BDSM Library - The Beauty Parlor: Special Introductory Offer

The Beauty Parlor: Special Introductory Offer

Provided By: BDSM Library

Synopsis: A young lady tries a new shop and gets more of a wash and cut than she anticipated...
The Beauty Parlor (1) Special Introductory Offer

Written by DragonFire

	The gorgeous young woman hesitated as she peered in my window past the
brightly painted banners advertising my "Grand Opening", and "Special
Introductory Offer". I'd just opened my new full-service salon here in the city,
and I know it's going to take a while to attract a good clientele, especially
until word gets around about the special services I am offering. Women are
incredibly loyal to their beauticians, and I know I am bucking uphill being a
man in this business.

	My shop is empty at the moment, and I brush past the pretty greeter I've
hired to meet her at the door with a broad smile and a sweeping arm that gently
urges her inside the door.

	"Come in, please. Welcome to my new shop!" Her eyes dart around as she
surveys my spotless equipment, and she eyes me frankly, letting me know she
knows my hand has sent her my masculine message that I find her attractive by
its little extra push as I brought her inside. It's even tougher to be a real
man in this business, because there's very little of masculine natural approach
behavior that most women will tolerate with their hair down. Swishes can get
away with all kinds of flirting, but a real man behind a beauty chair rarely
stands a chance.

	"My regular shop moved across town to get more upscale clients," she
said, her emerald green eyes boring into mine in a guileless way that makes the
bottom drop out of me, but I show no sign of it as I nod.

	"That would be Patricia's? Yes, I heard that she ran a good shop." Of
course, the leaving of a prominent, well established beauty parlor was exactly
the reason I had chosen to locate in this part of town. This babe is exactly the
kind of lady I'm hoping to attract, for myself as well as for my business. 
Five-nine, twenty-eight or thirty; her plain skirt, white blouse and half-inch
heels shout 'schoolteacher' to the appraisal of my highly trained eye. Said eye
also notices the pert uplift of her breasts beneath the blouse, and while she's
looking around again I let my gaze linger on the way her outthrust butt lifts
the back of the skirt in a very man-grabbing way, and let my imagination picture
for a moment what a pair of pumps would do for her. It's obvious this
schoolteacher does quite a bit of working out before classday begins!

	"How much for a shampoo and trim?" Her gaze is back upon me, and for the
first time -- yes, I'm a man before I'm a hairdresser! -- I scan her hairstyle.
Bracketing her vivid green eyes is a pert face framed by a wonderful full head
of medium brown hair that cascades in waves halfway down her back. I grasp her
upper arm with a light but firm touch, at which she starts, but I calmly pivot
her around so I can catch up the ends of her beautiful tresses to examine them
for splits or burning. as I let her hair slip out of my hand, she turns back to
point those gimlet spotlights at me, and I wonder if I see a hint of interest
stirring behind them. I pull my eyes back from the edge of the cliff, and do my
best to put a professional baritone back in my voice.

	"Seventeen dollars," I say. "However, I'd really like to urge you to
take advantage of our fantastic Grand Opening Special if you have time. For only
three dollars more, twenty dollars, I throw in the full suite of our special
services to acquaint you with what we offer!" I pause, filling my lungs and
projecting all the pride I can muster. "I want your business and I want you to
tell all your friends to come see me. It's really an incredible deal!"

	She judges me speculatively. "Like what? What's so special about what
you offer here? It's just a beauty parlor!"

	I shake my head, gazing into her eyes to show her my sincerity. I'm not
about to tell her that I own the whole building that surrounds my storefront,
she'll find out soon enough. "Not at all. For starters, my full service includes
a shampoo with the finest organic shampoo made, rich with nutrients and special
ingredients that help your hair recover from treatments by cheap chemical
agents. Your gorgeous hair is in good shape, but I will tell you that if you let
me shampoo you regularly, your hair will glow like it has never before. And, of
course, my conditioner is also of the same high quality and completely organic.
Another exquisite service I include is a tender facial massage and herb wrap
that will transport you to the ninth cloud of heaven and leave your beautiful
skin glowing like your hair will after I'm done with it! Please let me show you!
It will take almost as long to tell you everything I'm going to do as it will to
do you." I can see that she's wavering, and I gently plant my hand in the small
of her back to urge her deeper into my shop.

