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Review This Story || Author: Desmios

My Boss, My Slave

Part 2 Extracts from the Mistress' Diary

My Boss, My Slave

by "Des Mios"

Part 2: Extracts from the Mistress' Diary

One day during the next week:

Today my boss/slave and I had the first of our `bondage dictations'!

(I had insisted that at least once a week John must call me into his office and
dictate a letter - among others, if he wishes - addressed to "M", describing in
detail his reactions to a bondage `session' or some ideas for future sessions or
in fact anything that might be relevant to our Mistress/slave relationship.
Also, he must then obey exactly every command I give.)

John had dictated other letters to me earlier this week, but it was obvious from
his excited breathing that this would be 'the one'! I pretended not to notice,
and he began; "Dear M," he said and paused, waiting for me to say something, but
I just looked up enquiringly until he cleared his throat and continued, "I, your
humble slave, wish to thank you for the honour of entering your service last
weekend. I hope that you ..."

"Open your fly and take out your cock," I interrupted quietly without even
looking up. John hesitated, but when I looked up sharply he obeyed. I handed him
the end of a piece of strong cord and said, "Tie that around its base, then put
a loop just below its head - and make them tight! Continue the letter."

"I .. hope that you will want to have me as your slave for a long time," John
went on as he obeyed my instructions, "and I will try very hard to be a good
slave to please you..." A sentence or so later I tugged hard on the cord; John
stopped, but I just looked at him mildly and asked "Well? I didn't tell you to
stop, did I?"

Stammering in confusion, he continued. It was great fun keeping him off balance
like this, and by the end of the dictation his cock was quite purple, either
from the constriction of the cord or from the detailed description he was giving
of last weekend - or both?

"I remain, Your adoring slave," John finished a little later, kneeling on the
floor at my feet, his cock protruding from his trousers and his hands clasped
behind his back. "OK then," I said, leaning down and undoing the cord, There'll
be a reply from `M' in your IN tray by this afternoon. Be sure you take notice
of it! .... Any other letters, John?" I changed my tone to signal the end of the
Mistress/slave roles, but it wasn't easy, I was so turned on! So was John, I'm
certain! Ideas for future `dictations' have been running around in my head ever

The reply I put in John's IN tray was a sealed order to report at 7 pm. sharp
tonight for `slave training'. It's almost time now, so I must finish preparing!


Later the same evening: John knocked on my door just before 7 this evening. I
opened the door a crack and said "Yes?"; he replied smartly, "Your slave
reporting for lessons, Ma'am!"

"Oh yes," I answered coolly, "Well, your first lesson is that a slave never
comes to the front door; you go to the back door, strip naked, and wait at
attention until I decide it's time to start!" And I closed the door firmly
without giving him a chance to reply.

I waited about five minutes, then went and opened the back door. There he was,
stark naked and standing straight and stiff - as stiff as his cock became when I
stood in front of him, dressed in a skintight red leotard and short high-heeled
boots, with a riding crop in one hand and some chains and things in the other!

"You're late, slave," I commented sharply.

"But I was here at seven!" he protested.

I gave my reply in a tone of almost weary patience: "Your second lesson is that
you should be waiting here, naked, at least 15 minutes before the appointed
time, just in case I decide to start early. And your third lesson, which you
should have learnt already, is that you don't argue with me - if I want your
point of view, I'll ask for it. Understand?"

"Yes Mistress - I'm sorry," he replied meekly.

"I'll overlook it this time," I said, "but from now on you can expect to be
punished for such mistakes. Now - let's have your wrists behind you..." Quickly
I fitted handcuffs on his wrists, then I slipped the wrist loop of the crop over
his cock and balls and twisted it snugly; with a firm tug I led my slave inside
to start his training.

