BDSM Library - She Ra v Dragon Queen

She Ra v Dragon Queen

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm




 By Sonya Esperanto (




About the animated heroine She Ra (from Masters of the Universe and had her own series) being defeated by a sadistic Oriental villainess, who makes She Ra her bdsm slave.




Our Earth


Dragon Queen entered an abandoned mansion that had a Victorian look to it. As far as she was concerned, it might as well be a haunted house.

Dragon Queen was a tall, slim Asian/Oriental woman of extraordinary beauty and grace. She also wore a high-collared “Chinese” gown of shimmering crimson silk. She had long black, silky hair that was arrow shaped and it shined in sunlight like polished ebony.


Dragon Queen was inside the mansion, and it looks just like mansion foyer in that film Jumanji. Dragon Queen came to this mansion for a purpose, to search for the door to a room upstairs that had a magic mirror as tall as a person, which was said to be the gateway to another realm.


Dragon Queen walked up the stairs and was searching every room till she found it. She opened the door and walla, it was a very vacant room that was full of cobwebs and the tall mirror stood just opposite the door, Dragon Queen smiled to herself, “At last I found you”. Dragon Queen closed the door behind her and locked it and then went to where the mirror stood.


1 year ago, she learned of this place from a friend of hers, who was good and was unaware that Dragon Queen was in fact evil. This friend told her that it was said by survivors of that mansion, that there was a mirror that was a gateway if you stepped through the walking glass (Like Neo in Matrix and Alice in Wonderland), you entered another realm.


Dragon Queen walked through the mirror glass and she disappeared through it and mystically appeared in the realm of






Princess Adora is sat by her campfire and her horse, Spirit, is not far from her, nibbling away at the grass near the camp fire. Princess Adora was a beautiful princess with long Blonde hair. She wore a red leather jerkin over a white blouse, red calf-high buccaneer boots and long leather coverings on her arms.


Princess Adora was actually She Ra in disguise and she transforms to She Ra when she takes out her sword and utters those magic words of transformation. As She Ra, she fought the forces of evil, especially the armies of Hordak, sometimes known as the Horde. But tonight, things are going to get a little bit interesting.



A short round man, Hurley Burley was running towards Princess Adora. Princess Adora speaks to him in a welcoming voice, “Hurley Burley, what a surprise to see you hear. I thought you had plans with your family”.


Hurley Burley looked afraid and said, “The rebels have easily been defeated by an intruder from another world. She also somehow managed to defeat Hordak on battle”.


Princess Adora looked afraid now. Hordak defeated? As good as the news may sound, this intruder also had defeated the rebels. But Hurley Burley looked fearful.

there’s more”, he continues, “Someone uttered She Ra’s name, that she would be strong enough to face her”.


Princess Adora’s eyes became wide open, “It’s a her”. Hurley Burley was exhausted and he continued, “She said she wanted to meet She Ra or she would destroy the whole village”.


Princess Adora asks “Which one?”. Hurley Burley answers her, “Culinel”. Princess Adora tells him, “Go back there and tell her her that She Ra is on her way”. Hurley Burley asks her, “So you’re going to find her and tell her to come to Culinel then”.


Princess Adora looks distressed, “Looks like she may have to come”.




Spirit and Adora who is riding on top of Spirit head to a more secluded parts of the woods where anyone rarely goes. She gets off Spirit and raises her sword above her head, uttering now those magic words, “For the Honor of Grey Skull…I am She Ra”. There is now a flash of light and this is when the comely Blonde Adora becomes the over powerful, over sexy She Ra. Spirit also transforms to Swift Wind.



Not a moment to lose, Swift Wind (horse is now winged) flies She Ra to Culinel, where below her she sees Dragon Queen. Swift Wind finds a place to land and then she goes to face off Dragon Queen.


Behind Dragon Queen, she sees both rebels and Horde Forces lying on top of each other like human junk pile. She Ra spits at Dragon Queen, “You are the one I take it who wants to meet me”. Dragon Queen laughs evilly.


The villagers run and flee the village. She Ra notices now that this is 1 villain she has never faced off before.


Dragon Queen mocks She Ra, “Charge at me if you dare”. She Ra rushes towards Dragon Queen , raising her sword but Dragon Queen does a few karate chops and kicks, causing She Ra, not only to be dropping her sword but also to get hit. She Ra was on the ground.


Dragon Queen puts her foot on She Ra’s back and lifts She Ra’s left arm, twisting it so that She Ra has pain. She Ra starts screaming. Not only this is the first time she has lost to someone but also that she in immense pain, like being in hell.


Dragon Queen, still twisting She Ra’s arm, asks her “Do you yield, bitch?”. She Ra is in pain, screaming and Dragon Queen makes a threatening voice, “I can break off your arm, if you do not yield”. She Ra nods her head, in defeat, “I yield. I yield.”.


Dragon Queen asks her more questions, “Do you swear that if I let you live, you will become my slave”. She Ra nods, with tears flowing from her beautiful blue eyes, “I submit. I will be your slave”. Dragon Queen continues, “Good”. She lets go off her arm and helps She Ra get up.


The New Eternia


With the defeat of Eternia’s most powerful characters, all submitted to the evil invading warrior Dragon Queen. First, kings had to submit to her and that includes Hordak.