	"Well, maybe," she says in a small voice. "I do have a job interview
tomorrow, and I was looking to relax this afternoon to get ready for it."

	"Perfect," I crow. "I guarantee you that my treatments will release all
your stress! You'll be so ready they'll want to hire you on the spot!" Again I
urge her forward, but it takes a shared woman-to-woman nod from my greeter to
drop her resistance.

	"You'll love it! Monsieur Dan will take good care of you, I promise,"
she says," and I give her a grateful wink as the beautiful girl lets me propel
her to the back of my shop. I bow as I urge her through the curtain, playing it
up to the hilt. My hand pushes her through as I sweep the curtain away, and she
doesn't see as I kick the floor button that seals the soundproof door behind us.

	She pauses just inside the door, gazing around wide-eyed in awe as she
takes in the extent of my real establishment. Highly polished, shiny equipment
is everywhere before her, and it's all completely coordinated in tasteful cream
with accents of bright chrome and stainless, and trim in chocolate brown. Her
brow wrinkles in puzzlement as she realizes that there's very little she
recognizes, although there are some mechanical chairs that look a bit like the
traditional kind. The whole chamber is a good hundred feet square, and she
shakes her head in wonder. "What is all this stuff?"

	I shake my head with a smile. "It will take days to introduce you to all
of my equipment. It's all the latest in beautifying and stress-relieving
technology for today's woman. I want to encourage you to return again and again,
and so I'll give you a treat of some of my best."

	I guide her to the door of an elegant changing room. "Please take
advantage of our wonderful energizing shower, and rejoin me wearing only this
robe and nothing else." Seeing her hesitate, I smile reassuringly and divert her
by expanding my explanation. "The shower has settings from 1 to 10, with setting
one being a simple spray and ten being a completely engaging automated
full-sensory experience with various possible programs. I recommend setting
three as a wonderful, but non-threatening, introduction to our special services.
You can treat yourself to the others on return visits, it's included in the base

	She nods, and I hand her into the changing room with the soft terrycloth
robe. It begins! My cock stirs as I think ahead to all the wonderful experiences
I'm going to introduce this gorgeous lady to.


	As the door clicks solidly shut behind me, I face a full-length mirror
and my chin lifts as I examine myself. You know you made a great impression,
girl! Be proud of yourself. This man, Monsieur Dan, is obviously strongly
attracted to you. I look deep into my own eyes, and practice my wriggle, smiling
impishly at myself, and I bend to unstrap my shoes. Stepping out of them, I lift
my skirt to unhook my old-fashioned lacy pink garter belt from my sheer silk
stockings and roll them down my legs. They're a lot more trouble than synthetic
pantyhose, I'll admit, but in a dozen different ways these things boost my
Erotic Quotient, and that's enough for me! I look around for a place to store my
clothes, and to my left, there's a small cabinet with a sign on it that
announces that the user is to set his own personal combination into the lock on
each drawer. Classy, I think to myself, as my fingers begin to undo the buttons
of my cotton blouse. As I pull my top apart a button at a time, it reveals
another EQ booster. I'm a frequent visitor to on-line sex shops, and when I saw
this sexy thing and read what it does, I fainted there and then, leaving my
modem running for two hours until I came to. Needless to say, I whipped out my
credit card immediately!

