BDSM Library - Will of Celestials

Will of Celestials

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: H-RPG like (many bondage scenes). Ceil and Geo are the choosen Celestials, set their journey to find Radiant World on Earth. In their journey they will learn the past of Celestials and human' sins


CLAIMER: Ciel, Geo, and the Celestials are mine.


A/N:        This is the first part for H-RPG "Will of Celestial", hope you find it interesting.

       As it is an RPG, the terms may be different than usual, but I will describe them part by part.

       The legend behind Celestial itself will be described as our main hero found the Epitaphs of Celestial.

       (if you know Kingdom Hearts, think of them like Ansem Reports^^)


Warning: Bond, M/F



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                               --Will of Celestial--


                                                       By Yami no Hikari


1st Will: The Chosen Celestials


written : December 26th 2007

"It's no use, the chains won't come off. I've been waiting for this time, Ciel."

Geo looked at Ciel with an evil grin. Her arms were stretched up and chained tightly above her head. Her legs were also stretched wide open, shackled at the ankles. She was hung naked, without anything to cover her gorgeous body.

"I must admit, you are more beautiful than the last I saw you... naked." Geo trailed his hand at her round globe, circling her nipple. As Ciel tried moving her breast out of Geo's hand, he grabbed her breast, Ciel gasped when she felt his hand groping her globe. When Stellar stop moving, Geo let off his grasp, his finger still enticing her.

Her round B-cup breasts were moving beautifully as she breathed, the cool air at the altar made her shivered. She'd known Geo as a pervert who will use any means just to have her body, not her feelings. The daily lives for 10 years they've been together, Geo had seen her naked several times and the fact he was the one who raped her in the past. They were kids back then, and nobody ever knew about the rape.

"Of all people, why must it be you... Ciel shot with her glare.

"It's been decided from the beginning, you know. This is the Will of Celesta, our god. This is the destiny for both of us, which you belong to me. I've proven myself that I'm deserved to have you with me."

"You're lying; you must've been setting up for this. Celesta would know how I hate you the most, and She wouldn't make you as my partner at the first place."

Geo and Ciel both were Celestials, people who lived at Celestial World. At the age of 20, two chosen Celestials will begin their journey to find Radiant World, the sacred place for the Celestial. Before they left Celestial World to Earth, the chosen female Celestial must become one with the chosen male Celestial and that's how Ciel as the female must surrender to her partner, Geo.

He chuckled, having Ciel as his partner was the best blessing Celesta could give to him, and how he longed for Ciel in the past. He examined her body with lustful eyes, the lust Celesta chose from all the candidates. "Celesta saw my lust for you, Ciel. If She chose you because of your best ability in Alternal, Celesta chose me because She saw my lust for you."

Running his fingers through Ciel's thigh, Geo moved behind her so she couldn't see him. "Ciel, I want we become the ones who found Radiant World, and that's why I need you with me. I need you, and you need me, we need each other."

"Uhh..." the voice was the best she could give as Geo kissed her.

Ciel squirmed as Geo's left hand fondling her breast, while the other caressing her thigh. "I'll make you accept me, even if you hate me the most."

"I hate you, and always will," she stated without second thought.

Ciel screamed when Geo pinched her nipple. Now both his hands were playing with her breasts, and his tongue trailed her neck. Ciel swayed as Geo's tongue trailed her, trying to escape her breast from Geo's hands. "Your nipples were aching to be touched, you know."

Ciel didn't reply. She couldn't resist everything Geo do to her, and as an unexplained feeling hit her; she let her mind at rest. She hated Geo more and more, but inside she wanted him to touch her more.

"Your body welcomed me, Ciel. I know deep within you want this day to come."

Ciel felt ashamed, he was right. After she became the chosen Celestials, she longed for this day, the day she was 'owned', even at the front she'd never admit it. For years they've known each other, other than hatred Ciel had for Geo, Geo was also someone special for her.

Ciel spasm, Geo's hands playing with her breasts were giving her the pleasure she had never had before. She didn't try to block her mind; she let herself being owned by the pleasure itself. Geo moved her hand, trailing to her thigh. Ciel knew what would happen; she and Geo will finally become one. She shivered in fear, but she knew it must happen for the rite to success.

"You're dripping," Geo hissed near her ears, his hand caressing her crack, preparing her for him. Ciel closed her eyes, the pleasure owned her. Geo moved in front of her, positioning himself then he readied his member.

"Are you ready, this will be the final..." he asked for her.

"... yes."

Ciel gasped when she felt Geo's member enter her deeply. He increased the tempo of his thrusts into her. Ciel cried out when Geo hit her favorite spot then after that they had their orgasms. Geo pulled out of her and gently kiss her the last time.

"This... is goodbye then. We will meet again... when we found Radiant World."

Tears were flowing from her eyes. Such a cruel fate they must endure, the chosen Celestials must become one, but then before they found Radiant World, they will never be able to meet again...


continued to 2nd Will;

-your reviews (even a short one) will be highly appreciated, thank you in advance.

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