. Everyone was gasping and panting, exhausted by their first real gym lesson. Sarah was in real trouble if every lesson was to be like this one. She did not know how she would continue with the rest of her lessons that afternoon. She felt like she could barely walk to the watering bench.


"Drink. Continue until you empty your bottles," commanded Miss Vonn.


Sarah collected her bottle and began suckling the long plastic teat that topped the metal cylinder. She quickly settled into the rhythm she had established the day before, suckling in long draughts and breathing out noisily through her nose. She was the first girl to finish and she felt much better as her heart-rate slowed down and her breathing became more regular. After replacing her empty bottle she stood at attention and waited for further direction.


"A very poor session sluts. Porter receives an infraction for requiring the most motivation. A slut requiring that much motivation is clearly not committed to her training, demonstrating an obvious disrespect for those who are trying to improve her. Dismissed."


Sarah's heart sank at Miss Vonn's words. Another infraction for poor performance and disrespect. She had tried her best and been found wanting again but this time she would not make any promises. Her handler had shown her that making such promises was itself a form of disrespect. She would simply try harder next time. She would not promise herself she would not fail, simply that she would try harder.


The class made its way swiftly back to the dorm, where they were forced to wait for more than a minute before Miss Peach came out of her room. She walked up and down the line of girls, inspecting each one, revelling in the obvious distress her charges were experiencing. She felt the tingle of arousal simply looking at their sweat-soaked bodies. She would summon Rascal as soon as her charges went to their next class.


"Move those filthy bodies into the showers. Hot water has already been turned on."


Sarah was eager to get into the showers and wash the salty sweat from her body. The tormented schoolgirl was equally as keen to remove her gym bra and relieve the maddening itching in her nipples. The hot water had been on the whole time Miss Peach had spent inspecting them. They would have to be very brief if they were to keep their showers within the hot water period.


Sarah peeled her soaking uniform off and placed it in her bag. The crotch of her panties was soaked not only with sweat but with the cream from her pussy. She had joked about what she would find but she had not been too far wrong. The seam, that had snuck up inside her pussy as her lips were spread more and more by her exercises, was covered in a thick layer of pussy cream. The blue material almost eclipsed by the thick coating. Sarah stared at her panties for a moment before lifting them to her mouth to begin removing her cream with her tongue.


She had been taught not to waste her bodily fluids and she had been taught that a slut was always a slut. She had felt it was only right for her to clean the mess she had made. She would be following the rules she had learnt and she would also be showing respect to her teachers by not leaving a mess. Even though she knew everyone was desperate to get into the showers while the precious hot water lasted she knew from the gasps around her that her classmates had stopped to watch. Even though Sarah felt she was doing the right thing, she still blushed furiously under the scrutiny of her fellow Trinity students. She tried not to think about what the other girls thought and focused on eating her own pussy cream.


"Port do you want me to clean your pussy for you?"


Sarah was startled by the gentle voice close in her ear. She turned to her left to see Mitchells face staring nervously at her. Sarah took her panties out of her mouth, trying to think of how to respond to her friend. Mitchell was clearly unsure of herself.


"Thanks Mitch but I am not sure that is allowed," Sarah replied honestly.

"It is permissable Porter. Mitchell is right to ask. A slut should never waste such secretions. It is entirely permissable for sluts to not only clean each other but to pleasure each other as well. After all you have much study to do. Just be sure to remember that no slut comes without permission and kissing between Trinity students is forbidden without special dispensation. Proceed Mitchell."


Sarah jumped at Miss Peachs sudden appearance. She had been instinctively standing with her legs wide, in the standard attention position, and now she obediently stepped a little wider to allow her friend access to her slick cleft. Sarah watched as Mitchell sank to her knees beneath her, sliding herself forward until she was completely underneath her slim body, as Miss Rice had done when she had tasted her pussy the day before.


Sarah replaced her panties in her mouth as Mitchell began licking her moist vulva. She moaned quietly as Mitchell's hot tongue licked her clean. The buxom teen between her legs licked hard and fast and in less than 20 seconds had removed all trace from the moaning schoolgirls sex. She immediately stood up, causing Sarah to lament the loss of the tongue on her bare pussy. The fact that Mitchell had aroused her further, no doubt causing her to produce fresh cream, as she was supposed to be cleaning her was not lost on Sarah.


"When a slut cleans your equipment it is only polite to thank them Porter."

"Thank you slut," replied Sarah, as directed. She was thankful, truly she was, none of the other girls had thought to help her. It was just that those very same girls were no doubt forming their opinions of her and Mitchell and Sarah knew they would not be flattering ones. Why she even cared she wasn't sure. They had done the right thing. No doubt it was her overwhelming need to please and be liked that made her think so much of the other girls. It was part of what made her the natural slut that she was so she could not wish it were not so.


Sarah popped her clean panties into her bag, took Mitchell's hand and hurried into the showers to get as clean as they could in the time allotted. She tried to ignore the silent stares of her classmates as she entered the shower area as they joined Murphy who had a nozzle to herself. Sarah rubbed and pinched her hard nipples as she stood under the beautifully warm water. She soaked her entire body as she gratefully relieved the maddening itch in her nipples.


"My nipples got crazy itchy during gym," Sarah said, noticing her friends staring at her. Has that ever happened to you?"


Both her friends shook their heads. Murphy went back to washing the sweat from her body, while Mitchell absently ran her gloved hands over her own nubile flesh without taking her eyes off Sarah.


"Port you wash your hair while I wash your body. We only have a few minutes of hot water left."

"Murph, no. You won't have enough time either."
"Don't worry about me Port, I already washed my hair while you and Mitch were cleaning."


Sarah looked at her friend, detecting something odd in her voice. A sly smile twitched at the corner of Murphy's voluptuous mouth. Sarah smiled back at her, glad that her friend understood. Not only understood but was comfortable enough in knowing that it was right, to joke about it with her. Murphy's hands were already scrubbing Sarah's back so she knew it was pointless to argue. Besides, she was right. Sarah would never have time to do it on her own and she really needed to be clean for her next lesson. She luxuriated under the beautiful hot water, closing her eyes as she washed her hair, losing herself in the sensation of Murphy's rough-gloved hands as they roved over her body.


Sarah's eyes shot open as she felt another pair of hands on her breasts. Mitchell stood before her, gently washing her breasts and belly. Sarah felt as if she was in heaven as four hands roamed across her tender teenage flesh, cleaning every nook and cranny of her young body, washing away not only the sweat but much of the fatigue of the previous hour. Murphy's hands reached her ass the same time as Mitchell's reached her pussy.Sarah groaned and moved her hips in small circles as the exfoliating gloves scraped across the delicate folds between her legs.


The wondrous feeling was rudely interrupted as the room erupted in a cacophony of squeals. The hot water had been turned off, catching all the girls unaware. Murphy and Mitchell frantically peeled off their gloves and scrambled from the showers. Sarah was left behind to wash the shampoo from her hair. She grit her teeth as the now ice-cold water sprayed her body. She rinsed and squeezed the shampoo from her hair as the freezing water cascaded down her body, her suddenly cool skin pimpling into gooseflesh in response.


By the time she had finished, Sarah's teeth were chattering from the cold. She had not expected to end her shower in pure cold water but it had been just what she had needed. She felt invigorated, as if her stores of energy had been recharged by the freezing water. She wasted no time in drying off and moving into the dorm to dress in her uniform.


Miss Peach was at the entrance watching the Trinity students scramble into their uniforms. Sarah moved past her and hurried to her bed. Most of the other girls were almost dressed and Sarah was glad to see that today, everyone had been allowed back into their tiny school uniforms. The lesson had been learnt. By the time Sarah clipped her tie to her blouse, she was alone in the dorm.


Dressed now in the brief uniform of a Trinity student she hurried out of the dorm to re-join her classmates already lined up in the lounge. Miss Peach stood at the head of the lines, her crop dangling from her right hand. Sarah slotted into line behind Murphy knowing she would soon be feeling the effects of that crop.



"Yes Mistress."

"You are the last slut to be ready. The last slut must join the line within ten seconds of the previous slut or accrue an infraction. You are almost a minute behind Hinka. Raise your skirt."


Sarah, lifted her skirt and was immediately rewarded by three hard strokes of the crop to the outside of her right buttock.


"Drop your skirt."

"Thank you Mistress," Sarah said as Miss Peach stepped away from the line of schoolgirls.

"You are welcome Porter. Next time you make the class wait you will receive double. Dismissed."


The class moved off to their afternoon classes, scanning their tags and reciting their school number prior to leaving. As she moved off to her next class Sarah hoped it would not be physically taxing. The few minutes of cold water had really energised the teenager after the extremely strenuous gym lesson but she was unsure exactly how much energy she had left for the rest of the afternoon. It was then that Sarah remembered she had a detention to attend after class. The anxiety she had been feeling throughout the day now came back in full force as the class came to a silent halt outside Miss Watson's classroom.

Chapter 20. In which Sarah helps to teach


"As you enter collect your suction dildo from your kit and situate it on your desk," directed Miss Watson as she appeared in the doorway.


Sarah collected her dildo and pushed the suction cup down on the clear top of her desk. She had made sure that the balls of the silicon cock were facing towards her seat and that it was situated close to the edge of the desk where she could reach it. She had not been told what the class was to be about but she had thought it wise to put the cock where she could easily access it. Miss Watson walked around the class, inspecting the schoolgirls as they stood at attention. Sarah kept her eyes straight ahead, wondering exactly what was going on. She wasnt sure exactly how long it took for the teacher complete her circuit but she felt it had been at least five minutes.




As one, the girls of Trinity house sat at their desks, their legs spread and their hands behind their back in the expected position. Sarah focused her attention on Miss Watson as soon as she sat down. She could see her dildo bobbing in her peripheral vision but was determined not to let it distract her.


Miss Watson was a stunning woman Sarah thought to herself. She did not have the earthy sensuality of Miss Rice but she had the full strong body that Sarah had always admired in women. In fact, Sarah realised as she watched Miss Watson stand before the class, all of the staff at Harkwood were attractive, but none of them had the stick-thin bodies that seemed to dominate the fashion magazines and catwalks.


"Begin sucking," commanded Miss Watson.


Eighteen young mouths sought out the large dildos before them and obediently began sucking. Sarah took the head of her dildo in her mouth and proceeded to push a further three inches into her mouth. Within seconds she had a strong rhythm that had caused her mouth to begin forming the lubrication that would help her suck.


"For the remainder of this lesson you are to simply practice the techniques which you have been taught. Your focus is clear."


With those brief instructions Miss Watson sat in her chair and began typing on her laptop. Sarah started running through the techniques she learnt in class. She was glad of an opportunity to practice what she had learnt, something she had not been able to do after class last night. She still didn't know what her classmates had practiced and she doubted she would get a chance to find out today. Not only did she have a detention but she also had a morning class of posture training to make up. She needed to make the most of this opportunity.


The classroom was filled with the slurping, smacking sounds of eighteen young girls sucking cock. Miss Watson had stopped typing and Sarah could hear nothing but the efforts of her classmates as their mouths and throats were penetrated by their own rubbery invaders. Sarah practiced each technique she knew, trying endless varieties and combinations. She was seated but the activity was still strenuous. She was sweating under her arms but that was not the only moisture that her body was producing.


Over the last day Sarah had become very familiar with the sensations associated with her pussy producing her juices. It was remarkable that she had learnt more about her body in the past 24 hours than she had known was possible to learn in a lifetime. She could sense her pussy getting wet. It was completely unexpected. She was getting aroused simply by sucking a fake cock. There was no doubt left in her mind. She was a slut, only a slut could possibly be aroused by the mere simulation of a sex act. She had never touched a real cock, never even seen one, so her motions had no basis for recollection. She was becoming aroused simply by the action itself. What more evidence did she need of the truth of her lessons?


Sarah did not know how long she had been sucking, continuously bobbing her head up and down the shaft, when she heard a faint knocking at the door to the classroom. Sarah dared not look away from her dildo though she badly wanted to see who was interrupting the class. Curiosity was not something a slut was to indulge. Miss Watson rose from her chair and opened the door. Sarah heard muted voices though she could not make out any words, the slurping of her classmates drowning out the murmured conversation between her teacher and the visitor. To help prevent the temptation to look Sarah began deep-throating, something that took more of her attention and also meant her head was more bowed than normal.


She heard the click clack of Miss Watson's high heels as she returned to her chair, paused briefly and walked back across the front of the classroom and out the door. Sarah distinctly heard not only Miss Watson but another pair of high heels recede down the corridor, slowly fading as the two women moved further away. Sarah was puzzled. She had no doubt that their teacher had left the room. They were now unsupervised.


Sarah did not stop sucking. Even if this was not some kind of test she had been told to suck and would continue to do so until given permission to stop. As she forced her mouth down her dildo, practicing her techniques, she wondered whether it was a test or whether important matters had taken Miss Watson away from the class. Whatever the truth, Sarah hoped that her classmates had continued to practice as she had.


As she fucked her dildo with her face, the muscles in Sarah's jaw began to ache, only a little at first but increasing with each passing minute. The schoolgirl estimated she had been sucking her dildo for a good 40 minutes non-stop. Copious amounts of saliva coated the long plastic cock and the top of her desk. She had so far managed to prevent any strings from flicking back onto her blouse by keeping her mouth firmly rapped around the fake cock.


At least fifteen minutes passed before Sarah heard the faint noises of heels in the corridor. The noise became louder, until moments later Miss Watson entered the classroom, crossed to her chair and without a word, began typing at the laptop. If it was a test of discipline, had everyone passed? Sarah tried not to think about such things, instead focusing her mind on the techniques, doing her best to make them pleasurable and smooth.


"Stop and clean," commanded Miss Watson, the first words she had spoken since the class began almost an hour ago.


Sarah slid her mouth off her dildo with an audible pop, a last chance to practice sucking technique one. Her jaw ached as her mouth closed for the first time in an hour. The sides of her mouth stung a little but she did not let either sensation prevent her from immediately slurping her saliva from her dildo and desk. She diligently cleaned the thick, frothy slime from the shaft and balls of her cock. She cleaned the smooth surface of her desk, at times struggling to swallow the long strings of viscous slime. She had trouble reaching the very base of the shaft, underneath the balls, where it joined with the suction cup. The dildo narrowed greatly and she had to lean right in, nudging the thick shaft back with her forehead to get her mouth into the crevice. The obedient teen had not even thought of using her hands that rested comfortable behind her back. She had already begun to discount their use from many activities.


Once she had finished Sarah sat at attention and watched Miss Watson at her computer. What a great lesson the schoolgirl thought to herself. She had been given a chance to practice some of the important things a slut needed to know, a chance that looked like it would be increasingly difficult for her to achieve in her allotted study time after class.


Miss Watson did not even look up as the bell went, simply dismissing the class with an absentminded command. Nor did she acknowledge the students as they thanked her for the class and left the room, heading for their afternoon biology period. Sarah was not entirely sure what was going on. Her teacher's total disregard for their presence served to reinforce for Sarah that they really were not deserving of the attention. The Trinity students moved quickly and quietly to their next class. The instant they were all formed, Miss Rice commanded them to enter.


"Sit, Porter front."


The class sat on their small stools, while Sarah shed her uniform and climbed up into the gynaecological chair, seating her legs in the stirrups and lifting her arms behind her head. Sarah had begged for Miss Rice to give her another chance. She had begged for her pussy to be the specimen used for the class, knowing that it was best for her fellow students. Her teacher had trusted her with this duty and she was determined not to fail her this time.


Miss Rice, closed the Velcro straps and lowered the flat screen TV, once again blocking Sarah's view of her classmates.


"This lesson continues our introduction to the pussy. During this lesson the limits of the cunt will be demonstrated. We have seen how the cunt reacts during arousal and the changes which it undergoes during orgasm. All of a slut's equipment holds the dual facets of both pleasure and pain, much like two sides of a coin. One does not exist without the other. What a slut knows, and what you will learn, is that pain itself is simply the companion to pleasure. We saw this morning how pleasure can turn into pain, conversely pain can turn into pleasure. It is all up to the individual slut.


"You must remember that pain comes from your superiors and as such is something a slut not only accepts but embraces just as she does any gift from someone of higher station. Now first we will see how the cuntlips react to some mild stimulus."


Miss Rice picked up a thin leather strap from the ever-present trolley and moved between Sarah's widely spread legs. Miss Rice seemed to be all business during this lesson. Sarah desperately hoped it was not due to anything she had done. She had not known what she was getting herself into when she had volunteered to be the demonstration model for the class. She did not regret it but she was fearful about what was to happen. Her pussy was apparently going to be the recipient of the leather strap Miss Rice now held. Sarah tensed her jaw, clenched her fists and waited anxiously. She did not have long to wait. Miss Rice brought the strap down hard on the soft mound between her legs. Sarah was in instant agony, her delicate lips mashed by the hard leather strap. She was determined to be on her best behaviour for this lesson and tried to remain silent.


"Watch the lips. They have received only one medium stroke. Cox, describe what you see," Miss Rice demanded as she adjusted the camera tripod that was pointed at Sarah's pussy, projecting her humiliation onto the big screen.

"Um, Ma'am, the cuntlips are getting a little red. There is also cunt cream visible at the cunthole Ma'am."

"Correct Cox. The cream was there before we started however, the cunt was in an obvious state of arousal prior to any stimulation. The cunt is no different than any other part of the body in that when it is struck the flesh will turn red and potentially blister and bruise as well if enough force is applied. The cunt however does exhibit some rather interesting symptoms which we will now induce."


As she finished speaking Miss Rice brought the strap down on the prone schoolgirl's pussy again and again. Sarah thought that if she counted the strokes, breathing through each one it would somehow make the pain easier to deal with. This was definitely not the case. After only four strokes she was yelping as each fall of the strap pounded into her helpless pussy. The restrained teen tensed her entire body each time the thick strip of leather made contact. After a particularly long pause Sarah opened her eyes. She had closed them, unable to watch the leather strap speeding towards her exposed pussy. Miss Rice had moved around to her side of the TV and came to stand by her head. She had a strange contraption of straps in her hand which she proceeded to bring to Sarah's face.


Miss Rice held a large square of black leather from which a number of long straps snaked. In the centre of the square a small dildo, perhaps three inches in length protruded. Sarah obediently opened her mouth as it was brought closer to her face, and, in one smooth movement, her teacher inserted the dildo into her mouth and settled the leather square snugly against the lower half of the young girls face. She instinctively raised her head from the chair, allowing Miss Rice to buckle two straps around the lower half of her face and then to fix another across the top of her head. This last length started as two separate straps on either side of her nose, coming together above it, forming a triangle before turning into a single strap that continued across her forehead.


Once the straps were fastened Sarah was effectively gagged, unable to make more than a muted mewling sound. Not only was the fat dildo filling her, pushing her tongue to the bottom of her mouth but the leather base was pulled tightly against her face, mashing her lips, the protrusion under her chin preventing her from opening her mouth to help alleviate the pressure. She could not close her mouth. She could not open her mouth. She could not move her tongue. She was completely at the mercy of her teacher, more helpless than she had ever been as now she could not communicate in any way.


As Sarah was feeling out the strict gag that had been forced upon her Miss Rice had regained the strap and began punishing Sarah's pussy as if there had been no break. Sarah jerked in her bonds as five more strokes landed in quick succession on the delicate folds of her pussy. Soft, muted grunts escaped from around her gag, despite her best efforts.


"Now Cox, what do you see?"


"The cunt is much redder now Ma'am. It also looks a little swollen."

"Good girl Cox. The pussy does indeed become puffy when a certain amount of force is applied to the flesh there. Unlike the flesh on many other parts of the body, where ten strokes of the strap would simply produce redness and some mild bruising. Evidence."


Sarah violently jerked her right leg as her teacher brought the strap down on her inner thigh. Ten times without pause Miss Rice smacked the same spot on Sarah's thigh. By the time she had finished, tears were coursing down her face. Her chest heaved not only with the sobs but with her efforts to breath as she became increasingly panicked. Her mouth was completely closed and her crying had caused her nose to run, making it even harder for Sarah to get enough oxygen in her lungs. Her pussy ached but her inner thigh throbbed with a pain so intense it would have taken the abused teens breath away if she had not already been struggling so badly.


"Now watch how that area develops and compare with the cunt. Both received ten strokes of the strap. See how the thigh simply turns a deep red. By the end of class, this area should show the preliminary signs of mild bruising. Note how the cunt however, simply retains the deeper colour and the slightly puffed quality of the outer lips. The inner lips however do not react in the same way.


"It is important to note that the inner lips while appearing more delicate than the outer cuntlips, can sustain just as much punishment. The cunt is a very resilient piece of equipment. Next we will demonstrate the elasticity of the cuntlips."


Sarah forcefully blew the thick mucus out of her nose to try and clear her only airway. Miss Rice was conducting experiments on her pussy, painful experiments. Even though her body ached and a wave of pain was swirling around her, Sarah's mind was clear. Everything that was being done to her was being taped. It was her responsibility in continuing her training to watch these tapes so she could benefit as her classmates were. She knew that would be hard, but certainly no harder than experiencing it firsthand. She watched Miss Rice like a hawk as she collected two large shining metal objects from the trolley. Sarah was not a fool and knew these for what they were. A small chain connected the clamps, dangling freely as Miss Rice knelt between the naked schoolgirls legs. Pain exploded in her pussy as her right labia was captured by the teeth of the clover clamp. Sarah's body remained tense as the second clamp was applied to her right lip, pinching the delicate flesh mercilessly.


"Now as you can imagine, the clamps alone cause considerable pain. To demonstrate this particular aspect of the cunt, though, we need a little weight."


Sarah screamed into her gag as Miss Rice placed a large silver weight onto the chain. It was a thick metal cylinder that had a number on it, but Sarah had been unable to make it out. Right now the exact weight meant nothing to her. Her mind was consumed by the sensations in her pussy. There was not only the sharp pain of the clamps as they bit into her tender cunt flesh but the pain as her lips were stretched towards the floor was indescribable. Sarah tried her best to remain calm and still as each movement made the weight swing and caused her more pain.


"Now class, the cuntlips have distended by almost two inches. This looks quite severe but it is really quite mild as we will now observe."


Sarah's head shook from side to side as she watched Miss Rice carry two more weights from the trolley to between her legs. Sarah screamed again as the weights were applied and her cuntlips were pulled even closer to the floor. The pain had now become greater than anything Sarah had ever experienced. She had not thought it possible that morning but the pain was more intense, more unbearable, than the cane strokes she had received in form class. This was not a short sharp pain but a lingering, building agony that continued to deepen and intensify with each passing moment.


Sarah tried everything she could to calm down and help her deal with the pain. She could not practice her breathing as her mouth was stuffed with a thick dildo and her nose was blocked with mucus that was now running down the outer surface of the gag that covered the lower half of her face. She tried to force the sticky ooze from her nostrils but succeeded only in ejecting a long string of translucent slime onto the gag, the tenacious muck still stuck to her nose, creating a bridge of frothy slime that flexed with each subsequent, strained breath.


"Now the cunt has been stretched by four inches. Some gentlemen prefer a slut with big cuntlips. There are resources in the archive available for you all to study in your own time with examples of this. Through training the cuntlips can be permanently stretched to accommodate the wishes of an owner. This is an intense and time consuming process, the reason for which we will now witness."


Sarah waited with baited breath for what was to come. She was not entirely sure what her teacher had in store for her but she was surprised when Miss Rice did not return to her pussy. Instead she returned to Sarah's side of the TV, holding yet another leather strap. Sarah recognised this as the belt that had been cinched so tightly around her waist and fastened her so rigidly to the table during a previous lesson.


The abused teen obediently raised her hips gently from the chair, allowing her teacher to slide the belt around her waist. Even in her current distress she still knew that obedience was her only option. The tiny movement caused Sarah considerable pain, as it not only raised her hips but also her pussy, causing the weights to swing back and forth, the clamps pinching her terribly stretched pussylips as they moved. Miss Rice slid the belt under the young girl's hips and pulled it tight across her belly. Sarah sucked air in through her nose as best she could, drawing the thick ropes of slime back across her nostrils, closing off her airways before she filled her lungs. The belt was pulled painfully tight, pinching the soft skin of her belly, causing her waist to narrow by half. Miss Rice then strapped the belt to the chair preventing Sarah from moving her body even a fraction of an inch.


Sarah had already been struggling for breath, but with this newest restraint pulled so tightly around her abdomen her breathing now came in ragged gasps. The distressed teen watched as her teacher moved between her legs and without removing the weights from the chain, Miss Rice took hold of both clamps and released them simultaneously. Sarah thrashed in her restraints as the pain in her pussylips became excruciating. Her nubile body hardly moved. Her pussylips were the part of her body that moved the most, retracting back to their natural position. The pain subsided, quickly turning into an intense burn in her tender flesh.


"Marvellous, don't you think sluts? The cuntlips had been stretched to almost four times their normal length and yet within a split second they returned to their natural aspect. The elasticity of the cunt makes it such a versatile piece of equipment. Mere seconds after being stretched there is no evidence of the activity, besides the small depressions from the clamps which will disappear in time, as the blood flows back into the area.


"Now class the pain from the clamp diminishes quickly but the clamped area is still able to generate an exquisite sensation. Watch as a gentle squeeze to help the blood flow into the clamped area not only helps to remove the markings but allows the cunt an extra chance to experience pain."


Sarah mewled into her gag as Miss Rice gently rolled her sensitive pink lips between her thumb and forefinger. Pain sliced into her pussy as the gentle touch of her teacher tortured her delicate flesh. How could such a soft touch cause her so much pain? She could not see what was going on between her legs and she was not sure if not knowing was making it worse.


"Now class, we shall demonstrate the same characteristic with the inner lips. They are more sensitive and more delicate but you will see that they possess identical elasticity."

Sarah screamed into her gag at the thought of the clamps being attached to her tiny inner labia. Great strings of mucus flew from her nose as she violently expelled her breath in panic. Miss Rice paid no attention to the fuss Sarah was making, her only interest being in the section of anatomy which was the focus of the class. Sarah thrashed in her strict bondage as the clamps were attached to each small pink inner lip, with the weights added in quick succession. Sarah gagged on thick dildo in her mouth as the last weight was hung from the chain connecting the clamps, distending her cuntlips towards the floor. Her captive tongue undulated and pushed against the dildo but was securely trapped, allowing only the most guttural of grunts, from deep in her throat to interrupt the lesson.


"Now class see how these lips contain and even greater elasticity. They are, however, a little more fragile and needed to be treated with some care. The weights were applied one at a time, allowing the cuntlips to stretch gradually. These lips are thinner and are more difficult to clamp when stretching is desired. If your owner has a prediliction for cuntplay of this kind no doubt the lips will be pierced allowing for much more secure attachment points, thereby negating the necessity of clamping."


Just as Sarah was beginning to calm down and deal with the agony pulsing in her stretched pussy, Miss Rice removed the clamps and weight, allowing her tender folds to retract back towards the false safety of her pussy.  Sarah grunted into her gag as the pressure was released, sure that permanent damage had been done to her, despite what her teacher had said. The complete helplessness of her position and the intense pain that wracked her young body was preventing Sarah from thinking clearly.


"Now did anyone observe any differences between how each set of cuntlips behaved?"


A number of hands shot into the air and Miss Rice chose the student whose arm had moved earliest.


"Mitchell, enlighten us with your insight."

"The inner cuntlips did not spring back as quickly or as fully Ma'am."

"Well done Mitchell. The cuntlips have a similar, yet clearly different structure. The inner lips require a little more time to resume their initial position, but resume it they shall."


Sarah used this time to compose herself as best she could. Her pussy throbbed but the pain was manageable now that nothing was being done to it. The rest of her body ached from the constant tensing and flexing it had undergone as Miss Rice tortured her pussy for the class. It had done her no good, she had been unable to do more than wiggle her shoulders and thrash her head from side to side. She was glad that Miss Rice had added the painful belt that constricted her belly. Without it Sarah was sure that she could not have prevented herself from moving, potentially ruining her teacher's lesson and displeasing her teacher was the last thing she wanted to do.


"Class, study the cunt. Does anything stand out to any of you sluts? Anything worth mentioning?"


Sarah waited expectantly as her classmates stared at her pussy projected large on the big screen, studying it for anomalies. She had managed to control her breathing to the extent that she was no longer panicked by the lack of air, but the frustrating inability to breathe normally was preying upon her composure. Her breasts continued to jump on her chest as she panted shallowly through her nose. She sniffed fiercely attempting to clear her nostrils of the ever-present mucus that her crying had caused. With difficulty she managed to swallow a large amount of the thick mass but she knew that her nose and gag were covered in the slimy substance, something she would be cleaning up before the class was over.


She desperately needed to get her emotions under control. Crying benefited no one. She needed to find a better way to deal with the pain and the degradation that she was forced to endure as her pussy was used as the specimen for the class experiments. She had volunteered for this, she knew this was her place so she needed to do a better job of dealing with that. Sarah breathed out slowly and smoothly and relaxed her still tense muscles as she chastised herself for her behaviour.


"Cox, what do you have for us?" Miss Rice enquired as someone finally raised their hand.

"The cuntlips have moved back to their positions but the inner cuntlips are still visible."
"True Cox, this cunt usually has its inner lips out of sight beneath the plump outer cuntlips but that is natural due to the spread position. But that is hardly noteworthy. Anyone else?"

"Cox, you have more?" questioned Miss Rice as the pretty blond teen hesitantly raised her hand once again.

"Um, the cunt is not producing cream Ma'am," Cox replied somewhat nervously.


"Well done Cox. Each time we have seen this cunt it has been producing satisfactory levels of cunt-cream. During this lesson the cunt has failed to hold to its usual standards. From this we can deduce that at this early stage of training the slut to which the cunt is attached is not a painslut. Some sluts derive great pleasure from receiving pain. Some sluts possess this trait from the outset, many others develop the ability as their training progresses and their bodies are introduced to levels and combinations of pleasure and pain that they had previously not experienced. It is a desirable characteristic but one that presents its own dilemma for the slut. She must be ever vigilant to ensure that the pleasure she gains is only at the behest of her owner."


Sarah did not quite understand what Miss Rice was saying but she listened intently, filing the information away for further use. She was unaware of the time that had elapsed or how much remained but she was sure that the class was almost over and she would soon be released. She remained sure that she should endure what she had, glad that Miss Rice had allowed her to continue to be used for demonstration purposes. She had not enjoyed the class but she still managed to feel a sense of accomplishment and she smiled briefly on the inside knowing that she had helped her classmates learn and she had helped Miss Rice in a small way.


"It is also interesting to observe that the cunt is no longer hampered by the hymen that it possessed yesterday."


Sarah lay stunned. How could she not have thought about this before? Her hymen had been broken, it was gone. Her first real sexual experience had been with a machine. She was still a virgin, wasn't she? Did getting fucked by a machine count? Her mind whirled as she tried to come to terms with the fact that not only had she had her cherry popped by a machine but that she had not realised or thought about it before. So much had happened to her that she had actually taken no notice of one of the most important things to happen to her.


"Now class we move on to the ability of the cunt itself to perform as a receptacle. We will begin by taking some initial base measurements and then expanding upon these. The cunt itself, just like the cuntlips we have seen demonstrated already, has a truly wonderful ability to stretch. First measurement we will take is the length from the opening of the cunt to the back wall, then we will measure the width of the cunt opening."


As soon as she finished speaking Miss Rice inserted a long, thin metal probe into her pussy. Despite the fact that she had not been creaming during the lesson the probe slid inside her in one smooth motion.


"Note this measurement," said Miss Rice, holding the probe up before the class. Sarah could not see the measurement, her vision obstructed as it was by the large TV hanging from the ceiling. "Now we will measure the width of the cunt. This measurement of course will be minimal as the cunt at rest is narrow. This is natural and ensures that a cunt will accept a cock and be able to provide the maximum pleasure each time it is offered.


"A slut trains her cunt, just like any other part of her body, to use the muscles to milk the precious cum from a cock but most of all to ensure she provides the most pleasurable experience she can. A slut will also, at times, be called upon to perform with her cunt, either as a work task or for entertainment, and she must make sure that her cunt is ready and able to perform when commanded. But I digress.


"Now I will demonstrate how easy it is for a cunt to expand greatly, in all dimensions. To do this a series of dildos will be used. As you can see this set contains five dildos. During today's lesson we will be using three. The final two are for more advances sluts, when the cunt has been trained a little more. From the measurements taken I know that it seems hard to believe that a cunt will be able to accept such volumes but that is precisely the point of this lesson.


"Right now you are untrained sluts. Not only untrained but you are terribly ignorant in many ways, but most obviously when it comes to your equipment. You will one day look back on the slut you were now and wonder at how stupid and uninformed you were. Cox, come and lubricate this first dildo." 


The schoolgirl stepped up and immediately placed the thick dildo into her mouth, fucking her face with it. She wanted to produce as much saliva as she could to help her classmate. The dildo was six inches long and only around one inch thick. It was smaller than any of the dildos that were contained in their kit. The smooth black cylinder had none of the cock-like features of the dildo they had sucked throughout their entire previous lesson, being simply a long smooth cylinder with a rounded tip.


Cox had no real concern about this dildo, nor the next one in the set. They were both something she felt she could take easily, conforming to the usual cock dimensions. It was the third dildo that was the first to give Cox pause. It was eight inches long and two inches thick and looked as if it could not fit inside anyone's cunt. If she held it to her body she was sure it would stand up to her bellybutton, how was something like that able to fit inside her body. Porter was even smaller.


The fourth and fifth dildos were even larger, though they seemed to get thicker without getting much longer. Cox tried not to think of those as she pumped the smallest dildo into her mouth. She was extremely relieved that it was Porter and not her on the table. She had so far escaped any real notice by her teachers. Porter clearly wanted to be here. It was obvious to all of the girls that she not only deserved to be here but she seemed to enjoy it so it was only right for her to be the one used in this way.


"Enough. Now we shan't waste too much time on this first dildo as any slut will accept this with ease. Cox work on the second as we proceed."


Miss Rice stepped to Sarah's widely spread legs and smoothly pushed the dildo into her waiting pussy. It barely elicited a response from the bound girl, a muted moan and the small tensing of her limbs. Sarah felt it going in but she had almost no time to react, and besides she easily accommodated the intruder. A small, barely audible moan was all that escaped the restrained teen. It was instantly pleasurable, which was a huge change from the experiments so far. It made her think again of the loss of her hymen.


"The cunt barely even noticed that one. Watch the cunt class, you can already see the dildo beginning to slip out. This is due to the terribly lax muscles that the cunt possesses. The cunt wants the dildo inside but is unable to hold it in. Through training the cunt will soon be able to ensure that any object placed within is held inside. It is a good example of how the training helps a slut's body achieve the slut's desires."


As Miss Rice was speaking the dildo was slowly emerging from Sarah's pussy. She listened to her teacher and tried to tense the muscles in her belly, hoping to clench her pussy around the dildo and stop it from falling. She was trying her hardest to impress Miss Rice but despite her best efforts the dildo had continued to slip. Miss Rice pushed the slim phallus back into Sarah's pussy just as it was about to drop out, only to watch the shiny black cylinder once again slowly emerge from the pink folds of Sarah's cunt.


As the dildo emerged for the third time, Miss Rice snatched it out and handed it to Cox. The young girl quickly switched the larger dildo she was lubricating for the smaller one. She did not need to be told to clean it, obediently popping it into her mouth, removing the faint traces of the aroused schoolgirl's cream. Cox looked down between Sarah's legs as Miss Rice approached her spread pussy. She could see a smattering of cream on the lips around the entrance to Sarah's pussy. The dildo had only been in her pussy for a few moments and she had already produced the cream that she had become known for. This girl was a slut, Cox thought with a hint of disgust.


"Once you clean that place it on the tray and begin on the third dildo," commanded Miss Rice as she plunged the second, thicker and longer, dildo into Sarah's pussy.


This time the response was altogether different. Sarah groaned as the larger phallus opened her pussy. It did not hurt but it was momentarily uncomfortable. The transient discomfort was immediately replaced by an intensely pleasurable feeling. She had managed to calm down somewhat, after the clamps had been removed from her pussy, but the addition of a dildo deep inside her pussy served to help calm her even more.


She now knew what the sensation her teachers had mentioned, was like. She did feel contented having something in her pussy. The dildo once inside her just sat there, providing a pleasing sensation of being filled. Her pussy involuntarily squeezed the hard plastic sides of the dildo. Sarah realised her pussy was indeed trying to milk the fake cock, trying to get it to release the load of cum that it did not have. Sarah tried to take control and squeeze the dildo herself, but she could feel it slipping as she did so.


Miss Rice pushed the dildo back into her pussy, this time pushing it in further. Sarah grunted as almost the full length of the hard shaft rammed inside her. She had not realised the dildo had not been fully inserted. This time there was some pain as Miss Rice pulled the dildo out and then rammed it home again. Three more times this was done before the teacher was satisfied.


"Now class did you see how the initial length of the cunt accommodated the dildo but when the full length was inserted, a minor amount of pain was experienced. This was caused by the cunt stretching to accommodate the new length. A cunt will always attempt to stretch to allow any size. A cunt does not make judgements, it simply reacts to be filled and that reaction is to expand to allow it. The cunt in this regard is an excellent physical mirror to a slut's behaviour. A slut also adapts to any situation she is put in. The cunt has now adapted to the new length and width imposed upon it. Watch as I remove the dildo. Now who can tell me the difference between the reaction of the cunt to the first two dildos? Mitchell?"

"The cunt did not close as quickly with the bigger dildo Ma'am."

"Correct Mitchell, well spotted. After being filled so comprehensively the cunt is reticent to return to its former state. This is due partially to flesh being stretched and partially due to the muscle memory of the cunt. Class, once a cunt is stretched to accommodate larger objects, the muscles remember the most desirable configurations and attempt to replicate those on their own.


"Muscle memory is used by boxers to allow them to throw punches at an instinctive level. Through training and practice the muscles learn the movement and the boxer does not even have to think, his body instinctively reacts. A slut does the same with her cunt. Only a slut works hard to train her cunt to not only receive many different sizes of object but to also return to a dormant state, which is to move to the smallest and tightest configuration.


"See the cunt this time has no trouble at all in taking the full length of the dildo," observed Miss Rice as she again pushed the thick black tube all the way into Sarah's waiting pussy. The strapped-down schoolgirl groaned as she was filled, but this was an obvious groan of pleasure.


"Now for the third."


Cox swapped the even larger dildo for the one freshly removed from Sarah's pussy. The shaft that she now cleaned was much more noticeably covered in smears of white cream. She looked at her classmate strapped to the gynaecological chair. From her vantage point she could see only the lower half of the petite young girl: the slim legs strapped into the stirrups, the small pink pussy and tight ass that hung slightly off the edge of the table. Cox could just see enough of Sarah's body to make out the painfully tight belt that cinched the naked schoolgirl's waist so severely. The rest of her petite frame was lost behind the large TV screen that held a close-up view of the largest of the dildos being presented to the young girls vagina.


Cox stared at the screen as she continued to clean the dildo she had been given. She did not think consciously about it but she had begun to think of the cunt on the screen as something disassociated from Porter, her classmate. The fact that her body was hidden, her face was hidden, and she was never referred to had caused almost every girl in the class to focus on the screen as if they were seeing an instructional movie. The fact that the smallest and most delicate of their classmates was in the room with them, providing that footage, had been cleverly and insidiously removed from their consciousness.


Sarah tensed as the largest dildo of the lesson was slowly inserted into her pussy. This time each inch that penetrated was painful. It was an extremely strange sensation. As the dildo progressed inside her, the hurt travelled with it. As three and then four inches of the thick shaft entered, the entrance to her pussy no longer hurt. Miss Rice began to move the big dildo in and out of the young girl, inserting it a little further each time.


Now Sarah was confronted with a confusing sensation of pain mixed with pleasure as her pussy stretched painfully around the new intruder but was pleasured by it at the same time. She could feel the ecstasy building inside her sensitive tunnel. She let the pleasure wash over her but at the same time was hopeful that it would not progress too far. There was no way she could ask permission to come with the gag and mask that she wore. And there was no way that she felt she deserved it and did not want to be put in such an untenable position.


Sarah's breathing became shallow and ragged as she rode the wave of pleasure and pain. There were still small stabbing pains along the length of her vagina as her teacher forced the dildo ever deeper. With one final push Miss Rice seated the large shaft completely inside the young girl. She had pushed the dildo in past the plump labia, allowing the muscles of her pussy to draw it in and close around the intruder, hiding the black shaft from view.


"The cunt has accepted the entire dildo. That is two inches past the initial measurements for both width and length. The cunt, of course, is capable of taking much more but at this stage of your training the focus is on control. Now our last demonstration for the day deals with the pisshole and bladder. The pisshole, just as any other part of the cunt has quite wonderful properties. There is no real interest in stretching this hole, though we will demonstrate that it is possible for objects larger than expected to be accommodated. To finish the class we will work with the bladder. Not strictly a part of the cunt, but it is connected and it is important for a slut to be aware of her body.


"Cox, clean this last dildo and take your seat," directed the sultry teacher as she removed the last dildo where it had remained lodged in Sarah's cunt. Cox quickly cleaned the final phallus, eager to return to her seat and remove herself from the spotlight. She would gladly leave being the centre of attention to the other girls. Mitchell seemed to enjoy it almost as much as Porter and she hoped that they would take the lion's share in future lessons.


"As we have seen, the pisshole is quite capable of taking objects within itself. This can provide a unique and often pleasurable sensation but it is forbidden for a slut to play with her pisshole. This is the sole domain of her owner. The slut does not have the necessary expertise to deal with such delicate procedures. The sound that I shall use today is one that is considerably larger than the one previously used on the cunt."

Miss Rice collected her instruments as she spoke. Sarah dreaded the coming procedure. The pain she had felt the last time she had been sounded was minimal, it had been extremely uncomfortable but hardly painful. It was the sheer degradation of it that affected Sarah so intensely.


As a slut she knew that her pussy and mouth were made to be used. She could even accept that the use of her ass to bring pleasure to her superiors was an integral part of who she was but she was sure that her wee wee was not designed for this. She was fearful of the effect of such unnatural activity. But Miss Rice talked about it as if it was something common in the life of a slut. Sarah had trouble imagining it.


The bound schoolgirl closed her eyes as her teacher approached her exposed pussy. A long metal needle projected from Miss Rice's delicate hand. Sarah could see the tip was rounded and smooth and slightly larger than the rest of the shaft. The head of the sound glistened in the lights, indicating to the young girl that some kind of lubricant had already been applied. She was prepared for the insertion of the probe as Miss Rice spread her labia with the thumb and forefinger of her left hand.


Now that the tiny hole was exposed, her teacher placed the tip of the metal sound at the entrance of the schoolgirl's urethra and inserted it slowly and without pause. Sarah had an immediate and intense need to pee which she clamped down with instant fervour. The slight stinging sensation as the metal probe continued to move inside her was uncomfortable but not painful. She squirmed as the unnatural intruder was pulled in and out of her most delicate of holes, her captive body barely moving on the sweat-slick plastic surface. Miss Rice proceeded to fuck Sarah gently for almost a minute before plunging the probe deep inside her and leaving it there.


"Now class, the sound currently being used is a still considered a small sound. Of course it is much larger than anything this cunt has experienced but this lesson is not about experience, it is about demonstrating potential. Next a medium sound, three sizes larger will be inserted. Then we can move on to the bladder."


Sarah's eyes widened in fear at the mention of the larger sound. She already felt as if she was full to bursting in her wee wee, how could she take something three times as big, especially as her body was not used to this kind of perversion. Her eyes darted around the room, trying to see the new device that would soon be forced into her. She could still feel the current probe along the length of her urethra, something about which she could do nothing. She had experimented just a little with the muscles of her belly and cunt but she could not dislodge the metal shaft.


A moment before Miss Rice removed the current sound in one smooth movement, Sarah caught a glimpse of the probe that was to be inserted inside her, to prove how flexible a cunt could be. To the terrified girl it seemed to be the width of a pencil. Sarah tried to move within her strict restraints but could do little more than tense her muscles. She had tried very hard to make sure she didn't let any pee out when Miss Rice removed the previous sound. Not only did she know she would get in trouble for making a mess, and no doubt then be forced to clean it up, but more importantly she had not been given permission to pee.


Sarah's body trembled as the cool metal head of the larger sound touched the entrance of her urethra. There was no way this was going to go into her as smoothly as the last. She pulled her muscles taut within their restraints and waited for the pain to come. She did not wait long as Miss Rice wasted no time upon the insertion. An intense burning sensation began the instant the tip of the metal shaft forced it's way inside her smallest and most delicate of holes. The burning quickly became painful as her hole was stretched by the solid probe. Sarah knew that her wee wee was only ever meant to conduct liquid, the very idea of a something solid inside her was painful.


Sarah squealed into the strict gag as the metal insert was forced further inside her, moving inexorably and slowly down the short length of her pisshole. Sarah's toes curled as she was stretched, making her feel as if she was being ripped open. After what felt like an hour of torture Miss Rice stepped away from Sarah's cunt, leaving behind a further six inches of the metal sound protruding from the young girl's vulnerable sex.


"Now class, you can all see how distended the pisshole has become. Today we have used a medium sound just to demonstrate the ability of the cunt. In future lessons we will explore even further the limits to which a trained cunt can be subjected. Of course an untrained cunt can still take the largest of sounds but not without some repercussions which would affect the training schedule we have worked so hard to put in place for you sluts.


"The final few minutes of this lesson will be used to demonstrate the characteristics of a slut's bladder. First a catheter will be inserted into the pisshole. This device will be inserted all the way into the bladder where it will be held in place by means of a small balloon, very similar to those attached to your enemas. We will then drain the bladder and then refill it. Understanding the way your bladder works and the volume it can hold is important. A slut should ensure her bladder is never completely empty as it is not known when she will be called upon to piss on command.


"First things first, we need to remove the sound. Even after such a short time the cunt has become attuned to the opening of her pisshole. It is not as natural a tendency for a slut to which for her pisshole to be filled, as it is not one of her three slut-holes, but certain sluts have been known to adopt it as a fourth hole."


Tears coursed down Sarah's face as she listened to Miss Rice teach the class. She was sure she would not be one of the slut's who felt her wee wee was her fourth slut-hole. Sarah hated the feeling of her urethra being filled by the solid probe. The pain had indeed subsided, as Miss Rice had mentioned, however the intense discomfort and constant need to pee was far from a pleasant experience. She couldn't even countenance what the catheter and filling of her bladder would feel like. It would be yet another new experience that would broaden her horizons and provide increasingly perverse fuel for her imagination.


Sarah clenched her muscles tightly as Miss Rice slowly extracted the sound. An amazing sense of relief swept over the prostrate schoolgirl. Her whole body relaxed in her restraints as her body was once again free of any foreign objects. She had not even thought to include the penis gag that filled her mouth. It had quickly come to feel as if it belonged there.


Miss Rice was all business as she inserted the catheter inside Sarah, interrupting the brief interlude of peace the abused schoolgirl had been enjoying. The catheter was smaller than the last sound and it was made of a flexible plastic tubing. It felt so different to the hard metal sound. To Sarah's surprise and chagrin, she discovered she preferred the sensation of the unforgiving metal. Perhaps it was because the sound had not penetrated into her bladder, something which had made the prone teenager squirm once it had been seated and the balloon inflated.


For a moment Sarah actually felt as if she was peeing and was mortified at the thought that she had failed her teacher and accrued further punishment. When the sensation passed she realised it had simply been the catheter entering her bladder. Nothing could have escaped around the plastic tubing.


"Draining a bladder is an easy procedure. We shall drain this bladder completely. Then it will be filled with 600 mL of a saline solution," said Miss Rice as she twisted a small tube at the end of the catheter that dangled between Sarah's legs.


She heard the tell-tale sound of water being poured into a metal bowl and knew that her bladder was being emptied without her input. Sarah could not have foreseen how degrading the process would be. A natural function of had been taken away from her. She had literally no control of her body any longer. She knew that as a possession she had no control over her destiny or the acts she was forced to perform but having no control over her bodily functions was a loss of freedom so complete that it left the overwhelmed schoolgirl in a daze.


Sarah heard Miss Rice speak as if from another room and tried desperately to orient herself and bring her focus back into the present. As the urine continued to flow out of her body without her consent or participation she mused to herself that she was now even more well equipped to deal with her training and her new life, knowing as she did that everything could be taken from her, even control of the most mundane functions of her body. She would no longer take anything for granted. If she wanted to wee wee it was now at the mercy of her superiors, she was aware of this even more so than she had been when she knew simple permission was required.


Sarah's full attention was snapped back to Miss Rice as she heard her mention the beginning of the next, and final, demonstration of the class. She chided herself for losing focus at all, it was important for her to pay attention to each and every word, each and every movement of her teachers in each and every class she had.


"Of course every sluts bladder is different but generally they can hold between 600mL and 800mL. In the coming weeks these measurements will be taken for each of you and added to your files. For now we will see how a bladder can easily take 600mL. Yes, it does look like a lot," added Miss Rice as she saw the incredulous expressions from the class as she lifted the large syringe from the trolley.


Sarah desperately tried to see but the large TV lowered down across her belly, and Miss Rice's body, obstructed any view she might have had of the amount of liquid due to be pumped into her. She tried to take a number of deep breaths to calm herself down, attempting to prepare herself in some small way for the coming ordeal. That however was easier said than done. The painfully tight belt around her waist, the gag filling her mouth and the copious amounts of mucus congealing in her nose made even shallow breaths a chore.


Sarah's entire body went rigid as she felt the first trickle of liquid back into her empty bladder. It had been a welcome feeling to have her bladder empty as she had needed to pee for some time. Now not only would she feel that way again but from the way Miss Rice was talking she would be filled even more than normal.  


The sensation of having her bladder slowly filled was one that made Sarah squirm, both physically and mentally. She could think of nothing more unnatural than what was being done to her now. The weird feeling of being filled continued without respite as Miss Rice kept a steady and insistent pressure on the plunger. Sarah tried to keep track of the time by counting but as she reached 20 Mississippi, she momentarily lost track as the sensation moved from discomfort to pain. Sarah moaned into her gag as she felt her bladder continue to inflate with liquid, helpless to do anything to stop it.


"Now class the bladder has taken 600 ml. We cannot say that it is full as we are as yet unaware of this particular bladder's limit. What we can say is that the bladder definitely feels full to the slut. Do not worry however, all of you will have a chance to experience this in the coming weeks. There is no need to be jealous of the specimen we have used in today's lesson. Before I remove the catheter, are there any questions?"


Miss Rice looked around the class expectantly. None of the schoolgirls would meet their teacher's gaze, instead focusing on the large-screen TV where their classmates pussy was displayed prominently, the yellow catheter tube still protruding from her cunt, swinging slightly between her widespread legs. Sarah lay there awaiting what was to come, curious to know what questions her classmates had about what had just been done to her. She was aware of how questions from the other girls helped her immensely, as they could not only see what was being done but also they had the ability to speak. A privilege that had been removed from her by the large gag and mask.


"Well then. No questions, I look forward to each and every one of you achieving 100% on all testing for this component. You will all sit quietly while the equipment is cleaned and contemplate what you learnt during this lesson. This is the last lesson for today. Once dismissed you are to proceed to Miss Watson's class to makeup the four minutes you wasted during her lesson."


With that Miss Rice turned away from the class and began packing up the apparatus used in the lesson. First was the removal of the catheter from Sarah's pussy, something for which Sarah was grateful even though it left her with a strong need to relieve herself, feeling as full as she did. She felt proud that she had not let any pee escape when the catheter was removed. Once the TV was raised Sarah knew she was finally to be released from the gynaecological chair. She had  her first chance to see her classmates in more than an hour and her eyes immediately sought those of her friends: Murphy and Mitchell.


Both girls were looking intently at Sarah. Their expressions were blank but Sarah could tell from their eyes alone that they were there for her, they were sending all their strength to her. Once she had known she was to be released, finally, she had calmed down but now, after seeing her friends, Sarah relaxed into her bondage. She knew she must look terrible: her hair loose and drenched in sweat, plastered to the sides of her face; her eyes red and swollen; her nose oozing slime; her body glistening with sweat; her legs spread wide showing off her abused pussy - lord only knew what it looked like after that lesson of prodding, poking and stretching.


Sarah let her focus drift away from her friends to watch Miss Rice pack away the equipment she had used during the lesson. Sarah could see little as Miss Rice worked off to her side, but the myriad small noises made it clear to Sarah that she would be seen to at the very last. So it seemed not only was she simply a piece of equipment that had been used but she was the least important as well. After what seemed an eternity Miss Rice finally approached the prone girl.


Sarah had used the time wisely. She had thought back over the lesson and tried to put her experience in perspective. It had not been an enjoyable experience but she was glad that she had been allowed to remain the demonstration slut for lessons on the pussy. No doubt when it came to other body parts another girl would be chosen and Sarah would have the opportunity to observe one of Miss Rice's lessons, which she was sure were invaluable for their training.


One thing Sarah had not realised was that it was not only her classmates that had taken a further step towards thinking of their bodies not as their own but as a simple collections of tools, just like any craftsman may have. Learning that their cunts, or tits or mouths, were no different from a carpenter's hammer or a mechanic's wrench was a critical step in each slut's training and when the lessons were learnt subtly and indirectly, they were all the stronger for it. The disconnection from the activity caused by her inability to see and the constant referral to the body part only had caused Sarah to almost start thinking of her pussy as 'the cunt' and not as her cunt.


She followed Miss Rice with her eyes as each of the restraints on her legs were unfastened, correctly keeping her legs in the stirrups, awaiting permission to move. She had quickly learned that being able to do a thing did not mean that she should. The straps fastening her belt to the chair were then removed, followed by the Velcro cuffs holding her wrists bent high behind her. She still had not moved a muscle, besides attempting to keep her teacher's sensuous body in her sights.


"Stand," commanded Miss Rice, her first spoken words in more than five minutes.


Sarah tried to jump off the chair, attempting to comply as fast as she could. The moment she moved her arms, an intense sensation flooded through her limbs. The debilitating tingling of pins and needles pulsed throughout her arms and legs and she almost collapsed to the floor as she tried to support herself. Her thighs quivered as she stood at attention, the muscles unused to being so close together after being spread so severely for so long. The thick belt, fastened so strictly around her small waist had been uncomfortable as she reclined in the chair, but now, standing upright, the tightly cinched band of leather sent pulsating spikes of agony throughout her slim frame. Her waist was reduced to tiny, unnatural proportions and  each breath caused her considerable pain.


Miss Rice moved behind Sarah as the miserable teenager panted raggedly. The diminutive schoolgirl could feel the straps that fastened the gag and mask across her lower face become loose. She tried not to cringe as a strap and buckle come to rest on each of her shoulders and the large strap that split her face and travelled over her nose and forehead flopped down in front of her face. The gag was no longer fastened but Sarah stood still, not daring to remove the large intruder from her mouth.


"Remove the gag and clean it," commanded Miss Rice.


Sarah reached up with both hands and gently removed the gag from her mouth. As she lifted the dildo away from her face, she kept her mouth open, and surveyed the black leather mask that had covered the lower half of her face. The shiny black surface was liberally coated in a veneer of her mucus. Fresh tears came unbidden to Sarah's eyes at the thought of licking her own snot from the item.


"Stop," snapped Miss Rice. "Class we are witnessing an excellent example of a slut's desire to seek the comfort of having her holes filled. This slut has had her mouth substantially filled for more than an hour and upon its removal she laments its absence, keeping her mouth open in the selfish hope that it will quickly be refilled. Watch as your classmate cleans her mess and contemplate whether she deserves to have her wish fulfilled. Continue."


Sarah finally closed her mouth, her jaw aching as she did so. She had felt at ease with the penis gag filling her mouth, that was true, but she feared that her mouth had stayed open more due to the ache in her jaw than her sadness at its removal. She tried not to think more of it as she bent to the task set her. She quickly began licking the sticky slime from the gag's surface. The taste was not terribly bad, a bland flavour that was almost no taste at all, it was the mere thought of what she was doing that made Sarah gag slightly as her tongue roved across the ooze-covered surface.


Small salty tears trickled down her cheeks as she removed all trace of her mucus from the gag. She had cleaned up her own spit and even the juice from her pussy, neither of which she had any trouble with, feeling as she did that they were natural fluids a slut was expected to consume. She tried not to think of the looks of disgust on her classmates faces and tried to inject more enthusiasm to her task. She knew it was important to perform a task well to please her superiors and in turn receive fulfilment.


She finished her cleaning, small moans accompanying each lick. The sounds were inescapably ones of pleasure, though she gained no enjoyment from her act, and Sarah knew that while she may have been pleasing Miss Rice, she was no doubt simultaneously earning the revulsion of her fellow students. She knew what was more important and she truly didn't know why she felt such a strong need to be accepted and liked by her classmates. It was a slut's duty to serve and please her superiors, nothing else mattered. It was a clear indication she had a long way to go in her training.


Once she had scrutinised the gag and mask, confident she had cleaned it thoroughly, Sarah held it in her outstretched palms and awaited further instruction. her legs still trembled and her arms still ached but once her task was complete all Sarah could think of was the stiff leather belt that restricted her breathing.


"Well Casta, does Porter deserve to have her mouth filled as she so clearly desires?"

"Yes Ma'am," the French schoolgirl replied, caught offguard by the unexpected question.


Casta hesitated, unsure of what to say. Did she dare to admit she had answered without thinking?

"Er, because she cleaned the gag well Ma'am."

"Casta it is a slut's duty to clean up any and all equipment. It is also a slut's duty to obey any order she is given. Do you think a slut deserves a reward for doing what is expected of her?"
"No Ma'am," replied the dejected teen, knowing she had failed.

"One infraction Casta. A slut does not speak unless she has something intelligent to say. Now does anyone else have an opinion? Yes Taylor."

"Yes Ma'am I think the slut deserves to have her mouth filled," the skinny teen replied confidently.

"Why?" queried Miss Rice, genuinely curious.

"She performed well during the lesson Ma'am."

"Wrong Taylor. Porter did nothing at all. Her cunt was utilised as a teaching aid. The only performing done during this lesson was done by me. One infraction for disrespect. Anyone else?"


Sarah looked at her classmates, none of whom would meet her gaze. It seemed that no one else was willing to incur an infraction attempting to answer the question.


"Well Porter it seems as if no one thinks you deserve to have your mouth filled. As we all know however, it is not a slut's concern to earn any reward. Service is reward enough. Your obvious enthusiasm for snot has not gone unnoticed however. All such predilictions are tracked and are always factors in determining rewards should a slut deserve one. That's right girls, a slut is indeed capable of deserving reward, rare though they may be."


As she finished speaking the bell rang, leaving Sarah's thoughts whirling around the locus of one terrible fact. Her eagerness to please her teacher had been interpreted as a desire to eat the discharge from her nose. There was no way she could contradict Miss Rice and the poor schoolgirl dreaded what this could mean for her future. She remained standing at attention, presenting the gag, as the class was dismissed and quickly filed out of the room, obediently following the protocol of thanking their teacher, curtsying and scanning their tags as they left the room. Sarah was worried that she had not left with the other girls. She had a detention to go to an she was already worried about what that would be, to be late would be disastrous.


"Well Porter, now you have a detention to attend, after which you will report to Miss Watson for catch-up. If you have any questions about the class I suggest you file them away to ask at a more appropriate time. I know you wish to have that gag reinserted but it was not meant to be. Get dressed."


Sarah jumped to get dressed the moment Miss Rice relieved her of the gag. The thick leather belt remained strapped around her waist, constricting her belly in a most hellish manner. Sarah tried to move as quickly and gracefully as she could but her movements were hampered by the pain each motion caused. A sharp stab of pain shot through her middle as she bent over and slid her tiny panties up her legs. The rest of her uniform went on without a problem and Sarah was soon standing at attention, once more fully dressed, the belt hidden beneath her blouse.


"Dismissed," said Miss Rice casually.

"Thank you for the lesson Ma'am and thank you for the chance to be used for your lesson," said Sarah, keen to impress her sincerity upon her teacher.

"Did you enjoy the lesson?"

"I enjoyed the chance to serve Ma'am."

"You have promise Porter but you do have an attitude problem don't you?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"I hope to see great improvements in your behaviour. Improvements so your attitude matches the responsiveness of your body. Your instincts are strong, listen to them. But be mindful of that cunt, never lose sight of what it, and indeed all of your holes, are for."

"Yes Ma'am."

"Now leave. I believe a location has been designated for you to report to at the beginning of each free period. Go there now and await your handler."


Sarah curtsied politely and scurried from the room, pausing only to scan her tag. She headed directly for the small room her handler had organised for her, quickly finding the door marked IV and stepping inside. She tentatively closed the door behind her and picked up the heavy padlock from the floor. She hesitated for but a moment before stepping forward and clipping the chunky black lock through the ring on the wall and the ring on her collar, locking herself in place. The anxious schoolgirl stood at attention, her breasts brushing against the wall in front of her, face was held two inches from the wall and her eyes quickly lost focus on the blank grey walls of her prison. Less than a minute had passed when the bright, stringent light above her blinked off, plunging the small room into darkness. Sarah jerked in her restraints, surprised by the sudden loss of sight.


Her body remained still, at strict attention, but her mind whirled. She had never really been claustrophobic and being in the small room, chained to one wall, had not bothered her too much when she had been able to see so why had she begun to panic? After all she had only been able to see a tiny patch of grey wall, it wasn't as if she was missing any breathtaking vista. No matter how hard Sarah tried to justify her situation she could not prevent the feelings of despair from growing. Thoughts of being abandoned in the dark, forgotten and left to starve assailed her vulnerable mind.


After what felt like an hour in the midnight purgatory Sarah heard the door click, the soft noise of the handle turning in the metal door magnified in the darkness and felt deafening to the young schoolgirl. She jumped and almost bumped her nose against the wall in front of her as the door creaked as it opened, the harsh metallic noise grinding against the young girls fragile state of mind. The room flooded with light as the bulb in the ceiling above burst into life.


"One minute, twenty-three seconds. The bell for class rang five minutes ago Porter. Where have you been?"
"Miss Rice kept me after class to talk Miss," Sarah replied, her mind spinning. One minute! She was certain she had been locked in the room in darkness for ten minutes at least. How could she possibly have lost track of time so quickly?

"You have two minutes to be present in the holding cell. No class you attend is more than two minutes away. For each 30 second period you are late you will be punished. How many punishments have you incurred?"

"Um three Miss," Sarah replied having trouble getting her brain to function.

"Incorrect, you have earned four. You will receive these after your detention," her handler informed her as she unlocked the schoolgirl from the wall.


Sarah was handed the opened padlock as the older girl stepped out of the tiny room. She clasped the lock tightly behind her back, not moving from her position, still facing the drab wall of the cell.


"Place the lock on the floor as you exit the room backwards. This is how you will exit the holding cell," commanded Miss Harper.


Sarah obediently stepped backwards, finding the movement awkward in her high heels. She had begun to master walking in them but backwards was something new. Two steps took her to the entrance to the tiny room. She bent at the waist, sending intense spears of pain from her belly deep into her chest and gently placed the padlock in the centre of the floor, exactly as she had found it and instinctively moved back to attention.




Sarah turned and followed her handler, remaining two paces behind and to the left of the elder Harkwood student. Miss Harper was not cold exactly, she was simply wasting no time on niceties. Sarah knew that this was the way their relationship would be from this point forward. She had disappointed and shamed her handler with her poor behaviour and she knew that Miss Harper was going to be as hard on her as any of her teachers. She knew she would only benefit from the extra training and discipline, but a small part of her still hoped that by behaving and improving she could repair her relationship with the older girl and make her proud of her.


"Room 17," said Miss Harper.


Sarah looked at the door before her. It was a nondescript metal door, almost identical to that of her holding cell. The only difference was the label on the door. Small bronze letters were screwed individually into the door's surface: XVII.


"Detention time," stated Miss Harper sternly. It sounded to Sarah as if she was passing sentence upon her. The trembling schoolgir stared fearfully at the door as Miss Harper reached out and grasped the handle.

Chapter 21. In which Sarah has her first detention


The door to room 17 opened smoothly and without sound. Sarah had been expecting the loud metallic squeaking similar to the door of the holding cell, obviously this door was better maintained. She began to shiver, the corridor was as warm as always, the anxiety and fear had finally overcome her. All day it had been building but as long as she had her lessons to distract her she had managed to stave off the terrible feeling. She could hide from it no longer.


She was facing down the corridor so she could not see into the room, her eyes focused forward as they should be. She watched as her handler stepped into the room and spoke softly to someone inside. Sarah swallowed nervously as the muted mumbling from the room continued. The terrified schoolgirl stood motionless in the empty hallway, wanting desperately to enter the room and have her detention over with. She knew it would not be pleasant, after all it had, by design, to be worse than the caning received from infractions, but the waiting was interminable.


"Enter," called Miss Harper.


Sarah was startled by the loud noise. How easily she was losing focus. If there was ever a time for her to remain clearheaded and focused the next hour was it. She turned and marched into room 17, the site of her first detention. The first thing she noticed was the headmistress Mrs Huffington Smythe standing directly in front of her.


Sarah was shocked and almost stopped on the threshold at the sight of the headmistress. The imposing woman was dressed head to toe in a skintight latex suit, its smooth black surface shining under the bright lights of the room. Sarah's fear increased tenfold as she realised the stern headmistress was not only conducting her detention but it appeared as if she was outfitted for perversion. She moved into the room, stepping hesitantly until she stood directly in front of the headmistress. Mrs Huffington Smythe was not as tall or imposing as Miss Watson but she frightened Sarah immeasurably more. Her hair was piled on top of her head in an elaborate bun and as the trembling  schoolgirl looked upon her she realised the only parts of the headmistress not covered in black latex was her head and long graceful fingers.


"You may leave us Harper. Return at the appointed time and you can escort your charge to her remaining appointments," the headmistress spoke, in the same imperious voice Sarah remembered from her first moments at Harkwood.


Harper curtsied politely and left the room, leaving Sarah alone with the imposing woman. The frightened schoolgirl jumped as the heavy door clanged shut behind her. Sarah stood as if a statue, watching her headmistress, waiting for a sign of what was to come. Minute after minute passed as Sarah stared into the eyes of her headmistress, her unease growing with every passing moment. The headmistress stood as still as Sarah, her stentorian face betraying no signs of emotion. After what seemed an eternity for the young girl, the silence was broken.


"Undress. Place your uniform by the door," the headmistress commanded coldly.


Sarah hurried back to the door, where she found a familiar cloth bag hanging from a hook in the wall. In this room however the hook was set well up the wall, causing Sarah to stretch to full extension to place her clothes within it. She kept her head, despite the constant ripples of fear that shuddered through her body, and undressed quickly but sensuously. She was soon naked but for her collar and the painfully tight leather belt that was still around her waist.


"Attention little bitch," bellowed the headmistress. "Hands clasping elbows."


Sarah quickly marched back to the headmistress and instantly adopted the position demanded. As soon as she was in position Mrs Huffington Smythe moved behind her. As she had undressed, Sarah had taken the chance to inspect the rest of room 17. The entire room seemed to be part of some unfinished basement of the school. Bare brickwork covered all four walls and the ceiling was a gridwork of thick rough-cut wooden beams. The floor was concrete, rough and cold beneath her bare feet.


The wall that contained the door was covered in apparatus hanging from hooks spaced randomly throughout the thick brickwork: lengths of rope, looped into neat bundles, whips, floggers, chains and a vast array of items which Sarah could not identify. It reminded her of the supply room attached to each classroom. The rest of the room seemed to be completely empty.


Sarah heard the headmistress approach her from behind and felt a loop of rough rope encircle her arms. Over the next few minutes the young girl's arms were almost cocooned in the rough rope. She felt a number of tugs on the painful belt around her waist and realised that her arms were now secured to thick leather strap. As the headmistress went back to the wall of equipment Sarah surreptitiously tested her bonds. She could wriggle her fingers and move her arms slightly to each side, though even this small movement caused painful stabs in her belly as the belt constricted the soft flesh further.




Sarah obeyed, lowering her body to the floor and spreading her legs wide. The headmistress moved in front of the trembling girl, allowing Sarah a clear view of the next piece of equipment that would be used to torture her. She could not quite make out what the item was. It looked a little like a bulldog clip used to hold files of paper together, but the top was much thicker. Sarah's previous lesson with Miss Rice had given her the experience to allow her imagination to work. She may not know exactly what the item was but she knew exactly where it was going.


Sarah kept head up and her eyes forward as her headmistress bent down and pinched her soft labia. The anxious schoolgirl was ready for it and barely winced. Her pussylips were pulled away from her body and down towards the floor. It was only mildly painful, unable to eclipse the pain caused by the belt as it dug into her waist and hips as she squatted. Mrs Huffington Smythe reached in with her other hand and placed the clamp over Sarah's pussylips, the teeth of the clamp opened wide. The headmistress used one hand to guide Sarah's tender lips into the opened clamp before closing it gently, being sure to capture as much flesh as was possible.


Sarah squealed as the clamp closed, pinching her pussylips, sending a spike of agony into the tender flesh between her legs, easily blotting the pain in her waist from her mind. She jerked upright slightly, though quickly moved back into position, once the initial sharp spike of agony subsided. The pain in her pussy continued to increase, building with each moment. Tears flowed freely down her cheeks as soft mewling sounds continued to fill the room.