	I pull my blouse free of my waistband and slide my arms out of it,
discarding it onto the pile in the drawer. Returning to the mirror, I twist my
torso and admire the way my prize clings to my body. The straps are taut around
my back and shoulders and the lace that adorns them gives and stretches with my
movement, but it's the woven synthetic stretch cord behind that holds the cups
in place that makes the bra work in its special way. The cups are small and
somewhat conical, covering only my aureoles and a couple inches more under on
the undersurface with white lace. My 35-C's fill the cups nicely, and the straps
are placed and tensioned to lift them saucily upward. There's a tiny pocket
behind the very tips of the cones that accepts my nipples, and this pocket is
surrounded by lumpy ridges of lace and thread that allow my nubbins entry but
then trap and tug erotically at them as I go about my day. I toss my torso,
enjoying the clinging tease of the sensuous nipple entrapment. Smiling secretly
to myself, I reach behind my back to release the wire catch that holds the bra
in place. 'Boobie trap' indeed! My nipples have swollen a bit with my erotic
rumination, and the nipple traps resist letting go until I pull my breasts free.
They bounce and jiggle as the tension is released. 

	My skirt comes off next, leaving me standing in pink garter belt and
white panties. As the garter belt unhooks I twist to admire the brown tangle of
my full bush in the mirror. It's easily visible through the sheer white panties
as they stretch to contain it. I take good care of my bush, using the same
quality shampoo and conditioner on it that I do on my hair, and my curls are
well trimmed and silky smooth. Also visible to my critical eyes is the faint
dark wetness of a stain along my lower pussy slit, and as I slip the upper
straps off the swell of my hips, I think about the powerful effect this man is
adding to my natural eroticism, and the pungent odor of my own arousal fills my
nose as I hold my panties up to sniff. I shake my head in mock despair, thinking
of my lovable old prude of a mother. Bare at last, I carefully fold and arrange
my clothing in the drawer. I look at myself one more time in the mirror, set the
lock and turn to the door which leads to the restroom.

	The squeaky clean restroom matches the decor outside, and the primary
fixtures seem normal. Realizing that this Introductory Special implies several
hours of uninterrupted attention, I take care of relieving myself and flush the
toilet. A quick rinse of my hands, and I turn to the shower cubicle, which seems
ordinary enough from the outside. One thing that puzzles me is that I don't see
any towel racks or ordinary blow dryers. There's only an old-fashioned bathing
cap and sleek swim goggles hanging on a hook, and I tuck my waves inside and
pull the elastic cap down over my hair with a snap. The clear swim goggles mold
themselves to my face, protecting my eyes from whatever is to come. I open the
door and step inside, latching the door firmly behind me. There's the usual
drain in the center, and the floor is rippled with some kind of a non-slip
surface. The walls are slick with cream-colored paint and glossy sealant, and I
see the edges of a number of hatches on all sides of me, but there are no
handles on them for me to use. I give a mental shrug as I accept that I'll find
out about them when I find out about them, and I turn to the one device I can
identify, a brightly-lit, well sealed touch screen. There's a lot of text on it,
and I settle in to study what it says.

Welcome to the FemRotic(R) Automated Washing and Pleasure System.

Thank you for choosing to partake of our services today!

Please make a selection from the following choices:
(further options are selected at the following screens)

1) Normal Shower           6) Thorough Cleansing
                              Wash, Scrub and Rinse

2) Simple Automated        7) Complete Cleanse
   Wash, Scrub and Rinse      with Internal Wash,
                              Scrub and Rinse

3) Complete Automated      8) Strong Stimuli
   Wash, Scrub and Rinse      Wash, Scrub and Rinse

4) Erotic Automated        9) Intense Erotic
    Wash, Scrub and Rinse     Wash, Scrub and Rinse

5) Controlled Erotic      10) Programmed Scenarios
   Automated Wash, Scrub
   and Rinse

	Hmmm... My heart begins to skip beats and my pussy floods as I ponder
the meaning of some of these options. Intense Erotic... I wondered if this was
like the mechanical sex-pounding I 'd seen in stories on on-line sites like the
House of Gord or, where women are brutally reamed and punished by
all kinds of mechanical invaders. These stories send my EQ sky-high, but I don't
think I want to star in one. My pussy tells me it thinks it wants to, and I
stomp that train of thought, but my eyes keep straying to the words 'Intense
Erotic' on the button. Hmm... I force my thoughts back to reality: #6, #7, and
#8 are out. I have no desire to be roughly handled, and #7 implies an enema
nozzle up my ass. I shudder as I wonder what #8 will do to a woman!