For most of the evening I made John kneel in front of me, his hands securely
fastened behind his back, while we discussed firstly the basic rules of his
conduct as my slave (including the `lessons' from the start of the evening), and
secondly the scale of `demerits' that he would incur for each of a number of
`misdemeanours'. I carefully wrote everything down, read it back to John and
then told him I expect him to repeat it to me in his next dictation at the
office ... and he can expect to be punished for errors until he has it perfectly

Finally, we spent some time experimenting with various bondage positions and
various `discipline implements' (whips, paddles etc.) to determine how many
strokes or how much time in bondage will equate to numbers of `demerits'. It
really was great fun tying up the naked body of my compliant slave and teasing
him with pinches and tickles while he was so helpless!

I'm sure that John expected to have to eat my pussy before the evening ended,
but shortly before midnight I told him, "This has been a training session. No
time for fun and games for either of us - especially not you!" and I suppressed
a chuckle at the disappointment in his face as I pushed him out the back door
and ordered him to dress and go home.


Edited excerpts from entries for several weekends following:

We got started on my slave's `dungeon' today! John reported at the back door
early this morning and I immediately put him to work fitting rings in the floor,
walls and ceiling of the spare room, placing them strategically to be used for
various kinds of bondage. I get a kick out of supervising and just watching my
naked slave at work ... and an even bigger one out of tying him to the shackles
he has fitted for himself! Right now he's `testing' some of the rings, stretched
out naked and vulnerable between two rings in the floor and one in the

The bench is finished now. It's just long enough for John's body from hips to
shoulders and just wide enough that he won't fall off; it has an adjustable
extension that I can either rest his head on or let it hang down when he's lying
on it, and lots of fastening points all over for tying him in many different
ways (like bending over it for a whipping, kneeling against it etc. etc.) John
has spent much of this weekend tied to it in one way or another, and in between
he's made adjustments - and in between that he's served me with meals and
drinks, not to mention his tongue!....

I just love the post that my slave has fixed so firmly in his `bondage room' -
apart from a good tight spreadeagle where his naked body is so utterly
accessible to my touch or the touch of my whip or cane, I like nothing better
than to tie him to the post so tightly that he literally cannot even wriggle,
then tease him unmercifully! Next weekend we'll start on the pulleys....

The pulleys work beautifully! It's such a thrill to wind a handle and watch my
slave's helpless naked body rise slowly into the air and then just hang there,
simply begging for a pinch here, a tickle there ... or sometimes a good loud
"thwack" with a paddle!....

John spent all night in the cage in the corner of his bondage room, leaving him
quite stiff today, thanks to the hunched-up position he has to assume inside it!
I simply wanted to try it out for a longer period, but the reason I gave him was
that he hasn't been trying hard enough to learn his `lessons' (the
single-word-or-gesture commands I have worked out for him, and his `scale of
misdemeanours and punishments'). Actually, now that the equipment in the room is
nearly finished, we have more time for his training and he's coming along quite
well, but I won't tell him that - can't have my slave getting complacent!....

The final touch to my slave's `prison' - his `working corner'! He's there now,
half-sitting half-kneeling with his knees spread wide, facing a low desk
equipped with a typewriter and dictation machine, busily typing a letter he
dictated to me yesterday! His typing is not too good yet, but he'll improve -
he'll have to, with the bondage and whippings he'll incur for errors and
slowness. Between my chuckles at the delicious irony of my boss, naked and
shackled, doing my work and so making my life at the office almost a holiday, I
sometimes feel it's hardly fair! But then, what is a slave for, after all? And
what's more, I know he's loving it!


One day during the following week: We had a `dictation' this morning, the second
this week - John must be enjoying his slavery! Normally the dictation consists
mainly of my slave's description of and reactions to the most recent bondage
sessions, but today John had nothing to say on that subject, so he dictated a
whole letter of suggestions about what he as a slave would like.

