BDSM Library - Crown of Torments

Crown of Torments

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: The Necromancer returns from the grave to take his harrowing revenge against the Warrior Queen and her supporters.

This story is fantasy fiction set in a fantasy world depicting extreme

and very graphic torture. It is intended for mature adults not offended

by such material and the author does not endorse or excsue violence of any


Chapter 1 - From the Dead

The thumping of boots and the clanking of metal echoed eerily in the rough,

winding corridors. No light had graced their descent except for the wavering

flames of their own torches, and the triumphant pace of the first steps had

become more and more hesitant the farther down they went, as shapes hiding in

the dark receded just out of torchlight range.

Even the blond mane standing as tall as the rest among the helms no longer

shook in defiance every few steps, resisting the two burly warriors dragging

their captive along. The ominous silence of the underground complex had

silenced even Kayleen, Warrior Queen of Tarnis, a feat none had pulled before;

her bright blue eyes seeking in the darkness the reason for the sudden turn of

the events which brought her here.

Now that the group had slowed, she could walk as fast as the rest in spite of

the short chain linking her fettered ankles, which had hobbled her ordinarily

spirited pace much as fear had hobbled the warriors during the ambush. Fear of

her, of her prowess, of the legendary Warrior Queen who had struck down the

evil tyranny of Zhorun the Necromancer; even at odds of twenty to one, even

after catching her on a hunting trip, after she dispatched the boldest three

none of them would come near her and she almost put them to flight. Almost.

One of them, more enterprising than the others, hit her solidly on the temple

with a sling bullet, dazing her long enough for the others to gather their

courage and swarm her. Once subdued, they manacled her with strong iron cuffs

and pushed a wooden tack in her mouth to prevent her from calling for help,

wasting no time in marching her to their destination ... these passages, under

the ruins of Zhorun's former castle. Leaving her legs free to walk soon proved

a bad choice, as at her first chance she brought one down with a savage kick

to the knee and sought to escape, but there were too many of them.

After the episode, her captors decided to take no more chances and bound her

cuffed hands behind her back, tying them to a rope tightened around her waist,

binding her arms to a staff brought up under her shoulders and encasing her

soft hunting boots in iron cuffs connected with a short chain, to prevent her

from running effectively. Since this also prevented her from walking quickly

enough for their intents, they had to took turns into goading and carrying her

by the staff under her shoulders, while the strong woman spared no effort to

make their lives harder. Until now.

The corridors were over, and their steps now sounded like they were in a sort

of large underground hall, with imposing pillars rising up in the darkness to

a ceiling beyond the dwindling light of the torches. A dripping sound could be

faintly heard in the distance, but no other noise could be heard beyond those

of their own making. One of them addressed the leader, whispering for no good

reason: "This must be the place. I say we leave her here and leave now."

The leader, a large man still smarting from the vicious punch Kayleen had

managed to land on his eye during her recapture, shook his head and whispered

back, "No, we're supposed to bring her before the Master himself. If this

wildcat escapes after we depart ..." and left the rest unspoken as his voice

trailed off. To Kayleen's ears, that made no sense: the Master was how Zhorun

was addressed by his subjects, but the necromancer had met his end on her

sword sixteen months ago, freeing Tarnis and vaulting her on the throne.

"Exactly," whispered a voice in the darkness, a screech like glass on

cobblestone. Everybody jumped, and Kayleen softly muttered into the tack, "No

... it cannot be. You are dead." realization hitting her as all pieces of the

puzzle fell into place. The elusive deer leading her away from the others, the

warriors whose colors she could not recognize, and the hideout under the ruins

of the accursed castle: she should have known better. The ambush had been

prepared to take her, alive, before Zhorun.

While Kayleen's mind realized the truth, the leader had recovered and barked

to his men, "Very well, bring her forth ..." as he wanted to make a good

impression when delivering the Warrior Queen before his Master. His last word

sputtered in blood as Kayleen's sudden head butt hit him full force under the

chin, sending him sprawling on the floor before turning in a determined rush

for the corridor. But even the mighty Warrior Queen could not defeat a dozen

warriors while in chains, so she never got there, although subduing her proved

taxing for the warriors being humiliated before their Master.

"I see our Queen does not wish to be our guest," said the screeching voice as

its bearer drew nearer, yet somehow distant, as if coming from dark depths

beyond the word light by the sun. "It's a pity. We've prepared her stay for

months, even since our last encounter."

As the voice entered the range of the torches, the warriors holding them

almost let them fall, as the small caped possessor of the voice was a vision

from Hell, a walking corpse smelling of rot and decay barely held together by

heavy black robes torn open at the left shoulder, where a ghastly sword wound

almost reached to the midsection.

"Your smell did not improve ..." spat the struggling woman, which was being

held by three warriors while the leader was still unable to get up, but her

voice trailed off losing the remaining of the stinging comment because

Zhorun's condition became obvious to her as much as to his henchmen, as those

men inured to the worst crimes caught themselves muttering prayers from their

lost childhoods.

"I should thank you and your ministrations for that, o gracious Queen." said

the voice coming from the empty space between a worm infested nose and a limp

jaw bone, in a visage from the grave where two reddish points of light shone

at the bottom of empty eye sockets. His rotting hand, which had been clutching

a staff, extended towards her slowly and the voice said, "Yet, more pressing

matters require your and my attention before I can show the full extent of my

gratitude for that. Remove the tack and bring her along."

With that, he turned and started slowly limping into the darkness of the hall,

but the warriors holding Kayleen hesitated until the leader materially pushed

them forward, just as the robed corpse was leaving the torchlight area. After a

while he spoke again, "You carried yourselves well, today. They haven't even

started to search for her yet. When they will, they'll find tracks aplenty ...

leading all over the kingdom. If, as loyal subjects are wont to do, they'll

leave none untried, your warriors will end up spread very thin. Too thin to

resist my forces, I wager."

As Kayleen drew her breath, about to reply that the few followers he could

still muster would be no match for her warriors, the robed figure started down

yet another flight of stairs, and the leader ordered, "Lift her and carry her

down. No tricks on those stairs." much to the chagrin of the woman who had

been planning exactly that. The voice spoke again, "Yes, the might of our

Warrior Queen is indeed renowned. A shining example on the battlefield ...

unless she's missing." at which one of the warriors coming down mumbled, "It

was not just her. It was also that redhead bitch, the sorceress."

The memories of that day fluttered in Kayleen's mind for a moment, the day

when the people rose against the tyrant and his henchmen, but her attention

was almost fully devoted to her predicament, as this area was unmistakably a

prison, with dark cells and, as she realized when her heart missed a beat upon

entering, a torture chamber.  

The chamber was a large, vaulted hall divided in sections by thick pillars and

lit by torches and braziers large and small. Three occupants had been

obviously waiting for their arrival and drew nearer: a burly man of pale

complexion wearing a leather apron, a wry Easterner with slanted eyes and thin

dropping mustache and an olive skinned, fat old man wearing a large collection

of shiny jewelry. The withered hand rose to encompass them in a mocking

introduction, "My Queen, let me introduce you to the advisers I carefully

selected for the matter to be soon addressed between you and me. On your left

is Hadhar, from a secluded oasis in the Southern Desert, from which he brought

many of his specialties. The other here is Chang, from the Far East, a guest

of highly refined tastes and exquisite finesse. And of course there is Grod,

who has been in my service long enough that his name should be well known to

you already."

The cold fingers of fear crawled up Kayleen's spine, as the loathed name of

Grod was indeed known by its sinister fame to her, and the other two were

probably the same or worse. One of the warriors behind her commented to a

comrade, "It's going to be hell for the bitch now!" and her heart sank as she

contemplated the gruesome fate which her prowess could not avoid. Of course,

Zhorun was bent on taking a slow and painful revenge on her and had concocted

this elaborate plan to satiate his hatred.

"Indeed," chuckled the voice, while the old man grinned and Grod wandered off

in the chamber, "But there is a matter is of more pressing concern. While

during our last encounter it was your sword that presented me this gift I

still bear, and our valiant warrior correctly reminded us of how troublesome

Shandra the Sorceress proved, I am now informed that there was a third meddler

involved, one Lyreen, a devoted Priestess."

"He knows of Lyral," raced Kayleen's mind, "although he got the name wrong, at

least." This was something the Warrior Queen had not anticipated, because the

role of young, devoted Lyral had indeed been instrumental in Zhorun's defeat,

but mostly because her powers of healing had allowed Kayleen instant respite

from her wounds after each fight. Unlike herself and Shandra, although the

latter only so far as her magic would last, Lyral would not be able to put up

much of a fight. There had to be something about Lyral and her powers which

was of utmost importance to Zhorun.

The walking corpse staggered nearer, his foul stench now unmistakable as if

aroused, and spoke in her face, "I want the Priestess. She lives at a shrine,

I am positive, and you must give the exact location to me, so that she can be

brought in my power." The prospect of vulnerable, innocent Lyral in the hands

of the Necromancer would have been enough to draw her sword even before, when

she was but a wandering warrior. The Priestesses were rather secretive,

however, so he would be hard pressed to locate her with only the wrong name

to go by. So loathsome was the creature before her that her fears turned into

resolution on the spot and she sneered "Go find her yourself, wretch."

"I did not expect you to cooperate, of course. Grod, you may proceed." hissed

the robed figure, taking a few steps back. Grod spoke for the first time, with

a low, raucous voice which startled Kayleen, addressing the assembled warriors

and not the leader, "Bring her here. Her restraints need some work." This did

not fare well with the latter, who had took care of restraining the captive to

his liking after her first attempt, so he felt like scoring a point and

smirked "Be careful with her. She's a wildcat."

When she was dragged to where Grod stood, the Warrior Queen noticed that Grod

did not want to take chances with her: hanging from a beam overhead he had

lowered a solid hemp rope, which despite her struggles he adeptly arranged

around her neck, looping it tightly three or four times and then pulling it up

until she was forced to stand on the tips of her boots. He then positioned

himself before her and waited.

The attitude of the assembled warriors, meanwhile, was changing. She was no

longer a dangerous opponent, or a valuable captive; her stares now longed on

her body, which the restraints and the hunting outfit did not conceal fully.

Her panting and small, halting steps were turning her into an object of lust.

She had only one man in her life, her would-be husband whose grisly death at

the hands of Zhorun's henchmen set things in motion many months ago, but she

was no stranger to lustful stares; now, however, she was not in the position

to choose.

As her eyes wandered on the leering warriors, Grod suddenly hit her hard in

her stomach. Her reflexes allowed her to harden her muscles and even roll with

the blow somewhat, but Grod was a strong man and her position severely

restricted her air supply, so she gurgled and would have doubled over had she

not been restrained. Grod kneeled and started removing her leg irons and the

soft hunting boots, replacing them with heavy, tight ankle cuffs which he then

connected together with a short chain, while his captive struggled to catch

her breath as each leg was lifted in turn, leaving her gasping for air.

Satisfied with his work, Grod rose and circled behind the struggling Warrior

Queen, who was now discovering that the soft boots had been the only thing

allowing her to reach the floor and was trying to extend her long, slender legs

to gain that half inch which made the difference between breathing and

choking. Thus, she was no obstacle as Grod removed the restraints tying her

arms behind her back and placed another pair of cuffs on her wrists, pulling

her arms up above her head. "She's turning blue." commented the leader.

Grod knew his stuff, however, so he stood and waited, removing the rope from

the neck only when it suited him. Onlookers were then treated to the sight of

the strong, athletic figure of Kayleen hanging barefooted by her wrists,

panting heavily as she recovered her breath. The robed figure mocked, "A sight

to behold, Grod. Aren't you going to reveal more of the delectable charms she

is endowed with to our faithful followers ?"

"I am, Master. In a short time." rumbled the large man. As Kayleen's sight

cleared, she saw Grod pick up a long, heavy bullwhip, weighting it for a while

before cracking it twice to test it. The first crack startled her, but at the

second the Warrior Queen closed her eyes and sighed within, "It begins now.

I will not falter. These wretches will not get anything from me."

Chapter 2 - The Matter at Hand

Hanging by her wrists, the Warrior Queen awaited her fate. She still wore hen

hunting outfit, although torn here and there during her capture, but her bare

feet dangled above the floor. She had closed her eyes, waiting for the whip,

but when the crack came nothing happened. As she opened her eyes in surprise,

she took in his wicked grin no sooner than the heavy whip found its mark on

her left thigh, slashing her breeches. She stifled a scream which was as much

of pain as of enraged surprise, as her legs pulled up in reflex. She was no

stranger to pain, she had been wounded in combat before, but now her sword

could exact no retribution, and no opponent would be defeated.

The grin on Grod's face subsided, as his little game was met with only partial

success. He had not taken well to the two newcomers in his dungeon, as if he

were not up to the task, so he was determined to break her. Since she was no

ordinary woman, he had chosen not to strip her to follow up with a light

whipping for warming her up to the benefit of the others. His first strike

with the heavy, long whip had torn a wide gash in her breeches, but the welt

on the shapely thigh was not bleeding. Her hunting outfit would stem some of

the bite of the heavy bullwhip. At first.

Another three strikes, in quick succession, landed on Kayleen's back. She kind

of screamed, a halting, spiteful scream. The next strike landed on her right

calf, on bare skin, drawing blood as she hissed. Grod hit her again a few

times, pausing in between, then circled around and landed the next blow on her

taut stomach, followed immediately by another at the front of her thigh and by

a third which landed on her left breast. She cried for real this time, and the

onlookers salivated at the sight of the voluptuous body writhing under the

whip, whose lashes were shredding her outfit to tatters.

This Warrior Queen showed all signs of being proud and stubborn, not likely to

yield so easily. He pressed on, lashing her nice legs again and then moving to

the arms stretched above her head, which proved a difficult target as the whip

would wrap around instead of slicing the fabric open. Changing his mind, he

targeted with a smile first one and then the other tempting breast, and was

rewarded when the shirt revealed a nipple as she cried behind clenched teeth.

With each lash, Kayleen felt her resolve waning. She could not dodge the whip,

she could not fight back, all she could do was writhe and scream. Grod did not

strike at regular intervals, but paused often to let the pain sink in before

renewing it. Just as she thought that, he launched a barrage of strikes in

rapid succession, raining one after another all over her body as she gasped in

pain. Her outfit now shredded, the Warrior Queen hung before her nemesis and

his cohorts, who now ogled the magnificent body revealed by the lash.

The whip slashed again at her leg, drawing all eyes to the slender, athletic

limbs rising up as a moan left Kayleen's throat, followed by another higher in

pitch as the strong leather licked her exposed buttocks, where only tatters of

her breeches remained. The eyes stayed on her full, muscular buns contracting

under yet another painful sting of the vicious bullwhip, only to follow it as

it bit her side and immediately thereafter her caved stomach, as she turned

around under the force of the blow. The lashes climbed up her athletic body,

now mostly naked, up to her clenching fists, and then moved down again trough

her stretched, long arms, where the muscles flexed on each blow, to the round,

proud breasts now undergoing another barrage of strikes among her drawn out,

muffled shrieks, and finally to the front of thighs again.

After another strike which removed the last tatter of leather from her left

tit, Grod let one of his pauses draw out and finally put the whip aside,

moving to the chains stringing the Warrior Queen up. She was lowered to the

floor, gulping and battered but still attempting to disguise her relief as

her chafing wrists found some respite. A bucket of cold water was dumped on

her limp body, followed by another, and she took long, avid draughts from a

jug brought to her mouth.

Her respite lasted just long enough to let her believe that it was over, then

the wretched shell of a wizard came along and asked, "Is there anything you

wish to share with us, now?" followed by a gleeful "I thought so," as his

inquiry met only silence.

Grod bound her wrists behind her back and then pulled her up by her ankles,

suspending her upside down. "No, not again!" she muttered, catching herself

just before letting it out aloud for the enjoyment of those sick bastards.

The sick bastards, meanwhile, were enjoying the sight of her luscious body in

inverted suspension. Kayleen was a tall, athletic blonde whose fair skin, in

spite of a healthy life in the open air, had tanned only slightly, just enough

to show what modesty had kept from the sun. Most of her body, except for the

arms, bore only tatters of her hunting outfit and was crisscrossed by welts,

some bleeding; removing the rest would have taken but a swat of the hand, but

Grod had other plans. Her position exposed, among other places, the soft

underside of her firm breasts, and Grod made a point to himself to remove the

shreds of her shirt still clinging there, striking first one and then the

other as her head bent backward in a silent cry of anguish.

The whip uncoiled with a crack and bit her left arm, bound behind her, and

then found its mark on the right arm, targeting the remains of the sleeves.

But soon the tip returned to other parts, more tender, such as the crease

between her buttocks and the soft flesh between bun and thigh. Strike after

strike, Grod attempted to extort from her a real scream, but only managed to

obtain muffled cries, hisses and gasps. This bothered him, and his blows

became more vicious, with longer pauses to let the pain linger before renewing

it in a different position. Nobody was keeping count, but the blows rained on

the writhing Warrior Queen slowly and deliberately, one after another, causing

her to twist and bend at the waist, shaking her head in anguish. Her tits were

now marked by a number of bleeding slashes, her nipples on fire, and no trace

of cloth remained on the martyrized undersides.

Screaming and vainly fighting tears, Kayleen clung to her dedication as the

urge to give up first entered her mind. Grod was targeting her thighs now,

where some remnants of her breeches still clung. She almost blanked when the

whip bit behind the knee, and again when it lashed below her belly, near her

private parts, Her eyes met those of her tormentor, and she knew what fear he

had read in hers, because the hellish whip landed between her legs, causing

her to scream aloud for the first time. "We hear her sing, at last. It took

entirely too much time!" said the Southerner derisively.

If Grod heard the remark, he reacted by landing another and yet another blow

on the insides of her thighs. He wanted her to collapse, now. He aimed two

quick blows at her nipples before putting all his strength in a blow at the

remnants of cloth covering her sex, a difficult strike since she was

desperately clenching her thighs. His efforts were rewarded by another shriek,

but the next only resulted in a gasp and the next after that in a wailing moan.

After a few more lashes at her calves, he dropped the whip and lowered his

victim, her body glistening with perspiration, only to immediately drag her

away, followed by the assembled onlookers. He placed her supple body on a

narrow bench, face down, tying her wrists on one end and her ankles to

another, pulling the chains taut and tightening iron rings at her knees and

waist. Her full breasts, dangling on each side of the bench, were bound at the

base with a thin cord, causing them to bulge out. Her body shriveled as she

was again doused with icy water. He half expected the woman to beg him to

stop, and Kayleen for a moment was about to do so, but then she sighed and

lowered her face between her outstretched arms.

Grinning, Grod lashed the exposed soles of her feet, hitting both with a

single strike and then following on with four more strikes, one after another,

her head rising again in a mute scream. Just a short pause, and then the lash

kissed her buttocks, once, twice. His next strike lingered as he aimed it with

care, landing the tip on her anus and wrenching a shrill cry of despair from

her lips.  He timed the subsequent strikes to her soles carefully, and then

moved to the back of her thighs, with ample pauses and putting less strength

on each blow as the skin was already torn and bleeding.

Kayleen lay on the bench, no longer a Warrior Queen, just a pain wracked

bundle of flesh and sinews. Her mind flashed with the image of young Lyral

on that same bench, screaming, but then she realized these were her own

screams, as Grod had targeted her delectable left tit, and then followed on by

wrapping the whip around her body to land the tip on the right one. Satisfied

by the results, he aimed more blows at the dangling globes, the whole body of

his victim writhing in vain to move off the path of the lash.

After a few more lashes on her back, the burly executioner dropped the whip

again and inspected his victim. She was panting heavily, soaked in

perspiration and her body was crisscrossed by welts and bleeding stripes, but

she was strong and could withstand more. She was untied from the bench and

dragged to a sloping ladder, where she was tied feet over head, spreadeagled

over the rungs and chained at the waist. As she came to, the first thing she

saw was the wicked grin on Grod's face as he uncoiled the whip and let his

glare linger on her vulva, which clenched thighs could no longer shield.

She wished she had Lyral's faith, for only faith could allow her to withstand

was about to come, but her efforts to remember a prayer, any prayer, were cut

short by a savage blow to her left breast, followed by an oblique strike to

her mound. She cried once, at the top of her lungs. Another strike landed on

there, sending wisps of blonde hair fluttering about. After a pause, the tip

licked at her labia, as she shook her head in anguish, biting her lips

savagely, and the next tore the folds of skin where they joined. Her cry this

time was loud enough for everyone, and lasted into the subsequent pause as he

drew near, removed the chain from her waist and doused her with cold water.

Walking away, he let her follow his stare to her nipples, hardening in spite

of the horror coming on her face, and turned and landed a vicious strike on

the right nipple, then waited for her wailing to stop before aiming at the

other. Her waist now free, her desperate attempt to writhe away from the lash

resulted in a number of strikes landing off mark, until Grod started playing

games with her and letting blows crack within a hair of their target, only to

be followed by the real strike as she relaxed.

Pain was plain on her face, and Grod thought she could be broken now. He

targeted his next strike to slash her labia, once, then twice, and then

paused, hoping to catch her eyes and show her where the next would land. She

trashed her head on the ladder, however, so he cracked at the empty air and

then aimed his strike at her love bud and let his ears confirm that he had

found his mark. He paused before striking there again, to let the pain sink

in, and then lashed her sculpted breasts a few times, in quick succession.

Kaylee on the ladder was in agony. No wound had ever been so painful, so

humiliating, no blow had been so unrelenting, nothing had ever hurt her soft

femininity inside her warrior shell. "Heaven, make them stop. Please, make

them stop!" she cried to herself, before shrieking at the top of her lungs as

Grod hit her clitoris yet again. And again. And save for a few strikes at her

breasts, he landed lash after lash in that exact place, until she fainted.

She came to under the sting of cold water again, and as her sight cleared her

eyes found Grod among the onlookers. She had a taste of honey in the mouth,

but she was in stocks, her ankles pulled up at face height and cuffed to a

post, tightly enough to force the leg horizontal, and her wrists cuffed half a

foot above. Since her backside was off the floor by a foot or more, all her

weight hung on her sore wrists and ankles, forcing her to stretch her arms and

bend her knees for some relief. On her side was the small Easterner, and upon

a gesture from him, Grod spoke mockingly "Welcome back, o gracious Queen. Our

friend Chang is not very comfortable with our tongue, but I guess he wants to

ask you if you feel like talking before he proceeds."

Her whole body throbbed in pain, and fear gripped her mind, but she found the

strength to keep silent somewhere between those words, "Warrior Queen". Chang

pulled, from a collection of ornate boxes, a thin, clear cord and started

tying it around her left thumb. The cord went through a small bronze handle,

whose function Chang soon revealed as he he twisted it between thumb and

forefinger to tighten the cord, at which point Kayleen discovered that the

cord had evenly spaced knots that dug painfully in the flesh. The pain was

mild at first, hardly comparable to the whip, but as circulation was

constricted she started to moan, at which point the man tightened it again,

until she hissed, and then dragged the cord forcefully around the full

circumference of her thumb, letting it slide in the furrow dug as it tightened

into the flesh and drawing a shriek of pain from her sore throat.

The man produced another cord, and repeated the procedure on her left

forefinger. She was gasping with pain, and she cried in anguish as he started

placing a third cord on her middle finger. He had not bothered to remove the

others, so even when he did not exert force, pain wracked her fingers as the

knots bit relentlessly her flesh.

After tightening yet another cord on her ring finger, he raised his hands,

first extending ten fingers and then folding four; six more to go. Defied by

her silence, he finished with her left pinky, moved to her right hand, and

after a brief respite her cries resonated in the hall again.

Time passed, with the pain in her constricted fingers increasing instead of

subsiding, but at last Chang moved to her left hand and twisted her thumb cord

backwards, at which Kayleen screamed again as the blood found its way again in

the now purplish flesh. As before, he did the same to each finger in turn, but

at the pinky he stopped and stared into her expecting eyes before reaching for

the thumb cord and tightening it again, wrenching a shrill "Noooo" from her

hoarse throat which rose into a screech as he pulled on it again.

After repeating this procedure a few times, he finally freed her fingers for

real, produced more cords, and grabbed her left foot. Horrified, she tried to

pull and twist her leg to escape his hand, but to no avail. She could not hold

a screech at his first pull, nor at each subsequent pull, as if the toes were

more susceptible to this torture. Her tormentor, on the other hand, proceeded

to alternate between left and right foot, as if to let the other recover.

Once more he tightened each cord around the respective toe, but this time he

took care to align all handles just the same, and then tied each to a cord

looped around the toe and affixed to a single hand sized handle, which he

grabbed. As fear silenced Kayleen's anguished sobbing, he pulled on the

handle, causing all cords at the same time to slide almost full circle in the

furrow dug around the base of each toe, the knots dragging over the

constricted flesh. Droplets of blood spilled on the floor, and the Warrior

Queen wailed yet again as pain rose from her foot through her writhing body.

Chang did the same on her right foot, and then moved to the left again,

reversing the sense of rotation to grind into already damaged tissue. Kayleen

screamed at each pull, shaking in pain under the thin man's attentions while

the other two gaped at her suffering body bending and twisting in pain, her

glistening breasts heaving and panting and her blonde mane shaking.

After yet another pull, in fact, Chang started freeing her toes from the

dreadful cord, and subsequently freed her from the stocks. She lay on the

floor for a moment of respite, bringing her fingers to her mouth as if to ease

the pain. The woman looked too tall for the wry Easterner to handle, but he

grabbed her hair and dragged her to a decorated bench, where she was chained

face up, arms over her head, her fabulous body taut.

With practiced swiftness, the Easterner looped a thick hemp rope around her

slender waist, constricting it and pushing the knots along its length into her

wounded flesh, drawing a hiss from behind her lips which turned into a moan as

he started to tighten the rope twisting its handle. Another two coils of rope

were similarly wrapped around her ribcage, one just above and one just below

her sculpted breasts, painfully marked by the whip but still proud and firm.

More rope was looped and tightened around her legs, thighs and arms, digging

in her limbs as the Easterner looped it across the coil in order to tighten

it fully before twisting the handles and sending the knots into her. The

ropes around her ribcage and waist constricted her breathing, lending to her

stifled cries a tone of anguish as she gasped for air.

After more tightening, her silent tormentor rose, grabbed the handle of the

rope clinching her waist, put a boot in her stomach and pulled with all his

strength, dragging the rough rope three quarters of a circle around her waist

and digging an agonizing trail of chafed skin in her once perfect midsection.

Unable to scream at the top of her lungs, she choked as pain deluged her.

Her only respite soon became the time it took the wry Easterner to circle

around the bench as he alternated the left and right side, and the ropes

started getting red with blood. Her body attempted to escape the pain, but as

her muscles contracted and flexed in vain, seared by the ropes constricting

her arms and legs and stabbed by knots digging in her flesh, she could not

help herself as her aching limbs started burning with pain of her own making.

Devious as it was, this torture in the eyes of the old man from the Southern

Desert lacked visual appeal, so he commented "You could do us a favor and put

up some kind of show for our benefit, you know". In spite of her pain, Kayleen

noticed a cold sideways glance on her tormentor's face at this comment, but no

good came to her from this as he stopped her trashing, produced two loops

of knotted silken cords and tied them around her nipples.

Her heart sank as she fought for breath, envisioning yet another assault on

her femininity, which had never been specifically targeted before all this.

The cords were tied to a chain, distorting her firm breasts into cones of taut

flesh which he then proceeded to bind with a single knotted cord drawn behind

her neck, reaching to her left breast, and circling it in a counterclockwise

spiral, down to her muscular chest where it snug under her bondage, while the

other extremity was similarly wrapped around her right breast.

The thin man pulled viciously on the left handle of the cord, savagely

tightening the spiral around her left tit, the knots digging gashes as they

chafed skin, and she gasped and choked under the assault on her mauled breast.

He made a short pause before letting go, then braced placing a boot on her

muscular chest and pulled again, wrenching another strangled scream, before

circling the bench to similarly shear her right breast. After a number of

pulls, he paused to add more cords to her bondage, in order to prevent the

ropes from dislodging as he pulled repeatedly at them, and pulled up her bound

nipples some more, to make the spirals wrap around her breasts just right

before the next of many round of pulls and cries which were to follow.

When the ropes binding her were finally unwound, causing gasps of pain as

blood rushed back into the offended limbs and large swaths of skin chafed to

bleeding were revealed on Kayleen's still beautiful body, she was doused in

cold water on the floor and made to drink the same stuff again. Any trace of

good intent she could find in her tormentor's ministrations, however,

shriveled as her legs were doubled over and chained ankle to thigh, her arms

cuffed behind her back in a reversed prayer position which strained her

shoulders but pushed out her chafed breasts to the delight of the onlookers

and she was hung by her splayed knees, the head two feet off the floor.

The Easterner produced a thin, bristling rope whose knots looked like lumps

of boar hair, proceeded to wrap it around the base of each breast, and then

coiled more ropes across her chest, flattening her tits onto her sculpted

ribs. Twisting the handles at the end of the each rope, he would tighten the

one at the base of her globes, making them bulge, and then the one flattening

them against her chest, basking in her anguished wails and strangled gasps.

Unlike on the bench, Kayleen's pain found no respite when her tormentor busied

himself otherwise, as her position forced her to lift her constricted chest to

breathe, and relative freedom of movement made her trash in her bonds, chafing

her pain wracked orbs against the knots biting her flesh. The silent Easterner

produced more ropes, which he bound around her waist and at the base of each

thigh, and then another bristling cord which he wound over her shoulders,

under her breast bondage in spite of her cries, and then through her crotch,

soon followed by a similarly arranged rope, the two squeezing her poor love

button outwards as they sunk savagely into her vulva.

He then pulled her nipples through her breast bondage as she writhed in pain,

looped more knotted cord around each, did the same to her outstretched bud

and then tied the three together, shortening the loop to force her to bend

her head up towards her belly to reduce the searing pain. He allowed her to

writhe in her new position for a while, until her aching back gave and her

head lowered, tightening the cords around her nipples and clitoris and jerking

her head back up with an anguished cry as she understood her predicament.

He wound two more bristling ropes across her crotch, rubbing her cunt lips

into the pair already searing her love bud, so Kayleen's writhing body would

find no respite, her aching back unable to keep her bent up to spare her

nipples and her ravaged love button the bite of the knots. As she oscillated

between one painful position and the other, her tormentor bid his time, while

the others savored the sight of the suffering Warrior Queen. He knew she would

pass out eventually, even hanging upside down, so he positioned himself behind

her back, and twisting its handle tightened her crotch rope, which pulled her

backwards and made her efforts to spare her feminine charms harder and harder.

When her crying and writhing started to weaken, he talked to her for the first

time, asking "You talk ?" as she once more failed to raise her head enough. In

spite of the maddening pain, however, the Warrior Queen's lips proffered no

word, so he moved behind her again and pulled the handle up with both hands,

which rushed the bristling crotch ropes through her labia and rubbed them

violently against her tender parts, the knots mauling her as she howled.

"You talk ?" he asked once more before pulling the ropes downward, reversing

their action and bringing renewed pain met by a scream of despair. No answer

was forthcoming, so he pulled up again, and then immediately down, and

repeated the questioning and pulling until she passed out after a seemingly

unending nightmare of gasping, forsaken screams.

When the acrid smell of salts brought her back, she found herself hanging

spread-eagled between two posts, her chafing wrists but one of the voices in

the concerto of pain which ravaged her body. Judging from the intent gaze of

the old Southerner, however, neither the welts on her strong arms, nor the

chafed skin on her muscular chest, the angry whip marks on her generous, firm

breasts, the stings peppering her sculpted abdomen, the gashes dug by the

knots between her thighs, nor the crisscrossing of red stripes on her slender

thighs and legs, nothing had diminished its beauty.

"Please, no more" she begged, but only to herself, since at some level she

knew that they were exactly after that. She had to find somewhere the will to

defy them, lest they gathered from her mouth the whereabouts of poor Lyral and

brought her to suffer the same horrors she was being subjected to. Or was

about to be subjected to, she reminded to herself as the swarthy old man

brought forth a large case containing leaves and branches, some fresh and some

dried, which he dug into only after putting on thick leather gloves.

With raptured eagerness, his hand brought a shrub draped in dark green leaves

against her calf, watching her gasp as the leaves stung fiercely and repeating

the application until tears filled her eyes. "They are called stinging nettles

for a reason, my dear." spoke the Southerner before drawing the shrub against

the back of her thigh, still enjoying her hisses and cries, which turned into

stifled screams when he grabbed the shrub with both hands and started sawing

back and forth at the soft flesh between her upper thighs and her ass cheeks.

He then kneeled and proceeded to wipe the sole of her left foot with the same

back and forth motion, her head shaking as the skin burned under the sting and

the welts from Grod's bullwhipping made their presence painfully known again.

She had learned to avoid stinging nettles as a nuisance when she was but a

child, but now in the hands of the old man they had turned into yet another

instrument of torture. Her right foot was now trashing under their sting, and

then the assault moved to her legs, as what little resolve she had mustered in

her brief respite waned, and her attempts to preserve some dignity instead of

crying at the top of her lungs declined one cry at a time.

He moved behind her back and mocked "Now it gets better!" and draped a

bundle of shrub across her taut stomach, her fears coming true when he started

sawing it back and forth, but also up and down, as she writhed and cried

attempting to twist herself away from the burning embrace of the stinging

nettles. Her twisting turned to frantic buckling as his hands rose and the

bundle was draped across her chest, the leaves brushing her sculpted breasts

and rekindling the pain of all the abuses they had been subjected to so far.

Maybe the Warrior Queen could have understood that it was her own trashing

that ground the leaves into her ample bosom, but Kayleen had nothing on her

mind but the fire on her ravaged skin and the occasional burst of agony as her

nipples brushed against the hellish leaves. She was given some respite, as her

tormentor circled her and fetched fresh shrubs, but soon pain returned as her

buttocks were treated to the burning kiss of the nettles and soared when he

moved his attentions to the inside of her thighs, alternating left and right

and bringing the shrubs inch by inch nearer to her crotch.

With a glee, the old man draped a single leaf over her vulva, and kept rubbing

until her gasps turned to shrieks, then opened her lips and slid a small shrub

in between, dragging it back and forth leisurely. Her hoarse screams aroused

the old man, who kneeled and forcefully inserted two entire shrubs between her

parted lips, drawing them back and forth as pain shot up her body sending

her cries to lose themselves in the vaults of the chamber.

When she was lowered to the floor, Kayleen was but a whimpering girl in her

twenties, curled in a ball and vainly attempting to soothe her feminine parts

with her hands, a sight bound to inspire mercy in all but her tormentor. She

was dragged to a post to be tied again, her arms bent over the top beam,

cuffed at the elbows with her wrists behind her neck, her legs doubled under

her thighs and painfully bent outwards and up to cuff the ankles wide at the

low beam, her midsection pushed forward by a wooden wedge against her kidneys,

a position which put her weight on her shoulder and thigh joints.

The dusky old man then busied himself with a bristling collection of brushes,

rollers and hand scrubs, and following her gaze said "Looking for nettles, my

pretty ? We have nettles here." showing her a roller draped with the green

leaves, although interspersed with tiny thorns. He applied the roller to the

sole of her left foot, lightly at first, and then more forcefully, turning her

gasps into stifled cries again. The Warrior Queen could still manage the

strength to keep the whereabouts of Lyral from her tormentors, but her pride

had withered under the ordeal she was being subjected to.

The Southerner had a variety of rollers, from two hands wide to the equivalent

of just two fingers across, and switched from one to the other as he ravaged

her body prickling the smarting skin and paying special attention to the

objects of his ongoing arousal. He used a doughnut shaped roller in the crease

under her buttocks, dragging it back and forth under her as she shrieked at

the assault on skin which had been somewhat spared so far. Nor could she

stifle her screams as he moved to her abused breasts, one roller in each hand,

the thorns prickling at the smarting skin as he pushed the rollers into her

firm globes time and again.

Although her arms were not spared, it was against her legs and thighs that her

tormentor concentrated his attentions, turning them an angry red as he

repeatedly rubbed them with the hellish rollers. "Anything to say, before the

real treat begins ?" asked the leering old man, not even awaiting her answer

before rubbing her private parts once with one roller, then with other, each

time drawing a howl of pain which turned into a gasping screech as he fetched

a smaller roller and rubbed it viciously into her ravaged slit.

Kayleen was about to pass out again, desperately seeking some respite, but the

old man thought she could be broken now and so decided against a pause. He

fetched another instrument of pain, a hand scrub fashioned after a cupped

glove and bristling with stitched leaves. "If you sang so well for a stinging

brush, you'll sing like a nightingale for the stinging tree which begat

these." he said, bringing the scrub against her left breast and brushing it

vigorously, as if to clean it. She heaved, screamed and bucked, the ache in

her kidneys all but forgotten as her left tit was overwhelmed by pain. Her

tormentor pressed on, moving to her right tit and then alternating between

them, but soon her cries waned into moans and she was untied from the post.

To prevent her from fainting, she was suspended by her left ankle, the right

ankle tied to her left wrist and the left wrist behind her neck to a collar,

bending her back and exposing her sore, but still appealing, breasts and her

vulva to whatever he had in store for her. "We were almost done, my pretty,

but now we'll have to start over again." purred the Southerner, his words

betraying his irritation. True to his words, he picked up his rollers again

and rubbed them forcefully against her thighs, her buttocks and her taut

abdomen, renewing her pain as her skin suffered the kiss of the nettles again,

but soon he targeted the tempting undersides of her full breasts and the

inside of her slit, bringing a narrow roller against her love button with

eager viciousness as she screamed in despair.

As he put the rollers aside, dread filled Kayleen's eyes as her agonized tits

reminded her of the hand scrub, but worse was to come as he picked up a

different implement, a brush not unlike those used to clean bottles, except

for the menacing size and the stiff boar bristles circling its length. He had

seen her fear, and asked "Now, girl, want to tell us something ?" taking the

time to make abundantly clear where the brush would be inserted otherwise.

Despair and fear numbed Kayleen's mind, the thought of being violated by the

hideous implement of punishment most fearful of all, yet she still clinged to

some of her former self, enough to know that she did not want to surrender her

friend's whereabouts to these monsters. She attempted to steel her resolve,

gritting her teeth, but when her tormentor drove the brush down into her ass

a strangled scream escaped nonetheless, followed by more as he twisted and

dragged the brush as if actually cleaning something.

The brush was extracted, the bristles chafing at the rosette of her anus on

their way out but not bloodied, and then inserted again, and the old man did

his worst to break her using the hellish brush, adding nettle leaves which the

brush ground into her innards as she howled and cried pitifully. The brush was

then discarded for a larger one, which she eyed in horror as her mouth wanted

to beg, but only silence could be heard until her anguished cry broke it as he

forcefully inserted the brush down her slit, the stiff bristles rasping

against her womb, and then twisted it left and right, at length, before

extracting it with deliberate, excruciating slowness.

He pushed the brush down her love channel again, and then two more times,

adding nettle leaves to increase her pain, and finally stuffed her canal with

nettle leaves before driving it down one last time, the unyielding bristles

pushing the leaves into her as she cried out her misery. His hands now free,

he wrapped a stinging tree leaf around her left nipple and started rubbing it

with a straight brush, its short, stiff bristles grinding the thousands of

invisible needles covering the leaf into her abused flesh.

Her screams now resonated in the chamber, her resolve broken by the protracted

ordeal, and as her tormentor moved to the right nipple, the shell of the

former wizards known as Zhorun closed in, to savor her degradation and enjoy

her defeat. "Now tell us of the Priestess!" he hissed. If anyone else had

asked, she might have, just to stop the pain before the robed Southerner

targeted her poor love bud, but the Warrior Queen found the strength to spit

on the walking corpse's rotting visage before her mouth opened in a scream

when her tormentor started scrubbing a stinging tree leaf into her clitoris.

With the intent of breaking her before Zhorun, the swarthy Southerner insisted

with his scrubbing, her cries rising hoarse as he replaced the leaf with a

fresh one or twisted the brush in her womb. He replaced the leaf twice, each

time scrubbing her into maddening pain, then grabbed the brush and pulled it

half the way out before driving it back in, twisting it left and right.

"Now you talk" he added, his nervous tone betraying his dismay at her

stubbornness. With his thumb, he pulled out her love button, while his other

hand fetched shards of stinging tree leaves and stuffed them around her love

bud and under the hood, so when he released it they stuck in the fold and

seared her feminine flesh while she howled and screamed, unable to find

respite from the pain. Her torture continued uninterrupted, her voice rising

to heart rending screeches when her tormentor rubbed a hand scrub over her

breasts or twisted the brush in her slit, until her voice lost strength and

waned to a gasping, exhausted wail.

Chapter 3 - Of Things Past

In the darkness below the ruins of Zhorun's castle, Kayleen hung by her wrists,

her chained feet dangling a foot over the floor. The ache in her arms, bearing

the full weight of her bruised yet shapely body, kept increasing alongside the

fiery pain in her torn wrists, and the iron band clenched at her waist made

her breathe in short, halted gasps and added its weight to her misery.

As anguish and hopelessness hung over her, something stirred in her mind. A

distant feeling, a warm presence she instantly recognized; Lyral was attempting

to extend her consciousness to touch hers. She had used the same power in the

past, to let Kayleen home on her quickly; this was of no use to her now, but it

brought a rush of hope, and waved the curtains of despair away as the Warrior

Queen rose her head again.

If Lyral was attempting to call her, the search was underway. They would find

traces or her capture, come to her rescue, and thwart Zhorun's plans. He had

hinted at "forces" at his disposal, but an army could not be hidden, so these

forces had to be of magical nature, and Zhorun's insistence on finding Lyral

meant that he knew the Priestess had the power to oppose them, although Kayleen

was not versed enough in magic to tell how.

She had to buy time for her friends, which sent her keen tactical mind back

into full gear. First, as long as she could hold out, the situation would not

change for the worse. Second, they had not left here like this to recover, so

they probably meant to weaken her resolve through exhaustion and lack of sleep,

and she had to avoid that if she was to hold out for some time. She also had to

think about what would come next; for example, she had to do something about

her wrists sooner rather than later, if she wanted to wield a sword ever again.

Her hands grabbed the chains above her wrist cuffs, easing the pull on her

bleeding wrists, a stopgap measure which nonetheless brought a relief which

almost made her cry. The hands would tire, of course. Her ankles were linked by

a short chain, so she could use her legs to some extent, but she saw no way to

remove the accursed waist band constricting her breathing. She could spin her

hanging body left and right, and using her legs she could spin it enough to

twist the chains she hung from onto each other. She then raised her long legs,

first to her chest and then above her head, her lungs burning and her heart

pounding as the waist band bit her muscles; she lost count of how many times

she had to give up, recover her breath and try again, but at last she managed

to pull herself up above her trembling arms, swivel her legs and rest on the

chains crossing below her.

Her position was precarious and uncomfortable, but at least her wrists were no

longer in pain, "Although I am now exhausted." she smiled to herself. She was

so tired that she actually managed a number of brief, fitful naps, always at

risk of losing the little balance she could muster, the throbbing pain from

the welts, bruises and chafed skin receding gradually.

Then she heard them coming; it was probably well past dawn, but she wished

they had stayed asleep. She lowered herself into suspension again, and closed

her eyes, as if to avert the ordeal to come. It was just Zhorun and the three

tormentors, this time.

The corpulent Southerner addressed her with mock joviality, "Good morning, o

Queen! Hope you had a nice night of rest, because we've got a full day ahead

of us. Unless you wish to tell us something, that is, but I really hope not."

Undeterred by her silence he brought her down, and she let herself collapse in

a heap, allowing him to drag her to the inclined ladder and tie her to it,

face up, her arms over the head and her feet a few inches off the floor.

To her disgust, the old fart had fondled her in earnest during all this, and

his member, bulging below his flowing robes, rubbed intently into her flesh

more than once. She shuddered when his hands grabbed her calves and then slid

up her thighs, his thumbs digging briefly into her sex, still smarting from

his former attentions before climbing up to her full, proud breasts and

sinking into the firm flesh. He turned to the robed figure and asked, "What

about bringing Her Haughtiness down one notch before proceeding, Master ?"

She clenched her teeth as cold gripped her stomach. For no sound reason, she

had thought she would be spared rape. The old man could have been three times

her age, and yet this. "By all means do, my esteemed guest," hissed the

limping figure, drawing closer. The swarthy man turned to her and gripped her

tits savagely, placing himself over her and then pulling up his flowing robes

to free his hardening member. As her gaze wandered away in despair, she

noticed Grod contemptuously muttering something to the Easterner, and a plan

started forming in her mind. Not one second too soon, as his throbbing manhood

entered her with unexpected force a split second later.

Kayleen had not been with a man since the death of his Walder, and still

longed for his strong yet tender embrace, but there was none of that in what

she was being subjected to, his rutting member trashing her insides in a

frenzy devoid of any love. She grit her teeth to quench any sound escaping

from her mouth, attempting to relax and ease the pain while the man panted,

grunted and pushed relentlessly. Imagination tricked her into hearing the

squirt inside her womb, making her almost retch, but she had managed to keep

herself immobile under his assault. It was now or never.

"Are you done already ?" she uttered, loud enough for all to hear, then added

"You must have wet yourself," as his disbelief turned into deep anger and a

red undertone grew under his swarthy visage. He slapped her hard, a backhanded

slap intended to draw blood; she expected more to follow, but he stopped in

mid gesture, composed himself and left, only to come back minutes later

pushing a trolley where a multitude of glass and ceramic jars lay scattered.

With a deft gesture, he selected a pair of tweezers, among many of differing

sizes, which once inserted inside a tiny jar produced an angrily buzzing,

yellow striped wasp, which he brought against the inner thigh of the bound

Warrior Queen. The angry insect stung her almost immediately, eliciting a brief

gasp. "She finds you irritating," snickered the aged man, and stuck the wasp

against her thigh again, and then again, a couple of times in quick succession.

Her gasps grew louder, but she could stand wasp stings.

The look in his eyes, however, told her that he knew that, and had more in

store. He replaced the wasp in its jar, only to produce a black, furry spider

about one inches across, musing "Maybe this one will like you better." After

savoring the fear in her eyes, he brought it against the soft flesh of her

underbelly. Her leg jerked as she cried at the stinging bite, and twitched as

the vicious pedipalps bit her again and again.

With a raptured expression, the old man dragged the angry spider down along

her leg, savoring each gasp and shriek, and then lingered under the left foot,

counting "One, two, three, ..." as each bite drew another scream. He then

picked up another spider, which bit her with unspent viciousness under the

right foot, and then his hands rose up her legs, slowly accompanied by her

hoarse cries as both spiders bit her mercilessly, nearing her crotch.

A cold fear gripped Kayleen at the thought of the spiders biting her down

there, and she bucked and twisted as his hands closed in, the bites landing in

her thighs, her plans now forgotten. But his hands reached there again, and

again she turned in her bonds to receive the assault anywhere but there. More

assaults followed, exhausting her to the point that she took a good while to

notice that he was no longer actually attempting to get her bitten, he was

just pretending to and enjoying the show.

With a gasping sigh, she let her taut muscles relax, praying between her lips

to gods whose beacon of hope brought no light there. "The show is not over,"

whispered the old Southerner, switching back to a wasp again. His skill with

the tweezers was amazing, and he seldom happened to squeeze one of his hand

picked specimens. She was almost relieved to see the spider go, but her relief

was short lived as he placed it behind one knee, and the soft flesh there

smarted under the sting. Replacing that wasp with a fresh pair, he snug one

under each foot, letting them take on their wrath on her soles as she tried to

stifle her cries.

The swarthy tormentor then procured another yellow striped wasp and brought it

against the tender flesh between her first and second toe, basking in her

surprised shriek and swiftly proceeding to repeat the operation between the

other toes in spite of her vain attempts to avoid his ministrations. After

declaiming "Not all feminine flesh was created equal," he brought a fresh

wasp against her left armpit, and then did the same on her right. Her attempts

at hiding her pain and fear were failing quickly; he was clearly targeting the

soft spots of the female body, and sting after sting reached the crease

between buttock and thigh, the ass cheeks, the navel, the flesh between the

fingers of each hand, the armpits and the lower belly.

Her fears came soon true as he brought a fresh wasp against the underside of

her right breast, wrenching a shriek from behind gritting teeth, and proceeded

to sting her proud mammary in tightening circles which betrayed his ultimate

target, trying to elicit from her a crescendo of screams as she writhed under

each sting in a vain attempt to escape the next. Another wasp was finally

let loose onto her nipple, but her screams were now hoarse and choked, as her

endurance was at the limit. Yet he proceeded to treat her other tit like the

first, each sting drawing less and less response, before suspending the

torment and freeing her from the ladder.

With help from Grod, the Southerner tied her ankle cuffs to chains winding

through pulleys which were then used to lift her off the floor, pulling her

basin up and splaying her legs wide, parallel to the floor, before cuffing her

elbows and her wrists together behind her and affixing both to a post hanging

from the ceiling, bending her in an arch which exposed her crotch and pushed

her full breasts forward and down.

She awakened while the old man was almost done rubbing a sort of jelly on the

wasp stings, but soon she shrieked in renewed pain as another yellow wasp was

brought against her labia, while his thumb started rubbing her love bud into a

more exposed position. This new position allowed her much less movement than

on the ladder, so the swarthy Southerner was able to place sting after sting

on her vulva, while she could only cry and shake her head. Her tormentor bid

his time, as she trembled in pain and fear, before delivering the dreaded

sting to her now throbbing clitoris, and paused intently before delivering the

next, and the others which followed among her anguished cries.

After finally returning his instrument to a jar, her tormentor uncovered with

a flourish a set of clear jugs, crawling with half-inch reddish ants. "Now we

introduce you to some new friends," he chuckled, drawing out one with a pair

of tweezers and letting her examine it up close before bringing it suddenly

against her nasal septum, which the mandibles promptly pinched as she gasped

in surprise and pain. The gasp turned into a shriek as the ant bent upwards to

sting her, just above the upper lip.

The swarthy man waited until the ant stung her again, then procured another

ant and let her mandibles sink into her left breast, followed by another on

her right breast, awaiting the unavoidable shriek before placing yet another

in her navel. The ants were clinching their mandibles tight on her flesh and

twisting them as they bent to sting, a sharp pain but no equal to the jolt

delivered each time they stung at random around the place they clung to. As

she hung there screaming, her tormentor clinched more ants to the front of her

thighs, her soles, her arms, her belly, one scream one ant, until she guessed

and stifled her cries in desperation, as if this could make him stop.

In spite of the dozens of ants hanging off her body, the Warrior Queen managed

to hold her wailing for a while, until her sensitive breast was stung again,

eliciting a strangled cry at which her tormentor promptly attached another ant

to her left nipple, already swollen from the wasp stings. Grinning as the

expected screech of agony allowed him to continue his game, he immediately

placed another on the right nipple. A howl of pain and despair left Kayleen's

mouth, but he bid is time until the next shriek, then hung one ant on each her

cunt lips, soon followed by one on the fold covering her love button.

Her cries of anguish turned into a screech of maddened pain as one of the ants

hanging off her vulva bent and stung her now exposed clitoris, and her

wailing turned to a howl as he hung yet another ant on the violated piece of

feminine flesh. She was now convulsing, which made the task of hanging two

more ants to her nipples considerably harder; her tormentor then leisurely

kneeled below her, to savor her body spasming in pain at each sting.

Finally, the old Southerner rose again and started pulling the ants off, each

one causing another screech as he turned and twisted to dislodge the fierce

jaws. He inspected with satisfaction the discolored spots where her body had

been assaulted by the yellow wasps, forming small turgid blisters which were

treated with more jelly. With help from Grod her slender body was lowered to

the floor and then suspended by her right ankle and left wrist, bending her

body backwards to tie the left ankle to her right wrist. A jug was brought to

her lips, the contents of which revived Kayleen from pain induced stupor

enough to let her eyes focus on the eight legged horror which the leering

Southerner held a few inches from her left breast.

Her mouth had just started forming a silent "No" when he brought it against

her tit, resulting in a convulsed twitch followed by a halted cry of anguish.

Spider bites were immediately and vastly more painful than wasp stings, whose

effect however mounted over time. "These were not done yet," he said turning

to the others, as he used one after another biting spider to savage her arms,

thighs and buttocks. He then paused, holding one near her panting chest until

she recognized it and attempted in vain to twist in mid air to get away.

Laughing softly, the robed executioner started chasing her as she turned and

twisted in mid air to avoid the twitching pedipalps, scoring a few bites on

her belly but reserving most for her panting breasts, in a dance of pain

punctuated by her desperate sobs and shrieks. As he moved his attentions to

her feminine parts, changing spiders again, she was allowed some pause between

each bite as her twists turned into twitches and her screams into gurgles, but

he spared her nothing, whispering "I am not done yet" whenever the spider bit

into her love bud and her world exploded in a howl of pain and despair.

As if even the malevolent deities which overlooked this place could feel

mercy, her suffering was finally suspended and the old man again treated her

wasp stings with the same cold jelly he had used before, which caused them to

soften and recede. At the back of her mind, she noticed that he was doing

nothing for the ant stings covering her battered body, but at the forefront

she was attempting to collect the tatters of her pride, dreading what was to

come as her morning resolve was now lost in a haze of pain and humiliation.

Apparently, her three tormentors had decided to take turns, because it was the

Easterner who stepped in and, with help from Grod, dragged her to a wooden

tank, where she was tied face down with iron bands at her waist and neck on a

wooden bench, while her ankles were cuffed to her wrists and her elbows were

also cuffed together, straining her shoulders. The Easterner tilted the bench,

and her head was plunged in the freezing cold water.

The cold actually revived her at first, clearing up her mind, but soon panic

overwhelmed her as her burning lungs screamed for air. When the bench was

tilted back, her gasping for fresh air turned into a shrill cry as the switch

wielded by the silent Easterner landed across her stung feet with a whistle.

The second stroke hit her under her toes, but the third gouged her right

breast in the pink areola just above the nipple, on a spider bite.

The imperturbable Easterner lambasted her tit again, hitting on an ant bite,

then as her chest rose in a vain attempt to stem his strikes switched to her

feet, leaving angry red stripes but drawing no blood. As the quick strikes

made her pant, the bench was tilted plunging her headlong into the tank again,

the impact with the cold water jarring enough to warrant a shriek which

bubbled in the water. She was kept under much longer, until lack of hair

caused her to trash in her bonds and gurgle, but when the bench was tilted

back and her mouth reached for air the switch landed on her feet, forcing her

to expel precious air in a cry instead of drawing it in, and then the bench

was tilted back immediately, her lungs unable to replenish her air supply.

The Warrior Queen's mind raced while her throat burned, in a stupor induced by

the lack of air, returning to ordeals of the previous day. Details flashed in

her memory, details which she could not pay attention to as they occurred but

were now within her grasp ... and disappeared when her head cleared the water

and the switch stroke her thigh, on a spider bite just under the buttock,

shooting pain through her heaving body which screamed for immediate attention.

The bench was plunged in the ice cold water again, denying her the fresh air

she desperately longed for, bubbles rising to the surface as she half drowned.

The bench was raised again, her blonde mane drenched in water flailing about

as the tendons on her neck almost burst in her efforts to keep the head above

the water and draw in some fresh air in spite of the savage strikes of the

switch at the stings over her exposed breasts. She could not scream and

breathe at the same time, and this was what made this torture so devious.

Her breathing over time turned to a wheeze, and as her head was kept

underwater her body was wracked by choking spasms, water drowning her

piecemeal as her only chance to expel it was through screams. Her feet were

now crisscrossed by purple bruises, and the her tormentor had taken to

switching her swollen nipples instead. The cycle of drowning and lambasting

repeated itself while her mind span in circles, chasing a detail which

eluded her as each whistle heralded another wave of pain.

The bench was tilted again, and her head went under once more, water filling

her tired mouth still open from her latest scream, and burning in her throat

desperately gasping for air. When the bench rose, her pale face contorted in a

mask of pain as the switch hit her trashed nipple again, forcing her to scream

and splutter in spite of all her efforts.

Her tormentor put her down immediately and selected a meaner switch, which he

used on her soles after raising the bench, tearing the bruised skin, the

resulting spasm of her wracked body helping her cough out some water from her

bursting lungs. He alternated the new switch with the old when striking her

nipples, then after a number of strikes he dropped the old and used the new

one on her nipples also. Kayleen's lungs were on fire, her body bluish and

shivering, her shoulders ached because of her vain efforts to raise her head

off the tank, her nipples were purplish and swollen and yet the wry Easterner

tilted the bench again, and kept her under.

When she came to, she was hanging upside down from a rod snug under her cuffed

knees, her elbows shackled together behind her and her wrists chained to her

ankles, bending her backward. A smaller tank opened below her, apparently just

the mouth of a deep pit in the floor. Her eyes went to her tormentor's hands,

which no longer held a humble switch, but grasped a four feet, wicked cane.

With a sudden clanking, her aching body was dropped head first into the pit,

impacting the water with surprising force, and she was unprepared she found

herself gasping for air again. She started choking, although in this position

water did not flood her mouth, and at length she was finally pulled up, her

dread of the wicked cane not materializing as she was allowed to breathe

unmolested and even take a deep breath before being dunked again.

While she held her breath, an atrocious pain shot through her when the cane

smacked against her right tit, forcing her to scream in bubbles and expel her

precious air, letting water in. The cane then stroked the front of her left

thigh, with similar effect, and then struck full force across her ribcage,

just under her breasts, savaging the ant-bitten flesh there and forcing her to

waste her last gasps in a scream while water filled her nostrils. In spite of

her buckling and trashing, she was pulled up only after half a dozen strikes

later, her eyes injected with blood and water spurting from her mouth.

"Next time longer," stammered the Easterner, although the Warrior Queen was

apparently not paying much attention. He let her gather some breath, but then

dunked her again and slashed the cane across her taut stomach, preventing her

from holding her breath, and then on the soles of her feet, drawing blood but

concentrating on the bubbles in the water, gauging the time for each strike at

her arms and then counting those on her lower back and buttocks, her body

contorting and buckling deliciously but unable to bring her head above water.

Only he could bring her fresh air again, which he did only after caning first

her left and then her right breast, targeting the ant stings in their exposed

lower halves because the nipples had taken a real beating before and he wanted

to save them for later. She was now expelling water in sobbing gasps, and he

attempted to gauge her resolve, dismayed to notice that not only there was

still fight in her, but she had somehow recovered.

He cut her respite short and dropped her in the water again, submerging her to

her ribcage, and started caning the front of her thighs. Kayleen's mind was

drowning in a watery mayhem of pain as her exhausted lungs desperately

attempted to draw in air and water filled them instead. The cane had moved to

her ass cheeks, and then visited her feet again, her screams lost in bubbles

as she dropped any pretense of stifling them.

He raised her, but her hope was immediately shattered as he just caned her now

exposed breasts without giving her the fresh air she agonized for, at least

not before half a dozen strikes at the stings on her generously proportioned

globes. Unlike the switch, the cane tore the skin, and she was now bleeding

from a number of welts, many of which across her still proud breasts.

She was dunked again and again, each time prolonging her dunking for one or

two additional strikes of the cane, the ache in her knees steadily increasing

as they bore her weight without interruption, her flesh turning pale and then

blue as air deprivation took her toll, yet reddening under the cane and the

drops of blood from her torn skin. The brunt of the assault landed on her feet

and her cramping abdomen, her muscles on fire in the effort to breathe.

Strangely enough, she did not pass out, so when she was finally lowered from

her position, gasping for air, the Warrior Queen recovered some semblance of

resolve as she caught a comment from Grod, "Impressive. Her endurance and

willpower are unmatched in my experience." Her mind cleared somewhat, and as

they wrapped iron bands around her torso, the detail which had been haunting

her became obvious: they were doing their best not to kill her. It was not

just keeping her alive until she talked; as they cuffed her arms along her

sides, she vaguely recollected her wounds being treated last night, as if

after a combat, to prevent festering. They fed her food, liquid food, maybe

honey and herbs. There was some ulterior motive behind Zhorun's actions.

Her mind returned to her current predicament as she was pulled by chains

cuffed at her ankles and brought over the accursed pit again. Her torso was

tightly encased in iron bands connected by rods all around her, her arms tied

along her sides, meaning she was essentially unable to move or bend from her

waist up to her neck. Her legs, on the other hand, were half spread, not

painfully but enough for a caning of her private parts. She sighed. At the

end, her tormentors ended up always targeting the same spots.

She was not surprised when her head was lowered into the cold water again, and

did not protest when no cane landed on her body. As time passed by, however,

the almost familiar burning in her lungs appeared and mounted, with no other

torture forthcoming, "Just dunk me to exhaustion ?" she mused to herself. As

her air supply dwindled, she could not help but kick with her legs, hoping

they would notice and raise her, but nothing happened. In panic, by chance,

she found out that pushing her legs wider she could raise herself up, so she

put all her strength in her legs and opened them wider, managing to pull

herself up enough to take a breath.

As she replenished her air supply, her muscles started to ache under the

strain, and she had to let herself under again. She held her breath as long as

possible, then repeated her feat, her thigh muscles flexing like steel cords

as they lifted her to breathe again. She could imagine the sick bastards

leering at the show, above, but for now that was all they would gain from her.

Her mind examined her options, as a shorter time underwater would mean less

strain but more frequent exertions, when pain exploded in her crotch and her

legs gave, dropping her into the water as her breath turned into a scream.

She held the little breath she had, dreading the cane she could not see, but

as time passed her lungs screamed for air and she had to push against her

ankle cuffs against, raising herself up again to draw an anxious breath which

turned into a strangled cry when the cane landed on the tender flesh of her

left thigh, dropping her in the water, again and far too soon for her burning

lungs. She was soon forced to pull herself up again, but this time her unseen

tormentor bid his time. She strenuously pushed against the chains, breathing in

short gasps as fear gripped her, but nothing happened until she let herself

down into the water.

A split second thereafter, as her thighs burned because of the prolonged

effort, the cane landed on her crotch, her air supply bubbling away in a

silent underwater scream, immediately followed by a strike on her left thigh

and another on her right as she twisted her pelvis attempting to get away from

the swings she could not see coming. Her tormentor was lambasting the very

muscles she used to lift herself off the water, although on occasion he landed

a few blows elsewhere.

Pain wracked her when she had to pull herself up again, and even when the cane

landed on her breasts her thighs turned from ache to agony, as their strained

muscles had to bear her weight again. Her stay underwater was becoming shorter

and shorter, but still she found the strength to lift herself up each time,

only to meet the cane. Blood dripped from her torn skin, pooling between her

legs and flowing down her caged chest, but the real pain was in her agonizing

thigh muscles and the dwindling air supply in her lungs.  When she was finally

released, unable to lift herself up again, her lower half was a canvas of

bloody welts, an accursed testimony to the endurance of her fit body.

She welcomed her release from the bands around her chest, until her eyes

focused on the hairy forearm unlocking them and traced it up Grod's determined

countenance. Fear gripped her as he brought her under a a waist band hanging

off a chain from above, clinched it around her, cuffed her wrists and ankles

to rings set in the floor, then pulled on the other end of the chain until her

slender limbs cleared the ground, suspending her spreadeagled in mid air, face

up. Her eyes left the ceiling to follow him around and bulged as he fetched a

table where dozens of pliers of mixed sizes and shapes were neatly arranged.

He took a midsized pair and without much ado seized her left nipple, already

ravaged by stings, switch and cane, keeping his grip until her hiss turned to

a gasping cry and then to a veritable howl, which he unflinchingly protracted

before releasing her punished flesh. The Warrior Queen would later find her

observations confirmed in the fact that the jaws were sheathed in wood, but at

the moment Kayleen could only sob in despair at the ordeal lying ahead of her.

He selected another, larger pair and sank it in her forearm, twisting and

pulling at her marked flesh as her head shook in agony, and then repeated his

assault all over her arms, her fists clenching as her muscles were torn by the

wooden bite. Dread overwhelmed her again when he moved between her legs, as

the pliers bit into her calves and then assailed her thighs, the muscles still

burning from her exertions twisted and knotted under the unyielding jaws.

She yowled in pain as he selected a small yet massive pair and grabbed her

toe, tightening his grip almost to the point of crushing it only to release it

and move to her next toe, then the next, slowly turning toe after toe to

molten rods of searing pain. Her ass cheeks were not spared, as a pair of wide

pliers bit into their firm flesh repeatedly as she bucked in a vain attempt to

escape the wooden tormentors. She was already hoarse, and the pliers could be

applied for extended periods with little actual damage, so Grod worked almost

without interruption, hurting her even in places she had forgotten about.

Of course he also tormented her in places she was painfully aware of, such as

her battered private parts, letting his grip linger on as she screamed herself

hoarse and pain numbed her mind. Kayleen twisted in her restraints as the

pliers grabbed her left labia again, but his muscular hands twisted in the

opposite direction forcing her to turn around, always a step behind as he

reversed his twist without releasing her mauled flesh.

She found a little respite when he switched to a set of large pliers which he

applied under the base of her left breast, cupping it before the grip

tightened and her firm tit bulged, squeezed agonizingly by the relentless jaws

of the hellish instrument. He subsequently applied it to her other tit, slowly

turning it left and right, and then with a pair in each hand returned to her

other breast and applied them both, twisting back and forth in opposite

directions as she howled and gasped, bereft a mercy which would not come.

The relentless torture continued without interruption as he switched from one

breast to another, then Kayleen was given some respite as he moved between her

legs with a pair of pliers in each hand, each with a short handle and wide

jaws made to crush a woman's nether lips. He literally lifted her higher up by

pulling on her lips, letting her fall back painfully, repeatedly, but in spite

of the devastating pain she neither fainted nor failed her friend.

When her torturer lowered her on the floor she just lied on her back, still

spreadeagled, whimpering and moaning, but she was dragged to the post where

the Southerner had ravaged her with his rollers but yesterday, and she was

tied in the same fashion, arms above the post and legs painfully bent outwards

at the knee, her pelvis pushed forward by a wooden wedge. The eyes of her

tormentor locked into hers, and he slowly showed her a pair of pincers, pliers

whose narrow wooden head had untapped depths of pain in store for her. He knew

that showing the victim what would befall her next could be very effective.

As she shook her head, he moved behind her and pinched the flesh between her

middle and ring finger, pain shooting from the crushed wasp sting sending her

head banging against the post as drool burst from her mouth in a yowl of

despair at the never-ending inventiveness of her assembled tormentors. Instead

of pinching between her fingers again, he moved immediately to her front and

closed the pincers on the fold over her love bud, twisting it as she gasped

and screamed her lungs out, then pinched her left nipple as bile gurgled in

her mouth, already beyond screaming as the pincer heads savaged the flesh

which had been stung, bitten and caned without mercy all over the day.

Yet he moved the pincers back to her love bud, and then to her other nipple,

and repeated the pattern a few times over before moving to her foot and

pinching the flesh between her toes, the renewed pain no respite for her

screaming throat but intended to prevent her from being overwhelmed. With a

pair of ordinary pliers in the right hand and the pincers in the left, he

moved back to her vulva, grabbing and pulling with the pliers to close the

pincers on the distended flesh where the discolored stings and spider bites

could be easily seen.

Kayleen's eyes were clenched shut, her beautiful face contorted in an

uninterrupted scream which no longer resonated in the chamber but gurgled in

her throat, her head shaking and the blonde mane drenched in sweat and drool.

Grod pulled savagely at her love button with a pair of pliers, pulling it out

from under its hood, and pinched it, the heads closing over a sting. She had

to be broken now, now that her voice rose again from the depth of the hell he

was subjecting her to, and even the robed Zhorun closed in as his unyielding

grip brought her to new heights of agony and each twist elicited a howl which

should have cracked the chamber open.

Even her incredible endurance had to end at some point, yet Grod was acutely

aware that she was not yielding yet. He did not fancy killing his Master's

prize before his eyes without obtaining what was wanted from her, and the girl

had already taken an unbelievable amount of punishment, although damage had

been limited as much as possible. Yet the pliers, among all methods, were the

least likely to kill her, although a heart attack was always possible.

He released her bud and grabbed the left nipple, again pulling at it and then

pinching it where a sting could be seen, listening to her screams and howls as

he twisted his hellish instruments, alert to any telltale of collapse. Kayleen

would have welcomed a heart attack, but her strong, fit body was enduring the

punishment better than even her tormentor could fathom, a quality which she

had been proud of in the past, but was now proving her undoing.

Grod, stymied at the lack of progress, switched to her inner thighs, then her

armpits, attempting a change of pace, but when no progress resulted returned

his ministrations to her nipples and bud. No woman could withstand the torment

of her feminine charms forever, so he concentrated on them to the exclusion of

everything else. His victim, however, was sliding into oblivion, cold water

notwithstanding, and his unrelenting pulling and twisting was no longer being

felt in full. He called her, breaking a long tradition of keeping absolutely

silent while inflicting torment in order to increase the victim's sense of

isolation and helplessness, but to no avail.

Kayleen was released from the post against Grod's better judgment, delirious

and barely conscious, her mind probably unhinged by the unrelenting pain. The

empty eye sockets under Zhorun's cape studied her silently, but Grod could not

fathom what was in his Master's mind as he brought the tall girl to iron

stocks hanging from the ceiling, locking wrists and ankles to the stocks, face

down, her back bent backwards, her legs open for more torture. Repeated

application of smelling salts brought her back to consciousness with a sob.

"Tell us what we want, and be done with it," said Grod, almost moved to mercy

at her suffering. Or so she thought, as no human being could be unmoved before

her ordeal. She drank from a jug brought to her mouth. Still shaking from pain

and despair, she uttered "Lyral ..." before catching herself and lowering her

head, sobbing and coughing. Another pair of pliers was brought under her eyes

then; their wooden jaws had been rasped and hacked raw.

A soft "No" left her lips, then another, sobbing "No" died in a whisper as the

girl hanging in pain closed her eyes. Maybe, if she had begged, Grod would

have spared her this. The question became moot as the pliers closed around her

midsection, gnawing at her punished flesh with wooden jaws which rasped and

splintered on each twist and pull. She had her voice again, and she let it be

heard, her wail lasting well beyond the bite of the bloodstained pliers and

blending into the shriek which followed the assault on her forearm, the first

in a sequence apparently meant to leave no spot of her arms untouched.

Buckling and twitching in her suspension, Kayleen withstood the subsequent

mauling of her bent legs, the chain rattling whenever she jerked in pain and

screamed her lungs out, her attempts to clench her thighs easily foiled as

their inside became his next target; his expert hand avoided the places where

blood vessels could be cut, but nothing else was spared.

The raw jaws of the pliers could tear the skin and draw blood, although deep

wounds were not a possibility, so Grod started alternating their use with the

use of the pincers as he did not want her to bleed into unconsciousness. He

targeted her back, the pincers lifting a fold of flesh which the pliers would

then maul repeatedly, and then carried through her taut buttocks, although

they were somewhat difficult to reach.

As her buckling receded, he pinched her love bud and squeezed her left tit at

the same time, lest she slid away from his ministrations, then moved to the

right tit while keeping the pincers closed on her feminine flesh, alert to

changes in her hoarse screaming which had to occur sooner or later.

But his victim was defying him, even as he used rasped pliers on both her

nipples, hanging his full weight to them and scouring her nipples as her

breasts distended into twin cones of searing pain, even as he repeated the

feat again and again, even as he repeated it on her labia and subsequently

alternated nipple and labia, even as he put all his weight under the pliers

scouring her clitoris and jerked repeatedly, lying under her battered body now

marked all over by bloody bruises of his own doing, her tears dripping into

his face as her heart rending howls echoed fitfully in the chamber.

His determination shaken, the torturer carried on his grisly task as if in a

dream, fetching pincers and pliers, targeting other areas of her body, going

through the motions of a script he no longer belonged to. Her pain subsided,

her physical limits again close at hand, her wailing turning to spent moans as

she wandered into unconsciousness, but somehow, before darkness swept over

her, Kayleen could sense, from his very hands, that doubt was creeping into

her tormentor.

Chapter 4 - Of Things Present

Kayleen cried bitterly unto the darkness of the chamber deep below the ruins

of Zhorun's castle, as her precarious balance shifted and the coarse ropes

chafed her. Some wound tightly around her forearms, bringing her elbows

impossibly close together. Her legs were also tightly tied together from ankle

to knee, a tight rope wound around her waist, and her body was encased in a

pattern of crisscrossing ropes which seemed to serve no purpose.

More rope coiled around her generously proportioned and now bulging breasts,

and four more ropes had been savagely tightened across her crotch, her love

bud protruding between the inner two and her nether lips trapped alongside.

Her kidneys rested on a stout wedge, raising her midsection and anchoring the

ropes binding her so that she could not roll away.

Rest would not come easy in her torturous position, but she was exhausted

after her ordeal, so the Warrior Queen had time to ponder her recollections.

They had cleaned her, as she had soiled herself during the torture, treated

her wounds, fed her, but then left her like this. "It makes no sense." she

thought, "Why feed me if I am to be broken through exhaustion ?"

She woke up, after slipping into unconsciousness, because of something above

her lip. An itch at first, turning into a rash where the first ant had stung

her. She started writhing in panic, and in a matter of minutes it was all over

her body. She could not see them, but the skin was blistering where the ants

had stung her, and where the coarse rope ground into them, the blisters hurt

fiercely. The purpose of the crisscrossed ropes now revealed, she wailed in

despair, a drawn out "Nooo" which was soon punctuated by gasps and cries as

she was no longer able to keep still and her love bud started feeling the

consequences, the harbinger of what would happen when the stings on her

feminine parts started blistering under the bite of the knots.

The footsteps arrived well after that. As nobody had been present, she had

felt no compunction in screaming her lungs out, and now it was too late to

recover the tatters of her pride, the sane corner of her mind dreading the

forthcoming torture session, fearing this would be the one where she would

betray her friends, her subjects, anything to stop the pain.

Grod removed the cords, with some difficulty because of her uninterrupted

twitching, allowing her to relax her arms and legs, then picked her up and

laid her on a table where she cuffed her ankles, one by one, to a roller and

then her wrists, still one by one, to another. She was doused with cold water,

and woke up, still itching fiercely because of the blisters but free from the

ropes, on a massive, ominous rack.

In a corner of her mind, Kayleen remembered what she had sensed last evening

and sought his eyes, but the burly executioner now wore a mask of cold

determination and immediately started cranking the rack, skipping his habit of

showing the victim what would befall her. The device soon caught up all slack

in her body, and she felt the cuffs tighten around her ankles and wrists, but

no real pain. She saw the leering man from the South salivating at her taut

body, still a feast for the eyes from the magnificent legs, her slender

thighs, her taut midriff, her sculpted ribs, to the proud, full breasts which

had regained their delectable shape.

Before cranking the device again, Grod shifted gear, each turn of the crank

now the equivalent of a inch. It was inch by inch, then, that she started to

feel the tug of the machine, and a few cranks brought dread in her as her body

started to protest. The executioner shifted gear again, and then cranked some

more, until pain shot through her body from her shoulder and hip joints and

her scream rose under the vaults of the torture chamber.

The torturer locked the device and inspected her, suddenly aware that he had

been negligent; two or three cranks at this setting would have broken her

spine. He had to suppress his gnawing urge to be done with the matter, and get

back his former self. Never before had a prisoner wrought doubt into his

determination, never had a prisoner failed to break under his ministrations.

He reversed the device, her cry of relief heavy on him, and shifted gears

again, at a setting which allowed minute adjustments. He brought the device

back to normal and started cranking, letting his eyes wander on her shapely

form as it elongated under the tug of the rack.

The moment of respite was too brief for the Warrior Queen to achieve anything

but gathering the shreds of her resolve, and soon the rack started delivering

its due. The unrelenting chafing on her wrists and ankles deepened, and the

tug at her arms increased to a dull ache. A few more cranks turned the ache

into searing pain, her legs also on fire, her ribcage sunken as her spine

distended. The old Southerner enjoyed the sight of her stretched body

immensely, feasting on the leaning muscles stretching like cords of flesh

inside her taut arms and thighs.

His disgusting gaze incensed the Warrior Queen, bringing her to stifle the

scream about to escape from her lips as more cranks added to her agony. There

was blood on her wrists and ankles now, and she breathed in short gasps as the

stretching took its toll on her diaphragm, but an insane determination grew

inside to her not let that pig enjoy her screams any longer. She hissed and

bit her lip, cursing under her breath, a new blazing in her joints telling her

that the rack had been cranked again.

Her tormentor noticed her new resolve, and reversed the device, loosening it

one notch in the hope of surprising her with the unexpected pain of release,

but she jerked her head against the table and kept her cries behind clenched

teeth. The release lasted mere moments, then the rack was cranked back one

notch, followed by another, and a renewed fire rose from her hip joints and

elbows, rising above the gnawing pain along her spine and even the agony at

her wrists and ankles. The rack was briefly reversed again, and then cranked

two more notches as her jaw set strenuously to stifle her anguished scream.

Now that she fought him, Grod was finding his old self again. He released her

again, two notches this time, in order to build up dread when he would later

crank her two notches again. Her body was drenched in sweat, her breasts

heaved fitfully under the exertion, her ankles and wrists had been chafed raw,

but she did not scream any more. One more notch, and then he inspected her as

she trembled under the incredible pain and tension, to make sure she could

take what he had in store for her. He shifted gear before reversing the device

once, releasing a whole inch of agonizing elongation with a single crank.

Her body snapped like a rag doll, her limbs jerking, her face contorted in

agony and the beginning of a shriek rose from her throat, trailing off as she

found the will to silence it. He inspected her again, his hands testing for

sprains and dislocations, and then one at a time replaced her cuffs with

padded, wider cuffs made for the rack. The old man from the South sneered

"Moved, Grod ? Luxury cuffs for your Whore Queen, no less." compelling him to

retort "If I leave these on, I might as well let her slit her wrists. You can

put them back later on your turn, if you like them better."

During this brief respite, the Warrior Queen remembered how she had conceived

a plan, last morning, to put the divisions between her tormentors to her

advantage. She clinged to that nugget of hope as the rack was cranked up again

and ache mounted in her joints, her wrists and ankles still tearing but no

longer bleeding. After a brief pause for shifting gear, Grod cranked her notch

after notch up to where she had been before the pause, occasionally reversing

the rack to add the pain of release to her misery. He then fetched a pair of

tweezers, moved besides her body, and plucked a blonde hair from her mound.

Her gasp of surprise was about to turn into a scream as her thigh muscles

reacted by attempting to contract in spite of the pull of the rack, but she

caught herself and stifled it, her fists clenching spasmodically. He plucked

another, then a couple more before cranking the device another notch. Her

stretched body glistened with perspiration, and the tweezers pulled a curl,

her voice rasping in a strangled breath as she twitched in spite of herself.

He released her one notch and fetched a leather harness, consisting of a pair

of straps which wrapped around her body from shoulders to groin. Winding them

under her back was agonizing, each pull reverberating in her bones and

wrenching a stifled cry from her laboring lungs, but the straps would absorb

some of the tug of the rack, preserving her spine at the expense of her hip

and shoulder joints. A property which she could testify to when the rack was

cranked again, and her joints howled as if shot through by needles of fire.

The straps tightened around each side of the vulva, and he considered

squeezing one of the many angry blisters there, but he liked his technique

better so he just pulled at more pubic hair with the tweezers. She was

released one notch and then cranked up two, each time the pain increasing even

as she thought that it could not get worse, and then the tweezers pulled at

her pubic hair again. And again, a few hairs at a time but unrelentingly. Her

pain was now uninterrupted and she was beyond herself, clinging to a single

simple thought in a gulf of searing white agony, "I will not scream."

She failed when the rack was again released a full inch, as release wrought

havoc on her inhumanly stretched muscles and ligaments, the snap reverberating

through her innermost being as a shrill cry rose from her fatigued lungs, her

will not up to the task of suppressing it. Then dread engulfed her when she

heard the device being cranked again and the tension returned, her mouth

forming a begging "No" which in a supreme effort she managed to turn silent,

but only up to when a curl of hair was wrenched from her pubis.

With devilish patience, her torturer plucked her blonde bush curl by curl,

releasing and cranking back the rack now and again, keeping her on the edge of

agonies beyond human endurance. Enough of her resolve was still with her to

turn gut-wrenching cries into hissing gasps, but she occasionally vented her

anguish in fitful, inarticulated screams. Half of her mound had been plucked

raw when Grod suspended the torture, to allow her pounding heart to recover.

On her bed of agony, Kayleen wished his fingers never got away from her throat

in astonishment at the speed of her recovery, but they did, and soon the rack

was cranked again and fire shot through her limbs, blotting out the chafing

from the leather straps and even the fire at her ankles and wrists. Again the

accursed tweezers wrenched a curl of pubic hair from her mound, her hips still

attempting to buckle in spite of the agonies wrought by each attempt. Her

flesh, under the sheen of perspiration, was hot to the touch and her stretched

muscles bulged below the taut skin.

The calloused hands of her tormentor closed on her left leg, the fingers

searching for her tendons. She incongruously thought of when she had her

muscles massaged after exercise, but realization hit her on a wave of pain and

she screamed, her resolve shattered by the blazing agony from her limb, the

fiendish massage straining her muscles instead of soothing them. The old man

from the South had moved beside her, transfixed as her magnificent body

writhed in spite of the unbearable tension, drops of his drool landing on her

contorted visage as he could not help but close his hands on her breasts.

The old fart was shooed away by Grod, who had to extend over her in order to

grip her right forearm, but when she realized their nature those drops burned

into her to the point of letting her forget the hellish agonies she was

undergoing and recover at least some of her determination. Not enough,

however, to still her cry as Grod strained her flexor muscle. "I cannot stand

any more of this." she said to herself, but Grod gripped her right thigh and

started digging hard fingers in the muscles bulging on its inside, agony

following their trail until he managed to strain them also. He did the same to

her left arm, turning her powerful biceps into a bundle of blazing pain.

When the tweezers pulled a hair from her mound again, a hitherto unmatched

hell descended on her, as the slightest attempt at moving under the

unrelenting pull of the rack went though at least two opposing strained

muscles. Unbelievably, the pain increased as he plucked hair after hair, at a

rate which would protract her suffering beyond the boundaries of sanity, and

subsided only when he at last stopped.

Her eyes shut in misery, Kayleen heard him close by and barely stifled a jerk

of surprise as his gloved hand started rubbing a cold, oily ointment onto her

hot skin, starting under her ribcage and extending to her torso. There was

nothing soothing in the creepy substance, and when the first savage cramp rose

in her ribs she wailed in despair at this new cruelty.

Her throat could no longer contain her agony, and she screamed and screamed as

his fingers dug hard in her chest, pulling and twisting until she howled to

high heaven as first one and then another pectoral muscle was strained. The

ointment was causing spasmodic cramps in her chest, every breath a torment as

if all her ribs had been broken at once. And he plucked another hair.

In spite of the unrelenting pain she still attempted, in vain, to hide her

terror and cling to some of her former dignity. Grod released the device two

notches, wrenched a curl of blonde hair from her half raw mound, then cranked

it back one notch and plucked her pubic hair again. She had to be brought back

notch by notch, or she would risk permanent damage.

"Not yet." a cold voice commanded. It had been his Master for a long time, but

Grod hesitated before releasing the device one notch and cranking it once and

then twice. Impossible as it was, her screams rose higher, and she kept

screaming as he again released the rack one notch and then cranked it twice,

alert to the popping sound of some joint dislocating. It didn't happen, but he

would not risk another notch, and kept wrenching curl after curl from her

mound, not releasing her until it was plucked raw.

She was released from the rack one notch at a time, and when she was finally

free the old Southerner had her brought to a pillory, since she was unable to

walk on her own. She was put on her knees, the cuffs at her wrists and ankles

were locked onto the device and an iron band was savagely tightened around her

waist and pulled up with a chain from the ceiling, exposing her firm buttocks

to the lewd gaze of the old Southerner.

He placed on the pillory, under her stomach, a case containing a collection of

what she took some time to recognize as ... cucumbers, as if expecting her to

be afraid of them. The incongruity of the situation was such that she giggled,

and then laughed aloud, although briefly because of the rib cramps.

"She's not impressed, Hadrad." mocked Grod, and the swarthy Southerner fully

understood the insult to his virility. He eyed his victim and seemed at a loss

about what do to next, then sat behind her and picked a smallish cucumber from

the case, her upside down face puzzled as he showed it to her. "We start

small." he said, and pushed it into her exposed anus.

She cried in protest and dismay at this violation, but soon pain tinged her

voice as her sphincter was painfully distended. Her tormentor started to twist

the implement left and right within her, then rose and pulled it out, only to

push it back a heartbeat later, sending a wave of pain through her loins.

"Wet already. She likes it." mockingly proclaimed the old pig, his fingers

probing her private parts. "It's not true!" she protested in her mind,

speechless at his lewdness and furiously looking for a way to denounce his

falsehood. "To whom ?" it occurred to her, her cheeks burning in humiliation

at her degradation at the hands of this scum.

He thrust the implement into her ass again, exerting his full force, and

started pumping the intruder into her steadily, her broken voice wailing on

each push as her ass was being ravaged. He stopped when the cucumber had lost

most of its shape and consistency, her voice trailing into sobs of despair,

but quickly procured another and violated her ass again, over and over,

without interruption, until his arm tired and he sat panting behind her.

"You should like this one better." said her robed tormentor after recovering,

pushing a larger specimen into her vagina, savoring her outraged gasp before

twisting it and pulling it out. "But it does not belong there." he chuckled,

and brought it against the rosette of her anus. Her eyes widened in fear at

the girth of the implement, and then shut in pain as it tore through her by

force, its knobs and ridges searing her sphincter.

Pulling it out entailed substantial twisting and exertion, and each attempt to

push it back in met with the same resistance met on the first, so he could not

pump her with this one like he had with the previous. With an evil grin, he

started smearing it with something whose smell Kayleen could not pinpoint, and

on the next assault the implement slid in with a sickly sound.

"You already forgot Grod's ointment, my dear ?" cackled the old pig's voice,

and horror froze her face as she recognized the smell. "It works best if the

muscles are exerting, so let's put them to work," he said, pumping the

implement back and forth with sadistic glee as she cried in pain and fear, his

ear ready for the howl of despair which rose at the first savage cramp from

muscles which rarely cramped over the course of a lifetime. His lustful glee

bore the promise of many others, and he fulfilled it in earnest.

She regained consciousness on the stone floor, moments before being dragged to

a post consisting of a cross beam atop a pole. Her elbows were cuffed behind

her and tied to the post, the beam nested under her shoulders and her wrists

cuffed to the base of the post, while her legs were doubled under her thighs

with the ankles cuffed to iron bands encasing the thighs at the hip. An iron

band was clinched around her waist.

Her position would have been uncomfortable under ordinary circumstances, but

was almost unbearable for her racked body, as it put most of her weight on her

strained pectoral muscles, bringing her to tears in a few minutes. This was

not enough for her swarthy tormentor, however, who fetched from his case a

bundle of dried, one inch thick stalks, twisted clockwise over themselves into

a grotesque hybrid of a male member and a corkscrew.

The fat pig drooled as she twisted in her restraints, attempting to prevent

him from penetrating her with the hideous implement, and when she screamed as

it entered her, the swarthy Southerner bent back his head and joined his cry

of triumph to her agonized howls. The device had thicker stalks at the bottom,

and they were coarsely wound, so to penetrate her he twisted it left and

right, its ridges and grooves alternating in tearing at the ring of her

vagina, and pushed it upwards, deeper into her, impaling for a torturous

moment the full weight of her body on the ever widening bundle.

He kept pushing up and deeper, screwing the horrendous device into her with

each push, until a blood-curling howl told him that the head had reached the

cervix, at which he paused before pulling it down with full force. The grooves

rushed out of her stretched cunt with sickly popping sounds, inaudible among

the fitful, horrified screams of his victim. He paused until her cries turned

to sobs, and then pushed up again, savoring her cry of despair.

He kept pushing, pausing in between to twist it in earnest, until her cervix

was hit again, but instead of pulling it out he pushed it up, her scream

echoing under the vaults of the torture chamber. Each time he pushed it up, he

pushed it against her cervix one more time, counting aloud. Visibly aroused by

her suffering, he started licking her breasts as he pushed up and biting a

nipple each time he pushed down.

Disgust and loathing did not, unlike in the recent past, give back to Kayleen

some vestige of her former resolve. She was starting to slide, her pride

shattered, her will collapsing. Words came to her mouth, incoherent words

which immediately turned to screams, and even the muscles made to deliver a

child started to tear in places, blood trickling on her trembling thighs.

"Now for some medicine." he cackled, pulling the bundle completely out and

fisting her with his own gloved hand, smearing the cold ointment causing

muscle cramps on her cunt walls and lips. The ointment was only effective on

muscles undergoing exertion, so her torture resumed and the implement was

quickly thrust up deep into her, then yanked down in a single, uninterrupted

pull punctuated by Kayleen's desperate, spasmodic screams.

The repeated exertion after some time achieved the intended effect, and her

love channel was wracked by the first in a series of savage cramps which added

their misery to her ravishment at the hands of the grotesque implement,

shooting through her loins as her tormentor had taken into pushing it up with

savage knee thrusts and pulling it down by leaning on it with his full body

weight. Her wracked body jerked and buckled, the rekindled torments of the

rack in her limbs a quibble before the relentless tearing at her cramped

vaginal muscles, spasmodically clenching and distending as the grooves and

ridges of the hellish bundle rushed up and down as she screamed her lungs out.

Denied the blessing of unconsciousness, her torment continued until it became

apparent that its effectiveness was dwindling, and only then she was given

some respite, fed the usual syrupy liquid and freed from the post. Bitterness

engulfed her at the thought of her morning resolutions, because at present she

was not even able to walk by herself, and despair descended upon her as her

tormentor cuffed her wrists to an iron bar hanging from the ceiling and pulled

her ankles up to cuff them to the same bar, the limbs immediately aching as

the lewd position pulled at her racked muscles.

"It is not right to let an old man do all the work for you." leered her

tormentor, pressing the head of a dried cucumber onto her sphincter. A number

of grooves had been carved into its girth, and the resulting ridges had been

wickedly crenelated. As he pushed it, her sphincter distended on encountering

each ridge until the crenelations dug their way trough the stretched muscle,

which sent her gasping even as his push was almost gentle, and then contracted

onto the subsequent groove. Her dread found immediate confirmation when he

smeared on it some of the accursed ointment, which would soon make the

squeezing as painful as childbirth.

When the device was in place at last, he circled her and started tightening a

knotted cord around her left breast, followed by another around the right

breast. More rope was wrapped around her chest to connect the tight breast

cords to each other. He then moved between her legs and produced another dried

cucumber, carved like the one in her ass but frightening in girth and length,

to the point of wrenching a whispered "No" from her lips for the first time

after days of relentless torture.

Enjoying himself immensely, the lewd Southerner pushed the horrid implement

into her vagina, forcefully, enjoying her inarticulate pleas, hoping that she

would not break just now. When it was over, Kayleen hung from the iron bar,

sobbing and crying softly, afraid of looking at her torturer who was tying a

rope from the device tormenting her ass to a ring in a vertical wooden board

about two feet from her groin, and subsequently did the same with the one in

her womb. The Southerner then circled her and wound the loose ends of the

cords encircling her breasts around an overhead pulley.

"Now you do the work." he said, pulling her by the cords around her breasts

and swinging her forcefully away from the post, until the cords running to the

implements in her orifices were pulled taut, yanking both of them almost half

the way out, drawing a shrill cry as the muscles ringing both were torn

through by the onrushing grooves and ridges.

As her tormentor let his end of the breast cords loose, her momentum inverted

and she swung groin first into the post, impaling both dried implements into

her passages with a sickly thud. A spasmodic scream surged from her throat and

turned into despair, as he was already pulling at her breast cords again.

The relentless tearing of the hellish implement soon sent cramps wracking

through her body again, and the stretched muscles strained, first her

sphincter and then her cunt, her screams desperate enough to crack open the

walls of the torture chamber. Her innards were bleeding, droplets scattering

on each thud against the wooden post, her cervix swollen within her.

She hung there, mad with pain, a helpless young woman at the mercy of a

sadistic pig, her name forgotten, her pride lost, but still at the heart of

her soul willing to stand between a fate like hers and her innocent friend.

"I won't!" she gurgled, "I won't betray her." A cramp savaged her insides, and

she howled, "You heard me, monsters ?" the last word a snarling cry as her

cervix was pummeled again. "I won't betray her!" she cried as her vagina was

torn through, sputtering "I'll see you rot in Hell" as her tormentor pulled at

her with all his weight, and she passed out.

She woke up on a bench, face down, as the silent Easterner was cuffing her

right ankle to an iron bar crossing the head of the bench, her legs painfully

spread in a T position and secured to the bar by the ankle cuffs and by iron

bands at knee and hip height. Her torso was tied to the bench with iron bands

at the waist and the neck, and her arms were painfully bent upwards above her

head, the wrists tied to a bar hanging from a chain in the ceiling. Her body

ached as the strenuous position rekindled the pain of the rack.

Once finished, the Easterner busied himself with something she could not see

but which made itself felt soon enough as her left ass cheek was stung by a

dozen of tiny pricking needles, of the kind used in the Far East for tattoos.

Kayleen could not see that, but he was using a seal where the tiny needles had

been firmly lodged, and tapped onto it to prickle the skin, the needles not

long enough to actually pierce it.

Tattoo masters did this, testing various needle lengths because not all skins

were the same thickness, and unbeknownst to her he was looking for the perfect

needle length. The pain was mild, far milder than anything she had experienced

in this chamber, and the Warrior Queen made good of the respite allowed to

her. The Southerner pig apparently got so carried away that he no longer

paused except when she passed out before his eyes, so this breather was a

godsend for her. Her hopes also rekindled, because this was going to be the

last session of the day, she just had to pull through.

Meanwhile the wry Easterner was done with his preliminaries, and fetched the

first actual instrument of torture, not a quarter inch in diameter but a full

inch, and bristling with the finest needles, so fine that they would bend if

they were longer. Dread awoke in her as he placed the seal on her left

shoulder blade, followed by searing pain as he drove the needles into her skin

with a vicious slap from a hefty wooden paddle.

She screamed in surprise and pain, her confidence dented, and while still

deliberating within herself whether she wanted to let the bastards enjoy her

screams, another slap landed on her back, followed by another, her skin on

fire from the prickling of the countless needles.

Her jaw set when he moved the seal onto the side of her dangling left breast,

as she visualized the lewd Southerner enjoying the show, but when the slap

came the pain was so excruciating that it took all her will to stifle the

scream, and the next, and the next still, as her tormentor seemed to favor

three strikes in quick succession in the same area before moving on.

Her dangling breasts proved a cumbersome target, although Kayleen could not

tell that as he seared them over and over, so he moved to her back in earnest.

The flat, muscled canvas of her back lay in wait of an artist of pain, and he

tried his level best to be up to the task. He moved his seal from place to

place following intricate symmetries, her voice denying him her song but her

muscles flexing in a living sculpture of pain under the rhythm of his slaps,

her panting torso heaving and twisting as her skin was punished exquisitely

with unmatched intensity.

The uninterrupted pain was already chafing at Kayleen's resolve, but when he

moved to her firm ass despair visited her again, because the taut skin of the

ass cheeks felt as if on fire as the slaps drove the needles almost, but not

quite, through. He slapped her in rhythm with her belabored breathing, without

respite or mercy, her restrained body unable to move away.

And the full measure of how a taut skin was more sensitive to this fiendish

torture visited her when he started applying it to her legs, first a slap here

and a slap there, then following a veritable path of agony along one and then

the other, her strangled cries growing more audible on each slap, as the

wanderings of the seal came closer and closer to her groin.

She managed to hold her howl as the seal was slapped into the soft flesh below

the vulva, the first time, and hissed spasmodically at the second slap, but it

took all her will not to burst as the third seared her viciously. The seal was

then moved onto her feminine parts, and when the slap came she writhed and

gritted her teeth as the pain shot up her restrained body, barely managing to

quench the wails of despair arising from her.

The Easterner then suspended her torture and partly freed her from the post,

moving her with Grod's help to another, where she was tied with her back to a

sloping bench with iron bands at the neck, under her breasts and at the waist,

her legs still painfully spread along the iron bar. Her wrists, cuffed above

her head, chafed under the weight of her body, because her groin dangled off

the low end of the bench.

Her tormentor tied a cord around each nipple and tied them behind her neck,

shortening them savagely until her breasts were distorted into conical

receptacles of stretched agony, the soft undersides taut enough for proper

application of the seal. Kayleen could only clench her teeth as she understood

what lay ahead, her voice rising in a shrill cry when the first slap brought

fire to the tender skin and the others kindled it again and again.

Now that he had a proper setup, the wry Easterner heaped unrelenting torment

on her breasts, raining slap after slap on each, pausing in between and timing

his assaults on her panting cries. Her position forced her to take in the full

horror of what had been visited on her body, as she could see the bullwhip

welts, the chafed mark of the ropes, the bluish bruises of the cane, the

blistered ant stings ... and she was spared the sight of the torn, bleeding

muscles ringing her orifices. The seal left round, reddish marks like coins of

fire, her breasts a money-changer's drawer by now and her voice hoarse from

her efforts to deny her tormentors the audible confirmation of her defeat.

Looking into her eyes, the wry Easterner moved again to her legs, her position

allowing him to reach the front of her thighs and the slaps causing them to

pull at her strained muscles in a vain attempt to clench them before the

horrors visited on her. He alternated the slaps on her thighs with slaps on

her ribcage, abdomen and belly, and soon Kayleen realized with dread that he

was circling around her vulva, closer and closer. She shut her eyes too late,

but he bid his time, and when the seal came to her vulva the front of her body

was covered in reddish round marks.

When he discarded the seal she thought that it was over, but then he produced

another, a strip which could fold around and trap her labia, the slap searing

the captured flesh on both sides as she howled in pain, her short lived will

broken by the relentless torture, sobbing through the other slaps until she

managed to regain some resolve in time for the assault on her love button.

Her clitoris was too small a target, however, so the Easterner fetched a small

seal, a third of an inch wide, mounted on the top of a short handle. He lay

the seal on her love bud and hammered it down with the paddle, her teeth

almost cracking in a desperate effort to stifle a howl of pure agony, the

first of three she frantically hoped, only to see the hammering shatter them

as he continued uninterrupted, looking into her eyes before each strike, both

well aware of what was at stake, at least until blackness clouded her mind as

her screams subsided into gurgling wails.

The silent Easterner stopped his hammering and untied her while she was still

on the brink of unconsciousness, cuffing her arms behind her back in a reverse

prayer position and suspending her upside down from the iron bar which still

spread her legs achingly wide.

She still clung to some of her will, but fear was cold in her stomach as he

fetched a seal mounted on a wooden handle, like a carving knife with no blade

attached. He pressed the seal on her ribcage and forcefully raked the seal

against her skin, digging a fiery trail of prickling agony in her tormented

flesh and wrenching a stifled, desperate cry from her torn throat.

Her position allowed him to visit the raking agony almost everywhere over her

martyrized body, and he explored places which could not be reached with the

slaps such as the crease between her ass cheeks, her armpits, the soles of her

feet and the back of the knees, but he concentrated on the breasts and nipples

as if on cue from the leering Southerner, raking them over and over, droplets

of blood oozing from her distended flesh as the skin was prickled once and

again in the same place, in a crisscrossing pattern of woe punctuated by her

dreadful gasps and desperate hisses.

The proper target for raking, however, were her distended legs, so he moved to

the left leg and pressed his devious instruments on the calf, drawing it in a

single, prolonged stroke up to the iron band at the knee, her gasp turning

into a gurgle as her skin was on fire. He experimented with a few variations,

such as spiraling around the bound limb rather than raking in a single

straight stroke, and then moved to the other leg, her face set in a mask of

agony and despair while her cries mounted behind clenched teeth.

The fear of what would come next swell within Kayleen's mind as he moved off

her legs, and to her horror she realized words, incoherent words she had no

control on, escaped her mouth under her panting breath, "Lyral," she babbled,

"Help!" which she actually cried aloud when her labia was raked, "Shrine" and

"Please" when her torn vaginal muscle was raked over and over, as if rinsing

it in white hot pain, her will stifling an anguished "Mercy" as he raked her

love button, multiple times, the pink feminine flesh turning red raw.

If her tormentor had heard anything, he paid no heed when "Enough!" barely

escaped her lips, as he fetched another instrument, a pair of wooden scissors

whose blades had been set with the same needles found on the seals, but which

would drive them with unrelenting force well beyond what the seals provided.

Her tormentor raked her left thigh, her coughing turning into a hiss, and then

closed the scissors on a fold of her flesh in the same position on the right

thigh, her mouth snapping open in a uncontainable howl of agony.

He repeated the alternate application of rake and scissors, driving home his

argument of pain onto her twitching body, scanning her eyes for a plea or a

confession, at which Kayleen shut them tight among tears, her ultimate attempt

at holding out against the inevitable. Unmoved, he started applying rake and

scissors over her body, circling in a tightening pattern around her feminine

parts, dread mounting in her as her mind frantically compared the agony of the

scissors against the raking and shrank before the realization that the

application of the scissors on her clitoris would break her resolve, and

condemn her friend to the same hell she was going through.

The imperturbable Easterner dropped the rake and fetched another pair of

scissors, assaulting her cunt lips and the torn muscles ringing her orifices,

her screams now rising one after the other and interspersed with babbling he

did not care about, confident that her will would snap soon. He listened at

her breathing and slowed down his grisly handiwork, then paused to fetch and

apply smelling salts as he did not want her to pass out just now. He wanted

her to break, so he recovered the scissors and descended on her feminine

flesh, tearing and drawing blood, unrelentingly ravaging her while she howled

to high heaven, but only to be stymied as he understood the words escaping her

mouth between agonizing cries, "I'll never betray her!"

Chapter 5 - A Plan Hatches

Kayleen yowled as her feet slid again on the greased bronze ball and pain shot

from her thumbs down her aching arms. She hung in the dark torture chamber,

the balls of her chained feet seeking the four-inch bronze sphere on which she

could not manage a steady grip, as the thumbs locked in screws high above her

head bore the entire weight of her aching, suspended body.

Droplets of blood fell on her face as another slip ground the screws into her

blood encrusted thumbs, her manacled wrists preventing her from grasping at

the chain rising above into the unlit emptiness. Her waist was again clinched

in the accursed iron band intended to constrict her breathing, which it did.

The Warrior Queen pondered her fate, baffled by the behavior of her captors,

desperately searching for an opening. They were not actually attempting sleep

deprivation, as she was allowed any fitful naps her wracked body managed to

slip into; they were not attempting to break her by exhaustion, as they fed

her after, and sometimes even in the middle of, each session.

She cracked a smile at the thought of the liquid food, mostly honey and some

herbal preparations whose effects she could not discern; apparently, they did

not want their brand new torture chamber messed up too much. Pain suddenly

gripped her thumbs as she slipped and had to regain her precarious footing, a

daunting task for her racked muscles. They were not attempting to break her in

a single surge, always allowing some respite in the course of each session.

And they had grown complacent about that, no longer keeping her fully tied as

they switched turns and sometimes even as they changed from one torment to

another. Her body was still strong, although at present every single muscle

ached terribly, but they were no fighters, and surprise would be on her side.

Zhorun's presence was an unknown, as she had no idea of how his present nature

had affected him, yet wizards made poor close range combatants.

Time was not on her side, however, as her strength would not endure forever

and she could not fathom when they would start to really damage her. She was

less worried about fighting three against one; she could take out the first by

surprise, preferably the old fart or the puny Easterner. Grod would be a tough

opponent in her condition. She had to rest somehow, if she was to snatch the

chance of freeing herself when fate offered her one, but as the screws bit

into her thumbs again she was reminded of the the difficulties involved.

When the Warrior Queen heard the dreaded footsteps, after a night devoid of

any rest or respite, she cursed because exhaustion made her plan essentially

unfeasible and she would have had to withstand another day of whatever horrors

they had prepared for her. She considered pretending to be on the verge of

breaking, but she loathed the thought and it would be of no use today.

The three brought torches, whose light shone on her taut body, causing the

swarthy Southerner to wet his mouth in anticipation. Kayleen was freed from

the thumbscrews and her arms were bent behind her back in a reverse prayer

position, her legs were doubled under her with the ankle cuffs tied to bands

tightened on her thighs at the hip, and the band around her waist was used to

lift her off the floor, her face up, her back bent backwards and her generous

breasts full and firm on her ample chest.

Already excited, the Southerner freed his member from his flowing robes and

thrust it into her on the spot, forcing her tight love channel open again,

rasping at its dry walls and enjoying every second of the pain and disgust she

tried to stifle in her voice but could not hide from her face. He pumped her

raw with brief, rutting thrusts, rocking her body back and forth.

"First things first." he declaimed, then fetched a tray and affixed a steel

staff, over four feet long, to the chain holding her weight, followed by

another crossing the first in the middle. The staves were strong but thin and

had dozens of tiny hooks underneath. He added another, shorter staff crossing

the other in the middle, parallel to her midsection. Although Kayleen had no

doubt about the general intent behind the contraption, she could not help but

wonder how it was supposed to hurt her.

Her doubts were soon washed away as he produced a thin steel chain ending in a

bronze clamp, which he brought against her left breast, pinching a fold of

firm flesh with his right hand, onto which he snapped the clamp which he then

hung to a hook, making sure the fine chain was taut. The clamp was painful,

although not nearly as painful as most of what she had been subjected to in

this chamber, but dread mounted over her as she counted the hooks above.

The next was placed inside her thigh, near the knee, and forced her to buckle

to the right because the chain was too short. The one after that closed on the

soft flesh under her right breast, and the short chain again forced her to

raise her shoulders as a gasp escaped her lips. Her fiendish tormentor used

clamps whose chain had different lengths, so as he added more her weight still

pulled only at those added last and she had to twist and turn for his delight.

After over twenty clamps, the last biting the tender flesh of her underbelly,

he contemplated his handiwork and then casually leaned on her thighs, drawing

a spiteful hiss as she grimaced to stand the pain. He kept leaning, his grin

widening, until the clamp snapped and she jerked with a strangled scream when

another was pulled suddenly. He rose, and waited until her panting subsided,

then, locking his gaze into hers, moved between her legs.

Fear and humiliation turned into burning hatred as he violated her again, the

clamps pulling and tearing whenever he pushed and coming off with audible

snaps, as she desperately tried to deny him at least the satisfaction of

hearing her scream, with limited results. Her marked flesh grew new bruises as

each clamp was yanked under his lust, although most often than not little

actual damage occurred, and he ran out of clamps some time before climaxing.

"We'll have to try again with more, my dear. I am no longer the man of my

youth but apparently you rekindled some flame here." he said panting while she

sobbed softly. He recovered his clamps and started over, reaching under her to

clamp some more under her back and her ass cheeks, but leaving most for her

inner thighs and breasts. He then pulled at her left nipple and clamped it,

allowing some slack as her jaw set among tears, then pinched the other.

He then moved beside her and pulled her blonde mane downward, yanking a clamp

and then another as he said in her ear "Dance for me, Whore Queen, until I am

ready for you again." And dance she did, in spite of herself, as he pulled at

her hair or sent her spinning, the clamps snapping in quick succession as she

wound around the chain holding her waist and then back, her body convulsing in

a vain attempt to lessen the pain and her stifled, fitful cries arousing him

until he violated her again in a frenzy of snapping clamps.

As the Warrior Queen was lowered to the floor, only seething hate allowed her

to notice that she was being allowed a moment of respite just as exhaustion

was creeping over her. She was however not freed this time, as the chain was

moved from her belly to her back, suspending her face down above the stone

floor, her torso slightly leaning forward and her still doubled legs finding

no comfortable position.

Her sweating tormentor fetched from his accursed tray a clasp of a different

kind, the bronze jaws at least twice as wide but wickedly jagged and with a

single ring in place of the fine chain. Leisurely, he closed the jaws on a

fold of flesh along her sculpted abdomen, apparently unconcerned when she

barely flinched. He added a few more and then pulled her head up by her

disheveled hair, so that she could not see the lead weight that he attached to

the first clasp and hoping to savor her visage contorting under pain.

He was not disappointed, although screams would have been welcome, so he sent

her spinning. Unlike before, the clasps would not go off but simply keep

pulling, rising as she spun around, falling as she slowed down and then rising

again as she spun in the opposite direction. He would have liked to close his

eyes and gauge the progress of her by her screams, but she still defied him.

He hung a few clasps to her labia, sending her for another spin, to no avail.

Well, he was not running out of clasps. He hung one to each breast, then more

to her inner lips and inside her thigh, each time sending her spinning. He

savagely clasped her love bud and her nipples, savoring the yowls as she spun.

When he felt ready, he moved behind her, freed his member from the robes and

put his hands on her ass cheeks, the thumbs digging on each side of the

rosette of her anus. A muted "No" formed on her mouth as she realized what was

going to happen. His member pushed into her, slowly at first, forcing her

sphincter, then he pumped deeper, and the weights hanging off the clasps

danced under her, her body twitching under the pain, her throat hoarse in the

effort to hold her mounting anguish, and her mind seething at the humiliation.

He was not done with humiliations, however. He moved before her and pinched

her nose, so that she had to open her mouth to receive the hollow gag meant

for her final abuse. But Kayleen guessed the intent and finding strength in

desperation managed to thwart all attempts at gagging her, so he left.

When he came back, he wore gloves and carried a handful of stinging tree

leaves. Dread filled her eyes as he folded a leaf into a clasp, turning to

agony as he closed it on her left nipple, but she managed to hold the cries

she had not held when first exposed to the hellish leaves; the same fate

befell her other nipple, her cunt lips and her love bud, yet she did not give.

Instead of weights, he snapped the clamps on the clasp rings, so that he could

gather the chains in his left hand, then held the gag before her mouth and

said "When you've had enough, take it." He jerked at the chains and the clasps

ground the leaves into her tender parts, a scream of agonized suffering

escaping her lips in spite of her vain efforts to contain it. He jerked again,

and kept jerking, until her screams turned to gurgles, but she seemed bent on

defying him. Incensed, he kept yanking at the clasps until he managed to gag

her exhausted mouth by force. He could have waited until she recovered, but

lust overcame cruelty and he throat fucked his victim into unconsciousness.

When she came to, she was lying face down on the floor, still gagged, her arms

now cuffed behind her neck to an iron collar and her legs opened painfully

wide by a ten feet iron bar resting behind the small of her back, to which

ankle cuffs and thigh bands had been clinched. Above her, a matching iron bar

hung from a chain, with the now familiar hooks he used to hang his clamps to.

But he was not using clamps with time, he was using the same clasps whose

wickedly jagged jaws could chafe her skin raw when pulled.

Kayleen could not help but despair at the thought of more torture at the hands

of this pig, but she was not allowed time for more because as soon as he had

enough clasps on her to hold her weight, he lifted her off the floor by the

clasps running the whole length of her distended legs. Her shaken resolve

shattered at the sudden pain and she screamed in earnest through the gag.

Only when he was done adding more clasps all over her body, with chains of

different lengths, did he clasp her breasts in earnest, lust coursing through

his hands as he tightened the clasps on her firm tit flesh, enjoying her cries

and gasps. But he had saved his worst for last.

He opened her cunt lips wide and clinched a pair of clasps on each, pulling

them to distend the lips further as she shrieked, then followed on with

another pair of clasps, and then another, a wheel of clasps deforming her cunt

lips which he completed by clasping her love button and pulling at it savagely

until it was distended enough to clasp it once more at the base.

When her cries subsided he moved behind her back, hissing "Now your tongue

makes an old man hard again." grabbed a handle in each hand and pulled her up

by the clamps on her breasts, forcing her to arch her back and bringing her

gagged mouth at the height of his flaccid member. A howl rose from her throat,

the clasps chafing her breasts raw, but she defied him and however he jerked

the clamps, she still denied him this humiliation of her.

Her refusal incensed him to the point of leaving on the spot. Unbeknownst to

the others, he had in his room the means to serve the bitch right. When he

returned, his member was already bulging and his erection became prodigious

when he savagely pulled her up again. Kayleen's eyes were wide with horror as

he pushed into her throat in a frenzied rut.

The savage violation lasted much longer than before, his wild thrusts snapping

a number of clasps from her chafed breasts, but did not exhaust him. After a

brief pause he moved between her legs, pulled her up by the clasps on her

breasts again and savagely penetrated her ass as humiliation and pain shot

through her forlorn screams, each thrust snapping some clasp holding her

weight until she fell on the floor, her legs chafed all over.

His drug-induced lust still not sated, he put a leather sheath on his bulging

member, rubbed it with stinging tree leaves drawing a strangled "No" from his

victim's ravaged throat, and viciously fucked her on the floor, pulling her

groin onto his erect member by the clasps on her nether lips, and after those

snapped off, by those on her love bud.

Whatever merciful entity made her pass out again did a half-hearted job,

because she awoke in pain on the cold stone floor, sobbing, gazing at the

Easterner who eyed her coldly. She was dragged to a rail bench and her wrists

and ankles cuffed to the ends, while an iron band was clinched at her waist.

She was pulled taut, but the bench was not intended to rack her.

The man moved to the head of the bench, took her left middle finger and

encased it in some metal contraption, which she could not see but whose cold

touch she felt and soon turned into pressure as he operated the device, slowly

bending her finger backwards, the ever increasing pain shooting through her

hand even when he just sat idle and increasing when he tightened it. He did

the same on her other hand, tightening one and then the other until she

thought that he would snap her fingers.

Her tormentor instead stopped just short of that, and simply moved to the next

finger on each hand, visiting each in turn with excruciating slowness as sweat

glistened over her body, her generous breasts heaving under the effort and her

jaw clenched in the effort to withstand the unrelenting pain.

Her toes soon underwent the same treatment, the ligaments stretched near

breaking point toe by toe and the unrelenting pain compounding that from her

ailing fingers. He surveyed her writhing form, the head shaking and the teeth

clenched to fight back the screams, and bid his time before moving by her arms

and encasing her right elbow in another iron contraption.

The Warrior Queen was able to see enough of the latter device to guess at its

functioning: iron bands encasing the elbows and a vise bending it backwards,

tearing at the ligaments of the upper and fore arm. Her guesses found

immediate confirmation as the pain from her bent elbow joined that from her

fingers and toes. The deviousness of this torture was that the pain never

decreased, each device unrelentingly tormenting a different joint but not

causing shock or permanent damage. Yet.

After her elbows, he encased both her knees in a similar contraption, bending

her leg inwards at the knee in spite of the muscles flexing under her

glistening skin, the unrelenting pain heavy on her breathing and her face

contorted in the effort to resist the mounting agonies inflicted upon her.

Another iron device was tightened around her shoulders, pushing her shoulder

blades up behind her back, her arms on the way to dislocating as the device

pulled them down. But the worst device was placed at her hips, pulling up and

apart her thigh bones out of their sockets. Her once fine stretched body was

now contorted at odd angles in the iron devices encasing her, the

uninterrupted pain now worsened because new agonies shot through her shoulder

joints whenever her chest heaved against the shoulder device.

As time passed, her endurance was sorely tested because the pain from her bent

joints and stretched ligaments never subsided. Her tormentor bid his time, and

then applied a second vise on her left hand, encasing her pinky and bending it

almost to the point of tearing the ligament. Her eyes were clenched shut, but

he rapped on her chest three times with his knuckles, her surprise such that

she almost let her mounting screams escape the tightened lips. Soon she

understood that each rap was another finger bent, the pain blazing in her

hands and the promise of more in his quiet rapping as he moved to the toes.

Just as she thought that there was nothing more to bend in her ailing body, he

fetched a thin steel switch and rapped it on her heaving breasts, slashing the

nipples, wrenching a yowl of pain through her clenched teeth as her torso

moved in reaction. The switch landed next in the palm of her left hand, and

agony shot up her arm as her muscles contracted, tearing at the distended

ligaments. After a long pause, the switch landed on her nipples again, her

shoulders a world of hurt as the jerk of her chest moved her shoulder blades.

The Easterner rapped at her crotch, through the crease between her thighs

caused by the bending of her hips, and she cried behind gritting teeth as her

buckling caused her hip joints to creak in blazing agony. He started circling

her, leisurely, rapping her exposed flesh now and then to bring renewed pain

to her bent joints and distended ligaments, until her endurance waned.

After being painfully released from the vises and the bench, Kayleen's sore

body fell on the cold floor, curling in a silently sobbing ball in a vain

attempt to escape the pain. The Easterner tied her to a post, her arms pulled

straight above her head along the sides of the post by iron bands at the

shoulders and elbows, and her thighs spread outwards, encased at the hip and

knee by iron bands. She drank from the jug brought to her lips as iron bands

were clenched above and below her breasts and at the waist.

Although the cuffs had not been removed from her wrists, she was restrained by

twin studded iron plates, encasing her palms and extended fingers like tight

metal gloves. The Easterner gauged her condition in a single cold glance, and

then turned a crank, twisting her wrists outwards.

Her elbows could rotate to compensate the torsion of her wrists, but her

shoulders much less so, and soon the twist applied to her palms reached a

point which was too much for her elbows, and pain mounted at her wrists,

elbows and shoulders as he increased the pull on her palms, inch by inch,

hoping to see defeat dawn on her pain-wracked expression.

As his gaze only met furiously clenched teeth, he bid his time and then moved

to her feet. They also were encased in studded iron bands, veritable sandals

of torment, which he rotated outwards, bending her legs at the ankle and the

knee, the position immediately painful because the knee could give only a

little and her thighs were already splayed. Sweat covered her skin again,

muffled cries punctuating her belabored breathing whenever he twisted her

restraints some more.

The silent Easterner sat behind her, studying her twitches and moans as the

unrelenting torment of her bent limbs wracked her strong frame, the pain never

decreasing and dread building up as she could not see what the origin of her

suffering had in store. He paused until, according to his experience, the

victim started hoping that no new torment would be added, and then turned a

crank pushing a wedge behind her shoulder blades, sending new pain blazing

through her shoulder joints and constricting her heaving chest.

Breathing turned into an exercise in agony for Kayleen, as attempting a deep

breath tore at her shoulder joints, and she dreaded the silent tormentor

behind her back, certain that he would draw her through this hell only to take

her into another. When he did, this occurred through another wedge, pushing

her buttocks away from the post and tearing at her hip joints, as if to wrench

them out of place inch by inch, and the anguished screams she denied her

tormentor raged within her, escaping only as gasps and hisses.

As yet another crank was turned, her knees protested as her twisted legs were

also rotated outwards, her pain-wracked hip joints reaching new pinnacles of

searing white agony as the relentless pain of her predicament was compounded

by a rotation which was allowed for only a small angle even in a normal

position. Pure, unadulterated terror descended over her as she discerned among

her barely stifled screams a sickening creaking from her joints as pain

reached new heights, screaming to herself "A cripple! I am going to be

crippled forever!" over and over until she screamed for real when the steel

switch suddenly savaged her exposed breasts.

In spite of the searing pain, nothing was broken as time passed except her

resolve, as the regular application of the switch sent waves of agony through

her body when the muscles contracted, vainly attempting to pull against the

iron devices bending her body. Once more, however, the Easterner noted that he

could break her defiance, but her will would persist until she passed out.

Kayleen woke up hanging upside down, her torso tied to a vertical post with

waist, neck and chest iron bands, her legs pulled wide along twin iron rails,

which already included the iron devices to bend and twist hip, knee and ankle,

although still unwound. Her arms were also pulled along a single horizontal

rail extending from the bottom of the sturdy wooden post.

The Easterner picked up a smallish device, waiting until her gaze focused on

it, then proceeded to apply it to her left toe, bending it again, intent on

rekindling the hell she just left. As before, her elbows and knees were

encased and viciously bent near breaking point, her fingers and toes purplish

at the relentless tearing of her ligaments, her throat sore and her jaw aching

from the effort of containing her screams again.

Once her fingers were in pain, the rail at the bottom of the post was rotated

downward, twisting her shoulder joints, her gasps and hisses the harbingers of

more to come, sweat returning on her twitching body as unrelenting pain

consumed her resolve and gnawed at her determination.

Again the wicked steel switch landed on her exposed flesh, causing her muscles

to contract in reaction and bringing fresh pain as they flexed in vain against

the stretched ligaments. But the purpose of her position soon became apparent

as her leg rails were rotated slightly, one counterclockwise and the other

clockwise, twisting her martyrized hip joints and pulling at her sore muscles.

The Easterner eyed her coldly, then started winding the devices along each leg

until they renewed their compounded agonies, and then cranked first one and

then the other rail into rotating her distended legs, choreographing a dance

of pain in mid air, a dance whose music was her broken voice wailing and

shrieking as her thigh muscles were strained one after another.

The pain in her groin rose and waved as her thighs were distended, twisted,

pulled and torn, her muscles burning and the ligaments pulled near breaking

point as her tormentor unrelentingly wound his hideous device. Her crotch was

pushed forward as both thighs were bent backwards, closer and closer to

tearing them out of their sockets, her voice rising in a howling scream when

the steel switch savagely slashed her crotch and her thighs spasmodically

attempted to pull close, spraining under the effort.

Her tormentor sent her left thigh along a downward arch, while sending her

right thigh upward, causing her pelvis to buckle and twist in a rag doll dance

of pain as her limbs were forced to come full circle and start back, slowly,

agonizingly, the unrelenting pain waxing and waning in each joint, wrenching a

fitful scream from her unwilling mouth whenever agony mounted in both at the

same time.

Time and again she screamed in fear as the pain rose to unbearable levels,

expecting the cracking of bone or the popping sound of dislocation, but her

tormentor bid his time, and exercised her limbs in his ballet of agony while

his victim howled and nonsense words like "Please" and "Mercy" escaped from

her parched lips. "Now you talk." he answered, and resumed his rapping of her

exposed flesh, slowly increasing the strength of each strike and their

frequency, her uninterrupted lambasting inaudible as her fitful cries mingled

with anguished calls to Lyral, the friend for whose sake she was undergoing

this, and whose name last escaped her lips as she lost consciousness.

The shock of cold water brought her back lying on the floor, and Grod brought

a jug to her lips, allowing her to drink at length. Her ankle cuffs had been

supplemented with narrow iron bands along the entire length of her legs and

thighs, and Grod was proceeding to bind her arms behind her in the same

fashion. With dread she realized that the bands were studded on the inside,

not to the point of piercing the skin however, and that the studs had a screw

mount which allowed each to be pushed further down.

Grod paid no heed to a number of bands still on the floor besides her, but

dragged her into a corner where chains hung from pulleys in the ceiling and

lifted her up by tying chains at her knee and elbow bands, her shoulders again

hurting horribly as they bore part of her weight. But her eyes widened in

horror when he brought under her a wooden upwards wedge, positioned it under

her buttocks and lowered her onto it.

Part of her weight moved onto the point, the discomfort soon turning to a dull

ache, and while she squirmed in search of some respite Grod tightened the

remaining studded bands on her torso, constricting her chest and waist so that

her breathing became immediately uncomfortable. More chains were fastened to

the cuffs at her ankles and wrists, her torso and her legs, so that at the end

she hung in a web of chains. The pain she dreaded came when he loosened the

chains bearing her weight, which rested entirely on the wedge point below her,

in the soft spot between the sphincter and the opening of the vagina.

The point radiated pain up her body, and she could not help but twitch in a

vain attempt to find a less excruciating position, which caused the studs in

her restraints to grind the flesh, each jerk bringing about more pain from the

wedge tormenting her. Grod adjusted the chains holding her in position so that

she would not rock off the point and bid his time, scrutinizing her contorting

face as she grimaced and hissed in uninterrupted torment.

Time passed, and yet the Warrior Queen endured the excruciating torment, each

breath bringing new sufferings as her chest pressed into the studs

constricting it, each jerk a new blaze of pain from below, droplets of blood

on her skin where the chafing from the studs had turned the skin raw. Grod

tightened the studs one by one, a mute menace of further pain to come, but

then loosened some of the chains and slowly pulled others, excruciatingly

drawing her on the point until it entered her sphincter.

After a strangled cry of dread and outrage, her suffering actually subsided,

as her weight was no longer concentrating on the tip, but a whip soon cracked

on her thigh with the full force of Grod's powerful arm, her clenched teeth

fighting a scream of anguish at this new development.

Grod had picked a short, nasty whip of twisted sinew, which could be wielded

in the confined space of the corner, and now lashed her exposed flesh all

over, apparently at random but actually looking for the most effective spots.

Whenever her body jerked under the whip, the wedge point entered her rectum

some more, impossible to dislodge, and soon the pain from her distended

sphincter and the chafing from the gyrations on the wooden tormentor added to

the suffering from the merciless lashes.

Well aware of the developments, Grod concentrated his lashing on the spots

which would push the wedge deeper, targeting her lower back, the underside of

her thighs and the exposed soles of her feet. Her glistening body flexed and

contracted under the assault, her panting often turning into hisses and gasps

as she still held out, determined not to scream for their pleasure.

There was to be no pause to this torment as long as she looked to be taking

the full measure of it, so Grod again loosened some chains and pulled at

others, dragging her body over the tip again until it rested again where it

was before, her twitching body experiencing again its bite but with the added

torment of the accursed lash.

He fetched a pair of raw wooden pliers, waited until her teary gaze focused on

them, and then moved besides her to close them on her left nipple. He could

hear the gritting of her teeth as he started pulling at the nipple, as if to

tear it off from the breast which was flattened against her chest by the

studded iron bands.

Since he had to work in a restricted space, it took him many excruciating

attempts to pull her full breast through the bands by the nipple, her jerks

and twists as the raw wood chafed her sensitive piece of feminine flesh

bringing untold suffering from the diabolical unyielding point. And she also

endured the same on her other breast, before her conditions caused Grod to

allow her a pause, as she was no longer feeling what was being done to her.

Cold water revived her brutally and the suffering resumed, her now exposed

swollen breasts a suitable target for the whip, since in her new position the

most effective strikes where those which forced her to distend her limbs,

increasing the pressure where the point dug into her flesh.

The twisted whip took to her thighs, as upon each lash her legs distended and

a new lance of white hot pain surged from the hellish wedge, and crisscrossed

them where the flesh was free from the bite of the studded bands. Grod bid his

time between each lash, allowing the pain to sink in and the grinding from the

point to do its work, but still she would not scream in spite of the agony

evident on her beautiful face.

He fetched another whip, a short whip which he wet thoroughly and then coated

in wet sand, and with this whip in the right and the pliers in the left moved

to her and closed the pliers on her left nipple, pulling it up to slash the

underside of her left breast. An agonized scream burst behind her clenched

teeth, her face distorted in the effort to contain it, and he lashed her again

to see if he could wrench it from her. After many lashes it became apparent

that she was still defying him, so he bid his time, perusing the effects of

the point on the mask of suffering distorting her face.

He moved the pliers to her other nipple and pulled it savagely up, pausing

before lashing the quivering flesh and listening for her panting voice to

burst into despair, but she still endured and the pain had not broken her will

yet. He operated the chains positioning her again, dragging her soft flesh

over the point with excruciating slowness until it dug through the lower rim

of her vagina end entered it with a sickly thud. To his disappointment, she

managed to hold even this howl behind her clenched teeth, tears flowing from

the eyes as she shook her head incessantly.

To drive the wedge deeper, her torturer slowly modified her position, lowering

the legs and raising her elbows, then fetched the twisted whip again and aimed

at her armpits, her chest rotating under the lash and the wedge grinding

deeper into her. He alternated strikes behind the knee to strikes on the outer

side of each breast, forcing her to undulate and chafe her cunt walls on the

wooden wedge, wails of agony echoing behind her folded lips.

He picked up another pair of pincers, with long thin iron jaws this time, and

inserted them forcefully between her clenched thighs, his dreadful probing

causing her to twitch and turn on the wedge even more frantically than before,

her screams a mounting wave behind the last vestiges of her determination as

droplets of blood stained the wooden wedge.

The jaws finally pinched what he was probing for, her agony bursting in a

scream of anguish as they bit on her love bud, her efforts to escape their

grip driving the wedge deeper and deeper, the torn muscles at the entrance of

her vagina bleeding again as the wedge distended them whenever her pelvis

jerked around, spasmodically searching for relief.

He returned to the wooden pliers and pulled down her left breast by the

nipple, whipping it occasionally but putting as much of his weight onto it to

driver her further down the wedge, then repeated the operation with her right

breast. Not satisfied yet, he kneeled below her suspended body, brought the

right arm wielding the pliers up on her left side and pulled at the nipple

with his full weight, jerking repeatedly, each pull lowering her onto the

wedge until her cries rose into a howl when the point hit her cervix.

A new nightmare began for Kayleen, the whip landing alternately on her left

and right sole, forcing her to rotate the pelvis and savage her innards up to

the cervix on each strike, blood dripping from inside her as her screams first

rose higher and higher and then trailed off, her endurance spent, her will

broken again. Instead of pausing, her tormentor repositioned her so that the

point dug at her urethra, the new pain searing through her while her bloodied

innards got some respite.

As even this new torment lost its bite, her obviously exhausted body not

allowing her to fully experience the torment, he wound new chains around her

pelvis and dragged her weight over the point, helping himself with the iron

pincers, until the full weight of her tormented body rested on her pinched

love button. As the unwinding of chains brought the full weight home, her

cries turned to howls and then rose higher, as cold water was poured on her to

prevent her from passing out.

The whip landed on her right breast, the underside of her thighs, the soles of

her feet; any strike ground her soft piece of feminine flesh mercilessly onto

the wooden tip. Small as it was, the arrangement of chains precluded her from

dislodging herself, although she tried whenever she had some respite between

lashes, causing more agonies on each failed attempt.

Grod produced a jug, heated by burning oil, with a thin dispensing beak, and

tipped it onto her left breast. The scalding water landed above her nipple and

flowed down her body, a few droplets which caused her to jerk more than once,

as the steaming rivulet followed its fiery trail, each movement bringing more

searing pain to her love bud.

The device actually prevented the water from reaching boiling temperature, and

the contents were released in droplets, but Grod spared no part of her body,

each drop a scream as she could not help but jerk herself onto new agonies

from her impaled love bud. Angry patches of reddened skin soon appeared on the

soles of her feet, her arms, her legs, while her spasmodic contortions rattled

the trestle on which the wedge rested, as if she was attempting to break it.

Fixing the trestle brought her some respite at least from the scalding water,

but then Grod started dripping water between her thighs, the water flowing

onto the soft flesh enclosed by the studded bands, and then placed the jug

under her navel and let the water flow, an angry red trail soon forming on her

skin while her screams turned hoarse.

Grod considered, then said "Talk, girl. We haven't even started to harm you

for real, and you're already delirious. You can't hold out much longer."

Behind a haze of pain, Kayleen thought that there was compassion behind his

voice, and warmed at the thought of telling them what they wanted to know and

end this nightmare. She wished for a desperately long instant that she could

talk, but what escaped her parched lips was just "I won't." at which her

torturer resumed liberally dripping scalding water on her contorting body as

the tip of the wedge savaged her love bud, forever and forever until no amount

of cold water could bring her back to consciousness.

Chapter 6 - A Tiger by The Tail

The Warrior Queen lay spreadeagled on her back, cuffed at the ankles and

wrists to iron rings set in the stone floor. Pain from her ordeals still

lingered in her limbs, even if they were not being pulled, but her tormentors

obviously deemed that she had not suffered enough, because honey had been

smeared on the sensitive parts of her body and she had been left as the sole

food for an unknown number of biting insects, horseflies she would guess.

In spite of the bites, however, once she regained some sense the Warrior Queen

recognized that this was her first chance to rest her battered body, and tried

hard to ignore the occasional bite, with mixed success. She managed to

actually sleep, in fitful naps, and felt somewhat reinvigorated when heavy

footsteps approached. She had been aware of her exceptional stamina and

endurance before, and at the back of her mind was proud of how she endured the

torments, but she would not last without rest.

She had no illusions about the state of her body, however; she was covered

with wounds, welts and bruises, encrusted blood and a number of mild burns;

most of her muscles, including some which never would under ordinary

circumstances, were strained; her joints ached and her ligaments had been

almost torn; her private parts had bled profusely, and would probably become

infected unless treated in short order.

She allowed herself to gasp audibly when a fly bit her, as she planned to look

as weak and vulnerable as possible and wrench her chance at freeing herself

today, before another day of tortures left her forever unable to even try. She

would have tried yesterday, but for her racked body.

Their torches shed some light on the sinister devices in the torture chamber

and she noticed that it was just her three tormentors and the ever present

husk of Zhorun. She recollected smelling his presence during the days of her

ordeal, as he used to come closer when she was at the peak of her agonies. The

location of Lyral was apparently of such importance to him that he could

devote his entire day to witnessing her torture - maybe he no longer slept ?

When the Easterner freed her wrists, she feigned relief, hoping the man would

not notice her tension. He did not; when both her ankles were free, she sprang

up and kicked him savagely under the chin, sending him sprawling on the floor.

As she had hoped, everybody was frozen in surprise at this sudden turn of the

events, the Southerner gaping at her in disbelief. She longed for a weapon,

but none was within immediate reach and time was her only advantage, so she

rushed Grod, hoping to bring down the strongly built executioner before he had

time to assess the situation. Her wounded feet would not let her move with her

once proverbial quickness, but she managed to push her fist into his plexus

before he could dodge her. She had discarded a kick to the groin because he

wore a leather apron.

He half turned however, and her fist landed on his ribs, probably crushing one

or two, but she had missed her chance to take him out. The robed corpse behind

waved his hands and cold tendrils of magic appeared around her limbs, while

the Southerner turned and ran screaming for his life. Grod attempted a low

punch, but she dodged him easily, and landed a crushing blow on his nose,

although not strong enough to drive the cartilage up into the brain as she

used to be capable of.

Grod fell to his knees, blood spurting from his nose, and the Warrior Queen

moved a step toward the frail corpse under the black robe, hampered but not

held by the tendrils. Hate burned white in her eyes, and with a mighty effort

she tore the tendrils asunder.

The tendrils had bought the wizard the time for a more involved spell,

however, and six armored guards appeared around him, creatures of foul magic

brought from beyond the grave only in the direst of emergencies. "Seize her."

he hissed, furious now that he no longer feared for his wretched existence.

And seize her they did, at last, but only after losing two of their numbers in

the fight against a bare handed young woman. The Easterner woke cursing, as

the kick meant to snap his neck had merely strained it, while the Southerner

hid behind a rack until Zhorun's voice called him, "Come here, Hadrad. She's

no longer a threat." Grod was promptly dismissed so that he could be treated.

Zhorun moved limply near her, saying "Still defiant, still fighting. But your

little stunt failed. You won't be given a chance to try again, and I'll gladly

let my servants take their revenge on you with more tortures. Unless you have

something to tell me, that is."

She stood still, stymied at her failure but exalted by the fear she had for a

moment guessed under the black robes. So they had more tortures for her ?

"Bring them on." she spat, "You'll never put your clutches on Lyral, wretch."

Without a word, Zhorun receded. When Grod joined them again, his nose and ribs

visibly bandaged, he spoke to his three servants, "You have been careless, and

you paid for it. Make sure this does not happen again, and proceed with her

interrogation until she provides the information I want."

Grod produced an iron collar with a screw on its front and tied it around her

neck. Turning the screw tightened the collar and crushed the windpipe, so her

breathing was first restricted and then obstructed, her face turning pale

until the screw was turned back. "This will keep her spirits in check from now

on." he growled, his voice distorted by the nose bandage.

The Easterner tightened the collar some more before moving her to a wooden

trestle, bending her arms over an horizontal beam and cuffing them behind the

neck, and took similar precautions when doubling her legs outwards and cuffing

her ankles to another beam, where her lower back rested. Only when an iron

band was closed around her waist did he loosen the device, her belabored

breathing heaving her tantalizingly exposed breasts.

The silent torturer fetched a wooden thumbscrew and tightened it around her

left thumb, until she gasped, then did the same to her right thumb. There was

no counting, no mercy, as finger after finger was tightened in a screw while

the Warrior Queen agonized silently on the trestle, pain already gnawing at

her but her resolve emboldened by the obvious discomfort of his neck.

Each of her torturers had his pet peeves, and as she expected he proceeded

with her toes, tightening them almost to the point of breaking them in the

wooden vises. He then lambasted toes and fingers alike with a wooden cane,

wrenching but a gasp from her but bringing tears to her eyes already.

The next two screws he tightened around her nipples, watching her eyes shut

tight in pain and her clenched teeth suppress a scream, and then caned them at

length as she writhed on the trestle. He rummaged in his tray until he found

two screws about three fingers wide which he tightened on her outer labia,

pulling them apart with cords winding around her body and crossing behind her

neck to reach her nipple screws, which he pulled shorter and shorter until her

back arched, the cane landing between her legs and on her distended breasts

equally as she bravely stifled screams of utter agony, fighting dread at the

thought that he was torturing her harder than before.

The wry Easterner fetched a larger wooden vise and trapped her left foot in

it, tightening it savagely with his ear to the device, careful not to break

the bone. Her strong body glistened with sweat as she fought the mounting

pain, her thigh muscles flexing in a vain attempt to escape the world of hurt

rising from her constricted foot. When he did the same to her other foot, her

buckling exposed the pink softness below her raw mound, the Southerner

drooling at the thought of the delights he would soon enjoy.

Her forearms were next encased in vises, three wooden vises connected by an

iron rail, and the one in the middle tightened in the opposite direction, his

fingers probing as she writhed in deep suffering while her forearms were being

bent near breaking point. The wood bit deep in her flesh, cutting into the

muscles and digging creases of compressed flesh in her slender forearms.

He started caning her again, on the undersides of her distended breasts, each

twist and squirm sending more pain through her forearms, and then moved to her

side and encased her left leg and thigh in vises, connected by three iron

bars, one lying above the angle between leg and thigh, one below, and one snug

between the two and her knee. Again the middle vise tightened in the opposite

direction with respect to the other two, the longer bones of leg and thigh

visibly bent as the wooden vises dug in the firm flesh and hurt horribly as

she still attempted to stifle her cries, her blonde mane shaking frantically.

After caning the exposed flesh on the insides of her thigh, he pulled on the

iron bar under her knee, bringing it above the beam where her ankle was

cuffed, savagely tearing at her hip joint and bending her knee, her face a

mask of agony but her screams still muted behind clenched teeth. He then moved

to her right side, and leisurely applied a similar contraption.

Her nipples and cunt lips had turned purplish from the uninterrupted

compression, but he ignored her eyes widening in horror and pulled at them

with pincers, distending them until he could tighten another vise on each.

Another large vise was placed high up her abdomen, just below the ribcage, and

when it was closed her panting turned to wheezing as she could no longer take

deep breathes without hurting herself.

In this position she was caned at length, her tormentor tightening vises here

and there leisurely as she attempted to concentrate on matters distanced from

her predicament, but could only think about the searing pain from the

unyielding vises. He finally added vises to her inner lips and her love

button, and tightened them one turn at a time, her beautiful face contorted in

a muted scream of hellish agony which he prolonged intently.

When she passed out, her restraints were removed with great care, and then she

was revived and made to drink from a jug. The syrup tasted different, and her

tormentor said coldly "Longer pain." She felt her mind clear, but the collar

was tightened on her windpipe as she was being tied upside down, her back to a

pole, her ankles cuffed up at the top and her arms pulled along an iron rail

which was soon cranked to horizontal position, her arms painfully rotating in

their sockets as a consequence. An iron band was tightened at her waist.

A different vise encased her toes, built from four ridged rods inserted

between the toes and two pressure bars connected by paired screws, which when

tightened crushed the toes onto the ridged rods. The first agony of her

renewed ordeal shot down her leg, her head jerking as this was much worse than

even five screws on the same foot. A similar device was applied to her right

hand, and then her right foot and left hand followed, as she pressed the chin

on her chest in spasmodic agony and a suppressed cry hummed behind her tight


When she saw what he had fetched, her heart sank. The inside of the vises he

was tightening around her legs had been rasped and hacked, and would chafe and

wound her skin horribly when tightened. Her fears found immediate confirmation

as the vises around her legs started to hurt and bleed in places, cutting into

her distended muscles on each turn of the screws. To add to her misery, he

caned her feet in order to cause her legs to twitch and vises to chafe into

her already wounded flesh.

Similar vises were tightened around her ribcage, above and below the breasts,

and then her arms were similarly encircled by raw bracelets of wooden agony,

the cane landing on her breasts to force her to grind herself onto the rasping

wood more and more. Her thighs were not spared, either.

A wail of anguish almost escaped her lips when the raw teeth of a vise closed

on her left breast, cutting at the base into the soft underside. He tightened

it some and then applied the other, connecting them with a cord to prevent

them from sliding off as the actual tightening began. The pain soon brought

her on the verge of passing out, but dread mounted in her as no respite came

while the pain in her bulging and distorted tits kept increasing.

More vises where applied to her cunt lips, the blood already dripping from her

breasts was soon joined by blood from her nether regions, the raw wood

tightened mercilessly, and from her love bud, constricted almost to the point

of bursting in the rasping grip of another wooden horror, a scream at the top

of the lungs mounting behind her shaken resolve as droplets of blood descended

her body like rivulets of pain, eroding her determination.

Two more vises were tightened savagely on her purplish nipples, and the cane

was brought on her soles, palms and underbelly, her delightful body writhing

and grinding the vises into the wounded flesh. Her tormentor alternated

turning a vise to lashing out with the cane, at leisure, making sure she was

given no respite from the unyielding pain. She would soon lose her defiance

again, and her screams would delight the ears of the onlookers much as the

writhing of her delectable body delighted the eyes.

Kayleen lost track of time, pain shooting into her from all over her body but

not bringing about the release she desperately yearned for, now undeniably

late in coming as her resolve was being consumed by the blazing fire from her

nipples and clitoris, the vulnerable pieces of feminine flesh her tormentors

invariably targeted again and again.

Only after an excruciatingly long time was she given some respite, and only

because tightening a vise or caning a nipple produced a less pronounced

reaction, hinting at a deeper exhaustion which had not been overcome by the

drugs fed to her. Again, much care was exercised in freeing her and tying her

arms behind a beam placed under her shoulders, bent at the elbow in a

painfully unnatural position. Her ankles were cuffed together, and a

thumbscrew tightened together the big toes of her feet.

When her tormentor lowered the chain above her, she wished for a moment that

she could scream her anguish and dread, because a wide breast press of rasped

wood hung from the chain, and she knew instantly the fate that would soon

befall her breasts.

The vise was tightened across both breasts and tied into place with cords, and

then the chain was pulled, forcing her on tiptoes to reduce the strain on her

tortured globes. The thumbscrew actually allowed only her big toes to bear the

weight of the body, and soon blood encrusted it as it bit in their flesh under

her waddling weight.

Other vises where tightened at the base of her nipples, and a large one

encased her thighs one against the other, pushing the hips outwards, each step

now a jerk reverberating through her hip joints. The cane landed on her

buttocks, the strikes pushing her around on her big thumbs in a circle which

soon became a bloody trail, her breast purplish and swollen, occasionally

seared by the accursed cane.

He reached in the crease between her thighs and tightened a vise on her love

bud again, then added vises on the tip of her nipples and connected the two

with cords wound behind her back, which he shortened until her feminine flesh

looked on the verge of being wrenched away, the breasts distorted by the

concomitant compression from the press and pull from the nipples. And the

exposed undersides a soft target which the cane soon visited.

After adding vises around the ribcage, he selected a longer, thicker cane,

which Kayleen felt she had been subjected to before, and lashed at the soft

flesh behind her thighs. The recognition of the cane used when he was dunking

her was immediately swamped under a wave of pain, caused by the full weight of

her body bearing on her breasts as the strike from the cane had caused her

legs to pull close in reflex.

He started playing with her like a puppeteer, a strike on her striped ass

cheeks for a step forward, a strike on her belly for a step backward, a strike

behind her calves or thighs for an agonizing instant of white hot pain hanging

from her breasts while the legs grasped frantically for the floor. Lashing her

left arm caused her to painfully turn to the left, lashing her right arm

turned her to the right. Her toes left a trail of blood on the floor.

He moved besides her and tightened the screws, one by one, then grabbed her

left breast with pliers and pulled, twisting as if to wrench it from her body,

bile burning her throat as the scream to top all screams raged at her weakened

will, but actually just enough to add a vise around it and tighten it as she

hissed and shook her head. He no longer seemed to care about breaking her, his

cold eyes only intent on causing her as much pain as possible.

He resumed his puppet play, the extra vises adding new agonies to the endless

hurt which wracked her when her thumbs left the ground, and pulled her around

in circles and counter circles, her toes occasionally skidding over her own

sweat and blood before painfully regaining what little balance she could

muster. No blessed release reached her, nothing took her even momentarily away

from her ordeal; her torment was suspended only when the cane would no longer

get her moving.

The old Southerner stepped in as Grod was looking after her wounds, real

bleeding wounds, although the skin had been chafed but not deeply cut and no

major vessels had been damaged. She noticed a new callousness in Grod's touch,

but her gaze locked onto the preparations of the Southerner who was visibly

aroused at the thought of what he was about to visit on the delectable body of

this Northern goddess.

He was busying himself with a pole, mounted on a sturdy four beamed rest, on

top of which rested a wooden cone, about one inch at the rounded top and

tapering to ten or twelve inches at the base. The pole could be adjusted in

height, but what filled her with dread was near the bottom, a short spreader

bar with cuffs at the ends and a middle ring loosely encircling the pole.

She could barely breathe because of the collar, but she turned from Grod's

grasp when the old Southerner came to her, attempting a reaction which was

stifled immediately as she was still cuffed at the ankles and wrists, and

still cuffed she was brought to the pole and seated on it, the dull tip

nudging at her sphincter, her arms bent behind her neck but chained to a

savagely tight iron band at her waist and her legs distended along the pole

and cuffed to the bar, the balls of her feet on a pile of wooden slabs.

The Southerner, grinning, shortened the chain between her cuffs and the waist

band, bending her backwards and pushing out her full, firm breasts, his gaze

transfixed as they heaved while she breathed hard because of the collar,

which was finally loosened. But her respite was short lived, because he also

removed some slabs from under her feet, which dangled in mid air unable to

reach the pole. The pressure on her anus became immediately painful as the

rounded point pushed in, until she desperately clenched her thighs.

"Now, my dear butterfly, we've got you just where we wanted." he leered, and

brought forward a round glass jug encased in a decorated wooden and ivory

framework, its lower half heated by a sizable oil burner. Four hoses departed

from the the top, each ending in a bronze crocodile head, a valve. Each hose

hailed from a separate compartment, two apparently empty and two where leaves

of sorts were being heated.

"Some misguided fool removed your gag." he said. "The gag makes you more

willing to sing for us, among other things." he added, paying no heed to her

baleful stare. As disgust mounted within her, he brought a hose near her

nipple and opened the valve, a surge of hot air caressing her poor feminine

flesh. She jerked away with a gasp, the pain to the nipple compounded by a

stab from below her as her thighs had allowed the cone to enter her some more.

He contemplated her feet, now a few inches above the ground but frantically

searching for a rest, and savored her thighs clenching in fear as he brought

the crocodile head between her legs. The bronze head breathed on her vulva,

forcing her to open her thighs, writhe and buckle, rocking the pole as her

delicate skin turned pink. How she managed not to scream, she couldn't tell.

"Obstinate silence again." he muttered, then tightened the collar and pinched

her nose, but it took him many attempts nevertheless to push into her mouth a

strong steel gag, the extremities bending around her mouth like spider legs on

her scratched cheeks. When he moved the hose at her other breast and unleashed

it, however, he was rewarded by a steadily increasing wail of torment as the

hot air assaulted her nipple.

He emptied a jug down her mouth, the bitter taste of the drug mixed with the

honey as she coughed it up. The hose was brought behind her back and turned

loose on her ass cheeks, so he could solace himself with her screams and wails

as he slowly moved its head in broad circles, first left then right, grinding

the cone into her orifice with each gyration of her shapely buttocks and each

strangled cry from her sore throat.

Kayleen caught herself blabbering between screams, but the pain was beyond her

and the searing whiff of the hose gave her no respite, although he alternated

between the two hoses not burning leaves as they apparently took some time to

recharge between uses. The cone had distended her sphincter and reopened the

wounds from her previous ordeals.

Her nemesis was playing with her misery, and enjoying it immensely. Sometimes

he would target her thighs or groin, forcing her to lose her grip and impale

herself more on the hellish wooden tormentor, sometimes he would martyrize a

breast, forcing her to rotate her body to avert the fiery breath and once more

grind the cone into her savaged innards, but now and then he would place it

just under her private parts, so that to spare them she had to push herself up

at any cost with short sitting jumps, the cone jarring into her as she landed

on her torn sphincter after each.

Aroused by her writhing but still shapely body, he disrobed and penetrated her

in a rutting upwards surge, her outraged cry music to his ears, each thrust

pushing her up a bit and ravaging her distended asshole thereafter. Once

satisfied, he pushed a bronze crocodile into her vagina as her gagged mouth

babbled "No, No!" and opened it half way, the scalding whisper soon turning

her twitching body into a frantically screaming puppet of pain.

Her eyes opened wide in horror and disbelief when respite only came as he

penetrated her again, the sore walls of her love channel blazing at the

intrusion, her throat howling to high heaven as she was subjected to his

abject lust. Although his rut was soon over, her suffering was not, as his

game was now to keep a hose blowing on the same piece of flesh in spite of her

buckling and twitching, and her long wails of hopeless anguish turned into

howls of agony when the breath lingered on her clitoris or nipple.

She could not tell whether he finally tired of his games or her body robbed

him of further delights by withdrawing from further pain, but at last she was

lifted from the bloodstained cone, and let face down on the stone floor, still

savagely restrained. The jug was emptied through her gag, and a soothing

ointment was rubbed on her burns.

She had found respite but not mercy, however, because the Southerner pulled

her head up by her blonde hair and pushed his member through her gag, her cry

dying off in a gurgle as he had his way with her again. He then pulled her up

and positioned her vagina on top of the cone, guiding it as it entered her

while her sobs turned into wails and then a cry as her muscles were stretched

by the already bloodstained intruder and the wooden surface chafed the

blistered insides of her love channel.

She still stood on her feet, her back arched and the face staring into the

ceiling as her arms were still pulled down to the waist band, but her nemesis

grasped her leg and doubled it under the thigh, cuffing the ankle to an iron

band at the hip. Her body shifted and oscillated forwards, in search of

balance, and found it by swinging the thighs backwards and the chest forwards,

her whole weight on the wooden cone pushing upwards through her now vertical

love channel.

A rising howl of agony erupted from her gagged mouth as the cone entered her

with sober swiftness, visibly distending the muscles at the entrance of the

vagina, old wounds reddening again, until she savagely clenched her thighs and

managed to stop its progression.

His eyes engorged themselves on her generously proportioned breasts heaving

between her sobs, and as if in a dream he brought a hose to each and opened

the bronze valves, chasing her breasts as she buckled and twisted, impaling

herself further down the wooden cone.

The dull tip of the cone already pressed on her cervix, and the pain from the

chafed, blistering walls was enough to prevent her from finding respite

however she tried to move, so he just stood there and watched. Her blonde mane

undulated as she jerked her head, the eyes shut tight in a face beautiful even

in her agony, the tendons of the neck taut under the iron collar, the

delightful mounds of her breasts proud and firm, pink and angry red in places,

heaving as her ribcage fought for air, and the strong, slender thigh clenching

the wooden member in an obscene parody of the love act ... his gaze drank it

all up, the exhilarant wine of suffering sweet on his eyes and the symphony of

her screams delightful to his ears.