	That leaves me with #3, #4, and #5. Given my present state of juicy
arousal, I don't even consider #3. I'm a picky dater, and that leads to a dearth
of sexual experiences. Given an opportunity to get fucked without risk of
pregnancy or hurt, I'm going to take it every time!

	What'll it be? #4 or #5... Erotic Automated... Controlled Erotic... I
decide that Automated is enough of a dramatic shift for me now, and I stab the
screen with my finger before I can change my mind. Controlled Erotic... Intense
Erotic... the words roll through my mind, and my imagination wonders how close
I've come to those brutal rape scenarios... My pussy tells me 'Not close
enough!', and I tell it to shut up as I prepare myself to find out what 'Erotic
Automated' has in store for me.

	Four wide showerheads drop from ports in the ceiling, spraying a gentle
mist of foaming suds down my body, covering me with bubbling soap with some kind
of a floral scent. The heads retract, and I look down at the mountains of
sparkling, foamy bubbles that encrust my boobies. EQ is rising already, even
before it has a reason! Suddenly, a lot of hatches pop open in the walls, and I
try to look in all directions as a whole bunch of brushes extend towards my
body. I can see that a lot of them are specially shaped to fit the female
anatomy. They close in on my body, and some of them begin to spin, others to
agitate back and forth, and still others simply to scrub me with deliberate
intention. As they go enthusiastically to work, I wonder idly when the erotic
portion of this shower is going to kick in. Despite the fact that I'm free to
move, each of the brushes has attached itself unerringly to its fleshy target,
and their firm-but-not-painful bristles scrub every public part of my body.
Finished, they all withdraw, and I guess that now's the time for my idle
question to be answered.

	The lights dim in the shower chamber, and I shake my head at the
theatrics of it. It affects me, though, and my breath shortens as my pussy
swells and my nipples tense with anticipation. Suddenly, a pair of spotlights
from the ceiling highlights my breasts, and the soap bubbles glisten in the
strong light!

	A pair of four-sided contraptions complete with whirling brushes extend
from the wall before me, reaching toward my highlighted breasts. I gasp as they
enclose me, and I push my chest forward in order to feel their full effect. The
brushes eagerly pull me in, and little globs of soap spatter against the wall as
the whirling brushes squeeze me firmly. All too soon, the brushes retreat,
clinging to my breastflesh as they go. The trailing bristles buzz across my
nipples for an instant, making me start and shove my tits forward for more, but
the brushes disappear into the wall. My heaving tits dance in the spotlights as
I lick my lips and pant. My fingers slip into my pussy, and it swells as it
pushes out at them. I feel my nectar flowing, and I want more!

	The wall opens again, and large thimble-shaped cages thrust out to
enclose my breasts. They come to rest against my chest. I see that there are
several levels of narrow latex straps crisscrossing them around the inside of
the diameter, and the ends facing the wall are open. Two thin cables stretch
taut against the steadiness of the steel arms, and I see that these are lanyards
that make the latex strap net around the base of my breasts contract around me.
The placement of the straps is such that they create a band of constriction
almost an inch wide around my tits, which begin to swell before my very wide
eyes. Like circus balloons, my tits thrust forward through the cages, and I let
out a little moan as the compression starts to be a little painful. The lanyards
stop pulling, and I gasp in relief.