I made him stand beside my chair, with his pants around his ankles so that I
could play with his cock and balls; I even used a spring paper clip from his
desk, which caused a few gasps and pauses in his speaking! The dictation was
full of phrases like "May your slave humbly suggest..." and "I beg your
forgiveness for my impertinence..." and I was moved to give him only five
demerit points (instead of the ten or even twenty he deserved for daring to
advise his Mistress!)

Some of his ideas did turn me on, though, so in my reply I ordered him to remain
in his office after work. I dashed home at lunchtime to fetch a few things, and
when the place was empty at about 5:30 I buzzed his intercom twice as his signal
to strip and wait for me, kneeling on a low table in his `slave pose' - with his
legs widely spread, his hands gripping his ankles and his hips thrust forward
and up.

What a lovely sight to greet me when I walked in a few minutes later! He didn't
move (it was against my rules!) while I fitted nipple clamps, a tight metal
cock-ring and handcuffs.

"I was very generous giving you only five demerits for that letter today, wasn't
I, slave?" I said sternly, holding up my small multi-thonged whip, Where do you
want them - on your belly as you are, or on the insides of your thighs?"

"My belly please, Mistress," my captive replied, not daring to question my
decision to punish him here rather than in a normal session. He took the 25
strokes quite well; except for an occasional gasp he only cried out when I once
let the thongs land partly across his engorged prick!

Still without allowing him to move, I removed my briefs (after blind-folding my
slave, of course!), raised my skirt over his back-flung head and pushed my
crotch against his face. I kept him at this task for over half an hour (having
two orgasms in that time) until I heard the sounds of the cleaners in the outer

Quickly I led John to the closet where his clothes were hanging and made him get
inside. "I don't need to gag you, do I?" I whispered, "You won't move or make a
sound while they're in here, will you?" He shook his head emphatically and I
closed and locked the door, then went out and greeted the cleaning staff
cheerfully, explaining that I would be back later after getting some Chinese
take-away food.

Nearly an hour later I opened the closet door to free my naked prisoner; his
cock was fully erect, so I asked him if he'd enjoyed being locked up in there.
"Not really, Mistress," he replied, "but it was exciting to know there were
strangers just outside, who might possibly have discovered me!"

I made John eat his chop suey dinner doggy-style from a dish on the floor of his
office, while I sat comfortably in his plush swivel chair. Afterwards he needed
a bit of cleaning up, so I led him to the ladies' room and washed his face; then
I said, "If you need to `go', better do it now - it may be a while before I give
you another chance!"

Back in his office, I put my slave `through his paces' for a while, test-ing him
on the ritual commands he's learning. Then I decided he could have something
more to eat - me, of course! As he lay face up on his bound arms on his desk,
his mouth buried in my hot thatch, I commented that this was a change from the
tradition of the boss screwing his secretary on the boardroom table!

John gave me two more very enjoyable climaxes, and I rewarded him by bringing
him off as well. After wiping him off with some tissues, I went out to flush
them down the 'loo', telling my slave to wait exactly where he was.

He's still waiting!! I would have loved to see his face when my voice (recorded
earlier) suddenly came through the intercom about fifteen minutes later: "Have a
pleasant night, slave! I've gone home to bed, but don't worry; I've locked your
office door and I'll be in before anyone else in the morning to get you ready
for another day. Good night!" I can imagine him now, naked, blindfolded, his
wrists handcuffed behind him and his ankles joined by a short chain, trying to
get to sleep on the thick rug!


Several weeks later:

Today I met the dominant woman who advertised in the Female Domination
magazines. She's very experienced (she's had a `regular' slave for years, and
quite a number of `casual' ones as well!), but she's very keen to see my slave
and compare our training methods ... and perhaps exchange slaves occasionally!

I think it's time I gave John a thorough test of his training - I do want to
impress my new friend! Maybe next weekend?


The following Sunday evening:

Before John was due to arrive on Saturday morning, I hid behind some shrubs in
my back yard ... in order to see how well he obeys my instructions when he
arrives for a session.