In her sobs and wails, Kayleen pronounced words at random, some sweet to the

ears such as "Mercy", others nonsensical such as "walkway". Leisurely, he

pulled at one of the hoses he had disregarded so far and applied it to her

left breast, laughing as she jerked in surprise at the soothing effect of the

herbal fumes. When he let hot hair blow on the soothed skin, however, her

screams soon resumed, at which he applied the soothing smoke again. Each time

she screamed longer and louder, as the soothing fumes actually allowed the hot

air to linger on the skin without damaging it.

He moved to the soles of her feet, and alternated the hoses on each, her

screeches interrupted only by tearful sobbing and exploding in anguished howls

whenever he lingered some more. He started teasing her, soothing places he did

not subsequently torment, to see her squirm in the vain attempt to escape the

fiery breath of the crocodile heads. Her legs and thighs were not spared, but

he found a special delight in the screams wrenched from her mouth when he

applied the torment to her armpits.

As always, he saved the best for the last. He moved before her and played with

her abdomen and front thighs somewhat, unable to meet the gaze of her teary

eyes as he would have liked to do, and then brought the soothing hose to her

left nipple and the fiery hose to the her right nipple. He chased them, as she

ground herself on the cone in spasmodic jerks to avoid the unrelenting pain in

her burnt nipples, and exchanged the hoses over and over again, keeping an eye

on the angry red pieces of feminine flesh which the three of them had agreed

to torment without causing permanent damage.

The soothing fumes worked well, but he would have liked to bristle and char

the delectable appendages all by himself now, resenting the obligation to

share the exquisite pleasure with the others. She was blabbering again, she

would in all likelihood break soon.

And then an evil thought struck his mind, and he whispered a cruel lie, "Talk

now, girl. Tell the old wizard what he wants to know. He promised that you

would be the prize for whoever broke you, and I want you for my pleasures

only." He saw his words had found his mark when her teary eyes bulged in

horror: she would not break just now, and he would be allowed to continue at

his game unimpeded. He had not thought out all the consequences, however.

He brought both heads blowing on her crotch, the fiery blow following the

soothing blow an inch behind, and followed the torn line of muscle at the

entrance of her vagina before nudging them under the fold above her clitoris,

her maddened screams all he wanted to hear from her as he slowly twisted the

two hoses so that he could keep them on without undue damage.

The cone had entered her to the point of visibly distending her lower belly,

and blood percolated down in tiny drops, yet she still yanked herself around

whenever the twin breaths licked at her, and he resumed his game of forcing

her to grind herself on the wooden tormentor. He played it onto her crotch and

inner thighs until she no longer reacted.

They still kept her restrained, but Kayleen was delirious and could not even

stand, much less fight. She was physically drained, yet neither exhaustion nor

unrelenting pain had allowed her the respite of unconsciousness. The thought

of refusing the jug occurred to her, although her parched throat craved it,

because they were adding some drug for prolonging her suffering.

Grod dragged her to a rack, grimacing when he lifted her. "I must have broken

his ribs," she thought. He had tightened the collar, and cuffed her wrists

and ankles with wide, padded cuffs before releasing it again. She shivered at

the thought of being stretched on the rack again, the pain in her muscles

almost rekindling at the thought in spite of the burns all over her body and

the agony from her torn passages.

He poured another jug down her gag, before she could resolve herself to refuse

it, and then started summarily treating her wounded orifices. She could not

tell why, but a "Thanks" came to her lips, and their gazes locked. She saw his

eyes harden when more pain shot from his ribs.

This rack was rather elaborate, consisting of a main bench and four

outstretched arms for the limbs, with a separate, complex winch at the end of

each. Each arm could be repositioned using a pair of cranks. She was currently

bound spreadeagled, the rack arms forming an X, and he tightened studded iron

bands at her hips, shoulders and waist, immobilizing her torso.

With steel in his eyes, Grod then moved between her legs and disrobed. Her

wail was half dread, half despair, as something within her soul shattered with

his first thrust. Her sore parts were ravaged again, with cold determination

and merciless strength, her wails and sobs falling on deaf ears as he pressed

on, the Southerner snickering at them in a corner.

Once done, he moved to the left upper arm and rotated it, twisting her arm in

the socket. He repeated the operation with the other arm, lowering them below

chest level, pushing her shoulder blades together and her martyrized breasts

proudly upwards. The muscles strained on the previous session hurt anew, and

others which had been spared flexed, her position not painful yet but her

future bleak in the hands of a connoisseur in the human body.

Pain arrived soon, when he cranked the rollers at the end of each arm and

pulled her arms, pulling the wrist against the bands at shoulder height and

stretching the twisted elbow and the arm out of its socket. He alternated the

left and right arm, the pain unlike the unyielding pull of her previous

racking but a white hot flash from the elbow, wrist and shoulder while muscle

and even ligaments were torn and released as her screams resounded in the vast

emptiness of the torture chamber.

What she could not see was that each roller had a device which reversed the

pull for a brief moment, so her limbs were steadily pulled, suddenly released

and then yanked back into traction. When her limbs were pulled taut and pain

burnt in her shoulder joints, he started whipping her breasts.

Her screams rose to new heights as each strike left a crimson stripe on her

firm flesh, the pain compounding the agony from her racked limbs as she pulled

on them in the vain attempt to escape the whip. Unlike before, now the torture

could be kept up, and at length her breasts turned into globes of crimson pain

while her arms hurt as if they were about to be torn from her body.

Putting the whip aside, he inspected her arms and fetched ominous iron clamps

which he proceeded to tighten on the tendons and muscles, either on sight or

after inspecting her arm with expert fingers, turning the screws until they

bit hard in the taut flesh.

He then poured on her arms cold water in quantity, and once this treatment

had knotted them cranked the rollers, her cold muscles cramping under the pull

and prevented from extending by the unyielding bit of the clamps. Each sudden

yanking of the hellish device wrenched another scream from her, and to her

disbelief he brought the whip down on her striped tits again, alternating a

crank on the roller and a lash at the opposing tit, drawing blood as the welts

crossed each other again and again.

When he moved to her legs, dread mounted in her and she started spouting words

at random, interspersed by cries as he cranked the lower arms of the rack to

spread her legs wider and down, twisting them at the hip joints and again

pulling not only at muscles which had been already strained on the flat rack,

but also at ligaments sorely tested by Chang's ministrations.

Grod worked intently, apparently neither moved nor thrilled when she started

to scream again as he cranked the rollers, distending her legs and sending

pain through her ankles, knees and hips. The cross rack was designed to pull

at the limbs without endangering the spine, and it was achieving just that,

the legs pulled against the unyielding iron band at each hip. The stretching

made the leg and thigh muscles exquisitely prominent, and tightening screws

on them was a much quicker affair.

He bid his time with the cold water, however, so much that she started to cry

again as cramps bit her muscles even without further pulling. When he deemed

her ready, he cranked the rollers in earnest however, her howls rising up the

vaults in bloodcurdling crescendo as he started whipping her crotch.

As with her breasts, each strike brought double pain from the muscles she

pulled by her jerks and twitches, and no respite came as she kept suffering

without interruption under the unrelenting torture. He would crank one leg,

whip at her striped groin, crank the other, and whip her again. Occasionally

the whip found its mark on her inner thighs, but its main target was always

her battered feminine parts.

He cranked her legs again, her hoarse screams still resounding in the chamber,

and then he tightened her collar, moved between her legs again, wore a leather

condom and penetrated her forcefully again, tearing at her ravaged channel and

bringing new agonies in her strained joints each time he pushed into her.

Blood from the spasming ring of muscles torn by the cone mixed with blood from

her whipped privates, and pain from her stretched limbs mixed with the brutal

humiliation of rape. Her fitful screams and sobs lasted her entire violation

and much more, as in pain and misery she twitched of her own accord in the

horrid embrace of the cross rack.

As the impassive Grod prepared the rest of her ordeal, the Southerner's gaze

feasted on her agony, enjoying the spasmodic jerks of the chest and pelvis

tearing at her stretched limbs. She was essentially racking herself, each

movement causing such pain that she could not help but jerk in response, thus

causing herself more pain in an exquisitely vicious circle. The Easterner also

appeared to appreciate the technique.

Grod encased her upper left arm in an iron contraption, did the same for her

upper right arm, and placed similar devices at her hips. Apparently their

operation depended on the rollers at the end of the cross rack arms, but it

was hard to tell their purpose. He then fetched a pair of large, wooden pliers

with the jaws rasped raw and closed it on her left breast, putting a boot on

the rack to pull and twist at it as if to tear it from her chest. Screaming

at the top her lungs she rotated her chest in response, pulling with all her

strength against the arm socket which would not follow.

Nobody could hear the sound, drowned by her demented screams, but all watched

as the flesh at the socket bulged and then sank as she dislocated her own arm,

and then started when the device sprang and reduced it on the fly, triggered

by the sudden drop in resistance effected by the dislocation. White hot waves

of pain rose from arm and breast, her screams uninterruptedly tearing at the

very stones of the chamber, the still impassive Grod waiting until her pain

subsided to rekindle it by moving to her other breast.

Again her screams burst through the gag, punctuated by bloodcurdling howls and

neither decreasing nor diminishing as she slowly dislocated her own arm again

and had the dislocation reduced by the device. Then he closed the pliers

around her left labia, and pulled savagely until her left hip joint underwent

the same dreadful fate, and repeated the gruesome operation her right thigh.

Kayleen floated on a searing wave of relentless agony which rose and fell

but never receded, still screaming uninterruptedly into her gag in spite of

her parched, hoarse throat, wishing she would die instead of suffering any

further. But even as the thought that they could do no worse to her crossed

her mind, she knew it was not over, because the jaws of Grod's pliers closed

on her left breast again.

Still unable to find respite, Kayleen found unending agonies on the cross rack

as each limb was slowly dislocated again, her right arm actually not reducing

correctly and requiring manual intervention from Grod before re-seating

properly. Her maddened screams had echoed in the chamber without interruption

for at least an hour, and no respite was given to her, neither from her

torture nor from her own body. Her other tortures had been suspended when the

pain was no longer being felt, but even the twisted mercy of ultimate cruelty

was denied to her as the pain of dislocation resurfaced fresh each time on her

devastated visage. Her voice waned to a wheeze, consumed in screaming for an

unmerciful audience, but her body still twitched in horrendous pain, racking

itself on the gruesome cross rack, as her repeatedly dislocated limbs radiated

agony into her once athletic frame.

After this nightmare went on for a duration she could not comprehend, Grod

repositioned the rack and fucked her again, slowly and deliberately, the final

humiliation before she was at last released.

Chapter 7 - The Slippery Slope

Kayleen's pitiful moans echoed in the darkness of the chamber under the ruins

of Zhorun's former castle. Nobody had removed the gag this time, but the ache

in the jaw and the scratches on the cheeks were not the reason of her anguish.

She lay spreadeagled, face up, on a bed of marble wedges. Each was actually a

tetrahedron, and as such behaved as a caltrop, a tip always pointing upward no

matter how you moved it. The tips and edges were not actually sharp, just

enough to make lying on them as uncomfortable as possible without drawing

blood. She had tried to push some away, but the chains at her wrists and

ankles only allowed her to move sideways, and the wedges were all linked

together so she was unable to sweep a place to rest her wounded body.

Her failed stunt had brought upon her the unbridled wrath of her tormentors,

leaving her burnt, bleeding, broken, and defeated. She could not even deny

them her screams now, as the gag deprived her of the easiest method, and she

would have had to possess superhuman will to utter no sound under the

atrocities perpetrated upon her. The Warrior Queen pondered her bleak future,

her only hope now lay in being found before she broke under the torture.

As she thought of that, she heard with horror the approaching footsteps. "No!

It's too early! Not already!" she sobbed through her gag. The drug she had

been fed had allowed them to prolong the last session horrendously, so her

respite had been shortened accordingly.

When their torches lit the chamber, it was the old Southerner who came to her

first. She closed her eyes, expecting the worst, and was soon confirmed in her

fears when he violated her on the spot, the wedges digging painfully into her

as he thrust his rutting member inside her. "The first screams of the

morning." he cackled, his hands on her hips as he came at last.

His subsequent preparations took a long time, then she was made to stand and

brought to a sturdy wooden grating, the beams crossing about half a foot

apace, where thorny vines and branches from some unknown tree had been

interwoven. As her wrists were cuffed to the upper corners of the frame, a

shrill cry rose through her gag when her nipples brushed against the leaves.

"Whore Queen, meet the original stinging tree." mocked her tormentor as her

ankles were spread and tied to the lower corners of the frame. He then moved

behind her and put his hands on her ass cheeks, pushing them up with his

thumbs and distending them as his member nudged her asshole. He paused, as if

to listen, then pushed in, crushing her into thorns and leaves alike.

As he had to avoid contact with the leaves himself, he mostly pushed upwards,

enjoying the recoil as she fell back down after each thrust, and as a result

her legs and lower half were comparatively spared, as was her face since she

bent her neck in agony and despair. But her front and breasts were brushed

repeatedly against the leaves and the thorny vines, gathering bleeding cuts

and angry red rashes until he was finally done.

But Kayleen's ordeal was not, and he produced a bundle of vines and branches

which his gloved hands tied to the frame just under her vulva, forcing her to

bend at the waist to get her pelvic area away from the protrusion. He then

moved behind her and fetched a strange whip, with three tails, each half an

inch wide, and covered in short, coarse bristles.

He lashed her thighs, the tails leaving angry red marks as a wail of agony

rose through her gagged mouth. In spite of the lashes, her legs and body

pushed back as much as she could to avoid contact with the grotesque

protrusion, and her tormentor thus enjoyed the enviable sight of her strong

frame writhing under the lash, the slender legs taut and the ass thrust back,

pushing her delightful buttocks toward the whip.

The soles of her feet were beyond reach, but her arms proved intriguing

because she turned when he lashed one, exposing the opposite breast and

brushing the other against thorns and leaves. In order to wind the tips around

her torso and lash the breasts with full force, he had to change his position

after each lash, so he soon started panting from the exertion.

Out of breath, but still burning with lust, he targeted her muscular back,

each lash wrenching a shrill scream from her restrained body. As he moved

towards the buttocks, it became harder and harder for Kayleen to keep her

distance from the protruding bundle, and fresh screams arose in mounting

anguish whenever it brushed against her.

Her tormentor started a new game, meant to push her onto the bundle at whip

point. He lashed her sides, the tails wrapping around to slap on her lower

front, until her position was just right, and then put all his lust behind a

vicious upward blow to the underside of her ass. As the blow landed she

actually pushed herself forwards, as he had hoped, but moved past the bundle,

which brushed her on the left side.

"Be nice to the stinging tree." he mocked as he tried again, hoping that she

would understand and oppose him. He was disappointed, as her buckling became

frantic whenever a lash pushed her against the protrusion, her thighs and

front angry red as not all misses had been complete. Exhausted at last,

covered in red rashes from calf to wrist, she was forced by hand against the

bundle and screamed pitifully through the gag, defeated and writhing.

Her tormentor pressed on for some time, lashing her with quick strokes meant

to prevent her from disentangling from the excruciating bundle whose thorns

and leaves were raking her groin. After some time, she was cautiously untied

and made to drink from the jug, then retied in the opposite position, her back

to the frame and her front to her tormentor, arching to avoid contact between

her striped back and the frame, offering her full breasts and spread thighs to

the whip.

The old Southerner almost purred at the sight, savoring each thorn cut and

angry rash before raising his arm and slashing her soft underbelly, the three

tails leaving angry trails on her irritated skin. She howled at the top of her

lungs, discovering how the blisters prickled mercilessly the rashes from the

stinging tree.

On stung skin, striking with full force was actually less painful, because the

bristles were less effective. Her tormentor started swinging the whip upwards,

the tails landing lazily between her spread thighs and leaving angry red marks

as her screams rose in unison with the whip.

He insisted on whipping her crotch until the area was brimming with angry red

spots, some bristles actually sticking in the skin, and then moved to her

legs, her supple, long legs now fully distended in the effort to keep her back

from the thorns and stinging leaves. No longer panting, he actually whipped

them with force and at length, her cries quieter but tinged with despair.

He targeted her belly next, again striking with reduced force to let the

blisters burn the stung skin, savoring each howl escaping from the spidery gag

as he watched her suffering face. He lowered his aim, striking her mons,

irritated at Grod for plucking it raw because he would have liked to do so

with the bristled whip now, so he struck her repeatedly until her anguished

screams soothed him somewhat.

His gaze feasted on the body being offered to him, from the long, slender arms

to the ample chest, the full, firm breasts heaving as she cried under the

whip, the sculpted ribcage, the muscular abdomen, the ample pelvis, the long,

supple thighs. He whipped each as he enjoyed it, savoring her screams and her

spasmodic buckling.

Kayleen's was drowning in a nightmare of burning agony, the stung skin hurting

terribly when the bristles caressed it, her strained muscles protesting her

stretched position, her violated anus throbbing in pain. She already craved

the merciful embrace of unconsciousness, although dread told her that she

would be denied it from now on.

The whip landed across her breasts, with force, and her tormentor dragged the

bristled tails over the stung flesh. This was a strike he had practiced at

length, and he repeated it, enjoying the bleeding welts and the red swathes of

irritated skin as each brought a new cry from her. For a while, he closed his

eyes, betting with himself that he could aim with the sole help of her

screams, but then he reopened them to enjoy the sight again.

When his victim's front was a crisscrossed mesh of welts and stripes, he

sheathed his member in leather and closed on her, pushing her whipped back

against the thorns and stinging leaves and enjoying her struggling twitches as

his member entered her forcefully, his gloved hands fastened on her hips to

guide this renewed violation.

Instead of thrusting into her, he wanted her to buckle and twitch him to

climax, so he tightened her collar and clutched at some branches behind her to

bring them to her front, wrapping her chest in burning agony as her breathing

was obstructed and her vagina muscles tightened deliciously on his erect

member. Her frantic contortions took a long time to sate him, so much that he

considered wiser to loosen her collar twice to prevent her from asphyxiating.

He left her twitching on the frame, her eyes shut tight, so when she was

untied and saw what he had prepared for her, she gasped in fear. A low

trestle, brimming with thorns and stinging leaves, where she would lie face

down, her front agonizing on the hellish surface.  He carefully cuffed each

ankle to an iron band in the thigh, cuffed elbows and wrists behind her back,

then lifted her and landed her belly down on the frame, ignoring the cry of

agony wrenched from her gagged mouth, from her crushed breasts to her mons.

Her thighs were spread painfully wide, and an iron band was tightened around

her waist so that she could not roll off the torturous frame.

He grabbed her head by the hair and thrust his member into her gagged mouth,

while his other arm whipped her vulva. Her gagged screams made him hard, and

he whipped her again, and again, intoxicated with sadistic pleasure at her

humiliation and despair. She gurgled when he came in her mouth, still madly

screaming from the stinging leaves, her only hope being that he had not fed

her the jug this time, so maybe she would be given some respite soon.

He pulled off her mouth, but her ordeal was far from over. He pulled leaves

and thorns up over her crotch, rubbing them forcefully with both gloved hands,

until he managed to tie some around her waist band, then started whipping the

soles of her feet. Each welt on the soft flesh caused her to twist and buckle,

further grinding the thorns and leaves into her wounded groin.

He then fetched a pair of clasps, pulled her up by her hair until her breasts

cleared the frame, clasped both her nipples and pulling at them kept her

bending backwards, whipping the stung undersides of her breasts, each strike a

new howl when the bristles brushed the irritated flesh. Her agonized face

aroused him again, and he thrust his member into her gag, pulling at one

nipple and then another until her screaming mouth sated him.

Fetching the whip again, he rained vicious strikes on her buttocks and her

inner thighs, then pulled her up by the nipples again, the sight a favorite of

his, and whipped her slowly, as if waiting for something. Kayleen screamed and

screamed, the pain overcoming her dread at what he was waiting for, but

instead of further humiliation she was subjected to a prolonged whipping of

her feminine parts, the bristled tails striking through the leaves and thorns

until he effectively removed the latter by force of whip.

Fetching more clasps, he used them to spread her labia and pulling them with

one hand forced her to bend her pelvis towards him, her cries turning to

bloodcurdling howls when the whip started landing on her now exposed innards

and resonating under the vaults of the chamber for a long time, her writhing

body a toy under his whip.

Kayleen craved in vain some respite, even the briefest, but she was spared

nothing, her tormentor in his lust alternating between pulling her up by her

nipples or pulling her crotch off the frame, the whip landing mercilessly on

abundantly wounded skin, the welts bleeding as they crossed each other.

He wanted to violate her again, but no arousal occurred, and using the drug

again would be risky, so he kept up whipping her, although her sensitivity was

obviously waning, and raged on her bleeding crotch until he had to stop and

catch his breath. Spent and unhappy, he whipped her breasts a few more times

and then finally gestured to the Easterner.

She was cautiously untied, and she drank avidly from the jug, her thirst and

exhaustion stronger than the realization that the syrup included something

which prevented her from passing out under the torments. The Easterner brought

her to a sturdy wooden seat and immobilized her on it, cuffing her ankles and

wrists but also tightening iron bands on her limbs and torso.

Her toes were also immobilized between wooden planks, and a knobbed iron rod

was placed under them. Kayleen, unable to enjoy her respite, watched in dread

his preparations until his intent became clear, as a large stone brick was

dropped on her left foot, its ridged underside crushing on her delicate foot.

She cried aloud through her gag, and she cried again when her other foot was

next, but horror rose to her face when she saw that he held a lead weight

above a brick, turning to agony when the weight was dropped in place. Each

time a weight was dropped pain shot through a foot, the knobs digging

painfully under the toes, but the pauses only brought dull, uninterrupted ache

as the weight crushed flesh and bone.

Slowly, the weight was increased to the point of the ache turning to pain,

with blood trickling from under her toes because of the knobs, and the rate at

which weight was increased slowed to a crawl. Her agony was rekindled when the

iron rods were twisted, the knobs mauling the soft flesh under her toes.

As she screamed under the unrelenting weight, the Easterner moved to her

hands, immobilized her fingers between planks, fitting not one but three rods

under them, and then dropped a brick on each hand, with the visible intent to

start another progression like the one which had brought her feet in their

present condition. Kayleen in spite of herself sought his gaze, defeated to

the point of begging and on the verge of breaking, but his cold stare spoke of

a painful revenge to be exacted first.

When he was done, her strong body shook the chair, bolted on the floor, and

her sweat soaked mane oscillated left and right in rhythm with her sobs and

cries. Dread and anguish echoed in her scream when he snug knobbed rods under

her thighs and then placed a slab on them, the ridges biting the welts from

her recent whipping and the weights soon exacting new screams from the

writhing young woman, which turned to howls when the rods were turned and the

knobs raked the flesh, digging painfully and sometimes drawing blood.

More weights were added on her forearms, and then her tormentor alternated

long pauses of unrelenting crushing agony to sudden twists of a rod here and

there, the pain radiating from the offended flesh forcing her to twitch and

renewing the agony from the crushing weight on her limbs.

After a nightmarish stretch of torment, he made it worse, placing a wooden

plank on her chest, shaped to fit the ribcage under the breasts and sustain

them. Her own generous but firm breasts flattened only partially when they

were made to lean on the plank, but when the ridged underside of the brick was

dropped, crushing them on the plank and the knotted rod forced under them, her

howl rose fully to the vaults of the chamber and resonated fully in the ears

of the onlookers.

Slowly and deliberately, weights were dropped on her crushed breasts, turning

the rod a half turn on each drop, alternating weight and twist in a litany of

screams and howls during which she often started babbling random words cut

short by a vicious twisting of the rods.

Her tormentor seemed to never run out of weights, although he now used lighter

weights intended to compound the pain, not break the bone, and dropping a

weight on some crushed part of her body, twisting a rod and then pausing while

the pressure unrelentingly dished out its measure of pain became the horizons

of her nightmare of suffering, her hoarse throat screaming in the gag until at

last her body no longer reacted to a twisted rod.

She was cautiously freed, her limbs and breasts covered with nasty, bluish

bruises which Grod treated exchanging a look with the imperturbable Easterner,

as if reminding him of their agreement. She was made to kneel on the ridges of

an upturned stone slab, placing half a dozen knobbed rods on the back of her

legs before forcing her to sit on her heels and cuffing her hands on a beam

behind her back, her arms leaning on the beam at the expense of her shoulders

which were put under strain again. The beam rested on sturdy legs which also

sustained a plank fitting under her breasts, and Kayleen followed the dreadful

preparations with teary eyes, losing herself what little rest they allowed.

The Easterner placed more rods under the full length of her stretched arms,

and then renewed the nightmare of dropped weights and twisted rods, brick by

brick, her tears mixing with sweat on her twitching, sumptuous body as he

coldly tormented her bruised limbs. Droplets of blood stained the wooden beam

where the knobs dug in the flesh, chafing the skin and reopening her welts.

After a agonizing hiatus, he distended her breasts on the plank, threading a

knotted rope around the base and through holes in the wood, and pulled her

nipples enough to tie another loop of rope around each distorted mammary, as

her face contorted in pain and shrieks for the full length of the agonizing

transformation of her proud breasts in distended cones of constricted pain.

When a ridged slab was dropped on her tormented breasts, she screamed to the

top of her lungs, unaware that something worse was in store for her. The next

weight was a wedge, placed between her chest and the slab, its weight stabbing

down as if to cut off her breasts from the chest. As the tendons on her neck

almost broke under the tension from her anguished howls, another slab was

placed on her thighs.

Her eyes bulged as the heavy slab compressed her doubled legs, the knobs

between thigh and leg digging in both and shooting white hot pain through her

as he twisted one and then the other, each twist reverberating through her

whole body as she tried to pull her breasts free and move her arms. As more

weights were added, bruises she could not see, but each wrenching a new scream

from her sore throat, appeared on her arms, thighs and breasts.

Kayleen's misery sank to new depths when the cane landed on her soles, the

thin red welt bleeding as more strikes followed, each causing a spasm which

brought fresh pain from her limbs and her trapped breasts. Each pitiful howl

wailed off as her chest was unable to expand and contract freely, the very act

of screaming tearing her breasts from the unyielding stone maws.

As weights were slowly added over her thighs, twisting a knobbed rod required

the use of a handle, the act unleashing a sequel of gasps and shrieks as the

wry Easterner protracted it, her head trashing madly each time he turned one

as the knobs bit the flesh of leg and thigh and each jerk in reaction brought

new pain from her arms and breasts.

Her tormentor's cold stare proved he was perfectly aware of the nightmare her

formerly voluptuous mammaries were suffering, and Kayleen screamed when he

fetched a weight and lingered over them. He dropped the weight when her scream

waned, and when her subsequent thrashing and screams subsided caned her soles

to rekindle them again, her breasts dripping blood where the ridged slab had

chafed open the crisscrossed marks from her recent whipping.

After more weights, as she thought that her breasts would be crushed to pulp,

he slashed her left nipple with the cane, a lance of white hot pain searing

through her up to her screaming throat, followed by another as he caned her

other nipple. Slowly, methodically, pausing to let her deepen her torment by

thrashing in response to each strike, he alternated between her nipples until

her response to each strike waned to a whimper.

When she was freed, her body and especially her breasts were a mess of bluish

bruises and bleeding welts, which Grod treated with little apparent success as

she drank from the jug again, her thirst her own undoing. As they brought her

to a trestle and started cuffing her ankles, she vainly tried to cover her

whipped private parts with her bloodied hands, dreadfully aware of what the

spread thighs would bring.

After securing her painfully spread legs to a beam with iron bands, her

torturer cuffed her wrists behind her and pulled them through a ring in the

floor, bending her arms back in their sockets, wrenching from her a cry of

anguished pain. Her breasts leaned upturned on a wooden plank, ready to

receive the dreadful weights on their soft undersides.

The Easterner first placed slabs over her spread legs and thighs, each bearing

the accursed knobbed rods right on the underside. When enough weight was added

to cause Kayleen to cry, turning these rods revealed new heights of agony to

the tormented young woman, because the full weight of the slab rested on the

knob during its entire rotation, chafing a nasty bruise in the wounded skin

which would bleed raw in a few rotations.

More slabs were placed over her arms, her screaming now devoid of interruption

as the weight on the legs tore at her hip sockets compounding the pain along

the full length of her lower limbs. She shrieked in dread when a slab was

placed on the underside of her breasts, the knobs digging in her flesh as more

weight was quickly brought to bear on her once proud mammaries.

Her left foot was caned again, sending pain through her leg and wrenching a

new cry of anguish as her restrained leg attempted to twitch away in response,

shifting dozens of knobs in their seats within her flesh. He then moved to her

right foot, and leisurely alternated between them, each strike bringing a new

scream as a tormented limb twitched in vain.

Words erupted between screams from her sore mouth as the unrelenting torment

was protracted, most of which the Easterner could not understand except for a

hoarse "Please! I was just trying to escape." at which his gaze hardened. He

fetched another slab, one he was ordinarily reluctant to use as its original

designer died in an asylum for the insane. This slab needed a rack mount for

sliding, which he set up around her groin, and the wedge was to be placed

inside the feminine parts of the victim.

The dread for his preparations managed what will could no longer accomplish,

for her screams of pain subsided while she stared at the wedge being mounted

and then lowered inside her, her tormentor's fingers separating the lips as

the wide tip entered her, its cold ridged surface soothing at first until

weight was applied. The wedge lodged its point in the upper recesses of her

vulva, so when weight was added instead of penetrating her love channel it

weighed upon the urethra, parting her lips and sliding down until its descent

was stopped at the joining of the lips, the tip crushing her clitoris as she

screamed like a demented animal.

Her tormentor twisted the rods on the slopes of the wedge after adding enough

weight to drive two knobs on top of her love button, each turn of the handle

wrenching a gurgling howl of unbridled agony on par with the worst resonated

during her suffering in this chamber of horrors. As if to draw a comparison,

he caned her protruding nipples, alternating caning and twisting as her body

shook in her restraints and blood flowed in rivulets down her mons.

When she was freed, Grod examined her at length, skipping the cautionary

tightening of her collar as she was obviously no threat, and treated her with

more thoroughness than usual. But his gaze was still hard as steel when she

looked between tears, and he dragged her to a chair brimming with spikes, her

moan of pleading unheeded as she was cuffed on the seat.

As her thighs weighed on the chair a scream erupted from her lips, as she felt

what her eyes would later confirm: instead of iron spikes the chair had

slender wooden wedges whose point had been hacked raw. Instead of piercing the

flesh, the wedges drove wooden splinters in her bruises and welts, a more

diabolical pain for much less actual damage.

Her collar was pulled against the back of the seat, driving the splintered

points in her wounded back. Kayleen gasped and screamed again, as the jerk

from the stabs in her back had unseated the points under her thighs, shifting

them inside her wounded flesh. Her screams continued as she sought to still

herself under the unrelenting torment.

A wedged plank was placed on her legs and tightened, driving the points into

her wounds on the front and back of her supple legs and launching her on a new

journey into agony as she jerked and twisted in her seat of pain, screaming

and sobbing as splinters entered her wounds here and there. Her heart sank

when she managed to still herself enough to open her teary eyes and notice the

brazier, where sinister instruments were being heated.

Her torment was renewed again and again when wedged planks were tightened on

each forearm, her tormentor intent on protracting her agonies and oblivious to

the pleading in her eyes. More meaningless words escaped her mouth between

sobs and screams, and on cue from Zhorun her gag was removed. In spite of the

haze and exhaustion, this stirred something inside her mind, an urgency to

keep from her tormentors something she no longer remembered clearly.

A wave of agony drowned any such thoughts when a wedged plank was tightened on

her thighs, her wounds bleeding anew as splinters seared their way into them

causing her body to twist and buckle in response, unleashing a sequel of jerks

and twitches punctuated by agonized howls and gasping shrieks that Grod

protracted by tightening the plank one bolt at a time.

Grod waited until her sight cleared to show her what was in store for her, a

pair of rollers covered with wooden wedges which he placed above and below her

wounded breasts. Her gaze pleaded, her distended mouth silently uttered

"Please" and "No" more than once, but her tormentor tightened the rollers onto

her breasts, her screams rising in pitch on each turn, and then cranked them.

Pain hitherto unimagined exploded in her mind as the rotation pushed the

wedges into her wounded flesh, the rollers tearing at her distended mammaries

as if to tear them off her chest. Her arms strained in their restraints to set

themselves free, wrenching the wedges inside her wounds, her legs stiffened in

the effort to lift her off the chair, and her torso twitched griding the

points in her wounded flesh. Her howls and screams resonated in the room over

and over, subsiding only as her voice dropped to panting sobs.

Another crank at the rollers renewed her screams and her agony, the hellish

seat now a seat of uninterrupted torment which Grod could unleash at leisure.

Her tormentor unleashed agony on her breasts slowly and deliberately, pausing

to listen to the words she uttered when her screams subsided, and cranking the

rollers when she caught herself and stopped. Kayleen was too mad with pain to

tell if he at last stopped because she had unwillingly told them what they

were after, or because she no longer reacted in full to the torture.

She was doused with cold water, which washed away the blood under Grod's

attentive gaze, and attempted to refuse drinking from the jug offered to her,

but failed as he pinched her nose and forced her to drink most of it. The

rollers were removed, replaced by a wedged plank which flattened the agonized

mounds on her chest renewing her screams of despair as her unspoken question

was painfully answered.

The heat near her left upper arm caused her to open her eyes just in time to

see in horror a heated, narrow copper strip about to be pressed onto a

bleeding welt from her recent whipping. For an instant, time stopped in

Kayleen's mind, then the pain from her seared flesh rose up to her throat and

escaped in a wail of agony, fed in fits and gasps by her hurt skin, as her

inevitable twitching in response again caused the points to renew the torment

of her back and limbs.

The searing pain bit her again and again, as the narrow strip was placed in

different places along the welt, each time bringing new agonies to her whole

body. With little pause, the tool was placed on another bleeding wound on her

right upper arm, and then on others, her screams uninterrupted as the smell of

her burnt flesh rose to her nostrils.

The smell awakened something in her tormented mind, something she could not

focus on and which escaped her as each searing kiss from the strip sent her

into new depths of agony. He stopped to remove the wedged planks from her

forearms, and the instant of respite was enough to let her remember: before

she could meet Kayleen, she used to have cuts cauterized with hot iron. The

pattern of his actions was unmistakable, he was cauterizing her wounds to

staunch the bleeding.

The heat kissing her forearm reminded her that he was also sending her to a

hell of searing pain, as no soothing ointment was being applied to lessen her

pain or prevent scars. A deep horror rose in her as she thought of her bruised

body, the sight of her formerly likable femininity forever replaced by a mess

of scars and burns. There was no mercy in her tormentor's ministrations, only

the grim achievement of the foul purpose of his master.

As if in confirmation, he removed the planks from her lower limbs and started

cauterizing the welts which crisscrossed them, the mounting pain reaching new

heights as he proceeded with swift efficiency without allowing her to recover

after each burn. Her howls and screams rose accordingly, in spite of her sore

throat and weak attempts at being brave as she used to be after battle.

No battle had ever prepared her to the pain which blazed through her when he

removed her breast plank and used the heated strip to cauterize her wounded

breasts, her chilling shrieks and anguished howls not deterring him from

repeatedly dragging the searing copper instrument over her bruised skin

following the line of each cut, sparing the nipples which had not been cut.

Her tormentor had to heat the copper strip over and over before completing the

cauterizing of the wounds of her breasts, leaving her hoarse and delirious

with pain but still fully conscious, enough to resume her screaming when he

moved to the wounds on her ribcage and abdomen. Nothing except the tightest

restraints could have kept her still as her wounds were cruelly cauterized,

and the back of her body had been painfully ground by her movements on the

wooden wedges for the whole duration of the unmerciful procedure.

Her screams rose to high heaven when he cauterized some wounds between her

thighs and on her mons and vulva, but in spite of the spread thighs the area

was not easily accessible as she was seated in the chair, and in the haze of

maddening pain she realized she was being freed to rectify that.

She was made to kneel on a post, cuffing her ankles to the platform and her

neck and wrists to an horizontal beam. An ointment was also applied to her

burns, but it brought no relief from the dull pain that she knew would mount

in the following hours.

Her kneeling position allowed Grod to start cauterizing the nasty welts under

the soles of her feet, each bringing a fresh scream from her sore throat and

shame in the little corner of her tormented mind where the pride of the former

Warrior Queen still lived as she compared the show she was offering to her

tormentors with her former bravery.

Her screams continued as he started on her legs, the slender legs stiffening

each time the heated copper rubbed her wounded flesh. In a corner of her mind,

the thought that Grod was safeguarding her from the worst crept up, because

she had been cut in the legs before and remembered a worse pain. Or maybe it

was just that an improvised hot iron had been used, but she thought that the

tool was as narrow as possible, to leave smaller burns.

She screamed again, a quieter scream this time, as the memories of her former

bravery put her to shame. Yet the sheer number of wounds yet to be cauterized

would make even the bravest warrior wince, because her recent whipping had

been but the last straw in days of unrelenting torment. She gasped repeatedly

as the heated copper strip was dragged over her ass cheeks, wound after wound,

reminding her of the beatings they had been subjected to.

Over time, her screams and shrieks subsided to gasps and sobs, and she thought

that maybe he would take this as an indication that she was again entering a

state where further torture would be pointless. He was almost done with her

crisscrossed back, and moved to her inner thighs.

The soft flesh of the thigh hissed as he the heated copper instrument was

dragged over the wounded areas, a hiss she matched by suppressing a scream.

She had never been wounded there, nor in her feminine parts, where too many

wounds to consider still bled and would have to be cauterized. Dread returned

her sole companion as the thought of the copper burning her intimate flesh

over and over crept on her, and turned to agony when it materialized.

She screamed at the top of her lungs when the copper strip followed the curve

of her left cunt lip, and screamed again trashing in her restraints when it

poked the spots along the rim of her sphincter which had been torn. Grod added

ropes to her restraints to prevent her from jerking, and using a pair of

tweezers opened her labia and brought the heated instrument inside.

A howl rose from her as he cauterized her wounded inner lips, and another when

she cauterized the torn fold of her clitoris. She gasped and shrieked when the

places where her vagina had been torn were also burned, one by one, wisps of

steam rising as the heat encountered what little moisture remained. She had

lost count of how much her tormentors had targeted her private parts, and Grod

slowly reminded her in earnest.

Chapter 8 - Under the Heel

Kayleen's whimpering and sobbing echoed in the vast chamber. She stood astride

a wooden rail, her slightly spread ankles cuffed to rings in the floor to

prevent her from closing them, her arms bent behind her back in a reverse

prayer position. The rail was high enough that she had to stand on the balls

of her feet, otherwise her entire body weight rested on the wooden edge of the

wedge shaped rail, grinding into her martyrized feminine parts.

Her supple legs, however, were no longer the coiled springs that she had

danced upon across many a battlefield; they had been turned to worn bundles of

dull ache and throbbing pain by the unrelenting assaults on her muscles,

ligaments and joints. Her groin was a smattering of angry burns and encrusted

blood from multiple wounds; some bled again, reopened by the cruel edge, but

the blood on the rail also trickled from her ravaged innards.

She had been wounded in the past, even badly cut, and her body had proved its

exceptional ability to recover more than once, but the uninterrupted torments

and the lack of rest had finally taken its toll. Her whole body was on fire

from the burns sustained during the unmerciful cauterization of her wounds by

hot copper. She would never be her former self again, even if by a miracle

Lyral would use her healing powers to mend her wounds, as she used to.

The Warrior Queen owed her life to the young priestess, who had placed her

powers at her disposal in the struggle to overthrow Zhorun in spite of her

order's disapproval. She would still lay down her life to shield her from any

harm, and in fact was doing just that, one torment at a time, but she dreaded

the day when her will would break.

Zhorun had ordered her gag removed, apparently interested in clearly listening

to words that she was not aware of uttering at the height of her torments, and

she knew what this would mean on the long run. Word by word, the wizard would

piece together the information he needed, her will unable to prevent herself

from caving in to her tormentors in a foolish attempt to end the pain. Or

maybe it was just that whatever she said, they paused to listen.

She jerked and sobbed at the footsteps, whimpering "They cannot be already

here. Please." Kayleen sought within herself the resolve to deny her

tormentors the pleasure of hearing her scream, but she had to bend her head as

she found only dread and despair.

The fact that Grod was first no longer meant anything to either of them, and

the burly executioner tightened the collar before moving behind her back,

freeing her arms and cuffing her at the elbows and wrists. He freed her left

leg, brought it over the rail and then cuffed her ankles to a short chain,

forcing her to walk in wobbling steps up to a dangling chain.

A knot formed in her stomach when the chain was tied to her wrists and pulled

up, her arms painfully bending in their sockets and her shoulder blades pushed

against each other as she had to stand on her tiptoes, her arms already in

pain and a low moan on her parched lips. As her tormentor bid his time, the

pain in her arm sockets, which had already been dislocated more than once on

the cross rack, mounted unrelentingly, and her moan rose to a fitful cry.

With a pull, Grod lifted her off the floor, her feet kicking in mid air in a

vain attempt to ease the traction on her shoulder joints. Needles of fire shot

through her strained muscles and she screamed, over and over, as the agony

raced through her already martyrized limbs.

Kayleen sobbed and screamed, already out of her mind with pain, but all Grod

did for a long time was watch her suffer. Then he moved besides her and yanked

the short chain connecting her ankle cuffs, releasing it immediately as her

screams rose to new heights. He then pulled it sideways, so that upon release

her stretched body started swinging.

New screams rose in rhythm with the swinging, as her twisted arms were pulled

upon at both ends of each swing. The sheen of perspiration already covered her

marked body, but her delightful silhouette still offered a lustful sight as

she swung back and forth in pain.

When he moved to yank the chain again, she screamed "Pl.." but bit savagely

on the "..ease" remembering how he had burned and raped her. There would be no

mercy, there had never been any. She started swinging again, tears mixing

with sweat on her contorted face as new screams escaped her lips.

After dozens of swings, Grod caught her left foot, tied a cord around the toe

and then hung a hefty lead weight on it. She attempted to kick him, but each

movement brought new agonies into her shoulders and she failed. When he let

the weight fall, a howl erupted from her lips, followed by gasping cries as

the pull added to the misery of her shoulders and rekindled the agonies of

racking in the strained muscles of her legs.

After listening to her cries at length, he moved to her other foot, tied a

cord around her big toe and moved the weight, avoiding a reckless kick which

wrenched a new scream as she oscillated in vain. Just hanging by her wrists

was agony for Kayleen, but each time he moved the weight to the other foot her

once strong body contorted and jerked in a vain attempt to relieve the

suffering in her arms and shoulders, bringing fresh screams to her lips.

When he left, she had been hanging long enough to hope that it would be over,

that the next tormentor would take his turn, but he was soon back, with the

bullwhip in hand. Her mind went back to the first day of her ordeal, when he

had whipped her naked with the long, heavy whip, trembling at the thought of

the havoc it would wreak now on her agonizing body.

Her fears materialized when the whip slashed across her calves, leaving a thin

bloody stripe which blazed in her mind like a white hot flame, her shrill cry

followed by a gasp and an agonized scream as the movement of her legs in

response to the lash sent the weight swinging, a pendulum of pain off her toe

whose pulls reverberated through her whole body up to her suffering shoulders,

each wrenching a new scream from her parched throat.

Long pauses followed each subsequent lash, during which the weight was allowed

to spend its momentum on her stretched body as hoarse screams punctuated each

swing, except when he lashed out at her breasts, tracing bloody stripes on the

firm flesh for no apparent purpose.

As the stripes accumulated on her body, she was lowered just enough to allow

the bleeding wounds to be summarily treated; she tried to turn her head to

avoid drinking from the jug, but his strong hands pinched her nose and she was

forced to quaff the contents again.

When he pulled her up again, he did not stop a few inches off the floor as

before, but pulled her a dozen feet in the air. The dull pain in her shoulders

was the same, but the reason was soon clear as the chain was suddenly released

and immediately pulled, her full weight yanking at her tormented shoulders in

a searing flame of renewed agony.

The longer the fall, the harder she was pulled when it was stopped, the risk

of dislocation very real when the fall was prolonged. She cried in despair

when she was pulled all the way up again, the harbinger of more suffering to

come, a cry she would utter again and again as he reiterated the devastating

drops, interspersed with further lashing of her breasts.

With blood dripping from her chest, she was raised again and dropped a short

distance. As an anguished cry erupted from her lips, she was immediately

dropped again, and she couldn't even catch her breath for a scream before the

chain was loosened and refastened again, the start of a staggered descent to

hell which rattled her savaged joints uninterruptedly until she stopped a few

inches off the floor, her wheezing screams mounting into a single howl as the

accumulated agony found its release.

If hell had stairs, she was descending them ramp by ramp. Few words has

escaped her lips among the screams, but as she was hoisted up again a few did,

bringing Zhorun closer. She was let down again, a rag doll bouncing down a

trail of pain, and again her whispered words brought her the briefest of

pauses. As much as her weakened will attempted to suppress them, the maddened

animal within her had found in them a way to find some respite.

On the next hoist she managed to stifle most of them, but this did not help

her as she was jarred to the bone on the subsequent staggered descent,

screaming in hoarse despair as the pain blanked her mind again without

bringing the craven respite of unconsciousness. Her arms had turned to fiery

bundles of molten agony, her elbows she could no longer feel, her shoulders

felt like pierced by thousands of white hot needles.

She screamed when the whip landed on her breasts, for no apparent reason, just

before she was hoisted up again. A word, maybe two, escaped between her sobs

before her subsequent descent drowned them in fitful screams. She lost count

of how many times this was repeated, her teary eyes mostly closed to shut off

the horrific sight of her bleeding chest and swollen shoulders, the latter

probably already dislocated beyond repair.

When he hung the weight to her left toe, Kayleen knew that if they were not

already, they would soon be. Unbelievable as it was, her next descent brought

new agonies, the sharper pain lasting longer as the weight swung below her and

then recurring on each swing of the weight below her. She screamed herself

hoarse, her vocal cords burning but not lost yet, a perverse joke of fate

considering that speechlessness might bring her the respite she craved.

No such luck befell her, however, as the occasional whipping of the breasts

punctuated the repeated hoisting and staggered dropping, a rag doll jerking

down the stairs of hell. Hoarse screams turned to wheezing howls, but like her

vocal cords her will endured without breaking.

When the lash savaged her tits and she barely jerked, she was lowered and

treated, including being force fed again, so at last she understood why he did

that. But this brought only a brief respite, because he fetched two ominous

iron vices and tightened them onto her shoulders, the jaws digging in the torn

muscles around the joint, and then tied each with chain to the opposing ankle,

pulling her legs up behind her and shortening the chain until she was

painfully bent, shivering from dread, exhaustion and pain.

She was hoisted up and dropped again, each stop along the way causing her legs

to pull on the vices and wreak havoc on her strained shoulder muscles,

pinching and twisting them as they were yanked under her own weight. It was

like Grod's hands straining her thigh muscles on the rack, but with inhuman

speed and unrelenting cruelty.

The pain did not subside after the final yank, the vices searing her with

white hot agony, and this told her that her shoulders had been dislocated and

she was hanging by her ligaments. She sank to new depths of horror when, in

spite of that, she was hoisted up again. She knew enough anatomy to tell that

she was now a cripple, and as her ligaments and subsequently her muscles tore

under the repeated yanking of her own weight, she would die an agonizing death

or survive as a freak.

He looked at Grod, attempting to look him in the eyes, but she found only

steely determination there. She was hoisted up, the pain much worse than

before and hearing her ligaments tear in spite of her desperate screams, and

she was about to shout "Enough!" but she lacked the breath and was dropped

again, a veritable hell blazing through her shoulders on her howling descent

into maddened agony.

She was spent, and as Grod came close opened her parched lips to speak, but he

just inspected the vices and forcibly reduced first one and then the next

shoulder into their sockets, helped by the adeptly positioned vices whose real

purpose was thus revealed, ignoring her cries and the horror on her face as he

moved back to the chain and hoisted her up again.

The subsequent descent was again a dive into unquenched agony, and the cycle

of hoisting and dropping repeated a few times before her shoulders dislocated

again. She was beyond herself, unable to think coherently, unable to react,

unable to tell them what they wanted to know, When he reduced her dislocated

shoulders once again, her scream rose momentarily, then wailed to a wheeze.

When he hoisted her again, her worn voice only managed a wheezing moan of

utter despair, her shoulders already hurting as if about to dislocate under

her own weight. When her fitful descent lent her screams new wind, the pain

returned to unbearable levels but somehow her shoulders held out. The whip

found her breasts again, but she barely whimpered, and Grod let her down on

the floor in a sobbing heap.

He knelt beside her, sensing her shoulders, and whispered, "You won't last

much longer, girl. Trust me, you've held out longer than anyone else in my

experience, but you're about to break. Talk while you can."

Her shoulders, her breasts, her private parts still smarting from a night on

the wooden rail, all screamed at her to talk, but something in her still

clung to her former pride and her dedication. She was not ready to give up

her frail friend, her people and everything she valued to a wizard returned

from the grave.

"You don't understand, my friend. She likes it." uttered the Southerner, eager

to get started. Grod rose and left, leaving her to the swarthy old man. He

offered her the jug, and the taste was different today, bitter and yet

reinvigorating. He did not free her wrists, but cuffed her ankles to rings set

in the stone floor, spreading her legs wide, then studied the cranks at length

before hoisting her up again, her screams resuming although her body now

sloped towards the floor instead of hanging vertically. Her tormentor verified

to his satisfaction that a staggered descent still wrenched a sequel of

screams from the helpless victim, then positioned between her legs.

His hands closed on her ass cheeks and spread them, her mouth forming a mute

"No" before he thrust into her, and his pushes rekindled the pain in her

shoulders as she swung from her arms in rhythm with his rutting lust, crying

and sobbing in pain and humiliation.

Once sated, he fetched a tray where many legged things wriggled in small

jugs, and showed her, saying "I have a number of old and new friends to keep

you company, until this old man gets ready to pull a stunt again." She closed

her teary eyes, wishing the critters would go away, but opened them again when

the sting of a wasp on her nipple made her cry in surprise.

"You knew that." he said matter of factly. With consummate ability he fetched

a spider like the one he had already used on her and brought it against her

other nipple, and savored the stiffening of her body in a hoarse scream as she

was bitten.

"That was better," he commented, "but this one is better still." he added

triumphantly as he fetched a writhing legged horror four inches long and

touched it to her left breast, until the irritated critter sank its mandibles

into her flesh, wrenching from her a hoarse scream which rose as she twitched

and buckled, rattling the chain holding her tortured arms.

He opened his robe to expose his member and positioned before her, saying "Now

we play a game, Whore Queen. If you swallow this gag here," at which he

produced the spidery steel gag Zhorun had wanted removed, "to help it fit, I

will have to put aside our legged friend there." he added, dangling the

centipede before her horrified eyes.

She shook her head in refusal, but the movement soon turned into a spasm of

agony as the creature was brought to bite her other breast, her howl on par

of the previous and the harbinger of others to come, as he brought the hellish

jaws to bear onto her belly, armpits and back, from her shoulder blades down.

They rose higher when he moved to her breasts again.

In spite of what was about to happen, she shook her head in refusal when he

brought the jaws onto her nipple, and then almost snapped her neck when the

bite seared through her jerking body as the jaws closed on the delicate flesh.

Frustrated, he fetched a fresh specimen and brought it to bite her other

nipple, shaking the gag at her as she convulsed in pain. Her head still

shaking, she managed to thwart his attempts to force the gag down her throat,

but at the price of hellish bites on her nipples, which were swelling from the

venom of so many bites.

"I'll make you beg for it, bitch." he snared, and moved between her legs

again, aroused by her screams, and violated her in a fit of lustful rage,

savaging her wounded love channel and pushing into her with the same rutting

hatred that he had used to bugger her before, her screams owing as much to her

violation as to the renewed pain from her bent arms.

When the Southerner moved to tighten her collar, an evil grin came to his face

as he brought the horror to bite her nipple again, and as she convulsed on the

verge of asphyxiation managed to force the gag into her mouth. Satisfied, he

loosened the collar again and pushed his member into her mouth, but being

spent he pulled out after a short time, reveling in her humiliation. He

tightened her collar again to change her restraints, dragging her to a bench

where her wrists were fastened to a winch and her legs spread painfully wide.

He produced a pair of clasps which he closed to her nipples and fastened using

fine chains to a pulley from the ceiling, then clasped her clitoris in the

same manner as her screams rose in pitch under his ministrations. When he

removed the bench from under her, she wailed as her weight now was carried by

her clasped feminine parts and her tormented arms.

He cranked the winch, pulling back her arms until she lowered her head enough

to allow him convenient use of her mouth, tears flowing from her eyes as,

between sobs, she realized her upcoming humiliation. But when he fetched his

jugs, dread at what torments lay ahead prevailed, and her sobs took a heart

wrenching pleading note, which her tormentor enjoyed to the point of arousal.

He stood astride her bent arms, his member ready to enter her mouth in spite

of her shaking head, and with both hands fetched a small jellyfish from its

water filled jug and dragged the tendrils on the taut skin or her muscular

abdomen, grinning as thin red stripes appeared and her body stiffened in the

jaws of pain, violating her mouth just as she started to scream at the top of

her lungs. He enjoyed her gurgling scream dying on his member, and her

subsequent muffled cries as he fetched more of the stinging creatures and

dragged them over her body, targeting the places where her burns still stood

out as he knew the pain would be much worse.

Kayleen was beyond herself from anguish and humiliation, the pain exploding in

waves from her burning body as he dragged the tendrils over her poor distended

breasts, and searing through her when he dragged them on her mons, her inner

thighs and her cunt lips. When he came in her mouth, she puked, and choked,

and almost drowned in her misery as he laughed at her plight and dragged yet

another jellyfish across her distended breast, as if attempting to clear her

throat scream after scream.

Sated, he proceeded to drag the stinging tendrils over areas of her body which

he could not reach from his previous position, and if this brought some

respite to her martyrized front, it did not spare her anything else, as the

hellish tendrils left their mark under her soles, on her legs, on her thighs,

behind her back and on her bent arms. The clasps gnawed at her flesh with new

agonies whenever she twitched or buckled under the caress of the tendrils,

soon biting into the flesh to the point of drawing blood.

With an evil grin, he carefully wound the tendrils of a fresh specimen around

a stick and pushed it inside her ass, most of the tendrils stopping at her

sphincter but a few being pushed inside, her back arching as she screamed at

the top of her lungs while he twisted it left and right.

He did the same with her vagina, smiling as this orifice allowed more tendrils

to enter. He twisted it at length, bringing new heights of agony into her

uninterrupted howling as each twist stung her insides and ravaged her vulva,

until her private parts started to swell and he had to pull in order to set

the stick free, with some fragments of the tendrils still sticking in and

stinging her to maddening pain until her bloodcurdling screams waned.

He freed her bleeding nipples and clitoris from the clasps and tightened her

collar before freeing her and dragging her between two pillars, where he

cuffed her ankles to chains, spreading her legs in a painful inverted

suspension, and twisted her cuffed arms up behind her, chaining them to a ring

in the floor as pain already coursed in her twisted sockets.

Kayleen looked up at what new horror her tormentor would produce, and saw a

small, bristled caterpillar held with his customary adeptness between thin

tweezers. He looked into her frightened eyes and brought the critter against

her left armpit, which promptly exploded into hellish pain when the bristles

brushed the skin, wrenching a hoarse scream from her sore mouth.

He fetched another and rubbed it under the sole of her left foot, her leg

stiffening and then jerking madly as she howled attempting to kick aside the

venomous bristles, whose painful sting was even worse when applied to burned

or wounded skin. Which her tormentor did, slowly and deliberately, along the

full length of her supple legs and slender thighs, laughing softly at each new

scream erupting from her parched lips and enjoying her wild buckling and

twisting under the caress of the hellish creatures.

He briefly moved to her arms, enjoying himself with her cries for a while, but

then targeted her ass cheeks, each brush causing her to arch and buckle like a

mad puppet and compounding the pain from the stinging bristles with the strain

on her martyrized arms. He picked up another caterpillar with his other hand

and started rubbing both on her buttocks, alternating them in a wild dance of

maddened pain and pitiful howls which aroused him again.

He moved to her front, straddled her and pushed his erect member into her

mouth, rubbing the irritated caterpillars on her breasts in rhythm with his

thrusts, until her gurgles and muffled screams brought him to climax again.

Too mad with pain to notice anything else, Kayleen registered the caterpillar

being applied to her vulva only when the stinging pain exploded from her

nether regions, screaming her lungs out in a long cry which resonated under

the vaults of the chamber, only to merge with the next and each subsequent

scream as he repeatedly tormented her feminine parts with the stinging touch

of the irritated caterpillar.

When he used a forceps to distend her sphincter and drop a caterpillar inside,

a new wave of pain rose from her loins as the writhing critter attempted to

wriggle free from inside her, his uninterrupted stinging swelling her insides

and imprisoning him. Her jerks shook the chains as she screamed herself hoarse

until the critter died, but her tormentor folded another under her left labia

and her howls resumed with renewed agonies, only to be rekindled yet again

when this also died, to be replaced by another under her right cunt lip.

He then rubbed a fresh caterpillar against her left nipple, toying with the

jerking piece of wounded flesh as she heaved her chest and twisted in her

restraints in a vain attempt to escape the stinging bristles, then fetching

another with his other hand to trace a double contour of pain on the stiff

buds at the top of her proud breasts.

When her nipples had no new screams to offer, he dropped a large specimen

inside her love channel, sending her buckling and twitching in yet another

paroxysm of howling agony, as the critter attempted to wriggle its way out and

stung her repeatedly. He used the forceps to insert the next into her swollen

vagina, and her howls rose to new heights as the creature died wriggling in the

twitching clutch of her vaginal muscles. Overcome by ecstasy at his

accomplishments, he repeatedly inserted more caterpillars, enjoying the sight

of his victim repeatedly torturing herself into maddening agony.

He stopped tormenting her when he could no longer force open the swollen rim

of her love channel, and let the silent Easterner take his place. She drank

again from the jug, craving the respite it brought, and moaned when a cold

soothing ointment was rubbed on her swollen flesh. He still tightened her

collar almost to the point of choking her when untying her and hanging her

wrists and ankles from chains dangling from the ceiling, about four feet off

the floor, her battered body slumping at the waist.

After loosening her collar, he put a hand behind her neck and tightened his

grip, looking into her eyes as he bent her head to look into a enameled box

containing hundreds of wooden sticks, sorted from mere slivers to toothpicks,

the points hardened in fire. He said nothing, but looked hard into her eyes

as tears filled them again before she closed them in despair.

He slowly pushed the first into the firm flesh of her left ass cheek, twisting

it as she gasped and sobbed, followed by a few others. She screamed when he

twisted one into the soft flesh between her ass hole and her vulva, and

screamed again when a sliver pierced her sphincter. As more were pushed into

the firm flesh of her derriere, blood started to trickle from the tiny wounds.

Her muscular back became a canvas of pain when he started pushing stick after

stick inside, reaching nerves whose existence she never suspected and building

up her suffering until she found herself screaming whenever she took a deep

breath, as the muscles of her back shifted the points from one agonizing

position to another each time they flexed and distended.

He had saved the thicker sticks for her legs and thighs, and he pushed each in

in earnest, deep into the muscles that were bearing the weight of her body,

twisting them as her body alternately stiffened and twitched as the stick

progressed, her gasps followed by shrieks and cries until he left her sobbing

and panting, gasping from the last stick and dreading the next.

Her arms were subjected to the same treatment, her cries louder not because of

the sticks themselves, which were somewhat smaller, but because each movement

brought new pain from her tormented back and legs. And then she found out that

the same applied to her chest, as the sticks were slowly pushed between her

ribs, turning each breath into a stabbing agony and each scream becoming the

first of a torturous sequel.

Having prepared her body, he could then move to the slivers. When he inserted

the first in the flesh between her thumb and finger, Kayleen was agonizingly

reminded of her tormentor's penchant for fingers and toes, her head shaking

in despair as she contemplated the searing pain recurring twenty times over.

But a new horror was wrought on her when he instead pushed a sliver under her

toenail, her scream tearing at her vocal cords as she attempted to jerk her

foot free from his grip. He did not stop at her feet, alternating between toes

and fingers as she alternated between howls and screams until her twitching

appendages brimmed with bloody slivers.

But the worst was yet to come, as he pushed a sliver into her left breast,

just under the skin, waiting until her agonizing jerks subsided before pushing

another in her other breast, unrelentingly adding new slivers at the slow pace

of her raucous fits of screaming agony. After decorating her breasts with

slivers, he twisted into the once proud globes a few larger sticks, stabbing

the quivering flesh with deliberate slowness.

Already swinging between sobbing twitches and crying jerks, Kayleen wailed

when he moved to her crotch and screamed in despair when he pushed a sliver

into her left cunt lip, the first scream of her descent into a deeper hell as

sliver after sliver were pushed into her martyrized flesh. Just as she thought

it could not get worse, he started pushing a sliver into her bleeding left

nipple, protracting the torment in spite of her mad trashing and unbridled

screams and then repeating it on her other nipple.

As he pushed two slivers under her clitoral hood, nobody could say whether her

frantic buckling was an attempt to stem what would come or just the maddened

response to unbearable pain, but when he inserted, another just under the

surface of her love bud, her howling, fitful scream left no doubt about her

condition, and the subsequent ones confirmed it.

As she hung in unbearable pain, her tormentor took to tapping the slivers

piercing her flesh, wrenching new screams from her quivering body each time a

tap drove a sliver a fraction deeper into the flesh. At length, he started

pushing more sticks through her tormented muscles, and her screams rose again

to the vaults of the chamber when he pushed another sliver in each nipple.

She briefly hung by herself when he left, dreading his return, with good

reason as he brought a jug of clear liquid. He filled a small cup and put it

against one of the slivers under her chest. At first nothing happened, and

then she started screaming as the dry sliver soaked the liquid and bulged

inside her wounded flesh, and then howled in pain as the alcoholic liquid

reached the wounded seat of the sliver.

Her tormentor now held in his hands the bridles of her ride through pain, a

flat stick for tapping the slivers in his left hand and the cup in the other,

and alternated between them, slowly at first and then increasing his pace each

time, bringing the screaming Kayleen to a frenzy of despair, unbridled agony

and pitiful screaming which he attempted to protract and, failing that, to

rekindle over and over.

As she hung there, sobbing and crying, he fetched a small steel blade and

put it against the tail of a stick in her heaving back. In a feat of dexterity 

he split the stick in half down to the point where it entered her flesh,

wrenching a new scream from her, followed by a louder one when he pushed a new

stick between the two halves of the existing one, widening the tiny wound in

her flesh and the gulf of pain which Kayleen was drowning in.

He pushed more sticks into her breasts, twisting each into place before

splitting it and inserting another, in preparation for what would follow. He

also skewered her cunt lips and pushed two slivers into her clitoral hood, to

expose her clitoris. Ignoring her maddened cries as the searing pain blazed

through her, he pushed another sliver just under the surface of her wounded

clitoris, tapping on it until it was firmly set.

Then he brought a candle to a stick under her armpit, and watched as fire

consumed it up to the point where it entered her flesh, which turned a fiery

red from the small burn. Her body stiffened and then jerked wildly as the

stick burned slowly, searing the flesh in a new deluge of unrelenting pain

which he soon renewed by bringing the candle against a stick in her back.

Then he paused, allowing the pain to subside enough for her mind to

contemplate what she would have to withstand before all the sticks and slivers

piercing her body could be burned away, one by one. When horror filled her

eyes, he set fire to a sliver in her left nipple, waiting patiently while she

screamed and buckled, until it was consumed. When he replaced it, her torn

voice rose in a scream where despair matched the pain.

Kayleen craved a moment of respite, but her tormentor set fire to the sliver

under the nail of her left pinky. Her screams rose again, on par with any

uttered in the course of her days of torment but maybe more desperate, because

she knew that fingers and toes would follow. True to his preferences, the

Easterner followed up, toe by toe and finger by finger, pausing between each

to let the pain sink in before rekindling it.

Convinced that a predictable pattern induced a deeper fear into victims, the

Easterner brought the candle to the slivers between her fingers and toes, one

at a time, each one wrenching new screams from Kayleen's convulsing body as

her extremities were being seared by the tiny flames.

Kayleen was already delirious, and the horror of having each sliver and stick

in her limbs and back burned away defied comprehension. She wished to whither

away, curl up and die, but all she managed to do was gasp when a stick in

her back was set to fire. Soon the Easterner started setting fire to more than

one, because sticks in her back and buttocks caused pain only at the end, when

burning near the skin.

When he set fire to a sliver under her left arm, instead, the burning agony

started immediately as the tiny flame rose to scorch the skin from the very

beginning and lasted until the sliver was consumed, a protracted agony which

sent Kayleen in a convulsing frenzy of maddened screams.

As more followed, she stiffened, and buckled, and twitchted in pain unlike any

she had suffered to this point, protracted and unbridled searing of the flesh

by tiny flames not being the kind of wound usually encountered on the field of

battle. But in spite of the tears, the screams, and the twitches, in spite of

her shattered pride, occasionally she could be heard saying "Rot in hell, you

bastards. I won't betray her."

Grod observed intently her ordeal, ready to admit that her endurance and

courage were unsurpassed. As she writhed and howled when a sliver in her

muscular abdomen was set ablaze, he noted that fire was effective, possibly

because like most women she was deeply afraid of anything which could mar her

beauty. The rack had also been effective, and he suspected this was because of

how much she valued her fitness.

Too deep in pain for dread, Kayleen still wailed incoherently when he neared

her breasts with the flame, trying desperately to twist her pained globes away

from their doom. All she managed was to solace the leering Southerner, who

smiled when a sliver in her left breast started burning and her screams rose

under the vaults of the torture chamber.

The Easterner set fire to one of the sticks piercing her cunt lips next, and

her howls reached new peaks of horror and agony as she clenched and spread her

thighs in a frantic attempt to extinguish the torment, unable to find respite

in the blessed unconsciousness which had delivered her previously.

With deliberate slowness, the Easterner would set fire to a sliver in the left

breast, one in her groin or inner thighs and one in the right breast, circling

between the most painful targets of his victim's body to maximize the pain

while giving each area of the body the barest chance of recovery.

Hoarse by her practically uninterrupted screaming, Kayleen still found in

herself the strength to snarl "Go to hell!" when he asked "Talk now, before

I set fire here." tapping her clitoris. In the haze of pain, she knew it would

come to that, and however much she wished she could give in, she would not.

Impassible, the Easterner set fire to a sliver in her clitoris, waited until

her heart-wrenching howls, gasps and screams, subsided, then did the same to

one in her left nipple, and then to one in her night nipple. He then set fire

to another in her clitoris, a sliver which had been blackened but was not on

fire yet, and repeated his trail of agony on her convulsing body until her

screams stopped because he had at last burned off them all.

Chapter 9 - The Cruel Hand of Fate

Kayleen hung by her toes in the dark chamber under the ruins of Zhorun's

castle, sobbing softly from the unrelenting bite of the screws gouging the

flesh around her swollen toes and crying occasionally when a fly bit her,

unaware that her tormentors had been woken up in the middle of the night.

She cried when a bite caused her to jerk her legs, sending her swinging slowly

and gasping as pain shot down from her toes, just as in a distant room her

three torturers bowed before the robed figure who addressed them. In the unlit

chamber, her strained arms were a bundle of dull pain, and the throbbing burns

from the slivers hurt even when she managed to remain completely motionless.

"The Priestess has been located, and a warband is on the way to seize her. She

had sent word that any news about the Queen should be relayed to Tharnall

Shrine, and I still have some bright elements in my service." Zhorun's voice

was but a whisper, but the gloating and anticipation were unmistakable.

In the chamber, Kayleen arched when a fly bit her left nipple, again, as the

encrusted blood made them preferred targets. Her cries did not reach the room

where her nemesis was explaining how how his plans would unfold, "Before

proceeding, I have to understand how the Priestess' powers operate, as her ilk

might become a menace to my plans. It is a matter of record that she used to

heal the Queen after battles, so I want her to do the same under my scrutiny.

I want you to really hurt the Queen today, I want the damage to be visible to

the eye and felt on touch, so that when our Priestess meets her friend, she'll

not hesitate to use her healing powers."

Hanging in misery, Kayleen could not hear the dreadful orders, her predicament

was torturous enough as she swung slowly from her bleeding toes. Her tormentors

bowed as more orders were whispered, "She'll be allowed some respite tomorrow,

as if her blabbering had led us to the hideout of the friend she is so loyal

to, and we no longer needed her cooperation. I want her to believe that her

sacrifices have been in vain, so that she'll have less reason to be stubborn in

refusing us the location where the Sorceress hides. With all three of them in

my power, nothing will stand before what once was mine."

When Kayleen heard the approaching footsteps, she almost felt relieved,

although she knew that her release would be brief and would soon result in

more suffering. They cleaned her with buckets of cold water, then the

Easterner tightened her collar, released her, and dragged her to a wooden

rail. Unlike the one where she had spent a torturous night, however, this had

had its edge hacked raw, with dents and notches brimming with ugly splinters.

It took Grod's help, even in her condition, to force her to straddle it. Her

arms were cuffed behind her head, the left wrist to the right elbow and vice

versa, an iron band was clinched on her waist, and then she screamed when they

pulled her legs from under her to fasten her ankle cuffs to an iron bar

hanging from the rail. Her feminine parts leaned on the torturous edge under

her full body weight, and the chains fastened on her elbow cuffs were designed

to keep her from falling sideways without relieving the pressure on her groin.

Her panting cries turned to a howl when the thin, barbed whip wielded by the

wry Easterner lashed her right thigh, her jerk causing her groin to chafe

against the wooden nightmare between her legs. After but three strikes, blood

started to trickle from her wounded privates as each twich and jerk ground

them on the slivers and dents of the hellish wooden device.

The whip landed on her back, leaving a thin stripe punctuated in crimson, and

she cried desperately when her reaction lodged a splinter in her cunt lips. The

next strike coiled around her back, causing her to bend and pull back on the

rail, chafing the soft flesh between the ass hole and the vulva. Her tormentor

then expertly lashed her ass cheeks, sending her pelvis forward with a

agonizing howl as the movement ground more splinters into her bleeding sex.

Slowly, deliberately, the Easterner alternated lashes to her shoulders, which

sent her pelvis forward, with lashes to her belly, which sent it back, or

lashes to her buttocks with lashes to her ribcage, for the same effect. The

bloody stripes crisscrossed her body, still shapely but now heavily marked

after days of relentless torment, and her cries of anguish rose and waned in

rhythm with the grinding of her feminine flesh on the hellish rail.

At length, he switched to a different target and landed the whip across the

soles of her feet, noting that this caused her to pull her pelvis forward,

then on her breasts, which caused her to pull it backwards again with a howl of

agony as the small barbs tore the firm flesh. Her torment rose to a new level

of agony, as the pain from her breasts and soles was sharper and deeper than

the pain from areas of thicker skin. Her cries rose accordingly, hoarse from

screaming and wheezing, her panting chest already glistening with the

perspiration of unrelenting torment.

Over time, her breasts transformed from full, firm globes any woman would be

proud of to striped, bleeding mounds of quivering, tormented flesh. To prevent

her from being overwhelmed, and protract her torment, he moved behind her and

lashed her right thigh, followed by her left armpit, attempting to cause her to

tilt on the torturous edge. After a few attempts her renewed cries told him

that he had been successful, and Kayleen found new agonies between her legs as

her private parts ground on hitherto undiscovered dents and splinters.

Scream after scream, her mind wandered off, in search of realms other than the

world of hurt she was going through, and words escaped her mouth, unimpeded,

foreign to her tormentor but duly noted from the ever present, silent corpse of

the former wizard. Although none had been of any use, he kept saying to himself

that they could carry important clues, blind to the true reason behind his

uninterrupted presence at the torture of his slayer to the detriment of his

other activities: he derived intense pleasure from her torment, her screams,

and was determined to see it protracted as long as possible. The woman he had

paid little heed to in life was now the object of a lust from beyond the grave

which reveled in pain and agony to soothe the torments of undeath.

Something churned in Zhorun's loins, now the province of graveworms only, when

her head bent back and cried in agony, the tendons of the neck distended as her

scream grew and waned. Something stirred when her delightful body twitched on

the rail under the whip, and her supple thighs lifted a bit as the barbs tore

at them. He wanted to savor each droplet of blood, each welt, each scream, and

his empty eye sockets feasted on her bleeding breasts heaving in pain.

The Easterner moved to her front and brought his attentions back to her mauled

breasts, landing a vicious strike on her left breast and waiting for her shrill

cry to subside before slashing at the front of her right thigh, leaving pearls

of crimson along the stripe reaching almost to the full length of her slender

limb. Front or back, the lashes still forced her to respond by tilting left and

right over the hellish edge, to her tormentor's satisfaction.

In a maze of maddened pain, Kayleen was still herself enough to notice that

all stops had been pulled, and as she howled from yet another lash at her left

breast, her eyes confirmed to her that even profuse bleeding seemed to worry

him no more. A new stabbing pain rose from her vagina as a splinter pierced

the rim, her yowl lost in the scream resulting from another vicious strike on

her thigh. In spite of the agony brought by the barbed whip, the grinding pain

from her private parts and the stabbing from the splinters lodging in her flesh

and then breaking when she jerked and twitched was the worst.

As if to contradict her, white hot pain exploded in her left breast as the whip

tore, not for the first time, across the bloodied nipple and a barb lodged in

it before being yanked away by the force of the blow. Her mind returned to the

horror of the burning slivers, the agonies of multiple dislocations hanging

from her twisted arms, or the humiliation of rape, each past horror competing

with the others in search of an escape from her current agony.

Her tormentor whipped her soles again, followed by her ribcage, and then her

buttocks, no longer attempting to cause her to move in some direction but just

intent on keeping her astride the hellish rail, now smeared with the blood from

her wounded feminine parts. Something told her he had a new torment in store

for her, an easy guess which he soon fulfilled.

The Easterner used his fingers to open her clitoral hood wide, then started

alternating lashes on her left and right breast, forcing her to turn sideways

on each blow and discover new agonies between her legs, as her love button was

dragged left and right over the torturous edge. Dread rose in her with the

pain in her bleeding breasts, only to be blanked by agony when her clitoris was

pierced by a splinter and she howled to high heaven.

With deliberate patience, her tormentor continued lashing her breasts until

another bloodcurdling howl rose from her, and insisted on the quest for these

peaks of agony until the lashes on her breasts resulted in little more than a

whimper. Then Grod was called upon to treat her wounds, and her cries rose

again as her bloody breasts were treated at length. She drank avidly from the

jug of her undoing, the consequences forgotten as her tormented mind wandered

in a labyrinth of pain.

The old Southerner was next, and he produced a pair of iron pliers with a grin

that brought the reinvigorated Kayleen new dread, as she compared the agonies

of wooden pliers with what iron pliers could do. Her eyes shut in a scream as

he closed the pliers on the flesh of her thigh, pulled, and twisted, each twist

a new cry as her flesh bruised and chafed under the merciless iron jaws.

He laughed aloud, ogling her heaving chest as she sobbed and panted, and then

closed the jaws on her left calf, enjoying her screams and protracting her

agony until her wheezing cries trailed to a sobbing wail. He moved to the soft

flesh of her left armpit then, savoring her despair as she could easily dread

where he would maul her sooner or later, and postponing the delightful moment.

Inspired by the Easterner's adeptness, he sank the pliers in the firm flesh of

her buttocks and pulled her backward, twist by twist, dragging her wounded

flesh on the rail again as she screamed in hellish pain, and then closed them

on her mons and pulled her forward in fitful screams of maddened agony. Aroused

but unable to satisfy his lust, he sank his own teeth on her left nipple,

twisting it in unison with the jaws on her mons, keeping his sanity just enough

not to tear it off as Grod stepped closer, silently remembering the old man of

their mutual agreement.

Still aroused, he mouthed and bit her once proud but still generously

proportioned breasts while twisting the jaws on her ass and groin flesh, unable

to reach a release and protracting the torment and humiliation of his victim

much longer as a consequence. He stopped the torment only to sink the pliers in

the wooden edge, pulling and twisting the bloodstained wood before her

horrified eyes, in order to raise new edges and dents before dragging her onto

them by her mons, again wishing her pubic hair had regrown, as he fancied

pulling it out with the iron pliers while she ground her slit on the rail.

With a crazed shine in the eyes, he closed the pliers on the nail of her pinky

and slowly twisted it out of its seat among her desperate cries, sinking his

teeth into her breast flesh again. Her despair rose to new heights as she

realized how her fate would unfold next, but the pain, as each nail was pulled

with agonizing slowness while his teeth savaged her breasts, seared her mind

and seeped into her screams and screeches, echoing in the vast chamber like a

chorus from the hell she was descending into.

When he moved to her toes he could no longer bite her, but this brought her

little respite because the pain was more intense and shook her to the bone,

always compounded by the relentless grinding of her bleeding feminine parts,

now punctured by at least a dozen hellish splinters which her own jerks and

twitches dug deeper into the tormented flesh.

Still unable to find release, he grabbed her face and closed the iron pliers

on her tongue, opening the gates of a new hell as the sensitive flesh was

mauled and twisted to the point of bleeding, her choked screams turning to

pitiful gurgles as he unrelentingly tore and twisted, stopping just short of

ripping her tongue out.

Kayleen was already drowning in the nightmarish pain rising from her groin,

where the unrelenting grinding in response to the torments visited on the rest

of her body had already resulting in chafing the skin raw and embedding more

than a dozen splinters, most of which broken or bound to be broken as she could

not help but jerk and twitch in response to the tortures.

The leering Southerner closed the iron jaws of the pliers on her pinky, right

on the seat where her nail used to be, and as blood squirted from the tortured

nail bed a cry of helpless agony erupted from her lips, followed by fitful

gasps as he twisted the wounded flesh in his grip. Finger after finger, he

visited this new horror on his writhing victim, her pain never receding as her

jerks and spasms were now grinding her flesh on the wooden rail, especially

between the sphincter and the vulva where the soft skin had been chafed raw.

Further agonies arose from her bloodied toes as the wounded nail beds felt,

one by one, the bite of the pliers. His bulging member allowed no doubt about

his arousal, and a corner of her mind almost hoped that he would rape her

instead of tormenting her wounded feet further, but it did not happen and she

had to suffer through the mauling of toe after toe in full.

When her tormentor suddenly paused, dread mounted in her and fought with the

urge to open her eyes and see what he was up to, and her fears materialized

when the pliers closed on her mauled breast flesh in a fiery wave of pain

which rose through her body and erupted from her mouth in heart-rending

scream. When her scream waned, her tormentor mauled her other breast, twisting

it a few times to see her face contort in agony each time.

He then pinched the soft undersides, which had been spared the worst of the

whipping, between the very tips of the iron jaws, pulling and twisting her

flesh down the stairs of yet another hell until he managed to rip off some

skin and flesh as she screamed like never before. Proud of his accomplishment,

he moved to her other breast and repeated it, slowly and deliberately, until

she howled in deranged pain again and blood flowed down the wound, which he

treated casually on the spot.

With a leering grin, he moved the pliers over her twitching body, in search of

soft flesh to subject to the same treatment, lingering over her nipples as she

cried in dread but then descending on the flesh of the inner thigh, careful to

keep away from major vessels but pulling and twisting as she buckled in agony

until another tiny morsel of tormented flesh was wrenched from her. The crease

between thigh and buttock was his next target, and again he visited untold

agonies on her until he managed to tear another bit of flesh from her now

bloodstained body.

He suspended her torment and called upon Grod to treat her wounds, and she was

released from the agony of the rail, curling in a ball of whimpering pain as

her hands attempted to soothe the agony in her breasts and between her legs.

She screeched like a maddened animal as the old Southerner cuffed her ankles

to bands tightened around her hips and dragged her under crossed steel bars

hanging from the ceiling, which she recognized when he clasped a fold of flesh

from her inner thigh and hung the chain to one of the hooks.

The renewed horror at hanging from the clasps again spurred her to a vain

attempt at resistance, but after a number of bitter cries and desperate gasps

she was lifted off the floor in a convulsing howl as the clasps pulled on her

wounded flesh. He savored her writhing and then, looking at Grod, encased

her nipples and clitoris in snugly fitting metal cups, securing them in place

with more clamps which added little to her suffering.

With a grin of anticipation he then moved to her head and tightened her collar

until she choked, enabling him to force the gag in her mouth again. He pushed

his hard member into her screaming mouth and, blocking her head between his

legs, closed a pair of pliers on each nipple in a frenzy of arousal, the cup

preventing the pliers from shredding the flesh but allowing them to effect

pain in abundance. Twisting and pulling, he forced her to scream his member to

climax, and such was his arousal that he continued until her bleeding mouth

was forced to scream him all the way through another release while the pliers

tormented her clitoris.

He then positioned between her legs, his eyes bulging under the influence of

some drug, and to her horror savagely pulled away the metal cups, clamps

included, before penetrating her with frenzied, jarring thrusts each of which

pulled off one or more clasp, incrementing her agonies as the remaining clasps

bore her weight by tightening on her whipped and wounded flesh. He closed the

pliers on her breasts, twisting and pulling, but stopped short of shredding

flesh or nipple, although he spared neither.

Still in a rut, his face pink red under the swarthy complexion, he next

penetrated her ass, her raucous screams now a mere echo of the agony she was

being subjected to as her spent voice was taxed beyond human endurance. The

last clasps gave by tearing at her skin and she fell to the ground with a cry,

but he turned her on her back and penetrated her again on the floor.

He pulled her up by her collar, still impaled on his rock hard member, and

brought the pliers to bear on her clitoris from behind, pulling and twisting

as she twitched on his member, twice sending Grod away with a snarled, "She

still feels it" punctuated by her anguished cry as the pliers twisted her to

renewed agony. Only reluctantly, panting, did he release her at last, her

clitoris shredded to the point of being barely recognizable and her nipples

only slightly better off. He rose, ignoring the disapproving look on the

faces of the other two.

Grod, obviously the most skilled of the three in keeping his victims alive,

treated her wounds at length, but then cuffed her left ankle to her left wrist

and her right ankle to her right wrist before dragging her under a chain from

the ceiling, at the end of which she recognized in horror a vise, sized to

crush the breasts of a well endowed woman. Her breasts.

She could not move her gaze from the wooden jaws of the breast press, cruelly

hacked and dented just like the horrid rail, and a muted "No" rose to her lips

as the waves of pain from her tormented body receded before the memories of

the torments wrought by similar instruments during her previous ordeals. The

image of Lyral writhing in its grip flashed through her mind, but brought

guilt instead of new resolve, because something deep inside told her that she

would break today, that her tormentors had been allowed to maim her body and

that she would never rise out of the resulting hell unless she conceded them

what their Master required.

Her fears materialized when Grod closed the device over her bloodied breasts

and tightened its jaws, sinking them into the firm flesh in an agony of wooden

jaggies, dents and splinters which sent new rivulets of blood down her already

bloody chest. She screamed and screamed again on each turn of the vise, only

to explode in a howl of agony when he pulled her up by her bulging mounds,

lifting her over two feet off the floor, all the wounds on both breasts

reopening under the painful pressure. Blood flowed down freely before

subsiding as circulation was reduced, but her screams continued unabated and

rose to new heights when he treated her wounds as she hung in agony.

She swung lazily in a nightmare of unrelenting pain until her gaze noticed

that Grod was up to something, He had fetched a bulbous wooden handle, like a

short club, and was testing that its three segments opened correctly when a

screw was turned. A smaller replica of the same device lay nearby, and he

tested that as well before folding it back and moving near her.

When he pushed it up her ass hole, realization hit Kayleen and the memory of

past violations surged within her and escaped her lips in a scream of horror

and despair. Something within her wanted to cry "No!" and "Please!" or

"Enough!" but only mangled nonsense resulted, her panic now beyond even the

rational option of surrendering the information they wanted.

The rough wooden head tore past her sphincter with some difficulty, and she

screamed mostly because any movement brought new torments to her constricted

breasts, but when he inserted the device in full she could feel its length in

her bowels and screamed in dread at the first creak of the screw, but gasping

at the pain from in her breasts breast. Turn after turn, the segments of the

device opened within her and tore at her insides, distending her sphincter

from the inside just like the cone had distended it from the outside.

He turned the device inside her, causing actual pain this time, the harbinger

of the agonies to come as the segments separated further within her and started

tearing her innards to the limits of their elasticity. A dull ache formed at

the rim of her ass hole as a ridge on each segment started tearing at it,

rising to higher levels of pain on each turn of the screw. Then agony mounted

turn after turn as her bowels distended and her rim muscle tore and bled, her

screams a nightmare of agony renewed whenever he twisted the device.

Instead of tearing her open to death, however, Grod walked her on the thin

line of agony by unscrewing the pear, twisting it, and then screwing it again,

each time wrenching unbridled screams of maddened pain from her parched lips,

even treating the tearing wounds on the rim of her ass hole between a twist

and the next in order to protract her agonies.

After removing the pear, he treated her and let her drink some more, but then

picked up another, larger wooden pear, its curving surface sporting dull

wooden studs and with jagged ridges at the base. Kayleen eyed it with

horrified incredulity, unable to believe at this new twist of her nightmare,

her mouth frozen in a muted "No" as her head shook spasmodically.

She screamed in despair as he forced the pear inside her love channel, her

bitter tears lost on his unmoved expression, her frightened eyes two liquid

pools of tormented madness which bulged with horror as he twisted the pear,

raking her insides and wrenching a scream of despair from her taxed throat.

As he slowly screwed the segments open, pain rose again in her screams, both

from her tormented breasts and increasingly from her ravaged insides, as the

dull points pressed against unprotected tissues and the segments distended her

innards. Fire surged inside the muscular rim of her love channel as the pear

opened to the point of tearing at it, reopening previous wounds which bled

anew and tormenting the places where the ridges crossed the distended tissue.

A new agony surged within her when the tip of the device touched her cervix

and started grinding into it on each turn of the screw, wrenching new screams

of unbridled agony from her in spite of there being no spike or blade, just

dull wooden points grinding on raw tissue. The whole device was now smeared

with blood, dripping from her wounded insides and from her torn muscle ring,

so much that he suspended her torment and treated at least the latter.

The resumption of her torment brought renewed agony as he started twisting the

device, the raking of the dull points a veritable agony as if a monstrous

infant clawed her innards raw, the whole device an obscene parody of

childbirth and a hellish replica of its travails with no outcome to follow.

With deliberate slowness he would unscrew the pear, twist it once or twice,

then screw it again. Unlike the anal pear, the vaginal pear could be screwed

open to a girth which had to be seen to be believed, a curse wrought upon the

victims by the necessities of childbirth. Kayleen had no mind for such

thoughts in her pain-wracked condition, but her tormentor was experienced in

the use of the device, and knew he could push her down a very long trail of

agony before reaching the limits of what even an ordinary woman could endure.

Turn after turn, twist after twist, he widened the segments, her screams

rising each time to unbelievable heights as she discovered new depths of her

personal hell. When he twisted the device, she shook in a fitful howl which

reverberated through her whole body like a chord from some diabolical

musician, and when he turned the crank her loins writhed as blood gushed from

her torn muscular ring.

Nearing the maximum extension of the device, he added a new torment by

fastening a chain to the free end of the pear and lifting her pelvis by the

chain, reducing the pull on her breasts but distending her vagina even further

in an uninterrupted pull which fueled a heart-wrenching howl the likes of

which had rarely resonated even in this chamber of horrors, but which was

topped when he disengaged the chain fastened to the breast press and let her

dangle from the pear, a slowly swinging pendulum of unbridled agony.

As intended, the upside down position stemmed the blood loss somewhat,

allowing him to protract the torment and even renew it by unscrewing the pear,

grab her by her shoulders and twist her body in a half turn, as the tortured

scream rising from the wasted husk of the former Warrior Queen covered the

sound of the wooden studs rasping at her innards and then rose in pitch as he

dropped her by a few inches, the pear yanking at her innards and tearing at

the ring of muscles which bore most of her weight.

In order to carry out his Master's orders, he dropped on her tortured left

breast a few drops of sizzling thin oil, which flowed freely on the skin

leaving an angry burnt trail which split in a web of agonizing stripes which

would certainly qualify as visible while causing little actual damage, and

forced her to twist sideways churning the studded pear inside herself for new

depths of agony.

Each sizzling droplet brought new howls above and beyond her uninterrupted,

hoarse screaming, and traced new trails of blazing pain over her tortured

skin, but also wrenched new howls from her tortured innards as she jerked and

turned under the sizzling heat. He no longer needed to drop her, which could

cause her muscles to give, and concentrated on the oil instead, dripping some

inside her thighs and then landing a drip on her bleeding clitoris which

resulted in a spastic jerk followed by a inhuman howl which trailed off in

fitful cries, to be rekindled when he dropped another, and the next, the first

two of a nightmarish sequel which ended only when she passed out.

It took more than cold water and smelling salts to bring her back, and when

she drank from the jug, she trembled and coughed. Her teary eyes closed in

despair when they focused on the leering visage of the old Southerner,

literally drooling at the prospect of torturing her again.

He placed her sitting against a post, her arms cuffed above her head and her

thighs opened wide, pushing her pelvis outward. When he added iron bands at

the knee and thigh to her ankle cuffs, it no longer rested on the seat and

hung exposed between her splayed thighs. Although she was already well

restrained, he added more bands at her elbows, shoulders, waist and chest,

effectively immobilizing her.

"A sudden move might get you hurt." he mocked, while his gaze wandered on the

canvas of hellish torment which was her once splendid body, now a tormented

bundle of marks, welts, bruises and burns, her mostly spared face the only

remnant of her former beauty. Blood dripped from her torn innards, and tears

dripped from her worn eyes, as she sank into mute despair awaiting whatever

horror the most sadistic of her tormentors would devise for her.

Grinning, he uncovered his flaccid member and awaited her cry of despair,

saying "Now, I know you would like it, but an old man has his limitations. I

would have thought that the pear would have satisfied you for a while, but it

seems you're insatiable. I will oblige you."

He sheathed his member in a rigid leather harness mimicking an over-sized

penis, and smeared a paste on its surface before rubbing it in sand, enjoying

the look in her eyes immensely. He then kneeled before her and nudged her torn

sphincter before pushing up into her, his hands on her hips forcing her down

as a howl of agony escaped her lips, followed by another as she pulled herself

free only to be forcibly brought down again. Scream after scream, he ground

her insides on the horrid device, the sand scraping her already torn innards

raw and the paste burning like liquid fire.

He pulled out, wrenching from her mouth a last wail of agony, and pushed up

her love channel. He fetched his pliers with a grinning "Remember these?" and

pulled her up and down by pulling on her nipples, almost face to face and

savoring every scream, every agonized gasp, drinking her tormented agony from

her very lips as her blood dripped on the stone floor. In spite of the

unearthly torments, however much she craved it, unconsciousness eluded her,

and her bleeding vagina was scraped raw as he protracted her torment beyond

any reasonable measure of endurance.

"What a mess, girl. It's time to fix it, I'd say." he mocked, pulling out of

her, panting, with a sated expression on his swarthy visage while his victim

screamed and trembled from the her burning insides, twitching and shivering

as blood dripped from her wounds. Her clenched eyes opened, possibly alerted

by the smell, to watch her tormentor heat ghastly implements in a brazier.

He examined a short, curved blade mounted on a ivory handle, then a thin

copper hook, and when satisfied by their appearance moved to her and touched

the hook to one of the innumerable tiny wounds caused by the barbed whip,

causing her to shriek in pain.

"Grod insists that bleeding wounds should be properly cauterized." he grinned,

savoring the horror on her face at the thought of how many tiny wounds brimmed

over her body. He put another hook in the fire and started stabbing wound

after wound, her gasps soon gathering into screams and fitful howls as he

unrelentingly poked her flesh with the burning copper hook.

She had withstood far worse than the small burn of the copper hook, but its

uninterrupted application on wounded flesh caused pain to mount without mercy

and rekindled the burns already inflicted on her skin during her previous

ordeals, something which her tormentor knew very well as he changed the hook

frequently to keep it hot and allow her no respite.

The worse came when he started on the larger wounds, such as scraping her nail

beds, causing her voice to rise in horrid, protracted howls of agony, or

circling her nipples, or sending her down yet undiscovered depths of depraved

cruelty by scratching the raw flesh of her torn sphincter and love channel,

cauterizing it one strip at a time while her howls resonated in horrendous,

protracted frenzies of unbridled agony.

Her tormented body writhed and trembled in its unyielding restraints, allowing

him unrestricted and accurate access to the places where he could cause the

most unbearable pain. With the heated hook he slowly traced each wound in her

exposed vulva, drawing new screams of gut-wrenching agony whenever the hook

sizzled on her burnt flesh. He opened the lips and slowly traced the insides

of each, enjoying her writhing to the point of adding two hooks, one to trace

the wounds and the other leaning on her love button, so that each tremor and

jerk dragged the point across the vulnerable flesh, proving that Grod was not

the only one adept at causing the victims to torture themselves.

After protracting her torment, to the point of faking the cauterization of

wounds which his imagination spotted in the most delectable places, he put the

hook aside and fetched a pair of tweezers. He added two iron bands, one above

and one below her breasts, doused his victim in cold water, closed the

tweezers around her left nipple and doused more cold water, until the bleeding

and burnt flesh stiffened.

"This is going to hurt." he whispered in repressed anticipation, and then

dragged the crescent shaped blade across the full length of the nipple,

careful to scrape without cutting, as her body stiffened and then heaved in

unparalleled pain. Her wail rose to a cry and to a heart rending howl, but he

kept scraping until he reached the end of the nipple as Kayleen banged her

head against the post in a desperate attempt to end the pain.

After restraining her head with another iron band, he closed the tweezers

around the nipple again, uncovering a different portion, doused with more cold

water and then scraped the exposed portion of the tormented piece of feminine

flesh raw in a deluge of burning agony. Her howl rose again in desperation,

to be followed by another as he repeated the procedure, and by others, until

her nipple was scraped and burned raw, a rod of agony nailing her chest to an

inescapable world of uninterrupted pain.

When he moved to the other nipple, her mouth pleaded and cried, offering to do

whatever he wanted, although still not revealing anything about Lyral, so he

looked up at Zhorun, who nodded silently. With an ecstatic grin on his face,

he proceeded to douse it with water and scrape it with the heated crescent

blade, peeling off the outer layers and exposing the pulsating flesh

underneath. Her screams rose again, on par with the screams caused by her

other nipple as far as intensity, but tinged with desperation as the

conscience of her failure crept under the blanket of pain she was wrapped in.

When he was done, Kayleen trembled and shivered, unable to move but free to

suffer, her broken voice wheezing after innumerable screams but ready to rise

again in a cry of despair as he blew on her excoriated nipples, rekindling

the ungodly pain they had just suffered.

And then he knelt between her legs and grabbed the folds of her clitoris, the

heated blade in the other hand, savoring her broken voice pleading him aloud

for a few moments of pure pleasure before dragging the hot blade over her left

fold, scraping it as the smell of burnt skin rose to his nostrils and her

scream of unbridled agony rose to his ears. He enjoyed the scraping of her

fold, but it was just a prelude to what he liked most, and he made sure she

never had a chance to stop screaming and ruin his masterpiece.

He pulled on the clitoris with the tweezers and doused it with cold water,

then scraped its short length with the heated copper blade as her voice jumped

at him in a howl of delicious agony, the first of a sequel as he kept scraping

in small increments, changing the blade very often to make sure it was always

hot and sharp. As before, they were face to face and he protracted her agony

so that he could raise his gaze and savor the suffering from her very face,

any accidental burns on his fingers a small price to pay for drinking at the

well of her agony, and licking her tears of pain as he slowly burned her love

button raw amidst her delirious howls and fitful screams.

When she was freed and Grod treated her burns, she barely noticed, wracked by

pitiful spasms of wrenching pain and coughing, her mind clinging to the notion

that she had lived through another day of torment, that now she would be given

some respite, albeit under some form of torturous predicament. So when the

Easterner dragged her to a table she screamed like a wild animal, trashing

madly and requiring all three of them to secure her to the table.

She was cuffed spreadeagled on a marble table, with iron bands on her

shoulders and thighs, the head encased in an iron mask which restrained it

completely, denying her the slightest movement. The cold marble was soothing

on her burned back, but above her forehead dangled a bronze contraption which

her gaze could not focus upon. She still moaned and cried as the pain from any

of her many wounds and burns roared its head again.

A droplet of cold water landed on her forehead, just above the nose. After a

while, another followed. Slowly, unrelentingly, but not at regular intervals,

a droplet landed on the exact same spot. The cold water soothed her somewhat,

in spite of the unrelenting pain from her ordeals, but after a while they

seemed to get heavier.

Her tormentors left, bringing the torches along and leaving her in the dark in

the sole company of the unrelenting droplets. Her head started to ache, and

she felt dizzy. In some corner of her mind she remembered the "water torture

from the East", and she sobbed in despair in the realization that she would

soon experience its effectiveness firsthand.

Chapter 10 - Machinations and Retaliations

The wizard once known as Zhorun listened without comment to the report from

his henchman about the capture of the Priestess, Lyral. When he left, however,

the circumstances troubled him. She was just a girl, and no warrior, yet when

the animated corpses lunged at her, it took her but an invocation to bathe

both in eerie white light which turned them to ashes. If he had not sent a

warband including living henchmen, the capture would have failed.

The tomes he had discovered on the subject of undeath, the origin of his great

triumph over the limitations of mortal flesh, hinted at the power of the Faith

over creatures from beyond the grave, so no further confirmation was required.

This meant he was at risk in her presence, at least until her maidenhood was

taken, as this was known to rob Priestesses of their powers.

This was a major setback. He counted on raising a host from the grave to fight

the armed forces still serving the Warrior Queen, but the Priestesses would

thwart this. If he started killing or abducting them, the rest would hide or

find protection exactly with those armed forces. Besides, sooner or later

someone such as the Sorceress, Shandra, would start drawing connections, and

he felt not confident enough to forgo secrecy yet.

His best option was to scrutinize her power and develop a spell to counter or

thwart it, although this would take time. He would raise corpses and study

their destruction at her hands, of course, but another thought hatched and

grew in him. Her powers had a common root, this was true for all forms of

power, and this root had to be in healing, because it was the effect other

forms of power, such as Zhorun's own wizardry, found hardest to replicate.

This was the core of her power, and this he would study by turning his three

torturers loose on her friend, the Warrior Queen. Something stirred within him

at the prospect of the delicious torments they could visit on her, once freed

from the need to preserve her life. They would still have to exercise some

care, as even a Priestess was helpless if the victim was already dead, but

they would be free to try most anything else.

Recalling the recent sessions, however, he concluded that the Southerner would

become a problem under the new circumstances. It was probably better to stick

to the notion of questioning both prisoners about the Sorceress, although this

was secondary now, and prohibit any activity which could endanger the

Priestess' maidenhood. He wrote down his orders and had them delivered,

impatient to proceed.

He silently entered the torture chamber, the lack of light not an obstacle for

a corpse whose eyes were long gone, and moved near the table where she was

still restrained. His henchmen had opposed his order to keep her under duress

even between sessions, as moments of respite were necessary to keep the victim

from dying or going insane, but her suffering was ecstasy to him and he would

partake of the nectar of her agony to the last drop.

The splendid woman lay in her restraints, sleeping in spite of the droplets of

water dripping on her forehead. Chang had explained that the water torture was

not really painful, it just played on the dread of the victim, and the ordeals

the woman had been through had left her on the brink of collapsing, so once

the effect of the drugs faded her body jumped at the chance of recovery in

spite of any dread her mind might harbor.

Her resilience and endurance were such, that she might even recover by

herself, although not to the point of regaining her former beauty. As his

netherworldly gaze wandered on her bandaged form, he heard footsteps and

receded into darkness to avoid the light of a torch borne by the Easterner.

The man operated a tap on the water torture device and let a flow of water

splash on her forehead, until she awoke sputtering. Her eyes closed as her

movements rekindled the pain from all over her horrendously marked body, the

extent of the damage partly revealed by torchlight in spite of the bandages.

Although most wounds and burns were in passable conditions, there were so many

of them that the others stood out. Some wounds oozed serum, some burns had

blistered, her breasts were swollen and her nipples were two sickly

protrusions of throbbing flesh, two flowers of crimson on her bandaged chest.

The bandages in her pelvic area were encrusted in dried blood. She sobbed in

pain and dread, grateful that her restraints did not allow her to see more.

"You kicked to kill me. Now you pay." said the Easterner. Kayleen's mind was

not at her best, but she gathered that this was not her ordinary questioning,

this was something personal. Her reflections were brushed away when intense

pain shot from her left hand, as the man had removed the bandage and was

rubbing rock salt on the bleeding nail bed of her middle finger. Her screams

rose in the poorly lit chamber and lost themselves in the darkness, to the

secret delight of the hiding Zhorun.

His hands crimson of her blood, he rubbed salt on her fingers and toes, one by

one, mercilessly, uninterruptedly, and then moved to her other wounds, even

reopening a few. She screamed and writhed in renewed agony, scratching her

face against the restraints still holding her head immobilized.

He circled his hands, crimson with her blood, until he saw in her gaze the

dread for the wounds he had not assaulted yet, and uncovered her nipples

before squeezing them between his salt covered fingers. As he twisted them,

her howl of agony rose on par with the loudest ever uttered in the dreadful

chamber, and more followed as he slowly tormented her flesh.

Tightly restrained, Kayleen could do almost nothing but scream in vain, her

existence again a nightmare of blazing pain targeting the femininity she used

to treasure intimately. Her tormentor protracted her agony, but without drugs

she soon found some respite.

She was reawakened by more cold water, and saw his bloody hands descend

between her legs one hair split before white hot pain blazed from her love

button, as salt burnt the raw flesh. She howled to high heaven again, but

nobody listened except the spawn of the grave hiding in the darkness, and her

subsequent howls found a delighted listener in the corpse of the former

wizard, who decided that this deviation from his orders could be tolerated.

She passed out twice under the unrelenting torment before the Easterner

decided that she had been punished enough, and left her sobbing and crying in

the darkness. She slowly drifted again into fitful sleep, another attempt from

her exhausted body to obtain some respite.

Zhorun stayed for hours, anticipating the events that would unfold upon the

arrival of the Priestess, then hid again as more steps approached and the old

Southerner's voice resonated in the chamber, "Wake up, Whore Queen! It's time

to play." To follow words with action, he grabbed her nipples and pulled up,

awakening her to a world of hurt as she screamed in despair.

Her eyes darted from under her head restraints to a sack he had put on the

marble table. His gaze followed hers, and he smiled cruelly, "Yes, I brought

stuff. Nettles, spiders, pliers ... I hope I've not forgotten anything." Tears

came to her eyes as he pulled out a jug containing one of the hairy spiders,

whose memory still haunted her mind.

He straddled her trembling body, disrobing and putting a leather sheath on his

erect member, savoring her wail of despair, and lingered on the entrance to

her love channel, the leather rubbing painfully on her wounded flesh as she

gasped and sobbed, then pushed in viciously with a snarl.

Her position and restraints were not meant for what he was doing, so he could

not penetrate her fully, but each thrust crushed viciously onto her vulva,

wrenching a scream of desperate pain as her wounds reopened and the remaining

grains of sand rasped her innards again. After coming at last, he leaned on

her sobbing chest for a while, savoring his own variant of paradise while his

victim sobbed in the hell he had imprisoned her into.

Another gate of this hell opened for her when he tore her bandages, fetched

some nettles and started rubbing them on her breasts, her screams losing

themselves in the darkness when he brushed the raw flesh of a nipple. His gaze

was fixed on her suffering mounds, following every tremor, every twitch,

protracting her cries and sobs until his lust aroused again.

He straddled her head and fetched two jugs, each with a hairy spider

scrambling inside, and waited to address her until her teary eyes widened at

the sight, "I'm afraid I forgot my tweezers. If I drop these on your tits,

picking them up will be rather difficult, considering how much they appreciate

raw meat. But if you make this old man happy with your mouth, I mean really

happy, not with the gag and stuff, he will be too tired to go on."

Kayleen could not prevent herself from staring at the hairy horrors inside the

jugs, gripped by utter terror at the thought of the unspeakable agonies they

would visit on her wounded flesh. But something inside her still refused to

submit, no longer strong enough for defiance, but not weak enough to concede

defeat. So she just kept sobbing, until disbelief replaced anticipation on the

swarthy visage of her tormentor and he growled, "Stubborn to the very last,

Your Haughtiness ? Let's see what happens if I rip your tits off."

He put the jugs aside, furious because he had planned to drop the spiders on

her breasts, after she caved in, and enjoy her fear while she discovered that

the spiders were not actually interested in human flesh, his little game

ruined by her stubbornness. His hand raced reached for the pliers, but another

hand, large and strong, closed on his wrist and pinned him to the table.

"Our orders are to let her rest." whispered Grod, his grip unflinching under

the hateful gaze of the old man. The two faced each other for a while, then

the Southerner, red with anger under his dark complexion, picked up his sack

and left without a word. Grod also left after a while.

Unseen, Zhorun waited silently, his mind now focused on the imminent arrival

of the new prisoner. He had given strict orders about how she ought to be

treated, but he wanted to be able to act personally if need be.

After less than an hour, he heard them approach, the three of them carrying a

single torch, as ordered. The Priestess was ... minute, or at least looked

minute besides Grod, as she was actually as tall as Chang. She wore flowing

white robes, and looked young and frail.

The three stopped early enough to keep the bandaged body of the Warrior Queen

outside the area lit by the single torch, and then forced the prisoner to

kneel. She was blindfolded and wore the wizard gag, a clamp on the tongue

which distorted pronunciation enough to make spell casting impossible but did

not preclude speech.

Under Grod's gaze, the Southerner started ripping off her white dress, the

only noise in the room coming from the torn cloth. He could not see her face,

but could see her lithe, slender body, the creamy skin and perfect shape now

revealed to all onlookers. The old man whispered something and his hands

manhandled her repeatedly, until Grod cleared his throat just as Zhorun was

considering incinerating the old fool on the spot.

When she was stripped naked, Chang placed cuffs on her ankles and wrists,

narrow and light cuffs quite unlike the heavy irons used for the Warrior

Queen. The trembling, pale body looked too frail for even a single session in

the torture chamber. When her elbows were cuffed together, a wail escaped the

gagged mouth and she shook the auburn head a few times.

When the Southerner pulled her wrists and ankles towards each other, bending

her in a hogtie, she cried in dismay, causing the Southerner to comment, "We

are going to have soooo much fun with you, girl." Once done, he sat enjoying

her contortions until she stopped, sobbing softly.

Zhorun waited until the three left, bringing the torches along and plunging

the chamber in utter darkness, then moved silently closer. Lyral wailed in

despair a few times, then fell silent as another moan echoed in the chamber.

"Help! Please help. Is anybody here ?" cried the young priestess through her

gag, her words distorted but understandable. She rolled on her side, yowling

at what she considered pain.

On the marble table, a voice she thought she recognized echoed in Kayleen's

mind, a safe haven in the rolling waves of pain. The voice called again, and

her own hoarse voice called out, "Lyral! Lyral, for heaven's sake, I'm here."

Lyral's voice trembled, "Kayleen ? Kayleen, is it you ? Answer me, please.

Keep talking." The gag made protracted talk fatiguing, and she assumed Kayleen

also wore one. Dread mounted in her at the thought that Kayleen might have

been here since her disappearance, and concern tinged her distorted voice.

"Kayleen, I'm blindfolded. Are you all right ? If you cannot move keep

talking, I'll find you." she offered. It turned out to be easier said than

done, because Kayleen spoke sparingly, her voice echoing in the chamber, and

wriggling on the cold stone floor in a hogtie was arduous and painful, but the

young priestess managed to come near the table where Kayleen lay, following a

long torturous trail punctuated by gasps and yowls.

On the table, Kayleen was shedding bitter tears as the world crumbled around

her. She had somehow betrayed her friend, unintentionally revealing her hiding

place, and now Lyral was another prisoner in the same hell she inhabited. Yet,

her first words had been a desperate call to be healed and freed from the

agonizing pain coursing through her body. The once proud Warrior Queen felt

unworthy of addressing her former friend, and yet craved her healing touch,

guilt and despair heavy on her chest as she answered her calls.

The table looked insurmountable for Lyral's hogtie, and she was panting from

the exertion and aching all over the body, so she stopped for a pause and

attempted to get a grasp the situation.

"Kayleen, how long have you been here ? Since your disappearance ?"

"Yes, almost. Days." whispered Kayleen, stifling a cry as pain rose again from

between her legs.

"Are you all right, Kayleen ? Your voice sounds awful." said Lyral in garbled

words, full of concern at the smell of blood.

"Yours is not much better, either." coughed Kayleen, a feeble attempt at some

humor to avoid facing the inevitable.

"Kayleen, please! There's blood on this table. What did they do to you ?" said

Lyral, her concern palpable in her words in spite of the gag. She tried to get

up, but failed and rolled on the floor with a yowl. Kayleen kept still.

"Please, Kayleen, you must tell me. I can help you. Are you wounded ?" these

were the words which she used to say when she came to her tent after a battle,

to heal the wounds she had honorably sustained in a fair fight.

"A little." answered Kayleen, using the same words she used then, but the

bitterness of her tone did not escape her friend.

"Angels of heaven, if you're admitting it ..." she said, leaving the rest of

the sentence unspoken, and doubled her efforts to get up, but fell on the

floor again, hard. She attempted to stifle her sobs, but failed.

"Sorry, Kayleen, but of the two of us the gymnast has always been you. I

cannot reach the table. My wrists are cuffed to the ankles and I cannot do

much more than wriggle about blindfolded."

Small as it was, this chance to be of help tore through the pall of guilt that

hung on Kayleen's chest, "Try to circle the table and feel for some torn

bandages, they would be near my left foot. If you put your back against the

leg of the table and hang onto the bandages with your teeth, you should be

able to get up on your knees."

Lyral was nowhere near the physical fitness of her friend, but she was young

and dedicated, and after many painful failures managed to pull herself up,

leaning against the table and gasping at the pain in her knees. The smell of

blood and sweat was intense, and she also recognized the sickly smell of

wounded flesh. Her nose, probing blindly, touched Kayleen's bloodied nail bed

and jerked as her friend screamed briefly before stifling her pain.

"Kayleen, you're wounded! I can smell it, your foot is wounded." she said,

almost falling back on the floor. She had somewhat expected it, and she

dreaded that her friend was hiding the worst, but she was not prepared to face

it. She knew what to do, but in order to heal her she had to touch her, and

there was no way her hands could reach her friend.

"I would heal you, Kayleen, but I cannot reach you with my hands. I'll try an

older technique, but I've not used it since I was a novice. Please be still."

she said, attempting to bring her lips to touch Kayleen's flesh. This form of

healing had always reminded her of a mother kissing a scratch on a child's

knee, but for significant wounds wasted much of the healing potential.

Lyral touched her friend's flesh, and noted with concern that it was hot and

dry, and the concern deepened when Kayleen flinched in her restraints as her

lips brushed an angry burn. Lyral concentrated, her lips barely touching the

skin as she gathered her power, and then let it flow to Kayleen, a warm

soothing glow barely visible in the darkness.

But the act of healing was not one-way, as the healer absorbed unto himself a

fraction of the woe of the healed, and the old technique was not the best for

sheltering the healer. Although no physical damage carried over, Lyral was not

ready for the depths of agony coursing through Lyral's wracked body, and broke

contact with an anguished cry, falling to the floor, while Kayleen wailed in

despair as her too briefly suspended agony resumed.

"Kayleen! Oh, Kayleen, what horrors have you been through ?" sobbed Lyral,

still shaking and panting. Overwhelmed, her horror took the shape of a

pressing urge to know, the irrational need to put words around the unspeakable

agonies she had a glimpse of, a urge she would later regret after

understanding how much answering weighed on her friend.

"Tell me, Kayleen, please. I felt it. The burns, dislocations ..." she pressed

on, her own voice trembling, "Tell me, please. They tortured you."

"Yes." whispered Kayleen, "They've been torturing me for days." Hearing those

words spoken aloud in her own voice hurt, but the worst was yet to come.

"They ... they raped you." said Lyral, her voice trembling. "They burned you

there. They did ... things." she sobbed.

"Yes." whispered Kayleen again, wishing she wouldn't.

Lyral sobbed by herself for a while, then fell silent. After a long while,

Kayleen called, "Lyral ?"

"Are they going to torture me, too ?" she asked quietly. Kayleen felt a stab

to the heart as her worst fears were spoken out loud, and could not bring

herself to answer.

"Then I've better heal you before they rape me," said Lyral flatly, wriggling

towards the table. Another stab went through Kayleen's heart at the words of

the friend she had betrayed, but she said nothing. Getting up a second time

turned out to be as difficult as before, but at last Lyral managed it and

neared her lips to Kayleen's foot again. She was ready this time, and

sustained the onslaught with but a tear under her blindfold.

The warm feeling of healing, of Lyral's healing, suffused Kayleen's body and

soothed the dull pain, reaching every recess of her body and regenerating

tissues and skin. Her moan of relief rose to a cry as her nails grew back, her

wounds closed, even dislodging the sand rasping her womb, and her body was

restored to its former glory.

Lyral, exhausted by the effort, barely managed to keep from falling down

again, but whispered with a smile, "You sound better now." Herself again, the

Warrior Queen rattled her restraints in vain, but managed to touch her friend

briefly and say, "I already owed you much, but this goes beyond everything you

ever did for me. Whatever I can manage to keep you from harm, I hereby vow to

pursue at any cost."

"Well, just thanks was enough, but thanks." said Lyral, then managed to lower

herself on the floor with little harm done. She was exhausted by the effort,

and felt like sleeping for a week, but she still had questions.

"Who is behind this ? When you disappeared, we considered kidnapping but ruled

it out because we could not think of anyone with the motives and the means to

perpetrate that."

"Be careful, Lyral. There is Zhorun behind all this, he used his magic to

cheat death, and he might be using his magic to listen. Watch your words."

"He did what ?"

"I don't know the proper term, but he's like a walking corpse, rotten and yet

animated. He can see even if his eyes have been eaten by grave worms, and he

can speak even if he no longer has a tongue. Some of his former associates

flocked to him, and he can raise the dead to do his bidding."

Lyral lay still for a long time, then said, "I dispatched two such creatures

before the warriors captured me. Zhorun was a powerful wizard in life, and he

must have located some ancient text which escaped the cleansing of the land

from these abominations. Undead. Unable to rest in their graves and full of

hatred for the living, and the worst were the wizards who chose this fate of

their own will, to cheat old age, or defeat."

"You'll see for yourself. He's always present at my interr ... torture."

"He's probably exacting his revenge, and enjoying it. I remember reading that

the undead had this insatiable impulse to cause the living to suffer. In past

times, a bitter war was fought against them, and my kind played no little part

in their ultimate defeat and the eradication of the foul knowledge concerning

how they could be spawned. Not thoroughly enough, apparently."

"He hinted at armies he would use to conquer the kingdom ... how many corpses

could he raise from their graves ?"

"I don't know, but he has not started yet. Your disappearance caused quite a

stir, but such an army would not go unnoticed. So he wants the kingdom for

himself, and he wants to take his revenge on you, and he'll let me know why he

had me kidnapped sooner rather than later ..."

Suddenly, Kayleen heard the sound of approaching footsteps, and knowing what

this meant whispered intensely, "They're coming. Lyral. Do not let them find

you beside me, and don't tell them anything, don't speak a word. No matter

what they do to me ...  or to you. Heaven knows I wish I could spare you this,

but you'll have to be strong."

Chapter 11 - Interwoven Fates

When the three torturers arrived, a soft wail of fear rose through Lyral's

gag. Kayleen felt her stomach knot at her friend's despair, but tried to hide

her dread, not wishing to give them any further reason to harm her friend.

Her weakness had wrought Lyral into this bloody nightmare, and she had hid it

to get her own wounds healed, but she was now resolved to amend for it all.

Above her restrained head, Grod's voice asked summarily about the location of

Shandra, just as she expected. She would not answer. She would not fail

another friend. She would endure, this time, to the very end.

"Look at this tiny little morsel," murmured the Southerner while gazing at

Lyral's pearly breasts. He removed her blindfold and dragged her to the

ladder, where he cuffed her hands and feet, impatient to begin, "Maybe you're

more talkative than your friend there, girl. Anyway, our host would like you

to tell him where he could find a Sorceress by the name of Shandra. Would you

like to oblige ?" Lyral shook her head, trembling and closing her eyes.

"I hoped so," said the Southerner mischievously, then wore a pair of leather

gloves and rubbed a bundle of fresh nettles under Lyral's left foot, smiling

in anticipation when she gasped and shrieked in surprise and pain.

Grod and Chang were silently studying the Warrior Queen, still restrained on

the marble table, her renewed body a feast for the eyes, but also a force they

feared. She felt defiant, and was about to insult them, but thought better

not, not while they were on guard. Grod tightened her collar meticulously, and

removed her restraints one limb at a time, cuffing the wrists and the ankles

to the waist band. Only then did he drag her to a bench, her knees chafing on

the stone floor, and cautiously cuffed her wrists and ankles to it.

The cautiousness of her tormentors was of some consolation to the Warrior

Queen, and also tilted the scales of the dilemma she was facing. If she

allowed herself to scream and plead, Lyral might lose heart, but the three

would not lower their guard. She'd have to put on her best show.

Meanwhile, Grod was tightening iron bands on her arms and thighs, then around

her forehead and cheeks, effectively immobilizing her head. The band at her

waist was removed, and she would soon understand why. At the corner of her

vision, Lyral shrieked through her gag when the Southerner rubbed nettles on

her belly, and Kayleen thanked the bands for preventing her from seeing more.

Grod's hands searched Kayleen's nether regions and pushed something cold into

her urethra, painfully distending it while she buckled in her restraints.

Lyral's eyes widened as she saw the burly executioner insert a bronze plug

into her friend's privates, but immediately filled with tears as the old man

rubbed nettles behind her left thigh. Through tears, she saw Grod wheel over a

post, with a large tank hanging from the cross beam.

Tightening Kayleen's collar, Grod managed to forcibly push a spider gag into

her mouth, then produced a linen strip with a knot every inch or so and

dropped it into her forcibly open mouth, causing her to gag to in vain. When

he lowered a pipe from the tank and started pouring water into her immobile

mouth she buckled, wildly straining to escape the pouring water. Panic rose in

her mind as the primal fear of drowning bubbled under her newfound resolve.

She gurgled and sputtered, her soaked blonde hair sticking to her cheeks.

As more and more water was poured, the devious strip was forced down her

throat, growing inside her as it soaked water, and causing Kayleen to gag

spasmodically in order to expel it. Her gurgles and chokes increased, as the

strip had reached her larynx, allowing water to enter her trachea down into

her burning lungs. Lyral cried as the old man rubbed nettles under her

armpits, distracting her from the suffering of her friend.

When Kayleen entered a fit of coughing and turned pale, Grod pulled the strip,

knowing that it had entered her trachea, but did not stop the water, watching

her bulging eyes lose focus as her lungs screamed for air. He poured more

water and let the strip sink further down, the knots now clogging her

esophagus and causing her spasming throat to burn in the combined effort to

expel the intruder and drink the water.

Lyral, in spite of her own predicament, could not help looking at what her

friend was undergoing, unable to clearly understand what caused Kayleen to

gurgle and choke, buckling in her restrains under pitiful fits of coughing and

sputtering. The Southerner, following her gaze, smiled and dragged nettles

under her breasts, obtaining her instant attention and an anguished cry.

Grod pulled out the strip almost all the way, satisfied himself that the white

cloth was pink from watered down blood from her chafed innards, and rose to

resupply the tank. Although not all the water poured into Kayleen's mouth had

been actually ingested, her belly was already visibly distended.

When Grod dropped the strip into her aching mouth and poured more water, her

body started buckling savagely and her gurgles rose in pitch as she tried with

all her forces to expel the heavily salted water, but her tormentor poured

more and more until the strip entered her esophagus again. Kayleen's body

convulsed in her restraints between stifled screams, pitiful gurgles and

repeated fits of coughing as she vainly attempted to expel the knotted strip

while the liquid burned in her throat, lungs and esophagus.

Grod continued pouring more salt water, keeping an eye on her heaving chest

and tormented face, then pulled out the strip and pressed with all his

strength on her distended belly, causing her to expel salt water mixed with

blood in a pitiful gurgle which could not completely hide an anguished scream,

which she stifled with the last ounce of her resolve as she saw him bring the

pipe into her mouth a second time. The torment was repeated a third time, a

fourth time, and then Kayleen lost the count in a watery hell of saline agony.

Lyral cried in despair while the Southerner dragged nettles along her soft ass

cheeks, lingering on the flesh between buttock and thigh, savoring her creamy

body withering in torment, so unlike her blonde friend and yet so enjoyable as

it twisted in its bonds.

"Tell the Master where he can find the Sorceress, girl. You can't hold on

forever. It gets worse from now on," said Grod to Kayleen. No answer came.

When he changed the contents of the tank, her nostrils flared as the acrid

smell of bile reached them. Horror swept over her face at the thought of what

awaited her, but her frantic efforts to shake her head were thwarted by her

restraints and the strip entered her gaping mouth again.

The foul liquid caused her to vomit, but Grod increased the flow and she

started drowning in bile, gagging and choking as the nightmarish liquid burned

bitterly her throat and carried the strip farther and farther down her

scorched esophagus. Her desperate heaves shook the bench and the iron bands

cut deep bruises into her newly pristine flesh, but she was forced to swallow

bile until the strip slowly disappeared down her mouth.

She vomited again when it was slowly extracted, spitting bile and blood as

Grod pressed onto her belly to empty it. When the cloth was dropped into her

mouth again, she closed her eyes in silent despair, sliding into the second of

many cycles of suffocating agony to follow. until she finally passed out.

Kayleen came to with the acrid smell of salts in her nostrils and a funnel in

her stuffed mouth. It was not just a gag any more, but a stuffing of cloth,

felt and some kind of tar, and her anus and vagina also felt stuffed, plugged

watertight as she would soon find out. Three pipes ran from the tank above to

her orifices. She closed her eyes, gathering her will, just as water flowed

from the tank, forcing her to gulp or drown.

Her attempts at drinking the water flowing into her mouth were derailed when a

short braided whip landed across her breasts, taking her by surprise and

wrenching from her a gurgled scream, followed by a fit of coughing and choking

as the water disallowed her from catching her breath, and invaded her lungs.

Another strike of the whip landed under her soles, followed by another on her

front thighs, each spaced apart to allow her ample time to drown herself on

the uninterrupted stream of water.

Water was also flowing into her nether orifices, and her bowels were already

cramping because of the cold water filling them. Grod poured more water into

the tank, bucket by bucket, occasionally whipping her into frenzies of

sputtering, coughing and choking. Her plugged bladder was starting to burn.

Meanwhile, Lyral wept bitter tears as the Southerner kept her arched on the

ladder, nudging her nipples with the hellish nettles so that she had to strain

her muscles to keep the burning leaves from the delicate buds which had never

known pain before this day. "Sooner or later, girl, you'll tire. And I doubt

you have the resilience of your blonde friend. Of course, you might want to

let us know about the Sorceress," cackled her tormentor.

Kayleen's eyes filled with bitter tears as the pain from her belly, bulging

under the amount of water she was ingesting, rose steadily. As more water was

added, her bowels felt like freezing, shot through by cramps from the cold

water, and more and more inflated as her throat frantically gulped the pouring

water to avoid drowning, each occasional failure causing another torturous fit

of sputtering and coughing.

She watched in horror as her belly distended to alarming proportions, like she

was months pregnant, her muscles screaming as she felt about to burst under

the pressure. The water was also painfully distending something within her

womb which ached terribly, although she could not name it. After careful

consideration of her distended abdomen, Grod fetched a hefty wooden club and

with all his might smashed it onto her belly.

The blow sent water back towards her mouth, but was also transmitted all over

her insides, reverberating in a wave of pain which caused her to gurgle and

sputter, her scream stifled by pure force of will. The next blow taxed that

will, and the same did the next, but she managed to hide her pain from her

friend, wishing Lyral could do the same as the Southerner dragged nettles over

her inner thighs, leaving red rashes on the pale skin.

When her belly was forcibly returned to less horrific proportions, the water

pouring uninterruptedly from the tank found its way into her again, and her

eyes widened at the realization that her tormentor had placed salt water in

the tank, and her throat and lungs would soon burn with saline agony as each

repetition would increase the proportion of salt over fresh water.

Lyral could no longer afford the luxury of concerning herself with her friend,

since the Southerner was dragging nettles across her soft breasts, and the

shrill pitch of her young voice echoed under the vaults as if she had been

screaming for both herself and her friend.

As the devilish torment was repeated over and over, Kayleen's newfound

strength was sorely taxed and only her will endured, in spite of the agonies

reverberating inside her when the club landed on her bruised belly. Her bowels

and womb were bursting with water, and she was on the brink of unconsciousness

because of prolonged oxygen deprivation. Her lungs were screaming for air and

her throat was ablaze, and when Grod started over again, she passed out.

She woke up again, the first thing in her ears being Lyral's screams as the

old Southerner was twisting nettles around her friend's nipples. Grod was

tightening a tourniquet around her lower belly, having already placed one on

her waist and another just under her ribcage. The knotted hemp rope bit her

skin already, and the bench had been tilted so that her feet were now about a

foot above her head. Her bladder burned with the urge to relieve herself.

Her bowels and womb had been emptied, but were now being rapidly filled again,

the liquid flowing with much higher pressure from two separate tanks looming

large, well above her feet. Exhausted, Kayleen tried to fight dread as the

growing discomfort in her womb and bowels suggested that it was not ordinary

water that she was being invaded with, but soon she had to fight pain instead,

as her insides started itching and then burning.

When she started twitching, her tormentor opened the tap of the pipe flowing

into the funnel in her mouth, and salt water poured down, compounding the pain

inside her with the renewed torment of her lungs and throat. She gurgled,

unable to drink the saline concoction, and sputtered in fitful buckles of

breathless pain, discovering that the tourniquets were digging into her flesh

as water distended her insides again.

"The water inside your womb is distending it, girl. This is only the

beginning. You'll feel when it bulges, when the tubes burst, and then you'll

expel the water and it starts over again," said Grod quietly.

Two searing nuggets of pain started blazing in Kayleen's womb, feeling as if

the mounting pressure of the scorching liquid was distending some pathway,

forcing its way down channels never meant to sustain such agonies. Her belly

was now pushing against the ropes, the knots digging deep and chafing the

skin, and more water was being poured down her throat as she choked onto it,

each gulp a spasm which sent shivers through her restrained body as her lungs,

more and more compressed as water pushed up her diaphragm, screamed for air.

Most of the liquid was entering from her mouth, in spite of her position, and

soon she found herself coughing to asphyxiation as water seemed to fill her up

completely, gushing in her windpipe. Her muscles pushed helplessly against the

ropes, attempting to gulp down more water, but this only increased her pain as

her compressed belly bulged through the deeply set ropes.

When her face turned blue, Grod removed the funnel and started tightening the

tourniquets, sending her into coughing fits of agony as the water was forcibly

expelled from her mouth in desperate bursts. Out of her mind in pain and fear,

Kayleen was prevented from screaming only by the gushes of water and fits of

coughing, because her insides were still experiencing the unrelenting pressure

and now the nuggets of pain in her womb were blazing in agony from the tight

constriction of the tourniquet.

As her stomach was emptied, allowing her the breath of air she craved, it let

some room for more water to press into her bowels and womb, increasing the

unrelenting pain from her insides. Ignoring the suffering in Kayleen's teary

blue eyes, her tormentor pushed the pipe into the funnel again. The foul taste

of salt water caused her to retch, the vomit unable to escape the throat and

mixing with the downpouring liquid as she sunk again in the watery hell.

Lyral twitched on the ladder while the Southerner laughed at her screams of

fear and pain, teasing her "You sing like a summer bird, My Pearl! If some

nettles are all it takes to hear you sing, what are we going to hear when we

start with some real torture ?"

Over the subsequent iterations of the torment, Kayleen almost cursed the

renewed endurance and strength brought by her healing at Lyral's hands, as she

had to endure them one by one, the salt water scorching her womb and pressing

into her uterus and tubes with unrelenting, mounting pain each time more water

was pressed in, until finally she lost consciousness.

Kayleen came to while the Easterner was cuffing her elbows together, bending

her arms over a beam crossing the top of a wooden post she remembered with

dread. He pulled her arms down until he could cuff her wrists to the back of a

wedge pushing into her lower back, arching her body outwards. Her legs were

doubled over and bent painfully outwards at the knee, the ankles cuffed wide

apart to another cross beam.

The pain of her restraint and even the bruises on her belly were nothing in

the aftermath of her previous ordeal, as her insides from throat to womb still

burned and throbbed, while the collar tightened by the cautious Easterner did

not allow her to breathe normally and even drink some of the contents of the

jug offered to her, the burn in her throat stronger than her sense. Yet, as

her gaze focused, her eyes widened in dread at the sight of the implements

heating in a brazier before her.

Once she had been secured, the wry Easterner loosened her collar and wore

thick gloves, which allowed him to pick up a thin, red hot steel needle and

push it into her left thigh, its sizzle covered from a scream she managed to

turn into an agonized breath drawn through clenched teeth. A cold needle

pierced her other thigh next, followed by another red hot needle in her

distended calf.

Her tormentor alternated cold needles and red hot needles, each causing her to

writhe in agony while attempting to stifle her screams, pausing between each

to let her experience the pain in full. Her ears picked up screams which were

not her own, and her tormented gaze fixed on the pale flesh of Lyral, pulled

tight on the rack by Grod. For a moment, her horror at the thought of the

innocent girl suffering the agonies of the rack overcame even the pain of the

needles, but her call of "Lyral" turned into a scream when her tormentor

pinched her belly and pushed a red hot needle through her flesh.

The call caused Lyral's gaze to focus on Kayleen's twitching form, sending her

further into despair at the sight of her friend's tormented face while the

Easterner pushed tiny hot needles in her tender soles, each causing her to

stiffen, twist her visage in the effort to resist the pain and buckle wildly

in her restraints. When her head hung, she was doused with cold water.

Kayleen could not keep her eyes on Lyral's distended limbs as Grod cranked

back the rack, just like he had done with her, sending the atrocious pain of

sudden release through her limbs, because her own tormentor pushed a red hot

needle under her left toenail. Dread combined with pain behind her mounting

scream, which left her lips as a tormented hiss, as this rekindled the

memories of her past ordeals and signaled the start of the assault on her toes

and fingers.

The assault followed, and brought her down untraveled roads of mounting pain

as needles were also driven in the soft flesh between fingers, while each nail

was tormented by either a red hot or a cold needle, which turned out to be

barbed when he pulled out one to replace it with a red hot one. So another

cruel pain was visited on her as each cold needle was bloodily pulled out and

replaced by a red hot one.

When he started pushing needles into her torso and chest, Kayleen let out a

stifled scream as dread as the recollection of past ordeals overcame her, but

her tormentor continued slowly pushing cold and hot needles into her writhing

form. After her back, his attentions lingered on her ass cheeks, which needle

after needle he turned into a bloody pincushion.

Kayleen, in spite of herself, trembled when the wry Easterner looped a thin

silk cord around her left breast, followed by another around her right breast,

tightening them until her mounds turned into turgid globes of taut flesh. When

the first needle, a cold barbed one, was pushed into her flesh, it took all

her newfound resolve to stifle a scream which would have risen up in the

vaults of the chamber, just as the garbled screams from the stretched Lyral

rose as she trembled under the pull of the rack.

Slowly, the Easterner pushed more cold needles into each globe, delaying his

recourse to the red hot ones to bring her to the ultimate brink of agony

before sending her down a new level of torment. After pushing a needle into

each nipple in spite of her spasms and jerks, he pulled out the very first

needle inserted into each breast, slowly, the barbed tip tracing a searing hot

trail of agony through her flesh which the subsequent insertion of a short,

red hot needle in the same spot reopened immediately, dragging Kayleen into in

a nightmare of gasps, hisses and burnt flesh from which no respite was allowed

until much later, when her breasts were so thick in short needles, most

already cooled off, that her tormentor found awkward to insert any new ones.

She was released from her restraints, her body still brimming in needles, and

made to drink again, the pause allowing her to hear again the desperate cries

from the rack where Lyral quivered as Grod cranked her yet another notch, her

neck and mouth distended in a drawn out cry of unspeakable agony.

Her breath constricted by the collar, Kayleen was pulled up by her ankles

cuffed to chains from the ceiling, then the Easterner doubled her at the

waist, pulling her arms to her front between her splayed thighs until, helping

himself with a boot on her crotch, he managed to pull them forward enough to

bend her elbows under her knees and tie her wrist cuffs behind her back to a

rope, which he proceeded to shorten until he could cuff her wrists to each


Kayleen's bent position exposed the tendermost part of her athletic body while

pushing the needles all the way down into her compressed breasts, bringing new

tears to her contorted visage. Just hanging there would have been torture

enough, but her tormentor pinched a fold of soft flesh from under her left

thigh and started piercing it with fine, red hot needles, so fine that he

could push dozen in the folded flesh in the grip of his leather glove. The

nonstop torment caused her to gasp and hiss, her breathing a wheeze as her

body glistened in perspiration, which mixed with the crimson rivulets of blood

and the smell of burnt flesh as the sizzling mixed with her stifled screams.

The fine needles caused little blood loss, the wound cauterizing as it formed,

but kept her in searing pain far longer, compounding the stabbing from her

breasts which got rekindled upon each jerk with the agony of burnt flesh. His

hands gripped the now exposed crease between buttock and thigh, repeatedly,

first left then right, slowly pushing needle after needle through the soft

flesh in a trail of agony which reverberated on her contorting face as she

strove to keep her anguish from bursting in screams.

Her tormentor's hand pinched a fold of flesh under her thigh, and a new pain

seared through her as the first hot needle pierced it, while Lyral's agonies

on the rack echoed through the room drowning her stifled gasps and the

occasional cries escaping her clenched teeth. With leisurely relentlessness,

the Easterner pushed more and more of the accursed needles through her thighs

and calves, drawing a canvas of agony on her slender, exposed limbs as a

prelude of the worst to come and splashing her occasionally with cold water.

Lyral's cries rose to a pitch as the rack pulled her taut, and then waned as

she passed out. Grod suspended her torture and slowly cranked her distended

body back to normal, inspecting her pale limbs for signs of dislocation.

Kayleen's mind wandered in a hell of searing pain and burnt flesh, attempting

to escape what she reckoned would follow. Within her, the dread of the torment

in her feminine regions grew needle after needle, her shame deep at being

unable to face the specific pain with the same bravery she exhibited in


A wail of despair grew behind her teeth when the Easterner pushed the first

needle through her left cunt lip, followed by the first actual scream of the

day, although promptly stifled, when the next pierced the rim of her vagina.

In her restraints, she could barely writhe as each needle was pushed through

her cunt lips, the tips fiendishly pointing inwards as the heat seared her

feminine flesh. In spite of the unrelenting agony, she managed to stifle her

screams yet again, buttressing her resolve on the pitiful shrieks escaping

Lyral's gagged mouth under the unrelenting pull of the rack.

In spite of the needles in her ass cheeks, the wry Easterner returned his

attentions to her buttocks, but focused on the rim of her sphincter, piercing

the tender flesh with more of the fine, red hot needles, driven through the

muscle parallel to the surface. Instead of sinking into the flesh, endangering

blood vessels, the needles dug through one, one and a half inch of muscle and

then emerged, the tip ready to cause further agonies on each jerk and twist of

her tormented body.

To Kayleen's dismay, however, the torment of her sphincter was just a break in

the assault on her femininity, because the Easterner pulled open her cunt lips

and pinched them to her inner thighs with more fine, red hot needles, ignoring

the blood trickling on each jerk and her anguished hisses as each needle

caused her head to shake in unspeakable agony.

When he pulled open the folds of her clitoris and pierced the left one with

another red hot needle, Kayleen's body stiffened before shuddering in a long,

drawn out breath of sibilant agony which she renewed when another needle

seared the flesh of the right fold, exposing her love button as more needles

stitched the folds to her flesh.

"Tell where Sorceress is," said her tormentor, dousing her with cold water

after waiting for her answer, "More pain now".

More needles were driven in the muscle at the entrance of her love channel, in

the fashion used on her sphincter, the tips still hot sizzling on contact with

the dry wall after piercing the fleshy rim, each a stab of unremitting agony

which shook through her hung body, bubbling into a scream which she refused to

let out of her mouth as her face contorted in untold agony.

Her resolve staggered when a red hot needle was pushed into her clitoris, her

mouth opening in a helpless, silent cry before closing under pure force of

will as the smell of burnt flesh rose again to her nostrils and the needle was

pulled out. Even Lyral, stretched on the rack, turned her head when the next

was placed on her love bud, the tip burning into the flesh, but was held firm

instead of pushing it in, until her tormentor's finger forcibly pulled it,

slowly elongating it into the atrocious burning needle, sliding it in one

hairsplit at a time while Kayleen's hisses and gasps rose in pitch and her

shaking blonde mane revealed her unspeakable suffering, which was repeated

until her tormentor had to admit to himself that there was no longer room on

her tormented feminine flesh for more needles.

Her tormentor removed swiftly the mostly cooled needles from her, ignoring the

occasional drops of blood as most wounds had been cauterized by the heat, and

then lowered her on the floor, releasing her from her restrained position only

with precautions far beyond what Kayleen's trembling body would suggest.

After a litany of pitched screams, Lyral passed out again, unable to withstand

the pull of the rack. Grod tried reviving her with cold water, without

releasing her, but she woke up between screams and passed out again when he

cranked her another notch.

The Easterner cuffed Kayleen's elbows and wrists together, fastening the

latter to a ring, then cuffed her ankles to a six foot steel bar, spreading

her legs wide and adding iron bands at the knee and thigh before pulling up

the bar using another chain from the ceiling, her body arching as her hips

were pulled above her head while her arms were twisted in their sockets.

The Easterner moved to the brazier and verified the implements heating there,

oblivious to the dread mounting in his victim as she strove to look inside,

and to the despair echoing in the room as Lyral shouted her lungs out while

her limbs were stretched again on the rack. Kayleen closed her eyes, praying

softly to herself, as her tormentor pulled from the coals a red hot four-inch

skewer, bringing the forked tip near her restrained arms.

Her body stiffened and then exploded in a frenzy of buckling and shaking as

the skewer pierced her flesh, its sizzle drowning in her desperate hiss of

agonized despair, the first herald of the screams crowding in her throat. The

pain was far worse than what she had withstood so far, because the searing

tips reached to the bone and scraped it inside her burnt flesh.

After her pain subsided, her tormentor inserted another skewer into her arm,

sliding it slowly along the muscle instead of stabbing down, the pain mounting

unrelentingly as her throat burned with bile and her jaw ached as she tried to

keep her howls from breaking out. One after the other, he also skewered her

forearms, in spite of her frantic buckling and spasmodic jerks.

Next were her fingers, again, but on an unprecedented level of agony as a

short skewer was slid into her first finger, scraping the small bone in the

first agonizing step of a descent in hells she had not visited yet, as each

finger and toe was slowly subjected to the agonizing treatment. Her throat was

sore and burned with puke, her eyes had shed all her tears, and the cries of

Lyral were distant echoes of her own suffering as the skewer slid into her

last toe, her leg convulsing along its entire length as she managed to stifle

an agonized howl, clinging to her determination because it was the only thing

left she could cling to before sinking in an ocean of pain.

The skewering of her long, supple legs with long, searing hot needles which

bent inside her muscle as he pushed the tip into her bones dragged her further

into that ocean of pain, sending new waves of agony bellowing behind her

clenched teeth and crashing on her resolve with the unrelenting, excruciating

agony of searing hot metal. During a brief instant of respite, she heard

Lyral's garbled voice cry "I won't talk! Oh, Kayleen, I won't fail you."

In her torment, her friend's words were a stab at her heart but also a much

needed source of new resolve, just as the impassive Easterner pulled a six

inch skewer from the brazier and inserted it under her left breast, dragging

the forked, red hot tip inside her, scraping one rib after the other as she

twitched and buckled, bile rising into her mouth and fanning the blazes of

more agonized howls, her hisses now so desperate and frothing that they would

count as screams to anybody but her, rekindled by a bucket of cold water.

After repeatedly skewering her breasts, the wounds bleeding moderately as the

heat cauterized them as they formed, her tormentor allowed her a pause and let

her drink from the jug, the liquid clearing her mind and bringing new strength

to her pain-wracked body. That strength was soon taxed when he slid short

skewers onto her ribs, causing more gasps and hisses to issue from her

clenched mouth, and even more when he skewered the sides of her breasts to

bring the tips to slide on her sternum in yet another nightmare of pain and

burnt flesh, which he protracted until her hisses waned into wheezing sobs.

But instead of releasing her, he brought the jug to her lips again and then

pushed another hot skewer into her crotch, piercing her left cunt lip and

scraping the tip onto the pubic bone, her desperate cries gurgling behind the

dam of her resolve as she stifled them into hisses. Her tormentor fetched a

short skewer and slid it into the soft flesh between her anus and vagina,

followed by another as she spat and gurgled in unspeakable agony.

Slowly, he pushed a longer skewer through the whole length of her right cunt

lip, sliding it over her pubic bone, the twin tip scraping it on each jerk and

twitch of her tormented body. Drool frothed at her mouth, which opened in a

rasping, silent scream when another skewer was slid into her vulva, sizzling

her small lip and the vaginal wall before scraping bone as she jerked in

renewed agony and gasped desperately.

Instead of continuing, her tormentor paused to bring a sloping bench under her

belly, raise it until she leaned on the wood and then fasten the bands at her

thighs and waist to it. Out of her mind with pain, Kayleen enjoyed her brief

respite, unaware that he just wanted her restrained for further torment.

He took care to heat the next skewer until it turned bright red, then pushed

it into the lower rim of her vagina, piercing it on the left and then on the

right, stitching the sides together while the sizzling heat caused wisps of

smoke and her body shuddered in unbridled agony and her mouth twisted her

features as she desperately clenched her howls behind her gritting teeth.

When Kayleen's twitches subsided, he slowly slid another skewer through the

upper rim, piercing its walls and stitching it close while her contorted face

trembled under the effort to stifle the scream mounting in her throat as the

twin tip scratched bone again. Her mouth opened in gasps and hisses when

another thin, bright red skewer was driven through her swollen lips and under

her clitoris, with his fingers pulling and bending the bud so that instead of

piercing through, the needle traversed the full length of its underside

stitching it to her mons before entering the flesh above and joining the

others in scraping her pubic bone as she trembled in agony.

With the sizzling needles in place, her tormentor used both gloved hands to

skitter two or even all three at the same time into her bone, pulling them out

a bit to drive them in from a different angle, plunging Kayleen into

unexplored depths of uninterrupted agony. Her gasps, hisses and gurgles rose

almost on par with the pitiful cries from the racked young body of her friend

Lyral, and lasted until the skewers cooled off.

As she was released, she heard Lyral's hysterical sobs as the Easterner

approached her, while Grod treated her wounds and the jug brought new strength

to her parched lips. The thought of asking Lyral about what was in the jug

coursed briefly through the pain wracked paths of her mind, losing itself in

dread when she realized that it was now the Southerner's turn, and he was

ogling her body while poring over a small collection of knives and blades.

Unable to avert her teary gaze, she lingered in horror on the implements. Most

had been built from bone, some gleaming new and some yellowish, or reddish,

she shuddered. These were not blades designed to dispatch an opponent, quite

the opposite, they were short and poorly honed to cause shallow wounds.

Meanwhile, the Easterner was tightening a tourniquet around Lyral's waist, her

sobbing eyes awaiting the impending pain, and Kayleen saw in her friend's

countenance all the weight of the ordeals wrought upon her young, frail body,

her limited strength spent, her endurance consumed already, a nightmare of

pain unlike anything she had ever sustained in her formerly sheltered life.

Kayleen paid little heed when the Southerner dragged her to a platform, made

her kneel on it and cuffed her ankles wide apart, forcing her to open her

thighs painfully wide under her own weight. Her eyes sought Lyral's eyes, now

shut in pain as she screamed under the tightening grip of the tourniquet, and

ignored the Southerner cuffing her wrists above her head to a chain hanging

from the ceiling. But when the swarthy old man fetched a yellowish, cracked

bone blade and pushed it into her left shoulder blade, her attention returned

to her predicament and a scream escaped her lips before she could stifle it.

Grinning, her tormentor pushed the blade further down, tracing a jagged wound

in her muscular back. Although he had stayed clear of major blood vessels, the

wound bled immediately, yet he followed up with another cut into her right

forearm, along the muscle, her own jerks and twitches trashing the blade

inside the wound as she gasped and hissed in agony.

"Oh my, who would have guessed that a little knife would cause Your

Haughtiness such discomfort ? I thought you were a proud warrior," mocked her

tormentor, cutting into her muscle.

The cut of blades in battle she knew already, and it hurt, but this was

nothing of the sort, this was devilish torment, and dread mounted in her as

her horrid experiences allowed her to recognize these first cuts as just

preliminaries.  She closed her eyes as his fingers traced and probed the place

where he would stab and cut her next, and soon her anguished intakes of breath

could be heard almost as clearly as Lyral's screams of despair, while blood

oozed lazily from her cut flesh.

After a dozen cuts, all delivered with excruciating slowness while pressing

the dull blade on the skin to cause its uneven edge to cut jagged gashes, the

old man protracted the pause between a cut and the next, watching her bleed

before making her drink again and treating the cuts, smearing a thick paste

which slowed the blood flow somehow, and stitching them summarily.

Lyral screamed in uninterrupted agony as the Easterner tightened the grip on

her fingers, her soaked body trembling in fear between a turn of the

tourniquet and the next. Tears streaked her pale face, and after crying her

lungs out she passed out and had to be revived with cold water.

The Southerner placed his finger on Kayleen's left calf and then pushed the

blade into the flesh, dragging it slowly along the length of the leg as she

twitched and hissed, turning her head under the foolish compulsion to watch

the blade dig into her. The yellowish white blade was crimson with blood, and

the edge was dull enough to require considerable force to cut through muscle,

tracing shallow creeks of crimson through her flesh as the howls she wanted to

suppress crowded behind her clenched teeth.

"You could still entertain us with news about that Sorceress," said the

Southerner, dousing her with cold water while she clenched her lips.

With time, Kayleen's and Lyral's bodies started looking similar, both crossed

by reddish lines, but while Lyral's where but rashes and chafed skin,

Kayleen's were ugly, bleeding gashes, although the occasional treatment

reduced blood loss. While Lyral screamed with abandon through her gag as the

Easterner tightened a tourniquet on her left breast, Kayleen managed to just

hiss, gasp and buckle as the Southerner pushed the blade under the nail of her

left ring finger, compounding the torment of her hands already bleeding from

the cuts in the soft flesh between the fingers.

But the true measure of the difference in the torments became obvious in the

comparison between Lyral's tear streaked visage and Kayleen's contorted mask

of agony, as the Southerner dragged the blade on the tender sole of her left

foot, and then pushed it under the nail of her big toe as she jerked her head

back, her mouth open in a silent, drawn out scream at the indifferent vaults

of the torture chamber.

Even Lyral, in the pauses her tormentor dispensed lest she passed out too

often, watched with horror between her own tears when the Southerner stabbed

the soft flesh inside Lyral's thighs, pulling the blade up and lifting her

from her kneeling position at blade point while blood flowed slowly, and she

gasped through fits of unspeakable pain, still clinging to her resolve as the

howls she refused to let out resonated in her chest.

When her leering tormentor sunk his blade under her breast, she screamed

briefly, a lapse which was followed by a long, agonized breath as the blade

cut her flesh, but which did not repeat when he stabbed her other breast.

Stymied, the swarthy Southerner gripped it and pushed the blade into the soft

underside, enjoying her eyes clenching in agony, but unable to exact another

scream from her in spite of the repeated gashes slowly dug in the pulsating

flesh of his trembling victim, wet from occasional buckets of cold water.

Undaunted, he gripped her left nipple between two fingers and started dragging

the blade along its length, careful to scrape rather than cut, first pulling

away from the breast, then turning the blade down through the tip of the

delectable flesh and then reversing the cut along the underside of the wounded

nub. Kayleen's hisses rose to a feverish pitch while he ravaged her nipple,

and she gasped and shook her head to no avail. When he moved to her other

nipple, her jerks and twitches prevented him from achieving a clear wound, but

not from trying repeatedly, so her right breast slowly became a canvas of

bleeding pain drawn in stifled screams and agonized jerks.

The Easterner resumed Lyral's torture by tightening a tourniquet around her

plump left breast, causing the girl to tremble and shriek in dread, trashing

in her restraints at the prospect of more pain.

"Your friend does not seem to like Chang's attentions, Whore Queen. I fancy

laying my hands on her again. Later," said the old Southerner.

Smiling, he brought the blade on her crotch and traced with his fingers the

contour of her cunt lips, enjoying her jerks and spasmodic attempts at turning

the blade, which littered her privates with small cuts of her own doing. When

she stopped jerking, not buying into his little game any more or just

exhausted, he placed the blade on the muscle around her vagina and cut,

smiling at the tormented hiss which shook her splendid body.

After repeatedly cutting the rim of her love channel, and its walls in places,

her tormentor disrobed and smiled before pushing her down on her back,

penetrating her wounded sex on the platform in short, rutting thrusts, each

one sending blazing pain through her bleeding body as she barely managed to

deprive her tormentor at least of the satisfaction of hearing her scream.

Lyral instead screamed and howled as the Easterner tightened the tourniquet on

her breast, and passed out again when the pain became unbearable. She was

revived with smelling salts, and started sobbing immediately, crying and

quivering when her tormentor tightened the rope again.

Exhausted, Kayleen drank blindly from the jug offered to her while they

treated her wounds, none deep enough to endanger her life but so many that she

would be unlikely to survive. In the haze of unprecedented pain, she thought

that her tormentors had picked Lyral as the one which could be scared into

talking, and as such no longer needed restraint in torturing her.

She ignored the Southerner when he cuffed her elbows together and pulled

painfully her arms from under her back, fastening her wrist cuffs to the

platform and forcing her to arch her back and push her hips up in the air,

exposing her wounded crotch. Her collar was fastened to the platform, and only

when the Southerner tried to force a spider gag into her mouth did she mount a

feeble attempt at resisting, which he tried to stifle by twisting her wounded

nipples in the vain hope of forcing her to accept it. It was Grod who

tightened her collar, until she went blank from lack of oxygen and the gag

could be forced in when she was allowed to breathe.

The old Southerner straddled her head and fetched a different knife, the blade

apparently the fish-bone of a large fish, which he examined at length before

pushing it into one of the gashing wounds he had cut on her slender thigh,

cutting her agonized scream short by pushing his flaccid member into her

throat and enjoying her gurgling and coughing.

"Now I am going to reap the reward of all this hard work", he whispered.

Lyral, who had been allowed to see the scene, closed her eyes in horror, but

could not close her ears as the laughing Southerner slowly dragged the blade

through the wound in her thigh, reopening it while Kayleen's muffled screams

surged through her stuffed mouth. He waited until her cries subsided, then

stabbed another wound on her other thigh, pushing encrusted blood aside and

drawing fresh blood and fresh howls of unbridled torment from his victim.

The small blade visited many other wounds, each one a new fountain of agony on

her tormented body which oozed fresh blood until her tormentor cared to

staunch it again. Now that she was tightly restrained, however, he could use

it to carry through his original intent, so he brought the blade against her

right breast and started tracing the contour of her areola, cutting a red line

around it with the tip as she shouted into his already hardening member.