	Another set of lanyards pull demandingly, and the second level of netted
straps close around the widest girth of my swelling breasts, trapping them like
string around a sausage, and I groan as my straining nipples shoot forward out
of the open ends of the cages. Amazed by the novelty of all these experiences,
my EQ has gone through the roof, and my nipples are rigid with arousal. My
fingers work my clit feverishly as I await the shower's next delight.

	The spotlights narrow to highlight only my nipples. My heavy breathing
causes them to strain forward with each gasp, but that's the only motion the
entrapping cages will allow them. From the darkness in front of me, a pair of
new devices emerge, and as the bright light hits them, I see that they're deep
cups shaped like wineglasses, lined with soapy sponge. The robotic arms gently
hold them against the swollen front of my breasts, and firm suction begins to
draw me in, compressing the sponge around my swollen teats to seal the vaccuum.
My eyes widen as I feel my nipples being drawn deep into the stem of the cups,
and as I feel them being dragged through a ring of stiff brush bristles, my
whole body surges in shock. Heedless of my growing arousal, the cups begin to
suck me in pulses, and as my nipples are pulled deep and released, the bristles
scratch and bite me in an extremely erotic way. I feel myself rising towards a
wonderful climax, and my fingers diddle furiously, but my hopes are dashed as
the suction suddenly disappears and my nipples spring free. I watch in thwarted
desire and dismay as the amazing cups retreat out of the bright light, and my
trapped breasts are released from the netting cages. My body heaving, I moan in
disappointment as the lights dim.

	My disappointment vanishes instantly as another light appears, catching
my suddenly guilty fingers as it exposes my pussy. I pull my fingers clear, and
as I gaze down, soap glistens in my furry bush. I hear a large hatch opening in
the lower part of the wall before me. As the light hits the top of it, I
discover that it's a broad pillar with a sinklike opening on top. This strange
thing is more than a foot lower than my pussy, and I am puzzled, but I keep
studying as it pushes its way forward. I step outward, and it comes to a stop
directly beneath me. The front of the sink curves around much higher than the
rear, and the sides are scalloped to fit my thighs. Thick padding lines the
entire rim, and it dawns on me that I am to squat down on it.

	Ready for anything, I do so, holding on cautiously to the front rim of
the bowl. I discover that I have to splay my legs very wide to fit. As I
awkwardly do so, my feet bump against what feel like high-heeled pumps bolted to
the floor with the toes pointed far apart. Since I need to spread my legs even
further to be able to lower my body completely onto the device, I strain yet
wider and slip my feet into the grasp of the shoes, but it still isn't enough.
My pussy still hangs a half-inch above the grasp of the sink. My thighs are
straining now, and my face screws up with disappointed lust. My hands lift up to
toy with my nipples as I ponder the situation.

	The shower knows how to finish the job, however, and with a swift
thrust, it jacks the heels of the pumps up another two inches! My knees fly
apart, and I land solidly in the grasp of the upholstered pillar with a startled

	 With my body supported, the strain isn't so bad, although my feet are
definitely not used to five inches of lift and my thighs are trembling. I look
down to see that my entire midsection is now hidden from view, the soft
upholstered rim hiding my entire mons and bush and everything beneath it.
Although the scallops hold me firmly from front and rear, the feel of things
tells me that most of my butt is exposed to the open air.

	The pillar goes to work on me, and I feel soft brushes rolling across
the insides of my thighs. Combing brushes sift through the mass of my curls, and
I feel soft blasts of water on my bush as the shower washes away the strong body
soap. I wince for an instant as I feel a glob of cold gooey shampoo being
squeezed onto my bush, and then curry brushes with long stiff rubber nubs push
and prod my bush to work the shampoo in. Tingling all over, I lick my lips in
anticipation of more.

	Down below, my swollen labial folds are tenderly pried apart by a pair
of broad paddles which begin to buzz in waves as they hold me wide open. The
sensation is exquisite! My pussy is gushing its own juice and the throbbing of
my arousal mixes with the waves of machine-induced buzzing, and my body quakes
with its first rippling orgasm.