"Silence cunt," bellowed the headmistress. "Attention!"


Sarah sprung upright, thankful at least that the pain from the belt was to be lessened. The agony radiating from her pussy was worse than anything she had ever experienced. It was not like the sharp, intense pain of a cane stroke, it was a constant buildup like the pegs she had on her nipples multiplied exponentially. This was what her detentions were to be like. And she had another scheduled for tomorrow. She told herself to calm down and focus, she had barely begun this detention. A loud clatter from behind her startled the terrified teenager.


"Porter, 97817402. Detention one, second day of term. Breaking rules and records. Before we begin do you wish to make a statement?"


Sarah was a little unsure of what to say. Should she say nothing, after all who cared what a slut had to say, or should she attempt an apology for requiring the headmistress to be here, after class, conducting this detention?


"No Ma'am," Sarah replied meekly, deciding the less she said the better. Her words had come out as a strangled croak as it was, the pain in her pussy still affecting her deeply.

"Well you precocious little prig, you are here because your behaviour has been most deplorable. Indeed your lack of obedience and overt displays of disrespect and rebellion are the worst this establishment has ever seen. In fact, a detention has not been required for a Trinity student earlier than eight days in the entire history of this establishment."


Sarah could not believe what she was hearing. The nearest any other girl had come to incurring the number of infractions she had taken four time as long. What was wrong with her? How had this happened? She had been doing her very best.


"Not only have you earned one detention in the first week, but you have already earned a second and you are four infractions from a third. Every few years we see a little bitch like you come to us. We do not lament your presence. On the contrary, we rejoice when one such as you enrols. You are a shining example of why we exist. Why, in today's society, even the sluts with strongly developed instincts require such intensive training to realise their potential.


"Over the next forty-five minutes you will work to demonstrate that you are a slut willing to learn, willing to obey, willing to serve. In this bucket there are 50 weights."


As she finished speaking the headmistress, upturned the bucket letting the metal weights fall to the floor in a deafening crash that echoed around the bare room. The small metal objects varied in size and shape but they were all a dull grey in colour. Sarah watched as the headmistress proceeded to kick those pieces that had fallen in a heap at her feet, scattering them to all four corners of the room.


"In the far corner is a stand, place it in the centre of the room."


Sarah looked into each corner, spotting the wooden stand to which the headmistress referred. Sarah walked gingerly towards it. Her walk look somewhat comical as she tried to move with grace without her thighs catching on the devilish clamp between her legs. She ended up looking as if she were a prancing pony in a dressage competition. When she reached the corner she stared at the wooden apparatus, wondering how she was supposed to move it with her arms tied securely behind her back. The T-shaped stand consisted of a thick, square wooden crossbeam that stood almost at Sarah's hip height. It was attached to another square post linking the crossbeam to a thick wooden cross that formed the stable base of the stand. She squeezed her body in between the stand and the wall and pushed with all her might against the wooden beam that rested against her upper thigh.


The heavy wooden stand moved, but just barely. With each push Sarah managed to move the stand a few inches closer to the middle of the room. With each push, fresh stabs of agony shot through her tightly clamped pussy. Sarah's body was soon covered in a thin sheen of sweat as she struggled to situate the stand as quickly as possible. The naked schoolgirl was desperate to have the activity of the detention to begin as she knew she was on a time limit, and the mere thought of failing a task set in a detention caused her to tremble anew.


"Cease," Miss Huffington Smythe snapped once Sarah had the stand in the middle of the room. "You wasted a substantial amount of time slut. You now have only 39 minutes to complete your task. Attached to the clamp on your cuntlips is a magnet. You will use this magnet to collect all 50 of the weights. Once you have collected a weight with your cunt you deposit it on the stand. In the middle of the stand is a companion clamp. You open this by standing on the pads on the base, position the weight in the clamp, release and step away. Begin."


Sarah had stood at attention, listening incredulously to the headmistress explain her task. She knew she now had less than 39 minutes to collect 50 weights and she wasted no time in squatting down to collect the first. There was a cluster of three of the small pieces of metal only two steps to her left. Sarah moved hurriedly to the weighs, positioning her pussy directly over the metal shards and squatted. As soon as her pussy hovered an inch above the first piece it sprang from the floor, jumping the final inch of distance, latching firmly to the clamp that squeezed her pussylips together.


Sarah grunted in pain at the connection, unsure if was the extra weight pulling her pussylips out from her body or simply the movement of the wicked clamp on her delicate lips. She rose and hobbled back to the stand. She had to raise her body on her tiptoes to manoeuvre her body along the crossbeam of the stand. Once she had reached the middle and had positioned her pussy over the small closed metal clamp, set into the beam, she stepped onto the small metal flanges that protruded slightly from the base. The think metal plates extended only far enough for her toes to create any pressure.


She tried to put all her weight on her toes but she could not create enough pressure to depress the plates far enough to open the clamp. Sarah had placed the weight that clung to her pussyclamp directly onto the beam, causing her to moan in pain as the pressure pushed her clamped cuntlips into her body. The teeth of the clamp had opened slightly but not enough to allow the weight to slide inside. Sarah thought desperately of how she could depress the pressure pads.


Her time was running out. She had done some simple maths and knew she had to bring back a weight every 45 seconds or she would not make it. She had wasted a minute and she still had not managed to get the current weight off her pussy. Sarah shuffled her legs to either side, turning her feet so she could place the side of her foot along the beam. She pushed down and almost smiled to see the teeth of the clamp set into the beam open. She now stood a good inch higher than before, the result of her new stance, and had to bend at the knee to lower her pussy and its weight into the waiting jaws of the clamp.


Sarah watched the operation closely, her thighs trembling from the strain, to make sure that just the weight would be caught. It would be disastrous if the beam clamp closed over the one attached to her pussy. Satisfied with her positioning, Sarah gently released the pressure on the pads, sliding her feet slowly off the two metal flanges. The clamp closed perfectly on the weight. Now she had to detach herself from the stand and make up some time.


Sarah took small, mincing steps backwards, scraping her naked buttocks along the beam. As she moved backwards the weight stayed snugly in the clamp and her pussylips were cruelly stretched as the magnet and clamp fought for dominion of the weight. Sarah gritted her teeth and continued shuffling backwards. A strangled groan escaped the teenagers tightly pursed lips as her labia continued to stretch. She was wondering how strong this magnet was when the contact was broken and her pussylips and their clamp snapped back into place. She stumbled and almost fell at the sudden loss of tension.


A short, sharp scream echoed around the empty chamber. As Sarah righted herself, she wriggled the fingers on each hand, desperate to touch her pussy. She would not have removed the clamp that squeezed them so painfully but she felt an almost pathological need to just touch her lips, to make sure they were alright. Her arms, tightly bound in a severe square formation behind her, prevented any such comfort.


Sarah heard a loud 'tsk tsk' from the headmistress and she knew she was wasting time. Without another thought Sarah returned to the first cluster, squatted to collect the next weight and moved swiftly back to the stand. The pieces of metal she was lifting were only tiny but they weighed a considerable amount. Sarah guessed they had to be something very dense. The young teen was amazed that in the middle of so torturous and degrading an activity, she could still think so clearly.


As she returned to the stand and shuffled her body along the crossbeam, she was conscious of the headmistress moving closer to her. Sarah had learnt from her previous effort and instantly spread her legs wider, stepping up higher on her toes and turning her feet sideways so they were flush against one of the base supports. Instantly the jaws of the clamp opened and her first weight dropped out of sight, a dull clunk sounding a moment later. Sarah wasted no time lowering her second weight into the small square opening in the beam and gently closing the jaws.


Sarah knew she had to make up some time and proceeded to step back in large strides. After only two steps of agony, as her pussylips distended under the pressure, the magnet lost its grip and the second weight had been deposited. Sarah cried out again, unable to keep her silence as the pain in her pussy became too great. As she hurried back to collect her third weight, Mrs Huffington Smythe began to speak.


"Why do you think this particular activity was chosen for your first detention slut?"

"To impress upon me the fact that I think too much with my cunt, Ma'am?"

"Precocious yet perceptive. You are a conundrum. You are a very promising slut but you have definite discipline issues as well as definite locus issues. You have an internal locus that is simply not acceptable for a slut. A slut's locus is always an external one. A slut must always ensure her orientation is directed outwards.


"How she can please her superiors, how she can improve her environment to bring more pleasure to her superiors, how her holes can be utilised to please. Every movement, every sound, every look, every thought must be one directed outwards. Why are you here and not one of your classmates? Why have you earned more infractions that any student in the Trinity House annals. Your cunt occupies too great a place in your current idealogy.


"A slut's cunt is simply one of the three holes with which she pleases her superiors. No more or less important than any other piece of equipment at a slut's disposal. A slut's cunt does not exist for her own pleasure or to be used for her own gain. Do you understand this?"


"Yes Ma'am," Sarah responded as she straightened up after the sixth piece of metal had snapped to the magnet clamped to her pussy.

"Explain to me, in your own words, how you feel about your cunt."

"My cunt is not my own Ma'am. It belongs to my owner to be used for whatever purposes he wishes. My cunt is currently being trained to please because I am an untrained slut who needs to learn how to behave and how to serve."


Sarah spoke the first words that came to her, trying hard to focus on the headmistress as well as the detention task set for her. She was moving swiftly and smoothly now, more and more aware of the time ticking away. She did not pause for an instant, knowing it was important for a slut to be able to focus on two things at the same time. She was causing herself more pain as she moved faster and faster, aware that speed would increase her agony but knowing also that it would be nothing compared to what failure would bring.


"Think about what you just said slut. 'My cunt'? You are property. Tell me again how you feel about your cunt."


"My owner's cunt is being trained to be used properly, to fulfil its potential. My owner's cunt is an important piece of equipment to be used to bring pleasure to my owner or anyone he may wish. I am doing my best to make sure my owner's cunt is trained to be able to fulfil any desire my owner may have."


Sarah hoped what she was saying was correct, hoping that it was what Mrs Huffington Smythe wanted to hear. It sounded right, as soon as the headmistress had told her to think about being property the diminutive schoolgirl had known exactly what to say. Was that the way she needed to think about her pussy to improve her behaviour? To not only think of her pussy as an object rather than a part of her body, but to also realise that her entire body was simply a collection of these 'objects', owned by someone else.


It was an easy concept to understand and yet at the same time a very difficult one reconcile herself with. She needed to disassociate herself from the sensations in her pussy. She needed her perception of her pussy as equipment to become second nature, to be something she never thought about at all. She knew that would not be easy, but what part of her training so far had been easy. Sarah didn't really know how to go about it but she knew she had to try.


"You are owned by your patron who cares about you. Your potential was recognised immediately and you are very lucky that you were sent to Harkwood to fulfil that potential. The thought of any slut not receiving training, not being able to realise her potential is an unsettling one but it happens every day. Institutions such as Harkwood can only accept so many students. You are one of the lucky few who will live a full and satisfying life as a slut.


"But with each year, and each new patron, schools like Harkwood, bring society a few steps closer to the natural order. With each slut who graduates, society is a little less abhorrent. You see slut, it is not only your duty to serve your owner but to also do all in your power to help other sluts gain the chance to experience the life they were meant to have.


"First of all though, you need to be trained. You need to learn obedience and respect. You need to learn how to serve. You already know that you must, your instincts have told you as much. But first you need to break the hold that your cunt holds over you. To help you with this, each time you return a weight, recite the lesson you are here to learn - "My owner's cunt exists to serve."


Sarah had squatted down to collect the seventeenth weight as the headmistress finished her lecture. She watched as the piece of metal jumped the inch gap and stuck to the magnet clamped to her cunt, stretching her tender lips. Each movement brought intense pain to the beleaguered schoolgirl. Lowering and raising her body caused the tight belt around her waist to cut painfully into the delicate flesh of her belly and waist.


The pain in her pussy never lessened as the constant lifting and tugging of the weights never allowed the clamp to be still for more than a few seconds. Her arms and shoulders had begun to ache long ago and she tried to clench her fingers to help with the pain. Even her legs ached with the constant squatting and tiptoeing. This was not a lesson isolated to her pussy. Her entire body was covered in sweat, rivulets of the salty liquid ran down her face and sides. Sarah licked her upper lip, removing the tiny beads that had formed there, glad of even that tiny amount of moisture as she swallowed, her mouth dry and uncomfortable.


She moved swiftly to the stand and performed the movement that had by now become so familiar. This time, as the jaws of the clamp closed over the weight, Sarah intoned her mantra for the first time, "My owner's cunt exists to serve."  For some reason, through the pain and the sweat, she blushed furiously as the words left her mouth. She was naked before the headmistress performing a deeply degrading, menial task and she blushed when forced to speak words designed only to help her. Confusion reigned as Sarah continued to collect the scattered weights from the floor. She could no longer predict her own reactions to a situation.


"Slut," said Mrs Huffington Smythe quite nonchalantly as she leaned so gracefully against the heavy wooden stand in the centre of the room, "explain to me why you think you, out of all the sluts in your house, deserve more punishment."

"I deserve more punishment because I lack the discipline a slut needs to keep her focus always on an external locus Ma'am."

"Go on," the headmistress urged, watching every move Sarah made while returning yet another metal weight.

"I have let my owner's cunt rule my thoughts and actions Ma'am. I have been selfish and thought about my own needs instead of making sure I thought of the needs and desires of my superiors. My owner's cunt exists to serve," Sarah finished in a groan as she stepped back from the stand, distending her pussylips as the jaws of the clamp and the magnet at her pussy fought for supremacy of the weight.

"Continue," directed the headmistress, not satisfied with the depth of Sarah's answers.

"I am also an untrained slut Ma'am. Not being trained to be obedient and to serve is no excuse for my horrid behaviour, but it is a reason for it. My owner's cunt exists to serve. I have ignored my instincts and not embraced my slut nature and this reinforced my selfish and introverted nature Ma'am. Being so selfish meant that I did not develop the correct self-discipline that a slut requires."


Sarah paused in her speech, bringing yet another small weight back to the stand. She thought this was the 26th weight she had returned but she had to admit to herself that she had lost count while concentrating on telling the headmistress what she wanted to hear. That was not fair, Sarah instantly admonished herself. She had not simply made the answers up to please the stern headmistress. She had searched her soul for the reasons why she was in detention and had spoken the words that resonated as truth the moment she spoke them. Sure some thought had gone into their structure, hopefully pleasing Mrs Huffington Smythe with their composition and sincerity.


The tortured schoolgirl was moaning softly with almost every movement now. The activities of the day and the strenuous and agonising task she was currently completing were taking their toll. Sarah knew though, that she had reserves available. Her time with Miss Vonn had taught her that. "My owner's cunt exists to serve," Sarah said clearly and confidently. Her comments were meant only for her, but she knew that it was only proper for her to enunciate clearly so her enthusiasm and obedience to a command could be gauged by her superiors.


It was as she squatted down to collect her next weight that she heard two tiny electronic beeps from the direction of the headmistress. Sarah looked up at the leather clad woman and wondered what they could mean. Long ago, she had decided it was proper etiquette for a slut to show off her assets to any superior present and she had ensured that each time she squatted to collect a weight the headmistress had a clear view of her clamped pussy.


Sarah did not take her eyes of Mrs Huffington Smythe as she returned to the stand. She watched as the headmistress languidly drew a small silver chain from between her breasts. Attached to the very end was a small watch that was glanced at once and then replaced in the sensual valley between her large breasts. Sarah's pulse began to quicken. She was now worried about the time she had left and began to move faster, though each small increase in speed brought further pain.


"Tell me about this famous cuntcream I have heard so much about," enquired the headmistress as she listened intently to Sarah's soft groans as she moved around the room, collecting the small pieces of heavy metal.


"My owner's cunt produces a cream that is thick and white Ma'am. My owner's cunt exists to serve. The cream is much thicker than most slut's and has a pleasant taste. My owner's cunt produces a large volume of this cream and starts with very little stimulation. The cuntcream also continues to, my owner's cunt exists to serve, be produced as long as I am aroused Ma'am."


Sarah's face was now a blazing red and not only from the exertion of the task she had been set. Describing herself, she corrected, describing a part of her body owned by another, made her deeply conscious of the lesson she was learning, a lesson crucial to every slut's development. She was glad to learn it, and who was she to choose in what way her lessons were to be taught. Her teachers knew the best way for a slut to learn and she did trust them. So why could she not stop blushing with apparent shame? Her thighs burned as she squatted yet again. A fresh stab of pain shot into her pussy as the added weight was added, pulling her plump lips out from her body. Sarah could not have described the pain if she had been asked to. It wasn't just the agony in her pussy, her entire body hurt. If only the wicked leather belt could have been removed from around her waist it would have made the world of difference. Sarah knew she could go faster even with the belt, but she felt that without it she may already have finished.


She could not ignore the pain that was coursing through her body, the dull aches and the sharp pulses, so the agonised teen tried to accept it as a part of her lesson. She would use the memory of the pain to help her stay out of this room in the future. She spoke her mantra as another weight was painfully ripped from the magnet clamped to her pussy and noticed that the headmistress had moved from the stand and now stood gracefully by the door, her left leg pointed to one side, shifting the body weight and pushing her hip out. Sarah was amazed at how this slight movement had made her headmistress look like a model. The grace and restrained sexuality of the pose affected Sarah deeply.


It took a moment for Sarah to even realise that her nipples had hardened. She had been working hard and she had learned that it is usual for a slut to become aroused during physical activity because her body would equate the exertion with sex. But her nipples had stayed soft until now, until she had noticed her headmistress. It could be a coincidence but Sarah knew that it was not. She had to accept and embrace the way she felt. Not only was there nothing wrong with it, despite the heat of humiliation that burned in her face, but it was natural. It was a part of who she was. She had no more control over such feelings than she did over her body temperature.


Would her pussy begin to produce the cream the headmistress had been so interested in? Surely the amount of pain she was in, and the level of concentration she was focusing on her task would prevent her from becoming truly aroused. Then again, her body had already shown her over the past two days that it was something over which she had very little control. Before her arrival at Harkwood she had always prided herself on the control she had in her life; over her studies, her relationships and her body. She had learnt in the last two days that she really knew nothing about her body, strangers knew more about her, knew more of what she was capable of.


"My owner's cunt exists to serve," Sarah said as she returned what she thought was her 43rd weight. She was beginning to have to search for the small pieces of grey metal now. They were not that easy to see as their dull colour matched almost perfectly the colour of the rough concrete floor. Realising that much time could be wasted in searching made her panic a little. Realising that due to her losing count she might not even know when she was finished made her search ever more frantically.


Sarah stepped off the wooden stand, her pussylips in intense pain as the severe clamp continued squeeze her tender pink labia together into one mass of delicate agonised flesh. Sarah glanced at the headmistress and then searched the floor for her next weight. She saw two together in the far corner and all but ran to collect them. She dutifully turned to face Mrs Huffington Smythe to present her pussy and tits for display as she squatted through the pain as gracefully as she could. The familiar feeling of the magnet pulling the weight towards her pussy let her know she was close.


The sweating teen grunted in pain as she straightened out of her squat. She dared a glance down as she scurried back to the stand and noticed that she had two weights hanging from her pussy-magnet. Was she allowed to collect two at once? She was actually surprised that she had not done so before now. The older woman's face betrayed no emotion so Sarah took that as tacit consent to continue.


She had mastered the technique of returning the weights and now stepped swiftly onto the pressure pads, opened the jaws and caught both weights into the open space. She eased off the pads gently, closing the clamp slowly, making sure both weights caught. With a loud squeal of pain she stepped off the stand, leaving the weights behind and began immediately to scan for the few remaining pieces of metal. She was intensely aware of the headmistressess stern gaze as she stepped around the room, searching desperately for the remaining weights.


Valuable seconds were wasted as she darted her head left and right, frantic now that time was ticking away. Finally she spotted a small metal fragment near the toe of Mrs Huffington Smythe's right toe. Sarah hurried over, squatted as gracefully as she could and collected the weight, making sure she did not touch the shining black boot worn by the headmistress.


"Express to me your feelings towards your owner, slut."

"I am very grateful to my owner Ma'am. My owner's cunt exists to serve. My owner has provided me with the chance to train to be a slut and to fulfil my potential and be a benefit to society Ma'am. I am thankful that my owner realised my potential and enrolled me at the best school for slut training. My owner's cunt exists to serve. I wish to please my owner by becoming the best slut that I can be."

"Do you think your owner would be pleased with your progress?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied. She knew it was a bold answer and she prayed for the chance to elaborate, as she knew how arrogant it may have sounded.

"You think your owner would be pleased that you are in detention on the second day of classes?" asked the headmistress surprised, yet curious.

"No Ma'am."

"Clarify slut, you have me intrigued."

"Yes Ma'am. I hope very much that my owner would be pleased with my progress in my training to be a slut because I have learnt a lot about being a slut. I am sorry to say that I think my owner would be very displeased with my atrocious behaviour, my owner's cunt exists to serve, because it has let down the staff and my owner but it has allowed me to learn valuable lessons that I hope have helped my progress with my training Ma'am."


Sarah hoped with every fibre of her being that she had explained herself well enough. Thinking back as she scanned the floor for what was possibly her last weight, what she had just said sounded dangerously like babbling. The desperate schoolgirl had no idea how much time she had left, and thanks to her lack of focus, she also had only guesswork to tell her how many weights she had yet to return. She was panting heavily as she stalked the room, searching for the elusive shards of metal.


"Slut why are you not standing at attention?" snapped the headmistress.


Sarah immediately stood at attention, taking time only to make sure she was facing the headmistress. She was on the other side of the room, the thick wooden stand the only obstacle between them.


"Here slut. When you are ordered to attention you present yourself before your superior."


Sarah pranced across the room, the odd movement the only way she could move at speed without causing wracking waves of agony to shoot into her belly and cunt. She moved to within two feet of the headmistress and stood at attention, staring forlornly at the large latex covered breasts which were thrust directly in her eye-line of the short girl. Had she finished without knowing? Did it mean more trouble for her?



"Sorry Ma'am, I was not standing at attention because I was still completing my task Ma'am."

"Incorrect. You have earned an infraction for failure to attend to a task. Are you unable to focus on two concepts at once?"

"No Ma'am," Sarah replied morosely.

"And yet you have. You completed the task with almost two minutes to spare. To ensure that you have not wasted any time you will utilise your remaining time to collect one last item."


At this the headmistress rolled a thick metal cylinder across the floor. A harsh metallic clang echoed through the chamber as it rolled to a stop against the far wall. Sarah hadn't had a chance to see the cylinder but she could tell by the sound as it hit the hard floor that it was larger than any of the previous weights.


"Fetch," commanded Mrs Huffington Smythe.


Sarah turned quickly in the direction she thought the item had rolled and  immediately spotted the shiny cylinder. It was twice as large as any of the weights Sarah had already collected. Sarah scurried over, turned to face the headmistress and squatted low in one smooth movement: her ass moved straight down, her legs spreading widely as she had been taught.


The exhausted teen squealed as her pussylips were pulled painfully by the attraction of the metal cylinder to the magnet between her legs. Sarah straightened slowly, a low moan escaping her pursed lips as she did so. Before she was even halfway into a standing position she felt the pressure lessen, followed a moment later by a sharp clink as the solid metal cylinder hit the hard concrete. Tears of frustration rolled down Sarah's cheek as she again lowered her body to the floor. This time she made sure to position her pussy directly over the cylinder, hoping to make better contact with its surface. She grunted once again as the delicate flesh of her pussy was painfully stretched by the heavy metal cylinder. She raised herself slowly this time, aware of the movement at her pussy, knowing the weight was too great for the small magnet, knowing she had to be extra careful or she would drop it again.


Sarah walked slowly towards the stand, each step carefully planned, her legs spread to prevent her thighs dislodging the precarious hold the magnet had.


"Describe cocksucking technique two slut."

"Ma'am, cocksucking technique two is when a slut has a rhythm of three strokes down the shaft of the cock with her mouth, two fast and the third slower and deeper."
"What is most important to a slut?"

"To serve and please her owner Ma'am."


Sarah had successfully made her way to the stand and now stood with her feet depressing each pressure pad and her pussy directly above the open clamp. The cylinder was quite wide and she was unsure if it would even fit within the waiting jaws. She lowered herself carefully, bending at the knee, spreading her legs outwards as she tried to deposit the weight. She soon realised she would have to push down with her weight to force the cylinder between the jaws of the clamp. It would fit, but only just. Sarah screamed as she crushed her pussy onto the stand, the harsh metal clamp now not only squashing her labia together but digging into the tender flesh between her legs.


She felt a distinct pop and immediately stepped off the pad, releasing the clamp which clung firmly to the cylinder. Sarah knew she had wasted a lot of time and was determined to finish her detention, hopefully pleasing her headmistress. The exhausted schoolgirl, clenched her jaw, took a deep breath and stepped backwards off the stand. The magnet clamped to her pussylips did not want to let go of the weight. She stepped back again, another scream, guttural and agonising, reverberated around the chamber as she stretched her pussylips further, With a suddenness that surprised her, the magnet and cylinder parted, the clamp on her cunt snapping back causing a pained grunt, deep and primal, to explode from the tortured teen. Sarah took a moment to regain her composure before presenting herself to the headmistress. Sarah's body was awash with a pain that made it difficult for her to stand upright, motionless at attention. Tears rolled unchecked down the distressed girl's cheeks, mingling with the sweat that covered her face and body.


"Nine seconds slut. It is also interesting to note that your claims regarding focus were not completely false, which does, however make your earlier lapse the more egregious. Your first detention has reached its conclusion. It shall be only 24 hours before you return. Your behaviour requires substantial improvement or you are destined to become a permanent fixture in these rooms. What do you wish to say?"

"Thank you for my detention Ma'am. I am very sorry that my abysmal behaviour and lack of discipline caused extra work. I am very thankful for the time and effort required to help me be a better slut."

"You have an appointment with Miss Watson to work on your posture training."


As she finished speaking Mrs Huffington Smythe reached between Sarah's legs and, in one smooth movement, removed the clamp from her pussy. Sarah screamed as the blood rushed back into the delicate flesh, a jagged screech of pain as an agony more intense and universal than anything she had experienced slammed into her body. The whimpering teen danced on the spot, pushing her legs together before quickly moving them apart, squatting low to the ground before shooting to her full height.


Sarah's entire body quivered as she attempted to deal with the overwhelming sensation between her legs. She momentarily forgot where she was, thinking only of tending to her abused pussy. The fact that she could not move her arms, tied so rigidly behind her as they were, shocked her back to the reality of where she was. Sarah tried her best to stand at attention before the headmistress, who stood motionless before her. It took an immense effort of will for her to stop wriggling her body, trying in vain to find a position, any position, where the pain in her pussy was lessened even slightly.


"Madame De Witt informed me that you could not dance but I think you dance admirably," Mrs Huffington Smythe said smiling, once Sarah had stood at attention before her. "Does your cunt hurt?"
"Yes Ma'am," Sarah gasped.

"Let me help with your circulation."

Sarah yelped and pushed her hips back slightly, as the headmistresss latex-clad hand dipped between her legs and caressed her sensitive flesh. The colour drained from her face as she immediately realised she had done the wrong thing. She straightened up and looked at the tall woman before her.


"Another infraction. Present that cunt. Yes, you know you were wrong to move it.  Still hung up on those selfish motivations. It is perhaps fortuitous that you shall join me again tomorrow and if I am not mistaken that infraction earned you your third detention for the week and your first punishment session. You have truly outdone yourself with such an achievement."


Sarah had stood quickly to attention, pushing her hips forward as far as she could, as the headmistress spoke. She whined and squealed as the delicate flesh of her pussy was massaged, filling the room with a pitifully high-pitched sound.


"Silence. You are a very ungrateful little bitch."

"Sorry Ma'am," Sarah blubbered.

"Sorry is an inappropriate sentiment slut. What would be the only appropriate words a slut would speak in such a situation."
"Thank you Ma'am."

"When you thank a superior, you thank them specifically. A slut should be grateful for any attention she receives, whether it is accompanied by pleasure or pain is irrelevant. So when a slut wishes to express her gratitude for a specific act she is sure to mention it."

"Thank you for massaging my pussy Ma'am."


"And thank you for teaching me to be a better slut Ma'am."

"Another infraction, silly little bitch. Where should a sluts eyes be directed unless specified otherwise?"

"Directly in front Ma'am."


Sarah cursed herself. The headmistress had been moving around her, massaging her pussy as she inspected the rest of her body. She had only flicked her eyes to follow her once, but once was enough. The pain between her legs had started to lessen and Sarah knew that her pussy had begun to moisten. In only two days she had learned enough of her body to recognise the now familiar signs. She had moved her eyes to see if her headmistress had noticed the emergence of the secretions.


Mrs Huffington Smythe's expert fingers continued to manipulate the naked schoolgirl's pussy. Her deft fingers slipped between the plump lips; her middle finger dipping slightly inside her while a finger rested on either side, squeezing and sliding across her abused lips, forming a trident of slippery black latex. Two long red indentations ran the length of the poor girls sex, the marks from the clamp lingering long after the pain had subsided.


"Ah yes, I can see why your teachers have you marked as a grade 12," whispered the headmistress as she pushed two fingers inside Sarah with ease.


With her right hand Mrs Huffington Smythe grasped Sarah by the throat, just above her collar. With her left she began fucking the gasping schoolgirl with great speed, her fingers pistoning in and out of her moist cleft. The only sound in the room now was the wet, slapping sound as her pussy was pounded and the soft panting moans of the schoolgirl, dazed by the sudden transition from pain to pleasure. As abruptly as it began, the headmistress removed her fingers from Sarah's pussy with a long, languid stroke, gathering all the cuntcream she had produced.


The headmistress stood in front of the petite student, allowing Sarah to watch as she licked the thick white substance that covered the black fingers of her left hand. The headmistress licked each finger, placing it deep within her mouth and cleaning them thoroughly before flattening her hand and licking the remnants off her palm.


"Put the stand away then wait by the door. Your behaviour has caused you to miss the evening meal so you will receive your sustenance in liquid form prior to leaving."


Sarah moved back towards the centre of the room and began pushing the heavy wooden stand back into the corner. She rallied her energy and pushed the stand halfway across the room without stopping. Another two pushes and she had it squared away. Her chest heaved from the effort, the wicked band of leather making each breath a laboured breath a painful experience.


Mrs Huffington Smythe waited for the young girl to arrive, watching with disapproval at the slovenly movements of the exhausted girl. She stood next to a large white plastic bottle that hung suspended from the same hook that held her clothes. It hung low to the ground, upside down, tipped by a long thin plastic nipple that looked to Sarah like a small hot dog weiner. The large square bottle was more than half full with a sickly yellow liquid.


"Kneel and begin."


Sarah lowered herself to her knees gently, unable to balance properly without the use of her arms. She shuffled closer to the wall, lifted her head towards the bottle and took the three inch nipple into her mouth. She commenced sucking as soon as it was inside and was rewarded with a stream of bitter liquid. Sarah was sure that it contained all the nutrients and vitamins that she needed but it tasted vile. She pulled back from the teat briefly, cringing at the terrible flavour that coated her mouth. The liquid felt oily, coating her teeth and tongue with an aftertaste that made the young girl balk. She had no choice but to proceed, she had to accept it as just another part of her detention. The delicious meals at Harkwood were something she would not take for granted from this moment forth.


As she proceeded to empty the bottle, her head tilted back to allow her access to her meal, she felt a touch at the sensitive skin between her legs. Sarah moaned as she swallowed her dinner, the experienced fingers quickly finding her clit. Without realising what she was doing Sarah shifted her hips, pushing her pussy onto the hands of her headmistress. She had quickly adopted the simple rhythm that she had devised during gym class and was soon swallowing a mouthful of the bitter liquid for every three sucks.


Sarah thought she would surely become used to the taste but after her third mouthful she almost gagged. She took a moment to compose herself, being sure to keep the long nipple in her mouth. The hand at her pussy stopped the moment she stopped sucking on the nipple, something which Sarah had failed to notice, though her body once again sought the attention on its own.


The naked teen tried to focus on finishing her meal, doing her best to ignore the pleasurable sensation that was building deep inside her. She had begun to grind her hips against the slick hand, forcing the nipple further into her mouth as she raised herself slightly each time. To an observer it was clear that Sarah was fucking the long rubber nipple with her mouth, not merely drinking as she had been ordered, but instinctively fulfilling her desire to have her mouth filled.


Sarah could feel herself near orgasm but was determined not to come. She knew would not be given permission to come, knew that she did not deserve to come. She needed to prove to the headmistress, and to herself, that her behaviour was not ruled by her vagina. She sucked with renewed vigour as the ecstasy built. As the last drops were suckled from the bottle, the headmistress ceased playing with Sarah's pussy. Her gloved hand was covered in the sticky white cream the schoolgirl produced and  she lustily devoured the cream from her fingers as she contemplated the naked, kneeling teen.


Yes, she thought to herself, once the behaviour improves we will have a very promising slut indeed. The higher grade sluts were the usual suspects for poor behaviour in the early stages of training but the lack of discipline from the girl who knelt before her had surprised even an experienced educator as herself. Well, she mused, the end result was always the same, it was just that some bitches needed a little extra tuition.


"Stand. Centre of the room. Once these ropes are removed you are to dress and await your handler in the holding cell she has organised for you. Talk of your collar."


It was an unusually framed request but Sarah began to speak as the ropes that bound her arms so tightly were slowly unwound. "Ma'am, my collar is a part of the my uniform as a student of Trinity house. It is made of metal and fits my neck perfectly, due to the excellent work of Mrs Goodwin. My collar, more than any other part of my uniform symbolises my new life as the property of my owner. Even when I am without the rest of my uniform it remains a reminder of my status as the possession of another Ma'am."


Sarah paused as she thought about her collar and what she could say to satisfy her headmistress. What did her collar mean to her? She had thought about her collar at times, but she had never delved too deeply into it, a little afraid of what she may discover.


"At first Ma'am, I did not like the collar but I have grown to accept it and to be comforted by its presence. I am not always conscious of it but I always know that it is there and it comes to the front of my thoughts at all times of the night and day. The collar is designed beautifully and does not move around my neck so that the ring is always at the front but it does move a little as I move and this makes me always think of it. When I think of my collar I think of my owner and I think of the slut that I am and the slut that I will be when I am trained and I think of how pleased my owner will be when I am trained and I can begin to serve him and he will know that I exist to serve and to bring pleasure to my superiors."


Sarah had tried to think of what she could say but the painful sensation of the blood flowing back into her arms, that had been so rigidly restrained behind her back, had begun almost immediately to distract her. Her well thought out dissertation on her collar quickly turned into a rambling mess. She knew a slut should only speak when she had something to say so she hoped that being ordered to talk had in some way absolved her of the need to make sense. What more could she even say about the collar that adorned her slim neck.


As soon as Sarah felt the last of the ropes slide off her arms she moved them down into the small of her back. They moved clumsily, the sharp needle tingling denying her some measure of control. The naked, and now unrestrained, teen watched her headmistress coil the rope deftly and replace it on the wall of equipment. Mrs Huffington Smythe turned and looked at Sarah, the withering gaze making the young girl tremble with anxiety.


She blanched as she realised she was failing to obey an order and hurriedly moved to the door to begin dressing. As she donned her meagre uniform she reflected back on her first detention. She was left dazed and confused by the experience. Her body ached, especially her pussy. Her delicate lips had not recovered from the abuse they had received as she had collected the small weights. As she slipped her small panties up her legs she noticed that two clear indentations were still visible on the outside of her labia, the soft pink turned a deep red in two long lines. It was not just the tight bite of the clamp but the constant stretching and pulling she had caused herself.


Sarah realised as she buttoned her blouse, that apart from the actual placement of the clamp, the headmistress had not done anything to her during the entire detention. All the pain she had experienced she had caused herself. Was that part of the lesson or was she reading way too much into what was a straightforward lesson to teach a slut good behaviour?


Once she had finished dressing Sarah turned to Mrs Huffington Smythe, curtsied daintily and thanked her deeply for the lessons she had learned during her detention. When the headmistress simply continued to stare at Sarah as if she were some kind of unintelligible alien she beat a hasty retreat from the room, curtsying once more before disappearing behind the large metal door to detention room 17.

Sarah moved speedily to her holding cell. This part of the school was eerily still, making her feel as if she was the only person in the whole building. She wasted no time entering the holding cell and affixing her collar to the ring she had used before. Sarah had begun to count the seconds the moment the door had shut behind her and her theory quickly bore fruit. Thirty seconds after the door closed the light above her went out.


Plunged into darkness Sarah's thoughts began to turn inwards, to take stock of her body and her predicament. She could still taste the bitter liquid she had consumed as her evening meal. She dry swallowed and licked her lips, trying to find any small trickle of sweat that would help remove the taste that seemed to have invaded her mouth and decided to stay. She knew that there was one way she could rid herself of the taste. The headmistress' experienced fingers had worked Sarah into a frenzy as she had suckled her meal from the plastic teat.


She could tell that her pussy was still full of her cream, no doubt her panties were rapidly soaking up the moisture. Hadn't she been taught that a slut must always clean up all bodily fluids? Wouldn't it be right for her to collect some of her cream and consume it? Sarah immediately discounted the idea, realising she was exhibiting just the behaviour that had landed her in detention. She was letting her pussy influence her decisions. To eat her pussycream would not only mean she had to break position but it meant she was thinking only of herself - the internal locus that the headmistress had educated her on.


Not only that but Sarah blushed in the dark when her train of thought led her inevitably to the fact that she had just contemplated reaching into her panties, scraping the cream produced by her vagina and eating it, just to remove a bitter aftertaste in her mouth. She had not only produced the idea so casually and so naturally but her mind had leapt at the idea as if it was so clearly the only obvious thing to do.


That was definitely the mind of a slut at work. She knew it was and she knew she was one, so why did she feel ashamed and dirty for thinking that. She had admonished herself for thinking of it only because it meant she was thinking of herself and she needed to ensure her focus was always external. She was not mad at herself for thinking that it was wrong to eat her pussy juices, after all she already accepted the fact that she liked the taste. So why was her body, her emotions, not in sync with the way she was thinking? Was the fact that she had not only caught herself, but admonished herself for the thoughts proof that she was learning her lesson, that the detention had already borne fruit?


Sarah had no more time to contemplate the conundrum as the door opened and the light flashed on. She blinked her eyes rapidly, trying to adjust to the sudden brightness of the lights. How long had she been in the holding cell?


"Well Porter, how was your first detention?" inquired her handler.

"Very good thank you Miss," Sarah replied, happy to hear the voice of Miss Harper.

"You enjoyed it then?"

"No Miss, it was very painful but I learned valuable lessons that will help my training."

"Very good to hear. You have to make up for the lost time during your Etiquette class now. After that you are to return here, and then we shall have a study session of our own until lights out. You have already had your dinner yes?"

"Yes Miss. Permission to speak Miss?" Sarah asked hesitantly.

"Ok but it must be quick as we dont want to keep Miss Watson waiting," said Harper as she removed the padlock securing Sarah to the wall.


"Miss my evening meal was in liquid form and it was very bitter in taste. I can still taste it now and I thought of eating some of my pussy cream to take the taste away. I didn't do it though Miss, but I did think about doing it," Sarah finished quickly, worried at the reaction of her handler. She wanted desperately to please Miss Harper, to show her she was a good girl, a good slut.


"I see. Walk," the older girl said abruptly. "You told me this why?"

"I want to tell you everything Miss Harper. It is not for a slut to decide if she requires punishment or correction but I wanted you to know so you could decide. I want to be a good slut, Miss," Sarah confessed plaintively as she walked the correct two steps behind and to the left of her handler.

"So you thought of eating the secretions from your own cunt. Well this is what any slut would desire to do. The fact that you did not give in to your insatiable sexual desire shows progress. However it is the reasoning behind your desire that is dissatisfying."


It was then that the pair arrived at Miss Watson's classroom. The door was open and Miss Harper walked straight through, followed obediently by Sarah. It was odd to be in the classroom without her classmates.


"Evening Miss Watson."
"Evening Clarice."

"Before I leave my charge I think that it would be best if she received a fresh application of the muscle cream on her cunt."

"By all means Clarice, your request shall be seen to prior to commencing the session. Do you wish to be the agent of the application?"
"No thank you Miss Watson, I must see to my own studies. The detention has thrown my own schedule out a little."
"I completely understand. You will be able to collect her within the hour."

"Thank you Miss Watson."


Sarah's heart sank when her handler mentioned the disruption she had caused. She would try and find a way she could make it up to Miss Harper. It was especially important that she do this as the next two nights after school would cause a similar hardship for her handler.


"Before you go Clarice, how are you finding your responsibilities?"

"Well Miss Watson, I am the first to admit that I had not really taken them too seriously. I thought that my role would be so much less than what it needs to be. I honestly thought I would be more of a babysitter. The fact that the slut that I received is by far the worst behaved has played its part, but I think that the staff meeting yesterday really opened my eyes. Last night I read my prefect's manual and my whole attitude has changed."

"Admirable Clarice, I am very glad to hear it. I am glad that you do not regret your post."

"Oh no, Miss Watson. I am happier than ever to be chosen as a prefect. I see it as another avenue in which I can excel and by doing so I can also benefit society in a lasting and meaningful way. And to be honest Miss Watson, I have found slut training to be quite a fascinating discipline."
"And your slut, how do you feel about her?"


Sarah felt tiny and insignificant, standing at attention while her handler and teacher talked about her. She knew they were not consciously ignoring her, it was just that she did not matter, her presence was inconsequential. Right now, she was no more important than a table or a chair. Yes, she was property now, but it was still very difficult to be treated like an object. It was still difficult for Sarah to come to terms with the fact that her thoughts and feelings really meant nothing to these women. Tears sprang into the diminished schoolgirl's eyes at the next words spoken.


"Very disappointed. I understand the challenge of training a slut with such poor discipline and I understand her grade, but I do wish that I could perhaps have had a different one."
"Do you wish an exchange?" enquired Miss Watson, one eyebrow raised in question.

"Oh no. I will definitely stick with my current charge. It is a duty I have accepted and I will make sure that she is trained and that her behaviour is altered, and altered abruptly," Harper ended vehemently.
"Good girl Clarice. She is, as slut's go, very ill-disciplined. As you know, it is not that she is rebellious, her behavioural problems lie along altogether different avenues. I am glad that you are on board Clarice. You had better be off."

"Yes of course, Miss Watson."


Sarah was thankful that the conversation had ended. She had felt so alone listening to her teacher and handler talk of her training. She had felt so dejected at their appraisal of her. She had wanted Miss Harper to stay, to witness how good she would be, how much her behaviour had improved, but she heard the older girl's footsteps recede down the hall. Besides she had already taken up too much of her handler's time.


"Straight Porter. Shoulders back. That had better be the last time there is slouching in my classroom. Remove your skirt and panties, then adopt the correction position."


Miss Watson moved to the supply room as Sarah undressed. Her teacher had not specified where her clothes were to be put so she felt it best they rest on her own desk. She folded her skirt neatly, then rolled her panties as best she could, trying to keep the thin straps coiled underneath the small triangle of nmaterial so it would not wet her skirt. The crotch of her panties was stained and clearly wet. As soon as her tiny panties sat on her desk, she adopted the desired position on the platform. The anxious schoolgirl heard her teacher return and pause behind her. The next thing she knew, her pussy was being vigorously wiped. This was not a sensual act, it felt to Sarah, more like a cleaning.


"Open," Miss Watson commanded.


Sarah's soaked panties were quickly inserted into her open mouth. All her excess cream had first been wiped from her pussy, presumably to allow the new, and unnatural, cream to do its job unimpeded. Only the crotch of her panties was placed in her mouth, the straps dangled in front of her face, like strange white tentacles. It was then that Sarah smelt the scent that she would forever more associate with burning pain.


Without preamble, Miss Watson smeared the cream on Sarah's pussy. She applied it liberally across both plump labia, dipping her fingers deftly inside the young girl's still damp opening. Sarah moaned as she felt the hood of her clit pulled back as her teacher's finger teased some of the burning paste directly onto that most sensitive bud of flesh.


"Attention and turn," commanded Miss Watson.


Sarah straightened up and faced her teacher. She could immediately feel the wicked paste begin to do its work, heating her pussy. She knew that in minutes the burning would have increased to a near unbearable level that would take all of her concentration to overcome. And this makeup lesson was to be focused entirely on her poise and balance. She knew, however, that she had brought this on herself. No one had told her to confess her thoughts to her handler. She had just felt it was the right thing to do. Even though she knew that it would make this lesson 100 times as hard she did not regret her decision.


"Step down. Take your board and commence circuits of the class. Each time you return to the platform you are to pause for ten seconds, walking on the spot, lifting your knees high, to the level of your hips. Each time you drop your board, you are come to the front, receive your stroke then return to your place and resume your circuits. The lesson will end when you have completed 20 full circuits. Begin."


Sarah collected the black plastic board from her desk and balanced it atop her head. The pain in her pussy was clouding her thoughts but she tried her best to block the raging inferno between her legs and walk as normally as she could around the classroom.


The next 40 minutes was a blur of pain and suffering for the young girl. She managed her circuits well, dropping the board only four times. Her undoing, however, was the high-stepping interludes she had to perform each time she reached the front of the class. She lost control of her board every single time, her ass and legs wearing a painful pattern of light pink stripes by the end of the lesson. The agony in her pussy never left her and lessened only towards the end of the forty minutes.


Sarah's tired mind was awash with conflicting sensations when Miss Watson called a halt. Her chest heaved as she fought for breath, her breasts straining against the tight material each time she inhaled. Her blouse clung to her body in many places, stuck to her skin from the sweat that covered her entire body. Her eyes were red from crying and the panties in her mouth were soaked from her saliva. The only bright part of the entire lesson was that her cream soaked panties had removed the bitter taste of her liquid dinner from her mouth. Small consolation when the rest of her body ached and burned.


Miss Watson had not spoken a single word to Sarah throughout the ordeal. The only sounds in the room were the click of her high heels as she moved as gracefully as she could around the classroom and the moans of pain and despair when she failed to attain the level of poise demanded of a slut. She received 26 strokes of the switch, each one burned into her memory. Sarah had found the silence unnerving, especially when she was expected to prance. It was not the act that was most difficult it was that her imposing teacher was stood directly in front of her, watching her every move, silently critiquing her performance. It had caused Sarah to lose focus each time she found herself before Miss Watson.


"Passable Porter," said Miss Watson as Sarah stood at attention before her.

"Thank you Ma'am," mumbled the dazed teen through her soaked panties.

"Being passable is not something to be proud of Porter. A slut should be ashamed of being classified as passable in anything she does."
"Sorry Ma'am."

"Your contrition is expected but hollow. Dress and move directly to your holding cell."


Sarah removed the panties from her mouth, opened them out and slid the soaked garment up her legs, the wet material feeling simultaneously soothing and uncomfortable against her pussy. The heat in her sex had been reduced to a slow burn that she knew from experience would last for at least another hour. Sarah clipped her skirt around her waist and curtsied to Miss Watson.


"Thank you for the extra lesson Ma'am."

"You are welcome Porter, but I do not wish for you to make a habit of it."

"No Ma'am," Sarah replied. She thought that this extracurricular lesson was not really her fault, but when she thought about it, she knew that of course it was. She would not have been chosen to assist Miss Watson during the morning lesson if she had not been so disrespectful and rude.


She left the room, sure that Miss Watson remained watching her until the moment she turned the corner. Sarah was left a little bewildered by what had happened. Was Miss Watson angry with her? Or was it simply that she had a lot of work to do and Sarah had only taken up her time. She made her way to her holding cell, locked herself to the wall and settled in to wait for collection.


The room quickly darkened and Sarah was left alone with her thoughts and the remnant aches and pains from her afternoon. Her pussy still throbbed, not only from the stretching and clamping but from the cream that made her feel as if her skin was melting away. How could the same product feel so good on one part of the body and cause so much pain on another? She was glad to have these few minutes of respite, even though being left alone in the darkness only seemed to sharpen the pains that plagued her. It was funny, she mused, how she now saw her current predicament as a welcome break. Only two days ago, being forced to stand at attention, locked to a wall only inches away from her face, in a dark room barely big enough to turn around in would have been torture for her.


Sarah estimated that around now her classmates would be clearing away the evening meal, after no doubt having eaten a delicious salad. Sucking on her stained panties had taken away the bitter aftertaste of her own dinner but the dissatisfaction the memory gave, even though her belly felt quite full, remained. Once she was released from this small dark room she still had to look forward to extra tutoring from her handler. She was sure that this would take up all her time until her day ended with the turning out of the lights and locking of the dorm gate. She had to remain positive though, she may not get to talk to Murphy or Mitchell but she would be learning and her training would be progressing. It was really all she could ask for.


Sarah's mind wandered, her recollections meandering throughout all the activities she had encountered over the course of the day. Her damp panties were uncomfortable and she shifted her weight from foot to foot, the only real movement she could make to try and alleviate the feeling. She daren't not put her legs together. She only had one real task to accomplish while in the holding cell and that was to hold position. If she could not do that, what hope did she have. As the time wore on the temptation to lean forward just slightly and rest her head against the wall, or to lift up each foot slightly to alleviate the pressure of standing still in her high heels, grew unbearable.


Sarah was now in a constant battle with herself. One tiny movement just for one second and she could feel so much better. Who would know? She answered herself the same way each time: she would know, it was wrong, she needed to be a good girl, she needed to be a good slut. It was enough to hold the temptation at bay for a short while, but inevitably the entire merry-go-round began again. She breathed a sigh of relief when the door creaked open and light flooded the tiny cell. Sarah had not even attempted to try and keep track of the time she had been in the room. It had felt like hours but of course it could not have been.


"How did your class with Miss Watson go?" Harper asked, the genuine interest in the topic obvious in her tone.

"Very well thank you Miss," Sarah replied as the padlock was removed, returning her potential for movement. She, however, remained unmoved.

"Good, was your performance better than the other sluts?"

"Um, I am not sure Miss."

"Did you drop your tablet more or less than your classmates, it is a simple question," her handler said exasperatedly.

"I dropped my tablet more than every other slut, Miss," Sarah replied dejectedly.

"You disappoint me Porter. I will settle for nothing less than you being the top of every class, the first slut in all things. Follow."


Sarah turned quickly and followed her handler, obediently adopting the correct position behind and to the left of her handler as they walked down the corridor.


"Porter, close the door. Not only is that slovenly but it is also wasting energy."


Sarah spun around and hurried back to the holding cell and closed the creaky metal door. By the time she turned back around she just caught a glimpse of Miss Harper disappearing around a corner. Sarah dashed down the corridor, frightened of losing her handler. She did not know their destination and if she was found wandering the halls alone she knew it would mean major trouble.


As she reached the corner she caught a glimpse of Miss Harper erntering the food hall. Sarah all but ran down the corridor, her high heels clicking rapidly on the polished floors. The anxious schoolgirl felt her nipples harden as her tight blouse rubbed across her exposed breasts. She would never get used to that happening. She enjoyed the feeling of wearing the comfortable half-cup bra but it did cause her almost constant aggravation. Maybe if her blouse was not so tight, and stretched tighter by being forced to walk. or run in the high heels, her nipples may have had a chance.


Upon entering the food hall, Sarah realised it was a little later than she had thought. The room was empty, clean and all the chairs were placed neatly on the tables. Miss Harper was standing nonchalantly at the counter at the front of the hall. Sarah moved swiftly to stand at attention behind the older girl, silently taking up her post as her handler's attendant.


"Set a place," said Miss Harper, acknowledging Sarah's presence with the command.


In moments a chair at the nearest table was placed on the floor and Sarah stood behind it dutifully. The smell of bacon hit he like an almost physical force. Her mouth watered instantly and she almost turned around to see where it was coming from. Obviously due to the need to supervise her, Harper had missed the evening meal. Her handler appeared at her elbow and moved to sit on the chair Sarah had placed at the table.


"Porter, when a slut is waiting on a superior, she first seats her superior by moving the chair in to the table as her superior takes their seat. Do so now."


Sarah jumped to grasp the back of Miss Harper's chair and gently ease it in towards the table as her handler sat down. A faint tingling sensation started in Sarah's belly. She blushed deeply, recognising it as something she should be feeling but something she never thought she would. Was it really the distant beginnings of sexual arousal, simply by serving her handler? Was her pussy truly going to become wet just from pushing in a chair?


"Collect my dinner and serve it to me," commanded the now-seated girl.


Sarah moved to the counter and collected the plate and cutlery that awaited her. The plate was heaped with steaming food: mashed potatoes, baby carrots and asparagus, bacon and two thick sausages. Even though her belly felt full, Sarah felt hungry as she carried the food the few steps to her seated handler. The bitter liquid she drank for her meal was filling but far from satisfying. She had only been at Harkwood for two days but she already deeply missed meat. Being this close to such delectable fare was maddening for the tired teen.


"Stand to the right of your superior. Gently lean towards the table and place the plate directly in front of your superior, two inches from the edge of the table. No, pick it up. Try again, this time take more care with how the meal is plated. Be sure to place the plate so its contents are aesthetically pleasing. Better. Remember to bend only at the waist, your knees are to remain locked, legs apart. Next the cutlery; fork first, to the left of the plate, two inches from the rim and situated so the middle of the fork is in line with the middle of the plate. Now the knife, it goes to the right of the plate. Collect my beverage."


Sarah moved swiftly back to the counter to collect the cold glass of cola. She was glad that Miss Harper was teaching her a valuable skill, one which she was sure none of her classmates yet knew, but she found it a little difficult being treated like a tiny child. She knew where a knife and fork went, but it was not her place to question, only to obey and accept. Miss Harper was only looking out for her, it wasn't like she hadn't demonstrated some pretty stupid behaviour over the last two days. Maybe she did deserve to be treated like a child that knew nothing. So many things she had thought to be immutable truth had turned out to be mere falsehoods.


Was anything she had learned before coming to Harkwood worth remembering? Sarah felt as if she was on the cusp of an important revelation. As she returned to the table she tried to keep her train of thought on its rails. A slut's life was very different from what she had known before. A slut's way of thinking was very different. Should she forget, or at least ignore everything she had known in her previous life? Should she trust her teachers to teach her everything she would need to know, to teach her to think correctly, teach her the proper way to do any task a slut should know.


So, if this were true, and Sarah felt that it was, she needed to learn where to put a knife and fork. She needed to be told how to set a table the way a slut was expected to set a table. She was to listen to her superiors, absorb every word they had for her, no matter how mundane or how obvious it seemed. It was not a slut's place to decide what she should and should not know. A slut need only listen, learn and obey.


Sarah smiled at this private epiphany as she stood next to Miss Harper, awaiting the command to be told where to place her handler's beverage. Sarah could not wait to share the information with her friends.


"A slut places a standard beverage glass two inches from the top of the plate, between the plate and the knife. No, no, no, pick it up. Draw an imaginary line from the gap between the plate and the knife. Now place the glass along that line two inches from the top of the plate. Much better. It may be necessary to have every little thing explained to you but once learned I hope that your slut brain remembers.


"I was disappointed to hear of your poor showing in Miss Watson's makeup class. I have accepted a responsibility in my role as prefect. This responsibility consumes much of my time Porter. If I am to play a part in the training of a slut then she is going to be the best slut in her house. I am not interested in you being the best slut you can be, that is an accepted fact. You are to be the best slut in Trinity house. Do you understand?"


"Yes Miss," Sarah replied fervently, desperate for her handler to believe her level of commitment.


"I wish to have my meal in peace, seeing as how I have been unable to spend my mealtime with my friends. March to the far wall and back until told to stop. I want those knees lifted high. Speed is not an issue, perfection of form is your goal. As your knee reaches the perpendicular with each step, hold position for one second before continuing. Go."


Sarah moved immediately down the corridor between the tables. She was disappointed not to be allowed to stay with her handler, to provide her with some company, but it was for the best. It had taken all of Sarah's willpower to keep her eyes straight ahead and not on Miss Harper's dinner. She was also better utilised doing something instead of simply standing still, though standing still would also have allowed her the chance to practice remaining motionless while in position. Sarah hoped that these thoughts were to her credit, but now she needed to focus on the activity she had been set.


Sarah's stuttering walk was not difficult but it felt quite strange. She made sure she brought her knee up in line with her hip before pausing and gently lowering it back to the floor. Her best guess was that it took her almost two minutes to reach the far wall and return to her handler. She was tempted to glance at Miss Harper but knew that her eyes must stay forward. It was not until the fourth trip to the far wall that Sarah began to tire. It became harder to keep her leg steady as she raised it and held it briefly aloft. A gentle tremor ran through each leg with every high step.


As she pranced, Sarah took stock of her body. It was becoming something of a standard pastime for her. Her calves and thighs tensed and ached as she walked slowly and with precision. It was actually much harder to perform the action slowly. Her damp panties chafed her pussy with the exaggerated movement. The small silken panties were still extremely comfortable except for the tiny triangle cupping her abused pussy. Her nipples were still hard, painfully so. They were in no danger of going down as long as she was moving, especially in the exaggerated walk she was currently performing.


The young schoolgirl continued prancing up and down the food hall. She was amazed at how accustomed she had become to walking with her hands firmly seated in the small of her back. It had felt strange to begin with but would any other way of walking feel strange to her now? Harper watched her as she ate her meal. With each step she took as she faced her, Clarice could see a flash of her miniscule white panties. She wondered what they felt like to wear. She had never worn a g-string, her uniform panties were the standard white briefs. And that bra, she mused as she watched her charge high-step towards her. The bra that Mrs Goodwin swore by for comfort, as did all the sluts as far as her fellow prefects reported.


She was sure Sarah's pussy was producing it's cream. The filed reports were quite specific on the issue: she would produce profusely for protracted periods with extremely minor provocation. Clarice wasn't sure she was entirely comfortable thinking about this stuff while eating but she was serious about her role. She needed to learn just as much as the sluts did if she was to make sure that Sarah excelled at everything she needed to.


"Stop," commanded Harper when Sarah was a few yards away. "Porter is your pussy wet?"

"I am a slut Miss."

"What? Your cunt is either wet or it isn't."

"Sorry Miss but my panties are wet from my last lesson."

"Pull up your skirt, move those panties to one side and get those fingers up in your cunt."


She dearly wanted to look at her handler, to know if she was angry or not but she kept her eyes forward like a good slut. Sarah reached down and inserted two fingers into her pussy, obeying the older girl without thought. When she pulled them out they were covered in numerous strands of her thick white cuntcream. Unsure what to do next, Sarah moved to attention, taking care not to wipe her cream on her clothes as she may soon be allowed to eat it.


"Miss, my pussy is wet."

"And what would you like to do with that cream you just mined?"

"I would like to eat it please, Miss," Sarah replied truthfully though a little bashfully.

"Good, a slut should never allow bodily fluids to be wasted. You may proceed. Then continue walking."

"Thank you Miss," said Sarah before quickly popping her fingers in her mouth, rapidly cleaning them with her tongue. She savoured the taste, wondering if it was because she was a slut or if pussy juice was simply an acquired taste that everyone eventually craved. It took only seconds for her to remove her juice and resume her passage up the hall.


She had taken no great care when she had removed the cream and her panties were now scrunched annoyingly to one side of her pussy. With each step the annoyance became more pronounced. She tried to ignore it but it was like an itch you could not scratch - the longer she left it the more it dominated her thoughts.


So, thought Harper, it was true. She had been given a slut with an insatiable sexual desire. Harper knew that it was this almost uncontrollable lust that was so highly prized in sluts but was also causing the behavioural problems she was having. It had to be fostered but controlled. She knew she could do it. It would take a lot of hard work but she could do it. There was no time like the present she thought, as she finished the last of her meal.


"Porter, clear the table."

Sarah rushed back to her handler and bent to clear the seated girl's dinner dishes. She collected the plate and glass and took them back past the counter and into the kitchen. Mrs Lancaster was not in sight, the first time Sarah had been past the counter without her present. She was not sure exactly what to do so she gently placed the dirty dishes on the counter next to the sink, gathered a dishcloth, and left without delay.


Miss Harper was waiting by the door when Sarah emerged into the food hall. The tired schoolgirl quickly wiped the tabletop and replaced the chair upside down on the table, making sure that it was completely square. Everything she did now was with the utmost speed. The presence of Miss Harper lounging by the doorway frightened her. She was scared that she would return only to find the room empty, prompting another panic-stricken chase through the corridors. She was surprised how terrifying the prospect of losing her handler was.


Sarah threw the cloth into the sink and dashed back into the food hall. Her shoulders visibly sagged in relief as she saw her handler still standing by the doorway. She smiled at the older girl and hurried over to her. As she approached, Harper turned, and without a word, led the way to the Trinity dorm.


Sarah followed her handler obediently, excited to be able to see her friends and classmates again though she knew she would not be allowed any real time to talk to them. Miss Harper was conducting extra training that would keep her occupied until it was time for her to sleep. She was grateful now, she only hoped she would remain so at the end of the session. With her newfound determination, thanks mainly to her recent detention, she was sure that she would. As the pair approached the open doorway to the Trinity lounge, Sarah could hear the muted sounds of conversation and activity. Her classmates were taking advantage of their free time, something Sarah had yet to experience.


She was amazed at the scene in the lounge as she stood in the open doorway. A small number of the girls were seated around one of the platforms deep in conversation. The majority of the girls however, were being led by Murphy in practicing the dance routine they had been taught the previous day. She was glad to see both her friends were among the girls practicing and a smile crept onto her face.


"Porter join those sluts dancing while I speak to Miss Peach," said Harper as she left the room.


Sarah stepped inside, scanned her tag, and immediately fell in behind Murphy and began to mimic her movements. This was what she needed. This had been what she had wanted to happen all afternoon, a chance to be with her friends practicing their lessons. She wondered what the handful of girls, who had not joined in the practice, were talking about. She tried not to think about it and focus on her dancing. It was by far the weakest part of anything she had learned and she was not sure how long she would have here.


She only had the chance for two full routines before Miss Harper returned. When the prefect stepped into the room, the seated girls stood to attention. The dancing girls stopped for one moment, but at a casual flick of the prefect's wrist, they continued their practice. Her handler clicked her fingers and Sarah stepped out of line and stepped obediently to her side.


"You sluts, what are you doing?" enquired Harper of the group of idle girls.

"Nothing Ma'am," replied Casta, instantly regretting her response.

"Really, well that is a shame. You can all practice dressing and undressing. Form a circle around this platform. Now you are to continue dressing and undressing until relieved. Your uniform is to be placed on the platform in front of you, neatly organised. Your primary focus is to provide a pleasing spectacle. Your secondary focus is speed. A slut must always be ready to display her equipment."


Sarah watched her classmates form a circle and being to remove their uniforms. It was a good lesson to learn, she thought, and it was a much better way to spend their time than just chatting. Her handler moved before any girl had even removed their blouse, keen to help her with her training Sarah thought. This was the first time she had even had a chance to see into the Trinity gym, and after scanning her eartag at the door, she glanced around at the equipment. The setup was very similar to the school gym, with the same basic equipment, though generally only one or two machines of each type. The machines however, were all different in some subtle, and some not so subtle, ways.


Each machine, be it spinbike, treadmill, or weight bench, had a flat screen computer monitor mounted on it. This however was not anything particularly special, she knew most gyms provided TV for the exercisers to watch. It was the other changes, those particular to Trinity house, that captured Sarah's attention. Each machine had numerous rings and attachment points welded to the metal frames, many of which contained the Velcro cuffs she was so familiar with from biology class. It was the dildos that really caught Sarah's eye. The room literally bristled with them.


The seat of the spinbikes consisted of little more than a two inch wide pad from which protruded a large black dildo. The treadmill's had a dildo extending from crossbar at the front of the machine, directly below the control panel. The seat of the weight machine had another poking up from its seat. The rowing machine not only had a dildo in the seat but one hung from an added bar that would be just the right height for the user's mouth when they had moved fully forward. An open cabinet against the far wall contained a myriad of alternate attachments, dildos and plugs of all shape, material and size.


"Undress," commanded Miss Harper.


Sarah immediately removed her tie and looked for where to place it. She quickly spotted the ubiquitous wall hooks and clothing bags on the wall beside the door. In moments she had removed her uniform and stood before her handler wearing only her heels and knee high socks. She had been able to see her classmates, undressing and dressing in the lounge as she herself removed her uniform. Shah was not performing very well, her movements bland and almost robotic. Once naked Sarah turned back to her handler and waited. She was a little apprehensive at using any of the machines, but there were a few that filled her with more than just trepidation. Miss Harper indicated the treadmill and Sarah made her way to the machine.


"Miss Peach has been wonderful enough to organise for the video of your first demonstration to be streamed to the treadmill. I know you have been falling behind in your classwork and this will not be allowed to continue. We will set you off at a low speed, three should do. As you can see, the Trinity gym has been setup to allow all you sluts to feel more at ease while exercising. You don't have to worry about your mind wandering, daydreaming about having your holes filled, as this room has been designed to accommodate your kind.


"Whatever educational video has been programmed will continue to run as long as the machine is under power. This means: you stop, it stops. Exercise is to continue until the program is finished. Step onto the belt. Move forward. Bend and take the dildo into your mouth."

Sarah followed her handler's direction and stepped onto the treadmill before bending at the waist at an almost 45 degree angle to get the dildo that hung from the control panel into her mouth. The dildo was very similar to her own and she pumped her mouth along the shaft a few times to help coat the it in saliva before taking three inches of the plastic rubber length in her mouth.


Once settled, Sarah felt Miss Harper take each hand and slide a Velcro cuff closed around each wrist. The cuffs must have been attached to each other as, once closed, a small movement let her know that her arms were now securely fastened behind her. She kept her eyes forward as Miss Harper bent below her. Sarah grunted in pain as a clamp of some kind closed firmly over her hard left nipple. Her right was soon similarly clamped.


"Well that looks entirely too slack," mused Miss Harper before bending down and tightening the cords that attached the clamps to the frame of the treadmill.


Sarah squealed as her nipples were pulled painfully away from her body, stretching her breasts before her. She shuffled slightly forward, forcing the cock a little further into her mouth in an effort to relieve the agonising pull.


"Yes much better," smiled Harper. "I know you have a tendency to become slack. These measures will not only help you to remain focused but they shall also help your balance."


Her handler pushed a button on the control panel above her and the treadmill began to move. Sarah started walking, her bent posture was extremely awkward and put a great strain on her calves and the back of her thighs. With each step her body moved forward, the dildo moved in and out of her mouth and the clamps pulled on her nipples.


She immediately increased her speed to keep her nipples from being pulled off. This meant that the head of the dildo pushed into the back of her throat. The first time this happened Sarah almost gagged. She pulled back off the dildo, which caused her nipples to be yanked hard. She screamed, though it came out more as a gurgle as the dildo effectively muffled the sound, and stepped faster allowing herself to move further up the treadmill.


It was then that the monitor in front of her sprang to life. As large as life on the screen was her pussy and Miss Rice could clearly be heard discussing its various features. Sarah's face reddened at the remembered humiliation of her first biology lesson. A lesson that was only a day in the past but felt as if it was another era of time. Beads of sweat broke out over her body as the strain of the unusual position began to take its toll. The young girl quickly found a rhythm and tried to ignore the pain in her legs and nipples and focus on the lesson on the screen. She watched as her pussy was manipulated and discussed so clinically. She watched as Mitchell sucked the cream from her pussy with a straw. She watched as she was stimulated by Miss Rice's talented hands. She watched as a metal probe penetrated her urethra and she watched as she writhed in the throes of her first ever orgasm.


Through this whole ordeal Sarah continued to walk on the treadmill. She kept pace with the speed her handler had set and did not falter again. Even when she stayed far forward, her head tilted back to take as much of the dildo in her throat as she could, the clamps still caused her much pain. Her breasts swayed with each step causing the cords to tighten, removing the minute amount of slack she had been able to gain. Her entire body was drenched in sweat. It streamed down her sides and legs, soaking the top of her knee-high socks. Hot beads of salty liquid dripped from her face and she blinked often to clear the sweat that seeped into the corner of her eyes. Sarah had completely lost track of time and was surprised when the screen in front of her went black. The treadmill underneath her shut off and she slowly came to a halt.


The drenched schoolgirl's chest heaved and her legs quivered as she came to a stop on the treadmill, her mouth still firmly impaled on the large dildo. She slowly came to her senses. Where was Miss Harper? How long had she been walking? Was her ordeal at an end?


"Ok, I know you are hot and tired so let's do a gentle cooling down," said Miss Harper from behind her.


She must have been behind her the entire time, thought Sarah, watching her to make sure she was moving in a pleasing way and keeping her focus on the task she had been set. Sarah squealed in pain, but was immensely relieved, when the clamps were removed from her nipples and allowed to swing free. She stamped her feet as the blood rushed into the abused flesh, flushing the tiny pink buds with a fresh agony.


"Clean your machine and come over here."


Sarah moved slowly off the dildo, careful to keep her neck straight and move smoothly. She licked the dildo clean of all traces of her saliva thankful that all the frothy strings had clung either to the dildo itself or her chin. Her entire body was covered in sweat, a few strands of saliva running down her chin were as nothing. She surveyed the treadmill with a critical eye, noting where a few droplets of sweat had darkened the belt of the treadmill. They were already drying so she felt there was no way she could clean those. Satisfied with the state of the machine she made her way to Miss Harper's side.