He pinched her right nipple, pulled it out and traced its entire length with

the blade, outwards, around and backwards, so enjoying her jerks and cries

that he immediately repeated the feat on her other nipple, reopening the cut

he had been so proud of. Kayleen screamed into his member, repeatedly, feeding

his arousal as he tormented her wounded breasts, protracting her agonies until

her cries brought him to come into her mouth.

Lyral was spared the sight of her friend's violation, because she had fainted

again while the Easterner tightened the tourniquet on her heaving chest and

was taking longer than before to revive.

Spent, the swarthy Southerner poured more syrup into Kayleen's choking mouth

and summarily treated her wounds, then moved between her legs and placed the

tip on her mons, pushing the blade into the flesh between her pubic hair in a

short, shallow cut, wrenching a short cry from Kayleen's sore throat. He

followed up with a second and a third, observing the three form a bloody

triangle on her mons. With his other hand, he grabbed the curls of blonde hair

and pulled, drawing a pitched shriek of inhuman agony from the trembling

Kayleen as the pulled hair slowly wrenched away the triangle of skin.

"I guess you're not going to tell us about the Sorceress," he mocked. When her

cries subsided, he cut another triangle in her bush and pulled it away also,

just like the subsequent ones, smiling as each little scalp brought new howls

of unbridled agony from his twitching victim, savoring each one as Lyral

watched in horror, unable to avert her gaze, almost forgetting the tourniquet

being tightened around her chest.

The Southerner protracted the flaying of Kayleen's mons long enough to achieve

another arousal, and when his member hardened he interrupted it and penetrated

her, grunting as he viciously pushed into her torn sex, enjoying her fitful

jerks when he brushed the flayed flesh. On each thrust, her cries rose through

the gag under the vaults of the chamber, and turned into anguished howls when

he stopped just before coming, pulled out and ejaculated on the raw flesh.

After catching his breath, he resumed the flaying of her pubic area, and when

nearly done stopped to consume something he had prepared, smiling as Kayleen's

eyes widened in recognition. In a few minutes his member hardened, and

penetrated her in a rutting frenzy of vicious cruelty, pulling out at the last

moment and spraying his salty semen on her to compound her torment again.

Kayleen cried aloud in despair when he thrust into her yet again, and

withstood his third assault howling to high heaven, but on the fourth time her

eyes glazed over and, in spite of the drugs, she passed out.

She returned to the hell she had just left with the strong smell of salts in

her nostrils, hanging upside down with her legs painfully spread wide and her

arms bound in a reverse prayer position behind her back. The Southerner

cackled at the thought of how this position, intended to curtail blood loss,

exposed her sex, and tightened an iron band around her waist to prevent her

from jerking around too much. More cold water was splashed on her.

The Easterner had also started to douse Lyral regularly, attempting to keep

her awake while he tightened the tourniquet on her chest while she screamed at

the top of her lungs.

The Southerner also closed tight bands around Kayleen's knees and thighs, and

finally screwed two iron rings tight around her breasts, wrenching new screams

from her sore throat as her wounds reopened. He fetched both the dull and the

thin blade and started cutting the sole of her left foot, the thin blade

following directly into the gash dug by the large one, delighted as he could

at last enjoy her howls of agony as they were meant to be heard.

When her screams subsided, he smeared some paste on the gash and then

rekindled her pain by clipping together the edges with small, vicious clamps,

staunching the loss of blood while plunging her another step down the

staircases of agony. The clamps were too small to allow for a spring, so he

had to tighten them using pliers. Immensely satisfied with his own cleverness,

he started clipping the bleeding wounds on her breasts, savoring her pitiful

screams as each clamp dug into her quivering flesh.

"Now, now, we don't want too much spilled blood, do we ? Unless our Whore

Queen changed her mind, I mean. Too much spilled blood means we have to stop,

and we still don't know where this Sorceress is," mused the Southerner.

Having contained blood loss for the time being, he proceeded to dig red lines

of agony through Kayleen's slender legs, protracting her torment by pausing

often, then moved to her buttocks and started cutting across the existing

wounds, lingering on the soft underside near her thighs and in the crease

between the cheeks. Each time, once her cries subsided, he clipped the wound

dutifully. Later, he delighted when her screams rose to new heights as he

scraped her ribs to the bone under Lyral's horrified eyes.

Leaving her ribs to bleed, he slowly traced a few lines of crimson agony

through her muscular abdomen, clipping each shut meticulously before starting

another, then reached for her breasts. He pushed the dull blade into the

quivering flesh, dragging the thin blade back and forth as she howled in pain

and wheezed, short of breath as each scream caused further pain from her ribs.

He briefly paused her torment to smear her nipples with the yellow brown

paste, but soon resumed, tracing another deep gash in her firm breast, as if

drawing in each a star of red lines pointing to the nipple. Her screams were

now hoarse, wheezing, but she twitched and jerked in agony whenever the blade

bit her flesh, so he slowly protracted her torment until her nipples swelled.

He pinched one, savoring her cry as the wound reopened and dread rose within

her, pulled it and traced the dull blade outwards, around the tip and

backwards on the underside, proud of his technique and enjoying her spasmodic

jerks, inhuman cries and pain-wracked visage. She was now properly restrained,

and he was able to repeat the hideous torment on her right nipple, slowly

savoring her hellish cries. Noticing that she was starting to lose it, he put

the jug at her mouth and pulled her head up in order to let her drink.

Lyral was still screaming her lungs out, her wet body writhing as her plump

pale breasts turned crimson under the grip of her tormentor's tourniquet. Her

parched cherry lips stood out in her pale, contorted visage as she drowned in

unprecedented pain and misery. The Southerner called at her, "Look, girl,

watch as I carve open Your Haughtiness here. Maybe I can find what she's so

full of. Just remember you're next."

Kayleen's newfound strength was immediately taxed as her tormentor brought the

dull blade on the soft flesh of her inner thigh and dug another line of

bleeding agony in it, cutting across her previous wounds and protracting the

torment while avoiding major blood vessels. Her cries rose shrill when he

clipped the wound, and rose even more when he cut her tender flesh again.

After tormenting her thighs, he returned to her swollen nipples, fetching two

elongated bronze clamps which he clipped along the length of the left nipple,

on the edges of his previous cut. When both nipples were so clipped, his hands

both free, he plunged Kayleen into yet another level of horrific agony by

tracing a new gash along the full length of each nipple with the dull blade,

back and forth, the thin blade following immediately inside the throbbing

wound as she bellowed in nightmarish pain, consuming her voice in hopeless

howls of utter despair as he protracted the gouging of her feminine flesh.

She was given a brief pause and more syrup, but her screams soon rose again

when the wound was clipped and he traced another line of hellish agony in the

tender flesh between anus and vulva, clipping it quickly in impatience at what

he had in mind next and dousing her with more cold water.

After reviving her yet again, the Easterner released Lyral from the

tourniquet, letting her hang in tears and watch the torment of her friend.

The Southerner started cutting Kayleen's cunt lips, first one then the other,

slowly dragging the dull blade along their length and following up with the

thin blade as she buckled so spasmodically that he cut himself once. When her

desperate howls subsided, he smeared her clitoris with the brown paste,

smiling in anticipation while she cried in dread.

He traced another gash to the left of her cunt lips, and another to the right,

then started practicing shallow perpendicular cuts on the edges of her cunt

lips, pulling them open and clipping each against the outer edge of the gashes

on each side, while Kayleen's maddened cries echoed in the torture chamber.

Slowly, he did the same with the folds of her clitoris, pulling them open and

clamping their bleeding cuts, revealing her swollen nub of feminine flesh.

He pulled it out and traced its length with the dull blade, savoring her cries

and twitches as he practiced the same technique he had visited on her nipples,

pausing often to let her catch enough breath to renew her cries between a fit

of coughing and the next. When her gut-wrenching howls subsided into wheezing

screams, he leaned over her and penetrated her torn and distended sex, from

above, with a enraptured expression on his swarthy visage as each thrust

wrenched new howls of maddened agony from Kayleen's devastated throat.

When he was done, Kayleen hung in utter pain, her body wracked by spasms as

rivulets of blood coursed down her shaking chest. He used the pliers to clip

her wounds, smiling as this ministration intended to staunch blood loss caused

her to howl with new pain, then rested the dull blade on her clitoris,

savoring her cries of dread and despair. He bid his time until her voice

waned, then started digging with both blades, rekindling the flames of

previous hellish agonies and slowly protracted her torment as long as he

could, while her body trashed in her restraints and her howls of unprecedented

agony echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber.

Chapter 12 - Lyral's Fears

In the darkness of the chamber below the ruins of Zhorun's former castle,

Lyral's sobs subsided slowly as the pain from the day's ordeal receded. She

was sitting on the floor, her legs wide open, cuffed at the ankle and knee to

iron bars crossing behind her neck and continuing up to her wrists. Legs and

arms were braided along the bars, rekindling the agonies of the rack in her

strained muscles whenever she flinched because of the rash from the nettles.

As her mind cleared, and her sobs waned, she took notice of a noise in the

room, a pitiful moan occasionally bursting into wheezing cries of helpless

agony. Horrified, she called through the gag, "Kayleen! Where are you ?"

She thought she heard the words "Lyral, help me please" slip between moans,

but her concern and the uninterrupted litany of her friend's agony were enough

to bring her in the vicinities, although pain shot through her muscles each

time she ambled crablike on the stone floor. Unable to see, she was close

enough to smell her friend's presence, and prodding about bumped her face into

cold rock, so she started circling around what she thought was a pillar.

Only after searching at length, taxing her tormented muscles, did she realize

that the rock was where her friend should be, so she called out, "Kayleen, do

you hear me ? I am near, I can smell you, but all I can touch is this rock."

Kayleen's rasping whisper sent shivers down Lyral's spine, "It is ... me. The

rock hangs off my feet." The rest of her words, if any, died in a cry. Unable

to make sense of this nightmare, Lyral forced herself to calm down to call

upon her powers, concentrating until a pearly glow started to light the area.

A gasp of horror rose from her throat at what the soft light revealed. The

Warrior Queen hung from her wrists, her slender figure pulled taut by a large

rock fastened to her ankle cuffs. Her body was wound in coils of knotted,

coarse hemp rope, cruelly tightened over her wounds and compressing her

breasts onto her chest. The nipples protruded through the rope, tightly bound

with thin cord to her love bud, pulling it up and exposing its wounded flesh

to the chafing of a savagely tight crotch rope.

In the darkness, Zhorun receded before the pearly glow, its pure light burning

his undead skin even at distance. He silently cursed before the revelation of

the power Priestesses wielded, largely unused today but presumably strong

enough in the past to completely cleanse the kingdom from his ilk. He watched

as Lyral managed to grab onto the hanging rock, at which Kayleen pulled up her

strong legs and helped her up, jerking and twisting as the effort rekindled no

end of agonies in her wounded flesh.

Lyral put her tears aside and concentrated again, kissing her friend's blood

encrusted leg to deliver her power, grasping at Kayleen's bonds as her

friend's body shuddered while the wounds stopped bleeding and healed, the skin

reforming on her mons and even the blonde curls of pubic hair growing back.

The healing coursed like fluid bliss through Kayleen's body, leaving her again

her former self, although once the effect subsided her wrists started aching

as the cuffs supported her own weight, part of Lyral's and the slab. She could

speak now, "Lyral, heaven knows I owe you my life again. Are you all right ?"

Lyral was still in pain from her ordeals, unable to heal herself as her power

was spent, but she did not want her brave friend to know that. A strange

feeling stirred within her as her lips lingered on Kayleen's muscular thigh,

and her nostrils smelled her sex, a deep tingle Lyral could not quite pinpoint

but which merged with her relief at perceiving her friend whole again. She let

herself slide on the floor and asked, "How late do you think it is ?"

"Early night, I'd say. We have a few hours of respite" answered Kayleen.

"Then it begins again, Kayleen ? Every day ? Bloody torture by day and

merciless restraints by night, until either of us caves in ?"

"Until the tables are turned, Lyral. I almost managed to set myself free once,

but Zhorun summoned more guards by magic and I was subdued. Our only choice,

at present, is to endure whatever they visit on us. By holding on, we buy time

for our friends to locate us and prepare our rescue."

"Maybe we could tell them where Shandra was. By now, she should have guessed

that something is wrong, and they would find nothing."

"And then what, Lyral ? They would think we lied and start all over again. And

if they found her, what would be our fate once we were no longer of value ?"

"I'm sorry, Kayleen. I am ... scared. I've never been through a pain like

today, and I was about to tell them where Shandra is at least twice. I cannot

understand how you managed to endure the horrors they are putting you through

for over a week, but I know I'll never be able to."

"Don't underestimate yourself, Lyral. Initially my torments were not as horrid

as those you witnessed, yet at the time I also thought I could not stand

another day. We must be strong, Lyral, because if Zhorun is putting off the

conquest of the Kingdom to capture the three of us, we must prevent him from

succeeding even if we don't understand why."

Lyral could find no fault in Kayleen's reasoning, and in any case was so tired

that she didn't even try. Healing by itself was tiring, and her strength had

been sorely sapped during the day. Maybe, if she managed to rest, she would be

able to heal herself before daybreak.

When the torches from the three tormentors brought light to the chamber again,

Lyral was still sleeping, but Kayleen was fully awake. When the Southerner

approached her, not even bothering to ask her to talk, she tensed, considering

her chances to catch the old man off guard, but her eyes betrayed her intent

and he smiled evilly, "Plotting nasty tricks, Your Haughtiness ?"

He lowered her on the floor and without untying any rope dragged her by the

nipple cords across the stone floor, her strong body wriggling to keep up as

pain distorted her features. Tightening her collar, he pushed her face down

onto a sloping wooden platform, its surface crisscrossed by creases drawing a

diamond pattern of pointed wedges. He cuffed her wrists and elbows behind her

back, pulling them up painfully before allowing her to breathe normally again.

He tightened an iron band around her waist, then clamped her nipples and

pulled the cords around her neck, elongating her firm breasts into distended

cones.  When he let go, the wooden points dug painfully in the soft undersides

of her firm breasts, while he bent her legs wide above her back and cuffed

them at the far corners of the post, pushing her front ever more onto the


"Now, I hope you can wait telling us about that Sorceress," he mocked.

After contemplating the twitching rosette of her anus, he disrobed and

penetrated it viciously, enjoying the muffled shriek of pain and humiliation

which shook her. He kept pushing violently, each thrust rewarded by his victim

impaling herself on his member in order to pull away from the pointed wedges.

Lyral watched in horror the violation of her friend, unable to avert her gaze,

essentially ignoring Grod as he unfastened her from the crossed bars and

cuffed her elbows, ankles and wrists together, then fastened iron bands around

her knees and thighs. She was forced to drink from the same jug which she had

seen used for Kayleen, wondering at the purpose of the syrupy liquid.

Meanwhile the old Southerner, spent but not sated, fetched a wooden club,

sculpted like a large phallus and nudged Kayleen's reddish sphincter, drooling

as she trembled, pushing it in only after teasing her repeatedly. Her body

convulsed on the wedged surface as a hiss of agony escaped her clenched lips.

This protracted humiliation was but the first. He fetched a larger device and

pushed it in with vicious abandon, distending her sphincter as she hissed and

shook under the unrelenting assault. He moved the other devices before her,

and waited until her eyes widened in fear before picking up one of frightening

girth, which he pushed in and pulled out with his full strength, tearing her

sphincter while she managed to stifle her howls into gasping hisses.

"Now that we've found the right size, we start the fun." he said, pushing it

in with intoxicated abandon. The pain in her ass was unbearable, the muscles

of the walls straining and chafing while the relentless tearing at the

sphincter widened its bleeding wounds. New waves of agony shot through her

buckling body, prodded by the pointed wedges as she tried to stifle her

screams and howls.

Lyral's attention returned to her own predicament when Grod tightened a thin

iron chain around her plump breasts, filling her eyes with terror as she

begged, "Please, not this. Please."

"Tell the Master about the Sorceress, girl. You'll spare yourself and your

friend there further pain," answered Grod quietly. When she sobbed silently,

he pulled the chain taut, lifting her on her toes as she screamed in fear.

The Southerner pumped the device tirelessly, a feat for his age, enjoying

Kayleen's protracted suffering while blood trickled from the tearing wounds on

the rim of her sphincter. Cramps surged in muscles which seldom saw any, and

the torment continued uninterrupted until his member hardened again.

Drooling, he changed the device with one which he wore around the waist, and

penetrated her vagina with his real member while pushing the wooden one into

her bleeding asshole again. He felt his victim's body shake under the scream

of outraged agony she would not let out of her lips, grabbing her hips as he

repeatedly thrust into her, until his semen mixed with blood.

Still excited, he picked up another wooden implement, three inches wide and

proportionately longer, teasing her chafed love channel repeatedly and

enjoying her jerks before pushing the device in with both hands. He protracted

his thrusting with gleeful abandon, painfully distending the rim of muscle at

the entrance and scraping the walls as she hissed in agony.

Lyral wept and shut her eyes before the ravaging of her friend, not realizing

that the desperate hisses of stifled agony would be no better, but opened them

when the chain around her breasts tightened painfully as her flailing feet

left the floor and she hung by her constricted breasts, screaming from a pain

unlike any other she had encountered before.

Kayleen's tormentor angled the wedge so that each thrust crushed the sensitive

tissue inside the upper cleft of her vagina, wrenching desperate hisses of

agony from her clenched lips. Each thrust ripped her torn wounds wider while

she convulsed between gasps and hisses, hiding the unbearable pain behind her

contorted visage but unable to still her convulsing body.

He let the four inches of the next implement dangle before her teary eyes

until her mouth formed a silent "No" in absolute horror. With triumph in his

voice, he whispered, "Beg for the flesh, if you want to be spared the wood."

Kayleen shut her lips, her features hardening like her resolve, clinging to

something she did not want to give up. Her tormentor, enraged, grabbed the

monstrous phallus and pushed it in, slowly and deliberately, savoring her

jerks as it tore her apart while she ground her front on the pointed wedges.

To increase her pain, he tightened her collar, pushing the device in only when

he saw the muscles clutch it, savoring the sight of the tearing wounds along

the rim widening under his thrust as a scream wheezed through her constricted

throat. With unrelenting cruelty, he alternated thrusting while her spasming

muscle clutched the device to pulling when she caught her breath, rending the

torn muscle while she convulsed in unbridled agony.

"I haven't heard you beg, Whore Queen. It won't stop, you know. I'm in no

hurry," whispered the old man as he pulled out the wedge again.

He deliberately protracted her torment until the sensitive flesh on the upper

cleft of her love channel tore, stopping just as his victim stiffened and

jerked in unbelievable pain, clenching her teeth and pressing her face on the

platform to keep her surging howl from breaking out in earnest. Kayleen shook

and buckled as the agony from her torn femininity mounted and waned, while her

tormentor doused her trembling body with cold water.

Meanwhile, Lyral had been watching the horrid violation of her friend while

hanging from her soft breasts, now turned into purple globes of constricted

agony. Occasionally Grod prodded them with a pointed wooden stick, sending her

into jerking frenzies of fitful screaming, but the mounting agony did not

blind her to how much harsher were the torments inflicted on her friend.

Kayleen was briefly freed from her restraints, only to be turned face up, her

back on the wedges and her legs pulled up by cuffing her ankles to her wrists.

Her nipples were two blazing embers of clamped agony, and her front bore the

bruises of dozens of wedge points.

But her voice rose in tormented hisses only when the Southerner penetrated her

exposed vagina, deliberately pushing his member into the wounded cleft at its

top, ripping it a bit wider with each frenzied thrust, savoring the hellish

pain on her contorted face while her body convulsed in agony. When at last he

came, he smeared his salty semen on the wound to enjoy a last gasp from her.

Lyral watched the scene in absolute horror, forgetting the pain from her

constricted breasts momentarily, unable to avert her gaze until she puked at

the Southerner's last act. Unable to believe at what Kayleen was enduring

without passing out, her thought returned to the syrupy liquid the torturers

fed them, recalling from her apprenticeship that sugar was to be avoided when

under pain, and recognizing the taste of stimulant herbs. She realized that

the same beverage had also been fed to her when Grod stabbed her left breast

again and she screamed in agony herself, instead of passing out.

Kayleen failed to hide a sob of despair when her tormentor, while pouring more

liquid into her parched mouth, fetched another sick instrument of violation, a

wooden phallus whose surface was studded with knobs, but managed to stifle her

agonized scream as the Southerner drove it into her bleeding asshole, each

knob gouging her innards after violating the sphincter.

"Take this, Whore Queen. Let me see your hips dance!" he shouted.

Instead of pushing it back and forth, the swarthy Southerner twisted the

device left and right, wrenching a new agonized hiss on each turn and enjoying

the sight of her hips turning accordingly, frantically attempting to lessen

the pain. Although the knobs were not sharp, the slowly protracted twisting,

punctuated by Kayleen's gasping hisses, gouged her innards, drawing blood in

trickles which washed away when she was doused in cold water.

Her mind wandered off in the haze of hellish pain as he switched to a larger

implement of torment, still obstinately refusing to scream as the knobs dug

new creeks of blazing pain into her wounded innards, but unable to prevent the

abysmal suffering from surging through her clenched teeth.

Lyral kept screaming whenever Grod prodded her bulging breasts with the wooden

fork, no longer seeking Kayleen's eyes in the pauses her tormentor allowed,

not aware of the fact that her friend felt each scream as a stab of guilt

straight into the guts, a little thing before the agonies of torture but

painful on a deeper level.

Kayleen registered a new blazing pain when the swarthy Southerner introduced a

knobbed wooden monstrosity into her ravaged love channel, pushing it deep in

before twisting it so that the knobs crowding the tip tore at her cervix,

shooting new waves of hellish pain up her body as she shook, her teeth

chattering after drawing a loud, agonized breath.

Each twist of the horrid implement compounded the agony of her torn flesh with

deep gouges on the inner walls, which started bleeding when the torment was

cruelly protracted in spite of her pitiful, wheezing hisses and labored

breathing. She was given some of the accursed beverage laced with drugs that

her parched throat nonetheless craved, but she sputtered most of it as the

swarthy Southerner twisted the device while she was drinking.

"If one is not enough, let's see if two can make you sing," he growled.

When he inserted both implements, doubling her pain, and started twisting them

in opposite directions, bile rose to her mouth as she tried to contain an

inhuman howl of agony, managing only to stifle it into a wheezing scream full

of despair. This man, with his fixation on sexual tortures, was her true

nemesis, the one she dreaded had guessed her deep fears and could one day

break her will. But rage surged in her at the thought, and between two

agonized hisses she spat a "Not today!" whose meaning nobody guessed.

Lyral could not see her friend's reaction, because the pain shooting from her

purplish breasts when Grod prodded them overwhelmed her, her legs flailing in

mid air unimpeded by the loose chain connecting her ankle cuffs at the same

rhythm of her desperate, anguished screams.

The Southerner so enjoyed tormenting Kayleen that it took him some time to

notice her new resolve, and he was taken somewhat by surprise. His hands

slowed in their relentless assault, and his gaze inspected his victim's

visage, her clenched teeth now almost smiling in triumph as she managed to

contain the horrible pain into mere gasps.

For a while, Kayleen exalted in her little moral victory, gritting her teeth

when he started rasping both implements back and forth, ravaging her orifices

as the knobs gouged the flesh and drew abundant blood, so much that Grod put

aside the torment of Lyral's bruised breasts and neared. But the Southerner

smiled evilly, and suspended the torture.

"I'll wipe that smile from your pretty face, girl!" he whispered.

Kayleen's legs were doubled under her thighs, cuffing the ankles to the iron

bands clenching them, and her arms were bound behind her back in a reversed

prayer position. She was now bleeding profusely, but the Southerner produced

more of the clips he had used the day before to staunch the loss from her cuts

and started clipping the wounds inside her innards, smiling as this turned

into a new torment for Kayleen's ravaged sex, at least where the wounds could

be reached. She was doused in cold water again.

He then moved her under a metal post and started pinching folds of soft flesh

from her inner thighs and closing clasps on each, smiling as he could see in

Kayleen's eyes the recollection of her nightmarish suspension from the same

clasps a few days ago. His member hardened when he pulled her off the ground,

her stifled cry of despair music to his ears. He pulled her up until her

wounded feminine parts reached a slender steel band jutting from the post.

Her eyes widened when he fetched two wooden wedges of frightening girth,

deeply creased along their tapering length and viciously knobbed. She had

already experienced in earnest how the alternating creases and ridges tore at

the rim of her orifices, and the knobs promised even more dreadful torments.

He inserted both halfway into her rectum and vagina, in spite of her buckling,

and fastened their base to the steel band.

With an evil smile, he started using the pliers to tighten more clips on her

wounds and her cunt lips, her clitoris, and her pubic hair, which he evidently

was obsessed with. Kayleen cried silently as each clip brought new stabs of

agony to her wounded flesh, but buckled and hissed when he used the pliers to

tighten them on the torn edges of her ripped vagina.

"No longer so high and mighty, are you ?" he mocked.

The room fell silent, except for Lyral's sobbing wails, and the silence

brought even her eyes on Kayleen's hanging body. Her mouth opened wide at the

sight of her friend's predicament, unable to grasp the nature of the torment

but trembling in horror and dread at its wickedness.

With swift confidence, the Southerner wound together the fine chains hailing

from the clips into bundles, joining bundle to bundle until all bundles joined

onto two handles, preparations which brought tears of despair to Kayleen's

eyes, on whose mouth Lyral recognized the words of a prayer. He wrapped the

handles around pulleys from the ceiling.

With his full weight, the Southerner pulled down on both handles, pulling his

victim by her clipped wounds up the serrated girth of the wooden implements,

wrenching such an anguished howl of torn agony from Kayleen that even her

supreme effort at containing it only managed to reduce its volume and pitch,

but not its blood-curling intensity. A second scream followed, the equal of

the first as he released his pull and she fell down, the knobs rasping her

innards while her position limited the loss of blood but not the pain.

Kayleen was pulled onto the serrated girths again, still howling in sheer

agony behind clenched teeth and renewing her repressed bellow when pulled

down, trembling in devastating fits of coughing while her tormentor paused to

savor her misery. He poured some syrup onto her mouth, then pulled her up

again, laughing as the clips wrenched curls of blonde hair from her

bloodstained mons while her torn vulva bore new deep gashes caused by the

clips digging through the flesh.

"Now we're starting to hear you sing, Your Haughtiness," he growled.

The swarthy Southerner pulled his victim up and down with unrelenting,

inebriated abandon. but in spite of his enthusiasm, or maybe in its wake,

paused frequently, repositioning the clips on the parts where they slid out of

place, turning each pause from a moment of respite into a new agony as the

pliers tightened the iron clips all over her wounded flesh.

Kayleen's battered nether parts turned slowly into a mounting hell of searing

pain, shaken by howls and cries which crowded behind her clenched teeth and

seeped through in drawn out hisses of gut-wrenching torment, which shook her

resolve just like her body convulsed from the wracking pain of the

uninterrupted torture. Biding his time, her tormentor started shortening the

chain leading to the clips placed on her most sensitive parts, such as the

clitoris or the horrid wound above the vagina, increasing her torment notch

after notch and protracting it unrelentingly beyond all boundaries of cruelty.

When her reaction to the hellish pain subsided into stupor, the Southerner

removed the wooden devices from her bloodied innards and then, as she breathed

in relief, penetrated her violently, ripping her torn vagina even wider and

savoring the despair in her primal, agonized howl before she caught herself in

a supreme effort and stifled those which followed.

"Hah! Feel it, Whore Queen!" he shouted repeatedly in a frenzy of thrusting.

Lyral witnessed this last violation of her friend while being released from

her breast suspension, and shrieked in terror through her gag at the sight,

curling in a ball of trembling flesh, too scared to do anything but sob when

Grod asked her to reveal the location of the Sorceress.

Kayleen floated in a sea of utter agony, lost in maddened pain, but recovered

a little after drinking from the jug brought to her lips by Grod, enough to

realize that her wrists had been cuffed to a short steel bar, and her ankles

to another, and she was hanging in a slump. Below her was a rectangular tank,

and Chang was lowering her into the liquid.

The tub was full of water, soothing cold water, and her sigh of relief sounded

incongruous even to herself until it turned to a surprised scream as her

wounds started burning, because the water was so saline that she didn't even

sink, so she pulled herself up in a jerk, distending her long, slender legs

and the strong arms to avoid touching the surface.

Meanwhile, Lyral's shriek of unbounded terror echoed in the torture chamber as

the Southerner grabbed her, in spite of her frantic attempts to avoid him by

wriggling on the cold stone floor. Had he been able, he would have probably

ignored Zhorun's orders and raped the little frightened morsel on the spot,

but in his conditions he just cuffed her ankles together and closed iron bands

around her knees, thighs and waist. He bent her arms behind her neck before

cuffing her elbows and wrists together, pulling her ankles until he could

fasten them to her wrists in a hogtie which arched her back and exposed her

soft, plump breasts, still trembling under his touch.

Kayleen's back burst in searing agony when three barbed strands of thin

leather traced bloody welts across her shoulder blades, causing her to jerk

and contract her muscles, splashing into the salty water. A second strike

landed on her side and coiled around her buckling torso, leaving three angry

welts on her muscular abdomen.

She stifled a scream when the salt reached a place in her pubic area where the

clips had pulled hair and skin, and pulled herself up spasmodically at the

thought of the agony she would face if her privates got immersed in the salt

water. Another lash coiled around her thighs, causing her to twirl in her

bonds and receive the next one on her firm breasts, the three lines of fire

leaving a bloody mark which caused her to hiss in sheer pain and turn again.

Without pause, the three strands raked her shapely ass cheeks, each strike

tracing three crimson lines of intense pain. Although lighter than the

bullwhip, this whip had steel barbs every inch or so, and the Easterner

wielded it with skill and surprising strength. Once dozens of bloody welts

marked her buttocks, he sent the whip coiling around her side, pulling so that

she whirled in mid air, exposing her front.

On the next strike, the barbed tips raked her torn mons, and she contracted

her legs involuntarily, plunging her bloodied ass cheeks into the salt water.

Her body stiffened and a protracted hiss escaped her mouth, and she pulled

herself up, twitching in the vain attempt to escape the harsh caress of the

concentrated saline solution.

The whip drew three crimson lines across her taut belly, and she drew a breath

of suppressed agony in the effort to keep her muscles in tension and avoid any

further contact with the accursed liquid below her. Her tormentor lashed her

breasts again, and she almost fell as her face contorted in pain, but at the

last moment she managed to push herself up again. She had to distend her body

in order to keep it away from the harsh bite of the salt water, and this

position exposed her exquisitely to the harsh kisses of the whip.

Her breasts quivered when he lashed them again, and she stiffened desperately,

receiving the next three lashes on her breasts rather than falling in the

water, then he coiled the whip around her side and turned her around, lashing

her strong back and occasionally her arms. At the third strike on her left

arm, her muscles gave and she fell into the salt water, jerking and trashing

as she stifled a gasping howl of burning pain and managed to pull herself up

again, trashing as the salt burned her whipped front and breasts.

Her tormentor moved to her soles, not because they could contact the water but

because each lash caused her taut leg to twitch, and she clenched her teeth to

avoid falling with her bleeding feminine parts into the saline agony below.

He lashed her calves, and her legs twitched, and he lashed them again. She

turned in her bonds, receiving the next strikes on her front thighs.

Lyral writhed on the cold stone floor, moaning in pain from her strained

muscles and sobbing in dread of what the Southerner would do to her arched

body. Deep inside her, she thought that he would ask about the Sorceress, she

would cave in, and it would be all over, and yet she knew it would not. But

the old Southerner fetched a pair of wooden pliers whose jaws were covered in

stiff boar bristles, and waved them before her teary eyes.

The wry Easterner coiled the whip around Kayleen's upper chest and pulled,

raking the barbs along her breasts to force her to turn again and lash the

soft back of her thighs, a strike which wrenched from her a deep, rasping cry

of suppressed agony as she brushed the water. He lashed her soles again, and

then sent the tip flying between her legs, forcing her to spread her thighs in

response, the legs bending at the knee and plunging her into the salt water.

She tried to suppress a howl of utter agony, managing to turn it into a

hissing breath of despair, but took a few seconds to pull her convulsing body

up again, and kept buckling and gasping in mid air as the water burned at her

wounded privates, almost ignoring the lashes of the whip on her back as the

pain from the concentrated salt in her open wounds surpassed it.

The worst thing about this torment was that salt water continued to burn after

the initial immersion, seeping into the wounds and wreaking its harsh caress

with unmerciful persistence. Kayleen tried to stiffen her muscles and keep her

body distended, in spite of the barbed whip, but the Easterner knew where to

strike to cause her limbs to give.

Lyral screamed when the jaws of the pliers closed on the soft flesh of her

thigh, pricking it with hundreds of bristles. In spite of her experience with

the memory of her friend's torment, she had rarely been exposed to pain before

and found the pricking of the bristles unbearable, not realizing how her

tormentor laughed at her, anticipating her real torture once Zhorun's

restrictions about her maidenhood were lifted.

Kayleen's body, especially her breasts and ass cheeks, had been slowly turned

into a crisscrossed canvas of bleeding welts, spottily encrusted with salt

from over a dozen plunges caused by the whip rending her breasts, her soles,

her armpits and her bleeding crotch. She cried to herself, sinking her mouth

in her arm to stifle the scream, when her tired muscles gave and her whipped

nipples brushed the saline surface.

Her tormentor pulled her up, tightened her collar and cautiously changed how

she was bound, pulling her arms painfully behind her. The ramifications of

this simple change became horribly evident to her when he pulled her up again,

because now she had to stiffen her legs and her arms behind her back to avoid

plunging her loins into the water, lewdly exposing her full front to the whip.

"Talk now", said the Easterner, impenetrable as always.

"Now our friend from the East had a really nice idea," said the Southerner,

interrupting the torture of Lyral to savor the sight of Kayleen's strong,

athletic body writhing under the whip while trying desperately to keep her

slender legs and strong arms straight, arching away from the liquid and

exposing the firm, striped breasts and the crotch, where encrusted blood stuck

to the blonde curls above her sex.

When the tips slashed between her cunt lips, Kayleen's limbs contracted and

she fell into the water, a scream of rage and agony hissing through her lips

and turning into a suppressed howl of trembling torment as the salt water

washed over her wounded flesh. She managed to pull herself up again, but now

the water had seeped into her wounds and she hung in midair, jerking and

buckling, her head shaking back and forth and her eyes shedding bitter tears

while she stifled the world of hurt roaring up from her violated orifices.

The Easterner brought the whip onto her arms, pausing between each lash as she

tried to cope with the pain and jerked as her loins still burned relentlessly,

until her buckles caused her to turn in mid air and her pubic area plunged

into the water, her clenched mouth suppressing another gut wrenching scream.

Her buckling and hissing became frantic as she splashed about in agony, no

longer able to pull herself up because her bent arms offered no leverage.

He lashed her twitching shoulder blades, and the cleft between her striped

buttocks, watching her writhe in a haze of maddening pain until she tried to

turn around again, failing with a suppressed howl as the tips of the whip

raked down the breast which she had exquisitely offered, a masterful strike

which incurred Grod's silent approval as the Easterner had managed to bring

the steel tips to brush her breast flesh at the edge of their downward arch.

Lyral's voice rose in a frightened scream as the Southerner crushed her left

nipple between the bristled jaws, twisting and pulling while she jerked in

pain. Drooling, the old man cupped her other breast and closed the jaws around

its plump softness, dragging the bristles over the pale flesh while she

quivered and howled in anguish.

Still agonizing from the harsh bite of the salt water all over her wounded

orifices, Kayleen trashed about, screaming into her clenched teeth, trying

again to turn around and encountering again the searing pain of Chang's whip

on her breast. But the pain in her feminine orifices, the unrelenting bite of

the burning salt, hurt her on a deeper level, rousing terrors she had never

encountered before, so after several more attempts, which resulted in further

bloody cuts across her left breast, another thought occurred to her and she

pushed her ass up, plunging her head and torso into the cold water.

The little relief she gained for her smarting wounds was immediately

overshadowed by the sting of the salt water on her whip marks, especially the

cuts on her left breast, and bubbles rose under the water just as her head

jerked up in a sputtering scream which escaped her will just as it had escaped

her lips. The movement brought her wounded loins back into the water, washing

a new wave of agony into her wounded orifices.

Unable to find respite, Kayleen's body buckled and splashed, alternating

between plunging either the chest or the groin into the saline torment, each

dive increasing her own misery as the salt clung to her skin and seeped into

her wounds. The Easterner lashed her back and her buttocks when her lower part

was underwater, and her thighs and calves when she submerged her chest,

occasionally bringing the tips to coil around the crease under her ass cheeks

and swing into her wounded sex.

When she looked on the verge of drowning, his whip coiled around her chest

and, dragging the barbs across her breasts, forced her to turn around,

offering her an apparent chance to relieve her wounded femininity from the

salt water, at the price of straining herself into an exquisitely exposed

position. The lash immediately exploited her vulnerability, landing on the

blonde curls above her sex and wrenching a strained hiss of abysmal torment

from her parched throat.

Lyral shook spasmodically in her restraints when the Southerner's hand closed

on her pubic hair, pulling her off the floor with one hand around and the

pliers crushing her right nipple with the other, enjoying her twitching while

she screamed in abandon. Laughing, he started to pull her higher and let her

fall, to rip at her pubic hair and trash the nipple.

Kayleen's unrelenting agony found little respite from lifting her privates

above the salt water, because the repeated immersions had allowed the water to

seep into every wound and crevice, including her dripping blonde curls, and

now the salt kept biting unrelentingly at her open wounds, causing her to

buckle and strain in mid air, an inviting target for the whip which landed on

her legs, her stiffened belly, her breasts and her arms, pausing after each

strike as a new fitful hiss rose from her convulsing body.

The intermittent whipping protracted her torment long enough to let her get

some relief as the salt in her wounded privates diminished somewhat, long

enough to cover her from hand to toe in bleeding whip marks, and long enough

to tax her muscles under the strain of keeping herself above the water. Dread

mounted in her face at the realization that the Easterner's recent lashes had

been targeting her tired limbs instead of the soft spots of her slender body,

and dread tinged her gasps when a limb trembled as the barbed whip raked it,

compounding the ache of protracted fatigue with the bite of wounded flesh.

Her strong body faced the barbed whip in a protracted contest of

determination, her resolve strong enough to hold herself up even when the tips

landed on her feminine parts, clanking on the iron clips still keeping her

wounds from bleeding too much. She held out when her tormentor tried again, so

he started coiling the whip around her and pulling to turn her around, but she

resisted even that. When the tips cracked on her left nipple, however, she

turned in reaction, and each subsequent strike forced her to turn some more,

until she turned around and splashed into the salt water with a cry of

defeated despair she could not stifle, although she managed to turn the

subsequent howl into a desperate hiss as salt washed over her wounds again.

Lyral continued screaming desperately as she was now being lifted and dropped

by her nipples crushed between the Southerner's bristled pliers, almost

joyfully playing with her pale, soft body now marked by the rashes left by the

relentless application of the blisters.

Unlike before, the wry Easterner used the whip to keep the twitching Kayleen

from escaping the harsh bite of the salt water, by countering not only her

attempts at turning around, but also those at lifting her pelvic section above

water, slashing the back of her thighs and the cleft between her legs whenever

she attempted to pull herself up. Her saline torment continued unabated until

her labored breathing turned to a wheeze, at which she was finally lowered on

the floor, still gasping and convulsing from the salt in her wounds.

Ignoring her pitiful wheezing, Grod tightened the collar onto her windpipe as

he dragged her to a heavy three-plank bench, placing her with her back leaning

on the sloping middle plank. Her arms were twisted up behind her, the elbows

tightened together in some restraint she could not see.

For the first time in days, her wrist cuffs were removed, although her wrists

immediately fared no better than her elbows. Her ankle cuffs were also

removed, and her ankles encased in heavy wooden stocks, so she surmised that

the same had occurred to her wrists. Against her better judgment she drank

avidly when the jug was brought to her lips, and the constant harsh sting of

the salt rekindled somewhat as her mind cleared.

Grod moved behind her, busying himself with her wrists, and she felt the

stocks tighten and dull wooden knobs dig into her joints. Dread mounted in her

as she recollected how Grod had a penchant for tormenting bone and muscle.

She heard the sound of wood knocking on wood just as pain shot from her wrists

through her body, wrenching a low gasp from her tired throat. Now the knobs

dug mercilessly into her wrists, in spite of her attempts to relieve the

pressure by twisting herself in a slightly different position, and she drew a

long, desperate breath realizing that this new torment was just being started.

Lyral sobbed softly, her pale curves marked by rashes from the bristled pliers

still encased in iron bands, although in a less strenuous position. The

Easterner produced a swath of damp white cloth, which he soaked abundantly in

a red powder before wrapping it tightly around her calves. As he tightened it

in a knot, Lyral started twitching from the sting of the hot pepper on her

sensitive skin, crying in fear at the sight of reams and reams of cloth.

Instead of continuing the torment of Kayleen's wrists, Grod set up a pair of

stocks around her knees, allowing her frightened gaze to inspect the devices

at length. Each knee was encased between twin wooden planks, each with three

wooden knobs, and four steel rods ran through the corners, keeping the four

planks in line.  After setting them up, Grod drove with his hands a wooden

wedge between the two planks pushing on the inner side of her knees,

tightening the device into a source of harsh discomfort. The next wedge he

pushed down with a mallet, each strike wrenching a gasp from her while the

pain in her constricted knees increased and the knobs pressed onto bone.

Again, instead of pursuing the torment of her knees further, he moved to a

different position, and pain started shooting from her elbows, trapped in what

she assumed was a similar contraption. Her ankles were next, and Kayleen

hissed furiously as each strike of the mallet sent lances of hot agony through

her pain wracked body.

But the real pain started once Grod started pushing thinner wedges along the

edges of those already in place, increasing the pressure slowly and gradually,

moving from the ankles, through the knees and the elbows, to the wrists, each

time pausing to let the pain compound the unrelenting grip of the other stocks

as Kayleen sank in a waves of unrelenting torment which wrenched gasping,

shivered moans from her clenched lips.

Meanwhile Lyral was delirious from the burning hot pepper on her soft legs and

thighs, twitching in her restraints and screaming her lungs out as the

uninterrupted pain brought her over the edge, filled with dread at the thought

of what the pain would be like once the Easterner finished wrapping her body

in hot pepper. She writhed and jerked with such intensity that the Easterner

decided to put aside the caning of her soles, as there was no need to force

this victim to grind the powder over her own skin.

Wedge after wedge, Grod trapped Kayleen's joints in a circle of searing pain

where the smallest movement brought unbearable torment, engendering further

jerks which pulled the victim in a vicious spiral of agony which ended only

when she passed out or was unable to jerk further. Since the drugs fed to her

kept Kayleen awake, her exceptional resilience proved her worst enemy as each

thin wedge driven into her restraints plunged her in a protracted frenzy of

gasping hisses, spasmodic jerks and unrelenting agony.

"The pain will get worse, girl. You'll break eventually," whispered Grod.

Her tormentor only needed to drive a wedge in a while to push her down one

more step on the staircases of hell, and he protracted her torture, splashing

her occasionally with cold water, until no more wedges could be added without

crushing the joints or causing her to crush one in her agonized buckling.

Again she drank from the jug, and then Grod fetched four wooden planks which

he placed around her slender legs. In spite of the unrelenting pain, her eyes

widened at the thought of how these would crush her legs, and soon her fears

proved correct as wedges were driven between them, encasing her legs into twin

slabs of wooden agony whose grip engendered new hopeless howls behind her

gritting teeth, her face contorting from the pain and the effort to hide it.

Her forearms were next, and the pain from the limbs she could not see was if

possible even worse, her head shaking left and right as her body convulsed in

the vain attempt to find a position which provided any relief. She was no

longer subject to intermittent frenzies of jerking agony, now the compounded

pain was so intense that she just buckled and quivered in uninterrupted

torment, her gasps and hisses following one another as fast as they escaped

her mouth. Her body was covered in perspiration and short, wheezing breaths

racked her lungs between a suppressed scream and the next.

Her tormentor let her suffering run its full course, biding his time until he

produced another set of planks, which ignoring the dread in her eyes he

proceeded to set up on her thighs. The inside of the planks, instead of knobs,

bristled with raw wooden wedges of different sizes, the larger meant to press

onto the bone and the smaller to grind the soft flesh of the female thigh.

Lyral's body was now wrapped in hot pepper soaked cloth up to her ribcage, and

she was still convulsing in horrible pain, in spite of her physical

exhaustion. Her voice was hoarse from the protracted screaming but still

rising in occasional pitched shrieks as the grinding pain from the red hot

pepper waned and waxed according to her twitches.

When the wedges crushed Kayleen's thighs between the planks, she had to cling

to her resolve in order to suppress the urge to beg for mercy, for a moment of

respite, for no more pain. She had to allow herself a fitful scream, which

echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber, somehow more intense and

gut-wrenching than Lyral's uninterrupted cries.

In the haze of uninterrupted torment, Kayleen suddenly felt stabs of intense

pain rise from her right elbow, and the echo of a cracking sound convinced her

that her jerks had broken it, adding another drop to the world of hurt she was

drowning in. She saw through teary eyes that her once slender legs were now

horribly swollen, and her gaze fixed in horror the sight of her tormentor

starting to encase her left foot in some wooden contraption.

The device, not unlike the ones presently tormenting her, consisted of raw

wooden planks, bundled together with iron bands which could be tightened with

a screw. The inside of the planks had been roughly hacked raw, and creases on

their outside allowed the insertion of wedges under the iron bands.

As he hammered wedge after wedge, the device tightened and her foot turned

into a searing furnace of white hot agony, where each movement chafed the

skin, scraping the raw flesh between wood and bone, and slowly crushing the

creaking bone. She was still able to suppress her screams while the hellish

torment of her foot plunged the rest of her body in spasmodic jerks, which

wrenched ominous creaks from her crushed limbs, and when Grod put her other

foot through the same torment managed to withstand even that, but her face hid

nothing of the unbelievable agonies she was going through, and her contorted

features tightened around each suppressed scream in the supreme effort not to

let it escape, her will to endure the last defining trait of her very self.

Lyral jerked spasmodically as fear gave her new energies, shrieking as she

attempted to prevent the Easterner from wrapping her pale, ripe breasts in the

burning cloth, but her efforts were doomed to failure and the cloths were

savagely tightened around her mounds, sticking them together as the hot pepper

started burning the delicate flesh.

Kayleen craved the respite of unconsciousness, but she was offered the jug

instead, and she drank from it, regretting it when the pain deepened as the

drugs in the beverage took hold. Her tormentor wanted a last attempt at

breaking her will, and produced a bundle of wooden tablets held together by

thin cord which he wrapped around her chest after pulling up her breasts by

the nipples, so that the roughly hewn and splintered inside of the tablets

rested on the underside of her breasts.

When the tables were in place, he placed two wooden planks on the sides of her

ribcage and tightened three iron bands around the whole contraption, at which

Kayleen recognized that the tablets had creases where wedges could be placed,

the device being an enlarged variant of those tormenting her feet.

Grod placed the first wedges by hand, and then started hammering them in, each

one crushing her breasts onto her chest and compressing her ribs, causing her

breathing to become rasped and shallow as deep breaths turned increasingly

painful. Instead of continuing with wedges on her ribcage, however, Grod moved

back to her wrists and hammered another thin wedge between them.

Now fully wrapped in cloth, Lyral kept screaming and twitching with abandon as

the Easterner fastened her ankle cuffs and neck collar to rings in the stone

floor and lifted her in order to push a wooden pyramid under the small of her

back, wrenching new screams from her as the weight of her buckling body rested

painfully on the wooden tip of the wedge.

The unrelenting pain shooting through Kayleen's tormented joints was fanned to

new heights, her mind spinning in dread as she thought she had heard the noise

of cracking bone and her chest burned in agony from the effort to draw in

enough air to fuel the howls surging from the depth of her agonies. Her

tormentor let her convulse through the new wave of pain, and then, after

dousing her in cold water again, drove a wedge between her elbows.

She would have been screaming her lungs out now, if not for her constricted

ribcage and the last vestiges of her resolve, so the sounds escaping her

gaping mouth turned up as wheezing, almost inaudible wails of pitiful torment,

busting into fits of sheer agony when a wedge was driven between her ankles,

and then into choked gurgles when another was forced between her knees.

When he started driving wedges between her limbs, after pouring syrup into her

mouth, Kayleen's convulsed jerks reached new heights of intensity as her

wheezing screams burst through her clenched teeth in spite of her incredible

resolve in the face of the creaking sounds from her joints and limbs, each

marking a place where the bone cracked under the pressure.

Lyral's screams rose in pitch as she felt the cloth tighten around her limbs

while she writhed on the wedge point, unable to withstand the relentless burn

of the hot pepper ground all over her body by the tight wrapping and by her

own uninterrupted jerks. She was so engrossed in her own torment that she had

lost track of what was happening to her friend.

With devilish ability, Grod had managed to place the wooden restraints so that

Kayleen's bones were always on the point of cracking, without actually being

pushed beyond, so that her own jerks caused multiple small cracks instead of

actual fractures. As he added new wedges, new agonies shot through her

constricted joints and limbs, and when she jerked in reaction some constricted

bone or joint would crack as a result.

To protract the torment, all he had to do was to keep her jerking, because she

was now too exhausted and short of breath to keep twitching under the pain of

her crushed bones alone. He reached the saltwater tank where she had suffered

at the hands of Chang, and tested the water, but then, faithful to his

technique, just kept adding wedges between her limbs and around her ribcage,

discarding the thought of pouring salt water on her wounds as unnecessary.

His head rose in surprise when a robed figure neared and turned a ladle,

pouring a trickle of salt water over Kayleen's lap and then moving above the

breasts. She buckled and jerked as the salt stung her wounded skin, and then

hissed in sheer agony when the water reached her devastated crotch. Her

gasping wails and convulsed jerks lasted until the robed figure was satisfied

that salt water no longer caused her more pain than she already was in.

Chapter 13 - Zhorun's Discoveries

In the echoing darkness of the unlit torture chamber under the ruins of his

former castle, the undead corpse of the once powerful wizard Zhorun stood

silent and motionless, his unearthly gaze savoring the plight of his captives.

Kayleen had been bent over a wedge-shaped steel bar, her spread legs trembling

as the cuffs at her ankles kept the balls of her feet resting on wooden wedges

while her arms cuffed at the elbows and wrists were painfully twisted above

her shoulders and fastened to a ring in the floor.

Lyral's ankles were also cuffed to rings in the floor, spreading her thighs

just enough to let her hands slide out under the buttocks and placing her face

exactly under her friend's bleeding crotch. A fine chain ran from her wrists,

through a number of pulleys, to hooks piercing Kayleen's nipples, so even the

slightest movement from her hands wrenched screams of pain from her friend.

Lyral could not help jerking and crying in horror when a drop of her friend's

blood splashed on her face.

Deviously, Lyral's restraints prevented her from healing Kayleen except by

arching herself to reach the inside of her thighs, but doing so could tear her

friend's nipples off, and Lyral could not find the resolve to try again.

Fighting the urge to let the torment continue, Zhorun put his plan in motion

with a silent command from his mind and soon a new noise could be heard in the

room, the clanking of metal and the shuffling of feet.

"Who goes there ?" asked Kayleen, an edge of dread in her voice.

No answer came, and Lyral also focused on the noise, and when a whiff of

rotten stench reached her nostrils, concentrating, she caused a pearly glow to

diffuse around them, and gasped in horror at the sight of a rotting corpse

walking towards them in halting steps, a hapless prisoner judging from the

broken chains at his wrists and ankles, a crude wooden stalk making what

remained of his member rigid and protruding. "No, please, no. Not this,"

whispered Kayleen, her voice trembling.

Horrified, Lyral watched as the corpse widened his steps to avoid her and

bring his member in line with Kayleen's bleeding orifices, but then she shook

herself and let her power surge in a blaze of white light, which tore through

the corpse, hurting Zhorun's inquiring sight even a hundred paces away.

"There's another!" cried Kayleen, her hearing still keen, fear in her voice.

Lyral dispatched the second corpse before it got near Kayleen, but now that

she was back to some semblance of her former self, dread gripped her mind.

"Kayleen, you must be healed immediately. Even if this means to tear your

nipples off, the wounds in your ... privates are awful. But if more corpses

were to come, I might find myself lacking the power to destroy them all, and

even a single one would ... kill you, I mean."

"How many could you get rid of ?", asked Kayleen, Warrior Queen again.

"If I heal you now, maybe two or three. More than a dozen, otherwise. I wish I

could do the same with Zhorun, but I'm afraid he is far too powerful for me,

even if I were to get rid of this wizard gag still in my mouth,"

A dozen. Being ravaged by corpses, repeatedly. Kayleen trembled in dread at

the thought, but her pain-wracked body craved Lyral's healing touch, and she

really had no choice, "Do it now, Lyral. I'll try to make things easier"

Lyral gathered her resolve and arched, reaching her friend's thigh with her

lips while her friend's attempts to stifle the pain in the nipples failed with

a scream, and the healing power diffused into the wounded body of the blonde

warrior. Zhorun's mind rejoiced, as he now knew to what extent Priestesses

could be overwhelmed by numbers. He had ordered to gather information about

them, and although they were somewhat secretive, they were by no means

prepared for what he had in mind. And there were not many, much less than in

the past. He left, to investigate the new strategies thus made feasible before

the torture of the prisoners resumed in the upcoming morning.

Shaking under the impression of her friend's horrid torments, gathered during

the healing process, Lyral asked, "Kayleen, when the swarthy old man ..."

"Raped me ?"

"How did you withstand that, and what he did thereafter ?" sobbed Lyral, with

fright in her voice, "When he set his hands on me, I was so afraid that I

would have told him anything. How can you be so brave ?"

"I am not as brave as you think," whispered Kayleen, stabbed by guilt.

"But my tortures are nothing before the torments you face! And the old man is

the worst, the things he does, ..., angels of heaven, he ripped you apart!"

cried Lyral, her warm tears dripping on Kayleen's legs.

"Don't dwell on it, Lyral. They want that, they want us to quiver in fear and

betray Shandra. Maybe they're trying to scare you into talking, and maybe

tomorrow they'll force me to watch you being tortured. We're toys in their

hands, they can do anything they want with us, but as long as we hold on, they

lose.  Remember, Lyral, we must not give up. For ourselves, for each other,

for all our friends out there. They will rescue us, if we buy them some time."

Lyral pursued the matter no further, and Kayleen considered her own words,

brave words for someone who had betrayed an innocent young girl into this hell

of unrelenting torment. Words backed by hard facts, however, and in order to

amend her misdeeds she had to find an angle somehow.

Kayleen spent the rest of the night pondering their predicament, until she

recognized the footsteps which announced another day of torment. She called

Lyral's name, waking her up from her fitful, tormented sleep, and whispered,

"Lyral, wake up! Heal yourself, time is running out."

Lyral woke with a yelp, her mind heavy with dread, but as always Kayleen's

pragmatic suggestions spurred her to action and she managed to heal herself,

while Kayleen kept still. Their captors probably knew how Lyral helped her,

but she wanted to concede nothing.

The Easterner dragged Lyral away, while Grod tightened Kayleen's collar and

released her, dragging her muscular body under two chains where he fastened

her wrist cuffs, twisting back her arms at the shoulders and cuffing each

ankle to the corresponding wrist with another chain, pulling her legs off the

floor, horizontal and spread about two feet.

Before her, ten paces away, Lyral was having her wrists cuffed to a chain over

her head, and the Easterner then cuffed her ankles to another chain hanging

from the ceiling, pulling her legs up as if sitting in mid air.

Grod placed three buckets on the floor, and picked up a flogger from the

first, at the sight of which both girls cringed in dread. Each of its nine

strands ended in a heavy lead clip, and the thin leather, knotted every two

inches and soaked with liquid from the bucket, glittered menacingly.

The wry Easterner produced instead a long, slender cane and swinging it in a

wide arc slashed Lyral's thin arm, leaving an angry red stripe and eliciting a

shrill cry from her gagged mouth. Grod flexed his muscles and landed the

flogger on Kayleen's shoulder blades, obtaining a stifled gasp which turned

into a low hiss as the strong vinegar soaking the flogger seeped into the

bleeding welts left by the knots. While Kayleen shook her chains, the cane

slashed Lyral's ass cheeks, causing her to cry aloud and start weeping.

The flogger raked Kayleen's buttocks, leaving half a score of parallel red

stripes punctuated by bleeding welts. Again, the vinegar started stinging

fiercely, causing Kayleen to twitch and the Southerner nearby to savor the

sight of the Northern beauty buckling in her bonds. Lyral cried when the cane

struck her back, averting her gaze from Kayleen's plight.

Kayleen hissed in suppressed agony when the flogger slashed the soles of her

feet, first one then the other in quick succession, trembling as she realized

that this flogger was worse than the bullwhip and dreading what could happen

if it were used without long pauses after each strike. Lyral cried in rage as

the cane tore at her armpit, drawing a thin cut.

The flogger struck Kayleen's left calf, coiling around and raking the skin, a

vicious lash, meant to draw the howl which took all her resolve to stifle as

her muscles stiffened and flexed in silent agony, the burn from the first lash

still tormenting her shoulders because of the vinegar, so each lash added more

and more pain to her misery.

While Grod lashed Kayleen's other calf, Lyral was buckling in her chains, in

the vain attempt to safeguard her breasts from the cane, shrieking in despair

each time the Easterner slashed her soft flesh. Kayleen drew a long, agonized

breath when the flogger tore across her thighs, masterfully striking the

crease between buttock and thigh and the soft flesh behind the upper thigh.

That strike was followed immediately by another on the small of her back, the

breath turning to a gasp and her buckling to a frenzy, as the compounded pain

deeply taxed her resolve. Cold water was splashed on her face.

Lyral howled when the cane slashed the soles of her feet, and Kayleen's fists

clenched as she helplessly witnessed her friend's torment, and then opened

spasmodically as Grod raked the flogger across her front, slashing her abdomen

and breasts in a single strike which caused her to arch her back, throwing her

head back as she forced the howl surging from her throat into a seething hiss.

Lyral wept, lost in her own pain, while the flogger slashed her friend's

dangling body again. Slowly, Grod lashed Kayleen's soles, her calves, and the

front and back of her thighs, biding his time in order for the vinegar to

wrench new hisses and buckles from her pain-wracked body. In a corner of her

mind, she cursed him for forcing her to put up quite a show before the leering

eyes of the old Southerner, which ogled her heaving breasts, buckling hips and

slender legs as she contorted under the flogger.

While Lyral was allowed frequent pauses, Kayleen's only respite were short

sips of syrupy liquid. As her torment was protracted, rivulets of blood

started crossing on her flesh, each strike of the flogger causing a frenzy of

buckling agony as it landed on already smarting flesh. She was repeatedly

splashed with cold water, and her gasps rose in pitch when the flogger landed

between her legs, her thighs flexing deliciously under the harsh slashes of

the leather tails as Lyral turned her gaze in tears.

When Kayleen's convulsions under the flogger waned to twitches, Grod suspended

the torment and lowered her to the floor. He cuffed her elbows and wrists

together, then slid a low bench across the small of her back, lifting it about

two feet from the cold stone floor and cuffed her ankles wide at the corners

of the bench, twisting her legs painfully open. A chain was fastened to her

wrists and used to pull her in a tight hogtie, arching her back and exposing

her full, striped breasts. She tried to shun the beverage brought to her lips,

but Grod pinched her nose and poured it down her mouth.

The burly executioner circled her panting form and picked up a flogger which

had been soaking in a different bucket, one with nine long, heavy tails of

twisted animal hair. Unlike the previous, the tails were heavy with dripping

liquid. He swung it in a wide arc and brought it down between her folded leg

and thigh, causing her to buckle spasmodically as the knots tore the skin and

a curtailed scream screeched behind her clenched teeth.

Her contorted face relaxed only briefly, and then set again as she stifled a

gasp from the strong ammonia soaking the flogger, her bent leg twisting under

the mounting sting in the welts. Tears flowed from her eyes as another scream

was contained behind her clenched teeth when her tormentor brought the flogger

down on her abdomen, tracing bleeding stripes of torn skin.

The next strike fell under the already wounded sole of her right foot, and her

tormentor soon followed with another on the other foot, causing her restrained

body to twitch delightfully as hissing gasps escaped her clenched mouth. The

mounting pain under her soles rose to unbearable agony as no inch of the soft

flesh was safe from the tails and the caustic, and the repeated strikes

brought her desperate hisses to new heights on par with Lyral's unbridled

screaming as the cane trounced her nipples.

Unlike the vinegar, which protracted the pain of the wound, ammonia actually

irritated it, and thus repeated flogging of the same area caused the pain to

increase without bounds, as Kayleen found out when her tormentor targeted her

upthrust belly, drawing stripe after stripe of agonizing torment as she

buckled in her restraints, her body covered in sweat and her chest heaving as

she fought to stifle the screams rising from her tormented throat.

When her tormentor brought the flogger crashing on her proud, full breasts, a

scream of raw animal agony escaped her clenched lips and resounded in the

torture chamber, turning Lyral's teary gaze in time to see her friend's

convulsing body arch as new bleeding stripes graced her chest. For an instant,

Kayleen felt the grip of sheer terror at the thought of her breasts under a

succession of strikes like the one visited on her belly, and was about to

plead mercy, but Lyral's scream as the Easterner caned her soles reminded her

of her own brave words.

She managed to find her resolve just in time for the next strike, a vicious

slash across her quivering breasts which almost caused her to let out another

scream, followed after a long pause by a third, angled to rake across the

first two to maximize the pain from the ammonia. Strike after strike, pausing

only to soak the flogger every few times, the burly executioner slowly whipped

her proud breasts raw, ignoring her convulsing jerks, the mounting hisses of

unbridled agony and the occasional howling scream.

Trapped in a world of hurt, her breasts two globes of burning pain, Kayleen

found a new depth of agony when he targeted her nipples, which thus far had

been wounded only by accident. She managed to stifle her screams at first, but

as he protracted the torment the pain overwhelmed her and she cried out her

misery at the top of her lungs, sputtering when cold water was splashed on

her, spasmodically convulsing in her restraints after each lash as her ankles

and wrists bled in the tight grip of the iron cuffs.

Instead of respite she was given more laced liquid, and had only the time for

opening her eyes wide in horror before the flogger came down between her

splayed thighs, drawing new bleeding lines of searing agony in the soft flesh,

Lyral's gaze was as glued as the Southerner's on her twitching thighs as the

flogger tore through her nether regions, tracing bleeding welts which hurt

like hell as the ammonia seeped in the wounds, both new and old.

Kayleen's convulsions reached a new peak when her tormentor, after protracting

the flogging of her thighs beyond any measure of human endurance, concentrated

on her bleeding vulva, targeting the mons and sending the tips of the tail

cracking inside her cunt lips, wrenching from behind her clenched teeth howl

after howl of desperate agony. Slowly, splashing her with cold water

occasionally, Grod dragged her down the staircases of hell, whipping her groin

raw just like her breasts, a canvas of crisscrossing purple stripes, rashes

and bleeding welts smarting under the pungent bite of the ammonia solution,

whose smell testified to the number of lashes she had endured.

When her jerks subsided, and only then, Grod interrupted his ministrations,

bringing more laced liquid to her mouth while her mind waded through a haze of

pain, incongruously considering how she could gain some respite by pretending

to no longer feel the pain from the lashes. Grod unfastened her legs from the

bench and pulled them up and wide, cuffing each ankle to a chain from the

ceiling and pulling her up until her torso was almost vertical, sending pain

through her shoulders as her arms twisted in their sockets, while the back of

her neck rested on the cold floor.

Dread filled Kayleen's teary eyes at the thought of what her position entailed

while Grod produced yet another flogger, one consisting of nine long and thin

tails of snake hide, with knots every inch and nasty lead tips. The prospect

of facing it burned through the veils of her suffering just as Lyral's cry

echoed in the room when the cane lacerated her breasts.

The burly executioner flexed his muscles and sent the flogger coiling on her

bare buttocks, tracing half a score of thin cuts across the delectable flesh

and causing her to push her loins forward, opening her thighs even more to the

leering gaze of the omnipresent Southerner. The pain caused her to gurgle as

she managed to suppress a howl of agony and dread at the thought of what the

nine-tailed horror would do to her next.

Instead of following up with another strike, Grod scooped up a ladle of liquid

and dribbled it onto the wound, sending her in a frenzy of hissing gasps and

spasmodic jerks as the bleach burned into the open wounds in her ass cheeks,

its limited cleansing effect of no consolation to Kayleen's agonizing flesh.

Grod walked back to his original position before sending the flogger raking

across her ass cheeks again, causing her to twitch and hiss as more bleach

trickled on her wounds, both old and new, revealing to her new depths of

torment as the liquid flowed down her torso, finding no end of wounds to burn

through and wrenching new desperate gasps from the agonizing Kayleen. The

snake hide flogger inflicted too many cuts for uninterrupted use, so Grod's

technique was to alternate its strikes with bleach aspersions, cleaning the

wounds while deepening the torment of his victim.

The smell of bleach reached Lyral's nostrils after the tip of the cane slashed

her left nipple, and her cry was part her own pain and part horror at her

friend's fitful jerks as the whip traced thin cuts across her arms and

shoulders, each strike bringing new hisses and occasional gurgles from

Kayleen's drooling mouth. Her back was now a bright crimson wash of blood and

irritated skin, each lash tracing a new cut whose blood trickled down as the

bleach seeped in the wound and she writhed at the pain, still determined

enough to keep her silence but inching closer and closer to breaking.

Her torment found new depths when Grod started lashing her distended legs, the

soft, martyrized flesh quivering with thin cuts and trembling as bleach

trickled on it, turning it a fiery crimson every in the increasingly rare

place not yet marked by the horrendous flogging. Kayleen's screams surged

between clenched teeth, harder and harder to tame, and escaped her mouth in

fitful hisses, each drop of bleach bringing new convulsions of her body under

the leering gaze of the Southerner and Lyral's horrified stare.

When the snakeskin tails started coiling around her torso and slashing her

striped breasts, Lyral could no longer stand it. She averted her gaze, too

late to miss the droplets of blood spraying from the raw breast flesh, but

could do nothing for the agonized, hissing gasp erupting from Kayleen's mouth

when bleach trickled on her striped breast. Lyral tried to keep in mind

Kayleen's brave words, but each crack of the whip on Kayleen's bleeding

breasts shook her, and her friend's hisses and gurgles would not go away no

matter how much she shook her head.

"Stop! I'll tell you! Spare her and I'll tell you!" spat Lyral through her gag

after a shrill cry escaped Kayleen's resolve as her bleeding nipple was cut by

a vicious strike from her tireless tormentor, and a series of pitiful hisses

followed as the bleach flowing on her breast started burning the wound.

"Very well," whispered Zhorun, getting nearer to Lyral.

"No! Lyral, don't!" cried the agonizing Kayleen.

"I cannot stand still and let them torture you like this," sobbed Lyral.

"That's nothing! I can stand it! Don't tell them anything, Lyral!"

"If you don't talk, her torture will be immediately resumed," said Zhorun.

"Go ahead! Try your worst! I can take it! Lyral, please, don't tell them,

don't waste all the agonies I withstood thus far!" spat the Warrior Queen.

Sobbing, Lyral closed her eyes and shook her head. On Zhorun's cue, the

Easterner slashed her nipple with the cane, causing her to cry briefly but

still shake her head. Zhorun receded, after gesturing to Grod to proceed.

Grod lashed Kayleen's breasts again, repeatedly, until he managed to cut her

other nipple also, dribbling bleach all over her convulsing body as his victim

hissed and spat "You're not ... hurting me. Try ... harder."

His expression impenetrable, Grod moved to above her head and with his full

force flogged her displayed crotch, causing her thighs to twitch as the snake

skin cut the soft flesh and she suppressed a howl of agony, while Lyral

screamed in dismay. Instead of dribbling more bleach, Grod flogged her again,

at an angle, so that the cuts crossed the others, and then flogged her a third

time, at the opposite angle. When he trickled bleach on her crotch, her

convulsions shook the chains she hung from, just like her desperately

suppressed screams shook Lyral's innocent soul.

The Easterner caned Lyral's soles, first left and then right, pausing between

each strike to let her witness the suffering of her friend and striking each

time Kayleen was splashed with cold water.

Grod circled Kayleen's twitching form and placed behind her back, flexing his

muscles and aiming the next strike so that the tips wound over her crotch and

slashed into the lips, cutting thin bleeding wounds in the soft flesh as her

hung body jerked and twisted, her will turning a scream of agony into a cry,

"I can stand it! Don't tell them!". The next strike wrenched a gurgle from

her, and the next one a hissing gasp as her lips were cut again, so that when

Grod dribbled bleach her entire body shook in atrocious convulsions as the

liquid flowed down her front and back, but also seeped into her wounded lips

and entered her orifices. Lyral watched in horror as Kayleen's agonized jerks

tore at the chains, while she cried "Don't talk!"

Grod placed clamps on her cunt lips and on the folds covering her clitoris,

pulling them savagely and fastening them with taut cords. The snakeskin tails

cracked inside the splayed lips, slashing the soft flesh with the tips at the

top of their speed, spraying droplets of blood on her thighs. He dribbled more

bleach, and then flogged her vulva again, and kept alternating bleach and

flogging while Kayleen's hissing gasps merged into a single, uninterrupted

wail of sheer agony, interspersed with desperate cries of "Don't talk!"

When Kayleen came to, she realized that the flogging of her sex had been

protracted until she passed out. Her wounds had been treated, but a spider gag

had been placed in her mouth, and was soon used to pour laced liquid in her

parched throat. Her eyes sought Lyral's, but her friend's horrified gaze was

glued to the Southerner's preparations. Kayleen's heart sank as her gaze

followed Lyral's, and she saw the man laying out a selection of the wooden

wedges carved into implements of violation he was so fond of.

Lyral was being fastened to a large vertical waterwheel, her feet above her

head, but Kayleen was lying on a bench, with her legs pulled up at shoulder

height, the ankles cuffed wide apart to a cross beam. Her arms cuffed at the

elbows and the wrists had been pulled back, and the Southerner was coiling a

thin knotted cord around her left breast, tightening it at the base. Ignoring

Kayleen's gritted teeth he did the same on her other breast, then lowered a

chain from the cross beam and pulled her off the bench by her breasts, smiling

as she clenched her teeth and fought back tears.

"Soon, Your Haughtiness, we'll see what you can really stand. But let's have

some fun first," he said, and moved to her crotch. He smeared some powder on

his fingers and started rubbing it inside her vagina, following up with a soft

sponge to reach deeper inside. Kayleen trembled in dread because there was no

pain, not even itching, and when he disrobed, pulling something onto his

member, she closed her eyes before the inevitable rape.

Lyral cried out in pain as the waterwheel was cranked a few notches, pulling

her body taut and digging dozens of dull iron points in her soft back and

buttocks. Grod splashed her with cold water, allowing her to watch in horror

the brutal rape of her friend.

When the old man's member rasped Kayleen's love channel in a fiery surge of

blazing pain, a scream of agony and surprise escaped her mouth, fueled by the

scraping of the walls parched dry by the white powder. Her violator smiled at

the scream and pumped harder, delighting in wrenching more howls from her, now

that the gag deprived her of the easiest means of stifling them. Her violation

was soon over, as if he could not force himself to wait for what would follow,

but he did not forget to smear his semen on her whip cuts.

He immediately produced a collection of wooden wedges, of increasing size but

all deeply creased, oddly reminiscent of wooden doughnuts on a stick. He

pushed the first inside Kayleen's ass, slowly, the alternating creases and

ridges tearing and pulling at the sphincter as she cried and shook in her

restraints. The last ridge had tiny knobs, which wrenched a deeper wail from

her as they tore at the muscle when it was distended at its maximum.

"Scream all you want, Whore Queen! There's more coming," he growled.

He started pushing and pulling the device viciously, wrenching helpless cries

from his restrained victim as she swung from her breasts under his thrusts,

the mounting pain blazing through her striped body and surging unobstructed

from her distended mouth. Lyral shriveled under the barrage of Kayleen's

cries, torn between the desperate urge to put an end to the horrid torture and

the dedication to her friend.

"She will be tormented until you reveal the whereabouts of the Sorceress,"

whispered the corpse of the former wizard in Lyral's ears, "so there is no

point in protracting her agony. You'll break before her."

Panting, the old Southerner paused, poured the contents of the jug in

Kayleen's mouth, and fetched another wooden horror, whose frightening girth

disappeared in her parched vagina, bringing a blood-curling scream from her

sore throat. Her body swung in fitful jerks as her tormentor drove the wedge

back and forth, relentlessly tearing at her muscles and rasping her dried

channel. Her screams rose even higher when he switched to a larger implement,

and then to the next one, which ended up smeared with blood from her wounds

and the scratches being inflicted on her insides.

Her screams turned to sputtering gurgles when she was forced to drink, and

then subsided until he resumed the violation of her bowels, grabbing her pubic

hair with one hand and driving the wedge with the other, protracting her

convulsing jerks and pitiful cries until her sphincter was torn, wrenching a

howl of unbridled pain from her mouth as her body stiffened in sheer agony.

"Next one will make you squeal like the sow you are," he panted.

Without removing the wedge from her bleeding ass, he pushed another into her

sore vagina, renewing her cries as the implement was so large that he could

not push it inside. Drooling, he put a foot on the wedge and grabbed her pubic

hair with both hands, pushing it inside by force as she howled in unparalleled

agony while each ridge tore through the entrance, the knobs ripping bleeding

wounds in the distended muscle just as her screams rose under the vaults of

the torture chamber.

Lyral's own cries joined her friend's as her joints creaked under the pull of

the rack and the iron studs raked her back, but most of the dread in her cries

was still at her friend's violation, although the shame was fully hers as she

was proving unable to withstand a torture which to her eyes was nothing before

what her friend was enduring.

"Your friend has endured only two weeks of torture so far, and she's already

near collapse. What will be of her after two months ?" screeched Zhorun.

Aroused, Kayleen's tormentor smeared a reddish powder on two wedges and pushed

them into her orifices, then fixed a plank to the bench at crotch height and

circled her while her moans turned to shrieks as the hot pepper burned her

insides. The swarthy Southerner positioned at her head, disrobed his member

and penetrated her screaming mouth, pushing into her so that the bottom of the

wedges crashed into the plank as she swung from her breasts under his thrusts.

He protracted her humiliation until her fitful screams brought him to climax,

savoring her choked humiliation and bitter torment while the powder blazed her

insides and each thrust sent the wedge against her cervix. After coming, he

lazily kept pushing, wrenching new spasms of torment from her swinging body.

When her buckling subsided, he lowered her on the bench and made her drink,

then inspected at length her orifices, without following up with any

treatment. She was turned face down, her arms pulled up vertically behind her

back, and he clamped her nipples. Her legs were spread wide and her ankles

cuffed to rings in the floor, at shoulder height, while the clamps of her

nipples were pulled to a ring set at crotch height, forcing most of her weight

on her twisted shoulders and exposing her orifices to further violations.

"Maybe you think you can get away with it, but you won't. You'll just keep

screaming until you break, " added her tormentor.

He smeared oil on another wedge, and then repeatedly rolled it in rough sand,

his preparations not visible to the sobbing Kayleen but in plain sight for

Lyral, who averted her gaze when her friend's cry of despair rose in the

chamber as the wedge was thrust into her bowels. The old Southerner pushed it

in with both hands and twisted it, savoring how her body buckled with each

twist in the desperate attempt to lessen the scraping of her innards by the

sand, while the hot pepper oil burned them like searing flame.

After protracting her violation until he ran out of breath, he paused and

switched to a larger wedge, confident that the oil would help it slid in at

the price of more scraping torment. The next larger slid in with agonizing

difficulty, and Kayleen's howls now shook her body in rhythm with the thrusts

and twists of the devilish implement, each jerk tearing at her nipples.

Lyral caught her breath after screaming her lungs out from the sudden release

of her racked limbs, her gaze racing to her friend's convulsing form and the

horrors the old man was inflicting. Her mind twitched like a worm on a fish

hook before the sexual depravity of the torments he came up with, scared sick

of their viciousness and yet unable to keep her mind off them.

"Either of you will break, sooner rather than later if your screams are any

indication, and once I had the Sorceress properly dealt with, no one would

stand before me." whispered the corpse which had been a powerful wizard.

After another pause, the old Southerner scooped up some sand and smeared it

inside Kayleen's vagina, then pushed a dreadfully large wedge inside, twisting

its raw girth specifically to grind the sand inside the sensitive upper part

of her love channel. Kayleen screamed repeatedly in agony as the minute

particles of sand abraded the dry wall behind the upper part of the vaginal

rim, turning the pink source of female pleasure into a grinding hell of bloody

agony. Howls of torment escaped her parched lips as her hips convulsed with

each twist of the sand encrusted wedge, twitching as blood smeared the wood.

The amount of oil burning Kayleen's innards was such that even when he paused

for breath she found no respite, twitching in her restraints as waves of fire

rose from her insides and the pain compounded the ache in her arms and the

mounting pain in her nipples, subjected to harsh pulls whenever she jerked.

Her torment was resumed with a larger wedge, so large that it would never fit

if not for the oil, and when he pushed it in she cried in despair, still

herself enough to know that her torture was not even halfway. After splashing

her with cold water, the old man protracted the scraping of her vagina until

her anguished screams turned to pitiful wheezes.

"Look at yourself, Warrior Queen. You thought you had me defeated, and now it

is you who tastes bile in defeat. Once your pride has been shattered, I'll

manage to repay you of your deeds in full," said Zhorun.

Kayleen was lowered to the floor, still twitching and crying because of the

burning oil in her insides, and placed face up on the bench, her arms pulled

up behind her and tied to a ring on the floor, her thighs pulled wide by iron

bands at the knees and cuffed at the ankles. The laced liquid was poured down

her mouth again, and a thin cord was tied around her nipples and used to pull

her off the bench, turning her cries into a single, fitful wail as this

rekindled torment compounded the horrors she was undergoing.

Lyral paid little heed to her friend's predicament this time, as the rack was

tearing at her joints with unprecedented viciousness and the iron points in

her back and buttocks were drawing blood. She screamed in sheer agony as the

pain from the points caused her to twitch again, sending blazes of white hot

agony through her joints already near the point of dislocation.

"Now we see if Her Haughtiness can stand this," said the Southerner to Lyral,

holding up a wedge hacked raw, bristling with cuts, dents, and loose slivers.

Lyral saw the horrid device through a haze of bitter tears, and could not

bring herself to waste her friend's incredible endurance, but the thought of

her friend suffering that horror weighed on her mind.

Eager to get going, the Southerner moved back near Kayleen and watched as she

shut her eyes, her mouth forming a silent "No," which he enjoyed immensely, at

least until her head rose defiantly and she shouted "No, Lyral, don't talk!

Whatever they do to me, don't talk!"

Stymied on one hand, yet secretly pleased, he pushed the horrid device into

her swollen anus, scratching and tearing the walls while she shouted her lungs

out in a fitful howl of unbridled agony. Clutching her pubic hair with one

hand, he started pushing and pulling rhythmically, abrading her sphincter and

puncturing the inner walls of her rectum with dozens of tiny wooden splinters.

This, the sweat, the blood and the screams of this northern beauty suffering

at his hands ... this was his elixir of youth. After a protracted scraping, he

slowed his rhythm and started twisting instead, savoring the twitching of her

splayed thighs as blood soaked the wedge. Her head shook left and right as her

torment continued unabated, serving gut-wrenching screams of absolute agony on

the plate of his rekindled arousal.

To prevent her from bleeding too much, he pulled the wedge out and pushed in

another, smeared with the paste used to staunch open wounds, smiling as this

also caused her to gasp at the new intrusion. He splashed her with more cold

water, then his smile turned to an evil leer, and Kayleen's screams rose to

new heights when he squirted salt water into her ravaged rectum.

Kayleen's mind reeled in a sea of rolling waves of pain, no longer able to

cling to her last measure of defiance as he had robbed her of the ability to

deprive them of her screams. A new howl escaped her mouth as bitter tears flew

from her eyes when another raw wedge penetrated her vagina, digging deep

gouges on its walls and puncturing the rim with countless thin slivers in a

searing invasion of unparalleled cruelty.

"Now scream your lungs out, Whore Queen!"

He started twisting the wedge, and her bellows rose in frenzied agony as her

buckling spasmodically attempted to second the twists of the device to avoid

the dents on the wooden surface from cutting new gashes in her swollen love

channel, each jerk bringing stabs of tearing pain from her bound nipples also,

in a symphony of torment of which the old Southerner was director, composer

and enraptured spectator.

Lyral sobbed, as she was also the unwilling spectator of her friend's agonies,

unable to offset them and vaguely clinging to the hope that night would bring

a chance to soothe them. Her own suffering no longer looked tame to her, as

the pain in her joints increased mercilessly on each crank of the rack, but

she was still deeply ashamed of her inability to withstand the torture.

The Southerner paused, panting while Kayleen convulsed in a frenzy of screams

after he had dribbled bleach inside her wounded womb, and then resumed the

torment of her ass, twisting the wedge as she buckled spasmodically. He kept

alternating wood and bleach, womb and bowels, until she no longer reacted, at

which he sighed and called upon Grod for some much needed treatment of her

wounded innards and a sip from the jug.

It took longer than usual before she was deemed ready for further torment, but

she was placed with her back on the ground, and then her legs were pulled up

and above her shoulders, bending her until she rested on her shoulders, her

arms still painfully cuffed at the elbows and her ankles cuffed wide to rings

set in the floor.

"She will be tortured until you talk," whispered Zhorun to Lyral, "because she

is too proud to break, unlike you, and because her idea of the Sorceress'

whereabouts might be out of date. I want you to talk, and her to suffer."

Kayleen's body still twitched from the accumulated pain of the horrid ordeals

she had been subjected to. Her respite had been a cruelty of sorts as she had

hoped her torment was over, but had been plunged in hell soon thereafter. The

old Southerner pushed yet another wedge in her martyrized rectum, an horror of

splintered shards glued together, which wrenched a desperate howl of sheer

agony from her raucous throat as he wound the device deeper and deeper.

Another bundle of slivers was pushed into her swelling love channel, each

twist drawing another agonized scream of frenzied torment from her shaking

body, her gaping mouth drooling as her screams surged without interruption

while the slivers punctured her womb. Her position allowed him to twist and

turn the bundle with both hands, and his full force raked her womb mercilessly

while her restraints no longer allowed her hips to turn and stem the assault,

which was repeated over and over until he tired of her screams.

"She must suffer, my esteemed guest. Proceed, unless our Priestess here has

something to tell me," screeched Zhorun's voice when the old man paused.

The old Southerner produced a slender wedge and put the tip against a crack at

the bottom of the bundle violating her anus, then with considerable force

hammered it in, distending the bundle and pushing it against the swollen walls

of her rectum while her body stiffened for an instant and then convulsed in a

jerking frenzy of unspeakable torment. Buckling in her restraints, she caused

herself further agonies as each movement displaced dozens of tiny slivers

inside her hurt bowels and womb, engendering further spasmodic jerks in a

vicious cycle of inescapable, uninterrupted agony.

Lyral almost puked at this new horror, but her quivering body could not manage

that under the tension caused by the rack. She saw through tear-filled eyes

the robed figure of the former wizard lean over Kayleen's twitching body, as

if to savor every detail, and shuddered at the recollection of what she had

been taught about the wizards who chose to defy the grave.

When Kayleen's exhaustion diminished her twitches, her drooling tormentor

drove another wedge into her rectum, rekindling the spasms of her torment and

the concert of agonized screams. Wedge after wedge, each one smaller than its

predecessor but still distending her bowels among her howls of sheer animal

agony, he protracted Kayleen's torment farther than Lyral thought possible

even after what she had seen him doing.

Drooling and aroused, he moved to Kayleen's head and viciously penetrated her

mouth, leaning on her to drive a wedge in the bundle martyrizing her love

channel, enjoying himself immensely as her mouth gurgled her agony onto his

stiff member, and bringing the hammer down repeatedly, driving the same wedge

deeper and deeper before fetching another and protracting the unrelenting

torment until her desperate, choked screams made him come.

Keeping his member in her mouth, he savored her choking fits of jerking agony

as her buckles racked the slivers against her innards, smiling as he felt the

chance for another arousal in his aged loins. To achieve it, he refrained from

using more wedges and instead poured distilled grain spirit on her twitching

nether regions, soaking the wood.

Her screams reached new heights as the alcoholic liquid seeped into her open

wounds with a burning fury rivaling bleach or saltwater. He let her scream and

buckle until the wood was thoroughly soaked, then leisurely drove more wedges

in, each one squeezing out more alcohol to compound the pain from the slivers,

wrenching Kayleen through convulsing fits of spasmodic jerking and hopeless

screams of demented agony, but failing to rekindle his arousal.

Stymied, the old Southerner fastened a chain to the wooden implement in her

ass and pulled her up from the floor, savoring her renewed howls as the device

slowly receded from her bowels, splintering and tearing the tormented flesh

until she fell down. When a chain was fastened on the bundle in her vagina,

her parched mouth whispered something, which Lyral couldn't quite make out as

it turned into a heart-rending howl of harrowing agony, because the splintered

horror was pulling her vagina inside out, tearing at its stretched walls and

drawing the rim out of its seat in her blood splattered vulva.

With a demented laugh, her tormentor started pulling and releasing the chain,

tearing off her vagina but also breaking the splinters as they ripped through

the muscle while she howled in mindless torment, foaming at the mouth and

shaking as wave after wave of blazing agony blazed through her ravaged

femininity, her teary eyes searching Lyral's gaze in the determined attempt to

convey her desperate message, "Don't talk."

Grod and the Southerner took immediately to treating her profusely bleeding

wounds, wrenching more cries from her as they plucked splinters, smeared paste

and clipped shut the worst wounds. Lyral wept at her friend's abuse, but her

concern was shifting to what kind of restraint they would be left in and how

to reach Kayleen before she died of her wounds, when a screeching whisper

grated on her ears, "Her interrogation is not over. Unless our Priestess has

something to say, that is."

Her eyes bulged in horror at the thought of Kayleen being tortured to death,

while a cold shroud of dread tightened on her heart at the thought of

remaining alone in their hands. As she shook her head, weeping, she heard

Kayleen's whisper something again, unable to believe that she was still brave

enough to face more torture after what she had been put through.

Crying, Lyral said, "Kayleen, you cannot stand any more of this! How much

longer can you hold on ? I cannot let you die like this."

Kayleen's response was cut short by a kick to her face by the Southerner, who

said, "If she feels like it, I say we oblige."

But Lyral's eyes had caught the words on her friend's lips, and she lowered

her head, sobbing and crying, "Torture me! I am weak, I can't stand the pain,

please torture me and spare her. She'll never give up."

With a sickening smile, the Southerner, anticipating the torture of this

victim who cried in despair at mere words, neared Lyral and said "Well, unless

I'm mistaken, it's my turn, so I guess it won't be long, girl,"

Without removing her from the rack, he fetched the bundles of wooden splinters

still smeared with Kayleen's blood and started plucking some with pliers, well

aware of how deeply the horrid device scared the innocent Lyral. But the

orders were to preserve her maidenhood, so he just drove a splinter through

the soft flesh of her armpit while she screamed at the new pain.

Meanwhile, wearing an expression even more impenetrable than usual on his wry

face, the Easterner cuffed Kayleen's ankles together, cuffed her arms behind

her back and pulled her up by the ankles, half a foot off the floor. He

produced a collection of candles, and placed a kettle over a small coal fire.

He lit a candle, letting it burn for a while on the floor before her eyes, and

then picked it up to drip molten beeswax on her left ass cheek.

The brief illusion of respite suggested by the sweet smell of honey was torn

from Kayleen as the burning wax seared her flesh, sending her buckling and

wrenching a yowl from her savaged throat. Another drop followed, landing on a

whip wound, and so did the subsequent ones, tracing the thin cut in an

unrelenting stream. Although individually each burn paled before what she had

been subjected to so far, the mounting pain wrenched from her a sharp cry of

agonized despair as she recognized the first signs of another ordeal.

Somewhat unusually, the Easterner targeted her torn orifices right on, using

two candles to drip beeswax on her bleeding crotch as she twisted and screamed

under the unrelenting progression of small burns, buckling in the attempt to

obtain some pause as each drop stuck in a gouge or cut and kept searing it in

spite of her writhing attempts to dislodge them.

Her screams mounted as the uninterrupted dripping moved to her bleeding

sphincter, circling the torn rim in spite of her agonized jerks and sending

drops of molten wax down her swollen insides, where they stuck in the recesses

dug by the wooden splinters and seared her relentlessly, causing her to rattle

her chains as she buckled in the vain attempt to stem the pain in her bowels.

Lyral screamed in demented agony as splinters were driven under the nail of

her middle finger and soaked in wood spirit, her jerks tearing at her strained

body even if it was no longer pulled near dislocation. The pain was so intense

that she was sure she would not survive it, but when more were pushed under

her other fingers she found out how wrong she was.

"Our esteemed guest is hopefully fulfilling your wish, Priestess, so I hope

you'll fulfill mine soon. Your friend sounds near breaking anyhow, so you

might as well talk now," screeched Zhorun's voice.

Fetching a new pair of candles, the Easterner targeted the devastated rim of

Kayleen's vagina, dripping wax on the flapping folds of torn flesh around the

rim, the drops lodging where the ripped folds of each tear joined and sticking

there while she jerked in agony, bending at the waist enough to bring her

sweat soaked blonde mane at waist height and then arching while her thighs

twitched open as her femininity burned under the merciless wax.

The dripping of more wax inside her love channel resulted in a frenzy of

hoarse screams, each overlapping its predecessors as the drops fell faster

than she could scream, burning her without mercy as the searing droplets

nudged in the gouges dug by the wooden splinters.

In spite of her buckling and jerking, the Easterner protracted the searing of

her orifices until the area was covered in wax droplets in various stages of

cooling, slowing the dripping as it became harder and harder to find spots of

open skin. Kayleen found no respite from this as the wax took time to cool,

and her world become one of uninterrupted searing agony from dozens of tiny

wax burns no amount of twitching or screaming could dislodge.

Coldly, the Easterner wound a thin cord around the base of her breasts and

used it to pull her chest up in a reclined position, suitable for dripping

beeswax on her full mounds, initially following the thin cuts left from the

tails of the flogger, taking care to let drops lodge inside each wound while

Kayleen's screams were fanned anew and her twitching resumed in earnest.

More wax was dripped on her nipples, and mounting pain raged from her mouth as

the distended tendons of her neck looked on the verge of breaking while she

howled like a mad animal. Drop after drop crowded on her proud breasts until

these also became so covered in wax that further drops would no longer reach

Kayleen's martyrized skin, and her tormentor moved to dripping wax on the

exposed soles of her feet, engendering another sequel of frenzied jerks before

stopping and letting his victim twitch and cry until the wax cooled.

Lyral panted as she had been allowed some respite, shivering from the cold

water doused on her, no longer interested in comparing her torture to that of

her friend as the pain from the slivers under her fingernails was worse than

anything she had ever experienced, but still deeply frightened at the thought

of being in the hands of the man who had been capable of coming up with the

agonies visited on her friend's body.

More syrupy liquid was poured into Kayleen's mouth, and then the Easterner

picked up a bronze cruet, lit a oil burner in its base, and filled it with hot

honey from the kettle. He placed the sprout between her ankles, just under the

cuffs, and tilted it, releasing a thin stream of searing honey down her leg.

Kayleen's knees jerked away and she turned sideways, bending as the liquid

flowed slowly down her crisscrossed leg and along the soft flesh of the inner

thigh, leaving a burning crimson trace while she screamed her lungs out at the

protracted torment. The honey reached her hip and flowed down her belly, the

last drops reaching her bosom after first searing her at the calf.

When he shed some on the sole of her left foot, part of the liquid flowed down

her leg, wrenching a new scream from her sore throat, but most sunk in the

cool wax, melting slowly until it dug through and reached the skin beneath,

already smarting from the beeswax and now seared by the liquid trapped by the

surrounding wax. She screamed when the liquid first burned her, and kept

screaming while the heat persisted until her wild jerks caused it to flow in

rivulets of hot pain. The Easterner poured honey on her other sole, and waited

until it ran its full course before pouring more on her left foot again,

intent on melting away the wax encrusting her seared soles.

Lyral screamed again as slivers were pushed under her toenails, the promise of

ten being eventually driven home already bringing her on the verge of madness

after two. The recollections from her friend's agonies she had picked up

during healing had not prepared her to the intensity of the torment, and in a

corner of her she wondered how her friend could stifle her screams.

"Stubbornness will not help you, Priestess, but it will further your friend's

torment. She will be spared nothing," whispered Zhorun, an edge in his voice.

Kayleen was offered to drink from the jug again and then the Easterner

refilled the cruet, placing it against the back of her left thigh as she

trembled in dread before bursting in a scream of desperate torment as the

liquid flowed down the soft flesh, seared the ass cheek and lost itself in

rivulets of fiery agony down her welted back.

Each pouring of the liquid brought a protracted hell of searing torment as the

viscous liquid flowed slowly down her body, leaving a trail of burning pain

while she screamed and twitched in the frantic effort to keep it from the soft

spots of her tormented body. After repeating the torment of her thighs, the

Easterner started pouring the honey on her ass cheeks directly, searing

already burnt flesh while she cried in demented pain and twitched wildly,

pulling at the cord binding her breasts as if ready to tear them off.

Lyral howled while trembling with an intensity which would have caused her to

shake wildly if not for the pull of the rack, unable to withstand the pain of

the splinters her tormentor was driving in her breasts and soaking with wood

spirit. Her mind was now spinning in circles, unable to think about anything

else beyond her unprecedented torment.

When the Easterner's arms tired, he paused and let Kayleen drink again. In

spite of her unparalleled endurance and the drugs in the liquid, she was

nearly exhausted, her mind sliding into madness as her world folded into a

hell of searing torment. Although the honey was somewhat helpful in the

treatment of her bleeding wounds, the burns most certainly weren't, but her

tormentor gave her no further respite and started releasing hot honey on the

inside of her thighs, letting it flow down her crotch and belly as she buckled

and jerked between screams of unabated agony.

After protracting this further torment, he brought the cruet at chest height,

lingering as she wailed in dread at the horror about to be inflicted on her

tormented chest and then burst in a howl as the honey was poured on the

underside of her left breast, a thin stream of steaming liquid circling the

base of the breast and flowing down her ribcage while she twisted in mad pain

and her cries rose through the vaults of the torture chamber.

The cruet was then moved on top, circling along the full mound in order to let

the stream fall on the encrusted wax and melt swaths of it, leaving angry red

skin underneath as the honey oozed down her mounds and she screamed her lungs

out from the devastating torment. Unbelievably, her howls rose in pitch when

he dipped the honey onto her nipples, melting the wax off them and letting the

honey flow until her breasts were mostly free from wax and her voice had

turned to a wheeze from her uninterrupted screaming.

But the horrors of hell descended on her in earnest when he refilled the cruet

and started pouring honey on her crotch, because part of the liquid would melt

through the wax and form a pool onto burned skin from which it could be

dislodged only by spasmodic jerks and buckles, punctuated by heart-rending

howls of appalling torment which found neither consolation nor respite as her

tormentor occasionally dribbled more honey on her orifices.

The Southerner was starting to enjoy tormenting the young Priestess, drooling

at each sliver he managed to push into her nipples, already brimming in wooden

shards and at each scream he wrenched from her mouth when he poured wood

spirit on them. Her plump, pale flesh was delightfully easy to wound, and her

screams bore the sense of despair and anguish he craved in his victims.

Kayleen's torment was protracted until most of the wax melt away, leaving her

crotch area a crisscrossing of angry crimson burns, buckling in despair as the

liquid seeped inside her orifices kept searing her from within and causing her

to scream and cry in helpless agony, which found respite only when the liquid

slowly cooled off while her body was racked by frenzies of coughing.

She was given more syrupy liquid and her breasts were untied, wrenching

another scream from her as normal circulation was restored in the pain-wracked

mounds, but a post was placed against her back and her waist was fastened to

it with an iron band. Her legs were then doubled at the knee, cuffing the

ankles to the respective thighs, and her arms were cuffed together and pulled

up behind her back, arching her and exposing the breasts and crotch which were

the favored targets of all her tormentors.

As more iron bands were added above and below her breasts, Kayleen found

herself completely immobilized, unable to oppose her tormentor as he tightened

a screw around her nipple and pulled her right breast into a cone of burnt

pain, fastening the screw to the post with a fine chain and repeating the

operation with her other nipple. More screws were tightened on her cunt lips,

spreading them painfully wide, and the same fate befell her clitoral hood,

while she cried helplessly, more from dread from what the preparations

entailed than from pain.

A bronze container, heated by burning coals, was lifted above her head, with

over two scores of tiny hoses dangling from it, each ending in a clamp shaped

like a crocodile head. The Easterner placed two clamps on the soft flesh of

the crease between buttock and thigh, ignoring her yowl, then waited.

After a few moments, Kayleen started to scream as hot honey flowed down from

the container onto her clamped flesh, searing it and flowing down her ass

cheeks and her strong back in a thin uninterrupted stream of blazing agony

which engendered a frenzy of screams, while her strong body shivered in the

restrains, shaking them with the strength of utter desperation but unable to

throw them off. Unlike the torment effected by the Easterner's own hand, the

crocodile heads poured hot honey always in the same place, searing already

burnt skin, turning it crimson from angry red and unleashing a blazing hell of

unrelenting pain on Kayleen's screaming frame.

Her tormentor clamped her inner thighs, and then the soft underside of her

breasts, protracting each ministration of uninterrupted burning agony until

her fitful howling wheezed to a pitiful wail and then pouring more syrup into

her parched mouth. When he clamped her cunt lips her jerks actually shook the

post to the point of cracking it twice, and her screams gained in pitch what

they lost in volume as her voice failed to carry the full measure of her

unabated agony, but he kept them clamped and seared until the skin started

peeling off under the uninterrupted flow of searing liquid.

Her nipples were clamped next, and her torment was rekindled in full after the

briefest of respites, her twitching body glistening from the syrupy liquid and

madly straining against her iron restraints while she screamed uninterruptedly

between gasps and coughs as her nipples were slowly seared to peeling and her

breasts turned into mounds of burnt agony from the overflowing liquid hell.

Lyral howled in desperate agony as her tormentor drove more splinters into

those already piercing her breasts and nipples, splitting the old ones and

pushing the new between the two halves which would bulge in the wound just

before the new tip drove deeper.

"She will be tortured mercilessly, you know. The skin can only stand so much

heat before peeling away, but raw flesh takes longer," whispered Zhorun.

Kayleen's mind, wandering in a haze of pain, still clung on the last concept

she had formulated before pain became her sole master, and with unbelievable

bravery she managed to cry a desperate, "Don't talk, Lyral!" before drinking

the laced liquid offered to her, as if she knew what awaited her next.

Her tormentor clamped her clitoris, and the burning liquid trickled on her

love button, wrenching another howl from the bottom of the hell she had been

dragged into, and then engendering a fit of frenzied screams as the honey

dripped unrelentingly on her feminine flesh and seared it, adding burn to burn

and slowly peeling it raw.

Kayleen's torment was protracted beyond all boundaries of endurance, pouring

more syrupy liquid in her screaming mouth and alternating the crocodile clamps

between her nipples and the nub of her femininity, until, in spite of

everything, she slipped into unconsciousness.

Chapter 14 - The Pangs of Guilt

In the unlit torture chamber under the ruins of Zhorun's former castle, the

silence was frequently broken by moans and sobs, and the occasional cry of

bitter despair. Both occupants suffered because of the tortures inflicted on

them during the day, and because of the restraints they were placed under.

Kayleen's ankles had been cuffed high up behind a pillar almost too large for

her legs to encompass, forcing her to open them painfully, and her arms had

been bound together and twisted up above her head, fastening her cuffed wrists

to a ring on the floor. Both restraints conspired in squashing her burned

front, including the peeled nipples, on a rough carpet of bristles which

tormented her mercilessly at the slightest movement, for which the remorseless

bites of the flies all over her battered body provided incessant incentives.

Lyral's arms had been folded behind her neck, placing a knobbed steel rod

under her elbows and cuffing her wrists to her collar. Her legs had also been

folded under her, nudging another knobbed steel rod behind the knees and

fastening it against the one behind her elbows, with chains pulled shorter and

shorter until her soft breasts could not be compressed further. Her legs were

painfully bent outside her thighs, cuffing the ankles to a band at her waist.

In spite of the agony wrought on the muscles strained on the wheel, Lyral had

wasted no time in wriggling on the floor to reach her friend, unable to

dismiss the memory of the horrid torments inflicted on Kayleen and spurred by

her friend's occasional cries. The three tormentors had left them widely

separated, and Lyral soon lost any notion of time as she paused and resumed

her agonizing endeavor, until she reached Kayleen at last.

"Kayleen, I'm here. It'll be over soon, don't worry," she said through the

wizard gag as she felt the burnt skin. She concentrated briefly, causing a dim

glow to come into being and gasping at her friend's predicament. Since she was

again unable to use her hands, she delivered the healing with her lips, and

trembled when Kayleen stiffened. Soon her friend started weeping as her wounds

healed and closed, while the burns receded and new skin replaced them.

Although she had expected it, Lyral found the exposure to Kayleen's

accumulated agonies almost overwhelming, and started weeping herself. Back at

the top of her strength, Kayleen asked, "What's wrong, Lyral ?"

"The rack," lied Lyral, raising her head as Kayleen gasped and yowled because

one of the splinters in her womb had punctured her again, and asking "Is there

something not healing well, Kayleen ?"

"No, but I guess your power does not remove splinters," said Kayleen in a

feeble attempt at humor.

"They should be pushed out as the wound heals, but if they encounter an

obstacle this stops. Ordinarily I would help them out with my hands, but now

I'll have to use my mouth ..." she said tumbling on her own words, remembering

where the splinters were in Kayleen's supple body and feeling her cheeks

suddenly turn red in embarrassment.

"Go ahead, I'll try to help," said Kayleen matter of factly, attempting to

lift herself to allow her friend's head to reach between her legs. Dizzy,

Lyral wriggled and twisted, unable to concentrate as the smell of her friend

overwhelmed her senses. Incongruously, Kayleen giggled, "You're tickling me."

Concentrating on her power, Lyral renewed her healing, trying to dislodge the

wooden splinters and remove them with her tongue, stopping to heal herself

when a sliver pierced it. The process took time, because those beyond reach

had to be brought outside by forcing the wound to contract, causing them to

lodge in the flesh again and wrenching new yowls from her friend.

At length, they both stood still, panting hard, and the double sided nature of

their activities became clear to both, causing embarrassment and some

awkwardness as Lyral dreaded what she was discovering about herself and what

Kayleen would think of her. She hurried through the last splinters, eager to

see the end of the ungainly predicament, wounding Kayleen repeatedly and

cursing herself for her clumsiness.

"Kayleen, I should really have listened to you before speaking up, today. It's

just that ... I could not stand the sight of your torture. When they saw that

I could be broken by torturing you, they subjected you to the most abominable

torments in order to force me to speak. If you had not been so brave, I'd have

doomed us all. Will you ever forgive my foolishness ?"

Kayleen could not believe her ears, as the friend she had betrayed into this

hell and kept healing her wounds at the expense of her own begged for her

forgiveness. Overwhelmed by guilt, she spoke the words that should have been

said from the beginning.

"Lyral, I ... am not as brave as you think. I wish I were. The reason you're

here, in this hell of bloody torture, is because I was not brave enough. They

tortured me to know your location, and obtained it. It's me that should beg

for forgiveness," said Kayleen, her voice trailing into desperate sobs.

Lyral stood still, shocked, and then started weeping softly, each sob a stab

to Kayleen's heart as she cursed herself for attempting to cover up her

cowardice instead of speaking up at the beginning. In the darkness, Zhorun

thrilled at the exchange, seeing his little game come to fruition.

Lyral's shock was so deep that she ignored Kayleen's pressing advice to heal

herself as the approaching footsteps announced the start of another day of

torment, nor did she try to move away from Kayleen when the first torch shone

its light on their chained bodies. Crying softly, Kayleen swore to herself

that no word would ever escape her mouth again, even if she had to shed her

pride and squeal like a stuck pig all the way to hell.

Finding the prisoners close together did not engender any reaction from the

three torturers, noticed Kayleen. Grod tightened the collar on her windpipe

before freeing her legs and dragging her under a chain dangling from the

ceiling, which Kayleen recognized as the one used for the torment of the arms

twisted behind the back. True to form, her tormentor fastened her wrists to

the chain, but before pulling her up he cuffed her ankles together.

Meanwhile, the Southerner finished cuffing Lyral to the ladder, and with a

flourish uncovered his collection of biting and stinging insects. The young

girl shrieked at the sight of the critters twitching in the jugs, but he

mocked her, "Squealing already, my pretty ? I haven't even started yet."

He picked up a wasp with consummate ability and placed it behind her left

knee, smiling when Lyral's voice rose in a shriek from the vicious sting. As

he had done with Kayleen, he moved the insect down her leg, letting it sting

her repeatedly while the girl screamed in terror.

"Your friend there already knows these, of course, but with you we're just

getting acquainted," he said, taking the wasp under the sole of her feet to

increase the pain. He planned to land some serious stings before pausing to

let the girl witness the torture of her friend, so he next brought the wasp

against Lyral's nipple and laughed when she arched crying from the sting.

Kayleen screamed when Grod pulled her wrists up, a scream of pain and despair

as the accursed gag would again let her agonies vent for all to hear and enjoy

in spite of her efforts to salvage some dignity. Like last time, just the

torment of hanging from the wrists was mind numbing, and Grod let her hang

while pain rose in her shoulders and blazed in her twisted joints, while she

screamed and cried in waves of agony and misery.

Remembering her previous ordeal, Kayleen tried to be as still as possible, but

the unrelenting agony in her sockets wrenched new screams and gasps from her

mouth and her head started shaking as the mounting pain tore through her,

while the sight of her supple body trembling, the legs contracting and

distending slowly, was a feast for the eyes of her tormentors.

When her screams subsided, Grod neared and started smearing thick grease under

the soles of her feet. Once done, he wheeled in a brazier of hot coals and

placed it under her feet, then started lowering her until she felt the heat

and pulled her legs up with a drawn breath of tormented desperation, as she

realized the grisly fate awaiting her.

"You guessed right. Talk, girl, this is just the beginning." said Grod.

He let her hang with her legs folded, well aware that she was no ordinary

woman and with her endurance and physique could have held on for a long time,

but he was prepared. He uncoiled the bullwhip and lashed her calves, causing

her to buckle and distend her legs. When the heat licked her feet she pulled

them up again, only to jerk when the whip cut the front of her thighs, causing

her to scream in pain and despair as she measured the ordeal facing her.

After repeatedly whipping her lower limbs, however, Grod paused. He did not

want her to become so exhausted that she would no longer be able to pull her

feet up once they slipped into the fire the first time, so he lowered her

closer to the heat, forcing her to bend her legs and letting the scorching

heat lick at her limbs as she twitched in agony from her torn shoulders.

He pulled her up, allowing the heated grease to bubble under her soles while

she convulsed in her chains, flailing her legs and screaming from the pain in

her shoulders and soles. He lowered her again, over a dozen times, pulling her

up after a few seconds and pausing while her legs jerked spasmodically. Now

that she was getting tired, he resumed the lashing of her limbs, and this time

she reacted by distending her legs, slipping into the heat.

Lyral watched with tear streaked eyes as the splendid body of her friend

contorted in pain, her supple legs flailing and the ample chest glistening

with perspiration as she screamed when the bullwhip traced thin cuts on her

silken skin. She watched as her friend's leg muscles slowly gave, lowering the

slender feet into the heat, where they twitched and trembled for a few

seconds, the toes curling spasmodically while the skin turned angry red and

then glistening crimson, until, with an anguished scream, the tired muscles

managed to pull the feet away from the roaring heat.

Kayleen's howls of torment rose and waned as her tired muscles and the whip

forced her feet to slide closer to the heat, bursting in screaming agony when

the scorching of her soles caused her to jerk her legs up again. The grease

under her feet had provided some protection at first, but over time turned

into another means of torment as it started heating and bubbling, searing her

singed skin even when removed from the raging heat.

Each convulsing spasm shot new agonies in her sockets and tore a new scream

from her mouth, but was the only way to pull her feet from the fierce heat as

the grease boiled under her soles, blisters forming where a bubble burst

exposing the skin to the full heat of the raging brazier.

Slowly, the time her feet spent in the raging heat increased, as even the

unbelievable endurance which had enabled her to save them from the brunt of

the heat, at the price of unbearable agonies in her arms and shoulders, waned.

Grod removed the brazier after she managed to pull herself up again only after

flailing her feet in the raging heat longer than usual, and brought the jug to

her lips, in spite of her attempts to refuse.

As if on cue, the Southerner picked up a spider and pressed it inside Lyral's

armpit, wrenching a surprised shriek of terror and pain from the young girl as

she was entirely absorbed in her friend's ordeal. The spider, irritated by the

tweezers holding it, bit her repeatedly as he dragged it from the armpit onto

her quivering breast, each bite causing her to arch and buckle over the ladder

as the Southerner ogled her soft, creamy body.

Grod cuffed Kayleen's ankles to a pillory, pulling her legs up horizontally as

she cried in pain from the additional twist on her shoulders. The pillory

forced her to almost sit in mid air, hanging by her twisted arms and unable to

turn on herself to relieve her shoulders. He fetched an iron lamp, filled it

with oil and set it alight, then waved it at some distance under her thighs,

moving slowly back and forth as she cried in pain while he singed the skin.

He then smeared more grease on the now red skin and raised her a little,

enough to insert a narrow brazier under her thighs. When the fierce heat

reached her, she immediately jerked herself up, sending a wave of blazing

agony through her shoulders and screaming at the top of her lungs, as she had

to arch her body in order to avoid the heat.

Unlike with her feet, even her formidable physique could not hold continuously

that position for long, and she soon had to lower herself on the brazier

again, howling as the grease started heating and bubbling on her soft flesh,

and renewing her howl when she managed to pull herself up again only to fall

back in the heat immediately thereafter, screaming aloud when a bubble burst,

exposing a patch of skin which blistered under the heat.

The Southerner paused Lyral's torture, allowing the spider a last bite at her

pink nipple which brought her to howl like never before, and stood, unsure as

to which of the suffering victims delighted him the most. Lyral kept twitching

from the abject pain in her breasts for a long time, sobbing and coughing,

aware of her friend's ordeal but overwhelmed by her own.

Grod let Kayleen howl and scream, arching and buckling for the delight of the

onlookers, then turned a screw in the pillory holding her feet, pulling them

farther and distending her from a sitting to a reclined position, bringing the

heat under a so far untouched area higher up the thigh, which required her to

arch ever more and resulting in more agonized cries as her shoulders suffered

the consequences of her frantic efforts to keep clear of the heat.

Lyral sobbed at her friend's agonies, cursing herself as they were obviously

torturing her friend while leaving her almost unmolested. Incongruously, she

asked herself why they didn't torture her directly, as what little endurance

she could muster would shatter before the torments faced by her friend.

Kayleen's cries continued without interruption as the screw slowly dragged the

brazier along her thighs, the only respite being from the occasional sip from

the jug. Over time, a lingering smell of singed flesh materialized, while her

supple body writhed and buckled in pain over the brazier, her hellish torment

protracted until it reached her shapely ass cheeks.

Another brief sip from the jug was all the respite she was given before her

greased buttocks were also exposed to the heat rising from the narrow brazier,

a heat her muscles could deliver her skin from only briefly, because her body

was distended almost horizontally in mid air with her arms twisted behind her

back, and the only way to lift her buttocks was to arch her loins, a feat she

paid with rending spams of blazing torment in her arms and shoulders.

Unable to avert her horrified gaze from her buckling friend, Lyral suddenly

realized the perversity of the torment, because on any victim less physically

endowed it would quickly result in burns so severe that the victim would pass

out. Kayleen's astounding endurance and physique, instead, allowed her to

temporarily interrupt her exposure to the raging heat, at the expense of her

tormented arms and shoulders.

Still able to lift herself after a protracted sequel of agonized jerks,

Kayleen shook and trembled while the heat lapped her buttocks, crying and

howling as the boiling grease seared her skin and the blisters turned to

oozing, crimson burns. The screw moved the brazier back down, searing already

singed flesh, and she found the strength to raise herself again, sparing her

thighs the brunt of the heat at the expense of horrendous torment in her

shoulders, while her face contorted in agony and her screams raged from her

parched throat in frenzies of unbridled pain.

When the brazier was removed and she was offered the jug again, she drank it

avidly, twitching from the pain in her shoulders. Her eyes widened in horror

when Grod started searing her legs with the lamp, ignoring her cries of agony

and meticulously singing them bright red. She screamed when he closed iron

bands around the seared flesh of her thighs, folded the legs under the thighs

and cuffed the ankles to thigh bands, pressing burnt flesh against burnt

flesh, in a nightmare of pain which caused Lyral's eye to widen at the

perversity of the torment and sent her twitching and jerking, unable to

prevent her convulsions from inducing new agonies in her arms and shoulders.

The pain from her singed flesh mounted instead of subsiding, causing her to

scream and howl as she jerked spasmodically, and brought further torments to

her taxed shoulders. Her elbows were a single knot of blazing agony, her arms

ached fiercely, and her sockets felt like tearing off any time as waves of

blazing pain shot through them, each wrenching a new cry from her mouth.

Lyral's scream joined her friend's as the Southerner pressed the spider under

the soft underside of her right breast, letting it vent its anger at being

grabbed by his tweezers on the soft flesh of the screaming girl. Under strict

orders to preserve her maidenhood, the old man decided that her breasts, soft

and plump, the pink areolas standing out against the creamy skin, were the

next best target, so he fetched another spider and placed it near the base of

the nipple, following each twist of her panting chest to make sure new bites

wrenched new screams from his young victim.

When Kayleen's jerks subsided, Grod started smearing grease on her crotch and

inside her thighs, pausing to look her in the eyes to make sure she understood

what would come next, and continuing when he found resolve beyond the dread in

the bulging blue eyes. With one lamp in each hand, he brought them up against

the inner thighs and started methodically heating the grease, moving the lamps

up and down as her thighs jerked open spasmodically, twitching invitingly as

she howled in sheer agony at the repeated pulls on her torn shoulders and the

mounting heat under her tormented thighs.

When done, he lowered her on three lamps, their flames placed at different

heights, two searing her inner thighs and the middle one poised to scorch her

feminine parts. Supposedly, her twisted arms and torn shoulders could not do

anything to spare her nether parts from fire, but after the first anguished

cry from the pain in her tenderized thighs, her incredible physique proved his

worth again by allowing her to pull herself up, bending at the waist, gaining

one or two inches off the lamp lapping at her crotch at the price of a

gut-wrenching scream of protracted desperation from the pain in her muscles.

However incredible was her feat, her muscles soon gave and the flame lapped at

her groin, her cunt lips gaping because she had jerked her thighs open as the

other lamps seared them. A howl of desperate agony rose to the ceiling, and

she pulled herself up again. When her muscles failed another howl followed,

this time followed by harsh cries as the heated grease scorched the soft skin.

Hanging from her twisted arms, Kayleen screamed again when the flame lapped

her femininity for the third time, and her howls rose higher and higher as

each time the heat persisted longer, her straining muscles still incredibly

managing to deliver her, but not from the bubbling grease, except when a

scream of anguish bespoke a lapse exposing her crotch to the blistering heat.

Lyral watched in sobbing pain as her friend fought her howling battle against

the lamps, the thighs twitching spasmodically as she spread them wider in the

spasmodic effort to spare the places already scorched crimson. When the strong

arms failed, her friend's body convulsed in howling torment as the flame

licked the spread cunt lips, blistering them mercilessly to the point of

causing the rim of the vagina to twitch visibly in spasmodic agony.

Kayleen was given some respite when Grod removed the lamps and offered her the

jug, from which she drank as if it were the finest wine, but then her ankles

were cuffed to another pillory and her legs pulled back, causing her dangling

body to slump, a position allowing Grod to conveniently smear her front with

grease. Fear rose through the haze of pain in her mind as she realized what

this entailed, looking at the narrow brazier nearby.

Lyral's renewed screams turned her friend's head when the Southerner placed a

fresh wasp on her swollen nipple, drooling at the sight of the contorted

visage of the young Priestess. He let the wasp sting repeatedly, and then

replaced it with another, well aware that wasps liked to sting again where

another had stung. Smiling, he decided to keep stinging the same nipple again

and again as Lyral's screams intensified deliciously.

Grod singed meticulously Kayleen's front, ignoring her yowls and cries, well

aware that heat on singed flesh was more painful. His intent was to let the

brazier torment her right from the start, while her muscles were still strong

enough to lift her away from the worst of the heat, so that she would rise and

fall repeatedly instead of holding on up to a final collapse.

Her uninterrupted howls of exhausted agony proved that the method met the

intent. As each turn of the screw moved the brazier under a new section of her

front, a fitful nightmare of scorching agony was visited on her flesh, a

nightmare she could spare herself from only by pushing spasmodically on her

strained muscles, exchanging the unrelenting pain from her twisted shoulders

with the lapping torment of the burning brazier.

When the brazier reached her bosom, the heat assaulted her with roaring fury

as she found between heart-rending howls that her muscles would have to

provide for the extra inches afforded by her generous breasts, in order for

her nipples to be spared from blistering in the unrelenting heat. Scream after

scream, she managed to, her whole body aching as the grease on her nipples

bubbled, cooling partially only when her incredible physique managed another

feat of endurance, but preserving them from being scorched raw.

Lyral was given some respite when the Southerner stopped holding one spider

against each of her nipples, not because he was sated with her uninterrupted

screaming as the legged horrors bit her tender flesh repeatedly, but because

he was drooling at the sight of the splendid body of her friend contorting

over the braziers, unable to lift his gaze from the proud, quivering breasts.

Over time, whenever Kayleen's fatigued muscles found increasingly difficult to

preserve her from the searing heat, even her strong body slumped and tiny

blisters started appearing on her nipples, each wrenching a higher shriek of

sheer pain and spasmodically jerking her shoulders into deeper agony.

Another brazier was placed under her crotch, and soon its heat set the greased

blonde curls of her mons alight, dragging her down a new pit of frenzied

torment as her hair burned slowly while her buckles rattled the chains and her

inhuman screams tore through her throat one after another, faster than her

lungs could fuel them, each reaching Lyral's ears and stabbing at her heart.

Grod protracted her torment mercilessly, only removing the braziers

occasionally to smear more grease on her breasts and crotch, too little

respite for her scorched nipples or her seared cunt lips to stifle her

frenzied litanies of screaming agony. Only when one shoulder first, and then

the other, dislocated under her spasmodic jerks did he finally remove the

braziers and her ankle chain, pulling her up by her devastated shoulders and

leaving her swinging and crying in bitter pain.

Smiling in anticipation, the Southerner left the sobbing Lyral and circled

Kayleen, disrobing and thrusting his throbbing member up her ass while

grabbing her by her hips, savoring her cry of humiliation and pain as the

recoil tore at her dislocated shoulders, a cry which was but the first of many

to follow as each thrust jarred her and pulled at her pain-wracked limbs.

With a chilling glee on his swarthy visage, he opened a holder and laid out

the contents, dozens of needles of various lengths, each tip dipped through a

cork cap into the fluid of a thin vial. Kneeling, he picked a long needle and

slowly pushed it through her twitching calf, savoring her shriek and the gasps

which followed, as the spider poison irritated the wound, sending her leg

twitching and rekindling the pain in her shoulders.

"How come Your Haughtiness is crying like a sow already ?" he mocked.

"It is her voice we wish to hear, remember," whispered Zhorun's silent figure,

shutting up the swarthy old man. Lyral jumped at his words.

The Southerner pushed the next needle pushed the nail of Kayleen's little

finger, twisting it as she screamed hoarsely, to make sure the poison seeped

in, then without waiting slid another under the nail of her right thumb,

following up with more as the venom took effect and she started gasping and

crying, twitching her hands spasmodically in the vain attempt to relieve the

torment under her nails.

Drooling, the old man drove a short needle from under the areola of her left

breast through the full length of the nipple, and in spite of her screaming

jerks of torment followed up with two more, pausing as if to drink at the

fountain of her agony while her face contorted in harsh gasps at the mounting

pain from her fingers and toes.

Lyral watched in dread as her friend trembled from the awful torment, still

hanging from her dislocated shoulders and jerking her head up in agonized

cries when her tormentor started driving short needles in the soft flesh

between her fingers, and between her toes thereafter. Undoubtedly the needles

carried different kinds of venom, because her nails bled a reddish foam while

her nipple was swelling horrendously.

The Southerner started tightening a thin cord around Kayleen's swelling

nipple, a wet strip of leather, and lingered with another needle of the same

type near her other breast, teasing her panting chest and pulling back when

she twitched away desperately, screaming on each jerk of her dislocated

shoulders. The needle pierced her scorched flesh only when he tired of her

pitiful attempts at escaping his little game, and the others followed after

many screams and hisses from the desperately twitching Kayleen.

He fetched another long needle and pushed it down the length of her other

calf, using his full strength to drive it through the muscle while her buckles

shook her whole body, from the blemished toes to the arms agonizing under the

uninterrupted strain. Similar needles were driven up her aching forearms,

causing them to spasm in burning agony as her muscles were shot by renewed

pain because of the venom coursing through their strained fibers.

Noticing the swelling of her other nipple, her tormentor tightened on it a

cord not unlike the one already tormenting its twin, digging in the scorched

flesh as the venom caused it to swell to over twice its proportions. When he

fetched another needle dipped in the same venom, the simple act of kneeling

before her sent Kayleen in a frenzy of dreadful screams and pain-wracked jerks

as her hips buckled and turned in the frantic attempt to spare the femininity

he targeted, as testified by his leering smile and lustful eyes.

After protracting his game while she jerked her dislocated shoulders into new

depths of screaming pain, he put the needle aside and fetched a wedge-shaped

steel bar, which he fastened under her elbow cuffs. He then bent and pulled

her left leg up, cuffing the ankle to a ring at the left end of the bar while

she screamed and flailed from the new pain in her torn shoulders. With effort,

he did the same to her other leg, suspending her in a position which increased

the pull on her arms and shoulders but also allowed unhampered access.

He kneeled before her, almost overwhelmed by the thrill at her desperate

scream of pain and despair, pulled her clitoris upwards with his thumb and

then pushed a needle into the pink flesh at the base, while Kayleen's voice

rose in an abominable scream, and drove it along its short length, following

up with another while her howls scorched her already parched throat and then

with a third from above, the three points jutting out from the tip of the

feminine organ now punctured into a horrid mockery of a tiny male penis as

Kayleen screamed in uninterrupted, helpless agony.

He poured laced water in her sputtering mouth while the pain from her pierced

femininity still raged through her body, and allowed herself to contemplate

her twitching body as it hung from the strained arms, wracked by her screams

of desperate agony. When her jerks subsided, he rose and tied a thin cord at

the base of the swelling clitoris, then drove another three needles along its

tiny length, elongating it further while Kayleen's voice rose in another

frenzy of agonized howls from the unbearable pain.

Whistling, the old Southerner fetched a needle of a different kind, a four

inch barbed needle dipped in a greenish serum, and thrust it in her leg,

forcing it along the fiber of her twitching muscle while she screamed her

lungs out as the tip overcame the fierce resistance of her flesh. Lyral gasped

in horror at the sight of the dozens of such needles awaiting nearby.

Another nightmare of unbearable pain and fitful screams descended over

Kayleen's twitching form as the Southerner started driving the long needles

through her taut muscles, because after the excruciating torment of the steel

tip piercing the taut flesh came the burning agony of the venom, which caused

recurring spasms in the strained muscles, strong enough to bend the steel

needles twisting them through her flesh. The last needles he drove through the

inside of her thighs, letting the tips protrude near her burned crotch.

Kayleen's merciless tormentor paused only to let her drink again, then started

pushing shorter needles between her ribs, each one making her breathing more

painful and compounding the torment of each scream, including the one it

caused. But he really started enjoying his task again when he got started on

her buttocks, where he could alternate between short needles, pushed deep in

the flesh, and long needles, pushed along the length of folds pulled from the

burned skin by his old but still strong hands, while his helpless victim

screamed herself hoarse from the unimaginable pain.

The old Southerner put on a pair of thick leather gloves and started driving

nasty, short needles with a forked tip and dipped in yellowish venom through

the soft skin of her sides and belly, sending her screaming and convulsing

again as his hands pinched the flesh into folds for the needles to pierce. Her

screams rose even higher when he drove a couple through her lips and tongue,

trapping it outside her teeth and laughing at the horror in her eyes.

The venom in these needles burned like wasp venom, and the dozens of short

needles he drove through her torso, buttocks and thighs started burning in

waves of devastating pain which rekindled the torment of her strained muscles

from the longer needles still piercing them, a cruel combination of agonizing

torments which sent Kayleen's body into alternating frenzies of spasmodic

jerking and uncontrollable convulsions, punctuated by howling shrieks.

While Kayleen waded through the waves of agony from his last torment, the old

Southerner was already preparing the next, driving needles deep under her

burned breasts and wrenching new screams from her as the spider venom coursed

through her punished flesh. When his gloved hands started pinching her tit

flesh and driving the short needles in, the pain from the forked tips made

Kayleen almost delirious, her screams growing so desperate that she ripped her

tongue open, tearing the needles through.

With almost religious fervor, the old Southerner started a new torment, using

needles which he measured and cut to size before savagely grabbing her breast,

driving the needle through the base and letting the forked tip jut out at the

areola, resting on the swollen, bound nipple while Kayleen's howls reached new

peaks of unbridled agony. Needle after needle, he turned her breasts into

distended cones of quivering torment, because whenever she breathed out the

tips sunk into the swollen nipple, cutting her breath into a new scream.

He poured abundant water into her sputtering mouth, smiling in anticipation at

what he still had in store for her. Grabbing her cunt lips, he pushed them

onto the tips of the long needles still piercing her thigh muscles, four on

each side, and used smaller needles to braid the bleeding flesh around the

tips, leaving her cunt lips pulled obscenely wide. More needles were driven

into the inner lips and the rim of flesh of her vagina, opening them as much

as possible, while her howls crowded in her bleeding mouth faster than she

could utter them as air whistled through her tormented lungs.

In spite of her spasmodic convulsions, he grabbed her punctured clitoris and

twisted it, wrenching from her a howl of inhuman agony as the needles tore

through her throbbing femininity. He kept twitching it, pausing to let her

howling convulsions subside, until her screams diminished. He then twisted it

again and stitched it to the seared flesh of her mons with a needle through

the tip, drooling as she screamed from unexplored pits of agony

Circling her, he uncovered his member, sheathed it in leather, grabbed her

cunt lips with both hands, pulling her loins up from behind while she howled

from the pain descending from her dislocated sockets as much as from the agony

rising from the needles ripping through her feminine flesh, and rammed it into

her vagina, violating her again with a rutting growl of absolute pleasure

while she shook in the throes of howling shrieks of sheer agony.

Time brought no respite to the gurgling Kayleen, because his arousal, probably

because of yet another recourse to his drugs, showed no sign of subsiding and

his frenzied thrusts protracted her howling nightmare beyond belief, until at

last he pulled out and let her hang in convulsed torment.

When he brought the jug to her lips, she cried desperately at the prospect of

further torments, so he poured the liquid into her sputtering mouth until her

cries rose in pitch again and started driving needles coated in scorpion venom

under her soles and into her armpits, pushing her on the brink of madness as

new torments soared from her burning flesh, rekindling the pain in her

bleeding nipples on each breath intake. Methodically, he pushed more needles

into her thighs and buttocks, each time pausing after each one until her cries

and jerks subsided, and then into her breasts, stopping to admire his work

while she cried spasmodically, foaming at the mouth in utter agony.

When her cries started waning into pitiful wheezing wails, he drove a needle

through each nipple, pushing it slowly through the bud swelling painfully

against the cord tightened according to its original size and adding new blood

to the rivulets caused by the needle tips. Even this protracted her agonies by

a handful of minutes, so he pushed another nipple through her twisted clitoris

and was satisfied in seeing her jerk spasmodically again and hearing her

renewed howls of gut-wrenching agony, at least until these waned too.

Although Kayleen was not allowed the blessed respite of unconsciousness, she

slowly slid into a tormented exhaustion, punctuated by occasional wheezing

cries when she breathed out deeply and the needle tips stabbed her swollen

nipples, or when a spasm coursed through her dislocated shoulders twisting the

long needles inside the strained muscles of her limbs. She hardly noticed that

the Easterner had took over her torment, and her arms found no respite when a

sloping plank was placed under her loins because it was a hair split too low

to take some weight off her arms. Only the cursed water revived her somewhat.

Lyral, however, moaned in horror when the Easterner brought near the plank a

cart where rats of various sizes squealed inside weird metal cages, causing

Kayleen to dart her own bulging eyes around in dread. Although hanging from

her arms prevented her from seeing them behind her, just the effort of

twisting back her head wrought fresh cries from her, renewing the torment in

her shoulders and nipples.

The Easterner adjusted the plank so that it lapped Kayleen's pierced groin and

fetched a small rat, twitching in a leather body harness, and placed it with

the muzzle against her sphincter, wrenching a cry of pain and dread from the

hanging victim as she trembled before this new horror.

The rat hesitated before the needles piercing the area, or maybe smelling the

venom, but the Easterner fetched a flaming stick from the brazier and brought

it against its hind quarters. The terrified squeal of the rat rushing from the

fire was drowned by Kayleen's bellow of agony as it clawed its way into her

rectum, plunging inside in spite of the needles as her body stiffened in sheer

agony before entering a frenzy of howling jerks as the rat raked her bowels,

frantically attempting to escape the fire in its tail.

The Easterner had not let go of the two leather cords trailing from the rat

harness, whose purpose became apparent as he used them to prevent the rodent

from plunging too deep, but also to protract Kayleen's torment by pulling it

back towards the flame, causing it rake her frantically. Blood started

trickling from her torn orifice, while Lyral watched in horror as the shape of

the rat bulged inside Kayleen's flesh, each twitch causing a convulsed scream

of unspeakable torment to surge from her mouth.

After slowly pulling the frantic rodent halfway out and letting it claw its

way back in several times, wrenching a fresh litany of heart-rending screams

from his convulsing victim each time, the Easterner pulled it out for good and

let Kayleen hang, shaking from the unbearable torment, the foam at the corners

of her mouth dripping on her shoulders, red and swollen from the protracted

dislocation alone since they had been spared the needles.

She sipped the laced water, eagerly at first, but its effect was no longer a

jolt of energy, just a rekindling of self awareness and a refocusing of the

sight, hazy from the harrowing ordeal. With awareness, numbing pain also

returned and the rest of the water was poured into her mouth between pitiful

cries as the torment from her dislocated shoulders took its toll again.

Her cries rose again to pain-wracked howls when another rat was forced to claw

its way into her bleeding bowels, a larger specimen whose frantic digging was

readily visible to Lyral as it bulged inside Kayleen's innards. Overwhelmed by

the abominable cries of her friend, beyond horror at the sight of the torments

being wrought upon Kayleen's body, Lyral wept bitterly at her helplessness.

Kayleen's torment was brought to new depths of depravity when the Easterner

started pulling out the rat, because the critter had been chosen for its

proclivity to bite and it bit her bowels mercilessly, wrenching new convulsed

jerks of howling agony from her trembling body as it opposed the pull of the

leather cords. With calculated cruelty, her tormentor repeatedly pulled it out

just enough to let it sink its teeth into the muscle ring of her sphincter,

gnawing at it frantically to keep away from the flame and pulling Kayleen's

spasming body another step down the stairs of her howling hell.

When the echo from her last anguished scream waned, Kayleen drank the water

poured down her mouth in pitiful gurgles, still twitching from the pain in her

ass which had been treated rather summarily, and started trembling when a

bronze cage where another rat squealed in discomfort was hung under her

distended left breast. A vise was tightened around the base of her once proud

mound and another near the top, crushing the needles onto the nipple and

wrenching a scream of hoarse pain from her shaking chest.

When the flaming stick was brought under the cage, the rat jumped up and sunk

its teeth into the underside of the distended flesh, frantically trying to

gnaw its way through but unable to find a grip other than from its teeth.

Kayleen jerked her head at the ceiling in a maddened shriek while the rat fell

down and climbed back up, wounding itself on the needles still stuck in her

flesh. The raging torment in her dislocated shoulders fanned more cries of

desperate agony while she jerked spasmodically, vainly attempting to dislodge

the cage from her bleeding breast.

Mad with terror from the licking flame, unable to gnaw its way through, all

the rat could do was reach up and bite, tearing at her flesh but unable to

grab a full morsel. All Kayleen could do was howl in unparalleled agony as her

breast was being chewed to shreds one bite at a time, jerking in convulsing

pain when the teeth tore at the flesh and the blood flowed. To protract the

torment, the Easterner started pulling back the flame when her eyes showed

signs of exhaustion, only to bring it close again after a brief respite.

When the flaming stick was consumed at last, the Easterner removed the cage

and treated her wounded breast, staunching the blood loss with clips and a

thick paste. She drank with dread in her eyes, and an inarticulate scream of

dread shook her chest when a fresh cage was hung on her other breast, even

before than the vise crushed the needles onto the nipple.

The dread in her voice was replaced by helpless agony when a flaming stick was

put under the cage and this other rat found the same solution to its

predicament found by its predecessor, sinking its teeth into her breast for a

precarious but devastatingly painful bite. Kayleen's screams rose and waned as

the rat jumped and chewed, tearing morsels of soft flesh in the frantic effort

to get away from the licking flame.

When blood started flowing, the Easterner pulled the flaming stick, allowing a

first instant of respite before bringing it in again, listening at her screams

and monitoring her panting breath to protract her agony. Over a dozen bites

marked the underside of her once proud breast, but by biding his time he was

able to bring the rat to sinking its teeth into her flesh at least twice as

many times, before her delirious screams turned into wheezing moans of

mindless exhaustion.

Out of her mind, Kayleen sipped the laced water and hung in crying agony from

her dislocated shoulders when he treated her wounded breast. Her eyes returned

to focus with a scream of unabridged horror when he placed the plank under her

crotch and fetched a large, vicious black rat.

Spurred by the flaming stick, the rat plunged forcefully into the opening of

her vagina, clawing its way in while twisting the needles aside and wrenching

from Kayleen's mouth a howl the likes of which had not been heard in the

chamber so far. In spite of her strained muscles, in spite of her dislocated

shoulders, in spite of hanging for hours from her twisted arms, she arched and

rose from the plank, in a mad effort to distance herself from the horrid

intruder, screaming at the top of her lungs while the rat, caught halfway,

clawed further into her womb, a visible bulge moving under her flesh.

Instead of pulling it out, however, the Easterner let the rat trash inside

her, singing its tail occasionally when her screams subsided, knowing that the

creature was looking for a way out. When her eyes bulged and her body arched

in stiffened agony before bursting in another heart-rending howl of unearthly

agony, he was satisfied that it had found her cervix.

Watching intently the shape of the rodent bulging inside her womb, like a

horrid progeny of hell, the Easterner started alternating between pulling out

the rat and scaring it in with the flaming stick, always pausing to make sure

she was given time to recover from one pain before drowning into the next.

When the rat was being pulled out, it dug its clawed limbs into the walls of

her love channel, raking it frantically while her tormentor pulled at the

leather cords fastened to its harness. Twisting the cords made the rat twitch

inside her in search of a better grip, rekindling Kayleen's screaming agony

and preventing the rat from always clawing the same places.

When the flame spurred the rat in, it reached her cervix and bit at it, in a

frantic attempt to dig its way out from the licking flame, wrenching howls of

demented agony from the convulsing victim as her innards were chewed through

not unlike her breasts. Slowly, masterfully, the Easterner protracted her

agony, watching her bleeding womb, until at last he pulled the rat out and

called on Grod for help in treating her wounds.

The corpse that once was a wizard neared, and watched as the Easterner hung

two bronze cages from her bleeding breasts, while Kayleen's gaze wandered in

the empty eye sockets, crazily searching for a sign of mercy before clenching

as a scream of agony contorted her features when a caged rat, mad with fear of

the licking flame held by the Easterner, bit under her breast again.

Alternating the flame between the left and the right cage, the Easterner set

Kayleen on a path of uninterrupted agony as her breasts were being slowly

chewed off, one bite at a time, each bringing a spasmodic jerk of unbridled

torment as the sharp teeth tore her flesh, followed by a frenzy of fitful

screams as the pain from her dislocated shoulders blazed through her body.

A third cage was inserted in her vagina, pulling the lips over the cylinder

and fastening it by tightening the bronze vises over the needles still stuck

in the delicate flesh, compounding the pain from the bitten breasts for a

number of hoarse screams and slowly turning into dread at the thought of what

the cage was for. When the flaming stick was brought down, the rat inside

jumped and bit at the rim of her vagina, facing the same predicament faced by

the rats tormenting her breasts but wrenching a deeper, wailing howl of

desperate agony from the raving Kayleen.

Alternating between the three cages, the Easterner kept her convulsing through

an uninterrupted peak of unbridled, screaming agony, shortening his pauses to

reduce the damage but deny her the slightest respite and protracting the

torture beyond belief, pausing occasionally to pour laced water in her

sputtering mouth to keep her from sliding into unconsciousness. Bite after

bite, the underside of her breasts had been chewed into a bleeding pulp of

pulsating raw flesh, while her inner lips and the rim of her vagina hung in

bleeding shreds from dozens and dozens of small bites.

When Kayleen's face turned pale, and the howls escaping her foaming mouth

waned into wheezing moans, her tormentor removed the cages and looked up at

Zhorun, who nodded. She found the voice for a sputtering scream of despair as

more liquid was poured in her mouth, hinting at further torments, and shook

pitifully in her restraints when another rat was forced up her womb, a large

specimen curled into drug-induced stupor.

Horror and pain wracked her hanging body when the Easterner started sewing her

cunt lips shut, trapping the rat inside, her screams punctuating his needle

work while her swollen shoulders trembled from the hours of hanging torment.

When he was done, instead of tormenting her further, he left with the other

two, and dread descended upon the prisoners when the last torch disappeared.

Chapter 15 - At Zhorun's Own Hands

As soon as the three torturers left the chamber, Lyral, worried sick at her

friend's conditions, called out "Kayleen! Try to keep still, I'm coming".

She did not need light to home in on her friend, this time. Kayleen's rasping

sobs and occasional desolate screams provided ample guidance, but Lyral's task

was not easy. She was cuffed at her ankles, elbows and wrists, and iron bands

had been added at her knees, thighs and waist. Her pale skin chafed already

under the restraints, and walking proved so difficult that she gave up and set

about dragging herself on the cold stone floor.

"Please, Lyral, hurry! It's moving! I can feel it moving," cried Kayleen, her

voice on the brink of panic as the rat sewn in her womb started waking up from

its drug-induced stupor. Lyral's eyes shed bitter tears when the scene of her

friend's torment flashed before her eyes, the needle stitching together her

cunt lips while her womb bulged with the drugged rodent.

When she was close enough to smell Kayleen's bleeding wounds, she realized in

horror that just healing her friend would be of no use, since it would not

dislodge the thread stitching her lips. Besides, while some needles would be

pushed out by the wounds closing, those whose tip was free would not. But as

Kayleen's sudden scream confirmed, the problem was the rat.

"Lyral, please! It's awake!" screamed Kayleen, shaking in her restraints, an

edge of terror in her voice which turned into an anguished yowl when the rat

claws raked her womb. Lyral was paralyzed, unable to speak, at a loss about

what to do next, "I ... my power is useless. I don't know what to do!"

"Chew it open! Lyral, pull the thread with your teeth! Hurry!" cried Kayleen,

buckling as the rat turned inside her, still not completely awake but

irritated at his imprisonment. Lyral just stood, unable to bring herself to

act, until Kayleen screamed in sheer agony at the first bite.

"I'll do it! Angels of heaven, help me. Try to be still, Kayleen ... I am

going to hurt you," whispered Lyral, mostly to herself, and then sought her

friend's stitched cunt lips, tears flowing from her sore eyes. Kayleen's cries

found a new source as her friend's teeth sought to pull the thread, and Lyral

almost retched at the taste of her friend's blood in her mouth.

"Please, Lyral, bite them off!" screamed Kayleen when the rat bit her again,

stifling her cry when Lyral's teeth tore at her cunt lips, weeping bitterly

while pulling with new-found determination at thread and flesh. After what

looked to both as an eternity of torment, the rat noticed the opening being

torn open and tumbled inside Kayleen's womb to take advantage of it, pushing

through with his head and sending Lyral sprawling in horror on the floor.

Kayleen's screams rose again when the rodent, unable to progress, raked her

insides, pushing and tearing at her half sewn cunt lips in a horrid parody of

childbirth, the sight of which was spared to Lyral, but whose noises would

haunt her forever. Only when it managed to tear free did Lyral shake herself,

smelling her friend's profuse bleeding.

Stifling her concerns, she stood and managed to touch her friends with her

cuffed hands, concentrating into channeling her power into Kayleen's ravaged

body. Healing with the hands, even in that awkward position, was much more

effective, and she heard her friend's breath deepen and steady as she moaned

in relief while her wounds healed.

Kayleen's relief, however, proved premature when pain shot through her flesh

and shoulders again, because some needles would not dislodge, preventing the

wounds from closing, and her dislocated shoulders could not heal while still

being twisted and torn from supporting her weight.

"Kayleen, please be patient. I staunched your bleeding, but I'll have to pull

out the needles. All of them, and I'll hurt you. We'll take care of your

shoulders then," said Lyral, suddenly awkward at the touch of her friend's

warm body against hers. Pulling out the needles, some barbed, with her mouth

proved an ordeal not only for Kayleen, who managed to stifle her screams in

spite of the spider gag, but also for Lyral, as her cheeks and lips bled from

the punctures caused by her friend's involuntary buckling while she pulled out

the needles with her teeth.

In saving her friend, Lyral found the courage that had eluded her so far, as

she put aside the pain and concentrated on healing Kayleen. To heal her

shoulders, she pushed her head under her crotch, allowing the athletic Warrior

Queen to raise her hips and bring her body in a position which put much less

strain on her arms, while Lyral supported enough of her weight to allow the

healing of her shoulders to succeed.

"Now you just have to stay there until morning", chuckled Kayleen, refreshed.

"I would, Kayleen," said Lyral, and Kayleen perceived the embarrassment in her

voice. She considered the matter carefully, as she had never been attracted to

women, but did not find her friend's affection repulsive, and maybe some kind

of .. consolation was deserved. But she also deserved respect, she decided.

"Rest, instead. Unless my memory fails me, you'll be unable to heal yourself

unless you replenish your power with sleep," said Kayleen tactfully, unaware

of how important this information was for the silently listening Zhorun.

"My reserves are almost spent, but I could manage another night," said Lyral,

with more assurance than she actually felt, "I will try to get some rest,

Kayleen, since my restraints are less harsh than usual. But let me tell you

that ... should a choice be needed, my choice would be to heal you. I cannot

blame you for slipping under torture, not after seeing what they did and

thinking about what you have withstood far longer, and alone."

Lyral went on, tears streaking her cheeks, "Pray accept my forgiveness,

Kayleen, and my services, because you are my only hope of being delivered from

this hell. Don't leave me ... alone ... in their hands."

"I will, Lyral. Sleep now," whispered Kayleen, moved beyond tears, almost

forgetting the pain as her twisted arms bore her full weight again as Lyral

slid on the floor, exhausted. Kayleen's fresh mind, with at least half of the

night before her, started pondering their predicament, attempting to find an

angle to reverse their fortunes.

The Easterner savagely crushed Kayleen's collar on her windpipe before

lowering her to the floor, cuffing her ankles and dragging her near a sinister

iron bench, narrow but heavily built. He left her on the floor, gasping for

air, until her face turned blue, and only then did he pull her up and lay her

on the bench, cuffing her ankles to rings at its bottom end. Then he freed her

arms, ignoring the chafe marks from a night of strained suspension, and cuffed

her wrists to rings on the opposite end, pulling her slender body taut on the

ominous black device before allowing her to breathe normally again.

Silently, the Easterner fetched a thin needle, dipped it in a jar and then

drove it into Kayleen's left nipple, causing her distended body to arch

voluptuously and wrenching a gnarled scream from her mouth, tired at the

continued tear of the spider gag. Remorselessly, he drove another in her right

nipple and followed up with more, with little pause between each and stopping

only when over a dozen stuck out from the delectable tips of her generous

breasts. But the pause was followed by more howls as he pushed another needle,

dipped in the same substance, into her clitoris, pulling at it for some time

before driving another along its length while Kayleen screamed in agony.

Meanwhile, Lyral wailed as Grod pulled her up from her cuffed ankles, allowing

her to watch as the Easterner furthered the torment of her friend. Impassible

as always,  he fetched a narrow strip of white cloth and wound it around

Kayleen's left forearm, followed by another on her other forearm. Lyral was

not close enough to see that the cloth brimmed with thin wooden slivers, each

hardened in fire, but Kayleen felt the pricks on her forearms amidst the pain

from her throbbing nipples and the agony in her love bud.

Out of her sight, thin cords were wound around the slivers and tightened by

repeated twisting, flattening them onto the skin almost to the point of

driving them in. Kayleen screamed in pain when the Southerner moved by her

feet and started turning a screw which elongated the bench, and her body by

pulling at her cuffed feet, driving dozens of hardened slivers under her skin.

Her tormentor let her scream subside, then turned the screw another quarter,

causing the slivers to sink fractionally deeper and wrenching a new scream of

torment from her distended body. Lyral, unable to perceive the exquisite

finesse of the torment, gazed frantically at her friend and at the cloth

strip, but Kayleen felt each sliver slide just under the skin, drawing little

blood as it pushed along the surface instead of entering, but searing new

nerves on each quarter turn of the accursed handle.

Instead of elongating her further, the Easterner paused, then circled to her

hands and started wrapping cloth strips around each finger, apparently

unconcerned with his victim's panting torment which so attracted the gaze of

the old Southerner, who ogled her slender, distended legs, the supple thighs,

and the full breasts rising and falling on her heaving chest as each breath

caused her to yowl from the stabbing pain of the slivers.

Biding his time, the Easterner returned by her feet and turned the screw,

wrenching a new scream of dreadful torment from her mouth as slivers slid

under the skin of her fingers, while those in her forearms dug deeper. When

her screams subsided, he wrapped two more cloth strips around her forearms,

wound the thin cord around them and then elongated the bench another quarter

turn, raising new screams as she arched in pain.

Alternating between adding more strips and turning the screw, he wrapped her

slender arms in searing necklaces of wooden agony well before the pull on her

muscles caused any discomfort, and Kayleen realized that by the time the

strips reached her feet she would also feel the unrelenting pull of the rack.

While the strips added last still allowed the slivers to slid for a fraction

of their length, those nearest her cuffed wrists advanced the least, although

each turn still brought a wave of searing torment from hundreds of pricks.

The strip he wrapped under her armpits brimmed with longish, charred slivers,

and wrought fresh screams from her gaping mouth when he turned the screw,

while the Southerner neared to savor the application of the next strips. Still

biding his time, the Easterner pulled one tightly around her breasts, and when

he turned the screw another quarter Kayleen's howls rose under the vaults as

the hardened sliver slid under the soft skin of her full mounds.

Mercilessly, he waited for her screams to subside and then added another

strip, flattening her breasts on her chest, followed by a third, whose slivers

slid just under her areolas and caused a gut-wrenching scream of desperate

torment as their progress was just at the beginning. With the addition of a

strip just under her proud breasts and one under her ribcage, her torment rose

to a new level as each breath drove the slivers farther along the soft skin.

Lyral watched in horror as her friend's panting chest started twitching

whenever she breathed out, guessing at the stabbing pain coursing through her

rib muscles from the gasps punctuating her wheezing breathing. The Easterner

splashed Kayleen with cold water, but otherwise let her twitch and scream

while droplets of blood formed where the slivers had been twisted back and

forth, forming thin rivulets which slowly flowed along her heaving ribs.

When her cries subsided, he tightened another strip on her abdomen, crushing

her toned muscles and putting more misery into her labored breathing, then

turned the screw another quarter, driving a garbled scream from her parched

throat as she started to feel the pull of the rack on her limbs.

As he resumed alternating new strips and turning the screw, her screams became

harsher and longer, trailing into fits of raucous agony as the pain from the

slivers never receded and intensified at the slightest movement. When he

poured syrup into her sputtering mouth, most went wasted, so he had to start

over a few times. This done, he added more strips, until the writhing Kayleen

found herself effectively wrapped in slivers, a mummified victim of

uninterrupted pricking which turned into stabbing agony at the slightest

movement, including each torturous breath.

Her voice, whose endurance had been tested already over and over, carried her

torment in vibrant tones of feminine agony, her will prevented from exerting

even the little restraint she had clung to before to preserve her dignity and

lessen the burden on her innocent friend.

Lyral watched in horror the uninterrupted twitching of her friend's wrapped

body, gaping in horrified disbelief as the torment continued and no relief was

given, unable to grasp the depths of agony Kayleen was going through, but

cursing the laced beverage which prevented her from passing out. The strong

woman could have endured the torture on her own for a few minutes, and the

repeated splashes with cold water could have revived her a couple of times,

but Lyral realized the duration of Kayleen's uninterrupted torment when new

torches had to be lit in order to replace those brought in the morning.

After replacing the torches, the Easterner pulled the needles still piercing

Kayleen's nipples. He produced two long strips of cloth and crossed them just

under her left nipple, using thin cords to flatten them onto her compressed

breast. After trapping her other nipple between two analogous rows of wooden

torment, he turned the screw again, the pull at her ankles elongating her

wrapped body and dragging her nipples, swollen and sensitized by the venom

carried by the needles, between the rows of wooden slivers.

Kayleen howled in sheer agony as the abject torment of her nipples compounded

the uninterrupted stabbing of the thousands of slivers slid under her skin,

and renewed her howls on each turn of the screw as her limbs and joints

started to shoot blazes of pain through her body.

Another two strips of cloth were nudged under her swollen clitoris, while

dread tinged her rasped screams as her fate of torment unfolded to its by now

customary end, and a few turns of the screw added her pricked femininity to

the sources of her torment, causing her to jerk spasmodically on each turn of

the screw as her sensitized love bud was unrelentingly stabbed by dozens of

hardened wood slivers.

Biding his time, the Easterner interspersed long pauses between a quarter turn

and the next, frequently dousing her in cold water and pouring syrup in her

mouth now and them. She oscillated between gut-wrenching howls of sheer agony

when the screw was turned another quarter and frenzies of twitching screaming

thereafter, which subsided only when her exhausted body stopped convulsing

from the increasingly abject pain and unrelenting tearing of her limbs.

Lyral's horror whirled deeper and deeper as her friend's torment was

protracted mercilessly, and her mind shriveled between tears at the

increasingly pitiful howls from the writhing form wrapped in bloodied cloth.

To her disbelief, the wry Easterner started busying himself with more, dipping

the loose ends of some cloth strips in salt water.

As the torment continued, after the torches had to be changed again, the water

diffused in the cloth and started soaking the slivers, bringing a new pitch in

Kayleen's desperate screams as the pain between each turn of the screw took on

a new quality and slowly intensified, turning her twitches in spasmodic jerks

which induced further woe from the shroud of livers sliding under her skin.