	My bush is flooded with clear water as the shower rinses away the
shampoo. Simultaneously, I feel two soft brushes settling in just inside where
the paddles hold me, and the outward pull on my tender flesh soon has me humping
and rocking for more. I can feel my pussy start to spread open, and little
spatters of water pelt my insides! My hips are bucking frantically, and my hands
reach up to squeeze and tease my already sensitive nipples. Again the onrushing
giddy release comes!

	Again the shower raises the ante. As a gooey coat of conditioner is
squeezed and worked into my bush, four narrow bottle brushes invade my pussy,
pressing my inner folds even wider apart. Buzzing and spinning determinedly,
they stretch me wider and wider, and I moan as the sensation does awesome things
to me. Finally, they stop spinning, but there is one more tormenting pleasure to
bear. I feel a big spungy ball being pushed between the bottle brushes, and as
it escapes their narrow channel, it springs out to its full diameter, filling
me. The bottle brushes withdraw, allowing my cunt walls to close around the
inch-thick shaft. The big foam ball begins to spin and surge. It feels like a
dishwashing puff, with lots of little nubbins prodding and twisting at my flesh
as it rubs soft soap into my tender folds, kneading and tenderizing my insides
in a most glorious way. My vagina grips and clenches around the slickened shaft,
and my head is tilted way back and my mouth gapes open as I sway in time with my
rocking, bucking body.

	Just as I think I can take no more, a little tiny wreath is laid around
my clit, and its tingle sends me through the roof! I am lost in my bucking and
clenching and rocking, and I cry out in time with my orgasmic rushes as I am
overcome by my overwhelming lust. I come again and again, my body rocking and
bouncing on the saddle pillar.

	A strong gush of water up through the shaft swells the puff far more,
and it labors to keep swirling my innermost desires. The water pours out of my
pussy with a wooshing blast, and this keeps me going and going as I slide off my
peak. When the soft flush of water floods my bush to rinse it again, I'm doing
my best to catch my breath. Reeling in the aftermath, my torso rocks back and
forth as I regain my focus.

	Still twisting slowly, the huge puff draws itself out of my bush and I
gasp as it tries to pull my sodden pussy inside out. The sucking widens my eyes
and I strain to pull away as it plops out, finally. I shake my head with a
whoosh of breath as I recover from that one.

	The heels of the pumps retract, lifting my thighs from the saddle with a
sucking pop, and the shoes push me more and more upright as they slide closer in
the floor and turn to face straight forward. My body rises straight once again
as they stop three feet apart. I'm still breathing really hard as I watch the
pillar retreat into the wall before me. A rounded, fuzzy vinyl covered pillion
rises up before my hips, and I feel a firm push in the small of my back urging
me to bend over it. There's a lump in the center of the curved edge facing me,
and I stretch to lift over it before allowing it to settle into my slit. My
buttocks strain as my torso is pushed horizontal, and I revel in the feeling of
being forced to submit to the urging of the shower.

	As I peer back between my legs, a spotlight illuminates my crack from
the floor. I can't see a thing because of the pillion, but my imagination is
working overtime as my taut thighs tremble. From straight behind me, something
mechanical extends from the wall, and the sound tells me something's whirring
left and right. My body jerks as a smaller puff inserts itself in my anal cup,
and as it settles in I feel my body warring with itself. My ass is tightly
clenched, and I bite my tongue as I wonder what it's going to feel like to have
my ass penetrated for the first time. I'd poked myself a little, working my
fingertip into the ring, but I've never taken anything solid up my butt, and I
bite my lip as I feel my opposite response lifting me up and back to push
against the whirling foam nubs.

	The hump my clit rests on comes alive! I start with an "Aa..Aa...ghhh!"
as my hips buck in erotic reaction, and the shower drives the probing brush deep
inside of me. "," I gasp, as it forces its way deep in me and my anus
closes around the half inch shaft, determinedly twisting and pushing deep inside
of me.