"Ten seconds to lubricate and then you are to mount," Miss Harper directed.


As soon as her handler had removed the cuffs from her wrists, Sarah sprang towards the spin-bike that stood behind her. A fat, six inch dildo stood where the seat should be, protruding from a two inch wide, four inch long, shelf. In a moment Sarah's head was bobbing up and down, trying to deposit as much saliva as she could onto the dry plastic cock. In ten seconds this would be going inside her she thought, she would be putting it into her pussy.


Once her ten seconds were up Sarah put her foot in the left pedal, grabbed the handlebars and stepped onto the bike. Her right foot quickly found the remaining pedal, that she noticed were designed specifically for the high heels she wore. Sarah stood up straight on the bike, her ass high in the air. With a last deep breath, she lowered herself gently onto the dildo seat. She would very much have liked to look down between her legs to help guide herself onto the dildo but she kept her eyes straight ahead as she had been taught.


As she came close to where she thought the dildo was she felt it bump into her left buttock: she was way off. Sarah corrected and shifted her body to position the dildo at the entrance of her pussy. The bulbous head of the fake cock sank an inch into her cunt. Sarah was surprised with the ease in which it penetrated, before realising that her pussy was obviously very wet. This time she had not noticed when it had begun; had it been as she watched Mitchell suck the cream from her pussy, or when she had watched herself orgasm. Or maybe it had been the prolonged sucking of the treadmill dildo. The reason why, she told herself, was irrelevant. She was wet and she was glad.


Sarah gasped as she lowered herself gently onto the seat. The dildo slowly penetrated her pussy, causing sensations she tried her best to ignore. Down she went until her mons rested on the tiny platform. The entire length of the dildo was now deep inside her. She could feel her pussylips touching the thin leather platform at the base of the dildo's shaft. Her eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled back as she fought to control the feelings that pulsed inside her.


She opened her eyes and stared at Miss Harper as she felt the ubiquitous Velcro cuffs once again fastened around her wrists. Her hands were now secured to the handlebars of the bike. Similar cuffs were fitted around her ankles. She was now trapped on the bike until someone else released her.


"Begin Porter. Just keep it above ten. This is simply to make sure your muscles don't cool down too quickly. Understand?"

"Yes Miss," Sarah gasped as she began to pedal the bike.


As her legs pumped the pedals up and down the dildo moved in her pussy with each motion. Sarah quickly found herself in trouble. She could feel the orgasm building and tried to think of something to distract her. Miss Harper, inadvertently came to her rescue.


"Porter, what did your detention teach you?"

"Miss, my detention taught me that I am the property of my owner. I knew already that I was, but I learned that my body exists to serve. All my holes and all the equipment that I have exist to serve."

"Thats a good lesson to learn Porter. What else?"
"Um Miss, I learned that I think too much with my pussy and that I have an internal locus and these are things I have to work on to be a better slut," Sarah replied, moaning softly as the dildo moved inside her as she pedalled.

"And what do you have to say about what you learned?"

"Um, I am very sorry for by poor behaviour, Miss. I know what I have been doing wrong and I will do better. I know that I belong to my owner and I am really grateful for him seeing my potential and enrolling me at Harkwood and Miss I am trying to do better but please Miss I need more training because I am thinking now a lot about my pussy."

"What do you mean?" quizzed her handler.

"Miss, the dildo in my pussy is making me really want to come but Miss I don't think I deserve to come and this happens a lot, when I should be thinking of something else I am thinking of my pussy," replied Sarah between gasps.


"I see. Your problem, no doubt as most of them will be, is mental. Your body is most definitely the body of a slut. Your cunt juices-up at the drop of a hat and your nipples are constantly hard, and these things are as they should be. You have the instincts of a slut too but mentally you have a problem. Even during this conversation it is easy to see why. Numerous times you have said "my pussy". But it's not is it? Do you see where you are going wrong, hmmm? Tell me about your pussy now Porter."


Sarah knew exactly what her handler meant. "My owner's pussy is very wet Miss. It has a dildo inside it and each time I pedal it feels so wonderful and brings me closer to orgasm."

"Better Porter but still not good enough. Each time you think about your cunt or each time you mention it make sure you use the correct terminology. Your cunt is not an "it" to you now is it?"
"No Miss."

"Well?" Miss Harper pushed.

"No Miss, I am sorry Miss. My owner's pussy is not an it."

"Well, not to you Porter, to your superiors however it is whatever they wish. To me, your cunt is just another apparatus on which you need to be trained. You have no idea how to use it. In fact you have no idea how to use any of your holes right now. For a slut, that is unforgivable. A slut not knowing how to use her holes is like a hairdresser not knowing how scissors work. But Porter that is why you are here after all. Back to your cunt though. Each time you have a spare moment I want you to think about your body and think about each piece of equipment you have. And when you do I want you to make sure you give credit where credit is due. Do you understand?"

"Yes Miss," Sarah all but moaned.


She was doing her best to listen to her handler. She knew it was a valuable piece of training that would help her with her behaviour. She hoped it would help her to stop letting her pussy get her into trouble and help her to have an external focus. She thought about it now. My owner's pussy is wet. My owner's pussy is stuffed full with a dildo. My owner's pussy is making me want to come.


Sarah was surprised how thinking about herself in that way made it a little easier to curb the ecstasy bursting from between her legs. It was only marginal but she hoped that with time and as she reinforced it more and more she would be able to control her owner's pussy instead of it controlling her. She could still feel her plump pussylips pushed cruelly into the small shelf at the base of the dildo seat. Her weight was resting almost entirely on the dildo inside her, the small pad only allowing her mons and asshole to take a minor part of the load.


Her hands and feet did little to help support her. She could raise herself only marginally off the tiny seat as the stress it placed on her legs was too great. Besides each time she did so the dildo slid in and out of her sopping wet pussy causing her even greater pleasure. It was a pleasure she was doing her best to ignore, but she felt she was fighting a losing battle. She was trying so hard not to give in to the sensations the dildo was causing. But it was not just the dildo in her pussy. The pedalling motion was causing her breasts to sway, her hard nipples pulling the pendant breast meat in the most pleasurable of ways. Her clit was pushing against the leather pad at the base of the dildo, each revolution causing it to grind against the hard surface.


"Porter, before you go to sleep each night you are to kneel beside your bed, cup your pussy with your left hand and recite your new mantra as you caress yourself. You can step down and we will try it out now."


Miss Harper undid the cuffs on Sarah's ankles and wrists as Sarah sat patiently on the spinbike, chest heaving only partly from the exercise itself. Once her restraints had been released the schoolgirl raised herself off the dildo, groaning as the slick shaft slid out of her pussy, the bulbous head spreading open her pussy as it popped out. The exhausted schoolgirl immediately stood at attention facing the bike, waiting for the command to clean the mess she had made. She knew that the dildo would be liberally coated in her cream, she could feel her pussylips and inner thighs coated in her sticky juices.


"Clean and then go to your bed and kneel," commanded Miss Harper, before leaving the room.


Sarah bent at the waist and began to clean the bike. She was right, the dildo was completely covered in her thick white cream, the black shaft glistening in the bright lights. The small seat from which it protruded was almost entirely covered in thick globules of the clumpy white discharge. She began by taking the head of the dildo in her mouth and swirling her tongue around it's wide girth. She flicked her tongue across the head, practicing a few of her tongue techniques. She did not waste any extra time doing this but she thought it was a great opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. She licked the shaft clean, stepping forward to lean around the dildo and lick the other side, before turning her attentions to the small shelf from which the dildo protruded. In only a few seconds she had licked the bike clean of her cuntcream.


Sarah licked her lips, satisfied that the bike was clean and savouring the taste of her pussy. Her owner's pussy, she quickly corrected herself. I enjoy the taste of my owner's pussy, Sarah said to herself. She did not blush when she admitted it silently. She smiled as went to join her handler, happy that she was making progress. Not even the process of scanning her eartag before she left could remove the smile from her face.


She had not been told to dress so she walked through the house-lounge naked, but for her heels and socks. She spared a quick glance for the circle of girls, still dressing and undressing as they had been ordered. Her friends, and the dancers, were not in the lounge. She could not see them, but she could hear that they were in the shower room. She saw the clock as she walked to the dorm, it was only a couple of minutes before the hot water would be turned on for their nightly showers. No wonder every girl that could, was waiting by the showers.


Miss Harper was standing in the dorm, inspecting her cupboard when Sarah arrived. She scanned her tag and kneeled before her bed and waited to be acknowledged. She hoped that this would be quick so she could join her friends in the showers while the water was hot. There it was again Sarah chastised herself. That was very selfish thinking. What was some hot water when she was receiving training to help her be a better slut and improve her behaviour.


"Hand on cunt Porter," commanded her handler. "Now each time you recite your mantra, you stroke that puss. Your middle finger is to dip between your cuntlips and brush your clit at the culmination of each stroke. As you do so your fingers to either side are to squeeze, pushing your lips together. Do not stuff any of those fingers into your cunt. This is not for you to get yourself off, it is to help get your mind in the right place. You need your mind to be in tune with your body. Now show me."


Sarahs left hand had moved to her pussy without hesitation at the command of the older girl. She immediately felt the sheen of cuntjuice as she did so. As her handler spoke she slid her middle finger between her lips and rested the tip of her finger at the entrance to her pussy. At first she had been a little worried because she hadn't known what her handler had been talking about when she first mentioned her 'mantra', but now Sarah was sure she knew what she meant.


"My owner's cunt exists to serve," said the kneeling teen as she stroked her pussy as she had been told. Her middle finger nudged her clit as she spoke the final word, eliciting a tiny moan of pleasure from her still highly aroused pussy.


"My owner's cunt exists to serve."

"Ten times before bed each night Porter. Now show me your hand."


Sarah held her hand out in front of her, palm up, to show Miss Harper the evidence of her arousal. She kept her eyes forward but she knew what she would see if she looked down. Even now she could feel her juices flowing.


"Porter, I... Porter what does it taste like?"

"It tastes nice, Miss. I like the taste of my owner's pussy," Sarah replied, unable to place the emotion she heard in her handler's voice. She had been about to say something different Sarah was sure.

"What about the other sluts?"
"I have tasted Taylor's pussy, Miss. I didn't particularly like its taste but I think that I was just not used to it."
"So you are used to your own?"

"No Miss, sorry for not being clear Miss. I had not tasted my pus-, my owner's pussy before yesterday. It is just that I like the taste of my owner's pussy."

"Ok Porter, clean your hand and join your classmates in the showers, our lessons for tonight are finished. I will see you in your holding cell at lunch tomorrow. I suggest you don't go gallivanting around the school as you did today."

"Yes Miss, thank you Miss."

"Dismissed Porter."


Sarah stood up and curtsied to her handler. She brought her hand up to her face and systematically cleaned the small smear of white cream from her fingers. Once clean she collected her shower bag and scurried to meet her friends, the showers already running as she scanned her eartag. The circle of girls was still in the lounge, systematically adding and removing their uniforms. As she walked past, Sarah could see the girls watch her with envious eyes.


She quickly removed her shoes and socks and stepped into the half-empty shower room. She made her way over to her friends, who were showering together in the middle of the room. Sarah turned the water on at the nozzle next to Murphy, smiled at her and began to wet her body under the warm soothing spray.


"Glad to have you back, Port," Murphy smiled.

"Glad to be back, Murph," Sarah laughed. She was ecstatic to be back with her friends. She had not realised how much her time with them meant until now.

"You were gone a long time," Mitchell interjected.

"Well Mitch, I had a lot to do," Sarah replied as she lathered her hair.

"Spill it Port. What was the detention like? I have looked at your pretty little body and I can't see any extra marks," said Murphy, checking out Sarah's naked body in an obvious way.

"Murph, it was a good detention. I really learned a lot but you should try your best not to have one."

"That's not much help. All the girls are dying to know what happens in a detention," Murphy responded, pushing her friend to divulge the details.

"If you must know," Sarah said a little petulantly, "I had a magnet clamped to my pussy and I had to pick up bits of metal from the floor. It was the most painful thing I have ever done. Then I had to drink some disgusting tasting liquid as my dinner. And the whole time Mrs Huffington Smythe was teaching me to be a better slut."


As Sarah reached for the gloves and soap, to start washing herself, she risked a glance at her friends. Both Murphy and Mitchell had stopped what they were doing and were just watching her, looks of amazement on their faces.


"Sorry Port," Murphy started, moving forward to hug her short friend. "When I didn't see you had any cane strokes or anything I thought maybe you were writing lines or something. Can you forgive me for being so insensitive?"


Sarah felt Mitchell hug her from behind. The trembling schoolgirl felt safe and content, enveloped as she was in the soft, warm flesh of her friends. She could feel Mitchell's large breasts pressed into her back and her breath on her ear.


"Of course I forgive you Murph. I was a little short too and Im sorry. It was terrible and I never want to do it again, but I have another one tomorrow," Sarah said resting her head on Murphys shiny white shoulder. "I learnt a lot though. Come on let's get back to it and I'll tell you all about it."


With that there girls split and went back to soaping up their nubile bodies. It was then that the rest of the Trinity girls tramped into the shower room. They were all fully clothed and were frantic to remove their uniforms and get into the shower before the hot water was switched off. Sarah felt a little sorry for them but they had no one to blame but themselves, she thought. She turned back to her friends and began explaining the most important thing she had learned in her detention. It was a wisdom that she felt needed to be shared.


"Murphy, you know how we are property now?" Sarah questioned tentatively.

"Yeah, like a car," Murphy replied a little flatly.

"And you know how our holes and our tits and everything are like the equipment of a slut."

"Yeah like a mechanic and his hammer," Mitchell joined in.

"Kinda, Mitch. Well do you ever have trouble thinking of yourself like that?"

"Of course Port, don't you?" Murphy asked somewhat incredulous.

"Yeah Murph but that's the thing right. We shouldn't because that's just the way it is now. But I learned that if, when you think about your pussy, that you think "my owner's pussy" instead that it really helps to remind yourself that you are owned by someone."


The two other girls said nothing, attempting to understand just where she was coming from. Sarah wasn't sure she was explaining it right and was desperate to impart the knowledge she had gained, desperate for her friends to share in her lesson.


"Like right now I am washing my owner's pussy," Sarah said as her gloved hands snaked their way between her legs. "See? And before I came into the shower, Miss Harper, my handler, taught me that before bed each night I am to repeat my mantra and it is "my owner's cunt exists to serve". And when I was stroking my pussy, my owner's cunt was wet. Get it?"


Sarah finished rinsing her body and turned to look at her friends, luxuriating under the still warm shower. Murphy was standing under her shower head, her eyes closed, letting the water wash over her face. Sarah looked to Mitchell and could almost see the cogs in the buxom girls mind turn over. As she started to feel the heat fade from the water Sarah turned off her taps and stepped out of the shower. She began drying herself with a small scratchy towel and was soon surrounded by girls. The eight girls who had started late were still under the showers, trying frantically to finish and get out of the now cold water.


Sarah hoped her friends had understood what she was trying to teach them. She was only a young girl, an untrained slut, and she didn't know if she was really the person to be teaching other sluts but it was so important that she felt it would be a disservice not to try and help her friends. She lost Murphy in the sudden crush of girls so moved off towards the far end of the room, preparing to brush her teeth.


Mitchell found her first, patting down her breasts as she took up a position next to Sarah. She knew she wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed, but her heart was in the right place and Sarah had a feeling she would be a truly loyal friend. Ever since they had kissed in Miss Watson's class Sarah had felt an attraction to the well-built girl. She knew that Mitchell had felt the same, often feeling her eyes upon her in the dorm. Sarah was not sure what it was, but she knew it was real.


"My owner's pussy is wet," Mitchell whispered in Sarah's ear as she dried her hair.


Despite the warmth in the room, Sarah shivered, her entire left side breaking out in gooseflesh. Without consciously moving Sarah reached down and ran two fingers along Mitchell's pussylips. She was rewarded with a soft moan as Mitchell closed her legs, trapping Sarah's hand against her. Mitchell crossed her arms across her chest, pushing her breasts together. Sarah looked at the older girl with desire in her eyes, not knowing or caring about the rest of the world.


"You are a good slut, Mitch," Sarah whispered back, slowly removing her hand from the soft, fleshy trap of her friend's thighs. "And I'm really glad were friends."
"I want to kiss you Port."
"We can't Mitch, we have to get permission."
"I know, I'm just saying I want to. Port, I love you."

"I love you too Mitch," said Sarah, her eyes growing moist as she returned the sentiment. She had never had a best friend that she could have ever shared those feelings with before. She knew there was more to it now. Their presence in this place and their status provided a whole new dimension to it, but she was sure of how she felt.

"What are you two talking about over here in your sexy little huddle," said Murphy lighteartedly.

"I love you Murph," Sarah said as she turned to the glistening Irish teen.

"Oh Port, you are just too cute for words. I love you too."


Sarah hugged the flame-haired girl, knowing as she did so that her feelings were not the same as Mitchell's. She knew Murphy meant it, without doubt, but it lacked the intensity that consumed Mitchell. She was glad Murph was her study partner but she hoped that she would have a chance to study with Mitchell too.


The night wore on and Sarah completed her nightly ablutions, brushing her teeth and her hair and returning, naked as always, to her dorm. She had a few moments before the lights were to be turned off and she knelt at the side of her bed and began what was to become part of her everyday routine.


"My owner's cunt exists to serve," Sarah recited, once she had adopted the correct position.


All sound and movement in the dormitory ceased. Sarah knew that every eye and ear was firmly focused on her and she blushed at the realisation that she was the centre of attention. She caressed her pussy and recited her mantra again and again. blocking out her surroundings, her mind shrinking, focusing on the sensations in her pussy and the words that encompassed her entire reason for being.


"My owner's cunt exists to serve," intoned Sarah for the tenth time. She removed her hand from her pussy and without hesitation licked it clean. Her body had not failed her, producing what she had come to expect as the normal amount of cream. The taste was a little strange and Sarah was worried for a second, until she realised that it was the minty toothpaste in her mouth that had changed the flavour of her cream.


As she stood up and climbed into bed, she looked around the dorm. Murphy was looking at her appraisingly, an expression on her face that Sarah could not define. Almost every other girl in the room was looking at her strangely, clearly perplexed and somewhat disdainful. Mitchell, however was smiling and blew her a kiss. It was an image that Sarah would hold on to long after the lights went out and she waited exhaustedly for sleep to claim her.

Chapter 23. In which Sarah begins her second detention


Sarah awoke suddenly. The bright light from the open ceiling shone upon her face, causing her to instantly close her eyes against the unexpected illumination. The first thing the young girl was aware of was the aches that appeared in every part of her body. One part however stood out from all the rest: a deep throbbing between her legs. She could feel the blood pumping into her pussylips with every beat of her heart.


Sarah whipped the sheet from her body and looked between her legs, fearful of the sight she would find, sure that she would see her tender lips, red and horribly swollen. She was happily surprised to find her pussy entirely normal. There was a thin sheen on the lower half of her labia and she gently reached down to confirm what she already knew. She could not remember even a tiny fragment of her dreams but her pussy had been creaming even while she was asleep, proving that even in when not conscious she was a slut. Just thinking the word brought reality crashing back down on the sleepy teen. She looked around her dorm and was glad to see that this morning she had awoken early. The gate across the dormitory door was still in place and most of her classmates were still asleep.


Sarah took advantage of these rare free moments and took stock of her situation. Her body, as she had discovered, ached all over but she felt refreshed as only a good night's sleep can provide. She brushed her hands across her breasts, noting her nipples were soft, something she knew was soon to change. Her hands moved slowly across the soft skin of her belly and hips before moving down and allowing her fingers to gently trace the welts on her inner thighs. The lines were not as pronounced as yesterday but they were still quite painful. What could she look forward to on this, her third day of training?


The hairs on the back of Sarah's neck began to tingle and she knew she was being watched. She instinctively looked in Mitchell's direction. Mitchell was watching her, eyes heavy-lidded, hands on her breasts, gently rolling her nipples between her thumb and forefinger. Sarah reached up and touched the hard metal collar that rested snugly around her neck, and smiled as Mitchell did the same. She looked mischievously at the full-figured teen, her belly tingling with nervousness as Mitchell rolled out of bed and approached her. The young schoolgirl, propped herself up against the wall, pulling her sheet up, self-consciously covering her breasts. Sarah almost giggled as she realised what she had done, surprised at her modesty as she watched a naked girl caress her own bared breasts. Sarah followed Mitchells movements with growing desire as her friend padded silently forwards, udders swaying gently as she moved.


The still-drowsy schoolgirl shuffled to one side as Mitchell reached her bed and scrambled under the thin sheet. "Morning," Sarah whispered shyly. Mitchell's only response was a smile as she gently rested a hand on Sarah's thigh. She jumped slightly at the touch, before calming down and enjoying the warm hand so resting so close to her . Sarah imagined she could feel the thick cream being secreted by her pussy. The two girls lay next to each other, drawing comfort from the presence of another soft, warm body. Sarah sank slowly down the bed until she was resting her head on Mitchell's chest. She turned, snuggling into her friend, nuzzling the pillowy right breast with her face. She pursed her lips and gently kissed the soft skin next to the nipple before closing her eyes and losing herself in the warmth of contentment.


Mitchell's hand traced lazy spirals on Sarah's hip, causing tiny sighs of pleasure from the languid teen. Each spiral grew larger until Mitchell's hand slid down Sarah's back and came to rest on her smooth buttock. Sarah knew the eventual destination of Mitchell's soft, warm hand but the anticipation was something she found intimately exciting. She almost held her breath, waiting for Mitchell's hand to snake down between her buttocks. The buxom girl's fingers were sandwiched between the twin mounds of Sarah's ass, the tips teasingly touching her tight pink asshole. The palm of her hand soon cupped the smaller girl's left buttock in what Sarah felt was the most natural of ways.


It was then that the first stirrings began in the dorm room. The other Trinity girls were beginning to wake. Sarah raised her head from its fleshy pillow and looked at Mitchell. Their eyes met and a silent consensus was reached. Mitchell kissed her gently on top of the head and made her way back to her own bed. The door clanged open before she was halfway back and Sarah smiled as Mitchell kept a steady pace, acting as if nothing had happened. She took down her shower bag and made her way to the door, keen to make the most of the early-morning hot water. Sarah all but jumped out of bed, scrambling to join her friend, Murphy appearing at her side as she scanned her tag. She was glad that they would all be able to shower together again, any time she could get with her friends was something to be cherished.


"Sleep well Port."

"You know Murph, I really have been. I go to sleep really quickly and don't remember any of my dreams. But I must have been having some good ones last night. My owner's pussy was already wet when I woke up."

"You know Port, I wasn't really too sure about this "owner's pussy" stuff last night when you told us. It sounds silly, I know, but I guess the more I hear you say it the more I reckon that it fits."

"Oh yeah Murph, it really does. Listen, I know that some of the girls here are having a hard time. It's not easy for anyone, it can't be. Our whole lives have changed. But they have changed Murph. And for the better. I know everything is hard right now but don't the things the teachers say make sense when you think about them. I mean when you really think about them and think about how they make you feel. 


"I mean Murph, think about why we are here," Sarah explained as she lathered soap on the rough blue wash gloves covering her hands. "Weve been chosen out of all the girls in the world, from all over. And that can't just be coincidence. Our owners saw something in us, something more than other girls. All girls are meant to be sluts Murph, but some have more potential than others, just like in anything I guess. And it's like if we didn't receive the training to become sluts and to make a better society then it would be like a great piano player never playing a note. I mean that is just wrong."

Sarah looked at Murphy as she washed her own alabaster body. Mitchell was next to her, also hanging off Sarah's every word. It was difficult to judge how Murphy had received her sermon. It was strange but that was  how she felt about her little soliloquy. It felt like she was preaching to her friends.


"Sorry for sounding off like that Murph. It's just that we're all sluts. We know we are and we know what we have to do. At first even I thought it all sounded crazy, like we were all in an asylum or something. But every one of us will graduate from here and we will all be great sluts, I just know we will and..."

"Port," Murphy interrupted Sarah, putting a blue-gloved finger gently on her lips. "I know. It's ok, I decided last night that you are right. I don't think I quite have your conviction just yet, I am trying though. And Port, my owner's pussy is now nice and clean."


The two girls smiled at each other, both knowing their bond was now stronger than ever.


"Oh Murph, we have to really help each other out. Our training is going to be really hard. You heard what Miss Watson said, service isn't easy but that is why it is so rewarding. But we can help each other with everything so we can be the best sluts and so we can please our superiors and our owners."

"Port you sound like a teacher," Murphy said, playfully pushing Sarah's shoulder.

"Sorry Murph, it's just that I have made a lot of mistakes but I am glad of each one because I have learned so much and I just want to help is all. You know, so you guys don't make the same mistakes."
"We know Port. That's why you're so adorable. But don't try too much on the others. Mitch and I know, right Mitch," a vigorous nodding of her head indicated Mitchell's full agreement, "but the others dont understand yet. They are still thinking too much on the past. Let them learn at their own pace."

"Thanks Murph, I will."


Once again Sarah felt a wave of pleasure flush through her. She had two great friends, who trusted her and loved her. Her new life was so much better than anything she had had before. Sure her body ached, but she felt so alive. Not to mention her pussy was always so wet, despite the pain, both sharp and dull, she now lived with.


The conversation had brought them all the way back to their dorm, where they now began to dress. Sarah slid a finger between her pussylips to confirm that, yes she was wet. Her owner's pussy was wet. Had it been the heartfelt talk with Murphy? Or had it been the proximity of seventeen naked girls, their bodies glistening and twisting as they washed their themselves. No other girls, other than her friends of course, had made any attempt to bathe sensually. Sarah knew they could get in trouble for not conducting themselves in a pleasing way but she reiterated Murphy's advice. She had to let everyone else progress at their own pace. After all who was she to give advice, the girl who had more than double anyone else's infractions, the girl who had earned a detention on the second day of class.


Sarah caught herself daydreaming. She would have to watch herself and make sure she didn't waste time letting her mind move down strange tangents. She slid her panties up her legs, expert now at standing on one foot in her four inch heels. She wondered how long it would take for her panties to become wet. Would they already be wet by her first class? Her hands brushed her already hard nipples as she adjusted her bra. She really should stop being amazed at how comfortable the half-cup bra really was. She finished dressing and checked herself in the full length mirror at the end of the dorm. She was cute, she had come to accept that. She knew that the school uniform only highlighted the fact. She turned side on, noting how her hard nipples were visible even from that angle. Her short pleated skirt, hung straight in front and flared out behind her more than a usual skirt. Her legs were slim and her four-inch heels accentuated her slim calf muscles. Mitchell came to join her, mesmerising the young girl with the way her udders pushed against the curvaceous girls tight blouse.


They smiled at each other in the mirror. Sarah blushed, knowing what was on her friend's mind, knowing she shared those thoughts. Mitchell reached up and caressed the back of  the bashful schoolgirls neck before indicating they should go. She could see that most of the other girls were already waiting in the lounge and hurried out to join the lines that had begun to form. In moments she stood behind Murphy, immediately and naturally adopting the correct attention position. Now she had to wait. It was as important a part of a slut's life as sucking a cock. A slut needed to learn how to wait, how to hold a position and how to use her time wisely.


Sarah kept her eyes straight ahead and thought about the day to come. She didn't know what her lessons would bring but she knew that during form class she would be receiving seven or eight strokes of the cane, and no matter what else happened she would be ending the day in detention. The thought of returning to the room 17 caused her belly to flutter. What would she be forced to do in the basement rooms? Would the focus once again be on her owner's pussy? Did she still need to have that particular lesson reinforced?


Sarah felt she had made great progress in understanding the role her owner's pussy played in her life. But it was not her place to decide what her lessons should be or if she had mastered them sufficiently. Her superiors knew better than she what she needed to learn and the best way for her to learn it. At the thought of her superiors, Miss Peach emerged from her office.


"Ah so it seems the sluts can learn," Miss Peach exclaimed as she entered the lounge. "Who was the last in position?"


The housemistress walked down the line of girls, snapping her crop against her thigh and looking closely at each girl. Sarah was not sure exactly which girl was last in line but she thought it might have been either Mitchell or her. She knew what she had to do and acted. Sarah stepped out of line to her right as Miss Peach rounded the end of the row of girls.


"Hmmm, it also seems that some sluts are much slower learners. Skirt up Porter."


As soon as Sarah's skirt was raised exposing her bare buttocks, Miss Peach brought her crop hard against the fleshy mounds. Sarah weathered the first strike admirably, despite it landing directly on the still painful cane marks of the previous day. It was not until the third stroke landed on the tender flesh of her thigh that she whimpered aloud.


"Well at least you have learnt something Porter. Your poor behaviour has at least taught you the importance of accepting punishment without a fuss. No doubt your detention yesterday helped and I have a strong feeling your detention this afternoon will help you even more. Now, you can all  stop wasting my time and get down to breakfast."


Sarah dropped her skirt and stepped back into line, her ass and thigh still smarting from the hard swats she had received. As the class moved down to the food hall for breakfast the only thing she could think of was the detention that awaited her that afternoon. She ate her breakfast like an automaton, barely even tasting the delicious meal.


Her entire morning passed almost in a daze. She received eight strokes of the cane in form period. She paid attention to the new positions Miss Watson taught them. She performed admirably in her cock-sucking lesson. She watched mesmerised as Cox took pride of place in Miss Rice's class to demonstrate the wonder of female ejaculation. She waited patiently in her holding cell after lunch, spending the remaining lunch period reciting her cock-sucking techniques to her handler. She exhausted herself in another gym class, spurred on by Miss Vonn's tireless 'motivation'. She embarrassed herself in dance class, again drawing the ire and special punishment of Madame De Witt.


It was not until she locked her collar to the wall of her holding cell and waited in the dark for her handler to accompany her to detention that the fog cleared. Her third day as a student at Harkwood had passed in what felt like an instant. She looked back on the day and remembered all that had happened, though it seemed as if it had happened to another, as if she was playing back a movie in her head. The thought of the detention that awaited her at the end of the day had weighed heavily upon the anxious schoolgirl.


It was true that she had found her first detention to be enlightening but it had also been the single most painful experience of her life. The thought of a second, and a third that she was sure to earn before the week was out, had filled her with trepidation and not a little fear. She stood now, at attention in the darkness of the small holding cell, her anxiety causing an unsettling tension in her belly. The thought of Mrs Huffington Smythe standing silently, judging her, was enough to cause a tiny shiver to ripple through her body. Sarah was glad when her handlerfinally opened the door to the holding cell, causing the room to flood with light. She took a deep breath to steady herself as the older girl released the padlock that secured her collar to the ring set in the wall.


"Ok Porter, let's move. I have an assignment to do and I want to get as much done tonight as I can. So once you are off to detention I can get on with it."


Sarah followed her handler down the hall until they reached room seventeen. So this room was to be where her detentions were held. She dreaded the opening of the door, afraid of what was awaiting her. She watched, her stomach tightening, as her handler opened the door and ushered her inside, the door closing behind her the moment she was over the threshold. In the centre of the room stood the imposing figure of Mrs Huffington Smythe, dressed as yesterday, in a full-body, skin-tight latex suit. The harsh overhead lights reflected off the shiny black surface as the imposing woman stood unmoving before her.


"Undress," hissed the headmistress.


Sarah stepped to the side and began to remove her clothes, folding each item neatly before placing it in the bag that hung from the hook, high on the wall. She was sure to face her headmistress as she undressed, turning only when necessary. Each time she turned she gave the headmistress a clear view of her ass, both buttocks criss-crossed by a myriad of cane strokes, the bruises of the old overwritten with the welts of the new. The pain in her ass had not left her since the first form lesson two days ago. On the contrary, it had become more intense with each passing day. The eight strokes she had received that morning were to be added to by a further five the following morning. It was a definite improvement but still more than any other girl had earned throughout the day.


Once completely naked, Sarah stepped into the centre of the room and stood at attention in front of the statuesque headmistress. She would have sworn that the only part of the woman that had moved were her eyes, the piercing green eyes  never having left Sarah for an instant.


"Porter, 97817402. Second detention, third day of training. Today, little bitch, we continue educating your cunt. It is obvious that it has not quite learned its place. Today's session will be a four stage lesson. First, survey the hard work that has been expended to help you to learn," said Mrs Huffington Smythe, indicating the contraption that filled the room.


The apparatus consisted of a square of equipment that was set about three feet in from each wall. At each corner of the square was stood a thick, square wooden post that reached to Sarah's hip. The square base of the post consisted of three small steps, each only a few inches in height, forming a tiny wooden pyramid leading up the central pillar.


The two pillars to the right were joined by a metal bar an inch in diameter, burnished copper with each end set deeply into the posts. Joining the second post to the third, along the back wall, was a rope, strung tightly between bolts set in each wooden square. Sarah could see small knots bulging along its entire length. Strung between the posts to her left were what looked like multiple strands of wire. Beneath the wire, spaced at intervals between the posts, were small wooden blocks, set two feet apart. Between the final two posts, those at the front of the room, were set 4 thin metal poles, each tipped with a thick black dildo five inches in length.


Sarah's apprehension grew as her gaze followed the trail of torturous instruments around the room. On the ceiling, describing a track that followed the square between the posts, hung a shining metal rail. Above the post nearest on her right, a small wheel sat on the rail from which hung a short metal hook.


"Step to the right, and stand at attention at station one."


Sarah stepped purposefully to the right side of the room, amazed at how steady her movements were. She felt as if her whole body was shaking itself apart. It was strange, Sarah noted, to be standing at attention with her feet flat on the ground. The lack of high heels feeling a little strange after only three days of their use.


"Very well you precocious little cunt your lesson today incorporates the importance of you learning the correct mode of thinking, while stressing correct deportment and grace, another aspect of your training which I find to be disturbingly poor. Hands on your head."


As she spoke Mrs Huffington Smythe moved behind Sarah. A long length of rope was quickly wrapped around the young girls belly, creating a tight belt of rough cord. Her hands were pulled unceremoniously behind her back and forcefully positioned with her palms pressing against her tailbone, her tense fingers resting on the top of her striped buttocks. Her wrists were soon restrained by the same rope that wrapped her waist, trapping her hands behind her back, forcing her elbows behind her to create a pleasing triangle effect. She made sure to keep her limbs looser and compliant, allowing the headmistress to manipulate her body without resistance. It was a strange sensation, to be dominated so fully, to hand complete control to another as if she were just a puppet to be operated.


Sarah was left to become accustomed to her bondage for only moments before her elbows were pulled severely together and secured with yet more rough rope. Her shoulders began to ache almost immediately, and she was instantly glad for the stretching exercises she had practiced in both dance and gym class. The painful bondage caused her to thrust her breasts out even more prominently and it was to these that the headmistress now turned her attention.


On each nipple was placed a small clamp that dug mercilessly into the delicate pink flesh. Attached to each clamp was a large silver bell that jingled musically when the headmistress let them go. The added weight pulled Sarah's nipples down, reversing their gravity-defying nature, as they were stretched painfully by the weight.


Sarah had expected to now begin her task, but as she felt a rope slide around her neck, she chided herself for expecting anything. Not only was it not her place to guess what her superiors would do, but she didn't as yet have enough experience to even make such guesses. She had no idea what form this detention was to take, and this ignorance was after witnessing the infernal equipment which was to be used during the session. She needed to wait patiently, like a slut should, and simply accept what was forced upon her. A slut existed to serve and she was here to serve her owner by learning the error of her ways and improving her behaviour. She had to hold on to that thought if she was to make it through the next hour.


The rope was wrapped around the soft skin of her neck numerous times and then  pulled tight, creating a second collar above her metal one. Her breathing was constricted slightly as the rope was pulled tight, but it was little more than an annoyance right now. She could not see what was being done but the headmistress had expertly tied off the rope, creating a loop beneath each ear. Through these loops yet more rope was threaded, reaching upwards and secured to the rail system that ran around the ceiling, above the circuit described by the four wooden posts.


"Stand on your toes slut," snapped Mrs Huffington Smythe.


Sarah obeyed and the ropes attaching her collar to the ceiling rail were pulled tight. Sarah could lower herself so her feet were flat but she would choke herself in doing so. The ropes were not pulled so tight she was straining, there was enough give for her to lower feet halfway before she began to feel the pressure around her throat.


"Right you impertinent little whore, for the remainder of this detention you are to move around the circuit. There are four stations at which you may pause for five seconds. The bells on your tits will indicate the level of effort which you are expending, I want to hear them, unless you are at a station. As your deportment is at such a low level I have provided you with a guide that will help you. Well?"


Sarah was sure she had not been asked a question. What was required of her? She quickly thought over what the headmistress had said. She had been offered a guide to help her. She needed to focus, the anxiety and fear she had been feeling in the headmistress' presence was affecting her behaviour.


"Thank you Ma'am," Sarah said eventually.


"Your manners also leave a great deal to be desired. I have dealt with many little bitches like you throughout the years. Pretentious little prigs who feel that they can do no wrong. Well you have most definitely proved the error in that thinking since coming to this hallowed establishment. Harkwood has not had a worse student in living memory. Tomorrow you will earn your third detention, in one week. The first week of school. Your Sunday will be spent in session, where some much needed discipline will be enforced. The next time you fail to use correct manners in a detention, the session will be extended by 30 minutes. Do you understand cunt?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied, trembling in her strict restraints.

"And would this extension be helpful to you?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"Well then it looks like you will be spending an extra 30 minutes here today."

"Yes Ma'am. Thank you Ma'am," Sarah said, dejected that she had failed again.

"Progress at last," sighed Mrs Huffington Smythe. "Between station one and two we have the rail. An electric current is running through this metal pole. This will help to keep you on your toes where you belong. When out of heels a slut is always most pleasing when on her toes. Do you know why little bitch?"

"Because it places tension on the muscles in a slut's legs and this creates a more pleasing view to her superiors, Ma'am."

"What you say is true. If you become slack in your deportment your cunt will receive motivation. The knotted rope, the stretched wire and the dildo poles round out our stations for the session. Each apparatus has been designed to reinforce to you that a cunt exists only to serve. The only time a cunt should play a part in a slut's thoughts is when she is thinking about the best way she can utilise it to serve her superiors. Step up to station one. Step over the post, now down. Begin."


Sarah was standing on her toes, trying to gain as much height as she could. Her thighs straddled the metal bar, giving her a good two inches between her labia and the copper bar. But she was only standing still. Moving was to pose a problem and she hesitated for the briefest of moments afraid of what a shock would bring. The terrified schoolgirl began to step along the bar, the bells hanging from her nipple clamps filling the room with their pleasant tinkling at the smallest of movements. She began to edge forwards, taking tiny steps on her toes, attempting to keep her pussy as high as she could. After a few baby-steps down the copper pole the rope collar attaching herself to the ceiling rail was pulled tight. It jerked her head back and halted her progress. It was only by tensing her entire body did she manage to hold still and keep her pussy and thighs from contact with the electrified pole between her legs.

Sarah pushed her head forward and pulled the wheel along the ceiling track, allowing her a brief amount of slack. The wheel did not move smoothly and she knew it would be a constant battle to keep it moving. She recovered and continued to take tiny steps along the rail,  breathing an audible sigh of relief when she felt the small wooden steps at the base of station two beneath her feet. Stepping up onto the platform, the terrified schoolgirl shuffled her body over the second wooden post and rested for a moment.


She was allowed five seconds at each station and she knew she would need them. She could already feel herself sweating and her chest rose and fell as she struggled to calm herself. She was perhaps five minutes into what was now slated to be more than an hour long ordeal. She had completed one obstacle, once. Sarah looked with fear at the knotted rope slung between the two poles before her and visibly trembled with the fear of possible failure.


"Move, you lazy little bitch. You just earned an infraction. Do not overstay your rest period again."


Sarah stepped quickly down the small steps, bringing the coarse rope into immediate contact with her pussy. She was not sure that tiny steps would avail her much on this particular obstacle as the rope already rubbed the delicate flesh between her legs. The hesitant schoolgirl took a normal step forward, feeling the rope collar pull tight, restricting her breathing, before it yanked the stiff wheel along the rail. The harsh rope rubbed the tender flesh of her vulva, a deep moan of discomfort escaping her deliciously parted lips. It was then that she came to the first of the knots.


Each knot in the rope was raised almost an inch above its surface. Sarah tried to step higher to avoid as much of the obstruction as she could but she was already stretched to her maximum. She could gain no more height and the twisted knot pushed forcefully against first her clit, then the rest of her sensitive slit. The abused teen grunted as the rough rope scraped her delicate nerve-filled button. She looked down the length of rope as the first bump scraped across her asshole. There were another seven knots she had to pass before she reached the other side. As she moved along the rope her pussy was rubbed all the more raw and she knew that each successive knot would cause her more pain than the last.


"Describe your cunt to me, little prig," demanded the headmistress as she watched the young girl's progress around the circuit.

"My owner's cunt hurts, Ma'am. The rope feels like it is burning," replied Sarah, accompanied by the ever-present tinkling of the bells on her nipples.


Pain exploded across Sarah's buttocks. She jumped forward along the rope, scraping her pussy over the fourth knot, losing her balance, pulling the rope collar tight against her throat as the restraining ropes were pulled taut. Sarah squealed, as much from the unexpected shock as from the pain. It had felt as if she had been hit with a switch only multiplied by ten.


"Try again," snapped Mrs Huffington Smythe.

"My owner's cunt exists to serve Ma'am," Sarah replied, tears welling in her eyes from the pain and from realising how stupid she had been. She had no idea what she had been hit with but she did not want to feel it again.


Sarah yelped pitifully as she passed the last knot on the rope. She had not stopped moving forward as her headmistress taught. She bounced forward glad to be at the end of the second part of the circuit. She was halfway through her first lap. Her pussy already hurt immensely and her calves ached. Her breathing was laboured, causing the bells hung from her nipples to jingle even though she was standing still. She counted to three and moved on to the next obstacle, cutting short her rest in favour of pleasing the headmistress. As she stepped down from the platform at station three, she looked along the wire that ran between it and the next heavy wooden post. She had been keeping her eyes to the front as she progressed around the circuit and this was her first chance to see exactly what lay before her.


Five thin wires were stretched taught between the wooden posts. They were spaced a fraction of an inch apart, enough to clearly differentiate one from the other. As she stepped off the last wooden step and onto the concrete floor she felt the wires cut into her pussy. There was almost no give in the thin strands. Sarah moaned as the wires dug into her delicate pink folds. She was unsure how to progress. She knew that small blocks were placed on the floor below the wires but was she supposed to only step on them?


As if reading her mind Mrs Huffington Smythe hissed at her. "It is always a shame to be in the presence of a dullard. You alternate between the blocks and the floor. Of course if you wish you can simply slide that cunt all the way along the wires."


The restless schoolgirl immediately stepped onto the first block, alleviating the pressure on her pussy. This would require a definite rhythm, Sarah thought. Each time she stepped off a block the wires would dig deeply into her pussy, but she would gain a moment's respite when she stepped up onto the next block. Sarah could quickly see that this part of the circuit was a test of her self-discipline and commitment to her training. She would place herself in excruciating pain each time she stepped off a block.


It was then that she realised that, as in her first detention, she was torturing herself. Mrs Huffington Smythe acted only when she required motivation or correction. Was this what the detentions were all about? The slut was required to be her own teacher while in detention, to learn her lessons under her own volition. Sarah grimaced as she stepped down off the small block, splitting her pussylips with five thin strands of unforgivable wire. She felt she had made a breakthrough, though her train of thought was hard to keep on its rails as the pain in her pussy fluctuated as she made her way down the stretched wires.


By the time the diminutive teen reached the post at station four, she felt as if great damage had been done to the soft skin of her sex. If she had been able to look down she was sure she would see blood leaking down her legs. She knew that this was not the case but it was hard to stop her mind from slewing down such wild self-destructive tangents. Her three seconds were up and Sarah moved onto the final leg of the circuit. She could see the four dildo poles arrayed in a straight line between station four and one. Sarah stepped to the first pole and was assailed by a familiar smell. She glanced down at the dildo in horror, noting the slimy smears on its black surface.


"Eyes forward," snapped the headmistress, as she brought the single-tailed whip whistling across the back of the young girl's thighs.


Sarah's arms twisted in their severe bondage as she danced on the spot. She cursed herself for losing focus and breaking another rule. She had only glanced down for a moment but the headmistress was so skilled an educator as to notice even the smallest of infractions. Harkwood was lucky to have such a headmistress Sarah thought as she regained her composure. She turned her focus back to the dildo pole that stood before her. She could tell from the other poles further ahead that the tip of the dildo would be well above her pussy. It meant she would have the full length of the dildo inside her even on her tiptoes and that she would need to manoeuvre herself onto the flexible shaft somehow. There were no small steps provided to aid her.


Sarah lifted her right leg as high as she could and swivelled her hip forward, keeping her leg high and to the side. She looked as if she was attempting to climb over a high fence and felt the dildo bump into her mons as she  leaned forward. She felt further resistance but knew that this approach was not going to work. The pungent smell of the muscle cream filtered upwards as the slow burn began across her labia.


Sarah stepped back from the dildo pole, desperately thinking of an alternate strategy. The pole itself was clearly made of metal, but the dildo was more flexible. Maybe if she stepped over the pole, the dildo would flex enough for it to bend so she could get it in inside her. Sarah immediately put her theory into practice. She straddled the pole and stepped forward. The dildo flexed and pushed against her mons. Sarah felt she was on the verge of success and pushed forward, feeling the dildo give slightly and continued thrusting her hips forward.


The rope around her neck pulled taught constricting her throat and forcing her to take short, shallow breaths. She could not keep this up for much longer. She tried one final push forwards with her hips but was defeated. The dildo simply would not flex enough. Tears coursed down her cheeks. She was frantic to get the dildo in her pussy but she could not think of how to do it.


"An idle slut is a slut begging for punishment. Do you wish to be punished?"

"No Ma'am."

"Your laziness tells me otherwise. I am however willing to accept that the inadequacy of your commitment is presently caused by a lack of intelligence. We have already established that while you may have some amenable latent slut instincts, your current level of intelligence is quite low. If you wish to request aid then you may do so, however you will earn an infraction if you do. Well what is it to be?" snapped Mrs Huffiington Smythe as she brought the cruel whip against Sarah's naked buttocks.

"Please Ma'am, I wish to request aid," pleaded the desperate teen.

"Get that cunt up to the pole," ordered the headmistress, punctuating her speech with a flick of the whip across Sarah's already heavily striped backside. "Push that cunt against the dildo, now lift that leg high. Higher! Swivel your leg and hip across the dildo."


Each time Mrs Huffington Smythe paused the wicked whip struck Sarah's naked flesh. The whimpering schoolgirl was striving to stay focused but her entire body jumped with each stroke of the whip. The sting of the thin leather tail was unlike any other implement of correction she had as yet encountered. It felt more like a blade cutting her flesh than a strip of leather. She had raised her leg high into the air and could feel the dildo close up against her pussy. But she had tried this already and she had been unsuccessful.


"Swivel the leg you lazy little bitch. It is unwise to request assistance if you proceed to ignore it. Keep moving and keep that leg high. The cunt is ready to accept the dildo. All you need to do is facilitate it. A slut needs to know when to work with her cunt."


As the whip struck her ass at the headmistress's last word, Sarah flicked her leg higher and twisted her entire body to the side. The rope around her throat pulled tight, causing her to gag, but she felt the tip of the dildo slip past the entrance to her pussy and instantly drive deep inside her. She grunted as five inches of the thick shaft penetrated, pain flashing up into her belly. Her pussy had not been producing any cream and the only lubrication provided was the muscle relaxant cream with which each dildo was coated. She groaned in pain as her vagina adjusted to the sudden intruder and began to quickly feel the effects of the ointment.


Now that she was successfully impaled on the pole, Sarah found herself in yet another dilemma. How was she to get off to allow her to advance to the next. She was sure that the same technique would not work, as the dildo was seated deep inside her, well beyond any ability of raising her leg to dislodge. And, she realised, she had earned an infraction for being advised to do what she had already been doing. That, she thought, was a clear lesson in self-discipline and perseverance if ever there was one.


"You are here to learn the place of your cunt. It seems that the necessity for a second, and seemingly a third detention is entirely warranted. Now that the cunt is satisfied you slip back into your selfish absorption. It is disappointing to see you resort to the cunt being the dominant force in your behaviour."


Sarah struggled to lift her body off the dildo-pole, desperate to prove to the headmistress that her cunt was not ruling her thoughts, that she had not stopped because her pussy was filled. She was desperate to get moving and to avoid the continuing strokes of the whip. Despite knowing it would not work, Sarah lifted her leg high and to the side, attempting to recreate the success she had finally achieved in impaling herself on the dildo.


As expected all she achieved was a movement of the rubbery shaft inside her. Sarah forced herself higher on her toes and pushed ahead, leaning her entire body forward and thrusting her hips against the dildo. She could feel its bulk shift within her pussy, pressing against the delicate walls of her sex as she exerted more pressure. She felt it bend and slip slightly. It was then that an intense pain erupted in her breasts, causing a violent tinkling of the bells as her body jumped backwards.


"Hurry up. If you do not achieve a satisfactory number of circuits this detention will be deemed invalid and you will repeat it tomorrow."


Sarah's eyes bulged at the thought of the entire session not counting. She was sure she had been making progress when the whip had struck, forcing her to involuntarily jolt backwards. The sweat-drenched schoolgirl pressed forward again, eager to have the dildo out of her. The tender pink tunnel had begun to feel the effects of the tormenting ointment, not only were her plump labia burning but her pussy blazed with an inner fire. Sarah thrust her body forward will all the force she could muster. She could feel the dildo push against the front wall of her vagina and tried with a last desperate effort to dislodge it. Her energy was beginning to flag and she could almost taste the bitterness of failure. She did the only thing she could think of.


Sarah drew in her breath and jumped as high as her already stretched calf muscles would allow. She felt the dildo scrape painfully against her pussy before finally popping free. She stumbled forward, her tightly bound arms trembling in a futile attempt to help her retain her balance. She choked herself on the rope collar but was thankful that Mrs Huffington Smythe had provided the deportment aid, as without it she would have found herself sprawled painfully and unceremoniously on the hard concrete floor.


The diminutive teen took tiny, prancing steps to right herself, coming to stand directly before the second dildo-pole. Sarah wasted no time in lifting her leg high and to the side and straddling the second pole, keen to move through the ordeal as quickly as she could. She knew she could not spare herself the pain and humiliation she was being forced to inflict upon her own body, but if she performed well she could spare herself the need to do it all again tomorrow.


Sarah struggled to insert the second dildo. She lowered her leg in defeat, tears streaming freely down her face, mingling with the rivulets of sweat that covered her entire body. She took a small, mincing step closer to the dildo and tried again. The whip crashed again and again into her lithesome body, first to against her unprotected belly and then across the back of her thighs.


Sarah did her best to ignore the stinging agony of the single-tailed whip and focused her entire being on pushing the dildo deep inside her. As with the first, success came with a spike of pain deep along the entire length of her pussy. A new application of the burning ointment coated her fleshy canal, though it went unnoticed by the tortured schoolgirl.


Sarah grit her teeth and tensed her muscles as she immediately stepped forward, thrust and finally baby-jumped off the end of the dildo, to the everpresent accompaniment of the tinkling of the bells clamped to her nipples. This time she had been able to stay on her feet and she quickly scurried to impale herself on the third pole.


Reproducing the technique learned on the first two poles, Sarah felt the third jolt painfully inside her in only a few moments. She was quickly off the third pole and onto the final obstacle before she was to repeat the entire process again, how many times she did not know. The instant she sidled up to the fourth dildo she knew it was not the same.


Sarah could feel the dildo against her plump pussylips and was aware that it was not the normal smooth shaft. Small stubby spikes dug into the soft flesh of her pussy. The other three dildos had hurt as they penetrated her, but this, she knew, would be infinitely worse. Due to their height she was unable to regulate the speed with which the dildos thrust inside her, causing their entire length to slam instantly into her inexperienced flesh. She was afraid of what damage the small, blunt spikes would do to her.


She knew she was to expect pain, after all she had not earned a detention for being good but she had to trust to her teachers to ensure she was not damaged in any way, as she was sure her owner, and the owner's of all the other sluts, would not want their appearance marred or their ability to serve impaired. Safe in this assumption Sarah lifted her leg and slid onto the final, spiked pole. The pain as it thrust deep inside her was excruciating. She screamed, unable to hold back under an agony that did not stop at her pussy, but radiated past her belly and deep into her chest. Her knees trembled in weakness and she slid further down the pole, serving only to increase the pain inside her as the dildo moved, scraping the spikes against her delicate pink folds.


"Correct," the headmistress answered to an unspoken question. "The final pole is to ensure that the student remains focused, avoiding the temptation of arousal provided by the previous shafts. You agree that it is a potent reminder to help you focus on your lesson?"

"Yes Ma'am, thank you Ma'am," Sarah grunted as she forced herself off the pole, scraping the spiked shaft agonisingly along the inside of her pussy.


She screamed through clenched teeth as she stepped up onto the first station post. The pain throbbed through her pussy as she fought for breath, using her five seconds of rest to their full advantage. Her frantic panting was the only noise in the room. It took a second for Sarah to realise what was strange - the absence of the jingling of bells was strangely off-putting for the beleaguered teen.


On her count of five Sarah stepped gingerly down the three small steps and straddled the copper rail. She would now have to traverse the electrified pole for her second time. This time however, she was no longer fresh and full of energy. She streamed with sweat, her calves trembled from the constant stress of standing on her toes, her pussy ached and burned in equal measure, the clamps on her nipples dug cruelly into the soft pink buds and her arms and shoulders ached from the severe position into which they had been restrained. She would never complete a circuit as cleanly or as quickly as she had on her first lap. It was this thought that scared her almost as much as the possibility of not completing enough circuits and having tortured herself for nothing.


It was not for nothing, she corrected herself. She was here to learn a lesson. She had earned the detention because she had let her owner's pussy have too much of a hold on her thoughts and behaviour. Even if she failed to complete the detention to her superiors satisfaction she would still have learned some valuable lessons, not only about her owner's pussy but about dealing with pain as well.


Sarah had taken three small shuffling steps along the copper rail before she faltered. A small misstep caused her to lower slightly from the very tips of her toes. The thin inner lips of her pussy, that now peeked out between her plump outer lips after the attention of the dildos, came almost within touching distance of the bar. Even without contact, the proximity was enough. A small blue spark jumped from copper bar to small pink lips.


Sarah yelped and jumped back to her toes, standing as tall as she could. She had never felt anything like the electric shock that had just coursed through her pussy. Her belly was still tensing around the rope belt that was pulled painfully tight around her waist. She was gasping as she stood still, one quivering leg on either side of the metal rail. She knew she had to move, not only to get to the other end of the bar but also to avoid the ire of the headmistress, who she could not see but whom she was sure was watching her every movement, whip at the ready, to ensure she was performing to the standard expected of a slut. The thought of the anger of Mrs Huffington Smythe helped her to take her first tentative step, then another. She quickly regained the rhythm that had been shattered by her first shock.


"Talk of your cunt," demanded the headmistress, the voice right next to Sarah's ear.


Sarah was startled by the proximity of the imposing woman, surprised by the silence with which she moved. The toes on her left foot slipped and her body lowered the dangerous inch putting her pussy in contact with the bar. The sweating schoolgirl screamed as the electricity pulsed through her. She sprang back to her toes but overbalanced. Her left thigh grazed the rail and agony burst inside the soft flesh of her leg. She danced to her left, jolting her left leg away from the bar, only to bring her right thigh into contact with the electrified rail. Sarah became frantic as the third shock in as many seconds pulsed painfully through her body.


Just as the terrified girl felt she had composed herself, her tiny pink cuntlips ventured too close, allowing a spark to jump the small gap and start her dancing again. Sarah tried to step forward as quickly and gracefully as she could. She had been badly shaken by the excruciating pain of the electricity. Her entire body quivered as her toes finally came into contact with the first of the wooden steps around the base of station two. The dejected teen leaned against the wooden post and attempted to calm herself, knees trembling as she stood on the small platform, surveying the knotted rope strung out before her.


"Infraction for insubordination. One would think that during a detention even a silly little bitch would have enough presence of mind not to ignore a superior. What were you told about manners?"

"I was -"

"No. Your lack of discipline is much more deep-seated than first evaluated. When you are to answer a question you will use the correct, respectful nomenclature. 'This slut' is how you will now respond to all questions requiring an answer pertaining to your state of being. Do you understand?"

"Yes Ma'am, this slut understands."


"This slut was informed that failure to display the correct manners during detention would result in an additional 30 minutes added to the duration of the detention Ma'am."

"Infraction for laziness," snapped Mrs Huffington Smythe in response.


Sarah realised that she had not moved from station two while she had been speaking to the headmistress. She swiftly stepped down onto the rope and shuffled forwards, scraping the coarse rope across her pussy. The tortured schoolgirl clenched her jaw against the pain and slowly pulled herself across the ten feet of rope, squealing each time a knot bumped against her clit.


"Another 30 minutes shall be added to the detention as per your wishes," the headmistress said casually.

"Thank you Ma'am," Sarah replied, knowing she was expected to show her gratitude for the chance to extend her training.

"Infraction for disobedience. Truly 97817402, you have a penchant for punishment. That or you are perhaps the most unfortunate simpleton Harkwood has had through its hallowed halls."

"This slut thanks you Ma'am."

"When you thank someone it is polite to be specific in your gratitude. After all, the mere fact that you are being given the opportunity to serve every day is something for which you should be eternally grateful. Try again."

"This slut thanks you Ma'am, for giving this slut the opportunity to extend this slut's training for an extra 30 minutes," Sarah sobbed.


The constant haranguing had beaten down the young girl's resolve. She was being forced to torture herself and she was struggling not only with the pain she was causing but the concepts she was being forced to learn so quickly. She not only had to keep her body on its toes but her mind as well. Her education was continuing and what she was being told was more important, much more important, than the pain she was experiencing. She needed to readjust her focus, and quickly. She had added an hour onto the detention and had earned herself three or four infractions in what she thought was less than 20 minutes. She had to try and deal with the pain and keep her mind clear and on the words of the headmistress.


"Return to the original question," Mrs Huffington Smythe directed, as the sobbing schoolgirl reached the end of the wire.


Sarah did not even pause at the third station, wanting desperately to continue moving and avoid any further infractions for laziness. She no longer trusted her own sense of time to keep her at rest for less than five seconds. As she stepped down from the platform she noted that a fresh layer of white ointment had been applied to the dildos. The burning in her pussy had been a constant pain, but one which had been submerged beneath the more intense agonies of the other obstacles. Its particular brand of burning agony had come on in waves, surging each time she had a moment of respite.


She had never truly been without pain from the moment she had begun. It was all she could do to prevent herself from being overwhelmed by its multitude of sources. And now she was not to be allowed even the small respite as the potency of the muscle cream wore off over time.


"This slut's owner's pussy hurts Ma'am," Sarah sobbed as she lifted her leg to begin the contortions that would allow her to penetrate her pussy with the first dildo. "This slut's owner's pussy exists to serve."


What had once been a simple statement now required a depth of thought that required a great deal of focus. Surely over time it would become as natural to her as the feeling of wanting her pussy filled as all sluts do, but now, in the infancy of her training, Sarah was finding it difficult to keep on top of what was required of her.


"Hmmm," was Mrs Huffington Smythe's only response.


Sarah was afraid of such a noncommittal noise from a superior. What had she done wrong now? She was sure she had spoken correctly. She felt the dildo thrust it's full length inside her as she successfully manoeuvred her body onto the pole. Success brought pain. Was this also a lesson? She had been told that pain was only one aspect of service. If she was in pain it was at the desire of her superiors and her superiors knew what was best for her. So when she felt pain she was feeling only what she, as a slut, should be feeling. It was not wrong, or something to be avoided. She knew this but it remained difficult for her not to wish she could serve in other ways. If a slut behaved well and was obedient pain was only necessary as it brought pleasure to her owner for her to experience.


The agony she was in now was the result of her poor behaviour, not her owner's desires. But her owner desired her to learn to be the best slut she could be and so she had made the pain necessary. Pain was not to be avoided but nor was it to be sought, her superiors would ensure that pain, as with all other aspects of her life, was experienced as it should be. It was a minor epiphany for the young schoolgirl and it came as she struggled to free herself of the spiked dildo that marked the end of the fourth station and the end of her second circuit.


Sarah did not pause at the first station but immediately stepped down onto the copper rail extending from the first wooden post. Thoughts of the excruciating pain of the electric shocks came flashing back into her mind. The sensation was still fresh and she was now to put herself once again in danger. It was, however, all up to her. If she performed properly, and kept a sufficiently pleasing posture then she would make it to the other side unharmed. Her pussy was now in her hands. Sarah almost giggled. She was amazed that even in her current predicament, naked, bound and forced to cruelly torture herself, she could find anything even remotely funny.


The sweat-drenched schoolgirl had made it half-way across the rail before Mrs Huffington Smythe made her presence known once again. Sarah never really forgot she was there, but being forced to keep her eyes forward at all times meant she rarely had any indication as to her location.


"Describe the position best suited for servicing a gentleman with your mouth," commanded the headmistress.

"Kneeling Ma'am," Sarah gasped, trying desperately to keep her tired legs stretched to their full extent.

"You were not asked to state the position, you were asked to describe it. Pay attention," bellowed the headmistress as the whip flashed across Sarah's belly. Sarah screamed as pain sliced through her. More devastating to the young girl was that she had failed again.


"This slut apologises for her stupidity Ma'am. This slut is grateful to her superior for correcting this slut's error. This slut is very sorry being so stupid and for disappointing a superior with a lack of discipline."

"The slut is capable of learning after all. Doubts were beginning to form. The apology was a poor one, though I do realise that you have not yet reached this aspect of the curriculum. A correct apology contains four key elements: humility, debasement, gratitude and exaltation. I have a feeling, that I do not consider to be inaccurate, that you will have a great and necessary need for this skill in your future. Do you understand now how to make a correct apology?"

"No Ma'am, sorry Ma'am, this slut does not understand."


Sarah was loath to admit it but she truly did not understand exactly what the headmistress had said. She understood the principles but if she was wrong in her interpretation the assumption of knowledge may very well have been interpreted as arrogance or worse. She did her best to think on the problem as she scraped her pussy across the knotted rope, sparing a moment to think on her abused pussy. By now it was surely rubbed red and raw. Every small inch forward was sheer agony for the fatigued schoolgirl.


"Humility. The slut expresses her submissiveness by apologising for her failure. Debasement. The slut stresses her low status, incorporating the reason for her failure. Gratitude. The slut expresses how grateful she is for the chance to be punished for her failure. Exaltation. The slut stresses the status of her superior. Now do you understand?"


"This slut understands Ma'am," Sarah replied, stepping off one of the small blocks, sending the five thin wires cutting into her soft pussylips. The young girl squealed as her tender pussy felt as if it was being sliced with a knife. Apologising was a very involved process. Like most everything for a slut, she would have to work at it.


"Answer the question correctly," purred the headmistress into Sarah's ear.


The young girl hesitated, casting her mind back to the question she had been asked. It was extremely difficult knowing that someone was in the room, knowing her every movement was being watched and analysed, and not being able to see her tormentor. The simple act of keeping her eyes forward at all times was much more difficult than she could ever have imagined. She longed for the day when it was second nature to her.


"The best position for a slut to service a gentleman with her mouth is kneeling, Ma'am. The slut kneels, her shins flat on the floor, her legs are spread widely and her arms are behind her, wrists resting in the small of the back," Sarah described, remembering back to her first lesson at Harkwood.

"Alternate position?"

"Squatting Ma'am. The slut lowers her body -"

"Silence," Mrs Huffington Smythe bellowed. "A slut speaks only when spoken to. A slut answers each and every questioned asked of her as succinctly as possible. No one has any interest in hearing a slut prattle. When I want conversation I will choose someone with above average intelligence. Apologise for your impertinence. Shall we see if that slut mind has the ability to absorb information that does not pertain to sexual gratification."

"This slut is extremely sorry for speaking out of turn Ma'am. This slut is only a silly untrained slut -"

"Do not make excuses. Begin again," hissed the headmistress as the whip slashed across her outthrust breasts.


Sarah continued around the circuit without pause as she attempted to please her headmistress, her eyes red and sore from crying. She licked her upper lip, tasting not only her sweat but the muted taste of the thin streams of mucus that streamed without impediment from her nose. She had almost made it back to the beginning of the circuit, the spiked dildo being the last obstacle before she would once again need to ride the copper rail.


"This slut is extremely sorry for speaking out of turn Ma'am. This slut is a just a slut that is learning how to behave and because she is only of low intelligence this slut makes mistakes. This slut is eternally grateful for any punishment that she may receive to help improve her behaviour and be a better slut. This slut wishes -"

"What you wish is irrelevant, being again."

"This slut is very sorry for speaking out of turn Ma'am," Sarah gasped, as she struggled for breath. "This slut is stupid and makes mistakes that need correction. This slut is extremely grateful for the efforts of her superiors and for the punishment she will receive. This slut deserves to be punished for her mistakes sso she can learn to be a better slut -"

"You are rambling. Begin again."


Sarah slumped in despair, forgetting where she was. Her exposed pussy brushed the copper pole and electricity surged through her. Sarah screamed and sprang to her toes. The agony as the electricity shocked her was something the young girl could not come to terms with. It was not that it was more painful than anything else she had experienced it was simply the nature of it. She found herself quivering in fear as she traversed the pole, deathly afraid of another shock. All she wanted to do right now was finish her apology. She would gladly take ten strokes of the cane if the headmistress would accept an apology. The constant failure without guidance was crushing the exhausted schoolgirl's spirit.


"This slut is very sorry for speaking out of turn Ma'am. This slut is stupid and is so very grateful to her superiors for the punishment she is to receive for her failures. This slut deserves to be punished so that she can learn to be a better slut and this slut realises that her wise and beautiful superiors will provide the punishment this slut needs."


Sarah dragged her pussy along the knotted rope, squealing loudly each time her raw clit bumped across a knot. She was hoping against hope that her last effort was satisfactory.


"You were not asked to write a soliloquy. No one wants to stand around for five minutes while a mentally challenged bitch prattles on. Succinct, slut. Do you know the meaning of the word? It means you need to condense your babble. Begin again."


If Sarah's shoulders had not been pulled so painfully taut behind her, they would have slumped in despair, despite the unattractive posture it would create. She could not get a simple apology right. Sarah Porter, the girl who had been the darling of the English faculty at her old school, could not even string four sentences together correctly. She had excelled at the meaninglessness of the life of an ordinary girl but she was failing at being a slut. The only thing that was important to her now.


"This slut is so very sorry for speaking out of turn Ma'am. This slut is merely a stupid cunt whose mistakes deserve to be punished by her superiors so she can learn to be a better slut so she can show her gratitude to her magnanimous superiors through obedience and service."


Sarah inwardly cringed as she finished what seemed like her fiftieth attempt at an apology. She was sure it was too long or too rambling or not specific enough. She would ask for punishment for each failure if she could only get it right.


"Pathetic but passable. Best to learn from this experience as such leniency shall not be shown again. Answer the question," Mrs Huffington Smythe finished abruptly.


"This slut's cunt exists to serve Ma'am. Right now it is causing a lot of pain each time it touches anything Ma'am. It feels as if it has been rubbed raw by the rope, cut by the wire and bruised by the dildos Ma'am."


Sarah took a deep breath as she finished speaking and pulled herself off a dildopole at the same time. She was steeling herself to do something she had promised, even if it was only to herself. She simply had to hope that her actions would not cause any displeasure.


"This slut requests permission to speak, Ma'am," Sarah asked hesitantly, sniffling in a vain attempt to stop the flow of tears and mucus, knowing as she did, how her crying affected her speech and she did not want to annoy the headmistress by not being clear and concise.


"Granted," replied Mrs Huffington Smythe casually.

"Ma'am, this slut requests to be punished for her failure to apologise."

"Do I understand correctly that you have not as yet perused your student manual?" was the headmistress' only answer.

"That is correct Ma'am," Sarah replied, her voice faltering as she stepped onto station one and surveyed the benign looking copper pole that stretched to the post at station two. She felt a fear that threatened to halt her progress.  

"When a slut requests permission to speak there are consequences. If the content of the slut's speech is deemed unacceptable, punishment is earned. In what ways would a slut's speech be deemed unacceptable?"


Sarah wracked her brain, trying to devote as much of her brainpower as she could while remaining completely focused on the metal pole that lay an inch below her bare pussy. The potential pain hidden within the smooth shaft made her breath catch in her throat.


"Selfishness Ma'am."


"Being unclear Ma'am."


"Not being succint Ma'am."

"Continue," directed the headmistress, the smile obvious in her voice.


Sarah wracked her frazzled brain but could not think of anything else to say. Unfortunately she had to rely on the staple of the ignorant slut.


"This slut is a slut Ma'am."

"When performing a slut directive you are to use the correct terminolgy," insisted the headmistress, flicking the whip forward to wrap around Sarah's naked torso.