Lyral could not believe that any human being could endure such lengths of

uninterrupted torment, but her friend's convulsing body and fitful frenzies of

howling agony spoke by themselves. How could Kayleen, brave as she was, endure

such horrors without breaking, where did she find the resolve to defy her

tormentors ... questions she could not answer hammered her weeping soul as the

torture of her friend was protracted for yet another round of torches.

Her sobs turned bitter when Kayleen's screams drove home the notion that her

friend was being tortured to force her to talk, that if she had not proved a

weakling by fainting all over her friend would be on equal footing with her,

and that ... being subjected to what Kayleen was suffering was her worst fear,

and she would do anything to avert it. If heaven still had mercy of its fallen

daughter, she prayed silently, her tormentors would never know that.

Silent as ever, the corpse that once was a wizard neared the convulsing body

and gestured to Grod, exchanging a few words with the two tormentors, as if to

overcome their objections. Grod left without a word, and the Easterner turned

the screw twice, a quarter only, inspecting his victim for signs of

dislocation of the spine.

"You defy me in vain, woman. I'll wrench what I need from your mouth or your

friend's, sooner or later. But I welcome the occasion to start repaying you

for your gift," hissed Zhorun, bending over her, almost brushing her quivering

nipples as they slid two or three slivers down the crossed strips.

Grod returned with the strong bands of leather he had already used to prevent

his rack from snapping Kayleen's spine, and wrapped them around her writhing

body, shaking his head but tightening them with all his strength. When he was

done, Zhorun gestured and the Easterner started turning the screw, one quarter

a time, pausing between each turn as Kayleen's screams increased to inhuman

howls of searing agony as her joints neared the point of dislocation.

An arcane whisper rose from inside the shriveled skull of the former wizard,

and misty tendrils of magic brushed the distended body. With a heart-wrenching

howl, Kayleen stiffened and then jerked in unparalleled agony as all the

slivers started elongating and thickening, spilling blood over the white cloth

as her muscles jerked spasmodically.

One after the other, her joints dislocated in quick succession under the pull

of her own convulsed jerks, first the left shoulder and then the right hip,

while the full measure of her unbelievable agony escaped from her mouth as she

howled her anguish straight unto the gaping emptiness of Zhorun's eye sockets.

Visibly thrilled, the former wizard gestured to the Easterner, who shook his

head before turning the screw again, each quarter wrenching a new frenzy of

gasping howls from the foaming mouth of the convulsing Kayleen, whose

suffering found an end only when the screw reached the end of its course.

Grod loosened the screw slowly, with little consideration for Kayleen's hoarse

screams, poured the syrupy contents of the jug in her sputtering mouth, then

started removing the sliver strips with great care, one at a time. When done,

he carefully reduced her dislocated limbs, but still tightened her collar

before unfastening her legs and cuffing the ankles together, then cuffed her

arms to the iron band at her waist, one at a time.

Lyral screamed in fear when the Southerner pulled her up by her ankles and

dunked her unceremoniously in a tub of cold water, whipping her soft ass

cheeks mercilessly while she gurgled and gasped for air. When he pulled her

up, the whip wrenched new screams from her by slashing her soft breasts, in a

frenzy of quick strikes before she was dropped again in the water.

Kayleen rolled down from the iron bench with a wail containing an equal

measure of pain, relief and dread, but in her mind she bore no illusions about

her immediate future. Grod dragged her by the collar to a pair of chains

hanging from the ceiling, and twisted her arms up behind her before fastening

each wrist to the middle of its chain and pulling her off the floor. He then

cuffed each ankle to the end of the chain where the corresponding wrist was

fastened, leaving her spread in mid air, about four feet off the floor.

In spite of her own agonies, she sobbed silently when she made out the

whimpering cries of her innocent friend as she was dunked and whipped, intent

on hiding from their tormentors how much this affected her. Meanwhile, upon a

gesture from the former wizard, Grod neared a brazier, picked up a iron poker

and neared Lyral, whose eyes widened in fear.

"Your friend will soon make the intimate knowledge of hot iron because of your

refusal to talk, my dear, so it is only fitting that you taste it first,"

whispered the robed corpse before Grod dragged the poker under Lyral's left

breast. Her mouth flared open in a scream of demented agony while her body

jerked in her restraints, although Grod did not press the iron for too long.

It was more obvious than ever now to Kayleen that she would be tortured to

pressure Lyral into talking, and she cursed her friend's weakness at first. On

second thought, however, she considered that maybe she preferred to be the

target of torture rather than witnessing the agony of her innocent friend, as

if by suffering in her friend's wake she could redeem her failure.

Grod neared with the red hot poker, and Kayleen steeled herself just before he

pressed it into her muscular abdomen, causing her to buckle and scream from

the searing pain. Unlike her previous torments with fire, no attempt was made

to stem the brutal application of heat, causing a wide, deep burn, charred

beyond recovery. Then Grod smeared some grease on the other side of her

abdomen and brushed it with the poker, causing her to jerk again from the

pain, but also to keep buckling as the heated grease kept bubbling over the

skin, her fitful, hissing gasps protracting until the pain subsided.

Having made his point, Grod brought the brazier nearer, allowing her to see

the wicked implements being heated inside, and sought her eyes for an answer

to a question which needed nod be spoken. When he saw resolve in her eyes, he

smeared grease on her legs and dragged the poker on her left calf, letting her

buckle and scream while he repeatedly scorched the skin.

Lyral shut her eyes and shook her head, muttering to herself between harsh

sobs and bitter tears. Hating herself for being the cause of her friend's

torments, she nonetheless dreaded the results of giving in, as her knowledge

of Zhorun's nature had led her to form dire suspicions on his ultimate

motives, suspicions she had kept to herself. This left her without any

recourse before her friend's screams, however, although when she was dunked in

the cold water or felt the dreadful bite of the whip on her buttocks, pain and

fear overcame guilt.

After scorching Kayleen's legs, Grod greased and burned the palm of her hands,

twisting the poker as her fingers closed reflexively on it, leaving tatters of

burnt skin on the red hot iron while she screamed her lungs out. Her cries

subsided when he started smearing grease on her breasts, dread creeping in her

eyes at the impending torment she could only hope to withstand.

Using cold pliers in his left hand and a hot poker in the right hand, Grod

started pinching folds of greased breast flesh and scorching them slowly, each

time wrenching from the convulsing Kayleen a tattered scream of desperate

torment, which waned into fitful cries when he paused to let the bubbling

grease protract her suffering or when he splashed her with cold water.

Grod then returned to her calves, searing the reddened skin to blistering

agony while her buckles rattled her chains and she sputtered in sheer pain,

then greased the soles of her feet as tears filled her eyes. Lyral could not

stand the sight of her friend's contorted face when her tormentor started

dragging the red hot iron on the soft flesh, leaving angry red traces

punctuated by Kayleen's hoarse screams, which rose to howls each time he

pressed the iron between her toes.

Lyral kept sobbing to herself, her eyes clenched since she could not close her

ears, desperate at the thought of the protracted torture her friend had

withstood so far, but overwhelmed with dread at the thought that she was only

halfway from the relief which usually nightfall brought, if switching from the

searing agony of unbridled torture to the unrelenting torment of whatever

cruel restraints they would be put in could be regarded as relief.

Kayleen drank from the jug in sputtering gulps, and trembled when her arms

were greased, but howled in surprised torment when the poker returned on her

breasts and seared blisters into the firm flesh, lingering on the scorched

nipples while her gasping howls crowded one after another in an uninterrupted

litany of sheer agony. When a fresh hot poker started burning her arms, she

was crying, her body wracked by convulsing sobs as she jerked in her chains.

After a splash of cold water, her muscular back was greased next, the start of

a protracted nightmare of scorching agony as it became the canvas of dozens of

angry red burns crossing each other following the line of her shoulder blades

and ribs, each marked by a scream or a hissing gasp where the less pronounced

pain of the single burn was amply compensated by the mounting agony of the

accumulated torment. When he started greasing her buttocks, the act offered

her no relief as she was still shaking and screaming from the grease bubbling

over the last few burns.

He used the pliers on her ass cheeks, pinching swaths of flesh for the kiss

of the red hot iron, preventing her frantic buckles from removing the scorched

skin from under the searing heat, wrenching harsh gasps and pitched screams

from her hurting mouth. Again, the repeated crisscrossed burns kept her

torment fanned while he greased her thighs, but not to the point of preventing

her from shuddering at what would follow.

Lyral started praying in whispers, to keep her mind off her friend's screams

of agony, "Angels of heaven, make her strong. Uphold her bravery before the

agonies she endures, make me worthy of her bravery. Angels of heaven, make her

strong." Somehow, her voice could still be heard against the backdrop of

Kayleen's anguished screams as her friend's soles were slowly turned into a

blistered canvas of pain.

When her tormentor dragged a fresh iron behind her thigh, Kayleen jerked in

unbridled agony, rattling her restraints and screaming her anguish to the

vaults of the torture chamber. Undaunted, Grod continued pinching folds of

flesh with his pliers and scorching them with the iron, bringing about new

howls of raw agony as her soft flesh turned crimson under the bubbling grease.

He interrupted the searing of her inner thighs twice to douse her with cold

water, but her head was shaking aimlessly as the torture was taking its toll,

so he lowered her to the floor, cuffed each wrist to the ankle and then to her

horror closed a vise around her breasts, tightening it while she screamed at

its grip on her burnt flesh. Her screams rose to twitching anguish when he

pulled her off the floor by the vise, leaving her to hang in mid air while he

applied grease to her crotch and belly.

He closed the pliers around a swath of curly pubic hair and lifted her crotch

while her screams intensified, dragging slowly the red hot iron at the base of

the hairs, searing them off while the grease bubbled and her hips shook in

convulsed jerks of screaming agony. The Southerner gazed approvingly at

Kayleen's twitching thighs and bulging breasts, while the iron alternated

between scorching the inside of her thighs and searing her mons.

She sputtered as the jug was emptied in her mouth before the scorching of her

mons was resumed, her new-found sensitivity screaming to high heaven as the

poker burned her soft flesh and the last blonde hairs were torn off. He let

her hang, screaming from the bubbling grease, then fetched a smaller pair of

pliers and pulled open her left cunt lip, revealing the pink slit inside.

Lyral's prayer waned into a "No, no ..." as she could not prevent herself from

gazing at the angry marks striping the soft flesh above her friend's sex, a

patch of pulsating crimson burns where her modest blonde bush should have

been. The worst tortures always targeted Kayleen's femininity, and had

worsened once their tormentors noticed how deeply they also scared Lyral's

innocent soul.

Kayleen howled in deranged anguish when a fresh poker was dragged along the

greased fold of feminine flesh, her jerks tearing at her constricted breasts

for added pain, and kept screaming as the torment of her vulva was slowly

carried on, scorching the lips and then the folds of the clitoris before the

poker was pushed up inside her ass. She arched in demented pain at this

horror, twitching on the searing hot poker as her tormentor pushed it deeper

in, raising her up as she rode the wave of her agony before falling back down

in convulsing jerks of crying helplessness.

Her screams rose again in desperate pain when Grod dragged the poker over her

inner lips, pulling them over the red hot iron with the pliers, alternating

between left and right with ample pauses in between. She shuddered when more

cold water was splashed on her just before bringing the poker up against her

love bud, causing her to arch in helpless agony while the pliers closed on her

femininity and elongated it for the fiery caress of the hot iron as her howls

of absolute torment rose in vain under the vaults of the torture chamber.

After the scorching of her love bud was repeated over and over, she was

splashed with more cold water, and Grod greased her breasts again before

fetching a pair of red hot pliers. He closed their jaws on her left breast,

causing Kayleen's head to jerk back as a bellow of inhuman agony escaped her

sore throat. The jaws closed on her other breast next, compressing the

constricted flesh while she howled from the unbearable torment, and squeezing

the heated grease into the blisters left on the scorched skin from the recent

ministrations of the hot poker.

Unable to escape the screams of her friend, Lyral started wailing, venting her

anguish and frustration as her mind found no escape from her predicament. She

sought in vain a way to convince their tormentors that she would not give in,

but she could not even convince herself because she dreaded the opposite

whenever the Southerner lashed the back of her thighs, wrenching from her a

sputtering gurgle of raw anguish.

Pausing after each scream, and splashing Kayleen often with cold water, Grod

protracted the searing of her constricted breasts beyond all boundaries of

cruelty, tearing repeatedly at her nipples until the blisters on the scorched

pieces of feminine flesh started bursting under the heat, wrenching insane

howls of unspeakable agony from his convulsing victim.

Grod lowered her to the floor and cuffed her arms behind her back, in the

reversed prayer position, then cuffed her ankles to chains wound around two

pillars and cranked a winch, raising her off the floor and spreading her legs

horizontally almost to the point of tearing the thighs from the sockets.

Red hot pliers descended on the soft crease between Kayleen's thighs and

buttocks, wrenching screams of tormented agony from her as she attempted to

jerk her blistered flesh away from the scorching jaws. After emptying the jug

in her mouth, he closed the pliers on her cunt lips, causing her body to

stiffen in utter torment as she screamed from the deepest pit of hell, sinking

deeper and deeper into pain as he pulled repeatedly at the scorched flesh.

Lyral was allowed to watch, finally aware that her torture was often paused to

let her witness the agonies inflicted on her friend, but could not bring

herself to avert her gaze. She started praying in whispers again, but her

tormentor cut her words short by suddenly dunking her.

Unmoved by Kayleen's pitiful screams, Grod splashed her with cold water and

fetched a pair of smaller pliers, whose jaws at the end of a goose neck he

closed on the rim of her sphincter, bringing another scream of unbridled agony

out of her sore throat as he started her descent into new depths of howling

torment by tearing repeatedly at the blistered flesh all around her sphincter.

Lyral trashed madly in her restraints, thinking of a way to let them turn on

her and grant her friend a moment of respite, forgetting her deep fears in the

wake of her friend's horrendous agonies. But the best she could come up with,

had already proved of no interest to their torturers.

Kayleen sputtered when the jug was emptied in her mouth again, after her

repeated screams of insane agony subsided, but soon her head snapped into a

new howl when the entrance of her vagina was twisted between the searing

irons, blistering the muscular rim and wrenching a protracted howl of hopeless

agony each time its twitching flesh was torn in their red hot grip again.

When the jug was brought to her mouth she cried in dismay at the furthering of

her torment, which promptly followed as the hot tips of a pair of pincers

closed on her clitoris. Her convulsing jerks rattled the chains, pulling her

thighs open in spasmodic torment, but the noise was lost in the litany of

howling screams which wracked her body as her tormentor pulled on her scorched

femininity, raking the hot points mercilessly across the scorched bud.

After repeatedly wrenching howls of tormented agony from the repeated

blistering of her clitoris, her tormentor fetched another pair of pincers with

his left hand and closed the points on her raw left nipple, pulling on nipple

and clitoris in opposite directions, as if to tear her between them, while she

convulsed in unspeakable pain and screamed her lungs out in a fitful howl of

hopeless agony.

Lyral's head reeled as if physically impacted, and each subsequent howl from

her tormented friend rocked her head as if she was being slapped, while her

own cries waned into desperate sobs as the only prayer she was allowed, a mute

one, rose to her lips. But no one seemed to listen when her friend's tormentor

pushed the red hot poker down the scorched love channel, reaming it back and

forth amidst gut-wrenching howls of inhuman agony, while tearing repeatedly at

the clitoris with the hot pincers.

When Kayleen's voice waned after repeatedly reaching unparalleled depths of

deranged agony, Grod splashed her with cold water and then rekindled it by

pulling her up by her nipples, torn raw in the grip of the red hot pincers,

and keeping her there as she jerked her head spasmodically. He kept

protracting Kayleen's screaming agonies, in a show of calculated cruelty,

until Lyral's shattered expression made it pointless.

The Southerner dunked Lyral again until her body started shaking, and pulled

her up as she gurgled and sputtered, no longer unaware of her surroundings.

After a confirmation gesture from Zhorun, he kneeled by the young Priestess,

who shrieked in terror at the sight of the hacksaw in his hands. Actually, the

instrument consisted of fish teeth stuck in a wooden handle, but the

Southerner used it on the soft flesh of her breast with a sawing motion while

she howled in the throes of a pain unlike any she had previously experienced.

"Was it you who asked to be tortured in place of Her Haughtiness there ? If

so, I am afraid you just don't cut it," mocked the swarthy Southerner,

ignoring her cries as blood flowed down her chest. The wound was very shallow,

since the teeth were quite short, but horribly lacerated because of the

pressure needed to cause the teeth to actually cut into the skin.

"If you make such a fuss for a nick on hale skin, there is no way you can

stand it on a burn, like she's going to" he added, dragging the blade on the

burn under her other breast while Lyral jerked spasmodically, her mouth agape

in a howl of absolute agony as her young face contorted in a mask of anguish.

Kayleen recovered, after being splashed with cold water and sipping from the

jug, just in time to shudder at her friend's howls and at her impending fate,

about which she bore no illusions. There was no limit to the cruelty of their

captors, but her own and Lyral's resolve had their limits, and Lyral had

reached them. Looking at the Southerner's expression while he pored over his

latest implement of torture, she shivered at the thought that this time the

agony could be such that even her own will would collapse.

The Southerner reached her and tightened her collar, although she was in no

shape for stunts, then dragged her between two pillars and cuffed each wrist

to a ring up in a pillar, with the short chains painfully twisting her arms

but allowing unobstructed access to her scorched back. Her ankles were

similarly cuffed to rings set at knee height, leaving her dangling in mid air

with her loins thrust forward and her thighs spread, showing how much the

crimson burns marking her supple body extended to her feminine parts.

Meanwhile, the Easterner lowered the whimpering Lyral on the floor and

clenched iron bands under her knees, fastening them together, then pulled her

up by her ankles again. He freed her wrists and cuffed each to a separate

chain hanging from the ceiling, pulling her up so that her breast was at the

same height as her feet while she slumped, hanging from her feet and wrists.

Lyral screamed suddenly in anguished torment as the Easterner dragged the

three red hot points of a copper cat's paw across her creamy ass cheeks,

slowly ripping the skin which sizzled under the heat while she jerked after

stiffening in surprise and pain.

The old Southerner grabbed Kayleen's middle finger and started dragging the

toothed blade under her nail, until he managed to rip it away while she

shrieked in helpless pain. Panting, he grabbed another finger and repeated the

operation, bringing about new screams of torment from his victim. After a

brief pause, he did the same to her ring finger, and savored every shriek and

gasp he extracted from her while sawing under her fingernails.

He splashed her with cold water and slowly dragged the jagged teeth down her

left shoulder blade while she howled from the pain of her blistered skin being

torn open, inch by inch. He let her scream and jerk for a while, then wrapped

her bleeding fingers in cured cloth to reduce blood loss and dragged the

toothed blade across her burnt mons, savoring the expression of unspeakable

torment her face contorted into as she howled her helpless agony into his

smiling face, coughing and gasping in anguish.

His left hand pinched a fold of scorched flesh behind her left thigh and with

the other hand he pressed the toothed blade down, his grip unflinching while

she arched in deranged pain, shaking as a fitful howl of despairing agony

escaped her tired lips. He let her convulse for a while before pinching her

other thigh and cutting it also, leaving a lacerated wound, bleeding slowly as

she trembled from wracking pangs of blazing torment, because he always took

care to stay clear of major blood vessels.

Smiling, he cupped her left breast and started dragging the toothed blade on

its upper side, his gaze looking for hers as she screamed in hellish agony,

her mouth foaming while her body jerked spasmodically in the vain attempt to

pull herself from his grip and the protracted sawing of her blistered flesh,

which splashed droplets of blood all over tormentor and tormented alike.

He brought the jug to her lips, and she drank in fitful gulps interspersed

with gasping wails, but then her voice spoke bravely, "Pray for me, Lyral.

Give me strength."

Lyral shook her head, sobbing at her own torment and amazed at her friend's

endurance and resolve, comparing the parallel gouges left by the cats paw on

her buttocks, legs and back to the patchwork of burns, blisters and cuts which

hardly left any of her friend's skin unscathed. She started praying softly.

Annoyed, Kayleen's tormentor grasped her other breast and started dragging the

blade back and forth, wrenching new howls of raw pain from her shuddering body

as he lacerated the blistered skin, taking care to inflict only shallow dents

on the quivering flesh which he planned to torment again later. While she

convulsed from the agony in her bleeding breasts, he used pliers to tighten

small clips over the wounds in her back, always careful to minimize blood loss

once a wound lost its pain potential.

He reached for her toes, and started dragging the toothed blade across her

toenails, holding her foot in his grip while Kayleen screamed her lungs out at

the pain. After the third toe, however, he started sawing through the soft

flesh between the toes, ripping at the flesh blistered from the hot poker

while her body stiffened in unbearable agony before entering fits of spasmodic

jerking and unbridled howling which he watched in delight, splashing her

occasionally with cold water before continuing.

Still smiling, he pressed the blade into her strong biceps and started sawing

through the burnt flesh, enjoying the sight of her head shaking in unspeakable

torment as he pushed back and forth, ignoring the droplets of blood splashing

his white desert robe. He let her whimper and scream from the jagged wounds as

he clipped the cuts on her breasts, but then returned at the torment of her

arms, digging over a dozen of excruciating cuts in her muscular limbs before

her litanies of howling agony waned into gasping whimpers.

He was never short of flesh to torment, of course, so he brushed some drool

from the corner of his mouth and started drawing a jagged cut on her taut

abdomen, ripping open the blistered skin with some difficulty as her body was

wracked by never-ending screams of unbearable agony.

Her voice rose to new peaks of anguish when he dragged the toothed blade under

her soles, scorched raw by the pliers, digging rough cuts of bleeding pain in

the soft flesh of her once exquisite feet. No longer able to see her face, his

gaze lingered on the delightful buckling of her shapely body as he pulled the

blade back and forth, drooling when he pressed harder and her thighs twitched

open in response to the excruciating pain.

He unfastened her, let her sip from the jug, then cuffed each wrist to the

corresponding ankle and fetched the iron vise which had already been used to

suspend her from her breasts, at whose sight she produced a guttural moan of

despair which caused his member to bulge under his robes. He proceeded to

tighten it on her breasts gleefully, it in spite of her buckles and cries,

reopening some wounds which he clipped shut again when done.

Lyral's screams rose again as the Easterner scratched the soles of her feet

with the red hot cats-paw, slowly tearing through the soft flesh while she

convulsed in her restraints shrieking in fits of maddened torment. Lyral found

herself wishing that her friend's torture was resumed soon, as she had

understood this would mean the pausing of her own, only to gasp at the horror

of the thought immediately thereafter.

The Southerner pulled up Kayleen with a series of short, vicious pulls of the

chain she hung from, each wrenching a scream of demented agony from her as her

wounded breasts were jerked viciously, and then brought the toothed blade into

her vagina and proceeded to saw through its rim, savoring the expression of

unspeakable agony contorting her face as she screamed her lungs out, her mouth

spread to the point of bursting in a howl of harrowing pain.

"There are many other places I can cut, Whore Queen. You'll beg me to stop

much sooner than I would need to, and I won't. I'll let you beg all the way to

hell until you'll beg to suck my manhood, and you'll have to suck really hard

because the pain won't stop until I come, and I'll be rather spent by then,"

he whispered, adding "Unless you tell us about the Sorceress, of course."

He disrobed his member and thrust it into her bleeding vagina, pushing against

her dangling body as she swung in convulsing agony, twisting in the vain

attempt to escape his hands grabbing her hips in a rut of frenzied violation

which wrenched pitiful howls of outrage and torment from her parched throat.

He protracted her violation by pausing occasionally, letting her convulsions

massage his arousal and tightening the iron collar on her windpipe to cause

her muscles to clutch his member deliciously as he resumed his thrusts, until

he finally came while she shook in a frenzy of howling screams.

The Easterner wrenched Lyral from her gasping fascination with her friend's

violation by dragging the red hot points of the cats-paw on her ribs, causing

her to twist in mid air as she jerked and screamed her lungs out, her eyes

shut as his hand followed her movement to rip through her flesh to the bone.

Spent, the Southerner splashed Kayleen with cold water, then started dragging

the toothed blade on the soft flesh of her thighs, tracing shallow, lacerated

wounds which rekindled her screams, pausing to catch his breath and obviously

preparing for a new phase in her torture. The pain was on par with the worst

Kayleen had faced so far, and white blazes of searing agony flashed in her

mind when the teeth lacerated the blistered skin.

She convulsed in maddened pain as her tormentor started pinching folds of

flesh in her legs and dragging the toothed blade across them, cutting shallow,

lacerated gouges in the stiff muscles as the teeth were too short for deep

cuts but long enough to rip the burned skin. He bid his time, pausing after

each cut and dragging the blade slowly, but soon rivulets of blood started

trickling down her legs and he had to clip her wounds shut with the pliers.

Undaunted, he moved to her muscular back and repeated the procedure, pinching

the flesh with his hand in order to raise a fold which he could saw through

with the toothed blade, slowly and forcefully, while she screamed and buckled

in harrowing pain at each pass of the teeth trough burnt skin and cut flesh.

He kept her screaming almost uninterruptedly until the torches had to be

changed, allowing no respite except for occasional splashes with cold water,

patiently tracing a crisscrossed pattern of excruciating torment on her

twitching back which he often paused to admire, as if he were striving for a

specific effect which eluded him.

He let her sip from the jug again, pouring the refreshing liquid down her

gagged mouth in short gulps interspersed with brief screams. She was aware

that the beverage was another devious instrument of torment, because beyond

keeping her refreshed and nourished it prevented her from passing out and

possibly even amplified the perception of pain, but in spite of herself her

body craved the liquid and the energy it brought to the point of being

dependent on it, and in any case they would pour it down her gagged mouth if

she refused it.

Lyral could have helped her friend in understanding the nature of the liquid,

but as always, once her friend's torture was paused hers would resume, and the

Easterner pinched her nipple, pulled her breast up in a distended cone and

dragged the red hot points of the cats-paw on the soft underside, while she

howled and jerked spasmodically, lost in torments unlike any she had

experienced so far. As if to make up for the long pause, her tormentor moved

immediately to her other breast, renewing her agony and turning her gasping

breath into a wheezing scream of sheer anguish.

Kayleen was let down and freed from the breast vise, but he cuffed her wrists

behind her neck and pulled her up by her ankles, drawing them open in a

painful scissor spread in mid air which lewdly exposed her suffering nether

regions.  She cringed in sobbing despair, bracing to face the bloody wounding

of her feminine parts in view of which her tormentors usually chose to

restrain her in upside down positions. He removed the clips from some wounds

in her back, smiling cruelly and watching Lyral's expression.

Confirming Kayleen's fears, the old Southerner dragged the toothed blade

through the soft crease between thigh and buttock, pushing it forcefully while

she shrieked in mind numbing pain and rattled her chains in the spasmodic

attempt to escape the jagged blade. After a pause, he started tracing shallow

gashes in the soft flesh behind her thighs, pausing to let her convulsions die

off with each scream before starting each.

He inserted the blade in her ass hole and dragged it back and forth, sawing

through the sphincter as she screamed in utter agony. When her screams waned,

he smiled, twisted the blade somewhat and pulled it again, sawing another gash

in the rim of her anus. After ripping through the muscle repeatedly, pausing

to enjoy her pain-wracked screams, he pulled out his member and thrust it

forcefully in her ass, tearing at the ripped muscle with sadistic glee,

renewing her violation in a rut which consumed him quickly as his thrusts tore

through her wounded bowels while she screamed in harrowing pain.

Drenched in perspiration, Lyral watched between tears the bloody rape of her

friend, quivering in her loins at the thought of the horrid violation yet

unable to avert her gaze, shrinking from the thought of the same happening to

her and almost forgetting the pain from the gashes left from the cats-paw.

The Southerner splashed Kayleen with cold water, then returned to pinching

folds of flesh and sawing through each, drawing the blade back and forth with

slow, deliberate viciousness as her screams echoed under the vaults of the

torture chamber in long, protracted frenzies as he cut gash after gash in her

thighs, belly and buttocks.

He let her sip from the jug, then picked her up by the collar, lifting her

head before his member with one hand, and resting the blade on the rim of her

vagina with the other, then said, "Now use your tongue, or you'll taste mine."

Somewhere in the depths of her agony, Kayleen found the resolve to shake her

head, causing him to let go of her collar and cut her in rage. While she

howled from pain, he pinched her left cunt lip and started dragging the teeth

of the blade on the fold, sawing back and forth through the soft flesh while

her screams rose to a frenzy of howls, which resumed after a brief pause when

he did the same to the other, sawing along its edge as if to spine it.

While she still convulsed in pain, he reached for her breasts and pinched her

left nipple, distending it and dragging the toothed blade along its scorched

surface, rather than sawing through, his technique of cutting into feminine

flesh reaching new peaks of agonizing torment when employed using a jagged

blade on blistered flesh. She convulsed in his grip, howling pitifully as

blood marked her breast and his hand, and kept howling as he methodically

traced new jagged gashes in her nipples, distending each one in turn and

slowly drawing the blade along its length.

He let her sip from the jug again, then pinched her clitoris, rubbing it

between his fingers and pulling it out, slowly at first and then with vicious

strength, until his other hand dragged the blade up in a sawing motion along

the distended piece of feminine flesh, wrenching the first harrowing scream of

sheer agony from her spasmodically jerking body. The small piece of blistered

flesh became the eye of a maelstrom of pain which engulfed Kayleen's mind and

dragged her through hells she had not faced yet.

Lyral realized in horror that each time the Southerner dragged the toothed

blade across her friend's femininity, the howling convulsions caused the

wounds he had unclipped on her back to bleed again, forming the words "Help me

Lyral" in trembling crimson letters which slowly dripped along her friend's

back as her spasmodic jerks subsided fitfully.

The Southerner pulled at Kayleen's clitoris, rubbing the raw flesh and

ignoring her cries as his fingers raked its scorched surface to distend it,

then dragged the teeth across its short length, not quite bursting it open but

sawing through the blistered flesh in flares of blazing pain which sent her

jerking spasmodically while she howled at the top of her lungs in harrowing

agony. He repeated this torment until the small piece of feminine flesh had

been raked completely raw, a throbbing piece of bleeding flesh sending waves

of pain through his victim's convulsing body.

After splashing her with cold water, he reversed his grip on the toothed

blade, slid it down her vagina and pulled up, slowly ripping through the

sensitive portion of the love channel near the upper rim while she convulsed

in demented agony. Her screams rose to pitiful shrieks when he twisted the

blade and pulled again, starting an unprecedented hell of abysmal pain tearing

the rim of her love channel into bleeding folds of flapping flesh.

To Lyral's horror, he put the blade aside, but only to pull out his member and

push it into her friend's ripped vagina again, an enraptured expression on his

face while his thrusts tore the gashes in its rim wider, each causing Lyral to

quiver in her restraints, sobbing in the realization of having heard a sickly

ripping noise in spite of her friend's ear-piercing howls of desperate agony.

Chapter 16 - A Cruel Dream Fulfilled

Hanging upside down in the dark chamber, Lyral sobbed bitterly while the cord

her toes hung from gouged her soft flesh. The pain in her toes compounded the

pain from her burns of her day-long ordeal, but she hesitated to heal herself,

overwhelmed by concern for her horridly tormented friend.

She had not been able to see under what torturous predicament Kayleen had been

put this time, and she could only hope that her friend could reach her hanging

form and receive her healing. Lyral had called her friend's name through her

gag repeatedly, but moans and sobs had been Kayleen's only answer.

Worried sick as the image of her friend's ghastly torments recurred before her

eyes, she finally heard the clanking of irons. Something was moving with gasps

and stifled cries, dragging slowly on the stone floor. It took ages, but then

she heard a whisper, "Lyral ... I am almost there. Please be patient."

Lyral could not see that Kayleen was folded in a hogtie, her elbows cuffed

together and the ankles cuffed to the wrists, and her wounds were clamped with

tiny iron clips, causing the slightest movement to tear at them painfully. She

had been doused with freezing cold water and left shivering, but had retained

the sense to look for her friend in spite of the horrendous agony.

Lyral's toes ached fiercely when she turned left and right, straining her neck

to reach the friend she could finally smell nearby, then she finally touched

her hot, dry skin. A stir surged in her, a heat as close to joy as this dark

chamber had ever seen, and she rushed to heal her friend's devastated body,

but Kayleen pulled back from her kiss.

"Lyral, heal yourself first!" whispered Kayleen, smelling her friend's blood.

"Kayleen! Your wounds must be healed immediately. I can heal mine later, but I

need my full power to heal yours," said Lyral through her gag.

Kayleen sighed, craving Lyral's healing desperately, and nudged close, weeping

as her friend's power infused her body and wiped away the horrendous pain.

With a sigh, Kayleen fell back, so relieved that even the pain from her

strenuous restraint looked bearable.

"I can't believe we held on, today. The tortures you're being subjected to get

more horrendous each day," said Lyral, her voice trembling, omitting that the

her own torments were also getting harsher.

"We do what we must, Lyral. As long as we keep something from him, Zhorun will

have to enforce some restraint on his goons. But once we were of no further

use ..." said Kathleen, so bent on inspiring courage in her poor friend and to

some extent in herself that she realized only after the fact that the prospect

would scare her friend sick.

"However, if we stand united we'll defy him. If they concentrate on me, well,

I can put up with whatever they come up with, as long as you support me. You

must be brave, both facing what they do to you and what they do to me, and

they will not prevail. Heal yourself, now, and rest, my dear friend"

"I'll try, but it's going to be difficult hanging upside down," chuckled

Lyral, missing the false note in her friend's brave words, "I'll have to

expend some of my power to achieve that."

Kayleen consented silently, fully refreshed but already facing the pain of her

torturous position and the prospect of enduring it all night long. Their

predicament was worsening day by day, as Lyral was being put through harsher

and harsher torments and all restraints had been lifted on what herself was

being subjected to. She couldn't deny to herself that she's never been closer

to caving in, and it was only a matter of time before they put her through a

torture horrid enough to push Lyral into revealing Shandra's secret abode.

Although Lyral's healing restored the body and even made up for the missed

sleep, it was of no help with the unceasing abuse, humiliation and anguish

they were being put through, and heaven only knew how they had managed to

retain their sanity. Enduring the torture until rescued looked less and likely

to succeed as time passed, and yet she could find nothing with better

prospects. When she heard the footsteps announcing another grueling day of

ordeals, a heavy sigh of despair escaped from her lips.

Grod tightened her collar, constricting her windpipe, and freed her ankles in

order to lead her to the dreadful cross rack. She tried to resist, but finding

herself immediately out of breath had no choice but let him cuff her ankles to

the device, savoring the brief instant of freedom from the tight, heavy cuffs

she had worn for days as he favored a variant which spread the tremendous pull

of the device over a larger area.

The Southerner woke Lyral up unceremoniously, cuffed her wrists and ankles

together and suspended her from her wrists, clinching her knees together with

iron bands. To Kayleen's horror, he then produced a wide, studded leather

strap and lifted it in an arch at whose end it found Lyral's thighs, snapping

with a crack which was echoed by the young girl's scream of sheer agony.

Only after restraining Kayleen fully did Grod loosen her collar, proceeding

then to tighten iron bands at her shoulders, waist and hips before cranking

the rollers at the edges of the cross rack, pulling each limb taut almost

audibly while the strap cracked on Lyral's creamy skin, leaving bloody welts

while the young girl screamed in demented anguish.

Kayleen's eyes left the jerking shape of her friend when Grod produced a pair

of wooden pliers, hacked raw like the ones she remembered with dread, but with

clawed jaws curving into vicious points. His steel eyes met the dread in the

blue of hers, asking again for a surrender she was not ready to concede, and

then moved to her left breast. The claws cupped its firm flesh as he tightened

the pliers, drawing a scream of anguish as her strong body pulled at her

distended limbs in the effort to lessen the tear on her breast flesh.

Without releasing the pliers, he kept pulling, letting the points dig a row of

angry red scrapes on each side of the generous breast, elongating the pliant

flesh into a cone of agony before finally pulling clear while she screamed in

pain as the points fractured into splinters which lodged in the torn flesh.

Only when he replaced the broken implement with another did Kayleen realize

that the points were designed to flake away in splinters as they were forcibly

dragged through soft flesh, and dread crept in her scream as he slowly scraped

her other breast, the wooden points splintering in the gashes dug as she

howled in fitful agony from the vicious tearing.

He cranked the four rollers at the extremities of the rack, causing it to

start pulling at her distended limbs and joints, then produced a variant of

pliers which could be raked along limbs and closed them on her left forearm,

dragging them slowly along its length while the points dug into the distended

muscle and she screamed in fitful frenzies of tormented agony.

She screamed again for the entire duration of the raking of her other arm,

trembling in her restraints from the exertion and coughing as each movement

brought additional stabs of pain from her other joints, which had no slack to

accommodate her frantic attempts to stem the tearing of her arm.

For her left leg, he used a larger variant of pliers, with more claws which

dug angry chafes along her strong, muscular legs and nasty, bleeding gouges in

the softer flesh of her thigh, wrenching pitched shrieks of deep anguish from

her convulsing body as the pliers took a long time to reach her hips. Her

other leg was soon subjected to the same torment, rekindling her screams as a

fresh pair of pliers dug its way along her supple limb.

Lyral shook her head, still trembling from the pain of the strap and the

myriad bleeding welts it left, unable to fully grasp the torment being visited

on her friend as her experience on the rack had not included any tearing of

the distended muscles. As soon as cold water was splashed on her friend, the

strap cracked on the small of her back, sending her spinning and trembling

while she screamed fitfully from the horrendous pain.

Grod cranked the rollers again, enough to repeatedly wrench a scream from

Kayleen's parched mouth as the pull tore through her joints and ligaments, her

fully distended limbs now painfully elongated into harrowing rods of blazing

agony quivering from the tension and the pain, the muscles slowly straining

under the unyielding pull.

When he dragged the shredders along her forearm again, she convulsed in a fit

of howling agony as the points raked through the strained muscle and dug

bloody gashes where the chafed skin gave or had been pierced by a splinter

which was now being dragged along by their grip. Methodically, he slowly

dragged the shredders along her stretched limbs, lingering while she screamed

in tormented pain from the strained muscles and the bloody gashes.

Without a word, he loosened the nut in the roller pulling her left arm, which

caused it to loosen for a second before becoming taut again, wrenching a howl

of tormented pain from her lips as the arm was rattled mercilessly. One after

another, he meted out the same torment to each limb, proceeding to drag the

wooden shredders along each thereafter. He continued alternating the cranking

of the rollers, the shredding of her limbs and their sudden release until her

screams waned into pitiful wheezes of exhausted anguish.

The strap took flight and landed across Lyral's breasts just as she realized

that the raking of her friend's limbs had been suspended, the pain was so

intense that she gasped for air before screaming in agony. The Southerner

targeted her left breast first, and then the other when she turned under the

impulse of the blow, striking both in quick succession as bleeding welts

started marring the creamy skin while she howled in unceasing anguish.

Grod brought the jug to Kayleen's mouth, and she sputtered as drinking was as

difficult as breathing under the merciless pull of the cross rack. As her

sight cleared, her eyes widened when he closed the shredders around her right

breast and started pulling, raking it mercilessly while she shrieked in

demented pain. Her screams had not even subsided that he did the same to her

other breast, and then started back from the first, pulling and twisting as if

to tear her breasts from her chest.

After a litany of frenzied screams, she was splashed with cold water and her

lip trembled as her gaze wandered on the throbbing mounds of bruised flesh

bleeding from dozens of lacerated gashes which stood in place of her once

proud breasts. Fear and despair seeped into her scream when her tormentor

raked her left breast again, but dwindled quickly in favor of sheer agony as

he pulled it from her right, bracing with a boot against the rack frame and

twisting it viciously, causing her body to twist to the right in the vain

attempt to stem the tearing of her breast flesh until her shoulder, torn

between the opposite pulls, dislocated with a snap and a shriek of agony.

Her tormentor let her cry and tremble in shock, then circled and closed the

shredder on her other breast, raking it as her screams rose anew, pulling and

twisting, fighting her spasmodic attempts to contain the tendency of her body

to pull against her arm, until at last she jerked her other shoulder out of

its socket in another frenzy of fitful screaming.

Lyral added her voice to her friend's agonies when the Southerner slashed her

buttocks with the strap, tracing dozens of bleeding welts in the soft flesh of

the young girl, brutally wrenched from her unwilling fascination with her

friend's ordeals by the harsh caress of the studded leather.

Without a word, Grod busied himself with some levers under the rack, then

circled Kayleen's twitching body and positioned above her head, wielding a

fresh pair of shredders. In the haze of pain, her eyes bulged in horror when

she realized that he intended to pull on her breasts in order to dislocate her

hips, as he would tear them off her chest well before the hip joints gave.

Her mouth distended in a gaping scream of unparalleled agony when he used two

pairs of shredders, one on each breast, pulling and twisting mercilessly and

bracing with one boot and then the other while the wooden points dug into her

flesh and elongated her once generous breasts into gouged cones of throbbing

agony, causing her to pull against her racked legs, but not nearly strongly

enough to cause them to dislocate.

As he alternated between a boot and the other, she started to twist her upper

chest accordingly, and thousands of needles of white hot agony shot through

her dislocated shoulders as the movement put new strain on them. When he saw

this, he rested his boot on a lever which, when he switched his pull from the

left to the right breast, released the nut in the roller pulling at her left

leg, yanking it with a snap while he pulled savagely on her breast with all

his weight and she howled in unparalleled agony as the spasms in her muscles

almost managed to dislocate her left hip.

Undaunted by the failure, he tried the same with her other breast, and failed

again, dragging her down a hell of spasming muscles and torn flesh at whose

end she could only foresee the wrenching pain of having her hips dislocate

like her shoulders. Her breasts were two distorted cones of dark bruises and

bleeding gashes, throbbing and burning with unrelenting pain. Neither bravery,

nor resolve, nor cunning, nor prayers, nothing had delivered her from days and

days of unrelenting torture and the future offered more of the same.

Lyral's gaze found her friend's blue eyes and saw the hopelessness and despair

in them, and widened in fear as she saw that the resolve behind them was about

to shatter, because her friend was her only hope. She would later regret her

selfishness, remembering how bleeding raw flesh showed through the shredded

skin under her distended breasts.

Kayleen saw the terror in Lyral's eyes just as the latter had seen the despair

in hers, and the thought of failing her again brought her new resolve just as

he raked a fresh pair of shredders along her breast, causing her to twist and

convulse in a mounting frenzy of anguished howls as the flesh of the underside

of her breast tore in a wave of unparalleled agony and her hip joint snapped

when the nut was released and retensioned as Grod pushed on the lever.

She kept twitching and screaming in fits of coughing agony, bleeding profusely

from her half torn breast as Grod left his position to treat the wound, but a

robed figure neared silently and whispered, "The other, too."

Grod hesitated, then fetched a fresh pair of shredders and closed them on her

other breast while her screams rose higher in fear. He started to pull but, as

her mouth distended in a howl of agony, paused and said, "Tell us about the

Sorceress, girl. Nobody ever endured what you have been through, but even you

have reached your limits,"

Lyral watched her friend's perspiring body tremble and the breasts rise in a

protracted sigh, then the blue eyes locked with hers as she shook the head and

the blonde hair partly covered the face, although not enough to prevent Lyral

from seeing her lips form the words, "Pray for me". Then pain exploded in her

own breasts as the Southerner lashed them with the strap.

After pouring the contents of a jug in Kayleen's gasping mouth, Grod clenched

the jaws of the wooden shredder on her other breast and pulled viciously,

bracing with his boot on the lever releasing the nut in the roller racking her

leg. In spite of her anguished scream, the limb jerked and flailed but did not

dislodge from the hip joint. He circled her quivering form to crank it another

notch, making her scream even louder, then returned to his original position

and tried again, unflinching at her inhuman howl when the wooden points dug

new bruises into her breast flesh.

Bent on carrying out his master's wishes, he tried repeatedly to dislocate her

limb, tracing deep bleeding gashes in her breast, each one wrenching a litany

of gut-wrenching howls as the points drove new splinters in the wounded flesh

and dragged those already present in bloody gouges, but had to pause in order

to examine the torn underside of the once proud mound, where the skin had

ruptured and the flesh itself was being torn by the repeated pulling.

Sternly, he splashed her with cold water, moved to the roller and cranked it

repeatedly, inspecting her swollen hip joint while she screamed herself

hoarse, bringing it to within an hairsplit of dislocating, then circled her

and closed the bloody wooden jaws on her breast again, pulling at the torn

mound of flesh while his victim howled in unparalleled agony and delaying the

release of the nut, waiting for her body to distend in the spasmodic attempt

to relieve the tear on her chest. Her hip joint dislocated with an audible

pop, which after an instant of silence was overwhelmed a shriek of anguished

pain which wracked his victim's convulsing body.

Lyral withered under her friend's screams, but soon joined her with her own as

the pause brought the Southerner into action again, the strap landing

mercilessly on her soft pale flesh and leaving nasty bleeding marks while she

screamed in terrified agony and twitched spasmodically in her restraints.

After letting Kayleen's pitiful spasms subside in a litany of screams, Grod

let her sip from the jug again before circling her, placing himself at her

crotch and cranking the rack into distending her dislocated thighs into a

scissors spread, each crank soon wrenching helpless shrieks of demented agony

as the dislocated joints were put through this new torment.

Her shrieks turned to blood-curling bellows of raw anguish when he clenched

the wooden jaws of the shredder on her cunt lips and started pulling and

twisting, causing her to react by jerking and buckling her dislocated joints

out of their sockets in the attempt to relieve the tearing of the soft flesh.

Slowly, the repeated tearing of the shredders turned bruises into gashes,

wrenching inhuman screams of demented pain from her convulsing body. Then the

gashes were raked into bleeding gouges, as she jerked in sheer agony and the

pain from the hip sockets surged out of her mouth in a frenzy of fitful

shrieks, which waned only when her voice turned into a wheeze.

She was splashed with cold water before applying the shredder again, slowly

turning the gouges to rips as she bellowed in fits of howling torment while

the soft folds tore where the strain was beyond the ability of the flesh to

endure, ripping in flashes of unbearable pain and mad howls of sheer agony.

Lyral could not bring herself to avert her gaze from the bleeding rips in her

friend's labia, gasping in horror each time the shredder was applied again and

they were agonizingly widened while her friend convulsed in demented pain not

only from the shredding, but also from the pull on the dislocated limbs. In

spite of her prayers, the torment was protracted beyond belief, until the jaws

of the shredder could no longer find a good grip.

Grod was about to treat Kayleen's bleeding wounds, but the Southerner stepped

in and gestured that he would instead. Licking his lips, he positioned between

her thighs, and pulled out his aroused member. A sob wracked her body as she

clenched her eyes and dread contorted her visage, the sight of which he

enjoyed so much that he inserted his member very slowly, almost delicately,

his hands on her ribcage while she sobbed and heaved in pain and dread.

Then he reached for her iron collar and tightened it, constricting her

breathing and causing her vagina to clutch spasmodically his member, a grip he

enjoyed for a long instant of anticipation before pulling out viciously,

tearing at the ripped lips while a scream surged from her mouth. Laughing, he

started lunging forcefully into her racked body in a rut of growling thrusts,

enjoying her screams as this wracked her hip joints.

Only when tired of feeling her convulse in agony on his throbbing member, did

he start treating her wounds, by using pliers to tighten small iron clips on

the edges of the wound, a technique he favored because it was brutal enough to

qualify as torture and somewhat effective. He slowly released her from the

rack, then smiled when she screamed from the pain in her dislocated limbs, as

he intended to take full advantage of such condition.

Lyral cringed as the Easterner encased the big toe of each feet between the

jaws of a wooden vise, trembling in dread at the torment to come as much as

the thought of what her friend was going through. When the vise was tightened,

she tried to be brave but only managed to hold on for mere moments before she

let the pain escape her mouth in a scream of hopeless agony.

The Southerner cuffed Kayleen's ankles together, then doubled her legs and

pulled her arms so that he could cuff her elbows together above her ankles,

wrenching from her scream after scream as the position pulled cruelly at her

wracked limbs. He then clamped her nipples, and tied them with a fine chain to

her ankles. A similar chain connected a clamp on her clitoris to her cuffed

wrists, pulled taut while she screamed helplessly, so that when she tried to

lessen the tear on her joints, her nipples and clitoris would be pulled

savagely. He then sat on the floor before her and pulling her by her collar

forced her mouth, still distended by the spider gag, onto his flaccid member.

He then put on heavy gloves, grabbed her left foot and started rubbing his

gloved hand on the tender sole, which turned red while she convulsed in his

grip and screamed her agony onto his member as the sharkskin on the gloves

abraded the soft skin, causing her to wrack her limbs in reaction and pull at

her clamped nipples and clitoris at the same time. He bent his neck in

pleasure as her tongue twitched spasmodically under his manhood, while her

sole started bleeding under the unrelenting caress of the sharkskin gloves. He

trembled in ecstasy when her muffled screams of agony enveloped his hardening

member as he started to excoriate the sole of her other foot.

Panting, he kept dragging the gloves on her feet, scraping the skin raw and

drawing blood while she convulsed in agony, choking between muffled screams as

he sought his arousal, waiting for the drugs to achieve the intended effect.

After protracting the attempt at length, he exploded in her mouth, laughing as

she choked and gurgled in pain and humiliation. Now that she was but a rag

doll because of her dislocated limbs, he would have her as he always meant to.

Lyral almost puked at the sight of the semen drooling from her friend's torn

mouth, her skin crawling at each convulsion of the once magnificent body, now

trembling from the long bleeding lacerations left by the shredder, the pain in

her unhinged joints and the humiliation of the brutal rape. Her sight blanked

as she screamed in agony when the Easterner, sensing the pause, tightened the

vise on her fingers, crushing them between wooden jaws.

The Southerner cuffed Kayleen's elbows and wrists together behind her back,

then cuffed her ankles to her wrists, spreading her thighs painfully while he

dragged her to a reclined mattress he had prepared the day before, where he

lied after disrobing and where he forced her to climb by pulling her nipples

with the sharkskin gloved fingers. He forced her to straddle his manhood, her

disarticulated limbs preventing her muscles from opposing him but not from

straining in the attempt, resulting in more frenzied screams of raw agony.

He closed his sharkskin gloved hands on her curly pubic hair and pulled

upwards viciously, ripping it off and lifting her up a few inches while she

bellowed in humiliation and pain, only to let her drop onto his member

immediately thereafter, the instrument of her own violation compounding the

blazing pain from the jarring tug on her dislocated thighs.

As if his cruelty demanded further satisfaction, he pulled her up again and

tightened clamps on the flapping tatters of her cunt lips, spreading them

agonizingly wide and winding the fine chains around her thighs and behind her

back until he could fasten them to the folds of torn skin on her breasts,

shortening the chain until her moans turned to fitful screams before letting

her slide down on his member again.

Unbelievably, his member was hardening already, and she slid up and down its

wrapped length according to the thrusts imparted by her violator's pelvis or

the ripping of the pubic hair, as her unhinged thighs could exert no force and

just bent wide while she howled in maddened pain. Smiling cruelly, he kept her

bouncing and convulsing, building up his arousal and slowly ripping the blonde

hair from her mons, protracting his bliss as she agonized on his manhood and

repeatedly tightening her collar, crushing her windpipe until she turned blue

in the face while her vagina spasmodically clutched the shaft piercing her.

Lyral, still sobbing from the dull ache in her crushed fingers and toes, could

not help but yelp at each scream from her friend's convulsing body as it fell

on his stiffening member, her gaze transfixed by its girth tearing the vagina

open with the sole lubrication of the crimson droplets from the mons, where

the ripping of the hair and the abrasion from the sharkskin had removed more

skin and exposed the throbbing flesh underneath.

Only when her friend stopped howling, after repeated self impalement on the

leather wrapped member, did she realize that he had climaxed again and was now

just enjoying the sobbing jerks of his humiliated victim, just as a vise was

placed around her breasts and the Easterner started tightening it. With a sob,

the young Priestess shifted her gaze from her friend's breasts, bleeding from

the gouges left by the shredder, to her own creamy mounds of tender flesh,

already bulging between the jaws of the wooden vise.

The Southerner cuffed Kayleen's ankles to chains from the ceiling, spreading

them wide, then produced a dozen of tiny clamps which he clenched on the edges

of torn skin under her breasts, wrenching new screams of agony and dread from

her sore throat. He then pulled the chains from the clamps together and

pulling her up by the collar said, "Get ready to clamp your mouth around my

manhood here, girl, unless you want to rip the skin off your breasts,"

He forced her mouth onto his half-aroused member, then tied the chains from

the clamps on each breast on a handle which he fastened to her ankles, using a

chain which was barely long enough in her bent position. When he let go of her

collar, she immediately screamed as the fine chains stiffened and the clamps

started ripping the torn skin of her breasts, reopening dozens of bleeding

lacerations. She had not played into his game, in spite of the price.

Annoyed, her tormentor grabbed her collar and pulled her mouth onto his member

again, pinching her clitoris between abrading fingers and rubbing it,

wrenching an immediate howl of demented agony from her and repeating the

attempt to let her suck his manhood while she convulsed in abject torment from

her bleeding love bud, which he was slowly peeling raw. Unbelievably, she

still refused to debase herself before her tormentor.

He let go of her collar and let the clamps rip some more skin from her breasts

before catching her descent, savoring her howl of desperate anguish but still

deprived of his ultimate prize. He inspected her breasts, and concluded that

there was still skin enough for more attempts, so he resumed rubbing her

clitoris and watched her twitch madly, glistening with perspiration and

bleeding as the clamps widened the gouges left by the wooden shredder and

rivulets of blood flowed, feeling his member harden again.

He repeatedly tried to force her to suck, but she kept screaming and twisting

from the torment of her bleeding clitoris and the piecemeal skinning of her

breasts, rather than submit to him. His pleasure at her pitiful gurgles and

spasmodic twitches grew however to a drug-engendered climax, which caught her

mouth wide open in a gut-wrenching howl which broke into sputtering coughs.

Lyral screamed as the Easterner tightened her breast vise again, twitching in

her restraints as the pain assaulted her from her toes, fingers and now

breasts, waxing and waning as she shook in howling torment. Even if they had

decided to force her to talk by torturing her friend, they had not neglected

to cause her as much pain as her young, frail body would stand.

Enraged, the Southerner let Kayleen down and cuffed each ankle to the opposite

wrist, then lowered a thick hook fastened to a chain from the ceiling and

wrapped it in sharkskin. She screamed madly when he lifted her, both from

dread and from pain in her disarticulated shoulders, and her scream turned to

a shriek of terrified agony when he impaled her vagina on the upturned hook,

rasping it raw, and then pushing his member up her ass and thrusting while his

sharkskin gloved hands crushed her bleeding breasts and rubbed her nipples.

Growling in a frenzy of maddened lust, he drove his member up her ass while

the sharkskin reamed her womb into raw bleeding pulp and his fingers peeled

her nipples raw, his grunts punctuating her pitiful shrieks in an obscene

parody of lovemaking. After his initial rut, he protracted his pleasure by

pausing his thrusts and letting her spasms massage his member as she twitched

in screaming agony on the hook, dancing spasmodically under his fingers as

he tore alternately at one and then at the other nipple.

Once sated, he lowered his trembling victim on the floor and pulled her left

ankle behind her back until he managed to cuff it to her right wrist, behind

her neck, wrenching new screams of pain from her throat as her limbs protested

in vain. Her screams doubled when he pulled her right ankle and left wrist

until he could fasten their cuffs together on her right side, leaving her

folded in a position which pulled savagely at her dislocated limbs.

Lyral kept screaming from the unyielding grip of the vises, reaching new

heights when the Southerner tightened either of them, her own pain distracting

her from the unrelenting violation and humiliation of her friend. Yet, the

sight of the straining position her friend's disarticulated limbs were

repeatedly forced into still made her pause in horror, as she was well aware

of the horrendous torment they entailed.

While Kayleen jerked on the stone floor, the Southerner wrapped his member in

leather and knelt besides her, then grabbed her by her collar and wrist and

dragged her near, pushing his member into her vagina again while her cries

from the agony in her torn limbs turned to howls as his member rasped her

abraded insides. He started rubbing his sharkskin gloved hands down her

ribcage, forcing her to react by following the movement, first impaling

herself on his member, then pulling away in quivering disgust until his hands

stroked her skin into a rasping nightmare of burning agony again.

It took a long time for him to rasp her ribcage and hips raw, but he

protracted the torment so that her convulsions on his member would reawaken

his arousal. As this started to happen, he started tightening her collar to

cause her vagina to clutch it, wrenching new howls of unbridled agony as its

abraded inside was exposed to the searing rasp of the leather.

Lyral watched in horrified disbelief as the old man's rut seemed to know no

bounds, going beyond what nature and even drugs could make possible. He had

done something to himself, as his face was congested and his eyes bulged, in

order to be able to possess his victims for hours in a single, uninterrupted,

brutal rape. And where the most devious torments had proved unable to break

the proud Warrior Queen, the unceasing violation, the brutal humiliation of

being powerless in his hands, the intimate excoriation of femininity were

driving her friend on the brink of collapse.

The Southerner let Kayleen sip from the jug, unfastened her restraints, cuffed

her elbows and wrists together behind her back, then forcefully twisted her

legs in the position known in the East as the lotus, bending her pain-wracked

thighs out of place while she screamed pitifully at the renewed torment.

He fastened her bent legs to her collar, then turned her face down and pulled

her arms over her head, laughing at her screams and fastening her wrists to a

ring in the floor. He knelt behind her and waited until his member stiffened

again before violating her vagina again, drooling at her cries as his gloved

hands raked her back.

Mad with lust, he kept thrusting, never sated, and instead of pulling out kept

raking his hands on her bloodied back, enjoying her twitching on his member.

Only after protracting her violation at length did he free her from her

restraints, but only to cuff her wrists to chains from the ceilings and pull

her legs up until he could fasten her ankles to her wrists, leaving her

hanging in mid-air, exposed and crying from the pain in her strained joints.

With an evil smile, he brought his rapidly arousing member near the rosette

of her anus and teased it, enjoying the dread and humiliation in her cries as

he waited for the drugs to take effect. Only when it was rock hard did he

thrust it up her ass, pushing up viciously and enjoying the recoil as her

trembling body fell back down on its erected manhood. Her screams of despair

rose to howls when his sharkskin gloved hands started rasping the shredded

skin of her thighs and legs, as he used them to accompany his upward thrusts.

Lyral's eyes could not leave her friend's bouncing form, in spite of her own

torment in the Easterner's vises, unable to comprehend how her friend's

tormentor could still will and ever be able to hurt, rape and humiliate her

friend, as if there was something he had not subjected her to. All resolve was

gone from the blue eyes, and the face contorting in torment bore no sign of

defiance as the head rocked back and forth under the thrusts.

Unbelievably, the Southerner protracted the violation of Kayleen's bowels, his

eyes bulging and his breath panting from the effort and the drugs, while his

victim twitched and screamed as the abrading gloves rasped mercilessly her

shredded legs and thighs. He came with a growl, loud enough to be heard under

her frenzied screaming, and then let her twitch for some time on his upturned

member, rubbing the sharkskin on her raw nipples while she cried in pain.

He lowered her on the floor, cuffed her left ankle to the right wrist behind

her back, then pulled her up by her left wrist, letting her scream as her

weight rested on her dislocated right leg, and, once he grabbed her firmly,

on her mouth on his member. With lust in his eyes, he moved his hand to her

ass and started reaming the inside of her anus with his sharkskin covered

finger, forcing her to scream her agony onto his member again.

As he protracted her humiliation, he added first one finger and then another

inside her bleeding ass hole, elated as the drugs managed to bring him again

to arousal, fully enjoying her tongue pleasuring his member as she screamed in

mad pain, shrill cries of agony turning into pitiful gurgles as her mouth was

almost filled by his unnaturally hard member. Panting, he brought both hands

on her ass cheeks and started raking them, tearing at her ass hole as if to

rip it open while her cries brought him to climax again.

Lyral shook in disbelief and horror, her own pain a dull ache as even the

Easterner had been fascinated as her friend's rape protracted beyond all

boundaries of reason and nature. There had been no pause, no mercy, just the

brutal humiliation of forced oral penetration between the repeated violation

of her friend's orifices, perpetrated while scraping her skin raw with the

sharkskin gloves and straining her dislocated limbs. And it was not over.

The Southerner let Kayleen sip from the jug, and then cuffed her elbows and

wrists together behind her back, and her ankles to a wedge-shaped steel bar

crushing her bleeding mons, straining her legs bent besides her thighs into a

pain-wracked fold which tore agonizingly at her disarticulated hip joins. He

then clamped the flapping tatters of her cunt lips, staunching their bleeding

but causing her cries to rise in pitch as he fastened them to the bar, causing

her to lewdly push her vulva forward, balancing precariously on her knees while

quivering from the pain in her hip joints.

Her screams rose even higher when he started clamping the folds of skin on her

bleeding breasts, fastening the clamps from each breast to a chain from the

ceiling and slowly pulling up, forcing her to arch strenuously to prevent her

breasts from being further flayed, at the price of putting all her weight on

her dislocated hip joints. Pulling her wrists and twisting her arms above her

shoulders, preventing them form supporting her trembling body looked like the

last straw in depraved cruelty, until he moved between her legs and nudged her

rasped anus with his newly aroused member sheathed in leather.

Lyral watched in gaping disbelief as he thrust into her friend's torn ass

hole, the leather rasping her bloodied innards while his sharkskin gloved

hands pulled savagely at her nipples, unable to stop shaking at her friend's

pitiful howls of desperate agony, sobbing at what she could recognize as

mindless agony, the broken shell of her formerly proud friend. Now that her

friend's resolve had been shattered by the relentless assaults, the

whereabouts of Shandra would be disclosed, and it would be over.

The feeling of relief which Lyral was warming to was suddenly chilled in her

mind by the thought of what would be of them once they had nothing of value

for their captors, and especially what would be of her once they had no more

reason to preserve her maidenhood. Gripped by a fear she could not contain,

she surprised everybody in the torture chamber by shouting, "Kayleen! Don't

talk, Kayleen! Hold on, for heaven's sake, hold on!"

A desperate howl of dread, pain and humiliation rose from Kayleen's throat

when, as if in response, the Southerner knelt between her splayed thighs and

forcefully penetrated her rasped vagina, raking the sharkskin gloves on her

hips as his frenzied thrusts crushed the clamps on the wounded lips and jerked

her body off the floor, tearing at the folds of skin in her breasts, in a

contraption of devious cruelty and perverse lust which her tormentor enjoyed

with wild abandon, fueling his inhuman arousal as much on the drugs as on her

spasmodic convulsions and anguished, uninterrupted screams.

Growling, her tormentor protracted her violation, as if feeding off her

screams, pausing to let his member relish her spasmodic convulsions and then

resuming her rape to fuel new frenzies of pitiful howling, and continued long

enough to let Lyral recover her wits and shed bitter tears at the thought of

what her friend was going through and how selfish she had been.

"Faithful, loyal servants are supplied with the means to have their fondest

dreams fulfilled. Defiance is suitably punished," whispered Zhorun, indirectly

revealing the origin of the Southerner's inhuman lust, his voice thrilled and,

if possible, lustful at pleasures he could only watch.

When her friend was finally released, trembling and coughing, the sun was

setting over almost a day of uninterrupted rape, and Lyral started considering

how she could augment her healing to let her friend recover beyond the purely

physical aspects of her ordeal, when the robed figure spoke, a deviant thrill

in his whispers from beyond the grave, "Her interrogation must continue."

The Easterner moved besides Kayleen and cautiously undid her restraints, even

if she was obviously unable to resist, and cuffed her wrists to chains from

the ceiling, lifting her up by her disarticulated arms while she screamed at

the top of her lungs, her mouth distended by the gag and repeatedly violated

trembling as her body convulsed from the horrid pain. He then cuffed her

ankles to chains winding around two pillars and pulled her legs up at waist

height, distending them beyond what could be ordinarily achieved as they no

longer rested in their sockets and held only by the ligaments, as confirmed

by the sunken flesh at her hip and shoulder joints.

Just hanging spread eagled in mid air with her limbs out of their sockets

would have been more than enough torture in Lyral's eyes, but her friend's

tormentor had prepared something on par with what his colleagues had visited

on the devastated victim. At first, Lyral failed to understand how what looked

like small triangular pieces of paper could harm her friend, but she could not

deny the reality of her hopeless screams of agony as the Easterner used the

paper in his hands on her chafed and gouged skin.

Kayleen screamed in mindless agony as she withstood what her friend could not

discern clearly, the slicing of her raw flesh by a razor thin piece of paper

turned stiff and brittle, almost like glass, by bathing in some chemical whose

residual traces burned in the shallow wound like bleach.

Her tormentor cut shallow slices through her breasts and cunt lips, so thin

and shallow that they barely bled, remaining open and burning far longer than

cuts from a knife would. He then reached for her feet, and started cutting

under her nails and between her toes, making short pauses between each cut as

the wound was so minor that he could slice her a dozen times before she bled

as she would from the slightest blade cut.

He moved from her left foot to her left calf, slicing her repeatedly with

short pauses in between and taking care to cut through the gashes left by the

shredder, letting her howls of demented agony subside just enough to place the

next cut where he wanted it in spite of her trembling and jerking under the

relentless assault of the devious little implements of torment.

After spending an unbelievable amount of time on her left leg, he moved his

attentions to her left thigh, wrenching high pitched howls as he sliced softer

flesh, attempting to dig longer cuts even if the paper was not really up to

the task and bent easily. She screamed repeatedly as he cut across the bloody

gashes left by the shredder, leaving cuts thin enough that they barely bled

but burned fiendishly from the irritant used on the paper.

After thoroughly crisscrossing her left thigh with cuts, he splashed her with

cold water and knelt before her, dragging the razor thin paper on the abraded

skin of her mons as she jerked in screaming agony, then following up with a

cut at the base of a rip in her cunt lips, reopening it while she screamed

herself hoarse and a drop of blood formed where the rip had been reopened.

He started slicing through the folds of her clitoris, one cut at a time, each

a thin red line in the pink flesh, each wrenching a new scream from her as he

alternated between left and right, nearing to her bleeding love bud, abraded

raw by the sharkskin and still throbbing in pain. But when he sliced through

it with the razor thin paper, she arched in pain-wracked spasms and howled her

agony up the vaults of the torture chamber, trembling and buckling in spite of

the torment thus wrought on her dislocated joints.

Lyral could not help but tremble at her friend's scream, neither did she

manage to withstand the ones which followed, because although she could not

see what exactly her friend's tormentor was doing, she could sense the sheer

agony in her desperate howls and could guess that he was again targeting her

femininity, his cruelty second to none and no less despicable just because he

refrained from physical intercourse with his victim. Lyral shook her head as

her friend's screams continued, as if to repel the thought that he could not

find anything more to cut there by now.

Instead, the Easterner was finding plenty to cut on Kayleen's abraded love

bud, because each slice was tiny, and he prided himself in being able to slice

into an existing cut in spite of her spasmodic jerks, so he kept up her

torment far longer than his mindlessly howling victim or her terrified friend

would have considered or even hoped possible.

He moved to her right thigh and resumed the assault on her flesh, drawing the

razor thin paper in cuts across the gouged skin and into the bleeding

abrasions, pausing after each howl of demented agony to let her jerk and

convulse herself into further pain as she tore at her swollen joints.

He finally moved to her right leg, continuing to slice thin cuts across the

gashes left by the shredder and pausing to let each run its course of pain as

she screamed and jerked, furthering her agony. She was perspiring heavily, and

the salty sweat burned in her wounded and abraded flesh, creating a backdrop

of unrelenting torment against which the tiny cuts of her tormentor flashed

like lightning in a storm, followed by the thundering pain from the joints.

Lyral cried as Grod, in view of the impending pause in her friend's torture,

pulled a curl of hair from her thick bush, wrenching a howl of pain from her

mouth and throwing her in a deep pit of dread as her nightmare of an assault

on the femininity which she had distanced from inched closer.

The Easterner let Kayleen sip from the jug, allowing for the briefest respite

before reaching for her right foot, wrenching from her shrill cries of

helpless torment as he started cutting under her nails and between her toes,

lingering on each before moving to her sole, slicing into the soft flesh with

tiny cuts which barely bled but kept burning from the irritant in the paper.

He moved behind her and started slicing the back of her leg, drawing from her

new screams where pain mixed with dread as she realized that he intended to

travel the full course of her distended, quivering legs, cutting his way into

her flesh tiny wound by tiny wound, meaning that her torment was not even

halfway as he would then turn on the rest of her body.

The torment of her thigh was a protracted ordeal of slicing and cutting, and

her tormentor put an end to it only for an instant of respite, just before

dragging a razor thin paper strip down the crease in between, managing the

long cut he had so often attempted while she arched in a bellow of unbridled

agony, pushing madly on her disarticulated limbs in the vain effort to stem

the pain from the long, shallow cut which as he deepened it agonizingly.

Unlike her legs, her ass cheeks had not been raked by the shredder, so instead

of long gashes they bled from the deep abrasions left by the sharkskin gloves,

and she discovered that this was fertile ground for her tormentor's cruel

imagination as he started alternating between cutting into the skin and inside

the abrasions, opening them even so slightly and renewing their burning agony

with a new dose of merciless torment which caused her to howl and buckle,

wreaking new agonies onto her swollen joints.

He also practiced the art of slicing into an existing cut, biding his time to

avoid her spasmodic jerks as the intense pain short from her buttocks and

rattled her chains as much as her joints, fueling new frenzies of fitful

screaming while thin rivulets of blood, mere droplets, formed at the edges of

the thin lacerations which burned from her salty sweat.

Lyral watched her friend howl from pain and convulse in agony, unable to avert

her eyes from the sight of her ligaments and muscles twitching and tensing as

her jerks strained her joints, starting when the head of the dislocated bone

bulged under the tormented flesh. Then a pain flashed from her mons as another

curl of hair was cruelly ripped off, and she clenched her eyes screaming.

After splashing Kayleen with cold water, the Easterner started practicing a

different art, that of slicing under the edges of an existing wound, slicing

the skin off from the underlying flesh for the fraction of inch allowed by the

brittle paper, wrenching from her a bellow of gut-wrenching agony as the cut

brought the irritant from the paper into a larger area of tormented flesh.

After tormenting her buttocks for an unbelievable amount of time, he resumed

his progression along her limbs, moving to her right thigh and cutting across

the gashes left by the shredder, returning to a form of torment which was

maybe less refined but no less painful, at least according to his victim's

agonizing screams and spasmodic jerks.

He then circled her, reaching for her hand and slicing under the nail of her

ring finger, pausing when she jerked with a yowl which turned to a scream when

he cut the flesh between two fingers and then then sliced under the nail of

her small finger, starting the relentless torment of her fingers which he

methodically protracted while she screamed in abject torment and twitched her

arm, sending shoots of pain through her shoulder in the vain attempt to

relieve her tormented fingers.

In time, he moved to her forearm, tracing thin cuts in the flesh near the

wrist and then descending slowly, each cut a new rattling of the chains and

a new scream, full of helpless torment and deep misery, her voice trembling

from the uninterrupted effort and yet capable of rising to new heights as he

crisscrossed her flesh with tiny burning cuts.

Her tormentor reached her upper arm, and soon moved to her armpit, targeting

the soft flesh with long, slow cuts which wrenched screams of bitter pain from

her shaking body. He kept slicing the relatively unharmed skin, inspecting her

eyes as the dread regarding where he would subsequently move his attentions

built up, creeping in her hoarse screams and anguished stares as the cuts

inched closer and closer to her breast.

Lyral watched helplessly, crushed under the realization that the show was

being protracted for her benefit, to force her to talk, and at the same time

unable to silence the dark corner of her mind which hoped her friend's torture

would not stop, because her own would then begun. She tried to pray for her

friend, but she so despised herself that she could not bring herself to

continue and just wept bitterly, screaming when another curl was ripped from

her mons by her vigilant tormentor as her friend's torture was paused.

When the Easterner brought the jug to Kayleen's lips, she broke in tears,

wailing in despair, knowing what would follow and finding no mercy in the cold

eyes of her tormentor. Her breasts had been savagely torn by the shredders,

whose jaws had raked them repeatedly leaving dozens of bruises and gouges,

some chafed raw by the repeated shredding and some lacerated to the raw flesh

by the many splinters. The twisting and pulling had torn the soft skin of the

underside like a ripped curtain, exposing bleeding swaths of fat and flesh

summarily clipped but still bleeding slowly. The sharkskin had abraded the

wounded skin and peeled the nipples raw, leaving two radiating centers of

unrelenting agony pinned on top of the throbbing mounds of feminine flesh.

"Obstination will only result in more pain, for both of you. The torment shall

be protracted until either of you delivers what I request, and its intensity

will be increased to match your defiance, " said Zhorun, watching intently.

The paper cut across a lacerated gouge in Kayleen's left breast, sending her

head jerking back as her mouth distended in a scream of tormented agony,

followed by another as her joints shook under her spasms of pain. The next cut

sliced through the abraded tip of the left nipple, forming a droplet of blood

under the throbbing bud as she howled, rattling her restraints, unable to

prevent herself from pulling at her dislocated joints.

He dragged a paper across the tatters of skin under her left breast, wrenching

a sustained howl of unbridled agony as she shook her head in mad pain, the cut

not even deep enough to sever the remaining folds of soft skin but burning

painfully as it remained open while she convulsed her disarticulated joints

into further torment. She bellowed in utter agony when he sliced along a deep

gash left by the shredder, scratching the dried blood from the raw flesh and

causing her to stiffen and arch in a hoarse scream before buckling madly.

Slowly, deliberately, he sliced scores of thin cuts in her mauled breasts,

pausing after each and biding his time while she could not prevent herself

from jerking and buckling, furthering the torment of her dislocated joints

into frenzies of screaming agony. Her own perspiration brought salty sweat in

her innumerable wounds, and in spite of the efforts in reducing the bleeding

the blood loss was starting to become significant.

Lyral watched, beyond tears, as her friend's breasts quivered between howls of

unbridled agony as the paper scratched the gouges, sliced abraded flesh, and

sliced through existing cuts. Such was her friend's agony that she overcame

her deep seated fears and found herself praying for a pause, no longer fearing

that it would bring her own torment, ready for anything as long as it meant a

pause in her friend's uninterrupted torture.

After covering Kayleen's breasts with tiny cuts, the Easterner let her sip

from the jug and then moved to her right arm, no longer playing on her deep

seated womanly fears but simply dragging the razor thin paper in an intricate

graffiti of torment punctuated by her uninterrupted, hoarse screams of agony.

He splashed her with cold water, and watched while she convulsed and screamed

as the saltwater burned through the innumerable wounds all over her body. When

she stopped rattling her chains, he knelt before her and dragged a razor thin

piece of bristle paper across the rim of her sphincter, sending her buckling

again as the tiny cut brought her suffering to a new level. Taking advantage

of a momentary lapse in her trashing, he then sliced through the rim of her

abraded vagina, following up with the razor thin paper as her body stiffened

before she started convulsing in a frenzy of uninterrupted screaming.

He continued slicing mercilessly the rim of her orifices, tracing tiny cuts of

unbelievable agony in the abraded flesh while she screamed at the top of her

lungs and convulsed madly, tearing at her dislocated joints in a frenzy of

maddened pain which he protracted cruelly, alternating between deepening

existing cuts and opening new ones.

Lyral gasped as her friend's torment reached new depths of depravity, as the

cuts on her nipples and clitoris became the next target, pulled open by expert

fingers and sliced under the edges by the brittle paper, causing wild spasms

of desperate agony as the irritant burned into slices too tiny to bleed, let

alone clot, or protracted frenzies of howling torment as the paper sliced

through raw flesh in the bleeding gashes or under abraded skin.

Time and again, she hoped that a pause in her friend's screams meant that the

ordeal was finally over, but to her dismay they always resumed as cold, salt

water was poured on her convulsing form to revive her and rekindle her

torment. Only when the last howl was wrenched from her throat did their

ordeal, finally, give way to another night of torturous restraint.

Chapter 17 - Partakers in Their Own Misery

The dark emptiness of the torture chamber under the ruins of Zhorun's former

castle echoed with Kayleen's intermittent, bitter cries. She hung from a wedge

shaped steel bar snug under her knees, with her ankles cuffed together, her

arms encircling the legs and cuffed before the ankles, folding her painfully

with her chest pressing on the thighs and her dislocated limbs under

uninterrupted, savage strain. Her shredded cunt lips had been pulled open and

stitched with needles to the inside of her thighs, and the flies which had

been left with them showed some preference for biting her there, as their

captors had intended, tormenting her mercilessly.

Below her, Lyral balanced precariously with her knees on a hacked wooden

wedge, with her ankles tied to iron bands at her thighs, her wrists and elbows

cuffed together behind her back, wailing in bitter agony when a fly bit her

bleeding mons, where her curly hair had been ripped. A spiked hemp rope

encircled her breasts, gouging them whenever she lost her balance and pulled

on it, her scream soon joined by her friend's as the other end of the rope had

been fastened to Kayleen's waist band, causing any tug from her friend to

reverberate cruelly on her dislocated joints. Conversely, as Kayleen convulsed

from a particularly nasty bite, the rope spikes shifted cruelly inside her

friend's breast flesh.

Of the two, Lyral was the one in better shape, as Kayleen was beyond herself

after a day of uninterrupted rape and savage slicing of her most tender flesh,

but she found herself unable to concentrate enough to use her power to heal

herself, because of the uninterrupted torment from the wedge or the spikes, so

she just twitched in misery, screaming occasionally when the pain rose for one

reason or the other. Kayleen still shivered from the repeated dousing with

freezing cold water, most of which had splashed Lyral also.

As the night went on in a nightmare of mutual agonies, it was Kayleen who

tapped some inner reserve of resolution and slowly managed to bring herself

under some control, straining heroically to still herself before the agonies

she was undergoing in order to stop tearing at her friend's breasts.

"Lyral, Lyral, is it better now ? Can you hear me ?" she called, wincing at a

bite under her sole but keeping as still as she could.

"I do, Kayleen. Oh Kayleen, my breasts ... I can't stand the pain, please

don't move again," replied Lyral, and Kayleen had to stifle a stinging remark

as her own breasts had been shredded raw, abraded and sliced with hundreds of

paper-cuts. But she could not ask Lyral to become what she was not.

"Can you heal yourself, now ?" asked Kayleen instead, worried that her friend

could not withstand the impending torments, as it was almost dawn.

"Maybe, but I cannot reach you. I cannot see so far up," replied Lyral.

"If you can heal yourself, I think I can extricate myself from this position

and lower my head enough to reach you. If my joints were sound it would be

easier, but now ... I won't be able to spare you much, Lyral," she said,

omitting that what she had in mind would amount to protracted self torture of

her own dislocated joints.

Lyral trembled, terrified at the prospect of further suffering in her breast,

and almost denied her friend, then she saw before her eyes her friend's body

being savagely raped by the old Southerner while Zhorun watched intently, and

sighed in misery, dreading the thought of what her fate would be in her

friend's absence and hating herself for her weakness.

"If you hear me scream, don't stop," said Lyral, marveling at her own words.

Steeling herself, the Warrior Queen started arching, containing a scream of

intense agony as the act distended her arms and tore at her dislocated

shoulder joints, straining in the desperate attempt to extricate herself from

her folded position and distend, reaching down with her head to touch her

friend. In doing so, she pulled her waist up, and soon had to support her

friend's weight in addition to her own, while Lyral hung from her constricted

breasts and screamed in agony, soon joined by Kayleen as she reached a point

where the pain was excruciating.

The first attempt failed in a frenzy of screams, and Kayleen had to return to

her original position, sobbing and twitching in bitter torment, but after the

shortest rest she thought she could afford she tried again, and almost made

it the second time before giving up between screams. She rested again, and

with a horrendous effort managed at last to extricate herself, letting the

bar slide painfully from her knees to her ankles and distending downward,

bringing her friend back on the ground and reaching her face with her own,

although at the price of horrendous pain in her dislocated joints.

When both recovered after the intense pain, Lyral gathered the strength to

heal her friend, trembling as her healing power diffused and she was exposed

to some of the pain her friend had been through, seeking in the empathy they

shared the traces of her friend's abominable rape and shuddering as she found

plenty, crying bitterly at the vicarious experience.

"Why do you cry ? Didn't you heal yourself ?", asked Kayleen.

"I was not sure I had power enough for us both, Kayleen, but that's not it.

When I heal you, I can feel some of what you went through," replied Lyral.

"You mean ... the old pig ?", said Kayleen, steel in her voice.

"Yes", whispered Lyral, trembling.

"Don't let them ... stain you, Lyral. Don't dwell on it, take your mind off

the thought. I know it's terrifying, but don't dwell on it. That's what they

want, they know you're afraid, and ..." she stopped in mid sentence, but

Lyral completed it, "... they rape you because of that. Oh Kayleen, I wish I

were brave enough to stand in your place, but I cannot! When that man lays his

hands on me, I feel like dying of fright! I am so worthless!"

Kayleen tried to soothe her, whispering in her ears the best words she could

find, raging silently at the thought of her young, frail friend being

subjected to the depravities they faced, and at her own inability to prevent

it. She had to find a weakness in their captors' habits, and quickly, since

withstanding the torture proved harder and harder each day.

As if to prove her right, she heard the dreaded noise of approaching

footsteps, and for a moment was about to cry in despair that it wasn't fair,

it was too early, and then sobbed silently as Lyral moaned a tormented,

forlorn "Nooo" which echoed in the chamber as the torches lit it again.

The Easterner neared and lowered Kayleen to the ground, ignoring Lyral's sigh

of relief, and immediately tightened her collar, restricting her breathing and

dragging her to a nearby bench. He cuffed one ankle at a time to one end of

the bench, then one wrist at a time to the other, and fastened an iron band

around her waist. Only then did he allow her to breathe normally again, and

then disrobed, wrapped his member in leather and entwined his legs with her

constricted form before thrusting it into her vagina, coldly raping her on the

bench while she cried in dismay.

Meanwhile, the Southerner had fastened Lyral on the ladder, and drove a thin

needle under her left toenail causing her scream to join her friend's. He drove

a few in quick succession, pausing just enough to let her screams subside, but

then stopped driving needles under her toenails to watch her friend's

violation, commenting lewdly, "It took the others a while, but they finally

decided to give her what she deserves. Too high and mighty for an old man, she

fancied herself, and now watch her service all the three of us!"

After climaxing, the Easterner extricated himself, then cranked the bench to

pull Kayleen's body taut and circled her. Soon she felt a cord tighten around

her thumb, and yelped as tiny thorns bit her skin. As the cord was tightened,

her yowls turned to a bitter cry, and soon she started screaming as pain

wracked her fingers while he tightened the barbed cords, phalanx after

phalanx, using iron pliers to slowly and viciously twist them.

His victim gazed in dread as, after mercilessly tormenting her fingers at

length, he moved by her feet and wound a thin barbed cord around her toe,

jerking her head in a scream when he tightened it and the tiny thorns started

chafing the skin. She could not see them, but could see that the cord had

knots at regular intervals, each knot winding around a small steel linchpin

whose purpose cast ominous shadows in her mind. As the toes had no discernible

phalanxes, her tormentor placed two cords on each, wrenching bitter screams as

the pain from her toes compounded the piercing ache in her fingers.

He paused again, then produced coils of rough hemp rope which he started

wrapping around her slender legs. She watched through tears as he wound a

strip of cured skin, possibly soft leather, around the limb, followed by two

coils of the hemp rope, ominously knotted around linchpins at regular

intervals and braided around a two-inch steel rod, which he used as the handle

when tightening the ropes with the same iron pliers.

She was already perspiring heavily, and the burning in her fingers and toes

told her that the cords had been tightened enough to chafe skin, and now the

pain from her legs was rising as he tightened the coils, each turn of the

tourniquet causing her to yelp as they dug deeper and deeper. Her screams rose

in pitch when he repeated the procedure on her thighs, where the ropes dug

much deeper in the soft flesh, although in some cases, for a purpose which she

could not guess, he had first snug small iron strips under the ropes.

Instead of pausing, her tormentor produced more ropes and started winding them

around her limbs, first at each mid point of thigh and leg, then at the mid

point of each intervening space, tightening them while she screamed herself

hoarse as her once shapely legs slowly turned to obscene sausage-like trunks

of quivering constricted flesh, sectioned in bulging ripples between each pair

or coils as they dug deeper and deeper.

Lyral winced at the thought of how painful the blood engorging the folds of

constricted flesh would soon become as circulation was all but cut, with only

the strips of cured flesh preventing the ropes from cutting her friend's limbs

to the bone, severing a major vessel. She had not noticed how iron strips had

been placed exactly to avoid bleeding her to death, and her eyes left her

friend's tormented form when the Southerner drove a needle with a forked tip

in the soft flesh of her left book, pushing it forcefully while she screamed

and twitched from the unimaginable pain.

The Easterner then started winding cords between Kayleen's legs, pulling them

up under her back up to her neck, but instead of tightening them he moved to

her arms, placed wooden chips on her forearms and started tightening ropes

around them in the same manner used for her legs, and kept up at his work, in

spite of her uninterrupted screams of demented agony, until her arms became a

smaller scale replica of her swelling legs.

He let her trash and scream until her tremors subsided, then poured cold, salt

water on her body, unmoved by her screams as the liquid burned her chafed

skin. He paused again, letting the liquid run its course to the fullest, then

poured more salt water, and kept pouring until he was satisfied that the

ropes had been thoroughly soaked. He then proceeded to tighten them all, one

by one, each time wrenching a new scream from her trembling body.

He then started winding ropes around her waist, abdomen and chest, tightening

them on the underlying leather strips, so that each breath became labored,

even painful, but leaving her breasts aside. Temporarily, as it turned out,

because he retrieved the barbed cords wound under her back and distended her

left nipple, elongating it and tightening first a cord around the base and

then one at mid length. She screamed in agony as he twisted each cord, gazing

in horrified fascination at how the linchpins had been placed facing each

other, crushing the delectable flesh between them.

He started laying cords on her chest in preparation, one after the other as

her eyes bulged in fear at their number, and then moved to her crotch and

pulled her cunt lips open, tightening two cords on her love bud while she

trashed in the mesh of cords and howled in agony, and trapping her cunt lips

around a wedge hammered up her vagina, looping a cord tightly around the

painfully distended folds of feminine flesh.

When he knelt under the bench and started shortening the cords connecting her

nipples to her crotch, she started trashing and screaming, unable to arch to

relieve the pull on her clitoris and nipples, which caused her breasts to

distend into cones of throbbing pain. When her trembling subsided, he

straddled her head and pushed his member down her mouth, pouring saltwater

over her restrained form to rekindle her agonies as the saline liquid seeped

into the wounds dug by the ropes and cords all over her body, and her own

jerks worsened their bite onto her flesh while she gurgled pitifully.

Once her breasts elongated far beyond their natural proportions, he started

tightening the cords he had prepared around her breasts, furthering her

torment as the pliable flesh was dug into by the tiny barbs and deformed into

grotesque ripples as he used the tourniquet where mere muscle proved not

enough. Each turn dug the barbs deeper in the soft flesh and squeezed more

salt from the soaked cord, wrenching from her throat a choked scream of

desperate agony while her body shook spasmodically, in spite of her efforts to

be still and spare herself further agonies from her other restrains.

Lyral watched in tears as the violation of her friend's mouth was protracted

alongside the torment of her breasts, unable to avert her gaze even as she

kept telling herself that they had decided to follow in the footsteps of the

old pig from the South after seeing how much rape terrified her. The latter

had been leisurely driving needles under her nails, wrenching howls of insane

torment from her quivering body, but was now engrossed in her friend's plight.

Once spent, the Easterner wound the remaining cords between Kayleen's legs and

around her neck, shortening them with a tourniquet until they started biting

between her cunt lips and cutting into the soft flesh between her orifices,

pouring more salt water whenever she stopped twitching, wrenching new hoarse

screams as he reenacted the first torments visited on her under a harsher

guise, which now included the violation he had previously abstained from.

As if to complete his grisly work, he wound a barbed twine around each of her

nipples and her clitoris, elongating each unmercifully with a pair of iron

pliers in order to find some flesh to tighten them onto while she howled in

unspeakable agony. He then drove a thin needle through each, which caused her

screams to rise as it was coated with some venomous substance, then joined the

three twines under a rope tightened on her belly, and shortened them until

they started tugging cruelly on the delectable pieces of feminine flesh, in

the opposite direction of the cords winding besides her back.

To relieve this torment, she had to bend at the waist, but even what little

relief her restraints would thus allow turned immediately into pain as the

cords under her back pulled in the opposite direction, forcing her to arch

instead, a position which caused the barbed twines to bite into her flesh

again, drawing blood and a heart-rending howl. Unable to find relief, she

started twitching between the two positions, her labored breathing a further

source of torment as her ribcage was encased in the unyielding ropes.

After protracting her torment until her screams subsided, he let her sip from

the jug, sputtering as even sipping was painful, and then with pliers in each

hand started tightening her restraints again, grabbing the steel linchpins and

using them as miniature tourniquets. She started twitching in agony between

the two equally painful positions allowed by her restraints, and screamed at

the top of her lungs when droplets of blood started flowing from her nipples

and clitoris, constricted near bursting point, swelling from the venom on the

needles, bitten by the tiny thorns in the cords and burning from the saltwater

the cords had been repeatedly soaked with.

In spite of the pain from the needles, Lyral trembled at the thought of how

her friend's torment must have been steadily mounting, with the ropes digging

deep and cutting off the circulation, causing the constricted limbs to become

engorged with blood as time went by while no respite was allowed to the

bursting pieces of feminine flesh. Her own flesh hurt horribly whenever the

Southerner leisurely drove another needle in her thighs, buttocks and belly,

teasing her breasts by scratching them while she trembled in dread.

Kayleen's limbs were swollen and purple, four rods of cramped agony where the

ropes had dug so deep that she would be bleeding freely if not for the leather

strips, which had preserved the skin from being sliced through but not from

chafing and incessant burn as they had soaked with saltwater. No such care had

been taken for her breasts and crotch, where the barbed cords had drawn blood,

abrading through the chafed skin whenever tightened and slowly sawing through

her flesh while saltwater seeped in the thin, lacerated wound, drawing ever

shriller screams of hopeless agony from her gaping mouth.

The Easterner fetched more barbed cord and wound it on her legs, between two

coils of rope digging in her calves, tightening it with iron pliers until it

snug onto the soft leather, then using pliers in each hand started dragging it

back and forth while she screamed in agony as the cord bit through the soft

strip into the chafed skin underneath and his forceful sawing motion jerked

her in her restraints, rekindling the torment in her nipples and clitoris.

He moved to the next pair of coils and repeated the procedure, wrenching new

screams of unbridled torment as she convulsed in her restraints under his

unceasing exertion. As the sawing motion protracted, blood started to tinge

the hemp ropes as the barbed cord progressed from scratching the chafed skin

through the soaked leather, to abrading the skin directly while the saltwater

seeped in the wound, and finally to slowly lacerating the flesh as the tiny

barbs sawed deeper and deeper, except where iron strips had been placed to

safeguard major vessels. He paused to drench her thoroughly in saltwater, then

resumed her torment while she screamed and twitched in demented agony.

He alternated between her upper and lower limbs, and her screams rose in pitch

and increased in duration, especially when he started sawing into the flesh of

her thighs. The soft leather no longer prevented blood loss, while the pain

from the compressed limbs found new heights as the constricted blood pulsated

as new avenues were opened to it, so he started alternate the furthering

of her torment with some treatment, smearing the paste they used on open

wounds inside the deep lacerated gashes sawed by the barbed cords.

Each pause, however fleeting, wrought new screams from Lyral's twitching form

as the Southerner drove another needle in her soft flesh, viciously targeting

the parts of the body more vulnerable to pain and as often as not her creamy

breasts, now streaked by rivulets of blood which flowed a little more each

time her body convulsed under her howls of desperate agony.

When the Easterner used the pliers to tighten the cords on Kayleen's fingers

and then started pulling back and forth on the cords, her screams and

convulsions became inhuman as the cord quickly abraded the chafed skin, saw

through flesh and started grating on the bone. Silently, he straddled her

mouth again and pushed his leather wrapped member down her throat, protracting

the torment of her fingers until he came in her mouth. Worse still was the

pain when her toes were subjected to the same torment, some cracking under the

pressure while she howled in sheer agony and tore at her nipple and clitoris

by jerking spasmodically in spite of her restraints.

He wound cords around the ropes constricting her ribcage and started pushing

and pulling on them, alternating between each as the barbs abraded the skin

and scraped the bone while she howled in demented torment, each breath a

piercing blast of searing agony while blood dripped in rivulets from her

wounds still remorselessly burning from saltwater. Rib after rib, he kept

tormenting her chest until her howls turned to wheezes, at which he brought

the jug to her lips again and quickly treated the worst wounds.

When he reached for her breasts, she stiffened and then burst in a scream of

gut-wrenching dread, aware that her nightmare was about to worsen. He started

tearing on the cords biting into her breast flesh, usually pliable but now

taut near bursting point from the protracted constriction and engorged with

blood, abrading the soft skin and lacerating the muscle which twitched as

saltwater seeped from the squeezed cord. Her screams became louder and louder

as the cords sawed deeper, digging profusely bleeding gashes which forced him

to use the paste often, only to see them torn open again when her convulsed

jerks pulled on her nipples and thus at the distended breast flesh.

He moved to her crotch, and she found herself crossing boundaries of pain she

had not conceived as the barbed cord around her lips started lacerating the

folds of soft flesh while he pulled back and forth, the harsh burn of the salt

water no more than a nuisance before the pain in her shredded cunt lips and

the mounting agony in her swelling nipples and clitoris. He brought the jug to

her lips twice, but the sawing of her cunt lips caused her to convulse in

howls of spasming torment, jerking on her nipples and ripping open again the

deep lacerations in her breasts, the blood loss limited only by the viciously

tightened cords tearing through them.

Moaning in horror, Lyral took in her friend's bleeding, lacerated wounds and

pitiful howls, dreading that she would be tortured to death and would not

survive long enough to be healed during the night, so while the Easterner

started pulling back and forth at the cord tightened around the base of her

clitoris, causing inhuman howls of maddened agony to echo under the vaults of

the torture chamber, she shouted, "Enough!  You're killing her!"

"She's reaping the fruits of her stubborness, just as you will soon. Reveal to

me where the Sorceress hides, while my patience still lasts," whispered the

robed corpse of the former wizard, leaving his place near her friend's blood

stained twitching body to come near Lyral.

"Lyral! Don't tell him!" croaked Kayleen between a howl and the next.

"Secure her silence, according to the means we discussed, and continue,"

screeched Zhorun, at which the Easterner straddled Kayleen's head and drove

his leather clad member down her mouth, resuming the sawing motion on the cord

at the base of her clitoris while her muffled screams started anew.

"Tell me where the Sorceress is hiding, girl," hissed Zhorun, while Lyral

shook her head in tears at her friend's stifled sounds of agony. But in a

flash she saw herself, her athletic friend and the red-haired Sorceress in

this room, grisly tortured before a throne where Zhorun reveled in the agonies

of those he charged with his downfall, as he was wont to do because of the

nature of the condition he had chosen for himself.

She clenched her lips and lowered her head, her soft weeping turning into a

scream when the Southerner grabbed the needles piercing her nipples and

started twisting and pulling them violently, renewing her torment without

obtaining a single word from his frail but newly determined victim.

Meanwhile, the Easterner rose, ending Kayleen's torment and together with

Grod started treating her wounds, stitching them unceremoniously after using

the paste which helped in reducing blood flow. Wading through pain, Kayleen

recognized the smell, as she had also used some variation thereof before

encountering Lyral, so she knew that the paste would not save her, because she

had lost too much blood. Numbing already, she was forced to drink something

thick and vile, which cleared her mind but burned in her throat, thick with

herbs and strong, while her heart pounded in her chest like never before.

Lyral's screams continued without interruption as the Southerner was twisting

the needles in her flesh with abandon, staining his own white robe with

droplets of blood while she twitched madly in her restraints, her hoarse voice

finding new wind as he started twirling a needle piercing her left nipple

while she shook in the pangs of agony. For the whole duration of Kayleen's

careful treatment, almost long enough to wholly consume the torches, Lyral

howled in sheer agony from the unrelenting torment of the needles.

Recovering, Kayleen closed her eyes, wishing she could close her ears before

her frail friend's screams, well aware that her relief had been decreed only

by the intent to protract her ordeal. Still weak, but somehow recovering from

the lost blood, she sobbed silently when Grod tightened her collar, unfastened

her wrists from the bench and locked the cuffs behind her back at the ends of

a steel bar, ten inches wide and not allowing her wrists any movement. He then

rolled her off the bench and locked her ankle cuffs to the ends of a longer

bar, unfastening her collar before dragging her towards her next ordeal,

ignoring her trembling as she took in what awaited her.

This corner of the torture room was hot from dozens of coal braziers, ranging

from man sized beds of reddish coals to small iron kettles where cinders shone

under the ashes. He lowered a chain from the ceiling which he fastened to her

wrist bar, using it to raise her arms behind her back and continuing after she

started screaming until her feet flailed a inch above the floor. He reached

her quivering form, moved behind her and put his hands on her hips, driving

his leather sheathed member up her ass.

In the distance, Lyral screamed as the Easterner raked her soft back with a

red hot copper hook, distracting her from the effort of understanding what was

happening to her friend. The Southerner had suggested to make it difficult for

her to see what was happening to her friend exactly, to heighten her fears.

Grod's large hands moved to Kayleen's breasts while his thrusts followed her

each scream of bitter pain, building up in rhythm while the wounds on her

breasts bled again as his hands dug into the flesh. Her prolonged violation

ended with a low grunt as he left her swinging and wailing while he selected a

heavy iron brazier where the coals burned bright red.

He smeared her feet with grease, thoroughly, then fastened the steel bar to

a handle above the brazier and started cranking it, bringing her soles near

the searing heat while she writhed in mid air, wailing from the pain in her

torn shoulders. A few more cranks, and her feet started twitching madly while

she screamed in sheer agony as the heat started searing her tender soles.

He let her writhe in agony on the searing flame, then cranked the handle back,

lending her some respite, then renewing her exposure to the blistering heat

and wrenching new screams from her torn mouth as the heat licked at the

sensitized skin, heating the grease which spread the pain and formed bubbles

whose bursting caused spikes of unimaginable pain to sear her skin, sending

her hanging body in frenzies of spasmodic jerks and demented howling.

He kept cranking her feet back and forth, protracting her torment with the

help of the grease which kept bubbling over the smarting skin for some time,

and then removed the brazier and let her hang in coughing agony, weeping and

screaming, her eyes bulging in dread at the sight of the large rectangular

brazier he was laying out under her, her only relief a sip from the jug.

A new scream rose from Lyral as her anxious witnessing of her friend's torment

was brutally interrupted by the hot copper hook tracing a gash under the soft

underside of her left breast. She had realized that her friend was being

tortured with fire, and she was certain that the brutal rapes from the

executioners which had not indulged in them before were the direct consequence

of her inability to hide her horror of the act, but the pain in her soft flesh

prevented her from further dwelling on the matter.

Grod fastened a chain to the bar between Kayleen's ankles, lifting them up at

waist height and bending her painfully, then smeared the bottom of her legs,

up to the buttocks, with grease, and cranked the brazier up until she started

screaming as the heat started searing her flesh. Unbearable pain rose from her

roasted underside as she twitched in mid air, prevented from the unyielding

restraints at her ankles from turning aside and forced to buckle and twitch in

mid air, distancing herself very little from the unrelenting heat but

repeatedly jarring her shoulder joints with white hot blasts of absolute pain.

Her torment was protracted in a frenzy of screams by expertly cranking the

brazier up and down, alternating pauses where the bubbling grease tormented

the sensitized skin with actual exposure to the brunt of the heat, searing the

red skin into blistering and causing bubbles in the grease to burst in spikes

of nightmarish pain which wrenched raucous howls from her twitching form.

Lyral trembled at her friend's harrowing screams, but managed to notice how

Zhorun had silently left her, irresistibly attracted to the harrowing torments

inflicted on the cause of his demise. Lyral tried to purge her mind from the

thought of how painful the heat would be on the places where the sawing cords

had lacerated the skin, reaching the bone.

Kayleen was momentarily allowed some relief, and another sip, then she was

lowered to the floor and pulled up again, stretching her horizontally between

the chains at her ankles and wrists before sliding a brazier under her arms,

changing the cause of her desperate screams from the pain in her torn shoulder

joints to the searing agony of the red hot coals.

After repeatedly cranking the brazier back and forth, causing her to buckle

obscenely in mid air with her spread thighs twitching invitingly, Grod let her

sip again and then moved between her legs, spreading her thighs wider while

she convulsed in howling torment from the blisters bursting in her arms. He

pulled out his member, sheathed it in leather and thrust it viciously into her

vagina, ramming her forcefully while a scream of hopeless outrage joined her

cries of unrelenting torment.

Chased by her own nightmares, Lyral screamed alongside her friend, wishing she

could end all this by revealing Shandra's whereabouts and twitching like a

butterfly on a needle at the thought of the horror of their predicament. There

was a reason she had been taught to dispatch creatures like Zhorun without

hesitation or regard to their plight, and they were living through it now.

Grod kept ramming into Kayleen's love channel while her arms roasted over the

fire, screaming from the humiliating violation as much as from the unrelenting

pain at first, but as the fire kept licking her skin, forming blisters where

the bubbles in the grease burst and then peeling as the heat continued its

unrelenting assault, with the bubbling grease seeping into her stitched wounds

and causing her heaves and buckles to jar her shoulder joints to unprecedented

heights of agony, her world shrunk to a searing hell of howling flame.

In spite of her inhuman screams, he moved to crank the brazier away only

after cruelly protracting her violation, as her screams turned delirious and

the smell of burnt flesh rose from the raw underside of her arms. He let her

sip from the jug, and removed the brazier before lowering her to the floor,

but only to pull her up again while she wailed in dread as she was now lying

face down while he smeared grease on her belly.

He brought another brazier under her and cranked it up slowly, letting her

strain her shoulder joints between hoarse screams in the vain attempt to gain

an inch from the searing heat as she slumped pulled up between the chains. Her

voice reached a new pitch of frightened despair when the coals started heating

the grease under her muscular abdomen, starting her agony anew as she writhed

in her restraints and twitched in spasmodic torment.

After cranking the brazier back and forth, prolonging her suffering through

repeated frenzies of howling agony, he let her sip from the jug and once again

lowered her on the floor only to pull her up again, her arms still torn in

their sockets while a brazier was placed under her back and her suffering

began anew, to be protracted into a hell of unrelenting flame which first

tenderized her skin, tormenting it incessantly with the bubbling grease, then

caused it to blister, each blister bursting a new peak of harrowing torment

for the spasmodically convulsing young woman, then brought it to flake and

peel away, exposing the twitching crimson flesh underneath.

Lyral's breath raced as her friend was exposed to a heat she could only judge

by the increasingly horrid conditions of her friend's body. Most of her back

was angry red, and distance spared her the sight of the oozing blisters, but

where the skin flaked she could see the crimson of raw flesh. The torturers

obviously knew of how she healed her friend each night and had come to rely

on that, as even her strong friend would not survive the torments being

wrought upon her for long.

Kayleen was forced to sip from the jug again, and hung from the ceiling, her

ankles pulled up behind her. In spite of her pitiful screaming, a brazier was

placed under her grease smeared breasts and the cruelty of her torment was

raked up a notch as the heat seared her nipples, the bubbling grease scorching

the delicate flesh while she howled and buckled in unparalleled agony each

time Grod replaced the grease on her blistered buds and cranked the brazier

close again. Beyond increasing her torment, however, the grease preserved her

nipples from charring in the heat while the brazier was brought close enough

to turn her breasts into angry red mounds of scorched skin.

Cranking the brazier back and forth, he kept roasting her mounds, wreaking

unspeakable agonies in her boiled nipples and slowly turning her breast flesh

to a deep crimson, the skin peeling off in places and revealing the oozing,

raw flesh underneath. Her frenzy of pain-wracked howls found new heights when

he started raking the scorched flesh with a cat's paw, its fine points barely

scratching the surface but wreaking untold agonies in her breasts.

Lyral winced as she saw in her mind the points of the instrument tearing lines

of sheer agony in the burnt flesh, reopening the wounds left by the cords and

letting the bubbling grease seep in, causing the screams of harrowing agony

which escaped her friend's mouth. Her own screams, wrought from her mouth by

the red hot copper hook whenever the torment of her friend was paused, could

barely be noticed against the backdrop of Kayleen's unceasing suffering.

Kayleen kept screaming while Grod lowered her, poured the remaining contents

of the jug down her mouth and lifted her again, bringing the brazier under her

buttocks and quickly rekindling her torment while her sight cleared, causing

her voice to rise again in an unabated howl of dreadful agony as the fate met

by her once proud breasts was being visited on her firm ass cheeks.

He kept her screaming on the brazier, cranking it back and forth while she

howled in absolute agony, raking her with the cat's paw after pulling the heat

away and dragging some bubbling grease on the paw's points between the short

curls of her pubic hair. In spite of her desperate howls of unbridled agony,

however, something inside her was still strong enough to hold on.

Amazingly, Lyral felt the same sensation moments before losing herself in the

world of her own personal torment as the hot copper hook raked her left nipple

again, the realization of her friend's unparalleled bravery helping her to

resist the harrowing pain, as she found in herself the strength to withstand

the red hot tip of the hook lacerating her right nipple by remembering in her

mind the wisps of smoke rising from her friend's pubic hair.

Grod lowered Kayleen on the floor, and freed her ankles from the steel bar

only to cuff them to chains leading to nearby pillars which he used to pull

her up and spread her legs horizontally, then attached another chain to her

wrist bar and pulled her arms up, twisting them in their sockets and pulling

them above her head until she was lifted off the floor, screaming as the pull

tore unbearably at her shoulder sockets while he greased her front thoroughly.

He fetched another brazier, which unlike the others had rows of thin iron

spikes jutting upwards, and placed it under her, causing her to scream in

dread and pain once he adjusted its height as the spikes were red hot from the

coals beneath. But her howls rose to new heights once he cranked up the bed of

coals, exposing her whole front to the brunt of the heat in the same manner

already faced by other areas of her body.

Her slightly slumped position was matched by the reclined placement of the

brazier, which meant that her raw breasts were not exposed to much more heat

than the rest of her body, but also that her tender vulva was, and soon the

grease started bubbling between her cunt lips while she twitched and buckled

in maddened agony, trashing on the iron points which fulfilled the same

function of raking the sensitized skin he had performed manually with the

cat's paw, but were still red hot even when the brazier was lowered.

After cranking the brazier back and forth repeatedly, he lowered the coals,

fetched a thick poker from the coals and pushed it inside her ass, wrenching

a bitter howl of unbridled agony as the red hot metal seared her bowels, and

keeping her screaming while he reamed her sphincter raw. He then let her sip

from the jug again, brought the coals up and moved behind her, sheathing his

member in leather before driving it through her burned sphincter with a

powerful thrust which wrenched a heart-rending screech from her torn mouth

and violating her bowels with powerful thrusts while she convulsed on the hot

coals and the iron points raked her scorched flesh.

Lyral literally shrunk in her restraints as the violation of her friend was

again perpetrated before her eyes, praying softly to be allowed the resolve to

withstand the sight and not spoil inconsiderately the fate of them all. She

tried to distance her mind from the thought of the grease bubbling in the

lacerated wounds, of the skin flaking away under the unrelenting heat, of the

tender cunt lips writhing in unparalleled agony, concentrating on the thought

that they had to live through this day until she could heal her friend again.

Grod kept thrusting into Kayleen with jarring force, scraping her burnt ass in

blazes of hellish agony while her skin blistered under the heat and grease

bubbled on her scorched nipples, peeling them raw. Her howls of insane agony

mounted under the vaults of the chamber, subsiding only when he finally came

and cranked the brazier down, although she still twitched from the unceasing

raking of the iron points, screaming in bitter pain.

He fetched the iron poker again and pushed it into her vagina, bringing her

howls of unspeakable agony to new heights and pushing her farther along the

brazier, at which the points traced new bleeding scratches in her blistered

skin and tore new screams from her sore mouth. He cranked the brazier up while

keeping the poker pressed into her, reaming the rim of her vagina and exposing

her privates to the heat, setting the curls of her pubic hair on fire so that

when he pulled it out she kept buckling and trashing on the iron points,

screaming madly from the unceasing torment.

He brought the jug to her lips, then shifted some of the iron points under her

crotch before pushing the iron poker into her womb again, rubbing it viciously

back and forth while the points raked inside her spread cunt lips and grease

bubbled on her clitoris, viciously protracting her agonies by alternating the

hot poker and the brazier, making sure her nipples and clitoris kept bubbling

with hot grease and slowly peeled raw while the iron points occasionally raked

the tormented pieces of feminine flesh, wreaking untold agonies through her

convulsing body and drawing new screams of unparalleled woe from her throat.

Shaken, but determined to hold on, Lyral could not help but wince at every

scream and twitch of her tormented friend, blessedly unable to tell exactly

what she was undergoing but weeping bitter tears whenever the unmistakable

poker scorched her friend's innards. She was spared the sight of the nipples

and feminine parts scorched raw from the unrelenting heat, but not that of

another rape as Grod drove into her friend's vagina from behind, scraping the

scorched flesh amid a renewed frenzy of harrowing screams.

The Southerner stepped silently in Grod's place when the latter was finally

done and stood still, watching Kayleen writhe and scream in her restraints,

still shaking from the rape and at the same time seeking some respite from the

hot spikes, her thighs twitching invitingly in the effort to put some distance

between her burnt flesh and the iron points. He waited until his arousal

bulged under his white robe, then sheathed his member in leather and neared,

nudging the rim of her vagina and smiling when she cried in dread and dismay.

With a sinister smile, he cranked the brazier up, rekindling the agonies of her

scorched flesh, and once her screams rose again frantically, thrust his member

into her womb, pushing her forward again on the points and exposing once more

her tender parts to the heat. He kept thrusting viciously, grunting in a rut

which was fueled by her pitiful, bitter howls, but thankfully his arousal was

quickly consumed this time and he let go of her hips with a growl, although she

kept screaming until he cranked the brazier down.

Unable to withstand the sight, but even less able to avert her gaze, Lyral

squirmed in her restraints at the abject performance, engrossed to the point

of noticing how Grod was encasing her chest in a mesh of spiked chains only at

the very last moment. The reason her tormentor was using tongs became plain as

Kayleen's rape ended and the mesh, which was actually a kind of a shirt with a

hole for the head, was dropped on her and turned out to be searing hot. Her

howl of surprised agony superseded her friend's screams, and immediately the

only thing on her mind became how to get rid of the hellish shirt.

Without bothering to tighten Kayleen's collar, the Southerner unfastened the

bar at whose ends her wrists had been locked from the chain, ignoring her moan

of relief, and rolled her off the brazier, freeing her legs and ending her

relief as lying on her blistered back on the stone floor proved a torture unto

itself, causing her to scream and buckle in the attempt to lessen the

harrowing pains caused by the slightest contact with her severely burned skin.

Ignoring her screams, he doubled her left leg at the knee and tied her shin

under the thigh with a thick hemp rope, then did the same with her right leg

but tying the rope near the knee rather than the hip. He wound more thick hemp

rope around her breasts, and fastened it over her shoulders to her wrists

cuffed behind her back in a reverse prayer position. He then dragged her to a

post, fastened her right ankle cuff to a chain and pulled her up, letting her

scream from renewed pain as her weight partly rested on her left knee and

partly bent her right leg, while the ropes chafed her scorched skin.

Two barbed wooden wedges were pushed into her nether orifices, wrenching a

howl of desperate agony from her trembling body, and weighted clamps were hung

to her nipples and clitoris. He put the finishing touch on his grisly work by

forcing his flaccid member into her mouth, mimicking a violation he was not

able to effect in order to return to one of his favored techniques, ramming

the barbed wedges against the post by thrusting into her mouth and savoring

her harrowing screams around his member.

He kept up this torment until her forced pleasuring of his member subsided, at

which he removed part of her restraints, winding more hemp rope around her

legs and chest and fastening the clamps, including those just tightened on her

cunt lips, to her right ankle cuff. When he pulled her up by her left ankle

again, the coarse rope chafed her scorched skin like a thousand angry bees,

wrenching a harrowing scream of agony from her tormented throat and causing

her to buckle spasmodically, pulling on the clamps with the full strength of

her leg muscles thus inflicting fresh agonies on her scorched flesh. Her

screams rose to desperate howls when he started to slowly rip her fingernails

off with iron pliers, one by one.

Meanwhile, Lyral found herself in the grip of unrelenting pain as the hot

chains burned her flesh while the spikes pierced shallow wounds, her own

convulsing jerks causing them to find new skin to torment. For the first time

in days, she was being tortured without interruption, and she found herself

shriveling under the unrelenting assault, her friend's harrowing violation now

but a forgotten stain in the canvas of horror she writhed on.

After letting Kayleen sip from the jug, the Southerner cuffed her wrists and

elbows together, then pulled her arms up behind her, fastening her wrists to a

chain from the ceiling and forcing her to sit on sharp iron spikes, which

raked her scorched buttocks while she screamed her lungs out as he wound

coarse hemp rope around her thighs and legs, fastening them to a pole snug

between them and driving a large, barbed wooden wedge deep into her vagina.

His reasons for forcing her legs to bend slightly at the knee instead of

distending became painfully obvious when he refastened her nipple, cunt lips

and clitoris clamps to her ankle cuffs, shortening the fine chains so that by

extending her legs she would rip her tormented pieces of feminine flesh off.

When he started pulling her toenails with iron pliers, she had to fight the

reaction to extend her legs as this caused the pain in the scorched pieces of

feminine flesh to rise above the agony from her toes, but the fiendishness of

the torture was revealed as he suddenly released the grip on the half torn

nail, causing her to ram the wedge down her bleeding sex in reaction with the

full force of her strong leg muscles between howls of spasmodic pain.

He kept up this torment with cruel patience, putting off the ripping of her

toenails to let her repeatedly drive the wedge unto herself, actually ripping

one off only when she stopped pulling against the pliers to lessen the effect

of recoil. After dozens of strikes, the wedge was covered in blood and rasped

flesh, while the scorched rim of her vagina was in bloody tatters.

The young Priestess kept screaming while Grod rekindled the heat in the chains

by catching them between the jaws of white hot pliers, but the sight of the

bloody violation of her friend somehow strengthened the little resolve she

could muster. In a haze of pain, her gaze found the silent figure of the

former wizard watching intently the suffering of her poor friend, and horror

swept over her as her fears found further confirmation.

The Southerner poured the contents of the jug down Kayleen's throat, then

doubled both her legs at the knee and tightened more coils of coarse rope on

her scorched flesh before winding the fine chains from her nipple clamps

behind her back and fastening them to her ankle cuffs. He then cuffed her

wrists to chain from the ceiling and pulled her off the floor, smiling as her

arms started twisting her shoulder sockets and at the same time pulled her

ankles, distending her scorched breasts under the chafe of the tight hemp

rope. He raised her until he could push his member into her sore mouth, then

procured another barbed wedge, consisting of four sections, and pushed it down

her anus while she gurgled her unbridled agonies onto his member.

When her convulsions subsided, he drove a larger four-piece wedge down her

vagina, watching intently as the device bulged under her scorched mons and the

rim of her love channel bled where the barbs had ripped the stretched flesh,

counting on how her tongue scream after scream brushed his member to renew

his arousal just as her suffering renewed his ecstatic pleasure.

To further his bliss, he drove another wedge between the four sections of the

one already bulging in her bowels, using a hammer for the last half of its

course and trembling when her muffled howls rose in unspeakable torment as the

rim of her sphincter was ripped open and the barbs tore deeper in the scorched

flesh of her anal tract. And he shook with pleasure while doing the same with

the wedge into her vagina, accompanying her spasmodic convulsions with hammer

strikes while her bellows rose to high pitched shrieks of abject pain.

He kept up her torment until he noticed the first signs of renewed arousal, at

which he pulled out of her and lowered her to the floor. He then removed the

barbed wedges, summarily treated her bleeding orifices and tightened dozens of

clamps on her cunt lips and clitoris, keeping his arousal fanned with the

sight of her twitching thighs as each movement caused her ankles to pull on

her distended nipples, now bleeding after being raked over and over.

Grod had made sure that pauses in Lyral's torture did not match those in her

friend's torment, but the Southerner proved less thorough, allowing Lyral to

spend some of her respite in assessing her friend's condition. Fear mounted in

her as her eyes confirmed her worst fears, as after losing blood profusely for

half a day and being severely burned over most of her body she was now being

chafed raw by the hemp ropes, not to mention the bleeding violation of her

orifices which caused more blood loss.

With a growl, the Southerner pulled on the clamps to lift Kayleen's hips off

the floor and draw her bleeding vagina onto his leather sheathed member,

savoring her scream of agony and dismay as he abjectly violated her again,

ripping the clamps off with shreds of scorched skin attached as he forced her

to gyrate and twist around his bulging penis and periodically tightening her

collar to force her torn muscles to clutch it while she fought for breath

between frenzies of insane screaming and long howls of sheer agony.

In spite of his rut, he protracted her rape as far as he could, pulling out

often and then ramming his member viciously back into her bleeding orifice,

not stopping even when the last clamp was bloodily yanked off, grabbing

instead the sparse curls of her remaining pubic hair, adding a new drop to the

sea of torment washing over her to bring her abject violation to completion.

Lyral's gaze never left her poor friend's body, and just as their suffering

reached a new peak she found the words for praying again, asking softly

between a scream and the next for the strength to hold on against he onslaught

of evil now being visited on them and soon to wreak havoc unto the whole land.

Panting, the Southerner dragged Kayleen to the post and fastened her to it at

her neck, pulling her arms up against the post while she cried as they were

painfully twisted again. He removed the coarse ropes from her limbs, paying

little heed to the blood which stained them, and cuffed her ankles to chains

from the ceiling, suspending her in midair with her legs spread.

Smiling cruelly, he produced a bundle of branches and leaves which he dragged

on her raw flesh, wrenching a horrified scream from her torn mouth as the

harsh burn of the stinging tree on scorched flesh was infinitely worse than on

bare skin. He kept dragging the hellish leaves all over her body, lingering on

the places where the raw flesh flared its angry crimson or where the skin was

swollen and blistered, reaming both her orifices at length while she buckled

in spasmodic torment, howling her misery unto the dark vaults.

He released her when her screams waned, bringing the jug to her lips and then

doubled her legs at the knee again, winding hemp rope around them and using it

as a harness to keep two barbed wooden wedges deeply lodged into her orifices

while she screamed in mad agony. He then wound coils of rope around her

chafed breasts and pulled her up by her breasts, lifting her about a foot off

the floor and then letting her fall to impale her ravaged innards on the

barbed wedges with a howl of harrowing torment.

After protracting this torment at his leisure, he lowered her on the floor

and turned her on her belly, fastening her ankles to her wrists before pulling

her up in a suspended hogtie and pushing his member down her throat again,

renewing her agonies by slamming the wedges in her crotch against the post by

pushing rhythmically onto her face, repeatedly, enjoying the anticipation of

how he would complete her torment once his arousal was rekindled.

As her friend's screams were now muffled, the words of Lyral's prayer could be

heard for a moment, "... and from the walking dead deliver us." Stymied, Grod

tugged at the hot spikes, raking her and causing her to scream hoarsely, but

Zhorun started as if bitten.

Laughing, the Southerner fetched a heavy iron grid, with short dull spikes at

each intersection, and dragged Kayleen nearby. In spite of her condition, she

resisted his attempts to put her on the grid, capitulating only when he

tightened her collar, restricting her breathing and turning her howl as the

points dug into her burnt flesh in a pitiful, stifled gurgle.

He let her breathe normally again, and soon rekindled her screams by grabbing

her left wrist, twisting it behind her back as if to bind it in a reverse

prayer position, then pulling it outwards and down until he managed to cuff it

to the grid. He did with the same with her other wrist, ignoring her screams of

pain as her arms were horribly twisted and her front, especially her breasts,

was being forced on the spikes.

He then grabbed her left leg and pulled it to the left and up until he managed

to summarily bind her ankle to a corner of the grid with a cord. He repeated

the procedure with her other leg, smiling as this position forced her front,

especially her mons, to press painfully unto the spikes. He then placed on her

shoulders a grid not unlike the one she lay on, then fetched her left ankle and

twisted it up until he managed it to fasten it to the grid above.

Once he had done the same with both ankles, twisting her legs painfully, he

adjusted the grids so that they lined up and started tightening them using

screws placed in the four corners, slowly compressing her between the spikes

while she howled from the pain in her limbs and the cruel bite of the spikes on

her scorched flesh. He paused only to insert more grid sections around her

constricted torso, which he then tightened using screws, slowly compressing her

in a cage of merciless spikes and unrelenting distortion of the limbs.

Smiling, he circled her, disrobed, and nudged the entrance of her vagina, again

waiting for her cry of dismay at her impending violation before thrusting his

leather sheathed member inside her, grabbing the iron grid with both hands to

brace before each thrust, and occasionally twisting the grid left and right to

forcibly twist her around his hard member, savoring the screams of agony

issuing from her torn mouth as her constricted form, so tightly encased between

bars and spikes that each breath was a torment, was being raped yet again.

When his arousal was finally spent, he stood panting for a while, watching his

victim moan in her cage, screaming occasionally when the spikes punished each

deep breath, then fetched another grid section and pushed it against her

exposed bottom, smiling as the spikes dug into her flesh causing her to twitch

wildly, screaming pitifully while he fastened the last piece of the cage.

Chapter 18 - The Dear Price of Borrowed Time

In the darkness of the torture chamber under the ruins of the castle formerly

belonging to Zhorun the Necromancer, Lyral's bitter sobs of frustration were

occasionally interrupted by Kayleen's screams of harrowing pain. The strong,

slender body of the blonde warrior had been horribly constricted inside a

spiked iron cage, and the dull spikes dug painfully in her severely scorched

flesh, compounding the pain from her bent limbs with stabs of sheer agony when

a deep breath or the shivers from a massive dousing with cold water pressed

her ribs against the dull spikes.

The reason of Lyral's frustration was the devious predicament they had been

left in to prevent her from healing her friend, whose cage was suspended with

a chain from the ceiling while she was herself suspended by an iron waist

band, facing up with her wrists fastened to her ankles in a severe hogtie.

Both girls spun around the chains they hung from, unable to touch but for a

fleeting brush of the faces when their rotation brought them in line, and

Lyral could not heal Kayleen unless she found a way to touch her friend.

Lyral found herself forced to spend some of her power to shed some light,

because her attempts to reach her friend kept failing. After much frustration,

she realized that at best, when their heads faced, they were a few inches

apart. When she tried to bridge the distance by contracting and distending in

her restraints, she realized the deviousness of her captors, as her jerk

rocked Kayleen's cage, spinning it out of reach and wrenching a scream of

bitter torment from her poor friend as the spikes raked her scorched flesh.

Spurred by the anxiety over her friend's ultimate health, especially as the

blood losses from the cords had been compounded by the repeated ravaging with

the barbed wedges, Lyral continued her attempts until she lost track of their

number, but only managed to spend most of her power in stopping the bleeding

and causing her friend's severe burns to recede. She could do nothing for her

limbs, painfully twisted into torturous positions, or the spikes.

No longer restored to full health, Kayleen hung in misery in her cage, her

intermittent moans sometimes rising as screams and sometimes subsiding into

bitter sobs, lost in her personal hell of pain and trauma, but still able to

whisper, "Lyral, enough. Heal yourself, I'll need your help again soon."

"Kayleen, they almost killed you today! The tortures get harsher each day, and

now all three of them have taken to ... raping ... you. Please, let me heal

you some more," said Lyral, her voice trembling.

"I know, Lyral. Even in the depths of hellish torment, the thought of your

touch delivering me from the agonies and atrocities they heap upon me is a

beacon which helps me defy them, and I'll never be able to repay you for it.

But we must face reality, and tonight I'll have to do with less, just like in

the first days of my captivity. Besides, I think their efforts show that

they're running in circles, and if I am really delaying Zhorun's onslaught, I

am ready to take on their worst."

The rage Kayleen's words fanned in the silently listening former wizard was

such that Lyral almost sensed it, but failing to recognize it framed the

sensation as her own imagination's vivid recreation of how the wizard would

welcome her friend's brave words. After the words she had just heard, she was

not ready to tell her friend that she feared the reason behind her mounting

agonies was that Zhorun increasingly craved them.

"Besides, if my condition forced them to exercise more restraint, I would

welcome the change," said Kayleen, musing aloud, sobbing softly, "They would

have to let me recover. Even remove these cuffs, maybe. This gag. Or no more

fire," Lyral tried to stifle her sobs as she heard her friend mutter, "No more

rapes, no more tortures ...  there,"

Suddenly, Kayleen's voice rose in a shriek of dread and dismay, whose reason

became obvious to Lyral when the light of a torch shone upon the implements

lined along the walls of the torture chamber. A new day of torment started.

The Southerner lowered Kayleen to the floor, humming softly, removed the

sections of the iron cage which he had pressed against her nether regions the

evening before and scratched the rosette of her anus with his finger, smiling

when she cried in dismay and from the bite of the spikes. Then he pulled out

his member from under his white robe, sheathed it in leather and thrust it

inside her ass, grabbing the iron cage with both hands while a scream rose

again from her sore mouth.

Meanwhile, Grod had cuffed Lyral's ankles, wrists and elbows together, taking

her under a chain from the ceiling which he fastened to her wrists. He pulled

her up, twisting her arms in her shoulders until she started screaming as her

feet rose a few inches above the floor. While she had followed the beginning

of her friend's violation with dread, her own pain now overwhelmed her.

The old Southerner kept up his violation of Kayleen's bowels while she trashed

and screamed in the grip of the spiked cage, already bleeding where the

spikes, however dull, had pierced the skin. Once spent, he started removing

the sections of the cage, chuckling when she cried as her bent limbs were shot

through by horrible cramps after being freed from the positions they had been

forced into for hours. He summarily cuffed her ankles and wrists together,

then dragged her to face what he had actually planned for her.

She recognized the thick pole and the four sturdy beams at the base instantly,

but her eyes grew wide with fear at the conical shape on top, which looked

thicker and longer than she remembered, and whose wooden surface had been

thoroughly hacked and dented. She immediately tried to oppose her impending

ordeal, but the old man had tightened her collar, and she found herself unable

to breathe. With Grod's help, she was lifted on top of the device until her

anus rested on the tip of the cone and her ankle cuffs were fastened to the

ends of a steel bar through whose central eyelet the wooden pole rose, an

arrangement intended to deprive her feet from finding any rest once the slabs

under her feet were removed.

After allowing her to breathe normally again, the Southerner unveiled his

tools for the day, drawing a gasp from the girl as he unfurled a collection of

graters and rasps, sculpted from ivory and inlaid with shark teeth, imitations

of the worker's tool intended to shred flesh instead of shaping wood. The old

man cuffed Kayleen's wrists behind her neck, pulling back her arms with a

chain connected to a tight iron waistband, and tightly wound a barbed cord

around the base of her breasts.

With an evil smile, he fetched a rasp, lifted her a bit by her neck and pushed

it up her raped anus, holding still while she screamed in agony as the tiny

teeth scraped her muscle rim and the lower tract of her bowels. He kept

scraping until he saw the sphincter torn and bleeding. He then knelt and

removed some slabs from under her feet, leaving them flailing a few inches

from the platform and forcing her entire weight on the tip of the cone.

Devastating waves of pain rose from her sphincter as its rasped circumference

was ripped wider by the tip of the cone, which would have been probably too

wide on its own, and she screamed at the top of her lungs when he dragged a

grater along the inside of her thigh, forcing her to spread them and sink

another inch down the hellish wooden implement.

He removed another pair of slabs from under her feet, then watched as her

weight recommenced pulling her down the cone, rekindling her screams as her

scraped sphincter was being ripped a bit wider again. He neared and dragged a

grater down the inside of her left calf, wrenching a howl of bitter agony from

her as the blood oozed from the lacerated skin while her limb stiffened and

then twitched in the vain attempt to escape the myriad of tiny teeth, and in

so doing allowed the cone to slid a fraction of inch deeper.

He then scraped the rear of her right thigh, dragging the bloody tool up and

down while she tried to turn around, screaming in staggered fits of hoarse

torment while screwing herself deeper and deeper onto the wooden cone. After

leaving her screams subside, he rubbed the grater behind her left leg, forcing

her to turn back in the opposite direction in a frenzy of screams and slide a

bit more down the cone again.

She screamed in horror and dread when he removed another pair of slabs, her

limbs trembling in agony as her weight was no longer enough to pull her

further down the width of the cone, but still more than enough to tear

relentlessly at her savaged sphincter, leaving her twitching on the hellish

cone and crying in unrelenting pain. But her screams rose into howls when he

exchanged the grater for a brush bristling with tiny fishbones, which he

rubbed on her lacerated skin, alternately rasping her left and right limb raw

to force her to screw herself down the cone another few inches.

Hanging in unrelenting torment, Lyral saw through teary eyes her friend buckle

on the frightening girth of the hacked cone, the bowels torn by the forced

screwing and with blood oozing from swaths of wounded flesh. Unless the wounds

were shallower than they looked, her friend would bleed to death before her

eyes, she thought, and she would remain the only one they could torture to

extract what they wanted to know about Shandra.

As if Kayleen's suffering was not complete, the Southerner knelt and savagely

rasped the soles of her feet raw while she howled in mad pain, so that when

she finally slid down enough to rest the balls of her feet on the wood again,

the spikes on the foot rests compounded her agony.

He kept removing slabs and forcing her down the cone until half a foot of wood

had penetrated her rectum, bulging under her flesh and forcing her to bend at

the waist slightly to stem the agony in her bowels. Her body was covered in

perspiration and her lacerated limbs burned from the salt in her sweat. With a

smile, he reached for her cunt lips and started scraping them with the ivory

grater while she resumed howling in desperate agony.

Holding on the soft flesh with one hand, he slowly rubbed the grater up and

down, pulling on the way up so that she involuntarily tried to rise, scraping

her bowels against the hacked surface of the cone and setting herself up to

being ripped open a bit wider once he let her fall back. Blood started flowing

in lazy rivulets down her legs, joining what dripped from her rectum while

howls of insane agony shook her trembling chest.

Her twitches became spasmodic jerks when he started scraping the inside of her

vagina, effectively raping her with the ivory rasp and later with the fishbone

brush, allowing her to sip from the jug now and then for brief instants of

sputtering respite before renewing her agonies, still devilishly managing to

force her down the cone after removing slabs from under her bleeding feet. In

spite of the pain, she noticed that the mixture he had fed her tasted somewhat

different, and its effects were apparently more pronounced.

He placed a leather cloth on the cone, for protection against the slivers on

its dented surface, and wrapped his member in leather while she shook her head

in wailing agony. He thrust it up her vagina with a laugh, with enough force

to lift her up a bit as she screamed in dismay and torment, then savored her

twitching as she slid back down, repeating her violation while tightening and

releasing her collar so that her vagina clutched involuntarily the instrument

of her ravishment while she fought for air in sheer pain.

Still moaning from the pain in her shoulders, Lyral nevertheless watched as

her friend was abjectly violated again, wishing she could hide the horror the

act wrought on her as she was well aware that it was the reason even the two

torturers who had not indulged in the act before had changed their mind. Yet,

she winced at each harrowing scream, shaking her head while watching with

bulging eyes as her friend convulsed in agony on the pole.

The respite Kayleen got when the old Southerner withdrew at last was very

little, because the cone had ripped her sphincter beyond repair and splinters

from the hacked and dented surface of the cone had pierced and mangled her

bowels without mercy, so she just shook on top of the cone in harsh sobs and

bitter screams, unable to find a rest for her bleeding soles, while her

panting tormentor composed himself.

He grabbed a fold of flesh from her muscular abdomen and rubbed it slowly with

the ivory grater, drawing tiny rivulets of blood and a sobbing scream which

turned into a howl when he kept rubbing, switching to the brush while her

voice rose and waned in unbridled agony. He circled behind her and grabbed a

fold of her buttock flesh, soft yet firm, and slowly scraped it, dragging the

grater while his eyes inspected the lacerations and his hand moved to increase

her agony by rubbing the brush across the initial scratch while she howled

fitfully and convulsed spasmodically on the cone, her eyes clenched shut and

her breath short and rasping between the screams.

Lazily, he kept scraping her buttocks until her howls waned to pitiful

wheezes, protracting her torment until she literally started foaming at the

mouth, lost in a world of unending torment from which the occasional sip from

the jug only distracted her temporarily. But her voice found new wind whenever

he used the brush, which was if possible more painful while causing less

damage, raking the lacerated skin without actually tearing it while her mouth

gasped wide open in protracted howls of unbridled torment.

Although screaming occasionally from the pain in her shoulders, Lyral was

still intently following her friend's ordeal, worried sick about her blood

loss as the thought of remaining the sole victim of those three monsters had

taken hold of her imagination and she started comparing her present torment,

which bordered on the unbearable, to the agonies her friend had been through.

After letting Kayleen sip from the jug again, the Southerner recovered the

ivory grater and moved to her muscular back, scraping gashes of white hot

torment under her shoulder blades and compounding the torment with the brush,

alternating the hellish instruments while she convulsed madly and shook her

head almost to the point of breaking her own neck from the harrowing pain.

Indulging in one of his favorite torments, he pulled her up by a curl of her

pubic hair and started scraping her mons raw with the grater, still twisting

her left and right to let the slivers and splinters from the cone rake her

distended bowels, but putting his best efforts into ripping swaths of blonde

pubic hair by sawing back and forth with the bloody grater while her wretched

howls echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber.

Her torment got, if possible, worse when he targeted her ribcage, as he put an

unexpected amount of force in scraping the very flesh from the bone, knowing

how painful the points would be when scraped against the ribs. She howled in

mad agony while sputtering and choking on foam at her mouth, shaking from the

unspeakable pain while his scraping ripped the flesh from her ribs, shriveling

under a pain which surpassed even the unrelenting agonies of the cone.

Lyral started praying softly when she saw white bone in her friend's wounds,

engrossed in the agonies she was facing almost to the point of forgetting her

own, except when searing pain shot through her shoulder joints and everything

on her mind went blank until she stopped trembling and screaming. Silent and

motionless, Zhorun stood by her suffering friend as if not to miss anything.

When the Southerner's hand grabbed Kayleen's breast, she found the voice for a

wail of dread and despair which betrayed how little of the proud Warrior Queen

had survived the unrelenting torments being heaped upon her. Blood oozed from

her engorged breast flesh when the tiny teeth of the ivory grater lacerated

the distended skin, and the echoes of her howl of raw agony persisted long

enough to be joined by the screams which followed as he mauled the taut flesh

of her breasts with savage abandon, delighting in the unrelenting screams and

spasmodic convulsions which sent droplets of blood all over his white robe.

He kept scraping her breasts, splashing her occasionally with cold water,

until he was sure that only the nipples had escaped the agonizing kiss of the

grater, then abandoned it in favor of a new device, a pair of pliers whose

elongated jaws consisted of narrow ivory graters. With a chuckle he pinched

her left nipple and tightened the jaws on it, dragging them forcefully while

blood spurted from the scraped piece of feminine flesh and a howl of

unparalleled agony rose from between the legs of the gag distending her mouth.

He slowly protracted the scraping of her nipples, pausing maybe once in a

dozen times to let her sip from the jug, savoring her howls of desperate agony

and the sight of her tear streaked visage shaken by tremors and drooling at

the corners of the mouth. Instead of scraping her nipples to shreds, however,

he switched to the fishbone brush, which he used to scratch the rasped flesh

repeatedly while she convulsed in howling torment under his hands.

Still not sated, he then grabbed her clitoris in the pliers and started

scraping the tiny bud of feminine flesh raw, relishing the inarticulate howls

of unspeakable agony issuing from her distended mouth a few inches from his

leering grin, his arousal mounting when her bleeding nipples heaved at every

scream and quivered brushing against his chest.

Lyral watched in horror the ghastly mauling of the piece of feminine flesh her

friend rued before any other, remembering how for a moment in the morning the

fear, horror and grief of the young woman had been revealed, praying that

something, anything, stopped her friend's torment. She kept praying while her

friend's screams continued, refusing to believe that her prayers would go

unanswered even as her friend's agony continued on and on.

Finally, with a growl, the aroused Southerner drove his member up Kayleen's

vagina again, thrusting viciously in a frenzied rut which wrenched new screams

from her as his leather sheathed member tore into her scraped passage,

reopening bleeding wounds and ripping the gashes torn by the grater still

wider. Consumed by lust, he pushed into her in wild abandon, his hands on his

hips pushing her down on the cone after his loins had pushed her down, bent on

savoring the convulsions of her body in his arms and the twitching of her

scraped nipples as, scream after scream, they stroke his chest.

The Easterner stepped in, and with help from Grod they grabbed her, the cone,

and the entire contraption, and slowly tilted her, not without screams and

convulsions as new waves of pain wracked her body, until she lied on her right

side with the cone still deeply penetrating her bowels. They let her sip from

the jug in quantity, then proceeded to seep warm, light oil inside her rectum

in order to remove the cone without ripping her entrails off, although she

suffered horribly and they had to stem her bleeding repeatedly.

Lyral watched the treatment with ambivalence, at the same time glad that her

friend would not bleed to death, as the paste was apparently quite effective,

and chilled to the bone at their readiness to risk lethal injuries to increase

the level of torment. They probably counted on her healing power to bail them

out in case things got out of hand, and she had to admit that she would never

let her friend die before her eyes, even if this played in their hands.

Now it was the Easterner's turn, and he cuffed Kayleen's ankles together

before dragging her moaning form to an ominous device, a large waterwheel

whose lower half was under water level. He forced her to kneel and cuffed her

elbows together behind her back, then twisted her arms up and fastened her

wrists to a ring in the wheel. He then cranked the wheel, pulling on her arms

while she cried as her sockets were again torn unmercifully while her back was

pulled on the wheel as it rotated clockwise. Her body jerked with a scream

when the barbs in the wheel raked her lacerated back, and her screams

continued as her body was slowly forced to arch on the waterwheel, fastened to

rings at the wrists, waistband and finally at her ankles.

He kept cranking the wheel until her wrists reached the cold water, at which

she cried in dismayed surprise when her wounded wrists burned under the fierce

bite of the saline water. Her eyes closed shut while her body trembled in

dread at the thought of the torments she would face once the lacerations

covering most of her body were immersed in the salt water. Her tormentor

paused to lock his gaze into hers, shrugging when he found resolve.

As her head went under water before the parts of her body where the skin had

been scraped off, her agony was not apparent at first, but when her raw purple

breasts reached the water the convulsions of her body silently illustrated how

agonies beyond belief were coursing through her slender form, while a few

bubbles rose from the water. Her tormentor kept cranking the wheel, keeping

her under until her head emerged, her gasps for fresh air soon turning into

bitter screams as the saltwater still burned her wounded skin.

He kept cranking until she came full circle and her head disappeared under

water again, but instead of continuing he stopped and disrobed, straddling her

loins, and thrust his leather wrapped member down her scraped love channel as

her body trembled and shook in dismay and pain. He kept thrusting, holding

with his hands as she trembled whenever her breasts slid into the water,

grunting when her vaginal muscles started contracting as she drowned.

Lyral watched in dread the race between the Easterner's arousal and her

friend's asphyxiation, trying to put off from her mind the thought of how the

saltwater was burning her under his ravishing thrusts, and puked when he

finished and some of his semen squirted on her friend's lacerated mons, her

only relief being that the wheel was being cranked back and her friend's

heaving chest testified to her vitality moments before the mouth erupted in a

tormented scream after gasping for air. A flash of pain however ended her

relief as the Southerner had grasped one of her fingers and ripped the nail

off with pliers, without bothering to release her first.

Twitching from the harsh bite of the salt all over her scraped flesh, Kayleen

continued screaming while the Easterner cranked the wheel until she was out of

the water. Without a word, he procured a small steel hook, grabbed a fold of

her lacerated breast flesh and twisted it in between her wounds, ignoring her

anguished screams as droplets of blood spurted and salt seeped in the wound,

crushing any residual expectation of restraint as an entire box of hooks was

revealed and a spiked lead ball was fastened to the hook, causing it to

distend her wounded flesh while she shrieked in deranged pain.

He then resumed his cranking of the wheel, at which the hook revealed its

fiendish purpose as it shifted under the weight of the ball while her position

changed, wrenching cries of pain from her distended form. He did not stop

cranking when her head went under this time, and she was slowly hauled through

a nightmare of burning agony, on the edge of drowning for interminable seconds

until her head cleared the water, sputtering and shaking back and forth while

screams fought with gasps for air in her spasmodically heaving chest.

No sooner had she stopped screaming, that he drove another weighted hook in

the flesh of her other breast, subjecting her to another full circle of the

wheel immediately thereafter. When she emerged, screaming, he used a pair of

pliers to clench a barbed steel wire at the base of her clitoris and each of

her nipples and then pierced them with thin barbed needles, finishing with a

full rotation of the wheel. Always hauling her through a full rotation each

time, he drove three barbed hooks in each nipple and four in her love bud, so

that as she went through the upper half of each her screams became each time

harsher as the weights shifted the hooks, distending her breasts into cones of

burning agony. Underwater, the weights just distended the skin around her

lacerations, making the bite of the salt even harsher.

Lyral screamed again as the Southerner ripped a nail from her fingers at the

slightest pause in her friend's torment, fully aware that her shoulder joints

were burning nodes of white hot agony which was fanned anew by the jerks from

the pain in her mauled fingers.

Still following each with a full rotation of the wheel, the Southerner started

driving more needles in Kayleen's swollen nipples and clitoris, long needles

whose forked tip wrenched howls of agony from her heaving body as he slowly

pushed it through her flesh. Once no more needles could find place on her

bleeding love bud, he started driving barbed hooks through her cunts lips and

stitching them to the inside of her thighs with more needles, dragging her one

step at a time down a staircase of saline agonies while the folds of her flesh

were distended in a flower of pain ready to twitch spasmodically under the

harsh bite of salt water and to be pierced by more needles.

After this protracted torment, he suddenly started removing the needles and

subsequently the hooks, another torment as the barbed tips receded in her

wounded flesh, but something she could not help but hope would prelude to some

respite. But she was made to sip from the jug, and then he cranked the wheel

until her loins reached the right height, then circled around, hurriedly

pulling out his member, and thrust it inside her again, panting slightly but

apparently in haste rather than from arousal, pumping back and forth his

manhood in her bleeding orifice with uncaring viciousness, his eyes coldly

assessing her spasmodic jerks and the trembling of her chest while bubbles

rose to the surface above her submerged head.

When her vaginal muscles clutched his member, a sign of incipient drowning, he

jerked his hips left and right, as if to screw deeper down her scraped womb,

then grabbed the wheel and started lowering his pelvis forcefully, turning the

wheel with his weight while protracting her abject rape until her vagina was

so low that he had to pull out to avoid the barbs on the wheel.

Instead of turning the wheel back, he returned to cranking it, although her

stay underwater was already comparable to what she had endured before, and in

a show of executioner's expertise kept her convulsing and shaking under water

until the very last second, pulling her head above just after her spasmodic

twitches stopped, then quickly turning the wheel until her head was upside

down, at which he was able to push on her chest with his hands to force the

water out of her lungs, bringing her back between coughing screams as the pain

from the relentless bite of the salt assaulted her recouped consciousness.

Lyral gasped in horror as her friend was effectively drowned before her eyes,

her dread so intense that she forgot about the unrelenting pain in her

shoulders for an instant. As with the lacerations all over her friend's body,

the torturers were using ordinarily deadly methods and then rescuing the

victim on the edge of death. And since the bleeding had receded greatly, she

suspected that Zhorun had an hand in improving the means of treating the

victims of the torture chamber, once the sole province of Grod if tales could

be trusted. Necromancers were known to dabble with life, and maybe he had

devised some means to assist his torturers in their grisly work.

Dread and dismay tinged Kayleen's screams as the hooks and needles were again

driven into her quivering flesh, so brimming with salt that she was in

uninterrupted agony from it alone, but somehow managed to produce harsher and

louder screams when the devilish implements penetrated it, each new one

followed by a course through the saline hell and then compounding her agony by

twisting in her flesh for the upper half of each rotation.

After exhausting the pile of needles and hooks removed before her rape, the

Easterner produced a number of thin steel needles which he pushed deeper into

her flesh so that her muscles would bend them while she convulsed in agony and

the tips would twitch inside her delectable feminine flesh, especially her

bleeding nipples and clitoris. It took him many turns of the wheel to get this

part right, adjusting the tips as screams burst from her torn mouth.

Taking care not to wound himself on the points crowded around her nether

regions, he then drove weighted hooks through the scraped rim of her vagina,

distending it with two fingers before driving each hook in, not perpendicular

through the flesh but under its surface, so that the pain would be intensified

as the weight tore it back and forth.

As her torment had shattered any hope of restraint she might harbor, the only

thought in the haze of pain in her mind was to hold on until evening, but her

tormentor was apparently intent on finding a new agony for her feminine flesh

on each turn of the wheel and started folding the lacerated flesh at the base

of her breasts, pinching it with short needles so close to each other that it

was if he was tightening a cord at their base, although they bulged only

slightly as the circulation was not being restricted.

Lyral screamed as her gaze was forced to leave the torments being inflicted on

her friend by a terrible pain in her toe, whose nail had been ripped off by

the smiling Southerner, who now savored the sight of her creamy legs flailing

from the pain and jerking her shoulder joints into white hot bursts of

unspeakable torment. The image of her friend's breasts bulging as their flesh

was being folded by stitching it with needles was obliterated from the swarthy

visage of her tormentor laughing as the pliers chose another toe.

In a new twist of cruelty, the Easterner clenched a weighted clamp on

Kayleen's left nipple, constricting its pierced flesh between its jaws as her

voice exploded in a howl of demented agony which rose and waned for the entire

upper half of the subsequent rotation, as the weights and her convulsions

shifted the needles under the grip of the clamp. The same fate was visited on

her other nipple and clitoris, and then more thin, long needles were driven

through the distended folds of her cunt lips while she howled in desperate

pain while undergoing another hauling through the saline hell below.

On the next rotation, her head rose from under water while she fought for air

just in time to see him raise a ladle, apparently some hot liquid because of a

wisp of smoke. When the wheel brought her breasts up, he trickled scalding hot

water on them, wrenching new agonies from her as her body convulsed

spasmodically under a fitful frenzy of tormented howls while all the needles

and hooks tore simultaneously her salt encrusted flesh. The next rotations of

the wheel dragged her through a hell of scalding torment before plunging in

the cold depths of saline agony, as the trickle of hot water seared her chest

and crotch, lingering atrociously on the nipples and the clitoris.

Then she sensed that something was different and a strangled cry of dismay

escaped from her lips as her head sunk underwater, and her hunch proved

correct as her tormentor stopped cranking and reached her parted thighs,

driving his thickly sheathed manhood in her vagina again, crushing hooks and

needles with silent force while her body stiffened and then jerked in

unbridled agony. With endurance devoid of lust, he protracted the torment of

her bleeding and pierced flesh, pushing rhythmically while turning the wheel

with his weight and twisting his pelvis now and then, raking the implements

driven in her flesh through her twitching flesh while her lungs fought for air

between blazing waves of unbearable pain.

The contraction of her vaginal muscles as she was taken on the edge of

drowning added another drop to the waves of her agony, fanning the torment

caused by the steel implements piercing her mauled flesh to new heights of

spasmodic twitching as her voice bubbled underwater wasting her precious last

gasps of air. Her bloody rape was kept up until she stiffened after a few

prodigious jerks and then fell limp, and only then was the wheel turned back,

bringing her head above water so that his hands could forcefully revive her by

expelling water and blood from her lungs while screams of sheer agony framed

her pitiful gasps and coughs.

Lyral wept bitterly as her friend was raped to death, hysterically trying to

find a way to convince their torturers that she was not afraid of rape so that

they would stop violating her friend so abjectly. Her friend being then

revived brought her little comfort, both because she knew that more tortures

would follow, but also because the Southerner ripper her last toenail,

returning her attention to her own agonies in a blast of unbearable pain.

Kayleen screamed occasionally while the implements piercing her lacerated

flesh were removed and her wounds treated, her soft sobs a quiet testimony to

how much she had been through. Then she was removed from the device, crying as

Grod tightened the collar on her windpipe before dragging her to another, a

contraption of steel bars and screws whose purpose escaped her. He fastened

her cuffed wrists to the end of a thick bar which also held her elbow cuffs

and ended in a wedge shaped cross bar nudged under her shoulders, then pulled

her up and fastened her waist band to a second bar, which supported both the

bar holding her arms and another to which he fastened her ankles after

doubling her legs at the knee, which also ended in a wedge-shaped crossbar

nudged behind her knees.

When he was done, she found herself hogtied to the device in mid air, and

although strenuously constricted, subjected only to a discomfort which in no

way compared to what she had withstood so far. She was offered the jug, then

he started to turn the screw on the bar holding her arms, and dread shot

through her as her arms were pulled back, straining her sockets and wrenching

a new howl of torment as blazes of pain rose from her shoulder joints.

Her howls rose in pitch when he turned the screw on the bar holding her legs

and the pain from her hip joints compounded the agony from her shoulders, her

bitter tears mingling with the salt still harshly biting in her wounds while

she writhed in uninterrupted pain. The torments Grod managed to apply on bone

and muscle often caused pain without requiring further intervention. Like with

the ointment he was smearing on her limbs, the one which caused cramps in

muscles and would soon wreck her arms and legs with spasmodic cramps while her

joints burned in ever increasing woe.

Meanwhile, Lyral watched in dread as the Easterner was adjusting some screws

in a bronze and copper contraption sculpted into the likelihood of a cat, with

elaborated front claws which he adjusted so that they matched her nipples. As

her friend's torment was not readily understandable from her position, her

imagination trembled before the bronze implement, just as her hanging body

quivered when it was fastened to her and the claws rubbed her nipples.

Kayleen's tormentor fetched a pair of iron pliers and seized her thumb, then

with cruel slowness started ripping her nail off, causing her voice to rise in

a shriek of torment and the muscles of her arms to strain in the vain attempt

to free her hands from the abject torment. After some time, he did the same

with her other hand, and at the fourth nail her arms were already trembling

with savage cramps which wracked her even as he elongated the bar some more

and started ripping her left toenail off.

How long she twitched in agony while he ripped off her nails and elongated the

bars while cramps shot through her limbs, she could not tell, but as he ripped

her last nail and the pain from the cramps was now beyond description, he let

her sip from the jug and then slowly elongated the bars again, bringing her

joints on the verge of dislocation.

The bars allowed precise control of the distance, and now kept her stretched

on the fine line of dislocation, so that each jerk resulted in temporarily

pulling a limb a fraction of an inch out of its socket, causing a blast of

absolute torment which wrenched a howl of mad agony from her sore throat, only

to see it bounce back into place from the pull of muscles and ligaments as the

restraints disallowed any movement which would otherwise misalign the limb.

Lyral could not understand the nature of her friend's torment, although she

could guess that her limbs were being stretched, but when the Easterner placed

little nuggets of white hot iron in the bronze cat, trembled in anticipation

of the scorching agony of heat, and was thus surprised when the claws of the

device pinched her nipples, barely at first but slowly sinking deeper while

she cried from the mounting pain and trembled as they were getting warm, and

when the heat rose she screamed in terror.