He started well by turning up about 15 minutes before the nominated time, and of
course immediately stripped naked, folding his clothes neatly in the box
provided. I started to get turned on as I watched him carry out the instructions
symbolised by the `shorthand' letters and numbers I had written on the
blackboard - in a few moments he had donned wrist and ankle cuffs (joined by a
short chain so he was forced to kneel) and a blindfold over his eyes.

At this point I crept quietly from my hiding place and around to the front of
the house, marched up to to the front door and knocked (loudly enough for my
slave to hear). After waiting a minute or so I walked briskly down the path
towards the back door, my footsteps crunching in the gravel ... and when I
reached the corner of the wall I paused like someone suddenly catching sight of
a naked man kneeling there.

John had tried to hide his nakedness by turning away and huddling into a ball,
as far as he could in the short time he'd had. Smiling to myself, I walked
slowly across to stand in front of him and said, "Well, this is a fine way to
greet your Mistress!"

His sigh of relief was almost deafening! He started to speak, but I cut him off;
"Not now, slave. You're here to test the depth of your training, and you've just
performed less than perfectly in the first test - how deeply you trust your
Mistress. However, I might overlook that if you do very well in the remaining
tests. So let's begin ..."

I released his wrists and ankles, then began to issue orders in the code I had
taught him. For an hour or more he paraded around my back yard, posing his naked
body to my commands. Blindfolded as he was, he had to trust me not to steer him
into any obstacles; and he did very well, except twice when he got confused
during a very rapid string of orders, turned the wrong way and bumped into
objects I was steering him around!

Watching him got me quite turned on, especially as his almost constant hard-on
showed how excited he was. Eventually I directed him indoors where I stripped,
made him kneel in front of my favourite armchair and ordered him to "show me how
well you've learnt your oral lessons!"

The orgasm he gave me, after at least an hour's intense work, was the first of
four I enjoyed during the weekend. The rest of the time I enjoyed almost as much
while my `slave-on-trial' waited on me hand and foot, cooking meals, serving me
with drinks and snacks, bathing me, and giving the house a thorough cleaning. I
kept him wearing his blindfold except when it was absolutely necessary to see
(while cooking, for example) but left him free of other shackles - his utter
dependence on my explicit commands was quite effective restraint while he
couldn't see.

Of course, this kept me as busy as it did him, but I had some rest while he was
in bondage - more than eight hours of it (not counting the six hours of sleep he
spent loosely but inescapably shackled to a couple of rings on the floor of his
`prison')! I subjected him to five different positions for varying periods
depending on their severity: there was a very tight hogtie (face down on a
narrow bench with a little extra strain on his joined wrists and ankles by means
of a pulley), a spreadeagle (face up on a hard table with ropes criss-crossing
his body and limbs and holding him totally immobile), a period of suspension by
his ankles (with his wrists pulled up behind his back and forcing a slight arch
in his back), a kneeling position (with his knees spread wide and a bar behind
his buttocks forcing his hips forward), and a long period tied very tightly with
his back to a post and his arms stretched high over his head. The last was out
in the garden this morning, while I ate my breakfast of fresh fruit and relieved
his boredom by blowing cherry stones through a tube at his taut naked body - I
scored a number of `bulls-eyes' on his balls and the tip of his (usually erect)
prick, which brought sharp squeals of pain from him!

He also spent four hours tightly tied in a chair while he caught up on a large
batch of typing - oh, the delicious irony of my boss, who gave me that work a
few days ago, doing it himself as my naked bondage slave! Since this was a test
of his slave training, he had to be very careful not to make mistakes ... and I
had to admit that he did very well indeed.

"Well slave," I said to him late this afternoon as I relaxed with a refreshing
drink he'd served, "your performance hasn't been quite perfect but I'm prepared
to overlook the few mistakes you've made. But now I want you to suggest the
final test - the proof - of your slavery to me. Take your time," I concluded
with a smile, "but you better come up with something convincing!"