"I am a slut Ma'am," Sarah replied clearly and concisely, her relief at being off the copper rail giving strength to her voice.

"Three is very poor even for a lazy slut that has not read the required material. The student manual is not supplied to fill up shelf space. I expect improvement. For now I have heard enough from you. You are to finish the detention in silence. Another infraction is to be added for laziness."


Sarah sighed inwardly, disappointed that she seemed unable to do anything correctly. Since entering room 17, she had been a constant disappointment and a source of displeasure for Mrs Huffington Smythe. And all this had occurred while she was making her torturous way around the circuit that had been erected for her detention. Almost every step she took brought her pain. Pain that was heavily centred in her pussy. Her arms and shoulders ached from their strict bondage, her nipples screamed with every small movement, their particular pain heralded by the constant tinkling of the bells that hung from the clamps that cruelly pinched her delicate pink nubs. Her calves and thighs burned from the constant stress from constantly standing on her toes. But it was all as nothing compared to the agony between her legs.


Now that she was not required to focus on answering the questions proposed by the headmistress she felt as if the pain had grown worse. She had made it past the knotted rope and the tight wires and past the row of tall dildopoles to face her nemesis. In the short time of her second detention she had learned something crucial about herself. Electricity and the pain it could bring, frightened her more than anything, even more than failing to please her superiors.


She slowed down as she straddled the dangerous copper bar, taking tiny mincing steps to ensure the maximum distance between her pussy and the source of the sharp pain. She knew it took her much longer to move between stations one and two but she hoped that she could make up that time by not pausing when she was allowed.


Time blurred for the exhausted teen. She measured her existence in small steps: moving from one dildo to the next, from one knot to the next. But time seemed to slow when she reached the smooth metal pole. She felt like it took her an hour to traverse the ten feet of its length. Until her flagging strength caused her posture to become sloppy. When the electricity sparked into the already painful pink lips of her pussy, time exploded. It felt as if she had awakened from a dream. All her myriad of hurts came full focus, only to be overshadowed by the overwhelming agony from the insidious invisible force.


"Halt," Mrs Huffington Smythe bellowed.


Sarah stopped where she was, shocked out of her near trancelike state by the teacher's stentorian voice. She stood on her toes, impaled by the spiked dildo, it's blunt plastic stubs pushing cruelly into the soft walls of her vagina. The young schoolgirl stood as still as she could, willing her legs to support her for just a little while longer. She was a mess. Strands of hair had come loose from her ponytail and were plastered to the side of her face. Her entire body was coated in sweat, the tight rope belt that constricted her belly had darkened in colour as it soaked the salty liquid that ran down her naked body. Her eyes were red and sore from the near constant crying and the poor schoolgirl had long ago given up trying to keep her mouth clear. The lower half of her face, from nose to chin, was covered in sticky trails of mucus. Each time she opened her mouth, thick strands connected her lips.


Sarah stood as close to attention as she could manage, her eyes faced obediently ahead, focused on the far wall. She could hear Mrs Huffington Smythe move around behind her. She knew how important it was to keep her eyes forward. She knew that a slut had no need to look idly around a room, that she would see all that she was expected to see as directed by her superiors. But it was still difficult for her to resist the constant temptation to flick her eyes sideways to follow the sounds she heard and the flickering blurry movement in her peripheral vision.


"Step off. Dinner is served."


Sarah bent forward, stepping as high as she could on the very tips of her toes and bent the flexible dildo forward, scraping the spikes along the moist pink folds of her pussy. After so many circuits, she had become almost an expert at releasing herself from these painful intruders. At just the right moment, when the dildo was bent and pressed painfully against the front wall of her sex, she jumped, generating just enough extra height for its five inch length to pop out of her abused sex.


She grunted in pain, though she was relieved to finally be free of the dildo. Her now empty pussy throbbed as she stood before the square wooden post of the first station. She breathed deeply as the pain radiated from her abused cunt. It was the first time in what felt like hours that her pussy was not being subjected to some new form of pain. Instead she was now able to feel the residual effects of the many circuits she had been forced to perform.


The trembling schoolgirl waited patiently to be released, using the time to go over a mental checklist of her body. She had only progressed as far as the numbness in her hands before she felt the rope collar pulled momentarily tighter and then released. The headmistress swiftly unwound the rope from around her neck and stepped away. Sarah immediately began to relax.


"On your toes," bellowed the headmistress.


Sarah snapped back onto her toes. She had barely relaxed her muscles, her heels had not even made contact with the hard concrete floor but she had not been told to step down off her toes. How stupid could she be. She was tired but that was not an excuse.


"Truly, the word 'infraction' must be your favourite word. You have earned another for disobedience. Step across and begin the meal. In ten minutes we resume the second half of your detention."


Sarah inwardly groaned, her spirit deflating at the realisation that her detention was only half over. She had another hour in this dreaded room. The hour she had earned herself through her terrible lack of manners. Cursing her absence of control, she stepped toward the large cylinder filled with yellow liquid that hung from the hook by the door. The base was tipped, at right angles, with the now familiar long nipple.


The bottle was slung well below the hook and Sarah knelt awkwardly in front of it. She could not use her hands for balance, tied as they were behind her back, so she first lowered herself into a squat, keeping her back straight and bringing her ass to rest on her heels. She then leaned forward until her knees rested against the rough concrete floor. Now that her body was no longer under so much stress she had begun to cool down. As she took the four inch nipple into her mouth to suckle the first of the much needed liquid the first cramp started in her legs.


Sarah screamed into the nipple, almost gagging on the first mouthful of the bitter liquid. Her feet and calves were quickly in full cramp. She could not focus on anything but the pain. She squirmed in place trying desperately to alleviate the agony in her muscles. She had the presence of mind to keep the nipple in her mouth despite not sucking anymore of her meal.


"Cramps," stated Mrs Huffington Smythe from directly behind her. "To be expected. Continue with your meal. Shuffle backwards and raise yourself onto your knees. That means shuffle your knees backward, then raise yourself."


Sarah shuffled her knees backwards, the agony in her calves overshadowing the dull throbbing pain that continued from her abused pussy. Sarah had managed to keep the nipple in her mouth through the entire procedure. She had ended with her body leaning forward from the waist to keep her mouth at the lower height now her body had been raised.


Sarah closed her eyes in fear as the strong scent of the muscle cream hit her nostrils. She almost screamed with dreaded anticipation at the thought of the cream being applied afresh. It was only when she felt the headmistress latex clad hands gently massage the cream into the tight, screaming muscles of her calves that she started breathing again. She had not realised she had been holding her breath. As her calves were simultaneously massaged Sarah returned to suckling the teat in her mouth.


Under the careful ministrations of the headmistress the cramping began to ease and before long had disappeared entirely, the excruciating agony merely a memory. Sarah was left with the throbbing ache in her pussy, arms and nipples now that the more intense pain had subsided. She now focused all her attention on emptying the bottle that contained her dinner. Her mouth was flooded with the bitter-tasting liquid and it was all Sarah could do not to cringe as she drank mouthful after mouthful. Despite the potent taste she felt strangely contented as the long nipple sat comfortably in her mouth.


As Sarah rhythmically drew sustenance from the nipple she felt Mrs Huffington Smythe begin to untie the ropes around her elbows and hands. As they were loosened and then removed the blood rushed back into the almost numb limbs. Sarah groaned around the nipple as a new pain made itself known. The headmistress worked swiftly and Sarah's arms were soon free. The most intense pins and needles she had ever felt rushed through her arms as they hung almost limply behind her back. She retained enough control to keep them in place, her hands resting lightly in the small of her back. The young girl clenched them gently, working slowly to bring the feeling back.


"Kneel," commanded Mrs Huffington Smythe.


Sarah immediately resumed the kneeling position, a pleasant warmth rushing through all her extremities. Now if the clamps could be removed from her nipples she could finish her meal in relative peace. Of course her pussy still felt as if it had been burned by a fire but there was nothing she could do about that right now. She focused instead on keeping a steady rhythm and emptying the clear plastic bottle that contained her dinner. She had already emptied the bottle by half.


The young schoolgirl quickly screened out her surroundings and lost herself in the gentle rhythmic sucking she had established. Sarah jumped, startled, as Mrs Huffington Smythe's smooth latex covered fingers touched her exposed pussy. The gentle movement as the slick fingers traced along her plump lips caused Sarah a little pain, though much less than she would have thought. She did her best to ignore the attention and instead focus on her task at hand.


She had thought her pussy was badly damaged and that even the most gentle of touches would cause her considerable pain. It was an important lesson in not letting her imagination rule her expectations. It was not long before the headmistress's experienced and insistent fingers began to arouse the young girl. Sarah's face flushed as she continued to suck the nipple that filled her mouth and tried her best to ignore the sensations that had begun to grow between her legs. How could she go so quickly from pain to pleasure? The pain was still there, she realised, though it was dampened with each passing moment.


There it is, the naked teen admitted to herself. Her pussy had begun to moisten as the smooth fingers caressed her tender lips, an occasional fingertip sliding cheekily inside her. Less than a minute later and Sarah knew her pussy was producing cream. Her breathing became heavier as the fingers delved a little deeper each time they entered her moist tunnel. She concentrated even harder on the thick rubber teat in her mouth, concentrated on gripping the shaft with her lips and coaxing the foul-tasting yellow liquid from the bottle.


Despite her concentration, or maybe because of it, she noticed that as she greedily suckled the nipple in her mouth, she was pressing down with her hips, pushing her pussy onto the invading fingers to the same rhythm. With each mouthful she drew from the bottle she pressed her pussy backwards, questing for the fingers that were fanning the flames of her ardour. 


The last few drops trickled into her mouth and Sarah stopped sucking, letting the nipple simply rest in her mouth. She was loath to remove it as it felt so good inside her. Once finished she made a conscious effort to keep her hips still. It was only in the sudden silence that she realised her complicit thrusting had caused her breasts to bounce gently, setting the bells hanging from her nipples to fill the room with their soft musical tinkling.


She hoped the headmistress would realise that she was finished and that she was eager to resume her detention. In a way it was true: she wanted to leave this room and the only way she could do that was to finish the last half of her detention. The main reason was that despite her fatigue, despite the pain that flowed throughout her body, she was nearing orgasm. She wasn't sure she had any control over her exhausted body and she knew she did not deserve to come, nor had she been given permission. If the headmistress kept going Sarah would be forced to ask for permission and that was something she did not want to do.


The humiliation of knowing she was unable to control herself caused fresh tears to well in her eyes. Her vision blurred and she thought desperately of a way to control the pressure building in her pussy. 'My owner's cunt exists to serve', she said quietly to herself. If she focused on her mantra, maybe that would help. 'My owner's cunt exists to serve.'


Sarah repeated the phrase over and over, establishing an internal rhythm in counterpoint to the fingers that pumped in and out of her wet pussy. She was not sure how long it was before Mrs Huffington Smythe withdrew her fingers, the slick black digits sliding from her with a soft slurping sound that caused the young girls belly to tighten. Sarah's shallow, rapid breathing continued long after her pussy was left alone. The naked teen worked furiously to get her emotions under control, taking solace from the nipple filling her mouth. Her lips wrapped comfortably around its pliant surface, her tongue slowly caressing underneath the smooth shaft. It was something that Sarah had accepted almost immediately. It was, perhaps, the first thing that helped her accept her role as a slut. It felt natural to have her holes filled, especially her mouth. She could happily sit here for hours. But she had a detention to complete.

Chapter 24. In which Sarah completes her second detention

"Enough laziness, on your feet," bellowed Mrs Huffington Smythe.

Sarah sprang to her feet, releasing the rubber nipple for the first time in ten minutes. She felt its loss immediately and deeply. The nipple had provided such a safe, comforting feeling as it rested in her mouth, that she had almost been happy for the first time since stepping into room 17. As the naked schoolgirl stood at attention in front of the latex-clad headmistress all feelings of solace drained from her.

Her second detention in as many days was supposed to have ended with her meal but due to her poor behaviour she had extended it by an entire hour. Her pussy burned as if it was on fire, a combination of the tortures she had inflicted upon herself in the previous hour. Just thinking about what she had done brought fresh tears to the struggling schoolgirl's eyes. The pain and humiliation of the detention was bad enough, but the fact that she was doing it all to herself was the near soul-destroying aspect of the ordeal she suffered each time she stepped inside room 17. She was forced to do it, not physically but through the obligation that came with training as a slut. She knew she had no choice.

"Time to begin the extra detention you requested. Step to station one."

The bells clamped to Sarah's nipples tinkled as an involuntary shiver of fear swept through her. She was truly scared of what was to come. She barely had the energy to complete the tortuous circuits during her scheduled hour of detention. She did not think she could make it around again. She was not scared so much by the pain but by the repercussions of failure. How would the headmistress react? What extra punishment would she receive? It had to be worse than the detention otherwise she would learn nothing. All this ran through her head in the seconds it took for her to reach the wooden post of the first station.

"During the first extra session you will ride the rail. Do so now," commanded the headmistress.

Sarah stepped up and over the post, before gingerly lowering herself down the small wooden steps onto the copper rail. She had moved back up on her toes the moment she had stepped onto the platform. This gave her little more than an inch of clearance between her pussylips and the smooth electrified rail. Sarah was not sure exactly how much room existed between her aching pussy and what felt like 10,000 volts of pure agony. She had obediently kept her eyes forward, focused on a random brick in the far wall. She would have loved to glance down, even for a second, to see how much room she had to move. Not knowing meant she could not afford to slacken her posture even the slightest amount.

"Middle of the rail," she was directed.

Sarah moved slowly to the middle of the copper pole. She could only take very short prancing steps, having to keep on her toes as much as possible. As she moved down the rail she realised that the headmistress had left her arms free and she was no longer attached to the track on the ceiling. She had no assistance whatsoever. If she lost concentration and overbalanced she was not sure what would happen exactly. One thing she did know was that she would feel pain, a great deal of pain.

"You were told to move to the middle," hissed Mrs Huffington Smythe.

Sarah could only guess as to the location of the middle point. She knew the headmistress would not be satisfied until her pussy rested exactly over the centre of the rail. She took two small hesitant steps forward, hoping she was close. The short break she had been allowed while she consumed the evil tasting yellow liquid, had given her muscles a chance to relax but already, after only a few minutes on her toes, her calves felt like overstretched rubber bands just waiting to snap.

"Step forward bitch, I said the middle of the rail."

A chill ran through Sarah as she stepped gingerly forward on her toes. How long would it take her to find the middle? What punishment would she receive if she earned her headmistress' displeasure.

"Back one step. Forward a small step. Finally," Mrs Huffington Smythe said with what Sarah felt was genuine exasperation. "Once your first extra session begins you are to keep those bells ringing. If the ringing stops, the time stops. Begin."

Once the session begins? Her body was already aching from the time it had taken to reach her position and the session had not begun! Sarah took a deep breath and began to shake her breasts from side to side. She tried to move as gently as she could, enough to make some noise but with the bare minimum of movement. She needed to focus everything she had on keeping her posture correct and maintaining an upright position. She was glad that her arms were no longer tied so tightly behind her back, allowing her breasts to sway move naturally. But the loss of the rope collar attaching her to the ceiling track was a problem. It may have restricted her breathing at times but she had used the small tugs as a guide to her balance. Now she was left to her own devices, standing straight would be much harder.

Sarah had no idea of the passage of time. Her entire world now consisted of keeping her balance and avoiding the agony of the copper rail between her legs. She lost track of the number of times she felt herself drift to one side or the other only to recover just in time. Her thighs quivered under the constant strain. The tired schoolgirl managed to keep her soft flesh away from the rail for all of six minutes.

Sarah screamed as she failed to correct a tiny loss of balance. Her body had drifted to the right, not helped by the constant wiggling of her shoulders to keep the bells in motion. Her left thigh brushed the copper rail sending a spike of pain lancing up her leg. Once her composure was lost it, the tiny failure set off a chain reaction. Her body lowered slightly as she stepped back to the left, putting her pussy in contact with the horizontal pole. The detention room echoed with her renewed screams as her cunt felt as if it had been pierced by a huge needle.

The naked teen bounced to her toes to escape the pain, almost leaving the ground. Her arms flew out from behind her back, flailing frantically to help with her balance. She looked down at the pole between her legs, sure that such pain had damaged the tender flesh of her thigh and pussy.

"Eyes front," screamed hrs Huffington Smythe, punctuating her command with a vicious stroke of the whip. The long, thin tail whipped around Sarah's middle sending a flash of fire across her unprotected belly. "Hands behind your back. Stand at attention you sloppy cunt."

Sarah drew in heaving breath after heaving breath, trying to regain the control she had fought so hard for. It took her more than a minute to calm down. Her breathing slowed and she was once again able to make out the details of the brick she had chosen as her point of focus. Her hands had flown behind her back, but only once she was again standing up straight. She had made the headmistress angry by her failure to maintain the most basic of positions but the pain as the electricity coursed through the most delicate parts of her body had overwhelmed all other considerations.

Tears ran freely down Sarah's cheeks. She would have sworn she was incapable of crying one more tear but her body, as she had quickly learnt during her time at Harkwood, was capable of a great deal more than she had ever imagined. Despite the pain and stress she was in, her pussy still resonated from the near orgasm she had experienced under the skilled hands of the headmistress as she drank her evening meal. She knew her thick white cream was still coating her pussy but she was sure she was no longer producing it.

With so much to think about, Sarah was amazed her thoughts had turned to her recent pleasure. She should be expending all her energy on standing straight, on keeping her posture correct and pleasing her superiors. Was that the kind of thinking that had led to her being here in the first place? She wasn't sure, after all she had been told that when she was standing at attention and had no other duties she should think about her body. She was as confused as ever and now was not the time to attempt to sort such things in her mind.

Her entire body was shivering. Despite being naked in the large room she was far from cold. Sweat coated every inch of bare flesh. The shivering was caused by the strain of the strict position, and not a little fear, the agony of the electric shock still fresh. Despite the initial shock only lasting a split-second the memory of the pain lingered in her pussy, the painless remnant an abiding fear of what was to come. She had to remember that the pain only came when she failed to keep to the correct position. As with almost everything that happened in room 17, the amount of pain she experienced was in her hands.

Sarah took slow, deep breaths and thought about her equipment, performing an inventory of her body. Her head was held high, her neck straight. She could feel it was not the optimal position and straightened her neck a little more, tilting her chin higher. Her shoulders were square and straight, working with her stomach muscles to keep her back ramrod straight despite the strain standing on her tiptoes was causing her. Her square shoulders allowed her breasts to sit naturally.

It was as she thought of her breasts that she realised the room was silent. She had been so focused on resuming the perfect attention position that she had forgotten one of the rules of the session. Sarah began to twist her shoulders, causing her breasts to bounce gently, sending the musical tinkling of the bells clamped to her nipples throughout the room. She cursed herself for being so stupid as the pain in her nipples increased dramatically. How long had it been since last the bells rang? She had no idea but it had to be at least five minutes. Because of her stupidity she had another five minutes to stand here, her pussy dangerously close to excruciating pain.

When she had first stepped on the rail she had doubted whether she could last 30 minutes without causing herself serious damage and additional punishment, but now she had extra time. How easy was it to just keep shaking your tits, she asked herself. Obviously too hard for a stupid bitch like you, she cursed. The headmistress had been right, as usual. She was stupid and had much to learn. She had already decided that it was best to forget everything she knew and relearn every aspect of her life, from the most simplest of tasks, like brushing her teeth or setting a table, to brand new aspects she had not encountered prior to starting her training; things like sucking cock and the positions of service. But now she had renewed conviction. It was evident that her teachers knew best and if they thought she was stupid then it was so. No wonder she had so many more infractions than any of her classmates.

As she continued to sway her breasts to keep the bells jingling, she resumed the inventory she had begun. She needed something to take her mind off the terrible thoughts that were running through her head. She had only got as far as her tits before her failure had so shocked her. Her belly at least was free of the terribly constricting belt of rope. It had made her take notice of each breath she took as she had moved around the circuit. Her pussy ached and yet the pleasure she had experienced during dinner had lingered deep inside her. It was equal parts frustration and satisfaction. She had desperately wanted to come but knew she should not. She had kept her pussy under control as a slut should though she wasn't so stupid that she believed she could have done so indefinitely.

She could feel the tender, striped mounds of her ass quiver as her legs shook under the strain. Her thighs burned, her calves burned. The arches of her feet ached and her toes were almost numb. What had she missed? Holes, she admonished. A slut's holes should be the first pieces of equipment that were checked. She was learning, slowly. And learning the hard way, Sarah thought, disappointed that she had to receive detention and displease her superiors, but thankful nonetheless for the chance to learn. She needed every chance she could get.

Holes, she reminded herself. Her mouth was closed and empty. Truly, she longed to be reunited with the nipple through which she consumed her evening meal. The feeling of contentment she felt with it safe and secure in her mouth was something she had never felt before. Everything had seemed right, everything had seemed as if it would be okay. No wonder slut's liked to have their holes filled. Her pussy was empty but wet and, as she knew she could not escape, ached and burned in equal measure. Her asshole was empty. Her asshole was an unknown quantity for the young schoolgirl. She had not yet received any training regarding it, all she could reflect on was the enemas she must perform each night before showering.

"Are you enjoying your time on the rail?"

The sudden noise startled Sarah. She moved slightly, the gentlest of wavers before she corrected herself. The slight movement had caused her to wince, anticipating the pain. She had caught herself in time and avoided the copper rail.

"No Ma'am, this slut is not enjoying her time on the rail," Sarah replied wearily.

"Your cunt tells a different story bitch. I can see your cuntcream oozing from you."

Sarah swallowed nervously, desperate to look down to see the evidence for herself. Not only was she worried that she was aroused without knowing it but she was afraid that her thick cream would hang from her sex and make contact with the rail. It took every shred of willpower and self-discipline she had to keep her eyes front. She blinked away the fresh tears, more scared now that she had ever been. Even if she kept a perfect posture, her pussy could let her down and cause her pain. She couldn't still be producing cream, it had to be left over from dinnertime. Her stance and the constant wiggling she was forced to perform to keep the bells moving must have caused the cream inside to come together and begin to hang from her. Now every moment was heavily laced with anxiety at the thought of electricity shooting up a dangling string of cuntcream, something over which she had no control. She sniffed her running nose and tried to block all thoughts but those devoted to keeping position.

Sarah attempted counting the seconds but after reaching somewhere around the 200 mark she was sure it meant nothing as she knew she had not been counting at correct intervals. She stopped and tried to let her mind go blank but she kept visualising a thick thread of white cream dangling from her pussylips, swinging gently as she kept her body moving.

"Session two is about to commence. Step back and drink," commanded the headmistress.

Sarah breathed an audible sigh of relief. She was finally to be free of the rail. Her pussy was going to be free from danger, at least for a short time. She was thankful for the chance to drink as well. Her mouth was dry and she was sweating a great deal.

Sarah had discovered, while attempting to find the middle of the rail, that stepping backwards was infinitely harder than moving forwards. She had to take smaller steps, and her forward steps were not that big to begin with. Each time she lifted a foot to move to her rear she knew she came dangerously close to the rail. It was on her second step that she lost her footing and came down heavily upon the copper rail. Her plump pussylips were mashed into the unforgiving surface of the pole, sending a constant stream of electricity coursing through her entire cunt.

Sarah threw her head back and screamed. She jumped off the pole only to lose her footing and once again come crashing down onto the smooth copper surface. She jerked and bounced her way off the rail, not stopping until her ass bumped against the square post of station one. The spluttering schoolgirl was sobbing uncontrollably as she scraped her body unceremoniously off the torturous device. Her chest heaved as she gasped for breath, throat raw from screaming. She did her best to stand at attention but she knew she must look a mess.

"Such a dramatic exit. You do like to create a spectacle. Before you drink, clean up the mess you left on the rail," Mrs Huffington Smythe commanded.

Sarah stepped back to the rail and quivered as she saw a thick blob of her cream sitting on the top of the horizontal pole. A long smear led back towards her, the evidence of her frenzied attempts to get her writhing body off the electrified metal. She hesitated for a brief moment as thoughts of the excruciating pain of electricity that was sure to render her unconscious when it struck her tongue. What choice did she have? The answer was, none. She would receive extra punishment, possibly extend, yet again, her time in the detention room, earn the displeasure of the headmistress and no doubt be forced to clean the rail eventually anyway.

She leaned down towards the copper bar, the bells hanging from her breasts tinkling as her body quivered in terror. The terrified schoolgirl took one, long deep breath, and stuck out her tongue and tentatively extended it towards the thick glob of cream that was ever so slowly sliding down the smooth side of the rail, expecting at any moment to be shocked into oblivion.

Sarah closed her eyes and made contact with the bar. She felt the familiar, pleasant taste of her cream tinged with a slight metallic aftertaste. She lifted her head in shock. There was no current in the rail. She had been shown a mercy she had not expected. She felt such gratitude towards the headmistress that it almost overwhelmed her. She nearly spoke out of turn and thanked her superior but she recovered her senses and instead continued to lick the smooth pole clean. Once clear of her discharge, Sarah stepped back, rolling her tongue around her mouth, savouring the flavour of her owner's pussy. 

"Hurry up and drink, your final session remains," Mrs Huffington Smythe said, staring intensely at the distressed teenager. She could see the glazed look in the girl's eyes and was confident she was temporarily bewildered by her ordeal.

The older, taller woman grabbed Sarah's ponytail and roughly frogmarched her to the wall, forcing the young girl to her knees. The instant her head was wrenched forwards by the force of the headmistress Sarah came to her senses and realised what had happened. She was mortified that she could have been so lax, disobeying an order and obviously displeasing a superior. She quickly forced her tired body into the correct kneeling position and awaited instruction.

Hung from the wall in front of her was the same container from which she had drunk her evening meal. This time the container was less than half full but the liquid was no longer yellow. It was dark, almost black, and Sarah had no idea what it could be.

Time passed and Sarah began to feel anxious. Her entire body became tense, the muscles in her belly constricting nervously. Why was she not being given permission to drink? She had been told to... Of course, Sarah almost spat at herself contemptuously. She had already been told to drink. Now she was just wasting time. Could her stupidity be forgiven? Should her stupidity be forgiven? She leaned forward and immediately took the nipple into her mouth and began to suckle.

Sarah  almost gagged on her first mouthful. The liquid was warm and tasted vile. The yellow liquid she was fed for dinner tasted bad, terribly bitter, but this was something much worse. She could not even pinpoint exactly what it was about the taste that made it so disgusting. Sarah swallowed the first tiny mouthful and started to suck with the rhythm she had developed during her first gym class. She tried to swallow as often as possible, getting the horrible liquid down her throat and out of her mouth as quickly as she could.

Despite the foul nature of the drink the familiar, and sought for, sense of contentment washed over her. The nipple sat comfortably in her mouth, resting on her undulating tongue. She had not expected to feel her headmistress' talented hands at her pussy but she moaned involuntarily at the first gentle touch of the latex clad fingers. The interlude was over all too quickly, as Sarah endeavoured to empty the container as fast as possible. She never even came close to orgasm and the pleasure she was gifted was all the more welcome for it.

The headmistress must have known the instant the young girl had finished as her hand was withdrawn the moment the last mouthful was swallowed. Sarah remained kneeling, the long rubber nipple filling her mouth, completely at ease. She knew she had another 30 minutes to endure but right now she was happy enough to stay right where she was.

"Attention," Mrs Huffington Smythe snapped.

Sarah stood up rapidly, the nipple dropping from her mouth as she rose. She spun around and faced the headmistress. Anxious as to what the next half an hour would entail.

"Look at my hand bitch," the headmistress said, thrusting her right hand towards Sarah. "Because of your disobedience it is covered in sweat. You will clean it. First you will clean your face, it is filthy. Collect a tissue from the box and come back."

Sarah moved quickly to her left and removed one tissue from a small box that sat amongst the paraphernalia atop the small cupboard against the far wall. She scurried back and stood in front of the headmistress, looking the stern woman in the eyes. She did not like what she saw there. The eyes were hard and cold and, despite knowing that the headmistress had, as her ultimate goal, the successful training of another slut, Sarah could not shake the feeling that causing pain was a goal in and of itself for the stern disciplinarian.

"Clean your face, you will be making contact with my suit and I want it clean of your filth."

Sarah reached up with her right hand, her left staying obediently behind her back. She had folded the tissue into a small square and proceeded to wipe first her red-rimmed eyes before removing the caked and semi-dried mucus from her nose and mouth. When she had finished she took a gamble and spoke out of turn, feeling that she should express her gratitude to a superior who had allowed her such a luxury.

"Thank you Ma'am for allowing this slut to clean her filthy face."

"Manners at last. Well that proves that no matter how dense the bitch there is always a capacity for learning. You may now dispose of that."

"Thank you Ma'am," Sarah replied obsequiously. She stood at attention, awaiting the instruction to dispose of the tissue in the nearest bin. The headmistress simply continued to look at her and Sarah became increasingly nervous as the seconds ticked away in silence.

"Apparently that capacity for learning, while present, is miniscule. Open your mouth," boomed Mrs Huffington Smythe.

Sarah opened her mouth, realising now what she had been so slow to comprehend. She had seen no bin in the room. Any mess she made she was expected to clean as only a slut should. The headmistress reached out and grabbed her right hand by the wrist. The latex-clad woman stepped in towards Sarah, pushing her wrist towards her mouth as she did so. Sarah acquiesced, allowing full control of her arm to the headmistress. Sarah stood, transfixed by the older woman's stern gaze, her mouth wide open to receive the sodden tissue. As her hand was manipulated to her mouth, the tissue being pushed well inside, she could not look away. She wanted to close her eyes as the slimy tissue came to rest on her tongue but she was caught by the stern gaze of the imposing woman.

The headmistress let go of her hand and stepped back. Sarah remained perfectly still, posed with her hand in her mouth, still holding the tissue. She felt like a puppet, more than ever she was hit by the fact that her life was no longer her own. She belonged to another, every aspect of her existence, even how her body was to move, was controlled by someone else.

"Hand behind your back. Eat. You spend far too much time idle. A word shall be had with your handler to ensure you learn the importance of time management."

Sarah felt an almost painful emptiness deep in her belly at Mrs Huffington Smythe's words. She was wasting time and now Miss Harper may get in trouble. She was instantly worried for the older girl, who had done so much to help train her. Sarah tried not to think of how disappointed her handler would be and chewed slowly on the mucus soaked tissue. Within moments it disintegrated, coating her tongue and mouth in tiny shredded fragments. The bland taste of the sticky substance from her nose mixed with the salty taste of her sweat to create something that almost had no flavour at all. It was infinitely better than the foul black liquid she had been forced to drink as a refreshment.

Sarah chewed until the tissue was mere sodden pulp in her mouth, then swallowed. Her eyes had not left those of the headmistress and she wondered if she was behaving correctly, not taking too much time. She could not read anything that was going on behind the piercing green eyes of the stern-faced woman. She was disgusted with herself and was sure it showed on her face. The feeling as the tissue fell apart in her mouth made her want to disappear completely from view. She had never done anything like this before. She had never even contemplated something so disgusting and yet, here she was degrading herself with no resistance whatsoever. She complied completely with the wishes of another, no matter how demeaning or how painful.

"Open. Wider. Tongue out. All gone? Lick your teeth. No, run your tongue across the outside of your teeth you silly little slattern. Lick your lips. Now clean the remainder of your mess from my glove."

The headmistress proffered her right hand and Sarah bent forward at the waist and licked the palm of the black-gloved hand. She then opened her mouth and gently took each of the headmistress' fingers into her mouth, closing her lips over them and sucking as if they were tiny black cocks. Once she had cleaned each finger, the hand was turned over and Sarah diligently licked the back of the hand. The black latex now glistening with a thin sheen of saliva, all evidence of her sweat successfully removed.

"Move that cunt onto the fourth dildo. The remaining session will begin once you are there," Mrs Huffington Smythe explained.

Sarah moved immediately to the dildo pole closest to station one, the thin metal shaft that topped by the five inch spiked dildo. She had practiced the mounting manoeuvre so often during her detention that she had the dildo firmly inside her in a matter of moments. Sarah grunted loudly with the familiar pain of the dildo ramming unceremoniously into her in one quick motion. Once mounted the young girl turned to face the headmistress, wincing as the blunt spikes scraped the delicate walls of her vagina.

"I think it best that you first have those clamps removed. We have no further use for them during this session. Front."

Sarah cringed as she was ordered off the dildo. The effort it had taken had been for nothing. She leaned forward with all her body weight, bent the dildo and jumped at the perfect moment. Sarah yelped as the stubby spikes scraped painfully against her sex as it exited. She did not know how much more punishment her pussy could take. Obviously it would take as much as the headmistress deemed necessary but she was worried about whether she could sustain a satisfactory behaviour for the last 30 minutes of the detention.

Sarah took three small steps towards the headmistress and stood at a strict attention, knowing that the removal of the clamps on her nipples would cause her great pain. She could not express how grateful she was to finally have them removed, as they had been a constant source of agony for almost two hours. She knew from her limited experience with clamps and pegs, that their removal was just as painful as their presence.

Without preamble Mrs Huffington Smythe slipped the clamp from her left nipple. Sarah doubled over in pain, her mouth opened wide in silent agony. It took three seconds before a piercing scream filled the room. The tortured schoolgirl screamed again and again as the pain coursed through her breast in waves, crashing upon the delicate, distended nipple of her left breast. All other thoughts and all other sensations were swept from the abused teenagers head. There was no room for anything but the agony in her nipple.

Sarah had lost track of time but she somehow found herself standing at attention, intense pain still coursing through her chest. She had felt nothing like it. How could there be so many different kinds of pain? As a slut she knew she would be introduced to them all but she was confident she could never come to enjoy it. It would teach her to be a better slut but she was confident that she simply did not have it in her to be one of the painsluts she had been taught about.

Sarah knew what awaited her and she quivered in fear as the headmistress reached for the nipple clamped intently on her right nipple. She drew in a deep breath and held it. The breath exploded from her in a resounding scream as the pain hit her like a physical blow to the chest. She hunched her shoulders for but a moment before quickly resuming her position. Her upper body heaved as she drew in each deep breath, trying her best to deal with the unimaginable pain.

"Back to position, you have wasted quite enough time," admonished the headmistress.

Sarah stepped gingerly back to the spiked dildo. She desperately wanted to touch her nipples, or at the very least, to touch the flesh of her tender breast that surrounded her tiny pink buds. The intense, biting pain had subsided, only to be replaced by a powerful ache that filled each breast. She had to forget her body and focus on her task. She swiftly mounted the dildo once again, turning to face the headmistress, hoping that this last session would be over in 30 minutes. Of course the duration, and outcome, of the session was up to her.

"The final session will be a reinforcement of the importance of focus. The session will continue as long as the task at hand is being performed at a satisfactory level. During this session you will highstep continuously. Your knee will raise to the level of your cunt. Each failed step will halt the clock for ten seconds. At the twentieth step of your right leg, you will turn 90 degrees clockwise and continue. This session will be completed in silence. Each noise made will halt the clock for ten seconds. Begin."

Sarah had stared forward, her resignation growing with each word the headmistress spoke. She was familiar with highstepping, as she had been forced to perform it on several occasions. It was not the easiest thing to do but with a thick, spiked dildo filling her pussy it was going to be a definite struggle. She needed to focus to keep the session to its nominated length. She felt she might just be able to last 30 minutes, of course she had no idea how painful it was going to be but adding extra time for failure was going to cost her dearly.

Sarah lifted first her right and then her left leg, bringing her knee high with every step. The prancing movement caused the dildo inside her to shift, each movement causing the delicate pink walls of her pussy to be ruthlessly prodded. She clenched her hands and grit her teeth determined not to make the slightest of sounds. The trembling schoolgirl quickly realised what a true relief it was to be able to deal with some of the built up pain by making the most simplest of noises. She had never before thought about how much the moans, groans and other pain-induced sounds meant. They were a primal release. A release that was now denied her.

Sarah realised that despite the revelation made she had lost count of her steps. Had she stepped twenty times? Was it more? Less? Where had she been at last count? Sixteen? She was bound to be over the twenty, the clock must have stopped. She cursed herself for the stupid cunt that she was. It was evident that she needed to be here. She had been told this was a test of her focus and she had failed within the first twenty steps.

She lowered her leg to the ground and swivelled her body 90 degrees to her right. To make sure that her turn was accurate she swivelled her hips in one smooth motion, the rest of her body following. Her pussy felt as if it was being scratched terribly, though she knew the spikes were blunt and could not possibly be causing any great damage. She immediately began highstepping again, knee cunt-high, left then right. She blocked out everything but the count of her steps.

Twenty, turn. Twenty, turn. With each turn she found a new spot on the far wall to focus on. It was not easy to keep her eyes forward, but she knew that being a slut was not easy. That is why it was so rewarding, she told herself, repeating a lesson learnt on her first day. Not only did she have to remember to hold her head high, eyes open and forward but the constant distractions provided by her peripheral vision, real or imagined, preyed constantly on her control.

Twenty, turn. She was now back to her starting position, facing the front of the room. The headmistress was nowhere to be seen. She moved so like a cat Sarah thought, not only with feline grace but without the barest of sound. She knew she was still being watched, she could feel the hard eyes of the headmistress upon her, scrutinising and judging every move she made. What else was she doing? Did she still have the whip that had been used so liberally during her detention? She had not felt the lash for some time, though she was experiencing enough pain without the added distraction of correction.

The pain in her nipples had finally begun to subside, though the almost obsessive need to touch her breasts had grown as the pain lessened. Inexplicably, she became aware that the sensations in her pussy had changed. There was no longer simply the dull pain as the spikes dug into her delicate folds. She was acutely aware that the constant movement of the dildo inside her was causing her most unwanted arousal. She was soon positive that her pussy was secreting her special brand of thick white cream. It was not because of the pain she told herself, in was despite it. Yes she was in pain but her pussy, as was only to be expected of a slut, was working on its own level.

Twenty and turn. She was keeping her mind straight, focusing on the task she had been set. Not only did her arousal surprise her but the fact that she blushed at the thought of the headmistress noticing her arousal, at a time when her mind should be only on one thing, caused her no little distress. She wasn't meaning to be aroused, she was a slut and she could not control her pussy, her owner's pussy she quickly corrected. Sarah was sure that Mrs Huffington Smythe knew she was creaming, it was now even more important that each step was high enough, and was counted properly. She could not have the headmistress assuming she was thinking with her pussy again. 

Twenty and turn. Her legs were starting to ache and she had to concentrate her entire being on lifting each knee to cunt height. Her energy was beginning to flag, she had almost nothing left and she wanted this detention to end. She needed this detention to end. She did her best to ignore the pain and the pleasure coming from her pussy. She could not afford to focus on either sensation. She was in no danger of having an orgasm, the arousal the dildo was causing had plateaued well below what she now knew shee needed for climax. She was breathing a little heavier, and her nipples hardened, bringing her further pain, but she had reached the levels that masturbation had brought her to prior to beginning her training at Harkwood. She had never experienced a true orgasm at her own hands. She knew that the constant state of arousal was enough to keep her highly frustrated and she would remain so for hours after the stimulation ended.

Twenty and turn. How much longer did she have left? Sarah had no way of telling how much time remained, or how many times the clock had been stopped due to poor posture. A flicker of movement to her left almost caused the exhausted schoolgirl to turn her head. She redoubled her efforts to keep her knees high, conscious that she was beginning to falter and any small distraction could cost her time.

Left knee high, right knee high. Her pussy, wrapped tightly around the studded dildo, pulsed as her weight shifted with each lift. The entire length of the dildo was set firmly inside her. When she had first impaled herself on the shaft, she had felt the coolness of the metal pole beneath as her plump pussylips had rested against it. She did not need any extra evidence but she could now feel the sticky slickness of her cream running down the pole and rubbing onto her thighs as she pranced on the spot.

As she turned again, the movement now smooth and natural, she tried to visualise what she looked like as she high-stepped. She was held in place by the long dildo topped pole, unable to move forward or back more than an inch without causing the blunt spikes from painfully scraping the walls of her pussy. She must look quite comical, prancing on the spot, her head held high, eyes focused intently forward.

The need to massage her nipples rushed over her again. Her hands were unrestrained, resting obediently in the small of her back. In a way it might have been easier to have had them tied, the temptation to break position would not have been as great. To the casual observer it would appear as if she was simply standing over the metal pole, using it as a marker to keep on the spot as she pranced. No one could know that a spiked dildo penetrated deeply inside her. As Sarah swivelled her body to face the back wall a most welcome sound reached her ears. She had remained silent, as directed, for at least 30 minutes.

"Cease. Dismount and front," commanded Mrs Huffington Smyte from behind her.

She felt a tiny flush of pride, before she quickly caught herself. She had performed as she had been expected to. A slut should not feel pride in the simple conduct of her duties. She had much to learn she knew and she was determined to do so. The young girl quickly dismounted from the pole, the spiked dildo slipping violently from her slick vagina. Despite her pussy being tenderised by two hours of abuse, it was the easiest dismount she had yet achieved, due no doubt to the copious amounts of lubrication she had deposited along its length. In two, wobbly steps Sarah found herself before the headmistress.

The quivering schoolgirl was a mess: covered in sweat, her hair lank and plastered to her face and neck, her face red, eyes swollen, her knees bouncing involuntarily. As she looked at the headmistress, the beautiful woman was still immaculate in appearance. There could not have been a more pronounced difference between naked, dishevelled teenager and the latex-suited woman of statuesque composure. It did not help that Sarahs diminutive stature meant that her head only reached the shoulders of the headmistress.

"You have a mess to rectify. A slut never leaves an unclean surface and that surface is far from clean. Hurry up," boomed Mrs Huffington Smythe.

Sarah scurried back to the pole and began furiously licking the metal shaft. She started on the metal pole below the dildo as her cream had run almost six inches down its length. The familiar taste calmed her somewhat and she proceeded to clean the dildo without reservation. It was more difficult than cleaning an ordinary smooth shaft. The blunt spikes forced Sarah to use only her tongue, flicking it over and between the stubby protrusions.

The naked schoolgirl shuffled slowly around the pole, keeping her body bent at the waist at all times. After completing a full circuit, Sarah straightened up and took one last look at the black dildo. It glistened in the harsh light but it was purely from her cleaning. It would dry in moments. Sarah felt a definite sense of satisfaction at a job well done. This was not pride, it was deriving pleasure from service which she had been taught was a natural emotion for a slut. She smiled, gratified that her training was progressing.

"As pleasurable as the taste of your cunt is, I don't believe I can recall the last time I saw a slut smiling in this room. Is it a sign of your obvious low intelligence? Maybe it is simply symptomatic of the behaviour which has led you into this predicament. No matter, a question that can be answered at another time. Right now, you are to dress and wait in your holding cell for collection. Due to your request for two extensions your handler is currently unavailable."

Sarah went immediately to the hook by the door, from which hung the small linen bag containing her uniform. It felt like an eternity since she had been clothed. Her shoes caused substantial pain as she slipped her feet in and buckled the straps. It did not last long and by the time she was adjusting her breasts into the half-cups of her bra she was actually feeling safe and secure in her four inch heels. As she clipped the small tie onto her collar she turned to face the headmistress, fully clothed for the first time in since entering room 17, what felt like days ago. Standing before the imposing figure of Mrs Huffington Smythe, her meagre uniform did not supply her with the usual level of security she had come to expect.

"Thank you for training this slut Ma'am," Sarah said respectfully, curtsying daintily as she finished. She turned and opened the door.

As she stepped through she heard Mrs Huffington Smythe's parting words, sending a shiver down her spine. "See you tomorrow." The words echoed through her brain as she walked down the corridor to her holding cell.

Chapter 25. In which Sarah displeases her handler

Sarah stood in darkness. Her nose bumped the rough surface of the wall in front of her for what was the fourth or fifth time. She immediately leaned backwards, feeling a rough jerk as the padlock pulled her collar tight against her neck. She had only a few inches of movement and the exhausting detention had taken its toll. She was struggling to remain at attention, the darkness having removed all points of reference.

The padlock was the only thing keeping her upright at times. Her knees had buckled some minutes ago and the sharp tug as the padlock wrenched her stiff metal collar had woken her up and provided her with the motivation she had needed. Standing at attention was now an integral part of her day. It actually felt natural to young girl, something that surprised her as it was something she had only learnt in the last three days.

Once she had locked herself to the ring bolted to the wall, the darkness had fallen upon her. She was now trapped in the tiny room, awaiting the arrival of her handler. She could easily touch the walls to her sides, in fact she could touch them with her elbows if she dared. She could not, however, reach the door behind her. The darkness would persist until she was collected.

The only sound in the room was from her breathing. She had calmed down greatly since she locking herself in, her breathing slowing and becoming deeper and more regular as the darkness enveloped her. She could still feel the beat of her heart, feel the throb in her body as the blood was pumped through her veins. It was strange what you focused on when alone in the dark, the young girl mused.

She did not want to think about the recent detention. When she did her thoughts inevitably turned to Miss Harper. She knew her handler would be disappointed in her. She had behaved badly during her detention and the normal hour limit had been doubled. Because of this, her handler had not been able to collect her and she had been waiting in this tiny cell for what Sarah was sure was at least ten minutes. It was hard to keep track of time in the darkness but she felt certain it was at least that long.    

Her pussy still ached, the throbbing pain seated deep within her. The detention had once again focused on her sex, the more to emphasise the root of her poor behaviour - the intense level of influence her cunt had on her thinking and attitude. Through the pain, and constant harassment supplied by the headmistress, she had learnt a great deal. She knew she was a better slut for the last two hours. That simple realisation let her know just how far she had come in the last three days.

She was a slut and she was being trained in this most special of schools, to be the best slut possible. She had learned that her life belonged to another. Her flesh, her speech, even her bodily functions were no longer hers to control. It had cost her much but she had come to accept these facts of life. What she had still not come to terms with was how the body of a slut behaved.

Sarah felt her face and neck grow hot and, despite the darkness, she knew her face had flushed a deep scarlet. She had thought of the way her body had responded to the attentions of the headmistress. She thought of how even the most cursory of touches by her biology teacher, Miss Rice, had caused her pussy to moisten and her heart to race.

She had not been prepared for anything that had happened to her since walking through the imposing wooden doors of Harkwood Academy but the ease with which her body became aroused and the intensity with which it consumed her was something that she had so far failed to come to terms with. She still blushed furiously when her arousal became apparent. Even the act of being naked in front of others caused a strange wave of self-consciousness to wash over her. Sarah knew it was strange, especially as she had accepted her role as property, but she had no control over her emotions.

Sarah blinked furiously as the room filled with light. Yellow starbursts flashed in her vision as her eyes were dazzled by the sudden bright illumination. Before she knew what had happened she felt her skirt lifted and blows began to pound the bared flesh of her buttocks. Despite being caught entirely off-guard, Sarah tried to keep as still as she could.

Smack after smack impacted her naked flesh, alternating between each buttock. Sarah mewled softly with each strike, still bewildered by the suddenness of the attack. The force of the blows had caused her to stumble forward and she tried to step back but each new blow pushed her face back into the rough wall.

As sudden as the assault began, it ended with equal abruptness. Tears welled in the eyes of the young girl as the swift, silent punishment was a sure indication of the displeasure of her handler. Her head was yanked back painfully by her ponytail and she was stuck facing the ceiling, the bright white light blinding her. Sarah closed her eyes to block out the harsh illumination.

"Eyes front bitch. Infraction for poor position," Miss Harper hissed, slapping Sarah's face with each word.

Sarah's eyes flickered open. She was forced to stare directly at the light, safely ensconced behind its small wire cage. She was blinded in moments but obediently kept her eyes open and focused forward. The sobbing schoolgirl blinked furiously, trying her best to reduce the painfully bright light.

"You fucking little bitch," snapped Miss Harper, wrenching Sarah's head from side to side. "So you are a problem case, huh? Inconveniencing me is not a smart move. It seems that Mrs Huffington Smythe was right about you. You require a special kind of training. Back to basics. Just my luck though, receiving the simpleton of the bunch. Everyone assumed that big-titted whore was the dumbest of the bunch. We all had a good laugh at Stacey over that. Well I can guarantee that I will not be laughed at. You hear me?"

"Yes mi-"

"Shut the fuck up spunk. I don't want to hear anymore bullshit from you," snarled the furious prefect. "You have interrupted my project work. That I will not allow. You make a single sound and you earn another infraction."

The padlock was unlocked and placed on the floor of the cell. While Sarah remained at attention, something else was attached the ring at the front of her collar.

"Follow," Miss Harper snapped, jerking the young girl's head around.

As Sarah spun to follow her handler, she saw what had been clipped to her collar. A thin, polished chain ran from her collar to a metal ring which had slipped around Harpers left wrist like an oversized bracelet. A leash had been attached to her collar and her handler was leading her through the school corridors like a dog. Sarah kept her eyes forward as she walked, but she could see the leash flash as it swung with the movement of Miss Harper's arm.

Her face burned, her right cheek from the painful slapping her handler had subjected her to, but the rest of her face was crimson with shame. Solitary tears trickled down her red cheeks as they passed a pair of students. Sarah could see the two girls stop and stare before she passed them and they were lost to vision. She could still hear their whispered gasps, followed by their soft giggles. Sarah blinked the tears from her eyes, the humiliation burning like an almost physical pain inside her.

She was led through the foyer, through the study hall and into one of the small private study rooms. Miss Harpers books and exercise pads were strewn across the table. A sharp tug on the leash pulled her forward, around to the far side of the table.

"Kneel, spunk. Open," commanded Miss Harper.

Sarah sank quickly to her knees and obediently opened her mouth wide. She felt terrible, helpless in the face of her handler's anger. She had wanted so desperately to make her handler proud of her, to repay the responsibility that Miss Harper had accepted when she had been given Sarah as her charge. The young schoolgirl knew she was a disappointment, she knew actions spoke louder than words, especially for a slut, and her actions had let everyone down.

"Up," Miss Harper snapped, tugging on Sarah's leash. "Stop. Put your mouth on the edge of the desk. If you leave one mark on either surface that will be an infraction for each one."

Sarah had raised her ass almost six inches off her feet to enable her to reach the table edge. She closed her mouth around the polished wooden table and rested her lips firmly against each side. Harper leaned over the desk and picked up a pencil. She lifted it towards Sarah's face, bringing it down and tapping the surface of the table in front of her. "Lips here, spunk."

Sarah edged forward, inching her lips across the table until they made contact with the pencil. The edges of her mouth were pushed  painfully into the edge of the table. Immediately she could feel the saliva begin to pool around her lips. She had to keep a constant watch to make sure she did not rest her teeth against the polished wooden table, she could not afford any further infractions.

The strain of the unnatural position began to tell after only two minutes. The standard kneeling position called for her to rest her ass on her feet. To reach the table she had been forced to raise her body and a slow dull burn began in her thighs. The muscles in her belly tightened as she endeavoured to keep herself in the position desired by her handler.

Miss Harper had taken her seat in the middle of the table and had begun work on her school project. Sarah stared straight ahead and could only see her handler as a blurry form to one side. She had been positioned right at the very end of the table and could actually brush the thick wooden leg with her breasts.

Sarah contemplated the position she was in. She kneeled below the table, forced into a demeaning position and forgotten as if she were no more important than an extra, and unwanted, notebook. Her mind whirled through thoughts of the humiliating leash, which was still linked to her collar, and the degrading walk through the corridors, of being led like an animal. She thought of these things while another girl, only one year her senior, sat opposite, working on normal schoolwork - the type of schoolwork that normal girls did every day, the type of schoolwork she had once done.

Miss Harper tapped her pencil absently against the table as she thought about the problems in her textbook. Sarah's gaze was subconsciously attracted to the tapping pencil.

"Eyes front," snapped Miss Harper, the anger causing her words to burst hard and harsh from her mouth. Sarah's eyes moved obediently back to where they should be. "Infraction."

Sarah tensed the muscles in her arms, cursing her lack of discipline. She had absolutely no idea how many infractions she now had. Worse than that was that her handler now obviously hated her. She had been so desperate to make Miss Harper proud and she had managed the polar opposite. She had thought that her handler would be the perfect ally to keep her training on track and prevent her from earning too many more infractions or from having to return to room 17. All she could do was hope that she would have another chance to prove her worth.

"What interest could a stupid spunk like you possibly have in my work. I have a mathematical problem for you that I think it might just be possible for you to manage. If you had one cock and then added two more cocks, what would you have? I put it in terms that you could understand. Think about it and have an answer for me when I have finished my work. You spend far too much time idle but I have no time to waste on you right now."

Sarah felt the humiliation of the schoolgirl's words burn through her. She should not complain. She knew she had deserved the ire of the older girl. She knew she was not the smartest slut but the problem was terribly basic. One plus two was three, whether it was cocks or loaves of bread. But she knew also that she needed to relearn everything she thought she knew, but was this taking it too far?

Confident she had solved the basic problem Sarah concentrated on keeping her eyes forward and her teeth off the table. It was harder to do than she had first realised. Her handler provided a constant distraction as she intently worked on her maths project, mumbling to herself almost constantly. Sarah had to resist the urge to look at her or to try and follow her absentminded mumblings.

The pain in the young girl's thighs was becoming a real problem. She was exhausted from her long day and extended detention. This latest stress upon her already fatigued muscles was proving almost too much for her. Her eyes were filling with tears yet again. She blinked slowly, trying to clear her blurred vision. How could she still be crying, she thought morosely.  How could she possibly have any tears left inside her?

"Well do you have an answer for me?" Miss Harper asked casually.

Sarah nodded her head slightly, as much as her stressful position would allow.

"Kneel. Tell me."


"Repeat the question. When a stupid slut is asked a question and replies outside the window of opportunity she repeats the question, just to be sure she isn't just blathering any old crap that popped into her empty head in the interim."

"Yes Miss, sorry Miss. If this slut had one cock and then two more cocks were added, what would this slut have? The answer is three cocks Miss," Sarah replied hopefully.

"Wrong, What would you have if you had one cock and then had two more? The answer you stupid spunk, is satisfaction."

Sarah could not see but she was sure there was a wide smile on her handler's face. She was never meant to answer correctly. The older girl was simply having fun at her expense. Even though it was a demeaning joke Sarah learned from it. Even with the most simple questions she should be thinking of an answer that a slut would give. Anything less and she was not being true to who she was.

"Let's get one thing straight right now shall we? You are a little bitch. A stupid little bitch. You are here to turn your worthless life around, to do something meaningful with your pitiful existence. Every one of your teachers is wise to your time-wasting and general slack attitude. No one here gives two shits about what you did before you enrolled here. This is a brilliant school with one of the best reputations in the world. You have been given an opportunity to learn things that every girl should learn but only a few have the chance. And what do you do? Hmmm. You fuck about, thinking only of yourself and how many times you can come. You are a slut, no one is doubting that, but you are far too interested in your own cunt. I hope that these detentions are making a difference."

Sarah was desperate to let Miss Harper know that they were, that she had learned so much in both detentions, that she would be a much better slut from now on. But she could not interrupt, she dared not make a sound and risk upsetting her handler even further.

"Your behaviour over these three short days has been nothing short of disgusting. It stops right now. I will not have this conversation with you again. Words are wasted on you. I know now the language that you will understand. Come around here. You were not told to stand you fucking stupid bitch. Crawl, sluts on their knees crawl when told to move. Left hand out."

Miss Harper picked up the long wooden ruler from the table and swivelled in the chair so she was facing the kneeling schoolgirl.

"Put your other hand on your cunt. Rub your clit. Do not stop. I understand where I went wrong with you. It was my fault to think that you sluts deserved to be treated with any kind of sensibility. It is not in you nature to understand such treatment."

The wooden ruler whistled down onto Sarahs outstretched palm. Pain exploded in her hand and she mewled quietly. The fingers of her right hand did not stop moving, teasing and rubbing her hard clit through the smooth material of her tiny panties. Four more times the ruler rose and fell, striking the length of her hand, from the tips of her fingers to the base of her palm. After each strike she reflexively closed her palm but instantly opened it for further punishment.

"Switch hands," Miss Harper commanded.

Sarahs right hand came up, palm opened, and her left hand fell to between her legs where it worked furiously across her clit. She was already secreting her cream, she could now tell within moments of it beginning. She had never fully recovered from the near orgasm she had been forced to endure while in room 17. Even the stinging pain in her hands could not keep her arousal at bay.

Sarah squealed and moaned pitifully as the thick wooden ruler slapped down across her right hand. Each time it landed the room was filled with a loud splat. In between strikes the squirming teen tried to remain silent but she knew that every now and then a soft moan of pleasure escaped her. How could she be so turned on during this punishment? Each time the ruler landed the wave of pleasure building between her legs faltered, only to regain its momentum and increase in strength as time went on.

"Switch hands."

Again the change was made, her still stinging red hand pleasuring herself as she offered the other up to further punishment.

"I want to hear your mantra after each stroke. It's not only your cunt that needs training. That little pea-sized brain of yours also has its part to play."

"My owner's cunt exists to serve," Sarah gasped as the ruler fell upon her left hand. This time she let her hand stay perfectly flat. Tears were rolling freely down her cheeks as she recited the all-important phrase as each blow landed.

"Switch hands."

Obediently Sarah changed hands again. Her left now stiff and it pained her to curl the fingers and begin rubbing her clit. She was nearing orgasm now. If she was forced to continue for much longer she may have no choice but to ask to come. She was tired and simply did not have the willpower or energy to keep herself under control. Five more swats of the ruler were applied to her right hand before Miss Harper placed it back upon the table. Sarah stayed on her knees beside Miss Harpers chair, her right hand out in front, her left continuing to play with her wet pussy. Her handler proceeded to pack up all her books and study materials, ignoring Sarah and her soft moans that were now almost constant.

"Attention," the older girl commanded. Sarah sprang to her feet, thankful that she was able to stop pleasuring herself. Her breathing was fast and shallow and her heart was beating a million miles an hour. She had been dangerously close to orgasm. Her entire body tingled with unsated desire. "Clean your mess then get back over here."

Sarah went around the table and surveyed the puddle of saliva that she had left on the surface of the polished wood. She bent at the waist and cleaned the table in three swift movements. She had quickly become adept at cleaning small amounts of liquid from all manner of surfaces and was constantly surprised by the things a slut needed to learn.

"Collect my books," directed her handler, wasting no time on unnecessary words.

Sarah leaned over the table and picked up the large stack of mathematics books, holding the heavy textbooks in front of her and obediently awaiting further direction.

"Oh, spunk. When a slut carries a package she does so by holding the item directly in front of her. The sluts elbows are tucked neatly into her body, they don't flap about as if she is trying to fly. The slut's forearms extend straight and support the object perfectly horizontally, you dont slide them all over your tits. How is anyone supposed to get to them if you have them obstructed like that? You should know by now that a slut must always ensure there is easy access to her body. Hands up a little. Maintain and follow," her handler ordered before adding the small bag of pencils and the ruler on top of the stack of books.

Miss Harper grabbed her leash and pulled the startled schoolgirl out of the small study room and out into the halls. Sarah silently hoped that there were no girls out and about now. She had managed to catch a glimpse of the clock as she left the study hall. It was twenty past eight. She must have been kneeling against the table for 40 minutes. How had the time passed so quickly without her noticing? She had missed the hot water for the night shower and her classmates would all be preparing for bed at this time.

As she was led into the foyer, Sarah realised that she was not heading straight to her dorm. Her handler was leading her into a part of the school that she had previously only heard about. The leash grew taut as Sarah followed her handler up the stairs onto the first floor landing above the foyer. The books in her hand were becoming increasingly heavy with each step. The exhausted girl had to focus all her meagre energy on holding her posture as she moved up the steps, each high-heeled step place deliberately.

Miss Harper led her to the right and she could see what was clearly a dorm lounge at the end of the long corridor. As  they neared the open doorway she realised that it was the lounge for one of the other school houses and it bore no resemblance whatsoever to that of Trinity house. A number of comfortable looking couches created cosy little nooks around the room, the floor was covered in a plush magenta carpet and music was playing softly from a stereo in the corner. Two rooms could not be more different Sarah thought, comparing it with the stark, utilitarian lounge attached to Trinity house.

Three girls lounged on a couch in the far corner, dressed in cute pyjamas of pale blue, obvious school issue. Their conversation ended when Sarah and her handler entered the room. The anxious schoolgirl kept her eyes resolutely ahead, deeply conscious of the scrutiny she was under, deeply embarrassed to be seen this way. She dreaded what these girls thought of her and of why she was being led on a leash like an animal. The rest of the school was unaware of the training the students of Trinity house were receiving. The only students at the school who were aware of their status as property were the prefects, tasked with enforcing their training out of class hours.

"Put my books down on the far desk, then come straight back," Miss Harper ordered, breaking Sarah's reverie and causing her face to flush with the humiliation of being ordered around in front of the innocent girls. Before she had a chance to move her handler brought the metal ring at the end of the leash to her lips, causing the blushing teenagers mouth to open obediently and accept the ring.

Why did she care so much what the other girls in the school thought of her? She was a slut being trained in one of the best schools in the world but she felt terribly self-conscious and small at the thought of girls her own age, girls who were living a normal life and enjoying a normal education, judging her. These girls should be receiving the same training she was, Sarah thought. Every girl should be. That truth was among the first things she had been taught. She was the lucky one, she thought. Then why did she not feel that way as she walked purposefully across the room, her leash bouncing against her breasts.

"Clarice?" questioned one of the bewildered girls on the couch.

"Hey Angie. I know, I know. This is spunk, my ward. Simply can't be trusted. Huffington Smythe reckons that most of the Trinnies will need to be leashed eventually. It always starts with the ones who have the lowest intelligence though," her handler answered the obvious, yet unspoken, question.

"Oh," responded the still clearly bewildered girl.

"Yeah just my luck to get the runt of the litter, in more ways than one."

"I wish we didn't have to have them here," the girl called Angie opined. "Is she dangerous?"

"Only to herself," quipped Clarice. "The Trinity bitches are here to receive the special training they wouldn't get anywhere else. It's the only way they can become useful members of society. You don't want to know what they get up to when you aren't looking. Anyway, catch you later, I have to escort her to her dorm."

Sarah cringed at her handler's words. Was that how she was being seen? As the slut with the lowest intelligence? The headmistress had made it quite clear during her detention that she held that it was the most likely reason for her high infraction count and her early detentions, but somehow it had not sunk in until now. Sarah returned to where her handler stood by the door, grateful that the heavy load of books was no longer burdening her but her morale was at its lowest ebb.

"When you return your leash to a superior you bend and offer it directly into the waiting hand," Miss Harper instructed. "See what I mean, she has to be told literally everything," Miss Harper added in mock exasperation.

Sarah bent at the waist until her mouth was an inch away from her handler's outstretched hand. She was sure that the girls on the lounge could glimpse her ass and the myriad stripes that covered it, stripes documenting her need for correction. She let go of the metal ring, relinquishing control of her leash back to her handler.

Without a word, Harper moved down the hall at a cracking pace. Sarah felt a harsh tug on her collar as the leash was pulled tight causing her to stumble after the prefect. This time she was being led to her dorm. Exhausted as she was, she struggled to match the pace set by her handler. Miss Harper was clearly eager to be rid of her for the evening. Sarah could not deny that she had let her down terribly but right now there was nothing she could do. She was resigned to the fact that her one potential ally now looked likely to be her harshest trainer.

It did not take long for the familiar dorm to be reached. Sarah was reminded of the differences between the Trinity dorm and those of the other houses. The only furniture that broke up the bland emptiness of the room were the six circular platforms and the small bank of computers against the far wall. There was nothing comfortable or luxurious about the stark space.

All of her classmates were already in the dorm itself, numerous naked forms flitting into view through the far doorway. She could see some of the girls glance towards her, but they quickly looked away when they noticed her handler at her side.

"You have 25 minutes to complete your ablutions before lights out. You do not want to be out of your dorm when the gate closes."

Miss Harper lead her through the lounge and into the shower room, pausing only for a second to allow her to scan her tag. On every hook by the door were two bags: a cloth bag full of each students dirty clothes and an empty plastic enema bag. On only one hook was this sequence reversed.

Sarah immediately began to remove her uniform. Despite her exhaustion she knew that with the close scrutiny of her handler it was more important than ever to undress in a pleasing manner. She made sure that each movement was swift but sensual and she was careful to make sure that her equipment was always on show for her handler. When she was down to her panties she turned around and pushed out her ass as she took the waistband on each hip and rolled her tiny panties down her legs.

Once naked the aching schoolgirl wasted no time in performing her nightly enema. She glanced at Miss Harper's face as she inserted the nozzle into her anus and noticed a faint hint of disgust in her face. Sarah's heart sank when she saw it but she continued without pause. After all, she supposed she would not particularly want to watch her have an enema either. Once she was full and on the toilet, as dictated by the stringent rules of behaviour she realised she needed to pee, badly.

"Excuse me Miss, may I do a wee wee," Sarah asked, blushing as she did so.

"Hurry it up, spunk," Harper snapped. She stood to her left, the leash pulled tight as she endeavoured to put the maximum distance between her and the girl on the toilet. Not only did she not want to get near the defecating girl but she did not want to obstruct the light or the camera that switched on each time a toilet was in use. She had viewed the video of Sarah urinating and knew it was her duty to track all such footage to make sure her slut was behaving.

It was part of her duties she certainly did not relish, but at the same time, it was something she could not deny was interesting. After seeing Sarah taught how to pee, she had replicated the stop/start technique. She had adopted it as part of her own toilet routine, sure that the muscle control it provided would be useful to any woman, slut or not.

She listened for the tell-tale noise of the stream of urine hitting the bowl, being cut off, and then resuming. Sarah performed the requisite five stoppages. Her eyes were kept perfectly forward as she performed, aware of the intense scrutiny of her handler. She hoped that she would soon get used to seeing only what was directly in front of her. The need to dart her gaze sideways, especially when someone was standing in her peripheral vision as her handler was now, was almost like an addiction.

Sarah gently removed the nozzle from her ass, squeezing hard to ensure she lost none of the enema until she was in position. Once she was holding the nozzle in front of her body she loosened her sphincter and let the enema empty out of her. Sweat had broken out across her forehead and chest as she had held the large volume of liquid and performed the squats that were part of the routine. She had started sweating even before the exercises, imply having the enema distending her belly was enough to cause her body to heat and break out in a sweat.

Sarah worked as quickly as she could, emptying herself and cleaning the enema nozzle before returning the now empty bag to the hook by the wall. She quickly kneeled and took the nozzle into her mouth, cleaning any last remnants of the enema from the bag and making sure there were no drips. It was a strange feeling to have her handler standing at her side, holding a leash attached to her collar throughout the entire process. But now it was what Sarah had been dreading since she entered the room. She would have to have a shower in completely cold water. Clarice led her into the shower area, directing Sarah to choose a showerhead closest to the doorway and, by keeping the leash taut, her handler could just stand outside the raised shower area.

"Six minutes spunk," Miss Harper informed her.

Sarah switched the shower on full. The blast of ice-cold water hit her in the chest and face and instantly took her breath away. She danced out of the freezing stream, but a sharp tug at her collar made her step back under the frigid shower. She wasted no more time, lathering the shampoo in her hair and letting the shower rinse it out as she washed her body with the exfoliating gloves. The cold water was bracing and before too long Sarah became used to the icy fall. After the exhausting, terrifying day she had had the cold shower was actually quite invigorating.

As soon as she was clean of soap, she switched off the shower, stepped out and grabbed a towel. Manoeuvring her arms around the leash as she dried herself was a little annoying but Sarah immediately dismissed these feelings as petty and inappropriate. Once dry, she was led to the basin to brush her teeth. It was as Sarah was cleaning her teeth with her tiny toothbrush that she heard the ominous metal clang that signalled the closing of the gate, effectively shutting her out of the Trinity dorm for the night. Sarah looked at herself in the mirror, despair filled her eyes.

"Well spunk, you can't say you weren't given every chance. To be honest I was expecting you to fail. You just don't have the intelligence to understand these concepts yet. I guess you are going to have to wait for them to become instinct. What you need to do is remove the weak link, your brain. Once you have things on an instinctual level, I think you will have a much easier time. Of course your training will never be easy, which is why it is so rewarding. But hopefully it will be easier, for all our sakes."

Sarah finished brushing her teeth in silence. She replaced her brush in her mesh toiletry bag and with a sharp tug of the leash, was led through the now dark lounge and into the corridor. Her handler stopped in front of Miss Peach's door and knocked gently.


The schoolgirl opened the door and led Sarah inside. Miss Peach was reclining on her lounge, reading a book, her eyes widening as she saw Sarah enter the room behind the older girl.

"Miss Peach, as you can see this slut has broken curfew."

"Thank you Clarice dear, you can leave her with me. You hurry along now and I will see to her sleeping arrangements."

"Thanks Miss Peach."

Harper turned and raised the ring to Sarah's lips. Almost without thinking Sarah's mouth parted before the end of the leash was even halfway to her face. Instead of the thick metal ring being popped in her mouth, it was, instead, smacked roughly into her forehead. 

"Presumptuous much spunk? You do what you are told, when you are told and not before," her handler admonished harshly.

Sarah closed her mouth, only to open it once again as the ring, this time, was placed in her mouth. Her handler flicked the end of her nose, causing the naked girl's eyes to water, before turning on her heel and leaving the room.