Kayleen meanwhile was essentially repeatedly dislocating her own limbs on each

jerk, and the burn of the salt in the lacerations scattered over her body

caused her to jerk aplenty, so she kept convulsing in fits of woe as the

torments of dislocation repeatedly wracked her panting form, drawing pitched

howls of harrowing pain from her torn mouth.

Grod let the torment run its course until exhaustion slowly quelled her

pain-wracked jerks, reducing them to spasmodic twitches and then to trembling

agony under the incessant assault of the savage cramps induced in her limbs by

the ointment. While her raucous screams subsided, he grabbed her by her sweat

soaked blonde hair and thrust his member deep in her throat, sending a shiver

in her tired body and pushing violently, causing her to jerk in response and

scream all her desperate agony onto his bulging member.

His rhythmic pumping of her sore mouth was by itself enough to tear repeatedly

her shoulder joints into dislocating briefly, and the flares of agony each

such occurrence entailed wracked her restrained body into further spasms of

unbridled torment which occasionally caused the same to occur in her hip

joints, which resulted in her limbs trembling uncontrollable while white hot

pain coursed through her restrained form,

He pulled out, leaving her cough and gag in misery, slowly sliding into

exhaustion again after being forced to suffer through multiple dislocations

again. He fetched a pair of knobbed wooden planks and encased her elbows in

between, and a cry of despair surged from her mouth when she saw him pick up a

wooden wedge and a mallet as the memory of the suffering wrought by the planks

slowly crushing her bones flashed through her mind.

As the wedge was driven between the planks, the knobs dug in her elbows and a

scream of agony surged from her mouth as the pain forced her to move, causing

her shoulder joints to flash the unbearable pain of dislocation through her

body yet again. A couple of screams later, as exhaustion quelled her spasms,

her head dropped in misery and then jerked in a howl of torment as another

wedge was pushed between her elbows and she was again brought to face the

agony of having her shoulders repeatedly wrenched into and out of dislocation.

He let her sip from the jug, scanning her eyes in search of defeat, and for an

instant she wondered what would happen if she surrendered. Then her gaze fell

on her breasts, where the skin had all but been scraped off, leaving the

purple flesh bleeding from dozens of lacerations which had been raked by the

hooks and pierced by the needles. Her nipples hung in tatters, scraped to

perhaps half their girth and shredded where the hooks had ripped clear, and

she found her answer. She would not turn Shandra over to them.

He encased her wrists between knobbed planks and then used the mallet to drive

wedges between, watching her hands clench and distend in torment as the knobs

started crushing her wrists and her body convulsed in howling pain as she had

jerked her shoulder joints out of their sockets. This always resulted in a

streak of twitches and screams, until even agony no longer managed to force

her pain-wracked muscles to contract again.

Lyral remembered how, healing her friend after the torment of the wedges, she

had felt the agony of the cracked bones, not quite broken but fiendishly close

to, and how they had wracked her friend into hells of unbearable pain. Even as

the Easterner was heating another set of iron nuggets to renew the torment of

her nipples, she could not help herself but weep bitterly at the thought of

what her friend was being subjected to in order to make her talk.

To extend the torment to Kayleen's limbs, Grod snug two planks between her

lower legs, both knobbed sides facing the flesh, using the mallet to drive

them home and causing her to resume her convulsing jerks as the knobs dug into

the lacerations left by the grater. She screamed in merciless pain as this

caused her hip joints to teeter repeatedly on the verge of dislocation. He bid

his time, always pausing to let her come near exhaustion before proceeding,

but he finally managed to encase her slender limbs in the wooden planks.

He drove the first wedge between the planks, separating them slightly and

putting pressure on the bones on both sides but also grinding the wooden knobs

into her lacerated flesh, causing immediate and excruciating pain which

resulted in a frenzy of screams and convulsions lasting much longer than

before, so long that foam started dribbling off the corner of her mouth.

Once her throes subsided, he drove a wedge through the planks crushing her

elbows, fanning their pressure anew and causing another desperate howl to

herald a series of screams of mad pain, mostly due to the repeated torment of

her shoulder joints but now also carrying the pain from her elbows, not quite

crushed but constricted fiercely enough that each movement jarred them

painfully. Since the device did not allow easy access to her knees, he had

opted for crushing the long bones of her limbs, and a few wedges between the

planks increased the pain therein enough to drive her into repeatedly wracking

her hip joints near dislocation again.

As the metallic claws tore through her nipples again Lyral convulsed in sheer

agony, because her fatigued shoulder joints blasted in white hot pain whenever

her movements jarred them. She had been praying under her breath for her

friend, hoping that whatever restraint she would be put once today's torment

ended would allow her to recover her healing power, because her friend, even

if apparently no longer facing imminent death, had undergone one of the most

harsh sessions she had witnessed and was probably in dire need of the respite

and recovery her healing would bring.

As it was often the case, Grod's torments often progressed from painful to

excruciating without ever diminishing the pain inflicted, and in this case the

planks compounded rather than replaced the fiendish dislocation of Kayleen's

joints and their grip on the bones never dwindled, increasing instead with

each wedge and alternating between the throbbing pain of savage compression

and the flashes of agony from the knobs digging into the wounded flesh.

He brought the jug to her lips, helping her to its contents as she sputtered

and gurgled, then pulled out his member and pushed it up her throat, grabbing

her by her blonde hair and thrusting back and forth while her face contorted

into a mask of rage and torment. Her muffled screams crowded in her throat as

his thrusts wracked her into more jerks of self inflicted torment, but unlike

the Southerner he did not seem consumed by lust after his victim, which to

some extent was for the worse as this caused her humiliation to last longer.

At last he pulled out, leaving her cough between screams of dismay and anguish

as her shoulder and hip joints were jerked again into and out of dislocation

as a consequence of her spasmodic convulsions. While she was on the way to

exhausting herself again, he splashed her repeatedly with cold saltwater,

rekindling a torment which had slowly receded, so that pain burned all over

her body again and another frenzy of howling agony was set in motion.

The harsh sting of the salt made itself felt especially in her legs, and the

pain of repeated dislocation of her hip joints coursed through her restrained

body like a wave of blazing agony, wracking her chest under the shuddering

impact of bellowing howls, sometimes to the point of causing her shoulder

joints to undergo the same fate. She had been screaming uninterruptedly for

most of the day, any semblance of her former defiance shattered by the ever

present gag and probably not on par with what she was undergoing anyway.

He trapped the fingers of her left hand between the jaws of a pair of

thumbscrews, and waited until she almost stopped trembling before tightening

them, so that the pain rose through her arm and caused it to jerk, at which

her whole torso stiffened and then shook in a howl of abject suffering as her

shoulder joint had been wracked into and out of dislocation. The same happened

to her other shoulder as a consequence of her convulsions, and her torment

continued between raucous screams until her exhausted muscles lost their

capacity to react, although not the capacity to endanger more cramps.

Lyral watched, as their torturers intended, but instead of being pushed to

talk she was focusing on praying for her friend, as her knowledge of Zhorun's

nature allowed her no illusions as to their fate. Apparently evil was often

its own undoing, because Zhorun would have obtained by now all he could need

about Shandra by putting her through a fraction of the torments wrought on her

friend, but his urge to wallow in her friend's agony had blinded him.

Once Kayleen's twitching dwindled, Grod put on her restrained feet a device he

had used only rarely, a heavy iron boot which could be cranked to crush the

foot, a task for which he favored ordinary vices or planks and wedges. She was

by now in constant agony from the planks crushing her joints and bones,

although none had been broken or even cracked yet, but when he tightened the

boot and its ridges and knobs gripped her foot and started cracking the

delicate bones, her agonies reached a peak she would have discounted as

impossible, causing her to convulse in mad torment, rattling the hogtie rack

as fierce howls shook her chest and her face contorted in sheer agony.

Another boot was placed on her other foot after letting her sip from the jug

again, but he bid his time before crushing it to let the drug take effect.

Once he tightened the boot, however, her howls rose as high as before and her

convulsions proved if possible even more spasmodic, and took longer to settle

while her repeated screams remained strong for an horribly long time.

"Is this enough, or do you mean to tax my patience any longer ?" asked all of

a sudden the robed corpse who had attended silently so far.

"Rot ... in ... hell", stammered Kayleen's voice between screams.

"Grod, while your technique is of commendable ingenuity, her defiance is not

being punished adequately. Would she stand the hot irons ?"

"Yes, at least if lightly applied," replied Grod, surprised, while a strangled

scream of unspeakable dread shook Kayleen's chest.

"Proceed with the hot irons, then, and be merciless", whispered the corpse.

Lyral's eyes bulged in horror as her musings found their dreadful confirmation

and frantically tried to find something she could say to stop them, but no

words rose to her mouth as warm tears descended her cheek. Her friend had not

been aware of Zhorun's nature, and probably not even the wizard was, as this

was part of the lore she had been taught and was probably the result of what

had been learned before the undead were defeated. Her plan to withstand the

torture to buy time was probably based on what human torturers would be

limited to, but Zhorun's direct involvement would probably increase.

Grod left his victim writhing between dwindling screams of desperate agony, as

he had not envisioned the use of hot irons and he would have to heat them now,

but Kayleen's respite was short lived. When her throes subsided, Zhorun

gestured to the Southerner, who smiled evilly, bowed and moved before

Kayleen's face. He pulled out his member and thrust it down her throat,

muffling her cry of disgust and pain and immediately pushing back and forth

with all his force to savor her screams of enraged pain and force her tongue

to massage his aroused manhood while pain wracked her joints again.

Once the old man's semen filled her mouth, he pulled out, and left her to

convulse and scream herself to exhaustion. While her jerks subsided, the

corpse which had been a powerful necromancer raised his fingers in the subtle

gestures of a spell and thin tendrils of blue lightning streaked through the

room, playing on Kayleen's restrained body as if caressing it but causing

unbelievable jerks and twitches as her voice bellowed in unspeakable agony

from the multiple pains coursing through her tormented body.

After an instant which carried an eternity of torments the lightning

disappeared, leaving its victim convulsing spasmodically in her bonds and

screaming hysterically as the prodigious jerks caused by the lightning rattled

the rack and her limbs shook and trembled incessantly.

Zhorun did not use his magic again, and Grod neared with a brazier of fiery

coals and a red hot poker, which he dragged along her left leg, wrenching a

trembling scream of desperate agony from her torn mouth as the residuals of

water and sweat sizzled and her lacerated flesh was scorched raw.

As with anything which caused her to move, although not the degree caused by

Zhorun's tendrils of lightning, the hot iron engendered a streak of harsh

convulsions and harrowing screams as her joints teetered into and out of

dislocation, so he paused after application to let it run its full course.

He then rubbed the hot iron on her taut belly, pausing as this pushed her into

throes of jerking agony again. Almost lazily, the hot iron was dragged on her

arms and legs, as the movements induced in the limbs more readily resulted in

the torment of her joints, as testified by her harrowing screams.

As exhaustion was taking hold of her he forced her to sip from the jug before

rubbing the hot iron on her breasts, scorching the scraped flesh unmercifully

while her howls of demented agony wracked her chest and rattled her restraints

as she experienced depths of pain beyond her worst nightmares.

"Is this enough, or do you mean to tax my patience any longer ?" whispered the

robed corpse, using the same exact words he had used before.

Kayleen was no longer able to express a defiant response, her gagged mouth

foaming and bleeding pitifully as she was shaking and screaming hoarsely from

the unspeakable agonies wrought on her, but managed to shake her head. Upon a

gesture from Zhorun, Grod rubbed the hot iron between her cunt lips, managing

to wrench a new scream of horrifying torment from a mouth which apparently was

now beyond its last screams.

Unmercifully as requested, he heated the iron again and pushed it deep inside

her vagina, pausing while she convulsed in mad agony before pushing it in

again. After a while he pushed its dull point into her scraped clitoris,

twisting it in the rip torn by a hook while she bellowed in abysmal pain. Once

her howls showed sign of waning, he rubbed first one nipple and then the other

with the scorching iron, careful not to linger too long as the shredded flesh

could stick to the iron since he was not using grease this time.

As her convulsions were now uninterrupted and hard to assess, he just took to

waiting a bit before dragging the iron on each target, his gaze on the

motionless robed figure, dragging her through deeper and deeper hells of

searing agony until Zhorun gestured that it was enough.

Chapter 19 - No Respite Allowed

Lyral cried bitterly when her aching muscles gave way and she fell back onto

the stone floor. Her ankles had been cuffed together under her to a ring in

the floor, her arms bent under her neck and similarly restrained, in a

position which caused her hellish pangs from her arms and shoulders. Above her

head, in the darkness, her friend's head faced hers, and she winced whenever

tears landed on her face. Her friend had been forced to straddle a large wooden

wedge, cruelly set with tiny spikes not only on the top edge but also on the

sloping sides, and had been repeatedly doused with freezing cold salt water.

Kayleen's arms had been cuffed behind her and then pulled above her head,

forcing her to lean on the wedge with her front and rub the inner sides of her

lacerated breasts on the spikes while her collar was fastened to the near end

of the device. An iron band had been savagely tightened around her waist and

her legs had been bent at the knee and fastened ankle to thigh, so that when

she tried to lift her bleeding crotch from the edge the spikes dug in the

lacerated insides of her thighs causing her to scream bitterly.

In order to heal her shivering friend, Lyral had to push herself up, but even

in her best bridge push-up she could only reach the hair, and after hours of

torment her arms and shoulders hurt terribly when she attempted it. Healing

from the lips trough the hair was possible, but terribly curtailed, with an

effectiveness far short of what her friend needed.

"Heal yourself, Lyral. You cannot heal me tonight," whispered Kayleen.

"Kayleen, please try. You've been on the edge of death twice today. The paste

they used on your wounds barely staunched your bleeding, but half of your skin

has been scraped off. If you lower your head, I could restore you to ..."

"Face another day in hell," sobbed Kayleen.

Lyral stood still, chilled by the prospect that her brave friend could lose

heart. She had been looking to the strong woman as a paramount of courage and

resolve, while despising her own weakness, and now she had no safe harbor for

her fears and doubts. "Kayleen, ..."

"Don't worry, Lyral, I don't mean to give up. It's just that sometimes I would

like, for example, to get these cuffs off just long enough to snap Zhorun's

neck. Never mind. get ready," said Kayleen, gathering her resolve to gain the

inch which would allow her friend to heal her. She forced herself onto the

wedge, compressing her chest and screaming hoarsely as the spikes dug in her

sternum. This allowed Lyral to reach her friend's head and start the healing

process, at least until her muscles could no longer sustain her bridge push-up

and she fell down, screaming from the pain in her throbbing shoulders.

If she healed herself, she would still be unable to keep up a bridge push-up

for long, so she chose to heal her friend instead. It took her many torturous

attempts, but she managed to convey some of her remaining power into healing

her friend at the price of awful pain in her shoulders.

"I feel much better," lied Kayleen, sensing what was going on.

"Thanks, but I know," replied Lyral, well aware that her friend's healing had

been incomplete. The healing power worked from the inside out and from worst

to least, so dangerous internal wounds had been repaired but her skin had been

restored only partially. Her burns would still hurt, and she would not face

the day ahead with a body restored to its full health. Somehow, Lyral felt

that this had been the intent of their torturers from the beginning.

"Kayleen, if they insist on curtailing the healing I can deliver, you'll be

ground into submission sooner or later, by exhaustion if nothing else. How

much time can your bravery still buy ?" asked Lyral.

"All the time I can, Lyral. I doubt the capture of Shandra would improve our

position. Taking my life would thwart him, sure, but I have not been given

many chances, and if the first attempt fails they would make sure I could not

try again. Besides, I would abandon you in their hands," whispered Kayleen.

Lyral trembled at the thought, and had to admit that even if she could muster

the resolve to take her own life in moments such as now when they were given

some semblance of respite, she could not bear the thought of abandoning her

friend, bereft of what little comfort her healing brought. Her mind still

shivered at the memory of the anguish she had sensed when healing her the

first time, from the accumulated agonies of days and days of torture; even if

the individual torments had grown harsher thereafter, she had not experienced

anything comparable again.  She only said, "I'll be with you, whatever you

decide. But we must rest now,"

Neither found much rest, especially Kayleen under the pain of her twisted arms

and the unrelenting torment of the wedge, but when the light from the torches

marked the start of another day of torments, their eyes exchanged a gaze of

mutual support and encouragement.

Lyral gulped when the Southerner neared her, freeing her from the rings in the

floor only to drag her across the chamber to the wooden ladder, where her

ankles and wrists were fastened to the device. But when she saw the glass jars

where horrific critters twitched ominously, a wail rose from her lips and she

started praying softly in terrified whispers.

Grod tightened Kayleen's collar before releasing her arms, and while a fitful

sigh escaped her lips he rolled her off the wedge and dragged her by her legs

between two pillars, where her ankles were fastened to chains which he then

pulled up to spread her legs wide in a lewd inverted suspension. When he

grabbed the wrists and twisted them, first under her and then above her head

again, a bitter cry surged from her mouth as the ache in her arms and

shoulders had not healed and was now being rekindled.

He then started pouring water on her, freezing cold salt water. She screamed

as the salt seeped again in her wounds, buckling in the taut chains, although

the pain was less excruciating than the day before when the same treatment had

been visited on flesh scraped raw. Yet, the water was so cold and she was

drenched with such insistence that she started to shiver, and the cold became

painful when he doused her with a powder so cold that it almost burned, while

vapor rose from her skin turned pale and covered in icicles.

He fetched a barbed flogger and with a powerful swing raked its tails on her

ass cheeks, wrenching a pitched scream of utter agony from her mouth as a pain

surpassing all her previous whippings radiated from her buttocks. She screamed

again when the next strike landed on her left thigh, coiling around the limb

and leaving tiny wounds which immediately oozed blood.

A third strike hit her on her other thigh, and the fourth squarely on her

crotch, sending droplets of blood spraying while her mouth bellowed in the

throngs of agony. He paused while she writhed in torment, then flogged her

crotch again, and again, landing over a dozen evenly spaced strikes between

her splayed legs while she screamed in inhuman pain.

He then reduced the pull on the chains, lowering her loins until she was at

the right height, then silently penetrated her suffering vagina, ignoring her

howl of rage and pain as the violation scraped her dry innards. Holding her

hips, he kept pushing back and forth with methodical force, probably aware of

how his thrusts jarred her shoulder joints, furthering her agony.

As the rape was protracted, it was as if despair was seeping, scream after

scream, in her voice, and he increased his rhythm, climaxing within her with a

long deep breath. Her chest heaved in bitter cries, and then she screamed when

he poured more cold saltwater on her before flogging her repeatedly again. As

if the thought of breaking her with his manhood excited him, his member rose

again while he kept flogging her feminine parts and he renewed her violation

viciously while she writhed and buckled, screaming in forlorn torment.

The rapes of her friend, much to Lyral's chagrin, were meant for her, but this

time the Southerner apparently intended to torture her in earnest, because he

repeatedly dragged a venomous caterpillar on her pale skin, rubbing it under

the armpits, or under the soles of her feet, keeping it there while she burst

in screams of harrowing agony and was too absorbed in her own torment to take

notice of what was being perpetrated on her friend.

Kayleen's second violation was brief, as Grod's excitement brought him to come

rather quickly, but he kept shaking her body for a while before pulling the

chains taut again and savagely lashing her ass cheeks. In a change from his

previous technique, he was now repeatedly targeting the same area of the body

over and over and frequently pouring cold water, maybe because it did not

linger as long as during the previous sessions because of her position.

He lashed her left leg, coiling the tails around her calf and tracing deep

crimson wounds which oozed blood after the barbs had torn the skin, causing

her to jerk in abysmal torment and scream helplessly as lash after lash left

its mark. When he switched to her right thigh, her screams became louder and

more desperate as the soft skin of the inner thigh was cruelly raked by the

barbed tails while her body trembled in a frenzy of anguished screams.

When he moved to her front, a sigh of despair coursed through her chest and

became a scream when the flogger slashed her breasts, still wounded from the

day before and burning from the salt, spraying droplets of blood as the barbs

tore the skin. Instead of continuing, he let her sip from the jug, but then

resumed the flogging of her breasts in earnest while her screams found new

strength as the horrific barbs raked them mercilessly, rising to howls of

unspeakable torment when a barb ripped a tiny bit of flesh from a nipple.

Lyral's respite was an indirect consequence of her friend's agony, however, as

the Southerner's gaze turned to the screaming blonde, ogling the strong thighs

and sumptuous breasts writhing under the barbed flogger. Lyral gasped when she

saw bits of flesh being ripped off her friend's breasts by the merciless tails

as a inhuman scream echoed in the chamber, aware that the cold water increased

the pain while reducing the blood loss.

After protracting the torment of Kayleen's breasts, Grod circled her writhing

body and targeted her back, first between her shoulder blades and then slowly

moving up to the small of her back, always pausing between a strike and the

next and pouring cold water on her withering form, keeping her in

uninterrupted torment as the screams caused by the bloody whipping were

interspersed with the cries caused by the harsh sting of the salt water.

The hellish barbs tore the skin of her back in dozens of places, leaving tiny

wounds along the thin welts like pearls of blood on a cord, but the shivering

cold she was being subjected to somehow reduced her blood loss, although it

made the pain all the more unbearable. Her back slowly turned into a nightmare

of welts and wounds, oozing blood and burning horribly from the salt in the

tiny wounds. Her screams rose to a frightening pitch as he repeatedly lashed

the small of her back, tearing at wounded skin with all his strength.

He changed his position slightly while she writhed in desperate agony, and her

gaze frantically looked around fearing that he would target her front again.

The next strike landed instead on her left side, tracing thin welts on the

ribcage but sending the barbs coiling around onto her left breast, wrenching a

new howl of unparalleled torment from her torn mouth.

He poured more cold water on her front, then when she stopped writhing encased

the base of each breast in a tight iron ring, causing them to bulge out of her

chest and bleed from the many tiny wounds. The next strikes landed on her arms

and while she screamed in agony, she was painfully aware that he was just

waiting for her breasts to swell from the constricted blood. She tried to

gather her resolve, telling herself that she only had to hold on until evening

came, telling herself that they could not break her, telling herself that they

were desperate for time, her mind spinning around the ever increasing torments

being wrought on her and dreading the long hours before dusk.

With methodical cruelty, he started whipping her sides, making sure the tails

coiled around and raked their barbs on her taut belly, spacing his strikes so

that each scream was not quite finished before pouring more water, but waiting

for her gasps and cries to finish after doing so. The welts and wounds marking

her pale skin traced a web of torment which was sapping her will, as if the

extreme pain of the barbed whip was somehow more intense than the harrowing

torments she had been put through in the preceding days.

Lyral cried in sheer agony when the Southerner returned briefly to rubbing the

horrid caterpillars on her soft breasts, but she started praying under her

breath for her friend, whose wounds she would be able to heal only in part and

so would be denied any rest or respite from the horrid attentions of Zhorun's

minions. The former wizard stood, completely motionless, less than two feet

from Kayleen's screaming and convulsing form, apparently transfixed by her

agonies and, Lyral suspected, discovering how they soothed his own.

Despair tinged Kayleen's inhuman screams as Grod started whipping her legs

again, ripping bits of flesh from the limbs kept taut by the chains while her

chest shook back and forth spasmodically. The wounds in her breasts were

bleeding again as the blood engorged the constricted flesh, but the rest of

her body was not, and her pale skin shivered while he repeatedly poured cold

water all over her, not excluding her breasts, causing her to cry in harrowing

pain from the relentless burn of the salt in her wounds.

He fetched a number of clamps and cruelly distended her cunt lips, exposing

her feminine parts and her clitoris which had already been whipped before her

rape. When the first strike landed between her inner lips, she bent at the

waist and howled in absolute agony as a droplets of blood sprayed after a bit

of flesh was ripped from the rim of her vagina. Why did they always target her

there, she asked herself in a haze of numbing pain, her grip on the reality of

her condition teetering momentarily.

More howls of unparalleled agony followed as the tails raked repeatedly her

soft nether regions, reaching a new peak when her clitoris was raked by a barb

while her body stiffened in an arch of desperate pain from the previous strike

under whose effects she was still screaming her lungs out.

At the top of her agony, he landed another vicious strike aimed at ripping

another bit of flesh from her clitoris and then penetrated her vagina again,

thrusting his member into her without even lowering her as before, forcing

himself on her with all his weight as the chains pulled on her limbs and pain

surged in her ankles while his member scraped her innards.

Panting, he pushed his manhood back and forth with cruel strength, twisting

left and right while she writhed between screams of dismay and gasps of acute

pain. To protract her humiliation, he stopped after a while and whipped her

again a couple times, then resumed her violation after pouring more saltwater

on her twitching form without waiting for her screams to subside.

Lyral, being momentarily spared the hellish torment of the caterpillars as her

tormentor savored the sight of her friend's violation in aroused anticipation,

inspected her friend's body frantically, trembling at the thought of how she

could best heal her with the limited power she would be afforded. In spite of

the continual dousing with ice cold water, too many wounds oozed blood.

After interrupting and resuming Kayleen's violation twice more, Grod finally

came inside her ravished love channel, possibly in spite of himself, but kept

his manhood inside her while she shook from the pain and humiliation of the

brutal rape. After composing himself, he let her sip from the jug and then

circled her, reaching her front and bringing the flogger in a wide swoop on

her right thigh, rekindling her screams as the barbs tore the soft skin.

The next strike was placed across her breasts, targeting the soft undersides

which exploded in pain as the barbs left tiny wounds in the constricted flesh

while her chest shook under a scream of sheer agony which had few equals in

what had been heard in this torture chamber. In a haze of pain, the thought of

how wrong she had been in assuming that a whipping would be easier to

withstand flashed through her minds, immediately confirmed by a white hot

blast of pain from her thigh as the barbs ripped more flesh from it.

With time, the strikes on her thighs alternated with those on her breasts on a

regular basis, as the number of wounds left by the barbs on her cold skin rose

to frightening levels while she buckled spasmodically under each strike, since

very little of her exposed skin had been spared and when a barb raked the welt

left by a previous strike a blast of unbearable pain seared through her

writhing body and a howl of pure agony rose to her tired lips.

Lyral vainly attempted to hide how her friend's screams made her shiver, but

only managed to avert her gaze, prompting her tormentor to rub the venomous

bristles of a fresh caterpillar under her left nipple with a laugh which her

scream drowned immediately. If they were buying time for their friends, they

were paying a horrid price for it.

Kayleen's body was now covered by rivulets of blood oozing from countless tiny

wounds where the barbs had ripped the skin, and after being whipped repeatedly

in places where the wounds were crowded together she was finally exposed to a

new level of pain as a barb ripped through the wound left by another, bringing

her to scream in demented agony while her body stiffened and then convulsed in

a jerk which could have snapped her spine.

When her throes subsided, Grod brought the jug to her lips, then raised the

flogger and brought it down on her left breast, bringing one of the barbs to

land on her nipple and causing her to scream in renewed torment. The next

strike landed between her legs, and a barb ripped a tiny bit of flesh from her

exposed clitoris, drawing a howl of inhuman agony from her sore mouth while

his evil intent started dawning on her.

Striking repeatedly, with skilled blows which caused the barbs to rake her

feminine flesh more often than not, he slowly dragged her down into pits of

hell she had not experienced yet, at the bottom of which lied the torment he

had demonstrated on her flesh and wanted to visit on her femininity. Strike

after strike, he repeatedly wrenched screams of anguished pain from her lips

until her nipples and clitoris were covered in tiny wounds.

When he managed to send a barb to rip through the raw flesh of her left

nipple, her howl rose to heights which had been seldom heard in this chamber

before, echoing under the dark vaults and fading only to be replaced by

another as he managed to obtain the same result again. He poured more salt

water on her writhing form, then when her cries subsided resumed whipping her

clitoris until her voice burst in another howl of unspeakable agony as her

love bud was ripped through by a barb and pain unlike any she had experienced

so far blazed through her convulsing body.

While she was still screaming from this last strike, he neared and penetrated

her again, fanning her screams to a new peak as his manhood scraped the rim of

her vagina where the barbs had ripped tiny wounds. Pain, rage and humiliation

roared in her voice as she started screaming in rhythm with his unrelenting

humping, writhing in his grip while he kept her at crotch height by leaning on

her with his full weight with each thrust, yanking her legs painfully and

subjecting her again to a humiliation which had grown more and more unbearable

as the repeated violations had followed one another.

Lyral twitched in mad agony from the stinging touch of the caterpillars under

the soft undersides of her creamy breasts. Her tormentor had momentarily

resumed her torture, but was looking forward to abusing her friend, as between

tears she saw him swallow some moldy concoction while watching. When Grod

finally pulled out of her friend's vagina, he left her side and reached him

immediately, as if to reclaim his turn.

The Southerner tightened Kayleen's collar, lowered her on the floor, cuffed

her ankles together and the wrists to her waist band before dragging her to a

heavy wooden trestle and laying her with her back on it, with the point of the

wedge lodged in the small of her back. He fastened her ankle cuffs to the

trestle, doubling her legs at the knee and splaying her thighs wide, while her

arms were pulled behind her neck, wound around a wedge-shaped bar nudged under

the elbows and her wrists were cuffed to a chain. He released her collar and

shortened the chain, forcing her to arch on the trestle.

She shivered when he moved between her legs, hiding a sob as she was well

aware of what her position entailed, and her voice rose to a shriek when he

pushed a thin needle through the rim of her vagina. She screamed again when

the needle was extracted and then reinserted, as he was threading a cord

through the flesh, folding it into ripples in spite of her twitches as the

salt burned into the wound, painfully reducing the width of the opening while

her screams continued in fits of harrowing torment. He revealed his aroused

manhood and, holding the ends of the cord with both hands, penetrated her with

a growl, thrusting viciously while she screamed in abject agony as the tight

passage was ripped through in beastly frenzy.

Pulling on the cords, he pushed back and forth into her while she twitched in

pain, howling when the combined action of his member and the cords ripped a

wound open for the salt. To protract her agony, he repeatedly pulled out while

tightening the cords, so that her channel would be ripped from the opposite

direction, and then thrust in again, wrenching new screams of pain although

the lubrication from her blood made the penetration less painful. When his

lust was spent, he tore the cord free, wrenching howls of desperate agony from

her sore throat and leaving her to cry in bitter pain as some remaining

saltwater seeped into the bleeding wounds and the scraped love channel.

Lyral shook her head between tears, as if to toss away the thought that this

new abject violation of her friend had been thought up because of how rape

scared her. As her friend's cries receded, dread mounted in her as she saw the

Easterner heating thin copper needles in a brazier.

With a cruel smile, the Southerner drove a four piece wooden wedge up

Kayleen's ass, causing her to twitch in screaming agony as the hacked, dented

surface scraped her bowels, and then with the help of both hands lodged his

flaccid member inside her vagina again, reveling in her inability to oppose

the disgusting act and the raging frustration which showed on her visage. Of

their three torturers, he was the one who took such unabashed pleasure in

hurting and ravishing her. At the bottom of her soul, Kayleen probably shared

her friend's deep fear of him.

Leaning forward, he started driving short, thin needles through the base of

her breasts, each one causing her to let a sharp cry escape her painfully

gagged mouth, alternating one pointing up towards the nipple with the other

pointing down towards the chest. Once done he tied a fine cord over each ring

of needles, tightening it with a tourniquet and causing the needles to bend

inside the firm flesh of her breasts, wrenching a howl of devastated agony

from her heaving chest. Each time he tightened a cord, alternating between her

left and right breast, her screams rose in pitch and duration, as her breasts

started swelling from the harsh constriction.

He fastened the cords constricting her breasts to a chain dangling from the

ceiling, which he then pulled up slowly while she twitched in pain, lifting

her a few inches from the trestle and leaving her dangling between screams as

the slightest movement shifted the needles inside her breast flesh. To renew

his arousal, he started driving needles through her buttocks, slowly pushing

them in the firm flesh as the forked tip dug searing pits of blazing agony

which surged through her mouth in long, howling screams of desperate pain.

Lyral's screams joined her friend's as the Easterner drove a hot needle under

her toenail, causing her to stiffen and arch in torment while her young voice

rose in shrill screams of pain. Only when not immediately subject to torture

was Lyral herself enough to shame at the thought of how a mere needle caused

her to scream madly while her friend withstood dozens through her breasts.

Savoring how Kayleen's screaming convulsions massaged his manhood, the

Southerner fetched more needles, long and thin, which he drove in her chest

after bending them so that he could slide them under a rib and the point would

exit on the other side, allowing him to pick it up. Amidst harrowing screams,

he used iron pliers to bend each needle again and push it under another rib,

braiding it into her ribcage two and even three times.

By slowly braiding dozens of needles through her ribcage, he turned her

breathing into a searing exercise in wheezing torment, panting while her

vaginal muscles clutched his member as spasms of pain coursed through her in

rhythm with her breathing, which they turned to fitful screaming. Nearing

arousal, he twisted a number of needle points so that they touched the taut

skin of her breasts, digging in whenever she took a deep breath, including

when her chest heaved before each scream.

With sadistic glee, he used the iron pliers to tighten pieces of iron wire

around the base of each nipple and of her clitoris, causing blood to engorge

her pieces of feminine flesh just before piercing them with wicked barbed

needles, which he twisted into her buds with vicious abandon while the screams

thus induced burst into her tormented ribcage fanning the flames of pain in

her lungs into roaring blasts of hellish agony.

As his manhood stiffened under the spasmodic clutches of her vaginal muscles

twitching from the uninterrupted torment, he grabbed the blonde curls of her

pubic hair and started pulling her loins onto his member, thrusting with his

hips so that the shredded rim of her love channel would be stretched into

ripping the torn wounds wider, finding his abject efforts rewarded by a

harrowing scream of hopeless torment which shook her to the point of bending

some of the needles braided through her ribcage.

Again, Lyral shook in her restraints almost in unison with the beastly thrusts

tearing into her friend's ravaged womb, echoing her screams of harrowing

torment with ill concealed sobs of mindless terror. She dreaded her own fear,

continuously repeating in her mind that if they threatened to rape her just

once, she would collapse immediately and give her friend away, and hating

herself for not being as brave as her screaming friend. And yet, she

repeatedly caught herself wishing that her friend's torment was not

interrupted, as each interruption caused the Easterner to insert another hot

needle under her nails or in her breasts.

The wedge in Kayleen's ass bulged inside her, making her love channel cramped

and its penetration harrowing, and the Southerner's thrusts also rammed the

wooden horror inside her bowels, furthering her torment as the wood scraped

them mercilessly. Her rape was again protracted by repeatedly interrupting the

penetration, only to resume it after the briefest respite, tightening the

collar on her windpipe so that her vaginal muscles would contract

spasmodically on his manhood. When he finally pulled out, her misery was

immediately renewed by pouring cold salt water all over her bleeding body,

causing her to twitch in howling torment while he recovered his breath.

A gasp surged from her mouth when she saw him fetch a pair of tiny hooks, and

her scream when he drove the hooks through her cunt lips was but the first of

many to follow, as he proceeded to stretch them open by driving hooks through

them and stitching them to the inside of her thighs with needles whose forked

tip wrenched pitched shrieks of torment from her mouth when he pushed them

through her flesh, letting her wrack herself through harrowing spasms of

searing agony as each scream fanned the torment of her ribcage anew.

Forcing her to scream until his arousal was rekindled, therefore, became his

pastime, which he indulged with abandon and little actual interest in forcing

her to talk, such that he barely bothered to check if she was still being

defiant before driving needles under her partly regrown fingernails, and then

through her toenails, twisting each repeatedly and then letting her scream

through the resulting fit of spasmodic convulsions, the pain from the needles

in her ribcage now compounded by the points tearing through her crotch.

After tiring of this game, he lowered her back on the trestle and began

another, fetching a small barbed needle and driving it along the side of a

nipple held between pliers, then picking up the point after it cleared the

flesh, bending it back up with pliers and pushing it up into the nipple flesh,

creating a crude hook which pierced her nipple twice along its full distended

length while she screamed pitifully.

With deliberate slowness, he repeated the procedure on her other nipple, and

once her screams subsided, on her clitoris, which took much longer as her

jerks of hopeless agony made the second part of the game much harder. After

pouring more water on her writhing form, he twisted another needle into a hook

through her left nipple first, then her right nipple, and then her clitoris

again, laughing as her howls rose to hoarse shrieks of deranged torment and

managing to drive a third horrid implement through each nipple.

He poured more salt water on her, so that she would not slide into shock, and

watched drooling as the liquid stung harshly her many open wounds, wracking

her through anguished jerks of mad pain and helpless howls of savage agony.

When her throes subsided, he fastened the hooks to chains dangling from the

ceiling using fine steel chains, and slowly pulled her off the trestle as her

voice burst into howls of unspeakable agony.

Lyral's mouth opened wide in disbelief when she saw her friend being pulled up

by hooks in her feminine parts, gasping as she recollected how deeply the

proud warrior resented being faced with the weaknesses of the female body and

trembling at the sight of the hands clenching on thin air, a tremor which

echoed her friend's pitiful quivering in the throes of abysmal agony.

The hooks ripped savagely through Kayleen's feminine flesh, tearing open

bleeding wounds into which the salt water started seeping immediately, but not

to the point of tearing free, leaving her suspended in convulsing pain by the

three pieces of tormented flesh. With fiendish cruelty, the Southerner started

pushing fine needles through her distended breasts and folds, targeting the

base of the delectable buds first and then slowly piercing the very pieces of

flesh she hung from, driving the forked tips through the taut pinkness with

deliberate slowness to protract the frenzy of screams bursting from her mouth.

While she hung in twitching agony, he fetched a steel bar brimming with barbs

in its mid section, which he lay on her mons and twirled so that the barbs

caught curls of her blonde pubic hair, pulling them taut, and then fastened

her ankle cuffs to the ends of the bar, so that each movement of her strong

legs ripped her pubic hair and dragged the barbs across her skin, leaving

shallow cuts which stung fiercely once the saltwater seeped in.

He poured some of the contents of the jug down her mouth, then pulled her cunt

lips wide, stitching them to the inside of her thighs with hooks and braiding

needles through the distended folds of bleeding flesh while her screams echoed

under the vaults of the torture chamber, making sure the needles were bent so

that they pulled on the hooks mercilessly each time she twitched in pain. Lost

in a haze of uninterrupted agony, she tried to call for her friend, deluding

herself that the torture was almost over and her pain would soon be soothed.

When he fetched more hooks, a shiver coursed through Kayleen's writhing body

and surged as a scream of despair from her torn mouth, the first of a streak

which aroused him to abject excitement while he pulled the hooks through the

rim of her vagina, then braided their ends around two bent needles whose tips

he pushed through the sides of her clitoris, wrenching a torturous howl of

sheer agony from her heaving chest as she writhed in torment.

Lyral wondered, and not for the first time, how her friend managed to defy

their torturers, as herself was by now in such pain that she would do anything

to prevent the Easterner from inserting another hot needle in her breasts.

Almost anything, actually, as she managed to suppress her wish to scream that

she had had enough, thinking at how her friend's agonies would be wasted.

Somehow, they could not cause her friend a pain so unendurable that avoiding

further agony would override any other consideration. It was not because of

reduced pain sensitivity, as in the syrup they were fed she had recognized

pain enhancing herbs, not to mention that it consisted mostly of sugar.

Smiling, the Southerner procured a short branch of the hellish stinging tree

and started birching the soles of Kayleen's feet, each strike causing her to

twitch as the pain from the stinging tree was overwhelmed by the agony of the

implements he had so fiendishly set up. Each jerk of her thighs pulled

savagely on the hooks tearing at her cunt lips and the rim of her vagina, but

also raked her mons and ripped some pubic hair, both reason enough for her

chest to heave in a scream which wrought unspeakable torment through her ribs

and breasts, while the ripping agony of the hooks in her nipples and clitoris

was rekindled to white hot blasts of searing pain.

After protracting the birching of her soles and the resulting torment of her

hanging body well beyond the point when her screams had turned to wheezing

wails of hopeless anguish, he let her sip from the jug again and then moved

between her thighs, inserting a four piece wedge in her bleeding vagina and

hammering a fifth wedge between them so that they distended her wracked love

channel while her howls echoed in the torture room. He then fixed a wooden

plank before the butts of the two wedges jutting from her orifices, and tied

them both to the plank with fine chains while she sobbed bitterly, remembering

how he had already used this harrowing technique before.

He moved to her head, pulling out his member and thrusting it into her sore

mouth, in spite of her vain attempts to resist. He then started thrusting into

her, each movement wreaking renewed agonies through her hanging form as her

crotch was rammed against the plank, driving the wedges inside her, and then

swinging back, pulling them out while they scraped her insides and pulled

hooks and needles to new peaks of merciless agony while her throat screamed

her torment onto his stiff member in choked gurgles.

Lyral almost retched, more disgusted than scared by the violation of her

friend's mouth, raging in a corner of her mind at the humiliation of her proud

friend. The impassive Easterner slid another hot needle in her left breast,

piercing  the areola and sending her head jerking in a scream of harrowing

torment, but her mind was still occupied by the image of her poor friend's

bleeding orifices, raked and torn not only by the wedges but also by the hooks

and needles, some of which had ripped horrid wounds through the flesh.

Still not sated after protracting Kayleen's harrowing violation, the

Southerner pulled out of her mouth to remove the wedges from her orifices, but

then resumed the ravishment of her throat, ignoring the blood flowing between

her legs. In a rut of panting viciousness, he started birching her distended

slit with the stinging tree branches, causing her to convulse madly while

droplets of blood spurted from the many wounds thus torn wider by her jerks.

He laughed while her gurgling screams pleasured his member, continuing her

abject violation until her agonies finally outlasted his arousal.

The Easterner stepped in, inspecting the bleeding orifices of his would be

victim, and immediately started treating the wounds, alternating liberal use

of the paste with cauterization by hot iron, which shook Kayleen's quivering

body into new fits of agony as she had not been freed from the hooks and

needles tearing her flesh. Brutal as they were, his ministrations staunched

her bleeding for the time being, although Lyral knew all too well that unless

she managed to heal her friend within a few hours, she would probably die.

With little ceremony, Grod unfastened Lyral from the ladder and forced her to

sit on a heavy wooden chair, brimming with iron spikes, refastening her wrists

and cuffs to the solid frame. She lifted herself above the spikes, but soon

she realized that she could not hold the position forever. The chair was fixed

to the floor, placed so that she could have an unobstructed view of what would

her friend would be subjected to.

After removing hooks and needles, showing little mercy to his crying victim,

the Easterner tightened Kayleen's collar, constricting her windpipe, then

cuffed her wrists together behind her back and her ankles together, with great

care, before releasing her from the trestle and dragging her between two

pillars. There he cuffed each wrist to a chain, pulling it up behind her back

and painfully twisting each arm in its socket, and once her feet dangled a few

inches above the floor fastened each ankle cuff to a chain from each pillar,

spreading her thighs wide while her crotch slumped forward.

Without a word, he moved behind her, sheathed his member in rough leather and

penetrated her asshole from behind, thrusting up while grabbing her hips as

her glistening body shook in pain and despair while an anguished cry erupted

from her mouth. Panting slightly, he protracted her rape for a while before

pulling out abruptly, leaving her hanging, her chest heaving in bitter sobs

and wracked by occasional screams of anguish. Although of the three he was

apparently the least excited by her violations, he was always coldly brutal in

ravishing her, using his manhood as just another instrument of torture.

When she saw him drag a brazier nearby, a scream of hopeless terror escaped

her lips as she took in the implements being heated within. He fetched an

iron cat's paw, its three iron claws heated red, and raked her distended left

thigh, wrenching from her a gasping scream of raw pain. He placed the paw back

on the brazier and started smearing her body with a thick goo, not unlike the

grease favored by Grod, which caused her to start writhing in pain as it

burned like salt in the innumerable tiny wounds scattered on her body.

The hopes of being spared the hot iron, born when he had put the cat's paw

aside, were shattered when he picked up the implement again, and satisfied

with the bright red glow of its points tore three gashes of hellish torment

under her left breast, causing a howl of unspeakable agony to surge from her

aching mouth, followed by gasping screams of pain as he paused silently.

After a while, he dragged the points across her chest while she screamed in

abysmal pain, and then after another pause climbed along her upper left arm,

tearing shallow bleeding wounds in her muscles while her arm shook

uncontrollably and her head ebbed back and forth, hiding the expression of

unbridled torment on her contorted visage. The goo he had smeared her with

melted under the heat and flooded the gashes, burning like salt and bubbling

in the open wound, furthering her torment well beyond the white hot agony of

the points ripping through the flesh.

Lyral shook her head in disbelief, gasping at the agony being inflicted on her

friend and comparing it to the similar but much milder torment she had been

subjected to two days ago, by the Easterner, who had used a hot copper hook on

her maybe two dozen times, while her friend had already been hurt more times

with an iron implement bearing three points instead of one. The iron points

were thicker and probably hotter, and he was using one hand to use the horrid

device and the other to pull the skin taut under the points. As with the

spiked chair, which she was placed on without further torment, they were

lenient with her because they thought she was the weakest.

The Easterner fetched a fresh cat's paw from the brazier and dragged it along

Kayleen's left leg, tracing bleeding gashes in her calf while she twisted her

leg in the attempt to stem the scorching torment, then climbing up along the

front of her thigh while she howled in unspeakable agony, throwing her head

back while her mouth distended almost to the point of tearing as if to allow

the waves of agony coursing through her to find their way out. He ripped

slashes of red hot pain in her legs and thighs, criss crossing them until her

screams of abject woe turned to pitiful wheezes.

He let her sip from the jug, then moved the brazier behind her and started

dragging the cats-paw down her muscular back, cutting along the line of her

muscles while she convulsed in spasmodic agony and screamed her lungs out in a

fit of screaming desperation, occasionally interrupted when he changed

direction in the raking of her back, causing her to stiffen abruptly before

jerking in unabashed pain. The torment was mercilessly protracted in spite of

her cries, convulsions and howls, splashing her with cold water twice and on

occasion bringing the jug to her lips again.

Pausing each time, he switched to raking her buttocks, tracing irregular,

bleeding gashes in the firm flesh, wrenching inhuman screams of maddened agony

from her convulsing body while her restraints rattled with her agonized

convulsions. Although her buttocks offered a target smaller than her back, he

protracted the torment even longer, raking repeatedly the soft crease between

her ass cheeks and ripping through the flesh between buttock and thigh with

controlled abandon, skillfully avoiding major blood vessels.

He then dragged the cat's paw across her vulva, from behind, causing her to

arch in a stiffened bow of unparalleled agony while a pitched howl rushed from

her throat and shook her chest. Using a fresh cat's paw, he started dragging

the points from her mons down, slowly twisting the implement left and right

while the sizzling points ripped through her flesh and her howls surged

one after another as her abysmal agony surpassed the limits of her screaming.

Lyral buckled in the chair, now appreciating how the iron spikes hurt her soft

flesh each time she tired of pulling herself up but also trembling before the

agonies her friend was being put through. She recollected how, in one of her

rare lapse, she had let out a glimpse of how much the torment of hot iron and

the targeting of her feminine parts weighed on her, and seeing her friend arch

in howling agony as the hot points tore dented gashes in the pink flesh was

almost too much to bear.

When the Easterner circled Kayleen, bringing the brazier along, a sob heaved

in her chest as her mind focused in dread on what would follow. He grabbed her

shredded nipple with iron pliers and then raked the red hot points of the

cats-paw along the elongated breast flesh, causing her to burst in a desperate

howl of trembling agony while blood oozed from the gashes. The fangs of a pain

which knew no bounds ripped again through the flesh of her breast, wrenching

another howl of unparalleled torment from her throat, and once this also

subsided the pliers pulled at her other breast.

With slow, deliberate cruelty, he ripped lacerated gashes of red hot agony

through the firm flesh of her breasts, letting her scream herself hoarse as

the pain of the goo bubbling in the wounds followed the agony of the points

raking through the flesh. In spite of the horribly irregular wounds, she had

not lost much blood, because the cats-paw to a great extent cauterized the

wound it created and the bubbling goo also contributed in stemming the loss.

A moment of relief followed, but her wracking sobs burst into a scream again

when his member sheathed in rough leather penetrated her vagina, scraping the

scorched flesh while her body twisted in agony. Thrusting back and forth with

cold viciousness, he ravished her hanging body, wracking her twisted arms and

tearing her wounded innards mercilessly, pulling out only when his arousal

was spent and leaving her gasping in bitter pain.

He let her sip from the jug before lowering her to the floor, but only to drag

her to the ladder, ignoring her pain-wracked sobs as she knew that being

restrained on the ladder would entail torments which required her to have no

freedom of movement, those which were so hellish that extreme precision in

administering them was required to let the victim live through the ordeal.

Unable to keep herself above the iron spikes, Lyral cried in dismay as her

sore muscles gave and the points drew blood again, taking her mind momentarily

off her friend's abject ravishment. She wondered if the spikes would prove so

unbearable that she would be forced to give in, saying to herself that she had

to be strong but with the mind full of dread at the thought of being unable to

resist, wasting her friend's heroics with a single act of weakness.

The Easterner laid Kayleen on the ladder, fastening her collar and waist band

to the wooden structure so that her head lied slightly lower than her pelvis,

cuffing wrists and ankles in a taut spread eagle position which exposed her

crotch.  The red hot points of the Caspar were then dragged on her left foot,

ripping through the flesh between her toes repeatedly while she screamed in

harrowing pain, rocking the ladder in mad agony.

After letting her sip briefly from the jug and heating carefully the cat's

paw, he raked it forcefully along her forearm, ripping open a deep gash which

he scraped repeatedly, using only the left point and heating the device often,

deepening the gash until he reached the bone. She burst in screams of

horrendous torment, which rose even higher once he started scraping the

exposed bone with the red hot left point. After a few rakings he did the same

with her other forearm, so that he could alternate the torment, spreading the

damage while keeping up the pain.

Her screams rose under the vaults of the torture chamber, echoing her torment

with heart-wrenching peaks of sheer agony, but a desperate resolve could still

be heard in her voice as she clung to what was dearest to her in a feat of

astounding courage which had little precedent. In spite of the horrid gashes

lacerating her body, in spite of the abysmal torment of having a hot iron

point scrape her bone, she knew that if she could hold on just some more time,

they would be defied again.

Unmoved, her tormentor heated the cat's paw again and pressed its points on

the left of her ribcage, carefully ripping through the thin muscle to expose a

rib so that the red hot point could scrape it, wrenching hoarse screams of

abysmal pain from her convulsing chest, the first step her down the pits of a

personal hell of searing hot pain, ripped flesh and uninterrupted agony.

Slowly, rib after rib, the fiendish torment of her exposed ribs was protracted

while her labored breathing turned to a wheezing wail and foam bubbled from

her mouth upon each anguished howl.

When she saw the white of her ribs, Lyral opened her mouth in disbelief,

unable to make sense of what was occurring to her friend until her eyes fixed

on a red hot point sliding along the white of the bone, while her friend's

voice rose in another howl of unspeakable torment. The agony of spikes under

her soft thighs almost vanished before the thought of what horrid torment her

friend was being put through for the benefit of her eyes, and her mind ran in

circles again in search of something which she could say to stop this horror,

or at least relieve her from being the cause of her friend's agonies.

As Kayleen's body was shaken by fits of coughing and uninterrupted tremors,

the Easterner had to force the contents of the jug down her mouth, bringing

her back from the pain induced relief of shock before dragging the fiendish

paw up her leg, repeatedly, until the white of bone showed, ready to be

subjected to the horrid torment of scraping. To staunch the bleeding, since

the cut was bound to be deeper and wider than on her arms, he repeatedly

rubbed the red hot points along the edges of the gash, then heated the device

again and let the point skid along the gleaming white at the bottom of the

gash while a howl of absolute agony surged from her frothing mouth.

With time he started alternating between her left and right shin, which had

been similarly ravaged, splashing her with cold water as soon her screams

waned, as the pain from a few rakings was enough to induce shock in spite of

what she drank from the jug, and he wanted the full horror of the unspeakable

agony she was undergoing to wrack through her body in spasms of unbearable

torment, hoping to shatter her resolve before shattering her body.

In spite of the harrowing agonies being wrought on her scraped bones, in spite

of the uninterrupted torments, her resolve still held on, so he took a chance

and, after letting her sip from the jug again and pouring more cold water on

her trembling body, raked the red hot cat's paw on her thighs, first one and

then the other, placing the utmost care into slowly reaching the bone while

avoiding the major blood vessels while her screams reached new peaks of agony.

The scraping of her thigh bones was, if possible, worse than what she had been

put through thus far, so painful that in spite of her restraints she convulsed

madly, pulling and straining a number of muscles while pitched howls of sheer

agony surged from her lips, bubbling through the reddish foam in her mouth,

each bursting out before its predecessor waned as her torment surpassed the

limits of her ability to express her pain through screams.

Lyral jumped on the spikes, screaming her lungs out from the sudden pain, when

she saw white slivers splintering from her friend's thigh bones under the

force of the red hot points. She could not believe that her friend could

withstand that and just scream, however blood-curling her howls rose under the

vaults of the torture chamber. For a moment, the essence of her being, her

faith, was shaken by the thought that the powers of good had abandoned them

both in the hands of the minions of evil incarnate.

Yet, as the Easterner's eyes sought defeat under Kayleen's clenched lids, all

he found was a desperate resolve, born of courage and dedication, and to break

the resolve behind the visage contorted in a mask of unbridled agony he heated

a fresh cat's paw which he inserted into her vagina, raking it from the inside

out while she stiffened in a scream of fitful agony as the red hot points

ripped through the most sensitive part of her love channel, above the rim.

He let the horror and pain sink into her, then set his jaw, moved between her

legs and thrust his leather sheathed member into her shredded vagina, partially

cauterized but still bleeding profusely. With his hands on her hips, he drove

into her with cold viciousness, ramming and twisting to rip the lacerations

left by the cat's paw wider and wider on each thrust while she jerked in fits

of unbridled pain and howls of unspeakable agony.

After keeping up her violation, pausing it repeatedly to splash her with cold

salt water, he pulled out, momentarily leaving her to cry in misery while he

heated the device again. He brought it up before her, inspecting her eyes for

a sign of defeat, then, after shaking his head once, dragged it forcefully up

her vulva, slowly ripping her open from the rim of the vagina upwards, tearing

the clitoris in two while an unparalleled howl of agony exploded from her

mouth, fanned by the spasms in her heaving chest as the points ripped through

her femininity with excruciating slowness.

Using a pair of hot pliers, he grabbed the tatters of her left nipple and

distended the breast, repeatedly sawing through its base with the points of

the cat's paw while she screamed in unspeakable agony until he reached the

white of the rib. He then scraped it forcefully, careful not to let the red

hot point stray while her chest burst in howls of unparalleled pain. In a haze

of unbearable pain, the last shards of her resolve were being scraped from her

one by one, and she clung desperately to the thought that if she could hold on

a little more, the torture could not last much longer.

Impressed by her endurance, he moved to repeat the procedure on her right

breast, but since this one had been somewhat less damaged by the hooks and

needles he first ripped through the nipple, inspecting her eyes for signs of

a defeat which was not there. He let her sip from the jug, but he noticed that

the effectiveness of the syrupy concoction was waning, although her eyes

cleared and she screamed as the pain made itself felt in full again. Using the

hot pliers he pulled the breast and raked the underside repeatedly until he

exposed the bone again, listening to her pitiful screams as he could not

believe that she could hold on further.

When he started scraping the exposed rib, he did forcefully, not having to

worry about the heart and determined to force her to submit at last, but in

spite of the unparalleled howls and the chips of bone scraped from the rib,

which cracked twice as he relentlessly raked it, her hoarse voice never

conceded defeat. Unable to speak, unable to call for her friend, foaming at

the mouth in unbearable agony and screaming pitifully, she still found the

resolve to deny them their prize, ultimately defying her torturers.

Lyral watched her friend's contorted face with a mixture of admiration, dread

and pity, as the amazing courage and endurance demonstrated could not hide the

fact that the wounds her friend was being dealt were lethal, in spite of her

extraordinary physique and of the tormentor's ingenuity in dealing pain while

limiting damage. Even if not bleeding freely, the skin was lacerated in so

many places that there was probably more flesh than skin exposed, and the

scorched flesh oozed a clear fluid which mixed with the salty goo smeared over

her body, and dozens of gashes reached to the gleaming white of the bone,

albeit in places where the bone was close to the surface. She would have to

heal her as soon as possible, and with her healing power almost spent, she

would not be able to heal her fully anyway.

When the Easterner unfastened Kayleen from the ladder, the screams which had

been wracking her chest waned into moaning cries, as the relief of having made

it through another day of torture washed over her, even if she knew that she

would be put in some form of torturous restraint. It took her some time to

realize that her tormentor had laid her on the cross rack and was now pulling

her limbs taut and spreading her thighs open. Her scream as the pain in her

thigh joints burst through her mouth was heavy with the despair of seeing her

relief being wrenched from her and replaced by further agonies.

He pulled the rollers at each end of the cross rack unmercifully, until he

could hear her joints creak between the pauses of her hoarse screaming, then

poured the contents of the jug down her throat while she sputtered in pain and

fear as she had guessed that he wanted to break her resolve now, by subjecting

her to agonies so unthinkable that they would even surpass what she had been

put through so far. He moved between her thighs, stretched painfully wide, and

using a freshly heated cat's paw slowly raked the point through the tense

cords which stood out in the underside of her strained thighs, wrenching howls

of demented pain as muscle and tendon trembled on the verge of rupture.

The pain was such that convulsions shook her body, wracking her joints near

dislocation, and as he repeatedly tore through the taut flesh her limbs one by

one dislocated under the pull of her spasmodic jerks. With a snap, the hot

iron points also ruptured the strained cords under her thighs, but her howls

were by now so raucous and pitiful that even this horrid wound hardly made a

difference in the litany of her screams.

What made a difference was that he heated the cat's paw again, after dousing

her with cold water and pouring more syrup in her torn mouth, and with

excruciating slowness raked it through her mons, ripping the skin off in

strips and searing the bleeding flesh, a torment so hellish that the

unspeakable agony fanned her voice to new heights of demented torment which

echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber. When the pubic bone was

exposed and the hot points raked the white surface, the dislocation of her

right thigh, last among her limbs, added little to her howls.

Lyral, still twitching on the iron spikes of the chair, was out of her mind

from dread and horror at the sight of what her friend was being subjected to,

her head shaking mindlessly in the effort to distance herself from the sight

of the cat's paw scraping white slivers from the bloodied triangle of her

friend's mons, wrenching inhuman howls of unparalleled agony from the heaving

chest convulsing in the throes of abysmal torment.

Kayleen was now being forced to drink from the jug each time, so deep in shock

that each new scraping added less and less to her agonies, even when the bone

cracked; her face was a horrid mask of pain, with the eyes rolling and showing

the white and foam drooling from the mouth, while each howl rose through her

chest in choking spasms of coughed blood. After slowly raking her pubic bone

again, scraping tiny white chips while her howls rose in a wheeze of exhausted

agony, her torturer put the cat's paw aside, no longer confident that the

torment could be protracted without killing her outright.

Chapter 20 - Ambushing the Rescuers

Lyral's cry of dismay faded slowly in the unlit vaults of the torture chamber

under the ruins of Zhorun's former castle. She had just failed again to bring

her lips to touch her friend's forehead, cursing herself for not being what

she had never been, agile and athletic.

With her wrists cuffed behind the back to her left ankle and hanging upside

down from a thumbscrew gouging her right toe, Lyral's attempts to swing and

bend at the waist to reach her friend with the lips had resulted in some

healing for her friend and much frustration for her, and now her tired muscles

were starting to ache from the effort and from her position. What brought her

to tears was that this was nothing before the torment wrought on her friend.

Kayleen hung with her left wrist cuffed behind the back to her right ankle,

and the right arm cuffed at the elbow and wrist to her left leg, in a

grotesque lozenge which pulled strenuously on her dislocated joints, wrenching

raucous screams of pain from her trembling frame. She still shivered having

been drenched in freezing cold salt water, and her weight hung from

thumbscrews savagely crushing her right toe and left thumb, which had cracked

under her efforts to help in getting healed and were now painfully swollen.

The healing which Lyral had managed to convey had restored most of the flesh

scraped from her limbs and mons, although the white of the bone still showed

in her ribcage through wounds whose pain was almost on par with the blazing

agony from her shredded nipples and clitoris, which had been restored only

partially. Lyral's healing, however miraculous, would not restore her joints

as long as they were under the traction induced by her position.

What Lyral and Kayleen ignored was that Kayleen's predicament was the result

of Zhorun's directions, as the undead wizard had wanted to relish in seeing

his nemesis suffer the beginning of agonies which would last through the

night, because he would not be able to witness them as he had taken to.

In the last days, his spies had warned him that, in spite of the precautions

taken by his henchmen, a group of Priestesses had been able to follow the

trail of Lyral's abductors, probably detecting residues of the magic carried

by items of hers which had been brought along. Nothing in his tomes had hinted

that Priestesses possessed such abilities, although, in hindsight, the notion

that stealing from them was unwise had been there. Whatever the ability, it

had a limited range, because their had to spread from a known point, and

apparently employing many Priestesses allowed them to cover a wider area.

It was also likely that the Priestesses had found some residual of the corpses

incinerated by Lyral's power, because they were taking precautions against the

undead. What they did not expect, as there were many Priestesses and few

fighters, was living opponents led by a wizard, of a might the likes of which

had been forgotten in the kingdom; he would storm their camp at dawn with his

troops, wiping out over half of the Priestesses in existence in a single blow.

He planned to take some prisoners, have them deprived of their power by his

men, which would be their just reward, and interrogated, because he hoped to

find most of the others gathered together in some shrine, and if he got his

timing right he would be able to obliterate them also before news of the fate

of those investigating Lyral's disappearance spread.

Meanwhile, he watched silently, with his netherwordly gaze for which darkness

was not an obstacle, as Lyral's efforts improved the health of her friend,

causing the scorched gashes in the limbs and crotch to heal, although the

flesh on the ribs and the breasts still pulsed and oozed. The nipples bled

slowly now, but the pain from the innumerable small wounds left by the needles

and hooks was still remorseless.

"Kayleen, I believe we're against a wall. It's impossible for me to heal your

joints in that position, and any healing I further infused on you would be

wasted in trying just that, without improving the rest of your wounds."

"Do you have ... enough ... for yourself ?" croaked Kayleen, crying.

"I have already healed myself," lied Lyral, blessing the darkness.

"Kayleen, I am stumped," she added, "We're playing into their hands. They

torture you, I heal you, and then the next day they torture you even more. Now

they've taken to curtailing the little help I was able to give you, and I am

forced to sit hearing you scream all the way to the gates of hell because of

me, being abjectly raped because I'm too weak to stand it myself!"

"Lyral ... don't play into their hands even more. What you give, however

little you manage to ... accomplish, is what keeps me from breaking. Even in

the worst ... torments, I know that if I just hold on some more, a time will

come when ... the kiss of a friend will soothe my pain. Get over your guilt,

they are playing upon it, ... besides, it's because of my weakness that you're

undergoing this, so you're not alone," whispered Kayleen between fits of pain.

"It's not us, it's them ... it's them we should stand against, together. As

much as I regret dragging you into this, ... it was worse when I was alone,

Lyral. Alone with the pain, the humiliation ... crying in the dark, never free

from these cuffs, ... no kiss of a friend before another day of merciless

torments," mused Kayleen, trying to muffle her bitter sobs.

Zhorun left shortly thereafter to join his minions, his mind divided between

the task ahead and the delicious anticipation of further sufferings to be

inflicted on his prisoners, especially the Queen. He had considered ordering

today's session postponed until his return, but then settled for allowing the

torture to continue, intending to use magic to have a look whenever possible.

At the end of a restless night, punctuated by Kayleen's bitter screams as the

pain in her joints mounted, the torturers returned for another session, and it

was the Southerner who moved towards her, his arousal prominent under his

white robes as he lewdly inspected her quivering form.

Without releasing her from the restraints she had spent the night in, he

produced a small blade and started tearing small wounds in the rim of her

sphincter, almost purring whenever she screamed pitifully, and then pulled out

his manhood and rammed it into her ass, causing her voice to rise in a howl of

hopeless torment as the wicked thrust ripped the wounds wider.

He kept jarring viciously back and forth for a while, grabbing her thighs

while she cried and sobbed bitterly, then pulled his bloodied member out and

reamed her orifice with pinches of white powder, which soaked her blood so

that he could resume her violation denying her its lubrication, rekindling the

flames of agony in her voice until his lust was finally spent.

Lyral was dragged by the Easterner near a heavy iron grate, set with dull

spikes, on which she was forced to lie with her back, immediately realizing

that her muscles would not hold the strain of keeping the worst of the points

from her flesh for long. Her gaze, however, followed the violation of her

friend, whose dislocated joints which she had not been able to heal were now

compounding with their agonies the humiliation of yet another abject rape.

The Southerner tightened Kayleen's collar, constricting her windpipe, and then

lowered her on the floor, dragging her near a low, reclined plank. He cuffed

her wrists and elbows behind her back, fastening the wrists to a chain from

the ceiling, and then spread her legs wide by cuffing her ankles to chains

from two pillars at her side, adjusting the chains so that her front lay on

the plank, with her face almost touching the floor and her loins raised up, a

position whose significance she realized immediately with a bitter sob.

She started screaming when her dislocated joints were forced to bear the brunt

of her weight, as her arms were pulled up behind the head and her thighs

rotated and spread unmercifully, wrenching harsh cries of agony as lances of

white hot pain shot from the wracked sockets, and then howled when he started

driving short needles under her partially regrown finger and toe nails,

twisting the forked tips, waiting for his member to harden again.

After leaving her to sob bitterly thereafter, he pulled the chain fastened to

her wrists, raising her front while a protracted scream rose from her mouth as

pain surged in her wracked shoulders, exposing her muscular abdomen and proud,

generous breasts. He brought the jug to her mouth, letting her sip repeatedly.

He started inserting tiny hooks around her navel, pulling the flesh taut and

braiding them with short needles whose forked tip he drove slowly just under

the skin, pausing whenever she quivered in screaming agony and resuming when

her voice subsided. He stopped after about two dozen, admiring his work for a

moment before producing a barbed steel rod which he used to administer a

vicious strike across her pierced abdomen.

The barbs tore the skin in a number of places, causing her head to jerk back

in a scream of surprised pain, but the contraction of her muscles pulled on

hooks and needles, which tore through the muscles just under the skin slitting

lacerated gashes of bleeding agony in her quivering abdomen. Overwhelmed by

the sudden pain, she shook in her restraints, howling repeatedly in abysmal

torment while blood oozed from the tiny wounds after each strike.

With a smile, he produced a jar and emptied it on the plank, revealing dozens

of critters, each half an inch long, which scuttled around, crowding where

drops of her blood stained the wood. Her eyes grew wide when he started

lowering her, until her abdomen contacted the plank and the true measure of

her torture was revealed as the tiny crabs, a variant of land crab for which

her tormentor had found this cruel use, started biting the edges of her

wounds, tearing minuscule bits of skin and flesh off.

Her howls rose in pitch as the tiny crabs, used to feed on dead or wounded

creatures, swarmed her wounds, apparently ignoring sound skin, and used their

surprisingly strong jaws to rip off a morsel of flesh and then rush away, to

laboriously ingest it. She kept screaming and howling while dozens of jaws

tore her wounds open, convulsing pitifully in uninterrupted agony, until

somehow she realized that she could lessen her torment by raising herself off

the plank, as the crabs were poor climbers and were apparently unable to hold

onto her flesh and bite at the same time.

Almost immediately, the agony of her lacerated flesh was compounded by the

devastating torment of her dislocated joints, shot through by waves of

abysmal pain as her muscles trembled in the spasmodic effort to keep her

wounds outside the reach of the crabs. The sheen of perspiration covered her

body, and her chest panted in between strangled screams as her physique

managed again to pull off an astonishing feat of endurance and determination.

Screaming herself from the iron points in her back, Lyral was still horrified

at the thought of the agony in her friend's joints, partly because the true

purpose of the plank was not visible to her. What she had feared thus far was

that they guessed this limitation of her healing and turned it into a further

source of agonies for her brave friend, but her fear found a cause much closer

to her as the Easterner shoveled a load of burning coals under the iron grate

she lied on, forcing to her to arch to distance her back from their heat.

Meanwhile, anticipating the tingle of renewed arousal, with a tiny blade the

Southerner started tearing small cuts in the rim of Kayleen's vagina, watching

as she shivered after each, sliding closer to the plank and pulling back with

a hoarse scream of utter agony as her trembling muscles managed to deliver her

again. With a smile, he started prolonging each cut, letting the blade linger

in the cuts torn through the most sensitive area, just above the rim, pressing

it down so that she was forced to lie on the plank for the joy of the crabs,

briefly renewing her agony as their jaws bit her wounds.

She was but halfway in a scream of mad agony when he grabbed her hips and

penetrated her vagina, ripping the tiny wounds wide open while her voice rose

in a choked scream of pain and despair and her trembling muscles gave, dropping

her on the plank amidst the hungry crabs. Although his jarring thrusts caused

many crabs to be crushed, she was also repeatedly forced onto the plank

exposing her wounds to more bites, while her orifice was being ripped open by

his vicious rut and he relished in her spasmodic screams of utter torment.

Lyral's screams matched her friend's as her muscles could deliver her from the

raging heat of the coals only at intervals, so her attention returned to the

abject rape of her friend in between, although in a corner of her mind her

horror mounted at how the violation was being protracted.

The Southerner pulled out of Kayleen's womb twice, tearing more cuts in her

vagina while she howled in trembling agony and rubbing her innards with more

white powder before resuming the abject penetration of her orifice in a

renewed frenzy of rutting thrusts. When his lust was finally spent, he

lingered inside her, driving hooks in her twitching ass cheeks while she

screamed as the pain of raising herself off the plank and the agony of having

morsels of flesh ripped from her bleeding wounds alternated.

Still with his flaccid member within her, he braided needles through the hooks

in her ass cheeks and back, just under the skin, twisting the forked tips so

that she howled in abysmal pain and let herself on the plank for a few

seconds each time. Only after tormenting relentlessly the parts which could be

reached while still filling her love channel did he pull out, trouncing her

sob of respite with a vicious strike from the barbed rod across her buttocks.

He let her sip from the jug again, then a new phase of her torment commenced

when he started using the barbed rod all over her needle pierced body, slowly

ripping open her skin bit by bit and causing her to stiffen and howl in

torment as each jerk shifted hooks and needles in new positions, tearing

through her muscles in endless variations of searing agony.

Panting with exertion, he put the rod aside and started picking up the crabs

one by one and depositing them on her back, ass cheeks and thighs, placing

each near and even inside a wound just as a jerk tore it open, so that the

creature would sink its jaws while she was still wracked by the pain of the

wound itself. He watched with delight as the technique worked, wrenching howls

of ever increasing pitch from her hoarse throat while her body shook in her

restraints, shuddering from the relentless ache of the dislocated joints and

jerking from blasts of pain as morsels were ripped from her wounds.

Lyral, arching in torment, watched in disbelief the convulsions of her friend,

realizing that some critter was causing the spasmodic jerks which undoubtedly

wracked the dislocated joints well beyond the boundaries of human endurance.

Her back burned from the heat and the pain from the iron spikes, which became

overwhelming when her aching muscles gave, so she had a fitful picture of what

her friend was undergoing, and the horror mounted within her as each time her

gaze wandered off to her friend's form she was still convulsing and screaming.

The Southerner pulled the chain fastened to Kayleen's wrists, raising her off

the plank and exchanging more torment on her shoulder joints with some respite

from the crabs, most of which fell down, and splashed her with cold salt

water, waiting for her subsequent screams to subside before letting her sip

from the jug. But then he started driving hooks under the skin of her ribcage

and into her breasts, drawing out sharp howls of bitter pain which turned into

fitful screams as he braided them with needles, screams he cruelly protracted

by twisting the forked tip under the skin, relishing the contact with her

shaking body and the hoarse screams of utter torment in his face.

Not satisfied with the dozens of hooks and needles deforming her breasts into

bleeding cones of trembling agony, he spent an inordinate amount of time in

driving needles through her distended nipples and then pulling each through a

small hole in a two-inch metal platter, bending the needles inside the nipple

while her voice trembled in howls of demented torment, rising again when he

drove thin needles under each platter to stitch it to the tip of the nipple.

Her screams became, if possible, even louder when he drove hooks and needles

through her thighs and her crotch, braiding dozens of hooks in her cunt lips

with needles and using iron pliers to savagely pull her clitoris through the

hole of another metal platter before laboriously stitching the tip of the

bleeeding feminine flesh to the platter with thin needles.

Lyral was not able to follow this new stage of her friend's torture, because

her own was now an all-consuming agony which wrenched desperate howls of pain

as she could no longer distance herself from the heat, and the torment in her

buttocks and the back of her thighs was uninterrupted and excruciating. Her

tear filled eyes only managed to notice that her friend hung with arms twisted

behind the back, screaming from some abject torment being inflicted on a

femininity which had become the preferred target of their captors.

When the Southerner lowered Kayleen on the plank again, the crabs swarmed her

bleeding front and sunk their jaws in her wounds, wrenching new screams of

abysmal torment from her as she forced her aching muscles to gain the inch or

so she needed to preserve her proud breasts from dozens of painful bites. Her

howls turned into gurgles as he circled her and inserted his member into her

mouth, still distended by the spider gag, pushing with his loins so that she

contacted the plank with her bleeding crotch, his member hardening at the

thought of the crabs ripping flesh from her wounded femininity.

The next scream engulfed his member while her warm tongue rubbed it in the

spasmodic attempt to scream her agonies without choking, and as more crabs

found the wounds in her crotch her howls gurgled around his manhood one after

the other, rising even higher when her clitoris was bitten and a pink morsel

was forcefully torn off, causing her to convulse in unbearable agony.

He protracted the violation of her mouth, pulling out frequently and striking

her back with the barbed rod on occasion, but his pleasure ebbed on the rhythm

of her desperate screams from the harsh bites of the crabs and bulged when her

tongue lapped spasmodically his hardening member in a choked howl of agony as

his thrusts filled her throat and wracked her dislocated joints.

When his lust was spent, he lingered inside her mouth, watching her fingers

stiffen and contract spasmodically before him as morsels of flesh were ripped

off her wounds by the crabs, causing her to gurgle her screams of abysmal

torment onto his manhood and buckle violently, wracking her swollen joints

into deeper pits of unrelenting woe.

Still screaming in bitter pain, Lyral tried to reduce her own agonies by

using her healing power on herself, and managed to soothe her torment enough

to be able to see clearly how a tiny creature reached into the gash torn by

a hook in her friend's cunt lips, tore back and forth at the bleeding edge and

finally ripped off a morsel of flesh while her friend's burst of anguished

pain gurgled in the stuffed mouth. Horrified, she stopped healing herself,

determined to save her power to deliver her friend from such abject torments.

After pulling out, at last, the Southerner brought the jug to Kayleen's lips

again, although she managed to sip little between screams and jerks, and then

picked up a crab with tweezers and deposited it on the platter stitched to her

left nipple. The creature, momentarily confused, turned to the bleeding flesh

and sunk its jaws where a needle pierced the distended bud, tearing back and

forth until it managed to rip off a morsel while she shook in screaming agony.

Smiling, he did the same with her other nipple, slowly adding one crab at a

time while her screams mounted, her pain so unbearable that her convulsions

even managed to cause some crabs to fall off, although her tormentor promptly

replaced them. Her chest trembled, heaving in panting exertion often

interrupted by a bitter scream, but her muscles literally twitched like violin

cords in the harrowing effort to preserve her bleeding front, and especially

her breasts and crotch, from the biting crabs.

He kept up this torment until his manhood hardened again, and then inserted

his hardening member down her throat, pushing with his loins so that her

crotch was again exposed to the swarming crabs, changing the origin of her

screams but not the horror of her unrelenting agony. As her woe gurgled around

his manhood, he kept up the violation of her mouth while her body convulsed in

pain, repeatedly thrusting his bulging member back and forth in her throat

until he finally came again.

Her tormentor let her scream and convulse under the relentless tearing of the

crabs, teasing her mouth with his member, savoring how her physique still

managed to deliver her from most of their bites but for the occasional lapse

which exposed her breasts to a dozens of biting jaws, which swarmed them in a

single instant of unparalleled agony which shook through her body and burst

off her mouth in a howl of harrowing woe whose echoes lingered under the

vaults of the torture chamber while her pain-wracked body shook pitifully.

When her sufferings managed to rekindle his drug enhanced arousal, he violated

her mouth again, sending her crotch into the jaws of the crabs for a variation

of her torment which lasted as long as his cruelty and lust proved able to

protract it. This cycle of horrid agony and abject violation was repeated as

many times as it pleased her tormentor to repeat it, and soon she lost count.

Finally, instead of lingering in her mouth, he brought the jug to her lips,

and then picked up more crabs which he placed on the platter stitched to the

tip of her clitoris, smiling as her mouth distended almost to the point of

letting the gag fall off in a howl of demented torment when another morsel of

flesh was ripped off from her pierced femininity.

As her convulsions paused, he added another crab to the platter stitched to

her left nipple, followed up after a while by one to the right, and kept

adding or replacing the creatures piecemeal while she howled in uninterrupted

agony, wracked by the searing torment her jerks caused on her dislocated

joints and jerking violently when a morsel of flesh was ripped off her pierced

femininity by the vicious jaws of a crab. The spasmodic convulsions of her

loins, the twitching of her strained thigh muscles, and her fingers grasping

at air, meanwhile, slowly fanned new fire into his drug enhanced arousal.

Lyral, still buckling strenuously over the hot coals, watched anxiously as her

friend convulsed violently from the searing agony of having her feminine

flesh ripped off bit by bit, the bleeding now more pronounced but still fairly

limited, but the pain unparalleled, and showing plainly in the contorted face

and the harrowing screams. Dread consumed Lyral at the thought of finding her

friend so horribly mutilated that not even her healing power would restore

what had been torn off, but as far as she could see each crab actually took a

single morsel and then laboriously consumed it before coming back for more, so

although her torment was uninterrupted, actual damage was rather limited.

When ready, the Southerner used a candle to scare off the crabs scuttling

around Kayleen's crotch area, cruelly searing the flapping shreds of her

vagina, then threaded a cord through them, carefully knotting it to the

needles piercing her flesh, and pulling it through her clitoris twice while

she stiffened in a howl of demented torment. Then, with a vicious smile, he

penetrated her love channel in frenzied abandon, pulling the cord taut so that

his thrusts shredded her flesh, twisting needles and hooks and ripping through

her clitoris and the rim of her vagina while she howled in abysmal torment.

Growling in frenzied excitement, he thrust into her with increasing

viciousness, pulling out to smear white powder inside her bleeding womb so

that her violation would resume without the benefit of being lubricated by her

blood and pulling the cord left and right repeatedly so that his penetration

tore the wounds in her vagina wider open. Her pitiful screams continued even

after he came inside her, as he kept pulling alternately on the cord while

she shook in harrowing pain.

When Grod stepped in the Southerner's place, Kayleen's teary gaze focused on

something he was carrying. He freed her from the chains, but without

unfastening her restrains or even removing hooks and needles from her bleeding

body dragged her to the cross rack, where she saw that he was carrying a set

of cuffs. He had already replaced the cuffs she wore when racking her, to make

sure her blood vessels would not be slit open, but her joints had been

dislocated for hours now and surely he did not mean to rack them further.

He placed her with her back on the rack, removed her iron waist band and

replaced it with another, which wrenched a gasp from her torn mouth as it was

studded with dull iron spikes. Unlike its predecessor, this could be tightened

with screws, and the spikes dug in her soft flesh, while another pain told her

that the iron band's edges were also serrated and scratched painfully the skin

once the band was tightened, constricting her breathing.

Now that she could not roll off the rack, he replaced the cuffs at her ankles

with wicked, heavy iron cuffs which had dull spikes and dents in places were

they would not endanger blood vessels, and which he tightened savagely with a

screw almost to the point of crushing her ankles in them. Thus, when he

replaced her wrist cuffs, the relief of having her wrists free for the first

time in weeks was brief and soon replaced by the crushing torment of dull

spikes, soon joined by similar ache from elbow and knee rings.

Next, he produced two thin iron bands, again studded and dented, which he

tightened around her thighs, near her crotch, turning the screw so tight that

the iron sunk in her flesh, tracing bleeding scratches and breaking a few

needles while she howled in sudden pain. When he cast her old restraints

negligently away, she realized that these were the restraints that she would

wear from now on, designed to torment her bitterly and without relief, day and

night, increasing her suffering another notch.

Lyral screamed in fear as the Southerner neared her, almost wishing he let her

on the hot coals although her back and buttocks had been burned crimson by the

relentless heat. Even if the torture had not been as severe as the horrors

inflicted on her friend, she had often been near breaking when her aching

muscles had failed to deliver her back from being scorched raw. But the mere

thought of what the swarthy old man was capable of doing inspired in her a

terror so boundless that only Zhorun's obsession with tormenting her friend

could explain how their torturers failed to exploit it.

Kayleen gasped when Grod produced a serrated, hinged iron band which he closed

around the base of her left breast, which bulged while he screwed it tighter

and tighter, unmoved by her screams as it caught on needles and hooks,

dragging them further through her suffering flesh. A similar fate befell her

right breast, and as the pain mounted in her constricted mounds a bitter sob

shook her at the thought of spending whole nights in such agony.

Her eyes widened in fear when he trapped her left nipple in a vise and screwed

it painfully tight, causing blood to spurt while she screamed in mad pain as

the device bent the hooks and needles still piercing the mauled flesh. As the

same happened to her other nipple, she realized that the vises had fine chains

meant to be attached to rings in her restraints, her collar in this case, and

could also become instruments of further torment. And the fears fanned by this

train of thoughts burst into bitter screams when he crushed her clitoris in a

similar vise, pulling its chain savagely to fasten it to her waist band.

Just as she wondered whether today's session, since Zhorun was not present,

would be interrupted here, leaving her to suffer in her new restraints, her

tormentor made obvious what the cross rack could still do to a female victim

whose joints had been already dislocated. The device he was fastening between

her trembling legs consisted of a stout bar, which he fastened to her ankle

cuffs, from whose middle protruded a long steel pole, whose tip tapered into

a roughly hewn wooden cone, wickedly hacked and dented.

Another cross bar was fastened to her knee cuffs, and when the tip nudged her

torn sphincter she screamed in bitter despair at the thought of its size and

dents. The cone distended the tattered rim of her sphincter, dislodging some

of the hooks and needles still piercing it, causing her to arch with a scream

of hopeless torment. The dents scraped the shredded rim, and then the cone

filled the opening of her bowels while she convulsed in pain around its girth,

her screams waning and waxing in bitter woe.

A wave of white hot agony surged from her left thigh when he cranked the

roller, pulling the leg by the ankle and stretching muscles and ligaments,

while pain throbbed in her ankle and knee smarting under the constriction of

the wicked cuffs. What in her previous experiences on the rack had been the

pinnacle of agony, the tearing of muscles once the bone had been wrought out

of its seat, was now the beginning of her torture, and compounded the tearing

of her sphincter, as the only avenue for the pull on her leg consisted in

further penetration by the girth of the cone.

Remembering the torment she had perceived in her friend's dislocated joints,

Lyral gasped when she realized that they would be stretched on the rack again,

beyond herself at the thought of the atrocity her friend was about to

withstand. From her position, she could not see the pole well enough to

understand its function, and her mind was still under the impression of the

agonies of dislocation since the night before. As for her own predicament, the

Southerner had fastened her ankle cuffs to a chain from the ceiling, hanging

her upside down with the wrists cuffed behind her back, but was apparently

more interested in following her friend's agonies.

Kayleen's screams rose higher when Grod cranked the other roller, and the cone

bore deeper through her sphincter, ripping the cuts along its rim slightly

wider as it had already distended her bowels near tearing point and was thus

ripping the flesh where it had been already weakened, wrenching howls of

abysmal pain from her stretched body as her taut legs quivered spasmodically

from the consuming pain and her chest heaved, panting heavily, shaken by

bitter screams and fits of howling agony.

He splashed her with cold, salt water, causing her screams to change in pitch

as the pain from the salt seeping in wounds all over her momentarily replaced

the agony from her limbs and bowels, but as he slowly cranked the rollers

pulling on her ankles her torment kept increasing as her sphincter was ripped

further open and her strained muscles shot blazes of white hot pain through

her convulsing body, while the dents now scraped her insides and her mouth was

distended in an uninterrupted scream of abysmal agony whose pitch changed with

the waves of anguish wracking her stretched body.

One notch at a time, he pulled her spasming legs beyond dislocation, wrenching

raucous screams as the tendons strained near the point of being wrenched from

the trembling muscles, while the cone distended her sphincter tearing its

wounded rim wider as she convulsed in howling agony. Just as the thought of

having reached the bottom of this hell formed in her mind, a new agony burst

in her breast as droplets of bubbling grease scorched it, chasing the

constricted nipple while she jerked in renewed torment and a howl of absolute

agony surged from her distended mouth.

It took only a split second for her spasmodic jerk to reverberate through her

strained leg muscles, rebounding in a blaze of unbelievable torment as the

fibers of tendon and muscle trembled near rupture under her spasmodic efforts

to wrench herself away from the sizzling grease. Grod had correctly guessed

that his favored approach, bringing bone and muscle near the edge and letting

the victim cross it briefly upon each pain induced jerk, would have been very

effective on the athletic woman, as her toned physique lent her jerks a

strength far beyond the ordinary. Now this strength was slowly tearing the

supple tendons of her thighs near the point of rupture, while her ass was

being ripped open by the merciless cone.

Lyral gasped when the sizzling liquid scorched her friend's breast, unable to

believe that such cruelty could be perpetrated and protracted, even more as

she understood that the grease was meant to cause her friend to tear her own

limbs into deeper pits of hellish agony. Her own back was now hurting horribly

as the burns oozed, and she could only guess at what unbearable torment would

her friend suffer once grease started to blister burned skin.

Grod stopped dripping grease on Kayleen's scorched chest and poured the

contents of the jug in her mouth, using one hand to keep her head from jerking

left and right while she howled from the unrelenting torment of her bowels and

legs, and splashing her with more cold, salt water for good measure. He slowly

cranked the rollers again, notch after notch, inspecting her thighs and

watching as signs of rupture in her tendons and thigh muscles surfaced as he

dripped sizzling grease on her mound and cunt lips, starting where a needle

or hook had lacerated the skin, while she howled in demented agony and wracked

her limbs with her own spasmodic jerks.

He circled her, moving above her head between her stretched arms, and cranked

the rollers pulling on her wrists, fanning new despair into her screams as she

realized that more torments were to come. Once her arms started trembling as

the rack stretched her muscles and tendons, he grabbed the vise on her left

nipple and pulled it, dripping sizzling grease on the distended breast flesh

while she howled in helpless agony.

Unlike her lower limbs, where the pain originated from the ripping of her

sphincter was on par with the straining of her muscles, so that a few drops of

grease were more than enough to keep her jerking in merciless agony, with her

upper limbs the grease was an integral component of her ongoing torture as it

wandered mercilessly on her breast, drop by drop, wrenching gut-wrenching cries

of desperate torment from her convulsing chest, whose spasmodic jerks sent

lances of pain through her hip and shoulder joints, especially the latter, just

as her tormentor's intended.

Her head shook aimlessly while he lingered on her nipple, repeatedly scorching

it with the sizzling fluid and pulling it left and right in order to expose

different areas of feminine flesh to its burning kiss, each drop bubbling on

the pink flesh turning it crimson while a new howl of demented pain wracked

her panting chest. Biding his time, he alternated the cranking of the rollers

with relentless dripping of sizzling grease on her chest, mostly on her

breasts and nipples as these wrenched the loudest screams from her torn mouth.

Lyral kept watching her friend's agonies until the Southerner produced another

crab, about two inches across, and dragged slowly it along her burned back,

until the creature suddenly pinched her flesh and tore a bit of scorched flesh

with its strong jaws, causing her to bend and buckle in sudden agony. He had

waited for her burns to become painful, and was now going to slowly rip off

her blistered flesh one morsel at a time.

After protracting Kayleen's agonies until her screams waned, Grod let her sip

from the jug, then with steel in his eyes cranked the rollers again, dripping

grease on her chest, belly and limbs, without interruption, always careful to

alternate between the left and right sides of her body so that she would jerk

and buckle spasmodically while screaming in unbearable agony, pulling

repeatedly at the stretched muscle of her suffering joints.

He kept up with this for a long time, then returned to dripping grease on her

breasts and nipples, always inspecting her shoulder joints, watching for signs

of tearing as cries of sheer agony surged from her mouth one after the other.

Her nipples had been peeled raw by the repeated application of sizzling grease

and the vises had been tightened, so that they would not slip off, causing

them to bloodily scrape the feminine buds between howls of desperate anguish.

Swaths of breast skin flared with the angry crimson of scorched flesh, and when

rivulets of grease crossed them, blasts of hellish agony surged from her mouth

in howls of unspeakable anguish. But the pain from her shoulder joints was

growing even beyond that, as the relentless pull of the rack had stretched

them beyond recognition, leaving the muscle sunken and wracking new pinnacles

of torment on her as bleeding tears started appearing where the muscle and

tendons were being slowly ruptured, turning into sickeningly ripping gashes

while her howls echoed desperately under the vaults of the torture chamber.

Although he protracted the torture almost to the point of ripping her arms off

their sockets, although she screamed and howled in appalling agony, not once

did his gaze catch in hers the signs of defeat he was seeking. He could have

torn her limbs off, but he lessened the pull of the rack instead, allowing the

strained strands of muscle to wreak new pain though her trembling body as they

contracted spasmodically. He tried to break her by repeatedly pulling and

releasing her arms, watching her gaze as her body stiffened in seizures of raw

agony and convulsed in jerks of desperate torment, but she defied him again.

Lyral's own screams now echoed her friend's, as the Southerner had procured

another crab and alternated them, lewdly targeting her buttocks and the soft

back of her thighs. Although the crabs, just like their smaller cousins, tore

flesh one morsel at a time before laboriously consuming it, she was bleeding

from dozens of small bites where her scorched flesh had been ripped off, and

her gaze wandered to her friend only when a scream rose loud enough to pierce

the haze of her own agony. Still, she saw enough to realize in horror that her

friend's muscles and tendons were being ripped to shreds,

Grod let Kayleen sip from the jug again then circled her, removed the cross

bars from her lower limbs and slowly pulled out the cone from her torn

sphincter, releasing the rollers one notch at a time while she screamed and

trembled as blood flowed from her wounded bowels. He used the same paste which

had been used in the previous sessions to staunch bleeding, which led her to

hope that her torture was almost over, but then brought the jug to her lips

and poured its contents in her mouth, in spite of her scream of helpless

despair as she realized that such was not the case.

He procured another pole, tipped by a wooden cone whose size and girth

bespoke the intent to distend and rupture the womb while scraping it raw on

the dents hacked into its surface, and she shuddered as he fastened the

supporting crossbars to her ankles and knees. When the tip nudged the bleeding

tatters around the rim of her vagina, a bitter sob shook her stretched form.

She was about to see her torment intensified and the core of her femininity

subjected to further abject sufferings, and even her determination faltered at

the thought. Somehow, she found her last ounces of resolve in the sobbing form

of her friend, who was being tortured because she had slipped. She would not

allow that to happen again, at any price.

Ending the only relief allowed to her panting body, he resumed the cranking

of the rollers pulling on her ankles. The restraints she had been imprisoned

in added to her torment, just as those on her arms had, as the studs pressed

on the bone while the dented edges scraped her skin, but the pain from the

pull on her dislocated joints mounted unrelentingly, surpassing everything

else while screams burst from her throat in a frenzy of sheer anguish.

Just as she thought that it could not get worse, the penetration of the cone

in her vagina reached the point where its girth started distending her love

channel, ripping the cuts along its rim slightly wider while the dents scraped

her innards and blood flowed again while she jerked in abysmal pain. As he was

wont to do, he had set up her torment so that the rack pulled her thighs near

the point of shredding her muscles and tendons, forcing her to impale herself

on the cone, so that the agony of having her vagina ripped wider and wider

caused her to jerk violently, pulling her limbs beyond the point of rupture.

Lyral managed to get a glimpse of her friend's predicament as she happened to

bend in screaming anguish from another bite at the same time her friend jerked

herself into further agony, and the sight of the blood-stained wood tearing

her friend's femininity asunder and ripping it apart was impressed on her mind

by the gut-wrenching scream of unbridled torment which followed.

Whenever Kayleen screams subsided, either out of exhaustion or because she had

found a precarious balance whose level of pain was slightly less unbearable,

Grod would drop sizzling grease on her mons or thighs, causing her muscles to

contract in a jerk of harrowing agony while the fluid seared skin and flesh,

leaving angry crimson blisters or flowing agonizingly over already scorched

burns, rekindling the sounds of her anguish in a neverending nightmare of

harrowing screams and wheezing howls of hopeless torment.

In spite of the mind-numbing waves of relentless pain, she managed to hide the

despair from her contorted visage, denying her tormentor any hint about how

close she was to breaking, but the horrid price of this feat of courage was

ever increasing torment, so devastating and all-consuming that he had to hold

her mouth open and pour the contents of the jug over and over to prevent her

from sliding into the exhausted stupor induced by overwhelming pain,

especially once tears started forming in the sunken flesh where her hip joints

used to be as her torture was protracted, tears which her violent convulsions

ripped into bleeding gashes as he pulled the chain on her clitoris, distending

it unmercifully and dripping sizzling grease on her scorched femininity.

This was the pinnacle of agony, where he wanted to keep her until anything

else became secondary to the imperative of stopping the pain, so he lessened

the traction on her limbs one notch, resuming the dripping of grease on her

quivering crotch, and then cranked the rack again, alternating traction and

release in a dance of contrasting agonies while repeatedly searing her

distended clitoris, initially turning it an angry crimson, then slowly peeling

it while she howled in unspeakable torment, and finally stopping just short of

ripping it off her crotch in tatters as tears formed along the distended flesh

and started bleeding while the grease seeped in and her screams of abysmal

woe echoed uninterruptedly in the torture chamber.

Lyral somehow managed, in between the blasts of hellish pain coursing through

her whenever the jaws ripped a morsel of her scorched flesh, to keep herself

from admitting defeat. She hated herself for it, but she could not stand the

sight of the bleeding gashes lengthening in her friend's hips where the muscle

was being torn asunder, while her vagina was being literally ripped apart and

scraped raw and the sizzling grease was blistering her crimson flesh. But this

made her realize that Zhorun, whom she wanted to address, was not present,

and the surprise for a moment made her forget even her agonies.

As if in confirmation, while she was still sizing up the discovery, as Grod

was about to let the Easterner take his place the Southerner stepped in,

asking mockingly "Do you mind ?" before nearing Kayleen's crotch and producing

a needle and a cord. Lyral noticed her friend's body shaking in a sob of

bitter despair, and then closed her eyes as screams echoed in the room while

the cord was again threaded through the tatters of her friend's vagina before

the swarthy old man penetrated it, thrusting with rutting force which wrenched

desperate howls of torment as they pulled on the shredded thigh muscles.

The episode made Lyral realize that Grod had foregone raping Kayleen today,

and the only explanation she could find was that he had been doing that only

on Zhorun's orders. It was hard to believe that the feared executioner could

do anything merciful, and the sight of a breast scorched raw by the grease

canceled any such illusion, but the fact remained that Zhorun was not present

and probably not watching either.

The Easterner neared the rack and slowly released the rollers, ignoring

Kayleen's cries as her strained muscles contracted in trembling spasms, not

nearly as agonizing as the unrelenting alternation of traction and release they

had been subjected to but still harrowingly painful. Once her limbs were back

near their sockets, he removed some of the needles and hooks still piercing

her and started treating her wounds, including the gashes in her torn muscles

and the rips in her orifices, smearing them with paste and painstakingly

stitching them. She had undergone such treatment after battle before meeting

Lyral, but now she cried bitterly as it was performed, in part because it was

just like torture, applied to fiendishly painful wounds and with no intent to

spare her in any way, in part because it was only meant to prevent excessive

blood losses from sparing her further torments.

When he released her from the rack, he hesitated a moment as a scream rose from

her chest when her limbs were deprived of support, but then his jaw set and he

tightened her iron collar, constricting the windpipe before cuffing her wrists

and ankles together and dragging her by the hair between two pillars. Choked

screams wracked her chest during the brief trip, whenever her shredded muscles

were pulled even slightly, but when he cuffed her ankles to chains dangling

from the ceiling her face contorted in a mask of screaming agony as the

shredded muscles of her hip joints had to bear her full weight. Her screams

rose in full once he released the collar, and she found little comfort when he

also cuffed her wrists to rings in the floor, because spreading the weight had

reduced the risk of her thighs being torn off but increased the agony since her

arms had been cruelly twisted in their sockets.

A bitter sob of despair shook her heaving chest when she saw him produce a

sharp, thin blade and grab her left foot. With cruel determination, he snug

the blade under her partially healed toenail and cut, causing her to stiffen

and then arch in a scream of pain while the blade slowly lifted the nail off

its bed and freed the needle still lodged there from the morning. He let her

buckle in bitter woe for a while, then repeated the procedure on her other

foot, causing her to writhe in abysmal torment again and fanning her terror

as his hands caressed her other toes and the needles therein.

As he was fond of, he slowly protracted the torment of her toenails and then

repeated it on her fingernails, cutting under each nail and using the tip to

remove the needle piercing the nail bed with excruciating slowness while she

shook her head, screaming in renewed agony as she could not prevent her limbs

from jerking in response to the pain inflicted upon them, causing blasts of

hellish agony to surge from the torn strands of muscle at her joints.

Lyral had been tied with her hands and feet in front of her, trapped in a

pillory, and gasped when she saw Grod fetch a iron crusher, trapping her

middle finger in its serrated jaw. She started screaming when he closed the

jaws, as the device was essentially a fiendish nutcracker which was breaking

her finger bone, and her scream rose in shrill agony when it did.

The Easterner poured the contents of the jug in Kayleen's mouth, holding it

still with one hand as she quivered and sobbed bitterly, then moved behind her

and tied cords to a pair of hooks left in her buttock, pulling on them with

one hand to distend the skin in between before dragging the blade just enough

to slice it open, and kept pulling so that the wound was slowly ripped open

while she screamed from the mounting agony until one hook tore free with a

spurt of blood, which he quickly quenched by smearing paste in the shallow

wound. His hand caressed her buttock, lingering in the places where a hook or

a needle pierced it, causing her to shudder each time in anticipation of

further agonies, finally grabbing a needle and twisting it while the blade

slowly cut it free, wrenching a howl of pure agony from her sore throat.

With exquisite patience, he chased each hook and needle still piercing her

buttocks and used it as the pinpoint of new agonies. He would pull on each hook

until skin and flesh became taut as a drum, which often was enough to cause

her to writhe in unbearable pain, and then he would slowly cut through, leaving

a shallow slit which he excruciatingly ripped wider until a hook was torn

free. With needles, he would pull on one end while the tip of the blade dug

under their length, ripping them out by slowly lacerating the seat they had

been pushed into. Sometimes, he would also stitch the worst wounds, once they

were past their prime of pain and had thus fulfilled their purpose.

In either case, the agony thus inflicted surged through her hung frame in

spasmodic jerks of sharp pain, wrenching from her harsh gasps of bitter anguish

which burst into howls of unspeakable woe once the waves of searing torment

from the shredded muscles of her joints followed in reaction. He extended his

ministrations to her muscular back, and then to the back of her thighs, slowly

protracting her agonies until her screams waned to pitiful wheezes.

Lyral's own screams punctuated her friend's as Grod crushed her toes and

fingers, one at a time, letting her agonize over each for how long as it took

before breaking the next. The pain was so unbearable that she was tempted to

heal herself on the spot, but something told her that what their tormentors

wanted was just that, so she refrained from it, trying to gather resolve by

looking up at the courage of her friend suffering the hellish agonies of the

blade ripping heinous wounds in her mauled body.

Kayleen sputtered while attempting to drink the syrup the Easterner was

pouring in her mouth, craving and hating at the same time the liquid which

furthered her torment by lending her new strength but also exacerbating her

sensitivity to pain. He promptly demonstrated the latter by grabbing a hook

lodged in her thigh, using it to pull the skin taut and then slice it open

with his blade, since her howl rose to unprecedented heights as the skin had

been burned and blistered by the grease and the pain when the hook ripped it

open was beyond description.

As slicing through blistered skin proved vastly more painful than through

sound skin, he could bid his time and achieve the same level of torment, or

press the matter and wrench strangled howls of unparalleled agony and violent

convulsions, violent enough to bend and break some of the needles still lodged

deep in some of her muscles, which engendered fits of spasmodic jerking as the

pain from the shredded muscles of her joints fed on itself instead of

subsiding, until exhaustion mercifully prevented her from further wracking her

joints into hells of unbounded again. He coldly alternated between the two,

sparing her breasts and crotch for later but always watching her joints for

signs of tearing, although as the torture progressed he started to increase

the level of her torments in the hope of breaking her.

As each cut was often short, even when subsequently ripped open by a hook, he

could afford to inflict them in numbers, crisscrossing her blistered front with

agonizing lacerations but also occasionally returning to unscorched skin, such

as between her fingers or toes. He stayed well clear of her joints, well aware

that the strands of muscle connecting her limbs to her torso had been already

weakened and were however causing more than enough pain as they stood.

Having removed most of the hooks still lodged in her flesh, he introduced a new

twist in her torment by chasing the needles broken by her jerks, digging under

them with the tip of the blade so that the needle would be dislodged and its

tip would scratch the wound underneath while being pulled out. Rivulets of

blood traced their way down her front as he thus removed the needles, and

eventually, even if he tried to minimize the loss of blood, her oozing flesh

was covered in a sheen of blood and sweat, interrupted only by the dozens of

crimson slits where her skin had been ripped open. Her suspended body twitched

and shook as she screamed bitterly, and long howls of desperate agony surged

from her chest whenever the blade cut her skin open again.

As over half of Lyral's toes and fingers had been broken, Grod had begun to

bid his time in between, allowing Lyral's gaze to wander in the direction of

her friend's hellish screams. Although her vision was clouded by pain, she

gasped at the dozens of wounds slowly bleeding in her friend's muscular back,

taking some time to realize that they had been treated or her friend would

have been dead by now. Even so, considering the convulsions caused by the

ripping of the scorched front, she feared that her friend would not survive

long enough for her to effect any healing.

As Kayleen was sliding into exhaustion the Easterner poured the contents of

the jug into her mouth, restoring some energy to her voice, thus returned to

howls which echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber when he started

slicing through the blistered flesh of her breasts. As they had been seared by

the sizzling grease many times over and scorched deeply and repeatedly, the

blade even lightly applied lifted shreds of oozing flesh and traced gashes of

blinding pain even before the pull of the hooks blasted harrowing surges of

unspeakable woe through her heaving chest, wracking her like a rag doll while

her frothing mouth stood agape in a protracted howl of unbridled agony.

Such was the condition of her nipples that once he switched to torment them,

even his cruel inventiveness was unable to protract the torture for long,

although he managed to wreak howls of unprecedented anguish from her shaking

form by slowly peeling scorched tissue off the blistered bud until the

remaining hooks and needles could be freed by the tip, alternating between

left and right nipple and tightening the vises on the bleeding tatters of one

delectable bud while tormenting the other.

She sputtered, shaken by harsh cries of despair, when he brought the jug to

her lips again, aware in the haze of her agonies of what he would do next, the

next step down the pits of hell her tormentors were so fond of and which she

feared so deeply that she had tried her best to hide from them. He brought the

blade near her cunt lips and sliced them, bursting blisters open with

harrowing slowness and tracing short, shallow gashes of searing pain on taut

skin which he would then tear wider open by pulling on the last hooks, the

tiny hooks inserted by the Southerner and which he had not removed yet.

Such was the torment that her convulsions rattled the chains in spite of the

devastated state of her muscles, and as this was the result of jerks in her

torso, it also resulted in raucous screams of agony as the torn strands of

muscles in her joints were also rattled unmercifully. With savage cruelty, he

used the tip of the blade to rip pieces of scorched skin off her mons and

inner lips, lingering with the blade on the pulsating flesh until the pain

caused her to jerk spasmodically, ripping the scorched tissue off.

He had to bring the jug to her lips often now, because each application of the

thin blade engendered unprecedented agonies in the cut flesh, causing her to

scream her lungs out during the whole excruciating mutilation and also during

the subsequent frenzy of convulsed howling as the agony from her ripped

muscles was rekindled into a vicious spiral which lasted until she exhausted

herself to the point of being unable to jerk herself into further pain.

Unlike in previous occasions, he had chosen restraints which did not

immobilize her, so he kept the blade clear of vital areas lest a jerk caused a

lethal wound, but for her crotch he used his other hand to be sure.  She

jerked in mad terror when he removed the vise from her clitoris, in

anticipation of the horror which followed.

Using the tip of the blade, he scraped a bit of scorched tissue from her

tormented femininity, pulling towards himself until she pulled back in a jerk

as the pain of the tip twisting in a blister rose to unbearable agony and

surged in a howl of abysmal torment, causing as a reaction she could not

prevent another frenzy of torment of her joints.

As the tip tore the tiniest bits of scorched tissue, the torture could be

protracted on and on, even longer than the torment of the crabs as the

repeated application of sizzling grease had left burns which oozed slowly

rather than bleeding profusely. Although the tiny wounds he left were shallow

enough to not endanger the furthering of her abysmal torments, however, her

clitoris, like her nipples, had been subjected to such abuse that he could not

protract its torture for long.

As he started using the tip to carve tiny bits of flesh from the tattered rim

of her vagina and the sensitive initial tract of the love channel, extending

her torment with agonies maybe less intense but more deeply frightening, the

grip of despair clutched her heart. Beyond courage, beyond dedication to the

friends of a lifetime, her world had been narrowed to the agony of the blade

and the blazing pain of the ripped flesh.

Another gut-wrenching howl shook her as he ripped another wound in her

clitoris, rising in a surge of despair and torment not unlike the many which

had left her mouth today but with nothing of her resolve left behind. He cut

her again before tearing the inside of her vagina, and her howls formed a word

which broke the silence she had opposed to her tormentors in the last

sessions, a word of begging and defeat, a plea ... "Enough!".

Lyral had seen defeat in her friend's eyes, and saw everything crumble before

her eyes. In a split second, almost unaware of herself, she let her pain and

despair and agony vent in a scream, a "NOOOOOOOOO" louder than any other

scream they had managed to wrench from her, ... loud enough to dwarf her

friend's exhausted whisper.

The Easterner was an experienced executioner, and was aware of the fact that

Kayleen was on the verge of breaking, but she had looked on the verge of

breaking before and had always found the resolve to hold on. He subscribed to

the notion that Lyral could be broken by tormenting her friend, so finding his

approach confirmed, he moved so as to be able to watch Lyral's reactions

while he protracted Kayleen's torments.

The tip of the Easterner's blade ripped bits of blistered flesh from Kayleen's

clitoris and vagina, and unredeemed howls of unspeakable anguish from her

torn mouth, but in the depths of her agony she had found in her friend's

gesture an anchor for holding on a bit more, so she hid between her screams

and buckled in spasmodic agonies which subsided quickly. Even forcing her to

sip from the jug was no longer enough to prevent her from sliding into shock

whenever the blade ripped some flesh from her bleeding femininity, so after a

few more attempts her torture was finally interrupted.

Chapter 21 - Zhorun's Unsought Victory

Lyral screamed again as she dragged herself on the floor. Her crushed fingers

and toes had been encased in vises fastened to heavy lead weights, so her

wriggling on the floor had been turned into an odyssey, purposefully prolonged

by dropping her at the opposite end of the unlit chamber from her friend.

Locating Kayleen was not a problem, however, because the once proud warrior

kept sobbing bitterly and often burst in short, harsh screams of exhausted

agony. Lyral still remembered how they had tightened her new restraints and

then hung her, her full weight on her torn thigh and shoulder joints and her

mauled body bent at the waist, in the grip of the wicked iron waistband.

She had been spared the twisting of her arms behind her back, probably because

they feared her arms would not hold the strain for long, but her front had been

lowered amidst wooden stumps wrapped in stinging nettles. To avoid their sting

on blistered and wounded flesh, even temporarily, she still managed to pull

herself up, although this wracked her joints into further torment.

Lyral had been badly injured herself, but the memory of her friend's lapse

into bottomless despair haunted her and spurred her to reserve all her healing

power for Kayleen. Resting after another pull, which had gained her two feet

at the price of unbearable agonies in her toes, she told herself that it did

not matter how long it took her to reach Kayleen as long as she managed to

heal her before dawn, because the healing would have more or less the same

effectiveness no matter how long her friend kept suffering.

A garbled scream from Kayleen resounded in her ears as if to answer, and she

started in disbelief at her own callousness. She moved on with a harsh gasp,

spurred by guilt, and finally managed to get close enough to touch the wooden

base of the platform over which her friend hung in torment.

"Kayleen, I'm here. Don't cry, it's almost over."

It took her a few attempts before she managed to sit by the platform and reach

her friend's right side with her lips, letting the healing flow into the

pain-wracked body. She felt the goose bumps, and remembered how her friend had

been drenched in freezing cold salt water again. Her left arm brushed against

the nettles, severing contact as she cried briefly, but she resumed almost

immediately because she feared for her friend's life. The tortures inflicted

on Kayleen had been horrendous, and she had bled a lot in spite of the summary

staunching of her wounds by her tormentors. Her power mended her worst wounds,

the oozing burns, the wicked gashes cut in her softest flesh, but after that

Lyral realized that the worst had not been addressed yet.

The muscle and ligaments in Kayleen's joints had been torn and shredded, and

gangrene would set in soon unless constantly fought. Her power could repair

them, and this would eventually lead the dislocated bones to be reduced back

into their sockets, but not under traction. Trembling, Lyral realized that the

only way was to wriggle herself into supporting her friend's weight.

She balked at the thought of the burning agony of the nettles, an agony she

would have to inflict on her front if she wanted to use her hands to make the

most of her remaining healing power. It took her a long time to muster the

resolve for that, but the horror and pain she had glimpsed during the healing

gnawed at her conscience until she managed to.

"Kayleen, I am going to heal your joints now. You should pull yourself up, so

that I can wriggle under you and support your weight while healing them,"

"No, Lyral, don't. The nettles ...," croaked Kayleen.

"If you die, the nettles will be a pleasant refresher before the torments I

would be subjected to," spat Lyral, surprised at her own bluntness.

Kayleen did not answer, but cried under her breath in the effort of pulling

herself up again, and Lyral tried to follow through on her words. The platform

was not an obstacle, but the pain from her fingers was, and almost immediately

the burning caress of the nettles flared on her front, wrenching a scream from

her mouth not unlike those uttered during the torture sessions. Her friend

leaned on her left shoulder with a strangled cry and her left breast was

pushed into the leaves, causing her to scream and buckle and her friend's

joints to teeter as a consequence, rekindling her agonies into a bitter howl.

In spite of the agony from the nettles, in spite of the awkwardness of her

position, as she had managed to nudge her torso under her trembling friend but

not her legs, because of the weights on her crushed toes, Lyral's hands,

cuffed behind her back, sought her friend's to deliver their healing power.

Kayleen writhed and sobbed as her wounds were mended, her joints molded back

into shape, and her shredded feminine charms returned to wholeness. She had

longed for the fullness of Lyral's healing since she had been denied it, but

although it was as effective as always, her mind was heavy with dread at the

thought of facing another day of torture, although not enough to admit it.

"Lyral, your healing is a blessing. I am back into shape, you can spare

yourself now," she said, exaggerating her actual condition and managing only

partially to make her voice sound strong and confident as it used to be.

Lyral intensely wished she could believe her friend, as the sting of the

nettles was as fierce as ever, but she stubbornly kept up the restoration of

her friend until she sensed it was actually done, before rolling away with a

rasping sigh. The vises would not allow her to heal her fingers and toes, but

she could spare herself the sting of the nettles and she did.

It took her some time to realize that Kayleen, unlike before, was not pursuing

further conversation. Unsure of what this entailed, Lyral mused, "Unless I'm

mistaken, Zhorun was not there today."

"I did not notice," answered Kayleen, her voice but a whisper.

"He wasn't, but they dropped no clue about the reason. I guess it was no

surprise for them, however. I think Zhorun ordered those new restraints you

are wearing just for the occasion, so that he could carry with him the thought

of you suffering in his absence," whispered Lyral.

"Why ?" whispered Kayleen, keeping the dread off her voice as mentioning the

restraints had brought to her attention how much they hurt already, making her

almost sob at the thought of spending unknown amounts of time in their grip.

"He was not like that, in life. He was a tyrant, but had no actual interest in

cruelty, only in power. Whatever cruelty was necessary, he trusted to Grod,"

continued Lyral, deeply worried at her friend's sulkiness.

Both girls started as the familiar noise of the door being opened echoed in

the unlit room, surprised at how dawn had crept up without them noticing. A

low moan of fear and despair rumbled in Kayleen's throat.

Grod mercilessly grabbed the chains fastened to the vises crushing Lyral's

toes, dragging her away while she screamed in pain, and the Easterner set

about some preparations which Kayleen followed with dread until the Southerner

reached between her legs with his toothed blade and slowly cut first her labia

and then the rim of her vagina, lingering with the blade whenever she cried.

"Just keeping you interested, Whore Queen, while our friend from the East gets

ready. It seems that this old man will have to do the work of three men,"

While her voice still echoed in pain from the last cut, he grabbed her hips

and penetrated her vagina from behind, tearing the bleeding cuts and savoring

the bitter screams of her despair. He protracted her violation, even pulling

out occasionally, allowing the Easterner to complete his preparations.

Lyral had been tied upside down on the ladder and was now screaming her lungs

out as Grod trickled scalding water on her writhing body whenever her friend's

violation was suspended. Since the ladder had been moved to allow her a clear

view of her friend's upcoming ordeal, however, she managed to realize that

their approach had not changed in the slightest.

A large amount of coals had been lit and strewn in a blazing bed between two

platforms, about three feet high and sloping into the coals on both sides. The

Easterner reached Kayleen, still hanging in chains and sobbing harshly from

her bloody rape, let her drink from the jug, then tightened the iron collar

before letting her down and dragging her near the platform on the left.

A cylindrical metal cage lay on the platform, an assembly of circular steel

bands connected by rods as tall as her, as she found out when he pulled her

inside by her arms and secured her wrist cuffs to the last band with four

short chains, connecting them together with a fifth. Meanwhile, the Southerner

did the same with her ankle cuffs, and together they suspended her in mid air

inside the cage by short chains linking her restraints to the bands.

Although the chains were taut, she was by no means immobilized, although this

did not hinder them once they started smearing grease all over her luscious

body. She sobbed harshly, crying at the prospect of enduring fire as her

tormentor's preparations suggested, wishing her friend's healing had given her

new resolve and feeling dread clutch her stomach at the sight of the coals.

Her eyes widened when they stopped smearing her with grease and pushed the

cage down the slope, causing her to spin at sickening speed maybe once of

twice before reaching the blazing heat of the coals which seared her whole

body, hands to feet, wrenching from her a dreadful scream, whose sound was

distorted as she rolled past, but whose anguish was unmistakable.

A second scream, which included a strangled "Nooo", surged from her mouth once

her momentum waned and the cage stopped climbing the slope on the other side

and started rolling back, exposing her to the searing breath of the coals

again while she still twitched from the agony of the first pass.

The deviousness of the torment became immediately clear to her as she rolled

back and forth a few times, twitching crazily in the effort to distance

herself from the heat and screaming as the grease turned hotter on each pass,

protracting the torment by bubbling on singed skin without shielding it much

from the brunt of the heat. Her breasts and especially her nipples, which were

closer to the coals in spite of her efforts to twist them as far away as

possible, already showed the deep crimson of severe burns. At least the grease

prevented her hair from catching on fire.

Lyral, whenever Grod suspended the hellish trickle of scalding water on her

breasts, could not help but watch in horror as her friend was slowly burned

alive over the coals. Her friend's face was but a blur as she rolled back and

forth, but her screams betrayed unbounded depths of agony, dread and fear. By

targeting repeatedly what her friend feared most, they were crushing her.

Kayleen's screams increased in pitch and anguish as her speed decreased,

causing her exposure to the coals to last slightly longer on each pass, and

the grease to bubble hotter all over her body, even her face, when she failed

to jerk it away from the fiery breath of the coals. It took her several fits

of howling agony before she realized that by buckling and twisting she could

preserve some semblance of motion and spread the heat.

Her incredible endurance became her own undoing, as her muscles kept the cage

rolling back and forth, but could not bring her to rest on either platform and

she always rolled back over the coals. Slowly, as her tormentors pushed the

cage repeatedly, her singed skin started peeling here and there, forming

blisters which burst under the heat. Waves of inhuman agony wracked her body,

to the point of bending the steel rods connecting the bands together, while

her voice cracked as howls from the depths of hell tore through her throat.

Her burn-streaked face was a mask of woe, which deformed when her body

convulsed from the unrelenting torment of the bubbling grease or buckled from

the flash of utter agony of a bursting blister, pulling the chains taut before

snapping back with a demented scream. Her blonde mane shook endlessly, soaked

in sweat enough to prevent it from catching fire, while her supple body arched

and twitched, pulling at her restraints and being pulled back as the crimson

of raw flesh showed where the skin had peeled under the still fierce heat.

As exhaustion crept over her, she was still herself enough to summon the

strength to roll on her back, preserving her exposed breasts from the heat

before stopping on the coals, but the Southerner kicked the cage enough to

bring them back over the coals as a wailing scream wracked her exhausted body.

The game was repeated over and over, however, kicking her into suffering the

brunt of the heat on her nipples, until her exhaustion made it moot.

They rolled her off the coals and poured the contents of the jug in her mouth,

causing her to renew her screams as her mind cleared. But when the Easterner

pushed a small copper hook in the scorched flesh of her thigh, her screams

rose much louder, and they rose even louder when he used pliers to twist and

ply the soft metal so that the hook could not be easily dislodged.

Lyral watched in disbelief as more hooks were driven one after the other

through the raw, scorched flesh, twisted and bent with pliers and then

fastened with thin copper chains to the steel bands of the cage in spite of

her friend's pitiful cries and desperate twitches.

It took the Easterner a harrowing long time to stop pushing hooks into

Kayleen's twitching body, a protracted descent into a screaming hell whose

purpose was revealed once he deemed the hooks sufficient to hold her weight

and unfastened some of the chains from her waist, knee and elbow restraints. A

new howl of unbridled despair surged from her mouth as the hook chains tensed

under her weight and raked the hooks through her scorched flesh, although with

only a fraction of the force that would tear them off.

But the full measure of her torment was revealed when, after smearing more

grease over her and letting her sip from the jug again, the cage was pushed

down the slope while her scream of unbridled terror turned into a howl of

unparalleled pain as the shifting pull of the hooks ripped bloody gashes

through her scorched flesh while she spun in the cage.

Lyral shook frantically in her restraints, unable to withstand the onslaught

of her friend's demented howls and the sight of the wildly buckling body

ripping the hooks through the scorched flesh in a paroxysm of pain which knew

neither bounds nor respite. As she sank into hopeless anguish, unable to stop

herself from crying bitterly, her tormentors lifted the ladder and brought it

closer, undoubtedly to let her witness the full measure of her friend's pain.

But she also realized that, in their zeal, they had brought her close enough

to allow her hands a chance to touch her friend's, if she got her timing

right, as her left hand was near the point where Kayleen's cage stopped before

reversing its merciless rolling. It took her over a dozen attempts, but she

finally managed to grab her friend's fingers enough to deliver some healing.

Kayleen had been drowning in rolling waves of harrowing agony and unbridled

terror as her skin had been scorched and peeled over the coals, until fear and

fire had engulfed her mind into a neverending hell of uninterrupted torment,

whose only lapse resulted first in further agonies from the hooks and now in

unspeakable torment as they ripped back and forth through her flesh. The touch

of her friend's fingers would have been a beacon in the night of utter agony

she waded through even in ordinary circumstances, but as the soothing effect

of her healing power suffused her suffering body and caused the wounds ripped

open by the hooks and bubbling with hot grease to recede somewhat, it became

the object of a craving so desperate that only the unspeakable agonies she was

being subjected to surpassed its intensity.

Reaching her friend's fingers became the focus of the last tatters of her

resolve. When she managed to, the pain of the hooks tearing her blistered

flesh and exposing the raw, crimson muscle to the bubbling grease receded for

too brief an instant, allowing her mind to glimpse at something other than

uninterrupted, unparalleled, all-encompassing agony ... but when she failed,

the price of her strenuous efforts made itself felt horrendously as inch long

gashes lacerated her scorched flesh and the hot copper burned mercilessly the

places which could not be singed by the bubbling grease.

As her momentum diminished, it became harder and harder for her to reach her

friend's fingers, and she frantically increased her efforts to do so in spite

of the harrowing torment thus slowly wrought on her body. The copper hooks, by

now red hot, added their relentless agony to her writhing, causing her to

buckle and twitch uncontrollably in the cage, arching and screaming over the

merciless coals as she slowly rolled over them a body where most of the skin

which had not been blistered had been ripped through by the hooks.

It took Lyral a long time to progress from the elation of finally being able

to lessen her friend's suffering first hand to the realization of having again

played in their tormentor's hands, protracting beyond belief a torment which

otherwise would have had to be suspended if the victim was to remain alive.

But she could not bring herself to deny her healing as her friend's fingers

stretched strenuously to reach hers, her face contorted in a scream as hook

pairs stretched the oozing crimson flesh of her breasts over the fiery heat,

ripping a further fraction of an inch through their bloody seats.

In spite of the occasional healing, Kayleen's conditions worsened slowly as

her burns became so extensive that even the profusely bleeding gashes torn by

the hooks became secondary, as confirmed by the healing no longer addressing

them. Some hooks had actually dislodged, ripping horrid wounds through muscle

and leaving tatters of flesh which had been scorched raw by the heat, but the

atrocious burns now caused her to enjoy little respite from Lyral's power.

When the Easterner finally brought the cage to rest on the platform, a wailing

sigh of pitiful agony escaped Kayleen's lips, as the thought of having endured

even this torture allowed a glimpse of hope into her mind beyond the

neverending nightmare of burning agonies. But this hope was shattered in a

scream of unbounded despair by another copper hook being driven into her left

nipple, the first of a dozen hooks fastened to spiked weights being affixed to

the soft spots of her femininity. as if they had been spared thus far.

"Heavy hooks, great pain," announced the Easterner, his usually impenetrable

countenance revealing a kind of exhaustion while he twisted the copper hook

inside the scorched tissue of her clitoris, "Talk now. He away now".

Lyral jumped in her restraints, not believing her own ears in finding this

least likely of all allies, but soon cried in dismay as the Easterner pushed

Kayleen's cage down the slope, her tormentor still human enough to feel pity

and yet not human enough to act accordingly.

The weighted hooks raked new gashes through Kayleen's severely burnt flesh,

ripping through her nipples, her labia and her clitoris with feral cruelty

and tearing through the rim of her vagina as she spun over the coals, dragging

the weights through the ashes, rekindling the heat and sending fiery sparks

into the oozing burns and bleeding wounds covering her spinning body.

Ordinarily the hooks would have ripped free of the flesh after a few turns,

but the fine chains had been loosely wound around her limbs so that most of

the pull was actually sideways, rather than straight away, allowing the hooks

to protract the torment of her flesh long enough to become red hot, while her

voice found new depths of howling woe to recount under the echoing vaults.

Lyral managed again to impart some healing to her friend, but her efforts only

caused the most severe burns to recede before her friend rolled back over the

coals to have them renewed. Lyral realized in shuddering horror that she was

covered in blood droplets sprayed from her spinning friend's wounds, which her

healing would address only when they would worsen enough.

Kayleen's terrified mind was running in circles in the vain attempt to stem

the waves of pain which rolled over her, twitching madly to keep her nipples

away from the heat since they were now pierced by four hooks tugging in

opposite directions, which distended them increasing their exposure, or

convulsing spasmodically as the weighted hook ripping through her clitoris

became red hot and its chain scraped her scorched thighs.

It took a long time before her blood loss became worse than her burns, while

Lyral spent her power in desperation as tears streaked a path clear of blood

over her face and Kayleen's howls slowly lost any semblance of sanity. The

wounds receded then, barely enough to salvage some tatters of her friend's

nipples and clitoris, and the fact that the torturers failed to react to the

event proved to Lyral that they had counted on her healing.

The Easterner caught Kayleen's cage with his hands, holding it while Lyral

rushed to heal her friend again, eying him as if to dare him stop her. The

finally solid contact allowed her to realize the seriousness of her friend's

condition, and she let her power restore the blood losses and dress the worst

wounds and burns amidst the wheezing screams wracking her friend's body.

"Enough," cried the Southerner, dragging the ladder Lyral was fastened to

away from her friend, a smile forming on his lips as this caused a low moan

of utter despair to surge from Kayleen's panting chest. He set about removing

the hooks from her twitching body, intent on limiting the damage inflicted and

yet occasionally lapsing when losing control, such as when he started slowly

ripping off the hooks piercing her clitoris while she buckled in mad agony.

He dragged his sobbing victim to a post, lifted her by chains fastened to the

iron rings constricting the base of her breasts and cuffed her elbows and

wrists together behind her while she cried bitterly, the corners of her mouth

torn by the spider gag and her face streaked by angry burns which had been

healed only partially because worse injures had taken precedence. He fetched

a steel rod, which she recognized once he curled her pubic hair around its

barbed middle, and lifted her legs off the floor, bending them to cuff her

ankles to rings at its end and leaving her dangling by her breasts in agony.

He fastened her wrists to a ring in the floor, pulling on her arms and causing

her hips to lift as her shoulders were dragged down, then pushed a needle in

the rim of her vagina, pausing while she screamed before continuing to thread

a wire around the opening of her love channel. Once done, he lifted her by the

strands of her pubic hair spared from the coals and drove his hard member into

her vagina, savoring her scream of harrowing torment as the cuts reopened.

He cruelly tugged on the ends of the thread, tightening it whenever his member

pulled back in order to further shred her tormented love channel, and kept up

her violation, each thrust causing the bar to rip her pubic hair and rake her

burnt skin while his member tore the cuts in her vagina wider and wider.

Once sated, he kept tugging on the thread while she cried in rage and pain,

waiting until her teary gaze was focused enough to see him consume more of the

powder which rekindled male erections. In spite of the mind numbing pain she

just faced, terror gripped her at the prospect of facing another string of

rapes at the hands of a perpetrator who delighted in turning the violation of

her femininity into tortures on par with the worst devised by the other two.

Lyral burst in bitter tears as she saw that, finding herself unable to further

help her friend and knowing what lay ahead. Her mind returned to her own

predicament when the Easterner brought a thin blade to her chest and cut near

the inside of her soft, white breast, the tip scraping onto her sternum in a

flash of pain unlike any she had ever been subjected to before.

Kayleen was lowered on the floor, resting on her shoulders with her arms still

painfully stretched by the ring, and the Southerner pulled her legs wide above

her head before cuffing her ankles to rings on the floor and pushing his

flaccid member down her throat, smiling as she choked in fear and humiliation.

He then fetched a wedge fashioned from a bundle of thorn branches, used it to

scoop embers from a brazier and then pushed it down her exposed ass hole,

while her restrained form buckled and arched in unbridled agony and her

demented howls burst around his manhood. Smiling, he pulled the wedge and then

pushed it down at a slightly different angle, savoring her muffled screams and

repeatedly scraping her innards, adding more embers now and then to feel her

tongue twitch around his member in howls of wretched anguish.

After prolonging this torment, he did the same with her vagina, tugging at the

thread still lodged in her singed flesh to increase the pain when he pulled

the wedge out and the thorns raked the shreds of flesh pulled tight by the

thread. Her muffled screams rose in pitch as the embers repeatedly burned her

womb while the thorns scraped the scorched walls of her love channel raw.

As he felt his manhood harden again under the combined effect of her screams

and of the drugs, he undid her restraints, cuffed her knees and ankles

together and pulled her up by chains at her breast rings and ankles, raising

her until his member nudged her sphincter. He then pierced her nipples and

clitoris with tiny hooks and pulling on them penetrated her ass hole, causing

her to arch in agony as he had encased his member in a barbed leather harness

which renewed the scratches dug by the thorns in her scorched innards.

Lyral alternated between watching in horror the protracted violation of her

friend and enduring brief flashes of absolute agony as the Easterner cut into

her flesh, reaching for the bone while she writhed in unspeakable torment on

the ladder. In spite of what her friend was going through, she could not help

but heal herself a bit after the bites of the blade, although she tried to

save her power for the night.

Sated after violating Kayleen's ass over and over, the Southerner pulled out

his blood-stained member, laughing at the tormented sigh escaping her mouth.

The thought of being killed by too many rapes crossed her mind, and somehow

she wished that her tormentor stopped penetrating her vagina, because anal and

even oral rape, which she initially loathed, were still less harrowing than

the agonies his sick inventiveness conjured when violating her womb. Her fears

found immediate proof when he lowered her onto an upturned hacked cone,

guiding it up her scraped love channel and distending the cuts around her

vagina, drowning her howl by driving his flaccid manhood into her throat.

He reached her ankles, cuffed behind her back, and started ripping off her toe

nails with pliers, pliers he subsequently used to crush the bleeding nail beds

while her mouth screamed her unbridled agony around his member and her body

shuddered in inhuman pain. Each convulsed jerk scratched her scorched love

channel, and her eyes filled with tears each time the splinters gouged a

blister open, causing her body to be wracked by pain which burst in a muffled

howl around her tormentor's bulging manhood.

After her toes, he started ripping off her fingernails, twisting her arms

further up behind her shoulders, almost near dislocation, and panting in

ecstatic frenzy at her gurgling howls of raw agony while he pulled and twisted

her bloody fingers. Her thighs twitched spasmodically while her blood stained

the wooden wedge mercilessly ripping her vagina.

Her howls resounded unrestrained when he pulled his hardening member out of

her mouth, lifted her by her arms and cuffed her ankles to the ends of a wedge

shaped steel bar bent behind the small of her back. He wound a rope around her

neck and repeatedly adjusted its length and the chains fastened to the hooks

on her nipples and clitoris before lifting her, causing her to choke as her

air supply was cut, and sliding under her, his manhood unbelievably erect.

He released her slowly with one hand, pulling her love channel around his

member by grabbing her pubic hair with the other, smiling as she writhed down

his manhood with a scream of unbridled woe as the studded harness scraped her

innards and the hooks in her nipples and clitoris were pulled taut. When he

pulled the rope up again, her vaginal muscles clutched his member deliciously

while she gasped for the air which escaped her lungs as she howled in demented

agony, twitching from the pain of the studs raking scorched flesh.

Lyral watched her friend impaled by her own weight on his upturned member

repeatedly, unable to understand how her friend seemed to partake in the act

before she realized that the Southerner alternated between pulling her down by

her labia and pubic hair and pulling her up by the rope around her neck,

cutting off her air and causing her clutching vagina to grip the instrument of

her debasement and inflict on her innards the scraping torment of the studs.

In spite of Kayleen's bleeding, the Southerner repeatedly pulled her up and

down his erect manhood, savoring her spasmodic convulsions as pain burst from

her raked womb and ripped through her clitoris while her chest heaved in

desperate need of air after screaming her lungs out and droplets of blood

squirted from her nipples whenever she tried to breathe.

Spent, he lowered her on the floor again and dragged her, in spite of her

pitiful cries, to a bed of nettles, laying her front on the stinging leaves

and twisting her arms above her head to grind her breasts on the bed of agony

while screams poured uninterruptedly from her mouth. He bent her legs above

her back, spread wide, and then inserted a large studded hook in her ass,

pulling it to bend her back and lewdly expose her bleeding sex.

Lost amidst pain, searching for the tatters of her former pride and courage,

she found herself wishing he would go away, just go away and let her alone,

but instead his flaccid member slid into her vagina again just as his weight

renewed the agony of the nettles on her raw scorched flesh, causing her to

twitch and scream, unable to prevent herself from providing the stimulation

her tormentor needed to rekindle his arousal.

Once his member hardened again, he removed the hook and penetrated her ass,

letting the studs on the harness he wore follow up on the torment delivered by

those on the hook while she kept screaming from the grinding of her breasts on

the bed of nettles. He protracted the torment by pulling out frequently and

pushing a wedge in her love channel, so that subsequent thrusts pushed on it

compounding her torment into a nightmare of frenzied pain.

He released her at last, but by forcing the contents of the jug down her

throat made clear that more was to come. He fastened her wrists to a ring in

the floor and her knees to a chain dangling from the ceiling, by which he

pulled them up, leaving her suspended in mid air and forced to twist her waist

to reduce the pull on her shoulders. He then fastened two barbed cords to the

iron band around her waist and pulled them through her crotch before winding

them around her right shoulder and back to her ankles, forcing her to arch and

twist in mid air in an effort to reduce the pain from the barbs.

Lyral watched without understanding, sobbing at the sight of her friend's body

which she had almost managed to restore, glistening under the light of the

torches from the many burns which had not been healed fully, bleeding in the

softest feminine flesh which her tormentor had targeted mercilessly, scraped

and constricted by the harsh restraints she wore and trembling from the never

ceasing violation he enjoyed to the point of taking drugs to perpetrate them.

Tears of loathing filled Kayleen's eyes when the Southerner pushed his manhood

down her throat again, only to be soon followed by gurgling screams of torment

as he started caning her exposed soles with a barbed steel rod, obviously bent

on forcing her to grind her slit onto the barbed cords and scream her torment

around his member, the game he used to speed up the effect of the drugs.

She twitched and gurgled incessantly as the cane rained ever increasing pain

on the only part of her body which had been somewhat spared and the barbed

cords raked through the part which had been most targeted, choking on his

member whenever a scream erupted from her lungs, ever on the verge of retching

as her tongue sought a way around the loathsome intruder in her mouth.

Such became the agony inflicted on her soles, cut to bleeding ribbons by so

many slashes that she did not even want to count them, that the thought of

sucking his manhood to get him to stop flashed through her mind in a wave of

despair, although she rejected it somewhat at the thought of the triumph in

his face such a debasement of her last shreds of dignity would cause.

When at last his arousal was rekindled, he pulled out, forced her thighs open

and pulling on her labia forced his manhood in her vagina again, forcing her

to scream under the debasement she had been repeatedly subjected to and hated

most, quickly turning it to torture as her scorched love channel was scraped

again while the barbed cords raked the stretched labia.

As her profuse bleeding lubricated his penetration, he pulled out and smeared

a white powder all over his member and inside her orifice, smiling when her

cries rose bitter and desperate once he resumed her penetration and the dried

walls were flayed raw and gouged mercilessly by the iron studs.

He lowered her on the floor, then fastened her ankle cuffs to the iron bands

on her thighs and then stuffed his manhood into her mouth again, using both

hands to overcome her feeble attempts to oppose him, and enjoying immensely

how her teary eyes changed from wide eyed disbelief at his beastly lust,

through disheartened despair, to blank pools of demented agony as he hammered

a studded hook in her vagina and used it to lift her loins from the floor

while the screams from her convulsing body gurgled around his manhood.

He wound the thread still running through the shredded rim of her vagina

around a stick and used it as a tourniquet to tighten it, causing her screams

to increase as more of her weight was borne by the hook. Once her body hung

before him, he fetched a pair of pliers and started pulling savagely her

nipples and clitoris, distending them and rubbing them with the tip of the rod

used to cane her soles, now red hot and wrenching long harsh screams from her

heaving chest which licked his manhood filling her mouth deliciously.

Lyral burst in a harrowing scream of her own as the Easterner cut through her

breast flesh again, scraping on the rib near the base of her right breast

while her eyes were glued to the red hot tip rubbing her friend's love bud in

short stabs of howling torment.

"Talk now. Spare your friend more. Worse when he returns", whispered the quiet

man to the East, so softly that Lyral wondered if it was her own mind giving

way under the harrowing pain. The Easterner's eyes were maybe less cold than

they usually were, and yet he had just cut through the soft flesh of a young

innocent without hesitation. Somehow, Lyral guessed that he just wanted to put

an end to a matter which had grown weary of.

Once the Southerner felt his member harden, he pulled out and circled Kayleen

in order to penetrate her ass hole, grabbing the remains of her pubic hair to

lift her up in a vicious frenzy which let her screams flow from her now free

mouth one after the other, ignoring the bleeding caused by the cuts on her

tongue and gums left by the studs. He viciously pushed over and over, with the

precise intent of distending her sphincter to tear the cuts open some more

while she howled and twitched in demented torment.

The pain of the harrowing violation was so all consuming that it took her a

while to realize he was no longer ramming her sphincter, but harsh sobs shook

her chest once she felt the taste of syrup in her mouth. Her cuffed wrists

were brought up and fastened behind her, between her ankles, and a ringed

wedge was forced down her vagina in place of the hook, the girth of each ring

tearing it open in repeated waves of agony until he tightened the thread

around the last before lifting her off the floor, screaming madly from the

unbearable pain as the scorched shreds of her vagina bore her full weight.

The pain lasted mere moments because he let her down and started clamping the

cuts with the iron clips used to staunch bleeding wounds, tightening them with

pliers and fastening them with thin chains of different length to the wedge.

He then pierced her nipples with three fine hooks each, whose chains he left

dangling as he moved near Lyral's ladder.

The blade scraped Lyral's ribs again, as if the Easterner had wanted to try

one more time, and then the Southerner reached her, watching her with a cruel

smile which made her tremble and sob almost like the prospect of tasting the

blade of the Easterner again. But the swarthy old man only pulled on the

ladder, bringing Lyral back to where Kayleen was crying in bitter pain.

The Southerner lifted Kayleen off the ground by the chain pulling on the wedge

while her voice rose in a howl of unparalleled torment as its rings slipped

under her weight, rasping her torn innards and the rim of her vagina while the

clips pulled on the bleeding cuts as the fine chains went taut. In spite of

her convulsing jerks, however, he managed to pull on the hooks in her nipples

until he fastened them to those in Lyral's own, putting a clamp on each to

prevent the hooks from ripping through the distended flesh.

He then circled the two to grab Kayleen's hair, yank her head back and force

his member into her screaming throat, letting her down somewhat before pulling

on the chain fastened to her wedge to lift her body into another fit of agony

as the wedge tore again through her sex and the hooks tugged her bleeding

nipples while her screams burst around his spent manhood.

It took Lyral many rounds of ripping through her nipples before she realized

that most of the blood on her body was her friend's, her gaze watching in

horror as rivulets flowed down the crotch which had been horribly shredded by

the repeated tearing of the wedge. The pitiful gurgled howls surging from her

friend's mouth started hammering at the depth of her soul, where she found the

resolve to stretch her neck and reach her friend's left breast, just as her

tormentor lowered the trembling body for a moment, and impart some healing.

Lyral knew that she was playing in their tormentor's hands, but the glimpses

of her friend's crotch spurting blood as she was pulled up and down and the

rim of her vagina was savagely ripped and distended burned in her mind almost

as much as the red hot tip of the rod which he repeatedly used to burn her

friend's poor clitoris, because, she realized, she had a better view of it.

As the incredible arousal caused by the drugs managed to harden his member

again, the Southerner removed the studded leather harness and replaced it with

a leather covering, rubbed in sand, then pulled out the wedge and bent

Kayleens's loins back in order to thrust his manhood into her vagina, drooling

with lust in anticipation of the harrowing howl of agony which followed.

The sand flayed mercilessly the wounded, dry walls of her vagina, rubbing the

scorched flesh raw and seeping into the many blisters and gouges to wreak

unspeakable woe inside her womb while waves of harrowing agony wracked her

chest and burst from her torn mouth in howls of unparalleled torment.

Lyral had never witnessed so closely the rape of her friend, and managed to

deliver some healing once or twice while the Southerner protracted the

violation of her friend's womb, but her mind shrunk before the harrowing

agonies the fleeting contacts revealed. Despair, humiliation and rage coursed

through her friend's pain wracked body, washed over by waves of white hot pain

and then bubbling back to prominence as the torment waned and waxed without

interruption or mercy, not even that normally provided by exhaustion as the

drugs and the excitement of triumph lent Kayleen's violator the endurance to

protract her agony over and over beyond all boundaries of cruelty.

Hoarse from the uninterrupted screaming, Kayleen choked between bitter sobs as

the Southerner released her, letting her collapse in a heap onto her trembling

friend, her mind a single white hot nugget of pain trembling in awareness that

it was not over yet, that more was to come.

As the Southerner composed his disheveled robes, Lyral doubled her efforts to

heal her friend, fighting tears caused partly by the harsh cries of her friend

and partly by the vivid impression of her violation carried over through the

healing process. She felt ... dirty, crushed, annihilated, and well aware that

it was all a pale reflection of what her friend felt like.

Grod lowered Kayleen on the floor and removed most of the implements of agony

favored by the Southerner, but nary one of her restraints, tightening instead

her iron collar before dragging her near a device she recognized with a

strangled cry, the cross rack. He fastened her ankle cuffs and the iron bands

at the knee and hip to the lower arms of the rack, paying close attention to

the positioning of her hip joints, then cuffed her wrists and elbows together

behind her back and the wrists to a chain from the ceiling by which he pulled

her wrists up behind her back until she cried from the pain in her twisted

shoulder joints. He then cranked her thighs, wider and wider, in a split which

soon caused her harsh cries of pain.

After leaving her stretched near dislocation for a while, he procured a small

jug of milky liquid and used a small ladle to scoop some and dribble it on her

bent back. After a few seconds of dread, her face contorted in a scream of

inhuman pain as the quicklime burned her skin, causing her to convulse in

desperate jerks as the caustic trickled down her back.

She kept screaming uninterruptedly as the liquid peeled the singed skin,

flowing around the blisters left by the protracted exposure to the heat of the

coals without lingering too long. Her tormentor knew that, if allowed to form

a pool, the caustic could eat through flesh causing lethal wounds, and had

made sure that it would cause only surface burns, albeit horrid to behold and

even worse to suffer as his victim's desperate howls of torment testified.

He bid his time, adding more quicklime very sparingly whenever her screams

subsided, and inspecting her back where swaths of scorched skin had peeled,

revealing the pulsating raw flesh in the wounds while she convulsed in mad

agony, pulling desperately at her shoulder and hip joints and wracking them

into and out of dislocation in long fits of howling torment.

When her jerks subsided between wheezing screams after the protracted torture,

he brought the jug to her lips in spite of her feeble attempts to resist, a

gesture which they both knew meant worse was to come. She shuddered when he

grabbed her left breast between the jaws of a pair of pliers, distending it

until she cried in pain before dribbling the milky liquid on the tip of the

distended cone, causing her whole body to stiffen and then jerk in a spasmodic

howl of utter agony as the caustic flayed her scorched flesh.

One of her hip joints dislocated with a low thud as the strength of her jerks

grew beyond bounds alongside the pain in her breast, and the resulting anguish

compounded the latter on her distorted face, set in a raucous scream which

apparently lasted without end as new droplets of caustic dropped over her

peeled nipple, raising wisps of acrid smoke and howls of unspeakable pain.

When he switched to the other breast, her convulsions surged to new peaks of

mad agony and culminated in dislocation of her left shoulder, causing her to

shift in her restraints as her body buckled spasmodically in the attempt to

twist her breast away from the jaws which held it under the trickle of milky

liquid which simmered over the distended cone of feminine flesh.

Only after repeatedly tormenting her breasts, to the point of eating most of

the scorched skin away, did he bring the jug to her lips again, pouring the

contents down her throat while she sputtered and coughed, wracked by agonies

which flared whenever her attempts to take a deep breath pulled on the

seething flesh of her once proud mounds.

Obviously bent on dislocating her other limbs, her tormentor cranked the rack

some more and then dribbled quicklime along her distended legs, taking care to

let the droplets flow along the curve while she stiffened in a scream of utter

anguish before rattling the rack with spasmodic convulsions of hopeless pain.

Skin and flesh bubbled and simmered while her voice waxed and waned in howls

of desperate torment, her mind lost in mazes of unceasing woe and clinging to

the last strands of sanity as her only hope surged in tatters from her mouth

among screams of unspeakable agony.

"Lyral ... please! Lyral ...

In spite of his efforts in prolonging her agony, however, he failed to

dislocate her other limbs. He tried dribbling quicklime on her arms, on her

bleeding nail beds, he tried with letting if flow from the small of her back

down firm buttocks until they literally broiled and smoked while her

convulsions shook the rack's frame, but her exhausted screams started waning,

and he still had not managed to achieve his intent, so he poured some

quicklime in a bowl which he suspended just under her crotch.

He then climbed on the rack and used his feet to push onto her loins, until

her feminine flesh contacted the caustic and she jerked in agony, with such

strength that he almost fell down. But he held on, pushing her onto the liquid

which foamed around her femininity and splashed the inside of her thighs while

she howled in absolute agony and arched spasmodically, twisting her thighs and

legs and wracking them repeatedly until she dislocated her other hip with a

low popping sound, the ordinarily devastating pain barely registering before

the agonies consuming her tender femininity in waves of horrid torment.

The removal of the bowl brought her some respite, although she kept screaming

in wheezing fits of hopeless anguish interspersed by sputtering as he brought

the jug to her lips again, but the respite ended when he brought the bowl near

her left breast. The corners of her mouth almost tore as the scream which rose

from her chest surged through, as if her mouth could not stretch wide enough,

and her muscles stiffened in agony before snapping in spasmodic jerks as she

tried desperately to pull her broiling flesh from the caustic liquid.

He kept chasing her heaving chest and splashing her breast with the quicklime,

sometimes finding some on his heavy leather gloves, keeping her nipple bathed

in the caustic and simmering relentlessly in a bloody foam until her jerks

managed to pull her shoulder out of its seat with a sickly thud, leaving her

hanging from her dislocated arms and wracked by waves of bitter pain as her

flesh broiled and simmered in unspeakable agonies which burst from her mouth in

screeching howls of pain and despair, interspersed by almost inaudible calls

"Lyral ... help ... me!"

She sobbed bitterly even once he started unfastening her restraints, because

the simple touch of his hands was agony on her consumed flesh, and her hopes

were shattered once he made her drink from the jug and fastened her ankle

cuffs to the iron bands at her hips. A scream of raw despair surged from her

as he fastened her wrists between her ankles, behind her back, forcing her to

arch painfully, and then tightened iron clips on her burned labia and around

the scorched rim of her vagina which he then used to pull her off the ground.

Lost in a maze of harrowing pain, her head flailing as unrelenting agonies

radiated from her feminine flesh, the screams surging from her mouth stopped

once she saw between tears a pale face under hers, a face she took a while to

recognize as her friend's.

"Lyral, oh thanks! Help me, please, I'm burning ..."

It took a while for Kayleen to register the look of horror on Lyral's face as

it jerked away under hers, for a reason which became immediately apparent as

the burning bite of quicklime landed on the soft undersides of her breasts,

flowing around her mounds in simmering rivulets and broiling over her nipples,

trickling droplets of foaming caustic mixed with blood where her friend's face

had been, mere moments before a wave of unspeakable agony erased everything

from her mind but the all encompassing agony of her peeling flesh.

As she jerked in howling pain, rattling mercilessly her dislocated joints, her

tormentor kept dribbling droplets of quicklime on her raw flesh, exercising

some restraint only in what flowed down to her face which he did not want to

burn too much. Bleeding tears started ripping her labia and the rim of her

love channel as her weight and her spasmodic jerks wracked them repeatedly.

It took Lyral a long time to muster the courage to face the droplets of

caustic, but the harrowing screams of her friend's agonies gnawed at her until

she put caution aside and arched, stretching herself until her lips reached

her friend's forehead to deliver a sorely needed round of healing.

Satisfied that the torment could be protracted, Grod kept dribbling caustic

all over Kayleen's jerking form, pausing to wait for the full effect when he

let it flow down her long and once shapely legs, watching it broil the flesh

and form bloody rivulets of foam which dripped onto her chest whenever her

jerks brought her head almost at waist height. It was at those times that he

let some trickle around her sphincter, so that she arched back in reaction and

swung almost full circle, distending herself in mad agony and allowing her

friend a chance to heal her a bit.

As her torment was mercilessly prolonged, variants of pain she had never

thought of wracked her hanging body into new depths of this hell she had been

thrown into. White hot agonies surged from her chest and limbs whenever her

flesh was distended by her jerks, as the foaming residues of caustic found new

unmarred flesh to consume. Searing agony washed over her face when it was

crossed by rivulets of the milky liquid. The sensitive skin under her soles

simmered and curled while her legs twitched in agony, wracking her hip joints

in waves of harrowing torment. Her nipples burned in relentless pain, turned

into simmering stubs of broiled flesh which oozed bloody foam under the

application of more caustic whenever Lyral's healing partly restored them.

A brief pause was allowed when she was offered the jug again, from which she

drank in long gulps, almost out of her mind in pain and calling repeatedly her

friend between coughs. But her voice exploded in a howl which had seen few

equals when he dribbled some quicklime on her crotch, catching her clitoris

with a well aimed drop just after she stiffened in unspeakable agony and an

instant before she burst in a fit of convulsed jerks which made it extremely

difficult for Lyral to reach her flailing head.

A fire worse than the hot irons burned her feminine flesh, simmering all over

the distended skin and broiling it slowly and mercilessly while her own weight

and the jerks induced by the all consuming pain ripped bleeding gashes in the

flapping tatters of her labia and the shredded entrance of her womb.

Once, maybe twice, the soothing touch of Lyral's healing clamped the blazing

fires of her agony, but soon the caustic was brought onto her nipples again,

and as she descended the pits of hell in howling despair she realized that her

tormentor was observing what parts of her martyred flesh showed signs of

healing to target them with further drops of the hellish liquid, watching them

smolder and broil while she jerked her limbs and orifices into further agonies.

Just as her convulsed jerks waned into spasmodic twitches, just as she started

thinking that she had defied them once more, the screech of a hateful voice

from beyond the grave resonated in the room.

"Continue her interrogation, Grod. Until she realizes how foolish it is to

oppose me, she'll have to bear the consequences of her folly, just as your

ilk," he whispered, turning to Lyral, "faced those of theirs this morning,

and are now being brought here for questioning,"

The defining limit of Kayleen's agony became thus Lyral's ability to heal the

repeated abuse being wrought on her tender feminine flesh, but her tormentor

started interspersing it with occasional dribbling over her twitching muscles,

meant to wrack her dislocated joints into frenzies of trembling agony while

her nipples and clitoris returned to some semblance of their former selves

after being almost broiled away by the merciless application of quicklime

while she kept asking for her friend's help between wheezing screams.

"Lyral ... heaven's sake ..."

Her face burned by droplets of quicklime and streaked with tears, Lyral fought

the torments wracking her friend with a desperate strength fueled by the

awareness of being both an instrument of her agonies and the only remaining

anchor of her assaulted resolve. Foregoing any care of herself, she found

reserves of healing power she had not known existed, but slowly consumed them

one by one until only despair remained, until her kiss to her friend delivered

her desperate sorrow but no respite.

Always alert, Grod suspended the dribbling of quicklime on his screaming

victim shortly thereafter. For a moment, it looked like the silent corpse

was considering ordering him otherwise, but the words which followed were a

surprise for everybody.

"Grod and Chang, take the Priestess to the prison pits, and make an example of

her before interrogating her sisters - I want answers from them by tomorrow

morning.  Meanwhile, I'll question her friend myself. Make sure she is

unmarred and ready to resume tomorrow morning, however," whispered Zhorun.

Kayleen's screech of bitter despair echoed under the vaults of the chamber and

flared through Lyral's soul, spurring her to distend in a last desperate kiss

so bent on delivering any measure of healing that both girls snapped like rag

dolls while Kayleen's horrid burns visibly receded and Lyral passed out after

expending her last ounces of energy. When the two tormentors overcame their

surprise, she did not react as they dragged her away.