Cat Ra became the new ruler of the Horde, as she was chosen by Dragon Queen to rule the Horde for her. As for the women of Eternia, especially the beautiful ones, they were going to be sent to Earth’s Realm, to become prostitutes in Dragon Queen’s Bordellos.


Middle Eastern princes, Rich Nerds and All Star Jocks were the biggest customers for Eternian women, that they even offered to buy some of them off from Dragon Queen, making her the richest woman in the world (although not listed by Forbes).


But as for She Ra, her new role was going to be different. She was not allowed to wear her warrior clothes on and they were sold off by Dragon Queen to some drag queens in San Francisco. Her sword became Dragon Queen’s property. But what happened to She Ra?


Dragon Queen found She Ra attractive but as business on Earth became burdensome, she had to attend it. After all, she had already defeated superheroines such as Ms Americana, Flag Girl, Lady Midnight, Power Lass, Got Gal, Green Spectre, Spectre girl and some other heroines were defeated and also had been prostituted, earning her some more money.


But Dragon Queen’s interest had now lied in studying the mirror to see how many more realms she can conquer for women prostitution population and how powerful the sword is, in case she can use it to fight beings perhaps more powerful than herself.


To keep Cat Ra loyal to her while she had been away, Cat Ra was made in charged of Eternia plus She Ra was given to Cat Ra as a slave.


Queen Cat Ra


Cat Ra sat and occupied the Horde throne, which was meant for Hordak.  Cat Ra was a Brunette wearing a red mask and was kind of like DC’s Catwoman in attitude and personality.


Cat Ra ordered her bodyguards to bring She Ra to her. The guards came back with She Ra. She Ra meekly responded to Cat Ra, whom she was told to obey to, “You have called for me mistress”. Cat Ra eyed She Ra, licking her lips. Cat Ra, “Yes my slave She Ra, I have called for you”.


She Ra just stood there with her beautiful long Blonde hair, naked. Cat Ra was jealous of She Ra cos she was Blonde while Cat Ra was brunette. Every time, Cat Ra crept to Hordak’s bedroom for sex, Hordak was always bitching around. Hordak preferred Blondes and Cat Ra was too reluctant to dye her dark hair “golden”.


Now here in this very room, the proud beautiful Blonde She Ra was Cat Ra’s plaything, to do with as she pleases.


Cat Ra laughed at She Ra, as she obviously has nasty plans for She Ra. First, she had She Ra follow her to her special Salon Room in the Horde Castle. She cut off She Ra’s long hair, short and spiked it up with Dragon Queen’s hair jell. Then she had She Ra’s hair dyed BLACK, like Ms Americana’s but only this time, this was PERMANENT. She also had She Ra’s nipples pierced with Silver Rings.


Cat Ra admired her work, “Now the fun begins”.


Cat Ra now had a special day every week, where former captured criminals (by She Ra ) were let out and they all had to do one thing – FUCK SHE RA.


She Ra was spread eagled naked and her wrists and ankles had been tied to posts in the middle of an animal form. The big strong villains would come and do things to her; fuck her pussy while squeezing her tits and twisting the nipple rings AND titty fuck She Ra. By the time the day is over, She Ra’s entire body of power was covered in sperm, from face to ringed nipple tits to stomach, to pussy and to legs and knee caps.


Even Hordak had a chance to fuck She Ra, on the ass. Once his cock was inside, hordak changed it to a very big drilling dildo, which She Ra’s asshole could not take.

The villagers who once cheered for She Ra each time she came to their rescue could do nothing but cry.


Sometimes Cat Ra morphed to Cat form (scaring She Ra to death) would eat cat food from She Ra’s pussy and nipples as she lay naked on the cold floor. Cat Ra lapped away at the ringed nipples and tasty pussy. But She Ra had to SMILE, while being licked by Cat Tongue or else Cat Ra the cat would eat her as she can sense fear.


But Cat Ra tired of She ra and son when Dragon Queen came back to Eternia to check how her realm was being ruled, Dragon Queen gave her Ms Americana )to torment) and Dragon Queen brought She Ra back to earth.


She Ra on Earth



She Ra was sent by Dragon Queen to a complete black area full of black gangsters. As Dragon Queen was a good friend of theirs, 1 day Dragon Queen came to their lair and told their leader that she was giving them She Ra for the week. She told them that She Ra was racist and even anti black. The black gang leader neared She Ra and asked her this, “Is this true, bitch. You hate black people”. She Ra shook her head in fear, “No, its..” Dragon Queen came and slapped She Ra, “Are you calling me a liar, whore”. She Ra meekly cried, “No mistress, I didn’t” Black Leader slapped She Ra, “So it’s true then. Admit it and I’ll be lenient with you”. She Ra nodded, “It’s true sir.”


Black Leaders looks to his gang, “It’s true people. She hates us”. The Black guys grabbed She Ra and tied her up spread eagled. Once more she got titty fucked, titty squeezed, ring soring. Breasts turn red, pussy red but sperm occupying it.


She Ra’s mouth was being fucked and pumped, aching her jaw red.


After the week was over, She Ra now knew what her role in life was. She started out in Eternia as a heroine and now she ended in Earth, as a whore.













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