Sarah was now alone with Miss Peach, who had not moved from the couch during the encounter. She looked the naked teenager over. She was not the prettiest of the sluts this year, nor was she the best endowed, but there was something about this one. Her petite, delicate limbs and small stature, made her look like a little doll, especially when she was dressed in her fetching uniform. Resignedly the housemistress put her book down and raised herself from the couch.

"Follow slut. So naughty to be out of bed after lights out. We have just the place for naughty girls. Don't worry though, it's not all bad. I realise you were with your handler and it was not through wilful disobedience that you broke curfew, but rules are rules."

Sarah followed the small woman as she made her speech. It may not directly have been her fault but she had caused her detention to double in length, without that she would not be in this predicament. Sarah walked behind Miss Peach, acutely aware of her nakedness as she moved through the sumptuously furnished bedroom. She had been in here before, but she had not been in the bathroom where she now found herself.

To her right the bathroom was like any other: bath, basin and shower. To the left however were things you would not find in a normal room. In one corner was a tall glass-doored cabinet, the many shelves filled with all manner of dildos, plugs and various paraphernalia that Sarah was only now beginning to recognise. To the left of the cabinet were four cages. The floor of each cage was a solid metal sheet but all four sides and ceiling were comprised of a tight, wire grill. The wire created little squares, an two inches across. Two cages sat on the floor, while the other two were stacked on top.

On the side of each cage, near the top, was what Sarah knew was an automatic waterer. She had used a smaller version when her mother had bought her a hamster years ago. Other than this small apparatus, of which only an inch of a small metal tube projected through the mesh, the cages were entirely empty.

"I think we can dispense with this for a while," Miss Peach said, unclipping the leash from the teenager's collar and taking the ring from her mouth. Sarah stood at attention, and obediently relinquished the leash to the housemistress. "You understand that these cages are not as comfortable as the beds in the dorms, which are far too luxurious if you ask me but I have a few things that I think will help you sleep."

Sarah watched the housemistress open the glass doors of the corner cabinet and peruse the contents. Her hand hovered first over one piece and then another as if she could not decide exactly what to use. After a few minutes she had made her choice and came back to the naked teen.

"Cunt. Ass," Miss Peach said, holding up a dildo and then a plug for Sarah to see. The dildo and plug looked almost the same. They were both quite narrow at the base and quickly flared out to the size and shape of an egg. The dildo was four inches in length, the plug slightly less. They were both black, with silver stripes running down the length of each bulbous, ovoid head.

"Ass first, fuck your cunt with it," Miss Peach ordered.

Sarah took the black plug from the headmistress and pushed it slowly inside her pussy. The first few strokes were a little painful as her sex was unprepared for the intrusion. Within seconds though, her body had begun to respond. She had been on the cusp of orgasm so many times tonight, her body was ready and eager to respond to any stimulus. Her thick cream was soon flowing and the plug was sliding in and out of her pussy with ease.

"Hand it to me. Present."

Sarah handed the plug to Miss Peach. She was trembling slightly as she knelt on the floor, pressed her body into the cool tiles and lifted her ass high into the air. Sarah tried her best to relax but she could not seem to stop the muscles in her belly from tensing up in anticipation. She had never had anything in her ass before, well until a few days ago she had never had anything in her pussy either. She knew that a slut had three holes with which to pleasure her superiors and she knew that at least one of her teachers wore a plug in their own ass during lessons. Despite all this she was still fearful of how much it would hurt. There had to be a reason women did not usually want to perform anal sex.

Almost as soon as her ass was in the air, presenting her virgin anus to Miss Peach, she felt the headmistress' hands on her bare flesh. her whole body tensed at the touch. Her tiny pink asshole puckered tight.

"Come now little slut, a tense anus is nobody's friend. Your holes are getting filled. Cooperation is expected from a slut, but it is not necessary. It is simply very disappointing not to see, hmmm. That's right."

Sarah took a deep breath, then let it out slowly. Her tight pink sphincter loosened, and her pussy opened as the muscles relaxed. Miss Peach ran the bulbous head of the plug along Sarah's inviting cleft, collecting an extra coating of her cream. The plug was rubbed across her asshole, smearing her natural lubricant over the twitching rosette. This was repeated twice more before the housemistress was satisfied.

The first time the plug was pushed against her anus, Sarah involuntarily clenched. The prone schoolgirl quickly relaxed, realising that any resistance was not only futile but also fraught with danger. She relaxed again and felt a pressure against her asshole. She did her best to open herself up, thinking of how the muscles worked when she was trying to empty the cavity that was soon to be filled. She assumed the principle was the same, only in reverse. She hoped she was thinking like a slut, thinking how best to use her holes. She knew she would have to get used to the fact that more things would be going into her ass than would be coming out.

Sarah felt Miss Peach twist the plug as the pressure was increased little by little. The experience was decidedly uncomfortable but it was not yet painful. She hoped that, as an untrained slut, she was performing well. The insistent pressure at her asshole increased steadily. She could feel herself opening, and pushed against the intruder. As she was opened more and more, the plug twisting constantly, Sarah began to feel a slight pain in her virgin hole.

Suddenly the plug was withdrawn, only to be pushed back against her in the next second. This time the pressure did not stop. In one swift, twisting motion Miss Peach inserted the plug inside the kneeling teen. Sarah grunted in pain as the thickest part of the plug pushed past her sphincter and slid all the way inside her. Her asshole tightened around the intruder, tightly clenching the one inch diameter base. The sharp pain subsided as quickly as it had come. All she felt now was a slight feeling of fullness and the effort her anus was making to strangle the thick plastic shaft.

The similarly shaped dildo slid into her pussy in one smooth motion. Sarah also made a noise when the dildo entered her, though the groan that echoed around the bathroom was one entirely of pleasure. She could feel the egg shaped head of the dildo  move against the plug in her ass. She had never felt anything like this before in her life. Her body had already adapted to having something foreign in her ass, as if it had meant to be there all along. Now it was causing her a type of pleasure that she could not describe and could never have imagined. It felt as if the two intruders were actually touching each other. Her thoughts were interrupted as she felt Miss Peach work behind her. The dildo and plug were both moved within her and she soon felt something else touching her ass and pussy. It was smooth and cool, and thin, that much she could tell.

"Attention. Hands on your head."

Sarah moved first to her knees and then to her feet. She moved slower than normal as the new sensations from dildo and plug coursed through her abdomen. Her heart beat faster as the pleasure wave mounted. She tried to ignore the ecstasy that was threatening to consume her. What she was feeling was amazing, but was it heightened because she had already been on edge, having been so close to orgasm so often and been denied each time. She could feel something tickling her thighs, whatever Miss Peach had added obviously. She was dying to know exactly what it was, but she was sure she would not have long to wait for enlightenment.

Miss Peach reached around her from behind, the woman's curly hair tickling Sarah's neck. Around her waist she could feel a belt of some kind. It felt rigid and flexible at the same time, the material a mystery. The thin belt fit snugly across Sarah's belly. Behind her Miss Peach tightened and then tightened it again. Once she was satisfied she stepped away from the naked girl and noticed how the inch-wide belt severely constricted the young girl's waist, giving her a most pleasing appearance.

The housemistress reached between Sarah's legs and drew the matching crosspiece up over her belly and clipped it into the front of the belt. She ordered Sarah to turn around and clipped the last part of the strap to the back of the belt. The dildo and plug were pushed deeper inside Sarah's holes, and locked there by the tight strap through which the special bases of the implements had been threaded. To an observer it looked as if the slim girl was simply wearing a thin leather strap between her legs.

Sarah groaned as the last part of the strap was fixed into place and the dildo and plug were seated deeply inside her. The severely tight belt was uncomfortable and made each breath something she was conscious of. She did not know how she would be able to sleep with this contraption on her.

"Hands front. Make fists with those tiny little hands slut," commanded Miss Peach, taking great delight from working with this petite girl. Yes there were times she liked a big-titted bitch but it was these petite little dolls that she enjoyed the most, they were simply everything she was not. Sarah balled her hands into fists, totally unable to predict what was to happen next. She stood obediently and followed every order to the letter, attempting to think ahead was not the province of a slut, this she knew all too well. She felt something being slipped over each hand and desperately fought the urge to look down. It felt a little like a mitten but it was made of a smooth black leather. As the mittens were tightened  she realised that she could not move her hands. The best she could do was to wiggle her fingers.

"Attention. Left foot up. Bring that knee up slut, all the way to those titties."

Sarah slowly raised her left leg, making sure she kept her balance as her leg raised as high as she could manage. Her knee rested against her left breast. She felt the dildos move inside her but tried to ignore their pleasurable distraction. The extra pressure in her belly made this much easier to do. As Sarah stared straight ahead, Miss Peach fitted a thin cuff around first her left and then her right ankle.

"Okie doke slut, squat," directed Miss Peach. "Now raise your body slowly."

Sarah did as she was bid. She had moved only half way to vertical when a sharp pain exploded inside her. It was the pain of the copper rail all over again, only this time it came from deep inside her pussy and ass. She immediately dropped to the floor, quickly regaining her previous position.

"Yes Porter, you have been fitted with the hobble for all curfew breakers. You need to keep that sloppy cunt of yours close to your ankle cuffs or you get a little wakeup call," the housemistress explained, obviously enjoying the demonstration of the hobble's efficiency.

Sarah knew the exact distance her pussy could move and she was determined never to test it out again. She had thought the pain from electricity had been bad when it was on her skin, but inside her, on the delicate tissue of her pussy and ass had been somehow worse. She had thought she would never discover a worse pain, and here she was only a few hours later and proven wrong, so completely wrong.

"Eyes closed," Miss Peach commanded as she stepped behind the squatting schoolgirl.

Sarah closed her eyes but kept her head straight and facing forward. She felt her hair gathered up into a tight ponytail behind her before something was forced down over her head. What felt like soft pads pressed in gently upon her eyes before she felt a tight constriction across her face and forehead. Her hair was given a sharp tug and the constricting feeling moved over the top of her head and down to her neck.

She had been fitted with a tight latex mask covering the top half of her face, terminating at the bridge of her nose and cutting back across her ears, effectively enveloping her entire head, leaving only her mouth and lower jaw exposed. She was completely blind and her hearing, while not completely silenced, was considerably reduced.

"Cage one for you tonight slut. Follow my voice. On your hands and knees dummy. That's right, this way," urged Miss Peach.

Sarah dropped to her hands and knees and began crawling after the disembodied voice of the housemistress. Her hands were still curled into balls inside the mittens, making her movement slower and more clumsy than she had expected. She heard a soft metal jangling directly in front of her which must be the cage door opening.

"Inside now, you must be eager to start your beauty sleep."

Sarah felt the metal lip of the cage and crawled inside. She kept going until her head bumped into the back wall of the cage. She didn't know what she should do so she drew her legs inside the cage and huddled on the cold metal floor.

"Something to help you sleep," Sarah heard as something smacked into her naked buttocks. She heard, and felt, the cage door closing. After that was complete silence. She was not sure if Miss Peach was still in the room or if the light was still on. She was in a world of complete darkness, locked in a small cage in which she could barely turn around.

Sarah tested her new sleeping quarters, stretching out her legs as far as they would go: not far, which may have been a good thing, she concluded. She was basically forced to remain in the foetal position while in the cage. She soon discovered she could actually sit by lifting her knees up beside her and hunching her head and neck forward but this was painfully uncomfortable.

As she moved around inside the cage she felt her feet kick something loose on the floor. It must have been what Miss Peach tossed in just before she closed the door, locking Sarah in for the night. She twisted herself around and instinctively tried to use her trussed hands to pick the item up. All she managed to do was bat the small object around the floor of the cage. Instead of becoming frustrated Sarah stopped to think.

She shifted her body so her knees were beneath her, though this caused the tight belt around her waist to constrict even further. She bent her head to the floor of the cage and sought the object with her mouth. She found it and quickly discovered its nature. It was a small dildo, maybe three inches in length. It was much thinner than any dildo she had encountered so far, being only about one and a half inches in thickness. It flared strangely at one end, almost as if it was a flat base on which the dildo would stand.

It was only when her tongue discovered a small plastic ring on the underside of the base that it clicked. She knew what the object would look like. An image of a babys dummy sprang to life in her mind, only what was to go in her mouth was a three inch plastic cock. Sarah flicked the dildo-dummy with her tongue and was able to get the end in her mouth. She sucked the shaft inside her in one smooth motion until the flared plate bumped against her lips. She noticed now, that the dildo actually tapered to half its width just before the plate allowing it to fit snugly inside her.

Sarah was suddenly hit by a wave of exhaustion, almost as if someone had quickly turned down the dimmer switch of her energy. With the comforting dummy filling her mouth she curled up as best she could in the cage, and drifted into a dreamless sleep.

Chapter 26. In which Sarah services her Housemistress

Sarah woke slowly, unsure of her surroundings. It was still dark and she could feel a tightness in her belly. When her tongue ran along the underside of the dildo dummy her predicament came flooding back. Her first instinct was to panic: she could not see, could not use her hands and could not stretch out her limbs in the small metal cage. All of her holes were filled and this went a long way towards calming her down.

The drowsy teenager tried to think. She was locked in a small cage in Miss Peach's bathroom. She had a tight mask over the top of her head, blocking out all light, and a large degree of sound. Her pussy and ass were both filled, the intruders kept in place by the tight, restricting belt that constricted her already small waist. Strange mittens covered her hands, keeping her fists balled up, and preventing her from being able to touch anything. Last, but not least she had cuffs on her ankles that had to be kept within two feet of the dildos inside her if she did not want to feel the excruciating pain of electric shocks.

How long had she slept? She felt a little stiff, but otherwise quite rested. Was it morning? Had she slept the night through? She moved a little around the cage. As her thighs rubbed together she realised they were moist and sticky. No doubt the dildo in her pussy had kept her aroused throughout the night, her cream flowing past the tight strap that split and separated her plump lips. Her mouth was a little dry and she reluctantly spat the dummy out onto the floor of her cage and searched for the automatic waterer.

It took Sarah almost a minute of searching, mouth open and tongue questing, to find the small metal tube that entered the cage. It was high up and Sarah had to kneel and spread her legs widely to get her mouth over it. Once discovered, she immediately began sucking. Small drops of water left the tube and very slowly filled her mouth. No matter how hard she sucked she could not increase the flow from the barest trickle. After almost two minutes she had received barely enough to swill around her mouth. Sarah swallowed the tiny mouthful and sat back, lowering herself onto the floor of the cage in a more comfortable position.

She sat as still as she could, straining her ears, trying to gain some knowledge of her surroundings. She could hear nothing but the beating of her own heart. Should she try to go back to sleep? What if it was indeed morning and she needed to be alert for Miss Peach collecting her. It was as she thought of Miss Peach that a tremendous bang echoed around the small tiled room, startling Sarah so much that she banged her head against the roof of the cage. Miss Peach was awake and so should she be. Her questions had been answered.

"Out," she heard Miss Peach say as if she was on the other side of the room. She felt, rather than heard, the door of her cage open and obediently crawled out of her cage. Once she was out, Sarah sat up on her haunches in a textbook kneeling position. Despite her blindfold she managed to orientate herself so she was facing the housemistress.

"Let's not start the day out on the wrong foot slut. When a slut exits a cage, she leaves nothing behind. Now you have left something behind. Fetch it."

Sarah turned around and headed back into the cage. She bumped her head on the door before finding the correct way in. She was angry that she had left the dummy behind. She should have known better, she should have kept it in her mouth. Now she would have to spend time finding it. Waste time finding it, she corrected. Waste time while a superior waited, for her.

She lowered her face to the floor of the cage and snuffled across it's metal surface, looking for the three inch dummy. Luckily it did not take long to find it and she manoeuvred it into her mouth with little effort. She hurriedly scrambled back out of the cage and kneeled once more, hoping that she would not receive an infraction but knowing that it was entirely justified if she did. Sarah sat and waited. She could hear Miss Peach use the toilet and leave the room. She thought she left the room at any rate, her hearing was dampened and the housemistress was obviously barefoot.

"Front slut," Sarah heard Miss Peach shout. This time she was sure she was in the other room.

Sarah began to crawl to where she thought the door was. She tried to remember where the sound had seemed loudest, confident it would lead her to the door. She was not sure just how far away from her pussy her feet were allowed so she kept her movements short and sharp. She misjudged the doorway but only slightly, bumping it gently with the top of her head. She was quickly through and paused for a moment, trying to think about the layout of the housemistress' bedroom. Sarah inched forwards slowly, each movement tentative, expecting at any moment to bump into yet another obstacle.

"Front slut," said Miss Peach. "That is twice. A third time will most definitely not be lucky."

It was enough for Sarah to get her bearings. She swung around to her right and moved forward to find the housemistress. Memory told her that Miss Peach was on the bed. Sarah could guess what this could mean. She remembered the smell and the taste of Miss Peach's pussy and she knew she would be getting a chance to become even more acquainted with its nuances.

"Spit that out. Good, there is something much more rewarding for you to be doing with your mouth," said Miss Peach, the smile evident in her voice.

Sarah leaned forward but was still too far from the bed. She moved her mittened hands forward, knocking the dildo-dummy out of the way as she moved closer. When she felt her arms brush against the end of the bed she shuffled her knees forward, moved her hands behind her back and leaned forward. She opened her mouth and continued to lean, shuffling her knees slightly each time she realised she was too far away.

Sarah felt as if it had taken ten minutes before she felt her face brush the soft warm flesh of Miss Peach's inner thigh, but it had only been a matter of seconds. The instant she made contact Sarah turned her head towards the warmth and kissed the soft flesh. Now that she had her bearings, Sarah zeroed in on Miss Peach's pussy.

The smell was intense and she could have almost found it by scent alone. The woman's arousal was evident as Sarah's mouth closed over her pussy. The naked schoolgirl lapped at the moist folds, reacquainting herself with Miss Peach's specific scent and taste. She heard a series of moans from the bed in front of her and she closed her mouth over the pussy offered to her, sucking the thick lips into her mouth as she ran her tongue between them.

Sarah had overextended herself, and shuffled a little closer as she continued to lap the watery secretions from the older woman's sex. Once closer, and not stretched so uncomfortably, Sarah began in earnest. This was one of her most sacred duties, to please a superior. This was what she was for.

As she transferred her attention to the tiny, hard clit Sarah felt her own juices begin to flow. She was not sure they had ever really stopped but the familiar hip grinding had begun and she knew this to be a sign that her cunt was becoming involved. She ignored it and focused on the only thing that was important.

Her tongue flicked Miss Peach's hard clit incessantly. The moaning became louder and more insistent. Sarah kept up a constant attention on the tiny button but varied her technique by licking the length of the slit, darting her tongue inside Miss Peach as deep as she could go. She knew that the housemistress enjoyed it when she covered her pussy with her mouth and inserted her tongue deep inside her, making sure her nose rested against the clit. Miss Peach went wild when she did that, thighs quivering, breath exploding in sharp pants.

For five minutes Sarah's mouth did not leave the wet pussy of her housemistress. Her entire world was focused on bringing Miss Peach to orgasm. She remained in darkness, her own pussy and ass stuffed deeply. Her own breathing had begun to increase as her passion grew. As she ground her face into the cunt she forgot all about her own body, hips grinding at her mounting arousal.

Sarah wasn't sure, but she thought that Miss Peach was close to coming. She moved her mouth back to the clit, sucking the little bud into her mouth. She sucked hard, hummed softly and ground her tongue across the delicate bundle of nerves as hard as she could. She was rewarded with unbridled cries of ecstasy from the housemistress. Miss Peach could hardly keep her body still. She pinched her nipples and pulled her breasts up and away from her body, legs spasming as her orgasm hit. Miss Peach locked her legs behind Sarah's back, her thighs squeezing the young girls head and her calves pulling body in closer.

Sarah was trapped. Her face was crushed into Miss Peach's crotch, making breathing extremely difficult. Sarah's only thought was to keep working, keep servicing her superior, until she had no more energy. As Miss Peach's orgasm peaked, she jerked her legs in a series of uncontrollable spasms. Tears welled in Sarah's eyes as her nose was rammed into Miss Peach's mons, but she did not stop sucking or licking.

For almost ten minutes Sarah's mouth had been glued to her housemistress' cunt. Her mouth and chin were covered in pussyjuice and she knew that her own pussy was creaming. She not only had a dildo in her cunt, but a plug in her ass and the movement of each intruder against the other was providing her with her own small measure of ecstasy. But what had really caused the fluttering in her belly and the tightness in her chest was the knowledge that she was causing such pleasure. She was serving a superior in the best possible way. It was now, when she was providing the ultimate sexual service that she was truly, and only, a slut.

Sarah kept her pace as Miss Peach started to become limp. The legs that had wrapped tightly around her head slowly slid off her shoulders. She remained in darkness, her only cues were from Miss Peach's body. She knew that the older woman had experienced a powerful orgasm. Just saying this to herself, caused a shudder to run through her body. Her naked flesh seemed to be amazingly sensitive. If allowed she could easily have come but she refused the sensation and tried to think of what was to happen now.

Miss Peach had gone completely silent, there were not even soft moans anymore. Her body seemed to be completely limp and if Sarah had not known better she would have sworn that the woman was asleep. She keep her mouth firmly clamped to the hot moist pussy but she returned to the softer licking with which she had begun. She darted her tongue into the soft pink opening, drew the delicate inner lips into her mouth and languorously played her tongue around them.

Sarah did not stop her amorous attentions despite the lack of input from the housemistress. It was not until some minutes later that Sarah felt the body before her stir. It was indeed as if Miss Peach was slowing coming to life after a deep sleep. She heard a deep, sleepy moan from further up the bed.

"Ahh, Porter, you devious little slut. Taking advantage hey. Enough of your fun, start cleaning up. We need to get you ready for class."

Sarah released Miss Peach's slick labia and began to lick the juice from her pussy and thighs. She tried to use only her tongue as she knew that her own face was covered in the copious secretions of the prone woman and if she was not careful she would simply be spreading it around. When Sarah came to the clit, she licked it slowly and then, with a cheeky smile, she kissed the tight bud gently.

"Oh slut, you are a cheeky one. Come on, lets get you ready, I think I have indulged you quite enough for one day."

Sarah heard Miss Peach get up from the bed and crawled after her. Indulged her? Sarah was not sure what she meant exactly, she had only been doing what a slut should. She must have done the right thing or she would no doubt have incurred a punishment.

Sarah was pleased with how her morning had gone so far. She had been released from the small cage, which, to be honest, was quite uncomfortable. Maybe without the terribly tight belt constricting her waist it would not have been so bad but the inability to stretch out was not something she was used to. Then she had been allowed to service her housemistress and bring her to a powerful orgasm. She had not been praised but her performance had not been criticised so Sarah accepted that as a praise enough. She had been given a chance to be a true slut and she had not disappointed. When she felt the tiles under her hands and knees she kneeled obediently and awaited further instruction. She would have come to attention but the cuffs on her ankles prevented her standing.

"Present," Miss Peach ordered.

Sarah turned her body so her ass was facing the direction she thought the voice had come from. She lowered her chest to the floor and pushed her ass out, spreading her legs just a little wider. As Miss Peach removed the cuffs from her ankles, Sarah felt a flutter of pride. In the last few days she had managed to master at least one aspect of her training. Her positions were almost without fault. She knew she could do better but when she was commanded into a certain position she made sure she not only held the position correctly, but moved into the position in the most pleasing manner she could devise.

She was, of course, not praised for behaviour, but as a slut it was simply expected. Doing what was expected of one was hardly noteworthy, but still Sarah could not help feeling a little happiness wither her success. It meant that there was hope for her in those aspects of her training in which she was not doing so well. Her general behaviour left a lot to be desired and not only her physical fitness but her dancing were due for great improvements. She was trailing her entire class in both areas.


Sarah raised herself, gracefully, from the floor and turned to face Miss Peach. Each movement caused her both pain and pleasure and she would be glad on both counts to have the dildos and tight belt removed. She felt the straps holding her mask in place being loosened. A moment after the mask was lifted off. Light flooded into Sarahs eyes and she quickly screwed them closed. The light was no brighter than normal but she had been in complete darkness for so long it would take a few moments to acclimatise. Even at night in the dorm there was a small measure of light from the moon or the stars shining through the huge skylight that comprised most of the ceiling.

Sarah slowly opened her eyes as the belt around her waist was first loosened and then removed. Miss Peach let it go and it fell, only to swing between Sarah's legs, held in place by the cross strap that held the dildos inside her.

"Empty your holes and clean up," ordered Miss Peach as she left the room.

Sarah was staring at herself in the large bathroom mirror. She saw Miss Peach leave the room behind her. She took a moment to look at her body. There was a deep red indentation around her waist where the belt had dug into her skin during the night. She could see the belt hanging between her legs, trapped in place by the dildos in her pussy and ass. She had not been wrong in her earlier assessment. She could see the strap around her pussy and the top of her thighs was coated in the thick white cream her pussy produced so copiously.

She brought her hands around from behind her back and thought about how she was to complete the order she had been given. Her hands were still encased in the tight mitten-like cuffs, keeping her hands in two tight little fists. There was no way she could grasp the dildos to pull them out. She bent slightly and tried to grab the belt between her fists and pull down on it that way. After a few attempts she gave up in frustration. The smooth surface of the mittens simply did not provide enough purchase for her to move the belt even slightly.

Sarah did the only other thing she could think of. She squatted down and shuffled her feet until she could feel each one standing on an end of the belt. She made sure she could put all her weight over the belt and began to slowly raise her body. She instantly felt the dildo and plug move. It was not the easiest manoeuvre to accomplish. It would have been easier if she had rested her hands on the floor and pulled herself up and forwards. She knew this would not be as attractive a pose so she kept her hands behind her back.

Slowly the dildo moved and eventually popped out of her pussy. A soft moan involuntarily escaped her as large head of the dildo left the soft folds of her sex. One hole was empty. The plug in her ass would need a little more encouragement. She had felt it move but it was still firmly inside her. The young schoolgirl lowered herself back to the floor, readjusted her feet on the belt and again raised her ass up.

She felt the plug push on her tiny anus, distending it as it was pulled inexorably against her muscles. There was a little pain but she did not stop. She was determined to have it out on this attempt. She did not know how long she had and she still needed to clean them both. She tried to relax the muscles in her ass, as she strained to lift her body. It was not the easiest thing to do as all her muscles wanted to tense together. She kept her body moving slowly upwards and with a last effort she pulled the plug from her ass with an audible pop.

Dildos and belt fell to the floor with a dull thud. Sarah quickly turned around and picked up the mess of belts, buckles and dildos. She could not get a very good grip on the contraption so she settled for wrapping the loose belts around each wrist. She was unable to control the dildos and had to twist her hands in weird ways to move the dildo and plug towards her mouth. Sarah decided to clean the plug first. She had never tasted anything that had been in her ass. She knew it would not taste pleasing and she planned to disguise it with her pussycream, that liberally coated the dildo.

She twisted the plug towards her mouth, looking at it intently as she did so. It looked relatively clean. The egg-shaped end was coated in what looked like a clear gel-like substance. She took a deep breath and licked the plug clean, getting her first taste of her own ass. Her first taste of any ass. Sarah was surprised at the taste. She had been fully prepared to gag at the disgusting flavour. There was almost no taste to the gooey substance, it was bland and almost flavourless though it was still something that Sarah did not wish to repeat too often. She was very glad of the thorough enema she had given herself the night before.

She swiftly finished cleaning the plug, then moved to the dildo, removing her white cream from its length with her tongue. The now familiar taste of her own pussy was a welcome change. It felt like coming home, as strange as that sounded, it was the best way she could describe the sensation that washed through her when she licked the first white smear from the dildo. She made short work of it.

Once both were clean, Sarah wisely checked the floor where they had dropped. She congratulated herself on her wise thinking as she knelt down and licked a few drops of sticky liquid from the clean tiles. Satisfied, Sarah stood at attention, dildos and belt still wrapped around her wrists. She could feel the weight of the dildo and plug rest on her bare buttocks.

Her thoughts turned to where they had so recently been and a ripple of pleasure coursed through her body. Her nipples sprang to attention and she was amazed that after all she had been through, the mere touch of a dildo as it rested on her ass was enough to cause such a reaction. It was going to be another long day, as they all were for a slut. She was sure it was not different for a slut in training or one in the service of her owner. It was a good thing her body was so responsive, despite the hardship and discomfort it brought her.

There was no clock in the room and Sarah had no way to tell how long she stood waiting for Miss Peach to return. She knew that even standing still was a way in which she was serving and learning but she could not help but feel as if she was in some way being idle. It was a criticism that had been brought against her a number of times since her training began and it was one which she wished to avoid in the future.

"All clean?" Miss Peach asked from the doorway.

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied somewhat startled.

"Put them in the sink and run me a bath."

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah replied to an already empty doorway.

The naked teen placed the dildo belt in the sink and went straight to the large white bathtub. It was one of the old raised tubs that sat on four little legs. It was both elegant and quaint. She had to use both hands to turn the stiff taps on, holding a hand to either side and twisting up and down. It was amazing how much you took for granted until it was taken away from you. Simple things that seemed so easy became chores without the use of your hands.

Sarah quickly got both taps going full and stood at attention to wait for the tub to fill. She resisted the temptation to look at the progress and instead relied on the sound of the rushing water to let her know when it was nearing three quarters full. She bent at the waist and dipped her elbow quickly into the water to test the temperature. It was a little hot so she turned off the hot water and let the cold run for a few seconds more.

Sarah now stood at attention in front of the full bath and waited for Miss Peach. As if on cue Sarah felt more than heard the housemistress enter the room. She moved past the stiff schoolgirl and tested the water with one hand, splashing playfully on the surface. Without a word Miss Peach stepped into the bath, making soft noises of contentment as the hot water covered her naked body.

"Soap and shampoo in the cabinet under the sink," said Miss Peach as she settled contentedly into the bath.

Sarah hurried over to the cabinet. There were no handles on the door so she pushed the centre with one mittened fist and the twin doors swung open. There were a number of bottles and it took Sarah a minute to locate the shampoo and soap. There was also a pair of the rough gloves that all Trinity students used to wash themselves but she had not been ordered to retrieve those. She pushed the bottle and soap together between her fists and prayed they would not slip, moving slowly back to the bath, careful not to jolt the slippery items from the tenuous hold she had on them.  

"Soap in the dish, shampoo on the floor. Then fetch the gloves and jug."

Sarah swiftly did as she was told, eager to please. Once she was at attention, Miss Peach ordered her hands in front and removed the mittens, allowing Sarah to unclench her fists for the first time in many hours. They immediately made their way behind her back to the position that was becoming more and more natural to her. She slowly flexed her fingers, quickly regaining all normal sensation.

"You may wash me now Porter," said Miss Peach as she threw the mittens into a corner.

Sarah moved to the end of the tub and stood behind the reclining housemistress. She looked down to see Miss Peach's naked body resting in the bathtub, her large breasts floating on the surface. Sarah picked up the gloves and put them on before reaching for the soap.

"No you stupid little slut. Take off those gloves. A slut always washes the hair of her superior first. If we have to take it slow then we will take it slow. I dont mind, it will mean you have less time to prepare for class but that is not my concern. Right, pick up the jug, place it in the water and fill it up. Next gather my hair and wet it. Once you have done that then you pick up the shampoo bottle, open it, pour a small amount into the palm of your hand and then begin to wash my hair, lathering the shampoo from root to tip."

Sarah cringed at the harsh words of Miss Peach. She quickly took off the gloves and did as she was told. It was all a part of her training, learning how to do things properly but she still felt like a little child when she was told how to perform such mundane tasks. But she needed to be told. The simple fact that she had started by doing the wrong thing was evidence enough that her training was inadequate. That was no fault of her teachers, it was just that she had so much to learn and so little time. 

"Honestly, sometimes the stupidity of you sluts astounds me. Being a slut does not necessarily mean your brain does not work, but all too often it seems to be the way. Too much cunt and not enough brain. I hope that is a lesson you have taken to heart after your recent detentions."

Sarah was not sure if a response was required so decided to stay silent, the natural state of a slut. The young schoolgirl proceeded to first rinse and then wash Miss Peach's hair. She gently gathered the shoulder length curls and pulled the hair behind her, the tips were already wet but Sarah carefully poured the plastic jug of warm bath water on the collected tresses. She poured with one hand and gently smoothed the wet hair with the other.

Once she was sure all the hair was wet, Sarah measured a small dollop of shampoo into her hand and began to massage it into her housemistress's hair. Miss Peach closed her eyes and relaxed, all tension melting away. She luxuriated in the sensation of the naked teenagers gentle movements, slowly lathering the shampoo in her hair. Porter had a decidedly tender, almost loving touch and she was enjoying the attentions of the young girl.

Miss Peach lay back without a care in the world, her every need being attended to by this petite little slut that could not seem to keep herself out of trouble. Her training seemed to be progressing rather patchily but she would come around, they always did. Once she had finished washing Miss Peach's hair, Sarah collected the jug and rinsed the shampoo away.

"Put down the jug, put on the gloves and lather them with soap. Then you may begin to wash my body, start with my neck and work downwards," Miss Peach directed, her voice filled with a dreamy quality.

Sarah did as she was told, quickly lathering the delicious smelling sandalwood soap between the rough gloves. She put her hands on the delicate flesh of Miss Peach's neck and began to slowly and gently wash her body. Miss Peach simply lounged in the big bathtub, letting Sarah do her work. Every now and then the housemistress would sigh contentedly. With each sigh, a tingling sensation as of hundreds of butterflies fluttered in Sarah's belly. She could feel a heat in her pussy and knew that she had begun to produce her cream.

The naked teenager could not help but become aroused. The deep sense of contentment and pleasure she sensed in the housemistress was having a strong effect on her. She was the cause of Miss Peach's happiness and this knowledge had caused her body to react as only a slut's would. Giving pleasure, whether through sexual service or through something more mundane, caused emotions so intense that she did not know how to deal with them. Her body reacted, she had no control whatsoever over it. Her nipples hardened and her pussy became hot and wet and all she could do was accept her response as natural and focus on her task.

Sarah scrubbed Miss Peach's shoulders before moving to her front and delicately washing the large breasts floating on the surface of the hot water. She was glad the tub was free-standing, it gave her the opportunity to move around it on all sides, allowing her access to all of Miss Peach's body without the older woman needing to move at all. Even though Miss Peach kept her eyes closed, delighting in the sensation of having a petite, nude schoolgirl cleanse her entire body, Sarah made sure to keep her legs straight, shoulder-width apart, as she bent at the waist to reach into the bath. Only her arms were getting wet as she scrubbed the white body of the housemistress. Sarah moved back often to the soap, re-lathering the rough gloves, as she continued to wash Miss Peach.

She took each breast in both hands and gently massaged the soft mounds, making sure to reach underneath each breast before moving on to Miss Peach's soft belly. Sarah soon found her hands on the plump pussy she had so recently serviced. As her rough-gloved hands brushed across the soft lips of her superior, she felt as if she could once again taste the strong flavour that had filled her mouth as she brought her housemistress to orgasm. Miss Peach moaned softly as Sarahs fingers washed her pussy and anus, one finger inadvertently slipping inside her slightly. 

"You are a keen little slut aren't you. Unfortunately we have no time for that. Stick to the task you were given. Step up here Porter," Miss Peach said, indicating a spot close to the top of the bath.

Sarah moved into position and stood at attention, water from her wet hands dripping down her buttocks. Miss Peach reached languidly between Sarah's legs and slid two fingers across the entrance to her pussy. They came away coated in thick white liquid. Miss Peach held them before her and inspected them. Sarah kept her eyes forward but she could tell what she was doing.

"I suspected as much slut," said Miss Peach, grinning slyly. She popped the fingers in her mouth, tasting Sarah for the first time. Yes, quite delicious. The consistency was the most interesting part. It was thick, almost like semen. This little one would be spending quite a deal of time in the milking room, that was a certainty. "Back to work."

Sarah moved to the other end of the bathtub and finished washing Miss Peach's legs and feet. She finished by washing Miss Peach's back, the housemistress sitting up and allowing her access. Sarah felt that she was doing a good job and she was enjoying the chance to serve in such a way. She felt as if she was entrusted with an important duty, being allowed to perform so intimate a task for a superior. It was not the same as eating pussy, washing the older woman felt more sensual and important in some way. Sarah could not quite put her finger on it exactly but she felt her subservience much more keenly than she ever had before.

"Remove the gloves and fetch the drying cloth."

Sarah scurried back to the cabinet beneath the sink while Miss Peach stood up in the bath and eventually stepped out onto the waiting bathmat. Sarah was not sure what a drying cloth was but there was only one thing that could fit the description in the small cabinet so she picked it up and hurried back.

"Well? Begin drying slut. Next thing you know I will have to tell you to breath in and out," Miss Peach said in exasperation.

Sarah unfolded the thick cloth and began to wipe Miss Peach's naked body. The cloth was only twelve inches square and it was made of a thick material that Sarah did not recognise. When she began wiping the naked woman's body, Sarah noticed the cloth seemed to soak up the water with ease. The mere touch of the cloth on Miss Peach's moist flesh seemed to remove all traces of the bathwater.

The housemistress stood casually as Sarah wiped her down. Luckily Miss Peach was not a tall woman and Sarah was able to reach all of her. It did not take long for Sarah to dry Miss Peach's body . Sarah knew her pussy was amazingly wet as she rubbed the small cloth across every inch of the housemistress. She felt an uncontrollable shudder in her belly as she moved the cloth between the housemistress' legs and up between her buttocks. Miss Peach remained still as Sarah finished drying her body.

When she was finished Sarah moved back in front and stood at attention. She could not quite believe how her body was responding to what she was doing. Her mind meandered back to a lesson. She could not remember which one but she remembered being told that a slut only ever receives true satisfaction from submission and that a slut can only experience true happiness through service. Sarah felt as if she now knew what that statement meant.

"Let the water out, clean up and come into the other room."

Miss Peach left without another word and Sarah immediately removed the plug from the bath and collected all the apparatus she had used. She put away the soap, shampoo, gloves and cloth. She was unsure what to do with the discarded mittens. She did not know where they went but she could not leave them on the floor. She picked them up, folded them neatly and put them on the side of the sink.

Once she was finished she moved into the adjoining bedroom and stood at attention at the foot of the bed. She could not see Miss Peach but she could hear her from the small walk-in wardrobe  behind the bed. Miss Peach soon emerged wearing a plain, though figure-hugging, dress.

"Porter when a slut is unattended in my room she will always make her way to the corner. The slut kneels, her legs against the walls, hands behind her head, also against the wall. Do so."

Sarah looked around the room and saw only one corner that was able to accommodate her, the others being occupied by furniture. She strode purposefully to the corner and knelt according to the directions she had been given. After the hard tiles of the bathroom, the carpet felt soft and comforting under her knees. Her legs and arms rested flush against both walls of the corner displaying her pussy and breasts to the room.

"Eyes down slut. Focus on a spot on the floor between your legs," ordered Miss Peach. "Hmmm, when you come take your position here in future first collect this dish from the top of the dresser and make sure it is under that cunt. I don't want any stains on my carpet. Luckily I am prepared for even the messiest of sluts."

Sarah blushed furiously as Miss Peach reached up and took a small, shallow china dish from the top of a cupboard and placed it underneath her. Sarah glimpsed her pussy as the dish was slid between her legs and could see the thick white thread of her cream dangling from her spread pussylips. It already hung an inch from her and she knew it was in danger of falling at any moment.

Miss Peach busied herself about her room while Sarah waited patiently in the corner. She wished she had not seen the cream. She could now think of nothing else. She had been awake for a little over an hour by her reckoning and already her pussy was furiously wet, producing so much cream that not only were her lips and the tops of her thighs, coated in it, but when she was at rest she was in danger of leaving a trail behind. What was this, her fourth day in training, going to bring? Sarah could not answer the question in detail but there were a few things she could be assured of: pain, humiliation, a wet pussy, hard nipples and another detention.

She dreaded the end of the day when she would return to room 17 and be forced to undergo her third detention in as many days. The mere thought of returning to that room caused her heart to start beating faster.

"Slut, front," Miss Peach bellowed from the bathroom.

Sarah scrambled to her feet and hurried into the next room, worried by the tone of the housemistress' voice. When Sarah entered she saw Miss Peach standing by the bath, her arms crossed and her face showing obvious disappointment.

"I said front, slut," Miss Peach hissed.

Sarah moved quickly to stand in front of the housemistress, sure that she was in trouble, but for what she could not know. Miss Peach reached out and grabbed the young girl's ponytail and wrenched her head roughly down into the bathtub. Sarah was bent at the waist, her head forced well down past the rim of the white tub.

"Do you call this clean," Miss Peach snapped as Sarah's face was pushed close to the side of the bathtub.

In front of her eyes, Sarah could see a barely discernible line on the white surface. She had no doubt that this was the water level of the bath when Miss Peach had been in it and that the line was the faintest trace of soap scum. She never took baths so she had not even thought to clean the tub itself.

"Well do you?" Miss Peach asked as she pushed Sarahs face into the hard edge of the bathtub.

"No Mistress," the young girl said through lips mashed painfully into the tub surface.

"Normally a slut fills the jug with water and washes the soap line with her hand. You will lick it off and you will do so on each occasion until I feel you have learned your lesson."
"Yes Mistress, thank you Mistress." Sarah replied meekly.

"Return to your spot when you are finished," ended Miss Peach, punctuating her command with a powerful slap to her right buttock.

The force of the blow pushed Sarah forward, her thighs bumping into the side of the tub. She almost overbalanced and fell into it but she managed to right herself just in time. She wasted no time and began licking the soap scum from the otherwise pristine white surface. The taste left something to be desired but Sarah had tasted worse. In fact she had been fed much worse.

She made her way as quickly as she could around the bath, licking away all evidence of the recent activity. Her thighs burned long before she was finished, the bent position being far from comfortable. She could not complain. She had failed in the task Miss Peach had set her. She deserved an infraction so she felt as if her housemistress was being overly generous. Once finished, she moved quickly around the bathtub surveying her work. She was sure it was clean.

In moments Sarah was back in the bedroom, kneeling in her corner, her cunt positioned directly above the small dish. She set her eyes to the floor and waited once again. The sight of the shallow dish made her think of her pussy and the juices it had been secreting. She felt sure she was not producing any longer. Her sex was still moist but it was only the remnant of her arousal.


Sarah had barely knelt in position before she was once again called by Miss Peach. This time she moved into the outer office and found Miss Peach seated behind her desk. She moved in front of the desk and stood at attention, looking at the clock on the wall behind the desk. It was only just about to turn 6 o'clock. The gate to her dormitory would still be shut. She had awoken much earlier than usual. Officially, her schoolday had not begun and yet she had already spent more than an hour servicing her housemistress.

"Dismissed," Miss Peach said at the same time the door to the Trinity house dormitory opened.

Sarah curtsied to Miss Peach and then scurried out of the room to rejoin her classmates and start her fourth day at Harkwood.

Chapter 27. In which Sarah meets a Gentleman

"Port," shouted Murphy as Sarah hurried into her dorm.

"Murph," Sarah replied as the two naked schoolgirls embraced.

"What happened? Where were you last night? How come you weren't here?"

Sarah let go of Murphy as she thought about the rapid-fire questions. "Come on, let's talk as we wash." She took down the small mesh bag from her cupboard, took her friend's hand and walked with her to the showers.

"I missed curfew last night because my detention went over time. It was my fault, my behaviour was pretty bad," Sarah said with chagrin. She lathered the shampoo in her hair as she spoke, remembering the same service she had performed for Miss Peach minutes before.

"I spent the night in a small cage in the housemistress' bathroom with all of my holes filled. When I woke up this morning I ate Miss Peach's pussy and then bathed her and then I was dismissed. And thats pretty much it," she finished matter-of-factly.

As she scrubbed her body under the delicious hot spray of the showers, she looked at her young friend who had remained silent. Both Murphy and Mitchell were absentmindedly washing themselves as they stared at her. Sarah felt immediately self-conscious and looked down.

"Sorry Port," Murphy apologised seeing her friend's obvious discomfort. "It's just that... how can you talk about it so... well calmly. I mean weren't you scared?"

"No," Sarah replied a little bewildered. "Why would I be scared? It's all part of being a slut and besides I deserved it."

"But why?"

"Because I missed curfew. I broke the rules and so I deserve whatever our superiors decide."

"But it was hardly your fault you missed curfew, you were in detention," replied the clearly exasperated girl.

"Murph, come on. I was in detention because of my behaviour so it was my fault. But my detention was only doubled because of my lack of manners. Murph you can't blame anyone else for anything that happens, you know that."

"I guess."

"Murph trust me, being a slut is about knowing your place and it is our place to serve. Right now we are just learning and we are lucky we have such great teachers. it might not be easier once we are trained and know how to behave but it will be better."

"I trust you," Mitchell pitched in as they left the showers together.

"Thanks Mitch," Sarah said, squeezing the busty teen's hand.

They each took a rough towel and dried themselves in silence, each girl having a lot to think about. Sarah was a little worried about Murphy. She said she accepted what she was and what that meant for her new life, but Sarah was not so sure it was completely heartfelt. She could not do much more for her friends but keep trying to set an example. She was not sure Mitchell truly got it either. She seemed a lot more accepting but Sarah had a sense that Mitchell was treating it all as some kind of game, or as if she was playing a role in a movie. Sarah was no expert but she knew the only way a slut could truly do her position justice and make her owner proud was if she devoted her mind, body and soul to it.

She dressed and checked her appearance in the mirror before turning back to Murphy. The Irish girl was simply stunning. Sarah knew her cuteness could not hold a candle to Murphy's almost supernatural beauty. Her alabaster skin and flame-red hair made it difficult for Sarah to look away whenever she was near.

"Murph?" Sarah waited as her friend straightened her skirt and blouse before looking up. "Murph I know it doesn't seem like it because of all the infractions and detentions and stuff but I know we are all sluts here and I know that we owe a duty to our owners and teachers and to society really to be the sluts we were meant to be. Do you understand? I mean, that sounded wrong and I am not trying to preach or teach you or anything like that but I know you will be a great slut and I guess I just wanted you to know that."

Murphy looked at Sarah as she spoke. She could see how sincere her friend was, how she was speaking only from the heart. She only wished she had Sarah's conviction. It wasn't that she thought that there was some kind of a way out, that she had any control over the direction of her life. It was just that she was having serious trouble with being a willing participant. She could not bring herself to believe that all women were sluts and that she was naturally inclined. She would be a slut, because that is what her life had become. That is all she had accepted.

The pretty, Irish schoolgirl leaned over and gave Sarah a brief hug. She whispered in Sarah's ear, "thanks Port, you are a great friend." She gave her one last squeeze before they left the dorm for another day of schooling.

Miss Peach was waiting for the house to assemble. Sarah and Murphy quickly took their places in line and were soon dismissed. Hinka was the last to join the ranks and received numerous new welts on her thighs. For some reason the German girl always struggled with the morning muster. Sarah felt bad for her but not being a morning person was no excuse for poor behaviour.

Breakfast passed without event. After her liquid diet of the past 18 hours she was more thankful than ever for the delicious, solid, porridge. This morning there was an extra treat of sliced banana threaded throughout the porridge. Sarah had never been too interested in bananas, she had always disliked the squishy consistency, but on this particular morning she devoured every last piece and wanted more.

The Trinity students had become quite adept in their cleaning duties and the food hall was cleaned swiftly and without fuss. Once finished Sarah took her place in line and marched to their first class. For the first time since their semester had begun they would be at their first class ahead of time. Sarah had glanced at the clock before they left the food hall and they had an entire eight minutes of extra time. 

The moment they arrived outside Miss Watson's door they were called to enter. Sarah filed in and stood by her seat, following the now regular schoolday morning routine. The class sat as one at Miss Watsons order. Sarah naturally spread her legs, obediently adopting the seated attention position. She knew that Miss Watson could now see under her skirt, stretched tight across her thighs, to the tiny white panties cupping her pussy. She had changed so much since her training began. Instead of worrying that her teacher could see up her skirt, she now hoped that Miss Watson liked what she saw.

"We have quite a number of corrections to get through this morning so we shall begin immediately. Olsen, one infraction," Miss Watson said as she collected the cane.

Sarah sat behind her desk and watched intently as Olsen, Cox and Murphy received one cane stroke each. Murphy's beautiful white skin was marred by seven deep red welts that ran across her buttocks. Sarah wondered if the individual strokes she had received would be visible. She had received so many that they had overlapped across her behind. They caused a continual ache that had been with her since her very first morning at Harkwood. Sitting, watching her classmates receive their correction highlighted the ache in her own buttocks.

"Porter, seven infractions. Which has also earned you a third detention this afternoon. You have also earned a punishment session to which you will report on Sunday morning."

Sarah cringed when the number of her infractions was announced. She dutifully scanned her eartag at Miss Watson's computer and made her way to the platform at the front of the class. Without stopping, she stepped up and assumed the correction position, wondering what her classmates were thinking as they viewed her bruised buttocks.

Sarah grunted as the first cane stroke smacked against her bare flesh. The pain was excruciating but she did not move her feet an inch. It was her fault she was receiving these cane strokes and she would not compound her failure by losing position. Sarah was more sure than ever that she would never become used to the pain, but she would use it to become a better slut.

At the fourth stroke Sarah was crying openly, by the seventh she was squealing as the cane landed on her already painful globes. She stood up, thanked Miss Watson for her correction and took her seat, where she sat internalising the agony in her buttocks as the rest of the class received their correction. Every single girl received at least one stroke. But no one else received more than two. For the fourth day in a row Sarah had incurred far more infractions than any other student.

"Mitchell, Cox, Taylor, Shah and Ness. You are to report here at the cessation of classes today. This directive takes precedence over any extra time penalties you may accrue during the course of the day. These penalties will be seen to after all other tasks."

Sarah's curiosity was piqued but she knew she would not be receiving any further information on this development. Miss Watson stood in front of the class and surveyed her students. Sarah could not take her eyes off her teacher today. The tall woman was dressed in a tight-fitting pale-green blouse with a stiff bodice that looked almost like a corset. It had the most pleasing effect of pushing Miss Watson's ample breasts high upon her chest. A soft, flowing skirt of light brown came down to her knees. Sarah thought that she had never before looked as lovely, though it was something else entirely that had caught her eye.

An elaborate choker of silver and black was fitted around her teacher's throat. It was a beautiful piece of jewellery that reminded Sarah of a collar. She thought that the decoration of Miss Watson's throat made her infinitely more alluring. She had to resist the urge to reach up and touch her own collar and felt sure that if her hands had not been behind her back she just might have done so subconsciously.

"During our first lesson today we will be focusing on cocksucking. You have learned and practiced the basic techniques over the past few days. Today's lesson will contain an informal testing component. When the bell rings we will be joined by Gregory, who will be conducting the assessment. Gregory is a gentleman and as such is your superior. I should not have to tell you that but I know how easily distracted a slut can become. You will obey each and every command you are given and it is not only your cocksucking that is to be assessed today."

Sarah's eyes widened at the mention of a man entering the class. Not only that but she knew that the assessment would mean that she would be sucking a real cock. For the first time she would not only be seeing a cock in the flesh, but she would be expected to not only suck it but to use all the knowledge she had gained in the last four days. It was very early in her training and she hoped that she had learned enough. The apprehension of the situation warred with her excitement at the prospect.

"Stand. Undress, bra and panties in the bag, blouse and skirt hanging. Move by file."

Sarah stood with the rest of the class and began to undress. She was not entirely sure what 'move by file' meant but she focused first on removing her uniform. She placed each item on her desk and it was not until she saw Olsen walk past her to the hooks by the door that she understood. Once Olsen had returned to her desk, Cox moved to the door to deposit her uniform. In less than 3 minutes the entire class was naked, except for socks and shoes, and standing at attention by their desks.


As one the class of eighteen teenage schoolgirls sat upon their small round stools, legs spread and heads held high. After only a few moments, during which Sarah's mind was consumed by the pain in her buttocks, both old and new, the door to the classroom opened. Sarah grit her teeth and kept her eyes focused forward, though many of her classmates were not so disciplined.

"Clark, Hinka, Casta, Shah, Winkle, Hassel, Carew - infraction. Eyes forward. Porter, go to the supply room and collect two small pegs for each slut who received an infraction. Place one on each nipple and return to your seat."

Sarah stood up and went quickly to the back of the classroom. She tried to move as sensually and gracefully as she could, doing her best to impress. As she turned to the back of the class she had managed to catch the briefest of glimpses. The man was tall, slightly taller than Miss Watson, and broad-shouldered. He had dark blond hair and was clean shaven. Any more than that would have to wait until she had finished her task.

Sarah silently opened the supply room door and went straight for the box which she knew held the small black pegs. How many girls had been naughty? Sarah ran through the names in her head - seven. So fourteen pegs were needed. She pulled out the box and removed the pegs, holding them all in one hand. She left the room, being sure to close the door on her way out.

Sarah strode purposefully towards Carew, the girl at the very back of the class and leaned over to place the pegs upon her nipples. She stood to one side and bent slowly at the waist, hoping that by doing so she was allowing her superiors the best possible view of what she was doing. Sarah chose one small black peg, opened it up and placed it over Carew's right nipple. The frightened schoolgirl's nipples were not hard and Sarah had to push the peg into her breast to seat it properly over the nipple. Carew gave a soft, barely audible moan as the jaws of the peg closed over her tender flesh.

Sarah did not look at any of the girls as she clamped the pegs over their waiting nipples. She hoped that her classmates bore her no ill will for she was only doing what she was ordered, but she knew what teenage girls were like. Besides they deserved it for breaking position, Sarah thought to herself. As quickly as she could Sarah finished applying the pegs and returned to her seat. It was only then that she had her chance to finally see the gentleman who was to be the focus of their lesson.

Gregory was a handsome man. He exuded masculinity, with his strong jaw and broad shoulders. As Sarah watched, he removed his shirt to reveal a strongly muscled chest. Sarah felt her nipples harden, tightening the surface of her breasts. At the same time she felt her pussy begin to moisten. She laughed a little to herself at the fear she had felt at being a lesbian. The mere sight of a man had made her instantly aroused, the familiar fluttering in her belly completing the sensation.

Sarah was mesmerised as Miss Watson stepped forward and removed his pants. Sarah saw her first cock bounce free as her teacher carefully folded the pants and placed them on her leather chair. Every eye in the class was firmly fixed on the already hard cock that was displayed before them. Sarah glanced quickly at Miss Watson, noting that she was standing at attention to one side of the platform. She thought no more of it as she turned back to the cock.

It was similar to her dildo and yet so different. The cock was not quite as large as her dildo but it was still almost eight inches in length and easily as thick as the one on which she had been practicing. From where she sat in the front row, she could see the veins standing out along the shaft and the slight upturn at the end of its length had her intrigued. There was a liberal tuft of pubic hair above the cock but the balls were clean. As she watched, the entire cock bounced gently and Sarah wondered how that was happening.

"First slut, front."

His voice was deep and sonorous and Sarah felt a tightening in her belly at the command. She saw Olsen stand up and move to stand in front of Gregory. He stepped to one side of the platform and turned side-on to the class.

"Kneel and begin."

Olsen stepped up onto the platform and knelt in front of the hard cock. Sarah could see her nervousness but this was perhaps the first time that she envied Olsen's place as the first girl.

"Your eyes should be on the cock at all times," Miss Watson said as she watched the class watching Olsen perform. "The only time a slut's gaze is not firmly on any cock available is when she is keeping her eyes forward."

Sarah did not need to be told, her eyes had barely left the stiff member from the moment of its unveiling. She watched as Olsen took the head into her mouth and began sucking. Sarah unconsciously critiqued her technique as she slowly took more of the cock into her mouth. It was not long before the young girl began to pump her mouth on the cock. Sarah was mesmerised, until only a few minutes later, Gregory spoke.

"Four. Sit."

Olsen took her mouth off the cock and resumed her seat. Sarah was not sure how it was being scored but could guess it was out of ten. She could tell as she watched that Olsen's technique left a lot to be desired. It seemed as if she was slowly building up to something but she had obviously taken too long.

Cox lasted a similar amount of time and scored a six. Sarah felt a strange churning feeling deep in her pussy when Murphy was called up. The Irish teen engulfed the cock as soon as she received the order to start. Sarah blushed and quickly closed her mouth as she realised it was open, her lips moving in time to her friends actions. She could feel Miss Watson's gaze upon her like a physical force, but she kept her eyes resolutely on the action.

Sarah could not be sure but she thought Murphy had been allowed to perform much longer than the previous two girls. When she was awarded a seven and told to sit, the scope of the situation was brought home to her. Her belly tightened into knots as she realised that she was next. She was only moments away from her first contact with a cock, in fact her first contact with a man in any sexual way. She was confident in what she had learned but she felt deeply nervous about putting it into practice.

"Next slut," ordered Gregory.

Sarah stood up, her knees shaking with trepidation. Even through all her nervousness she felt the wet squelch between her legs as her pussy left contact with the hard plastic seat. She blushed furiously as she felt a wet string of her pussycream swing forward and impact against her thigh. Watching her classmates suck cock had aroused her mightily. She had produced an amazing amount of cream, enough to create a thick puddle on the black plastic seat and to continue to stream from between her plump pussylips as she made her way forward.


Sarah squatted in front of the naked man, knowing that if she knelt she would not be able to reach his upturned cock. It was a permitted position for a smaller slut to adopt while sucking cock. Once her buttocks rested on her ankles she took the cock into her mouth. Her entire body shivered as the hot member made contact with her skin for the first time in her life.

A gentle moan of pleasure escaped around the thick shaft. The sensation was amazing. The shaft was soft, yet hard and the warmth in her mouth was delicious. She never imagined it could be this way. Practicing on dildos could not possibly prepare for a real cock. The silky smoothness of the head felt wonderful as her moist lips slid across it. She pumped her mouth along the shaft, playing her tongue around the head, employing all the techniques she had been taught. The young schoolgirl soon settled into a rhythm, deepthroating, pushing her nose into the soft tuft of pubic hair with each third thrust.

Sarah kept her eyes on the shaft as much as she could, though her mouth never once lost contact with some part of the cock. When she could not see any of the shaft she looked straight ahead, noticing the moisture beginning to mat the pubic hair, a combination of her, and her classmates' saliva. As she slid her mouth along the shaft Sarah could taste a hint of something different. There was a slight salty flavour in her mouth, which became stronger when she flicked her tongue around the head and darted it into the tip.

Was this the taste of cum, or the precum that she had heard about. It was quite a pleasant flavour and Sarah wondered what the full taste of a man's cum would be like. She had heard a lot about it in her previous life and none of it had been good. But she had heard very different things since coming to Harkwood, things in which she now put much more weight.

Sarah brought herself back to the classroom and the task she had been set. This was her first chance to showcase her training. The fact that it was her first ever sexual encounter with a man was irrelevant. She slid her mouth up and down the pulsing shaft, pushing the cock far back into her throat. She wanted so badly to lift up her hands and caress the thighs and hard stomach of the gentleman before her, but she kept them obediently behind her back.

Sarah shuddered with pleasure when she felt two strong hands rest on either side of her face. Her skin felt as if it was on fire everywhere he touched. The young schoolgirl serviced the cock as best as she could but she luxuriated in every moment she had the cock in her mouth. The comforting, safe feeling, she experienced whenever her mouth was filled was there but there was something bigger and more intense that threatened to consume her.

"Eight," called Gregory as he slowly forced Sarah's face from his cock.

Sarah's mouth remained open and her eyes were fixed firmly on the saliva coated cock, strands of the sticky drool reaching from her mouth to the head, tethering her to the cock. She slid forward one last time, inhaling as she did so, sucking the saliva into her mouth like a good slut. She hesitated for the briefest of moments before she stood up and went back to her seat. She saw the large puddle of white cream on the small round stool and knew that the moment she sat down she would be adding to it. Thick threads had been smeared across her thighs as she walked back to her desk. Sarah was surprised there was not an audible squelching noise as she moved.

She sat down, spread her legs, and returned her gaze to the hard cock at the front of the room. Clark was already kneeling in front of the naked man, staring in obvious nervousness at the thick member that stood mere inches from her face. As Clark's mouth closed over the head, Sarah realised that she had just been in the same position: in front of a class full of teenage girls sucking a complete stranger's cock. Her face flushed a deep red as she thought about what she had just done. She had not spared it a moment of thought while she was out there, confronted by a hard cock and the opportunity she had been given to show her training.

Sarah watched dazedly as her classmates, one by one, performed in front of the class. Even before their grade was called Sarah could tell whether most of her fellow students were good or not. The other girls received grades between five and seven. Mitchell was the only other girl who received an eight. When Carew had been assigned a six and taken her seat Miss Watson stepped forward and addressed the class.

"A poor showing. Only two sluts achieved an acceptable grade. As a reward these two girls will receive the honour of accepting the gentleman's cum." Miss Watson turned to the naked man, who was surveying the class of naked teens, 'Sir, which of the two sluts was better?"

"Mitchell," said Gregory, his deep sonorous voice showing no sign of hesitation.

"Mitchell, Porter front. Mitchell suck until you receive the gift of the gentleman's cum. Porter you can assist. Mitchell, when you receive the cum, you are not to swallow. Think upon the honour you are being given. Begin."

Mitchell immediately took the cock into her mouth and took up where she had left off. The busty teen attacked the hard shaft with a fury and enthusiasm that Sarah knew could not be fake. Maybe she had misjudged her friend, maybe she was a better slut than she had thought. Sarah was unsure exactly what she was supposed to do. She had been taught to suck cock, not to assist. She knew that kneeling there simply watching was not acceptable so she shuffled around the far side of her friend, making sure she did not block the view of the class.

Sarah leaned in and licked the balls that hung below the cock that had currently disappeared completely into Mitchell's dutiful mouth. She licked the tight sack, marvelling at the texture and the salty taste of man sweat. Her face was bumped by Mitchell's large, soft breast as she nuzzled in closer and took both balls into her mouth. She sucked gently on them, plying them with her tongue. After a few moments she noticed how much more pliant the skin had become. When she let them go she noticed the sack was much looser and swayed more as Mitchell fucked the cock with her face.

Sarah dove back in and licked the balls, the base of the cock and any piece of skin she could reach. Her face was soon coated in a thin sheen of moisture, mostly sweat but some stray strings of saliva had fallen from Mitchell's mouth to land on the nearest surface.

"Porter kneel. Mitchell, sit back, mouth wide open, tongue out," Miss Watson ordered.

Sarah knelt out of the way and watched her friend tilt her head back and open her mouth as widely as she could. Gregory took his cock in hand and pumped it twice before great spurts of white cum flew directly into Mitchell's waiting mouth. Sarah watched in fascination as the thick ejaculate pumped in spurt after spurt. Miss Watson watched both girls: Mitchell was almost statue still, her eyes focused on the cock filling her mouth an inch from her face, Sarah unconsciously licked her lips as, for the first time, she saw a man come. A small smile curled the edges of Miss Watson's mouth.

Gregory turned to Sarah and moved his cock towards her face. The naked teen obediently opened her mouth as the cock came close. She knew it was her duty to clean the beautiful shaft. She licked the small drop of cum from the end of the cock before taking the head delicately into her mouth and sucking gently, eager to remove any traces of cum that may remain. The taste was much stronger than the subtle flavour she had sensed during her test. It was strong yet did not have much discernible taste at all. To Sarah though, it was the taste of pleasure. It was the gift every slut yearned for, the taste that meant that the slut's superior had received great pleasure. Sarah could not wait to taste more.

"Class, file past by rank and observe the position this slut has adopted to receive the cum of a gentleman. This is correct when the gentlemen wishes to cum in the slut's mouth or if he wishes to cum on her face. The slut's eyes are to be open at all times, as is her mouth, unless directed otherwise. The slut does not swallow the cum until she is given permission as it may often be the case that the slut's mouth is simply used as a receptacle and the ultimate destination for the cum is elsewhere."

Sarah continued to clean the cock as her classmates left their seats and filed past, one by one, to inspect Mitchell's mouth full of cum. Her attention did not waver, even though she was curious to see what Miss Watson had described. What she was doing was far more important.

"I know you would like to stay like that all day Porter, but the gentleman has more important things upon which to attend. Thank you Sir," Miss Watson said to the naked man, curtsying daintily as she did so.

Sarah felt as if her heart was about to break as the cock was drawn from her mouth and left her sight. She felt a tangible sense of loss as she heard Gregory dress and leave the room, without speaking another word. She wanted to follow him out of the room, to catch one last glimpse but she could feel Miss Watson's eyes upon her.

"Porter, you and Mitchell may now kiss. She is to share the cum with you as you both received the same grade. You may stand."

Sarah and Mitchell stood and turned to each other. They stepped close and each sought the other's mouth with equal enthusiasm. Sarah remembered the last time she had kissed Mitchell, on this very spot. She remembered how moist her pussy had become. This time her pussy was already sopping wet, her cream pouring liberally forth, coating her thighs. And now her friend's mouth was full of cum.

The instant their mouths met, Sarah's tongue searched inside Mitchell's mouth. The two young schoolgirl's tongues slid over other each other both quickly coated in the thick, stringy cum. Sarah was amazed at how much there was in Mitchell's mouth. She felt some being pushed inside her and had to fight the urge to swallow it. Mitchell's hands cupped each side of Sarah's face, while Sarah hugged Mitchell close, mashing her large soft udders into her own chest.

"Everyone, bar these two sluts, will receive an infraction for the failing grades. I am extremely disappointed in all of you. You should all be embarrassed and ashamed. For the rest of the lesson you will practice with your dildos, but first you will each collect a sachet and spread the contents over the length of your dildos.

"Olsen, retrieve sixteen sachets from the box on the third shelf marked '33 Enhancer'. The rest of you sluts fetch your dildos."

Sarah and Mitchell remained locked together throughout their teacher's speech. Both their mouths were liberally coated in cum and Sarah knew she had a substantial amount in her own mouth now. The taste, which before had only been hinted at, now filled her mouth, tantalising every single tastebud. When Mitchell pulled away for a second as she caught her breath Sarah saw the multiple strings of salivery cum that joined their lips together.

She had longed to kiss Mitchell again, yearned for it ever since their first encounter. Students were not allowed to kiss without permission and no matter how much she had wanted to, she never dared break that rule. The impressionable young girl looked deeply into Mitchell's eyes as once again their mouths became one. Sarah could see such obvious arousal in the deep brown eyes, but there was something more than that. Sarah was sure that the feelings were more than sexual, but what did that mean for a slut?

"Olsen, place a sachet on each desk next to the dildo. Once you have your sachet you are to rip the tab at the top and squeeze the contents onto the head of your dildo, then use your fingers to cover every part. Once this is done begin practice. Move through all the techniques you have learned. I will be inspecting each and every one of you."

Sarah listened to Miss Watson direct the class, knowing that any word a superior spoke was important no matter how pleasurable the distraction. She was not sure what was going on but it was difficult to care while she was kissing such a deliciously beautiful girl. Sarah's hands slid from Mitchell's back to her chest, where she gently caressed her udders rubbing her thumbs across the hard nipples. Even though Mitchell's nipples were hard they were only mildly rougher than the soft flesh of her udder. They could not be more different from Sarah's, which were so hard and tight that she could have cut glass with them.

"Ok you two, time to return to your seats. When you part I want to see equal measures of cum in each mouth. I know the tendency among sluts to become greedy around cum. Attention, mouths open."

Sarah felt Mitchell push a little more of the saliva/cum mixture into her mouth before she pulled away. Sarah licked her lips as they parted, clearing away the thin strands of cum that would otherwise have dangled free. She stepped back next to Mitchell and stood at attention, her mouth open for inspection. She could feel the cum pooled on her tongue and, for the last time, savoured it's flavours before she was permitted to swallow. She had not even eaten her first mouthful of cum and already she wanted more. Her teacher's had been so right when they had told her that all sluts yearned for cum. She had not believed it. She now knew how naive and silly she had been then.

As she stood there, her mouth coated in cum, she was amazed that she had thought that way only four days ago. The speed at which her outlook on life had changed was a testament to the truth of what she was being taught. Miss Watson stepped in front of the girls and inspected both open mouths.

"Swallow. Fetch your dildos and join the class. You may have received the highest grade but eight is a long way from ten."

Sarah swallowed obediently, conscious of the cum as it slid to the back of her mouth, down her throat and into her belly. She could still taste the cum in her mouth, and feel a slight slimy coating on the ridged roof of her mouth. She rubbed her tongue around her teeth, trying to get the most of the experience. She had no idea when she would be allowed such a privilege again.

"You will learn more about cum with Miss Rice, but some of you will, at times, find yourselves on cum only diets. Mitchell and Porter here can attest to how desirable a state that will be."

Sarah collected her dildo, from the cabinet at the side of the room and returned to her seat. She noticed her seat still contained a puddle of her cream. She was immediately worried that she had not cleaned her seat when she had returned from her test. There was nothing she could do about that now, but she immediately bent at the waist and licked her the black plastic clean. The delicious taste of her cream mixed with the aftertaste of the cum, producing a flavour that caused her arousal to crest once more.