When the Southerner lowered her just enough to let her shoulders rest on the

floor, Kayleen tried to stop herself from crying bitterly as the friend who

had just spent her remaining energies to restore some of her health was being

dragged away, leaving her in the hands of the most sadistic of her tormentors

and of the rotting corpse of the tyrant she had deposed, bent on exacting the

most horrible revenge on her, or worse, if Lyral's hunches were correct.

There would be no respite tonight, no soothing caress or embrace in spite of

cruel restraints they always managed to circumvent. A scream of harrowing pain

surged from her mouth when the Southerner penetrated her ass with his hard

member sheathed in the same studded leather harness meant to scrape her

innards raw which he had been using in the morning, while Zhorun watched

intently every contortion of her visage, the twitching of her shoulders in her

swollen joints and the bleeding gashes ripped the hooks in her labia as she

jerked under her tormentor's frenzied thrusts.

"Harder! Make her scream!" screeched the corpse, causing the Southerner to

redouble his efforts with a smile, as if her pitiful, wheezing screams could

not be heard over and again under the vaults of the torture chamber.

But Zhorun craved for more, after being unable to relish in her agonies for

hours, and his voice rose menacingly

"If you cannot punish her adequately, I'll do it myself! Get out of my way!"

The Southerner, still panting and thrusting, jumped off mere moments before

blue streaks of lightning surged from Zhorun's gnarled hands, crackling over

Kayleen's restrained body. Stuttering screams of unabashed torment surged from

her mouth as her muscles contracted spasmodically and pain blasted from her

dislocated joints, while droplets of blood sprayed from the bleeding gashes in

her crotch as her jerks rattled the chains she hung from.

After carrying Lyral's chained body for a some time, Grod and Chang dropped

her on the floor of a poorly lit hall. As she had not really passed out, but

was just utterly exhausted by her last ditch effort to heal her friend, Lyral

had been forced to listen to the screams resounding in the torture chamber

until they had waned in the maze of corridors. The sounds of agony which ruled

this underground kingdom of pain soon reached her ears again, however, as

three sides of this hall consisted of cells occupied by disheveled and chained

Priestesses, their white robes in tatters, moaning and weeping.

The hall was small and not equipped for interrogation, a fact which caused

Grod to shake his head and leave. Two guards stood there, and their eyes ogled

Lyral's full breasts and creamy thighs with unmistakable lust. She lay there,

too exhausted to do anything but breathe, unable to answer the whispers from

those of her sisters who had not yet succumbed to despair. When Grod returned,

silence descended on the hall at the sight of the implements he carried, but

she could not even open her eyes yet.

A sudden agony burst in her shoulders once Grod started pulling her up by her

arms, twisting them in their sockets until she hung from a chain wound around

a pulley fastened to a beam in the ceiling, and almost immediately her scream

echoed in the small hall and on the scared visage of the onlooking prisoners.

With a desperate scream, Kayleen twitched spasmodically as the Southerner

poured salt water on her hanging form. Coils of barbed cord had been wound

around her limbs and chest, tightly enough to let them scrape the scorched and

broiled skin if she moved. And the subsequent onslaught of crackling blue

lightning from Zhorun's fingers caused her to arch and buckle, cutting long

bleeding gashes in the scorched skin and wrenching long howls of bitter

torment from her sore throat as her jerks wracked her dislocated joints.

The salt water mixed with her tears while he lowered her shoulders on the

floor to reduce the tear on her labia, because he kept close watch on the

hooks ripping through them and wanted to protract the torment of her

femininity. Some needles had been driven through the soft flesh around her

sphincter and the entrance of her love channel, to keep the shreds of her

flesh from being ripped away too quickly but also to carry the lightning where

it could cause the worst pain, especially once doused in salt water.

When Zhorun's lightning paused, the Southerner pulled her up again, watching

her face contort in agony as blood flowed from the gashes in her tender flesh

and salt seeped in the open wounds. He wished he had Grod's experience with

quicklime, but in its wake he would make do with a rasp, and after a glance at

the silent corpse, scraped it against her clitoris to see her dance in

unbridled agony while more lightning magic crackled around her nipples.

Lyral's own tears streaked her face as she hung from her twisted arms, moaning

and crying while Grod pulled her ankles up behind her to expose the soles. His

intent became obvious when he picked up a mean, braided whip and after testing

it a few times brought it down on her soles, causing her to arch in raw agony

as a bitter scream surged from her mouth. A wave of horror swept the faces

glued behind the bars, wide eyed before the agony of a sister many of them had

recognized and trembling at the prospect of facing the same soon.

Suddenly, after half a dozen strikes, a blinding flash of orange light burst

from one of the cells, engulfing the two armored guards in a shroud of fire

which also set some furniture ablaze. Some unknown force crushed the bars of a

cell outwards before a young Priestess, with lush red hair and flaring green

eyes. She rushed towards Lyral's hanging form, hurling arrows of orange fire

towards the two torturers. Chang narrowly escaped her fury by hiding behind a

pillar, but Grod was flung backwards by the impact of the orange flames.

With superhuman speed, the red haired Priestess reached Lyral's hanging form

and embraced her, softly whispering the words of a spell, a transportation

spell which caused both to fade away just as Lyral recognized her.

"Shandra", she whispered with a smile.

Chapter 22 - The Taste of Defeat

The lightning died on Zhorun's gnarled fingers as his mind registered the

warning from one of the many spells he had strewn in his lair, a spell meant

to tell him when somebody used magic on his premises. This was an old

precaution, from the times he still lived and feared for his life, and he now

found inconceivable that someone could think of standing up to him.

"Who dares ?" screeched the former wizard, his voice high pitched with rage.

In a split second, the Southerner found himself alone in the room, blinking at

the spot where Zhorun had been. Then a cruel smile curved his lips as his gaze

shifted towards Kayleen's hanging form,

"He left, but we're still here. And I don't feel like sleeping,"

He lowered her shoulders on the floor and cruelly penetrated her sphincter,

laughing at her scream of bitter despair. He had resented Zhorun's impatience,

but thought better of standing up against him. Besides, he knew that the

insult was unwarranted: the bitch really hated being taken against her will,

and the more painful and bloody the violation, the harder it was on her.

When Zhorun returned, the Southerner's drug-enhanced lust had been spent and

rekindled twice and he was now about violating the sobbing Kayleen again, but

the former wizard was in no mood to find this amusing.

"Idiot! Pig! I had told you to make her suffer, and you indulge your filthy

cravings instead ?"

Surprised, the Southerner darted away without even composing himself, fearing

the wizard's wrath, but no magic followed the enraged words.

"Grod, it's always you who I can count upon. Without the Priestess, we must

have this girl tell us where the Sorceress hides. Resume her interrogation on

the double, with quicklime if you still have some."

Grod, whose apron had saved him from the worst effects of the flame arrow, was

nevertheless badly burned, and in no shape to carry out his Master's orders.

"If I may speak, Master ?" he croaked hesitatingly, then continued.

"We should allow her to recover, Master. Her friend's healing no longer

offsets the damage we inflict. Besides, I am not at my best, at present."

"They think so, do they ? Her friend thinks that we'll have to be soft. But

they underestimated me. You, my loyal servant, are granted the use of any

healing potion found in the Priestesses' camp, and bring a spare one here.

We'll give it to her so that Chang can make sure she spends the rest of the

night in pain. And you had better get some sleep, Hadrad, because tomorrow

morning you are expected to put your rutting frenzies to some use. Myself,

I'll make sure the three of you can make her regret her defiance, unhindered."

After Grod and the Southerner departed Zhorun stood there, motionless, while

the Easterner lowered Kayleen on the floor and slowly removed the implements

of her torment, one by one, summarily treating the worst wounds. It took him a

long time, and he shook his head often, but finally Grod arrived and the two

poured the contents of a flask down Kayleen's throat.

Kayleen trembled and moaned as the liquid, created by the Priestesses for

their own use and occasionally sold for money, coursed through her body with

an effect similar to her friend's power, although of lesser impact. A hoarse

sigh escaped her lips as her worst wounds, those bleeding deep inside her

innards, were mended at least in part.

The Easterner cuffed her ankles together and tightened the iron bands at her

knees and thighs. Wrists and elbows were already tight enough, as the chafed

and bleeding skin testified, and the same could be said for the serrated iron

band at her waist and the iron rings at the base of her breasts. A low cry

escaped her lips when he reached for the barbed cord.

When they left, taking the light of the torches with them, Kayleen was already

sobbing softly from the pain of her restraints and the prospect of spending

the rest of the night in unrelenting torment. She had to stand with her

wounded feet wrapped in of barbed cord, her legs slightly bent at the knee so

that she could not find respite for her leg muscles and had to shift her

weight from one dislocated hip joint to the other as the barbs bit her soles.

She had to bend with her arms pulled up behind her back to prevent the barbed

cord around her breasts from raking the flesh broiled by the quicklime, but

this pulled two more strands of barbed cord through her bleeding crotch and

put most of her weight on her dislocated shoulder joints. The salt from the

repeated splashes with freezing cold salt water burned in her wounds, and she

shivered helplessly from the chilling water.

She hung there, and as time passed her agonies increased, causing her to sob

bitterly and scream occasionally when her shifting weight caused flashes of

agony in a hip joint or a barb raked the shredded flesh of her crotch and

forced her to swing from her swollen shoulder joints. The iron band at her

waist cut her skin whenever she tried to breathe, and the blood from her

wounded soles pooled at her feet. And she was alone.

She called Lyral countless times, hoping beyond all reason that she could

somehow appear out of nowhere. Her poor friend was no more, probably because

one of the two torturers went too far. Zhorun had been away just enough to win

a confrontation with the Priestesses, and if he had defeated them Shandra was

the only remaining hope that he could be stopped. She trembled at the thought

of how important her silence had become, because very little remained of the

proud Warrior Queen in the sobbing girl hanging in the dark.

In spite of her exhaustion, however badly her body craved rest, she only

managed to teeter on the brink of sleep, because as soon as her muscles

relaxed pain bit her somewhere, either the joints or the crotch mostly, and

she kept sobbing and screaming, unaware of Zhorun who stood in the darkness

and savored every bit of her anguish in lieu of pleasures now beyond him.

He had considered looking in his collection of magical treatises for some

means by which the damage inflicted during her torture could be offset, but

just now he wanted to see her suffer first and foremost. The battle had

provided a number of healing potions which were of no use to him, baneful

even, in his present condition. He would use them first.

When footsteps announced the return of the three torturers, a sigh of despair

coursed through Kayleen's body, softly rattling her chains. She was already in

bitter pain, most of her body covered in burns left by the raging heat of the

coals or broiled by quicklime, her dislocated joints swollen and ready to send

blazes of searing agony when stressed, her femininity bloodily ripped and

repeatedly torn. How could she face another day of torture, more harrowing

violations at the hands of the swarthy old pig, the exquisite cruelties of the

Easterner, or Grod's merciless grinding of muscle and bone, she did not know.

Then the torches lit the chamber, and she screamed in terror when the

Southerner neared, mostly naked, his slim build a silhouette of horror against

torchlight. He wore a harness of leather straps, with small iron studs, which

would rake her body mercilessly while he indulged in raping her. The straps

around his hands looked different, and as his gaze met hers as he rubbed the

left one against wood, letting the rasping noise confirm her fears.

"I see you appreciate what's next," whispered the Southerner.

Her scream had been caused by the sight of his member, which stood swollen and

prodigiously erect in a studded leather harness. The old man looked on the

verge of a stroke, and was drooling and cackling insanely while licking his

lips in anticipation. When he unfastened her restraints, she tried to escape

his grip, but her dislocated joints prevented her from achieving anything

beyond wracking herself into screaming agony.

He fastened her wrists behind her back, then drove hooks through her nipples,

reopening the partially healed wounds from the day before amidst her screams,

then lifted her off the floor by her ankles and wound the chains from the

hooks through her crotch, forcing her to bend and raise her chest until he

fastened them to her wrists. He left her there, straining to spare her nipples

from being ripped off, then grabbed her hips and penetrated her sphincter.

She screamed in raw pain as the rasping of her bowels compounded the the agony

in her joints, the ripping of her nipples, and the flaying of her scorched

thighs by the sharkskin stripes under his palms. Her voice rose in screeches

and rumbled in moans as he thrust, using his hands to find the partially

healed cuts from yesterday and guide his member to tear them open again.

It took an inordinate amount of time to slake his lust, but as he pulled out

of her bleeding orifice he immediately proved his cruelty was undiminished. He

lowered her briefly on the floor, only to lift her again shortly thereafter by

chains fastened to the bands around her elbows and knees. While she cried from

the pain in her joints, he fetched a heavy, braided whip and lashed the soles

of her feet, watching her bend and distend as screams surged from her mouth.

The heavy whip traced a bleeding strip on the soft underside of her thighs,

causing her to jerk and howl in unbridled pain. The next lash flared on her

arms, and when he stroke her buttocks blood sprayed all around as the whip had

cut scorched and broiled skin, causing her to arch and tremble in screaming

pain. When the whip flayed the tender flesh between her thighs, her voice

tinged with bitter despair, which he fanned by repeatedly lashing her labia.

She screamed and writhed as the whipping rekindled his drug-induced arousal,

whose resurgence she watched in loathing as he changed her restraints,

cuffing each wrist to the corresponding ankle and suspending her lewdly spread

between two pillars, her crotch ready to be shafted by his bulging member.

A scream erupted from her mouth when he pulled her up by the few curls of her

pubic hair left and penetrated her vagina with unbridled lust, tearing the

cuts around its rim open again while wracking her joints into depths of white

hot pain. The studs raked her insides, and when she started bleeding he paused

his assault to smear her insides with the white powder he used to dry them for

the pleasure of chafing them raw while she arched in mad agony.

As the violation continued, she realized he must have had taken extra doses of

whatever he had used before because his neck veins bulged, his eyes were about

twice their normal size and he seemed out of his mind, lost in a deranged

frenzy which scraped her love channel raw over and over before abating. As he

let her sip from the jug, the face of her friend flashed in her mind, only to

be obliterated by a wave of pain when he poured salt water over her.

While Zhorun watched intently, he changed her restraints, cuffing her elbows

and wrists together behind her to a chain from the ceiling, and bending her

left leg back until he could fasten the chains from her nipple hooks to its

ankle cuff. He then pulled her up slightly, forcing her to stand on the ball

of her right foot in a position which wracked unrelenting pain through her

dislocated joints and tugged on her bleeding nipples unmercifully.

When she saw him light a candle, she twisted in her restraints, crying as the

waist band bit her flesh again, dreading the searing touch which inevitably

rubbed her smarting skin as he let the flame lick the undersides of her breast

or the clitoris between the spread labia while she screamed, buckled and

twisted herself into frenzies of wracking pain from her joints or bloodily

ripped the hooks through her nipple flesh another fraction of an inch.

He used his hands to scrape her broiled skin with the sharkskin, and then

rake it with the studs or sear it with the candle, always moving from tender

spot to tender spot, watching her howl in demented pain as her nipple was

slowly peeled by the sharkskin or her clitoris twitched above the flame.

In spite of the uninterrupted torment, she saw in desperation that his member

was hardening again. As a confirmation, he put away the candle and changed her

restraints, pulling her arms up behind her and cuffing her ankles wide open to

chains from the ceiling, adjusted so that her belly was just an inch above the

floor. Laughing, he slid stinging tree branches under her belly and breasts,

and hammered a wedge soaked in hot pepper oil in her ass hole while her hoarse

screams echoed pitifully under the vaults of the chamber.

Only after savoring her convulsions for a while did he grab her pubic hair and

lift her vagina up to violate it again, drooling as his swollen cock raked the

studs on the burns left by the candle. Her voice rose in harsh screams as he

twisted her hips left and right around his rigid member, causing her front to

rub on the stinging leaves and renewing the agony in her joints.

As pain coursed through her violated body, her mind reeled behind clenched

eyes under the assault. Whenever a thrust raked the studs inside her bleeding

love channel or against the scorched labia, Lyral's screaming face flashed in

her mind and she was no longer sure whose screams echoed in the room, at least

in the instant before her suspended body swung and her nipples burned from the

caress of the stinging tree leaves. As she convulsed in mad agony, new blazes

of pain wracked her dislocated joints and her eyes sought her friend, wishing

that the young warm body could again support her weight and heal them.

So lost was her mind that she almost failed to notice that her tormentor had

momentarily expended his lust, although she kept screaming from the brush of

the leaves and the pitiful convulsions which wracked her rectum under the

relentless burn of the oiled wedge. She was given the jug again, and cold salt

water immediately thereafter, then he moved to her front, jerked her head up

to push his manhood down her reluctant throat and then lowered her loins so

that the leaves started burning the broiled flesh, seeking in her eyes the

glimpses of humiliation, rage and despair that would rekindle his arousal as

much as the involuntary licking from her tongue's relentless screaming.

Once her screams started waning, he rolled her on a side and cuffed her wrists

to a ring in the floor and her ankles to another two, a couple feet apart,

then lowered from the ceiling a contraption of steel bars from which he ran

hooks through her breasts and belly. Her intermittent gasps turned to

unbridled screaming once he pulled the contraption up, forcing her to swing

from the hooks with most of her weight on her bent arms and legs wracking her

dislocated joints to new depths of mad agony.

Only when every movement caused a shriek of raw pain did he push tiny hooks

through her nipples, labia and clitoris, keeping the fine chains leading to

the steel bars short so that each movement ripped them through the flesh a wee

bit more, forcing her to swing herself on her teetering joints. Her convulsed

jerks of mad pain resulted in harrowing fits of screaming torment which turned

to desperate gurgles as he penetrated her throat again, thrusting rhythmically

to cause her to pleasure his manhood with her desperate howls of agony.

As his member hardened in her mouth, she started choking spasmodically and he

pulled out, moving between her legs and adjusting the chains so that her loins

were pulled up, lifting her feet and hands above the floor, except for her

fingers, which tried spasmodically to relieve the pull of the hooks ripping

through her flesh. Her now unrestrained screams burst to new heights once he

violated her again, pulling with both hands the cords of a number of hooks

purposely left in her crotch without fastening them to the bars above.

She clenched her eyes in a sudden burst of rage at the thought of her violator

savoring the agony in them as his hands pulled the hooks to splay her bleeding

love channel before his ravaging member, an instant before unthinkable pain

swept through her. The tiny hooks had been pushed just under the skin and then

bent back and slid under the skin again, tiny enough to place four along the

distended sides of her bleeding clitoris and dozens along the rim of her

vagina, but fueling a wave of pain far beyond their size as they ripped

through broiled flesh while his member tore the cuts open some more.

As his drug-induced frenzy raked the studs on the harness around his swollen

manhood inside her bleeding love channel, she heard among her own screams the

sickly noise of hooks coming free after tearing through skin and flesh as

white hot blasts of pain surged from her breasts, labia and then clitoris,

causing her to howl her helpless despair and swing under his relentless

assault, wracking the torments of hell on her dislocated joints while cramps

shot through her rectum from the burning wooden intruder.

Still wearing a mask of deranged lust, once he had spent his arousal on her

twitching and bleeding body he circled her, reached for her mouth and pushed

his member between her lips again, while she cried bitterly in despair as her

debasement was being prolonged beyond all boundaries of cruelty. Her harsh

gasps turned into gurgling screams when he started dripping molten beeswax on

the bleeding gashes torn by the hooks, forcing her to jerk spasmodically under

the dripping fluid and tear further wounds in her flesh, while her tongue

screamed her torment onto his spent manhood.

Since each hook getting free caused her weight to spread among the remaining

hooks, her agonies increased steadily until the last remaining hooks tore

through her writhing flesh more or less together, dropping her on the floor in

a protracted gurgling scream while she buckled under the relentless stream of

molten wax. In spite of the insane lust distorting his face, he was still able

to assess her conditions and opt for pouring a healing potion down her throat.

She called softly for her friend between wracking pangs of hopeless torment,

because the potion had effects not unlike the healing delivered from Lyral's

own power, although on a lesser scale. Her worst wounds receded, especially

the bleeding gashes in her insides and those ripped by the hooks. As her agony

receded, she thought she saw Lyral's face ... but then a cruel smile cracked

the swarthy visage and she screamed in agony as twin hooks ripped through her

clitoris, lifting her off the floor before letting her fall down again.

He turned her on her back and twisted her arms up behind her until her screams

rose above the creaking noise from her tormented shoulders, then put a

wedge-shaped steel bar behind her elbows and twisted her legs, pulling them

out of her hip sockets until he managed to cuff them to the ends of the bent

bar while she trembled and shrieked from the pain in her joints.

He slowly added hooks on her clitoris, folds and labia, always pushing them in

and then bending them back with pliers so that they pierced the skin twice,

and then threaded a cord around the rim of her vagina, pulling it closed while

she screamed in uninterrupted pain. Her voice rose to a howl of hellish agony

when he tugged on the hooks, slowly ripping her vagina open enough to violate

it again while blood squirted from the gashes.

Her clenched eyes tried between tears to catch a glimpse of her friend's face,

but only saw his hand smear her insides with white powder before her violation

resumed without the lubrication offered by her blood and the agony from her

womb coursed through her wracked body in waves of searing hot pain which did

not stop until his drug induced lust waned.

The heat of red hot iron replaced his member as he seared her wounds, keeping

her buckling spasmodically and wracking her joints into helpless agony. The

iron scorched her skin and was repeatedly pushed inside her womb, but also

used to singe her clitoris as it was being distended by pulling on the hooks,

until his arousal returned and he could violate her again, in a frenzy which

wracked her into agonies which robbed her last shreds of hope.

Just as she hoped that he was done and would let her die, he pulled out,

poured cold salt water on her twitching form, let her sip from the jug and

then cut into the rims of her vagina with the toothed blade, lacerating the

scorched flesh and shredding her clitoris while distending it with the hooks,

and then violating her again while her heart sank in a sea of anguished

despair as each frenzied thrust tore the cuts wider and wider.

He paused her debasement, and she hoped for a moment it was over, but only to

drag folded sharkskin through the cuts, causing her to buckle spasmodically

in screeching torment before resuming her violation with renewed fury, pulling

on the hooks with unrestrained cruelty and slowly ripping one of the cuts

wider until it split her vulva to the point that the studs on the harness

around his member started raking her clitoris.

She screamed and howled in unrelenting torment for an amount of time which she

lost track of, sinking under waves of white hot pain which wracked her body

and burst from her mouth in pitiful screeches of helpless woe, a torn bundle

of suffering flesh and sinew now beyond resolve, rage and humiliation, but

whenever she was about to shout her defeat, a "NOOO" surged from inside her,

spoken in Lyral's anguished voice, and finally she realized that she was

hanging in twitching agony, her wheezing screams still echoing under the

vaults of the torture chamber, but her tormentor was no longer shredding the

rim of her vagina by tugging the cord around his thrusting member.

The Easterner lowered her on the floor, and she caught a glimpse of Grod

dragging the Southerner's limp body away. When the healing of a potion she was

given soothed her agonies, she realized that she had managed to hold on again,

for her friends, and for a moment thought that she would find the strength to

hold on whatever further torment they would come up with.

Silently, the Easterner cuffed her wrists behind her neck over the wedge

shaped cross bar of a wooden post and cranked up a spiked wooden seat, forcing

her to stand on the balls of her feet to avoid the spikes. He then pushed a

wooden wedge through a hole in the seat, forcing it up her rectum while she

cried as the hot pepper oil burned her insides again.

Her eyes widened as she saw another, larger wedge, but he pulled up her ankles

and fastened them to the iron rings around her thighs, causing her weight to

rest on the spikes until she managed to pause her screaming and pull herself

up by her arms in spite of the pain in her joints. At this point, when she was

arched and her muscles taut, did he drive the wedge up between her labia,

ignoring her pitiful howl as she raked the spikes across her buttocks in pain.

Her breasts were subsequently encased in a spiked vise, which he tightened as

she screamed herself hoarse until blood flowed in rivulets from her bulging

breasts, and finally he fastened a board under the wedges in her orifices so

that when she tired of arching, her own weight would drive them deeper inside,

denying her the support necessary to keep her buttocks off the spikes.

He let her like this, watching her tire and scream when the wedges and spikes

caused her to jerk in spasmodic pain, then grabbed a fold of her thigh flesh

and slowly cut through it with a thin steel blade. She arched in raw agony as

the blade cut just under the skin, avoiding blood vessels and slowly opening a

shallow wound which bled slowly as fits of screaming shook her while the blade

progressed mercilessly.

When he finally stopped dragging the blade, she barely had the time to take a

deep breath before another howl shook her as he dragged a feather inside the

wound, causing her to writhe spasmodically as the burning powder the feather

had been rubbed in seeped in the wound. A second feather followed, dipped in a

liquid which smelled like bleach and caused her to buckle spasmodically on the

spikes while wheezing shrieks wracked her heaving chest.

She shriveled on the spikes in hellish torment as he dragged feathers in

the open wound over and over, dipping them in different substances, each

bringing new depths of agony into her flesh and all causing her to wreak havoc

on her joints, which the Southerner had pulled beyond dislocation and the

healing potion had not restored fully. After unbelievable agonies, he closed

iron clips around the edges of the wound using pliers and then proceeded to

cut another in her other thigh, resuming her torment with a new set of

feathers while her wheezing cries surged to new peaks of howling anguish.

Slowly and deliberately, he protracted her agony by cutting shallow gashes in

expertly chosen folds of her flesh and then dragging feathers in the open

wounds, deviously dipping them in substances intended to cause pain or just

keep the pain from subsiding. After her legs, thighs and soles, he cut about a

dozen gashes in her belly and chest, one after the other, timing the use of

the feathers with her breathing so that the cuts under her ribcage burst in

agony whenever she fought for air after a long, protracted scream.

As rivulets of blood flowed over her twitching body, both from the clipped

wounds and from those being actively tormented, she felt like sliding under

a blanket, as if the pain was subsiding, and barely noticed that she was

being freed from her restraints. Her mouth drank the healing potion almost

without thinking, and her mind cleared while pain made itself felt again,

returning her to a world of misery as he cuffed her wrists to her ankles,

spread her legs wide and replaced the wedge in her vagina with a large hook,

suspending her from her wounded womb as her feet barely touched the floor.

The cries from the pain in her crotch surged in howls of unabated agony once

he grabbed a fold of her left breast and sliced through it, tracing another

shallow wound which he promptly savaged with a feather dipped in spider venom

which burned inside the wound and caused a bloody foam to bubble at the edges

just as froth trickled from the corner of her mouth as it vented her helpless

woe in trembling howls tinged with pitiful despair.

The cuts in her breasts accumulated, each one dragging her screaming down the

stairs of the hell she had found in this room as the firm flesh was slashed

and ravaged to new peaks of agony. Most cuts followed the curve of her breasts

and were not clipped, counting on her reclined position to limit her blood

loss while the feathers moved from one to another while she buckled on the

hook impaling herself amidst screams of harrowing woe.

A pair of pliers was used to distend the breast by the nipple, dragging the

feather through the distended flesh to increase the torment, especially when

using burning powder or salt. Her clenched eyes darted in anguish, attempting

to guess at what substance was about to rake its agonies through a bleeding

gash, as if this made any difference when the feather entered the wound and

was slowly dragged back and forth while her voice rose in howling pain.

He kept her screaming and twitching on the hook for as long as possible,

dousing her frequently with cold, salt water and bringing the jug to her lips

while she sputtered in screaming agony, clipping the bleeding gashes in her

breasts while dragging the feathers through fresh ones to keep the flames of

her agony fanned, until her howls waned to pitiful wheezes. She drank the

healing potion between tears, sobbing bitterly at the thought of more agonies

to come as her wounds receded, calling her friend under her breath.

Her brief respite was shattered with a gut-wrenching howl as he cut into her

left nipple, peeling a layer with a diagonal cut which exposed it to the

burning caress of a feather dipped in some acid, too mild to affect the

feather but still strong enough to bring unparalleled fire into her nipple and

fanning it through her shuddering chest until it burst from her throat in fits

of howling torment. As more cuts followed, in spite of her spasmodic attempts

to buckle her nipples away, her eyes almost glazed over as the pain became

more and more unbearable and yet impossible to escape.

Her mouth started gasping between screams as the blood from her nipples

reached it, often mixed with foul tastes of venom or acid which had wrought

hellish pain on her poor feminine flesh just moments before. She thought of

Lyral's face just as the blade cut her nipple flesh again, sending her mind

reeling from the agony and wondering how many times was it possible to cut

such a small piece of flesh before nothing remained. Her own subsequent howl,

however, confirmed that enough remained to suffer as a feather dipped in some

burning powder was dragged through her bleeding nipple, wreaking such pain

on the small piece of feminine flesh she found herself wishing he would just

chop them off rather than protracting her agonies thus.

In the end, although much later than she had wished, he actually reached the

point where no more cuts could be inflicted on her nipples, and repeated

splashing with cold, salt water resulted in little or no reaction, so he let

her down and poured the contents of the jug down her throat. While her mind

cleared, he encased her breasts in a spiked vise and bent her legs towards her

head, forcing the inside of the knee under the outstretched arms of the vise

before twisting her arms up behind her, wrenching a new scream of pain as her

weight rested on the wedge in her rectum and her legs pulled the vise

outwards, squeezing her bulging breasts into bleeding agony.

When she realized that her position proffered her crotch to the same treatment

inflicted on her breasts and nipples, she arched in such terror that her chains

rattled and blood squirted from the spikes raking her constricted breasts. The

thought of having her femininity subjected again to merciless torture gripped

her mind and rattled her exhausted body, and the resulting scream turned into

a demented howl as her fears materialized in the blade slicing across her

labia, reopening one of the gashes left by the hooks, and in the feather

immediately searing it with barbs dipped in venom.

With a swiftness which was a harrowing change from his usual procedure, he

practiced dozens of small cuts across her labia, folds and clitoris, rubbing

the feather repeatedly in each as the venom caused her to howl in unbridled

agony and her blood flowed lazily as she jerked in hellish torment, causing

the spikes to rake her wounded breasts mercilessly while the pain from her

joints shot through her in waves which never abated.

After a while, he returned to long, drawn-out cuts across folds of flesh

pinched between his fingers or pliers, followed by rubbing with feathers

dipped in bleach, vinegar or one of many varieties of venom which caused her

to twitch and buckle spasmodically as her pain surged from her mouth in mad

fits of protracted torment. Her eyes no longer sought her friend, her voice

no longer attempted to call her between screams, she only knew pain.

As her agony was slowly protracted, the swelling caused by the bee venom

caused her labia and clitoris to deform, twisting the hooks still in place

into wreaking further agonies through her bleeding wounds, distending her skin

and flesh before the merciless lacerations of the blade, and tugging on open

wounds while they twitched under the burning caress of a feather dipped in

heavily salted water. Her voice was hoarse and her visage a deformed mask of

helpless agony, but he kept up the torment splashing cold, salt water and

bringing the jug to her lips, without further recourse to potions.

She sputtered her own blood from the wounds cut in her breasts by the spiked

vise which her convulsed jerks rattled agonizingly, screaming in gut-wrenching

frenzies of mad torment as the blade slowly sliced along her swollen labia or

peeled a clitoris horribly distended by pulling on the accursed hooks while

foam frothed at her mouth between a howl and the next. Her joints teetered on

the verge of being pulled out of seat by her spasmodic jerks as a feather

dipped in burning powder was repeatedly dragged inside the cuts along the rim

of her vagina or along the lacerated edge of her swollen labia.

Pain washed over her in waves as he started sawing through the gashes in her

nipples with a feather tipped in some caustic powder, which burned on contact

and abraded flesh even under the delicate rubbing of the feather, causing her

voice to achieve peaks of demented screaming while she twitched spasmodically

trying in vain to escape the agony in her nipples.

Lost in unbearable pain, she fought to remember her friend's smile, but the

image of Lyral's face turned into a mask of bloody agony just as he sawed

through the gashes in her clitoris with a feather dipped in caustic powder,

causing her legs to twitch spasmodically out of their sockets while blood

spurted from her love bud which was starting to give as the hooks ripped

through its distended length and the caustic slowly abraded it. The agony of

the torture she most feared and hated blasted through her body, surging in

shrieks of unparalleled woe from her torn mouth.

He protracted her unbelievable agony, using cold, salt water to revive her,

the laced syrup to renew her energies, and clamps to keep the hooks from

shredding her femininity too quickly, continuing the slow abrasion of her

bleeding raw flesh while frenzies of demented screaming punctuated her descent

into yet deeper hells until so little remained that one after the other the

hooks ripped through the last tatters of her clitoris.

He kept her screaming by slowly abrading the tatters of the quartered piece of

feminine flesh, until her waning screams and pitiful twitching proved that she

was at least temporarily beyond pain. The cuts in her nipples alone numbered

in the dozens, and her breasts and crotch were awash in blood, and no amount

of treatment would restore her shredded femininity.

When the soothing warmth of healing suffused her body, the thought of Lyral

bubbled through the depths of her anguish, but the callous touch of hands

folding her legs to cuff her ankles to the bands constricting her thighs and

then bringing up her arms between her legs to cuff the wrists to the ankles

washed the memory of her friend's face away. As Grod pushed a thick, studded

hook down her vagina, using it to lift her loins off the floor and let her

rest just on her shoulders, she gasped in abject terror at the sight of the

implements of her forthcoming ordeal.

She had thought that Grod would bend or break her bones, stretch or strain

her muscles, then fear of the hot irons had grown inside her as she had caught

the unmistakable scent, but now in spite of her neck collar fastened to rings

in the floor she could see that it was due to a pair of metallic pears being

heated on a coal bed. Tears streaked her face and bitter sobs wracked her

chest as she realized that her femininity would be tormented again, scorched

raw and ripped open in spite of the atrocious tortures already inflicted on

the tender feminine parts that had become the crucible of her agonies.

As he inserted something in her rectum, she barely had time to realize it was

a kind of wooden wedge before the hacked and dented surface raked her bowels.

The horror of past violations returned to her mind just as she screamed in

sudden pain, compounded by the agony from many small cuts from what she would

later recognize as a spiked metal ring, wrought around the wedge.

When her tormentor fetched the small pear, dread mounted in her at the thought

of where he meant to push it, since both her orifices were occupied, and he

let her shudder for a while before pushing the red hot point into the rear end

of the wedge, splitting its four sections apart and allowing four red hot

spikes to descend in the resulting creases and scrape her bowels while she

arched desperately on the hook, twitching and buckling in desperate anguish.

Her pain reached a new peak when the pear forced its way through the spiked

ring, distending it at the expense of her bleeding innards after the hooks

caught against it, requiring her tormentor to twist and push the pear back and

forth to disengage them, rattling her in frenzies of screaming agony.

The wood in her bowels was being charred by the heat, causing her innards to

be slowly singed, causing slivers and splinters to wreak untold agonies to her

insides at the slightest twitch, twitches which he made sure she went through

plenty of. He slowly cranked the pear open causing her to howl in unbridled

torment as the hot spikes sank in the flesh and the spiked ring was slowly

guided back, tracing bleeding gouges in her singed insides.

He continued the torture of her sphincter, folding the pear to extract it and

heat it again before resuming the torment by cranking it slightly wider, and

unlike her previous ordeal with the pear felt no compunction in tearing her

orifice open, using a thin red hot blade to sear the lacerations while her

howls wracked her body in unparalleled frenzies of mad agony.

When he freed her of her restraints, she shook in horrible pain and the thick

wedge he pushed in her bleeding ass maybe reduced her blood loss but did

little to soothe her anguishes, especially since, as she realized while he

twisted her arms behind her back, it was coated with something whose sting was

mounting relentlessly and she was forced to sit on it. He doused her with cold

water, let her sip at length from the jug and pushed a large four section

wedge in her mauled vagina, and followed it with a red hot pear of gruesome

size which she tried in mad panic to avoid by buckling her hips, the agony by

the wedge in her rectum notwithstanding.

In spite of her convulsed jerks as the heat in her womb charred the wooden

sections of the wedge and even set them ablaze temporarily, he managed to

cuff her ankles together and fasten them to the ring of the pear. While she

still shook from pain, he grabbed her ankles and pulled them, distending her

arms behind her back and bringing her ass, legs and feet above the coal bed

where the pears had been heated. As he fastened her ankles to a chain, she

found herself with her calves and especially soles exposed to the heat of the

coals, which also caused the pear to heat, albeit slowly.

Almost immediately, her legs started twitching and snapping in the effort to

spare her tender soles, but this caused her strong legs to pull on the pear,

raking its red hot hooks against the singed walls of her love channel and

pulling the ring back towards the rim of her vagina while its spikes traced

bloody gashes in the martyred flesh. As the devious torture forced her to

jerk and buckle spasmodically, dozens of splinters and slivers pierced her

singed insides, often catching fire shortly thereafter.

To protract her agonies, he started tightening and releasing her iron collar,

causing her to gasp for air and her vagina to reflexively clutch the

instrument of her torment, sending more slivers through the flesh which was

now being scorched raw by the protracted exposure to the heat.

"I know a better way," chimed a voice she refused to acknowledge.

A swarthy hand caught her blonde mane and with a nod in Grod's direction, sort

of a mocking "May I ?", the Southerner pushed his member into her screaming

throat, fucking it violently and achieving an effect not unlike the collar as

she choked on his member while her screams gurgled in unspeakable torment and

pleasured his member and the insatiable lust induced by the drugs.

With savage abandon, the Southerner kept throat fucking her even after his

semen filled her mouth, once, twice, many times, in a debasement which would

have shocked her to the very roots of her soul in other circumstances but was

next to nothing before the unceasing scorching and tearing of her vagina.

Her nightmare of pain and debasement lasted for a time she lost track of,

until she caught herself gulping avidly a healing potion, trembling as her

burns and wounds receded before sputtering in horrified disgust once she

realized she had also been drinking the semen invading her mouth.

Her tormentor cuffed her ankles together and fastened them to a steel bar,

then bent her legs at the knee and forced her to arch until he could bend her

elbows around the bar, nudge her wrists between her calves and her arched back

and cuff them together in spite of her screams at the torment this position

wrought on her dislocated joints. But the horror returned on her face when he

inserted the four-section wedge and the pear in her rectum again, cranking it

open before using its end ring to pull her off the floor while she buckled

desperately in harrowing torment.

Although the pear was no longer red hot, its spikes still gouged her rectum

and its arms still cracked the wedge sections, driving splinters in the flesh

scorched raw by the preceding exposure to searing heat. Besides, as her harsh

cries soon testified, this wedge had been rubbed in sand and caustic power and

was abrading her bleeding bowels mercilessly.

In spite of her agonies, she tried to buckle away when he inserted a similar,

albeit larger, wedge in her vagina, and when he brought up the red hot pear

meant to follow it, her convulsed jerks wracked her into inflicting further

pain on herself as her almost pleading shrieks echoed in the torture chamber.

Her thighs twitched and tensed as the hot metal charred the wood and wracked

its agonies on her already singed womb while she howled in abysmal pain as he

cranked the device open, stretching her vagina and ripping the cuts along its

rim wider and wider. This pear had ridges, red hot ridges which seared the rim

and dug new blistered cuts where they failed to find an existing one, and he

slowly cranked it so wide that the wooden section cracked, driving splinters

into her innards which soon caught fire, causing her to arch in howling pain

as the small flames licked her insides.

Just as Grod twisted the device inside her, causing her to buckle her hips in

the desperate attempt to spare her insides some of the scraping and of the

splinters, the Southerner thrust his member down her throat again, causing her

to gag and clutch the instrument of her agony spasmodically as her vaginal

muscles contracted while she gasped for air. Choking on her own screams, she

howled in mad agony as her violated mouth was almost dislocated by his thrusts

and the pear ripped her vagina open while scorching it raw.

Even the short pauses of respite, when Grod heated the pear again and cold

water was poured over her, were but a nightmare of abraded flesh and searing

pain from her dislocated joints, a haze of bloody agony where she caught

passing glimpses of Lyral's smiling face only to have them blasted into

searing hot waves of torment when the pear was again inserted and cranked open

rekindling her agonies into fits of howling woe.

Gurgling screams and unbridled howling alternated under the vaults of the

torture chamber as the two torturers protracted the torment of the young

blonde woman while Zhorun watched silently, until the bleeding from the cuts

in her vagina and her insides became so severe that another potion was poured

down her throat while under her breath she called her friend's name.

True to self, Grod changed her restraints to increase the torment of her bones

and muscles, bending her legs back until he could nudge the leg under the

corresponding elbow and cuff the ankles behind her arched back, while pulling

her arms up between her knees and suspending her by chains fastened to her

wrist cuffs, chains he immediately started pulling apart causing her thighs to

spread and twist out of their sockets while she howled in unspeakable torment.

As wedge and pear were thrust into her vagina again, a new dimension of pain

was wrought upon her as the pulling on the pear stretched her dislocated

thighs, tearing the ligaments and sending white hot blasts of pain through her

convulsing body, thus wracking it into harrowing agonies as it ground its

scorched, raw innards against the splinters and spikes invading it. At the

same time, her body was swung against a reclined grid of blazing coals and

thick iron spikes, exposing her to the searing heat and to the merciless cuts

of the spikes across singed flesh.

Her exposed breasts turned slowly red and then crimson as the heat peeled them

raw, while the repeated cuts from the spikes wracked her chest as she rattled

her restraints in screams of harrowing torment. Fire had returned to fan her

agonies into nightmares of searing torment, and Lyral's touch was nowhere to

deliver her nipples after they curled in the heat or soothe her flesh as a

spike raked a oozing blister open while she screamed her lungs out in anguish.

It took him a number of perpetrations of this cruel procedure before he

managed to pull her clitoris onto one of the spikes protruding from the grid,

wrenching from her sore throat a howl where abysmal pain mixed with utter

despair as she found her deepest fears confirmed again. He prolonged her

torment, keeping her writhing there while the heat rose to blister her flesh

and the pear ripped the lacerations in her vagina a bit wider, stretching them

while the tendons in her neck strained from protracted howls of raw agony.

As the pear was cranked wider, its red hot ridges bulged under her flesh,

visibly distending the scorched tract between the tattered rim of the vagina

and the clitoris, while the spikes not only punctured her from the inside but

even ripped bleeding gashes through her belly. Blood started coursing in

rivulets along her convulsing body, while her screams turned hoarse and foam

dripped from her mouth as abject pain wracked her chest. Not visible, but ever

present in her screams, were the constant prodding of her cervix by the red

hot tip of the pear and the bloody abrasion of her rectum by the other pear.

"Don't stop, Grod," said Zhorun's voice, almost inaudible among the horrid

screams wracking Kayleen's convulsing body as the pear was slowly rupturing

the largest of the cuts inflicted on her vagina, tearing it slowly open as it

ripped its way up to her urethra. In spite of his prompt searing of the

profusely bleeding edges by hot iron, he could only keep this torment up for

a few minutes. Her howls of unbridled anguish echoed under the vaults of the

torture chamber for a time which looked endless to her, but then the soothing

of another potion diffused through her body while her screams broke in fits of

wheezing gasps as the healing remedied her worst wounds.

"Our esteemed guest from the South will now continue," the wizard announced.

A gasping sob shook Kayleen's pain-wracked body at she realized that her

torment would continue unabated, her mind worn by the torments enough to

perceive as unfair the additional session. The Southerner, still visibly

under the effect of the drugs, had been preparing this, as the tray of clear

jugs he fetched demonstrated. She tried not to look inside the jugs where a

number of largish, legged horrors twitched and turned.

He pulled out from one of the jugs a beetle, over two inches In size and with

long, serrated jaws which clacked ominously as the irritated insect wriggled

in the pinch of tweezers he wielded with much diminished adeptness because of

the drugs. Her subsequent scream as the jaws bit her left breast, however,

proved that he had retained enough to let his cruelty run its full course.

While the pears still invaded her orifices, he repeatedly brought the beetle

to bite the flesh of her exposed breasts, pausing between each bite to let

her jerk as the agony coursed through her body and rekindled the pain in her

joints and the merciless ripping of her orifices, temporarily alleviated by

the potion but bound to slowly wreak them to the same peaks of agony again.

Each bite left a nasty, lacerated wound where a bit of flesh was ripped off by

the strong serrated jaws while she arched in howling torment and then bled

profusely while howling in gasping fits of searing pain until he used pliers

to tighten clips around the bleeding gash.

He removed the pears and lowered her on the floor, on her back, and fastened

her ankles to chains in order to spread them wide, adjusting the chains so

that her feet hung about a foot high. He then circled her and pulled her arms,

twisting them in their sockets while she screamed madly and pulling them back

until he could fasten them also to a chain, which he pulled until her body was

lifted up while she convulsed in mad agony from the pain in her joints.

He then knelt between her legs and, just as her screams paused while dread

crept upon her as she focused on what he was doing, penetrated her violently,

pushing his member in her vagina with the obvious intent to rip the cuts just

healed open again. He kept thrusting into her with drooling rage while she

shook like a rag doll, screaming madly as he pulled savagely her wounded labia

after having ripped what little remained of her pubic hair.

He paused briefly to smear her innards with the white powder he used to offset

any lubrication bleeding may offer, then resumed her violation while her cries

rose harsher and harsher as her womb was repeatedly rasped dry. As he finally

came inside her, she was in such agony that she barely noticed.

Her voice barely had the time to recover in a series of low moans that her

chest heaved in a scream as another beetle sunk its serrated jaws under her

left sole, causing her to twitch and buckle in jarring pain. More bites

followed, harsh bites leaving shallow bleeding wounds which wrenched pitched

screams from her sore throat while her position mercilessly ground her torn

joints into swelling and straining torment.

After summarily clipping the wounds in her soles, he fetched a new beetle and

started dragging it along her legs, letting the irritated insect sink the

serrated jaws on her flesh and rip with surprising strength in spite of her

convulsed twitching and raucous howls of bitter torment. She had hoped that

the drugs had abated his lust, but when he squeezed the insect so that it tore

a bit of flesh she realized that his cruelty had no need of drugs.

He lowered her with her back on the floor, examining her ripped nails which

the applications of healing potion had not restored and then dragged her to a

iron trestle, forcing her to straddle it with her legs spread awkwardly, her

thighs splayed and her ass thrust up. He then trapped her toes and thumbs in

spiked iron vises, which he started tightening while she cried in mounting

pain until her voice exploded in a desperate howl when the thumbs were

cracked, followed by another when the same occurred to her toes.

He shifted her position so that the dull point of a trestle slid into her

vagina, and then cranked the device so that it pushed deeper and deeper into

her, causing her to raise her loins as the point was at the wrong angle to

penetrate her love channel, but stretching her legs between the dislocated hip

joints and the crushed toes and causing her voice to rise in recurring howls

of abject torment. When the jaws of a beetle closed on the flesh of her left

ass cheek, the jerk caused by the harsh pain turned into a fit of nightmarish

agonies as her joints were brutally shaken into abysmal pain by the strong

muscles of her own supple legs, just as her scream at the ripping wound turned

into a frenzy of bitter howls from the agonies in her joints.

Out of her mind with pain, she shook at the thought of the vast expanse of her

own white flesh which stood before the serrated jaws of the insect he wielded

with ability partially impaired by the drugs but with unbridled cruelty. Pray

was something she had been doing more often during her recent ordeals than in

any other moment of her life, but pray she did in bits and pieces between the

desperate howls of raw pain caused by the bites and the incessant agony of her

joints as her tormentor let beetle after beetle loose on her twitching flesh,

favoring her firm buttocks and the tenderness of the thigh.

In a haze of unrelenting pain from the protracted torment, she heard her

tormentor wonder aloud whether he should take her in her ass or in her mouth,

and somehow the dread at her impending violation was mitigated by the thought

that her vagina would be spared the hellish agonies he favored over simple

rape. The pain in her bowels told her of his choice, and although it mounted

while he thrust into her, waxing and waning as his thrusts rattled her joints,

she somehow found a measure of relief in the abject debasement.

After he pulled out, spent, her relief turned into abject horror when she felt

something prod her distended sphincter and was blown away by a wave of raw

agony when the insect ripped a wound in her sphincter, from a cut which had

been partially healed and then reopened during her violation. She buckled and

shuddered in her restraints, wracking untold pain on her swollen joints, but

could do nothing to prevent her tormentor from unleashing the beetle on her

distended bowels and letting it rip shallow, bleeding wounds inside.

The jug was brought to her mouth, allowing her a brief instant of respite as

she sipped avidly, then unquenchable agonies burst from her bowels again as

the insect ripped morsels of flesh from her bleeding innards. He proceeded

with cruel patience, nudging the jaws against her flesh to let her twitch in

terror before letting the beetle actually deliver its bite, and treating the

worst wounds to prevent excessive blood loss. But each morsel ripped from the

scorched innards came loose only after interminable seconds of excruciating

tearing, which sent blazes of white hot pain through her whole body, causing

her muscles to jerk spasmodically and wreak further agonies onto her joints.

She realized that he had freed her from the trestle only when she found

herself on the cold stone floor, twitching and weeping, wracked by spasms and

moaning hoarsely while he folded her legs, cuffing each ankle to the elbow and

the wrist to the iron band under the knee. As she lay on her back, her thighs

spread and shuddering between cries, he inspected her breasts. Between the

agonies wrought on her, the serrated iron bands tightened around the bases of

her breasts had been almost forgotten, and this spoke volumes of what she had

been through, because the unyielding iron constricted them mercilessly, chafed

the tender skin and caused them to bulge, ripe for the abuses which had not

failed to follow. Now, he used them to lift her off the floor, watching her

cringe and then scream as her breasts bore her full weight.

As if one of the horrid critters was not enough, he fetched two beetles, one

per hand, and let them sink the serrated jaws onto the soft flesh of her belly

while she arched in desperate pain, twitching her thighs invitingly as agony

coursed through her shuddering body. The tense muscles of her thighs were next

in his course of torment, and he bid his time while tugging the insects to

make sure they tore and ripped furiously while she howled in mad anguish.

He played with her terror, rubbing the jaws against her nipples or clitoris

before letting them sink somewhere else, edging closer and closer to the soft

attributes of femininity whose torment, as had been abundantly clear for days,

she feared above everything else. So the jaws dragged around the trembling

areolas of her bristles closed on the layer of flesh above a rib, while those

tracing the rim of her vagina sunk in the lower belly between the remnants of

her pubic hair, causing her protracted wails of abject terror to end in harsh

gasps of searing pain and fits of screaming anguish as the jaws tore and

ripped back and forth before drawing a morsel of bleeding flesh.

She shook in pain as cold, salt water was poured on her, and then jerked in

convulsed agony when he tired of his game and started ripping bleeding wounds

in her breasts and labia, watching her arch in sustained fits of howling agony

with enough force to wreak her hip and shoulder joints out of their sockets,

her muscles straining and trembling as she tried to evade the ripping torment

which repeatedly ripped her flesh. Her mind raced in abject terror at the

sight of the twitching jaws, alternating bits of mindless prayer to hoarse

invocations of her friend's healing touch.

What touched her tormented infinity, instead, was a pair of twitching jaws,

which sank in her love bud and started tearing and ripping while her howls

rose under the vaults of the torture chamber and her convulsed jerks rattled

the chains her breasts hung from. When the other beetle was unleashed on the

rim of her vagina and the inside of her love channel, ripping short threads of

scorched flesh off the innards ravaged by the red hot pear, she lost her last

shreds of resolve, sinking into unparalleled anguish and calling desperately

her friend's name between shrieking howls of deranged agony.

Her tormentor was an experienced executioner and would have noticed that his

victim had been effectively broken, but he was so inebriated by the drugs

that her defeat aroused his lust and he immediately put the beetles back to

violate her in a fit of demented lust, scraping her wounds with drooling

abandon in spite of the profuse bleeding which he did not bother to dry before

as his urge to inflict himself on her proved enough of a source of agony.

With his own hands and nails he started ripping the tatters of her labia,

reopening the cuts which had not been ripped open before and scraping new

bleeding wounds as white hot agonies coursed through her swinging body, always

thrusting mercilessly with his unnaturally erect manhood as if he wanted to

pierce her innards and split her in two, intoxicated by her uninterrupted howl

of unbridled anguish and drinking the wine of her agony directly from her

face, contorted in a mask of abject suffering.

Somehow, this beastly assault on her defeated body stirred something under the

haze of liquid pain which had submerged her soul, holding the pleading which

surged from the depths of her despair from escaping her lips and the terror of

further torment from rolling out a torrent of implorations. When his lust

waned, she had already found some shred of her former resolve, and in spite of

her bitter howls while he held two beetles on her nipples, repeatedly tearing

bits of bleeding flesh from them, she no longer feared. At the peak of her

agonies, when dignity, courage and even hope were being ripped from her by the

merciless tearing of the jaws, she had heard her friend's voice.

"Angels of heaven, make her strong. Uphold her bravery before the agonies she

endures, make me worthy of her bravery. Angels of heaven, make her strong."

Her tormentor protracted her agonies some more, but the drugs he had abused so

heavily were now abandoning him, and his grip started wavering until both

beetles escaped. As he was obviously no longer in the position to continue, he

was led away while Kayleen, although still screaming bitterly in abject pain,

almost smiled at the thought of having defied them all once again.

Chapter 23 - Betrayed

Kayleen hung from her wrists, sobbing bitterly in the unlit torture chamber

under the ruins of Zhorun's former castle. The tight cuffs almost crushed them

and badly chafed her skin, and a thumbscrew had been put on her crushed thumbs

causing them to shoot waves of pain down her trembling arms.

Steel rods fastened at the cuff crushing the ankle, at the iron band under

the knee and at the one at the thigh prevented her from bending her legs, and

sustained four wooden boards arranged in a pantograph. She was forced to keep

her legs spread as much as she could, because closing them caused the device

to push a wooden pole deeper up her ravaged rectum, but the weights hung to

her crushed toes made the effort excruciating.

Occasionally, unseen insects bit her blood encrusted nipples or clitoris,

causing her to jerk and scream from the pain in the thumbs or from the pole

rasping her bowels. The Southerner seemed to have an endless provision of jars

full of black, ugly flies, not unlike horseflies but able to find their mark

in the unlit torture chamber, although apparently they did not last long. Just

enough to torment her, as if the repeated spreading and folding of her aching

legs or the the uninterrupted agony in her joints were not enough.

In the darkness, the silent and motionless husk of the former wizard savored

every gasp, every rasping sigh, every bitter sob, every helpless call for the

gentle touch of a friend. He had longed for this even during the fight with

the Priestesses, and his patience with any interference had grown short.

Before leaving after the day's session, Grod had offered his opinion, as he

had been used to when Zhorun was still a living wizard.

"Shouldn't we end this, Master ? If the Sorceress managed to slip here, any

information the Queen may have had on her whereabouts is likely to be of

little use by now. Instead of questioning her, we should question those

Priestesses you brought along after the battle, as you originally ordered."

"I don't want her insolence rewarded! She defied me, and must suffer until she

submits completely, ready to answer all my demands. I wish she could be

questioned day and night, without interruption."

"This cannot be done, Master. The human body is frail, and without rest she

would soon slide into insensitiveness, no matter what we feed her, and then

escape into death. Inflicting pain is easy, keeping the victim alive less so.

Executioners usually favor using a progression of new torments, because this

engenders dread about what comes next; on occasion, it is effective to repeat

a torture which the victim is known to fear. You never want to push the victim

into being so numb as to be unable to prefer surrender over enduring further

torture. Unless you know some magic I ignore, Master"

Zhorun considered the exchange again. He did not want her to be numbed at all,

quite the opposite. The potions would not address exhaustion before actual

injuries, such as dislocations, so she would have to be restored to full

health every now an then, in the morning just before beginning a new session.

This would also offset the chance that she might develop some lung disease as

a consequence of being left to shiver for hours after being drenched with

freezing cold water. Maybe some spellbook recorded a way to address specific

symptoms. He was no longer in the position to research magic specifically

affecting the living, with whom he now shared very little.

Another pleading sob returned his attention to the prisoner. His netherwordly

gaze lingered on her breasts, on every laceration of the firm flesh, on the

blood encrusted nipples and then slithered down her heaving ribcage and the

wounded belly until, piercing the darkness which was no match for his own, it

reached the shredded tatters of her femininity and the torn rim distended

around the wooden wedge just as her thighs tired, causing the wedge to slide

up and her body to jerk while a harsh gasp escaped her lips.

Kayleen hung in a cocoon of dull agony, occasionally starting as sharp pain

rose from her wounded orifice when her thighs failed, sobbing from the toll of

the last session and trembling more at the prospect of facing another, alone,

than from the chilling water drenching her. She vaguely remembered proudly

facing torture in the first days, vague phantoms of courage and dignity she

longed for but could no longer grasp firmly. Only pain and terror remained.

For the rest of the night, she vainly sought respite from the pain of the

tight irons constricting her wrists and ankles, or grinding her thumbs and

toes. The dents in the iron band at her waist hurt whenever she tried to take

a deep breath, and the dull ache of her breasts constricted at the base by the

serrated iron ring never stopped. She remembered the concern for her wrists

the first night of her imprisonment, and almost laughed as her face brushed

her swollen left shoulder, the skin hot to the touch above a pulsating mass of

agony which surged to a scream whenever she twitched even slightly.

When the torches shone again on the grisly instruments of the chamber, a wail

escaped her torn lips, causing something to stir in Zhorun's mummified corpse

as if the contemplation of her forthcoming agonies could replace sensations he

could no longer enjoy in his present condition.

The Easterner lowered Kayleen on the floor, after making sure her collar was

well tightened, and led her to a wooden rail she recognized with a sob, from

the dents and splinters if nothing else. This time, the Easterner did not need

Grod's help in forcing her to straddle it, and when he lifted her ankles off

the floor to fasten them at the end of the rail, causing her full weight to

bear on the splintered edge, a scream left her mouth.

Her arms were easily cuffed behind her neck, and her nipples bled again as

hooks were driven through them and fastened to a chain from the ceiling,

distending her breasts into quivering cones of harsh torment. She was given a

potion after releasing the collar, and the temporary soothing of her wounds

only rekindled her fears as to what lay ahead.

The Easterner produced a whip, whose last two or three feet gleamed in

torchlight as they consisted of metal wire, and Kayleen's eyes widened when he

dragged the wire in some substance which he subsequently set ablaze, as if the

demons of hell had risen to provide him with a whip worthy of them. Her mouth

was about to form inarticulate words of abject terror when with a single fluid

flexing of muscles he flashed the flaming whip across her buttocks.

She writhed in pain as the wire slashed the flesh, leaving a bleeding cut with

drops of burning goo scattered along the edges. The first howl of desperate

agony was followed by more screams as the fire kept burning around the wound,

causing her to jerk spasmodically and grind her slit over the splintered edge

of the hellish rail. A second lash fell across her distended breasts, leaving

another deep cut and more drops of burning agony as she shook and buckled in

howling torment, rocking the rail back and forth.

A thin red strip slashed her soles as he flexed the whip again, while the

drops still burned on her buttocks, causing her to twist and buckle from the

burning agony and wrenching a scream as the splinters drew blood inside her

torn cunt lips. The tip of the whip landed again on her mons, just where she

touched the wood, tracing a deep cut which caused her to jerk and arch in mad

agony as the wire had cut near the folds of her clitoris and now the burning

pain had been brought near her femininity again.

Pausing only when the goo needed to be replenished or rekindled, he kept up

her hellish whipping without consideration for the blood oozing from the deep

cuts striping her already wounded body, and repeatedly slashing the soles of

her feet in order to cause her to jerk her loins forward, grinding them over

and over the blood-soaked rail while the splinters broke inside her wounds.

She was doused several time with cold, salt water, reviving her and adding to

the agony of her crotch as she writhed from its harsh bite.

As the edges of the cuts in her soles burned mercilessly, causing her legs to

twitch uninterruptedly, Kayleen's teary eyes lost sight of her surroundings

while her head rocked left and right when pain stabbed her crotch over and

over. The stench of her own flesh being slowly roasted reached her nostrils

well after the searing agony of the burnt flesh had shook her into frenzies of

howling torment, and her eyes sought in the dark corners of the vault above

her the face she had come to rely upon as her bulwark against pain.

Her screams mixed with inarticulate pleads of help when the whip lashed her

breasts, tracing a cut so painful that for a moment she thought her nipples

had been sliced off. She madly hoped Lyral's hand would emerge from the

darkness and wipe out the flaming liquid on the edges of the wound, only to

find herself screaming as it burned mercilessly in spite of her mad attempts

to shake it away. Her howls rose in pitch as the liquid seeped inside the

wound cutting her areolas, its edges being slowly burned raw while she jerked

spasmodically on the rail trashing her slit.

For a moment, she looked at herself with the eyes of the proud Warrior Queen

of once, just after the sharp agony of a splinter in her bleeding clitoris had

wrenched a torturous scream from her already sore throat. When Lyral had been

with her, at least she had faced each day of ordeals with her body in full

health, but now her endurance was being eroded by having only her worst wounds

healed. Maybe, she thought, she would not scream in desperate agony if the

splinters which found the cuts in the rim of her vagina had met her flesh

unblemished. Maybe she would stand the agony of the rail if the horrid cut at

the top of her vagina had not been sawed open as she howled from the repeated

burning of her tender soles, instead of howling dementedly as the splinters

entered the sides of the gash she deepened jerk after jerk.

When he undid her restrains, she curled on the floor, sobbing pitifully and

trying to cover her bleeding crotch which still sent stabs of agony through

her trembling body. She drank from the jug offered to her as if in a dream. Of

all things, maybe having wrists and elbows cuffed together and pulled behind

her back was among the few which could still reach her, at least judging by

her desperate scream as her wrists were pulled up and the spectre of further

torment of her dislocated joints reared its head.

She was raised off the floor in twitching agony, and paid little attention to

the platform being slid under her feet because two swarthy hands grabbed the

iron rings constricting her thighs and the Southerner pulled her loins up from

behind, nudging with his member her sphincter before penetrating her. A harsh

gasp shook her dangling form, followed by a half mouthed plea which his grunt

of sadistic pleasure all but covered. He kept violating her while short,

bitter screams surged from her mouth on cue with his violent thrusts, then let

her go once sated only to savor her howl as the feet rested on the platform,

which brimmed with tiny steel spikes.

She soon found that she could either let the spikes rake her wounded and

blistered soles, or hang with her full weight on her dislocated shoulder

joints. Screaming and gasping, she switched between the two, partly of her own

accord and partly writhing under the flaming lash again, which slashed her

belly or the rear of her thighs when she tried to rest on her feet for long,

forcing her to face the surge of agony in the shoulders while the edges of her

wounds burned slowly, leaving angry red blisters of hellish pain.

As the whip cut repeatedly across her ribcage, leaving bleeding gashes which

showed the white of bone in places, her howls rose steadily in pitch, while

her fingers contracted spasmodically and even her broken thumbs trembled when

agony howled from her mouth as her taut skin was slowly burned and her jerks

rattled the chains lifting her off the platform, whose spikes were deep red

with blood and the occasional bits of skin raked off her soles.

He repeatedly thwarted her attempts to spare her bleeding soles, slashing the

front of her thighs whenever her legs pulled her feet up. As there was about a

feet of chain between her ankles, he often managed to lash the insides of her

thigh and even her crotch, which still bled profusely and occasionally fumed

as drops burned slowly where the whip had cut a new wound while she writhed in

mad torment, rattling her chains and spasmodically buckling while her feet

darted back and forth over the spikes.

She was allowed a brief pause when the jug was emptied down her throat, but

the flaming whip soon cut her buttocks again, and when she arched forward as

much as her twisted arms allowed, it slashed across her breasts just as a

scream surged from her lungs. The flaming wire cut across both breasts, biting

the left one deeply and causing her to turn under the blow, pulling on her

dislocated shoulders while a second scream fought to rise above the first.

Her eyes locked between tears on the deep crimson cut on her once perfect

breast, unable to avert from the edges and the droplets burning lazily whose

pain registered just moments after that from her ass cheeks. As her head

jerked in agony, the image of the edges slowly blistering grew in her mind

alongside the pain, which a third lash on her other breast increased manifold.

As the flaming whip alternated between her buttocks and breasts, although on

occasion her tormentor moved to her legs so that she would pull them up in

writhing agony, the image of her own blistering flesh filled her mind, to the

point of imagining gentle fingers whose soothing touch she madly craved

lingering almost within reach and yet eluding contact while she buckled madly

to be touched. Howls surged from her mouth without interruption, whistling

past the foam which bubbled at the corners of her mouth as her breasts and

buttocks bled lazily and fumed from the burning liquid.

As her torture was protracted, her wounds became so horrid that were it not

for the atrocious pain she would have been chilled by the sight, as the cuts

left bleeding tatters of flesh hanging off her deformed buttocks and breasts,

especially since lashes had begun seeking her nipples slicing the top of her

delectable mounds repeatedly while she howled in demented agony from the

uninterrupted burning torment of the liquid seeping in the wounds and burning

the edges, where the skin curled and blistered slowly.

As the platform was removed, leaving her suspended inches from the floor, the

Easterner neared with a potion, which she quaffed spasmodically in spite of

the ever present pain in her shoulders, trembling as the soothing relief of

healing diffused in her body, redressing the cuts in her breast and buttocks.

A bitter sob ended her bliss when a male member nudged her sphincter, and she

recognized the growl mere moments before the Southerner violated her ass

again, rattling her chains as her body shook under his thrusts while she cried

and screamed in bitter despair.

His lust quickly spent, the Southerner receded, smiling at the impassible

Easterner whose face did not completely hide a trace of disgust. In spite of

her agonies, the notion of how her own ordeal weighed on her tormentors had

flashed through Kayleen's mind. As she was lowered on the floor, she felt in

the Easterner's touch a weariness which had not been there at the beginning,

as if her endurance of such ghastly torments had moved something within him,

even discounting his cold hatred after she had almost snapped his neck.

Her thoughts returned to a present of abject pain as he fastened her ankles to

chains and pulled her off the floor, spreading her taut legs wider and wider

until pain surged in her hip joints and rattled her chest in short, hissing

screams.  She realized in despair that even if the weariness was real, it just

meant that he wanted to be done with her quickly and would devise something to

break her will once for all. As his eyes coldly inspected her body, she saw no

mercy therein and found none in the blistering pain lashing her labia when the

flaming whip cut into them, sending her twitching in screaming pain.

The whip cut repeatedly her tender places, reopening the blood encrusted

wounds which had been healed only partially and leaving droplets of flaming

agony which smoldered along the edges while she twitched and buckled howling

in fits of demented agony which rattled her chains as she convulsed in mid

air, wracking her hip joints into hellish flashes of blazing pain.

Her arms were still twisted out of their sockets, fastened to a ring in the

floor, but it was her hip joints which quickly became the linchpin of her

anguish, because each lash forced her legs to contract, bringing her bones to

scrape against each other inside the joint, visibly teetering under the sunken

flesh while tendons and muscles strained repeatedly as new gashes were cut in

her flesh and blistered slowly, inflicting hellish agonies on the screaming

husk of the poor girl that had been a proud warrior.

Her tormentor's main target in that position could only be her crotch, but on

occasion he brought the whip to bite her breasts or her buttocks again, so as

to allow her tender places the bit of recovery that would allow her torment to

be protracted later. He took special care, in places such as her thighs, to

avoid major blood vessels, because the flaming wire cut deeply and would

probably cause excessive blood loss. The burning liquid, however, charred the

edges of shallow cuts as well as it did with deeper ones, as her desperate

screams repeatedly testified. Her only respite was the jug, although he poured

cold, salt water on her now and then.

When the whip returned to her slit, the agony of the burning liquid was

repeatedly wrought on the wounds in the rim of her vagina, and soon he took to

lashing repeatedly the horrid cut that opened in her vulva, as if to tear it

open lash after lash until it reached her clitoris, which had been already

slashed across twice causing her howls to echo under the vaults of the chamber

as she convulsed from the hellish agony radiating from the tender femininity

which had become the vehicle of her anguish.

As she buckled madly in howling torment, she could not help but gaze between

bitter tears as the wound splitting her sex inched down lash after lash from

the rim of her vagina, ripped wider and wider by each lash while droplets of

liquid lingered on the edges and seeped at the tip, adhering to the flesh

curling and charring from the uninterrupted heat. When not clenched in the

grip of horrid agony, her eyes bulged in terror as they watched blood mix with

the burning liquid, only to fill with tears just as her body snapped in a howl

of deranged pain when another lash cut into the wound again.

When the cut reached her shredded clitoris, her screams found heights they had

not touched even when the liquid had burned her urethra. Her jerks were so

spasmodic that the head of her hip bones bulged and sank under the muscles

straining at her hip joints, and blood spurted from the tatters of her

femininity as the flaming wire cut repeatedly the tender flesh. Even while

howling uninterruptedly in frenzied fits of raging anguish, inarticulate calls

for her friend's help lingered on her foaming mouth, only to be wiped away as

long, desperate screams of agony wracked her like a rag doll.

Lost in a nightmare of pain, she somehow caught herself sputtering while

avidly quaffing the potion being offered to her lips, even if it only soothed

the pain in her crotch from inhuman agony to the harsh pain of blistered flesh

along the edges of no longer bleeding wounds. Her tongue tried to chase the

last drops of soothing liquid as pain still wracked her body, but no more was

forthcoming and the hand holding the liquid was swarthy and gnarled.

While she was still trying to recover from mind numbing agony, the Southerner

freed his member from under his white robe, violently distended her torn labia

with both hands and penetrated her, drooling as she screamed in rage and then

panting heavily as his repeated thrusts wracked her into more bitter screams

as the wounds just healed were torn open again.

Once sated, the Southerner set about laboriously encasing her in a gibbet, a

woman-shaped contraption of metal bands which fit her almost like the suit of

armor she used to wear in battle, although it pinned her arms along her sides

and pushed her thighs uncomfortably apart at the crotch and tight together at

the knee. The gibbet accommodated the iron restraints she had been wearing for

some days but tormented her as if she had worn her former restraints for

months, latching onto the serrated bands at the base of her breasts and the

crushing cuffs at her ankles and wrists.

He lowered four thin chains from the ceiling, winding two under her crotch and

two under her armpits, sliding them through rings obviously purposely built

in the device. When he pulled the chains, her head jerked in a scream as pain

exploded in her dislocated joints when the chains pulled on the articulated

frame, tearing her arms and hips sideways out of their sockets. Unable to

afford the slightest movement, she could only shake her head in screaming pain

as her joints teetered and grated under her own weight.

Her anguish continued as the arm holding the chains was rotated, causing her

to rock back and forth in mounting agony until the movement left her dangling

over a pit in the floor. As her oscillations diminished, the torment of her

joints receded somewhat, enough to allow her to notice that he was fastening

folds of steel mesh to holes in the frame caging her.

It reminded her of chain mail, although more sparse and, as she noticed while

writhing from the pain in her joints, brimming with tiny hooks.  An armor it

was not, nor was it a dress, but she incongruously thought that it was the

first time she was being dressed instead of stripped - before a shiver crept

in her thoughts as she caught the squeaking of rats from below her feet.

After encasing her from the neck down in folds of barbed mesh, leaving only

her feet exposed, the Southerner lowered her slowly into the pit, his gaze

savoring how despair and terror overcame pain on her face.

A scream of harsh pain contorted the same face as she found out that the rats

were hungry. Her tormentor's gaze lingered on her body writhing inside the

metal frame, watching as her supple legs twitched spasmodically, straining

against the unyielding metal frame.

She kept screaming as the hungry rats bit her trapped feet, and her feet only,

avoiding the barbed mesh. She almost failed to notice the pain from the

scratches caused by the barbs, because the agony of the bites to her feet was

excruciating. The rats were small, but bit with ravenous hunger, ripping off

morsels of bleeding flesh while her constricted body was wracked by demented

howls of searing pain, even when he pulled her up to let her suffer the full

measure of pain from each bite before slowly lowering her back.

This torment continued between harrowing screams until the bites mauling her

twitching feet grew from dozens to so many that bone gleamed white in places,

at which he kept her above water and started wrapping her feet in barbed mesh

taken from her quivering legs, laughing as harsh screams shook her.

To her horror, he lowered her thus, with her supple legs exposed, except for

the steel bands, to the ravenous bites. The pitiful begging that was bubbling

in her mouth almost forced its way beyond the last tatters of her resolve, but

was washed away by a bellow of pure agony as new bites found their mark.

If the torment of her feet had been harrowing, the agonies of the assault on

her legs amply surpassed it. He kept it up far longer, pulling her up and

alternating splashes of icy water with generous sips from the jug to prevent

her from slipping into obliviousness, never allowing the pain to subside while

keeping a sharp eye on the ever growing number of bites which marred her

flesh, in some places to the bone. He had even left the mesh over the places

where blood vessels ran just below the skin.

As if this was not enough, the barbed mesh raked the ugly wounds in her feet

at her slightest movement, wrenching harsh screams from her sore mouth after

the fits of howling torment caused by a bite or the stabs of white hot agony

from her dislocated joints.

Just as she was about to be dropped in the pit again Zhorun, who had been

watching intently, suddenly snapped into a flurry of waving hands which

resulted in a halo of shadows gathering around him, a spell of protection

woven just as a disembodied feminine face took shape from the wisps of smoke

put forth by torches and braziers.

"I bow before thee, Master Zhorun," said Shandra's likeness in wisps of smoke.

"From a safe distance, I gather", answered the corpse.

"Discretion is the better part of valor, Master. The life of those versed in

the Art is not to be squandered", she replied.

"Sorcerers say that life is the Art. Wizards have always known that it's the

other way around, that the Art is life, and I am proof", whispered Zhorun.

"I acknowledge the limitation of my ways. That's because I lay before thy

scrutiny my petition for apprenticeship," said the female face.

"You want to become ... my apprentice ?", shrieked Zhorun's grating voice.

"Indeed, and not without consideration. I bear no illusions about what I will

have to do before gaining thy trust, nor about how sleepless and populated by

phantoms of guilt my nights will be, but ..."

"... but the Art at my command is worth the price."

"As you might remember, I have been seeking it on my own for some time. I come

to be taught, Master" said the face, using the words apprentices had been

using for centuries when seeking the teachings of their betters.

"And teaching you'll receive. What will you bring ?" whispered the corpse, not

even attempting to conceal the chilling glee in his netherwordly voice.

"Dedication, diligence, and ... obedience," said Shandra's voice, picking one

of the most common answers allowed by tradition.

"Shandra ... is it you ? What are doing ?" whispered Kayleen's hoarse voice,

from pits of anguish which had taken time to climb.

"Something beyond your comprehension, Kayleen. I was told she is being

questioned about my whereabouts, Master. I venture to say this is no longer

necessary, is it ?" said the face, the voice tinged by anxiety.

"It is a poor apprentice which demands to know his Master's motives even

before being tested. Besides, you took something from me"

"I'll return the prisoner, if this is your wish. I respectfully observe that

what may have been necessary no longer is, Master. You won"

"Shandra, don't. He'll kill you" croaked Kayleen, coughing blood.

"Shandra the Sorceress, I shall devise a test for thy apprenticeship. Should

thou show dedication, diligence and obedience in passing it, I shall accept

thee as my apprentice, and as such thou shalt be regarded until no further

teaching thou would gather," answered Zhorun in acceptance.

"I'll be there before sunset," said the face in the smoke as it faded and

dissolved while Kayleen cried bitterly between gasps, too lost in her anguish

to fully comprehend what had been said and not ready to accept that the friend

she had endured so many days of horrid agonies for ... had betrayed them all.

"Continue her interrogation, Hadrad. The whereabouts of my new apprentice are

still of utmost interest to me," whispered Zhorun.

A gleeful smile erased concern from the Southerner's old face as he dropped

Kayleen in the pit again, ready to savor the howls and twitches which started

rattling the gibbet while he drank the intoxicating elixir of her agony after

fearing that it would be denied to him by the sudden twist of events.

He was very proud of this torment he had devised, originally intended for

executions but where adept use of the barbed mesh allowed the pain to be

parceled and restricted to selected parts of the body, although it made

availing himself of female victims extremely impractical. If the rats were

hungry enough, they fought with each other as much as they bit the exposed

flesh, protracting the torment. It took experience to realize how the bite

wounds, apparently harrowing, were actually rather shallow. The sight of her

head jerking in a bitter scream as a rat bit the front of her leg, gnawing the

bone, was also an experience he would remember fondly.

It was time to move to more delectable places of the body, so he pulled her

out and wrapped her legs in barbed mesh, watching her scream as the folds

removed from her hands and arms wrought their raking agony on her horribly

mauled legs, turning red as blood seeped through. Her continued screaming made

pouring the contents of a potion down her throat difficult, although she

desperately craved every drop, and the liquid curtailed her profuse bleeding,

leaving her at the mercy of the barbs.

The brief respite allowed Kayleen's mind to return to the conversation she had

just witnessed, clinging at Shandra's attempt to have Zhorun dismiss her

torture as no longer needed. A sparkle of hope warmed her, because now her

plight was known, and a rescue would being staged. Shandra had probably hoped

to buy some time, a smart move from a woman prone to act directly.

The sharp pain of a bite on her middle finger interrupted her thoughts,

bringing her back into this antechamber of hell from which Shandra's newfound

astuteness had failed to deliver her. The thought of withstanding this and any

subsequent ordeal to help the Sorceress had crossed her mind, but her former

words of bravery paled before the screams escaping her mouth now. The torment

wrought on her fingers was the worst, with the sharp teeth shredding flesh and

scraping bone in spite of her twitching attempts to fend them off, and he

repeatedly lowered her just enough to let the rats gnaw at them.

She found herself sipping from the jug, chewing words between harsh screams

as if to say that she would not beg for mercy. Her mind returned in horror at

the first days of her ordeal, when the words she uttered in her agony had led

Lyral's capture. Somehow her help, or guilt at how she had suffered because

of those words, had prevented this from happening thereafter, until now.

Slowly, a shudder crept over her as barbs which hurt like knives raked the

wounds in her arms while her buttocks were stripped of mesh.

The subsequent agony of flesh was on par with the agonies of bone visited on

her thus far, and her voice rose to heights of delirious agony which even her

tormentor would rank as the most delicious he had witnessed. Bite after bite,

with frequent pauses which only offered a lesser degree of anguish, ugly raw

wounds slowly shredded her buttocks, mostly shallow but some deep where

already bitten flesh was available for the appetite of the rats.

She was bleeding so profusely that when he finally started wrapping folds

above her shredded buttocks she expected a potion, but none was forthcoming

and her tormentor was now removing mesh from her trembling thighs. At the

thought of of her thighs suffering what had been visited on her buttocks,

words rushed from her mouth in panic.

"No, please! Mercy! Enough, please!"

"Tell us where the Sorceress hides, girl" said Grod, almost with relief.

But Kayleen's gaze, wandering on the floor between a veil of tears, discovered

a rag which had once been white, forgotten for days: the remnants of Lyral's

white robe, stripped upon being brought to this place of agony because of a

weakness Kayleen could not suppress.

"Well ?", asked Grod, incredulous.

"She did it again, Grod. She probably thinks she's so smarter than us all, you

know, pretending to talk like this," said the Southerner.

"Indeed. Continue, Hadrad", whispered the wizard menacingly.

A wail surged from Kayleen's mouth as she was lowered in the pit, and pain

replaced again dread and exhaustion in her voice as the rats in the water got

at the tender flesh of her thighs, wracking her twitching body in brief

frenzies of harrowing torment which the Southerner engendered by pulling her

above water up to the knees, leaving the rodents swim near her legs which the

barbs still tormented, causing them to twitch and bleed maddening the rats

into a ravenous gluttony which the mesh defied - until she was lowered again.

When the mauling of her thighs reached a point where little skin had been

spared, leaving bleeding bite wounds where raw flesh pulsated as her muscles

twitched spasmodically, he brought a potion to her lips, watching intently

its effects while she drank it in desperate gurgles. As he had hoped, the

healing magic first addressed blood loss, bringing the edges of cuts to close

and a crust to form where the flesh had been bitten away.

Wishing he could cause her nails and pubic hair to grow back without healing

the rest of her wounds first, he stopped her potion intake as soon as he saw

that her legs were no longer shredded to the point of being of imminent danger

to her life, smiling at the thought of how they hurt.

The harrowing torture was repeated with her back, from which the mesh was

removed only partially, because exposing a large area would allow many rats to

bite her at the same time. Confident in how the potion had renewed her

endurance, he protracted her agony in the water longer than with her thighs,

watching her face contort in pain as the rats bit her left kidney area, right

ribcage and left shoulder blade in a frenzy of ravenous torment.

In the brief moments where her anguish did not include the laceration of flesh

by sharp incisors, her gaze wandered in search of the rag which had been

Lyral's dress. She wished she could find in the rag some of her lost resolve

again, but however much she craved it, the continued bites in her back, whose

other half had been exposed after the first had been thoroughly mauled, always

jerked her gaze up while her mouth distended in howls of agonizing torment.

Such was the pain of the barbed mesh in her back that it took her time to

realize in horror that it was being taken from her breasts. As he clamped her

nipples, the corners of her tormentor's leering smile curved up when that

terror showed on her face, and his eyes sought hers to drink that most

exalting wine through them.

"She's at it again, Master. I can see it in her eyes," said the Southerner,

moments before she started to beg.

"Ignore her pleads, my esteemed guest. Continue with the rigor her insolence

warrants," hissed Zhorun while Kayleen's mouth opened to utter words which

turned to a scream when she was dropped in the pit again.

The Southerner made sure she could never utter those pleads, keeping her at

bite range except for brief instants of little respite between atrocious

stretches of relentless mauling as morsels were torn from her breasts while

she howled in fits of demented agony. To protract the torment, he had left

the mesh on about half of each breast and changed it frequently so that the

barbs raked fresh wounds while the rest of the breast was repeatedly bitten.

To prevent her nipples from being ripped from her chest, he had clamped them,

but the rats still chewed the nubs of flesh as he had undoubtedly planned and

her mouth almost dislocated as she screamed from the excruciating pain, the

tendons of her neck straining while bloody foam bubbled at the corners of her

mouth while the rats crowded around her half immersed mounds, chewing bleeding

gashes in them which caused her to convulse in mad pain.

She was lowered in the pit over and over, each time leaving her to the rats

enough for her to progress from a couple of exhausted screams to terrified

howls of hellish agony as more rats joined in, after which she was partially

pulled up and left to rattle the gibbet in desperate pain until those rats

which hung on fell down when opening their mouths to bite again, while the

rest circled in the water, unable to climb because of the barbed mesh.

She was given a few sips from the potion, barely enough for the worst wounds

to stop bleeding, and then lowered in the pit again, leaving her breasts just

above water so rats had to jump to bite and would hang onto her ripped flesh,

jerking while she rattled the gibbet in convulsed agony. Each time the cruel

game was repeated, it took more of the potion to address the horrid wounds.

When he gave her a dose of syrupy liquid instead of potion she wailed in mad

despair, guessing at what would come next mere moments before he started

removing the mesh which had scratched the tender parts between the legs but

also preserved them from the rats. Terror shook her scream when he clamped her

clitoris, elongating it between the iron jaws to make it a more tempting

morsel for the ravenous rodents. He also inserted curved steel bars in her

ass and inside her vagina, stretching them both painfully.

When she was lowered in water, the mounting agony of her mauled flesh writhing

under the merciless raking of the barbed mesh wracked her body and surged in

fits of bitter screaming, which became gut-wrenching howls when her crotch

reached water level and the rats crowded on the exposed flesh.

The first bite was on her labia, followed by a second on the clitoris, and

by others, but the exposed area was small and the rats fought between them so

that instead of a frenzied assault her torture was protracted in long streaks

of atrocious agony interspersed by brief moments of respite brought by a sip of

the potion, administered when the bleeding from the ghastly wounds became

excessive. Each bite was a flash a devastating agony which kept flaring until

the rodent managed to actually tear the morsel off, after gnawing the flesh

being ripped back and forth as she twitched and jerked in fits of spasmodic

torment and howling agony.

As the torture continued, a rat who could not get to chew the flesh whose

blood slipped underwater and found her sphincter, distended open by the curved

bars to facilitate entry. A new agony shook her as the rat chewed its way in,

shaking her in bleeding frenzies of a torment which did not stop when she was

pulled up and which the potion soothed only temporarily.

After over a dozen sips from the potion, he pulled the three bars in her

vagina wider before dropping her in the pit again and listening to her pitiful

screams, smiling when pitched howls told him that the rats had finally found

the prize he wanted them to find. He kept her at their mercy, watching her

face contort in desperate howls of atrocious pain, foaming at the mouth and

shaking her head mindlessly between convulsed twitches of harrowing torment.

The horrid torment continued, alternating frenzies of atrocious agony with the

protracted anguish of dislocated joins and wounds raked through by her

convulsed jerks, until even full gulps of potion could no longer address the

extent of her wounds. After a glance at Grod, he rotated the arm holding the

gibbet and lowered her on the floor.

Grod brought another potion to her lips, letting her consume it slowly and

inspecting the bleeding bite wounds under the barbed mesh, making sure the

worst were receding in spite of her gasping cries. It took him a while to

extricate the quivering Kayleen from the gibbet, and he was about to give her

another potion when Zhorun spoke.

"Later, Grod. Her interrogation is not over yet,"

For a moment, it looked like Grod was about to say something. Instead, he

tightened the collar around her neck and dragged her to a corner she

recognized with a gasp, where the wooden wedge on whose bloodstained tip her

weight had rested for hours stood on a trestle. He fastened the chains hanging

from the pulleys to her elbow and knee bands, and as her weight rested on her

dislocated joints she screamed when he pulled her off the floor, bringing back

to her mind hazy memories of similar agonies. The ever present ache from the

studs in the iron restraints and the crushing grip at her ankles and wrists

made the recollections seem tame in comparison.

He lowered her on the point, letting it distend her sphincter before fastening

chains to her wrists and ankles, pulling her arms up behind her back and her

feet up at chin height so that the wedge entered her bowels at the slightest

squirm, rasping on the partially healed bite wounds inside.

Tears had never left her eyes, because the pain from the bites tormented her

still in spite of the healing, compounding the ache from her restraints, but

they flowed between sobs of bitter despair when she saw him encase her mauled

legs, covered in blood encrusted bites showing bone in places, between supple

wooden planks studded with tiny spikes. Even before he started to screw the

planks closer together, constricting her legs between, she started screaming

and buckling when the spikes raked her partially healed bite wounds, tracing

bleeding cuts through encrusted blood and ripping through raw flesh below.

As he tightened the planks, the spikes not only dug deeper but also shifted

within her twitching muscles, causing her to quiver and twist in screaming

torment, increasing the tearing of her sphincter as her weight shifted on the

merciless wooden tip. Her buckles caused the wood to bend and turn, causing

the points to jitter agonizingly out of seat tearing bleeding gashes through

raw, mauled flesh while harsh screams wracked her heaving chest.

He let her scream herself hoarse, occasionally adjusting the planks while she

buckled in uninterrupted pain, seeking respite from the wedge in her bowels

by pulling on the chains, twitching as her dislocated joins trembled from hot

blazes of agony as this put the strain of her weight on them, grinding the rim

of her nether orifice on the wedge as the bands bent and the spikes lacerated

the raw flesh of her mauled legs. Each torment wrought different pitches of

agony from her voice, from bitter gasps as pain flared in her joints to long,

teetering howls as her legs twitched between the planks.

With glacial slowness, he started encasing her arms in spiked planks, first

the forearms and then the upper arms. As this new pain sent the upper part of

her body jerking, the wedge in her rectum found previously untouched flesh to

torment as her sphincter was steadily being stretched and she could not stop

herself form quivering in trembling pain. Besides, her nostrils had caught

the whiff of iron being heated, and the fear of agonies which she knew from

repeated experience rose behind her pitiful screams, a fear which a sip from

the jug fanned as the syrupy liquid brought her drug induced strength.

While she twitched on the wedge, staining it with the blood trickling from her

bowels and the torn rim of her sphincter, he neared a brazier and picked up a

pair of small iron pliers, to confirm that the flattened heads were red hot.

With an impenetrable expression worthy of the Easterner standing nearby, he

used a pair of wooden pliers to grab the lacerated edges of a deep bite in her

right breast and sear them together with the red hot pliers.

A gut-wrenching scream burst from Kayleen's mouth, wracking her chest as it

convulsed around her breast pinned in the grip of the pliers while the rest of

her body buckled and twitched, rekindling the pain in her dislocated joints

and the raking of her mauled limbs by the spiked planks shifting in new

positions while her muscles tensed as she arched in agony.

After the briefest respite, he did the same to another nasty bite wound in the

underside of her other breast, pinching the encrusted edges between the red

hot jaws while she howled in mad pain, rattling the trestle onto which the

wedge tormenting her bowels rested. Between tears of anguish, she shook at the

thought of how many bite wounds marked her breasts alone.

The wounds he was tormenting had mostly been healed by the potion, but only to

the point of stopping bleeding with a crust of dried blood and serum, as if

the potion could only achieve in short order what natural body recovery would

take weeks if allowed to continue in spite of blood loss. Even the touch of

the wooden pliers pinching the flesh around each bite wound into a fold was

agonizing, but the searing pain as the red hot iron peeled the crust and

singed the raw flesh beneath before the two edges were forced one against the

other was excruciating to the point of wracking her into fits of howling pain.

After about a dozen cuts in her breasts, he moved to her feet. Although she

thought no pain could be worse than the red hot pliers grip on her lacerated

breasts, when the jaws closed on the throbbing flesh of her mauled soles her

legs betrayed her, jerking madly from the pain and wracking untold pain onto

her hip joints and, as a consequence, mercilessly scraping her distended

rectum as she twitched on the wedge point her weight rested upon.

She screamed madly when he pulled on the chains, lifting her off the blood

stained tip of the wedge and letting her gulp some potion, stuttering as she

hung in mid air with her swollen joints ablaze in hellish torment and the

spiked planks raking her wounded limbs. Without ever lowering her on the

floor, he undid enough of her restraints to twirl her in mid air, letting her

scream from the harsh pain in her shoulder joints as he hacked at the wood

until it brimmed with dents and splinters, which he then smeared with a thick

oily paste using gloves to protect his hands.

In spite of her exhaustion and anguish, in spite of the agony each jerk

brought onto her shoulder joints, she tried to oppose him when he started

guiding her descent so that she would be penetrated by the wedge. The strength

that once had been her pride could not be exerted through dislocated limbs

however, and she only managed to have her love channel scraped by dents and

slivers as the hot pepper in the paste burned skin and raw flesh. Her eyes

caught the Southerner smiling lewdly at her twitching crotch.

He brought the jug to her lips again and then just let her there, sobbing in

misery and occasionally screaming in anguish, slowly sliding down the wedge

which the paste made slippery but which was rasping and scraping her innards

causing her to twist and buckle, unable to prevent herself from wracking her

joints into further agony and the spiked planks from raking her limbs.

"Leave her like this, Grod. I have guests to attend to, but I'll be back as

soon as possible", whispered Zhorun all of a sudden.

Kayleen, lost in her anguish, took time to realize what was going on, but the

three executioners had their ideas.

"I hope we'll have a new subject. I would not mind a redhead, as long as she

is not off limits like the other girl" said the Southerner.

"Don't be silly. She would shrivel your cock and boil your balls before you

got within ten feet. Sorcery is raw magic at its worst," smirked Grod.

"Fire woman dangerous. Rip tongue and cut fingers before," said the Easterner,

visibly surprising Grod with his knowledge of how to contain a magic user.

"If Master won, I go home," he added, hesitantly.

"Myself, as long as I get paid, would not mind staying a bit more", commented

the Southerner, walking around Kayleen's twitching, screaming form, enjoying

the fear his sole presence engendered in the girl, causing her to torment

herself in the effort to follow his movements with eyes wide with fear.

"There's no hurry, Whore Queen. Grod's turn is not over yet, so we'll have to

wait until tomorrow to have you in my care again".

Conversation petered out, and the Southerner kept walking around Kayleen's

buckling form, as if he had something in mind. Kayleen kept alternating harsh

sobs and pitched screams, so overwhelmed by the accumulated pain of the ordeals

inflicted in the last days that she barely retained her sanity. In spite of

the repeated use of potions, blood still oozed from dozens of bite wounds all

over her body, her joints were both swollen and sunken, the dislocated heads

of her bones bulging in awkward misalignment while ligaments and muscles

trembled uncontrollably and the each movement raked the agony of the spikes

in the planks wound around her limbs through new tracts of mauled flesh.

"What ... demented horror is this ?", stammered a new voice, a rich female

voice from the door. Dressed in red and crowned by a mass of fiery red hair,

Shandra the Sorceress stood on the entrance to the torture chamber, her mouth

gaping in a face paler than usual.

"A place where defiance is given its due, my foul-mouthed apprentice,"

screeched Zhorun behind her.

After the frail wizard came two female figures carrying a third by arms and

legs, which Zhorun indicated with his bony finger.

"Grod, pick up our returning guest from the care of her former sisters,"

As Grod neared, the two turned their heads towards him, revealing cadaverous

faces devoid of any sign of life. He stopped, feigning a moment of pondering

but actually unnerved by the servants his master was showing a new propension

for, and uncertain about what to say.

"These two are dead, and pretty much cut up I might add," he whistled.

"I took the time to question them using the techniques I have learned from the

three of you, but lacking your vast experience I overdid it. However, they can

be still put to some use", replied Zhorun, while Shandra's green eyes widened.

"This is the young Priestess ... Lyral, unless I'm mistaken. Is she fair game

this time ?" asked the Southerner, licking his lips.

"Lyral, ... please! Lyral help me, it hurts"; croaked Kayleen's voice, rising

above the harsh sobs of her anguish.

"Her maidenhood must be preserved just like before, my esteemed guest"

"And the redhead here ?", added the swarthy old man, but his lewd smile froze

on his face as Shandra's green eyes flared at him and her hands rose, magic

surging with her fury. Only Zhorun's quick command saved him.

"Hold thy power, apprentice!"

"I heed thy command, Master," said the Sorceress with visible effort.

"You'll have to treat my apprentice with the respect she's due, my esteemed

guest. I will not always be around to stay her wrath," chuckled the corpse.

Meanwhile, Grod had returned with a full set of irons, very similar to those

already worn by Lyral, and a wizard gag. The young girl remained motionless

while her clothes were removed and the restraints applied, and Grod guessed

that she was under some spell of paralyzing which would wear out with time.

"My chief executioner, Grod, should be known to you by fame," continued

Zhorun, speaking between the pauses in Kayleen's bitter screams. "Together

with our guest from the South, Hadrad, and the worthy gentleman from the East,

Chang, they have been questioning our self-appointed Queen."

"Their grisly work is no longer necessary, Master. Even if what she knows had

still value, thy victory is certain by the might of thy magic alone. I saw it

with my own eyes, against the Priestesses," quipped Shandra.

"My power has become great indeed, apprentice, but I'm not done with our

self-appointed Queen just yet. I'll exact her complete submission, from the

full details about her armed forces to her public resignation of the usurped

crown in favor of its legitimate bearer," answered Zhorun.

"Shandra, w .. what are you doing ?" asked Kayleen's hoarse, sobbing voice.

"The magic thou shalt be taught straddles the border between life and death,

and embraces what the living flee in horror from. Tasting what lies on this

border shalt be thy test, my apprentice. If thy obedience, diligence and

dedication in using thy magic to bring about the usurper's submission will

prove thy worthiness, taught thou shalt be then." he continued.

At a gesture from his master, Grod dragged Lyral's limp body into a corner and

returned to heating the pliers in a brazier. Kayleen's eyes widened in fear as

her nostrils caught the horribly familiar smell.

"Shandra! Please, stop them, it hurts ... I can't take any more," she said.

After a quick glance at the sorceresses deathly pale face, Grod reached for

Kayleen's left breast and closed the red hot jaws along the bleeding gash of

a bite wound, turning her harsh sobs into a demented howl as pain radiated

from her breast and shook her whole body, renewing the agony in her joints and

raking new cuts in her constricted, twitching limbs.

The face of the sorceress turned if possible even paler while Kayleen's

pitiful howls continued as her breasts were repeatedly savaged by the red hot

pliers, wincing at the sight of the strong body convulsing in agony on the

cradle whose tip stretched her labia and scraped her insides, as testified by

the blood mixed with the hot paste which had made them purple and swollen.

When he moved to her buttocks, her voice was already hoarse in spite of a long

sip from the jug, and the subsequent screams wrenched from her did not help

the situation. When the jaws seared the bleeding edges of a bite wound in the

tender flesh of her ass cheeks, her efforts to escape the scorching agony only

pushed the tip deeper inside her, causing her labia to slide down and scoop

more of the burning paste, swelling along with her anguish.

He returned to her front, grabbing her left nipple between the red hot jaws

and twisting it while waves of unspeakable agony wracked her convulsing body

as the jaws scorched the lacerations in the tender flesh left by the bites

which only the iron clamps had prevented from ripping the nubs of flesh off

her chest. Now the heat scorched the mutilated flesh in repeated twists of

inhuman torment, wrenching howls of bitter anguish from her torn mouth.

After bringing the jug to her lips again, he grabbed the edges of a nasty bite

in her ribcage and seared them together, watching her contort in screaming

pain while the head of her dislocated thin bones bulged at her hips as her

convulsions had driven the wedge up inside her vagina enough to bulge inside

her and tear wounds in the rim of her vagina.

Slowly, meticulously keeping the pliers red hot, he took to grabbing the edges

of bite wounds in her chest and belly and pulling them together and down, so

that she impaled her further on the wooden wedge and the agony from the

scraped innards and the burning paste mounted on par with the howling pain

from the red hot jaws themselves. Where the wounds had been healed only in

part, the jaws shredded the encrusted blood and singed raw flesh, pulling

pitched howls of demented agony from her foaming mouth.

Since her thighs had been tightly encased between spiked planks, the wedge had

entered her vagina obliquely, distending the cleft at its top and then tearing

it slowly open, ripping through tissue which had been subjected to the horrid

laceration before and never fully healed since. Now it was wide enough to

push her shin bones sideways and bathe her clamped clitoris in the burning

paste, causing her to wail and scream dementedly as the agony was overwhelming

even when the red hot jaws let her alone.

She sputtered when the jug was brought to her lips again, trashing her head in

agony and craving the soothing of even a drop of healing potion, then gurgled

in horrid torment when the jaws pulled on a bite wound under her left breast,

her jerks strong enough to rattle the chains holding her wrists up behind her

back. After witnessing over a dozen times the grabbing of the tender flesh

under her friend's firm breasts, Shandra seemed on the point of speaking up,

then her gaze wandered in the room and she bit her lip.

Kayleen's raucous voice surged past the foam in her mouth finding new pitches

of howling torment when the red hot jaws closed on her clitoris, still clamped

from her ordeal in the rat pit, crushing it against the wood while the paste

bubbled under the heat and the tender flesh curled and charred between howls

of uninterrupted agony. She drank avidly from the jug when she was offered it,

out of her mind with pain, and returned to screaming when the red hot jaws

closed again on the purplish piece of clamped flesh.

As Grod alternated the red hot pliers between Kayleen's nipples and clitoris,

pulling and twisting to protract her howling frenzies of mad agony, Shandra

repeatedly brought her hands against her own nipples, wincing, apparently on

the verge of puking at least twice. But even as Kayleen's screams became

horrid wheezing howls of demented torment, as the repeated crushing between

jaws of red hot iron had left little but blistered tatters of raw flesh, she

was obviously trying her best to keep her sickly pale face impassible.

She failed when, after repeated pulling and twisting, the clamp fell from

Kayleen's left nipple, revealing a scorched tatter of purplish raw flesh onto

which the clamp no longer held. Shandra's shriek could barely be heard under

the uninterrupted howls surging from Kayleen's mouth, but Zhorun noticed it

and gestured to Grod to continue.

Kayleen's screaming agony continued, her body convulsing in mad pain on the

wedge and wracking bitter agonies in her dislocated joints while the red hot

pliers seared the edges of more bite wounds in her breasts, but she was

visibly nearing the point where further pain would be of little effectiveness.

Grod wrenched the last drops of howling torment from her twitching body by

grabbing her swollen labia between the red hot jaws, pushing the lower jaw

inside the wood before crushing the flesh between red hot iron and splintering

charred wood, but after a while even thus crushing her shredded clitoris only

obtained pitiful wheezing screams of mindless anguish.

"The interrogation can be suspended," said Zhorun, "Let my apprentice see how

such pauses should not be construed as a reward for defiance, since I have no

endeavors for her today. We'll begin again tomorrow morning."

Chapter 24 - Shriveling Hopes

For the first time after many days, a light shone in the torture chamber under

the ruins of Zhorun's castle. A reddish glow emanating from Shandra's hands

shone on Kayleen's tormented body. She hung upside down from a chain fastened

to her left ankle cuff, and her weight exacerbated the pain from the tight iron

and the studs placed to torment the ankle. A long oblique pole jutted from the

wall nearby and impaled her vagina, forcing her to angle her loins to lessen

the painful intrusion. Her other leg had been braided around the pole,

fastening the ankle to the iron ring under her left knee.

The worst of her agony, however, was not originated by her legs, nor by the

pole. Her left arm had been wound down behind her neck, and the right arm

twisted up behind her back, pulling the wrists close until they could be cuffed

together. It was almost a parody of the gesture which warriors used to draw a

sword carried on the back, but it caused a terrible strain in her muscles and

untold agonies in her dislocated shoulder joints. Even the serrated rings

constricting the base of her breasts were a nuisance in comparison.

The Sorceress had witnessed the preparation of her ordeal without a word, just

as she had watched without a word when the Southerner had violated Kayleen's

ass after she had been taken down from the cradle. She had waited silently

until the three torturers left, not sure about the latitude allowed to their

Master's apprentice after she showed no sign of following them.

"Shandra, please ... bring me down. It hurts, please." said Kayleen, starting

to come back to herself after being lost in numbing pain.

"I cannot, Kayleen" whispered the red-haired woman.

"Please, I can't ..." croaked Kayleen, her words ending in a scream.

"I am not here to oppose Zhorun. He won. He has become the mightiest mage ever

known, and ... I've asked to become his apprentice."

"Apprentice ? Shandra, I have been tortured for days because I refused him the

location of your place!" gurgled Kayleen, shaking violently.

"Lyral told me. I had hoped that with his victory Zhorun would no longer need

anything from you, but I was mistaken."

"Nothing," sobbed Kayleen, "I should just betray my soldiers and my people,

like you betrayed ..." A harsh cry prevented her from continuing.

"I am not happy about this, Kayleen. But magic defines a Sorcerer, and its toll

is sometimes steep. I helped you in the past, and I do not regret that. Now our

goals set us on different paths, and I know I am going to regret what I will

have to do to follow mine." she said with a sigh.

"There's no way to soften it, Kayleen. I will be asked to join them in

torturing you. Maybe in keeping you alive, although I guess only if Lyral does

not, since they wanted her back."

"You ... brought Lyral back into their hands ?", asked Kayleen.

"Zhorun would not have accepted otherwise" answered the red-haired woman.

For once, Kayleen's voice found again the strength of the former Warrior Queen

in addressing her former friend.

"May you live through hells ten times worse those I withstood on your behalf,

Shandra, and never attain the wretched prize you sold yourself for."

With a sigh the Sorceress left, taking the reddish light with her and plunging

the chamber in darkness. She winced hearing a bitter scream from her former

friend just before she closed the doors behind her.

In the chamber, Kayleen hung in pain, trembling from the ache in her shoulders

and occasionally quivering as her attempts to find a less painful position

stirred the wedge in her orifice or rattled her hip joint, wrenching harsh

gasps from her sore mouth. For an indeterminate amount of time, when lapses in

her torment allowed her mind to clear, she would curse her former friend.

"Kayleen ?" asked a young voice in the darkness.

"Lyral ? Thanks heaven, Lyral! I am almost mad with pain, ... help me." asked

Kayleen, pausing after rushing her first words.

"I wish I could, but I am chained to the wall, Kayleen. Maybe they'll allow me

to heal you tomorrow, like last time," said the young voice.

"Lyral, forgive me ... it hurts so much. I am ashamed ... you're back to hell

and my first thought has been ..."

"Don't ever say it, Kayleen. In your place, I would have done worse. I would

have betrayed you, my sisters, everybody, anything as long as they stopped the

torture. Your bravery has been beyond comparison,"

"It has all been in vain. You are a prisoner, Shandra betrayed us all for her

own perverted ends, and Zhorun will crush the whole kingdom under his heel

again," said Kayleen between brief, bitter cries.

"You make me afraid, Kayleen. What will be of me if you crumble ?"

Something clicked in Kayleen's mind. Zhorun had wanted Lyral back so that her

healing power could offset the damage from the torture. Potions did not cut it,

as she could testify, and Zhorun's supply would not last forever. The moment

he obtained her own submission, Lyral would become a toy for the swarthy old

pig to rape at leisure. The thought of her young friend being subjected to the

horrors the Southerner found pleasurable chilled her to the bone.

"I told you already, Lyral. I won't give up. But the toll is heavy," she said,

hoping that her words were enough, since her friend was sobbing softly.

During the rest of the night, she made an effort to stifle her screams of pain,

although the accursed spider gag which stretched her mouth wide open,

lacerated the corners and scratched her cheeks made it difficult. Lyral was

singing something under her breath, whose words Kayleen could not discern, but

which soothed her anguish somewhat. Somewhere between gratitude, hatred and

duty she would have to find some of her resolve again.

When morning came, Shandra entered after Zhorun. Grod lowered Kayleen on the

floor while the Southerner brought Lyral before Zhorun. The young Priestess

managed to ignore the old man, who used to scare her witless, because she had

eyes only for her poor friend. Torchlight revealed that Kayleen's formerly

stunning beauty had been horridly ravaged, with her body covered with ghastly

bite wounds and purple, oozing burns while her joints were swollen to almost

twice their size and her crotch was horribly battered and bleeding. Two shreds

of raw burned flesh oozed on top of the mauled mounds on her chest, and her

muscles trembled intermittently.

"May I heal her ?" she asked, her lip trembling, watching Zhorun. He nodded.

She crawled near her friend, turned to bring her hands onto her face and

concentrated. Almost immediately, a deep sigh coursed through Kayleen's body

as her wounds receded slowly. Lyral caressed her friend, muttering under her

breath continuing the healing process. She trembled when Kayleen's lips

brushed against her arms in anguished gratitude, fighting to hide her tears.

"Be strong, Kayleen. I'll be with you to the end," she whispered softly.

The Southerner waited for the blonde beauty to be fully healed, up to the

restoration of her pubic hair, then grabbed Kayleen's ankle cuffs and fastened

them to chains, pulling her off the floor, her legs spread taut. Grod

blindfolded Lyral, ignoring her pleads, and left her on the floor arched in a

savage hogtie. Kayleen's wrists and elbows were cuffed together behind her

back, then the swarthy old man fetched a thick braided whip.

The old man sent the whip across Kayleen's stretched buttocks, leaving an

angry welt and causing her to rattle her chains and arch between harsh gasps.

A second lash immediately followed, tracing a ragged purple stripe across her

firm breasts while she hissed in pain. Shandra stood silent.

With cruel abandon, the Southerner whipped Kayleen's writhing body, wrenching

harsh gasps and bitter cries from her mouth as her renewed health was again

confronted with pain. His aim was spotless, and angry welts accumulated on

Kayleen's thighs, buttocks and breasts. When the whip cut into her slit, a

scream surged from her mouth while her blonde mane shook in agony.

The untiring barrage was striping Kayleen's writhing body with purple welts,

some of which bled where another lash had crossed the first, wrenching harsh

gasps and brief screams from her mouth. When her labia and clitoris were

targeted, all could hear true agony creep in her howls.

At a gesture from Zhorun, the whipping stopped and Grod neared, tightened the

collar crushing Kayleen's windpipe, and dragged her to another torture device.

Kayleen had been forced to straddle wooden rails before, but this one

consisted of two iron plates forming a wedge, and as she was forced to

straddle it she noticed with a cry that the plates were set with small spikes.

He left her elbows cuffed together behind her back, but freed her wrists,

fastening them to chains from the ceiling. Her lip trembled when he placed her

breasts between the spiked jaws of a heavy breast press, to which he fastened

the chains which ran through pulleys to her wrists. When her ankles were

pulled off the floor and fastened to the back of the device, she soon found

herself forced to spread her thighs wide to avoid the spikes, sawing her slit

onto the edge of the iron planks which soon became stained with her blood.

Grod shortened the chains at her wrists so that her breasts were pulled up

painfully, forcing her arms to twist into a hitherto undiscovered source of

agony if she wanted to save her breasts from the crushing bite of the vise.

The torment in her slit and breasts was enough to wrench occasional harsh

screams from her, but the worst was about to come. Grod fetched a brazier and

placed it under the iron plates, then tightened the vise around her breasts

causing her to howl in agony as the spikes drew blood.

Her screams continued as she jerked her chest left and right, trashing madly

at the mauling of her breasts, but over time a new horror crept in her face as

the plates heated relentlessly, forcing her to flail her thighs in the vain

attempt to offset her fate. The spikes, whose body reached down into the

brazier, were already red hot, and each time they scraped the inside of her

thighs a howl escaped her mouth and she ground her slit on the edge.

As the heat increased, her efforts became frantic and the red hot spikes cut

shallow sizzling gashes inside her twitching thighs, causing her to trash

wildly and scream in bitter despair as the progression of her torment appeared

in all its deviousness. She lacked leverage to lift off the device, and soon

the heat would slowly scorch her bleeding sex.

She tried to push on the cuffs around her ankles, which had been fastened to

the rear of the device to pull her feet off the floor, but the legs had been

forced to fold and she only managed to push herself a few inches forward along

the edge, sawing the metal through her slit with a scream of quivering agony.

In her wild flailing, she realized that by exerting her arms she could pull on

the vise constricting her breasts, gaining a fraction of an inch of respite

for her singed slit at the expense of having her breasts ripped by the spikes

in the vise. She tried once, then twice, but soon the agony in the bleeding

breasts surpassed the searing pain between her legs and she let go, howling

upon contact with the hot iron.

New howls surged from her mouth once Grod started dragging a curved red hot

iron along the folds of her soles, scorching them piecewise while the agony

between her legs and on her breasts increased mercilessly. He also moved the

iron to her back, forcing her to lean forward, increasing the weight on her

breasts and forcing her to spread her thighs even wider.

The iron plates were now a dull red, and her screams an uninterrupted litany

of mad pain. She clenched her fists to pull on the breast vise, shredding her

bleeding breasts between howls of demented tormented, just to gain whatever

respite she could for her singed slit, where purple swaths of oozing skin

crisscrossed the soft flesh. In places, raw flesh already showed where the

skin had stuck to the red hot iron.

When the pain in her breasts became unbearable, her arms gave, and she fell on

the red hot edge with a tortured wail which rose to a pitch of howling torment

as her thighs were pierced by the spikes again, causing her to jerk them up

like wings bringing her weight to bear on the edge scorching her slit.

Grod poured the contents of the jug down her through, continuing in spite of

her sputtering as she choked in pain, listening as her repeated flailing

furthered her agonies and the burns between her labia turned to angry, oozing

blisters which burst when her arms gave and she dragged her raw flesh on the

red hot edge in frenzies of harrowing torment.

Her agony continued unabated as she kept writhing on the edge, screaming in

pain as the heat burned new blisters between her labia and the vise bloodily

savaged her purplish breasts. Grod had to repeatedly douse her with cold water

and pour the contents of the jug down her screaming mouth to keep her from

sliding into shock as her crotch was slowly scorched and peeled off.

Almost casually, Grod produced a pair of copper hooks which he slowly drove

through her nipples, causing her to buckle and scream as the new torment for a

moment surpassed the blistering agony in her slit. The hooks were connected to

long copper chains which he wound under the plates. He then released her ankle

cuffs, bending her legs behind her and pulling the ankle cuffs back until they

could be fastened to the copper chains pulled through holes in the plates.

Almost immediately, the pitch of Kayleen's screams changed because now each

convulsed twitch from her legs, especially when her thighs twitched from the

agony of the red hot spikes, pulled on the hooks, sending white hot blazes of

pain radiating from her distorted nipples. To prevent her increasingly

desperate jerks from ripping her nipples off, he used pliers to tighten iron

clamps on the elongated nubs of feminine flesh.

As the scorching of her femininity had seen no interruption, her agony was

leaping beyond the bounds of human endurance. Previous applications of fire

had been intermittent, but even restored to full health she could not endure

the torment wrought on her. When she tasted the healing potion in her mouth,

the soothing of her scorched flesh turned to dismay as she realized how her

tormentor had chosen to protract her torture, and the stabbing pain of hooks

stretching her clitoris confirmed her fears.

While she tried to preserve the temporarily restored flesh between her labia,

Grod reached for a screw on the front of the device and started twisting it,

causing a wickedly serrated steel rail to rise between the plates, already red

hot from having been near the brazier. She tried to pull herself away from the

cutting dents which drew blood from her blistered innards, screaming madly in

the vain effort to stay away before falling back with a squirt of blood as her

chest was wracked by howls of hopeless anguish.

If the agonies of the red hot plates had been harrowing, the dents in the

serrated edge introduced a new depth of horror. The slightest move raked the

red hot protrusions across blistered skin and raw flesh, and the incessant

torment in her thighs, breasts and nipples provided uninterrupted causes for

convulsed jerks of desperate agony. Her voice waned and waxed in howls of raw

pain, and blood from the cuts sizzled on the red hot iron plates.

Kayleen's eyes sought between tears Lyral's pale body, but focused on a mass

of red hairs and a pale face instead. With seething rage, she watched her

former friend strain to keep her horror hidden. As her head jerked up in a

scream when a red hot dent lacerated her inner labia again, any consideration

of how her former friend had put herself in a situation beyond her herself was

melted as the searing of her femininity fueled bitter hatred.

As her agony on the serrated edge continued, it took her time to realize that

a new pain was mounting, because the heat caught by the chains ended up making

the hooks in her nipples searing hot. Her jaw set between desperate howls, and

for a moment it looked like she could bend the steel of her spider gag, but

she only managed to arch in convulsed agony in the vain effort to rip the

hooks from her nipples before falling back on the dented edge with a tortured

scream of pitiful agony as she twisted her pelvis left and right, bringing her

thighs repeatedly at the mercy of the red hot spikes.

Just as she thought that no torment could be worse than the continued

shredding of her crotch by the red hot dented edge, Grod cranked something

under her and she felt in horror a red hot metal tip rising between the

plates, pushing into her sphincter whose skin stuck to the searing surface

causing her to pull madly on her nipples, her fists clenching in the effort to

distance her sphincter from the rising intruder tormenting it.

As the iron pole slowly rose to impale her, her howls rose under the vaults of

the torture chamber as her breasts distended into cones of bleeding agony

under the pull of her own mad jerks. The pole had ridges and spikes, and was

meant to rake and wound rather than distend, so when she could no longer hold

herself up, she fell down on its full length with a pitiful howl of defeat and

found the red hot dented edge ready to shred her femininity again.

She was given some drops of potion, which she tried to swallow between mad

screams as the torment of her bowels continued unabated, and the repeated

splashes with cold water eased her torment somewhat as they momentarily cooled

the device, but she was never once given further respite from the scorching

and shredding of her feminine flesh, which was cut through each time she fell

down from her trembling attempts to distance herself from the heat.

Her torment continued in spite of her rapidly dwindling endurance, of the

horrible agony in the crushed and torn breasts which after repeatedly bearing

her weight had been flattened to purple masses of raw agony which the spikes

ran through to scrape the wood on the opposite ends of the vise, of the

savage torment of her nipples as the blood sizzled on the red hot copper of

the hooks. Her crotch was crisscrossed by angry burns and oozing blisters

which the dented edges had repeatedly lacerated, and the spiked pole in her

bowels burned her flesh relentlessly as the last remnants of her voice surged

from her mouth in desperate howls of unparalleled anguish.

Just as the hooks in her clitoris became searing hot, Grod cranked something

under her again and a second red hot pole rose, pushing the iron plates aside

and making her stretch her thighs spasmodically to escape the spikes, although

she no longer had the strength to pull herself up and could only tremble and

twitch as the pole penetrated her, pushing aside the shreds of her labia

while its red hot spikes tore bleeding gashes inside her, wracking her sweat

soaked body into frenzies of convulsed howling as the torment reached heights

she had not imagined even in her worst nightmares.

With two red hot poles in her orifices, it took repeated doses of potion and

sips from the jug to keep her on the peak of agony, forcing her to lacerate

her nipples and clitoris in the desperate effort to remove the sizzling hooks

which had been solidly clamped in place. Now her thighs had little to nothing

room left to distance the red hot spikes, but the blood from the cuts inside

the thighs was but a fraction of what sizzled on the red hot edge as her

bowels and womb were being shredded while she jerked in spasmodic torment,

impaled on the spiked red hot poles. Her voice rose in pitched howls which

turned into wheezing fits of inarticulate gurgling, and spasms of agony

wracked her trembling body while foam bubbled in her mouth as she tried to

articulate a plea, calling for Lyral's soothing touch.

In spite of the uninterrupted torment, something in her still managed to hold

on, sustained by the thought of her last friend's fate and by blasts of hatred

for her tormentors. The Southerner was becoming restless, but disentangling

her quivering body from the device took quite some time, and Grod was about to

let her have some potion when the other gestured his disagreement.

He dragged Kayleen to a post, cuffed her elbows and wrists together and forced

her to bend her head until he could fasten both against the post, then cuffed

chains from the ceiling to her ankles and pulled her legs off the floor,

spreading her thighs obscenely before his aroused manhood.

Before a surprised Shandra could say anything, pausing only an instant to

take in Kayleen's muscular back, stretched buttocks and blistered sphincter,

the swarthy old man thrust his member into her scorched, scraped rectum, with

enough force to cause the wooden post to creak, although the noise was

immediately dwarfed by Kayleen's bitter scream.

"This is an accepted method of eliciting cooperation, my apprentice,"

whispered Zhorun, "I expect thee to devise something better."

Kayleen's harsh screams resonated in the torture chamber as the old man's

member raked her scraped and scorched insides, which he had not wanted healed

to savor how his manhood fanned the agony of lacerated flesh anew. His lust

quickly spent, the Southerner nonetheless lingered with his member inside

her bowels, enjoying for a while how his twists caused her further agonies.

After a while, he pulled out and fetched a tray, from which he picked up a

thick needle which he slid under the scorched flesh of Kayleen's left buttock,

pushing it sideways across the muscle while she howled shaking from pain.

When he used pliers to grab the tip of the needle and pull it, everybody

realized that the needle was being used to thread some kind of cord.

Her screams rose to desperate howls as the cord was pulled through the

scorched flesh, because it was knotted at regular intervals and the knots dug

a bloody trace of howling torment through blistered and burned tissue. The jug

was brought to her mouth, and she drank from it between gasps.

Each knotted cord subsequently threaded through her firm buttocks caused her

to madly rattle her chains, while her fingers wriggled helplessly above the

tight wrist cuffs and her toes curled and flexed as unspeakable torment

wracked her convulsing body. As more threads were pulled through the scorched

flesh, her agonies were increased by dragging them back and forth, or by

yanking two or three at the same time to watch her arch in midair, her muscles

rigid in unspeakable torment which could be protracted at leisure.

Cackling softly, he continued threading cords through her firm body, always

pushing the needle through stiff muscle when singed flesh was not available,

then slowly threading the knots one at a time through the wound, listening to

the progression of howls from her mouth as each knot added to the pain. After

her back, he threaded dozens of cords through her strained arms, watching her

long, supple legs rattle the chains holding them while she cried in despair.

The reason of this inspection turned up soon enough, when he started threading

cords through her lower limbs, alternating between the taut muscles of her

legs and the scorched, wounded insides of her thighs, causing her loins to

twitch spasmodically left and right while choked screams wracked her suspended

body as yanking the cords caused the flesh to pull and deform horribly.

Left alone, the cords by themselves would staunch the bleeding somewhat, but

pulling them back and forth as he repeatedly did caused blood to spurt while

unspeakable torment coursed through the wound, causing her voice to rise in

anguished despair followed by fits of choked howling.

She was doused with cold, salt water, causing her new agonies as the salt

seeped in her wounds. Her aroused tormentor, instead of grabbing her hips,

grabbed the ends of cords running through her thighs and pulled to drive his

erect member deep into her scorched rectum again, drooling at the desperate

howl which shook her body as a consequence.

Pulling left and right while he thrust his member violently inside her bowels,

the old man panted and cackled while Kayleen screamed in bitter pain, which

worsened when he pulled out to ream her insides with white powder which dried

them, denying even the respite of lubrication by blood when her rape was

subsequently resumed in earnest and cruelly protracted.

"Our esteemed guest from the South is no longer in his prime, and can use a

little help," commented Zhorun when Shandra noticed the Southerner consuming

something during Kayleen's violation. The explanation left the red-haired

sorceress gaping in disbelief at perversions she never contemplated before.

Panting, the Southerner released Kayleen from her suspension and fastened the

bands at her knees and thighs together before cuffing her ankles to a chain

from the ceiling. Like the wider band at her waist, these tight iron bands

worn without interruption for days had been a constant torment, chafing and

nicking skin and rubbing agonizingly over wounds as they slid over the limbs.

But this was nothing compared to the pain caused when he threaded the cords

running in her thighs and buttocks to those in her legs, shortening them so

that she had to keep her legs partially bent at the knee or have the knotted

cords rip through her flesh, a position sustaining which brought harrowing

screams when he lifted her completely off the floor by her ankles.

He let her hang there, screaming as the least attempt to distend her legs

resulted in devastating pain in her buttocks and thighs. After a while, he

produced a thick wooden pole and started pushing it in her vagina, screwing it

left and right while she howled in demented pain at the violation and at the

tearing of her flesh as keeping her legs bent proved almost beyond her means.

Somehow, she managed to endure the penetration without ripping the cords out

of her buttocks and thighs, although at the price of harrowing fits of

demented howling as the knots coursed back and forth in the wounds. When the

jug was offered to her, she drank avidly between fits of coughing.

The Southerner fetched another needle and slowly pushed it through her

dangling left breast, followed by the knotted cord and making sure to pull

down on it whenever she stopped screaming and convulsing from the pain. One

cord after another, he wound her breasts in a web of bloody torment, which

increased when he started soaking the cord in a powder which caused it to

chafe and burn inside the wounds, bringing her to spasmodic convulsions while

howls of unbridled agony surged uninterruptedly from her foaming mouth.

After both nipples had the fourth cord threaded through their sides,

distorting horribly whenever he yanked on the cords to force her to bend at

the waist in spite of the thick wooden pole impaling her, he straddled her and

grabbed the cords running through her bleeding breasts, pulling her chest up

between his legs and keeping her there, screaming and gurgling with her head

shaking left and right in relentless pain.

With a leer distorted by lust, he slid his erect manhood between her bleeding

breasts and pulled viciously on the cords, shredding the wounds as the knots

coursed through the firm flesh in rhythm with his thrusts. The first of many

desperate howls surged through her mouth as her neck distended in unbridled

agony, her jaw almost dislocating under the waves of torment rising from her

shredded nipples and the tormented flesh of her breasts. As he accompanied

each thrust downward with a pull on the cords, the agony of the knots coursing

inside the wounds in her thighs and buttocks raked her flesh mere moments

before the pain from her distorted breasts joined it, while the same cords

ripped another bit through her flesh each time he let her down.

Although the worst pain came from her nipples, which the knots were literally

shredding from inside between squirts of blood and gut-wrenching howls of mad

torment, he was pleasuring himself by tightening her breasts around his erect

manhood, folding the firm flesh to form a crevice of constricted flesh.

He clamped her nipples to prevent them from being shred to tatters, then kept

up his frenzied thrusts for a long time, tightening his grip on the cords in

search of a release which came only after many knots had ripped through her

breasts and nipples between bloody jerks and screams of desperate agony.

Even after his semen squirted on her neck and face, he continued yanking the

cords to rip more knots through her wounds, smiling while she tried between

screams to spit the drops entering her mouth. When he finally let her go,

hanging upside and swinging slowly, her breasts were crisscrossed by gashes

where the flesh had been ripped through by the cords, and to stop her profuse

bleeding he yanked her head until he brought her back against the face of her

friend, still sobbing from what she had been forced to witness.

The touch was enough to make Lyral tremble in horror, but she concentrated on

her power again, recognizing the need of her friend and conveying her healing

power through the inadequate conduct provided by the lips. Shandra watched

with surprise the horrid tears in Kayleen's breasts recede visibly, although

the nipples were still bleeding because other wounds were being healed.

"Priestly healing is not necessarily appropriate, my apprentice. Sometimes an

executioner would prefer sensitive areas to be restored first, in order to

bring them under duress sooner," quipped Zhorun.

Where the cords still coursed through wounds, Lyral's healing was nullified as

soon as it occurred, but the Southerner kept Kayleen in contact until he saw

her nipples recover, although not long enough to heal fully. Words formed in

Kayleen's mouth, but as she swung back they were drowned by a scream brought

about by the knots coursing again through the wounds in her thighs, and she

forgot them because he started yanking the cords in her breasts, left and

right, causing her to twirl in howling torment.

When he finally let her down, her breasts and nipples bled again, although not

as profusely as before, and he fastened her wrists to the chain, pulling her

arms up behind her back in a position which he had used on her so many times

that she shuddered, sobbing bitterly at the forthcoming pain. He subsequently

pulled her legs up, spreading them wide and fastening her ankles to a wedge

shaped steel bar placed behind her elbows, forcing her to bend at the waist.

To add his own personal touch to a technique he owed to Grod, he undid some of

the cords coursing through her legs to redo them differently, threading longer

cords through her breasts and nipples before reaching between her legs. Her

screams of bitter agony as knots coursed relentlessly inside her wounds raced

after each other when he pushed a needle through her left labia, threading a

cord soaked in caustic powder through the soft flesh, each knot wrenching a

ghastly scream from her torn mouth. The worst came when he threaded thin cords

through her clitoris, raking the knots through her flesh while she gurgled her

agony in desperate frenzies of fitful agony.

When ready, he pulled her off the floor by her wrists, twisting her arms in

their sockets while she cried in pain, and slid under her until his erect

member was placed under her vagina, painfully spread by the knotted cords

coursing through the labia and rim. He lowered her on his member, causing her

to howl like a demented animal because she was sliding down knotted threads

coursing through wounds all over her body, including her nipples and clitoris.

He then tightened the thread around her rim and yanked her up, pulling other

threads running through her breasts to lift her off in a howling jerk followed

by a hoarse scream as she slid down again.

He continued pulling her up and down with demented abandon, causing the cords

to course through her wounds among spurts of blood, distorting her breasts and

ripping the flesh open on each jerk. The knots in the tight ring constricting

her vagina rubbed his manhood through her flesh, bringing him further pleasure

and wreaking unspeakable agonies through her tender femininity. He made sure to

yank the thread occasionally, as it loosened from repeated traction, soaking

the despair this brought to her eyes like the finest of wines.

When he let her down, the orifice curled into folds by the knotted thread was

violently distended by his erect manhood, which found the knobbed grip almost

as pleasurable as her strangled howl of abject pain. The yank on her twisted

shoulder joints was almost forgotten before the agony of having her nipples

and clitoris violently traversed by two or three knots each time. If he had

not clamped them, they would have been shredded after a few pulls.

Under the effect of the drugs, his arousal was inordinately protracted and

quickly restoked, allowing him to enjoy her agonies several times, using the

white powder to dry her insides and wrapping his member in a spiked leather

harness to see her convulse in even more abject agony when he found the need

to compensate the dwindling of his frenzied lust. When he finally let her

down, her bleeding body was shaken by tremors while uninterrupted wheezing

screams surged from her foaming mouth.

The Southerner brought her briefly in contact with Lyral's lips again,

watching her wounds recede and proceeding to remove the cords, causing her to

scream again in demented pain, before letting Lyral heal her for some time. He

then dragged her under a chain which he fastened to her waist band, cuffing

her arms and belts to chains fastened to rings in the floor and pulling her up

by her waist until she hung belly up in mid air.

Kayleen had been unable to, but Lyral had paid attention to his preparations,

hearing metallic noises as items were being shuffled about, and the

recollection of her agony from the bronze cat jumped to her mind. He tightened

a vise shaped like a crocodile head across Kayleen's toes, enough to rekindle

her screams, and Lyral found her worst fears confirmed when he used a large

white hot pair of pliers to turn it red hot.

A gurgling scream wracked Kayleen's body because the device not only was

searing the tender flesh under her toes, but was apparently built of different

metals and deformed when heated, grinding its red hot metal teeth into her

flesh with relentlessly increasing force.

The same torment was repeated on her other foot and on her fingers, wrenching

howls of bitter pain from her twitching frame. Another crocodile encased her

left breast, and Lyral's eyes barely had time to widen before demented howls

of unbridled pain rose in the room as the red hot jaws cut into the firm

flesh, causing Kayleen's body to jerk spasmodically in screaming torment as

her breast was scorched and lacerated mercilessly while her tormentor kept

the crocodile red hot by frequently changing the pliers.

Although she tried to buckle away, another crocodile was placed on her labia

and soon she arched in demented agony as the tender flesh was scorched and

cut by the tightening copper jaws while she buckled and rattled her chains.

Pouring the contents of the jug down her mouth proved easy, thanks to her

position, but she fought the attempts to wind around her left arm a contraption

of metal bands in the fashion of a constrictor snake, twitching as the scales

cut bleeding scrapes in her skin. In spite of her efforts, he slowly tightened

it using screws and then started placing white hot iron nuggets in the

recesses spaced evenly along its length, causing it to contract around the

limb while the copper scales turned hotter and hotter.

Soon pain started wracking her limb and surging in pitiful screams as the

torment mounted uninterruptedly in spite of her convulsed jerks. Her eyes

darted to her other arm, where he was starting to assemble another metallic

snake, but the agony in the constricted limb increased beyond the shallow cuts

from the red hot scales as the bones of the forearm started hurting under the

mounting pressure. Meanwhile the constriction of her other arm had been

started and her tormentor started replacing the nuggets which had cooled off

with freshly heated ones, keeping her in screaming agony as her bones were

slowly cracked while red hot scales mercilessly raked her twitching limbs.

He continued the torment until the noise of cracking bone made itself heard

among her screams, although drowned immediately by a gut-wrenching howl from

her frothing mouth, and then set about winding a similar contraption around

her legs in spite of her convulsed attempts to wriggle free. As her hands

clenched and curled spasmodically, another crack could be heard between her

pitched howls as the agony from broken bones swept her twitching body.

Methodically, her tormentor heated the spires constricting her legs, bringing

her voice again to pitches of horrid agony after a brief lapse of sobbing

exhaustion. Her supple, strong legs took much longer to crack, a protracted

nightmare of red hot shredding by the copper scales while the bones creaked in

ever tightening anguish and foam bubbled from her mouth whenever she howled

her unbridled despair. When the sound of cracking bone echoed in the room, her

voice had been reduced to a wheezing croak, and the unspeakable pain wracked

her heaving chest like epileptic convulsions.

She drank from the jug in long, desperate gulps and immediately her renewed

energy burst from her throat in bitter screams. He lowered her on the floor,

and bent her broken and scratched legs at the knee against a wedge-shaped

steel bar before doing the same with her arms. Her wrists were then pulled

behind her up to her ankles, forcing her to arch to relieve the pain on her

broken limbs. The relief proved short lived because she was then hung between

the two bars, stretching her broken limbs into screaming torment.

Another metal contraption, fashioned after a coiling cobra, was fixed to her

chest and tightened on her left breast with pliers, bending the jaws until

they caught her nipple and distended the firm flesh by snapping back up while

she twitched in horrible agony as the pain had strained her broken limbs. New

tears streaked her face when a white hot iron nugget was inserted in the device

and it started singeing her nipple while the neck of the cobra distended,

stretching the bleeding nub of female flesh and the coil tightened on the rest

of her breast while the scales turned hot.

Her convulsed jerks made securing another coiled cobra on her other breast

difficult, but her tormentor had time and when the first one was already

making her left nipple sizzle and smoke between the fiery jaws, the second had

just began tightening. As she buckled and jerked spasmodically, screaming at

the top of her lungs, her broken limbs twitched under the flesh and even cut

through the skin in places, causing profuse bleeding which was summarily

staunched with cauterization. Slowly, her breasts were being blistered all

over by the tightening copper coils while, between hoarse screams of pure

agony, her nipples sizzled and oozed in the merciless grip of the fiery jaws.

After pouring the contents of the jug in her sputtering mouth, he placed a

spiderlike contraption on her vulva, pushing the legs under the folds of her

labia and tightening the oversized jaws on her clitoris while she arched in

pain while the second cobra heated fully. He let her buckle and scream until

the cobras started cooling off, then inserted a white hot iron nugget in the

device in her crotch. She felt it heat and started buckling in the mad attempt

to dislodge it, tearing ugly cuts in her clitoris but failing in her intent as

the legs of the device were distending and piercing the folds of her labia,

securing it into place and getting hotter by the minute.

The tendons of her neck distended in a wretched howl as the searing bite on

her femininity became intolerably hot and the red hot legs punctured her

insides, wracking spasms of unspeakable torment through her body which brought

her broken limbs to twitch agonizingly inside her aching limbs. Two freshly

heated nuggets rekindled the torment of her nipples, and the agony in her

vagina raged unabashed while she twitched between screams of raw agony.

Her screams waned and waxed as he changed the nuggets with freshly heated

ones, keeping her torment continuously stoked so that her convulsed jerks

wracked her broken limbs into twitching frenzies of wretched agony. Nipples

and clitoris were covered in sizzling blood and peeled raw by the heat, with

the copper jaws tearing them slowly to shreds while wracking fits of howling

torment shook her twitching frame and surged in hoarse cries from her mouth.

She was lowered and brought close enough for Lyral, still blindfolded, to

smell her and extend her lips to deliver her healing again. Tears streaked the

young Priestesses' face under the blindfold as she felt the anguish of her

friend, whose pain was such that she could barely articulate anything beyond

harsh gasps and wheezing screams.

"I can't ... " choked Kayleen, coughing blood. Lyral tried to intensify the

delivery of her healing power, crying in the hope to cover her friend's words.

"I can't ... take ..." repeated Kayleen, alerting the Easterner who yanked her

head to inspect the face, still contorted in unspeakable agony.

"The fabled Warrior Queen has collapsed rather quickly," spat Shandra, loud

enough to make onlookers turn in surprise. Lyral sobbed silently and tried to

whisper "I am here, Kayleen" in her friend's ear.

The words of the two women reached Kayleen's pain-wracked mind almost at the

same time, and stoked her rage. The friend she had betrayed was facing the

torments of hell with the her, while the one she had withstood untold agonies

for had betrayed her.

"It took you much less to sell yourself, bitch" spat Kayleen, enraged.

"You'll have ample occasion to regret your foul words," whispered Zhorun.

Kayleen was lowered on the floor, where her knees and thighs were cuffed

together, just like her elbows and wrists, behind her back. She was then

dragged screaming to a post, around whose base her feet were cuffed. A chain

was used to pull her wrists from behind her, forcing her body to slump forward

in a light arch while she screamed in horrid pain as heinous agonies wracked

her quivering, broken limbs forced to bear her full weight.

A long metal pole with the head fashioned after a porcupine was slid between

her distended legs until it reached her vagina, at which her tormentor guided

it so that it snug against the lower cleft and distended the upper, bulging

inside her and pushing her clitoris outward while she howled from the pain of

the violation, the barbs on the head and the pull on her broken legs. In her

pain, she failed to realize the deviousness of her predicament, because her

arms had been pulled back towards her calves, not up towards the ceiling, so

her weight now rested on the barbed head and yet pulled agonizingly on her

broken arms and legs, which twitched intermittently in bitter pain.

Ignoring her harsh sobs and occasional, pitched screams of despair, he wound

tightly around her body long threads of clamps fashioned after marching ants,

one following the other, the legs pinching her flesh after a quick grip with

the pliers which caused her to twitch with a brief scream.

The coals roaring nearby left little doubt about what would follow, and her

sobs turned into wracking jerks when he clasped her nipples and clitoris

between jaws fashioned after a dragon's head weighted down by a copper jug

heavy with liquid. The final step in the preparation of her ordeal was a long

wedge-shaped metal bar snug under her arms, to whose ends he fastened two

chains ending in two curved hooks, of which one from each side was used to

stretch her sphincter and the other to stretch her inner labia.

A sobbing scream of dread wracked her when he dragged a coal brazier under the

pole, because the heat immediately started licking her soles and she found out

that moving caused the barbed head she straddled to rake her insides and push

against the upper cleft of her vagina, while the curved hooks stretched her

orifices and the clasps drew tiny droplets of blood. As the torment of her

soles continued and the pole heated, the barbs on the head started rising and

her voice broke in a wretched scream as she realized that her innards would be

roasted and raked by the porcupine head she straddled.

Just as she started to twitch on the head, he dragged another, larger brazier

directly under her, from knees to breasts, whose heat rose immediately along

with her howl of agony and despair as the heat singed her flesh. He had made

sure that the ends of the chains of copper ants fell in the raging coals, so

that one by one each would heat, the pinch tightening and searing the flesh

while pulling it up against the scorching copper body.

She started convulsing in screaming pain, her scorched toes curling as the

heat reddened her soles and her hands clenching and stretching while her chest

heaved and buckled, wracked by howls of helpless torment which rose one after

the other as the searing barbs started cutting the tender flesh inside her

vagina while the ants pinched folds of her thighs, belly and breasts in a

vicious, scorching grip which rose along the chains wound around her body,

buckling left and right wracking heinous agonies through her quivering limbs

as she screamed and howled in wretched, raging pain.

Her tormentor grabbed her by the hair and poured the contents of the jug down

her sputtering mouth, well aware that soon her pain would increase. The oil

inside the jugs trapping her nipples and clitoris was beginning to sizzle the

trapped pieces of feminine flesh, rising between the clenched jaws with hot

droplets of unbearable pain which surged through her mouth as she convulsed

in spasms of atrocious torment. Her soles had turned crimson, and the flesh

caught in the grip of the copper ants blistered and oozed under the relentless

searing grip. Her innards sizzled and bled as she jerked spasmodically on the

red hot barbs, wracked by the torment of the porcupine head bulging under her

mons as if about to rip through, the barbs piecing through the flesh and

tearing blistering gashes in her vulva.

The sizzling agony in her nipples and clitoris mounted to unbearable levels

and compounded the agonies wracking her body, wrenching spasmodic howls of

absolute agony from her torn mouth before her voice waned to a pitiful wheeze

as her ability to vent the pain coursing through her body dwindled. She was

given a few sips of healing potion, which redressed her worst wounds and

restoked the agony in her voice, protracting her torment some more in spite of

the skin peeling from her soles and the blisters bursting in the grip of the

copper ants all over her body. A sip from the jug renewed her strength for a

while, and kept her convulsing on the barbed pole for some more time.

She had to be given a sip from the potion again, because her soles were now

scorched raw like the insides of her vagina, while the barbs had shredded her

vulva, with long gashes of singed flesh and crimson pieces of peeled meat hung

between copper jaws were her nipples and clitoris once stood. Her screams

echoed again under the vaults of the torture chamber.

The agony of her broken limbs was almost forgotten before the burst and

pierced blisters all over her body, especially her breasts where the flesh had

been shredded raw by too many copper ants, often hanging tenuously after

ripping through the burnt flesh under their weight. She kept howling as blood

mixed with foam at her mouth while she agonized on the barbed head.

Spasmodic jerks and demented howls wracked her body from toe to chin when her

exhausted muscles recovered enough to react to the uninterrupted torment,

while her voice rose in wheezing screams and waned in bitter gasps when they

didn't, her lips forming the name "Lyral" as her voice failed to speak it.

When her torturer decided to finally end the torment, it still took work and

further agonies to disentangle her from the post. When Grod stepped in, she

was dragged to where Lyral hung blindfolded and upon Zhorun's assent her head

was jerked up so that Lyral could reach her with her lips.

A harrowing moan shook Kayleen's devastated body as the soothing effect of her

friend's healing power coursed through her burns and wounds, the worst of

which were allowed to recede before Grod yanked her away. Kayleen's cry of

bitter dismay was desperate enough to crack the vaults above, but Lyral spoke

softly between tears, "I'll be with you to the very end, Kayleen."

The burly executioner dragged his sobbing victim to a table which she

recognized as a rack, but a rack where rows of spiked rollers awaited the

unfortunate victim. To Kayleen's horror, he placed her with her front on the

rollers, instead of her back, and she tried to put up a fight with her meager

forces when the barbs raked through the burns in her breasts. Her broken limbs

made her effort vain, and she was soon stretched over the rollers, her sobs

increasing when more rollers were laid across her back and buttocks and

screwed down, squeezing her on the rollers below.

When he cranked the rack, her wrists pulled her body through the spiked

rollers as if squeezing her through, leaving dozens of bleeding cuts in her

scorched flesh and wrenching a demented scream which rose to a howl once the

her muscles were pulled across the places where her bones had been broken.

When the pain waned, she shuddered in terror at the thought of what would come

next. Several of her long bones were broken, or badly cracked, and pulling on

her limbs would break and splinter them well before they could be torn off

their sockets. For a moment, she wished a splinter would sever an artery and

bleed her to death. A wave of atrocious pain flashed from her arms as the

stretching resumed, followed by the agony of dozens of cuts and the harsh

tearing of the flesh when her convulsed jerks raked the points inside the

cuts, burns and blisters fueling her voice into fits of helpless screaming.

Another wave of torment coursed through her arms when he released the tension

of the rack, and just as she twitched in spasmodic agony, a third blast of

white hot pain caught her when the rack was cranked again and blazing hot

torment rattled her arms and coursed through her quivering body while her

lungs shook from one harrowing screams after the other, her breath caught

short by the flashes of searing pain. He needed not bother with her joints if

healing could make her live through this, she realized.

He cranked the rack again, dragging her further along with a scream as the

cuts from the rollers compounded the agony in her arms, and then released her

before quickly cranking her back twice. Her screams echoed under the vaults in

harrowing fits of desperate pain. He kept cranking the rack, releasing her

occasionally so that she would snap back and twitch spasmodically from the

pain in her arms, raking the spikes inside her flesh between harrowing screams

of demented anguish. The places where her bones had been broken were now

visibly sunken, and he stopped her torment to encase them in tight splints and

let her sip avidly from the jug.

When her stretching resumed, she had been elongated enough that portions of

her back had been pulled clear of the rollers above, showing dozens of ugly

bleeding cuts. The rollers under her extended further, to make sure her

breasts would not fare so easily she thought, and the torment in her stretched

arms was slowly being matched by the agony of the rollers which increased with

each pull and the dozens of new cuts it brought. Her tremors were now almost

uninterrupted and the consequent trashing of her wounds wrenched uninterrupted

cries and screams from her drooling mouth.

As she was stretched further, another bone broke in her right arm and she

felt the tearing of her muscles as they stretched over the broken bone, while

pain mounted also where the bones of her legs had been broken. More cranking

and releasing wrought further harrowing screams from her wracked chest, and

when she was offered the jug again she was in such pain that most of what she

tried to drink she sputtered between screams.

Her tormentor moved to the other end of the rack and started cranking, pulling

on her legs and wrenching a desperate howl from her as pain coursed through

the broken bones in her lower limbs. After stretching her legs until her howls

became a single, uninterrupted bellow of desperate torment, he moved back and

released her arms one notch, an act which did not lessen her torment one bit

as her arms snapped from the release and the bones teetered along the fracture

lines, bringing gut-wrenching howls of helpless agony from her torn mouth.

He continued stretching her from her legs, slowly dragging her all the way

back through the rollers which had cut her when she was being pulled by her

arms. The points were her leg bones had been brisked were also wrapped with

splints. She was in too much pain to realize that the rollers had been made

small on purpose, so that over the course of a stretching they would complete

two or three full turns and subject her to the various kinds of spikes strewn

across them. Some were dull and long, some wickedly hooked, some had a forked

tip and the worst were thin razor sharp bristles of hard steel which shredded

the skin with a swath of parallel cuts.

When she had being dragged back about halfway, he reached her feet and pushed a

clamp under the nail of each pinky, which he then screwed wickedly shut while

her feet trembled as pain made her scream and bang her head on the wood. When

he resumed cranking, the clamps started pulling the nails out of their beds,

causing her to stiffen before bursting in a howl of mad torment which

continued while the nails were slowly ripped off.

She was doused with cold, salt water, and while she still writhed from the

salt seeping in her wounds two clamps were tightened on the nails of her

little fingers, and he resumed the stretching of her arms while slowly ripping

her fingernails off their beds between her protracted screams of wretched

agony. He methodically alternated between fingers and toes, occasionally using

salt water or a sip from the jug to revive her while ripping her fingernails,

stretching and releasing her broken limbs, dragging her back and forth through

the spiked rollers in abysses of pain and torment whose depth her voice soon

failed to relay, waning to wheezing howls of abject despair.

In the depths of atrocious torment, her broken limbs trembling from the

uninterrupted pull, it took her time to notice that he had bent under the

rack. A stab of searing white pain from her crotch fanned her voice to new

heights of deranged howling, because her tormentor was using a small scalpel

to trace crisscrossed shallow cuts through her mons, to which he patiently

attached small globs of sticky substance at the end of fine chains.

When done, a new agony burst from her crotch as a pan of coals was brought

under her, searing her flesh and clitoris as he moved it in small circles. The

scorching heat caused her to twitch and buckle, wracking horrendous pain in her

broken limbs and causing the spikes to trash in the wounds they seated in,

torments either of which would have been enough to wrench bitter screams from

her sore mouth but which together carried pain beyond her ability to voice it.

The true scope of the torment, however, was revealed when the candle was

removed and her legs cranked another notch, because her pubic hair had stuck

firmly in the dried globs and she felt its pull on the skin as her legs were

being stretched. After a few cranks, her howls were being fueled by the

ripping of her pubic hair, which often caused small patches of skin separated

by the shallow cuts to be pulled also. The release of the tension in her arms

wrenched new screams from her because of the agony from the broken bones but

helped none with the ripping of her pubic hair, and when the pull on her legs

resumed a patch of pubic hair and skin was pulled near ripping off while she

twitched in howling spams of wretched pain.

Slowly and excruciatingly, the first patch was ripped off her, while others

were being pulled from her bleeding mons in a steadily mounting nightmare of

unbridled anguish. Her pubic hair had been targeted before, but pulling by

hand was nothing like the protracted ripping notch by notch which wracked her

wounded body in wretched fits of convulsed pain between the spiked rollers.

The jug was brought to her lips, but her position and the continued pain made

sipping difficult. She drank enough to lend her voice some of her former

strength, which she spent soon after when after repeated cranking of her legs

she was dragged onto a roller unlike the others, a narrow wheel brimming with

short steel bristles placed to saw into her slit. The bristles punctured first

the area between her sphincter and the lower cleft of her vagina, then, guided

by his hands, the expanse between her inner lips and then, as he continued

pulling on her legs while she writhed in unspeakable torment from the agony of

her broken bones, the upper cleft. Slowly but inexorably, she was being

dragged into having her clitoris punctured by dozens of steel bristles.

Her agonies found new peaks, starting from her stretched limbs were the broken

bones showed under the trembling flesh, sunken and purplish from the traumas

of alternated stretching and releasing, the splints only intended to prevent

the severing of blood vessels. Her body from thighs to neck was punctured by

hundreds of wounds, some tiny and almost closed and others badly trashed,

bleeding and lacerated by her spasmodic twitches. Her mons was a bloody swath

of flayed flesh as hair and skin had been ripped off with excruciating

slowness, and the steel bristles were mercilessly piercing her clitoris.

The jug was brought to her lips again, and in spite of her efforts she all but

sputtered the contents between screams of harsh pain. Another liquid was then

poured on the rollers, and the acrid smell of bleach reached her nostrils just

as the substance flared in her bleeding wounds, causing her spasmodic jerks

desperate enough to rattle the wooden table in a howled frenzy of agony.

The bleach soaked the rollers at first, but as she was dragged back and forth

by stretching and releasing her limbs it was squeezed onto her wounds, burning

like molten lead and seeping in the cuts being further lacerated by her frenzy

of atrocious agony. Her voice waxed and waned endlessly in a pain which found

no avenue to its expanse, and even the splints barely managed to prevent her

from pushing the splintered head of her broken bones out of her own flesh.

"Lyral ..." she could be heard imploring between screams, a plea her young

friend could not fulfill until allowed by their torturers.

Her tormentor instead fulfilled Zhorun's silent will to the hilt, dragging her

back and forth on the bleach soaked rollers while her helpless scream rose

uninterrupted under the vaults of the torture chamber. She was never given

respite, except to let her sip from the jug in order to renew her strength.

She was squeezed mercilessly through the spiked rollers, notch by notch, by

pulling her from either pair or limbs until they almost tore at the point

where the broken bones teetered inside the trembling flesh, and then releasing

the other end while her voice surged in unbridled torment.

In a showoff of woeful expertise, Grod managed to protract her agonies until

she was in such deep shock that pain no longer reached her, all without having

her healed in any way. With Zhorun's assent, he extricated her from the rack

and dragged her trembling form near Lyral, letting the priestess heal her

friend for a while and then pulling Kayleen away when he noticed that her

fractured limbs were showing signs of redress. Kayleen's strangled cry of

bitter despair drowned Lyral's sobbing words as the splints were removed.

Zhorun gestured to have Kayleen brought before him. She lay there, coughing

and moaning, her broken arms kept together behind her back at the elbows and

wrists but her legs twitching as the ankle cuffs alone were no substitute for

the splints. Her body was still littered with spike wounds and her mons a

swath of pulsating raw flesh, but her tear-streaked face looked up.

"As thou should know, my apprentice, spells are devised to deal a decisive

blow," whispered Zhorun, raising his hands and then unleashing thin rays of

white light which traced bluish bruises on Kayleen's battered body, causing

her to buckle and scream as her flesh was being subjected to intense cold.

"Only the weakest, by virtue of the limited damage they inflict, can be of any

use in an interrogation," he added, and while Kayleen was still sobbing,

tongues of reddish flame left his gnarled fingers and washed over her body,

causing her to arch in screaming agony as the flames caused extensive burns.

"In any case, they're either instantaneous or soon expired. Thy test is about

this, my apprentice. I expect to be surprised by thy inventiveness."

Chapter 25 - The Mundane and the Magic

Kayleen's cries echoed at intervals in the darkness of the unlit chamber, her

back against the wall and her spread arms, cuffed at the wrists to rings set

just above her head, unable to provide the support which could prevent her

broken bones from teetering. The same applied to her legs, pulled wide in a

savage split with her ankles cuffed to rings at hip height and twisted

outwards because of a wooden wedge pushing her loins forward.

Forcing her weight on her outstretched limbs had displaced her fractures, but

her screams were in no small part due to the stinging tree branches set under

her slit, too low to lean on but just high enough to brush her nether regions.

She could spare her labia their caress by pulling herself up, at the price of

wracking hideous pain throughout her fractured limbs.

She was still shivering violently from the repeated splashes with cold, salt

water, a parting treatment whose inception she had lost track of, although she

remembered that Lyral was there. She had always been wounded enough for the

salt to find plenty of avenue to add its harsh bite to her torment well into

the night, but in the long run the cold and the bitter shivers were the worst.

Her friend hung nearby by her toes, close, yet not enough to provide healing,

moaning softly in the attempt to withstand the torment in her toes in order

to preserve her power. Just after the last torch left, Kayleen had called.

"Lyral ... help me, my arms ..." she had croaked.

"They hung me too far from you, Kayleen," replied Lyral.