John thought hard for a couple of minutes before answering: "Mistress, you have
often said that discipline is not only for punishing my misdemeanours, but also
simply for impressing my slave status on me. Please may I humbly beg you to
suspend me spreadeagled, so that all my naked body is available to you, and I
will try to accept whatever discipline you wish to give me."

This suggestion pleased me a lot, because it showed he understands what I want
in my slave. But I played it cool as I agreed, led John into the `slavery room'
and stretched his naked body into as tight a spreadeagle as I thought he could
stand (though "standing" was hardly the word for it, his widely spread feet were
at least six inches off the floor!)

I paused, running my fingernails gently over his taut skin and briefly fondling
his erect cock. "I've thought of a refinement, slave," I said, "I want you to
ask for each stroke, what implement I should use, where it should land and how
hard it should be. And when you've had enough you will say thank you very
sincerely - and I hope you will satisfy me as to the completeness of your
training. Shall we begin?"

John rose to the occasion wonderfully. Over the next hour or so he asked for a
total of fifty-seven strokes, quite a lot of them harder than I would normally
have administered. When he finally said, "Thank you Mistress, but I don't think
I can take any more just now!" his naked torso was vividly marked from knees to
shoulders, the broad red patches on bum-cheeks and thighs from the paddle, some
thin straight lines from the light whippy cane (also a few across his belly),
the jumbled marks of the light multi-thonged `cat' on his inner thighs and belly
and chest (and a few on his groin!), and the prominent evidence of the big whip
curving across his back and chest. "I do hope you are not disappointed,
Mistress. I tried, I really did!" he concluded humbly.

"I'm very pleased with you, slave," I replied warmly as I began to untie him,
"You really have learnt the most important lesson - that as my slave, your body
is mine to treat in any way I wish, even by whipping you for no reason at all.
Now, over here with you ..." I continued, laying his unresisting body face up on
the narrow bench and tying his wrists and ankles down to its legs. "And since I
can do what I please with your body," I went on with a smile, "I can also do
this with it!"

It took my tired slave a few moments to realise that my hands, already busy at
his crotch, were not going to inflict any more discomfort - quite the contrary,
in fact! - and soon his large cock looked as if it would burst. I tried to build
his arousal as slowly as possible, but when it was clear he couldn't delay much
longer, I climbed up and straddled his hips, then eased myself slowly down onto
his rock-hard organ. I was alredy so turned on (by having a naked male,
helplessly bound yet asking me to whip him "Harder, please Mistress" to show me
what a good slave he could be!) that I climaxed even before my slave got his
"reward for passing the test", thrusting his hips up and moaning as his orgasm
swept through him.

I'm quietly confident of making a good impression on my new friend with my


A few weeks later:

Today my slave met another Mistress!

My new acquaintance (a lady named Gail) and I had planned very carefully for
this since John's `graduation' the other weekend, and I was very excited as I
showed her into his office for the appointment she had made as "a potential
client". I introduced her as "Miss Tressy", which brought an odd look from John
... but I pretended not to notice and excused myself, setting the "In
Conference" sign on the door as I left.

Sitting at my desk, I could barely concentrate on the work in front of me. I
could almost hear "Miss Tressy" reciting the script we had concocted: "I have
$10,000 to invest," she was saying, "and I want quick profits. I'm quite
prepared to accept the obvious risks and to give you a completely free hand
-subject to a few minor conditions." John, I knew, would be fascinated (more
than once he had told me how he dreamt of such a proposal), not least by the
prospect of good commission to be earned by moving the investment around to
squeeze the last cent of capital gain.

Suddenly my intercom buzzed, and as I expected John asked me to come into his
office ("Miss Tressy" had just requested the presence of his secretary). I asked
for a couple of minutes to finish what I was doing(!). As I blindly reshuffled a
few papers in a file, I could imagine "Miss Tressy" saying, "Now, as to the
conditions I mentioned - the first is that you take off all your clothes and
stand to attention here behind the door!"