Sarah sat and began fucking her dildo with her face, pretending the rubber cock was the real thing, working the shaft and head as if she would once again be rewarded by the thick cum that was a slut's ultimate reward. Her dildo really was a very good approximation, with the soft outer layer and the stiffer inner core, but it did not have that delicious heat of a real cock. Her mind was consumed by thoughts of Gregorys member. She had been introduced to its wonders only an hour ago but already she could think of nothing else. Of course she had already discarded all her reservations but this obsession could leave no doubt in anyone's mind: she was a slut through and through.

Sarah felt a tingling on the back of her neck that let her know that Miss Watson was just behind her. She pushed herself a little further down the cock, realising as she did so that she had not been working as hard as she could. This was no doubt the reason why she scored only an 8, barely a pass. She focused on her technique and enthusiasm and felt better when she sensed the teacher shift her focus to another student.

A moment later Sarah was confused by a soft moaning sound. Confused because it was so close. The confusion lasted only a second as she realised she was the one moaning as she serviced her fake cock. She thought about stopping but she had begun without thought, and she decided to trust her instincts. She had hummed and moaned as she ate Miss Peach's pussy, would the same principle apply to a cock. Sarah continued to moan as she pumped her face up and down the dildo suctioned to her desk. She started to time the moans for when the maximum amount of shaft was in her mouth and throat.

Sarah lost track of time and anything outside of her mouth and her dildo. She was surprised when Miss Watson called a halt to their practice and ordered them to clean their desks and replace their dildos. Their lesson plan had definitely changed this morning. Sarah checked the clock as she returned to her seat and realised that she should be in biology already. She did not think twice about it however, her teachers knew much better than her how their training was to progress.

Even without the stimulation of her dildo on the desk in front of her, images of Gregory's cock and the way it felt inside her mouth were at the front of her thoughts. Sarah realised that she had been affected by this particular experience more than any other since her training had begun. She blushed a little as she thought about how single-minded she had become. She could feel the slight tightness in her mouth and jaws she experienced after each long cocksucking session. She was sure that in time even this would lessen and eventually go away as her body became more accustomed to its uses.

"The next assessment failed by any student in my class will not only receive an infraction for their own failure but they will also accumulate all the infractions from all the failed grades. I don't think you sluts are taking your schoolwork seriously enough. Neither class, nor coursework is optional. Whilst moving gracefully and dance are important aspects of a slut's repertoire you are not here to only participate in the activities you are attracted to."

Sarah felt thoroughly chagrined. She had not been among the girls who had been practicing dance, she had not been given the opportunity to practice anything. Her detentions had removed any chance of participating in the class practices she knew occurred, but still it was her fault she had not practiced and the humiliation she had experienced during yesterday's dance class once again made her feel inept.

She should not be proud of achieving a passing grade in cocksucking when she was failing at other aspects of her schoolwork. She knew it was important for a slut to be able to serve in every single aspect of her life and she was determined to achieve that goal. Miss Watson dismissed the class and Sarah waited her turn to rise.

Once Murphy had curtsied to Miss Watson and thanked her for the class, Sarah stood. She knew the state of her pussy, and she knew what that meant for her seat. She turned to the small round stool and saw the sticky white mess that covered the front half of the seat. Her creamy discharge had pooled in the centre but it had since been smeared around by her movements as she sucked her dildo.

Sarah widened her stance a little and bent forward at the waist, her tongue questing to clean her juices well before her face reached the seat. She had made sure her pussy and ass were pointed directly at Miss Watson, seated in her plush leather chair. She wondered what a sight her cream-coated pussy would be providing her teacher. She was becoming used to bending over in this way. Her thighs and calves still burned when she did so but it was becoming less and less. Her body was definitely adapting to the ways of a slut.

Sarah made short work of cleaning her seat. The way her pussy produced its cream and the ease with which she became aroused, she knew that soon she would not even think twice about cleaning her secretions off almost any surface. She was thankful that she found the taste of herself so inviting. She would have to ask her friends if they felt the same way about their own juices.

"Thank you for the lesson Ma'am. Thank you very much for the chance to progress in my training. And please Ma'am I would also like to thank Harkwood for the opportunity I have been given."

Sarah had not planned on saying that last statement, it had just popped out. She curtsied daintily and moved off to begin dressing in her uniform. She could almost feel her panties soak up the moistness from her pussy as she pulled them tight, settling the thin white triangle against her plump mound.

The young girl dressed hurriedly and left the classroom, walked the ten feet down the hall and took her place behind Murphy in line. One by one she was joined by her classmates, until all eighteen girls were present, standing at strict attention. She wondered if all of her classmates were thinking the same as her, if they were consumed by the overwhelming need to have another hot cock inside them. If that was the difference between a dildo and a cock in her mouth, what would it be like in her pussy? Sarah felt the delicious tension in her belly as she contemplated the possibility.

"Enter," came the sultry voice of Miss Rice from inside the classroom. 

Sarah followed Murphy into the room and stood at attention in front of her stool. Her breath caught in her throat as she realised Gregory was sitting on Miss Rice's chaise lounge while Miss Rice stood at its foot. Despite the presence of a gentleman Sarah's gaze was caught by her teacher. Miss Rice wore a loose black skirt, it's soft lines terminating halfway to her knee. Her blouse was a delicate cream colour, a strapless design that displayed the beautiful teacher's shapely shoulders. The material was smooth and almost skintight, allowing Sarah see the movement of her belly and chest as she breathed. But what had caused Sarah to briefly break with protocol and fail to have her eyes forward was seeing Miss Rice stand at attention. Sarah could almost feel the muscles of her pussy convulse at the sight. She was amazed at how much more captivating a beautiful woman could be when in the proper pose.

Sarah absorbed the sight of her teacher and quickly set her eyes forward. First Miss Watson and now Miss Rice were standing at attention, as a slut was required, in the presence of a superior. But what had they been taught on their first day of school? Every woman was a slut, it was their natural state. So her teachers were sluts also, bound by the rules of all sluts - the subservience to, and service of, men. It all made sense, Sarah thought as she sat down at Miss Rice's command. Who better to train a slut than someone to whom the life was known in all its intricacies. Armed with this knowledge, Sarah had an even greater respect for her teachers.

"Now class, today we have the privilege and the pleasure of the presence of a gentleman. I know that you are all acquainted so we will get right down to class. We will have a break from our regular lessons on the cunt and today we will focus on something more important, the cock. Today we have the benefit of an exceptional cock and we will be sure to make the most of it.

"Now girls, the cock is a wonderful achievement of evolution and provides a slut with one of her major sources of service and for some sluts a prime source of nourishment. We will first look at the cock in its unaroused state. Unlike a slut, whose cunt can stay aroused on an almost constant basis to better provide service, a gentleman's cock is erect on its own schedule and only remains so to provide the gentleman with pleasure."

As Miss Rice talked, Sarah was conscious of Gregory undressing. She could not see him, but was constantly tantalised by the sounds of disrobing. She kept her eyes forward, on the blank blackboard at the front of the room. She did not even have the pleasure of looking at Miss Rice as she spoke, as she had remained at the foot of her lounge. The anxious schoolgirl did not have long to wait for her curiosity to be sated.

The beautifully toned body of Gregory walked to the front of the room and stood up on the platform. Once again Sarah was only feet away from the object of her newfound desire. This time however the cock before her was not yet hard. Its three inch length hung pendant, resting against the hanging balls. Before today Sarah had never seen a hard cock, now she realised she had also never seen a flaccid one. She was amazed at the difference but was no less aroused. She knew what it would become and how it felt. She wondered what it would be like in her mouth in its current state. The fact that it grew twice its size when it became hard seemed almost like magic to the blossoming slut.

"Now girls, as you can see Gregory's cock is very handsome. More so than a slut's cunt, every gentleman's cock is unique, like a snowflake. As when servicing a cunt, a slut must learn all she can about each and every cock she encounters, from its size and shape, to the taste and smell, both erect and not if she is given the opportunity.

"Some cock's will grow two and even three times in size when erect, others will only grow marginally. The dildo's, and indeed the cocks, that you will train on are generally larger than those you will encounter once you graduate. It is a slut's duty however to be prepared to service whomever her owner wishes.

"Now as you can all see Gregory's cock is perfectly formed," said Miss Rice as she stepped onto the platform. "We will begin with basic anatomy," she continued, taking the cock in her hand and laying it flat on her palm.

"First we have the shaft," she said, running the index finger of her other hand along the shaft from the base to the head. "At its terminus we have the head. The head of a gentleman's cock is much more sensitive than the shaft, containing many more times the number of nerve endings. In the end of the cock, we have the eye. It is through this that a gentleman releases his cum. Below the cock we have the balls. It is inside these balls that the delicious nectar for which sluts yearn is produced. These are delicate organs and are to be shown great respect.

"When a gentleman becomes aroused his cock flushes with blood. It is this blood that fills the cock and makes it hard. Porter, front. Porter will help us demonstrate the process so we can observe the erection taking place."

Sarah almost jumped from her seat, unable to believe her good fortune. Was this her reward for volunteering her body to continue being used for Miss Rice's biology lessons? 

"Now Porter will suckle on the balls so the view of the cock is unobstructed. Kneel," directed Miss Rice, pointing to the right side of the naked man. Sarah obediently took her position and stared straight ahead, directly at the flaccid cock, awaiting the command to begin.


Sarah leaned in, tilting her head back so she could reach the balls with her mouth. She remembered what Miss Rice had just said about showing respect and she gently licked the tightly wrinkled skin of the scrotum before slowly taking each ball into her mouth and sucking gently.

"Now girls, you can see the erection beginning. The cock is immediately becoming thicker and longer. Note that it is a gradual process. As the cock grows it becomes harder. The hardness of each cock also varies from. Some cocks are extremely hard and inflexible when fully erect, whereas others may retain a measure of flexibility.

"Note that the slut has yet to touch the cock and it is almost fully erect. A gentleman can reach full erection without a touch, though of course a slut's touch is preferable. Now we have a full erection. The angle of erection, as with all aspects of a cock, can be very different. They can vary from horizontal to a near vertical angle. Porter, return to your seat."

Sarah was fascinated by the lesson though to be truthful she was a little disappointed with not being able to touch the cock. She knew this was wrong and terrible of her, after all she had been given the opportunity to suckle on the balls, to show her respect to the source of the cum she now coveted after one brief, second-hand, experience.

"Now girls, we will learn about the process of ejaculation and orgasm. During a gentleman's arousal, the cock produces lubrication in the form of precum. This liquid, as its name suggests, is the precursor to the cum itself. While not having the full flavour of cum it does provide the slut with a chance to anticipate what is to follow. Precum is produce throughout the arousal process and is highly desired by all sluts. Porter, front."

Once again, Sarah dashed from her seat and stood in front of the two figures of authority. She blushed softly, remembering her shameful disappointment when she had been dismissed only moments ago.

"Kneel, suck the balls and stroke the shaft," Miss Rice ordered.

Sarah knelt beside the naked man and quickly took both balls into her mouth. She reached her right hand up to take hold of the shaft, her petite hand closing around the thick member and started to slide up and down its length. She knew she wasnt doing it right, the position she was in made it difficult, but this was not an excuse.

"Take your hand off that cock. Who said to empty your mouth," Miss Rice boomed. Sarah had not heard Miss Rice raise her voice before and swiftly took the balls into her mouth, filling it entirely. "Put your hand around the shaft two inches below the head. No further down. Now slide your hand towards the head. Begin slowly."

Sarah obediently followed the instructions of her teacher. She had to twist her arm above her head to allow her to reach the cock properly, but she was determined to accept the discomfort to ensure a pleasurable experience. She slowly stroked her dainty hand along the hard cock, feeling the skin move under her as she pumped back and forth. Sarah made sure that her mouth remained filled, her tongue constantly moving over the slick surface as much as space allowed.

"Stop," Miss Rice commanded. Sarah froze, her mouth still filled, her hand still gripping the hard cock. If she could stay like this for the remainder of the lesson, Sarah would not be disappointed. If her mouth was not filled to capacity she would have smiled at the thought. "You should all be all be able to see the first of the precum. The pearly bead of moisture at the eye of the cock. The precum is not as thick or abundant as cum but it has the ability to be produced for a longer time."

Miss Rice reached down and removed the small drop of moisture from the tip of the hard cock. She rolled the small droplet between her thumb and index finger before pulling them apart, leaving a thin string to glisten in the light. Miss Rice moved into the class and offered her fingers to Murphy. The Irish teen's mouth opened obediently as the fingers drew close. Sarah watched as her friend cleaned the precum from their teacher's fingers, imagining the taste in her own mouth despite its current contents.

"Now the cock will continue to generate precum as long as the stimulation continues. If Porter will let go of that cock we will be able to see the degree of control a gentleman has over his cock, much more than a slut has over her cunt."

Sarah removed her hand and placed it behind her back. She had learned her lesson and kept her mouth exactly where it was.

"Return to your seat slut."

Sarah took her seat and stared at the now hard cock. She delighted in the fact that the scrotum glistened in the light. Her saliva, evidence of her recent service. She felt sure now that her classmates envied her and was thankful for any opportunity she was given by Miss Rice. Sarah watched as the cock bounced and jerked to a definite rhythm, pulsing for a few seconds, grower harder and larger before resuming its normal shape.

"Gregory has just demonstrated, under his own control, what a cock during orgasm looks like. When a gentleman ejaculates the muscles in the cock contract, forcing the cum out of the cock with great force. The distance and force with which a gentleman cums varies, with some cum being able to travel quite a distance. We will now see this process. Mitchell, front. We don't want a repeat of last periods embarrassing performance. You sluts showed a great disrespect by performing so poorly. Outside of a test environment none of you will be allowed near a cock until your skills have improved.

"Now Mitchell, begin sucking. While she is doing so Porter, undress."

Sarah had enough time to watch Mitchell all but dive onto Gregory's cock. It was this enthusiasm which had given her the edge over Sarah, despite their equal grade. As the schoolgirl left her seat to remove her uniform she vowed she would not be second again. Sarah quickly removed her brief garments, unsure of the reason for her nudity. It seemed her days at Harkwood were in continual flux and could be measured by the constant dressing and undressing and periods of forced nudity. Sarah looked forward to the day when being naked in front of others, even when it was just her classmates, did not make her blush like a prude.

"Kneel," said Miss Rice, pointing to a spot on the platform some three feet in front of where Mitchell was furiously sucking Gregory's cock. As she knelt, Sarah could see Mitchell's hands twitching as she pumped her face up and down the thick shaft. She knew exactly how her busty friend was feeling.

"Open your mouth, shoulders back," directed Miss Rice. "Mitchell, when directed you are to move to the side and watch. We shall see the power of the cock."

Sarah looked at Mitchell's head bounce forward as she waited, mouth open, for the cum she knew would soon be directed at her. She was to be the target used in the demonstration. By now the young schoolgirl was used to her bodyparts being used in demonstrations, as teaching aids, judged no more important than a desk or chair. She was used to it happening, but she was not used to how it made her feel. Despite knowing her body existed to serve she still felt the humiliation of being used as an inanimate object. She wasn't sure why she felt this way but it was not that her acceptance of her status as a slut had been able to change.

Despite the demeaning use to which she had been put, Sarah looked forward to the demonstration. More importantly, she looked forward to a chance to see cum again. As she watched her friend vigorously attempt to coax the cum from the cock in her mouth, Sarah wondered exactly what had happened to her in the last four days to make her think this way. Before she came to Harkwood, the most she dreamed about was kissing a guy, maybe running her hands through his hair or across his chest. Now she could think of nothing other than having a cock inside her, savouring the cum that would come from it. No thoughts of romance remained.

Sarah's contemplation was interrupted as Mitchell's head was roughly pulled to the side by the firm grip Gregory had on her ponytail. Mitchell's body was dragged out of the way and she scrambled to keep herself upright. Sarah spared her a momentary flicker of concern before turning back to the waiting cock. Gregory pumped his fist along his cock twice before guiding the first spurt of cum towards Sarah.

Time almost seemed to slow down. Sarah saw the hot, white cum arc towards her. Gregory's aim and power were true. The first spurt splattered against Sarah's cheek. The next landed on her right breast and clung firmly to her smooth skin. She watched curious, yet despondent, as the rest of the cum fell short, landing on the platform in front of Sarah.

"Clean Mitchell," ordered Miss Rice.

Sarah kept her mouth open, hoping, in vain, that the first burst of cum that landed on her cheek would slide into her mouth. The cum stuck teasingly to her cheek, the thick, sticky substance had not moving since it landed. In fact the only movement Sarah had made throughout the demonstration was a brief flutter of her eyes as the cum closed in.

Mitchell attempted to move forward and clean the cum from the floor. Her head was wrenched forcefully back, causing a loud squeal to fill the otherwise silent room. As Sarah watched Gregory slap Mitchell and drag her mouth back onto his cock, she had the strangest of thoughts. Her classes at Harkwood were, more often than not, deathly quiet. At her old school, even though talking was not allowed, the room was still always abuzz with whispers, giggles, pages being shuffled, the everyday minutiae of a normal classroom. She had never really thought how silent a room full of girls could be with the correct discipline and motivation. It was true testament to the adage that a slut should be seen and not heard.

"A slut always cleans the gentleman's cock first - removing any remaining cum and any residual emanations the slut may have contributed. Mitchell, one infraction. Now as we have just seen a gentleman is capable of sending his cum quite a distance. It is rare however that this will occur as it is a slut's duty to accept the cum, and this almost always occurs either directly into one of her holes or on her body in some manner.

"It is however quite edifying to see demonstrated the power that resides in a cock. All slut's have a deep reverence and respect for each and every cock. It is no accident that the female was made to worship cock. It is our true temple. Today we have not touched very much on the cum itself. In fact Mitchell, sit. Taylor, come and finish cleaning," directed Miss Rice, noticing that Mitchell had finished cleaning Gregory's cock and was about to start working on the floor. Sarah felt sorry for her friend, being denied the cum for her mistake was only fair though, she thought.

Taylor hurried forward and knelt on the platform, wasting no time in cleaning the trail of cum droplets that led from Gregorys feet to Sarah's face. It was easy for Sarah to sense that Taylor did not exhibit any signs that she had any enthusiasm whatsoever for the task assigned to her. It was more of a privilege than a task. Taylor thought she was a lesbian, but they had been taught that there was no such thing. A slut liked women just as much as men, in different ways of course, but Taylor had buried her instincts deeper than most girls. Sarah knew she would have a tough time during her training until she could break that barrier down and accept what she was.

"As I was saying, we have only briefly touched on the subject of cum. We will cover that in much more depth in future lessons. However as we have learned today, as with each cock, the cum from each gentleman is different. All cum has the same constituents, however cum varies in volume, consistency, colour and taste. Every slut is a veritable connoisseur of cum. You will cherish each drop that you are permitted, however every slut soon discovers her preferences for the type of cum that becomes her favourite. Are there any questions?"

Sarah remained still on the platform, waiting for Taylor to inch closer and clean the two spots of sticky discharge on her body. Their presence was tantalising to the teenager. It took all her control not to reach up and scoop the sticky material from her skin. Sarah thought Taylor was taking far too long to clean the cum. When she heard Miss Rice ask for questions she had to make a quick decision. It was obvious no other girl had a question and Sarah really wanted hers answered but she had not been told to close her mouth and would talking constitute breaking her position.

"Permission to speak Ma'am," Sarah said softly, immediately returning her mouth to it's wide open position when she finished.

"Speak, Porter. I asked for questions, ask one if you have one. The rest of these sluts appear to have no desire to learn,” snapped Miss Rice.

"Ma'am, how many times can a gentleman come in one day?"

"Ah a true slut's question. You will be pleased to know that a gentleman can, on average, produce ten full loads of cum a day. This is what is physically possible. Is that enough cum for you Porter?"

"Yes thank you Ma'am," Sarah replied, deciding an affirmative to be the safest answer possible.

"Well Porter, I doubt it. A slut should never expect to receive cum. Her owner may use her many times a day without her receiving even the smallest taste. Despite how much a slut desires cum it is not her right. "If there are no further questions we can thank Gregory for his valuable time. Thank you Sir," said Miss Rice in her most sultry tones, as she performed the most sensual curtsy she had ever seen.

Sarah noted Gregory dress quickly and leave the classroom without another word or even a backwards glance at the class of beautiful young schoolgirls. As Gregory disappeared from her sight, Sarah felt Taylor's hot, moist tongue finally lick the cum from her breast. A moment later the tongue was cleaning the splatter from her cheek. Sarah's mouth remained wide open, a silent entreaty to be filled.

"Taylor, one infraction. You took far too long to clean up that cum. Back to your seat. Now class, the opportunity to interact with gentleman is a great boon for Harkwood. There really is no substitute, as you all now know. We have only a few minutes left of this lesson. With our remaining time, we shall hear some of you share your knowledge of cocks. Cox you can begin, aptly enough. What you are to do is detail the number of cocks which you have experienced. Tell us how you serviced them and compare them to the gentleman's cock which you experienced today."

Cox looked like a deer caught in the headlights. Her expression was frozen and her big doe-eyes fluttered as she attempted to compose her thoughts. "I have experienced one cock Ma'am. I sucked and fucked the cock Ma'am. The cock was shorter and thinner."

"Cox, you were told to compare and detail. We wish to hear the length, the girth, the shape, what the cum was like."

Sarah was still kneeling on the platform, side on to the class, her mouth still obediently open as Cox struggled to overcome her apparent stage-fright in detailing her sexual experience. Sarah wondered when she would be released to return to her seat. The need to close her mouth, just for a moment to lick her lips, was growing by the second. She had no recourse but to kneel there, naked, looking through the open doorway into the empty corridor beyond. She felt as if she had been forgotten, as if, having served her purpose during the demonstration, she had not been given a second thought.

"Um the cock was six inches in length and about an inch across. It was straight and had a head that was a little larger than the shaft. Ma'am, I do not know about the cum because he wore a condom," Cox said softly.

"He? Who is he? One infraction. Who wore a condom?"

"I am sorry Ma'am. The gentleman wore a condom," Cox all but whispered.

"Cox, you really were a wayward girl. Sometimes a gentleman may very well wear a condom while fucking you. It is a slut's duty to recover the condom and consume all the cum that it contains. Next lesson we will have a demonstration of how a slut deals with such a situation. Murphy?"

Sarah hung on every word being spoken, by both the teacher and her classmates. Pointed, as she was, towards the door, she could not see anything that was occurring in the class. She longed for another glimpse of Miss Rice in her amazingly sensual ensemble. But at the mention of her friend, Sarah's curiosity was piqued even further. She could not wait to hear the dainty schoolgirl describe the cocks she had seen in her entrancing, Irish lilt.

"I have experienced two cocks Ma'am. One I sucked. This gentleman's cock was six inches long and an inch and a half thick. It had a slight kink to the right and stood almost straight up. I am sorry Ma'am but I cannot describe the cum as the gentleman came into a tissue. The second cock fucked my pussy. This gentleman's cock was seven inches long and an inch and a half thick. The head of the cock was much thicker than the shaft and had only a slight upward angle. I am sorry Ma'am but I am unable to describe the cum of this gentleman because he was wearing a condom Ma'am."

Before today, Sarah had never seen or touched or tasted a cock. She had never really had the opportunity and she had never really made any. She could not believe how shallow a life she had led. Here was Murphy, a girl who looked as if butter would not melt in her mouth, who looked like some porcelain princess, here she was describing in detail at least two cocks she had serviced in her life before she even began her training. Just the thought caused Sarah's nipples to harden. She hoped that no one had noticed, but situated, as she was, in front of the class she was sure that everyone had. Her face and chest flushed with the heat of humiliation. She hated that she could still feel this way, still worry about how her classmates thought of her. After all she was a slut, she should be turned on by this.

"We have time for one more. Murphy has had two cocks. Stand up if you can describe three. Ok, stay standing for four. Five. Well Ness, you are definitely the frontrunner in this regard. How many exactly?"
"Seven Ma'am," Ness responded in her rounded Scandinavian tones.

"Come out in front of the class and you may regale us with your exploits. It is plain to see why you earned your place in Trinity house."

Sarah finally got to see something. Ness came and stood directly in front of her and faced the class. She was only two feet from her and almost entirely filled Sarah's view. She could see the slim, athletic frame beneath the small school uniform. Her belly was flat and her small buttocks protruded ever so slightly behind her. Sarah could see her hands in the small of her back, clench tensely as she was forced to recount her sex life for the class.

"All of the cocks I have experienced I have sucked and fucked. The first cock was seven inches in length and very thick, perhaps almost two inches."

Sarah remained motionless throughout Ness's astounding speech. She was the first girl to be able to describe the cum of her gentleman, though not very well. Apparently the gentlemen who ran in her circle did not believe in the use of protection. Sarah had a newfound respect for Ness. She had never really had much to do with her, not that she had the chance, but now she vowed that she would try to bring the pretty blonde girl into her group of friends.

"Very interesting," Miss Rice said as Ness came to the end of her escapades. The teacher motioned for her to take her seat. "Porter hurry up and get dressed."

Sarah rose on stiff legs and hobbled to the door and her clothes that hung from a hook. She had not been given exact permission but being told she could leave position let her feel that she could close her mouth. As she slid her panties up her legs, she greedily licked her dry lips. She had knelt at the front of the class, mouth open, for a good twenty minutes. It had been a frustrating time, unable to participate in the class, the constant feeling of abandonment, feeling as if she was no more noticeable than a spare desk. She definitely did not like the feeling.

Once she was fully dressed, she stood at attention by her seat. Miss Rice gave her permission to sit, only for the bell to ring just as her ass touched the seat. The class was dismissed and Sarah got a chance to feast on the beautiful sight that was Miss Rice as she thanked her for the class, curtsying respectfully. Sarah scanned her eartag and joined her classmates in line outside before moving silently off to lunch, thoughts of cock and meals of cum swirling through her head.

Chapter 28. In which Sarah learns table service.

Sarah enjoyed her lunch immensely. She had hungrily devoured a green salad stuffed with walnuts, a bowl of diced pineapple and the large bottle of water. Not a morsel was left on bowl or plate. She had never really liked pineapple but this tasted heavenly, both sweet and sour at the same time. She ate in silence but as soon as she was finished, and Murphy was finished, the questions exploded out of her.

"Murph, what was it like having a cock in your pussy?"
"Port!" said the pretty Irish teen, genuinely shocked.

"What?" replied Sarah, a little sheepishly.

"Well Port, we are in the dining hall. And..."

"I know Murph but I have another detention this afternoon," Sarah said, a tiny shudder passing through her body at the thought, "and I hardly get a chance to talk to you. And Murph, well you know I have never, that I don't know what it's like and, well...Murph that cock was so amazing and I am just dying to know what it's like to have one in your pussy?"

"I know Port, but..." Murphy trailed off, looking around at the nearby tables. "Ok Port, but you know I didn't know what I know now you know. I had not had any training and he was pretty young too and, well it was ok. I know it would be better now."

It was not exactly what Sarah had wanted to hear but it was honest and she had to accept that. Murphy had not realised she was a slut at the time and that had obviously coloured her recollection of it. It was sad, Sarah thought. But was it worse than not having any experience at all. Sarah realised she had no place to judge.

"Thanks Murph," was all Sarah managed before the service light came on and the students of Trinity house had to make their way to their stations. Sarah moved swiftly and dutifully to her position, making sure her pussy was directly over the number stencilled on the floor. The girls of Trinity house had become part of the normal routine at Harkwood. Their presence at their stations around the room had become just a part of the fixtures, ignored by the other students. Every now and then a girl would look their way, staring with curiosity at their collar or with disdain at their mere presence.

Sarah tried her best to both ignore and focus on the girls from the other houses. She had to be constantly aware of what was going on, to be sure she could commence her clearing as soon as possible. But she also tried to ensure she was not aware of the way these girls felt about her and her classmates, though she was far less successful at this part of the equation.

Once the other girls had finished their lunches, Sarah cleaned her section enthusiastically. She had always enjoyed cleaning, and she realised now that this was an early manifestation of her need to serve. She liked everything to be neat and tidy and she felt a real sense of satisfaction as she cleaned up after the other Harkwood students.

Mrs Lancaster dismissed them without incident and, as the other girls of Trinity house made their way to join their handlers, Sarah headed immediately for her holding cell. She hated the small room, having to lock herself inside, in the dark. Nonetheless she hurried to her destination, eager to be locked in place before Miss Harper came to collect her.

Once she had made it to the corridor that held not only her holding cell, but room seventeen, the sounds of the school all but evaporated. The silence in the corridor was eerie, as if she was the only person for miles around. She knew once she closed the door to her holding cell and locked her collar to the wall, the silence would become complete. The only sounds inside the tiny room, the beating of her heart and the odd clink of the padlock at her collar.

She was at her holding cell before she knew it, feeling the ominous tightening in her chest as she opened the thick metal door. The harsh white light came on immediately, though she knew it would last only 20 seconds once the door was closed. She stepped inside and collected the thick padlock from the floor. Sarah stepped forward, closing the door behind her and swiftly threaded the padlock through the ring in her collar and then through the corresponding ring set into the wall in front of her. The young schoolgirl counted off the seconds until the light was due to go out. Right on cue she was plunged into complete darkness. Now she had only to wait.

It was something a slut needed to learn. Waiting was just as much a part of a slut's life as sucking a cock and she had to learn how to do it just the same. While waiting, a slut had to avoid the danger of being idle. Sarah went over her day so far, reiterating the messages she had learned, reliving the feel of the cock in her mouth, the taste of the cum. She spent far too long remembering the intense, passionate kisses she had shared with Mitchell. She could not help herself. Swapping the mouthful of cum back and forth with Mitchell was one of the most sensual and amazing things she had ever experienced.

Just then the door creaked open and the light above her came on. A wave of happiness surged through Sarah, a huge smile lighting up her face. She was happy to be out of the darkness, to not be alone, but she was excited to see her handler. She had really let Miss Harper down and they had not left on good terms last night. Sarah hoped that she could really turn things around today.

Without a word being spoken Sarah felt her skirt lifted, exposing her buttocks. The hand then felt roughly between her thighs, pushing aside the small cotton triangle of material that barely covered her pussy. Without ceremony, two fingers were inserted inside her. Sarah gasped at the unexpected intrusion but made sure she did not move her body away.

"Sopping wet as I suspected," said Miss Harper.

Sarah was happy to hear her voice, though she was unsure whether her handler was pleased at the state of her pussy. The thoughts of kissing Mitchell had rejuvenated the arousal Gregory's cock had awakened within her. When she put her panties on at the end of biology the crotch had already been well moistened by the morning's activities.

"A slut's cunt should always be wet, why?" Miss Harper asked in her best teacher's voice.

"Miss, a slut's cunt should always be wet to ensure that her cunt is ready to serve whenever a superior requires," Sarah replied confidently.

"And why is your cunt so wet right now spunk?"

"Miss my cunt is wet because I was thinking of kissing and swapping cum with a girl in my class during a lesson this morning."
"Why were you kissing another slut?" asked Harper with genuine curiosity.

"Miss it was a reward for achieving the highest grade in the class for cock-sucking."

"Hmmm, grade?"

"Eight Miss."

"A pass only. How many girls passed?"

"Just two Miss."

"And who had the highest grade?"
"We tied Miss."

In the following silence Sarah was unsure of Miss Harper's feelings. She was still locked to the wall, her face only inches from it. She had stared at the bare grey brick during the entire exchange. Right now Sarah wanted to please her handler more than anything in the world. She hoped her performance in this mornings class had been able to do so.

"Well spunk, that is not good enough. My slut is to be the top of the class, not equal."

Sarah's heart sank into her belly and the happiness she had felt at her handler's arrival evaporated, leaving a hollow, empty feeling inside her. She would just have to keep trying, not that she had any option but Sarah felt it was just as important to want to try as to try itself.

She felt the heavy padlock being unlocked and removed, only to be replaced with the clasp of her leash. Her handler tugged on the chain and Sarah turned to follow, needing no further instruction. She followed Miss Harper out of the small cell and down the corridor. Sarah was quickly approaching the school proper and she began to worry about the whole school seeing her like this.

The first time she had been leashed there had been almost no students outside of their dorms. This time however, the whole school was at lunch. The whole school would see her being lead around on a leash like a dog being taken for a walk. Sarah felt her face flush with heat at the mere thought of the humiliation to come. How would she react when she was actually seen? Would her face burst into flames?

As she was led up the stairs, into the corridor used to access both the dining hall and the gym, she could hear the tell-tale hum of the chatter of teenage girls. Sarah's belly tensed and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath as she stepped up into the corridor. She immediately saw six girls in the hall, making their way to various destinations. Every single one stopped and looked in her direction. Sarah diligently kept her eyes front as the skin of her face and neck blazed a mottled scarlet.

Miss Harper did not break step so nor did Sarah, for that at least she was grateful. As her handler walked through the halls, the foyer and out into the courtyard Sarah kept the required distance behind her. This allowed the chain leash to dangle somewhat loosely between her collar and Miss Harper's hand, but all it would take was a short tug and Sarah would be pulled forward violently. Even though her hands were not restrained he felt completely helpless and at the mercy of her handler - where she was led, so she would go.

As she stepped out into the bright courtyard Sarah felt a hush fall over the assembled girls, instantly reminding her of those scenes in westerns when someone would step into a saloon and all activity would stop. The courtyard did not go completely silent of course but those girls close to the arched entrance stopped their conversations and stared at her. The pause lasted only a second before the courtyard was filled with an explosion of whispering, followed quickly by the muted titters and giggling of young girls.

Sarah continued forward, toward the large tree under which Miss Harper's friends sat during their lunch period. Halfway there, Sarah felt a tug on her collar pulling her to the right. She had not been paying attention, thinking too much on her demeaning position and the soft laughter of the Harkwood students. She stumbled slightly, her inexperience in heels not allowing her to compensate as well as the shoes she had worn in her old life. The laughter intensified as Sarah's clumsiness contributed to the general mirth.

Harper led her through the columns along the right side of the courtyard and to the thick brick wall of its boundary. As she approached, Sarah noticed a series of rings set high into the wall. These were not like the simple round rings from her dorm or her cell, instead they were small iron plates indented into the wall, across which was a thick metal bar. This would allow a slut to be tethered without leaving any visible protrusion from the wall at other times. Miss Harper unclipped the leash from Sarah's collar and threaded it through the bar before drawing it through the circular metal handle. The chain was reattached to Sarah's collar, who stood at attention, unmoving, as her handler saw to her restraints.

Sarah now stood, chained to the wall, some two feet from the rough brick surface. Her leash was pulled tight, causing a little tension on her collar but not uncomfortably so. She was not sure if being able to see but not hear the other Harkwood students was a benefit or a hazard, but she did her best to keep her eyes focused forward. Her vision was now filled with the thick bricks of the wall, though she could just detect blurred movement out of the corner of her eye. The ubiquitous temptation to look to the side, following the flicker of movement, warred with her self-discipline.

"Don't think you are going to be left here to daydream for the rest of lunch, spunk. Until I collect you I want to see you prancing. Bring those knees up to your waist, nice and high. Not too fast, not too slow. Begin," said Miss Harper in the young girl's ear.

Sarah started walking on the spot, lifting first her right and then her left leg high, knee reaching to her waist with each step. She could feel her pleated skirt lift and fall as she brought each lithe limb high. She was glad she was facing a wall, as her panty-clad pussy could easily be seen from the front with each step.

"Too slow, you are practicing poise and pleasing movements, not taking a Sunday stroll. Better. Now keep that pace, speed up or slow down and you will be punished."

With that ominous statement her handler walked away, leaving Sarah on her own, leashed to a wall, surrounded by schoolgirls who could not help but notice her unusual behaviour. It was only a few minutes before the first curious young students made their approach. Two girls Sarah's age stepped either side of the high-stepping schoolgirl and feigned serious appraisal.

"What are you doing?" said the young blonde to her left.

"Prancing Miss," Sarah croaked, the humiliation of being scrutinised by the normal students of Harkwood affecting her speech. She had known the girls had approached her but had hoped they had just come to look. She was not even sure she was supposed to be talking, she certainly had not been given permission, but Sarah decided not only would it be rude to remain silent but that these girls were deemed to be her superiors, seeing as they were not being trained to be a slut as she was.

"What for?" said the other girl, both curiosity and cruelty evident in the two small words.

"Miss I am prancing because Miss Harper instructed me to."

"Miss Harper is it?" said the other girl.

"Yes Miss, she is my handler," explained Sarah as she tried to focus on keeping her knees stepping high at just the pace she had been set.

"Why do you need a handler" continued the girl to her right. It seemed the girls were taking it in turns to speak, trying to get Sarah to switch her attention between them. By simply behaving as a good slut and keeping her eyes firmly forward Sarah was unwittingly frustrating the two girls, provoking the vindictiveness that lurks in every untrained girl.

"Miss I require a handler because I lack discipline," Sarah replied truthfully.

"Is that why you have a leash like a dog?"

"Yes Miss."

"And is that why you call us Miss?"

"Yes Miss," replied Sarah obediently.

"What's your name?"

"Porter Miss."

"That's not what your handler called you."

"That's right, so what is your real name."

"Spunk Miss," Sarah said almost too quietly to be heard. She could feel the first signs of tears forming and she wanted desperately not to cry.


"Spunk Miss," Sarah said louder, though still quietly, not wanting to draw any more attention to her predicament.

"You do know that lying is extremely rude don't you?"

"Yes Miss."
"So why did you lie to us?"

"I am very sorry Miss I didn't mean to," said Sarah plaintively.

"What did you forget or something? You have to be pretty fucking stupid to forget your own name."

"Stace, if a teacher heard that you could get in trouble," said the blonde to Sarah's left.

"You're right but you know how I hate liars. Right then spunk, you tell your handler that you lied to Stacy Carpenter and Alicia Vance. We will be checking to make sure you don't try and weasel out of it. Later spunk," said the girl Sarah could now identify as Stacey.

As the two girls walked away Sarah was bumped from her right. Stacey had timed the subtle shoulder bump just as her left leg came off the ground. Sarah stumbled, her leash pulling violently against her collar. Sarah gasped at the sharp pain but was silently thankful as the leash allowed her to stay upright and quickly recover her balance. She had missed one, maybe two, steps and the humiliated schoolgirl immediately resumed the prancing walk she had been ordered to maintain, her knees almost brushing against the rough brick to her front as she brought each one waist height in turn.

Two solitary tears trickled down Sarah's cheeks. Being leashed to the wall and made to prance in front of the whole school was bad enough, but being the object of ridicule, being toyed with by teenage girls had been too much for her to take. She was ashamed of her tears, she should be stronger than this, she was a slut now. Sarah could not help it though, she had discovered a weakness early in her training and she would just have to do her best to overcome it.

Sarah sighed inwardly when she felt the presence of more girls beside and behind her. She had only been left to her own devices for five minutes. She did not need the distraction. She guessed she had been high-stepping for twenty minutes now and it was becoming harder and harder to keep to the pace set by her handler. It was not that it was fast, it was simply that it was a taxing activity and somewhat difficult not to speed up or slow down. It took just as much effort to prance at just the right speed as it did to perform the action itself.

"We heard your name was spunk. Is it true?"

"Yes Miss."

"So that cow Carpenter was telling the truth. Ok, question two. Your name is spunk, so do you like it then?"

"Yes Miss," replied Sarah. She had not known what spunk was exactly but Murphy had educated her. At least this question she could answer truthfully, she did like cum but she supposed it would not help her cause to admit it to these girls.

"Well Deb, I guess you win. Let's go, I really don't want to have anything to do with that," she said flicking her hand dismissively at the prancing schoolgirl. "Fucking Trinnie deviants," she muttered as she walked away, the small crowd of girls leaving with her.

Despite feeling upset by the derision of the Harkwood girls, Sarah kept her legs moving, knees prancing high. Being ridiculed by a bunch of strangers, girls her own age or not, was no reason to fail a task set by a superior. Sarah hoped she would be left in peace for the remainder of the 'rest' period. She had quickly realised that the 'rest' periods of the day meant something entirely different if you were training to be a slut.

Sarah could sense a change in mood in the courtyard and wondered, as she pranced, as to its cause. There seemed to be more movement than before and the noise level had also risen. A few moments later, the first bell to end lunch sounded, the soft trilling ringing around the courtyard. Sarah breathed a sigh of relief, her lunch ordeal was coming to an end.

The first indication that Harper had come to collect her was a hand unclipping her leash from her collar. The suddenness and silence with which her handler had approached had surprised the preoccupied girl. She jumped but kept high-stepping as her handler slid the chain through the wall bracket and neatly reattached it to her leash.

"Stop," Harper ordered before she turned to lead Sarah back to class.

"Permission to speak Miss," Sarah ventured tentatively.

"What?" snapped Harper, a little annoyed though genuinely curious what this slut would have to say.

"Please Miss, I am to tell you that I told a lie to Miss Stacey Carpenter and Miss Alicia Vance," Sarah said obediently, though a little reluctantly.

"Two infractions. What was the lie?" asked Harper, instantly furious.

"I am very sorry Miss, I said my name was Porter instead of spunk," Sarah said, a catch in her throat as she spoke the last word.

"How unfortunate for you. Carpenter can be a right slag. If anyone but a staff member or prefect approaches you from now on, you are to tell them to direct all questions to me as you are unqualified to answer them. Do you understand?"

"Yes Miss, thank you very much," Sarah said.

Her thanks was deeply heartfelt. She sensed her handler's anger dissipate once she understood the situation but the infractions still stood and she was to receive two cane strokes for being tricked by the two girls. Sarah felt happy that it was the best outcome she could hope for. Miss Harper seemed much more amenable as she led her to the next class.

"Well spunk, did you keep to your pace?"

"Yes Miss, except once Miss when I was bumped and I stumbled."
"So the correct answer would then have been no, would it not. Except? Who the fuck do you think you are. Another infraction for lying and a fourth for failing to learn a lesson. Four infractions during a rest period is atrocious."

Sarah almost cried as the disappointment of failing to please her handler hit her like a punch to the gut. She couldn't believe how her situation had gone so wrong so quickly. She had done everything she had been told and still she had incurred numerous infractions and disappointed her handler. It seemed she could not do anything right. She felt so dejected that she almost failed to follow Miss Harper at the proper distance.

"Well it seems that we will just have to increase your level of restraint. When a slut fails in self-discipline, the discipline must come from an external source. If you are adamant that your path to becoming a good slut requires increasing levels of discipline, control and restraint then so be it. It is not an advisable course to take but it seems apparent that it is necessary."

Sarah continued to follow her handler, navigating her way through the crowd of schoolgirls that was gradually thinning as they neared the Trinity classrooms. She pondered what the older girl had said as she tried to ignore the stares and whispers that were directed at her. Only a small proportion of the school spent their lunchtime in the courtyard and many girls were getting their first sight of a leashed Harkwood student.

"Of course there is the obvious possibility that you enjoy being controlled and that you are in some way seeking additional forms of control and restraint. It is a trait which all sluts develop but it is not all that common until stage four. Do you enjoy being told what to do?"

Sarah had followed her handler's speech intently and now thought seriously about the question posed. Did she enjoy being told what to do? It was often a comfort to follow a direction, to be set strict parameters. She could remember numerous occasions during which she had felt glad that the need to make decisions had been removed and she had been able to simply follow an order. Of course that came with the fear of failure and the corrections and punishments if she did not do well but that was her own deficiencies at play.

"Yes Miss, I enjoy following orders," Sarah replied after the briefest of pauses.

"Yeah, I expected it. No doubt your cunt gets wet when you are put in restraints too. No doubt you started secreting the moment this leash was locked on your collar. And we all know the problems you have with your cunt controlling your actions. You really do need to think about what you're doing. I will punish you if I have to and I will not appreciate that I am sure, but I would much rather you behaved and we could just get on with your training."

Sarah wanted to talk. She wanted to let Miss Harper know that she wanted the exact same thing, but it was not important what a slut wanted. That was a lesson she had learnt. She suffered through her guilt and shame silently, not wanting to disappoint her handler further by talking out of turn. Besides, they had arrived at the gymnasium and it was time for Sarah's next class.

As they approached the two neat lines of schoolgirls, all silent and standing at attention, Harper stepped in front of Sarah and removed the leash from her collar. Maybe Miss Harper was correct. The loss of the leash did make Sarah feel a little less safe, a little less sure. Sarah was mulling over the latest discovery when a brief blur in front of her eyes was followed by an explosion of pain in her left cheek. Her handler had slapped her hard across the face, without warning or provocation.

"Behave," the older girl said and walked down the corridor to her own classes.

Sarah stepped into line behind Murphy, her eyes filled with tears and her face burning not only from the painful blow but also from the humiliation of being disciplined in front of her classmates. Her cheek felt as if a heated brand had been held to her skin. The heat radiating from her abused flesh was amazing.

"Quickly, lazy scrubbers," came the heavily accented voice of Miss Vonn from inside the gym.

The two ranks of teenage girls dutifully marched into the large gymnasium, the gentle clipping of their high heels on the polished wooden floors resounding throughout the large, empty space.

Once inside the room, the girls broke ranks and began to remove their uniform and, once they were completely naked, replace it with the much briefer gym uniform. First on were the small ankle socks, replete with the tiny pompoms that bobbed at their heel. Then the soft soled gym shoes, followed by the tight halter top that cupped and pushed each pair of young breasts together, in some cases creating cleavage where there was none. Finally the small pair of gym panties, skin tight and barely six inches in height, with the devilish seam that split each pair of delicate pussy lips in twain.

Once they were dressed for the coming lesson each girl made her way to her position along the red line, ready to begin their most strenuous class of the day. Gym was a subject in which Sarah did not excel and she was not looking forward to the next hour and a half.

"You know the drill. Begin," shouted Miss Vonn, her right hand absently fingering the shock wand that rested in the holster at her right hip.

Eighteen scantily clad girls began their introductory exercises: push-ups, sit-ups, squats and shuttle runs. They had done the same routine every day for four days and still Sarah struggled to finish, always coming last. She had endured the baleful glare of Miss Vonn everyday and she knew she was a disappointment. Today however she felt just that little but more confident, she felt just a little less puffed when she completed her last rep.

"Three laps, then retrieve your mats and we will begin stretching those slut bodies."

Olsen sprang into action, following the yellow line that curved in a large oval around the outer edges of the gym. Olsen had set a cracking pace that may have been just a little too fast, thought Sarah. Then again, if she was the first girl she thought she most likely would have erred on the side of caution as well. Sarah passed the time watching Murphy's ponytail bounce in front of her, the beautiful red hair flicking from side to side.

When they began their circuit away from Miss Vonn, Sarah flicked her eyes a little lower and watched her friends small buttocks bounce beneath their flimsy covering. Murphy was quite simply the most beautiful girl Sarah had ever seen and she was understandably in love with her.

At the end of the third lap, Sarah was breathing heavily and sweat was already soaking into her clothes. She wondered if other girls had beads of sweat trickle between their breasts and whether it was as maddening for them as it was for her. She followed the herd and collected her yoga mat, unrolled it and placed it in her spot, the edge of the mat perfectly aligned with one edge of the thick red line.

Miss Vonn called out the positions and each girl contorted her body in the required manner, with varying degrees of success. Sarah had quickly discovered that her body may not have been made for strenuous cardiac exercise, at least not yet anyways, but her ability to stretch seemed well developed. She was almost the best in the class, though Murphy's dancer's body seemed to complete each position with ease.

Sarah almost received a correcting shock when her leg had not been pointed as severely as it should have been. She had quickly corrected her error before Miss Vonn reached her, and despite a stern look she avoided the painful wand. Even though her proclivity for the stretching exercises was evident, she was left near breathless at the end of the fifteen minutes. It may not be overly dynamic, she thought, but it is just as hard as running laps.

"Olsen, Cox, Murphy, Porter, collect the hurdles from the far end of the room. The rest of you sluts roll up these mats and return them, then back in position."

Sarah followed the other three girls to the far end of the room where a large pile of small wooden hurdles were stacked. They weren't like the ones they used in track and field, these small hurdles were only about one foot in height. They each grabbed as many as they could and carried them back to Miss Vonn.

"Line them up in the middle of the room. Two rows, four feet apart, each hurdle four feet apart. Clark, Hinka, retrieve the urns at the far end of the room. Hinka set yours against that wall, Clark, yours against the other. Sluts, once the hurdles have been set you will each stand next to one."

Sarah hurried to space out the small planks she had collected. Each one consisted of a wooden board, four inches tall, from which protruded two T shaped plastic legs. The entire thing only came to a foot off the ground and Sarah wondered just what they would be doing. Not only that but she watched Hinka and Clark struggle back with the obviously heavy metal urns.

"Positions," bellowed Miss Vonn as the last hurdle was put into place.

The eighteen bewildered schoolgirls scrambled to take their place beside a hurdle, each instinctively moving to the board corresponding to their place in line.

"You will begin a series of exercises that you will continue until the whistle sounds, at which time you will change. First, stand to the right side of the hurdle and jump to the other side, lifting your feet and knees high. Practice now."

Sarah braced herself and jumped to the other side of her small hurdle, kicking her feet up behind her. It was not difficult, as the hurdle was so low. Her breasts bounced hard when she landed despite the support of the tight gym bra she wore.

"Shah, Casta, Taylor, Manning, one infraction. Eyes front you silly bitches," bellowed Miss Vonn.

Sarah was thankful that her extra training had kept her looking straight ahead, she had not even thought of looking down to make sure she did not hit the hurdle, though she could understand how a girl not thinking properly would do so.

"That is the first exercise. Step in front of the hurdle. Place your hand on the floor, step your feet back to the right side of the hurdle until they are in the middle. Hands a little further forward. No Porter, you shift yours back. Jump your feet to the other side of the bar. This is exercise two."

Sarah's feet once again cleared the bar with ease. Her body had arched high into the air, her ass prominently displayed. She was beginning to see how, while not hard once or twice, the longer an activity went the harder it would get, her muscles would tire and she would struggle to lift her legs higher and higher.

"Each time you touch the hurdle you will race to an urn, remove a ball and insert it into your cunt. Then return and resume the exercise. Dawdling will attract motivation," said Miss Vonn, patting the shock wand at her hip. "Far line, about face. Begin."


Sarah began jumping, doing her best to keep her feet as high as her first jump. She was sure she was clearing the hurdle by a wide margin but she wanted to make sure of it. She could guess that having to put a ball inside her each time she touched the hurdle would not be the end of it. There was sure to be a punishment at the conclusion of the class.

It was only on her fourth jump over the small hurdle that Sarah heard a clang from behind her. Someone had knocked over their hurdle, the noise reverberating throughout the hall, making each young girl cringe. She hoped it was not Mitchell. It was as if that mistake was the beginning of a chain reaction as hurdle after hurdle fell, clattering to the polished wooden floor. Sarah kept her eyes forward and her mind on the task. She jumped her hurdle flawlessly until Miss Vonn blew the whistle to herald a change.

Sarah leant forward and put her hands on the ground, arched her back and immediately began bouncing her legs over the small bar at her feet. Only three jumps into the second exercise, she didn't lift her feet high enough, her toes just clipping the top of the hurdle. Sarah's already flushed face turned a deeper shade of red at her failure. She straightened up, righted her hurdle and sprinted forward to the urn.

Ozawa was just removing her hand from the front of her pants as Sarah reached the urn. Sarah felt as if Miss Vonn had eyes only for her, despite not even being able to see the imposing gym teacher. She wasted no time. The young girl reached in and drew out a large glass globe from the urn. It was about half the size of a golf ball and cool to the touch. Sarah slid her fingers and the ball between the sweat-slick skin of her belly and the thick waistband of her gym pants. She pushed the ball down towards her pussy with her fingertips. Her hole was moist and accepted the smooth sphere as if it was a hungry mouth devouring a delicacy. The tight seam that split her plump labia also helped to push the ball deeper inside her, ensuring it would stay put during the strenuous exercises to come.

The sensation of the hard ball moving inside her pussy was a distraction for the young girl, the smooth sphere slipping across the moist folds of her vagina with each hurried step she took back to her hurdle. She resumed the position with her palms flat on the ground and her ass up in the air and went back to swinging her feet over the small board. Her sex had already been wet from the mornings activities, and of course from the exercise. Sarah had not thought about it before, well she had not done much exercise before, but when Miss Rice had said that a slut's body equates exercise with sexual activity and responded in kind she had not quite believed it. Now, of course, she knew better.

Whenever she began exercising, her nipples hardened and her pussy moistened. She thought back to the sports she had watched in her old life. The female tennis players had hard nipples most of the time. The fact that she had never really thought about that before, even though she had noticed it, just drove home how closed off and uneducated her life had been before coming to Harkwood.

As Sarah jumped over her hurdle it seemed a rep did not go by without the sound of a hurdle hitting the floor. Sarah managed to keep her control until after the change back to the first exercise. For some reason the change in activity threw off her rhythm and focus. She sprinted as fast as she could to the urn and slipped a second glass ball inside her. As she ran back she could feel it clink against the first sphere, each one pushing against the other and, in turn, the delicate walls of her sex. She had only just returned to her place when on the very next jump she once again clipped the hurdle and sent it skidding to one side.

Sarah retraced her steps to the far wall and chose another glass ball from the urn. She slid it down her panties and guided it inside, her pussy sucking it in as it had the first two. When she withdrew her fingers she could see smears of her cream on the tips. She resisted the temptation to lick them and instead ran as fast as she could back to her place.

Each time Sarah jumped over the foot high hurdle she experienced two quite different sensations inside her pussy, each impinging equally upon her attempts to stay focused on her task. As she lifted off from the ground the balls shifted against each other and the soft walls of her sex. It was as her feet came down on the hard floor that she gasped, the heavy balls jarring inside her, pushing against the delicate pink walls of her pussy. Sarah was having a hard time keeping her mind on the exercise.

She used her mantra to help get her focus back where it should be. My owner's cunt exists to serve. What she was feeling was irrelevant. She had yet another detention that afternoon because she had been letting her pussy hold too much sway with the way she thought and acted. She knew she could not completely shut out the pleasure that was growing between her legs, and a slut shouldn't because if she was feeling pleasure it was because her superiors wanted her to. What she did try to do was to put it in its right place, which was at the very bottom of the list of priorities for a slut.

Once she began silently reciting her mantra each time she jumped and landed the petite schoolgirl did not miss one further repetition as Miss Vonn blew her whistle twice more before ending that particular phase of the lesson.

"Drink," Miss Vonn yelled.

The class hurried to the bench at the far end of the room and collected their drink bottles, the nipple fitted to the top of each making them look like a row of large baby bottles. Every girl was breathing heavily, noisily exhaling through their noses as they drew the precious liquid from the bottles. Most of the girls had become used to drinking this way but Sarah was sure she was still able to extract more liquid than any other slut. Her body was slick with sweat, her bra and panties both soaked with the moisture. Sarah had not known she could sweat like this and the cold water from the bottle rejuvenated her and gave her new reserves of energy. In fact she had not known her body could produce half as much liquid as she had done since coming to Harkwood.

"Enough," bellowed Miss Vonn. "Ok sluts, panties off. Turn them inside out. Crotch in your mouth."

Sarah put her bottle back on the bench and dutifully slid her panties down her legs. She knew the insertion of the balls inside them would not be all Miss Vonn had in store. Sarah flicked her pants inside out and popped the cream-stained crotch into her mouth. The burst of flavour, her essence, filled her mouth and her eyelids fluttered for just a moment.

"Turn. Olsen, forward."

Sarah turned, seeing as she did so, a strange apparatus next to Miss Vonn. It was a metal pole around two feet in height. It had a round metal base and was topped by a shiny, silver bowl, shallow in depth.

"Over the bowl. Deposit the evidence of your lack of commitment."

Olsen stepped gingerly over the bowl. She had to adopt a wide stance to keep from touching the side of the polished receptacle, something she was sure was not a wise thing to do. Sarah watched as she squatted lower over the shallow bowl, her blue gym panties hanging loosely from her mouth. Olsen had her eyes forward, as was proper, but Sarah could see the pretty young girl was struggling with what she had been asked to do. As first girl, Olsen always had to bear the brunt of interpreting new activities. Sarah was firmly entrenched in the 'follower' camp. She knew it and she was happy to be there.

Without warning, a loud clang echoed in the gymnasium. Sarah had watched the glass ball shoot out of Olsen's pussy. The pretty schoolgirls face turned a deep shade of red as she was humiliated in front of her classmates. Sarah felt bad for her but knew that every girl in the class would soon be in the demeaning position of pushing the glass balls out of their pussy into a bowl. There was a pause of ten seconds before a second ball fell into the bowl, followed immediately by a third. Olsen stepped away from the contraption and stood at attention. 

"Clean and return them," snapped Miss Vonn.

Olsen bent down and lifted one ball with her hand. Sarah winced, knowing that Olsen should have collected the glass ball with her mouth. That is how a slut cleans, she doesn't dirty her hands first.

"Infraction, you silly girl. Five laps. Go. Carew, come and clean these," snapped Miss Vonn.

The girl at the far end of the line hurried out to stand beside Miss Vonn. Sarah smiled as the skinny brunette bent delicately at the waist and retrieved one ball with her mouth. A few moments later she spat the ball into her hand and retrieved the second and then repeated the process with the third. Once they were all clean, Carew walked quickly to the nearest urn and dropped the balls inside.

"Cox. Move slut. As soon as the slut before you moves off you take her place."

Cox strode forward, spread her legs to straddle the bowl and quickly deposited two balls. Murphy followed the pretty blonde and Sarah was not surprised when only one glass ball pushed past the slim labia of her friends pretty pink pussy. Even the way Murphy's skin blended from the purest of whites to the most delicate of pinks was exquisite.

Then it was Sarah's turn. She strode confidently forward. It was a confidence she did not feel. She was tired and dishevelled from the exhausting lesson and she was now to begin expelling balls from her pussy into a bowl in front of her classmates and a teacher. It was not a situation in which she felt confident but she knew it was better than reluctance.

Being shorter than her classmates, Sarah had to rise onto her toes to properly straddle the bowl. Only a moment later, and without her control, all three balls burst from her pussy, hitting the metal bowl like a machine gun. The three girls before her had released their balls with at least the semblance of control. It looked to her classmates, and to Miss Vonn, as if she had no control over her pussy and the balls simply fell out. Sarah hid the humiliating flush of colour by leaning down and closing her mouth over one of the balls so recently expelled from her pussy.

All three of her globes were liberally coated in the ubiquitous smears of white cream. The silver bowl contained streaks of moisture, the remnants of the three girls who went before and Sarah more than added her fair share of liquid to the bowl. As her lips closed around her first glass ball, the sweet flavour of her own pussy almost put a smile on her face and all but made her forget about her recent humiliation. She rolled her tongue around the smooth surface of the marble, thoroughly cleaning it of all traces of her arousal. She was mindful that she should not get caught up in the pleasure of tasting her pussyjuice and promptly spat that glass ball into her hand and bent to retrieve her second and third balls.

Once clean, the taste of her pussy still lingering on her tastebuds, Sarah strode to the urn and deposited the three clean marbles. The sight of her classmates standing at attention, naked but for the brief bra made Sarah realise how attractive a group of sluts could be, and these girls were only beginning their training. They all had much to learn in posture, attitude and grace and their bodies had long way to go before they would be able to withstand the rigours of a slut's existence but the potential astounded Sarah. She felt lucky to be a part of this group of girls, where she was easily the least attractive. She knew everyone said she was cute, but no one ever said 'beautiful' and that is what the other girls in her class were. Their beauty would only be enhanced by the training they would receive, Sarah only hoped that she would benefit in the same way. Of course their small gym panties hanging loosely from their mouths did not add a great deal to the poise of the young girls.

She took her place as Hinka was collecting her second ball. Olsen ran past on her third lap as Sarah faced Miss Vonn and watched as Ozawa squatted over the bowl. The parade of squatting girls continued until Carew dropped two glass balls into the bowl, then cleaned and returned them. Olsen had long ago joined the line, panting raggedly.

"A poor showing. For each ball you sluts harboured inside, you will give me ten squats and ten shuttle runs. When you have finished these you are to finish your bottle. You will then continue with squats until the last slut finishes. Begin."

All eighteen girls immediately began their low squats, spreading their knees widely as they lowered their buttocks to the floor. Sarah had three balls, luckily there were two girls with four so she would not be the last to finish, she would not be the reason why the class had to do extra squats. Three balls inside her pussy, moving and bumping had felt amazing, she wondered what four, or even five would have felt like. Surely there was a number when it went from being pleasurable to uncomfortable and then to painful.

Thirty squats was a lot. Her thighs were burning after ten. After twenty her legs were quivering. When she had completed thirty she was groaning softly into her panties. Apart from the small moment when she removed them to clean the marbles from her pussy, she had now been sucking on her panties for a good ten minutes. The crotch was by now soaked by her saliva though the barest hint of her flavour still remained.

As soon as she straightened up from her last squat she immediately sprinted to the red line against the far wall. Her legs were a little unsteady and she was slow on her first run, which earnt her a motivating shock from Miss Vonn when she returned to the starting line. She had 29 more of these to go. Sarah did not want to admit it, as it felt like failure, but she would be receiving more motivation from her teacher by the time her exercises had finished.

She may have been disappointed in her prediction but Sarah had not been inaccurate. She received a further six shocks by the time she staggered onto the line for her thirtieth shuttle run. Her breathing was ragged and shallow and it was all Sarah could do to stand up straight. She may only have had to do thirty shuttle runs but she finished only moments before Manning, one of the girls who had been required to squat and run ten more times than her.

"Correct Porter, your performance was pitiful. I will have a word with your handler and work up a regime to complete out of class. You are lagging well behind even the unfit sluts like Hinka. What do you think that says for you?"

Sarah took the rebuke in silence, busy as she was suckling her drink bottle for the refreshingly cold water within. Her knees were shaking as she stood at attention, bottle to her mouth in one hand and crotch-soaked panties in the other. At least she would not be wearing these for the rest of the day, though her regular uniform panties were not a great improvement. Sarah had become resigned to the fact that if she had only the one pair of panties to wear during the day then her pussy would be covered in damp material for the rest of her life. The way her pussy became wet, and stayed wet, had been a revelation for her. The way it had begun so suddenly had been no less a surprise.

"Bottles down. About face. Cool down lunges. Left. Cox, dumkopf. Elbows straight, head up. You are not at one of your trailer trash fuckdowns now. Yes I have heard about what your people get up to. Nine and Ten. Panties on. In line."

Miss Vonn walked down the file of heavy breathing girls, chests heaving, nostrils flaring. Each teens face was flushed and dripping with sweat. Small strings of hair had come loose from their pontyails and clung to the sides of their sweat-drenched faces.

"The grooming standard in this class is lax. It is no better than your levels of fitness. At the end of tomorrow's lesson each slut that has hair on her face like some wild prostitute will earn an infraction. I understand that Porter impressed a number of the students with her prancing in the quad at lunchtime. Porter, front. Show these girls."

Sarah moved to stand beside Miss Vonn and commenced prancing, lifting her legs high with each step. She was sure to lift her knees to waist height, thigh parallel to the ground each time. Her classmates were watching her and despite her demeaning position she was aware that her movements were to be used to inform her classmates and she had a serious responsibility.

"I will be incorporating this into the next lesson. Very pretty, yes. Off now sluts, freshen those filthy bodies for class," said Miss Vonn as she continued to admire Sarah's lithe form prancing obediently.

Sarah watched her classmates file out of the gym. She had remained in position, high-stepping as correctly as she could. She was struggling a little with her balance, her tired legs strained to keep her upright as her weight shifted from side to side. As Carew disappeared through the wooden doors Sarah began to worry about being kept behind. She could not afford to be late for her classes, nor could she afford to be inappropriately dirty.

"I will be watching you Porter. You are the worst slut in the class and you lack motivation. Batting your eyes and pouting those pretty lips will get you nowhere. A slut's ability to perform any task at any time is of paramount importance. Being cute means nothing. You are the bottom of the class, but this just means you have a better opportunity to improve and after all a slut never stops trying to improve. Every day a slut asks herself how can she be better. You are lucky Porter, you are told how to be better. All you have to do is listen and follow orders. It is quite an easy life for a slut. Dismissed."

Sarah stopped prancing and curtsied daintily to her gym teacher. She was grateful she was being allowed to leave. She was only a minute or two behind the other girls and if she hurried she could get to the dorm and shower without a problem. She walked as fast as she could while maintaining the correct posture and without appearing to run. A slut who was walking briskly was eager to seek further service, a slut who was running had not planned her time well.

Sarah thanked her lucky stars that she met no one in the corridors leading to her dorm. As she approached the doorway to the lounge she could hear the sound of running water and muted conversation. Once through, her eartag safely scanned, Sarah ran across the room to the showers. She scanned her tag again as she entered the shower room and peeled off her wet gym clothes in record time. Her wash bag hung from her hook and she thanked her friends for collecting it for her, it would give her that little extra time in the showers.

"Port, thank god," exclaimed Murphy as Sarah entered the showers. Murphy stepped to one side and let Sarah stand directly under the showerhead. "We were getting a little worried."

"It's ok Murph, Miss Vonn just wanted to let me know that I have a lot of work to do on my fitness. I know, but it is good to have a superior make sure that you know where you can improve. She is going to work with Miss Harper on an out of class regimen so I can get up to the standard of the rest of you guys. I hate being so far behind," Sarah pouted.

"You aren't that far behind Port," Mitchell chimed in, attempting to cheer Sarah up.

"Yeah I am Mitch. At the end of the warm-up I was already panting. No other girl was. Fitness is really important for a slut, how can I serve properly if Im tired from easy things. I know Miss Vonn will make sure my new schedule makes me better."

Sarah arched her back as Mitchell stepped in behind her and began to scrub her aching muscles. She loved the attention but she was also grateful for the help as she was still washing her hair. She kept lathering as Mitchell stepped in closer, pressing her large, soft breasts into Sarah's soapy back, and reached around to wash Sarah's chest and belly. Sarah closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation as Murphy watched, a bemused expression on her face.

All too soon the shower was over. Sarah's freshly scrubbed skin felt amazing. After the strenuous gym lesson the cool shower had been refreshing and pleasurable. Her pussy had a hint of moisture, no doubt from Mitchell's ministrations, but her body felt good and she was ready for her afternoon classes.

Trinity house knew the routine and smartly finished washing and dressing and waited silently in ranks for Miss Peach to send them on their way to the next class. The housemistress walked along the two neat lines of teenagers, struck Ness once on the thigh with her crop for being the last in line and dismissed them. As she walked to class, keeping in step with the girls around her, Sarah could not help but wonder if the afternoon would bring as unexpected delights as her morning classes had afforded her.

"Enter," called Miss Watson, prompting the eighteen girls of Trinity house to move briskly to their seats. Sarah was still not entirely used to scanning the metal tag that hung from her left ear every time she entered and exited a room. Maybe in another week she would bend down and dangle her tag in front of the scanners without any thought at all, but for now the tiny beep still made her feel like an animal on a farm.

"Sit. Todays lesson, as you can see, will be focusing on table service," said Miss Watson indicating the table and chairs that sat atop the platform at the front of the class. "A slut will often be called upon to serve her owner, or another superior, a meal. This table has been set correctly. Each of you will have a chance to inspect it during the lesson. Porter, front."

Sarah bounced to her feet and came forward. Miss Watson handed her a silver platter and ordered her to stand on the far corner of the platform facing the class. "There are two ways for a slut to serve a tray. One is to balance the tray on her left hand, leaving her right hand free to serve from the tray. Porter, palm face up in the centre of the tray, then to attention."

Sarah followed the order and shifted her left palm under the silver tray and balanced it before returning her right hand to the small of her back.

"No matter the technique, the tray is to be kept level, with the forearm parallel with the floor. The second technique is to hold the tray with a hand under each side, the thumb running along the rim. Porter, do so now. Do not hook your thumbs onto the tray. Food is to be served from this tray and no one wishes a slut's fingers all over it."

Miss Watson collected two tall wine glasses and placed them on the tray and then turned back to the class. "Now each one of you come up and take note of the way the table is set. This information is in your school manuals for you to study but the real thing is always preferable."

Sarah stood at the corner of the platform as each girl came up in turn and scrutinised the place setting. Sarah had been allowed only the briefest of glimpses as she came forward. She could see the table now, out of the corner of her eye but her focus had remained on the far wall. The tray she was holding was polished silver and was not insubstantial in weight. She had no problems holding the tray up for now, but if she was to be here for a prolonged period, well she just hoped she would have no trouble. She could not look down at the tray and had to rely on her innate sense of balance to be sure that it was not changing angle and endangering the delicate wine glasses that rested upon it.

"Olsen, you will be the server. Cox and Shah you each take a seat at the table. To prevent you feeling too precocious the seats have been altered for your needs."

Cox and Shah stepped forward and each pulled a chair out from under the small square table. Instead of a flat wooden seat, which anyone would have expected from the innocuous chairs, the surface was instead covered in a mass of tiny plastic spikes, each only measuring a fraction of an inch in length. The two girls eased themselves down onto the chairs and gently pulled themselves into the table. Sarah was not sure what was going on but she heard the soft gasps from the two girls and wondered.

"Now Olsen, the first course for this meal is to be a soup. Collect one bowl at a time from the serving table and place it before each girl. Now sluts, once you have been served you can begin eating. Olsen, you lean in from the side when serving a superior. You never make contact while serving. You place the plate or bowl gently on the table, ensuring the place setting is even and correct. Now sluts, you can begin your meals."