"Please ... try, it hurts." cried Kayleen, sobbing when the rattling of the

chain Lyral hung from confirmed the harrowing truth.

Lyral bit her lip, then closed her eyes in resignation. She flexed her legs as

much as she could, and then let herself down, screaming at the top of her

lungs when the jerk savagely gouged the thumbscrews she hung from.

"Lyral, what's up ?" asked Kayleen, not realizing that her friend was trying

to sever her own toes in order to heal her. More rattling and screams.

"Lyral, what are you doing ?" cried Kayleen, her voice still hoarse.

"Don't ... worry, Kayleen. I am going to heal myself after", croaked the young

Priestess, dizzy with pain and surprised at how resilient her toes were - when

she had decided to try, she had thought that they were almost severed already.

"Please stop it, whatever you're doing. I'll need your help, tomorrow" sighed

Kayleen. Lyral gave up, worried at her friend's condition but realizing that

her desperate stunt had little chance to work anyway.

The rest of the night was an uninterrupted nightmare of agony for Kayleen, who

slowly abandoned any attempt to lift her crotch off the stinging leaves, even

as her labia began to swell horribly from the constant rubbing. She tried to

stifle her screams, but Lyral missed none of her bitter gasps and wretched

hisses, sobbing silently after running out of words of comfort.

When heavy footsteps announced morning, Kayleen's relief at the healing she

thought forthcoming almost overcame her dread at what lay ahead. A knot formed

in her stomach, however, when the Southerner cuffed her elbows and wrists

behind her back, and dragged her to where she had been whipped yesterday.

A desperate scream surged from her throat when she was pulled up by the

ankles, because the savage split that had been painful yesterday was now

excruciating for the broken bones of her legs. The Southerner splashed her

with cold water and then started whipping her breasts, buttocks and between

her legs, causing her to writhe and scream in renewed agony.

Such was the pain from her bones that it took her some time to realize how

much the whipping was being protracted this time, while the pain in her

striped breasts and buttocks mounted steadily. When the whip stroked her

swollen labia, a bright flash of white hot torment rattled her whole body and

wrought a scream of animal anguish from her torn mouth.

She continued to writhe and buckle in insane pain, hanging upside down with

her thighs spread for the whip and screaming in agonies whose origin was no

longer discernible in a haze of uninterrupted torment. She was finally let

down, at the hands of the impenetrable Easterner, and dragged to a place where

Lyral lay on the floor in a strict hogtie, the head encased in a wooden box.

The silent torturer pulled her arms up behind her, wrenching a howl of

desperate agony from her mouth as strain wracked the fractured limbs, further

displacing the bones inside the swollen flesh. She offered no resistance when

he guided her right foot into a hole in the box encasing Lyral's head.

When her toes leaned on something wet and mobile, as her ankle cuff was being

fastened to the box, she recognized Lyral's gurgled pleas and realized that

her foot had been forced into her friend's mouth. Her other leg had been bent

and fastened to the right wrist, leaving her suspended by the left arm, her

torso at an angle and Lyral's mouth under her right foot, shifting her weight

from which wrought unspeakable torment through her fractured left arm.

While she shifted her weight back and forth between bitter sobs and occasional

screams, she suddenly felt Lyral's soothing power course through her. Just as

warm tears of gratitude started replacing the bitter tears of woe streaking

her face, a devastating burst of white hot agony surged in her left foot. Her

tormentor was drilling a corkscrew in the tender sole, twisting it slowly by

its T-shaped handle while holding her curling toes with his other hand.

The excruciating pain continued unabated while she rattled her chains and

shook in a fit of howling woe, no longer able to spare her friend who saw her

precarious concentration shattered. Once the corkscrew stopped, she hung there

trembling in wretched pain, but as her screams diminished her tormentor

started twisting the corkscrew back, slowly pulling it out and rekindling her

screams of unbridled agony as blood squirted from the lacerated flesh.

Still wracked by pangs of throbbing agony, Kayleen could not believe her own

body when the soothing warmth of Lyral's power suffused her again. She wished

desperately that her tormentor would not notice, but she saw his gaze inspect

her teary eyes and his hands reach for her right breast. Just as she closed

her eyes, too late, the corkscrew drilled its way in the firm flesh of her

generous mammary, wracking her into a jerk of howling agony.

She continued jerking and buckling in hideous pain, with the blood squirting

from the wound while her tormentor grasped her flesh and twisted the corkscrew

slowly deeper and deeper, wrenching new howls of wretched torment each turn.

When the bloody tip broke through the other side, he just kept twisting while

she vented her anguish from hitherto unexplored depths of hellish agony.

The soothing from Lyral's attempts at healing her returned many times, always

followed by bursts of white hot torment as the corkscrew was twisted back and

forth through her quivering flesh. After drilling twice more through her poor

breasts, her thighs and legs were slowly drilled through in spite of her mad

jerks of deranged torment. The screw was never pushed deep in the flesh,

trashing through stiff muscle until the bloody tip emerged in a squirt of

blood while her mouth almost dislocated from the howls wracking her chest.

Moving behind her, he started drilling up from the back of the thigh until the

tip emerged from the buttock, twisting the corkscrew with excruciating

slowness through muscles stiffened by the strain of her position and spasming

from the compounded torment of the drill and the fractures, each turn causing

a new howl to burst through the foam in her mouth and jerk her head in a

snap before losing itself under the vaults of the chamber.

With methodical cruelty, he always returned to drilling through her bloody

breasts, squeezing a firm mammary in the hand while slowly twisting the long

corkscrew in until it pierced through the other end, and then continuing to

twist it while she howled in mad pain. In spite of Lyral's efforts, she bled

from dozens of excruciating wounds and when he started drilling the corkscrew

around her sphincter, keeping the tip buried inside the wall of her rectum,

repeated frenzies of howling agony and spasmodic buckling wracked her to the

point of badly displacing the fractures in her right arm and left leg.

When the Easterner let Kayleen down, Lyral put all her efforts into healing

her friend as quickly as possible, allowing some semblance of sanity to return

to a mind awash in mad pain for so long. Kayleen felt her friend's mouth, but

the warm flow of healing was suddenly broken when she was dragged away.

Kayleen was carried to a contraption not unlike a steel chair deprived of the

seat, and had her ankle and knee cuffs fastened to the front legs before being

forced to arch back until he could fasten her wrists to the ankles. He let her

sip from the jug, then twisted into her rectum between her screams of pain a

sturdy hook lowered from the ceiling and used it to lift her off the floor.

He then suspended Lyral's hogtied body from a wedge-shaped steel bar under her

arms, near enough to be able to yank Kayleen's hook until her face ran into

her friend's hands, bound behind the back. He spent some time adjusting the

position of the two girls, then grabbed Kayleen's dangling left breast,

clamped the nipple and pushed up the corkscrew between the jaws of the clamp,

slowly twisting it into her breast flesh between squirts of blood and hellish

screams bursting past her foaming mouth while she twitched madly on the hook.

The corkscrew pierced the sole of her right foot while a scream of desperate

pain shook her mouth, and she kept buckling and screaming her lungs out while

her tormentor protracted the torment of her twitching foot. When her screams

waned to a wheeze, he yanked her face between Lyral's hands.

"Kayleen, is it you ?" called the young Priestess, her fingers exploring the

features of Kayleen's face. She did not wait for a response to allow her power

to flow freely. The syrupy liquid of the jug tasted bitter in Kayleen's mouth.

Sobs and harsh gasps wracked Kayleen's hanging body until her tormentor let

go, causing her to swing back and the healing to stop. Grabbing the left fold

of her labia, he started driving the corkscrew through the tender flesh and

kept drilling in spite of her spasmodic jerks, wrenching hellish screams of

nightmarish torment from her her and bringing her agony to bottoms of depraved

cruelty when the tip reached her clitoris and he guided it through the

sensitive feminine flesh with a pair of pliers, continuing to twist the

corkscrew while her mouth distended in a frenzied howl of pain after another.

He protracted her torment drilling into her clitoris through the other labia,

and then squeezed her breasts together and drilled through the bases of her

nipples while she frothed at the mouth, gurgling in unabated anguish and

screaming when her voice found some of its former strength again. But a new

chill gripped her throat when she felt the tip of the corkscrew on her left

leg, where her fractured bone was easily felt in the swollen flesh.

The agony of a thousand hells raged through her body when the corkscrew

penetrated the swollen flesh at the fracture point and insinuated between the

displaced ends of the broken bone, howling through her foaming mouth in

shrieks of unabated torment and wracking her body into spasms of demented woe.

The pain shook her without mercy nor interruption and was protracted as each

limb in turn was savaged by the corkscrew while waves of blazing pain coursed

through her body and burst in gut-wrenching howls from her torn mouth. She

kept writhing in raw pain on the hook while the drill trashed her displaced

fractures, her voice waning and waxing in screams of harrowing agony, until

her tormentor pushed her contorted face between Lyral's hands again.

Only despair set apart Kayleen's scream when the healing was interrupted from

those which had echoed under the vaults before, and she hung sobbing bitterly

while the Southerner changed Lyral's restraints, connecting the wrists and

ankles with a slender chain wound around a pulley. He then let Kayleen down,

with a wedge under her back so that she was a few inches off the floor, and

spread her arms and legs wide, cuffing them to iron rings.

Lyral tried to dive and reach her friend's forehead, discovering with a scream

that this caused her shoulder joints to bear most of her weight. Yet, after a

few attempts she managed to reach her friend's forehead with her lips and kiss

it, causing Kayleen to burst in a sob of disillusioned relief.

"Lyral ... too much ... I can't ..." she whispered between bloody coughs.

"Do not despair, Kayleen. I'll be with you to the end" answered Lyral.

Slowly, Lyral's healing power coursed through Kayleen's wracked body, and soon

the fractures started to improve visibly. Kayleen's position no longer

prevented the magic from melding the bones together, and her agony was

receding rapidly when the devious imagination of her tormentor manifested

again as he put the tip of the corkscrew against the inside of her thigh and

started drilling obliquely, keeping the corkscrew inside the flesh while she

buckled in mad pain until he brought the tip against the bone and started

scraping it with forceful twists on the T-shaped handle of the corkscrew.

As unbridled agony wracked violently her stretched body, the soothing warmth

of Lyral's power was swept aside by the raging torment of the scraped bone,

and even when Lyral managed to resume the process, it addressed her fractures

before the comparatively minor but excruciating wounds reaching through stiff

muscle and chipping at her bones. Unspeakable torments wracked her stretched

body as the flesh of her limb was trashed by the corkscrew seeking the bone

to inflict protracted, spasmodic frenzies of hellish agony.

With uncharacteristic savagery, the Easterner slid the corkscrew through the

base of her breasts to repeatedly scrape her ribs, one after the other,

placing himself between Kayleen's buckling body and Lyral's lips. Wretched

howls of gasping torment surged from Kayleen's mouth as the blood squirting

from the pierced breasts flowed in rivulets down her heaving chest, so wracked

by screams that she could not find the breath to articulate the pleads

mounting within her. The Easterner could not discern the croaked syllables

which escaped her mouth between screams of unspeakable torment as he twisted

the corkscrew through the base of her clitoris to scrape her pubic bone.

When he moved off, to continue drilling from a more advantageous position,

Lyral plunged again, ignoring the pain in her shoulder joints, and reached

Kayleen's sweat-soaked forehead.

"Kayleen, I'm here! Don't shake your head, let me heal you" she whispered,

her teeth chattering from the agony in her shoulders.

However much Kayleen craved Lyral's soothing touch, keeping still before the

blazing agony tearing through her clitoris and scraping her pubic bone was a

feat beyond human possibilities, but the mirage of Lyral's healing gave her a

goal beyond making her pleads heard.

When the merciless continuation of the torture brought exhaustion, she had

managed to offer Lyral half a dozen chances to deliver her some healing

through kisses which suffused her pain-wracked body with temporary relief from

the unspeakable agonies inflicted on her, slowly mending her broken bones.

The wounds in her breasts and crotch still bled, and she still buckled in

horrid agony whenever a twist on the corkscrew scraped her pubic bone and

savaged the tattered strands of flesh from her clitoris, held between the jaws

of the pliers wielded by her tormentor, but the warmth of her friend's help

had temporarily swept the pall of despair away.

When Grod stepped in, she was still twitching in anguish while her restraints

were carefully changed. She had vaguely hoped to be left in Lyral's care, but

her tormentor had other plans and while she was left chained on the floor to

sip from the jug like a dog, Lyral was dragged to the cross rack. Kayleen's

sight cleared enough to realize what fate awaited her friend, and the terror

of having her friend's limbs broken like hers coursed through her, spurring

her to a mad jerk which caused Grod to lose his grip on her strong body.

Although not quite in her best shape, Kayleen seized the chance with the

strength of desperation and flexed her chained legs in a double kick, ignoring

the pain in her feet as her nail beds had not been healed. Grod was pushed

back, fighting for balance, and an armor clad figure materialized just as

Zhorun rose from his seat. With sudden quickness, Shandra extended her arms

and a shower of tiny sparkles engulfed Kayleen, leaving her paralyzed.

"I commend thy quickness, my apprentice. That spell I should learn," said

Zhorun, dismissing the armor clad figure once Grod nodded in confirmation.

"She'll be able to move soon. Just wait a few minutes," said Shandra.

"Why wait ?" said Zhorun after a while, "Grod, twist her fingers. Hard."

Grod did as ordered, puzzled at first, inspecting her while tentatively

twisting her stiff fingers and arms.

"The paralysis made the muscles stiff, although she still breathes. It seems

the effect is more intense on long, thin muscles. If I pull or twist them, I

can see signs of pain. Even her face contorts, albeit slowly"

"Unfortunately, we would have to wait the expiration of the spell to hear the

information being sought. A glaring opportunity for thy test, my apprentice,

if the spell can be made more selective. You may proceed, Grod."

Grod dragged Kayleen near the cross rack, but had to wait until her muscles

returned to normal before fastening her wrists and ankles to the device, her

shoulders and hips caught by the bands which allowed the pull to be applied on

the limbs without endangering the spine. She had been able to see Lyral hung

under the arms of the device, an obviously improvised predicament.

Once she was firmly fastened to the device, he started encasing her limbs

between heavy wooden planks, whose purpose Kayleen recognized as a knot formed

in her throat. She had already been tormented with a variant of the devices,

which squeezed the limbs and cracked bone under the relentless pressure of

hammered wooden wedges. These planks came in twin pairs, kept together by iron

screws at the four corners, and the inner planks had iron spikes.

He started tightening the planks, one at a time, verifying that the spikes did

not endanger major blood vessels, ignoring her gasps and cries as the skin was

being pierced. Under the device, Lyral felt the blood drip on her flesh while

Kayleen's screams mounted, and twisted left and right, attempting to reach her

friend's arms. Being shorter, she managed to reach the planks encasing the

forearms; the rack itself made landing a kiss with the lips out of question.

Kayleen's bitter gasps and short screams continued while her tormentor made

sure that the iron bands at her shoulders and hips were firmly in place, then

poured in her reluctant mouth a good third of the contents of the jug. When he

started cranking the rack, the left arm first, she was wracked by a scream of

bitter despair as the limb was stretched through the grip of the spiked planks

which cut bleeding gashes through her quivering flesh.

The torment of the spikes being dragged forcefully through her stiff muscles

surged from her mouth in protracted screams of helpless agony, broken by

pitiful choking and then resumed as another notch was measured in fractions of

an inch through bleeding, lacerated flesh. When the tension was released, the

limb snapped, in spite of the planks, and the spikes trashed the edge of the

wounds they had dug, causing her howls to rise to high heaven as she jerked

her head in demented agony. When tension was applied again, they resumed the

forceful ripping of her flesh as the pull of the rack dragged them inside

wounded flesh between trembling screams of convulsed torment.

As her limbs were slowly stretched, since each notch released was followed by

two notches of stretching, sometimes applied to both upper or lower limbs and

sometimes to an arm and a leg instead, her shoulder and hip joints were

brought almost to the point of dislocation, wracking savage waves of

excruciating pain through her convulsing body and gut-wrenching screams of

helpless agony through her heaving chest.

The heads of her long bones teetered agonizingly in their joints, ready to be

torn off at the slightest increase in tension ... such as a convulsed jerk

when a red hot iron was lightly dragged under her left breast, leaving a

smoking crimson burn in the tender flesh and a demented howl echoing in the

torture chamber. By repeated, protracted scorching of her breasts she was

slowly made to dislocate the left arm by her own convulsed jerks.

"May I help ?" asked the Southerner with a smirk, watching the robed corpse

and studiously avoiding Grod's irritated frown. When Zhorun assented, the old

man consumed some concoction with a loud sigh. He positioned between Kayleen's

arms and grabbed her head, thrusting his erect member down her throat with a

force which pushed on her neck and sent pangs of torment through her shoulder

joints, forcing her howl to envelope his manhood while she gurgled in despair.

"Hold the iron there ... closer, closer ... fine, I'll do the rest" said the

Southerner to an irritated Zhorun, making him hold the glowing red hot iron

across Kayleen's nipples, close enough to singe them upon each strangled

breath but not enough for actual contact. The Southerner continued enjoying

Kayleen's gurgled pleasuring of his member for a while, then grabbed her hair

and thrust forcefully his member into her mouth, pushing her enough to wrench

blazes of white hot agony from her shoulder joints and to push the nipples

into contact with the red hot iron, arching in rutting pleasure when her

spasmodic screams enveloped his bulging member while she shook in mad agony.

Lyral kept sobbing from impotence as her friend's torturous violation was

protracted a few inches from her head. When the Southerner's lust was spent at

last, Kayleen's screams as her breasts were slowly scorched with the hot iron

resumed, until the sound of her other shoulder tearing off its socket could be

heard for an instant before being drowned by a bitter howl of raw agony.

Just as she was consumed by the agony in her shoulders, Grod started hammering

wedges between the twin planks encasing her arms, each of different thickness,

forcing the planks to tighten their grip on her strained muscles and the

spikes to dig fractionally deeper. When the red hot iron rubbed her labia, she

arched in mad agony, not only from her scorched femininity but from the spasms

in the constricted muscles of the arm, forced to stiffen in the spiked grip of

the savagely tight planks. As the red hot iron was repeatedly dragged inside

her thighs, through her slit and under her clitoris, she twitched and buckled

between demented howls of raw agony until the Southerner moved between her

splayed legs, taking the iron from Grod's hand and thrusting it up her ass.

A gurgled howl burst from her mouth as she arched as much as her constraints

allowed, wracking her hip joints through white hot blazes of searing pain,

vainly attempting to escape the slow searing of her bowels. When the iron was

pulled out, the Southerner returned it to Grod and pointed insistently to her

nipples. Grod, still visibly irritated, heated the iron again and placed it

close to her nipples again, so that when the Southerner thrust his member up

Kayleen's scorched rectum his push brought the nipples in contact.

Kayleen's desperate screams continued unabated for the whole duration of her

violator's drug enhanced lust, fanned by the repeated scorching of her nipples

and the incessant scraping of his manhood on the oozing walls of her bowels.

She continued screaming even when he pulled out, quivering from the residual

pain and occasionally wracked by a wave of hellish agony.

With manifest irritation, Grod proceeded to hammer wedges between the planks

encasing her lower limbs, wrenching more screams of atrocious pain from her

shaking body which became demented howls once he started to brush her labia

and clitoris with the hot iron again, because the planks squeezed the spikes

into the muscle just as the limb strained near dislocation, and the agony from

the spasms in the twitching legs was almost on par with the searing pain from

burned flesh. Upon Zhorun's assent, Grod pushed the hot iron deep up Kayleen's

bowels, reaming them slowly while she arched and buckled in atrocious pain,

screaming mindlessly as her chest heaved in a convulsed jerk after the other.

The Southerner returned between her legs, savagely grabbed her scorched labia

and thrust his drug hardened manhood inside her blistered love channel, the

drool at the corners of his mouth matching the foam bubbling in hers as she

howled in pitiful agony under the repeated tearing of her scorched innards.

After a protracted frenzy of savage lust, her violator pulled out and pointed

to the red hot iron, as if to complain because it had been left in the

brazier; Grod's irritation was about to burst in violence when Zhorun's voice

slithered through the room, audible in spite of Kayleen's cries.

"Your exemplary cooperation has been noted, Grod," said the former wizard.

A strange expression distended Grod's lineaments, so quickly that Shandra was

not able to tell if she had really seen fear on the executioner's face, and he

again placed the red hot iron close to Kayleen's nipples just as the old man

was almost done smearing her love channel with white powder. When he resumed

her violation, the innards dried by the powder were deprived of the meager

benefit of lubrication from the blood and ooze from the blistered walls and

agonizingly chafed by the studded leather harness worn on his drug hardened

member, while new shrill screams of wretched agony coursed through her

convulsing body, until his frantic thrusts forced her left thigh to teeter

into and out its socket until ripped off between desperate howls of agony.

Lyral felt something drip on her buttocks and squirmed in horror at the

thought of the savage old man's semen being released inside her friend's

ravaged innards. It took her a while to realize that Kayleen's torturous

violation was continuing, because the Southerner's frenzied lust had been

fanned by his victim's agony and he continued to linger inside her, relishing

in her convulsed jerks and sobbing humiliation at being abused beyond lust.

Meanwhile, Grod started tightening strong iron bands at her knees and elbows,

apparently unconcerned with her predicament save for another sip from the jug,

Upon the old man's request, he handed over a small grater and ignored him when

he started rasping and peeling her blistered clitoris, drooling while she

twitched and buckled her pelvis around his member, massaging it in the

exhilarating rhythm of excruciating agony while her mouth sang the song of

pitiful woe which most aroused her deranged tormentor.

Before Grod was done with his work, the Southerner thrust violently into her

vagina with renewed lust, screaming hoarsely in rhythm with his pumping while

her voice croaked in pitiful shrieks of bitter torment. Grod was no longer

holding the iron to her nipples, but the Southerner kept her bleeding clitoris

between the rasp and his thumb so that each thrust brought a new squirt of

blood from her femininity and a new howl of hellish agony from her mouth.

At long last, his rabid thrusts managed to force the dislocation of her other

hip joint, at which her howls of abysmal pain brought him to increase his

rhythm in triumph, but in his frenzied lust he continued violating her, and

continued pushing violently with his loins even after squirting his release

within her womb with a strangled gasp of ecstatic pleasure.

Grod poured the remaining contents of the jug down Kayleen's distended mouth

and splashed her with cold water, but allowed her no other respite before

cranking the rack again. Slowly, arm by arm, the device stretched her limbs

further, pulling from ankles and wrists on her elbow and knee joints. Lyral

took a while to take stock of this new development and her mouth opened in

mute terror, as her training told her that a dislocation of the knee or elbow

was if possible even more painful than at the shoulder or hip.

Kayleen's wretched screams soon confirmed her friend's worst fears, and her

head alternated between banging on the rack and contorting into fits of

unbelievable agony, her mouth wracked by screams so devastating that it almost

looked like it could not stretch enough to accommodate them. The planks around

her limbs had been further tightened by hammering more wedges and squeezed her

limbs into misshapen bundles of unrelenting pain, turning the pull from the

rack and from her convulsed jerks into bone cracking pressure. The spikes dug

bleeding gashes in her strained muscles, causing them to snap and twitch in

abysmal torment while she howled in wretched anguish.

Just as her knees and elbows were slowly dislocated, the savage compression

started cracking her bones, one by one, arm by arm, protracting the hideous

torment of her deformed, convulsing body into a nightmare of hellish agony

which refused to end when marrow squirted from her thigh bones, when her voice

waned into wheezing howls as her forearms snapped from the elbows, even when

her knees tore while he crushed her feet inside spiked iron boots.

When the nightmare of hideous agonies and protracted screams finally ended

into a fitful aftermath of raucous moans as the rack was released, Lyral's

efforts to reach her friend succeeded as her fingers touched Kayleen's elbows,

which to Lyral's horror had been atrociously dislocated out of their

restraints and hung between the arms of the cross rack.

While Lyral managed to stop screaming and started delivering whatever healing

she could to the mangled body of her friend, the Southerner was disrobing and

wearing the same spiked harness he had worn a few days ago. Shandra, aghast,

looked at him in disbelief.

"What demented antics is this ?" she blurted.

"My apprentice does not appreciate your efforts, my esteemed guest" whispered

Zhorun, with a dangerous streak of cruelty in his chuckle.

"If my Master let me have my ways with her ..." commenced the Southerner, his

member already hardening in the leather harness.

"You forget your stature, my esteemed guest. Besides, this specific area of

expertise has traditionally been the province of sorcery, has it ?" he asked.

"What ..." replied Shandra, dumbfounded until realization hit her. Sorcery was

magic that sprung from within, unlike wizardry which took years of study, and

many budding sorcerers found their lot in life by selling love potions and

love spells. Or arousal spells. They sold well, Shandra remembered. She had

never shared the outrage and embarrassment which hung over such applications of

magic, but now a knot formed in her stomach at the implications.

"Make thyself useful, my apprentice. Put some of thy power to the help of our

aged guest here, and make sure his manhood is up to the task for the whole

duration of the forthcoming endeavor. I might still learn something."

"He ... he won't endure it. He's too old" stuttered Shandra, her eyes bulging.

"He can have a potion when necessary. I'm sure he's ready to take the chance,"

said Zhorun just as the Southerner nodded with a lewd grin.

Trembling, Shandra recalled the arousal spell and neared, extending her hand

to touch his erect member. It hardened visibly just as she recoiled.

Meanwhile, Lyral had continued pouring her healing power into Kayleen's

mangled body. The hideous cracks in the leg bones had been mended and almost

healed, but the position of the arms prevented a similarly effective healing,

which in turn made further efforts pointless. Lyral forced herself to stop and

conserve her power just as the Southerner neared and released her.

The old man seemed to notice that something had changed in the young Priestess

while she cuffed her wrists and ankles. The girl who used to shake in terror

before him no longer was, although her eyes still filled with tears when her

friend's voice rose in a gurgled, wheezing scream. He discarded the impulse of

investigating the matter as he wanted to possess the blonde Northern goddess

as soon as possible, and once done released Kayleen from the rack, letting her

slide to the floor in a heap of dislocated limbs like a screaming rag doll.

Spurred by hope, Lyral wriggled on the floor in the spasmodic effort to bring

her hands to touch Kayleen's trembling arms, which rested on the floor, cuffed

together in a position that would not impede healing. She started immediately,

her eyes closed, and sensed the bones mending and reshaping as desperation

lent her power an effectiveness she would not have expected in the times

devoid of nightmarish agonies that were but a dim shade of the past.

She was allowed to continue for some more time and then a swarthy hand yanked

her by the hair, breaking contact. Kayleen's scream of heart-rending despair

as the healing was interrupted short of fully restoring her dislocated limbs

tore through Lyral's tears like a whiplash.

The old man cuffed Kayleen's wrists and ankles together behind her back, then

pushed a small hook through the firm flesh of her left breast, wrenching a

protracted scream from her torn mouth. More followed, into both breasts,

thighs and belly, often tightened with pliers while she buckled in harrowing

pain, and fastened one by one to the crossed steel bars he favored for

suspensions. She continued to scream as more hooks pierced her feminine flesh,

distending her outer labia and deforming her vagina, one tearing at the bottom

cleft while two pulled on the inner labia tearing open the upper cleft.

When he pulled her up, demented howls of excruciating pain wracked her chest,

as there were not enough hooks to bear her weight and she had to support

herself with hands and feet to prevent the hooks from ripping off, a support

which her dislocated limbs could offer only at the price of harrowing agonies.

Her tormentor made sure the chains were barely long enough to let her stand on

her toes and fingers, and for a while just savored the sight of her spasmodic

trashing while her limbs teetered and twitched, wracking bitter screams

through her panting chest while the hooks tore at her flesh.

Suddenly, he grabbed her by the hips and thrust his sheathed manhood into her

vagina, tearing some hooks as he pushed violently into her scorched love

channel while she swung from the hooks and her dislocated limbs were savagely

shaken and trashed. Drinking her bitter screams like fine wine, he kept up her

violation, with a wide grin at the unnatural endurance allowed by magic.

When his arousal finally found release, he pulled out, panting heavily, and

slowly pushed a fine hook through the distended rim of her vagina, watching

her scream hoarsely as he twisted it left and right and then tightened it with

the pliers. Dozens more followed, their fine chains pulled together to a pair

of handles to which he also connected four more hooks which he raked through

her distended clitoris while her wretched howls echoed in the room.

After clamping the bleeding piece of feminine flesh, he smeared her insides

with the white powder which left them parched dry, and viciously pulled her

torn vagina onto his erect manhood, lifting her feet off the floor in a rut of

rabid lust. A shrill scream surged from her mouth, followed by many others as

her singed innards were scraped raw and the rim torn and shredded. Sustained

by both magic and drugs, he kept impaling her savagely up and down his erect

member, well beyond the expected endurance of even a healthy youngster, until

he burst in release between squirts of blood from her torn wounds.

Still panting, he circled her screaming form and grabbed her cheeks, seeking

fear in her bulging eyes before pushing a tiny hook through her lower lip. In

a bloody feast of cruelty, more hooks pierced her, all around her mouth and

under her tongue, until he pulled her screaming throat onto his unnaturally

hardening member, panting in excitement while viciously savaging her bleeding

mouth in a grunting rut punctuated by her desperate gurgling screams. Only

when his semen bubbled off her mouth, mixed with her blood, did her voice

surge again from the bloody mouth in a howl of hellish torment.

Fueled by magic, fanned by her pain, her tormentor's lust knew neither bounds

nor respite. He didn't bother with staples such as splashes with cold water or

a sip from the jug, and set about driving hooks in the rim of her sphincter in

prelude to another hideous violation. With untiring brutality, his sheathed

member tore her rectum as he pulled on the hooks, but her voice had already

lost its strength and her wheezing cries did not justice to the agony being

wrought onto her wracked body. Screaming and gasping, she continued buckling

in abject torment, impaled on his manhood until he finally let go of her.

While she teetered on her dislocated limbs, sobbing bitterly after being

splashed with cold, salt water, her tormentor had lowered from a sturdy steel

bar four chains ending in meat hooks. Once done, he started forcefully ripping

off the hooks suspending her to the crossed bars, lingering on those

lacerating her vagina while she convulsed in demented howling.

After cuffing elbows and wrists together behind her back, he thrust one meat

hook in the flesh of her forearm, just under the wrist, twisting it deeper and

deeper between the twin bones while she arched in spasmodic agony, until it

engaged the edge of the cuff. Once he had both her arms hooked, he pulled the

bar up until she was on her knees, cuffing her ankles to a ring while she

howled in unabated pain, then pulled her another inch off the floor, so that

she could not help her arms support her weight except with her toes.

Her screams surged and then waned to a helpless gurgle as he pulled her mouth

onto his unnaturally erect member again, drawing new blood from the gashes cut

by the hooks around her mouth. The repeated blasts of white hot pain from her

dislocated arms and legs, and the ripping agony in her violated mouth, gurgled

around his engorged manhood in screams of wretched woe, which so pleasured him

that he repeated the violation over and over, pausing to pour some syrup from

the jug down her sputtering mouth now and then.

His face red under the swarthy complexion, he reached for her calf and started

twisting a meat hook into the jerking limb, pushing it among her pitiful

screams until it engaged the cuff. He then bent her leg until he could fasten

the hook back to the chain, doing the same to her other leg while foam bubbled

in her mouth between screams of helpless anguish.

While she swung back and forth in mid air, convulsing in agony, he started

twisting fine hooks through the blistered flesh of her breasts, including the

nipples which he clamped with the pliers again. She had been subjected to such

protracted violations that her orifices were torn, scraped and shredded into

gaping holes of bleeding, pulsating crimson flesh, and only after a similar

fate was wrought on her quivering breasts did her tormentor leave her,

swinging and lost in the agonies of hanging from the hooks, her bloodied form

wracked by pangs of abysmal torment from her limbs and her mauled flesh.

Lyral was forced to sit with her back to her friend's face, which prevented

the delivery of any healing, screaming bitterly as the restraints were

perfected. The Southerner then moved behind Kayleen's splayed thighs, winding

the chains from the hooks in her breasts over the bar she swung from.

Cackling madly, he penetrated her sphincter again, thrusting forward until his

crotch pushed her thighs apart, while a wail of bitter despair wracked her

bloody chest. With both hands, he pulled on the chains leading to the hooks in

her breasts, viciously distending the latter into deformed cones of bleeding

agony and forcing her to arch forwards, sucking his member into exhilarating

pleasure as her spasming muscles clutched it and then engulfing it into raging

arousal as she swung back rending her own bleeding sphincter apart and chafing

her own bowels raw in a screeching howl of wretched anguish.

An unexpected bump in the back told Lyral that the swings were wide enough for

contact, but not enough to turn her head and deliver some healing. Kayleen

continued to swing back and forth, wracked by the agonies in her bowels, the

torment in her dislocated limbs and by the shredding of her breasts, but only

when she felt her tormentor's release inside, and realized that his arousal

was prodigiously being rekindled again, only then did desperate pleads for her

friend's help surge between her coughing frenzies of desperate screaming.

Trembling, Lyral arched back with a scream of her own, delivering a fleeting

wave of healing power through the brief contact, but also revealing that her

breasts were pierced by hooks whose chains ran to her toes, so that she could

arch only at the price of ripping horrid gashes through her flesh.

Relishing his own cruel debauchery, the Southerner had no wish to impede the

continuation of his victim's defilement and set about making her swings wider,

so that she could be healed longer, and find her agonies increased upon

swinging back. After coming within her bowels again, he replaced the harness

on his member with a studded one, then reiterated her violation with the

horrid implement over and over, wallowing in her convulsed screaming.

Not sated yet, he replaced the harness with another, smeared with hot pepper

oil and rubbed in sand, and resumed violating his victim's bowels before

Shandra's horrified eyes. The effect of his drugs and her magic had unleashed

a rabid lust a beast would be ashamed of, fueling it beyond any boundary of

nature. The violations continued, each long and harrowing, with the briefest

pause in between for a sip from the jug or a splash of cold water.

When Kayleen collapsed on the floor, the repeated brushes with her friend's

healing power had staved off death by blood loss, but bottomless pits of agony

burned behind her clear blue eyes. She twitched in terror when he placed a

chair under her and spread her legs wide in mid air, fastening heavy weights

to the iron bands at her knees. He wound the chains from the hooks in her

shredded breasts around a pulley above, lifted her with both hands to sit on

the chair, then among her screams of bitter despair pulled her vagina down his

unbelievably erect member, sheathed again in simple leather.

Relishing in the game he was fond of, he then pulled viciously on the chains,

lifting her by her shredded breasts between squirts of blood while the

scorched, defiled walls of her love channel clutched his member and her voice

trembled in a howl beyond her possibilities. When he let her drop down, the

weights at her knees pulled her thighs at the dislocated joints and rattled

her legs still suspended by the dreadful hooks, forcing her voice to rise in a

scream fueled by the devastating pain coursing through her lower limbs.

Lyral, no longer able to intervene, watched her friend's vagina repeatedly

shredded as she trashed up and down his erect member. When she was dropped,

her dislocated hip joins were jarred as her thighs were torn apart by the

weight, and after a few violations he treated her with the white powder which

parched her love channel dry, turning each slide down his impossibly erect

member into repeated scraping of her raw flesh, which wrenched long howls of

demented agony from her bleeding, torn mouth.

When he changed to the studded harness, the studs started scraping bits of

flesh which squirted together with blood each time she came down. Their traces

inside her womb could be seen as bruises tracing a dull point bulging under

the flesh, because the clutching reflex as she was pulled by her breasts stuck

them in the wall before they got dragged down between howls of abysmal pain.

Still panting but spurred by a lust which the exhilarating wine of her agony

only enraged, he let her down enough for Lyral to wriggle nearby in spite of

the torment in her breasts and stamp her lips on her friend's quivering back,

bent on delivering as much healing as possible while the Southerner changed

her restraints again. He freed her arms from their suspension and wound them

around a wedge-shaped steel bar under her elbows, then ran the chains from the

hooks in her breasts to the bands at her knees and the chain from the hooks in

her forearms to those at her ankles, forcing her arms to bend backwards and

her legs to twist outwards into renewed agony for her dislocated joints.

Using a needle, he then threaded a knotted cord all around the shredded rim of

her vagina, crudely stitching its tatters together into a smallish hole whose

flapping rim he pierced with hooks while Kayleen howled in pain so hideous

that her bloodied face had many facial muscles strained from the contortions

forced by the appalling agonies wrought on her quivering body, not least the

threading of the knotted cord through her shredded clitoris. When done he ran

the cord to her cuffs, and then pulled her by the bar under her elbows.

The agonies wracking her screaming body, from the strain on the dislocated

joints to the hooks ripping through her flesh whenever pain instigated her

convulsed jerks, found new hellish depths when he wore a sheath soaked in hot

pepper oil and rubbed in sand to penetrate her with a vicious thrust, which

reverberated through her body and forced her wrists to pull on the cord around

her vagina, tightening it while his member shredded it back and forth.

As her howls continued unabated, echoing under the vaults of the torture

chamber in trembling frenzies of wretched agony, he reiterated the violation

of her womb, always driven by a lust whose rage sustained an arousal beyond

mercy. He continued thrusting viciously, peeling the rim of her vagina raw and

slowly abrading it while desperate screams of excruciating agony wracked her

heaving chest, until the knotted cord was exposed and scraped free.

Shandra had to use a spell to prevent herself from puking, three times.

Lyral's eyes watched in bulging horror her suffering friend, hanging outside

her reach. Kayleen's nightmarish screams echoed in their ears without

interruption and it looked like the horror would never end. But the drugs and

the magic reached their limits, when the old man slowed his rhythm and then

pulled away with a hiss. Upon Zhorun's command, Grod unenthusiastically yanked

the Southerner's head and poured a generous helping of potion down his throat.

The Easterner lowered Kayleen on the floor and looked behind his back at the

silent corpse, who nodded. He cuffed Kayleen's wrists and ankles and dragged

her near an iron pillory. He then grabbed Lyral, freed her toes and dragged

her nearby. While he lowered a chain from the ceiling, Lyral wriggled near her

friend and managed to touch Kayleen's mangled body.

"Lyral ... it hurts ... please" croaked Kayleen's voice.

"Here, Kayleen. Be still. I am here now" answered Lyral.

"It never ... stops. Always worse. I can't take it" gurgled Kayleen.

"Don't let them win, Kayleen. Hold on," urged Lyral, trembling under the

impression of the anguish coursing through Kayleen's poor limbs.

She managed to address her friend's hideous wounds, stopping blood loss and

reversing some of the hideous damage, and was about to relocate her elbow and

knee joints when the Easterner grabbed her by the ankles, causing Kayleen to

arch in a cry of forlorn despair. Lyral was hung upside down from the ceiling,

arms and elbows cuffed behind her back. Before her eyes, Kayleen would be

plunged again into nightmarish agonies for Zhorun's ...  pleasure.  They no

longer bothered torturing her, but being proved right was torture enough.

The Easterner fastened Kayleen's wrist cuffs to a vertical steel pole and

pulled her ankles sideways and back, enough to fasten her ankle cuffs to rings

set in the floor, too far back for her to support her weight even on the toes.

Soon her sobs turned to bitter screams as pain wracked her dislocated limbs,

forced by her slumped position to bear the strain of her full weight.

He neared, holding in his hands two wooden handles connected by three strands

of thick, coarse rope, like hemp but darker and bristling with tiny hairs. He

wound the rope around her left forearm and started rubbing back and forth,

slowly at first and then with increasing intensity. Puzzlement immediately

turned to horror on her face, followed by a wretched howl as her elbow joint

teetered under the pull. The immediate pain momentarily overshadowed the

friction of the ropes burning and scraping, but as the chafing was protracted

and the ropes started drawing blood she started buckling, vainly attempting to

offset the progressive, burning abrasion of her skin.

The merciless chafing continued, scraping the skin burned by the relentless

friction to expose the pulsating flesh underneath while she arched and

buckled in excruciating pain, her mouth gaping in a wheezing howl for which

she no longer had the strength. The ropes had been wound around her forearm in

a simple loop designed to bring them, in adept hands, to chafe the skin around

the entire girth of the limb. Used forcefully, the dry, coarse rope generated

enough friction to burn the skin before abrading it slowly, wreaking atrocious

pain on Kayleen's twitching form as the burned skin was shredded raw.

When he stopped, panting, Lyral's eyes bulged at the swaths of chafed, bloody

and shredded skin crossed by gashes of torn flesh marring her friend's slender

forearm. As if this horror was not enough, he poured a liquid on the open,

shredded flesh and the acrid smell of vinegar reached Lyral's nostrils almost

at the same time as Kayleen's inhuman howl of wretched agony, which continued

unabated as she rattled her dislocated limbs arching between demented screams.

After catching his breath, he circled her and started chafing the right leg,

wringing new screams from her buckling chest because the back and forth motion

caused the leg to teeter at the dislocated knee. Kayleen was withering between

hellish torments which started with the white hot agonies from the dislocated

limbs, saw them eclipsed by the burning agony of friction on the skin and then

culminated in the shredding of the skin and the scraping of raw flesh below,

hideous lacerations slowly diminished by the blood lubricating the rope.

On taut muscle, such as her leg, the shredding caused spasmodic strains which

added to her agonies, drawing long howling screams as the leg quivered as if

burning from within. In some places, such as the shins, white bone showed

through in places. Lyral balked at the horrid torment, which proved how much

the torturers had come to rely on magical healing, absent which Kayleen, in

spite of her exceptional endurance would never live through such an ordeal.

Meanwhile, the Easterner had poured vinegar on Kayleen's leg and was catching

his breath while her screams echoed unabated in the room, fueled by the agony

of the acidic liquid as much as the uninterrupted torment of the joints. Her

elbows and knees were swollen and bruised, even worse than her shoulders and

hips, and her spasmodic jerks often allowed the heads of bones to be seen

twitching and displacing under the skin. Her face was a contorted mask of

sheer anguish, still bloody from the harrowing violations of her mouth

deformed by the spider gag into a gaping outlet of the agonies wrought on her.

Her other forearm was subjected to the chafing ropes, with the same merciless

cruelty visited on her other limbs. Lyral tried to swing closer, but Kayleen's

slumping position precluded contact, sometimes by mere inches. At least three

times her lips almost touched Kayleen's heaving shoulder blades, giving her a

close view of the harrowing screams wracking her heaving chest but not a

chance to deliver the healing her friend needed. When blood finally made the

ropes slippery, before vinegar was poured, Lyral called.

"Kayleen, I can't reach you. Try to lift your back!"

Her friend's strangled scream as vinegar washed over her shredded flesh made

Lyral fear that she might have not heard, but then she saw the muscles stiffen

in spite of the harrowing agony from her dislocated limbs, and Kayleen's pain

wracked back rose enough for her to touch her with her lips. The fleeting

contact did not allow much, and Kayleen's slumped position prevented her from

healing the dislocated joints, but Lyral could not stand aside before the

excruciating torments her friend was being subjected to.

The chafing of her other leg followed, slowly protracted until her shin bone

gleamed white in a number of places of the bleeding limb while Lyral's healing

at least stopped the blood loss from the swaths of shredded skin but could not

help with the frenzies of demented howling as the harrowing pain from the

burned skin being shredded wracked the leg, rattled the knee joint and coursed

in spasmodic jerks through the whole body before bursting from her torn mouth

in fitful, winded screams of uninterrupted anguish.

After bringing the jug to her lips, he splashed her with cold, salt water and

while she still trembled and gasped in wheezing agony, set a wrist free and

cuffed it to a chain from the ceiling, followed by the other. He then pulled

her arms up behind her back and fastened her ankle cuffs to chains from both

sides which he pulled until her legs opened in a savage split which fanned new

agonies in her dislocated hip joints. He adjusted the chains until she hung in

mid air, each arm twisted up behind her back and the legs spread in a

dislocated split which caused harsh screams upon each breath.

She trembled in a hissing sigh of bitter despair when he wound the ropes

around her left arm, a sigh which turned a scream as pain surged from her

shoulder and elbow in jarring waves of atrocious agony. Lyral continued her

fleeting deliveries of some healing, but the inability to address the

dislocations impeded treatment of lesser but equally painful wounds such as

the swaths of burned skin being shredded on her arm.

Vinegar was poured on her hand, flowing down her arm and renewing the agony

in the forearm before evoking it in the newly shredded upper arm, and healing

could help little with the white hot bursts of raw torment rattling her hung

body while gut-wrenching winded screams jerked her head back and forth. Nor

could it help when the skin of her left thigh was slowly shredded, fold by

fold, protracting the agony with the white powder which left it parched dry

so that on softer skin the rope could inflict its burning agonies much longer

and then shred it unmercifully while harrowing frenzies of excruciating pain

wracked her buckling body into mad fits of demented screaming.

Vinegar was poured again on a leg twitching in torment, turning the twitches

to spasmodic jerks as the liquid seeped in the crisscrossing swaths of chafed,

burned and shredded skin to reach the crimson of raw flesh or the gleaming

white of exposed bone, reverberating through the convulsing body with hideous

wheezing howls of forlorn anguish interspersed by choked gasps of raw pain.

She drank avidly from the jug again, unable to refuse the strength which only

made the pain worse. The torment of her other thigh began and was carried out

while she rattled her chains from the torment in her joints, convulsed in

frenzies of howling anguish from the burning of the skin, and arched in

spasmodic jerks as it was shredded between winded howls of excruciating agony.

When he wound the ropes around her belly, Lyral burst in tears at the sight of

the expression in Kayleen's blue eyes. She had tried to heal her repeatedly,

but could not shield her from such agonies. The ropes chafed her belly and her

chest, wrenching hideous screams from her mouth as her limbs rattled under her

demented buckling, rising up and down and leaving angry red swaths of chafed

skin which turned angry red as it was slowly burned by the friction from the

merciless rope, augmented by generous helpings of white powder.

Slowly the burned skin was rasped away by the ropes, torn and shredded in

bloody tatters as the ropes dug shallow gashes of fiery torment in her

quivering body while she screamed her lungs out. The white of her ribs was

exposed in several places, but that was nothing before the atrocious torment

inflicted on her breasts when a single rope was dragged under the iron rings

constricting their base, slowly sawing them off her chest through relentless

friction while her mouth tore at the corners from the withering howls surging

through it and then chafing them raw while tight nipple clamps distended them

into pulsating cones of raw tormented flesh.

Not even the harrowing torment of abundant aspersions with vinegar over her

mostly flayed body wrenched from her howls like those wracking her convulsing

chest when her breasts were slowly shredded raw in atrocious fits of howling

agony, seizing her visage into a mask of contorted torment shaken by screams

bursting through the foam bubbling in her mouth. The distended nipples were

peeled off between the unyielding jaws of the clamps, scraped raw and slowly

shredded until torn off by her spasmodic jerks. Nobody objected.

As vinegar was poured on her wounds, her wheezing screams waned and waxed

pitifully, and continued while her tormentor lowered her on the floor, keeping

her legs spread and lowering her shoulders until her elbows reached the

ground. She was in such pain that when he twisted her arms in their sockets,

pulling the elbows back behind the head and then stretching them to a ring in

the floor, her reaction was a pitiful wheezing scream. But she trembled in

dread when he wound the ropes through her crotch, while Lyral turned her gaze

praying softly under her breath. The jug was emptied in her mouth, and cold,

salt water was repeatedly splashed on her quivering body.

The chafing started slowly, with the ropes pulling her loins off the floor in

jerks which wracked her dislocated joints and wrenched winded screams of raw

pain from a throat which supposedly could no longer contain the agonies she

was enduring. The chafing and burning were mercilessly protracted by repeated

use of the white powder and frequent recourse to new, dry ropes, dragging her

screaming feminine parts through nightmarish hells of endless torment as the

soft flesh was chafed and burned with atrocious deliberation.

A clamp distended her clitoris, bearing a good fraction of her weight, and

exposed it to relentless chafing and burning in spite of her spasmodic efforts

to lessen the agony of having it slowly peeled raw. The ropes wound back and

forth through her feminine flesh, searing the cleft between her legs from the

sphincter through her vulva and shredding her labia raw. In spite of the

demented howls wracking her convulsing chest, the chafing was protracted,

shredding skin and flesh and tearing through her inner lips. No respite was

given, scraping the rim of the vagina and the distended clitoris raw while

drawn out frenzies of inhuman woe shook her buckling body. New ropes were

produced, shredding the raw flesh in thin strands while atrocious screams

wracked her spasmodically convulsing chest, over and over until the tatters

of her shredded clitoris were torn off from the clamp.

Lyral's pleads, which could not be heard between Kayleen's barrage of screams,

were silently acknowledged and she was brought down and allowed to heal her

friend. She wriggled to bring her hands in contact with Kayleen's twitching

body, and almost puked when she felt the agony coursing through it, worried

sick at the torn nipples and clitoris because healing magic could not attach

severed body parts. She silently prayed for a miracle, for the power to help

her friend ... and her heart sang when she saw her horrid wounds slowly

recede, her swollen joints deflate and her pulsating flesh stop bleeding.

A swarthy hand yanked Lyral's head while Kayleen screamed in despair, while

the Southerner's voice mocked, "That's enough. She gets feisty otherwise."

"Indeed," whispered Zhorun, adding "Would my apprentice show us how her study

progresses so far ?"

Still trembling, Shandra concentrated, and moments later a bullwhip uncoiled

from a table nearby and snaked to Kayleen's limp body. The whip cracked across

her shoulder blades, drawing a hissing scream from the torn chest. The lashes

followed one another, in quick succession, tracing angry red welts on the

twitching shoulders.

"Too quick," commented Grod after a dozen lashes.

"We defer to your expertise in these matters, Grod, but if this is a variation

of the rope animation spell, it does not last long, pauses would be wasteful.

The concept is interesting, however. Please arrange the prisoner suitably, my

apprentice needs more tuition"

Grod cuffed Kayleen's wrists to chains from the ceiling, twisting the arms up

wide behind her back, then cuffed each ankle to the corresponding wrist by a

chain shortened until the leg was pulled off the floor. While she started

screaming from the strain in her dislocated limbs, he spread her ankles until

her shins came to rest on wedges, to which he fastened the bands at her knees.

Zhorun concentrated, reanimating the bullwhip that lay on the ground after

about two dozen lashes. The whip coiled and cracked inside Kayleen's splayed

thighs, alternating quickly between left and right as she arched screaming.

"Switching target helps deliver more lashes," commented Zhorun.

The handle turned upwards and impaled Kayleen's rectum, while the tip moved to

her soles, always alternating between left and right while she jerked with a

strangled scream upon each thrust from the handle.

"Two hands are no longer a limitation", added the corpse.

The tip cut across a nipple and then switched to the other with blinding

speed while the handle snaked inside her vagina, about to draw blood again.

"The spell allows remarkable precision", he chirped.

Shandra watched in disbelief as the lashing continued, its duration a measure

of Zhorun's power. After over sixty lashes, the tip left the nipples and slid

inside Kayleen's vagina, vibrating inside as it lashed her innards under the

impulse of the spell while she buckled and howled in bitter pain.

"Areas ordinarily hard to reach can be targeted", said Zhorun.

The lashes started tearing at her clitoris while the handle penetrated her

rectum again, and continued for a dozen strikes before falling on the floor

while Kayleen's body arched and twitched in screaming agony.

"Amusing, but too brief," whispered the grating voice of the former wizard.

Chapter 26 - Diligence Demonstrated

The rattling of chains was drowned by a bitter cry as Kayleen twitched in the

vain attempt to lessen her torment. She hung in mid-air, her knees wound over

the serrated edge of a wedge-shaped steel bar and her arms pulled between the

thighs, under the bar, the wrists cuffed to the inside of the ankles.

Her own arms squeezed together her breasts, still constricted by the serrated

iron rings around their base. Her thumbs bled in thumbscrews fastened to the

wooden wedge penetrating her womb up to the cervix, but the worst agonies came

from the dislocated joints, which her position strained mercilessly, and the

swaths of skin chafed raw, which rubbed together at the slightest movement.

"Lyral .. are you here ?" she croaked, her mind still lost in a haze of pain,

not able to see that her friend was there but could not answer, her mouth

stuffed with rags so that she could only moan and rattle the chains she hung

from, too far to reach Kayleen's shivering body.

"Lyral ..." cried Kayleen again, wracked by pain as the shivers she had tried

to control coursed through her drenched body. The wedge made bending at the

waist painful, its dents and slivers cut her insides and its girth rubbed the

lacerated rim of her vagina incessantly. A pearly glow enveloped Lyral's head,

revealing her predicament to her sobbing friend, whose head sank in despair.

Deprived even of the comfort of a friendly voice, Kayleen shivered in misery

and bitter pain for a time she lost track of, until heavy footsteps turned her

nightmares into reality again. Desperation wracked her bitter sighs.

"No ... please. Not already," she muttered.

Zhorun entered, followed by Grod and the Southerner. It was actually very

early, before dawn, and Kayleen could not yet realize that he had ordered

changes in how she would be interrogated. She was lowered on the floor, then

Lyral was brought nearby, still gagged and blindfolded, and allowed to heal

Kayleen's mercilessly restrained body at length.

As the healing power coursed through her body, Kayleen's mind climbed back to

some semblance of sanity from unfathomable depths of horrid agony, enough to

weep softly at the prospect of more tortures to come. Although she had craved

her friend's healing power until now, she caught herself wondering if she

could ask not to be healed, as this only allowed her torturers more latitude.

Just as the thought of conceding defeat grew in her mind, the Southerner, who

had been waiting for blonde curls to appear again in Kayleen's pubic area,

yanked Lyral away by her hair.

Grod tightened Kayleen's collar first, to make sure she would have severe

difficulties breathing until fully restrained again, then cuffed her wrists

and elbows behind the back and pulled her off the floor by chains fastened to

the ankles, her thighs stretched in a painful split. As he fetched a heavy

bullwhip, she sobbed bitterly, smelling the bleach drenching it.

The first whiplash traced a crimson stripe on the exposed underside of her

breasts, causing her to bend at the waist while screaming her lungs out. The

second cut through her slit, leaving a thin bleeding laceration while she

arched in howling torment, and the following crisscrossed her exposed flesh,

each administered with ample pauses during which she twitched, crying in pain

as bleach seeped in the cuts. The whipping was long and brutal.

At last, the Southerner lowered her, seized her arms and dragged her to an

elevated platform where a wooden pole stood ominously. The top end was a

tapering cone, dull at the tip but hacked and dented along the sides, and the

pole had creases and ridges at least half of the way down. Kayleen's eyes

filled with tears, because she had experienced what agonies similar devices

could bring, but she could barely walk, much less struggle.

She was made to climb the platform and had to stand on the balls of her feet

as her ankle cuffs were locked in a sliding vise, the dull tip nudging at her

sphincter already. He tightened the bands at her knees, thighs and elbows

while she screamed bitterly, until droplets of blood trickled from under the

edges, which showed glimpses of the bruised, chafed and scraped skin below.

He carefully wound a thin hemp rope under her collar, and pulled both ends up

behind her ears, fastening them to an iron handle dangling from a chain above.

Once satisfied with her restraints, he pulled a lever and the platform gave

under her feet, causing her to slide down the pole while the cone violently

distended her sphincter and penetrated her bowels.

Maybe reflexively, maybe remembering similar torments she had been subjected

to, she managed to clench her thighs around the pole, slowing her descent but

not stopping it. She twitched and screamed in fits of heinous agony as she

found out all the cruel angles of her torment. The violent stretching of her

sphincter had torn it in several places, and the quick succession of creases

and ridges tearing at it had left it in bleeding tatters. Her bowels had been

raked and pierced by dents and splinters, and the incessant burning mounting

inside her meant that the wood was soaked in something caustic.

She continued sliding down slowly, clenching her thighs spasmodically while

her chest heaved and turned in fits of hoarse screaming. Her rectum was being

forcibly straightened inside her, and the burning increased mercilessly. The

dents and splinters raked the sensitive walls, and the torn muscle at the

sphincter was about to be distended again to accommodate another ridge.

She slid down some more, twitching as the pole forced her to shift her stance

to reduce the agony and the wooden surface scraped her thighs. The dull point

had found a turn in her insides and was pushing against something, causing

waves of dull ache to wrack her into trembling screams of wretched woe.

She was in such pain that when her tormentor violently penetrated her vagina,

pushing up with a leather sheathed member engorged by frenzied lust, her cry

was almost indistinguishable from those which preceded it, although during her

protracted violation humiliation and despair fueled her screams.

Her nostrils widened at the smell of a brazier just before she opened her

eyes to see her tormentor grab a fold of her breast flesh with a pair of

pliers and skewer it with a red hot copper needle. She arched in a howl of raw

pain, and her thighs let go for a fraction of second, causing the dull point

to carry her full weight and pierce whatever barrier had stopped its advance,

with a sickening squish which was followed by mad screams of hideous pain.

She had barely managed to clench her thighs again that her tormentor twisted

the skewer inside her wounded breast, demonstrating that it carried dozens of

barbs which brought a howl of harrowing pain from her distended mouth. With a

smile, he tightened the grip of the pliers, causing unthinkable pain to the

flesh being torn by the barbs while in the tight grip of the pliers.

She resumed her harrowing descent, each fraction of an inch punctuated by a

new scream as she twitched and turned from the consuming torment in her bowels

and from the blazes of searing agony wracking her as the point lacerated her

insides. She realized that the rope around her neck had slowly tightened,

supporting a fraction of her weight, because now her thighs managed to prevent

her from sliding further down.

Shortly thereafter, her tormentor pulled on the handle, tightening the cord

around her neck and causing her to gurgle as the lift pulled the pole back

through her wounded insides, revealing that the hacked edges of each ridge

doubled as barbs, especially when her muscles spasmed as she fought for

breath. He slowly dragged her up by her neck, her face contorting in agonies

she could not vent but her thighs twitching spasmodically while droplets of

blood from her sphincter stained her legs and feet.

Once pulled up almost to the point of being free from the pole, she was

abruptly let down just as she was shaking from the harrowing howl of anguished

torment been building up inside her chest. Her sphincter and rectal walls were

torn and scraped again by the dented ridges, and bits of skin were scraped

from the insides of her thighs as they stopped her descent.

A gurgling, pitiful howl wracked her as she twitched spasmodically, sliding

again down the pole as he skewered her other breast with a red hot needle,

twisting it in flesh discolored by the pliers' grip while she arched as much

as the pole rising through her bowels allowed. As her voice waned, she was

splashed with cold, salt water, and a sip from the jug revived her screams.

The harrowing torment was reiterated several times, always twisting new red

hot needles through some part of her body when she managed to suspend her

descent into hell and dragging her up between choked gurgles when she caught

up with the slack in her suspension. As the dull point lacerated her innards,

it reached higher and higher up inside her, tearing wounds which she would die

from in a few hours had this been an ordinary impalement.

When repeated splashes with cold, salt water and generous sips from the jug

failed to revive her screams beyond pitiful wheezing, the blindfolded Lyral

was brought forth and allowed to heal her friend, while the Southerner

replaced the pole with a thicker one, coated with multiple layers of encrusted

salt hacked into jagged, upturned dents and ridges.

Kayleen was dragged to the platform again, screaming in terror at the sight of

the device she was made to straddle, restrained almost the same as before but

for subtle shifts in the placement whose purpose became immediately clear as

her feet failed to find purchase and the conic tip tore her inner labia, while

the jagged edges lacerated the flesh among her howls of pain.

Just as she arched in torment, trembling from the agony of the salt dents

against her tightly clenched thighs, a pan of glowing coals was placed under

her cuffed feet, not close enough for contact but enough for the heat to lick

the soles of her feet and make her twitching on the pole restless.

She arched in a scream of despair when her tormentor penetrated her torn

sphincter, pushing upwards and supporting her without actually lifting her

feet off the flames, grasping her pubic hair from behind while her convulsions

pleasured his manhood. Gurgling meaningless words escaped her mouth until the

violation of her bleeding rectum was finally over.

As she slid down, more jagged ridges lacerated her love channel and the rim of

her vagina in spite of her desperate attempts to slow the progression of the

dull tip, while the salt encrusting the shaft was slowly melting and burning

her insides, freeing wooden splinters which pierced the parched tissues

causing her mouth to distend in howls of wretched anguish as the heat under

her soles made itself felt against her trembling feet.

Her descent continued until the rope around her neck started strangling her,

but unlike before her tormentor allowed her frantic legs some leeway to avoid

the licking heat, the pain in the singed feet enough to keep her awake. Freed

to do his bidding, he grabbed her left nipple between pliers and twisted a red

hot barbed needle inside the gripped feminine flesh, savoring how her visage

contorted in excruciating pain as he twisted it back and forth.

Having let her writhe while tormenting both nipples and clitoris, the latter

with a finely barbed needle which reached to the pole within, he then lifted

her by the rope around her neck, stifling her howl into a fit of desperate

gurgles as the movement caused the tip of the needle to teeter against the

surface of the pole and the barbs to trash the blistered flesh with jerks

which caused blood to sputter from the tip of the twitching feminine nub just

as the ridges caused howls to burst from her mouth.

When she was finally dropped, the ridges on the hellish pole ripped the cuts

in the rim of her vagina again, causing her head to jerk upwards in a gut

wrenching howl of abysmal torment. She resumed her screaming descent, and when

her soles felt the heat of the coals again her legs twitched and she shook in

atrocious pain as her cervix was ripped through by the dull point.

The torture was reiterated several times but, unlike with her rectum, each

time she was dropped the tip followed a different path before reaching the

cervix, repeatedly lacerating her insides with wounds which required Lyral's

intervention while Kayleen twitched in screaming agony.

The repeated lifting and dropping had pushed the teetering tip of the needle

transfixing her clitoris somewhat back, but at the price of having the barbs

shred the feminine flesh mercilessly, scraping a wound which healing could not

address as long as the needle tore through it back and forth, wrenching

pitched screams of unabated torment from her hoarse throat.

Each time she was lifted, her eyes went blank as the rope choked her throat

and pain burst from her womb while the ridges traveled back through her

wounded insides, scraping the tissue inflated by the burning caustic while she

lacked even the breath for venting her agony. Fire invaded her lungs and

throat while her body spasmed and her vaginal muscles reflexively clutched the

instrument of their own agony just as it shred them mercilessly.

After dropping her dozens of times, he stopped her in mid descent by keeping

the chain short and started threading a knotted cord through the shredded rim

of her vagina, a cord which burned from the unknown venom it was soaked with,

and waited for the shredded inner labia to swell painfully before resuming her

torment, smiling lewdly at the renewed intensity of her wretched screams.

Once her womb was ruptured and the tip tore through her stomach, the expert

hand of her tormentor guided her slow, screaming descent into hell, repeatedly

drenching her in cold, salt water to keep her awake. As she slowly slid down

the pole, the tip started bulging above her stomach, and horrid bruises burst

from within her when she was lifted and dropped again and again as he tried to

drive the pole up her esophagus, counting on the melting of the salt crust to

bring the girth that had torn her vagina open to lesser proportions.

Smiling cruelly, he continued lifting and dropping her, short stunts of less

than a foot which gained less than inch each time, while her face turned red

and then blue as the pole compressed her trachea. Lyral was sobbing at her

friend's feet, unable to see and hear but hideously aware of the agonies of

her friend whenever her lips were forced against Kayleen's bleeding thighs.

Kayleen's feet continued flailing in spasmodic agony as the heat had peeled

her soles raw, but the coals had also slowly heated the inside of the pole

which was now charring her from within, smoking here and there, revealing red

hot iron spikes whose burning cuts caused her to shrivel like a paper doll on

a spit, her voice wheezing in frenzies of pitiful shrieking which shook her

convulsing body from toe to mouth.

When the Southerner guided the tip to protrude from her open mouth, the blood

on top bubbled while her screams had turned to a wretched gurgle of demented

agony, her feet spasmodically rattling the irons at her ankles and her fingers

curling and clenching under the splashes of cold, salt water drenching her,

while her body shook and trembled impaled on the fuming pole which ran it

through, the old man was not done yet. Pulling on the thread around her inner

lips, he brought her wheezing form another inch down, until a crown of jutting

red hot spikes pierced her labia causing her twitches to become more

spasmodic. He then sat down below her, his manhood hard under the robes as he

savored the elixir of her descent into deeper and deeper hells.

Lyral was allowed to heal her friend briefly, then dragged away as the

torturers closed the door behind them, leaving Kayleen convulsing on the pole,

plunged in the near darkness of a torture chamber echoing of her own pitched,

harrowing screams, lit only by the coals placed under her feet, whose reddish

light did not reach the shadows where the silent corpse of the former wizard

stood motionless. Zhorun found solace in her agonies and yet could never be

satisfied, as the most harrowing torments always seemed inadequate to him

after the fact. His mind went to past tortures, reveling in how they could

have been made more excruciating.

The salt crust was melting inside her, causing the caustic brine to burn her

parched insides while protracted exposure was bringing the abraded tissue to

swell, starting from the labia and the shredded vaginal rim, making her slide

more excruciating by the minute and fanning the agony behind her howls.

The ridge of embedded iron spikes, red hot under the bubbling crust, had not

completely stopped her descent by hooking her swollen labia, and thereafter

whenever she sought a moment of respite for her charred soles, the spikes

would rake the swollen flesh while she convulsed in gurgling agony.

Her twitching anguish continued in a litany of restless screaming, an horrid,

protracted nightmare whose length she could not gauge, an apparently endless

torment which kept her convulsing in excruciating pain under Zhorun's silent

gaze while her howls echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber.

When the torches returned, she vaguely felt Lyral's lips on her belly just as

Grod's strong hands lifted her from the pole, her agonies so overwhelming that

even her friend's soothing touch could not calm her convulsed jerks of pain.

"I cannot ... take ..." croaked Kayleen's broken voice. Her awareness ebbed

under waves of abysmal pain, and the pall of dread often clenched its grip on

her resolve. Had she believed that conceding defeat would have really stopped

the torture, the tatters of her resolve would have been too few and too far

between to stop her from doing so.

Lyral, still gagged, managed to take her friend's head between her arms, as

awkwardly as the wrists tied behind the back entailed, and cuddle her, sobbing

in unison and attempting to deliver more healing to her dying friend.

After Kayleen's horrid wounds receded, Grod dragged her on the floor near the

ominous wooden mass of the rack. She twitched, her legs recoiling while a

hoarse scream tore from her mouth, as her back found spikes on the wooden

planks. No change of irons occurred, and the chains of the rack were fastened

to the same heavy irons she had worn for days.

Her delirious mind returned to her first time on the rack, when Grod had been

afraid of cutting into her blood vessels at the wrists. Now she wore cuffs

that had been screwed savagely tight, enough to chafe and cut the skin, with

studs inside which had dug bloody grooves of agony in her flesh, although not

where major blood vessels ran. The agony at her wrists and ankles had been the

bitter companion of her relentless torment, and yet it looked tame before the

horrid torments being heaped on her.

Instead of the leather bands he had used to prevent the rack from breaking her

spine, he produced a thin, barbed chain, which he wound under her shoulders

and through her crotch while she convulsed in pain. The chains cut through the

folds of her sex, two outside and two inside the labia, crushing a clitoris

cruelly distended by a clamp tightened with iron pliers.

He cranked the rack until her body was taut, splendid again after Lyral's

power had restored it almost fully, except at the elbows, waist and knees

where the tight iron rings dug into chafed and bleeding skin. The serrated

rings around the bases of her heaving breasts made them bulge, but not enough

to hide the gashes dug in the soft skin which had been another source of

uninterrupted pain for days. A shiver coursed through the splendid stretched

body when she saw Grod retrieve a red hot piton from a brazier.

The knifeblade piton had an almond cross section and a cloven head, which did

not hinder Grod as he hammered it through her forearm while she screamed in

mad pain. He expertly slid the blade between the bones of her forearm without

breaking them, slowly driving the implement through amidst squirts of blood

and smoke as the wound was scorched by the heat.

The serrated edges made the agony all the more excruciating, and Kayleen

convulsed and screamed, frothing at the mouth in pain well beyond what wounds

wrought by blades of like size had caused. Grod continued hammering it until

it pushed through and stuck in the wood. The hammering stopped only when the

piton had been deeply driven in the wood, but resumed immediately with another

through her other forearm before she caught her breath.

After both pitons were driven into the wood, the upper roller of the rack was

cranked, pulling at her wrists and causing her stretched arms to be pulled

against the serrated edge of the pitons, slowly tearing twin bloody gashes

through her stretched muscles and scraping the bone while she convulsed amidst

pitched screams of deranged agony.

The torment was repeated several times, cranking the rack a few notches more

each time so that the edge of the gash would be cut again each time, causing

her to arch in howling agony as much as her restraints allowed. After

splashing her with cold water and letting her sip from the jug, another pair

of pitons was driven into her legs, again sliding the implements obliquely

between the bones and avoiding major vessels while she trembled and shook,

banging her head against the wood while pain contorted her features in

reiterated frenzies of demented howling.

Grod moved to the lower roller, cranking it to tear the pitons through her

legs just as he had done with her forearms, progressively increasing the pull

to add the agony of racking proper to the shredding of her twitching leg

muscles while she howled in uninterrupted woe. Cold water and the jug became

the only moments of respite in the hellish tug of war being wrought through

her limbs, especially since Grod started operating both rollers, pulling in

opposite directions and releasing either in turn.

She tried to twist away when Grod put a piton against her ribcage, but she was

stretched taut and could only scream and tremble while the red hot blade was

driven between her ribs, expertly avoiding the lungs but tearing through

muscles taut from the tension of the rack. The spiked chains had dug through

her crotch bloody gashes of searing agony, the spikes tore at the muscles of

her back and when he cranked the rollers untold agonies surged from her

ribcage as the serrated blade scraped the ribs while she convulsed in demented

frenzies of excruciating torment.

As the blades cooled, the agony came from the shredding of the stretched

muscles and, especially in the case of those braiding her ribcage, the

scraping of the bone by the serrated edges. Lyral was brought forward to heal

her friend several times, allowing her only the time to mend the worst wounds

while Kayleen convulsed in uninterrupted agony, bleeding profusely in spite of

the repeated healing. As more blades were driven through her ribcage, each

scream became a hell unto itself and broke in fits of desperate, choking woe

which shook her chest and reverberated through her limbs.

Grod proceeded to encase her bulging breasts in an ominous wooden vise,

screwing it tight until her screams returned as the constricted flesh turned

purple within the wooden jaws, and then drove a red hot blade through the

squeezed flesh, ignoring the shrill screams of pleading woe surging from her

torn mouth as blood squirted from the laceration and hammering the blade until

it stuck securely in the wooden device.

When he operated the roller again, the hot blade bent and slowly cut through

her breast flesh, tearing a horrid gash which pulsated while her mouth almost

dislocated in inarticulate screams of demented agony as the shredding of her

breast matched the torment in her limbs and ribcage.

The rack was momentarily released to allow another blade to pierce her other

breast, and then cranked back slowly while she howled again in pitiful

torment, her eyes wide in agony and terror at the sight of her own shredded

breasts being repeatedly cut through as another blade was slowly introduced in

her bleeding breast flesh before the rack was released and then cranked back

while her howls of excruciating agony echoed in the chamber.

The torture continued slowly, pausing for splashes with cold, salt water but

stretching her writhing form either from above or from below, or heating the

pitons again with white hot pliers before the pull dragged them another

fraction of an inch in the gashes which alternated between being cauterized

raw from the heat and being sawed through again by the serrated edges while

Kayleen's head trashed left and right in hoarse screams of deranged agony.

Lyral was brought forth, blindfolded and weeping, and turned back so that her

hands could feel for her friend's quivering breasts and provide enough healing

to stem the blood loss. Kayleen's blue eyes barely focused on her friend's

pale figure when the process began, as if from far away.

"Make it ... stop, please. No more" pleaded her torn lips.

Lyral was immediately dragged away and a thick wooden pole was placed against

Kayleen's vagina while the rack was cranked a few notches, dragging her labia

along the roughly hacked surface of its tip while the pitons drew now blood

from the wounds in her limbs and breasts, scraping her ribs while she writhed

in atrocious torment and screamed mindlessly through the foam in her mouth.

The roller above her head was released a few notches, causing her stretched

limbs to snap and another howl to wrack her as the muscles contracted onto the

serrated edges shredding themselves even more while she stiffened from the

horrendous pain in her ribs. The roller under her feet was cranked the same

number of notches, pulling her further down onto the wooden intruder while her

mind returned to similar torments inflicted on her during the preceding days

and contrasted them with the added agony of the pitons.

She was splashed with cold, salt water again and then the pitons were heated

again, lingering on those shredding her disfigured breasts while her howls

rose frantically and alternating with stretching her trembling limbs one notch

at a time until the pole had torn open her vagina and bulged visibly inside

her womb, scraping her innards while she writhed spasmodically as each breath

wrought unspeakable agonies through her scraped ribs.

The contents of the jug were poured down her throat and then another piton

was driven through her labia, searing them and nailing them to the pole while

she stiffened and howled in wheezing agony, unable to vent her anguish as her

ribcage could not gather enough hair without shrinking from the atrocious pain

of the pitons braiding the scraped bones.

Her tormentor started cranking both rollers, one notch each, stretching her

already taut body and hammering new pitons through her labia and the folds of

her clitoris, trapping it between two red hot serrated edges. Each crank of

the roller below her pulled it further along, and he used heavy pliers to bend

the pitons back against her pubic bone.

As the pull continued, the tips of the pitons pierced the skin and started

scraping her pubic bone while her clitoris was forced against the cleft of the

two bent pitons crossing, dragging the sensitive flesh between as if between

serrated scissors which her tormentor took care to heat repeatedly.

The flesh at her joints started showing bruises as the muscle tore under the

relentless pull, slowly nearing dislocation while being yanked and tugged by

her spasmodic jerks as howls of unremitting agony wracked her drenched body

and blood squirted from her wounded limbs and shredded breasts.

Her eyes rolled and foam bubbled in her mouth while the atrocious pain fanned

occasional hoarse screams from a wheezing throat, and notch after notch her

joints were brought on the brink of dislocation ... and left there. She was

given more syrup from the jug, and then Grod simply continued heating the

pitons with white hot pliers, lingering until one was red hot and unspeakable

pain surged again in her desperate screams.

On the brink of dislocation, the slightest movement pulled her arm or leg out

of its socket for a brief moment, but the traction of muscles and ligaments

pulled it back, although only after the pain of dislocation had wracked her

stretched body into screaming her excruciating agonies with the little voice

she still had. This traction ran counter to the pitons piercing her limbs, and

shredded her muscles some more each time, forcing her to twitch and pull some

more each time in order to redress the devastating torment of dislocation.

Unfortunately for her, this also caused the pitons to shred her breasts even

further, scrape her ribs and pubic bone and saw along her clitoris, now

trapped between the serrated edges and stretched upwards, bloodily scraped raw

by the repeated dragging against the tiny red hot teeth. Her agony grew as her

voice waned, causing her horrendous screams to alternate between wheezing

shrieks of pitiful anguish and fits of choked screaming as pain coursed

through her stretched body and inside her sunken, twitching joints.

After being wounded and slowly shredded, her muscles one by one reached the

point where they could no longer pull back her limbs, and the limbs were torn

out of their sockets while her visage contorted in unspeakable agony as the

muscles trembled from the protracted pain. Her tormentor continued heating the

pitons, keeping her screaming until all four of her limbs were dislocated by

her spasmodic convulsions and wretched howls rose again from her torn lips.

The torture continued while she howled in mindless agony, writhing and jerking

spasmodically as the pitons shredding her clitoris or scraping her ribs were

heated repeatedly, until the emptiness in her eyes and the hollow echo of her

wheezing screams suggested to Grod that she was almost beyond pain, enough to

make further torture pointless.

Lyral was brought forth to heal her again, and then Grod extricated her from

the rack, exchanging a glance with the silent corpse before continuing. In

ordinary circumstances, the victim should have been allowed to rest in order

for the memory of the agony to play in her mind and erode her resolve while

her body recovered enough to bring before her the prospect of giving up to

avoid farther torture, but there had been nothing ordinary in this woman's

ordeal and Zhorun's orders had been explicit.

Her tormentor cuffed Kayleen's left ankle to a chain dangling from the

ceiling, while the right ankle was fastened to a ring in the floor. Her right

hand was pulled up behind her while she screamed incoherently until he managed

to tighten a thumbscrew onto her left toe and right thumb, stretching her

dislocated limbs while she howled from the excruciating pain.

He bent her left arm behind her back and pulled it down until he caught it in

a thumbscrew fastened to the ring constricting her leg under the knee.  He

then started pulling her left leg up, watching her writhe from the horrid

stretching of her dislocated limbs, while Zhorun's gaze inspected the sunken

flesh at the joints as they twitched in abysmal pain.

Grod placed a stout spike under the ball of her right foot, adjusting the

chain so that she could relieve the stretching of her legs in the excruciating

split, which only her dislocated joints made possible, by standing with her

full weight on the spike. He finally tied a bundle of stinging tree branches

to her right elbow, so that they rubbed through her crotch.

Her tormentors left her thus, straining to stand on the ball of her feet to

ease the abysmal agony of having her dislocated hip joints stretched, and

screaming hoarsely when her muscles failed her nevertheless. The spike soon

became slippery as blood trickled from the gash ground under her foot, and the

branches caused her to convulse when their touch burned her feminine parts.

She continued crying and screaming in the dark, a feast for Zhorun's silent

enjoyment, slowly gyrating on the spike while her body trembled from the

repeated waves of wretched torment. Her mind was spinning in nightmarish agony

and it took her long to stop begging for Lyral's touch, although she knew that

her friend had been taken elsewhere.

When they returned, she had barely managed to recognize the Southerner when

the bundle was removed and she reeled under the violent penetration of her

swollen vagina by his leather sheathed member, in a rut of frenzied lust which

her desperate screams did nothing to shorten. She was then taken down and

Lyral was briefly allowed to heal her again, but this did not lift the pall of

despair from her soul. She trembled and begged incoherently when the gnarly

hands of the Southerner dragged her to the corner where the pyramid awaited.

"Our Whore Queen has become much more malleable", cackled the Southerner.

"If only the fools dying in her name could see her now", spat Zhorun.

Kayleen's pleading stopped, but the remark that once would have pricked her

pride now simply added to her humiliation. Teetering on the brink of collapse,

she barely held onto herself as the Southerner fastened her wrists and elbows

together behind her. After cuffing together ankles and knees, he placed a vise

between her thighs and fastened a number of chains to the iron band at her

waist and her other restraints, which he then made use of to lift her and

deposit her on the pyramid so that the tip distended her sphincter and

penetrated her bowels as he skillfully caused her weight to bear on the

hellish implement while she convulsed from the pain in her dislocated joints.

He then produced a collection of jars, most crawling with various kinds of

ants with disproportionately large mandibles and one full of a fine yellow

powder. He pulled her chains so that her soles were at eye level, then waited

for her screams to subside before fetching an ant and dousing it with the

powder, which apparently was rather sticky.

He immediately placed the ant against the sole of her left foot, just as the

insect started fuming and burning. She cried in pain as the sole was burned

red and then crimson, but her spasmodic twitching added to the torment from

her joints without dislocating the insect which, burning slowly, started

biting madly the singed flesh as if to dig through.

Her convulsions turned to a rattling frenzy as the burning insect gnawed into

the scorched flesh, while her head shook frantically left and right as she

screamed herself hoarse from the abysmal torment. Even the scraping of her

bowels by the wooden tip and the jolts of white hot agony from her dislocated

hips and shoulders paled before the horrid torment burrowing through her.

The ant finally died after burning over the skin and deep inside the wound in

an excruciatingly protracted agony, but another was placed on her other foot

and her torment was reinstated amidst her rising howls of desperate woe. The

ant sought instinctively the wound left by the spike, leaving a fiery trail on

her sole which turned red and then crimson as it burned from the residues of

yellow powder. The cords in her neck strained under her pitched howl as the

ant burrowed in the wound, searing it with the fuming flame in its mindless

search for safety from the fire consuming it.

When the second ant died, she was splashed with cold, salt water and allowed

to sip from the jug, but then another ant was let loose on her supple left

leg, proving that the ants had no problem clinging to her trembling skin,

searing it thoroughly while the insect crawled madly along the limb before

sinking its jaws in the tenderized flesh and ripping with mindless desperation

while her own jaw almost dislocated as howling screams of abysmal pain tore

through her throat and echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber.

Lyral shook and cried desperately, reeling at her friend's desperate howls as

if physically overwhelmed by the agonies she endured. Slowly, one after

another, dozens of ants were brought to bear against her twitching limbs,

tracing long crimson trails of scorched agony on the perfect skin and leaving

ugly charred wounds where the insects had died ripping through the flesh.

Lyral could not see the convulsed twitching, the hands opening and closing

spasmodically, clutching at thin air, the chest heaving and buckling in

restless woe or the blood trickling down the pyramid, but could imagine all of

this and much worse from the uninterrupted screams of excruciating torment.

The Southerner lavished his hellish attentions on Kayleen's thighs, bringing

ant after ant to bear onto the soft skin under the supple, twitching limbs,

drinking the agony shooting through her clear blue eyes when they bulged from

the abysmal pain of an ant burrowing through scorched flesh as a howl of pure

torment shook her contorted visage. He occasionally splashed her with cold

water, but otherwise continued the torment while she screamed herself hoarse.

He then screwed the vise between her thighs open, pulling them apart and out

of their sockets enough to leave a cleft in between and send her in a frenzy

of screaming woe from the excruciating pain in her hips. The next ant was put

between the curls of her mons, which caught fire as the insect started running

around mindlessly while she convulsed spasmodically, screaming in choked gasps

through the froth at the corners of her mouth. Her body stiffened and arched

in a protracted bellow as the insect found her vagina and entered, bringing

the fiery trail inside her love channel and up her womb.

Lyral prayed desperately for her friend's screams to pause, even for a moment,

because the agony of this ant lasted much longer and wrought fiery torments

throughout Kayleen's womb for its entire duration. No sooner had her screams

subsided that another ant was stuck under her clitoris, searing it amidst her

howls before seeking refuge in her womb again and reiterating a long frenzy of

convulsing jerks punctuated by desperate screams of hellish pain.

The horrid torment continued while she twitched spasmodically on the blood

soaked tip of the pyramid, arching and buckling while the mad ants burned her

labia and love channel in their desperate rushes to a grisly end inside her

womb, wreaking protracted agonies throughout her insides while the neverending

torment of her dislocated joints waxed and waned alongside her howling jerks.

She was offered the jug again, and then pulled up and left to hang screaming

from her dislocated arms twisted behind her back while her tormentor hacked

the wooden tip of the pyramid, tearing thick splinters and deep dents with a

heavy woodcarving tool before repositioning the restraints on her legs so that

he could spread them in a painful split and lower her on the pyramid with the

gaping opening of her vagina engaging the tip, slowly letting her weight bring

it deeper inside her in spite of her twitches and screams.

A chain fastened the iron band constricting her waist to a ring in the floor,

and her legs were spread even more, causing her to jerk and twitch from the

agony in the hip joints and the scraping of her singed innards as splinters

and slivers lodged in the scorched walls of her love channel. When he circled

her and pushed his leather sheathed member into her torn, bleeding sphincter,

the despair in her voice made Lyral collapse in a weeping heap.

Kayleen's violation continued in a frenzy of vicious thrusts, hideous screams

from the jarring of the dislocated joints which twitched and teetered under

the stretched skin and blood squirting from her vagina as slivers and dents

cut her singed innards. He lingered inside even after his lust was spent,

savoring her twitches and the clutching of his member by her strained muscles,

then pulled off and placed an ant near the torn sphincter, waiting for her to

buckle as the flame seared the delicate muscle and then scream while the

insect climbed inside her to renew the agonies visited inside her.

More fiery ants were set loose on her ass cheeks and inside her bowels, always

pausing in between to let her bear the brunt of the torment to its full extent

and occasionally splashing her with cold, salt water or letting her sip from

the jug to renew her sagging strength. Lyral was brought forth once to heal

her when the blood flowing from her scraped vagina seemed excessive, with a

large splinter piercing it from within and jutting through a gash just under

her left labia, but one of a few ripping through the distended rim.

With cackling glee, her tormentor nudged an ant under her left breast, just

past the chafing caused by the serrated ring constricting the base. An

hitherto unknown level of torment was wrought on her when the flame seared the

soft underside of her mammary, only to be followed by the ripping from the

frantic jaws seeking an impossible escape. Her head snapped in a howl of

abysmal pain which her voice could not sustain and broke in gasping screams

fueled by the continuing agony burrowing through the firm flesh of her breast.

He moved to the other breast before she stopped convulsing from the rippling

agony, watching her writhe in the vain attempt to prevent him from doing it

again and then grabbing her by the curls of her pubic hair to pull her further

down on the wooden pillar of her agony while the flesh of her breast was being

scorched and ripped by the frenzied insect.

Pausing occasionally to drench in cold, salt water or let her sip from the

jug, he kept setting loose the flaming ants on her breasts, mostly on the

undersides before adjusting her restraints to force her to recline so that the

ants could course through the full extent of her mounds while she screamed

from the pain in her scorched breasts but also from the wooden tip bulging

inside her and causing some splinters to jut through bleeding gashes in her

pierced womb which each convulsed jerk tore wider.

Lost in ecstasy at her agonies, he continued the torture of her breasts until

dozens of dead insects had dug their fiery grave in her flesh, licking his

lips at the sight of the proud globes quivering while she howled in demented

pain through the foam at the corners of her mouth. He fetched a pair of small

pliers and savagely distended a nipple to cut a gash at the base, wide enough

to push the twitching mandibles of an ant inside just as it caught fire.

Kayleen's jerk caused blood to squirt from the wounds pierced by the splinters

in her crotch and belly as she stiffened and arched spasmodically from the

agony as her nipple was slowly roasted in the flame while the frenzied ant bit

the piece of feminine flesh tearing its way through. Her pitched screams kept

shaking her heaving chest while the tiny mandibles ripped minuscule nips of

scorched, oozing flesh in the frantic attempt to escape the fire but only

managing to bring it deeper inside the excruciating wound.

Lyral could not believe how Kayleen's voice managed to rise even higher when

the Southerner pulled on her clitoris, cut a gash at the base and stuck a tiny

ant in, causing it to sear again the heart of a femininity Kayleen had been

brutally discovering as a prime source of agony. The tiny insect ripped

mercilessly at the sensitive flesh, making so little progress that when it

died there was room for more to follow, protracting Kayleen's excruciating

torment into an hellish nightmare whose end was nowhere in sight.

He doused her with salt water and let her sip from the jug before returning

his diabolical attentions to her neglected nipple, which soon twitched in the

flame consuming another ant biting it mercilessly. Another ant was then placed

on her previously scorched nipple, wrenching new screams from her frothing

mouth, and then more tiny ants were placed in cuts around her rim or though

her labia, causing her to twitch spasmodically on the pyramid which her

buckling had turned into a heap of wooden splinters, one of which her

tormentor had managed to drive up to stab at her cervix.

Kayleen continued screaming even after being lowered to the floor, consumed by

agonies which wracked through her chest and burst in wheezing screams of raw

torment, and when he cuffed her elbows and wrists behind her back after

pulling her up from the floor by spreading her legs with chains pulling at her

ankles from the ceiling resumed her incoherent pleading for mercy.

After a quick glance at Zhorun, the Southerner pulled savagely on her left

nipple and cut another gash at its base, placing another flaming ant to sear

the upper side of the nipple which had been somewhat spared thus far, and

repeating the torment on her other nipple shortly thereafter while she still

buckled in convulsed jerks of howling torment.

"Please ... enough. Mercy!" she croaked once she managed to catch enough

breath before a vicious clamp was tightened on her distended clitoris.

"No more, I can't ... take," wheezed her hoarse voice as Zhorun neared.

"If she concedes defeat, Master, may I claim the Priestess as mine instead of

the prize ?" asked the Southerner hurriedly, like a petulant child being

deprived of his favorite toy. A strangled cry of bottomless anguish erupted

behind Lyral's gag, its inarticulate words of despair cutting into Kayleen's

soul just as another ant was cutting through her scorched feminine flesh.

"Do you submit to me, then ?" asked Zhorun's voice, for once booming like a

thunder under the vaults of the torture chamber.

Kayleen hesitated, still shaking from the torment of her clitoris but also

from the weeping anguish coursing through her poor friend's body. She sought

within herself the pride of the former Warrior Queen, the courage which had

carried her through many battles, the resolve to further endure unfathomable

stretches of harrowing torment with no prospect of respite.

Another ant burned her feminine flesh, biting through the charred flesh and

wrenching her from her brief moment of awareness back into the unending

nightmare of her torment. She sought the words to vent her hatred, but they

escaped her as she was swept by waves of searing agony.

"No" she croaked at last, causing the Southerner's lips to curve in a wicked

smile and Zhorun to start. Long tendrils of blue lightning arched from his

gnarled hands and reached her breasts, tracing crimson stripes of smoking

agony and causing her to twitch uncontrollably while her voice waned in a long

speechless scream. The tendrils seared her nipples and clitoris, dozens of

times, until Zhorun gestured the Southerner to continue.

As gash after gash was cut between the curls of Kayleen's pubic hair, each

soon hosted another tiny flaming ant whose heat seared her cruelly distended

clitoris, slowly turning the clamp red hot while her tormentor placed tiny

ants inside the gashes cut in the broiling crimson flesh to watch her stiffen,

arch and buckle in excruciating agony while howls of wretched woe shook her

convulsing body and Lyral kept sobbing and stumbling on the words of a prayer.

When the torture finally had to be suspended, Lyral was brought forth and had

to feel for her friend, gasping when her hands reached her hot, quivering

flesh and the first flow of healing allowed her to perceive the horrid agonies

coursing through her body. She was only allowed a few moments before her

friend was lowered on the floor and a metal bar with a wooden cone on top was

fastened to the bands constricting the base of her thighs and to her ankle

cuffs, adjusting it so that the cone penetrated deeply her bowels, causing her

to scream in renewed anguish. Her arms were pulled down behind her until her

wrists could be fastened between the rings clinched under her knees.

Three crooked iron spreaders were placed in her vagina, one pulling on the

lower cleft and two tearing at the upper corners, distorting it into an

obscene triangle whose border immediately tore where cuts had been ripped in

the rim, bleeding again. Her tormentor tightened vicious jagged clamps on her

nipples and clitoris, pulling their chains to the last ring of a stout chain

dangling from the ceiling which he then pulled until she hung screaming from

her clamped femininity while pliers were used to rip the nails from her toes.

A large bowel full of water was then bolted to the floor under her feet, and

when she was lowered again and attempted to relieve the pull on her feminine

flesh she realized that the water was actually salty as brine, causing her to

jerk her feet up, screaming from the pain of her suspension and the cone

distending her sphincter while the salt burned her bleeding nail beds.

They left her again, forced to inflict on herself the harsh bite of brine to

find respite from the horrid tearing of her scorched nipples and clitoris

while gyrating on the pole in constant pain from the stretching of her

dislocated joints and the scraping of her seared bowels. However she twitched,

however she tried to spare her bleeding nail beds, the scorched flesh of her

nipples and clitoris was torn and scraped by the tiny jaws, causing her to

burst in harsh screams of wretched pain amid bitter moans of helpless anguish.

Zhorun watched her from the shadows, her agony coursing through his loins as

the heat from a fireplace coursed through a traveler finally safe in the inn,

and yet wishing he could enjoy her torment as much as the Southerner did,

wishing he could make her suffer himself, wishing he could have her twitching

in pain on the manhood he had forever lost.

He kept watching her eerie dance with his netherwordly gaze, enjoying the

convulsing agonies and bitter screams of this marionette of pain whose strings

he could pull only through intermediaries, savoring her wretched woe while

time trickled by in a long, dark nightmare of uninterrupted torment.

When the light returned to the room, it was the Easterner who cautiously undid

her restrains after tightening her iron collar on the windpipe. Lyral was

allowed to heal her briefly, and she tried once more to deliver through her

soothing touch something above physical healing, something she could not

define herself but which she felt her friend desperately needed.

Lost in pain, Kayleen recovered her awareness only when, after putting some

implements in a brazier, the Easterner dragged her under a chain dangling from

the ceiling, cuffed her wrists and elbows together behind her back and lifted

her off the floor by her wrists, ignoring her screams from the agony in her

dislocated shoulder joints. He then wound around her twitching body a thin

barbed chain, whose sharp hooks soon ripped tiny wounds through her convulsing

flesh as she rattled her restraints, jerking from the devastating pain in her

torn shoulders.

Her eyes filled with tears when he produced a small red hot blade and a pair

of equally hot pliers, with elongated, flat jaws brimming with tiny spikes

which he used to grab a fold of flesh on her left thigh, slicing it open with

the blade while her screams rose to high heaven in a desperate fit of

gut-wrenching agony.

While her screams trailed off, he used a spoon to scoop a pinch of tiny white

crystals and pour them in the gaping wound, tightening the grip with the

pliers to prevent them from trickling away and then twisting the wounded flesh

between the jaws while she convulsed in demented pain. Her howls continued

unabated while the red hot pliers crushed the tiny rock salt shards inside her

bleeding, scorched wound, grinding them back and forth and twisting the flesh

through unthinkable depths of protracted, excruciating torment.

When he finally let go, she continued twitching and rattling her chains

between coughing screams of miserable anguish, her chest heaving in bitter

sobs at the prospect of more to follow. Pain exploded in her left arm when the

pliers tightened on a fold of her stretched muscle, and then rocked her when

the red hot blade cut through the taut fibers amidst her pitched howls of

unabated torment. Her ears picked up, among the echoes of her own screams,

Lyral's soft voice, singing an old country song she used to sing in the lulls

between a battle and the next, when they discussed what would be of their

lives once Zhorun's tyranny had been lifted.

The wretched agony of a thousand needles bursting inside her stretched muscles

cut through her recollections like an hurricane, howling in despair and

filling her mouth like molten lead before surging in raucous howls of

gut-wrenching anguish. The pliers ground the tiny shards into recesses of

twitching flesh she never suspected a wound could hide, and the memory of

happier times wavered under the relentless torment wracking her mind.

The Easterner grabbed a fold of her left ass cheek, cutting through the soft

crease between buttock and thigh, through skin already scorched by the ants,

up to a point where one had found its demise. The horrid pain of the

constricted, scorched flesh being sliced through prevented her from

appreciating the care her tormentor used to stay clear of major blood vessels,

although the wounds bled profusely until the crushed salt inside mingled with

blood to form a crust which left the wound open and hurting but reduced blood

loss considerably. Her restraints allowed her ample room to buckle and twitch

for the enjoyment of Zhorun's eyes, and her spasmodic jerks raked the hooks

of the thin barbed chain encircling her all over her bleeding body.

Her soles were next, savagely sliced open, the grip of the pliers fighting the

flailing of her strong legs while she howled in demented agony and the smell

of charred flesh lingered as the torture was mercilessly protracted. The agony

was made worse by twisting the pliers back and forth, or left and right,

forcing her to arch and buckle in spasmodic torment and wreak further agony on

her dislocated joints to lessen the devastating pain of the shards being

repeatedly ground inside scorched flesh.

Another wound was cut in her other thigh, and her torturer hung with his full

weight on the pliers to add his weight to the torment of her torn shoulders

and drag the crushed salt shards down the length of the wound while blood

squirted from the constricted flesh and harrowing screams of demented agony

surged from her foaming mouth. Cutting across the straining muscle of a limb

always resulted in harrowing pain, and her tormentor availed himself of this

opportunity over and over until Lyral had to be brought forth to stop her

friend from dying from excessive blood loss.

After drenching Kayleen with cold, salt water and bringing the jug to her

lips, the Easterner reached for her firm buttocks again and cut, slicing

through a fold of firm flesh an inch at a time and using the blade to scoop

shards into the newly cut wound, progressing slowly amidst her raucous

screams until he reached the cleft between her buttocks and then proceeding to

crush the salt inside the bleeding cut. This was but the first of many

harrowing gashes cut through her buttocks, experimenting several variations of

the torment which all resulted in desperate shrieks of harrowing pain and

spasmodic convulsions in the raking embrace of the barbed chain.

She was lowered on the floor and then stretched between chains leading to four

pillars, her full weight hanging on her dislocated hip and shoulder joints

torn mercilessly while she hung lewdly exposed in mid air, her head sagging as

a cry rattled her torn mouth. Then the Easterner grabbed a fold of flesh on

her left side, and cut deep enough to scrape a rib while she rattled her

chains from the unimaginable agony her convulsions wrought through her joints.

After stuffing the wound with salt shards, he crushed them with the red hot

pliers, positioning the jaws so that the shards would scrape the flesh from

the bone and grind the bone itself, a horrid refinement of bone scraping which

wracked excruciating agonies through Kayleen's heaving chest and kept her

stiffening and arching between wheezing howls of wretched torment and

convulsed jerks, mercilessly jarring her dislocated joints

The torment alternated between ribs on either side, pausing only to splash her

with cold water whose salt added little to her screaming agonies, or to bring

the jug to her torn lips, unable to articulate as they trembled and frothed

from depths of pain she could not fathom. Somehow she still realized that the

syrupy liquid fed to her was meant to protract and intensify her agony, but

she craved it, hating this telltale sign of how her will had been broken.

Lyral was brought forth again when the white of several ribs showed under the

bleeding gashes, still praying under her breath for her screaming friend,

whose spirit was being mercilessly crushed. When the healing process allowed

Lyral to feel her friend's plight, she could not help but sob in horror.

"Kayleen, angels of heaven ..." she whimpered behind her gag.

Her friend's voice reached Kayleen in spite of all odds, possibly because of

the healing process, a feeble anchor between the waves of an ocean of pain in

which she was being drowned. She had withstood day after day of atrocious

torture, brutal rape and unrelenting suffering, first through her own resolve

and then with the strength lent by Lyral's power, but what remained of her

resolve had been savagely eroded and Lyral was beyond her reach, healing her

body but unable to soothe her weary soul, leaving her alone with pain.

She tried to whisper something just as her friend was pulled away and then a

howl surged from her mouth as the pliers caught a fold of her breast and

seared it for the blade to slowly slice open, followed by more pitiful screams

as salt shards were poured in the bleeding wound and crushed inside while

white hot agony blazed through her suspended, convulsing body.

Her breasts were slowly shredded, alternating between them so that she could

better sustain the agony, slicing horrid wounds and twisting them savagely

while the salt inside wrought unspeakable torment through her writhing body

and demented howls coursed through her bleeding chest. The crust formed by the

searing jaws did not hold when a fresh wound was savaged nearby, and returning

to open wounds to break the crust and renew the agony slowly became obligatory

as wound after wound striped her proud breasts.

Her mind raced through halls echoing with her own screams as her tormentor

moved between her legs and grabbed a fold of her pubic mound, cutting through

with excruciating slowness while the red hot tip exposed the pubic bone. She

had always known that it would come to this, that her femininity would be next

and that more horrid torments would descend on her, almost reading the mind of

her torturer as he poured tiny salt shards in the wound and then closed the

red hot jaws over it, viciously crushing them onto her scorched flesh and

pubic bone while she arched in a protracted howl of demented pain.

With exquisite slowness, he cut another gash in her mound and repeated the

torment, wracking unspeakable agonies through her body and repeatedly crushing

and twisting the salt in her wounded flesh, pulling against her convulsed

jerks and grinding bone while she stiffened in long screams of inhuman agony.

After protracting the torment at leisure, he moved the pliers to her left

nipple and sliced it open from tip to the areola, sliding shards in and then

crushing the nub of feminine flesh between red hot serrated jaws while her

howls rose desperately under the vaults of the torture chamber. He splashed

her with cold, salt water before repeating the torture on her other nipple and

clitoris, and then splashed her again before cross cutting each cut again

while she arched and jerked in atrocious agony, screaming hoarsely in fits

of hopeless woe as her mouth almost tore from the effort.

The red hot jaws repeatedly crushed the bloody crust inside the slashed nubs

of feminine flesh in protracted fits of excruciating torment which shook her

body almost to the point of tearing her limbs off her dislocated joints, while

desperate howls of wretched agony consumed her wheezing voice which only

unspeakable waves of pain could fan beyond a wheezing moan.

New howls echoed in the torture chamber when the jaws closed on the labia

being sliced through, and then on the rim of the vagina being cut and twisted

while the salt shards found little purchase and the torment was attempted over

and over while she convulsed uninterruptedly, screaming in inhuman pain.

Even when the jaws allowed her an instant of respite, unspeakable agony surged

white hot from her stretched joints and burned from her exposed ribs and

scorched breast wounds, drowning her in a maelstrom of anguish which she tried

to escape by calling upon her friend, begging for her touch, straining to

reach her beyond the walls of hellish agony crumbling on her from all sides.

The pliers closed repeatedly on her nipples, searing the scorched flesh again

and scraping it while she tried in vain to listen for Lyral's answers to her

inarticulate pleas. She was in such pain that she could not have answered any

of the questions she was supposedly being tortured for, and her mind reeled in

the vain search of any answer that would stop the pain, although Lyral had

guessed that she was being tortured for Zhorun's pleasure only.

When the jaws scorched her shredded clitoris and the encrusted salt pierced

her sensitive femininity again, her eyes rolled over as excruciating agonies

tore through her frothing mouth in piercing howls of wretched torment. Blood

squirted from the torn petals of the nub as they were crushed onto the shards

inside by red hot serrated jaws which peeled and scraped the sensitive tissue

as the pliers were savagely twisted left and right, forcing her writhing body

to arch and buckle in spasmodic agony, rattling the chains pulling her limbs

while gut-wrenching screams of demented pain shook her dangling body.

When Lyral was brought forth again, she gasped when the healing revealed to

her the extent of the agonies wrought on her screaming friend's dangling body.

Although the empathy of healing was no substitute for direct inspection, she

shuddered at the thought that Kayleen's nipples and clitoris had been shredded

and burned even beyond her ability to restore them, and doubled her efforts to

bring some respite to her screaming friend's flesh.

Well before Kayleen's wounds were completely healed, Lyral's comforting touch

was abruptly taken away. As she was thrown onto he ground, Kayleen cried in

bitter despair, still unable to articulate the pleads she could not prevent

from wracking her will as the thought of further torments loomed before her.

Her wrists and elbows were cuffed together, and her legs were next.

The torn corners of her vagina were stretched by crooked hooks which distended

the bottom cleft and the top corners while she was forced to stand on the

balls of her feet by clamps savagely tightened on her peeled and scorched

nipples and attached to a chain from the ceiling. A ridged meat hook was

pushed up her bowels and attached to thumbscrews clinching her thumbs, and a

clamp on her clitoris forced her to bend her knees as it was pulled down and

fastened to a ring in the floor, stretching her partially healed breasts by

the nipples and forcing her in a precarious position which brought about a

wheezed cry of pain and despair as she realized how this restraint would

torment her in the subsequent hours.

Even as her tormentor left, plunging her in darkness, her fears materialized as

her agonizing legs gave and unbearable pain enveloped her nipples as most of

her weight rested on them, causing her to jerk up with a bitter scream and

then shudder as white hot agony shot from the clamp savaging her clitoris. Any

position she found entailed various degrees of pain in the nubs of feminine

flesh and, much to the delight of the silently observing Zhorun, could not be

maintained for long. She had ran out of tears, and even of screams, but the

hoarse, wheezing noises which wracked her torn mouth in the subsequent hours

proved satisfying for the silent spectator of her torment.

Even when the agony from the numbed bits of tormented feminine flesh turned

almost bearable, Kayleen was still in hellish pain from her dislocated joints

and from the restraints which had been her most inseparable tormentors for

days and nights of relentless anguish. Her wrists and ankles were cuffed so

tightly that they sometimes cracked, and even whey they didn't the dull studs

inside dug bleeding sores in the flesh and rubbed the bruised flesh onto bone.

The iron band clenching her waist had serrated edges which cut tiny gashes on

each breath and chafed the tender skin into purple bruises of relentless

torment. The bands at her elbows were the excruciating instrument through

which her shoulders were visited with the most relentless torments, as she had

been for so long subjected to painful pulling of her arms behind her back in

various positions that she barely remembered the times when her arms flexed

with might instead of trembling in relentless pain.

The bands at her knees and thighs at least only caused chafing and bruising,

except at the knees where the studs inside dug thin flesh onto the bone. The

thigh bands hurt the most when her hip joints were not dislocated, as they

brought the thighs cruelly together and dug into the soft flesh mercilessly.

The worst, however, were the serrated rings constricting the base of her

breasts and the crooked hooks distending her vagina into a gaping, obscene

triangle. It was not the first time that their pull kept the wounds left by a

session in her feminine parts open and bleeding. Yet, the soft skin of her

breasts had been uninterruptedly chafed and bruised by the dents of the rings

squeezing them into sore bags of throbbing pain.

As a light shone in the chamber of horrors she sobbed bitterly, fearing new

torments, and then croaked and coughed as she recognized Shandra, alone before

her. Hope clutched her heart.

"Shandra ... please," she managed to articulate, choking.

Obviously distressed, and pale as death, the Sorceress looked behind as

Zhorun caught up, pretending to join her from the corridor.

"As you can see, my apprentice, even harsh, protracted punishment is not

enough to bring down her defiance, although some progress has been achieved

with due perseverance. Although we feed her with herbs which enhance her

sensitivity and awareness, her resolve outlasts her endurance," said Zhorun.

"Maybe her will can be weakned," said Shandra noncommittally.

"I would much prefer her endurance to be protracted instead," retorted Zhorun.

"From what I've seen, the tortures already take her on the brink of death

already. The torturer's experience would not help them to stop in time, if the

telltale signs of the victim are suppressed," answered Shandra, her face

ghostly pale and wincing at Kayleen's wheezing cries.

Kayleen had managed to wade through her painful recollections enough to

remember Shandra's betrayal, and could not help but sob as the hope of being

rescued on seeing her former friend was shelved.

Suddenly, Zhorun cast a spell and the band around Kayleen's waist warmed

slowly, then turned hot. As the heat increased she buckled in pain and her

nipples and clitoris were brutally stretched and scraped while a howl rose

from her mouth. She continued screaming as the iron turned red hot, jerking

in convulsed agony while her head shook in pain and continuing as the band

cooled with excruciating slowness between her harsh gasps.

"Less than a minute," whispered Zhorun.

Shandra extended her hand to touch Kayleen's forehead, and touched it while

murmuring the words of a spell. Kayleen's mind cleared, and her clear blue

eyes opened wide in hatred at the red haired Sorceress. She was about to say

something when the iron band constricting the base of her left breast turned

warm, and soon her newfound voice surged in bitter screams as it slowly turned

red hot while she convulsed in howling agony until the metal slowly cooled.

"Enough! Make him stop!" cried Kayleen repeatedly, pleading her former friend

as if she had forgot her betrayal, the toll of weeks of torment crushing her

into incoherent terror, her resolve shattered. She would have answered any

question by now, but Zhorun was not interested in asking.

Under Shandra's transfixed gaze, Zhorun meticulously used his magic to heat

the iron restraints constricting Kayleen's body, returning to her breasts,

nipples and clitoris most often as they elicited the most heinous convulsions

and desperate screams as she rattled her chains, twitching in harsh pain but

apparently never losing the unnatural awareness brought about by magic.

After a while, however, the effect apparently faded and Kayleen's eyes lost

focus as pain distended her mouth in a scream from the searing heat sizzling

her clitoris in the vicious grip of the tight clamp linked to the floor.

"Again," commanded Zhorun, and Shandra obliged with a dreary expression, cold

sweat all over her face as she cast another spell on her former friend.

The torture continued for maybe an hour, until Shandra protested that her

ability to cast the spell again had burned out. Kayleen had been repeatedly

seared by her red hot restraints, although she had never begged for mercy

again, as if Shandra's magic had bolstered her resolve. Zhorun considered for

a while, then continued heating the clamps on Kayleen's nipples, watching her

writhe in convulsing agony while her voice screamed in choked fits of wretched

woe, only to finally give up in blatant irritation.

"You have thy task lain before thee, my apprentice," he whispered.

Chapter 27 - Tears Beyond Respite

Kayleen's occasional screams echoed in the unlit chamber, calling for Lyral's

help even as she knew that no help would be forthcoming. Her restraints forced

her to crouch slightly, unable to sit or stand, crying from the agonies still

wracking her joints and croaking when a wave of pain surged from her wounds.

In the cold darkness, she started trembling in fear mere moments before the

noise and the torches heralded the return of her tormentors. A moan coursed

through her writhing body as the realization that they were no longer allowing

her even the little respite allowed by the night-long pauses was swept away by

sheer terror at the sight of the lewdly grinning man from the South.

She was freed from her restraints and brought down, her hands chained behind

the back, near Lyral's knees. He pulled his member from under his robe and

straddled Kayleen's face, rubbing his member on lips still torn by the gag.

"Let's see what it feels like when she heals you," said the swarthy Southerner

whose sharp eyes had noticed how Kayleen reacted to Lyral's healing.

Kayleen's wheezing cry turned to a gurgle when he forced his manhood down her

throat, while Lyral hesitated nearby, sobbing under the blindfold which had

not prevented her from guessing what was going on. When her fingers rubbed

against Kayleen's horribly wounded breasts, however, she started for a moment

and then set about healing her suffering friend.

The relief coursing through Kayleen's body was a bliss she craved desperately,

especially when it was protracted and she was allowed to hope that they would

let her be healed fully and at least temporarily relieved of pain. Even the

violation of her mouth was almost acceptable before that.

As no special sensation accrued from his victim except some trembling and

long, deep breaths, the Southerner felt scorned and yanked her blonde hair,

violently fucking her face to see her gag, writhe and scream. He repeatedly

thrust viciously inside her throat, but his own lust betrayed him and a squirt

of semen filled her mouth while her eyes barely focused on him, lost in bliss

as the agony in her hip joints receded.

He pulled out, incensed at his perceived humiliation before Zhorun and Grod

who was actually carrying out some preparations nearby and rose up, pretending

to oversee Kayleen's healing. Lyral was allowed to heal her friend until

blonde curls formed on the pubic mound, although her power could only soothe

the chafed and bruised wrists and ankles or the relentlessly excoriated base

of her bulging breasts. The old man's mouth turned dry as his gaze lingered on

her slender legs and the heaving chest now restored to full beauty.

"Lyral ... I cannot thank you enough," whispered Kayleen.

"Be strong, Kayleen. I'll be always with you," answered the Priestess, her

voice low as if oppressed by some unimaginable weight.

"I have no more strength, Lyral. I cannot take any more," murmured Kayleen,

momentarily surprised at her own candor.

"Don't say that. Don't let them win after what they did to us," said Lyral,

trying to cuddle her head between her arms tied between her back.

"I used to say so, did I ?" mused Kayleen, oblivious to her tormentors,

basking in the warm echo of her friend's voice, desperately wishing this

moment lasted forever and well aware it would not.

When Lyral was yanked back by her hair, her yelp was drowned by Kayleen's

bitter cry of harrowing despair. The Southerner fastened the Priestess to a

ring in the wall and then returned to the blonde Warrior Queen and cuffed her

wrists and elbows together behind her back before freeing her legs and

dragging her under two dangling chains which he fastened to her ankles.

He pulled her off the floor and proceeded to tighten a thin wire around her

nipples and clitoris, savagely distending them to increase the pain which

wracked her screaming body. He then stretched her labia with clamps, pulling

their chains short after fastening them to her wrists

Kayleen clenched her eyes, hoping to send the images of impending pain and

merciless torture away from her mind, seeking the sound of Lyral's voice,

trying to find some of her lost resolve.

The Southerner thoroughly rubbed a long, braided whip in red hot pepper before

cracking it across the distended crease between her buttocks and thighs, as if

he could no longer wait, wrenching a screeching howl from her torn mouth. The

next lash singed her distended left labia, and the third left a reddish mark

on her inner thigh. Soon dozens of welts crowded her twitching thighs, and as

the pepper burned them the whip moved to her bulging breasts, striping them

while she buckled and twitched between pitched screams of bitter pain.

The intense whipping moved to her firm buttocks, which turned red as the welts

crisscrossed them mercilessly while her voice continued her song of bitter

pain in prelude of harsher torments to follow. When the whip returned to her

breasts, her screams rose by an octave as the whip lashed welts smarting from

the pepper, but she managed to shriek even louder when the lashes seared her

spread vagina and repeatedly reddened her outstretched clitoris.

With devilish precision, the leering Southerner concentrated on her nipples

and clitoris, never breaking his rhythm while she screamed uninterruptedly in a

torment meant to brutally deprive her of the fleeting wellness of having just

being healed. She tried to return to her previous whippings, remembering how

she used to roll with the lashes, to defy her captors, attempting to achieve

something beyond howling and buckling under the kiss of the lash.

It was Grod who caused her whipping to stop, reaching for the winch and

lowering her on the floor. Moaning in pain, she let him drag her to a steel

contraption and force her to kneel on serrated wedges while her ankles were

fastened to poles at her sides and her arms were pulled under her, forcing her

to raise her buttocks and lean on her bulging breasts. He adjusted her elbow

bands to constrict her bulging breasts between the arms and then pulled her

nipples, forcing them through the small openings of a studded breast crusher

while she writhed and shook her head from the pain of the apparently

impossible abuse thus visited on her quivering mammaries.

Once he managed to pull her breasts through the studded harness, trapping the

deformed and bruised flesh with a final tug on the nipples, he then pulled on

her wrists, stretching her arms under her so that they pressed on the trapped

breasts and tore at her awkwardly drooping shoulders. For a moment, he left

her there, her knees bleeding on the wedges, her soles twitching in the air

and her wrists pulled between her spread thighs, forcing her buttocks up and

stretching her breasts into disfigured depths of bitter pain.

He then fetched a jar and started smearing her with a dark, sticky hot paste,

tracing inch-long blots not unlike the war colors used by savage tribes in the

western plains. Black traces, smelling of autumn forest and something more

pungent. Tar pitch, she realized while her eyes bulged in horror.

She turned her head frantically, looking for her tormentor as if knowing in

advance what he was looking for, but her position prevented her from seeing

him fetch the chain whip from the brazier, its copper links catching on each

other's tiny hooks. The whip landed on her buttocks, tracing a purplish red

welt which started bleeding just as she contorted in her restraints and shook

under the bitter howl coursing from her torn buttock to her gaping mouth.

The red hot chain traced another welt across her left sole, and then another

in the cleft between her spread legs, expertly wielded with just enough force

to rip skin and scorch it at the same time, wrenching animal howls of harsh

pain from her already taxed voice. Another lash shredded the skin of her

muscular back, and one of the sticky patches started fuming.

Her face contorted in a mask of unexpected pain as the pitch started boiling

and caught on, bubbling slowly while wisps of smoke rose and her restrained

form buckled in wretched convulsions and desperate howls of excruciating pain

shook her from toe to chin. Patches were mostly two to three inches long, but

the resinous substance burned slowly, bubbling and seeping in the wounds torn

by the tiny barbs, inflicting unspeakable agonies while searing skin and flesh

into a protracted hell of nightmarish pain.

He let her scream and writhe while the whip was heated again on the brazier,

and then returned to whipping her screaming body, occasionally sending the tip

of the chain whip to lacerate her constricted breasts although they were not

marked by the sticky black goo. She continued screaming from the single patch

as it kept burning slowly, and it took many lashes all over her folded body

before a patch under her left sole caught fire and renewed the burning agony

on the soft flesh under her foot, causing her supple leg to writhe and tremble

spasmodically in the grip of the ankle cuff, vainly attempting to kick away

the agony slowly eating at the sensitive flesh.

She continued howling and buckling while he heated the whip again and resumed

the slow whipping, setting fire to another patch on her shoulder which doubled

her screams as her head shook left and right in spasmodic pain and her arms

tore mindlessly against the chain pulling her wrists, vainly attempting to get

free. The repeated lashes cut the flesh, lingered on the wounds just enough to

scorch the wound and then ripped the singed flesh off while unspeakable agony

wracked her convulsing body and her repeated screams from the slow burning of

the skin burst into howls of unrestrained anguish.

When her hair caught fire, he poured cold, salt water on her head to soak them

thoroughly before continuing, setting fire one by one to patches in the back

of her thighs and buttocks before concentrating on the crease between her

labia, until fire lit between the folds causing her shrieks of agony to rise

to new heights as the feminine flesh was slowly singed and broiled amidst

inhuman howls of excruciating torment.

Her agony continued unabated between occasional lashes of the red hot whip and

wheezing screams of excruciating pain, rekindled by a few sips from the jug

now and then until the fire finally petered off and she was freed of her

restraints. Lyral managed to twist herself into providing her a modicum of

healing, but was brutally kicked away by the Southerner.

"Please ..." moaned Kayleen, unable to articulate between harsh gasps.

Her wrists and elbows were cuffed behind her while her ankles were fastened to

the ends of a spreader bar, and then she was pulled up by her wrists until her

flailing feet left the cold stone floor. As pain returned to her shoulder

joints, despair crept up her face and her torn lips trembled in the attempt to

say something which got drowned in the first scream as her toes cracked in the

grip of thumbscrews carrying hefty lead weights.

"No, stop ... mercy," she whispered as a sip from the jug returned her some

strength and she realized that her tormentor was tracing more patches on her

slowly twirling body, and where.

The red hot barbed whip slashed Kayleen's stretched thighs, tearing a bloody

and singed welt across the slender muscles which contracted as agony shook her

chest with desperate screams, lifting the weights for a moment before they

pulled her toes down with an excruciating tug which made her legs tremble

almost as much as the fiery lash.

Another lash lacerated her belly, and the third drew blood from her bruised

breasts while the barbs sent ripped bits of singed skin flying into her face

as it contorted in a scream of inhuman agony. It took a number of lashes

before a patch under her right breast caught fire, starting to scorch the skin

and reddening the underside of the breast above while she twitched and buckled

in pangs of wretched woe which rattled her chains and her shoulder joints.

Lyral was still blindfolded, but she hummed Kayleen's name repeatedly under

her gag, bent on making herself heard in spite of her friend's desperate howls

as the tar broiled the skin and seeped into the cuts left by the whip. It took

more lashes and further hellish agonies as one patch slowly burned before the

other was lit until Kayleen in her mindless screaming finally realized that

the hums from her friend carried her name.

Her attempt to answer died in another scream as the whip lacerated the sole of

her left foot, pulled down by the weight on the toe and already scorched by

bubbling tar. The lashes on the back of her thighs and on her breasts had

striped her muscular flesh with jagged gashes of scorched and ripped skin,

which trembled under the pull exerted by gravity and by her own convulsed

jerks from the whip and from the slowly burning patches. When a patch on her

breast caught on, she started screaming in such mindless agony that her arms

twisted spasmodically while the muscles strained in vain, rattling her chest

until her left shoulder was dislocated.

She was repeatedly drenched with cold, salt water and made to drink from the

jug while the whip was being heated again, but the torturer continued to light

one patch after another, bringing the slowly burning agony to her crotch

again. As the pitch bubbled inside her twitching labia, she frantically

twisted her hips, obscenely spreading her trembling thighs in the vain attempt

to lessen the agony inside her soft feminine flesh.

The whip repeatedly ripped bits of skin and curls of hair from her pubic

mound, leaving dozens of criss-crossed lacerations each of which wrought

shuddering agonies through her dangling body and inhuman screams from her

mouth. When the patch on her mound was lit, the pitch seeped in the jagged

wounds wracking her into a frenzy of screaming convulsions which rattled her

right shoulder through the brink of dislocation.

The torture continued mercilessly, using the whip to make her twirl left and

right so that the agony on a dislocated shoulder was followed by the tug of a

weight on a cracked toe. When a patch was lit, wheezing shrieks of demented

torment shook her dangling body and only a sip from the jug allowed her to

plead incoherently again for a while.

"Lyral ... stop the pain ... enough", she choked when Grod finally lowered

her on the cold stone floor, tantalizingly close to her friend yet not close

enough. She trembled and twitched from the bleeding lacerations and the

many burns, but Lyral was not allowed to heal her.

Her arms were cuffed behind her back in the reverse prayer position, and she

was dragged between two sturdy steel poles. Her tormentor pulled her thighs

in a painful split, bent her legs at the knee and twisted each leg behind the

thigh, fastening a chain to the ankle cuff and using it to pull her loins off

the ground while she screamed as her knees bent under her weight.

As the pull on her ankles increased while her loins were slowly pulled higher,

her wrists were fastened to a ring in the floor and her bent elbows joined her

knees in wracking hideous torments through her glistening body. When she

cleared the floor, her dislocated joints burned like molten knots of liquid

agony under the excruciating strain.

Lyral was still desperately humming her name, but Kayleen could only scream

and writhe as Grod traced more patches on her soaked body, adding despair to

her torment as he made sure to thoroughly coat the nubs of her femininity

which had become the seats of her most wretched agonies. Jagged teeth bit the

scorched pieces of tormented flesh as he encased them in clamps.

Just leaving her in mid air, hanging from her twisted limbs, would have torn

scream after scream from her frothing mouth, but Grod was still the torturer

who targeted muscle and bone and he had other plans. He heated the whip again

and lashed her spread thighs, causing her to buckle and scream as bits of

scorched flesh were torn from her oozing wounds. The whip now most often than

not landed where the skin had been either badly lacerated or slowly singed

under the bubbling pitch, and in either case ripped off bits of flesh amidst

pitiful screams of demented agony.

Her mouth formed repeatedly the word "No", or maybe was just stretching near

break point in long howls of unparalleled anguish as the patches caught fire

and the bubbling tar seeped inside bleeding lacerations. The clamps had also

been coated with tar and as the one biting her nipple also caught on, the heat

started singing the bitten nub of feminine flesh.

As fire scorched her singed and lacerated nipple, her convulsed jerks turned

spasmodic, causing untold agonies to burst from her elbows and her thigh

joints. The clamp bit her scorched clitoris most painfully, exposing it to

being repeatedly ripped through by the whip until low lazy flames enveloped it

and her convulsed twitches wracked her hips into blistering flares of mad pain

as muscles and tendons strained under her quivering thigh flesh in the frantic

effort to escape the searing torment.

With vicious persistence, Grod continued lashing her with the red hot chain

whip, making sure the barbs ripped scorched flesh now from one thigh and then

from another just at the height of the spasmodic splits her terror inflicted

on her quivering thigh muscles, sending excruciating torment flaring through

her soaked body and surging from her frothing mouth as she repeatedly brought

herself on the verge of dislocating her own thigh joints.

She continued screaming uninterruptedly and jerking spasmodically from the

burning tar and the repeated lashes, even when a desperate jerk pulled her

left thigh out of its socket and, in spite of a croaked scream of utter

torment, continued until her repeated frenzies of atrocious agony dislocated

the other, leaving her screaming in wheezing anguish through the foam at the

corners of her mouth, wracked by pleads of mercy she was unable to utter.

She could have been left there, as her position brought bitter pain through

her limbs at the slightest twitch, but the Southerner had completed his

preparations and wanted to step in, although he studied her restraints

intently. She was prevented from curling up in a weeping bundle of trembling

flesh and dragged by her iron collar to a sturdy wooden chair nearby. Her

ankle cuffs were locked just under the seat, pulling her folded legs up and

her knees high, and her arms left in the reverse prayer position painfully

separated and fastened behind the back at the wrists while her head jerked in

a scream from the agony in her shoulders.

Fresh clamps bit her nipples and clitoris, painfully distending them as her

tormentor adjusted the fine chains pulling their jaws until she was forced to

lift herself off the seat pushing onto her trembling, dislocated joints while

her chest heaved in brief gasps of wretched torment.

"Please no more ... heal me ... please," she moaned incoherently.

Her tormentor's hands yanked her head down and she was silenced by his

engorged member thrust down her throat, the only delectable place of her body

not coated in hot pitch. Her desperate screams gurgled as he viciously ravaged

her gag-torn mouth, thrusting with a mad lust which wracked her bound form.

A plank brimming with barbed spikes was slid under her buttocks, and when her

muscles tired their bite was announced by her bitter scream and panting

efforts to pull up again. As sweat soaked her trembling body, stinging tree

branches were carefully positioned so that her trapped pieces of feminine

flesh would brush them whenever she pulled herself clear from the spikes.

"No ... don't let me like this please ... don't go," she croaked as they left.

A guttural scream of despair wracked her as the closing door plunged the

chamber into darkness, except for the red glow of the dwindling braziers, and

turned into a howl as the barbed spikes pierced the scorched skin of her

buttocks. As she pulled clear, the bitter taste of tears in her mouth brought

home how they were effectively torturing her without pause, alternating

perpetration of unspeakable torments with taxing of her shaken endurance.

This time, to relieve her buttocks, she had to push on her arms and legs,

lifting her loins and putting most of her weight on her hip and shoulder

joints which rattled agonizingly under the effort, causing her to teeter on

the brink of blinding agony until her swollen nubs of feminine flesh fatally

rubbed against the stinging leaves, bringing her crashing down on the barbed

spikes again with a shriek of wretched pain.

Her strong muscles, recently restored to full health, carried her through many

such cycles of screaming torment, horribly wracking her dislocated joints for

the secret pleasure of the corpse silently watching from the dark recesses of

the chamber. However exhausted she was, the temptation of relieving her burnt

buttock from the torment of the barbed spikes brought her to lift her loins as

soon as her forces allowed, but the intent to stay just clear of the leaves

was invariably thwarted by a jerk of pain from her joints.

When the torches brought light into the chamber again, the Southerner circled

her and yanked her head down again, viciously penetrating her mouth with a

cackling smile while she screamed her agonies onto his manhood, writhing from

the pain in her joints and the burning sting of the leaves which her forcibly

distended position had forced into contact with her feminine flesh.

Once his lust was spent, he freed her from the chair and cuffed her wrists

and elbows behind her back before dragging her to a wooden post, where her

ankles were cuffed and she was made to bend forward, twisting her arms above

her head while she howled from the pain in her shoulders. A meat hook was

lowered from the ceiling and deeply engaged in the cleft of her vagina,

causing her to scream mindlessly when it was used to pull her up.

As her toes twitched in the effort to find some support, her tormentor pulled

her arms further down until her wrists could be cuffed to a ring in the wooden

platform and her chest twisted between her spread, twitching legs. The agony

in her vagina as the meat hook menaced to tear it open was indescribable.

He produced a pair of tweezers which he used to grab the flesh of her thigh on

both sides of a laceration left by the barbed whip, where pitch had seared it

leaving the edges charred and oozing, and then pulled on the scorched skin

tearing it open again while her teary blue eyes bulged in horror and scream

wracked her chest. She was still screaming when he rubbed a red hot poker in

the wound, heating the pitch until it started bubbling.

Her wretched screams froze as horror descended on her face when he picked up a

tiny writhing centipede from a jar and stuck it in the laceration. Inhuman

agony contorted her face as the critter, trapped in the hot pitch, started

wriggling, biting and raking its many legs in the wound, tearing flesh in the

frantic attempt to find purchase with the tiny claws while the pitch seeped in

and her thigh muscles trembled from the horrid agonies which rattled her

convulsing form and surged from her howling mouth.

Her jerks in such a cruelly stretched position naturally renewed the torment

in her dislocated joints, and waves of horrid pain rolled through her as the

centipede wrought abysmal pain in her wounded flesh in its frantic efforts to

wriggle away. The critter fought vigorously against the hot pitch protracting

her abysmal torment beyond her ability to keep track of time, its throes

bringing each new unspeakable frenzies of convulsed screaming as the pitch

found new places to sear while the scorched flesh was ripped off.

With meticulous cruelty, he brought his tweezers to rip open another cut in

her left buttock and repeated the torment, savoring her convulsed agonies and

almost considering penetrating her exposed orifices as she contorted

desperately before his eyes. He opted to stick to his procedure instead, and

once this centipede also died proceeded with more, tormenting her other thigh

and then her buttocks and arms. He often doused her with cold, salt water

although making her sip from the jug in her position proved difficult, so

after a dozen of centipedes Lyral was brought forth to heal her friend.

Still blindfolded, Lyral almost puked when the empathy of the healing act

gave her a glimpse of the agonies Kayleen was undergoing. She tried again to

infuse her power with something beyond mere physical healing, sensing how her

friend's will had been eroded by the uninterrupted sufferings.

"Lyral ... stop the pain ... please," croaked Kayleen under her touch.

Lyral could only hum her friend's name, but tears flowed from under her

blindfold just as the last throes of a centipede stuck in a gash through her

friend's shin stopped, although the pitiful trembling did not.

"Lyral ... tell them ... I'll tell them," murmured Kayleen.

The Southerner pulled Lyral away, sending her sprawling on the cold stone

floor, and while Kayleen sobbed bitterly reached for a pouch and grabbed her

torn mouth. With a swift move, he punctured her tongue with a thin needle

coated in greenish goo, repeatedly, and kept his grip on her mouth until he

saw her tongue swell. This will not prevent her from screaming but will garble

any speech beyond recognition, he congratulated himself.

He freed her, ignoring her attempts to speak between screams, and pulled her

wrists behind her back until he hung her from the top of the post while she

flailed about in jarring pain. He caught and cuffed first one and then her

other leg, twisting them at the knee until he could lock her ankles to the

post spreading her thighs painfully. With vicious abandon, he hammered a four

part wedge up her vagina and inserted a fifth in between to spread it open

until the wounds ripped by the barbed whip tore open again.

With his tweezers he ripped open a wound on her right breast, heating the

pitch with a hot poker and then sticking a centipede in the quivering flesh

while her screams echoed pitifully under the vaults of the torture chamber,

staring in her tear-filled eyes as anguish and terror wracked her mind just

like agony and exhaustion wracked her convulsing chest. When the centipede

finally died, another was stuck in a wound in her other breast.

Her agonies intensified as he continued ripping open her breast flesh and

heating the pitch while she screamed herself hoarse in what was but a prelude

to the agony inflicted by the trapped critter. The beasts were actually quite

strong, and in their effort to get free grabbed on bits of scorched flesh with

the claws at the end of their legs, although they only managed to tear off the

tissue tenderized by the slowly burning pitch, exposing new flesh to the heat

in a progression of excruciating pain which caused little bleeding and

protracted horrific agonies to the madly convulsing Kayleen.

She screamed pitifully when the torment was inflicted on the soles of her

feet, although she could now sip from the jug in between even as she vainly

attempted to make her pleads of mercy understood. But her swollen tongue only

allowed her to howl and scream, and she did when her thighs were again made to

suffer the agony of the trapped critters while she gurgled her torment through

the foam bubbling from her mouth just as her body convulsed madly against the

creaking wooden post, wracked by excruciating pain.

His tweezers ripped open a long laceration in her muscular abdomen, which bled

where it had not been steeped in pitch before he used the hot poker to stir

the sticky goo while she rattled the post from her screaming convulsions, and

then jerked when a centipede was stuck in her living flesh and started its

twitching dance, causing such horrid pain that her strong abdominals rippled

spasmodically and her hip joints twitched in abysmal agony as pitiful wheezing

cries tore through her torn mouth, pitched in spite of her swollen tongue.

More lacerations across her belly were subjected to the atrocious torment, but

the Southerner liked to watch her eyes bulge at the sight of the critters in

her breasts and ripped many cuts on their upper slopes, savoring her writhing

agonies and terrified screams as the breast flesh bulged and twitched from the

excruciating throes of the trapped critters. For her nipples, however, he used

a blade to cut a gash through the base, on which he poured bubbling pitch just

as he stuck a tiny centipede in the wound.

Her agonies peaked as convulsed jerks rattled her dislocated limbs, because

the trapped critter had been folded in the wound, his tail forceps savaging

her nipple tissue while its jaws ripped flesh from her areola as it tried to

distend, painfully stretching the nipple from the within as hot pitch scorched

the distended feminine flesh and the creature violently trashing it. Her

screams from the torment of her nipples and the convulsed jarring of her

joints waxed and waned in fits of frenzied agony.

After protracting her nightmarish agonies beyond the unspeakable, he freed her

of her restraints, letting her curl besides her friend's hands for a brief

healing which he only allowed to make sure she could gulp the contents of the

jug. He cuffed her arms behind her back in the reverse prayer position, and

then pulled her off the floor by a chain on her left ankle while her swollen

tongue turned her howls from the pain in her left hip joint into gurgles.

He cruelly twisted her other leg and forced her to bend at the waist until he

managed to cuff her other ankle to her iron collar and pull her breasts around

her stretched leg, trapping the distended nipples in a vicious screw which

wrenched pitched screams from her drooling mouth. Her crotch was so stretched

that wrinkles formed in the skin under the sticky pitch.

With fiendish cruelty, he used tweezers to tear open the lacerations in her

sphincter and the rim of her vagina, letting her jerk in convulsed pain as

they bled before being seared by hot pitch. He fastened her arms to a ring on

the floor only when he wanted her unable to move, as he used a serrated blade

to tear the lacerations further inside her gaping orifices, dripping more hot

pitch while inhuman screams of agony gurgled around her swollen tongue.

Once the first centipede was stuck in a gash cut in her rectum, her convulsed

jerks rattled the chains just as her pitiful screams wracked her torn mouth

and Lyral's trembling frame nearby. As the critters tried to climb their way

through the lacerations the ripping of tiny bits of flesh was even fiercer and

the agonies wracking Kayleen's dislocated joints worse than ever. As a third

and a fourth centipede took their turns inside her seared innards, pitiful

jerks and wheezing gurgles left little room for her pleads of mercy.

After repeated dousing with cold water, and over a dozen creatures brought to

savage her innards, Lyral was briefly called upon to heal her as her voice had

dwindled to a pitiful hiss, which barely flinched when a cut was ripped in her

dangling, disfigured left breast to stick another critter. Lyral's touch gave

her some strength, just enough for her screams to rise again as her tormentor

ripped open a gash in the underside of her other breast.

Her innards suffered the agony of the trapped centipedes a few more times, and

then the Southerner ripped open a gash in her mound, using the blade to make

it reach her clitoris while she writhed in spasmodic agony. When the critter

was placed in the wound, it reflexively anchored its jaws on the nub of

feminine flesh, attempting to anchor itself to pull out, but the hot, sticky

goo only made it mercilessly tear bits of flesh from the laceration while

repeatedly biting the clitoris in search of firmer purchase.

If human strength could break iron chains, Kayleen's spasmodic convulsions

would have broken the chain she hung from or the one pulling her wrists toward

the floor, because amidst pitched screams of excruciating agony she jerked in

frenzies of wretched woe as the centipede was ripping her clitoris to shreds

while unspeakable agonies wracked her dislocated joints.

The protracted whipping had left dozens of lacerations in her mound, very

little of which had been spared the boiling pitch, so between repeated dousing

with cold water and brief moments of respite at Lyral's hands Kayleen was

dragged down into the depth of hells she could not fathom as each laceration

was ripped open, seared until the pitch bubbled enough to stick another

centipede and ravaged by the twitching legs while the jaws bit her poor

femininity into protracted nightmares of convulsed pain from which no respite

and no mercy could be hoped for.

She gurgled and howled in uninterrupted pain as the reiteration of the torment

peeled piece by piece the feminine flesh from her mound, crotch and innards,

exposing layers of fat and tissue to the bubbling pitch and then ripping them

off while inflicting unspeakable torment and uninterrupted woe on her

twitching body. Kayleen lost track of herself and her horizon shrank to the

agony surging from her shredded clitoris and wracking her torn joints, unable

to think of anything but the pain wracking her body and shaking her chest.

When she was finally freed from her restraints, she shook uncontrollably in

wheezing agony, pleading incoherently between screams which shook her from toe

to chin while Lyral was brought forth to restore a clitoris which had been

torn and savagely shredded to twitching tatters mired in bubbling pitch,

spread like petals from a flower and scorched raw from heat.

The Easterner neared, but the gnarly Southerner gestured him away and the small

man stepped back, his face carefully hiding his reaction. The old man lowered

Kayleen onto the floor and cuffed her wrists behind her neck, then dragged her

under a chain from the ceiling ending in a thick meat hook. He made her kneel

on the floor and brutally inserted the hook in her vagina, twisting it left

and right to make its crooked arm lodged firmly or maybe just to enjoy her

choked screams as it ravaged her scorched innards.

He closed the jaws of savage clamps on her disfigured labia, fastening them

with fine chains to her ankle cuffs, and pulled her breasts forward until they

smothered the chain pulling on the meat hook and he managed to screw a vise on

her shredded nipples, wrenching a gurgling scream from her torn mouth. Another

vise crushed her thumbs and two barbed chains were pulled through her crotch

to tiny clamps which bit the torn sides of her shredded clitoris.

She was still jerking and screaming from the pain of these clamps when he

pulled on the chain, slowly lifting her off the floor. Choked howls of bitter

torment wracked her chest as the pain from the hook splitting her in two

forced her to arch back, causing the barbed chain to rake the cleavage between

her breasts and rattle the vise crushing her nipples, although the pull on her

clitoris from the chains sawing through her crotch was worse even discounting

how her flailing legs pulled spasmodically on the stretched labia.

The chamber was plunged into darkness while Kayleen was still convulsing on

the meat hook, her screams garbled by the swollen tongue but pitched and

uninterrupted. Unaware of Zhorun's malevolent gaze, she twitched and jerked in

the effort to find a position which lessened her anguish, but only managed to

shift it from place to place as time went by, marked only by her bitter cries.

She tried to wrap her mind around the agonies they were inflicting on her,

almost longing for the days when each torturer got to hurt her for a few hours

and she was then left for the night, in some torturous restraint but at least

in Lyral's company. Now she was being tortured at least four times per day,

and certainly not for shorter periods, and in between was subjected to

fiendish torments which she had to suffer alone, each lasting a quarter of

what her nightly pause used to last, but much more savage.

When the torches brought back some light, such had been her uninterrupted

suffering that gratitude enveloped her when the Easterner lowered her on the

floor and removed the meat hook, allowing her to crawl weeping within reach of

Lyral's outstretched hands. She had no need of meowing pitifully words which

her swollen tongue made unintelligible anyway, because the small hands of the

young priestess found her tear-streaked face as if she wasn't blindfolded.

Kayleen jerked when the Easterner grabbed her and started rubbing her wounded

body, gasping as a stiff brush was rubbed on the sticky patches and the smell

of turpentine reached her nostrils. The solvent and the brush were harshly

applied, but somehow Kayleen thought she sensed the intent to cause no more

pain than necessary. But the jug brought to her lips told her that this would

be the extent of the mercy she could expect.

As she was separated from Lyral, Kayleen thought she could hear her friend

weep and beg her forgiveness, which confused her as the memories of past

nights mixed with the agonies of the present. She was dragged to an implement

she recognized with dread, the wooden rail, but although partially healed she

was unable to oppose her tormentor when he made her straddle it and cuffed

her ankles to a ring in the floor, stretching her legs forward.

Pain wracked her dislocated joints again when he cuffed her wrists and elbows

behind her, twisting her arms above her head and forcing her to bend at the

waist, further and further down until her wrists could be fastened to the far

end of the rail while her breasts rubbed the hacked, splintered sides of the

wooden wedge, which cut increasingly through her slit as the tail end was

cranked lower, reclining it while blood already trickled down the edge.

Her mouth was still filled by her horribly swollen tongue, so her muffled

pleas conveyed no meaning as she saw the Easterner bring forth the coils of

rough rope which had ravaged her limbs recently, rub them in a sticky brown

paste and then in a glittering powder. When two or three coils tightened

around her forearm she tried to discern its nature, which became clear as he

started pulling the rope back and forth raking her stretched forearm through

waves of blinding agony. The coarse rope was grinding powdered glass and red

hot pepper across her lacerated and burned skin, ripping it bit by bit while

the fiery powder stung mercilessly the excoriated flesh.

Gut-wrenching gurgles of excruciating agony wracked her chest and choked her

mouth as the rope left her forearm a bloody, twitching bundle of scraped flesh

and her tormentor switched to her left leg, fully aware that her convulsed

twitching was scraping her femininity raw as she could not help but rub it

against the splintered edge of the rail.

The agony coursing through the stretched body made the legs pull her forward in

spasmodic jerks, thus dragging her lacerated vulva and crushed clitoris along

the edge for the inch or so which her legs could achieve before the angle of

her arms in the twisted sockets made further progress impossible and she let

go, sliding back with excruciating slowness on the blood soaked edge.

The merciless stretching and the spasmodic convulsions from the scraping of

her limbs wracked untold agonies through her dislocated joints, the molten

knots of white hot torment which bulged under her stretched muscles as harsh

jerks wracked her strained tendons and surged from her mouth in choked howls

of atrocious pain. The wretched coils chafed and abraded her lacerated skin,

leaving raw flesh burning with the sting of red hot pepper while long,

convulsed frenzies of desperate screaming echoed in the torture chamber.

She was repeatedly drenched in cold, salt water, whose sting replaced that of

the red hot pepper it washed away, mixing with the tears on her face, scraped

and cut from the occasional rubbing against the splintered edge. With cold,

calculated cruelty her tormentor alternated the excoriating ropes between her

arms and her legs, shredding sound and scorched skin while her screams gurgled

past her swollen tongue in pitiful fits of wretched anguish.

Lyral was called upon a few times when the ropes bit too deep where some blood

vessel ran, but her tormentor's expertise allowed him to slowly excoriate her

limbs, limiting immediate damage but inflicting increasingly atrocious agonies

on her twitching body. Her screams rose in pitch as he moved to her thighs,

chafing one from behind and the other from her side so that she would slide

back and forth over the agonizing, blood-soaked edge.

Kayleen lost herself under the nightmarish torment, her mind clearing only

when she felt Lyral's soothing touch and realized she was trembling on the

floor, unable to find rest as any contact with her excoriated limbs was pure

agony.  She barely managed to voice some garbled pleads when her tormentor

dragged her away, trapped her arms behind her back in the reverse prayer

position and fastened her knee bands to chains dangling from the ceiling.

Once another chain was fastened to her wrists, she was lifted from the floor,

screaming garbled cries of bitter anguish from the torment of the suspension

on her torn joints. As she hung there, iron vises were tightened on her toes

until they cracked and used to spread her in an excruciating split by pulling

on thin chains coiled around small rollers. A thick wooden pole was secured

under her spread vagina and her screaming, glistening body was slowly lowered

on the hacked tip by releasing the chains suspending her, causing her arms to

bend behind her back and her thigh bones to bulge out of their sockets.

Her tormentor fetched more coarse rope, rubbed it in red hot pepper and

powdered glass and started dragging it across her ass cheeks, winding it just

under the hips or diagonally between the legs. The pushing and pulling caused

her to whirl and buckle against the wickedly dented pole, while her chest was

wracked by screams of such desperate anguish that her congested face shook as

if about to burst, her shrieks so high pitched that they sounded like choked

whistles as they soared past her swollen tongue.

The merciless ropes left swathes of bleeding skin crisscrossed by wounds slit

open by the glass fragments, trickling blood and having their edges repeatedly

pulled open by the coils of rope for the burning kiss of the red hot pepper.

As her buttocks were shredded by pulling on the ropes, her loins were lifted a

fraction of an inch, raking her innards against the splintered girth of the

pole, and then dropped, jarring her arms and thighs as the strained muscles

twitched spasmodically  and fits of screaming anguish wracked her chest.

She was repeatedly drenched with cold, salt water and made to sip from the

jug, and the torment was continued mercilessly, interrupting it only to wind

the atrocious rope coils around her brutally stretched feet, scraping them

somewhat haphazardly while her head arched in gurgling agony from the jarring

of her cracked toes and the shredding of the skin.

A longer coil was then wound around her loins, dragging powdered glass over

her taut belly and slender sides while the muscles of her her back stretched

and pulled spasmodically as she turned with the rope, screwing herself against

the splintered sides of the pole tearing her open while a raucous, trembling

scream waxed and waned with the alternating motion of the ropes.

The swaths of skin shredded by the ropes climbed up her front until, after a

sip from the jug, the powdered glass started shredding her scorched breasts,

climbing from the undersides to the disfigured nipples while her compressed

chest heaved as her wretched agony fueled frenzies of choked screaming which

tore past her swollen tongue and the foam at the corners of her mouth.

When the ropes were wrapped around her chafed and scraped left thigh, a deep

shudder wracked Kayleen's suspended form and unintelligible pleads of mercy

bubbled from her mouth as she contemplated the effect on the ropes on already

lacerated skin. The swollen tongue prevented the full volume of her howls to

echo under the vaults of the torture chamber, but the spasmodically heaving

chest, the pitiful twitching of the muscles in her other thigh and the noise

of the chains rattled by her jerks left little doubt.

After a few buckets of cold, salt water, her torment was resumed as the ropes

were raked against her crotch, shredding her stretched labia against the

splintered sides of the wooden pole and scraping raw the cleft around the

sphincter. She continued buckling spasmodically and gurgling pitifully while

bloody tatters of skin flapped from her scraped flesh, and her face contorted

in atrocious agony while the ropes scraped the scorched skin from her mound.

Her pitiful moans, interspersed with vain attempts to plead mercy, continued

even as she was extricated from her torment and left in a heap on the floor,

trembling under Lyral's touch, unable to lie without being wracked by pain.

"Make them stop," she managed to croak, her feet shaking in bitter twitches.

Lyral was sobbing, with warm, bitter tears streaking her face under her

blindfold, bent on healing her friend's horrid wounds and desperately seeking

to buttress Kayleen's shattered resolve, humming her name behind the gag while

cuddling her trembling head even as the Easterner dragged Kayleen away.

Kayleen's muffled screams resumed as her legs were folded at the knee pulling

her ankles above the thigh and cuffing them to chains dangling from the

ceiling, wound behind so that when she was lifted off the floor her legs were

atrociously split and bent at the knees, tearing her thighs out of their

sockets as the ankle was pulled up behind the rotated thigh while she howled

in fiendish pain. Another chain was ran from her wrists in the reverse prayer

position and a ring in the floor, using it to stretch her in mid air while the

heads of her dislocated bones bulged under the strained muscles, jarred by her

convulsed frenzies of screaming agony.

Her eyes bulged when he pierced the tips of her nipples with tiny hooks,

pulling on them to distend the nubs of feminine flesh and the mounds of chafed

and scraped skin, turning them into streaked cones crisscrossed by bleeding

shallow cuts and dangling tatters of shredded skin while she vainly tried to

ask for mercy or respite between harsh, protracted screams.

Another hook distended her clitoris, still peeled raw from the repeated

scorching from the boiling pitch and shredded by the twitching of the horrid

critters. She almost expected the coils of coarse rope which her tormentor

draped inside her slit, already burning with red hot pepper and soon bound to

rake powdered glass across her scorched and scraped flesh.

For an instant, her eyes sought in his expression any trace of what in past

occasions had looked like mercy, or maybe respect, but met only a grim intent

to put an end to the matter which was painfully confirmed when he started

sewing her bleeding labia around the coarse rope

Another coil of rope was wound around her breasts, supplementing the iron

rings which always constricted their bases, and pulled up between them. When

he started pulling the ropes back and forth, the powdered glass traced new

cuts in the shredded breasts just as the ropes squeezed them and the jerks

induced by the pain in her bleeding mounds jarred her joints while she howled

pitifully, vainly venting her agony beyond her swollen tongue.

Pain burst in waves across her chest and soared in howling bouts of spasmodic

twitching as the coarse rope chafed scorched skin and rubbed the edges of

extant cuts open to the red hot pepper, while the grass fragments sliced the

taut scorched skin as her firm mounds were squeezed, opening new bleeding

traces of blinding agony as the torture was protracted mercilessly.

After a few buckets of cold, salt water, her tormentor grabbed the ends of the

rope hanging off her sewn labia and started dragging them back and forth, as

if to saw through her slit but actually making sure the ropes chafed raw the

stretched tatters of her clitoris while her screams managed to make themselves

heard even past her swollen tongue in spite of the creaking and rattling of

the chains as she jerked in spasmodic torment.

Blood trickled from her slit as the edge was scraped raw and the rope started

to bite the flesh, while the tatters of her clitoris twitched upon each pull

on the ropes while her screams continued and her joints, especially her hips,

trembled from the twisting of her limbs, the bones bulging under the swollen

flesh while strained muscles and tendons were wracked by her buckling and her

chest heaved in frenzies of desperate agony.

The torture was protracted mercilessly, and the obvious intent to cause as

much pain as possible replaced the usual care to minimize damage dealt. Lyral

was repeatedly called upon, sometimes without even suspending the torture, and

yet when the torture was finally interrupted Kayleen's disfigured breasts and

crotch had been scraped raw and the flesh pitifully shredded. The ropes had

torn through her sewn labia and her clitoris had been almost scraped off.

A strangled cry shook Lyral when she started healing her twitching friend, and

she muttered the words of an ancient prayer as her hands sought to soothe

agonies beyond her worst nightmares. As the worst wounds receded, Lyral

started when Kayleen jerked with a gurgled scream of despair, unaware that her

friend had just seen the Southerner inspecting her crotch to make sure her

clitoris would be restored enough for further tortures.

Kayleen was dragged away as soon as her worst wounds were dressed, and forced

against a contraption dangling from the ceiling. Her elbows were cuffed

together and pulled up behind her above a studded steel bar, while her feet

were forced to rest on another and a third was nudged behind her slightly bent

knees and used to secure a thick wooden pole, whose dented girth was viciously

driven up her vagina, forcing her to straighten her back.

Her thumbs were crushed in a vise fastened to barbed chains which ran through

her shredded slit to a jagged clamp on her clitoris, and similar clamps with

lead weights crushed her nipples. To relieve the agony in her womb she could

straighten her legs, but this dug the dull spikes in her lacerated soles and

was a position which her trembling, taxed legs could not hold for long against

the agony radiating from her dislocated hip joints. When her legs tired, her

weight and the pain moved to her shoulder sockets as she hung from her elbows,

her nipples stretched by the dangling weighted clamps and her clitoris pulled

back from the chains sawing through her slit.

Darkness enveloped her as she sobbed in pain, shrinking before another pause

which would bring no respite, only the strain of bouncing between equally

taxing positions while undergoing subtle but not less exhausting torments. For

a moment, she thought a robed figure lurked in the shadows, but dismissed the

thought once pain shot from her crushed clitoris as her feet slipped.

The excruciating torments just suffered still shook her, but the recollections

of the depravities inflicted on her in the last days raging through her

wavering thoughts were almost worse. Lyral's healing power restored her to the

extent allowed by her tormentors, and also compensated for the lack of sleep

when it was protracted long enough, but could not shield her from the horrors

she was being subjected to. She shrunk at the thought of more tortures.

As she writhed in her restraints, she pictured herself pleading for mercy, and

her sobs tasted bitter in her mouth when she realized that the thought of

groveling before her captors was no longer shameful to her. Pain surged from

her stretched rectum in a scream as she faced the shattering of her resolve.

Time passed with hellish slowness as she turned and screamed, loathing the

thoughts crowding her mind when pain let go of its grip and loathing herself

for entertaining them, tempted by visions such as having her poor breasts

freed even for an instant from the unmerciful iron rings which constricted

their bases, making them bulge and unrelentingly chafing the tender flesh.

When she heard the noise of approaching footsteps, heralding new torments, a

sob harsher than any uttered so far wracked her restrained body. She called

desperately Lyral's name, as she heard the rattling of chains, but her tongue

muffled the words and torchlight framed the lewd grin of a gnarly old man.

Kayleen screamed pitifully at the sight, and the Southerner, reveling in her

terror as if savoring a rare wine, started undoing her restraints and cuffing

her ankles to chains fastened to rings in the floor. Her wrists were hung to

chains from the ceiling, and then she was lifted screaming bitterly from the

pain in her dislocated shoulders, pulling her limbs taut. Grod would have

pulled her to the brink of tearing her limbs off, but the Southerner had other

intentions and thrust his leather sheathed manhood inside her torn vagina.