Later my friend told me that John looked quite stunned at this (hardly
surprising, I guess) and hesitated ... until she continued, "Your Mistress has
told me you're a very obedient slave, and she'll expect to find you naked and
waiting for her when she comes in!" At this he seemed to resign himself, and
when I knocked and entered there he was, naked and rigidly at attention ... with
his cock standing out almost as rigidly!

"You have the makings of a good slave here," Gail said to me when the door had
closed, "May I have a better look at him, please?" I agreed with a grin and
ordered John to "Stand!" (an order to put his feet apart a little, his hands
behind his neck, and to thrust his hips forward and his stomach in). I was proud
of the way he held this pose while Gail ran her hands over his naked body,
prodding and pinching here and there and fondling his erect prick expertly ...
exactly as if she were examining a prize bull!

For half an hour or so we put John `through his paces' for Gail's benefit. When
he obeyed the order "Bend over!" she took a small vibrator out of her bag and
pushed it into his rectum; on the order "Cock!" he clutched the base of his
organ, pushed it forward and accepted the three tight rings she pushed onto it;
after "Kneel!" she fitted spring clips on his nipples; and finally when he
"Pose"d (kneeling on widespread knees, his hands grasping his ankles and his
hips arched up as high as he could) she placed a number of spring clips on his
balls and crotch and belly.

"Now," Gail said to me, "is he any good at giving his Mistress pleasure?"

"Try him for yourself," I replied generously. With a grin Gail threw her skirt
over John's backflung head and spread her legs to present her pussy to his (I
hoped!) willing tongue. Once again my confidence in John was vindi cated,
because in only a few minutes Gail came twice ... in spite of the dis traction
of me fondling John's cock and pulling gently at the clips on his nipples and

"Well, Miss Tressy," I said when her panting had subsided, "if my slave has
pleased you, perhaps he's earned a reward for performing so well with no warning
at all." Gail agreed with a smile, and I brought John to climax with a few quick
strokes of his engorged and over-excited cock.

By this time John was obviously tired, but to my delight he continued to hold
his `pose'. "Right," said Gail, "the investment deal is yours, on one last
condition: that every two weeks we have an `interview' similar to this, during
which you will keep me informed of the state of my portfolio ... OK?" John's
reply was prompt and emphatic: "Yes, please, Miss Tressy!"

We allowed John to get dressed while the final details were discussed, then drew
up the relevant documents and signed them. Just as I was about to open the door
for her to leave, Gail said to me, "I think you have quite a good slave there.
You must come and see mine soon, and then if you like we could swap
occasionally." And with a quick wink at John, she was gone.


After a `session' about two weeks later:

I drove John home as usual, and let him out of the car at his front gate. He's
becoming a bit blase about the short walk he has to his door, still stark naked
and wearing a cock-ring and handcuffs behind his back - so I decided to surprise
him by using a different padlock on the cock-ring, so that the keys he has at
home will only open the handcuffs! He'll just have to wear it until I decide it
comes off - and I've just taken the phone off the hook so that he can't pester


The following day:

I had hardly reached my desk at the office this morning when John called me in
to take some dictation. It wasn't at all difficult to guess what was coming!

"Dear M," he began at once, "Last night you accidentally put the wrong padlock
on my cock-ring, and I couldn't take it off. It's quite tight and it caused me
some discomfort trying to sleep and I'm constantly aware of ... "

"Let me see!" I interrupted him sharply, and he obediently stood up and lowered
his trousers. My `inspection' of his prick with its ring caused it to start
swelling, not unnaturally! After a moment I simply said "Go on" and continued to
fondle it until it was quite hard and purple.

John took up his `dictation' again, somewhat hesitantly: "... I'm constantly
aware of it now. I tried to telephone you last night and this morning to ask you
to bring the key with you today, but your phone was busy. I humbly beg to drive
you home at lunchtime so that the cock-ring may be removed. I remain, Your
devoted slave."