Cox and Shah looked at the empty bowl that Olsen had placed in front of them and were at a loss. Shah panicked and darted her eyes around the room, looking for inspiration. It was not until Cox tentatively reached for the rounded soup spoon and began scooping the non-existent liquid from the bowl and bringing the empty spoon to her mouth that Shah realised what they were to do. After a minute of pretending to eat the soup, each girl feeling like an idiot, Miss Watson called for the second course.

For the next thirty minutes Olsen, under the command of Miss Watson, served five courses of imaginary food and Cox and Shah did their best impression of consuming it. Sarah felt as if she was a mere ornament. Since the teacher had placed the glasses upon the tray she had not been referred to, or even looked at, or so she presumed. She had not seen anything that had happened and so had learned nothing of the lesson. She had remained still as a statue, eyes forward and arms straight supporting the silver tray.

"Now girls, if you are lucky and serve well your superiors just may just reward you with a morsel or two from the table. If this is so you are to receive your reward on your knees. Olsen kneel beside Cox. Head up. Cox place a piece of food in Olsen's mouth."

Cox pretended to take something from her plate and offered it to the kneeling girl. Olsen opened her mouth to receive the imaginary food, thoroughly humiliated, she felt as if she was at a little girl's tea party.

"A slut may also receive a reward by having it thrown to the floor, if the food is appropriate. If the slut has performed her other duties properly the floor should be clean enough to eat off but as always this is the decision of your superiors. A slut simply does as she is told, such a freedom is one of the benefits of being a slut. Cox, throw a piece of bread to the floor for Olsen."

Cox reached again for her plate, grabbed an imaginary piece of bread and threw it to the floor between Olsen's knees. The humiliating charade continued with Olsen prostrating herself and pretending to eat the piece of bread thrown to her. If they were being shown this in class, then they were to be fed like this once they had returned to their owners. Sarah thought back to her first night when she had stood by as her handler ate a late supper. Her cheeks flushed ever so slightly as she remembered how she had turned down a piece of bread that had fallen to the floor. A slut would have accepted the scrap of food with gratitude but she had refused it like a stuck-up bitch. Sarah was beginning to see why she had accrued so many infractions that first day.

"This lesson contained two important lessons for table service. One slut actively served the diners, serving the meals and seeing to the needs of those present. A second slut served in a different manner. A slut will often be called upon to provide a service should it be wished for. Her services may very well never be utilised. A slut is always willing to serve, in fact yearns to do so, but she must be careful to feel no disappointment if she is not used. A slut that stands ready to serve takes solace from the opportunity."

Sarah had been struggling with her tray for the past 10 minutes. Her arms were burning and she had caught herself dipping the tray on a number of occasions. She had quickly adjusted, keeping the heavy object level but the fear that she would drop the glasses was growing by the moment. Miss Watson's speech had only made this fear worse. If she failed while the attention was on her it would be disastrous.

"Now girls, this has only been an introduction. Table service can take many different forms and we will be exploring these in the weeks to come. It will also behoove you to familiarise yourself with chapters 11 and 12 of your student manual that deals with the topic. Cox and Shah, take your seats. Olsen, pack the dinner service back onto the trolley. You will find each piece has an appropriate place. Now class, does anyone have any questions about today's lesson."

Sarah stood still as a statue as Olsen packed away the plates and cutlery used during the class. She had not been included in any instructions. She remained holding her silver tray, trying desperately to keep it balanced and keep the two glasses from tumbling to the floor. Being ignored like this was not something Sarah was dealing with particularly well. She had never liked being the centre of attention, in fact she still did not like being the focus of scrutiny, but being completely ignored as if she was nothing but a hatrack was difficult for the sensitive teenager.

"Well then, I expect a perfect performance from each and every one of you during our next lesson on table service," said Miss Watson, surveying the rows of silent schoolgirls. "Mitchell, with which hand should a slut serve food and drink to a table?"

"The right hand Ma'am," replied Mitchell, as confident as Sarah had ever heard her.

"What is the reasoning?"

"A slut serves from the right and to give the most room Ma'am."

"And," Miss Watson prompted, tapping the cane against her thigh.

"And so that she provides the most pleasing aspect as she serves Ma'am."

"Half answers are as useful as a wrong answer Mitchell, remember that. A slut serves in such a manner as to show her tits as she serves. With those udders of yours you will have to be extra careful Mitchell. Ness, what is tongue technique two?" shot Miss Watson.

The pretty scandinavian sat there stunned. She had not expected to be called upon and the abrupt change in topic left her flustered. She panicked and looked around the room at her classmates, frantically looking for an answer.

"Two infractions, failure to answer a superior and breaking position. Eyes front. Ozawa maybe you have been paying better attention."

"Ma'am, tongue technique two is running your tongue around the head of the cock Ma'am."

"My tongue, Ozawa? Infraction for insubordiantion. Clark?"

"Ma'am, tongue technique two is when a slut runs her tongue around the head of the cock Ma'am," replied the timid girl, frightened by the failures of her classmates.

Sarah felt sorry for the class, but it had become clear to her that if Miss Watson asked for questions on a lesson and no one had any then the resulting few minutes would be much harder on them. Sarah needed to talk to Mitchell and Murphy tonight and pass her insight along. She would ask a question but she was still part of the demonstration and she wasn't sure if she had permission to speak. In a room full of girls, she felt left out and alone but drawing attention to herself now would be the worst thing she could do.

"Now that Olsen has replaced the settings, you will now reset the table. Hinka, set the plates. Manning the knives and forks. Clark set the glasses. Not all at once like a pack of scared cats. In order."

Minutes passed as Miss Watson constantly corrected the three girls. Each earned an infraction for not knowing the correct place settings. For once Sarah was not grateful to be left out of the class. She knew she would have done a better job. She was feeling her segregation from the other students even more keenly. She was only four feet away from her nearest classmate but she may as well have not been in the room. Standing at the front of the class, holding her tray still, made her feel more isolated than if she was alone on a desert island.

Once the table was set to Miss Watson's satisfaction, she had Olsen clear it away again and then three other girls reset it. By the third time the table was being cleared, Sarah's arms had gone numb. Beads of sweat had formed on her forehead and upper lip and she could feel the material of her blouse moisten under her arms. The tray remained level and at the appropriate height but a deep ache had now developed between the stressed schoolgirls shoulderblades. An ache that rapidly turned into a constant series of sharp, stabbing pains.

She tried to control her breathing, slow it down and make sure each breath was slow. Sarah tried her best to pay attention to what was being taught but with only being able to see flickers of movement in her peripheral vision it was next to impossible. She gained some knowledge as she listened to Miss Watson berate each girl and she paid attention to what they were doing wrong, but without a reference point it was difficult to make sense of the situation. It seemed that here was yet another lesson she would need to catch up on in her own time. With her detentions, her extra physical education regime and the attentions of her handler, Sarah was really worried about how she would be able to fit all her study in.

"Now class, I hope you have learned something for these basic tenets will be revisited only in test format. Carew pack up the setting, including the slut."

Sarah almost audibly sighed in relief. After nearly an hour she had not only been recognised as still being present but she was finally going to be able to release the tray. She had not realised how much pain could be caused simply by standing still. When Carew took the tray out of her hands, Sarah's arms involuntarily raised two inches into the air before she recovered herself and moved to attention.

She grimaced as she moved her hands behind her. The pain in her shoulders intensified and her arms became an inferno of pins and needles. She desperately wanted to rub her arms, or at the very least, flex her hands to get some feeling back into them but she dared not. Instead she suffered in silence.

"Sit," snapped Miss Watson and Sarah wasted no time in scurrying to her seat. She had been on her feet for a very long time and it was not only the muscles in her arms and shoulders that burned. She glanced at the clock as she sat down. The class had less than five minutes to go. One class to go, biology with Miss Rice, and then it was time for her third detention. The very thought of spending another session in room seventeen sent a shiver down her spine. She was benefiting from the brutal detentions, there was no doubt of that but she still dreaded every minute spent down there.

"Tonight you will read the first fifteen pages of Chapter 6. Our lessons tomorrow will revolve around the concepts therein. Dismissed," said Miss Watson barely a second before the bell rang.

Sarah waited her turn to thank Miss Watson for the lesson and to perform her most dainty curtsy. The teacher did not even look in her direction and Sarah left the class with a heavy heart.

Chapter 29. In which Sarah learns more about jewellery.


Miss Rice looked out at the sea of pretty, teenage faces. So many retained that attractive air of innocence, none more so than the petite Porter. Her life before Harkwood had been particularly sheltered, which the teacher found astounding in such a natural slut. She was one of the cutest girls she had ever seen. How she had remained a virgin was something that she would get to the bottom of eventually.

"You all have your ears pierced but there are so very many more places in which a slut can receive a piercing. As our classes have focused on the cunt, we shall continue the theme. There are more than 30 separate locations in which a slut can receive a piercing in her cunt. A cunt can be pierced either for aesthetics or for functionality. Porter, in position."

Sarah stood up, fearful of what the next hour would bring. She quickly undressed and hopped up into the familiar chair at the front of the class. She had spent far more time in this chair than on her own seat during her first week of classes. She lifted her legs into the stirrups, spreading them wide, showing off her pussy to the class. She knew there was a thin sheen of moisture on her lips and she blushed knowing that this would be obvious to all her classmates. She lifted her arms beside her head, bending her elbows to rest her wrists on the open cuffs behind the headrest.

"Restraints are not necessary for this class but I see you are eager to have them. It is but a moment," said Miss Rice as she fastened Sarah's wrists into the tight cuffs, followed by those around her ankles.

Sarah had not really wanted to be restrained, she had just adopted the position that she assumed Miss Rice wanted her in. It wasn't too bad though, she didnt mind all that much. She could not move or interfere with Miss Rice's lesson and she felt comfort in the restraints, there was a safety in such a loss of freedom, she could not be tempted to do the wrong thing. It was not until Miss Rice threaded the thick leather belt underneath her that she regretted her assumption.

The belt was two inches wide and Miss Rice cinched it painfully tight. It narrowed Sarah's waist by a phenomenal amount and made it more difficult to breathe. It was not a form of restraint that she felt comfortable in. To complete her bondage a penis gag was inserted into her mouth. Her lips parted almost involuntarily as the gag came close and for a while Sarah forgot about the tight belt around her waist.

"Today we are going to learn about the different kinds of piercings and their different uses," said Miss Rice, as she wheeled a trolley close to Sarah.

The suddenly tense schoolgirl became deeply worried. She had heard about people getting piercings, and she had seen many girls, and boys, with metal all over their faces but she had never contemplated her pussy being pierced. It was not until a few days ago, when she had seen the piercings of her teachers, that the concept had even occurred to her. She was scared, more scared than she had been before her first detention. She hated needles. She only had her ears pierced because her mother had wanted her to, though she had to admit that she enjoyed wearing earrings. To have a needle anywhere near her pussy made her want to cry from the thought alone.

"Today we will be using clamps to indicate the various piercing locations, which will be supplemented by pictures and videos," Sarah breathed a sigh of relief as the large-screen TV was lowered across her body, hiding her from her classmates. It was to be another lesson where her body was used as a teaching tool. Well not her whole body, Sarah thought. It was only her pussy that was of interest. It was strange to feel that she was indeed simply a collection of body parts to be used as others saw fit. Being made to stare at the back of a TV only reinforced the demeaning objectification she felt.

"We will start with the very basic of cunt piercings. Most sluts will have at least one of these depending on her owner's preference. You will be happy to know that each sluts owner has opted for a tongue piercing. Really a standard, and minimal level of adornment for any slut. Of course there are some owners who prefer their slut not to have any piercing but this is quite unusual. But girls, that is for another lesson. First up, we will see a horizontal clit hood piercing."

Sarah felt a sharp pricking pain in her pussy. It was not as painful as the clamps she had previously experienced. To be honest it was more localised and felt more like a needle. She could not help herself, despite all her training and hard work, and her eyes flicked down and peeked at her pussy. Down past her flattened breasts, each nipple standing hard at attention, past her belly, tightly cinched, she saw what had been applied to her sex.

A small metal ring, that looked very much like an earring was fixed firmly on her clit hood. She could clearly see that it had a small clip at the back which when closed, clamped the two open ends of the ring tightly together. The small ring looked so tightly clamped that Sarah could almost have believed it was a real piercing. She quickly brought her eyes forward, focusing again on the blank back of the television.

"Piercings can take many forms but the two most common are the ring and the bar. On the screen you can also see a number of other variations on this particular piercing including the horseshoe. As this part of the cunt is delicate, the clitoral hood piercings, and those of the clit itself, are for visual appeal. Bells and all manner of other jewellery can be hung from these piercings. Small weights or a leash, can of course be applied but it is usual for other piercings to be used for purposes of restraint.

"Next of course are the cuntlips. We have the inner and outer cuntlips that can be pierced, but we will focus first on the outer lips as these provide far more scope," taught Miss Rice as Sarah lay back, waiting for the coming pain.

She did not wait long. First her left and then her right labia were clamped. Then each was clamped again and moments later a third time. Sarah almost squealed as the last clamp was put in place. She could imagine what she looked like, though she dared not risk a further glance. A neat row of three metal clamps was attached to each lip. The clamps had been applied perfectly, aligned across from each other.

"A slut may wear any number of cuntlip piercings. It is common for either one or three as these are more aesthetically pleasing. Of course if we add a fourth, further down on the cunt, around the hole itself," said Miss Rice, matching actions with words, "we can produce a very pretty and very functional effect."

Sarah felt the sensual hands of her teacher at her opening and felt her juices begin to flow. It was at these times that she was glad her body was hidden from her classmates as she blushed furiously at what her classmates must be thinking. The supine schoolgirl felt a sharp tug on the clamps and groaned softly as the pain intensified.

"See how pretty that looks girls. By adding such a tie, the sluts cunt is effectively off limits. Of course it is possible for small insertion but a dildo, cock or more than one finger is unable to penetrate. On the screen are some very interesting variations on the cuntlip piercings. Of special note are the tunnels and the rivets. The tunnels provide the benefit of much greater strength. Larger and heavier weights can be attached to these. When a tunnelled cunt is threaded like shoe, it is a very attractive sight indeed.

"You will enjoy this girls,” said Miss Rice, smiling widely. “Two years ago one slut, 2 months prior to her graduation, was fitted with three outer cuntlip piercings of the stud variety. Each stud was a powerful magnet that kept her cunt closed at all times. Unless of course her owner wished otherwise whereby special thigh straps were worn which pulled the slut's cunt apart. It was a very specific request. I suggest you all take a look, it is archived under the slut's name, P Scott. I have since learned that a separate set of studs has also been fitted at times and these have a reverse effect, keeping the pussylips apart at all times. Just imagine how delicious that would feel."

As Miss Rice took a break and removed the clamps from Sarah's pussy her mind wandered, as much as the sharp stabbing pains from the clamp removal allowed. Would she be receiving any of these piercings mentioned? The fact that she would be having her tongue pierced still weighed heavily upon her. She could not imagine how she would feel if her pussy was pierced. She was unable to see any of the stock pictures Miss Rice was using to supplement the demonstration her pussy was being used for. She was struggling to visualise how it would look. She had to trust in the opinion of her teacher in that they were pleasing for a slut to have.

"This next short video demonstrates the ability of certain piercings for their functionality rather than their beauty. Note how the tunnel piercings are superior," observed Miss Rice.

Sarah heard muted gasps from the normally silent class. Her curiosity was running rampant. She wanted to see what her classmates were seeing, but as she could not her mind turned to how strange her classes were now. Not the subject matter itself, which she no longer felt as strange, but the difference in atmosphere. The fact that barely audible gasps had seemed so loud and out of place, was testament to how the Trinity house classes were run. There was no talking, no giggling, no passing of notes. Each class was taught in complete silence, the only sounds that broke the quiet came from the teacher.

Her daydreaming was interrupted as fresh clamps were applied to her inner labia. Sarah's delicate inner lips were small, usually hidden by her plump outer lips. She was more conscious of these new clamps. They not only hurt the soft pink folds of her pussy but she could feel them as they pushed against the more sensitive outer folds.

"You can see that such piercings as these can often provide little in the way of added attraction. Inner lip piercings are a very individual affair. Even so there remain some definite possibilities. These pictures are from a former student. They detail a nine month period over which the inner lips were stretched to almost three inches in length. This particular slut's owner had a very specific plan for his property. Permanent weights are worn on the cuntlips providing the slut with not only a unique look but a unique set of sensations I think we can all agree."

This time the class remained completely silent. The picture Miss Rice described was not one that Sarah would enjoy, of that she was sure. Since her enrolment as a student in Trinity house she had seen a great number of pussies. She had quickly formed the opinion that she much preferred those in which the inner lips were small and rarely seen. There was just something neater and smoother about them, especially as sluts were to be kept clean.

For the second time that day Sarah felt terribly lonely. She had once again been segregated from the class experience. Even though her sex was part of the lesson it did not make her feel any more a part of the class. She was present only in her capacity as a tool for demonstration. She felt melancholy, though she tried to focus on the lesson as best she could. She tried to conjure images in her head of what the piercings were like but as she felt the clamps being removed from her inner lips, she could only wonder what was to come next.

"Cox clean the cunt quickly," said Miss Rice as she ordered the items on the trolley.

Sarah heard the soft swish of material and the click of heels on the floor before feeling the hot tongue and mouth of her classmate on her pussy. Sarah responded instantly. Her stomach muscles tightened and she could feel the quiver in her spread thighs. She knew her pussy would have thrust itself forward if she had not been so severely strapped to the table by the strict restraint around her waist.

As suddenly as it began, the pleasure stopped. Sarah almost moaned in disappointment, though she managed to check herself in time. She could just imagine how that would have seemed to Miss Rice. No doubt it would have been fuel to the fire of the predicament she was already in. She had to get her cunt under control.

"This next piercing is called a fourchette," said Miss Rice as she applied a single clamp to Sarah's helpless body.

An intense pinching pain caused the young girl to gasp. The clamp had been applied to that soft, sensitive piece of flesh at the opening of her pussy, almost between her pussy and asshole. Sarah could not imagine what a piercing there would provide. So far this clamp was the most painful of the lesson, so she assumed a piercing would be too. If someone had asked her where on a girl could be pierced she would never in a million years have thought this could be an answer.

"This piercing, apart from being a rather pretty placement is quite useful for plug attachment. This photo shows an attractive D ring configuration perfect to attach a plug. Many sluts are fitted with an anal plug 24 hours a day. This piercing provides an excellent way to secure the plug to the slut so that she is never parted from it even during bowel voiding. It is very beneficial as a slut will, understandably of course, become very attached to her plug, seeing it as more a friend than a mere object.

"For the next 10 minutes familiarise yourself with the screened images. For tomorrows lesson you are to prepare a three minute oral report on which piercings you feel would suit your cunt and which piercings you would like to receive. There are a number of additional resources in the library and of course on the computer archive."

For ten minutes silence reigned in the classroom. Sarah stared at the back of the television as her classmates were treated to a scrolling slideshow of almost every conceivable genital piercing. The painful clamp had been left pinching her soft flesh and the increasing agony did nothing to ameliorate the young girls mood.

While her classmates were able to learn, Sarah laid back and tried to think about piercings - which ones would suit her, which ones she would like. She had no real frame of reference for any of it, besides the decision was one solely for her owner, but that did not mean that the exercise would not be taken seriously. It was just that with her detention after class, the additional exercises Miss Vonn was organising and the strict attentions her handler was now intimating would be in effect, she wondered if she would be able to do the assignment at all. She had yet to find the time to read any of her school manual.

The more Sarah was left to herself, the further her thoughts spiralled away from where they should be. At the end of the ten minutes, which passed in silence, Miss Rice shut off the television screen and turned back to the class. Sarah was oblivious, hidden as she was behind the lowered screen.

"The cunt, as we have seen, is a versatile platform for adornment. In subsequent lessons we shall deal with other areas, such as the tongue, nose and nipples. These areas provide a lessened scope but remain interesting. A slut's adornments are chosen by her owner but it will be a slut's duty to see to their upkeep. This will also be addressed in future lessons. As a little prelude I think it would be fun to do a little quiz. Mitchell, how many piercings do you think would provide the most attractive enhancement."

"Six Maam," replied Mitchell without pause.


"One Maam," the German teen replied, a definite quiver in her voice.


"Seven Ma'am," came a hesitant voice, barely above a whisper.

"Well some interesting choices. I look forward to your presentations to hear the qualifications for these choices. I will let you know that all your cunts have been evaluated and the optimal configuration is known. Of course this is not to say that you will receive these, it is your owner's choice, optimal or not. What your owner chooses is correct, just as it would be if they chose a particular decor for their house or a certain cut of suit."

Sarah now had to worry about an assignment that she had to complete overnight but without the proper knowledge the rest of her class had been afforded. Her status as class apparatus, while helping her classmates to learn, was hampering her own studies. She already had so much to do outside of class time, she was going to be very busy and she would need to be on her best behaviour to avoid any further detentions or catch-up classes due to her poor performance.

Finally, as her classmates contemplated the lesson, Miss Rice turned back to Sarah and removed the small metal clamp from her pussy. The rush of blood back into the pinched flesh made the prostrate schoolgirl wince but she remained stoically quiet. She had spent another class on the demonstration chair, harshly restrained, able to move her body mere fractions of an inch. The fact that the restraints during her most recent lesson was unnecessary and caused solely by her own actions, was something that the teenager had thought on often during the last hour.

The restraints were not something which she sought, at least she did not think so, but they were also not something that caused her too much concern. Could she be said to enjoy her bondage? Is that why she had automatically moved into position for them? It was true that while she was strapped down, unable to move, she felt a certain sense of comfort. A sense that she had no decisions to make, her fate was out of her hands and this provided her with a freedom of thought which she found comforting. Apart from the terribly tight belt around her waist, her bondage did not even cause her any great discomfort. She had quickly learned to flex her muscles periodically to prevent cramping or numbness.

Sarah had so many thoughts whirling around her brain that at times she was overwhelmed at the prospect. She vowed to talk to her handler the first opportunity that arose in an attempt to get some clarity or understanding on certain things. If Miss Harper did not know, then surely she could advise Sarah on where to seek the understanding. She was just a slut, trying to do her best but she needed guidance and direction. She needed to be told what to do. It had been this realisation days ago that had caused her so much angst but had ultimately led her to such a rapid acceptance of her life as a slut. She had come to accept that not only was the female designed to serve but that she took great solace in the structure the life of a slut provided: following orders, serving others, devoting herself to doing as she was told, knowing that it would please her superiors.

The bell rang signalling the end of the class and the end of the schoolday. Her classmates, sitting at attention on their stools, would be heading back to the dormitory for a period of free time. Sarah's day however was simply entering another phase of discipline. Miss Rice dismissed the class and the prone teen watched as her friends and fellow sluts filed out of the classroom. When the last girl had left, the large television that hung over Sarah was raised and Miss Rice busied herself with sorting the various items that had been used during the lesson.

She waited patiently for her turn to be attended to. Instead of joining the other girls of Trinity house in the dorm she had to attend her third detention. There was nothing she could do but sit and wait patiently. She was only as important as the clips or the trolley or the TV that had been used for the lesson. She should not expect to be seen to first, though as a slut only beginning her training it was still hard to accommodate some aspects of her status. Not only was she often seen as simply a collection of body parts and how they could be used, she was often deemed less important than inanimate objects. It was yet another topic on which Sarah needed to seek extra guidance.

It was hard not to be thought of as a person. It had become increasingly clear that a slut was not considered a person, not considered a person in the same sense as normal people. A slut was an entirely separate entity, one whose boundaries and expectations she was only beginning to glimpse.

Once all the other items had been collected, Miss Rice turned to Sarah and perfunctorily released the cuffs that bound her to the chair. As usual the last restraint to be removed was the strict belt that constrained her waist. She knew that were she to look down, she would see a thick red band around her waist, almost as if the belt had left behind a shadow of itself. The last time she had worn such a restraint the markings had not completely disappeared for hours after.

"Check each slut's seat for cuntjuice. You will do this at the end of each of my lessons from now on. Report any evidence you find," commanded Miss Rice without turning from the trolley.

Sarah hopped down from the chair and moved methodically through the class, inspecting each hard plastic stool. It was not until she came to Mitchell's stool that anything drew her notice. There was a definite trace of moisture on the black surface. Sarah was not sure how she felt about this discovery. The only other stool she noticed that had any evidence of cuntjuice was Taylor's. As she headed back to the front of the class Sarah realised that she felt nothing about Taylor's arousal but she actually felt quietly happy about Mitchell's.

"Ma'am, there was evidence of pussy juice on the seats belonging to sluts Mitchell and Taylor."

"What kind?"

"Ma'am, both seats had some very small traces of moisture that had dried."

"Well infractions have been earned then. I am surprised there was no trace on your seat Porter," said Miss Rice, turning to the naked teen for the first time.

"Ma'am my pussy was wet, but I cleaned my seat."

"As you should, slut. Clean those seats in question. Dismissed."

Sarah hurried to the two stools and licked the dry surfaces free of any evidence that a wet pussy had rested on the surface. Sarah made sure to position her body in such a way that her bent form fully exposed her sex for Miss Rice. Making sure to provide a pleasing sight for any superior was something at which she was becoming quite adept. She could not really taste anything from the dried surface and was surprised at the fleeting sense of disappointment.

A quick glance at the clock as she dressed let her know that it was 12 minutes after the end of class. She needed to get to her holding cell as soon as possible. If Miss Harper deemed she had not made good enough time, or heaven forbid she actually beat Sarah there, she knew the consequences would not be pretty. Her handler had already taken a hard line with her after her initial indiscretions. She needed to repair the relationship without further incurring her displeasure.

Sarah turned at the door and curtseyed to Miss Rice, thanking her sweetly for the lesson. Despite the fact that her body had been used as demonstration material and she had been unable to see most of the lesson she knew that she had learned a great deal. Any lesson brought new insights and new information. A slut never stopped learning, never stopped working towards being a better slut, but for one such as her, at the very beginning of her training, any time spent with a teacher was valuable.

Chapter 30. In which Sarah has her third detention


Her holding cell was empty. Sarah breathed a sigh of relief as she stepped into the tiny room. She still had a chance that her handler would not punish her for being late. She closed the door behind her, the ominous creaking of metal on metal putting her teeth on edge. She retrieved the padlock from the floor and locked her collar to the ring in the wall and settled in to wait. The light flickered out a few seconds after she had stood at attention, something which she was getting used to.


Almost immediately her nose began to itch, it was almost as if the darkness had brought it on. Sarah twitched her nose in a vain attempt to assuage the increasingly maddening sensation. The room was completely dark. If she reached up quickly and scratched her nose, who was to know? She immediately dismissed the idea as one unworthy of a slut. She was not to break position without permission and there was no one here to grant it. Her life now was ruled by others, even down to such inconsequential things as scratching an itch.


Knowing she required permission for the smallest of things, knowing this and accepting this was something every slut must go through. Sarah knew she had a long way to go, having had the thought in the first place indicated this, but the fact that she dismissed it so quickly and so strongly must bode well for her. She mused on how well her transition into her new life was going and how her classmates were faring until the door opened and the small room was flooded with light. Sarah blinked profusely as she waited for Miss Harper to make her presence known.


"Six minutes slut? Class ended a long time ago. Why did you take so long getting here?"

"Miss Rice kept me after class to help her Miss," Sarah replied hoping she could not be held responsible for things that were out of her control. Well everything was out of her control but that did not absolve her of all responsibility.

"Outside now."


Sarah stepped out of the room once the padlock had been removed. She could not tell if Miss Harper was angry with her or had just had a bad day or if this was simply how she was going to deal with her from now on. The march to room 17 began immediately and Sarah's apprehension grew with each step. She had been able to manage her fear of her pending detention much better today. She had been able to turn her thoughts to other things each time they started to creep upon her but as the day wore on it had become harder and harder. Now there was no chance. She could think of nothing else and her fear returned at full force.


Her handler opened the door and stood aside for Sarah to enter. As soon as she was through, the door slammed shut behind her, making the skittish schoolgirl jump in fright. Miss Harper never stayed for her detentions and she wondered why it was necessary for her even to escort Sarah the length of the corridor. It was not her position to question the decisions of others however. She was sure there was a good reason for everything that was done, her understanding was irrelevant. A slut could not be expected to understand, simply to accept.


"Undress and get that cunt on spot, slut," said the headmistress.


Sarah stepped to the side and removed her uniform. Once each piece was correctly stowed Sarah hurried to the centre of the room and stood at attention, making sure her pussy was directly over the small spot on the floor. As her latex-clad headmistress stepped behind her, Sarah had a chance to survey the room. She had no real hope of working out what her detention was to bring but any hint would help her deal with the experience and provide a better showing than yesterday.


Arrayed around her were four metal boxes. Two were on small stands and stood around hip height, the other two lay on the floor of the room. Each was rectangular, a little longer than they were wide. As she had expected, Sarah had no idea what they were for. Instead of wasting time attempting to understand she simply waited patiently for the headmistress to take control.


"Hands behind your head," barked Mrs Huffington Smythe.


Sarah obediently followed the command and felt a thick leather belt being slipped around her waist. She had only had a few minutes respite from the uncomfortable constriction around her waist and she gasped as the belt was pulled tight and fastened. She was a slim girl and she was thankful for that now, though she was not really sure if it made a difference anyway. The belt had been pulled ferociously tight, giving her the hourglass figure she would never otherwise achieve.


Each hand was grabbed roughly from its position behind her head and pulled down behind her back. Her left hand was fastened to an attachment on her right hip and her right hand to her left. Her arms were now crossed behind her, pulling her shoulders back painfully. If she pushed her shoulders back she could ease the tension slightly, though the bondage was terribly strict.


"What has been the overriding theme with your poor behaviour slut?"

"Allowing my pussy to influence my behaviour Ma'am?" replied Sarah confidently.

"Your pussy slut? We shall now be here for a further 30 minutes. Do you wish to answer the question correctly?"

"Allowing my owner's pussy to influence my behaviour Ma'am," Sarah replied, cursing herself for her carelessness. She had been in the room less than five minutes and she had extended her time by half. She could not afford this, she had an assignment to do and her special exercise regime was also to start tonight. How could she have been so fucking stupid!


"It is not an uncommon predicament. All sluts are highly sexual, their bodies are designed to crave sex in any form and under any circumstance. That is a slut's blessing, but it is a blessing that must be tempered by discipline. What is more important to a slut: serving a superior or sating her lust?"

"Serving a superior Ma'am," Sarah replied, knowing it to be the truth.

"This you know. As a slut your body tells you this also. The feelings you experience when serving are not comparable to any other sensation you will ever know. A slut listens to what her cunt tells her, a slut who ignores her cunt is a slut who is setting herself up for failure. What a slut must do is listen and accept all that her cunt reveals and place this in the context of her service. This is what you have failed to do. You listen to your cunt but are too dim to place it in the correct context. For sluts like you, it is a hard lesson but once learned will elevate your ability to serve allowing you to be a highly functional and competent slut.


"You must learn that your cunt is the least important element in any consideration you may have. Your cunt is only important in the context of how it can be used to serve others. Today, to reinforce this message you will service four cunts. Your only task is to bring each cunt to orgasm on three separate occasions. This will occur during the initial period of detention only. Failure is not to be countenanced so we need not mention consequences."


As the headmistress explained the detention to the trembling girl, she moved to the first metal box that lay on the floor to her right. A small clip was unfastened and the top half was flipped back. The box was now split along the diagonal, opening the front to display the contents.


A metal partition came down halfway along the box, where the hinges were fastened, hiding half of the box from view but what Sarah could see took her breath away. She had not been expecting what she saw even after Mrs Huffington Smythe's explanation. Visible in the open front of the box was the lower half of one of Sarah's classmates. She could not be sure it was a girl from Trinity house, but she could not think of any other candidates.


Sarah could only see from the waist down, the metal partition fitting snugly around the tender flesh of the captive teen. The legs were spread widely, fastened to the sides of the box at knee and ankle, providing unobstructed access to the pussy she was to service. The knees had been raised and fastened near the top of the box, lifting the cunt and ass.


Sarah watched as the tight pink asshole puckered, pulling the lips of the pussy closed. It almost looked as if the pink cleft was trying to talk, thought Sarah. She nearly smiled at the bizarrely random thought that popped into her head, but was quickly brought back to reality when she realised that four of her classmates had been encased in metal boxes in what could not be comfortable positions, because of her. Through her poor behaviour and lack of discipline she had caused four of her fellow students to become part of her detention.


Sarah felt dejected at the thought but vowed that she would not fail. She was tasked with bringing pleasure to all four girls and that is what she would do, hopefully making up, in some small way, for their presence here.


Mrs Huffington Smythe stepped in front of Sarah, bringing a toothbrush to her lips. The bewildered schoolgirls mouth opened obediently, allowing the brush access. Sarah had not even thought about opening her mouth, it had almost been an involuntary act. Such a small victory was not something she should celebrate but she hoped it was yet another step towards her becoming a true slut.


Sarah stood perfectly still, mouth wide and lips pulled back, as the headmistress proceeded to roughly brush the surface of all her teeth, her lips and her tongue. Sarah's mouth began to burn a little and the sharp tang of menthol drifted up to her nostrils. Once finished the remaining three boxes were opened to reveal three more spread and exposed teenage cunts and Sarah wondered which of her classmates were in the boxes. She did not recognise anyone, though the odd angles and not being able to correctly see made it unlikely that anyone would have been able to.


"Begin," came the perfunctory command and Sarah stepped eagerly forward to the first boxed girl.


She had to kneel on the floor to get close and the angle and her bondage meant that she was, in essence, leaning her face on the presented pussy. Her legs were spread widely and her pussy as exposed as those of the boxed cunts. The instant her mouth made contact with the warm flesh of the first girl, Sarah began to work in earnest.


The pussy had prominent outer lips and small, yet fleshy inner lips. Sarah could feel the clit almost instantly harden under her tongue as she flicked it back and forth across the hard button of flesh. She alternated this forceful movement with a gentle sucking of the clit and lips into her mouth. She could feel the pussy becoming wet as she increased her pace and force, forming her tongue into a hard spike and pushing it against the clit, searching under the hood and pushing the small, tender fold of flesh out of the way.


Sarah could hear the moans of the girl, dampened by the metal box, but even without the muted sound the pussy beneath her mouth told her everything she needed to know. The taste was subtle but distinct, masked by the minty aftertaste the brushing had left in her mouth. The juices were beginning to flow and Sarah's mouth and chin were soon coated in the clear liquid.


Suddenly she felt a burst of sensation on her own clit. She had not heard the headmistress move behind her, focused as she was on her task. A vibrator, set on an obvious high intensity, was now pressed tightly against her clit. Her pussy had already begun producing her own cream, it was something she had been aware of since the moment she had heard the first muffled groan from her classmate.


Sarah tried to forget the amazing, insistent pleasure that was almost bursting from her own pussy and redoubled her efforts on her task - bringing the pussy before her to orgasm. Giving pleasure was something Sarah had discovered that she enjoyed. It was obviously a deep part of her and one of the reasons she recognised she was a slut and that her training was now the only way in which she could achieve real happiness in her life.


Sarah could feel, through the quivering pussylips and increasingly wet slit, that her first pussy was nearing orgasm. Her own pussy was becoming harder and harder to ignore but she was determined to do well. The headmistress was an experienced educator and she knew more about the body of a slut than many sluts themselves would learn, even under her training. She could tell that this little slut was nearing an orgasm of her own.


"Switch," Mrs Huffington Smythe ordered, removing the vibrator from Sarah's throbbing pussy.


It took a moment for the command to filter into Sarah's brain. She pulled herself up, taking one last longing look at plump, pink pussy before her. The sight of the engorged lips, shining in the light with her saliva and its own juices, produced an odd sensation of longing mixed with disappointment.


As she shuffled over to the next box she worried about the fact she had not managed to bring the pussy to orgasm. She knew she had not. Was this a failure? Sarah tried to forget her first effort and focus on what she was to do now. She bent at the waist, spreading her legs slightly, exposing her own pussy as she began servicing her second of the session. This box was raised to hip height and Sarah made sure to keep her back straight, parallel with the floor as she began to eat the pussy before her.


Sarah thought she knew who was in this box. The lips of the pussy were a little darker in colour and she was sure this was Ozawa, the Asian slut that Sarah didn't think she had even spoken to. As she started intensely licking Ozawa's slim cleft another piece of the puzzle fell into place.


"Slut your session today is broken into two sections. The first is structured. You have three minutes at each cunt, rotating through each twice. The remaining twelve minutes can be spent at any cunt for any duration. Your focus is clear."


Sarah could not spare the time or the effort to try and figure out the math involved but she had failed to achieve an orgasm on her first slut. Was she already behind or did she had time to spare? She really had no idea and pushed the problem from her head. She pushed her face into Ozawa's pussy, burying her tongue deep inside the hot slit. She lapped at the pussy like a thirsty dog, her enthusiasm and eagerness to get her fellow student to come, evident and sincere. It was not driven by her need to complete the task but more so by the feeling of pleasure she knew she was providing and the pleasure she in turn felt at this knowledge.




Sarah's head was pushed into the open pussy, her nose bumping painfully against Ozawa's pubis. A sharp pain exploded in her pussy, made all the more tender due to its high state of arousal. A few seconds later, the lash landed again, striking her directly on her plump labia. The headmistress's was a practiced hand and each stroke found its mark on the vulnerable vulva lined up before her.


Sarah was prepared for the subsequent strikes, though they came in no discernable pattern. Sarah did her best to ignore the pain slowly blossoming in her pussy as each stroke landed directly on the sensitive skin, giving her abused flesh no respite. She tried to ignore the pain but she knew she was doing a worse job than during her first attempt. She tensed her body, forming her hands into tight fists pulling against the cuffs attached to the tight belt, and redoubled her efforts, licking and sucking the restrained girl's pussy with a passion that left them both breathless.


Sarah was dreading to hear the call to switch as she knew Ozawa was on the verge of orgasm. As yet another stroke fell directly on her plump pussylips Sarah pursed her lips together hard and flicked her head from side to side, slapping the hard clit of the boxed girl with force. She felt the pussy spasm, sensed Ozawa's legs tensing and felt the box itself move slightly in its settings.


Her efforts had been rewarded. Ozawa's screams of pleasure could be clearly heard above the striking of the small whip on Sarah's own cunt and above Sarah's own moans of both pain and pleasure. Despite the pain brought by the whip, Sarah knew her pussy continued to ooze her thick white cream. She would not come she was sure but she had not come down from the high of the previous session.




Sarah straightened herself, happy to be moving to the next girl. Happy knowing she had made Ozawa come. Happy that she had completed one sixth of her task and happy that she would avoid further whipping of her pussy, she hoped. Sarah wasted no time in kneeling down and beginning to work on the third young girls sex. This box was the second at ground level and she once again had to balance herself by pressing her face into the exposed pussy.


Her arms, restrained so painfully behind her back, made it difficult to balance any other way and she hoped the extra pressure was helping. The tight belt that circled her waist made breathing even more difficult in this position but Sarah simply had to grit her teeth and deal with the discomfort. As the session continued she knew that the pain in her arms and that around her waist would only become more intense and make it harder and harder for her to focus on the task she had been set. Her pussy throbbed after its recent whipping and she squealed when the devilish vibrator was once again pressed against her hard, moist clit.


Sarah did not know whose pussy she now sought to pleasure. The taste was much stronger and a definite musk emanated from the open slit. She could not tell how much of the previous two cunts she was still tasting and how this was affecting the current flavour but she felt the majority of the taste was fresh. She passed the next three minutes in a daze, fighting what she felt was a losing battle against the pleasure building between her legs. She knew better than to attempt to ignore it but she tried to put it in perspective and concentrate on making the pussy she was feeding on, spasm and pulse with an orgasm of her devising. Besides she did not have permission to come herself and this knowledge helped to keep her focus in the right place.


She could feel the moist sex beneath her tongue edge forward ever so slightly. She looked up the body of the slut, contained as it was in the metal box. She could see the soft belly undulate as the waves of pleasure flowed outward from the engorged pink pussy at which Sarah continued to suckle. She had done everything she could, treating the clit like a tender nipple and sucking it into her mouth as if she was trying to milk it of a precious liquid.




Sarah heard a soft moan come from the captive girl. She felt like letting out her own moan of frustration as she leaned back and stood up as gracefully as she could. She had felt that the pussy had been extremely close to orgasm, a fact borne out by the obvious disappointment from her bound classmate.


As Sarah stepped to her right and leant over to begin eating the fourth pussy provided for her detention, she wondered what she looked like. She could feel the entire bottom half of her face was coated in sticky moisture. Most of the juice produced by the three sluts she had so far serviced was clear. Ozawa had a small hint of the creamy colour that characterised her own secretions but none of the teenagers had anything like the thick cream that she produced so copiously.


As Sarah's face neared the final cunt, raised as the second some three feet from the ground, she was glad that this girl was a true slut. Her pussy was already open and wet as Sarah's tongue made contact. She licked the small thread of sticky cuntjuice that hung between the slim lips. Sarah moved her tongue up the entire length of the pussy, tasting the strong flavour.


The girl responded immediately, her legs tensing and her belly tightening. Sarah attacked the wet pussy with unbridled enthusiasm. She knew this slut was already close to coming. After pushing her tongue as deeply as she could, Sarah focused on the clit, that hard little bud of nerves that every slut cherished.


In what felt like only seconds Sarah felt the cunt quiver as the entire body of the young girl, restrained so tightly in the metal box, tensed and spasmed as the powerful orgasm rocked her body. Sarah continued to tease the clit with the tip of her tongue, pushing back the delicate hood and treating the tiny button to an intense tongue lashing. She needed to continue licking the pussy as the growing ecstasy coming from her own was threatening to overwhelm her. Her own pleasure had spiked to an almost unmanageable level the moment she felt the schoolgirl come.


Providing pleasure through service, no matter if it was only for another slut, was a powerful force for the young girl. She kept her eyes focused on the rise and fall of the soft belly and kept her tongue and mouth working on the orgasming cunt. This was her only way to stop herself coming, the pressure was now almost as painful as that in her tightly bound arms.




Sarah dutifully stood up and moved back to the first box. So far she was at a 50% strike rate. She had to provide another six orgasms. She only hoped she was up to the task. She had not, as yet, received any formal training in eating a pussy, she was only working with the small hints she had been given and her natural instinct. It seemed like it might be enough and she was once again thankful for the natural talent that had landed her here in the first place. A talent that while latent, had still been easy enough for the educated to discover.


The next round progressed much as the first. This time however she had managed to bring three girls to orgasm. Box two and four were now complete. Box three had come once but the girl in the first box had eluded her. Her own pussy now throbbed painfully, not only from the unsated desire that had been cultivated throughout her ordeal but by the heavy whippings she had received.


Each stroke had landed squarely on her soft vulva, with a force that remained constant throughout the session. It was almost as if a machine had been whipping the delicate flesh between her legs. Sarah could not help but admire the precision and measured force that Mrs Huffington Smythe exhibited. Even now, as she stood at attention in front of the four opened boxes, her pussy radiated pain.


She was reticent to look between her own legs, afraid at what she would see. Afraid of how grossly swollen her labia would be. She felt as if they were going to burst and the heat which they exuded could not be healthy. Though in one way, a very small way, she was grateful for the pain. It had helped her from coming, though only just. Too many times for Sarah to count, she had felt on the brink of orgasm. She could feel her hips thrusting back and forth on the vibrator pressed against her clit and she had tried desperately not to come. Reminding herself she did not have permission had not been enough for the tortured schoolgirl. Only the ever-present pangs of pain centred in her pussy had allowed her to keep her composure.


"Two sluts shall be removed from the remainder of the session," said Mrs Huffington Smythe as she closed the hatches on box two and four. Sarah thought she heard a soft whimper from each box as the metal door clanged shut. "You have twelve minutes in which to get these cunts to come. This one," said the headmistress as she slammed her hand onto the top of the third box, "must come once. This cunt must come twice. During this part of the session, each cunt will receive five strokes of the strap after each orgasm to emphasise that this part of the session is unnecessary and entirely avoidable if you had paid more attention to your task and less attention to your cunt. Begin."


Sarah fell gracefully to her knees and buried her face in the exposed pussy of the first girl.


"You are definitely learning this particular lesson the hard way slut, but it is a lesson that you will learn. A slut must know her place. Every fibre of her being, every part of her body and every tiny recess of her brain must know what it means to be a slut. A slut cannot truly serve until she accepts her status, until she accepts that in all considerations she is only as important as she is deemed to be. A slut has no identity other than that which is given to her by a superior. A slut has a focus which is entirely external. A slut exists to serve and serves to exist."


Sarah attacked the still moist pussy with abandon. She needed to get this girl to come. All her best efforts had so far been for aught. She had felt the pussy had been close to orgasm a number of times but for some reason she had been unable to push it over the edge. Sarah licked and sucked as Mrs Huffington Smythe continued to lecture her about her life.


"A slut knows that she is only important in the context of her obedience. A slut does not seek pleasure, though it will often seek her. A slut knows however that any pleasure she receives is unimportant. The only thing that is important to her is to serve and through her service to bring pleasure to others."


Sarah did not know quite how long she had been working on the pussy beneath her but she was suddenly able to sense a change. It had begun as a subtle change in the captive girl's breathing, but now Sarah was sure she was building to her first orgasm. She continued to apply the insistent pressure, working her mouth furiously over the hard clit. She had placed her upper lip at the top of the clit and worked her jaw unceasingly, suckling with as much force as she dared.


Moments later Sarah was rewarded with a scream from the spasming girl. Sarah almost fell over as a jet of warm liquid splashed against her face. The startled schoolgirl sat back on her heels but immediately leaned forward, redoubling her efforts on the still squirting cunt. She had initially thought that the girl was peeing on her but she quickly realised that was not the case.


"Attention," snapped the headmistress.


Sarah obediently rose to her feet. Clear liquid dripped from her chin onto her breasts, thrust prominently before her. She was still trying to come to grips with what had just happened.


"Hmmm," mused Mrs Huffington Smyhe as she inspected the glistening sex of the boxed girl. "Get to work on the other cunt. This slut must now receive her strokes. She has also received five infractions for failure to disclose a condition pertinent to her training. Do you hear that slut?" the headmistress said as she tapped on the metal box. "During your physical you were to disclose the fact that you are a squirter. Failure to do so means you have earned five infractions as well as an automatic detention."


Sarah could not feel sorry for the girl. She was licking the final slut's wet slit as if she had been lost in the desert for a week. She needed to bring this girl to orgasm and she did not have time to think about sluts who misbehaved on such a level. The term 'squirter' stuck in Sarah's mind. It wasn't pee, that much Sarah had figured for herself but this was obviously something that some sluts were able to do, just like her pussy produced such lovely thick, white cream, some other sluts squirted their juice when they came. It was a fascinating discovery for the young girl.


Despite her musings, Sarah continued to eat the pussy of the final girl with a ferocious energy. When she made this pussy come, another slut would be removed from the exercise and she would have to eat one more pussy before her detention was at an end. Well, she thought a little morosely to herself, the scheduled part of her detention would be over. She still had the extra 30 minutes she had accrued due to her poor behaviour.




Sarah jumped as the wet slapping sound of the strap landing on the bare flesh of the first girl's cunt, reverberating around the room. The slap was followed a moment later by the muted screams of her boxed classmate. Sarah cringed as the second stroke landed but dared not stop her attentions for a second. She had caused this to happen. Her failure to give each of these girls an orgasm on her first attempt had meant that each would experience additional pain. She felt terrible for being the author of such suffering but quickly put such thoughts aside and directed her energy into doing an even better job for the remainder of the session.


Sarah was glad that her detention would be at an end, as her own pussy was not only sore from the strokes she had received but she was also on the cusp of her own orgasm, and had been for most of the session. She was looking forward to the constant temptation finally being removed, but she could not lie to herself. She was enjoying each and every moment she spent with her face buried into one of the exposed cunts of her classmates. She hoped the fact that she had given each girl two orgasms would make them think kindly of her, despite the lashings to they received.


Sarah continued to lick and suck as the final two strokes of the strap smacked hard against the vulnerable flesh. She knew that she would soon be receiving the same treatment. She would receive 15 strokes to her already heavily abused pussy. But she deserved them. Not only for failing in her task, but also for causing the headmistress additional work. Causing trouble or stress on anyone had always preyed upon Sarah's mind, but with her newfound status it now weighed all the more heavily upon her.


Sarah could feel the pussy under her twitch. Her mouth was firmly clamped over the wet slit, her tongue flicking desperately back and forth over the hard, exposed clit. Sarah wasn't sure if she was becoming more sensitive, or just learning what all sluts knew, but she could sense when the girl she was servicing was about to come. Sarah increased her pace a little and was rewarded by loud screams of pleasure from the girl in the box. The entire box almost moved with the convulsions of the bound girl. She could barely move in the strict bondage but the power of her second orgasm gave her a primal burst of energy. Sarah continued to work the pussy, sticking her tongue as deep inside as she could, slurping the precious, orgasmic fluids.




Sarah straightened up obediently and knelt down in front of the first box, eager to get to grips with the final pussy she needed to eat. Would the pussy squirt again or was it a one-time thing? She had to admit, she was definitely learning a great many things during her detentions. As the teen leaned in to the splayed-open cunt, she could see the effects of the recent strapping. Both lips of the pussy, and the mons above, were a bright red, no longer was it simply the pretty pink shade it had been when the detention had begun, what felt like hours ago.


Sarah's lips had barely touched the pussy, the tender flesh now hot to the touch, when the first smack of the strap hitting the recently vacated cunt, stung Sarah's ears. She could not imagine how much each stroke must hurt. She knew the whipping she had received during the detention would be considered mild in comparison, if the sound of each strike was anything to judge.


Sarah tried to block out the sounds of distress occurring mere feet away. It was not within her power to do anything about it now, she had the ability to control one thing: how quickly the pussy in her mouth reached orgasm. She bent the full force of her will to the task, nothing else existed for her now but the sex she was so deftly suckling. Her tongue flicked in and out of the wet hole, the lips of which now gaped apart. She closed her mouth over the entire mound, forcefully sucking the meat of the cunt inside her hot mouth. She lapped at the clit, flicking and caressing with her tongue.


It was not until she closed her mouth over the hard bud and clamped her teeth gently around it that she felt the familiar sensations she knew meant an orgasm was building. Sarah was not sure how long she had spent on this final attempt. She was worried her time was running out but she could not let that affect her performance. The painful strapping must have had some impact on the poor girl Sarah thought, knowing how it affected her own state of arousal.


Now that Sarah was so close to completion, so close to achieving the task set her she tried to find those hidden reserves of energy and focus she knew she contained within. She was tired and her arms ached from their strict bondage. Her pussy ached from the constant arousal and earlier whipping. Her jaw ached from the near constant pussylicking, even her knees ached from so long on the hard floor, but she tried not to let any of that get to her.


Sarah's mouth was suddenly filled with spurt after spurt of the watery cuntjuice as the bound girl orgasmed beneath her. Sarah kept her mouth clamped over the slit, catching as much as she could. It was a slut's job to consume all bodily fluids and Sarah knew she would be receiving punishment for spilling some of the first squirting. She had been so startled that she had not even had time to think. She was ashamed that her instinct had been to pull her head back, instead of clamp her mouth over the squirting cunt like a good slut should have. She still had so much to learn.


Sarah gulped down the mouthful of ejaculate and kept her mouth open to collect more. It was only a matter of moments before the spurting stopped, though the moans and groans of the boxed slut did not. Sarah had not been told to stop so she continued to gently lick the spasming pussy. She was doing her best to clean without making the girl come again, as she was sure that any extra orgasms would not have been sanctioned.


Sarah revelled in the luxurious feel of the moist lips in her mouth. She rolled her tongue slowly around the thin veils of the inner lips and split the plumper outer lips apart as she ran her questing tongue up and down the hot flesh of the bound schoolgirl. Sarah wondered what this would be like on a pussy with hair, and decided almost instantly that this sensation must be far superior. It was no wonder that it was a slut's duty to keep her pussy clean and bare.


"Attention," spat Mrs Huffington Smythe.


Sarah snapped to her feet as gracefully as her bondage allowed. She was a little sad to be parted from the pussy but her feelings were irrelevant. She straightened her body, wincing at the ache in her shoulders and arms. Sarah heard the first smack of the strap and it took all her willpower to keep her eyes focused straight ahead and not peek at the punishment that was taking place to her left.


"Eyes on the cunt slut, this should be informative."


Sarah remained at attention and moved her head just enough to see the opened first box. The toes of the teenager were pulled back and tensed, the thighs quivering frantically. The wet pussy glistened under the lights as the strap descended and impacted the tender flesh for the second time. Sarah saw the delicate pink flaps of skin jump as the thick leather strap made contact. The screams of agony, though muted, struck Sarah almost if they were a physical blow. She kept her eyes glued to the abused pussy as the final three strokes landed, each squarely on the full meat of the cunt.


Despite the distress of her classmate Sarah could not help but think that she was soon to receive 15 such strokes of her own. Her lack of discipline needed to be rectified straight away otherwise her slide into disobedience would cause her untold agony. Mrs Huffington Smythe closed the box with a loud metallic clang leaving Sarah alone with the headmistress.


"You finished the task with exactly 46 seconds remaining. We shall now begin the extra detention you requested. Frist though you must receive 15 strokes of the strap for your poor performance.”


The headmistress moved behind the frightened young girl. The moment she was out of Sarah's peripheral vision, her legs began to tremble in fear. Sarah felt two sharp taps to her left buttock but remained stock still. The taps had not been hard enough to really hurt and Sarah was at a loss as to what they meant.


"Slut, two quick taps to the side of your ass is a signal for a slut to profer her leg to a superior. If your superior is to the front the leg is lifted accordingly. Do so," commanded the headmistress.


Sarah lifted her left leg in front of her body, exactly as if she was highstepping.


"Higher slut. That is better. You are offering your leg to allow a superior access without stooping. This means you lift that leg as high as possible. Anything less than possible is a sign of disrespect. This time however your superior was to your rear. You are to lift your leg behind you until your ankle makes contact with your ass. Do so."


Sarah gratefully lowered her wobbly left leg and then raised it up behind her. She strained to make her ankle make contact with the tight mound of her ass. Her thigh burned as she did so but when she felt her foot touch the soft flesh a strap was immediately wrapped around her bare ankle. Sarah shifted her weight frenetically, trying her best to retain her balance. She could feel the hard cuff tighten around her ankle. Her foot was released and her as was tapped again. Sarah lowered her leg, hoping that one tap was the cue for a slut to lower the leg. She did not expect praise for getting this right, the absence of displeasure was enough.


Her right buttock was tapped and the process was repeated on her right leg. Sarah knew the nonverbal commands a slut received were an important part of her training as she needed to learn the most subtle of cues to provide the greatest pleasure to her superiors, but she could not help feeling like some dumb farm animal needing to follow such simple commands. It made her think of the tag that hung from her ear. The tag that marked her not only as a student of Harkwood, a member of Trinity house, a slut, but a tag that marked her as property.


As Sarah contemplated her status, a status that put her on par or below that of an animal, her arms were finally released from their painful position crossed behind her back. She instinctively moved them into the small of her back, assuming attention as she knew was required. Thick cuffs were similarly applied to each wrist and Sarah could not help but wonder what was to come next. Even though she knew it was not within a slut's duties to think of such things, she could not help herself.


"On box two, on your back, head over the far end. Legs up, knees to your chest. Arms over your knees," directed Mrs Huffington Smythe.


Sarah obeyed the commands twisting herself into the desired position. The headmistress then secured each wrist to a metal ring that protruded from the base of the box. Her arms were twisted back and fastened to the box below her head. Each leg was then pulled down and secured to a matching ring at the other end of the box. Sarah was now painfully trussed, her own body providing the strict restraint that prevented all but the smallest of movements.


The tired teen did her best to keep her head up but could feel it slipping lower and lower. She corrected it each time but she did not know how much longer she could keep it from hanging loose. She glanced down her body and could see her pussy was open and exposed by the strange position. It did not take a genius to understand that her sex was terribly vulnerable and would feel the full force of the coming strap.


Sarah stared straight up at the ceiling as she lay on the hard metal box. She heard an odd popping sound behind her and tried to remain still, thinking only of doing her best to please the headmistress. She still had 30 minutes of detention and she knew that there would be no leniency given for good behaviour now, after all a slut was expected to behave, but she hoped to prevent causing any further displeasure.


Her vision was soon obstructed and it took a moment for Sarah to adjust her focus. Mrs Muffington Smythe stood above her, straddling her head. A small patch of the black latex that covered her body had been removed, exposing the headmistress's pussy and ass. Sarah gazed at the pussy inches from her face. Sarah felt she had a plump little pussy and was proud of it as she knew it looked very cute on her petite figure. The cunt of her headmistress was on another level entirely.


The mound of the fat pussylips protruded inches from her body. The soft flesh appeared even more prominent due to the lean muscular nature of the belly and legs that framed it. There was no dainty little charm dangling from the clit as her other teachers exhibited. Instead a large, thick letter H was tattooed above the generous slit. A large D ring pierced the tender flesh between her pussy and ass, from which dangled a short chain that was attached to a metal plug that filled her pursed hole.


As Sarah watched, the headmistress lowered her pussy towards Sarah's face. She could see a few glistening drops of moisture between the voluptuous lips and opened her mouth in readiness, a strange tingling nervousness coursing through her, starting in her belly and radiating throughout her entire body. She was about to eat the pussy of the headmistress, a more imposing figure Sarah had not encountered. She had spent the last hour eating pussy and she hoped that the practice would serve her well and that her aching jaw and tongue would not affect her performance.


"Before the requested extension begins you will now receive the strokes you have earned. During this you will service my cunt. If at any time your mouth is not in contact the stroke will not count, nor will any subsequent strokes until contact is re-established. Begin."


Sarah raised her head slightly and placed her mouth over the ample pussy. The instant the lips touched pain exploded in her exposed pussy. Sarah buried her face in the pussy, grunting as the agony almost overwhelmed her, nose bumping against the chain attached to the metal plug. She had no time to think of anything but digging her tongue as deeply as she could into the older woman's slit.


Another stroke landed on Sarah's open pussy and she pushed her mouth even further into the headmistress's sex. She pulled back briefly to take a breath, making sure that she did not break contact. Sarah opened her mouth wide and enveloped the large pussylips, trying her best to take their entirety into her mouth, as she had done with her classmates, but failing due to the sheer volume of well-rounded cunt flesh.


Stroke after stroke landed on Sarah's vulnerable pussy, each blow landing with unerring accuracy, directly atop the previous strike. The strain of being able to keep her head raised was beginning to tell and despite how much she wanted to, she felt herself begin to flag. She had no idea how many strokes she had received, she was focused entirely on keeping this gift of a pussy in her sights.


Each stroke blended into the next and Sarah was soon lost in a sea of pain, her only chance of a safe haven was to keep eating: to keep licking and sucking and suckling the cunt of the headmistress. It took Sarah some moments to realise that the agonising strokes of the strap had ceased impacting her delicate flesh. She had continued to eat the pussy above her, though how she had managed to keep her head up amazed even her.


"I have a feeling that you enjoyed that did you not slut?" asked Mrs Huffington Smythe, the first sound she had made since lowering her pussy onto Sarah's face.

"Yeth Mmmm," Sarah replied through a mouthful of slippery flesh.

"Not a surprise. What a slut likes is, however, irrelevant. You are here to learn that what you like and what gives you pleasure is as important as the price of a pencil. You have been spending far too much time thinking about what you like and it is evident in your behaviour. These detentions have been designed to impress upon you this lesson.

"Your cunt is a tool to be utilised in the service of your superiors. A slut's cunt has as much impact on her behaviour as her big toe. You don't pursue a course of action because you think your big toe will enjoy such an action do you?”

"Nnn Mmmmm," Sarah responded, her tongue buried deep inside her headmistress's vagina.

"Of course a slut enjoys sexual activity of any kind, it is how a slut's body is designed. The slut MUST, however, be ever cognisant and ever vigilant that the pleasure her body provides is important only in the context of how it will serve her owner. A builder does not think about how his hammer feels as he works, he does not let the tools he uses affect his performance. A slut does not think about her cunt as she works. She does not let the tools she uses affect her performance."


Sarah focused on the lesson as she lapped at the headmistress's plump sex. Over the course of her attention, the pussy had become extremely wet, leaking a silky liquid. The flavour was extremely strong, the strongest she had ever tasted. It completely eclipsed the remnants of the previous cunts she had tasted during her detention and as she continued to lick and suck the taste had intensified. Sarah felt that the cream from her headmistress's cunt was thick like hers, but she had no way of telling as her eyes had been able to see nothing but the metal plug around which the older woman's anus was tightly clamped.


"In one minute I shall come. When I do so you will shove that slutty tongue of yours right into my cunt. It does not come out until I remove it," said Mrs Huffington Smythe, the fierceness in her voice scaring Sarah a little.


The prostrate teen felt the headmistress move. The fat cunt was rising out of her reach. Sarah strained her neck to follow, desperate to keep her mouth on the pussy. The headmistress reached down, grabbed Sarahs hair and roughly thrust her face up into her body. Sarah felt the legs close in on either side, clamping her face painfully tight. Her head was now smothered between the legs of her headmistress. The trapped teenager felt the muscles of the pussy convulse and she dug her tongue as deeply as it would go, deep inside the soft, warm recesses of the older woman's vagina. She sensed the telltale orgasmic spasming and tried to ignore what was beginning to be a troubling need for air. Her mouth was filled with the prominent cuntflesh and her nose was buried painfully into the tight ass. She could feel the chain and the edges of the metal plug digging into her face.


Sarahs hands and feet flexed and tensed as she struggled to draw in air. Her face was efficiently smothered and she could do nothing but wait until she was released, chest heaving as her desperation increased. She was on the point of blacking out, a strange powerful sensation building in her own cunt, when she was released.


Mrs Huffington Smythe unceremoniously dropped her head and stepped away leaving Sarah gasping. The terrified teen painfully gulped the stale air as her body strained against itself. Her entire body hurt, and yet her pussy was on fire. As Sarah desperately filled her lungs, she realised she had been close to coming. She found it hard to believe but the evidence was clear.


Sarah quickly recovered, raised her head and focused her gaze on the ceiling above her. She still drew deep, almost painful, lungfuls of precious air but she had begun to calm down. Mrs Huffington Smythe stepped back into her view, her crotch now covered once again with the black latex. The headmistresses hand came towards Sarah's mouth and she dutifully opened it without thought. The prostrate teen felt something being forced inside her and she flattened her tongue so it would cause no obstruction. Whatever had been placed in her mouth was moist and soft but it had a taste that she could not quite place.


"Eat," ordered Mrs Huffington Smythe.


Sarah closed her mouth and obediently began to chew the foreign object. She had moved her jaw but once before she realised what she was about to consume. The headmistress had wiped her pussy with a tissue and placed it in her mouth. It was clearly coated not only in the juice of the headmistress but also in the residue of Sarah's classmates that had clung to her face. As she chewed the sodden tissue, causing it to disentegrate further, she was reminded of the sticky condition of her own face.


The entire lower half of her face, her mouth, her chin, her jaw, had been liberally coated in the sexual secretions of five pussies. It had dried in layers, making each movement of her jaw feel a little stiff and unnatural. Nor had her nose escaped being drenched in the sexual discharge of her classmates and Headmistress. All she could smell was the scent of cunt, multiple scents mixed into a melange of womanly musk. Despite the deeply vulnerable position she found herself in, and despite the humiliation of having to eat a cunt soaked tissue, her senses kept her at a high state of arousal. Her freshly whipped pussy more sensitive than ever.


Sarah finished chewing the shredded tissue and swallowed the remnants. She lay back, her neck muscles straining to keep her head upright in the uncomfortable position, and waited for the remainder of her detention. If she had not been such a brat she would have been finished now.


Sarah almost jumped as the headmistress appeared and detached her cuffs, releasing her from the strict contortions into which she had been forced. Her arms and legs ached, an ache that simply matched those in the rest of her young body. She had never known such discomfort, but it was quickly becoming a normal part of her life. She hoped that as her training progressed and she became a better slut, her body would adapt and the exercise and the restraints would not cause her so many problems.


"Attention, slut. Due to your requested extension you will once again miss the evening meal. Alternate nourishment has been provided. I realise that you have consumed a not insubstantial quantity of cunt juice and while appetising it does not contain the nutrients a slut requires. You may begin your meal now."


Sarah turned and walked gingerly towards the door where she knew the container of bitter yellow liquid would be set up for her. She was glad to be on her knees, even though they were also quite sore. Standing at attention after being restrained in such an unusual and uncomfortable position had taken a great deal of energy.


The famished schoolgirl leaned forward and took the long rubber teat in her mouth and began sucking the foul tasting liquid from the large square bottle. She utilised the same rhythmic technique she had developed on her first day and was soon gulping down mouthfuls of the odd concoction. She had to fight the urge to pull away with almost every mouthful but she knew that would be unacceptable. She had been provided with sustenance and she should be thankful for it, no matter how disgusting it tasted.


She heard a deal of scraping and banging from behind her but dared not shift her focus from the plastic bottle. She watched the level of dark liquid slowly drop and was deeply relieved when she felt the last dregs being sucked into the teat and then into her mouth. Sarah continued to suckle the rubber nipple, enjoying the comforting feeling of the projection in her mouth. She tried not to think about what was going on behind her. While she had a task to occupy her mind she had been content. Now her mind began to wander and it took a force of will for her not to turn her head at each loud scrape.


Sarah quickly decided that she should be taking stock of the way her body felt, as she had been taught to do when her mind was idle but just as she was about to do so the headmistress barked at her.


"Attention slut. On the cunt spot now. Such reminders are unnecessary. A further 10 minutes has been added to this session."


Sarah took a miniscule step to her left, aligning her pussy directly over the tiny spot on the floor. She had moved an inch at most but she knew that for a slut, near enough was definitely not good enough. She clenched her teeth to fight back the tears: tears of failure and bitter disappointment in herself.


"Sit," Mrs Huffington Smythe snapped, her anger evident in her sharp tone.


Sarah stepped forward and gingerly sat on the contraption in front of her. The seat was similar to the stools on which Trinity students were seated in the commissary. The seat of this stool however consisted entirely of a rounded steel bar, curved into a half moon shape. Sarah placed her cane-striped buttocks on the metal bar and sat at attention. Her pussy and ass completely exposed from below and from in front.


Directly in front of her was a plain wooden table on which sat a closed book. Sarah sat perfectly still, not able to comprehend just what the next part of her extended detention would entail. Without warning her cuffs were seized and her arms were bent up behind her back until they became parallel with the floor. Sarah could feel them being tied off, a final bit of tension pulling them even tighter.


The distressed teen struggled to remain as upright as she could but she could not withstand the strain upon her shoulders. Sarah crunched forward slightly, the movement creating a greater pressure on her abdomen, forcing the wickedly tight belt to cut painfully into the soft flesh of her belly.


"Rascal," Mrs Huffington Smythe called. Sarah heard the door to the detention room open and she heard the clipped sound of high heels on the hard floor . "Eat."


A brief moment later, Sarah felt the deliciously warm mouth of the house slut on her pussy. She had been given a moment to prepare but the sudden rush of pleasure still caught her by surprise. Rascal was a most experienced slut, an example for Sarah to aspire to, and she was almost immediately lost on a wave of ecstasy.


"Porter, on the table before you is treatise written by a former student of Harkwood. You will read this treatise out loud. The passage I have chosen is particularly pertinent to your current predicament. Which is?"


"Ma'am, I let my owner's cunt influence my actions as a slut," Sarah said, struggling to enunciate properly as her pussy was eaten so expertly. She had been aroused for over an hour, brought to the brink of orgasm multiple times and she honestly did not know if she could withstand much of this attention.


"It is a very important part of a slut's doctrine and despite how unruly your cunt is, you should be quite gratified to have this resolved with such vehemence so early in your training. With the cunt under control a slut is able to serve much more effectively," lectured Mrs Huffington Smythe as she opened the book to a predetermined page. "Begin."


Sarah looked down at the opened book before her and began to read, trying to focus on the words and not on the hot tongue spearing in and out of her pussy. "The slut is presented with a dilemma and a great boon. Its cunt is the source of potential pleasure for an owner but it is also the source of potential behavioural problems. Its behaviour is, by its very nature, predicated on pleasure and the cunt is often seen by it as the source of its own pleasure."


Sarah was trying desperately to focus on the book, to speak each word clearly. What she was doing however was almost gasping each word as wave after wave of pleasure pounded through her exhausted body. She was trying to make the words mean something but it was a constant struggle to simply read them, let alone understand them.


"The cunt, while providing a physiological source of pleasure to the slut, is often mistaken as the fountainhead of the pleasure and fulfillment which the slut experiences. The true source of the pleasure a slut experiences has in fact nothing to do with its cunt, or indeed any individual part of its body. The ability, the duty, of a slut to serve is the only source of pleasure that a slut knows. It is the fact that service, in and of itself, causes the slut pleasure, which manifests itself in the biological response exhibited by the cunt, that confuses it."