Her attempts to plead were lost in her own screams as his frenzied thrusts

jarred her hip joints and her torn shoulders burst in agony when she slumped

down under her weight after each thrust, as even a fraction of an inch wrought

unspeakable pain through the dislocated sockets. Penetration and friction sent

blasts of white hot pain through her lacerated innards, and her violation

lasted until his lust was finally spent, leaving her wracked by bitter sobs.

As the jug was brought to her lips, she choked at the fearful smell of metal

being heated in a brazier. He fetched a piece of barbed copper wire and looped

it around her outstretched arm, smiling when she gasped as a barb raked her

scorched and lacerated flesh. It was nothing before the pain he subsequently

inflicted by twisting the ends of the wire together, tightening the wire to

cut mercilessly through skin and flesh while she rattled her chains in agony.

She screamed madly in muffled shrieks of wretched agony as the barbs raked the

scorched flesh or scraped inside the lacerations criss crossing her arms, and

twitched spasmodically as more and more wires were slowly tightened on her

sore flesh, squeezing it into bulging grotesquely while the wires cut in her

stretched muscles and the barbs ripped open her lacerations again.

A splash with cold, salt water made her writhe spasmodically as a long scream

wracked her chest, followed by pitched shrieks as more wires slowly cut into

her limbs. She realized that he was placing the wires to make the barbs tear

into the skin scorched by the boiling pitch, so that when the wire was

tightened a bleeding gash would slowly be cut through the sensitized tissue.

When he started wrapping longer, thicker wires around her belly and chest she

could not help but buckle and arch spasmodically as burns and lacerations were

horrendously scraped, howling behind her swollen tongue and shaking her head

in the throes of demented pain. The tightened wires cut bloody trails across

her torso and limbs, as if to slice through her.

After making her sip from the jug, he fetched a piece of red hot wire from the

brazier, pulled on the wire digging into her flesh and slid the red hot wire

below, across those already cutting into her thigh flesh as if to carve it

up into square wallops of searing torment while she arched in pain as the red

hot barbs seared open a lacerated gash, screaming at the top of her lungs.

More pieces of heated wire followed, distributed across her limbs while her

muffled screams followed the rattling of her chains as she shook in abysmal

pain from the red hot barbs and the trashing of the wires already cutting into

her flesh. As her head reeled under the waves of agony rattling her stretched

body, she agonizingly realized that the wires circling her limbs pressed their

red hot counterparts into the bulging flesh with unyielding force, drawing

horrid agonies as skin and flesh were slowly seared away while the red hot

metal was unrelentingly pressed down and the barbs cut through.

Her screams continued to engulf her torn mouth, too desperate for her chest

to contain, rising under the vaults even if muffled by her swollen tongue as

her head arched in spasmodic agony. The jerks and twitches caused by the

wretched carving of her bulging flesh periodically rekindled the agony in her

dislocated joints, rattling them whenever pain coursed through her stretched

limbs. A checkerboard of jagged creases and scorched deep cuts slowly grew

over larger and larger swathes of lacerated skin, intersecting bleeding

gashes with the deep scorched cuts sawed by the cooling wires.

With devious cruelty, he clenched the wires on her ribcage savagely tight, so

that the red hot wires ground deeper through the scorched flesh whenever her

lungs fought to breathe for her next scream. A desperate shudder wracked her

when she was repeatedly drenched with cold, salt water. In a few places the

red hot wire had cut to the rib before cooling, and now stabs of white hot

pain shot from those places where the barbs scraped the bone.

When her tormentor freed her arms, she moaned Lyral's name between her

screams, looking forward to her soothing touch, but was bitterly disappointed

when her elbows were cuffed together over a studded steel bar slid under the

armpits. The ends of the bar were fastened to chains dangling from the ceiling

and then her ankles were pulled back, leaving her weight on the steel bar

pushing her dislocated arms up out of their sockets.

As if her screams from the pain in her shoulders were not enough, her wrists

were pulled down behind her, forcing her to arch and push her breasts and

crotch forward while the screams wracking her chest increased with the angle

cut by the steel bar between her armpits and her twisted arms.

With a smile, her tormentor looped a long, barbed wire across her left ass

cheek, winding it inside the thigh and then diagonally before turning it back

above the hip and twisting the ends together. The reason for these first two

became painfully clear to her when he used them to fasten more wires winding

across her buttocks, all pulling on the first two so that when she moved

dozens of barbs raked the lacerated and scorched skin of her buttocks.

She continued her pitiful frenzies of bitter screaming as more barbed wires

were added, because the wires on her buttocks engaged repeatedly those on her

bound arms, whose movements under the strain of her position carried to the

former, causing the firm flesh to be repeatedly raked mercilessly.

When a red hot wire was pushed under one of the wires sawing through her firm

ass cheeks, she jerked so desperately her left arm was grotesquely pulled away

from the shoulder, almost tearing the tendon as the muscle strained while her

throat echoed with her muffled screams of wretched woe. She continued shaking

and rattling until the wire slowly cooled off, after scorching a deep gash

through the lacerations in her ass flesh. Cold, salt water was splashed over

her before another hot copper wire rekindled her pitiful screams.

One by one, more red hot wires were inserted under the warp weaved across her

ass cheeks, searing them deep into the quivering flesh while excruciating

agonies wracked her hanging form and rattled her dislocated joints. Foam

bubbled at the corners of her mouth as her screams still could not surge past

her swollen tongue, although the spasmodic quivering of her limbs and chest

left no doubt about the agonies wracking her body.

Pure, unabridged terror flashed through her teary blue eyes when he brought

a loop of barbed wire around her left breast and started tightening it with

pliers. The barbs raked the lacerations in the firm mound, constricted as

always by the iron rings around the base and now being squeezed tighter by the

excruciating wire. She would have begged for mercy, but she managed to utter

only a few garbled words before her screams left her no breath for pleading.

Lost in his drooling word of depraved pleasure, the Southerner had chosen for

her breasts a thinner wire, so that he could wind more coils of barbed torment

across her delectable mounds. He relentlessly lingered on the crisscrossing

coils, pulling, tightening and adjusting them as often as he added new ones to

increase her agony. The barbs repeatedly tore open the lacerations left on her

poor breasts, and while she was almost out of breath from howling her anguish

over and over, he stuck the first red hot wire onto her quivering flesh.

White hot pain shot through Kayleen's clenched eyes as a desperate howl burst

past her swollen tongue and drooling lips, echoing under the vaults of the

torture chamber while she rattled her torn joints in the vain effort to

dislodge the agony searing through her constricted breast flesh. Reeling in

anguish, she tried to call for her friend, even if at some level she was aware

that this torture deviously managed to draw little blood and was thus not

likely to spur her tormentors into having her healed.

She was doused with cold, salt water, washing away the sheen of blood trickled

on her breasts from dozens of lacerations, and then the gnarly old man started

twisting short barbed stubs of red hot copper wire under the coils squeezing

her firm breasts, letting them sizzle while she arched in agony as the skin

was scorched through and the flesh underneath slowly seared open.

Howling frenzies of demented agony wracked her restrained body as her breasts

sizzled and bled, crisscrossed by a checkerboard of copper wires whose barbs

scraped mercilessly the deep gashes burned through the flesh from the cooling

wires. Her swollen tongue no longer prevented her hoarse screams from echoing

in the underground chamber as her head shook spasmodically while one after

another sizzling wire tore scorched gashes through her quivering breasts.

When she was finally freed from her restraints, she lay on the floor, choking

and delirious with pain, but in spite of her garbled pleads Lyral was not

allowed to heal her and the Southerner folded her legs and bent her arms

behind her neck until he could cuff each wrist outside the corresponding ankle

and fasten the elbows together. She was then lifted by chains pulling on the

iron bands above her knees, spreading her thighs and bending her arms at the

elbow while she screamed as the pain in her joints was renewed.

The old man moved behind her and tightened more barbed wire on her fingers,

one by one, drawing blood as the barbs scraped bone and dragging thin red hot

wire under her fingernails while she buckled and twitching, wracked by screams

which burst through her foaming mouth in spite of her still swollen tongue.

Her face contorted as if ripped through by invisible claws while her nails

were slowly ripped off one by one by sawing back and forth with red hot barbed

wire, and her mouth almost tore at the bleeding corners when he twisted red

hot wire on her labia, distending them mercilessly while the barbs cut through

the scorched flesh and bitter howls wheezed past her mouth.

He twisted more wire around her toes before searing the toenails off one by

one, keeping her screaming uninterruptedly as pain wracked her into fits of

spasmodic buckling alternated by arching when the torment from her joints

overcame the agony of her sizzled and ripped toenails. Garbled pleads for a

stop to her wretched agonies repeatedly formed on her lips, always crushed by

desperate screams of excruciating pain tearing through the foam in her mouth.

Her howls rose to a paroxysm of spasmodic shrieks when he started twisting red

hot wires on her nipples and clitoris, squeezing the delicate nubs and tearing

scorched gashes deeper and deeper in the twitching flesh while she stiffened

and arched, rattling her chains in desperate jerks of atrocious agony. He used

very fine chains, with tiny barbs, alternating between ordinary pliers to pull

the flesh taut and smallish tweezers to twist the sizzling metal tighter and

tighter, slowly cutting a scorched gash in the raw flesh.

She buckled frantically when he poured the contents of the jug down her

throat, and immediately resumed screaming in agony as the wires were twisted

with sadistic glee and the nubs stretched to find room for more, lost in pain

so overwhelming that she was certain she could not possibly endure it any

longer and would die, but the jug was brought to her mouth again.

Her tormentor fetched some thicker wire from the brazier and using a pair of

pliers in each hand bent it so that one end could be pushed down her gaping

vagina and the other pulled down, tearing through the rim of her love channel

and raking the red hot barbs across her vulva and mound, sawing back and forth

to deepen the scorched gash while blood trickled from the lacerations being

torn open again by the sizzling barbs. Her screams burst in fits of coughing

and sputtering as her mouth had not fully ingested the liquid yet.

After scraping her mound to tatters and tearing a dozen of bloody gashes in

the rim of her vagina, he continued cutting into her nipples and clitoris,

even as the latter was so stretched and wrapped in wire that he was tightening

the wire on metal as she gurgled in unspeakable torment, shaking under

twitches of excruciating pain which crushed her garbled attempts at pleading

as the nubs of her femininity were slowly seared to shreds.

Lyral was finally brought on to heal her croaking, twitching friend, but then

the old man started ripping the wire from Kayleen's wounds, twisting and

pulling with savage abandon until he cleared enough of her hanging form to

penetrate her with his erect manhood, violating her in a rut of bloody lust

which lasted enough to wrench new garbled screams from her mouth, leaving him

panting but still bent on ripping the rest of the wires one by one.

As this last installment of her nightmare finished, she hung in trembling

pain, her screams wheezing pitifully while the swarthy old man was already

arranging for her torments to continue. Zhorun gestured towards a wooden

splinter, which lifted of its own and idly flew to her shaking body. The old

Southerner turned in surprise, and started smiling watching the splinter trace

the gashes crisscrossing her breasts while her head arched in a hoarse scream.

Chapter 28 - Agonies Beyond Tears

In the cold darkness of the torture chamber, Kayleen croaked in despair as

pain surged from the thin barbed chain sawing through her slit. She had been

left on the cold floor, arms and legs clenched together by the irons whose

studs had been inseparable instruments of her torment for days. A studded

steel bar had been nudged between shoulders and arms, its left end linked by a

short chain to the right end of a similar bar stuck behind her ankles, and a

similar chain connected the other ends of both, forcing her to twist and bend

at the waist, exacerbating the chafing from the iron band clinching it.

With fiendish cruelty, clamps had been screwed on her nipples and fastened to

fine chains crossed behind her neck and reaching to a screw crushing her toes,

while a similar chain pulled a chain connecting her clitoris through the slit

to a screw crushing the thumbs. The usual drenching with cold, salt water had

been but the last straw of her misery, because her body was so crisscrossed by

burns and lacerations that she could rest on no part of it for long, twitching

and screaming as each movement renewed her torment. Her shivering, however,

was more from terror at the prospect of further torture than from cold.

Her thoughts whirled in fear as images of past torments loomed in the few

pauses her anguish encountered. She craved Lyral's touch desperately, even if

sometimes bitterly realizing that it would further her agonies, so badly that

she repeatedly imagined her friend's fingers barely touching her bleeding

lacerations before some stabbing agony crushed her fantasies. If only she

could be freed for an instant, she sobbed within as the studs in her wrists

bit the bruised flesh again. Maybe just having the serrated rings squeezing

her breasts removed, no longer chafing and biting the sore skin.

When her tormentors returned, however, she was instead treated to the sight of

the Southerner ingesting something, eloquently pointing to his manhood as a

desperate sob wracked her restrained form. Her mind shriveled and she almost

wished they wrapped her in spikes, rather than face rape at his hands.

Lyral's trembling touch was a sudden bliss, but it soothed her pain, not her

fears. She had forgotten about rape, she had hoped they would not use it

again. Mad with fear, she looked around, as if to call for more torture at

Grod's hands, or from the Easterner, anybody but him, shrieking in despair at

a circumstance she once would have tried to put to her advantage.

Laughing, the Southerner dragged her away by her twitching feet, up to a low

wooden platform. He clenched her arms together behind her back in the reverse

prayer position, cuffing the wrists at the base of the platform while her

elbows pressed against the top of the slope, forcing her to raise her loins to

reduce the pain in her twisted elbows. He cuffed her knees to loose chains and

then fastened chains to the screws crushing her toes, stretching her legs in a

savage split while pain shot from her still dislocated joints.

He used pliers to twist and stretch her partially healed nipples, tightening a

wire at the base while she howled in pain. Her voice echoed under the vaults

of the torture chamber again, as her tongue was returning to normal, but this

only made her shrieks more desperate when he did the same with her clitoris.

As she quivered in agony, a crack echoed and a long, bristled whip slashed her

squeezed breast, just under the nipple, making her jerk with a scream. More

lashes followed, aimed at her pinched nipples and clitoris, leaving angry

welts across the lacerations which Lyral had been allowed to heal only in

part. As more lashes seared her crotch, while blinding pain shot from her

clitoris as the blisters peeled it, frantic pleads rose to her lips, no longer

shameful as the terror of further pain swept anything else aside.

The whip lacerated her nipples, wrenching shrill screams from her torn mouth

as she loathed the thoughts crowding her mind when pain paused for an instant,

while the tortures that she knew would follow the whip loomed in her mind. She

would falter and crumble after pointlessly enduring the unendurable. The pain

of the bristles searing her labia would be nothing before what lied ahead.

The Southerner dropped the whip, grabbed her loins and penetrated her, pushing

with savage abandon while pain wracked her dislocated joints under his thrusts

and her voice vented her anguish and despair. Her mind twitched at what would

follow as pain from her dry innards burst in screams until his lust was spent.

Panting, he freed her from the platform, turned her on the belly and pulled up

her supple legs by her sides, almost purring as he felt them quiver from the

agony in her dislocated joints. With her left ankle at breast height, he

pulled her right arm until he could tighten a screw on her thumb and toe,

twisting wrist and ankle inside the studded cuffs while she cried desperately.

Her screams became ever more desperate when he set about doing the same with

her left arm and right leg, and reached blood-curling heights when he pulled

her off the floor by chains fastened to her wrist cuffs, fading into a gurgle

when he forced his manhood into her mouth, still torn by the spider gag.

Her gurgles increased when his gloved hands pinched a fold of stretched muscle

on her back, rubbed it with nettles and then stuck a thick green thorn in the

irritated flesh. Her tongue darted over his manhood as the pain of more thorns

flared across her back, each releasing an irritant which was the reason he was

plucking them green while garbled screams of wretched anguish wracked her.

He continued to savor her screams as humiliation and terror gained free reign

over her traumatized mind, bouncing her between the searing flames of pain

from another thorn being pushed in irritated flesh and the burning rash of the

irritant being released by those already in place. He finally came in her

mouth, almost choking her as she gurgled from yet another thorn being twisted

into a fold of twitching thigh flesh turned angry red by the nettles.

Still lingering in her mouth just because he could, he stretched to stick

thorns over the parts of her body he could reach while waiting for his

drug-induced arousal to return. Where the thorns stuck close to each other, he

started using a dried leather strap whose hard slap left swaths of skins

flaring in crimson agony, wrenching hoarse screams from her throat as if from

the depths of her very soul.

Her twitching buttocks slowly turned into angry red mounds, pinpointed by tiny

black speckles where thorns stuck deeply in the flesh and sap was squeezed

into the wounds by the repeated slaps as her screams returned to gurgling

around his aroused manhood and she was forced to take more of what was now

beyond her ability to endure. Unable to restrain her spasmodic screams, she

continued writhing as more thorns wrought unspeakable agonies through her

distended thigh muscles, enveloping his pulsating member with her desperate

shrieks of mad agony when the strap seared the rosette of her anus.

She lost count of how many times the drugs had allowed him to fill her mouth,

regurgitating foam and semen in a single scream once he pulled out as the

strap singed the sole of her left foot, jerking toe and thumb into spasmodic

agony in the grip of the thumbscrew. But his lust found a new target as he

violently penetrated her sphincter with his leather sheathed member while his

weight added to the agony of her suspension and of his savage grip on her

thighs, squeezing the thorns into her irritated flesh upon each brutal thrust.

Waves of unspeakable pain wracked her over and over, alternating the fire of

the leather strap with the repeated scraping of her bowels, worsened by using

the white powder he was so fond of to dry them up in the middle of each

screaming violation. After a while her sphincter was so torn and distended

that he had little trouble in sticking thorns inside, some deep down and some

just behind the torn rim. Subsequent violations scraped them inside, making

the irritated, dry walls swell and bringing the agony of the penetration on

par with the howls wracking her incessantly.

When she was brought down, Lyral was allowed only the briefest of contact, a

refined cruelty, but her humming carried words, words Kayleen wished she could

make sense of. Deprived of her friend's voice, not even questioned any longer,

rocked by waves of unquenched pain, her gaze happened on Zhorun's silent form,

always nearby, and the thought of how their fates were becoming similar

flashed through her mind as the Southerner changed her restraints.

Her tormentor screwed her breasts in a cruel vise and pulled her legs up until

he managed to twist the back of her knees under its steel arms, then clenched

elbows and wrists together tightly behind her back. As if her agony was not

enough already, he inserted a wooden pear in her bowels, screwing it open

among her insane cries until he could use it to hang her upside down, her

shoulders on the floor but her body wracked by the pain of the thorns behind

the rim of her sphincter pushed by the pear deep into her swollen bowels.

A meat hook was placed to stretch the cleft of her vagina, fastened to her

wrists by a chain pulled savagely short, and another two tore it open at the

folds of her labia, pulled by chains wound behind her waist to her ankles so

whenever she tried to bend her legs her vagina would be torn open.

As her shoulders left the floor her screams rose in unbridled agony, until she

reached a height where he could thrust his member into her mouth and have his

brutal pleasure again, pushing forcefully while her mind was stunned by her

own garbled screams echoing inside the head rocked by his wretched lust. True

to himself, he lingered inside after she gurgled his semen in pitiful agony.

With panting abandon, he started pinching folds of flesh to be rubbed with

nettles and pierced with thorns, savoring every shudder and scream which

licked his manhood. Conversely,she had to endure his urges as her screams

gurgled around his member, his lust as he pushed thorns between her toes and

into the partially healed nail beds, and his triumph as her howls fanned his

arousal again, unable to resist the onslaught of pain.

His hands lingered on the trembling muscles of her inner thighs, stroking them

over and over with the stinging nettles before sticking the thick thorns where

the flesh was taut, while her jerks and twitches almost made thrusting into

her mouth unnecessary. Each thorn pushed in her taut belly was like a glass of

fine wine, each shudder under the nettles a kiss of dark lust, each muffled

scream as his hands squeezed irritated flesh music to his ears.

He reached for her squeezed breasts, and arched when the caress of the nettles

over the firm flesh wrenched a delicious, protracted scream from her torn

throat and sent her tongue pleasuring his engorged manhood in spasmodic agony.

Each thorn thereafter brought new heights of pleasure as she stiffened and

gurgled pitifully in excruciating pain. The soft undersides, the areolas

deliciously rubbed with stinging nettles until they turned crimson against the

dark red of the peeled nipples, any part of her mounds writhed as he stuck

thorns with his thumbs and her misery grew beyond bounds.

Sustained by lust as much as by drugs, he rubbed fresh nettles against the rim

of her stretched vagina, watching it turn deep red while her mouth fought the

semen and foam choking her between screams she barely had breath enough for.

He was too close for the strap, but protracted use of the nettles allowed the

drugs time to act. His heart pounded as her screams were stifled and he pushed

a thorn in her swollen crimson labia, missing a beat when she stiffened and

arched in demented agony, screaming her anguish on his aroused manhood.

Thorn after thorn decorated the canvas of her agony, reaching deep inside her

womb to drive thorns as far as he could reach while the strength restored by

Lyral's healing was consumed in the bonfire of her torment. He studiously

rubbed the nettles inside the partially healed lacerations still straddling

her mound, circling around her femininity and occasionally draping the nettles

in anticipation around the peeled nub of flesh, black from engorged blood.

He protracted her anguished pleasuring of his member, sticking thorns where

her pubic hair used to be, under the folds of her clitoris and just behind the

stretched rim of her vagina, occasionally returning to her squeezed breasts

but otherwise concentrating on dragging her softest feminine flesh through

depths of agony beyond human endurance. The fresh sap burned like the fires of

hell and merely kneading flesh made her arch and buckle between muffled howls,

while her swollen innards burned as more thorns pierced them.

He finally pulled out from her mouth, lowering her on the floor again before

dragging her to where Lyral sat trembling. Kayleen tried to overcome her

craving for Lyral's touch enough to understand the words behind her friend's

desperate humming, but pain was her sole master now and she failed.

Her tormentor soon yanked her away, bringing her to lie on her back between

two chains which he fastened to her ankles, lifting them about a foot above

the floor and pulling them in an excruciating suspended split, wrenching a

new, hoarse scream from her torn mouth. He then grabbed her arms, cuffed the

elbows and wrists together and twisted them up, savagely tearing them from

their dislocated sockets again. As he continued to pull she was forced to bend

at the waist, rotating her thigh bones in their sockets with a long scream

from the deepest pits of anguish as her wrists were pulled up behind her and

her weight rested on her twisted, dislocated joints.

The chain fastened to her wrists was actually connected to a pulley, and he

pulled the other end down until he managed to fasten it to the vise still

constricting her breasts, tightening it and releasing the pulley so that her

torso oscillated between tearing her arms out of their sockets and stretching

her thorn studded breasts away from her chest. She screamed in pain and

terror, trembling as she expected the nubs of feminine flesh which had so far

escaped his attention to be targeted as usual.

With renewed lust, he grabbed the edges of her sphincter with his thumbs and

tore at the muscle, pulling her loins up to impale her vagina on his leather

sheathed member and jarring her shoulder joints while the vise squeezed her

sore breasts. Unspeakable pain scraped her womb as the dry leather squeezed

the thorns deeper into the irritated flesh, so swollen that each thrust

abraded it even before he started smearing the leather with sand, bringing her

screams to a spasmodic peak of wretched atrocity.

After his drug induced lust was sated, he started using the strap on her

breasts and crotch, each slap making her buckle and jerk in her suspension as

the stinging pain coupled with the fiery agony of the thorns renewed the

uninterrupted torment of her joints. The thought that this most sadistic of

her tormentors was obviously learning from the other two rattled her mind as

pitched shrieks surged from her mouth when the strap landed on her taut

breasts, leaving a swath of crimson agony while she howled helplessly.

Rekindled by her agonies, his manhood penetrated her again, scraping the

thorns through her irritated innards just as his brutal thrusts pushed those

in her mound deeper, squeezing more burning sap into her swollen flesh while

the dry leather tore bloody swaths of tissue from her violated love channel.

Each push crushed her clitoris, still constricted by the wire at the base and

peeled from the whipping, and the stabbing agony reminded her that there was

still something worse he could do to her.

After repeatedly violating her, he moved to her left foot, tightened a screw

on her toe until it cracked and then pulled it with a chain, forcing her foot

to twist backwards, imparting the same rotation to her stretched leg and

pulling until the head of her thigh was rotated out of its socket while she

stiffened and arched in a helpless scream of primal torment which was soon

repeated as the same fate was visited on her other toe.

Having rekindled the agony of her joints almost to the point of ripping her

legs off, he helped his flaccid manhood into her torn vagina. Grinning, he

stretched her left nipple and rubbed it thoroughly with stinging nettles,

taking his time so that her spasmodic twitches and desperate screams would

massage his member into renewed arousal. Alternating between left and right

nipple, he satisfied himself that they were an angry crimson before sticking

small thorns through them and crushing them savagely, smelling her sweat and

terror as pain coursed through her flesh and her screams rattled her chains.

While his arousal returned, he similarly rubbed her clitoris into fiery agony

before piercing it with tiny thorns, timing each so that her screams took on

the rhythm of his throbbing pleasure in spite of the cramped space his fingers

had to negotiate. Between flashes of atrocious pain, she realized that he was

making her pleasure him like a whore, rubbing and clutching his manhood while

the leather abraded her insides and the thorns turned inside her wounds, and

sank in self loathing at her inability to do anything but writhe and scream.

He grabbed her nipples and stretched them, pulling her body arching up in

howling pain and then yanking it down, crushing the thorns in her clitoris as

his member impaled her womb and a grueling scream wracked her twitching body.

She jerked like a rag doll when he pulled up and down again, howling as thorns

cut from behind the ripped rim of her vagina, and her jerks and screams

continued until his pleasure and her humiliation were complete.

As he fetched the strap, she hung sobbing at the prospect of a string of

horrid violations such as the one she had just endured. The dry leather left

a crimson mark across her bespeckled mound as pain overwhelmed her thoughts

and nothing else remained. When the agony from the strap paused, she tried to

plead mercy, loathing her weakness but unable to endure more.

Ignoring her garbled words, the Southerner pinched her nipples and penetrated

her stretched vagina again, crushing her burning mound with savage abandon.

Only after more harrowing passes at the torn orifice, interspersed with

increasingly savage applications of the strap all over her striped body, did

his savage lust fade as the effect of the drugs waned.

He did not object as the Easterner stepped in and lowered the delirious

Kayleen on the floor where she lay, still restrained, trembling and craving

Lyral's soothing touch. But to the experienced eyes of her tormentor she was

not in immediate danger, and he set about preparing her for further suffering.

She was placed on her back, with her arms nudged under knees and cuffed

together at the wrist. He then started pulling them up between her legs and

towards her chest, twisting her left wrist so that a thumbscrew could crush

her thumbs. Her ankles were then cuffed together and she was made to stand on

the balls of her feet while another screw was tightened on her toes. A chain

from the ceiling was then fastened to her thumbs and used to pull them up, and

a steel pillory with three holes was used to lock the wrists to her neck.

Once they left her in the dark, visions of harrowing torment descended upon

her as the constricted position she hung in squeezed the thorns still piercing

her flesh and rubbed together swaths of skin irritated by the nettles. The

ache in her joints turned to agony since her own weight, through the thighs,

pulled her arms out of their sockets, the strain inescapable as she rocked on

the balls of her feet and had her thumbs crushed back and forth.

This simple and excruciating torment was but another step, she realized, the

harbinger of further unimaginably refined tortures at the hands of the

Easterner. His torments were maybe less obsessed with her femininity than

others, but no less harrowing. The pauses were meant to plunge her into

terror, keeping her waiting in the dark while the pain of her predicament

hinted at the tortures looming ahead. It worked, she sobbed within.

When her tormentors returned, she was shuddering and sobbing, but in spite of

her obvious inability to do any harm the Easterner made sure her collar

crushed her windpipe before undoing her restraints. He cuffed one ankle to a

chain from the ceiling and the other to a ring in the floor, then pulled her

up until she hung in a vertical split,  already screaming because of the

traction on her dislocated hip joints. Her screams increased when he pulled

her right wrist high up against the left ankle, and the left wrist down to the

right ankle, forcing her to bend and twist her hips amidst a frenzy of pitiful

shrieks or have her arms torn off their sockets.

Her nostrils flared as a pungent smell reached them. He was mixing something

in a bowl, and there were a few lying about. He picked up some and dribbled

it in two bespeckled wounds while muscles of her quivering body cound not stop

twitching. She jerked frantically, screaming in demented pain as the lye

burned inside the wounds, partially diluted but still concentrated enough to

sizzle as it slowly seeped in the wound and contacted blood.

Her screams continued unabated as the burning nightmare seared the wounds,

never receding and biting remorselessly inside the flesh while she wracked

her joints through hellish agonies as the pain made her jerk and buckle

spasmodically. Already beyond herself, she could not withstand the onslaught

of relentless agony wracking her back. Her mind spun unhinged as the pain

unrelentingly scourged her wounded flesh, showing no sign of receding as time

passed and more blood reached the festering wound.

When the pain finally subsided, she continued twitching and buckling from the

residues of the white hot anguish still lingering in her panicked mind, to the

point of failing to notice that her tormentor was tipping tiny flakes of white

powder on her stretched leg. She notice when the flakes started fuming as they

contacted the sweat glistening on her strong body and renewed pain wracked her

as the skin still itching from the savage rubbing with the stinging nettles

was enveloped in a cloud of burning agony.

The powder was not actually burning, but it gave off heat which seared the

irritated skin and peeled it off with excruciating slowness, protracting her

anguish through frenzies of spasmodic jerking which left her breathless from

too much screaming but with cause for screaming more, making her voice rise

and fall as her jerks rattled her chains and wracked her joints.

When this second nightmare ran its course, more drops were dipped in a pair of

wounds in her back and her voice echoed again under the vaults of the torture

chamber in mindless fits of hoarse screaming. She was allowed some pause when

the jug was brought to her mouth, but the powder followed immediately and her

tormentor continued alternating powder and liquid while she screamed herself

hoarse from the unrelenting torment.

This was worse than her worst fears, an uninterrupted nightmare of hellish

agony like burning in sizzling oil, protracted without pause for minutes and

beyond minutes, with flesh and skin sending desperate twitches of horrid pain

wracking her nerves into spasmodic buckling while her position made even minor

movements a torment for the strained joints. She could not have endured it

even if lasted a tenth of what it lasted, and the pain kept mounting and never

receded. She wished to scream for mercy, she wished to beg and grovel, but all

she could do was scream in delirious agony, lost in a maze of burning pain.

Her tormentor continued with drops of liquid in the wounds of her back and

limbs, while handfuls of flakes seared her in places where the liquid had not

been applied yet. The liquid was more painful in wounds irritated by the heat,

it seemed, although her screams made it hard to tell the difference.

Even when she was made to sip from the jug, she was so wracked by pain that

she failed to articulate her misery and continued helplessly to suffer,

shrieking pitifully as drops were poured one by one in the wounds in her toe

and finger nail beds and twitching spasmodically when flakes stuck to the sides

of her hanging breasts, slowly making the reddened skin parched and cracked as

the lingering heat ate at it relentlessly.

When he released her from her restraints, she was delirious with pain and not

even drenching her in cold, salt water made her stop screaming. She gurgled as

the jug was brought to her mouth, and the only change was the creeping note of

terror in her screams as he pulled her arms between her legs, making her bend

at the waist and cuffing each ankle to the corresponding wrist and each elbow

to the corresponding knee, snapping the forearm to the shin and then using two

meat hooks to stretch her vagina and lift her from the floor.

Heavy lead weights were then fastened to screws crushing her thumbs, pulling

them down and twisting her thighs in an increasingly painful split, which she

tried to contain by force of muscle. But while her arms tensed in the effort

to hold the weights, her tormentor dipped a few drops in a wound in her left

breast and the flames of hell started eating at its flesh, sending her in a

frenzy of twitching and howling while her thighs spread with a snap and tears

appeared in the rim of her vagina where it rested on the hooks.

As flakes were slowly scattered over her stretched thighs, her howls rose in

pitch as she spread them in spasmodic agony, squirming and buckling on the

meat hooks while pain rattled her joints and the weights pulled inexorably on

her crushed, bleeding thumbs. Her face contorted into a mask of hellish

torments when more drops descended on wounds in her other breast, three of

them this time as if her agonies were not severe enough.

The liquid seeped lazily at first, apparently eating away at the thorn stuck

in the wound more readily than at the flesh, but it actually burned slowly

through the outer layer of skin and the encrusted blood in the wound until it

touched fresh blood. As soon as it did, it heated and sizzled, slowly

consuming itself in a nightmare of protracted anguish as tiny amounts of

substance slowly seeped into contact with blood, protracting the torment for

unendurable lengths of frenzied screaming and spasmodic twitching.

Another drop fell on a thorn stuck in her labia, while flakes covered her

breast which soon shimmered as the substance slowly heated its skin, parching

and cracking it while the tendons of her throat almost snapped as she arched in

blood-curling screams of inhuman anguish. Two or three drops at the same time

were the limit of her endurance, anything beyond sent her in screaming hells

where the mind was buffeted by gales of white hot, blinding agony.

With meticulous deliberation, her tormentor started increasing the drops being

poured on the thorn wounds in her breasts, gauging intently her reactions from

the mask of inhuman agony straining the muscles of her face, since her voice

was so taxed that the most wretched screams came as hissing wheezes.

The soft skin of her thighs, still bright red from the protracted rubbing with

nettles, slowly fumed and parched while wrinkles and sores opened where the

dry tissue tore under the strain of her spasmodic flailing. The heads of the

thigh bone bulged under the stretched muscles as inch by inch the weights

pulled her thighs out of their sockets.

Only when she was lowered on the floor did Kayleen recover from the onslaught

enough to finally pay attention to Lyral's muffled calls. Her friend was only

allowed to heal her briefly, but somehow this contact almost managed to carry

some consolation. Kayleen thought she could understand her friend's words,

maybe because they sounded like words formerly her own, words of courage and

resolve, hope in the face of evil incarnate.

But these words were put to the test as Kayleen's tormentor slightly altered

her restraints, fastening each elbow behind the knee and twisting the forearm

before cuffing the wrist to the corresponding ankle. While the studded iron

bands at the knees and above the elbows could slide around the limb, albeit at

the price of pain from the studded insides, the cuffs encased the flat sides of

wrists and ankles very tightly, pressing ankle and wrist bone to bone.

Her fear that stressful confinement was not enough for the sessions taking

place under Zhorun's eye was immediately confirmed when clamps bit her nipples

and clitoris and she was slowly lifted off the floor, her wheezes barely

audible as her jerks rattled the chains, but plainly visible on her contorted

face. Twin lead weights were fastened to her elbows, pulling her knees in a

harrowing split which her arms could not fight against while she arched in a

howl of excruciating woe, her hanging face streaked by drool.

Flakes were copiously strewn across her exposed crotch, and as smoke started

to form, drops of liquid dipped inside the clamps to bathe her stretched and

constricted nipples. Her strained voice rose in a frenzy of harsh screams

which echoed under the vaults as she jerked madly, in spite of the pain

inflicted on the nubs she hung from, unable to resist the onslaught of the

caustic as it burned through her stretched nipples.

As more drops landed on the sores where the hideous thorns still hurt the

flesh, her agonies increased beyond what her wheezing voice could vent and her

terrified mind could sustain. The horizon of her teary gaze narrowed to the

stretched, fuming nubs of feminine flesh straining under her weight and being

ripped bit by bit as she jerked them in her anguished twitching.

She knew they would tear beyond repair and wash her pain in waves of blood, and

when flakes were strewn on her distended breasts, in a flash she entertained

the thought of ripping them off herself to get at least an instant of respite.

Her screams gathered new strength as her breasts started parching, such that

some lingering flakes seemed to roll away from her pitched shrieks, and lasted

while the torment continued unabated in a nightmare apparently without end.

More drops were dipped here and there, landing with cruel precision in the

irritated wounds where a thorn still festered, and those in her mound wrought

new heights of searing agony inside her wounded flesh and tore the worst

screams from her burning lungs. She tried repeatedly to beg for mercy, to plead

for a pause, but her voice was so broken that only the most atrocious torments

could fan it to rage through her lungs and throat out of her foaming mouth.

And most atrocious became her agonies when flakes were strewn across her

mauled femininity, over the spread labia and around the rim of her vagina.

The skin folded and wrinkled, and her twitching jerks rattled her stretched

nubs near tearing several times. The fiendish construction of the clamps

spread the pressure and protracted the pain. Also, as she immediately found

out when drops were poured on the clitoris, it included paths through which

the caustic could drip and reach the places where traction tore the flesh.

With the help of tweezers he dripped some caustic on thorns lodged in her

sphincter, timing them so that they dropped when a frenzy of screaming howls

left her breathless and spent, denying her even the respite of exhaustion. The

hunt for wounds to bathe in caustic continued with agonizing slowness while

she reeled in a nightmare of screams, crossing new howling boundaries of agony

as drops consumed thorns piercing her labia and mound.

However clever their design, the clamps could not hold her weight forever as

the flesh they gripped was slowly consumed by repeated applications of the

caustic, and her tormentor kept her screaming in excruciating torment to the

very brink of the endurance of her feminine nubs before stopping.

She found herself cuddled by Lyral's arms, her friend's best attempt at giving

her some support against the unbearable. When she was yanked away, her words

did not make it into sound, her voice lost except from the most horrid

agonies. Lyral was still trying to tell her something Kayleen knew already,

because the truth was that she was too cowardly to stand any more of this.

Her arms and legs were clenched together and she was forced to bend at the

waist, encased in a vise built of a bar nudged behind her knees and another

behind her arms, which got brutally tightened until her ribs creaked audibly

while she cried from the constriction of her mauled breasts. Her arms were

pulled up behind her back, forcing her to bend down and stand on the balls of

her feet while a screw was tightened on the toes. The chain from her wrists

was wound over a pulley and fastened to a thick meat hook invading her rectum.

After copiously drenching her with cold, salt water the Easterner left with

Zhorun, purportedly leaving her alone with her screams in the unlit chamber.

Still trembling in agony, she screamed in the dark when a harsh sob made her

lean forward, jarring her dislocated shoulder joints and making her legs

quiver as her crushed toes shifted in the grip of the vise. In the effort to

spare her shoulder she tried to pull back, but the agony of her weight on the

hook scraping her abraded insides proved unbearable.

Shivering, she kept shifting helplessly back and forth, trying to lessen the

pain which surged from her toes each time. The heavy irons tightened on the

ankles and wrists were no longer enough, the chafing of the studded iron bands

at the knees and elbows caused too little pain, she cried, why did they have

to use the thumbscrews ... she was crushed already.

Each breath reminded her of the dented band around the waist and wrought new

pain from her breasts, whose lacerations rubbed painfully against the equally

lacerated skin of her thighs. The pain of the serrated rings constricting the

base of her breasts felt like the grip of rabid hands, bringing images of the

horrid rapes she would face if the Southerner was next.

When Grod entered, dragging Lyral on her knees, Kayleen felt almost relieved,

although a jab of pain in her shoulder joints immediately reminded her what

would happen next. Lyral was brought forth to heal her, and again Kayleen

could almost feel within herself her friend's affection, if not her muffled

words, a warm, soothing sense of being there. The cold hand of fear gripped

Kayleen's throat when the realization that after obtaining what he wanted

Zhorun would have no use for the young Priestess returned to her clouded mind.

After Lyral was yanked away, Kayleen tried to speak, her voice barely audible

after countless hours of screaming, but Zhorun gestured to Grod that the

torture was to be continued. He fetched a heavy iron vise and secured her

breasts in its grip, then forced her arms against the ribcage, fastened the

elbows to the dented band around her waist and pulled her wrists down to the

ankles, folding the legs in spite of any attempts to resist. Her restraints

would have been enough to bring her to tears if she had any left, but chains

were fastened to the breast vise and she was lifted off the floor screaming.

The agony of her suspension mounted quickly as the squeezed globes bulged in

the grip of the vise, made worse by her arms pressing it whenever she jerked

from pain. Her eyes, however, told her that more was to come. He was setting

up a trestle, ending in a four-sided sharp pyramid not unlike the cradle she

had already suffered on. This one was of iron and being heated by coals.

The first drop almost came as a surprise to her, and when the red hot tip

lacerated her sphincter and the barbs scorched shallow gashes along its rim

she almost refused to acknowledge them. Then her voice rose, riding on top of

agonies so atrocious that mere screams hardly rendered them justice. Lyral

started, recognizing in her friend's screams her own name.

Grod left Kayleen screaming and twitching on the red hot barbed pyramid for a

while, then pulled her up and immediately dropped her again, wrenching from

her another scream which echoed as if uttered from the deepest pit of hell

while Lyral's head sank between sobs. After leaving Kayleen on the tip for a

while, howling like a demented animal, he lifted her and dropped her again.

Each time he lifted her a little higher, making the impact more jarring and

ripping the tears in the bleeding sphincter a little wider. As the heat singed

the lacerated skin, it enhanced its sensitivity so that subsequent cuts from

the barbs exacted agonies more excruciating than they would on their own.

The torture continued, each time leaving her to scream on the pyramid a bit

longer, except for the occasional pause to let her sip from the jug. Blood

streaked the inside of her thighs in rivulets hailing from the distended

orifice, torn by horrid gashes radiating around its lacerated rim. Now each

drop was followed by a slow descent against the red hot iron barbs, punctuated

by spasmodic jerks and bloodcurdling howls of wretched woe.

Heavy lead weights were hung to the bands around her knees, so that subsequent

drops would jar her dislocated thighs while her bowels were ravaged by the

hellish pyramid. The weights pulled her further down each time, making her

slide on the girth of the pyramid and making its four edges saw corresponding

gashes in the shredded orifice, wider and wider, abrading scorched flesh to

expose the twitching underneath to more agony.

Her voice was fanned to howls of unspeakable torment, pitched when she was

pulled up and her crimson breasts were squeezed in the vise and hoarse when

she writhed on the pyramid whose barbs cut through singed skin and scorched

the many bleeding lacerations while foam bubbled from her mouth and waves of

anguish wracked her contorted face. The memory of Lyral's warmth faded in the

waves of unendurable torment, and the thought of her fate receded among the

horrid agonies assaulting her without respite.

As yet another drop momentarily lessened the torment from her bulging breasts,

she felt the corners of the pyramid tear bits of flesh from her innards and

the barbs rake her scorched rectum while pain mounted from her bowels and sent

her head arching in a wheezing scream. Wracked by spasms rising from her

bowels, the only thing which kept her from pleading defeat was her voice.

She found some of her voice in Lyral's arms, screaming and sobbing as her

power healed her barely fast enough to save her from bleeding to death from

the lacerated cuts shredding her bowels. She tried to speak to her friend.

"Forgive me, Lyral. I cannot take any more. I'll tell them", she wheezed.

Lyral's answer was a tremor, and Kayleen felt her friend's warm tears on her

cheeks, their burn in the scratches left by the spider gag a drop in the waves

of pain wracking her mind and yet burning through her soul unlike the most

horrid wounds. She wished the Warrior Queen was still with her, ready to spit

her defiance in the face of her tormentors, she sought the resolve to keep

her friend safe from harm, but the truth was that she no longer had any.

Grod yanked her away and cuffed her elbows and wrists behind her back,

twisting her arms up behind her to a chain from the ceiling, then fastened two

chains to the arms of the vise still squeezing her breasts, now bluish globes

of throbbing agony, and fastened it to a six foot steel bar under her back. He

then pulled her ankles up and cuffed them to the ends of the bar, spreading

them in a harrowing split which she could lessen by pulling on her breasts.

A long teetering howl of desperate agony wracked her when he pulled her off

the floor, rekindling the agonies of dislocation in her shoulder and hip

joints while her breasts became orbs of liquid fire again. She was so wracked

by choking screams that the trestle being prepared under her crotch did not

catch her gaze until he suddenly dropped her on its upturned tip.

As the iron pyramid violently distended the rim of her vagina, her gaping

mouth contorted in a scream too spasmodic for her burning lungs, and let out a

choked shriek which made her friend buckle in her chains as if stabbed. Fits

of bloody coughing shook her head as she was lifted away screaming from the

hot iron tip.

Her next scream was worse, and the third gut-wrenching enough to tear plaster

from the walls of the torture chamber. This pyramid had but three sides, set

with nasty upturned barbs red hot from the coals inside, and its girth was

meant to lacerate her love channel from the very beginning. After several

drops, blood flowed inside her thighs from the cuts torn in the rim of her

vagina, stretched and seared by the unyielding iron edges.

She was drenched in cold, salt water while squirming on the red hot tip,

howling while a cruelly placed barb was searing a laceration in the middle of

the stretched rim, crimson from the repeated searing and tearing. Her mouth

snapped open in a demented howl which drenched the noise of ripping flesh as

the red hot barb rose with excruciating slowness through the stretched flesh

while she slid down screaming in abysmal pain.

Like before, after each drop he left her to squirm on the heated pyramid for a

little longer, singing her distended innards with excruciating slowness while

the barbs, much hotter, stirred bleeding gashes in her innards after catching

the lacerations in the rim of her vagina or cutting new ones. The girth of the

device ripped open the cuts as she slid down, screaming and jerking in such

spasmodic frenzies of howling agony that her legs pulled on the bar behind her

back with such force that it bent, its pull disfiguring her torn breasts.

Unlike before, the girth of the pyramid increased slowly but steadily and the

deeper she slid, the more atrocious the pain from the ripping of her orifice

became. At some point, he hung lead weights to her labia, stretching them near

tearing and raking them on the sides of the pyramid while she writhed in

howling torment after being dropped yet again. Of the three edges of the

pyramid, one pressed on the bottom cleft of her orifice, abrading it inch by

inch on each drop with serrated, red hot teeth, while the other two distended

the rim of her vagina, dragging it against the red hot barbs.

The atrocity of the torment rose higher the longer she was kept writhing on

the heated pyramid, and the pain in her dislocated joints matched it each time

she was dropped on the hellish device. Her head shook uncontrollably, and her

screams burst through bloody foam as wheezing shrieks, unable to carry the

words of defeat and pleading raging in her mind. She could not withstand such

agonies, she said to herself, she would scream her defeat for all to hear.

Her tormentor pulled her up again after letting her sip from the jug, and

lowered from the ceiling chains ending in wicked meat hooks. When he drove the

first under her left breast, blood squirted profusely from the engorged globe

while her neck strained as she arched in a hollow scream of abysmal torment.

Her other breast took longer, as she madly trashed in her restraints to avoid

the same fate, jarring her joints amidst frantic screams of boundless terror.

The chains hung somewhat loose while waves of bitter pain wracked her hanging

body, and he lowered three more, ending in thick crooked hooks whose flat head

was not meant to pierce. One was stuck in the lower cleft of her vagina, and

the other two deformed it into a gaping triangle whose edges stretched and

tore as she buckled, howling in helpless agony.

Her teary eyes bulged when she saw him brandish a pair of pincers, large and

heated red, and her mouth tried frantically to plead for mercy before he slid

them up her love channel, one jaw inside and the other outside until he could

close the points on her pubic bone. An ear-splitting scream of inhuman agony

wracked her suspended form as the iron jaws seared her flesh and pressed the

pubic bone, twisting and crushing until it cracked.

She was drenched in cold, salt water again, and then the pincers cracked her

pubic bone again while mindless screams of wretched woe shook her ribcage and

blood from her pierced breasts splattered her hanging form. The pincers bit

several times, each time the smell of burnt flesh announced the upcoming flash

of white hot pain and fanned her voice beyond the boundaries of endurance for

a scream which rivaled the worst uttered in her descent into this hell.

She hung screaming in demented pain, her mind reeling and shriveling under the

assault of agonies too terrible to endure and yet unable to cross into

oblivion, and her eyes caught her tormentor's movement only too late. She was

dropped on the upturned pyramid, but this time her weight pulled the hooks

through her breast flesh while her broken pubic bone crashed on the dull tip

of the pyramid just as its girth renewed the searing and raking of her womb.

Droplets of blood splattered her face as they squirted from her breasts while

a spasmodic scream rattled her form and the pyramid bulged behind her broken

pelvis, Heinous screams of demented agony wracked her buckling form as she

twitched on the searing device, grinding her cracked pubic bone on its tip and

bleeding from the tears ripped at the corners of her vagina.

When he lifted her from the horrendous instrument of her agony, his gaze

caught her eyes and locked into them, asking a question she desperately wished

to be asked. She could not stand more pain, she would fail her friend and her

people, condemn everybody to slavery under Zhorun's rule and Lyral to a fate

worse than death. Her bravery and resolve had been in vain. Her lips tried to

croak the words that would seal her defeat, but only moans came.

He lifted her up and dropped her again, turning those moans into another howl

of unspeakable woe and let her buckle in a frenzy of screaming torment on the

red hot iron pyramid before lifting her and seeking her gaze. The hooks had

torn a bleeding, inch long gash in her breasts, and blood spurted from her

mouth with each scream. Words of pleading and defeat crowded in her mind, but

her mouth only twitched meaninglessly and after watching her shudder in agony

for a while, he dropped her again.

The hooks had torn her vagina beyond recognition, ripping the cuts seared by

the red hot barbs into bleeding gashes through scorched flesh, and the dull

tip of the pyramid had repeatedly broken her cracked public bone and sent

white slivers of bone stained in blood jutting out of her lacerated mound. Her

screams still managed to echo under the vaults of the torture chamber whenever

she crashed on the dull tip, but the uninterrupted agonies wracking her before

and after by now could only be read on her contorted face. Against this

pitiful wheezing, Lyral's humming behind her gag could be heard again, as if

it could carry something to her suffering friend.

The torture was repeated mercilessly, dropping her on the iron device from

increasing heights and protracting her writhing on the red hot barbs after

each drop, but her mouth only twitched and babbled between screams of inhuman

torment, her last ditch against despair and defeat. Zhorun insisted that the

torture be continued even when it became plain that it was pointless, but

finally allowed Grod to lower her on the floor and let Lyral heal her.

The soothing warmth from Lyral's sobbing embrace was soon interrupted, even

earlier than usual, and Kayleen's spinning mind almost welcomed the thought

that they would let her die. Her breasts no longer bled, and the worst cuts

in her vagina had receded, but the pain from her broken pubic bone still

radiated through her like a furnace.

Her tormentor brought her to a wooden rail and made her straddle it, pulling

her thighs open and hanging lead weights to her knees while cuffing her arms

behind her back in reversed prayer position and running fine chains from a

screw crushing her thumbs to clamps on her nipples. When they left, after

drenching her thoroughly in cold, salt water, the agony of the rail pressing

against her broken pubic bone was already wrenching bitter screams from her.

In the dark, her woe increased steadily. At first she could not help but

twitch in search of a less painful position, but bending at the waist just

increased the pressure on the broken pubic bone and the spread thighs did not

allow her to roll off the rail. The clamps on her nipples had rekindled the

pain from her previous tortures and each breath stretched them so slightly,

just enough to make her gasp and cry. The rail was soon stained in blood.

Much to Zhorun's secret pleasure, her screams slowly mounted as much as her

voice allowed, because the dented wood of the rail pressed against the cracked

pubic bone, sending excruciating agonies through her arching body which got

worse at the least attempt to shift her position. Crack by crack, her weight

and jerks fractured the bone amidst her desperate screams, and the unrelenting

pull of the weights pressed the splinters deep into the wounded flesh,

wreaking inhuman torments through her stretched crotch.

When the chamber was lit again, the Southerner was holding the torch, and

Kayleen's eyes clenched in despair when she recognized him. She was already

suffering agonies beyond the unspeakable horrors wrought on her for days, and

now she would be in the hands of the most sadistic of her three tormentors.

Maybe he would spare me if I took his manhood in my mouth, he would not hurt

me too much then, I would keep him busy, she thought.

Her lips twitched as words of humiliated defeat rolled on her mouth, their

taste bitter as ash as she loathed her weakness, but at least the pain would

stop. He could not hurt me so much again if I keep him pleasured, she mused,

just as white hot pain flashed from her broken pubic bone. But only garbled

noises sputtered from her foaming mouth.

The gnarly old man smiled, and with a flourish produced a tray where yellowish

bone tools gleamed. Scissors and pincers, she gawked as her clear blue eyes

explored the jagged edges and dull dents, meant to lacerate while being ground

forcibly through flesh rather than cut neatly. He circled her trembling form,

letting his gaze travel over her mauled body, then grabbed her wrists and

pushed her face down on the rail, wrenching from her a scream of pain as this

pressed her broken bone on the rail and stretched her nipples near tearing.

Keeping her down with one hand, he pulled out his manhood, sheathed it in

thick leather and thrust into her rectum, cackling at her desperate screams

and savoring her writhing as unspeakable agonies surged from her broken

pelvis. The thought of how could he find in the depths of his depravity a lust

younger men would covet sailed through her mind between waves of bitter pain.

Once sated, he finally freed her from the rail, letting her curl on the floor

wracked by tearless sobs and babbling incoherently. Lyral neared and touched

her friend, but the Southerner only allowed a brief contact before dragging

Kayleen away. He twisted her arms behind the back and pulled them up, forcing

her to bend crying while he cuffed them to a post.

He then proceeded to pull her ankles off the floor and fasten them to chains

hanging from the ceiling, leaving her suspended in mid air with her belly

hanging above the floor, screaming from the torment wracking her dislocated

joints. She started in surprise when he introduced a thick meat hook in her

vagina and pulled her loins down, making her arch further with a teetering

howl as the hook pulled down against the splintered pubic bone.

Kayleen hung in mindless agony, her breath broken by hoarse screams, her mind

spinning as images of hellish torture chased it between rolling waves of fear

and her ravaged body screamed at her relentlessly. They would not allow her to

die, they would not allow her to beg, she wished for a moment of respite to

the point of welcoming a sip from the jug just as she realized what it meant.

A stream of hot vinegar splashed on her buttock, catching her by surprise for

a split second before making her arch in a scream of raw terror as the heat

singed her lacerated and broiled flesh. She continued twitching and rattling

both joints and bone into frenzies of savage pain, but just as the thought

that it could not get worse the old man closed the scissors on her ass cheek.

Unbearable agony surged from her torn mouth as she stiffened and jerked in a

frenzy of terrified howling while the scissors gnawed a grisly laceration

through her seared skin and blood squirted from the gash cut by the dull jaws

rending skin and flesh by force applied rather than by keen edge. While she

still screamed, he poured hot vinegar on her other buttock and then savaged it

also, lingering with the scissors in the wound and resuming the gnawing each

time her screams waned in exhaustion.

The only trace of the former restraint her tormentors observed in wounding her

showed only after the scissors opened horrid lacerations in her seared ass

cheeks, when he started stitching summarily the bleeding gashes before she

bled to death, turning even this into a further instrument of her torment.

He then started pouring hot vinegar on her muscular back and rending folds of

twitching muscle while she arched and buckled in her bounds, screaming her

despair in frenzies of twitching woe and coughing blood while her voice

rapidly waned again. Lyral's name, pleads for mercy, calls for help and

prayers whirled in her mind as pain and terror reigned unchallenged, but her

frothing mouth only carried pitiful screams and frantic babbling.

Her tormentor moved the scissors to her limbs, cutting jagged gashes in her

strained muscles while she stiffened and shook in abysmal pain, howling in

such mindless despair that the echoes lingered in the torture chamber even

when her voice cracked and bile rose to her mouth. The streams of hot vinegar

ran all over her jerking body and the dull edges ground through the reddened,

seared flesh only under the strength of the scissors' lever.

The pincers engaged the precarious stitching of a wound and ripped it just

when her last fragments of coherent thought told her that she could not suffer

more than this, and tore new heights of demented shrieking from the depths of

her screaming throat. The return of the scissors in the wounds whose stitches

he ripped with gleeful abandon echoed in the torture chamber with screams so

heart-rending that even her tormentor paused ... in ecstatic rapture.

He ended up stitching her wounds again, because she was bleeding to death, and

he quickly dragged Lyral nearby to stop it. The young blindfolded Priestess

was shaking under the impression of her friend's pitiful screams, yet she did

not hesitate even when the contact brought her to understand the horrors her

friend was being subjected to. Her mouth hummed words of prayer under the gag.

The brief respite was of no consequence for Kayleen's mind, still wading in

unbearable anguish. The Southerner dragged her away with a carelessness the

former Warrior Queen would have made him pay dearly, but now Kayleen's mind

trembled at the thought of his hands just as Lyral used to. He made her sit on

the floor against a post, twisted her arms behind her back and cuffed them to

an overhanging wooden bar. He then fastened her ankles to chains wound around

pulleys set in the floor, stretching her in a split which rekindled the agony

in her wheezing voice when her thigh bones bulged under the strained muscles.

When the wooden bar was slowly pulled up, her voice broke in pitiful gasps as

it could no longer sustain the screams surging from the pain in her shoulder

joints, but rose in a shriek when he forced a meat hook in her vagina under

her shattered pubic bone and used it to pull her loins up while pouring hot

vinegar on her mound pierced by the splinters of her pubic bone.

He sank the scissors in her mound lazily, toying with the tatters of her

clitoris without actually cutting much, drinking the terror on her contorted

face like fine wine. When her head arched in a long, broken scream he moved

the stream of hot vinegar to her belly and then lingered on her breasts,

following up with the scissors when the skin turned crimson. He stopped to

pour the contents of the jug in her gaping mouth, feasting on the terror in

her clear blue eyes as she recognized the act for what it would bring.

The jagged edges opened shallow bleeding gashes in her breasts, the breasts

which had become one of the focal points of her agonies after her capture and

which the scissors were slowly shredding, tearing on strands of twitching

flesh with savage abandon while the hot vinegar ran with blood and her voice

strained in gut-wrenching howls which bubbled through her foaming mouth mixing

with some residual syrup. The dull jaws bit her nipples a few times, almost

teasing them, but this was nothing before the dozens of lacerated gashes

savagely torn in the firm flesh of her globes.

After stitching the gashes on her bloodied front, he moved to her left hand

and caught with the pincers the torn nail bed of her middle finger, using it to

hold the finger while the scissors gnawed the flesh, in a bloody feast of mad

screaming which slowly moved from one finger to the next, lingering on the

tender cleft between the fingers while her face contorted in inhuman agony.

Vinegar and scissors returned to her breasts as he used pincers to rip the

stitches open, and the most excruciating torment returned to echo in her

demented screams as blood flowed from the many lacerated wounds in her mauled

globes. More summary stitching followed, but he soon proved more interested in

bringing to her toes the same agonies wrought on her fingers and lingered on

the former with cackling abandon while her voice broke into pitiful gasps.

As if to complete the canvas of her agony, he then climbed up with the hot

vinegar along her stretched legs, and the scissors repeatedly lacerated the

strained muscles of her thighs, excruciatingly drawing blood in spite of the

care in avoiding prominent blood vessels and stitching the horrid gashes. He

often lingered with the dull edges in the wound, waiting after each scream

before pressing them savagely into the flesh again.

Wracked by agonies atrocious beyond imagination, Kayleen's mind shook with

each broken scream and burned under the hot vinegar, blanking when the dull

dented edges broke the seared skin or tore strands of twitching flesh. If

there was a limit to pain, even under the effect of what she was being fed,

she should have crossed it by now. The thought of finding a point beyond which

the pain could not increase waned and waxed between the flashes of blinding

pain when the pincers ripped the stitches from her wounds, but found less and

less confirmation as her agonies were mercilessly protracted.

With devilish cruelty, he managed to keep her bleeding in check long enough to

return the scissors into most of the wounds cut in her quivering flesh,

searing them with hot vinegar and ripping the stitching with the pincers while

her voice was consumed by screams of such excruciating torment that hell

itself would shudder at them.

Lyral was brought forth again, without freeing Kayleen from her strenuous

suspension. He pulled Lyral's head between under Kayleen's ass cheeks, forcing

her to heal by her mouth as if aware that this was much less effective.

Actually, he knew that prisoners often soiled themselves when being subjected

to this torture and wanted to humiliate the Priestess, but since Kayleen had

been fed only syrup for days, his little game was foiled, although he found

ample compensation in Kayleen's agonized jerking and hoarse screams.

After yanking Lyral away, he lowered Kayleen on the floor, and proceeded to

cuff her ankles to chains from the ceiling and twist her arms behind her back

in reverse prayer position while she screamed from the painful split forced on

her thighs, whose heads teetered in their sockets and bulged under the muscle

at her stretched hips. He then used the meat hook to catch her broken pubic

bone again, pulling her loins forwards while her hanging form arched and her

voice teetered on the brink of madness as agony returned her sole master.

He started pouring hot vinegar on her stretched thighs, savoring how they

stiffened and twitched while she buckled in abysmal pain, jarring her hip

joints and her broken pubic bone half from the searing agony and half from

sheer terror at what would follow. When the bloody jaws of the bone scissors

gnawed through the seared skin, her howls rose at least an octave and wracked

her like a rag doll burning in the furnaces of hell.

More vinegar was poured on her stretched crotch, some seeping down her

orifices and searing her insides mercilessly, but the real target was her

mound and belly and the scissors reopened dented lacerations through the soft

flesh stretched by the pincers ripping their summary stitching while rivulets

of blood streaked her spasmodically jerking body and her chest almost burst

from the effort of venting her wretched agony.

The scissors closed on the tendons in her stretched thighs, marking another

step in her descent to hell as the agonies of her joints and her flesh met

each other and surged from her frothing mouth as one. She could not even think

about why he was doing this to her, she was so wracked by the howling torment

that she could only suffer and scream, an animal maddened by agonies beyond

description and teetering on the brink of annihilation.

After stitching her breasts he played with her terror for a while, ripping

some stitching and gnawing through wounds here and there, teasing the nubs of

her femininity which she had harrowingly learned would become the pinnacle of

her torment. He twisted and ripped the rim of her vagina, abundantly searing

it with hot vinegar while she rattled her chains screaming mindlessly.

Hot vinegar poured on her left nipple, its tatters crushed in the grip of the

pincers and stretched so that the scissors could rake it back and forth,

scraping it along its entire distended length while her head snapped in a howl

of gasping torment. As the torment was protracted, moved to her other nipple

and then slowly repeated on both over and over, she caught herself wishing he

would just rip her nipples off, and the sick plea even bubbled to her lips

between frenzies of gasping howls.

He closed the pincers on her labia and stretched them for the scissors, whose

dull jaws gnawed bleeding gashes through the distended folds while hot vinegar

was poured liberally and flowed inside her and down her body, some droplets

spraying as she jerked in fits of spasmodic howling. When the time for

stitching came, he twisted the meat hook inside her vagina and stitched her

labia together, trapping the hook behind the mauled folds of bleeding flesh.

He pulled up the meat hook slowly, pulling her loins up until her splayed legs

were almost parallel to the floor and vinegar could be easily poured on her

clitoris, but he stopped after a while to yank her head up behind her back and

bring the jug to her mouth. She drank between coughs, craving the liquid and

yet trembling at what it heralded.

The pincers closed on her shredded femininity, pulling and twisting it while

hot vinegar was slowly poured on the trapped flesh and pangs of atrocious

agony wracked her suspended body. The dull jaws closed around its base and

pressed the jagged dents on the seared flesh, sawing without cutting as he

carefully slid them around the nub while exerting as much pressure as her

stretched flesh would stand without tearing. No such care was being spent on

her voice, which strained under the agony bursting from her clitoris but

failed to bring out the full measure of her woe as frenzied screams of unholy

pain echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber, waning and waxing while

the torment was mercilessly protracted beyond the boundaries of cruelty.

The pitiful howls stopped only when her jerks became so spasmodic that the

meat hook ripped through her stitched labia, causing her to swing back almost

to the point of tearing her thighs off, hanging in a paroxysm of agony so

overwhelming that no scream could capture it. Smiling, he neared, grabbed her

wrists yanking her head up and violently penetrated her shredded vagina from

behind, thrusting in rutting excitement while her mouth stood agape in a

silent scream of agony as bitter as the bile retching through her throat.

Only when sated did he drop her twitching body on the floor and allow Lyral to

cuddle her friend between her arms while using her power to the fullest extent

of her capability, albeit sobbing and whispering behind her gag words which no

one could hear but which she hoped Kayleen could understand some day.

Chapter 29 - Painful Lies

In the torture chamber deep under the ruins of Zhorun's former castle, Kayleen

hung in bitter pain. Her wrists and elbows had been clenched together behind

her back, and she hung upside down from a chain in the ceiling fastened to a

vise screwed on her cracked thumbs. Her legs had been folded in a strict

hogtie until her ankles could be fastened to her elbows, while iron bands

clenched her legs against the thighs.

Iron clamps had been screwed on the shredded tatters of her feminine nubs, and

even if their bite was agonizing, at least they had cooled off. Once the

Southerner had completed her restraints, Zhorun had brought into being a small

eldritch flame and sent it to wander on her twitching body. The flame had

roasted her toes and lingered under her soles, then crawled over her belly and

danced in her orifices while she buckled screaming spasmodically, and heated

the iron screws on her nipples while her head shook in demented pain.

The wizard repeatedly created new flames to torment her, almost purring at her

strangled howls, but each lasted very little and she was finally left alone,

screaming in the darkness lit only by the reddish glow of the iron screws

still searing the three tattered pieces of sensitive female flesh.

The horrors of her agony weighed on her tormented mind as soon as the raw pain

subsided, although her torn shoulder joints and crushed thumbs still made her

shudder whenever agony howled through her hanging body and surged from her

mouth in a rasping hiss, beyond which her voice could no longer rise. She had

tried to hold out, but the pain was too much, the tortures too horrid, and the

repeated rapes too depraved. She would beg Zhorun, grovel before him, tell him

anything and do anything he wanted, if only he would stop the torture.

Her terrified mind clung to this only hope to avert further torment, and even

if something within her suggested that, if Lyral was right, Zhorun would just

find some other reason to continue torturing her, she would not resist more

torments, The thought of the fate of her friend made her shudder, and for a

moment she considered holding out some more for her sake, but then the thought

of being raped again, of sand encrusted leather scraping her seared innards,

rattled her soul while she loathed herself bitterly.

She could not make out for how long they had left her hanging in the dark, but

their return heralded another streak of horrid torments which loomed in her

mind like clouds on a stormy day. As the Easterner lowered her on the floor

and changed her restraints, the words of her defeat made it out of her mouth.

"Please, no more. I'll do whatever you want," rasped her broken voice.

A bitter sob burst behind Lyral's gag, and Kayleen's head dropped in shame.

"This might be another attempt to buy time," hissed Zhorun, while the wry man

from the East dragged Kayleen to a thick wooden bar jutting diagonally from a

wall and made her lie on it, twisting her arms behind her back and fastening

her wrist cuffs to a ring above her head.

"I beg you! I can't stand it any more," cried Kayleen, trembling in fear.

Lyral was brought forth and allowed to heal her friend, kissing the bound body

which the Easterner was pulling down the wooden rail so that her ass hung off

the end and her ankles could be fastened to a ring under the bar. The influx

of healing power carried a prayer Kayleen could almost hear within herself,

but which she could no longer oblige.

"Please! I beg you!" cried Kayleen as her friend was yanked away.

The Easterner fetched a long, braided whip and lashed her partially healed

breasts, turning her last words into a strangled cry. The next lashes landed

on her belly, and more followed on her stretched arms and twitching thighs as

her voice broke in frenzies of hissing and screaming.

She tried to beg again, but the whip traced bleeding welts across her breasts

and under her soles too often for her to catch her breath and make her pleads

heard. Pain burst in her joints as they bore her weight while she jerked under

the lashes of the heavy whip.

Even what looked like a pause turned into a fit of spasmodic howling as bleach

was dipped on the welts, drop by drop while she buckled madly. Her weight made

her thrust her loins forward, and her restrained ankles did not allow her

soles to escape the lashes, but she could otherwise twist and buckle to avoid

the whip when her tormentor targeted her thighs or her belly ... just enough

to make the spectacle of her agonies more pleasurable.

The Easterner started lashing the undersides of her globes, then suddenly sent

the tip of the whip across her crotch and into the slit, making her arch in a

scream of unrestrained agony which was protracted by a few drops of bleach.

Her wounds had been healed only partially, and her jerks wrought new agonies

through her joints, while the bleach burned the new welts as well as the cuts

and wounds from the last days of uninterrupted torture.

The whip assaulted her breasts mercilessly, making her scream like a wild

animal when the bleach followed, but wrought the worst agonies on her spread

crotch. Besides tracing searing welts on what remained of her mauled skin, the

tip repeatedly slashed from above the folds covering her clitoris. Rather than

pulling the nub of female flesh to expose it to torture, her tormentor was

literally digging it out with the whip while she screamed to high heaven.

"Now is there anything you wish to say ?" hissed Zhorun, his unearthly voice

almost mirthful against the backdrop of her pitiful screams.

"Please ... no more. No more pain. I'll do it," rasped Kayleen.

"Very well. Should you answer to my satisfaction, of course" replied Zhorun.

Still burning from the bleach, Kayleen was then asked about the kingdom's

army, at length and in detail. When she hesitated, the whip descended in the

cleft of her vagina sending droplets of blood flying while her howls rose

under the vaults of the chamber. Often the whip slashed a nipple for no

apparent reason. Her answers came in croaking whispers, as tears she could no

longer shed burned in her eyes. She was betraying her people. Many times the

thought of refusing came to her, but as her gaze wandered across the

instruments of torture in this hell she had been dragged into, her resolve was

consumed by the thought of the unbearable agonies that would follow.

"I have reliable sources telling me this is not the case," whispered the

corpse menacingly, cutting through her musing like a razor blade.  "Do you

think I'm so easily fooled ?"

"No! Please, I am ... telling the truth," begged Kayleen, her eyes bulging

with panic. The whip slashed her left nipple.

"We shall see," said Zhorun, concentrating in spite of Kayleen's screams as

the whip slashed her breasts and thighs blow after blow.

After an apparently interminable wait, Shandra entered the room.

"Master," she bowed.

"My apprentice, I have an endeavor for thee. Our stubborn guest here has been

answering questions at last, but I reckon she might be lying," said Zhorun.

Shandra started at Kayleen's bitter scream from a lash across the left nipple,

and her green eyes flared in horror as she took in the sight.

The muscular body of the Queen hung trembling from her twisted arms, her

shoulders swollen and misshapen from days of tearing and dislocation. Her back

found little purchase on the reclined rail, so each jerk under the whip

rattled her shoulder joints through hells of all-consuming torment. Most of

her supple body was covered in partially healed wounds and burns, the skin

torn and peeled, broiled and quivering under the whip.

The once proud globes of her breasts were cut and lacerated, and the nipples

horribly mauled and almost in tatters. The strong thighs trembled as her

ankles offered her little leverage when pain shot through her body, and blood

dipped from the slashes cut by the whip in her tender soles. Horrid

lacerations disfigured her mound and the gaping orifice of her vagina, while

blood trickled from the shredded, disfigured nub of her clitoris.

Unspeakable agonies burned behind Kayleen's clenched eyes as she tried to

meet Shandra's gaze, but the Sorceress was looking within herself as her power

gathered, trying to concentrate in spite of the horror she was confronted

with, her teeth chattering as if she was mad with fear.

"She's lying, Master" whispered the trembling Sorceress.

"I thought so!" cried Zhorun's hollow voice just as a gut-wrenching, strangled

"No" issued from Kayleen's torn mouth.

Upon a gesture from Zhorun, the Easterner resumed the torment of Kayleen's

dangling body while Shandra rushed away, almost in tears, and Zhorun rose,

his unearthly voice filled with rage and hatred.

"You'll pay the price of your folly!" hissed the undead necromancer.

While the Easterner continued whipping Kayleen, Grod entered and set about

preparing her next torment. Kayleen could only buckle and scream under the

whip, unable to avoid the dripping bleach, falling prey to agonies which were

but a shadow of the terrors to come. She cried pitifully when Grod lifted her

off the rail and carried her to face a nightmare cast in iron.

"Please! I was not lying!" she cried helplessly, her voice broken in terror.

From the ceiling hung a tall iron pole, from which several bands protruded,

hinged at both sides of the pole and adjustable with screws. The bands could

be tightened around a body, trapping it in an armor-like cage of wickedly

studded iron bands which could be screwed tighter and tighter. Some of the

bands had complex articulations, meant to constrict the mounds of a well

endowed female body. Some hinged contraptions hinted at even worse horrors.

"No ..." she croaked, her eyes wide open in demented fear.

Kayleen trembled and cried, trying to resist with her crippled strength

against Grod's nightmarish device, but her wrists were fastened to locks at

the top of the pole, and the pole was pulled up, renewing the twisting of her

arms in their sockets while screams of bitter pain wracked her jerking form.

Her ankles were similarly locked at the bottom of the pole, which was then

lifted some more until her toes left the floor. Grod started operating a crank

which elongated the pole, stretching her body mercilessly from ankle to wrist

and twisting the arms in their shoulder sockets beyond dislocation, pulling

tendons and muscles while a long, helpless scream rose from her burning lungs

and raged out of her mouth. Lyral was briefly brought forth to heal Kayleen's

worst wounds, but her restraints were so hellishly painful that the usual

soothing effect of the act went barely noticed.

Iron protrusions were placed above her shoulders, pressing on the collar

bones, and between her thighs, distancing them and pushing the heads of her

dislocated thighs further away from their sockets. As the pole was cranked

some more, unspeakable agonies rose in her voice as her joints were pulled and

torn while she howled in unbearable pain. Cold, salt water drenched her

stretched form while she writhed in bitter torment, babbling pleas which Zhorun

denied vigorously as Grod turned to him.

Slowly, band after band of iron was tightened on her limbs, the studs placed

to rub where the bone was closer to the surface so that the screws could grind

the dull tip against the bone, extending the pain of the restraints which had

become the inseparable instruments of her uninterrupted agonies all over her

stretched limbs. More bands were then tightened on her ribcage, adjusting them

so that the studs pressed on the ribs near cracking point and each intake of

breath for a scream rekindled dozens of stabbing lances of white hot agony,

cutting the scream as it rose and turning it into a desperate hiss.

As her position made drinking difficult, a funnel was used to pour the

contents of the jug down her sore throat. Her spinning mind craved the liquid

even if she knew that it slaked her tormentor's thirst for her suffering as

much as it slaked the thirst of her body, but drinking it in the grip of the

bands cracking her ribs proved another agony, a long nightmare of sputtering

and screaming as the liquid made her more sensitive to pain.

Through holes in the iron bands, long skewers were slowly pushed through her

torn and distended joints, causing her voice to rise in howls of unbearable

torment as the bands and stretching allowed her very little else. A leather

band encased her forehead, stopping her from trashing her head, but such were

the contortions which pain wrought on her face that this band creaked and

shuddered while her mouth opened in howl after howl of demented agony.

With a small hammer used to tap on the skewers piercing the joints, her

torture was protracted mercilessly while her howls slowly lost any semblance

of sanity under the relentless onslaught of unbearable pain. She had been put

through the most horrid agonies for days, her only respite being strenuous

bondage, and she was crumbling, shaking in terror and desperately begging for

mercy, too wracked by pain to come up with coherent words any more.

Waves of primal pain rocked her screaming soul just as spasmodic twitching

rocked her stretched body, making it twirl slowly as the pole turned and her

howls waned and waxed under the vaults of the torture chamber. The pain never

stopped, each breath renewed agonies hell would have been proud of, and foam

bubbled from her torn mouth as her voice cracked when her agonies fanned a

scream beyond its exhausted range. More cold water washed over her quivering

body, each shudder fanning a new scream which often broke in a low hiss.

Her clenched eyes bulged in disbelief when she felt iron on her breasts, as if

the pain wracking her could be increased. Paired webs of thinner bands were

being closed on her mauled flesh, like dozen-fingered claws ready to constrict

and deform the delectable globes. When Grod started tightening them, she felt

the prick of curved hooks, not dull studs, and as they were screwed tighter

the white hot agony of hooks raking the lacerated flesh laced her mammaries

and burst from her mouth in a desperate scream of horrendous torment,

reverberating through her stretched body and rekindling the torment of her

constricted limbs, the pain in her torn and pierced joints and the

breathtaking agony of the ribs teetering on the brink of cracking as her lungs

fought for breath to replenish what her demented howls consumed.

Grod brought forth more iron horrors, small thumbscrews designed to crush the

phalanx of each finger, and started tightening them on her twitching fingers.

He slowly secured a few of them, alternating between her hands, but did not

tighten them fully, splashing her with cold, salt water repeatedly instead.

When he tightened the screw on her thumb near cracking point, the pain raced

down her twisted arm, coursed through her stretched body in a howl of mad

torment, finally bubbling up her ribcage in a garbled scream of insane agony.

As more screws were tightned the pain from her cage of agony was rekindled all

over her body, from the joints, to the ribs, to the limbs which could not

escape the grinding of the dull iron points on the bone.

After the fourth screw was tightened, Lyral was pushed forth to heal her

friend, her hands blindly seeking the trembling flesh while tears flowed from

under her blindfold. Her power could not heal the stretched, pierced joints or

the cracked ribs, but it could prevent Kayleen's condition from worsening into

death, and as such had been turned into another instrument of her friend's

torture. If the words she hummed behind her gag were about this, nobody could

say, and Kayleen was in such pain that nothing else could reach her mind now.

Her screams and trashing returned when the fifth screw was tightened, and did

not stop until all had wrought their measure of agony through her stretched

body, in a long nightmare of white hot torment which echoed at length under

the vaults of the torture chamber, protracted by Grod's fiendish expertise at

crushing bone up to the brink of cracking. The band biting her waist and

constricting her breathing had been a pale harbinger of the agonies studded

iron bands could wreak on flesh and bone.

When he reached for the bands clawing her breasts, her eyes opened and her

mouth sputtered in the effort to beg him, nobody else but him, seeking his

gaze, a last plea from a broken soul, a plea which would have cracked the

heart of a demon from hell. Grod froze, his hands on the screws that would

wreak further torments through the stretched, quivering body.

Bluish tendrils of lightning surged from Zhorun's hands and played on the

hanging, stretched body, wracking it through spasms as the lightning forced

the distended muscles to contract and wrought unimaginable pain through the

limbs trapped in the grip of the iron studs.

"Proceed, Grod. I intend her punishment to last far longer," said the withered

corpse of the former wizard, unleashing a second wave of lightning.

Grod stepped back, trembling slightly, his eyes fixed on the body twitching in

restraints tight enough to prevent the slightest movement. Kayleen's eyes

glazed over as her gaping mouth spit blood mixed with foam, and her cracked

voice burst in screams which could barely be heard above the rattling of the

banded iron cage under her spasmodic jerks.

When Zhorun stopped, Grod splashed her with cold water again, and used a

funnel to make her drink some more. A spark twinkled in her dead eyes as she

recognized the syrupy taste, a spark of terror which made the stretched body

shudder with a broken gasp. When Grod operated the screws, the bands clawing

her breasts turned a few degrees, pulling her right breast clockwise and her

left breast counterclockwise. The hooks opened bleeding gashes in the broiled

skin and the claws tightened their grip on her firm flesh.

The slow raking of her globes made her scream in pain, but the fiendishness of

the torment was not in what was wrought on her breasts, but in how it forced

her to twitch, arch and tremble in the grip of the iron bands. The joints she

could not move trembled in the effort to wring her off from the agony slowly

shredding her breasts, her strong limbs twitched in the grip of the studded

iron bands to turn away, and her ribs fought repeatedly against the points

pressing them near cracking as her lungs fought for each scream.

As the torment was protracted, her breasts were turned with excruciating

slowness into twisted, disfigured cones of shredded bleeding flesh, which

trembled when cold, salt water washed over them. A hellish nightmare of horrid

pain coursed through the firm globes as they were savagely raked and

disfigured, among bitter screams of inhuman torment, until they had been

stretched almost to the point of tearing them off her chest. Lyral's repeated

touching barely made Kayleen's screams subside a little.

When Grod reached for her feet and started securing small screws on her toes,

Kayleen shuddered and gasped pitifully. The cold, salt water and the syrupy

liquid mixing with blood in her mouth meant that the torment was not over, but

now terror rattled her even when her tormentor stayed his hand. She was still

trying to beg and plead, babbling half words between bitter gasps and stinted

screams, but there was nothing but agony in store for her.

When the first screw was tightened on her left toe, the horrid agonies of her

torment returned all together. Her limbs twitched against the grip of the

studded iron bands in the frantic effort to distance her foot from the source

of its torments, her joints trembled and tore in the attempt to pull away

while the pain of the skewers laced them, and her ribs howled as dozens of

points stabbed the bone near cracking. This time, however, her disfigured

breasts added their own measure of agony as her jerks pulled the hooks through

the flesh, with movements so spasmodic that if not for the grip of the iron

bands on her ribcage she would rip her own breasts off in agony.

One after another, nine more screws crushed her toes and protracted her

descent into a living hell of unrelenting torture and unspeakable torment. She

had to be healed by her friend twice, the healing touch barely registering

between screams of maddening torment. The drool from her gaping mouth was

washed away by repeated splashes with cold, salt water, but nothing could wash

the mad terror in her eyes when Grod kneeled before her.

Her trembling, dislocated thighs could not stop him from pushing a dull iron

cylinder up her sphincter, slowly twisting it up inside her while she howled

in renewed agony. The iron surface was crisscrossed by the teeth of a grater,

and once blood started to flow from her scraped rectum, he started cranking

it, causing it to open in four pieces inside her and stretch her sphincter,

puncturing its rim with small downward hooks which started ripping through as

he slowly cranked it wider while her voice found the strength to scream again.

The last shreds of her mind twitched in the grip of the relentless agonies

wracking her body and lacing it with blasts of inhuman torment. She barely

noticed her tormentor rising and tightening something on the tip of each

finger, connecting it with the screws crushing the finger nearby, until he

revealed their purpose by pulling on the finger, like a miniature rack

intended to dislocate the finger phalanx by phalanx.

The blinding pain as her fingers were stretched, dislocated and broken was but

a drop in the pain fanned throughout her body, from constricted libs to

cracked ribs, but even the agony of her disfigured breasts was surpassed by

the merciless scraping of her rectum as her spasmodic twitching under the pull

on her fingers abraded her innards and ripped the distended rim of her

sphincter. She slowly lost track of how many fingers had been broken, of how

the splashes of cold water turned shudders into fits of frenzied torment, of

the brief moments when Lyral touched her, pain was her sole master now.

When another cylinder was forced in her vagina, the most abject terror gave

her back temporarily some of her former strength, enough to babble and beg,

enough to shudder while he cranked the device open. This one had been rubbed

in white powder, which reduced the lubrication effect of the blood from her

scraped innards, but its hooks caught onto the rim of her vagina just as well

as those of its counterpart, in a long, hollow scream which distended as the

device stretched her orifice to the brink of tearing.

When Grod secured the screws on her toes and started stretching them into

dislocation, the agony in her innards surged through Kayleen's body like a

river of molten fire which burst form her mouth in frenzied screams and

sputtering froth, while her limbs jerked spasmodically from agonies whose

repetition made them no less excruciating. The funnel filled her mouth with

the syrupy liquid which heralded further agonies.

One after another, each toe exacted its share of torment from the constricted

limbs twitching in the grip of the studded iron bands, through the skewered

joints teetering under the spasmodic pull of her taut muscles, to the ribs

cracked by the iron points after edging on the brink through countless screams

of demented agony. Blood gurgled in her foaming mouth as her convulsions raked

the hooks deforming her breasts through their wounds, cutting through each

scream as her lungs fought for breath.

The spasmodic jerks, which the tight bands restrained severely, were enough to

brutally abrade her distended innards, ripping the hooks through the distended

rims of her orifices just as pitched howls of unbearable pain ripped through

her protracted frenzies of hoarse screaming. There was no need to crank them

wider, as her convulsions scraped her innards raw and the hooks ripped through

the distended muscles without cutting the edge.

After the last toe was dislocated, she hung in twitching agony, trembling in

terror at the torment of her femininity which would follow, as always. Her

spinning mind returned to a time when the sun shone, a summer evening after a

long march when casual contact had wrought a fleeting pleasure through her

nipples. But the daydream turned sour as the sun faded into torchlight,

and her thoughts went to how the nubs of her femininity fared now, scraped

raw, shredded and peeled after days of torture and partial healing, and she

screamed from the unrelenting torment, shriveling from fear.

It took her clenched eyes some time to realize that Grod was leaving, and the

relief at having her nipples and clitoris spared lasted only until the leer of

the Southerner appeared in her sight, making her scream as fear and surprise

turned her jerk into a frenzy of screaming torment. When her agony subsided,

the gnarly old man smeared her nipples and clitoris with a reddish powder and

then covered them with small caps lined with short fur inside, which he

tightened with loops of thin cord, smiling.

They left her without light, as usual, but this time were was no pretense of

allowing her to rest, even in strenuous restraints, as she hung in relentless

torment, shaking in frenzies of bitter screaming when the slightest quivering

sparked horrid agonies which climbed to spasmodic jerks and hoarse screams

before exhaustion made them subside with excruciating slowness.

As the shudders from the cold water subsided, an itch mounted in her shredded

nubs, faint at first and then unmistakable. Just as she realized the

deviousness of the torment, the itch turned to unbearable stinging as the

powder irritated the shredded tatters of her nipples and clitoris, making her

squirm and then rattle her restraints as the squirming turned into the first

of many frenzies of horrendous agony.

Unbridled terror burst in a scream of despair as the thought of the

uninterrupted agony awaiting her impressed on her mind, pleasuring the corpse

silently standing nearby almost to the point of revealing himself. But as her

screams waned and waxed, he lost himself in them instead, transfixed at the

convulsed jerks ripping her stretched orifices.

When the torches brought light to the torture chamber again, Kayleen hung on

the brink of death, twitching in demented agony. She had lost track of how

long her torment had continued, as the fierce itch in her nipples and clitoris

had made her trash relentlessly in her hellish restraints, bleeding profusely

from the scraping of her innards. Lyral was allowed to heal her at length, but

soon her power reached a point where it could not heal wounds which Kayleen's

restraints relentlessly ground open. At least the caps were removed.

Meanwhile, the Easterner had been heating thin, curved iron blades in a

brazier which he brought nearby, making Kayleen's nostrils flare as the

horribly familiar smell heralded the torment that would follow. Fire or hot

iron, one of the torments she feared most and which her torturers favored for

this very reason. She was no longer able to utter coherent words, her voice

spent in uninterrupted screaming and yet still able to vent her torment when

the pain inflicted on her body reached new heights. Her spinning mind quaked

at the thought that the Easterner would slowly drag her through supremely

excruciating agonies, and then the gnarly old man from the South would be

given free reign of her body, finally his to defile and violate at leisure.

The curved red hot blade pressed into her left leg, cutting slowly where an

iron band dug into her flesh and wrenching a scream from her mouth, pitiful

enough to scrape plaster from the walls. It took many such screams to complete

the cut above and below the band, which was then tightened even more, sinking

through the wounded flesh and grinding the bone while her voice cracked in

despair at the thought of this agony coursing all over her constricted flesh.

If the jerks induced by the dislocation of her fingers and toes had been a

descent into hell, those induced by the red hot blade cutting under the bands

constricting her limbs were a nightmare of frenzied agony. Lyral was

repeatedly called upon to stem her friend's bleeding, but the torture was

mercilessly continued although Kayleen inched closer and closer to madness,

especially when pain flared in her scraped orifices or a convulsion tore the

hooks piercing their distended rim.

The curved hot blade was slowly dragged through the constricted flesh, pushing

back and forth while she twitched in hoarse torment, on time with her screams

cut short as the voice was unable to produce protracted cries because of the

bands crushing her ribs and the hooks raking her breasts. Not only was the

pain of the red hot blade as horrid as in previous occasions, the tight grip

of the bands made it last far beyond the actual cut and her jerks ground the

iron inside the seared wound, protracting it.

When the funnel filled her mouth with the syrupy liquid which returned some of

her strength but made pain all the more excruciating, the agony of the iron

studs scraping her bones through the seared wounds was already enough to start

another frenzy of twitching agony. When the blade started carving around

another iron band, such frenzies followed one after the other while the blade

dug in the seared flesh, raising litanies of pitiful howling under the vaults

of the torture chamber. Lyral's healing had partially restored her ripped

orifices, only to have them wasted repeatedly in spasmodic jerks.

The blood from dozens of cuts circling the girth of her limbs flowed down the

twitching muscles as the protracted torment fanned the pain to levels even her

previous ordeals made hard to fathom. It was as if the bone scraping which she

had gone through had been multiplied by the dozens, albeit clumsily effected

by her own spasmodic jerks. What this application lacked in fierceness and

expertise, however, was more than made up by sheer quantity as dozens of studs

had been brought to grind the bones of her stretched limbs.

Images of her former agonies replaced those of her present torment, as the

band around her forehead prevented her eyes from fixing on the places where

pain flared anew as her torture was carried on. Lyral's voice rose from the

ghosts of nights past, trembling with dread, or was it her own voice screaming

pitifully, strained to a wheezing hiss by the uninterrupted torment ?

The red hot blade cut across the flesh stretched over her broken ribs, tracing

a dented gash which the iron points caught at the first heaving of her chest

under yet another wretched scream. Her mouth still felt the syrupy taste mix

with the blood even Lyral's ministrations could stop only temporarily.

Each gash traced a white hot line of agony through her spinning mind just as

it cut between wisps of smoke under the crushing iron band, a line whose

protracted duration she could guess with agonizing precision after the first

two or three, but which nothing could stay from running its full, agonizing

course. Screaming madly, she returned to the occasions when she could have

told them what they wanted and be believed. There was nothing she could do now

to stem the agony of the red hot blade, or the torment of the iron points on

her cracked ribs, or the rivulets of blood as the hooks ripped through her

disfigured globes some more at each convulsed frenzy of screaming agony.

Even the splashes of cold, salt water were but another occasion of horrid

torment. Truth was, the bands would have made her twitch in pain even if she

managed to keep still somehow, and only exhaustion could lend her some respite

from the relentless torture. But Lyral's touch, the sips of syrup, the

cold water and the continued application of new torments allowed for none.

The tip of the curved blade cut into one dislocated finger just as her eyes

opened after another splash with cold, salt water. The pain wracked her arm

and coursed through her body in a squirm, which ground dozens of studded iron

bands against her trapped bones and sent droplets of blood squirting from the

points crushing her ribs. A hoarse scream rose and broke in her lungs, and a

constricted convulsion rattled her from toe to fingers, reopening the gashes

in her disfigured breasts and ripping the tiny hooks through the distended rim

of her orifices. More sputtering and twitching followed as pain coursed back

and forth across her horribly wounded body, while her voice cracked in the

attempt to carry the protracted screams surging from her torn chest.

In a flash of realization amid waves of maddening pain, her mind reeled at the

thought of what agonies still lay ahead if a red-hot tip could cause such

frenzies of excruciating pain for the enjoyment of her undead captor, now that

the only thing he sought from her was her woe. She had tried begging, she had

tried pleading, she had answered his questions and betrayed her people, she

was ready to to it again, to do anything if only the torture would stop.

The red hot tip cut into another finger, and the frenzy of excruciating agony

flared anew through her body, wracking her in screaming pain punctuated by

gasping hisses and convulsions so spasmodic that they rattled her restraints

to the point of bending the cold iron. The Easterner waited until they settled

to splash her with cold water and cut into a toe.

It took time to drag the red hot tip over her fingers first, and her toes

next, while her blue eyes shone in the reddish light, bulging in pain so

excruciating that it bordered madness, and her delirious voice blabbered pleas

through bubbling froth when not gurgling from agonies to horrid for screams.

No longer clenched in agony, her blue pupils bulged in transfixed horror even

as her visage contracted from the excruciating torment of the red hot tip

scraping the rim of her sphincter. The taste of blood was mixing in her mouth

with the sweet syrup she did not even remember drinking, and the agony from

the seared muscle wracked her in waves of spasmodic jerks.

She thought for a moment that Lyral would be brought forth, and then pain cut

through her left breast as the red hot tip insinuated under the claw-like

bands constricting and disfiguring it, and the pain started another frenzy of

screaming and twitching. How her voice could sustain the effort, she could not

tell, and the thought that maybe they would stop if she lost her voice crossed

her spinning mind as the blade cut again, slowly searing along the shallow

wound cut by the iron claws while her voice teetered in a broken cry of agony.

The red hot tip moved from one globe to another with cruel slowness, following

the web of iron claws twisting her breasts into disfigured cones of twitching

torment. Some of her hair was still wet from the repeated drenching with cold,

salt water, but what covered most of her body was a sheen of sweat and blood,

which her agonies renewed more profusely than water or healing could address.

When the tip neared her crotch, she jerked in her restraints, twitching in a

frenzy of screaming which wrought horrid agonies through her convulsing body,

the mere fear of the torment to come enough to renew her pain. Terror made her

babble something, pleading in helpless despair for a mercy the corpse standing

before her totally opposed. The red hot iron engaged the top cleft of a gash

ripped by one of the hooks pulling down the rim of her vagina and stretching

it down the grating wrought on the sides of the iron cylinder, and started to

nudge it up, searing it wider while the heat cauterized the sides.

If the frenzies started by abject terror were excruciating, those started by

this wretched torment were unspeakable nightmares of convulsed agony which

contorted Kayleen's face into a mask of pain so ghastly it made the Easterner

turn away. When the red hot tip seared through a wound, she could not help but

try to pull away, and this made her muscles pull spasmodically, rekindling the

torment of the skewers through her hip joints and the grinding of the studded

bands on the bones of her supple, twitching legs.

She could not prevent her arms and legs from pulling frantically against her

dislocated toes and fingers, or the pain bursting through her lungs from

sending stabs of white hot pain through her cracked ribs and lacing her

disfigured breasts with the bloody raking from the spiraling iron claws. She

could only twitch, suffering through abysmal agonies which lasted until her

muscles were too exhausted for more convulsed jerks, only to snap again from

the heinous agony of the red hot tip searing another torn gash in her vagina.

She gurgled insanely when her mouth was invaded by the funnel, shaking at the

prospect of further pain or simply out of her mind from agony. The tip caught

her left nipple, tracing a shallow cut in some encrusted wound partially

healed after her previous torments, shallow enough to make the blood sizzle in

the heat while her voice rose and broke in coughing screams of exhausted

despair which punctuated frenzies of spasmodic jerking, the blood soaked froth

in her mouth making her look almost rabid as hoarse wheezes replaced the

pitched screams her voice no longer managed.

The red hot tip lingered on her nipples for a long time, and also carved

bloody screams of hellish agony from her clitoris, but something behind

Kayleen's eyes was being eroded, and unbearable agony stoked a madness which

secluded what little remained of her sanity behind delirious wheezing. Lyral's

healing addressed the worst wounds and the blood loss, but when the Southerner

stepped in, his leer died on the gnarly face as he examined his victim.

"Master, we cannot continue the torture," he said reluctantly.

"What ? Are you, of all men, getting squeamish ?" growled the robed corpse.

"Not at all, Master, but .. she's not feeling it. Her mind shriveled from too

much pain, she ... retreated within herself. I've seen it happen before, we

could continue for days and she would just keep whining mindlessly,"

"What can we do ? I don't want her to escape her punishment so easily", said

Zhorun, his voice low with repressed anger.

"We must suspend the torture, and let her recover. She must be healed, and

then allowed to rest. We might have to replace her restraints, also" mused the

gnarly old man, obviously stymied by this development.

"But I want to see her suffer!" burst the former wizard.

"I cannot say ... it is as if the mind retreated into madness to escape

further pain. Maybe if the torture is suspended the mind will believe it's

over and come back, but sometimes it doesn't," added the Southerner, unsure

about how the undead wizard would react to his words.

"We'll try a variation of the approach you suggest, at least until the time

comes for my apprentice to prove her worthiness once for all," said Zhorun.

Chapter 30 - The Worst Screams

In the unlit torture chamber under the ruins of Zhorun's castle, Kayleen was

sleeping. For the first time in days, she was not screaming in horrendous pain

nor writhing in strenuous bondage. She still wore heavy irons at the chafed

wrists and ankles, and the iron bands at the elbows, knees and thighs still

bruised her skin. Torchlight would reveal more abrasions at her waist,

clinched by a heavy iron band, and around the base of her breasts, caught in

serrated iron rings which made the generous globes bulge slightly.

Loose chains at her wrists and ankles kept her spread-eagled on the cold stone

floor, but she had not been drenched in freezing salt water this time, and

Lyral had been allowed to heal her fully, except for the chafing caused by the

irons which Zhorun had not wanted removed. Even her nails had been restored.

This time, Zhorun did not linger in the darkness to secretly enjoy her

agonies. In cold rage, he poured over his collected tomes from the times

before the Priestesses defeated the lords of the undead. Of many details he

used to skip when seeking for magic of power, he was now reconsidering how

captured Priestesses were first questioned and then gruesomely executed.

While Kayleen was allowed some rest, his mind indulged in the images of the

horrid torments minds twisted by undeath had devised to take out their hatred

on their opponents. He discussed those which struck his fancy with his three

torturers, eager to see them put to the test and oblivious to the lack of

enthusiasm from the Easterner and Grod, who ventured that Kayleen's mind would

collapse again very quickly before such horrors.

The undead wizard caught himself before lashing out at the man, whose long

service no longer meant as much as it used to. This obstacle should have been

addressed by someone else, he conceded before leaving.

Shandra started when her master stormed in the laboratory granted to her use,

feeling the magic crackling around him as his rage permeated the power that

now completely defined the nature of his existence.

"I reckon thy progresses have been slow, apprentice," whispered Zhorun's

voice, thick with contempt and hatred. Shandra swallowed fear.

"I am nearly done, Master. I modified a spell which provides courage in battle

to strengthen a mind enduring pain ..." she stammered.

"No! I don't want a spell which reduces the pain," he hissed.

"It does not, Master. It increases willpower, so a victim which is trying to

resist the pain is emboldened and able to endure ... more," she finished in a

whisper, handing him a scroll with the spell.

"What is holding thee back, then ?" he asked eagerly, perusing the scroll as

red pinpoints of light burned in the empty eye sockets.

"The duration is very short, Master." she said, bowing her head.

A clawed hand rose and slapped Shandra's face, scratching her cheeks while her

head turned in surprise. The slap had been weak, but the gnarled bony hands

were covered with hard ridges. She trembled.

"Improve it! Tap a different source, if need be. I will brook no further

delays." he raged, his whisper lowering in growled menace as he left.

When light shone again on Kayleen's restored body, she did not wake up. Her

chest was rising regularly, and her head turned once, but she did not wake up.

Zhorun grew impatient.

"Wake her up," he ordered with a whisper full of expectation.

Grod shook the sleeping woman, whose restored beauty now almost shone in the

flickering light, but to no avail. Even slapping proved fruitless. Ammonia

salts made Kayleen's eyes open, but the gaze in the clear blue eyes was remote

and soulless. After a nod from Zhorun, Grod caught a nipple in the grip of a

pair of iron pliers, twisting and crushing the tender flesh, but although the

mouth opened in a throaty scream the eyes remained lifeless.

"She's still lost," confirmed Grod.

"Bring forth her friend and proceed," ordered Zhorun to the Southerner.

The young Priestess was dragged forward and her wrists fastened behind her

back to a chain from the ceiling, which was pulled amidst pitiful screams

while her arms shot white hot pain through the twisted shoulder sockets, until

her feet left the ground dangling above Kayleen's face.

Lyral's ankles were then fastened to the ends of a steel bar and a chain ran

from the bar and over her shoulders to a vise constricting her pearly breasts,

which was tightened while her head shook under pitched screams of bitter

agony. Steel wires were twisted around the base of her nipples, and a braided

whip licked the trapped nubs of feminine flesh wrenching horrid howls of

pitched torment from her young voice. She still wore the wizard gag, which

prevented spell casting but not screaming under torture.

"No reaction," observed Grod, studying Kayleen's face.

The Southerner pulled from a brazier a red hot copper strip, safely hanging

from a long handle, and rubbed it on the Lyral's taut belly, making her writhe

and howl while she arched in the frantic attempt to avoid the fiery contact.

The whip lashed at the singed skin just as the strip was pulled away, and the

agony in her pitched voice would have made stones cry.

The red hot strip lingered on her left sole, and moved to the other just as

the whip traced a sore cut in the singed skin. Lyral's jerks rattled the

chains she hung from and her shrieks echoed under the vault of the torture

chamber as the torment was slowly protracted, striping the pearly body with

angry red burns crisscrossed by the bleeding welts of the heavy whip.

Kayleen's head shook left and right, as if the blood and sweat dripping from

her suffering friend above could wake her up. Lyral's shrieks increased when

the red hot strip caught her left nipple and lifted it while the whip lashed

the trapped piece of feminine flesh from above, and Zhorun bent to whisper in

the ear of the supple beauty spread-eagled on the floor.

"Don't you hear your friend's screams, O Queen ? She's being tortured in your

place, as you can hear. You failed her just as you failed your people, and now

she suffers. It will get worse still. My esteemed guest from the South has

been dying to have your young friend all for himself," he hissed.

"Kayleen! Don't listen to him!" cried Lyral.

The red hot strip slid down her belly and reached the curls of hair at her

mound, singing them while searing the soft flesh in spite of her spasmodic

buckling. Her howls of pain came from the burns but also from the jarring of

her poor shoulders, whose muscles were much less developed than Kayleen's and

were already giving. The Southerner did not follow up with the whip, as he did

not want to put Lyral's maidenhood at risk unless Zhorun told him to.

Kayleen's head jerked in a cry and her eyes bulged, focusing on the writhing,

screaming form above her just as the whip lashed Lyral's soles.

"Wait! Stop it! Leave her alone!" shouted the spread-eagled blonde.

"Welcome back among us, O Queen. I hope you indulged your rest, because we're

going to start from where we left," mocked Zhorun's chilling voice.

"Someday you'll pay for this, wretch" said Kayleen, her voice trailing as her

consciousness took in the torture chamber and her predicament, dwindling to a

whisper as the memory of past agonies crept up.

The Southerner lowered Lyral onto her friend's spread-eagled body, eager to

get going with the torture of the blonde woman to the point that his member

rose under his flowing white robes.

"Be brave, Kayleen. For heaven's sake, be brave," whispered Lyral, still

stuttering from pain, and yet speaking with such intensity that Kayleen

remained speechless at how the respective roles had switched.

After a glance to Zhorun, the old man from the South sheathed his member in

spiked leather and knelt between Kayleen's legs, watching her clear blue eyes

widen as the recollection of past agonies foreshadowed what would follow, and

then penetrated her violently, grabbing her breasts while pushing into her

with a cruelty rekindled by her renewed lusciousness.

With rutting abandon, he thrust into her over and over, pulling her off the

floor by her breasts and panting as she screamed from the bloody raking of her

womb by the spiked harness. When his lust waned, he repeatedly chewed her

nipples, keeping his flaccid member inside her to feel her writhing in pain,

protracting this pleasure until Zhorun grew impatient.

With Grod's help, Kayleen's legs were clenched together at the ankles, knees

and thighs and then folded behind her back. Her elbows were fastened together

behind her neck and her wrists pulled until they could be fastened under her

ankles, making her arch. The Southerner pushed his spent manhood in her mouth,

still forced open by the spider gag, and caught her head between his legs.

A short, barbed flogger landed on her stretched belly, making her scream and

writhe in bitter pain. The heavy leather was soon wet with blood, but had also

been soaked in brine and the Southerner made sure it remained so during the

subsequent defilement of his restored victim. His drooling leer loomed over

Kayleen's pain-wracked face while the flogger traced welts of agony all over

her splendid body, renewing the gurgling pleasuring of her tormentor's member.

Each lash made her turn left or right in a spasmodic jerk, exposing her to

more pain. The Southerner aimed often for her soles, a difficult target, but

also cruelly striped her thighs and buttocks. He took to grabbing curls of her

pubic hair and pulling on them before each lash, so that her subsequent jerk

ripped some in a flash of blinding pain which wracked her deliciously.

The Southerner stopped flogging his buckling victim only when Grod approached

and yanked her on her knees, dragging her to the instrument of her further

torment. It consisted of a pair of hinged iron rails, each about six feet long

and jutting off twin stone pillars. Only Zhorun's magic had allowed the device

to be constructed over the night.

The rails currently stood vertical, but could obviously pivot around the axle

they hung from, and the relative placement of the hinged sections could be

adjusted by operating a collection of ominous screws. Thick protrusions

jutted menacingly from the iron at regular intervals.

Grod mercilessly tightened the iron collar on Kayleen's windpipe before

undoing her restraints, but it took all his muscle to force the strong woman

onto the device and fasten her elbows to the rails, revealing the purpose of

some of the protrusions as rests for the elbows and knees of a victim. When

her windpipe was freed, Kayleen was about to insult her tormentors but a

glance towards Lyral changed her mind, and she just prayed under her breath.

Grod then twisted her leg around another protrusion and cuffed her ankle well

inside the iron bar, braiding the limb around the rail and making his victim

wince at the strain and cry when the same happened to the other leg. When her

wrists were similarly braided above her head, Kayleen hissed from the pull on

her ligaments and the stress on her bones, harbingers of worse torments ahead.

Grod secured her restraints and then operated a crank which increased the

separation between the rails, sliding them left and right and pulling on her

thigh and shoulder joints. The tension was slowly increased, and liquid fire

bubbled in her knees and elbows as they carried most of the pull, turning her

hisses into gasping screams of desperate agony.

A few cranks had been enough to reawaken the agonies of the rack, and the

blinding pain from the knees and elbows was being slowly overshadowed by the

pull on her hip and shoulder joints and the tearing of her ankles and wrists.

They were not even pretending to question her any more, just making her suffer

for Zhorun's perverted pleasure, and she could not stop them in any way, not

even by giving up. The tortures had become increasingly gruesome, to the point

that only Lyral's healing kept her alive.

The heavy irons cut into Kayleen's ankles and wrists; the angle prevented

damage to major blood vessels, but red rivulets flowed lazily from the bruised

skin. Her arms and supple thighs already trembled from the strain, and the

tendons showed under the stretched muscles while howls of demented torment

wracked her taut, glistening body. Her mouth tried to refuse the jug, but Grod

pinched her nose and forced her to drink among gasps and sputters.

With cruel slowness, the rails were cranked to the point of leaving her hip

and shoulder joints teetering on the brink of dislocation, with such fiendish

accuracy that each breath sent flashes of howling pain through her shoulders

as it pulled them beyond dislocation for an instant. The Southerner neared and

thrust his member into her rectum, distending it violently and pushing with

cruel strength while she screamed from the jarring of her bones.

After a brief inspection, the Southerner slowly pierced her left nipple with a

barbed hook, making her arch and buckle amidst screams of wretched agony,

twisting it back and forth until her spasmodic buckling dislocated her

shoulder joint and keeping up the torment for a while before running a chain

from the ceiling to the hook, stretching the swollen bud mercilessly.

"This is how the Priestesses used to react in times of old, O Queen, when put

through the ministrations of the Bone Dance, as this was named," cackled

Zhorun's voice. Kayleen's mind whirled between waves of unspeakable pain which

had all but erased the brief moments of relief granted in the morning. She was

not herself enough to resist, and there was nothing she could withhold from

her tormentors anyway. They were taking their pleasure from her, and she could

not deny them anything, not even her agonized screams.

As the rails were cranked wider apart, the Southerner used another barbed hook

to scratch her other nipple, teasing it while she howled in demented agony

before sinking the tip through the swollen flesh and raking it, his grip

steady in spite of her jerks and protracting her agony until she dislocated

her other shoulder, the arm pulling from the socket while she arched in pain

and froth bubbled in her mouth between a scream and the next.

The screws on the rails were slowly adjusted to further bend her joints and

bones, making her howls more pitched and desperate as she found no respite

from the pull keeping her bones near cracking point. Grod periodically cranked

the rails one notch wider, making her scream in horrendous pain as her

convulsions wracked her hip joints beyond dislocation and back. His face was a

mask devoid of any expression, but a sheen of perspiration covered it.

When her teary eyes focused on the gnarly old man, it was because he was

rubbing her innards with the white powder which made them parched and dry, and

her recollections left no doubt about what would follow. When a thin barbed

needle pierced her clitoris, she arched in demented pain as her muscles pulled

the hips out of her joints for a moment while she jerked in spasmodic howling,

and her screams grew even louder when his member penetrated her violently and

the spikes on the harness sheathing it cruelly tore her innards.

His vicious thrusts pushed the needle piercing her clitoris deeper, bending it

when it caught against her pubic bone, while the parched walls of her vagina

were being rasped and raked by the sadistic violation which wracked inhuman

agonies through her stretched hip joints. Her head jerked left and right when

his leather sheathed member abraded her insides, and her mouth opened in

ghastly howls of blinding pain when the spikes cut new wounds through the

parched insides. Each push twisted the barbed needle through the sensitive bud

and scraped it against her pubic bone, pushing the heads of her thighs out of

their sockets for interminable instants of blinding agony.

As the old man protracted her violation, her screams became more gut-wrenching

and desperate until her left hip dislocated while she arched in a howl of pure

agony. Unfazed, the Southerner continued thrusting into her, making her twitch

in agony on the barbed needle and lingering inside her even after his lust had

been spent. She was made to drink from the jug again, and repeatedly splashed

with cold, salt water. The only thing she could do was hope they would make a

mistake and hurt her beyond repair, and then death would finally bring an end

to the merciless agonies inflicted on her femininity.

The Southerner started tracing shallow cuts through her pubic mound and

ripping curls of hair and skin, gearing the pulls towards dislocating her

other hip without following through completely until her mound was a bleeding

stretch of raw flesh. He kept pulling on the curls rooted in a purposefully

large patch of skin, increasing her agony as the joint twitched closer to

dislocation on the wave of searing pain and leaving her thus until the head of

the bone bulged under her jerking muscles. With drug-induced lust, the

Southerner violated her vagina with renewed viciousness, fiendishly cutting

her insides with the spikes while froth bubbled between her desperate screams.

The rails were cranked wider apart some more, wrenching further howls of

bitter agony from Kayleen's gaping mouth. The weight of her torso now hung off

her dislocated joints, which would have been enough to keep her under constant

pain even without further intervention. The rails bent the bones of her limbs,

and Grod adjusted protrusion after protrusion to bring them closer to cracking

point and make them wreak pain through her dislocated joints, pausing now and

then to splash her with cold, salt water. Lyral healed her briefly.

While Grod continued to operate the rails, the Southerner neared her left hand

and grabbed her middle finger, slowly ripping the nail off with pliers while

her howls rose to new heights as the agony wracking her arm jarred her bent

bones and the dislocated joint. Finger after finger, and then toe after toe,

her convulsed jerks bent the bones of her limbs from near cracking point into

broken shards deforming the stretched muscles while screams desperate enough

to scrape soot from the stones echoed in the torture chamber.

The slack on the chains leading to the hooks piercing her nipples was slowly

reduced until some of her weight was carried by her stretched, bleeding

nipples. The screams wracking her chest rose again when she felt the rim of

her vagina cut by a serrated blade, rising in pitch cut after cut until

her tormentor penetrated her again, ripping open the bleeding cuts with

thrusts which wracked her like a broken doll.

Her thoughts wandered in a maze of deranged torment, unable to escape the

sight of her tormentor's triumphant visage. The agonies from her violated

femininity fought with the flashes of pain from her taxed joints, and the

tears mixed with froth and semen on her contorted face. Her mind spun in

search of something, anything, that would put off the next thrust, quench

the fire from the cracking bones, stave off what she knew would follow.

The rutting thrusts made the broken bones twitch under the muscles and tear

the flesh, sending waves of trembling agony through her chest to burst in

howls of wretched despair from her mouth. The drool from the Southerner's

mouth dribbled over her bleeding mound while his hands ripped the remaining

curls of pubic hair, and his head jerked back in mad pleasure as she convulsed

in abysmal pain on his rutting member.

When the old man's drug-enhanced endurance finally faded, her long, bitter

screams waned into harsh gasps, but her teary eyes did not miss Grod nearing

with a pair of large, serrated pliers. She vainly tried to twist her hand

away, but the iron jaws closed on her thumb and slowly crushed it to the bone,

twisting and cracking it while she arched and convulsed in wretched torment

from the finger as much as from the some bones breaking and ripping through

the stretched flesh and from the relentless tearing of her swollen nipples.

Her mouth sputtered on the syrupy contents of the jug, trembling with pain in

spite of Lyral's brief touch, and then the iron jaws moved to another finger

and her howls rose again under the vaults of the torture chamber. Grod was

crushing and breaking the phalanxes one by one, pausing in between to let her

arch and jerk in hoarse agony until exhaustion crept over her twitching body.

The nightmarish torture continued finger after finger, punctuated by

occasional splashes of cold, salt water. Lyral healed her repeatedly, still

trembling from her own wounds and sobbing bitterly at the sight of Kayleen's

horrid predicament. The long bones were fracturing, and each jerk twisted the

splinters inside the twitching muscle. After making her drink from the jug

again, the iron jaws were moved to her toes, and more screams of agony echoed

under the vaults of the torture chamber in a protracted descent to hell.

At the bottom of this hell the leer of the gnarly old man awaited her, and she

barely managed to recognize him before he drove into her vagina again, mad

with cruel lust and rocking her with fiendish thrusts which sent bone

splinters jutting through the skin while she dangled from the nipple hooks in

gurgling frenzies of unspeakable agony. The swollen pieces of feminine flesh

still carried whatever amount of her weight her spasmodic efforts kept off the

fractured bones, fiendishly braided on the protrusions jutting from the rails

to make sure she would suffer no matter the position she managed.

His endurance, fueled by cruelty as much as from drugs, lasted through

multiple pauses, which brought no respite because he stopped only to let Grod

push iron hooks under rib after rib and fasten them to the rails, tautly

enough to cause abysmal torments when her chest rose in a scream. Under the

thrusts of her defilement, the hooks pulled the ribs near cracking and her

spasmodic jerks and inhuman screams ended up breaking them one after the

other. Her eyes darted left and right, wide open from pain and terror, looking

for an angle where no bloody splinters would jut from her twitching flesh.

She lost count of her ribs as her violator's thrusts and her spasmodic jerks

cracked and fractured one after the other, in a protracted nightmare of agony

and defilement which her frenzied screams recounted in a hoarse tale of

wretched torment. The spiked harness had scraped bleeding gashes deep in the

walls of her vagina, and she bled so profusely that Lyral had to be brought

forth repeatedly to heal her. Her tormentor stopped using the white astringent

powder he favored to make rape more painful and rubbed the bloody leather

sheathing his manhood in rough sand instead, bringing her howls to new pitches

as her last two or three ribs cracked under his thrusts.

The jug made her eyes regain focus just in time to widen in horror as she

caught Grod pushing the arms of an iron vise through the cuts in her vagina,

until they caught her pubic bone in their grip. He then scraped the needle

piercing her swollen clitoris on the bone, feeling for the exact position of

the needle tip before bringing the pliers to bear, cracking the bone while she

arched with a scream of unspeakable agony, at the top of which he hammered the

needle into the crack, a feat of consummate ability which he performed with

meticulous cruelty in spite of her jerks of spasmodic agony.

Just as she thought that she could not know more pain, the old man tore into

her bleeding vagina again, and she realized in a flash of inhuman agony that

the needle lodged in the bone was bending and widening the crack under his

rutting thrusts. The bone splintered and added his own agony to the searing

pain of the fractured bones raking her stretched muscles and jutting through

the flesh while she arched in twitches in unspeakable torment, writhing on

his aroused member while he fiendishly protracted her agonies, savoring every

scream, every gasp and every howl until his lust finally subsided.

Kayleen felt Lyral being brought forth to heal her briefly, and then a large

meat hook was thrust in her lacerated vagina and pulled up using a chain from

the ceiling, relieving some of the traction on her stretched nipples but

causing her to scream at the agony in her fractured pubic bone.

Although nearly delirious, she realized she was about to be left alone for a

while. Her mind was suddenly clear somehow, and what she could not notice was

that Zhorun had cast Shandra's spell, to see how effective it was. The first

splash of cold, salt water confirmed Kayleen's guess, and after a while they

left her drenched and shivering in the unlit chamber.

Even without the freezing water, her position would have allowed her no real

respite as some of her weight rested on bones which had been fractured and

splintered mercilessly, and each breath wracked her cracked ribs with white

hot torment. But the shivers were an hell of rolling agony which shook her

with bitter gasps and broken screams, and in her torment she realized that the

pull on her nipples and especially on her splintered pubic bone was steadily

increasing. Zhorun savored the despair in her voice, well aware that water was

filling buckets at the other ends of the attached chains.

When they returned, she was writhing pitifully on the hook, her brief screams

cut by flashes of breathtaking agony from her ribs, her head jerking left and

right while her crushed, bloody fingers and toes curled and twitched. Lyral

turned her head at the sight, sobbing silently and curling in a corner as the

Southerner strode up to the victim he so enjoyed tormenting.

Kayleen twitched with a broken scream, born as what had started as a shudder

of fear turned into a jerk of agony. The gnarly old man's unnatural arousal

hid nothing of his intent. In the haze of pain, something within her asked why

it was always him, why he would not tire, questions which had cut her prayers

short before. Pain swept them away when he started rubbing the rim of her

sphincter with sharkskin and then thrust his leather sheathed manhood into the

bleeding orifice while she still screamed from the pain.

Anguished howls echoed under the vaults of the torture chamber, caused by a

lust fueled by drugs and, unbeknownst to Kayleen, from sorcerous magic

coalesced as drinkable potions. The old man had deemed unwise to meet Shandra

not in Zhorun's presence, but he had made his wishes repeatedly known and the

undead wizard had seen that they would be fulfilled. Now Zhorun was enjoying

the pain distorting Kayleen's visage into a nightmare of wretched screaming.

The old man protracted Kayleen's violation with pauses where he used his white

astringent powder to absorb blood and deny his victim even its lubrication,

until the tissue was dry and parched for a new bout of rutting penetration,

hoarse screams and pitched howls of utter despair, brought about as much by

the shredding of her bowels as from the jarring of her splintered bones.

When he finally stopped, he immediately had the rails moved so that he could

circle her and invade her mouth with his flaccid manhood, and then set about

making her screams revive his arousal. He picked a longish strip of sharkskin

a palm wide and wrapped it around her leg, slowly dragging it back and forth

around the limb by the handles at both end. The sharkskin started abrading the

skin, making her twitch and scream in a paroxysm of wretched agony which

gurgled around his manhood as her muffled howls betrayed the inhuman depths of

depraved torment she was undergoing. The tiny barbs of sharkskin ripped the

skin off bit by bit, lodging in it and ripping it in tiny pieces.

The subsequent drenching with cold, salt water made her jerk and twitch like a

pitiful rag doll, and the sharkskin was moved to her other leg while blood

oozed from the abraded flesh. Pitched howls of demented agony came out as

bouts of helpless gurgling while the old man made sure her torment lasted

enough to help the drugs return his manhood to arousal. She realized he had

pulled out when she felt the taste of the syrup in her torn mouth.

He brought forth Lyral to heal Kayleen's twitching and screaming body, then

changed her inclination again and rubbed sharkskin on her labia and clitoris,

keeping her howling and jerking madly until his member hardened and he could

grab her by the folds of ripped skin on her mound and slam onto her shattered

pubic bone, making her arch in the first howl of a frenzy of hoarse screaming.

The needle, now bent out of shape, still pierced her swollen clitoris and

wracked unspeakable torment through her cracked pubic bone, but her love

channel had been scraped raw and cut to shreds, and when he rubbed the leather

harness sheathing his manhood in sand her pitiful howls reached pitches hell

itself would have been proud of. Lyral was repeatedly brought forth to heal

her madly twitching friend just enough for the torture to continue until the

old man's artificial lust was temporarily sated again.

But his taste for his victim's agonies knew no respite, as he proved by

cranking the rails to lower her head until he could straddle her mouth,

filling it with his blood-stained manhood while he wrapped the sharkskin strip

around her bent arms and started rubbing, tearing off bits of skin while her

agonies gurgled around his spent member and jarred her splintered bones.

The Southerner worked the strip back and forth with ecstatic abandon, basking

in his victim's frenzies of gurgling agony as the coarse surface abraded the

skin in countless tiny cuts, ripping it bloody bit by bloody bit while the

muscle underneath twitched and each jerk jarred the splintered bones and

wracked the body into fits of spasmodic buckling which twisted the limbs as if

in a grotesque dance of wretched torment. Lyral had asked Kayleen to be brave,

as if bravery had any chance against the horrors being heaped on her now.

"This interpretation of the Bone Dance by our esteemed guest appears to be of

your liking, judging by how you put your mouth to use," whispered Zhorun, in a

stinted attempt at horrid humor. Kayleen was desperately trying to stay

abreast of this nightmare of depraved defilement, and was barely herself

enough to burn with rage in some recess of her pain-wracked mind.

No echo of Lyral's words of courage could be heard in Kayleen's hopeless

screams when the old man pulled out of her mouth, his manhood readied for a

new violation by her pitiful gurgles as her arms had been slowly abraded to

twitching raw flesh and the broken ends of some ribs jutted out, pulled by her

spasmodic jerks. If her trapped mind could come up with anything of interest

to her tormentors, she would have screamed it to the top of her lungs.

When the sharkskin strip was wrapped behind her back, she would have betrayed

anybody and anything to stop the savage back and forth motions which ripped

the skin from her shoulder blades and made her broken ribs bend in and out of

her flesh in blinding flashes of abysmal pain. Even if Lyral had stopped

healing her, they would use potions as they had already done. If only he

stopped, just for a moment ... the sharkskin was ripping raw flesh now.

As if her tormentor wanted to answer the pitiful pleas interspersed between

her screams, he slowly moved the area abraded the strip along her back until

her reached her buttocks, but there was no mercy in the act as the rails had

been reclined to make her crotch rest on her tormentor's erect manhood and the

abrading strip made her twitch left and right on his spiked member, further

grinding her shredded insides while her screams took the rhythm from the

alternating motions impressed on the ends of the bloodied sharkskin strip.

When he finally pulled off, her buttocks had been scraped raw amidst a frenzy

of increasingly gut-wrenching howls as the tiny teeth had been dragged across

bleeding raw fresh after ripping off the tender skin while she jerked and

twisted madly on his spiked manhood. A sudden influx of renewed awareness

shot through her mind, making it snap back from depths of all-consuming woe

just as her splintered bones snapped out of her stretched limbs. Shandra's

spell had temporarily restored her will, but it would not last.

Lyral was brought forth again, and was allowed to heal her for quite some time

as the old man watched his victim's bloody, twitching body return from the

brink of death just as his arousal returned under the impulse of the drugs. As

he was not ready yet, he cranked the rails and invaded her mouth again, his

gaze wandering on her face wishing to feel her terror.

He discarded the blood soaked strip and picked a fresh one, which he wrapped

twice around her left thigh before pulling it back and forth. Her bleeding

body arched in a gurgling scream as the flesh was scraped by the myriad of

tiny teeth embedded in the sharkskin, and his pleasure rose alongside her

pitiful screams while he pulled on the strip with cruel, deliberate slowness.

The motion added to the abysmal torment of the sharkskin proper the rhythmic

jarring of her broken thigh bone, whose head rattled at her hip joint and

whose splintered ends could be seen bulging under the twitching muscles each

time his pull dislodged them a bit further. Lyral, sobbing from her own recent

torture and all but forgotten in her chains, was watching with her mouth agape

as the depths of depravity poured on her friend pounded on her sanity.

The cold, salt water made Kayleen jerk again, screaming in bitter agony, and

in the process reviving her somewhat, just as intended. She drank avidly from

the jug, consuming the concoction devised to keep her nourished, enhance her

sensitivity to pain and prevent her from sliding into unconsciousness. Zhorun

had took the opportunity to improve the formula.

The old man removed the hooks from her nipples and cranked the rails, turning

them over until she hung facing the floor. As the slightest movement wrought

unspeakable agony through her broken bones, he made sure that the operation

was slowly staggered, allowing her to scream herself near exhaustion while her

own weight was being shifted from fracture to fracture and cranking the rails

only when her pain appeared to subside, gleefully rekindling her agonies.

He rubbed her sphincter with the white powder, did the same on the spiked

harness he still wore on his now erect manhood, and lingered against the

rosette of her anus while terror wracked her with tremors which turned into

screaming jerks of bitter woe. She knew what he would do next, she knew what

agonies would follow, and terror shook her in spite of her feeble attempts to

find some anchor for her sanity. With a raucous laugh, he started penetrating

her, pushing slowly while she arched and screamed in horrid pain.

Instead of thrusting with abandon, he had opted to force her into pleasuring

him with her frenzied twitching, and he set about engendering it by wrapping

the sharkskin strip against her dangling breasts. Once he started pulling it

back and forth, her screams and jerks came at the rhythm he most enjoyed, and

he set about making this exquisite pleasure last.

He repeatedly changed the angle and wrapping of the strip on her breasts,

ripping her skin off bit by bit without grinding her nipples flat and searing

swaths of bleeding raw fresh across the firm globes, always forcing her to

twitch and buckle on his erect manhood, causing her to arch spasmodically and

wreak unimaginable torment through her fractured and splintered bones.

When his lust was sated, he circled her pitifully screaming form to make her

drink from the jug again before invading her mouth with his flaccid member,

freed of its harness as he wanted to feel each scream to the fullest. Kayleen

was mostly beyond herself from pain, but in a corner of her mind managed to

despair at the accursed endurance the drugs allowed the old man.

When her tormentor fetched a new strip, and its twin halves pressed against

her crotch, separating her labia as he expertly pulled them like a crotch rope

but with the rasping side resting against the insides of the soft folds of

feminine flesh, Kayleen realized that hell truly had bottomless pits.

A the first pull, her spasmodic scream gurgled around his member while she

arched in abysmal pain. The strips were abrading the inside of her labia, but

also cutting a bleeding gash at the top and bottom clefts of her vagina,

deeply raking the wounded and stretched flesh and catching on existing cuts

and wounds, reopening them mercilessly. The waves of unspeakable agony rising

from her crotch coursed through her dangling body bringing white hot torment

to the splintered bones and bitter woe from her broken ribs.

The bloody abrasion of her raw flesh was protracted until her tormentor's

arousal returned, and splashes of cold, salt water washed over her, announcing

that the pain was not over yet. He wore a different harness, brimming with

stiff bristles, but first slowly cranked the rails back to their original

position, dragging her through another slow carousel of frenzied agonies.

He drove the hooks through her nipples again, and pulled them savagely,

stretching the flesh mercilessly before wrapping a thin strip of sharkskin

around them, so that pulling back and forth would scrape both stretched pieces

of feminine flesh. With a leer on his gnarly visage, he thrust into her vagina

while pulling on the strip with both hands.

Kayleen's body arched in a scream too desperate for the stone walls to

contain, a scream whose despair visibly shook her trembling friend nearby. The

thin strip was causing unimaginable agonies as it ripped bits of stretched

fresh from Kayleen's nipples, while the bristles were proving even more

hellish than iron spikes as they scraped into existing cuts and wounds, and

both of them made her convulse in wretched agony which was multiplied manifold

by the jarring thus inflicted on her fractured and splintered bones.

Although the angle was not completely favorable, the old man's consummate

ability meant that the strip slipped only a few times, allowing him to keep up

her defilement. When the raw flesh had been ripped off her nipples to such an

extent that further scraping would have torn them off, he moved to her

clitoris. He used a pair of pliers to pull the bleeding piece of feminine

flesh, stretching it along the bent needle still piercing it, and wrapping it

in a thin strip of sharkskin he could pull. Her mind cleared suddenly just in

time to see the strip close on her bleeding piece of feminine flesh.

He cranked the rails to bring her hips up and make the operation somewhat less

cumbersome, although he was in no hurry and wished to protract the penetration

of her bleeding vagina, thrusting mightily with the obvious intent to tear the

abraded wounds apart some more. Slowly and awkwardly, he rubbed the sharkskin

strip on the shredded tatters of her femininity while she howled like a

demented animal, arching spasmodically as far as his manhood allowed and

buckling madly around its bristled caress while splinters of white bone, red

with blood, jutted from her twitching limbs and heaving ribcage.

The old man was now exhausted, and it was a tribute to the heightened

effectiveness of the drugs and potions he used that he could still manage to

prepare her for the customary change of pace from raging torture to protracted

torment. The rails were reclined until about half way and a thick wooden wedge

soaked with gleaming liquid was brought against her sphincter. The base was

set firmly, and then the rails were further reclined until most of her weight

concentrated on the wedge, which started stretching the rosette of her anus

while she shook gasping and arching a in a desperate howl.

When cold, salt water splashed her she writhed in a jerk of spasmodic torment,

and more followed as they repeatedly drenched her with the liquid which

usually left her shuddering from cold, but now burned the countless abrasions

of her skin like raging fire. She could not help but slide a few inches along

the hacked, splintered surface of the wooden pole. Lyral healed her briefly.

Just as the torches were carried away, plunging her in the darkness she had

experienced countless times, she realized that the wood had been soaked with

some caustic whose concentration increased along its length, because the rim

of her sphincter twitched in atrocious pain as it slid down the pole.

With a bitter scream, she pushed spasmodically on her broken limbs, trashing

in the effort to pull away from the caustic fire. Somehow her spectacular

muscles managed to gain one or two inches, while her head arched in a howl of

desperate agony which echoed in the darkness, reaching a motionless standing

corpse whose hands rose in the dark, as if to welcome the scream and the

others which followed, sparse at first and then increasingly desperate.

Even under ordinary circumstances, Kayleen would have had to exert herself to

keep from sliding down the pole and spare the atrocious burning touch of the

caustic soaking the wood. With her bones broken, after protracted tortures,

she nonetheless managed to pull away repeatedly, at the price of atrocious

frenzies of screaming agony which could not hide the fact that each time she

slid a bit further down. The pole burned her bowels mercilessly, and the

sphincter rubbed on its girth each time her muscles faltered.

Slowly losing the battle with the pole she slid further down inch by inch, her

hoarse screaming a veritable music to the ears of the motionless corpse. The

darkness at least spared her the sight of the splinters of the broken bones

jutting out from her twitching muscles, a sight which somehow had made her

torture more revolting and was now haunting her sanity.

Because of her own screams, she failed to hear the return of her tormentors,

but managed to pull herself up along the pole when torchlight shone on her

twitching, bleeding body. Lyral gasped at the horrid wounds cut by the broken

bones through Kayleen's flesh, and was allowed to heal her for a while.

The Easterner brought a brazier closer, inspecting the tools heating therein.

His face was even more impenetrable than usual, but his hand closed on the

handle of a thin rod brimming with tiny curved hooks. Kayleen's bitter sob

turned into a low scream from the agony in her broken ribs, but she had seen

the brazier, and her mind shriveled at the recollection. Fire, again. Rape and

fire, fire and rape, how could the gods deny her the slightest respite

stammered her lips trembling in terror.

He hesitated a bit before picking up a copper roller with a double row of

curved hooks and dragging it along Kayleen's bleeding thigh. The hooks sizzled

against the raw flesh, torn violently by her spasmodic jerk of howling pain.

The roller did not stop, following the twitching limb howl after howl as it

snapped against the protrusions it lay on, deformed by the broken bones

bulging under the taut muscles. Kayleen's head jerked left and right as the

frenzy of screams merged into a protracted howl of bitter despair.

Another roller traced a sizzling path through the abraded flesh of her leg and

her jerks increased when the hooks descended along the foot and ripped bits of

flesh from the crushed, deformed toes. Protracted, desperate howls wracked her

body, making it flail between the protrusions holding it against the twin

rails which had become the only support for her twitching limbs.

The roller was dragged up and down between her broken fingers, wrenching

horrid screams from her gaping mouth whenever the hooks caught against

splinters jutting through the twitching flesh. Her eyes glazed over when pain

became so overwhelming that her vision drowned in a wave of white hot agony.

The roller slowly traced a path of mad screaming through her other thigh,

making her buckle and twitch her pelvis as it wrought sizzling agonies across

the raw flesh exposed under the abraded skin. Hoarse screams punctuated its

course as spasmodic jerks rattled her dislocated hips and tore the splintered

bones inside the twitching muscles. Something within her turned at the sight.

The hooked rod was placed against her sphincter, so that each time the roller

ran down her other leg her jerks caused repeated contact with the red hot

hooks, ripping bits of flesh from the torn muscle, the sizzling noise lost

amidst her harrowing screams. The rod was seated in a stout coal brazier, and

repeatedly cranked deeper in, half an inch deeper each time, and the path of

the roller wrought wretched jerks of abysmal torment through her broken body,

ripping more twitching bits of flesh from her raked, seared bowels.

The cold water she was splashed with barely managed to bring her mind back

from the hell of uninterrupted torment she was being dragged through, although

in a place deep within her soul she was still herself enough to thank the

powers of good because it was not salt water this time. The syrupy taste in

her mouth was expected, just as the jolt of stark pain it brought, but she was

surprised by the realization that her tormentor was troubled.

White lances of searing pain surged from her toes when the red hot hooked

roller was dragged through the mangled flesh, causing her to rake her bowels

on the hooked rod in frenzies of howling agony, but her mind was still clear

enough from the syrup to feel his hand tremble. Days and days of unimaginable

torture had left her deeply aware of the slightest nuances in her tormentors

attitude, she realized in a flash before pain wracked her into another scream.

The roller climbed across her belly, making her howl in wretched torment as

the soft flesh was caught and ripped in tiny sizzling bits while the rod was

so deep inside her rectum that she bent it with her jerks. Lyral was brought

forth to heal her before it was extracted, cruelly twisting it around while

she howled and jerked in abysmal torment, made worse by the sudden wave of

awareness resulting from another casting of the willpower spell.

The accursed roller sizzled across her ribs, ripping through the undersides of

her generous globes while she arched in demented pain and screams pitiful

enough to scrape soot from the stones echoed under the vaults of the chamber.

Her trembling muscles still jarred the splintered bones of her limbs back and

forth, and the rails had been reclined slightly so that her own weight spread

her thighs and pulled on her dislocated hip joints and broken pubic bone.

Another hooked rod, with much longer hooks, was fetched from the brazier, and

her eyes bulged when it sought the torn rim of her vagina. The roller was

raked up her ribcage and across her mauled breasts, making her arch

spasmodically in a screaming effort to pull from the fiery rolling points,

only to fall back with her full weight on her broken pubic bone scraped by the

sizzling hooks with a harrowing scream of wretched agony.

Her tormentor caught her amidst an insane scream, raking the roller upwards

through her other breast to induce her into arching again, and she trembled in

the spasmodic effort before falling down screaming on the red hot hooks again.

As the torture was continued, the roller caught on her broken ribs repeatedly,

but as the rod was brought deeper up inside her the frenzies during which

abraded flesh was ripped from inside her lengthened, as exhaustion made her

trembling efforts to escape the sizzling raking of the rod harder and harder.

When the roller started raking her arms, her efforts were further curtailed as

her tormentor ran it counter her twitching muscles, making her arch in long

howls of demented agony which cut short her efforts to lift herself off the

sizzling hooks. Deviously, he waited until she had managed to pull herself up

somewhat before tracing its searing path of burning agony, so she repeatedly

screamed harrowingly as her jerks raked the spiked rod up and down her

innards. Lyral had to heal her often, but this just made her pain worse.

"I reckon it is time to use the Hand of Agony," hissed Zhorun, pointing at a

copper tool which had been left in the brazier. Somewhat reluctantly, the

Easterner picked up the copper device, which had been fashioned after a

six-fingered skeletal hand, clawed and brimming with curved red hot hooks.

When the device was dragged along her left arm, the articulated fingers caught

the smallest cuts and abrasions of the skin and ripped them in sizzling bits,

alternating between tearing and cutting mercilessly while the pain made her

twitching muscles jerk spasmodically in frenzies of demented howling.

Somewhat hampered by his heavy gloves, her tormentor closed the claws of the

device around her left breast, deforming it in a cone as they tightened on the

abraded flesh and raked it while she howled in unbridled agony from the

sizzling hooks. She had been brought from almost full health to the brink of

death, and Lyral's power had been perverted into another instrument of her

torment, but the utter anguish which burst from her mouth when her tormentor

pulled the claws and started twisting them was beyond comparison.

Droplets of blood squirted from her scraped globe as bits of ripped flesh

sizzled on the wicked red hot hooks, while the claws dug horrid lacerated

gashes through her once voluptuous mammary. Her mouth was open wide, almost

near dislocation, in a teetering howl of demented woe which rose and dropped

along all notes on the scale of agony. Her head shook left and right in rhythm

with the shredding of her breast, and blood frothed at the corners of her

mouth when her voice cracked from pain too inhuman to withstand.

During this frenzy of shredding pain she had not been spared the agony of the

splintered bones piercing twitching muscles, nor the raking of her innards by

the fiendish rod, and once the jug was emptied in her mouth these returned

foremost in her mind as white hot lances of pain wracked her mercilessly, just

as she connected the sudden bursts of awareness with Zhorun's gestures. The

memory of how to recognize wizardly casting returned to her for a moment

before a wave of pain surged from her cracked ribs.

Unthinkable agonies wracked her when the device was heated again and used on

her other arm, wrenching horrid screams from her frothing mouth, caused like

before as much from the scraping itself as from the agony her jerks wrought

through the broken bones and the relentless torment of the fiendish rod. She

shuddered pitifully when Lyral was brought forth for some healing, screaming

hoarsely her despair at the agonies that would follow.

The device was moved to her buttocks, and she arched in a frenzy of spasmodic

torment while the hooks sizzled across her wounds, digging into the abraded

flesh, and bloody splinters of bone widened the gashes in her disfigured

thighs and forearms. Her screams never stopped, except when the device needed

to be heated again, and the shredding of her flesh continued mercilessly.

The taste of syrup in her mouth broke the sequel of howls crowding her throat

into sputtering and coughing, and her teary eyes bulged when they recognized

the sizzling claws about to close onto her other breast. Her scream of terror

turned into a demented howl of wretched agony as the hooks ripped across her

abraded flesh, left and right, searing and tearing while she jerked like a

mad doll in the throes of unspeakable woe.

The Hand was heated several times, and her breast repeatedly shredded into a

twitching globe of atrocious pain, dragging her through agonies whose equal

she had seldom experienced even since being brought here. At the bottom of

this descent into deeper hells, the six-fingered hand awaited her, and she saw

it through teary eyes just before its caress clawed gashes of flashing pain

across her chest, with the red hot hooks catching onto the splinters of her

broken ribs and tearing through flesh abraded by the sharkskin.

The rod was removed from her vagina, twisting it back and forth while the

rails were cranked to a reclined position, and then the claws descended

across her belly while she arched in abysmal pain, and raked her mons leaving

sizzling lacerations before shredding her labia. Lyral had been brought forth

to heal her, but the torment was continued while the healing took place and

the red hot claws tore bits of sizzling flesh from her labia and clitoris,

still impaled on the needle wedged in her pubic bone.

Her mind cleared suddenly just as the device was folded and pushed inside her

rectum, making her arch in a howl of demented pain and twitch in screaming

agony while it was turned left and right mercilessly. She shuddered when it

was slowly pulled out to be heated again, wishing she could die before it was

used again, and more screams followed when the torture was repeated. Lyral had

to be brought forth soon to stop the bleeding of her shredded bowels.

Her mouth burst in another horrid scream when the sizzling claws distended the

rim of her vagina, and she howled pitifully when the device was twisted left

and right, raking her shredded innards while her blood bubbled on the hot

metal. Her eyes almost popped from her head when the device was extracted,

ripping shreds of her love channel in a twitching frenzy of howling jerks.

"An adequate performance, Chang. Do it again," hissed Zhorun, the image of the

torments of ages past revived before his empty eye sockets. Kayleen's screams

rose quickly as the device entered her torn orifice amidst sizzling hisses and

spasmodic jerks of hideous agony, and continued while the torture was repeated

until even the repeated casting of Shandra's spell could only return awareness

to her eyes for moments too short to satisfy Zhorun's malevolence.

Lyral was brought forth, shaking in bitter sobs, to heal her dying friend, and

the thought of letting her die rather than protracting her agonies must have

crossed her mind, and probably not for the first time. Kayleen's lips tried to

form a prayer, but only wheezing screams burst through. She realized that they

were preparing her to suffer alone again, and when a wooden wedge distended

the torn rim of her vagina she tried hard to find the words for a prayer.

Exhausted as she was, she immediately slid down and felt the caustic burning

the stretched flesh, and when the first bucket of cold salt water made her

writhe in screaming agony her mind lost the words she was cobbling together to

pray. More buckets following, making her howl as the salt burned the abraded

skin while the cold would leave her shivering, unable to stand still enough to

reduce the agonies whatever predicament she was left in would exact from her.

Still unaware of Zhorun's presence, she squirmed on the wedge distending her

vagina, screaming when a splinter lodged in the bleeding raw flesh. Even the

splinters had been thoroughly soaked in caustic and burned like hot needles,

but she found herself forced to push on them with her aching muscles to spare

the stretched rim of her vagina the relentless burning touch of the girth of

the wedge her weight rested on.

Unlike the pole she had suffered upon before, this one was impossibly thick,

roughly triangular in section and literally brimming with splinters, and the

thought of sliding down was horrid enough to spur her into frantic efforts in

spite of her dwindling strength. Her screams echoed repeatedly in the darkness

of the unlit torture chamber, and a deeper horror tinged them as she realized

that she could not hope to reach a point where the girth of the wedge would

halt her descent, because the caustic was strong enough to eat away flesh and

expose new raw tissue to the hellish torment.

This realization, however, only made the occurrence more harrowing, as her

waning endurance could not prevent her from slowly and agonizingly sliding

down, the rim of her vagina being slowly burned away on the hellish wedge and

continuously distended to face more hellish agonies. Zhorun almost purred at

the inventiveness of his predecessors while Kayleen's screams of desperate

agony filled the eerie void of his undead soul.

In spite of the light brought by the torches, Kayleen's eyes remained closed,

as if she didn't want to contemplate the bloody swath of pulsating raw flesh

and splintered bones hanging between the twin rails which had been her fine

warrior's body. When a voice echoed in the chamber, however, her chest rose in

a sob of despair which her broken ribs turned into a desperate scream.

"I'm back, Whore Queen. You missed me, I bet," laughed the old Southerner.

He cranked the rails, reclining them until she was halfway vertical, and then

dribbled her gouged breasts with the contents of a jug. She jerked and howled

in wretched pain as the thick brine burned her abrasions and cuts, seeping

mercilessly in her wounds while his leather sheathed member nudged her

sphincter. The leather had been smeared with irritant and rubbed in sand, but

he lingered while she buckled like a rag doll, her limbs snapping as the

splintered bones reopened the wounds in her twitching muscles.

When he saw her cracked lips form a coughing "No", he grabbed her ribs and

drove into her with rabid lust, holding fast against the subsequent frenzy of

demented buckling while the sand raked her abraded bowels, allowing the paste

to sting the raw flesh like the kiss of hell's flames. Her jerks and twitches

wrought horrid torments through her jarred bones, and her violator thrust into

her with vicious abandon while her mind was rattled by yet another horrid

defilement, unable to react, unable to escape.

The violation was protracted with lewd persistence, shattering her meager

hopes that his endurance could have a limit which drugs and magic could not

overcome. His congested complexion and bulging eyes suggested an impending

stroke, but he pulled from her only to crank the rails until her head was low

enough to invade it with his manhood, almost dislocating her jaw while she

sputtered on the mix of paste, semen and her own blood.

His hands reached for another jug, and the smell of bleach reached her

nostrils just before pain engulfed her arms, washing blood from the splinters

piercing her muscles and fully exposing the gleaming white streaks which

fanned untold agonies into the slightest jerk of her nightmare. She gurgled

and gasped in a frenzy of muffled pain, but this only made her tormentor

continue the aspersion of her twitching flesh with the strong bleach. When he

splashed her with cold, salt water, it almost proved a relief.

When his member hardened again, he smeared it with the irritant paste and

cranked the rails so that he could slid it between her breasts, which he

proceeded to wrap with knotted twine soaked in a caustic which burned like

liquid fire. Her mouth trembled in howls of bitter agony as the twine was

tightened with devious cruelty while he thrust his manhood back and forth,

scraping her globes with the bristled leather and making her arch in demented

agony from the twine cutting across the abraded, gouged flesh.

She sputtered as her mouth was filled with syrup, but the bleach she could

smell was forthcoming and did not spare her belly and ribcage, and after a

while he took a liking to her desperate buckling and pushed his flaccid member

in her vagina, using the bleach to make her turn left and right on the

bristled intruder in a frenzy of demented screams. He continued this torment

until his arousal returned, at which point he smeared her insides with a

strong astringent before thrusting into her with vicious abandon.

Unable to stop screaming, unable to escape the whirling waves of agony and

defilement heaped upon her, Kayleen jerked spasmodically in the throes of

unspeakable pain while her mind sought some place to curl up and hide from all

these horrors. Her defiler produced a pair of needles and used them to weave

knotted twine through the flesh of her labia, lingering inside her while she

shook in abysmal pain as the knots ripped through the raw flesh.

After wrapping the ends of the twines around her abraded clitoris, still

impaled on the needle lodged in her pubic bone, he started pulling their ends

left and right, making her twist and arch in demented torment with little or

no respite given, buckling and screaming as the twine tightened the abraded

flesh against the bristled intruder and the caustic it was soaked with seeped

in the scraped feminine flesh with each jerk and thrust, burning and stinging

mercilessly yet again what had become the seat of her worst nightmares.

He took some drug in the meantime, something which rekindled his arousal

as he reveled inside her, pressing her innards against the pulled twines while

the shearing of her femininity continued among her tormentor's mad laughs of

perverted triumph. She hoped that it would stop, and it would not, it got

worse as he kept pulling on the twines. She prayed that he would tire, but he

increased his thrusting as if possessed by a lust from the pits of hell

itself. She prayed that she would die, but he continued jarring her pain

wracked body for an unbelievable length of time while she was consumed by

frenzies of hapless screaming and arched in spasmodic agony.

After making her drink from the jug again, he invaded her sphincter. He had

used the astringent liberally, but replacing the bristles with spikes meant

that her own blood soon provided the lubrication her desperate howls

desperately begged for. He did not protract this violation for long, and had

Lyral brought forth to heal the worst wounds. He then brought forth a large

container of liquid, whose funnel he inserted in her rectum which he then

proceeded to fill with astringent and sew shut while she howled in mad pain.

He started cranking the liquid inside her and her eyes bulged while she arched

in sudden fear. The torment mounted with each crank as the liquid seeped into

every available nook and cranny, finding more abrasions and wounds to sting as

pressure increased. She could not believe that such pain could last for so

long and still get worse over time, but as her jerks snapped new splinters in

her broken bones even such remnants of coherent thought were washed away.

She shook herself as the syrup mixed with froth in her poor mouth, dimly aware

that Lyral had healed her a bit and sputtering as the liquid made, as always,

the pain worse. She had been allowed to empty her bowels, which still burned

enough to keep her screaming for a week, and no sooner did she take a breath

than her tormentor thrust into her rectum, this time after coating the leather

with irritant paste mixed with gross sand. Awareness flashed through her mind

again, and she was now aware that magic was being used.

She howled in demented pain when his hands caught her ribs and pulled down her

pain wracked body against his invading member, thrust with vicious abandon up

her bowels in drug-induced lust. The gruesome violation dragged her down

depths of frenzied torment made worse by the invasion of liquid agony she had

just endured, and the protracted rasping from the hellish sand slowly brought

her near the edge of pain-induced insanity.

She continued screaming even after the violation stopped, trembling from the

agony seared deep in her bowels by the brutal scraping with the sand and

sputtering as the contents of the jug were poured in her mouth. Of the many

torments heaped on her orifices, scraping wounded raw flesh with sand was

possibly the worst, even worse than the spikes, because blood made it worse as

the grains stuck and continued to inflict pain.

His flaccid member entered her mouth, and somehow in a deep recess of her mind

she still managed to rage against the violation, as if it had not been part of

what he liked to perpetrate on her for days, as if she could prevent him from

doing as he pleased. She vaguely remembered the agony wracking her bones as

the rails were cranked into position, and she saw as if through murky water

her own body shivering and arching as some caustic liquid was dribbled over

her abraded limbs to pleasure his member with her gurgling screams.

The clear liquid seeped in the innumerable abrasions before starting to hiss

and sizzle faintly, causing exquisite frenzies of spasmodic howling which his

expert hand could mold by varying the amount of liquid poured and the speed at

which it left the vial. He fully intended to make it last, drop by drop, but

he could not help but indulge in the sight of how her pierced clitoris

twitched on the impaling needle when the liquid caught hold, and so he often

returned to the raw nub of feminine flesh, savoring how her gurgling screams

bubbled in mounting despair around his throbbing manhood.

To continue the torment he would have had to call upon Lyral's healing, so he

shifted his ministrations to her stretched nipples instead, which twitched

almost as deliciously and brought similar pleasure from her harrowing screams

of wretched woe. Besides, even ordinary abraded flesh provided enough pleasure

when it curled and sizzled under the caustic, so he managed to protract the

torture until he could feel his member harden again in drug-induced lust.

Kayleen burst in a scream when he popped out, and continued as the liquid kept

burning her mercilessly, pausing only when awareness returned to her just

before he started cranking the rails up, enough to lower her crotch to drive

into it with vicious strength. His hands clawed her poor breasts, grabbing the

mauled flesh to pull her brutally onto his member, making her howl in demented

pain as the gross sand inflicted gruesome torments on the raw walls of her

love channel. The nightmarish violation was protracted through a row of cruel

pauses, which he introduced whenever he saw hope in her eyes just to savor her

despair when he suddenly thrust into her again, ripping the cuts around the

rim of her vagina open some more while she arched in screaming despair.

When the excruciating defilement finally stopped, she thought for a moment

that her prayers had been heard, but then she caught her tormentor preparing

another container of foul liquid. How could she be brave before the horror

about to be perpetrated on her she did not know, but somehow the words of a

prayer formed in her mind as the Southerner pushed a funnel into her bleeding

vagina and brutally stitched her torn labia around the funnel in spite of her

mindless attempts to oppose him.

When the liquid was allowed to flow, a burst of searing agony coursed through

her reclined body as the caustic liquid inflamed her insides mercilessly,

engulfing the shredded strands of torn flesh in a wave of relentless torment.

Her mouth opened in a howl so anguished that the voice broke as her ribs

cracked and only wheezing screams followed in its wake, harrowing phantoms of

agonies too atrocious to contain and which continued their assault as more

liquid was poured inside her. Lost in horrors beyond the boundaries of sanity,

she looked at the clanking rails, wondering how they could withstand her

protracted frenzies of mindless buckling or the rabid jerks which pushed

splinters of bleeding bone through the knotted muscles.

The liquid continued to flow while her agonies mounted, even after Lyral was

briefly brought forth to heal her, and her screams continued to echo under the

vaults of the torture chamber while her innards were slowly filled with the

agonizing concoction. She lost count of how many screams wracked her until the

liquid started gushing out from the cuts of her stitched labia, too mauled to

be sealed tight even if he had attempted it. As awareness flashed through her

mind again, she realized while the pain increased that this had never been the

intent anyway, because the caustic bursting through the cuts in her labia was

one of the few means of pain that could possibly increase her agonies beyond

the point they already stood, as her desperate howls testified.

The funnel was removed from inside her and the opening stitched with knotted

twine, then the rails were slowly cranked, her twitching body suspended

between them, quivering in screaming pain as her weight shifted from one

fracture to another. Over the journey, she realized that the liquid inside her

was increasingly pressing down against her stitched flesh, seeping through the

cuts and bursting them painfully as it burned its way out while at the same

time soaking the twine which held the tatters of her flesh in place.

Before Zhorun's eyes, Kayleen's body started buckling spasmodically as the

horrid torment of the caustic pouring through her stitched vagina made her

arch and scream in harrowing pain, repeatedly making bloody splinters of her

broken bones snap through her twitching flesh at the rhyme of screams and

howls from the Bone Dance resurfaced from times of ancient malevolence.

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