	The buzzing lump quiets, and I moan in relief as the turning shaft
withdraws, but it's not done with me. Again the shaft pushes at my gate and
again the lump buzzes my clit with the same result. The cycle speeds up, and the
probing rush pops in and out of my ass with increasing speed. My hips buck
faster and faster as I gasp out sharp gasps of "Oh!", and my mind reels as my
body is lifted to arousal once again. The painful stretching, jerking yanks on
my sphincter blend with the arousal of my tingling clit, and I feel myself
lifting once again and my eyes start to roll back as I hump mindlessly

	It is not to be, however, as my ass suddenly fills with a blast of
water! My eyes bulge as my guts heave to clench and force it out, and I feel my
body expel it in a strong blast out my rear. I shake my head in confused anguish
as the release retreats from me, and my labored lips pass gasping breaths as I
recover. The brush pulls out for the last time with a jerk that I feel from my
tailbone to my eyeballs, and my body sags. I redden with embarrassment as I
imagine what my butt looked like spewing water, but I have to admit to myself
that the experience was definitely a positive EQ one. I agree with my twitching
pussy that I enjoyed it all a lot, even the violation of my butthole!

	The pressure on my back disappears, and I slowly pull myself up,
bringing myself back to focus. The shower gives my whole body a final soft
flushing all over. Swirling warm air surrounds me, with pulsing jets of it
striking my privates and buffeting my breasts, but it's a wonderful completion
for me, and as the pumps release my feet and slide into the floor, I spread my
legs to allow the warm dry air access to my innards. I swirl my hips around,
playing the air over all of me. It's not enough to bring me to climax again, but
it's an extraordinarily pleasant experience that leaves me in a warm rosy fog as
I stand for long minutes recovering.

	My tongue coats my parted lips and my cheeks remain flushed as I relish
the glowing feeling that suffuses me. I step out of the shower and pull off the
cap and goggles. I shake my hair loose, belt the robe around my waist, and
stride out.


	My eyes light up as she bounces out of the room. Her face is glowing
with a healthy flush and her eyes are sparkling and alive with her experience.
There are times when I wish I hadn't decided against cameras inside the
machines, but the old 'honey' adage keeps telling me I've made the right choice.
All it takes is one if it's the right one, i tell myself for the thousandth
time, and my cock comes firmly erect as I admire this awesome example of

	She comes to a halt in front of me, and her breath is still coming hard
as she smiles shyly.

	"I take it Setting 3 wasn't enough for you?" Her eyes drop and she
reddens in embarrassment as she shakes her head slowly.

	She lifts her head to stare me frankly in the eyes, and I see the swirl
of eroticism still holding grasp on her passion. "Tell me, what is 'Controlled
Erotic'? I... almost tried that one."

	I smile wryly and my cock becomes a solid bar of lusting muscle as I
tell her, "Well, first off, the shower positions you for action rather more
firmly, and..." I pause, my lust imagining the actions I've designed in.

	"And?" She sees my bulging pants and licks her lips, swaying closer, and
I smell the fresh scent of aroused woman. Drawing a deep breath, I go on.

	"Well... it teases you. Brings you up and knocks you off, playing your
body like a fiddle. It's quite irresistible."

	"Ohhhh, I see..." Suddenly she's got her arms around my neck, and I
gather her in in reflex as her hot pussy grinds against my cock. Her sparkling
eyes captivate me as she whispers urgently.  "Monsieur Dan, please... fuck me
hard! And then, you can show me the rest of your toys..." Her lips close on
mine, her passion clamping her to me as she climbs urgently up my erection. All
I can do is nod into her passionately clinging mouth with an "m...hmmm!" as my
tongue meets hers, and I straighten to lift her off the floor and dance into the
curtained, soundproofed room I've prepared for just such a dreamy opportunity!

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