Sarah had no idea what she was reading. She was fighting a losing battle and amidst the overwhelming sensations surging between her legs, she was desperately trying to come to terms with the text. The slut below her was insistent and incessant. She was trying hard to resist but Sarah knew that would capitulate. She knew she would come, and soon. She would be coming without permission, during a detention, while reading a lesson on how her pussy was not something that should affect her behaviour.


"The brain of a slut does not allow it to collocate information in a way that provides understanding of complex issues. It must be trained to utilise its brain in the correct manner. Its brain, as with any other part of its body, must be trained to serve. Despite the instincts each slut is born with it is rare for the slut to be able to process concepts on a higher level without intensive training. The fact that a slut, once trained, and in fact during training, is able to make quite drastic and sudden leaps in enlightenment demonstrates that it retains this potential even prior to training, reinforcing the universal truth that, for a slut, there is no true state of existence without service and discipline."


It was as her clit was roughly nibbled and she finally succumbed to the building pressure that she realised what had been nagging her as she attempted to read the passage. As the orgasm broke upon her, and she writhed within her bondage, Sarah realised that the author was writing as if a slut was a thing, an object, an "it". The thought resounded through her brain as she was overcome by the power of her long-awaited orgasm.


The guilt and disappointment hit her almost immediately but they did not stop the power, the near seismic force, of her orgasm from preventing her from focusing on anything else. Her breath came in ragged gasps as Rascal continued to eat her pussy, allowing her no respite. Sarah felt almost as if she was outside her body and she was concerned that she would never come down, not while her pussy was still being stimulated as it was.


It took Sarah more than a minute to stop thrashing enough, and to have presence of mind enough, to continue reading.


"The... cunt... of," Sarah stopped as Rascal chewed on her inner lips, causing her to momentarily lose the power of speech. "Of a slut provides it with the ability to serve its owner in innumerable ways," Sarah finished all but spitting the words out in one mad rush, after which the exhausted schoolgirl needed to take a deep breath that quickly degenerated into a wave of primal grunting as a second orgasm coursed through her.


Sarah continued to read, struggling over almost every word, as the house slut continued to do her duty and brought the convulsing teenager to two further orgasms. Sarah was a mess as she tried to finish off the passage on the opened pages. Tears of shame and humiliation filled her eyes, making it almost impossible to see and the harder it became to read, the more anxious she felt.


Her petite body was spent and it was all Sarah could do to gasp out one word every ten seconds. She no longer had any real sense of what she was reading and silently begged for Rascal to leave her pussy alone. She knew she had failed, she knew that the lesson she was to learn was specifically not to let her pussy influence her behaviour. She was supposed to be controlling her pussy, all her detentions had been based around this one simple lesson.


"The cunt of a slut provides it," Sarah began again, after she had taken two deep breaths to compose herself, "with the opportunity to service its owner with minimal impact on its behaviour or performance."


Sarah had to stop as these were the last words on the page. She had no ability to turn the page so she simply sat and dealt with the now painful attention that her pussy was being given. Rascal had commenced biting her lips and clit, nipping at them like a puppy. She was alternating these painful and annoying nibbles with fast, insistent flicks of the tongue across the young girls painfully engorged clit. Sarah felt as if her tender bud was about to explode. She had never experienced it swollen to this extent.


"Orgasms slut," the headmistress all but whispered. "How many orgasms did you just steal?"

"Four Ma'am," Sarah sobbed, knowing that the reckoning was not at hand.

"You will have your punishment session extended by one hour for each orgasm you stole. Not only did you not have permission but this detention was specifically to reinforce the lesson that your cunt is not something to which a slut relinquishes control. Name for me, slut, one person who gives control over their lives to the tools of their trade."

"I am a slut Ma'am," Sarah replied tearfully, unable to form any other coherent thoughts.

"The most apt answer that any slut could provide, but I fear that it was provided out of ignorance. Would I be correct in this assumption slut?"

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah acquiesced.

"Rascal, dismissed."


Sarah moaned with a deep relief as Rascal's mouth finally broke contact with her abused pussy. She could still feel the aftermath of her orgasms, washing through her sensitive flesh like the tide on a beach. There had been no way she could have prevented the orgasms she experienced. Would she be able to once her training progressed? It would be a true testament to the abilities of her teachers. Would she be able to eat a pussy with as much expertise as Rascal? She hoped she could because the ability to bring so much pleasure was something she longed for.


"Seeing that you did not actually learn the desired lesson, tell me slut, what did you learn during this detention. I perceive a great many detentions in your future if this simple principle cannot be mastered."


Sarah thought about the question she had been posed. She kept thinking as the headmistress moved around behind her. What could she say? What had she learned?


"," Mrs Huffington Smythe snapped, each word punctuated by a swift flick of a whip. The long tendrils of the whip flicked up underneath the open stool and landed on her overly sensitive pussylips. Rascal's attention and the recent orgasms had left her vulva extremely tender and the bound schoolgirl screamed as each stroke landed on her vulnerable sex.


"Who does the cunt serve?" snapped the headmistress.

"My superiors Ma'am," Sarah wheezed, trying to catch her breath in between her sobbing.

"I know you know these things slut. I know you can talk the talk, as you Americans say, but your cunt refuses to walk the walk. Well, I am waiting for an answer."


"Ma'am I learned that I need a lot of training to overcome the weaknesses that I have as a slut. I am very sorry Ma'am," Sarah said, breaking down again, as she expressed the disappointment she felt in not being able to control herself. "Ma'am I learned that Rascal is an excellent pussyeater and that I only hope that one day I may be as proficient. Ma'am, I learned that my owner's pussy is one of my many weaknesses as a slut. Ma'am I learned that your pussy has a beautiful taste."


Once she had started Sarah had begun to babble anything that came into her brain. She had been unable to stop. What the hell was that last remark about? She had been rattled by the sudden, agonising whipping on her tender pussylips. All she could do now was hope that it would not be seen as in any way disrespectful.


"Yes slut, you did learn a great many things, some more useful to your training than others. For the record slut, flattery will get you nowhere. By all means continue to employ it when truthful but do not expect anything to come of it. I am well aware of the desirability of my pussy, the words of a slut are as meaningless as the barking of a dog. Do you think I would take notice of the noises of a household pet?"

"No Ma'am," Sarah responded obsequiously.

"Any household pet. Such is a slut. Your status in the world is set. Your owner, I know, has two large hounds of which I know he is quite proud. Do you think he listens to what they have to say?"

"No Ma'am," Sarah gasped between sobs.

"A slut more often than not will hold a place in the household below her fellow pets. A slut must serve all her superiors with the same amount of care and enthusiasm. Is your place within your owner's house a little clearer slut?"

"Yes Ma'am."

"As a slut it is your duty to also serve the pets that have a higher status than you. And slut, unless informed otherwise, that will be all animals. I hope it is a little clearer why it is so important for a slut to ensure her cunt does not unduly influence her behaviour. Well?"


Sarah had remained seated, the metal bars on which she rested now digging painfully into her flesh despite their smoothness. She had listened to the headmistress tell her that as a slut she held the lowest status of any living thing she was likely to meet. If the treatment of the last few days was anything to go by, she was also less important than a great many inanimate objects as well. She had sat at attention, dazed by the information, though if she had thought further, it should not have been a surprise.


She knew the dogs that Mrs Huffington Smythe referred to. Two large staghounds, both of which she had always been too afraid of to ever have anything to do with. The fact that she would have to serve them as she did her owner had truly placed another dimension on how she saw herself.


"You may be asking yourself what this may have to do with the lesson you should have been learning during this detention. You are a slut. You sit on the lowest rung in society. You exist only to serve. Your cunt as part of a slut's equipment would hold a place of even lower status, if such a thing were measured. In such a context, do you see how foolish you are to allow the cunt to take influence your behaviour. Do you now understand how ludicrous it is for a slut to behave in such a way."

"Yes Ma'am," Sarah responded dejectedly.

"A slut's cunt is a tool by which she serves her superiors. A slut does not let her dildo or her uniform or her hair to affect her service. I hope this lesson has sunk in slut. Any further detentions caused by a repeat of this week's behavioural failures will be dealt with harshly."


Sarah listened as the headmistress impressed upon her just what it meant to be a slut. She felt so stupid and small. More than ever she knew that she was a slut, she knew she deserved this training, she knew that everything the headmistress said was true. There was nothing for her now but to become the best slut that she could. She did not deserve to come. She would only ever come again if she was given permission.


Her pussy meant nothing. The fact that she could come, that she could experience such amazing pleasure meant nothing. Such pleasure was hollow, a wasted feeling, and yet if she was given permission then her orgasm would be for her superior not her. She would be given permission only if it pleased her superior to see her come.


It had taken three detentions but she believed she had finally understood the lesson the headmistress had been trying so eloquently to teach her. It had taken the realisation that she was less important than other domesticated animals, that when she graduated and returned to her owner it would be her duty to also serve the dogs her owner kept. She was a possession that held only what importance its owner chose to bestow upon it.


She also knew that the lower the status the higher the standards of performance to which she would be held. There was no room for error. It would not simply be enough to be obedient. It would not be enough for her to just do as she was told. A slut did her best to anticipate the needs of her superiors and to fulfil those needs within her ability.


Sarah felt as if time had stopped as she processed the world-defining revelation. In truth, mere seconds had passed. Seconds which had seen the strict bonds on her arms released, causing an intense prickling sensation in her limbs. She sniffed the thick mucus that was blocking her nose, trying to breathe a little easier. Her tears had subsided though her chest still heaved with occasional aftershocks.


"Stand. You are to proceed to your holding cell. First however, a little gift to help you remember the lesson of today. Correction."


Sarah bent forward, grasping her ankles and waited for what was to come. She would accept any punishment, knowing she had earned it, knowing that whatever she received she would deserve, it was simply the lot to which a slut had been born. It was not until she felt gentle fingers manipulate the plump, tender lips of her pussy that she realised she would not be receiving further strokes of the cane.


Her cuntlips were prised apart and she felt something pressed against the opening. It was cold to the touch, but that was all Sarah could discover. Mrs Huffington Smythe pushed her plump labia aside with one hand, while forcing a small spiked metal ball deep inside the schoolgirl. The sphere itself was slightly smaller than a golf ball, its entire surface covered in small blunt metal spikes. Sarah gasped as it was pushed inside the opening of her slit. As it was forced further and further inside her, the exhausted teen moaned as the spikes scraped the delicate folds of flesh.


Mrs Huffington Smythe continued to force the ball inside the young pussy, until she could no longer feel it with her long fingers. "Attention. Inform your handler of the addition to your uniform. It remains your handler's duty to ensure you are properly dressed until it has been deemed that you no longer require the additional tuition. "Get dressed and move to your holding cell," commanded the headmistress, eager to see how the addition to her uniform affected her charges movements.

Sarah waited patiently outside the hall. They had come straight from breakfast clean-up, forgoing form, and now stood in line in the empty corridor. The school was so quiet between classes she could hear the breathing of her classmates, the sibilant hush filling the hall with a subtle noise she found comforting. She glanced down, just for a second, the flicker of motion unable to be ignored. Murphy was nervous. The Irish teens hands were shaking, her slender fingers rubbing agitatedly against each other. Sarah knew how she felt. This was something very different to their normal routine. Miss Harper had told her what she was supposed to do but there was still a touch of the unknown to the proceedings.


Assembly, the word had an ominous feel. Assemblies at her old school were nothing to be concerned about, occasional and chaotic, no different from any other class. Assemblies at Harkwood were to be very different, she was confident of that. They occurred every single Friday, straight after form class and continued for the entire first period. She had no idea what could be talked about for that length of time but she would soon find out. Trinity house needed to be there early. Her handler hadnt said much more than that. She knew what she needed to know and she was comfortable with that.


Sarah jumped when the heavy wooden door before her opened with a loud clatter. Her lips twisted in a half-smile as she noticed almost every other girl in her house had been startled by the sudden noise. Even when you were prepared, it was hard not to react to things like that. The smile intensified when she noticed that no one broke position, the clean, neat lines remained unbroken. She knew her fellow sluts were getting it. They were only at the end of the first week of classes but she just knew that her housemates were beginning to understand their place in this new world.




Miss Harper! Sarah knew she was going to be here but her heart beat faster just knowing her handler was to be one of the prefects who were to oversee their first ever assembly. She followed as Murphy strode briskly into the hall. There were four other prefects inside, waiting for them. Each girl had a short cane, a little over a foot long, dangling casually from their hands. One girl had hers tucked under her right arm and it made Sarah think about those funny sticks the British officers always carried in the old war movies, though these would be sure to be used for a very different purpose.


Sarah allowed herself one quick glance around the hall and was amazed at its size. There was a large stage at the far end, brightly lit with heavy curtains obscuring the sides and rear from view. The ruffled curtains were a dark-blue, almost black, and made the stage seem as if it was shrouded by shadows. A single podium and microphone stood  on the stage, slightly off-centre, and a row of high-backed wooden chairs had already been set-up in a crisp line behind it. The rest of the hall was empty and non-descript. Without the stage, it looked almost exactly like the gymnasium.


“Thank you Miss Harper.”

“Miss Wallis,” Sarahs handler replied with a formal nod of the head.

“You have fifteen minutes to ensure the student seating is arranged. You will pair off. You will lift, not drag,” the young girl said with emphasis, “each pew into position. Do you understand?”

“Yes Miss Wallis,” the eighteen schoolgirls chorused.

“Miss King, if you please,” the tall prefect said, indicating to the girl at the far end of the line.



For what must have been the thousandth time since the start of classes, Sarah was glad she was not the first girl in Trinity house. She had said that she had understood, but she hadnt really. She knew that everyone was going to say they understood and there was no way she was to be the single voice of dissent. She would just pick it up as she went, hoping not to fail. If she did, any punishment would be accepted. She would rather a personal punishment than a class one caused by the delay needed to explain things to her in more detail.


Moments after Murphy turned, Sarah spun to her left and followed her friend to the back of the hall. Stacked up against the rear wall, in two small alcoves to either side of the main doors, were row upon row of folded seats. She hadnt seen anything like these before but she could tell from those already being carried forward, exactly how they functioned. The metal frame of each row of chairs slotted perfectly into the next, making her think of the trolleys at the supermarket. Each pew had six dark blue seats, each one folded up against the back. She was soon at the back of the hall and preparing to slide her pew from the stack. Sarah looked across at Taylor and gave a shy smile. She didnt really know Taylor very well, but she knew they would work well together.


The pew felt cool under her hands and she ran her fingers along the smooth metal, enjoying the sensation, just for a moment. She looked to Taylor and hefted the row of seats out of the stack. It was lighter than she had expected but, stepping away from the pile, she wondered if she was physically up to the task. Sure there were seven other pairs of girls all moving in unison to get the job done, but with the first step she took, her jaw clenched at the sudden pain that shot through her pussy. She clutched the pew with both hands and was forced to move in an odd sideways walk to prevent the sides from banging against her calves. The spiked ball that had been added to her uniform pressed viciously against the tender walls of her sex, shifting along her sensitive canal with each crab-like step.


By the time she had awkwardly shuffled her way the length of the hall and deposited her pew behind the others, she was sweating, the fire between her legs radiating throughout her body. The pain was a near constant thing, but her body was responding in a different way. The movement of the small metal ball was uncomfortable and undeniable. Could Taylor tell the dilemma she was in? She was doing her best to hide her reaction to the invasion of her sex. Her face was flushed but she hoped it would be attributed to her exertion with the pews.


Sarah soon lost herself in her work, carrying pew after pew into the hall. She moved fast, hurried along by the girls behind her. She had to keep pace, ignore the rising mix of pain and pleasure between her legs. Each pew was set an exact distance behind that in front, any deviation quickly rectified by the prefects and the liberal use of their short canes. The alcove she had been working on was almost empty before she felt the sharp sting on her own buttocks. She had bent over to pick up the next pew and the ball inside her shifted, one spur pressing into new territory, finding a particularly sensitive ridge of flesh. She had straightened up immediately, her hands pushed into her belly in a futile attempt to massage the bristling intruder away.


The blow wasnt like a normal cane, it didnt curl around her buttocks or rebound off her firm curves. The cane was hard and stiff and smacked into the soft flesh of her bottom with an unyielding force. Sarah gasped, the loud exclamation heard above the sounds of work from the other girls. The harried schoolgirl almost spun around to confront her attacker but remembered what she was and bent immediately to collect the pew, desperate not to slow the work down. The single strike stayed with her until the task was complete, the ache from the blow sitting deep in her behind, the pain mixing with the lingering ache of her corrections. Thankfully she only had to transport one final pew to its position before a halt was called.


Sarah stood in position at the rear of the hall while the prefects walked the line, checking the distance and alignment of the pews. Satisfied by the work, Miss Wallis called them to a new location, an area in which the pews were conspicuously absent. They lined up and turned to face the front of the hall while the head prefect commenced an inspection of their lines. She was not as impressed with them as she had been with the inanimate rows of seats. Clarks socks were too low and she received two quick smacks as she bent to fix them. The hem of Ozawas skirt was uneven, Winkles hair required fixing, Castas tie was crooked. Each correction was accompanied by a quick slice of the short stick. Sarah had never seen the prefects with these tools of discipline before but Wallis, at least, seemed quite accomplished. She stood transfixed by fear when the head prefect confronted her. She knew with a certainty that she would not be immune to the stringent inspection.


The hard cane tapped her high on the arm and she cringed at the sting of the blow. Her sleeve was folded back upon itself and she hurried to fix it. She was struck again on the side of her left calf, the line of her sock was the correct height but crooked. The prefects voice held no especially harsh overtones as she made her corrections, but it was this lack of feeling that made Sarah feel a little strange. The business-like, detached tone, made her even more anxious at her failure.  At least the problems were dealt with on the spot. No girl was given an infraction for her uniform discrepancies and Sarah breathed  a silent sigh of relief when the last girl was inspected and corrected.


Now all they had to do was wait. The prefects had set them in two perfect lines, each girl stood at strict attention, their focus never wavering from the stage at the front of the large hall. As the minutes passed the noise from the corridor grew from a muted hush to a dull buzz, the thick wooden doors muffling the cacophony from without. Sarah knew the whole school would be waiting outside, impatiently if the noise level was anything to go by. In comparison the hall was silent, a dense calm seemed to have settled over the empty space. Sarah could feel the underlying tension, the still air around her was pregnant with the promise of the coming storm.


The doors burst open, the sudden noise deafening. Sarah could feel the subtle shift of movement around her and knew her classmates felt the same apprehension that troubled her. She tried to remain in position, frozen in the strict posture expected.  The temptation to turn her head, to see the great ocean of schoolgirls stream into the hall was almost too great for her. Sarah held to her training, drawing strength from the presence of her classmates. She could only hope that every Trinity girl had remained strong and behaved appropriately. Even though no prefect had said so, she knew they were on display here, only their best behaviour would suffice.


With surprising efficiency the rows were quickly filled. The girls of Trinity house had been abandoned to their training, the prefects marshalling the rest of the school to their correct seats, the youngest girls at the front of the hall.  Sarah kept her eyes firmly on the podium in the centre of the raised stage but she saw the rest of the room as a blur of activity. She straightened almost imperceptibly when she recognised the fuzzy outline of the nearest prefect as that of her own. She had such a distinctive walk that Sarah would have known her anywhere. She smiled, no more than a tiny twitch of her lips at the thought. She was learning to be more aware, to recognise her surroundings and superiors with whatever information she was given.


She looked forward to the day she could taste her handler. Would she ever be allowed that privilege? What would she be like? What would her pussy be like? Would it be plump, filling her cotton panties with a tempting mound? Would it be creamy, like her own? Miss Harper was a complete unknown and Sarah found herself longing to pry back the veil of mystery that surrounded her.


She still wasnt sure how exactly each handler fit into the hierarchy of her superiors. Most important was that they held a position of power over the students of Trinity house, everything else she supposed was merely academic. There was movement on the stage, at last heralding the beginning of the assembly. Sarah tensed as the teachers made their way onto the stage. Her teeth clenched, biting back the gasp caused by the spiked ball nestled deep in her cleft. She tried to relax, fighting the urge to bend over in a futile attempt to alleviate the pain between her legs.


The noise from the gathered schoolgirls had become hushed at the appearance of the staff but the hall fell eerily silent as the headmistress stalked onto the stage. Sarahs heart hammered in her chest, the sight of Mrs Huffington Smythe forcing the memories of her detentions to come flooding back. Her lips trembled gently at the thought of the session she would be attending very soon. How different would a punishment session be? Detentions were bad enough, though she knew the benefits, but would a punishment session be designed for her to learn or simply to remind her to be good?


As the headmistress reached the podium, all the seated students rose to their feet as one. Sarah was amazed that such a coordinated response had occurred without a command. No doubt each class had been prepared for the assembly, each class but her own. Trinity house did not need to follow any cues, unspoken or otherwise, as they had their orders and they would obey without question. At a gesture from the stern woman, now ensconced behind the lectern, the school resumed their seats, all but Sarah and her classmates. She felt the difference with mild distress, a small part of her still yearning to be a normal girl. She was destined for something better, she knew, but old habits were hard to shake.


“Harkwood Academy,” the headmistress began, her voice projected through the hall by the microphone. “Another year has begun, and Harkwood is once again full of faces, both old and new, but all eager to learn.”


Sarah listened intently though it quickly became apparent that this speech was not meant for her. The headmistress spoke about the history of Harkwood and the traditions that had survived to the present day. It was a different story to that told by Miss Watson but the kernel of truth was there. Mrs Huffington Smythe did not refer to Trinity house once during her speech, nor did she deign to look in their direction. She couldnt help but let her mind drift and it was not until the headmistresss tone changed slightly, that Sarah began to focus once more on the words of her superior.


“Discipline is a part of any education. Every institution is bound by rules and founded by a code of conduct that governs behaviour. This is a lesson that is invested in the very stones of Harkwood. You have all received a student manual, a tome containing the rules by which this institution is governed. An intimate knowledge of all aspects is expected of every student both new and old. Each year there is always a testing of boundaries, a natural tendency to flaunt this new authority. The freedom that Harkwood provides is an important aspect of your education but do not take such for granted. I will now be joined by Chloe Taylor and Elise Wilson to read from a passage from the student manual.”


The moment the headmistress finished speaking, two young girls crept hesitantly onto the stage, each one clutching a slim volume in her trembling hands. Sarah could see they were new students, first year girls that could only have been at Harkwood a matter of weeks. She felt sorry for them. They were clearly terrified of having to be on stage in front of the entire school and they kept close together, finding comfort in each other. The headmistress stepped aside and lowered the microphone. The pretty blonde girl stepped forward, opened her book and whispered into the small black ball perched before her, reluctant to get too close as if she was a afraid it would reach out and bite her.


“Stand up straight. Loud and clear, enunciate,” Mrs Huffington Smythe instructed, looking imperiously down upon the young girl.

“Um. Each student is issued a suite of school uniforms  as part of their tuition at Harkwood Academy. The school colours are-“

“Yes thank you Miss Taylor. Miss Wilson?”

“Harkwood students are to be clothed in their supplied uniforms at all times within the school grounds.”

“Thank you girls. To my left. I hope these passages were clear to each and every one of you. These two students,” Mrs Huffington Smythe snapped, indicating the scared girls to her left with the long cane that had miraculously appeared in her hands, “decided that such rules did not apply to them. Not only were they discovered without clothing of any kind, in an area of the school not assigned for student access, but they were out of their dormitory after curfew. Such transgressions were traditionally dealt with  very publicly and very painfully. In this, our enlightened age,” the headmistress said with a sneer, “we deal with unruly behaviour in a more conservative manner. We shall now be joined by Jill Hutchinson and Louise Bentley, accomplices to the foolish escapade. Step forward young lady. Now what part did you play in this tawdry little production?”

“I, uh, we held their uniform,” Jill replied timidly, leaning forward until she almost touched the microphone with her lips. She looked sheepishly at the headmistress as the hall filled with the sonic squeal of feedback.

“A uniform is the responsibility of the individual student. It is not to be delegated to the care of another. Right then, stand in your positions.”


Both girls shuffled nervously away from the podium, their heads bowed low. It looked as if they were simply ashamed, their heads lowered in penitence, but Sarah could see their eyes dart across the stage. She knew they were searching for some mark that would identify where they were to stand. She had done so herself and recognised the behaviour. The girls were soon in place, fidgeting anxiously as the entire school focused upon them. Sarahs had spared only the most cursory of glances for the schoolgirls, her gaze returning almost immediately to the headmistress. She had learnt a great deal about focus in the recent days and she was perhaps the first to understand the fate of the two terrified teens. Mrs Huffington Smythe stalked towards the girls, a long leather strap cradled in her hands. It was more than a foot long, the strip of supple brown leather a good two inches wide and shining smoothly beneath the bright stage lights.


“Miss Hutchinson, left hand forward. Palm up. You will receive two upon each hand. Do not remove your hand or you will receive the strike again.”


The small girl obeyed, her left arm rising slowly. Sarah could see the fear on her face. To receive such a punishment would no doubt be something far outside her normal sphere of experience, but to have it occur in front of the assembled school must be truly terrifying. She felt for the girls, but hopefully they would learn. Rules were important, so very important. Sarah watched as the girls face screwed up in anticipation of the coming blow. The headmistress made no comment but Sarah knew it wasnt a good idea.


Without warning, the strap was raised and lowered in the blink of an eye. The hall was deathly silent and the loud, meaty slap echoed through the spacious room. Jill immediately snatched her hand away, hiding it behind her back, whimpering like a wounded animal. Sarah winced at the girls ill-discipline. She would need to do better than that. She had just been told what to do. It wasnt that hard, all she was getting was two hits, on her hand. Sarah thought of her own bottom, the ever-evolving pattern of punishment aching, never letting her forget her place.


The headmistress said something to the snivelling young girl, too quiet to be heard by the gathered students. She immediately ceased her mournful moaning, her arm darting forward as if eager for the next blow. The strap landed once more and this time the young girl kept her hand out, though Sarah could see it had taken a great effort. The headmistress tapped the underside of Jills hand and she quickly raised it back to the proper level. At least she had not earned another.  The headmistress waited a moment before administering the final blow to the trembling girls left hand, making certain the first was fully absorbed.


Jill squealed as the strap struck the soft flesh of her palm for the third time. She looked fearfully at the headmistress, biting her lip nervously, hoping her outburst would not cost her too dearly. Mrs Huffington Smythe simply indicated for her to change hands, waiting patiently for the young girl to comply. As the strap struck for a fourth time, Sarah sensed movement beside her. She didnt like to see other girls in pain, especially if she was the cause, but she knew Murphy was possessed of even more delicate sensibilities. She felt for her friend but she willed her to be still. She didnt want to see her friend in trouble because of these girls.


Sarah watched silently as the punishment played out before her. Jill received her strokes without further mishap, stepping aside when it was her friends turn. Louise had learnt from her friends mistake, accepting her punishment stony-faced. Her eyes darted about the room, seeking for an escape that did not exist, but she held her tongue and stayed in position, despite the pain and rising panic Sarah could see was close to making her break.


“Attendance is predicated on a tacit acceptance of the rules and regulations that have made this hallowed institution the envy of many. The student manual with which each of you was supplied is a document, comprehensive and clear in its statement of those rules and in the prospective outcome if such rules are obeyed or ignored. Miss Hutchinson and Miss Bentley have received the requisite corrections for their misbehaviour. We turn now to Miss Taylor and Miss Wilson. As this is a first offence lenience will be shown. Miss Taylor, step forward. Assume the position.”


The pretty girl who had been waiting patiently in the background, now stepped forward, tears already glistening in her eyes. She positioned herself in the spot, recently vacated by her classmates, at the front of the stage and turned her back on the assembly. She bent forward at the waist, and, with shaking hands, reached back to flip her skirt onto her lower back. Sarahs eyes widened as she saw the pert bottom covered by a thin layer of white material. She was wearing proper panties, clean and white that covered both her cheeks. Sarah almost broke position to feel her own behind, though she did not need to touch for the difference to be felt.


“Miss Hutchinson, take your classmates hands if you will.”


Jill shuffled forward reluctantly and accepted her friends outstretched hands. The entire school saw her wince when they made contact, the fresh pain from the strapping intensified by the pressure. The headmistress appeared at the young girls side, the thick leather strap substituted for a long, thin cane. Sarah scolded herself for her lapse. She had been too busy looking at the young girls panties and had missed the swap.


Sarah stood, transfixed by the public punishment. Two strokes were applied to the bottom of each girl, their accomplices made to hold their hands throughout. She wasnt sure if the intent was for solidarity or to continue the punishment for the other girls. She witnessed the grimace that accompanied each blow, the schoolgirls grip tightening as the sharp pain of the cane bit.


All four girls were weeping quietly when the correction was completed. They were sent to stand at the far side of the stage, their distress clear for all to see. The assembly continued, the headmistress speaking as if nothing had happened, ignoring the plight of the four schoolgirls now their corrections were complete.


Sarah could not help her mind drifting. Nothing the headmistress said had anything to do with her or Trinity house. This assembly wasnt for her, even though she was a Harkwood student. She knew her place and she remained silent and at attention, making sure her presence did not affect any of the proper students of the school. She couldnt help but wonder about what she had seen. Mrs Huffington Smythe had mentioned leniency but each stroke of the cane or strap had been delivered with full force. Sarah knew the headmistress wasnt one to do things by half. What could she have meant? The fact that the other students were not immune to physical punishment was something that she hadnt expected. She knew corporal punishment hadnt completely died out but it was still a concept that she hadnt thought about before coming to Harkwood.


The assembly came, finally, to a brief musical conclusion, the stirring sounds blaring loudly through the hall. Sarah had no idea what it was, but the rest of the students stood and listened, before filing silently from the hall. The difference between their entrance and exit was marked. Had it been the punishment the four girls had received that sobered the rest of the student body? The tone of the assembly had been light, even somewhat jocular once the headmistress had handed over proceedings to some of the other staff members, so it must have been the shock of seeing their classmates punished that had given the schoolgirls reason for reflection. It was something with which she could empathise.


The prefects waited until the hall was emptied before issuing their commands to the silent girls of Trinity house. Their orders clear, the girls swarmed over the rows of seating, hurriedly replacing them into the alcoves at the rear of the hall. The moment Sarah stepped out of line, the spiked invader wedged deep inside her made its presence known. Its weight had never left her, but standing at attention, able to keep still, she had almost been able to forget the violation. She almost doubled over as the first sharp spike of pain shot up into her belly. It wasnt any worse than what she had experienced already. She would get used to it again in a few minutes.


The hall was cleared in almost no time at all, the Trinity girls moving like a well-oiled machine. Miss Wallis, who Sarah now remembered was Ozawas handler, formed them into two lines and studied each girl before stepping back to inspect the class as a whole. Sarah knew what was expected of her but it had taken a great effort not to follow the tall girl with her eyes as she walked up and down the line. Sometimes her instincts werent right and she had to fight them. It was hard not to watch someone when they moved, especially when you knew the potential that lay within them. Sarah breathed a sigh of relief when they were dismissed.


The events of the assembly stayed with Sarah for the rest of the day. She didnt have trouble focusing on her classes, she was committed to her studies and she did her best for each teacher, but in the spare moments between periods when she found herself standing in line, or locked in her cell, as she was now, her mind returned to what she had witnessed that morning. It had been another abysmal effort in dance class, the frown of displeasure on Madame De Witts face bored into her soul. She was anxious at her failure and didnt realise she was fidgeting as she waited patiently in the darkness.


She could still remember the look on the face of the young girl as the strap slapped across her palm, the meaty sound of leather on flesh carrying all the way to the back of the hall. The look of shock, that small moment of surprise before the pain registered, followed by the full agony of the blow slamming into her senses. You were never the same after that first correction. No matter what came afterward, no matter how many corrections were received, the very first would stay with you and this girl would be no different, of that Sarah was certain.


She was getting a little better at judging time in the darkness of her cell and wondered where her handler was. She had been here for a good ten minutes now and each minute that passed was a minute she was not able to spend on her schoolwork, or with her friends. Sarah knew she missed out on a lot, not being in the dorm after classes. This was free time for the girls of Trinity house and she longed to be a part of it. She would though, she knew. Her first week had been riddled with detentions and poor behaviour, but that was all going to change. She had received just the one infraction today. If she could be good for the rest of the night, it would be the first time since school had started, that she would not have the highest number of infractions of any Trinity girl.


Sarah smiled a little at that, a smile filled with pride. She was glad of the darkness for once, such a smile could have brought trouble. A slut wasnt supposed to be proud of such things, she should be as proud of the fact that she breathed. She couldnt help it though. It had not been a good week for her. She had learnt a great many things and she had been forced to learn them quickly. She was still a little shocked at the twist her life had taken but she had been training for a week now and she was sure she was getting better. It wasnt easy being a slut, it never would be, but the rewards for service, for being able to fulfil her destiny and be what she had been designed to be, more than made up for any hardship she would experience.


The soft click of the opening door startled the young girl, but she remained in position, straight-backed and still, when the tiny cell was flooded with light. Sarah had quickly closed her eyes, having already learnt that keeping them open would simply leave her blind. Her eyes fluttered, then blinked furiously, attempting to accommodate to the sudden illumination. Her belly tightened with the nervousness she felt  every time her handler collected her from her cell. Her skin tingled with the anticipation of hearing her handler speak. Sarah liked it so much more when she spoke straight away. She couldnt quite shake the feeling that Miss Harper was somehow angry with her if she was silent for more than a few seconds.


“How did you go today?”

“Very good thank you Miss.”

“And dance?”
“Um, I think I am getting better Miss, but…”

“But youre still shithouse, is that what youre trying to say?”
“Yes Miss, sorry,” Sarah said, cringing at the undisguised disappointment.

“No more since lunch, Miss.”

“Thats something at least. And hows that pussy?”

“Wet Miss, and a little sore.”

“Well I hope youre learning. Well see if we cant get that ball out of there tomorrow if you continue to be good.”

“Oh, thank you Miss,” Sarah replied with genuine joy. Not only was her handler looking out for her but she had recognised she had been good. She would continue to be good.


The excited schoolgirl almost failed to stand still while her handler released her from the wall, so buoyed was she by the older girls statement. A strange smell, sharp and caustic, almost made her draw back as Harpers hand unfastened the padlock at her neck. Sarahs nose wrinkled but she managed to control herself. She hadnt smelt the biting aroma before and it was a scent with which she did not wish to become familiar.  She was dying to ask her handler what it was but it was not her place to pry into the affairs of a superior. If Miss Harper thought she should know, then she would tell her. Curiosity was a hard habit to curb.


She was unfettered for only a moment before the padlock was replaced by her leash. She knew it wasnt hers, and she knew Miss Harper would use it on any slut that required it, but it was hard to think of the words that she could use to describe something that seemed like hers, while knowing a slut, being property herself, could not claim ownership of anything, not even her body.


“Miss Vonn has done a really great job in working on some extra routines to get you up to speed with the rest of the class. Well more than that really. She was very understanding of my need for you to be the best.”


Sarah listened apprehensively to her handler. She was being marched through the empty corridors, the school seemingly deserted even as they made their way to the gymnasium. Had the assembly really affected the other students so profoundly that they were staying in their dorms?


The gym was empty, all the wonderful machines sitting quiet, dormant. It seemed such a sad room when it wasnt filled with young girls exercising, making their bodies strong and attractive. She was glad her handler was taking the time out to help with her fitness. Shed much rather be spending her time exercising than in detention, despite the lessons she learned there. Sarah was led into the gymnasium, the huge open hall, empty and almost completely dark. A single small circle in the centre of the hall was illuminated.


“Change into your gym uniform.”


Sarah obeyed quickly undressing as she had been taught. It was a little strange, removing her clothes while her handler stood by holding her leash, but she didnt let it distract her from her task. Her uniform went into her bag and onto her hook, her gym uniform quickly taking its place. She moved as sensuously as she could, displaying what she had learnt in the hopes of pleasing her handler.


She had cringed a little once she saw the crotch of her gym shorts, crusty with the dried cream from earlier in the day. Miss Vonn had allowed her to remove the spiked ball from her pussy during gym, knowing it would affect her performance too greatly. Would her handler do the same?


She had been profusely grateful to her teacher for her thought. She knew it hadnt had anything to do with how she had felt, but it would have affected the training Miss Vonn had devised and Sarah was just thankful she had not missed out on something else because of her poor behaviour of the previous days. She was fully dressed before Harper spoke again.


“Thats right, that thing in your cunt. Right, pants down and bend forward. Now, push for me, theres a good girl.”


Sarah tensed when she felt her handlers fingers slip deftly inside her. By now she was used to her body being invaded so casually, the brief flexing of her muscles at the initial penetration, her only outward response. She knew better than to push back on her handlers fingers. Miss Harper did not enjoy touching her pussy and she knew it would be interpreted badly. The submissive schoolgirl enjoyed the touch, how could she not, but she was more interested in the object to be retrieved.


Sarah pushed down with the muscles of her vagina, doing her best to move the ball towards the invading fingers. It hurt but her pain was irrelevant. Miss Harper would know she had obeyed. Her pussy had squeezed the older girls fingers as much as it had the spiked intruder.  She couldnt help but grunt, a short, sharp sound, when fingers met metal, the small blunt spikes forced against the sensitive walls of her pussy.


Sarah tied her best to keep silent but she moaned softly, yelping once or twice as a particularly tender spot was scraped as the metal ball made its journey to the entrance of her sex.


The schoolgirl sighed with relief when it was finally pulled free. She knew a slut yearned to have her holes filled but this was one time she was happy for her pussy to be empty. She did sense the void inside her now, but it was a tiny feeling, easily ignored.


“Up. Pants on. Clean.”


Sarah did as she was told, taking the small metal ball from her handlers tentative grasp once she was dressed. She immediately brought it to her mouth and licked it clean. Her tongue slid between the stubby spikes, seeking every last smear of the white ooze. Her taste was strong, but that was understandable, as it had been inside her all day.


Once the object was clean, the silver surface shining with saliva only, she placed it inside clothes bag under the direction of her handler. She stood dutifully at attention while the short chain leash was replaced with one much longer and made of a pretty black rope.


It wasnt really her new leash that had caught her attention, however. Her handler had returned from the darkness at the front of the hall with both hands full: leash in her right and whip in her left. It was unlike anything she had seen so far. The handle looked to be longer than Miss Watsons cane and the whip was extremely fine, as if it was merely a single strand. She didnt like the look of the wicked implement, unable to take her eyes from its bobbing length  as she followed her handler into the central column of light.


“Red line, slut. Do you see the circle? Good. You will stay on that line for the duration of the session,” Harper explained, standing in the very centre of the circle. The leash stretched loosely from her hand to Sarahs neck, with only a little slack to spare. She coiled the remainder into her hand and lifted the whip.


“Miss Vonn informs me you often require motivation. I hope you shant force me to use this too often. What say you slut?”

“Ill do my best Miss,” Sarah replied meekly.

“If your best is not good enough, then only you shall pay the price for your failure. There is no hiding in a group of sluts now Porter.”

“No Miss,” Sarah said strongly, resenting the implication. She would never try to hide among her classmates. It was true that she didnt ever want to be first but that wasnt the same thing, was it?

“Face right. Hands behind your back. Prance, each knee nice and high. Good girl, this one I know you can do. A little faster. Keep them high,” Harper snapped.


Sarah felt a quick rush of air past her hands, followed a split second later by the unmistakable crack of the whip. Her handler had flicked and missed, unused to the strange whip. The young girl didnt think she would be so lucky a second time. She pushed her knees higher, prancing as gracefully as she could.


“Forward. Faster.”


Sarah walked as fast as she could, round and around the small red circle stencilled on the floor. Each time she strayed even a little from the circle, the rope at her throat went taut, pulling her back on course. It was a strange sensation, walking in a circle, light on her left and darkness on her right. She could see her handler from the corner of her eye, a blurry shape in the centre of the bright beam.


“Faster. Hands in position”


This time the whip landed, snaking across her upper arm and back. She yelped at the sudden sting but moved her hands back into position. They had slipped sideways a little when she had stepped up the pace. It wasnt easy to prance so quickly with her arms behind her. It was difficult to balance and she had to rely more and more on the sharp tugs at her collar to remind her of her circuit.


“Stop. How are you feeling slut?”

“Good Miss,” Sarah panted.

“Excellent. A nice little warm-up. About face. Alternate steps, knee high, launch yourself into the air. You may use your arms. Go.”


Sarah hadnt quite understood what her handler wanted but with the help of the thin whip she was soon skip-prancing around her handler. She jumped into the air each time she raised her knee, swinging her arms for balance and momentum. It was not an easy thing to do but she soon had the hang of it, moving swiftly in the tight circle, the long leash bouncing with her every step.


“Stop. Five pushups. About face. Resume.”


Sarah was panting heavily now, the pace her handler had set was a gruelling one. She had already had gym today, and dance and now with this rigorous routine she was beginning to tire. She didnt falter, knowing how important it was to show Miss Harper, in this session, how determined she was. She had let her handler down so many times, she needed to start showing her just what she could do. She needed to show Miss Harper that she hadnt been lumped with the worst slut in Trinity house.


“Stop. Five squats. About face. Resume. Stop. Turn right. Five jumping jacks. Turn left. Resume.”


Harper worked the girl for a solid twenty minutes before allowing a rest. Sarah was panting, her chest heaving with each effort to fill her lungs and yet she had remained at attention. A rather slovenly attempt but an attempt nonetheless. The prefect walked towards the sweating schoolgirl, coiling the long leash slowly with each step. Sarah watched her handler approach, trying her best to calm her frantic body. Her heart was thumping in her chest, each pulse sending a hot surge of blood to her head, ears nearly deafened by the loud, piston-like beat.


The loosely coiled rope was hung upon the young girls shoulder, the prefect moving off into the darkness without a word. Sarah could feel the beads of sweat dripping down her body, soaking into the brief gym uniform she wore. The salty moisture beaded her upper lip and she could not resist the temptation a moment longer. Her tongue snaked out quickly, licking her lip free of the sweat that had been annoying her for some time. Miss Harper hadnt seen her, of that she was sure, but the anxiety of knowing she had done something without permission gnawed at her belly. It was done, she couldnt change that now. What she needed to do was focus on getting her breathing under control. She hated the weakness she felt when her lack of fitness was exposed in this way.


So preoccupied was she with her introspection that Sarah failed to notice the return of her handler. She jumped forward, knocking the rope leash to the floor, her hands flying to cover the back of her thighs. The futile, and disobedient, gesture was far too late. The thin whip had already struck and recoiled, leaving a stinging red line of pure agony across the young girls flesh. It didnt matter how many times the whip licked across her skin, each fresh strike felt like a hot knife had caressed her body. Seconds later her high-pitched squeal was still echoing around the empty gymnasium, mocking her inability to do as she was told.


Sarah quickly recovered, standing at a strict attention, her gaze forlornly set upon a distant point in the darkness. She knew she was in trouble. Her handler hadnt whipped her for nothing, her posture had been lacking no doubt, but the thought of the leash lying in a heap at her feet sent an icy chill down her spine. It was still attached to her collar and she could feel the rough rope brushing against her breasts as it snaked its way down her body. Sarahs shoulders tensed as she sensed her handler approach.


“Get back on the line. You are here to improve your behaviour and performance. Im not seeing much of an effort on either to be honest.”


Sarahs heart sank as she heard her handlers cold, clipped words. She was trying, she really was, it was just that… She didnt really know why she continued to fail. There was just so much to remember and it was all harder for her because she hadnt had any of the preparation the other girls had. She had been a virgin when she came to Harkwood, but not only that, she had lived a rather sheltered life and it was holding her back now. She would get better, she knew she would. The journey was going to be hard, she knew that too. But she was trying. It wasnt fair to say she wasnt even trying. She wanted…


Sarah opened her mouth to allow the rubber nipple of her water-bottle to slide between her parted lips. She had been hoping the break was so she could quench her raging thirst. She was hungry too, her belly grumbling as if on cue, but that would have to wait until Miss Harper decided the session was complete. She began to drink at the soft command from her handler, all harshness having left the older girls tone. Was she not mad with her? She had definitely sounded mad. The rope dangling from her collar felt like a noose around her neck, constantly reminding her of her most recent failure.


“Get that ass squatting and keep it moving until I say.”


Sarah obeyed instantly. Lowering her bottom towards the floor in a perfect squat, knees spreading in a smooth, even movement, the nipple falling from her mouth in mid-swallow. The prefect gathered the stray leash and walked backwards into the centre of the circle, pulling the rope behind her. She watched her charge perform two squats and, satisfied, placed the rope on the floor in a neat line. It moved a little as Sarahs body rose and fell, slipping towards her sightly as her neck pulled it taut with each squat. This time she stayed alert, ready for the return of her handler. She was focused on her posture and her movements, keeping them as graceful and fluid as she could. She had done ten, and still there was no sign of Miss Harper. Sarah continued to keep count, thinking that her handler may ask her how many she had done.


“Okay slut,” Harper said, only a few feet behind Sarah, “lets see if we cant see some real effort this time.” Sarah had been ready this time. The quiet scuff of a shoe had given away the prefects stealthy approach. She suppressed a tiny smile of triumph, recognising how terrible a misinterpretation of it could be. “Stay down there. About face. Walk.”


Sarah grimaced at what lay ahead. She hated this duckwalking, not only was it hard to do but she felt just a little wrong. It highlighted her lack of coordination but it was more than that. Her pussy was always in her thoughts while she struggled her way around the circle. The tight material of her shorts hugged her mound like a second skin, the seam slipping up between her plump pudenda. The dark material hid nothing, the perfect outline of her each full lip and the slender cleft between easily visible. She knew what was going on behind that thin veil of material as well. Her pussy, slick with the days arousal, would be laying down a fresh coat of cream on the crotch of her small gym panties. She would be obliged to clean them but at least this was one behaviour she knew she could do well.


Only a week ago, the idea of licking her panties clean of her own discharge would have made her squirm. Now she relished the chance, enjoying the taste of her sex, happy in the knowledge that it was an important part of being a slut and that, in this at least, she was not failing. It was small comfort as she found herself already struggling to maintain the pace her handler had set. The constant pressure at her collar was a little annoying but it did keep her on the line. Without her handlers guidance she would no doubt have been wobbling all over the place.


“Up. Five pushups. About face. Five pushups. About face. Trot. Not jog, trot. Come on slut, listen. Knees high. Look if youre not interested in putting in the minimum effort we may as well call it off and you can just have another detention. Head up. Shoulders back. Knees up, both knees slut. Hold the line. Eyes forward. Head up. Eyes forward. Right we may as well stop.”
“Im trying,” Sarah snapped. Her face went pale, the shock of what she had done turning her blood cold in her veins. “Miss, Im sorry. Miss Harper, please I didnt mean it, Im really sorry.”


She was babbling now, frantically trying to repair the damage she had done. She knew it was futile. She knew she should just shut up and quit while she was behind, but something kept her mouth moving. She had stopped and turned to the older girl, pleading pitifully for forgiveness. The cold, detached look on her handlers face make the next words die on her lips. Tears welled in her eyes, the fear of the repercussions of her outburst gripping her like a hand from the grave.


“How many?”

“Um, p..pardon Miss.”

“How many do you want?” the prefect said, swishing the whip lazily by her side.

“Oh, um. Please may I have fi… um te… fifteen,” Sarah finally managed, correcting her request at the ominously elevated eyebrow of her handler.

“Right then, fifteen. Pushup, then squat, then jumping jack then whip. Remove your uniform.”


Sarah trembled as her sentence was announced. She knew the whip would soon be slicing her soft flesh once more, but the added exercises made it all seem too daunting. She was already tired, the rigorous session Miss Vonn had devised would get her fit, if it didnt give her a heart attack first. Her uniform was soaked, the stretchy material sticking to her skin as if reluctant to be parted. The inside of her shorts was wet for an entirely different reason, the white smear doing nothing but make her feel even more morose. She was so fucking stupid. She couldnt even remember to keep her fucking mouth shut. It was for cock not to lash out at a superior because of her own shortcomings. Her body seemed to be doing the right things, why couldnt her brain just follow along.


“Start and finish each set with your hands on your head, fingers interlocked. Begin.”


The frightened schoolgirl threw herself into the exercises. She had already been puffing noisily but she dug deep, finding those secret reserves of energy Miss Vonn had helped her to discover. She completed her first set and stood, tense as she waited for the blow to land. Her body was completely exposed to her handler, her arms beside her head, fingers interweaved, knuckles whitening as what felt like forever passed slowly by. She had almost begun to relax when the single, slim tail of the whip sliced across her back. The naked schoolgirl screamed as the pain seized her in its wicked claw.


There was no time to wallow in the agony that seemed to pierce right through her body, she immediately through herself into the next set of exercises, hoping for distraction. Time flowed all too quickly, Sarah soon finding herself standing once more, naked and vulnerable and waiting for the second lash to land. The pain lacerated her fragile senses, striking at the very heart of her. She screamed, despite her vow to accept her punishment with the good grace of a slut. She had to be bleeding. She could feel the blood trickle down her back. There was no way she could take fifteen of these. Why was she so fucking stupid? She would rather straddle the copper rail than feel that vicious tail once more.


Sarah lost herself in a shadowy world of pain and exhaustion. Time held no meaning for her any longer. She had no conception of what she was doing or why, no idea how many sets she had completed. She could see her body performing each exercise. She saw Miss Harper swing her arm. She watched as the whip flicked towards her, the tail moving fast, an almost invisible black blur. She saw everything as if it played out on a stage below her, the terrifying tableaux lit by a single spotlight as if heaven itself wished to highlight her struggle.


She was sobbing with abandon, her shoulders bobbing uncontrollably once the final stroke had been delivered. She could barely see, her eyes red and puffy and full of still falling tears. Her nose had begun to run long ago, the thick stream of translucent mucus dangling below. Her back was intact, marked by fifteen bright lines, each red band incredibly thin and seemingly glowing from within. The glancing strikes that had motivated her during her session seeming pale and faint in comparison.


“Porter? Face me. What do you have to say for yourself?”

“S...sorry Miss. I w…want, I mean I… Um,” Sarah tried to steady herself. She was out of breath, not only from the effort she had expended but the fit of tears made it nearly impossible to talk. She had to breathe through her mouth, her nose completely blocked. She wanted to say she was sorry, properly. She knew her handler deserved an apology that befit her station. It wasnt just her breathing though, she couldnt seem to get her brain to work. The agony from her back seemed to grow more intense with each beat of her heart, the pain of each pulse causing her to bite back a scream that she knew would only anger Miss Harper further. A slut should be seen  and not heard during punishment, she knew that.

“Compose yourself slut. This is exactly the kind of lazy behaviour which is getting you into trouble. Why are you blubbering? Are you in pain? What is pain? Think about what you are Porter, instead of worrying about things beyond your control. The pain is a part of what you are. This performance is quite tiring.”


Sarah struggled to regain control of her emotions. She knew her handler was right but it wasnt helping. She didnt want to be told what she was doing wrong. She wanted someone to hold her and tell her it would be alright. Who was going to make it alright? She was the only person who could do that but that was something she didnt want to hear. She wanted Murphy or Mitchell to comfort her, caress her and kiss her tears away. But there was no help coming. This was up to her. She was a slut, she had to learn to be strong, to serve when she was needed the most. The young girl grit her teeth and set her shoulders, trying hard to arrest the jerky movements that seemed to have such a hold upon her.


“Im sorry Miss. Thank you for punishing me and helping me to be a better slut. My behaviour was atrocious and I can only hope that you will punish me until you are satisfied I have learnt my lesson. I am just a slut.”

“I am satisfied Porter. I am not satisfied in your commitment, however. Your outburst was just indicative of your attitude as a whole. You will continue to be punished until you stop this lackadaisical approach to your training.  When you are told to do something you obey. You dont decide what is the minimum amount of effort you can get away with. You exist to serve, slut. You do as you are told. Thats not too hard now is it?”
“No Miss,” Sarah replied meekly. She already knew all this. She thought she had been doing what she was told. She was trying so hard.

“Ok then slut, do you think that is enough exercise for one session?”
“Um, I can do more Miss. I am a slut.”

“I am sure you could do more, but I think that is enough for one session. That is what is important. Put your uniform back on. No slut your school uniform. Dont just leave your gym clothes on the floor. And look at the mess youve made. Clean that up.”


Sarah saw the small wet patch on the gym floor where her sweat-soaked gym clothes had lain during her punishment. The damp area wasnt too large, the benefit of her careful folding. She quickly sank to her knees and licked the polished floor clean. The strong salty flavour could not completely hide the subtle taste of dust and dirt that lay beneath. The floor never seemed to truly get clean as the thin layer of condensation from her clothing was simply replaced by that of her saliva. Once she had worked the small square a few times she decided it would be deemed clean and rose gracefully to her feet to stand at attention.




The rope was removed from her collar, allowing the young girl to make her way unhindered to the doors and her waiting uniform. Her handler disappeared, returning empty-handed when she was already half-clothed. Sarah winced and could not contain the soft whine when her bra was pulled tight across her back. The pain from her whipping spiked once more, though this time is was a little less sharp.


“When you get to your dorm well go straight to Miss Peach, shell see to those.”

“Thank you Miss,” Sarah hissed as she stretched into her blouse.


It was nice of her handler to think of her after what she had done. She had always tried to be respectful but that one lapse of judgement, that one tiny moment, let her know that she had much further to go before she could even think of herself as a good slut. She was glad she had people to look out for her.


The moment she was dressed, her normal leash was clipped to her collar and her handler led her from the gym. The school was eerily empty as they made their way to the Trinity dorm. Dinner would not be far away and still the corridors were silent and still. Even though she could not be seen, her handler being two steps in front, Sarah tried to walk as smoothly and sensuously as she could.


Her back remained a constant ache, the tight strap of her bra sending a bright bar of pain across her tortured torso. The steps were the worst. She had to fight the urge to hunch over with every upward step. They were soon on the landing that led to her dorm and she could hear the muted sounds of her classmates from the end of the hall. The thought of finally being back with her class lifted her spirits, the soft murmur of voices comforting her after the uncomfortable silence of the rest of the school. She looked longingly into her dorm, catching a brief glimpse of Murphy talking to Shah and Ozawa, before Miss Harper pulled her into the housemistresss room.


“Evening Clarice. Whats this slut been up to now?”

“Hey Miss Peach. Just an extra exercise session, working out a few of her kinks. Shes got some marks on her back though, could you take care of them?”

“Sure, my dear. You run along and leave her in my capable hands.”



Sarah had wanted to say goodbye to her handler, to apologise once more to the girl who had taken on such a responsibility to help with her training. Her silence and her strict posture were her only ways to make amends for her earlier failures. She heard the teenager leave the room without acknowledging her further. She had done enough for one night.


“Well now Porter, what have you been up to hmmm. Where are these marks?”

“On my back Mistress,” the young girl replied meekly. She liked Miss Peach but she was intimidated by her as well. She wasnt a teacher but she was still an important part of her education.

“Well off with them then.”


Sarah quickly removed her tie, blouse and bra, setting them down on the end of the settee upon which Miss Peach lounged. She turned around to show off the evidence of her most recent misbehaviour, glad the housemistress could not see the furious blush that coloured her cheeks as she exposed her back to the woman and her breasts to the doorway.  No one was likely to see her, other than her classmates, but the casual nudity that was expected of a slut was still something she needed to work on.


“Did your handler do this?”

“Yes Mistress,” Sarah said, suddenly apprehensive. Had Miss Harper done something wrong. She didnt want her to get in any trouble.

“Very nice work. A dressage whip?”

“Um, I am a slut Mistress.”
“Describe it then slut. You need to learn the instruments of correction you know.”

“Mistress, it had a long stiff handle and a really thin tail that came from the top.”

“Yes, slut, that is a dressage whip. Very good. I hope you thanked your handler for the hard work that she invested in you.”

“Yes Mistress,” Sarah replied, trying to keep the hesitation from her voice. She had thanked Miss Harper, but had she done it properly. Had she been profuse enough to truly impart how grateful she was for all the prefects hard work?

“Ok, come on through.”


Sarah followed the short woman through the bedroom and into the tiled bathroom beyond. Her belly tingled nervously as memories of her last visit flooded back. She glimpsed the cages against the wall to the left and the cabinet that she knew was full of all manner of plugs and dildos.


“Kneel. Hands on your knees slut. You know Porter, you really do have rather exquisite breasts,” the housemistress said, reaching out to gently squeeze her firm bosom.

“Thank you Mistress,” the young girl replied, the tender touch sending a flutter through her body.

“Well then, lets see. I have just the thing. This will help with the healing but there is no anaesthetic component like some other inferior compounds. No favours are done by limiting a sluts experience. Hold still.”


Sarah tensed as she waited for what she was sure would be more pain. Whatever Miss Peach was going to put on her was bound to sting terribly. It was a mild surprise when all she felt was a soothing coolness along each line of fire across her back. The housemistress applied the salve carefully to each thin welt. The very touch itself was painful but it was nothing like she had expected. She relaxed completely, enjoying the calming balm and Miss Peachs delicate fingers.   


“There we are. Well let that dry for ten minutes and another application before bed and theyll look even more beautiful in the morning.”

“Thank you Mistress,” the schoolgirl replied dreamily.

“Ten minutes, well then. Lets put that time to good use. Come.”


She hadnt been given permission to rise so Sarah crawled after the housemistress, glancing down briefly at her breasts swaying gently beneath her. It was nice to be complemented, even if it was on her equipment. It meant she was pleasing and that was all she was striving to be.


Miss Peach slipped her skirt off and threw it lazily behind her on the bed, giving Sarah the perfect view of the older womans bare pussy. The lips were not as full as her own, the slimmer labia set widely apart, revealing the deep pink flesh between. The little silver H sat at the top of her slit shone in the light like a beacon to the clit underneath.


She remembered the taste of her housemistress. It was not subtle in any way, a powerful musky flavour that was strikingly different to anything else she had encountered so far. She didnt like it as much as her own, or any of the other girls in her class, but she would learn to love it, she was sure.


“On you get my little cuntlicker. We dont have all day for you to admire it.”


Sarahs response was to lunge forward, burying her face between the womans legs. She closed her mouth over the moist slit, sending her tongue delving as deeply as she could. The flavour flooded her mouth, her tastebuds suddenly steeped in the moisture coating the delicate folds of Miss Peachs pussy.


She only had ten minutes and she could only assume that her task was to give the housemistress an orgasm. She would do all she could, employing every skill she had been taught. Her training was terribly inadequate but it was greater than any of her classmates, she knew that. In the short week she had been studying at Harkwood she had eaten how many, three cunts? Four? Her instruction had been rudimentary but she had an instinct for what to do, a sluts instinct.


She took her cues from Miss Peachs body, licking harder, sucking the tiny button into her mouth and flicking her tongue frantically across the hard bud. She heard the moans grow louder and pushed her mouth tighter against the hot pussy. Sarah knew her own body was responding to the attention she was giving the headmistress, but she tried to ignore the slow grinding of her hips. Her nose bumped roughly against Miss Peachs pussy. Her eyes watered as the housemistress wrapped her legs around her, knees locking tightly behind her head, mashing her mouth against the wet slit. She could barely breathe and she knew there would be no release until the woman came.


Her knuckles turned white as she fought against the urge to free herself. If she laid one hand on her superior she knew retribution would be swift and hard. The trapped schoolgirl licked and sucked and rubbed her face manically against the pungent cunt, striving to serve in the best way she could.


The orgasm when it came almost broke her neck, such was the force of Miss Peachs spasms. Fortunately it did not last long. Her housemistress lay back, suddenly spent. The powerful orgasm left both panting. Sarah was hot and sweaty once again, her own arousal elevating her temperature despite her partial nudity. She knew better than to stop, continuing to lick the quivering sex. Her tongue slid languidly over the puffy snatch, cleaning it as best she could. A slut was to complete a task until told to stop, and that was especially pertinent when it came to eating a pussy. She remembered Miss Peach liked to have her inner lips sucked after she had come and Sarah carefully drew the dainty folds of flesh into her mouth.


She rolled the wrinkled lips across her tongue, pushing down a smile when she felt the housemistress squirm at her attention. The tingling between her legs had only grown more intense as her service continued. If she was permitted she could have come in seconds. She did not deserve such a gift and wondered just how long it would be before she was again allowed to sate her own pleasure.


It wasnt important and she tried not to think too much about it but the insistent sensations from her pussy made it more and more difficult the longer she was denied. She had to control her cunt though, her entire first week had been about this lesson. Three detentions had been earned because she could not do so. If she was to be able to study then she would need to stop her pussy from ruling her.


Her owners pussy, she corrected. That was something else she would have to learn. It helped with her control, acknowledging that her body belonged to another. Her equipment was her owners, she was just utilising it to serve. Her owners pussy was part of her equipment, an orgasm was not. That was what she must remember.


“Enough of that slut. Display.”


A shiver of delight swept through her body as her tiny panties were pulled aside revealing the schoolgirls cream-soaked slit. A single, slender finger slipped between her lips. Sarah grunted quietly when the spiked ball inside her was nudged by Miss Peachs questing finger.


“You are incredibly wet, slut. Do you enjoy this instrument of learning in your cunt?”

“No Mistress,” Sarah replied truthfully. She knew its presence had played a part in her arousal but she could honestly say she did not enjoy having it inside her.

“Tell me why this cunt is sopping wet then?”

“My owners pussy is sopping wet from eating your pussy Mistress. I exist to serve.”

“Oh youre a sweet little thing Porter. Quite a talented little mouth too. Ill be keeping an eye on your progress. With your talent I think you could be better than Rascal. Would you like that?”

“Yes Mistress.”


The young girl didnt know quite how to take that compliment. Rascal was a fully trained slut. If she could be that good it would make her amazingly happy. She hoped she would be there one day. She shouldnt need to hope, Sarah thought, scolding herself mildly. She would work hard and she would be better than Rascal. She thought of the pretty girl, so cute in her maid uniform. She knew Miss Peach used her a lot and Sarah looked forward to seeing her again. To have an example of what she should be was an incredible boon.


“Ok slut, back to attention. As pretty as that cunt is, you have duties. I want to see you back here straight after evening ablutions. Replace your blouse and tie.”

“Thank you for the chance to serve, Mistress.”

“Quite,” was Miss Peachs only response. She was already reaching for her skirt, indicating unequivocally that the schoolgirl had been dismissed.


Sarah hurried into the lounge where she had removed her uniform. She had not failed to note the fact that her bra had been omitted from the items of her uniform she was to replace. In a way she was glad, the strap of the bra on her freshly whipped back had been terrible, even during the short walk to the dorm. She was grateful for the thought of her welfare but all she could think of was how her breasts would feel, and move, under her blouse.



“Yes Mistress,” the young girl answered, turning fully-clothed to face the housemistress. Miss Peach leant languidly against in the doorway to the bedroom.

“Do you like my cunt?”

“Yes Mistress.”

“It tastes very nice, yes?”
“Oh yes Mistress,” Sarah said apprehensively. She didnt particularly enjoy the flavour of the older woman, but she would never admit it. She knew honesty was important but she knew there was a basic respect for her superiors that she must always adhere to.

“Youre very sweet to say so. Rascal doesnt like my cunt you know. Oh her cunt juices when I allow her the pleasure but she doesnt like the taste. She would enjoy yours though, I just know it. When you come back tonight you can have another taste if youre good.”

“Thank you Mistress,” Sarah replied, a little bewildered by the reason for the admission.

“This pin is to be worn until your bra is returned. It indicates you have a special dispensation for the alteration to your uniform.”


Sarah looked at the little rectangular bar that Miss Peach was about to pin on her. It was a small lapel pin with alternating bars of blue, white, blue. All she could think of were those little coloured medals that soldiers wore but this was attached to her left lapel instead of her chest. She knew that this pin was probably covered in her school manual and she wondered how many others there were. The ache in her nipples worsened as her tight blouse pressed against them. The loss of the bra made no difference to her nipples but the shape of her breast was different. She could sense that they sat a little lower and were pushed together by the shirt she would have sworn was a size too small in her old life.


“What a precocious little slut you are Porter,” Miss Peach said admiringly, her hand brushing gently across the prominent tips of her breasts. “It is a nice invitation but theres isnt time now. Maybe when you come back tonight. Dismissed.”


Sarah curtseyed to the housemistress and made her way to her dorm. She looked at the clock upon leaving and smiled, noting she had a few minutes before Trinity house needed to head down to dinner. She would have enough time to put her bra in her cupboard and find her friends.


Mitchell was waiting for her on the small podium just inside the entrance to the lounge. She jumped to her feet the moment she saw Sarah emerge from Miss Peachs room. The busty American was smiling joyously at her, not able and not wanting to disguise her happiness at the schoolgirls arrival. Sarah smiled back, captured by the infectious excitement of her friend.


“Hey Mitch, been waiting long,” Sarah said coyly.

“No, I finished off my dildo practice a little while ago, but Ive been thinking about piercings for my owners pussy while Ive been waiting.”


Sarah could tell Mitchell was proud of her actions. She was dying to ask about the dildo practice her friend had been doing but she needed to get her bra away. There was no way she was missing this meal. She hadnt been able to have dinner with her classmates for days and she missed it terribly. It would also be a chance to have a real meal instead of the vile tasting concoction she was forced to drink during her detentions. She had never tasted anything as horrid.


“Ive just got to put my bra away, Mitch.”

“Can I come with you?”
“Sure,” Sarah said, a little bemused by the request.


The schoolgirls walked hand in hand into the dorm, squatting down to scan their tags at the doorway but not relinquishing their hold on each other. Most of her classmates were getting ready to head out of the dorm, checking their uniform in the mirror. The inspection they had undergone before assembly had made an impression. Earning an infraction for having a sock too low was a real possibility now.


Murphy looked up as they entered, her lustrous red hair hanging loosely around her face like a flaming hood. She was exquisite, Sarah thought. She sat cross-legged on her bed, reading her student manual like a good slut. Her skirt was pulled tautly across her lap, revealing the small whit panties beneath. Sarah smiled at that, knowing the position was carefully cultivated. Even with Mitchell at her side, tightly clutching her hand, Sarah could think of nothing but the deliciously pink pussy that lay hidden behind that thin layer of silky white material. She quickly hung her bra in her cupboard.


Murphy patted the bed beside her and Sarah sat happily. This was what she wanted after a day of classes, simply to be with her friends, if only for a few moments.  Mitchell sat down opposite, refusing to relinquish her hold on the petite teen to whom she looked for guidance and so much more.


“Thats pretty,” Murphy said, tapping the tiny pin.

“Special dispensation to be without a bra,” Sarah replied matter-of-factly. She continued at the quizzical looks of both her friends, though she was now suddenly nervous to admit what she had done. “I, uh, talked back to my handler and she had to punish me. I got a whipping and Miss Peach put some cream on it but said not to wear a bra. I ate her pussy while the cream dried.”


Sarah wasnt entirely sure why she added that last part. She wasnt boasting and she instantly regretted mentioning it. She could easily have stopped after her explanation of why she was wearing the pin. Was the strong aroma of Miss Peachs pussy the cause. Her mouth and chin still felt a little sticky and the smell came to her in occasional waves. Surely her friends had noticed?


“Is that what that is?” Murphy said as if reading her mind.

“Uh, yeah.”

“What was it like?” Mitchell ventured, edging eagerly forward.

“Um, nice. Strong and doesnt taste as nice as some others but it is a nice pussy and she came so I was happy.”

“Would you taste my pussy after dinner?” Mitchell asked hesitantly. “Uh, I mean not if you dont want to I just thought it might be, I mean you could say if my pussy tastes nice.”

“Whose pussy?” Sarah said with a wry grin, knowing how anxious her friend was after what she had asked.

“Oh my owners pussy,” Mitchell replied sheepishly, blushing at her mistake.


Sarah laughed revelling in the joyful camaraderie she had with her friends. It had taken coming to a school on the other side of the world, one where her life was changed forever for her to find the friendship she had craved. She would do anything for these girls, eating Mitchells pussy was something she shouldnt have to be nervous about. Murphy was her study partner but a slut should sample as many cunts as she could.


“Id love to Mitch. As soon as we get back from dinner. I have to go back and see Miss Peach after the showers but before that should be ok.”
“You still got that thing in you Port?”

“Yeah,” Sarah replied, her smile fading a little at the reminder of the correctional instrument that was lodged deep in her vagina.

“When can you get it out?”
“Whenever my superiors decide that I have learned my lesson I guess.”

Sarah was proud of her response. It showed she was respectful of her place and her need for correction. She was a slut. It wasnt up to her to decide anything, least of all when a correction should be complete. How she had slept so deeply with it inside her last night she did not know, she could only hope that she could repeat the blissful slumber tonight.


She didnt want to think of that now. The night was still young and held so much possibility. She would have dinner with her classmates and come back to the dorm for some much needed study. She had promised to eat her friends pussy and, if she dared to admit it, the thought made her more excited than the study she had neglected.


Servicing a pussy was study though, Sarah reasoned, even if it was just another sluts. She smiled at her wickedness, joining the exodus from the dorm. Murphy was on her left and Mitchell on her right and for just a moment, before she had to scan her tag or form a line or think about the demands of a slut, everything in her world felt perfect.

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