I waited a moment, then replied: "It wasn't an accident, slave, and you have
just earned some demerits for criticizing your Mistress. I'll inform you later
how you can free your precious cock. Now you better cover yourself!" And I
walked out of his office, leaving him staring after me in confusion.

Back at my desk I wrote the following note: "I will remove your cock-ring after
you give me six orgasms, or if your prefer, you may submit to a hundred demerits
worth of bondage and discipline. Your Mistress." I slipped it into an opened
envelope addressed to John, which I handed to him as he passed my desk soon
after lunch, with the comment, "Could you please read this now? I think I need
your answer immediately."

I don't think anyone else noticed John's slight blush as he read the note,
because he covered it well. After only a moment he said, "OK, the first option
looks good. Say, can you stay on a while tonight? I'd like to do some work on
this." I replied that I was expecting a phone call at home, but it might be more
comfortable to work there. "OK," said John, "I'll be there about seven."

Some of the other girls exchanged meaningful glances, but I don't care what they
thought; I intend to enjoy my six orgasms in comfort! The anticipation is making
me as randy as hell, and it's time to get started. My slave should be waiting at
the back door now.


The following evening:

My naked slave was waiting, at attention as usual, when I opened the door
yesterday evening. His eyes grew wide as he saw how I was dressed - or rather
undressed! - in a long almost transparent negligee (not my usual Mistress
garb!). And they grew even wider, and his cock stood erect and purple, when I
let it fall open to reveal my body, naked except for a very brief g-string
cupping my pussy.

I was already excited, but I wanted to get really high tonight. So I led John
into the lounge, made him kneel, and said: "Now I want you to tell me, in
detail, just how beautiful I am and how much you worship my body. And you'd
better be sincere!"

I'm proud of my body and I know it's attractive, but I adore being told how
lovely I am. For about an hour my slave described (in extravagant terms) my firm
breasts with their dark prominent nipples, the shapeliness of my long legs, the
sexy curves of my hips and bottom ... ! I paraded in front of him, preening and
caressing myself - he dared not touch me without permission but his adoring
words titillated me like about fifty clever fingers.

Finally I could wait no longer - I grabbed his head and thrust his mouth into my
crotch. The flimsy cloth of the g-string was soaking wet and John began to suck
at it eagerly - and noisily! In a few seconds my first climax swept over me and
I moaned and twisted my hands in my slave's hair as I arched my back in

Before my excitement could die down, I made John remove the g-string with his
teeth and then lay down on a thick sheepskin rug, saying "You can now use your
hands and lips and tongue to worship every inch of my body." Soon I was lost in
in a haze of pleasure as his hands and mouth found my most sensitive spots and
aroused them just as I have trained him.

Before very long I was writhing and panting in another orgasm, but my slave
didn't stop (admittedly, I didn't tell him to!) and took me to an even higher
level of sheer bliss which was almost unbearable. Then I felt even more intense
sensations approaching, and I tried to cry "Stop! Stop!" ... just as his tongue
on my now almost painful clit started me screaming in an orgasm that just seemed
to go on and on!

When I was able to focus again, I was surprised at how little time had passed. I
smiled at my naked slave kneeling between my widely flung thighs and said:
"Well, that's halfway home in very quick time, but don't think it's all going to
be as easy as that for you! I want to come down to earth a little, so you may go
and pour some champagne." John smiled with a trace of disappoint ment but he
obeyed without arguing.

I sat in a comfortable armchair to drink my champagne, my robe loosely draped
over my shoulders (hiding nothing!). I made John stand beside me, and began
fondling his prick which inevitably grew to full purple hardness; "Oh, poor
cock," I said in mock sympathy, "how long before you'll be free of this tight
ring? Three more lovely orgasms for me ..." I paused and continued musingly "...
and there's the matter of demerits for a slave criticising his Mistress, which
should really be cleared before I undo this." I gave the ring a sharp twist;
"Don't you agree, slave?"

John looked at me in some alarm, obviously thinking of the minimum 20 and
maximum 100 demerits I could impose for this offence and of how uncomfortable
his prick would get during a whipping or bondage of that length (it invariably
comes erect while he's bound or being whipped!), but he said very humbly,
"Whatever you say, Mistress."

I smiled and continued: "However, in this case we might combine business with
pleasure. If the next three climaxes you give me are extra special, I'll reduce
the penalty to giving me two more tomorrow morning, but with you bound very
stringently. OK?" John agreed eagerly.

"Good," I said, "Now, on with the show! I said a while ago that your job would
be a little harder from now on? Turn around." I tied his wrists and elbows
firmly behind him, then led him into my bedroom and lay down on the big double

My willing slave needed no urging and immediately set to work with his mouth
alone. I directed the attentions of his busy lips and teeth and tongue, from my
breasts to my thighs, from my belly to my toes, from my neck to my pussy, and
before long I began to writhe and pant again. But this time I took my time,
enjoying the control I had over my pleasure-slave as well as the slower building
of my arousal. My fourth orgasm for the evening was a gentle wash of sensation
rather than a climactic explosion.

For a short while I let John relax, but I kept up my own excitement by caressing
my sensitive nipples and running my fingers gently up and down the insides of my
thighs. Then I put him `to work' again, kneeling beside the bed with my legs
clutching his head as he tongued and nibbled my hot thatch. As slowly as
possible I used his captive talents to increase the level of my arousal until at
last I arched my back and squeezed my thighs around his head and moaned softly
as my fifth climax swept through me.

My clit was almost painfully sensitive, but I forced John to continue tonguing
it, and before very long I felt the sixth orgasm approaching. I tried to delay
it but the waves of pleasure mounted higher and higher and suddenly I found
myself screaming in ecstasy, my legs spread wide and my hands in John's hair as
I tried to force his tongue deeper into my cunt.

It was well after midnight when I settled my slave down, one wrist and one ankle
each shackled to a leg of my bed. Then I quickly fell asleep, utterly exhausted
but replete with pleasure! The alarm woke me at six and despite the short sleep
I felt remarkably refreshed and relaxed. John, on the other hand, was somewhat
stiff after a less than comfortable night!

But I wasted no time and soon had him trussed for his `penalty task' - face up
on a bench with his ankles spread wide and raised high until only his head and
shoulders rested on the bench. As usual, his cock came erect, and I fondled it
until it was quite hard - and quite uncomfortable in its tight ring! before I
straddled his inverted head and thrust my pussy down onto his tired but still
willing mouth.

After last night it took me a little while to get excited - but it helped to
have my slave's large hard prick just in front of me, and to think of the
uncomfortable and humiliating way he was bound while he ate me. The two orgasms
I had were by no means as intense as some last night, but they were very
enjoyable nevertheless.

"OK, slave, a deal's a deal," I said as I unlocked and removed the cock-ring he
had worn for about 36 hours. "And I'm feeling so good I'll even give you a
little reward." I began to stroke his newly freed organ and within minutes it
turned purple - without the cock-ring! - and spurted his come over my breasts
and belly.

He had to lick it off before I released him from his inverted bondage! I made
him bathe me under a hot shower, then ordered him to prepare breakfast while I
dressed. After breakfast (served by my slave, still naked but for ankle
shackles) I said, "Must rush to get my bus! Here's the key to your shackles -
see you at work ... boss!!"

When John arrived at work late, looking decidedly tired, the girls remembered
that he and I had been `working' at my place last night. They also noted how
relaxed and contented I was and exchanged meaningful glances ... now they think
they know that John and I are lovers. But they'll never guess the real truth!


A few weeks later:

We had an unusual `dictation' today!

John began in the usual fashion, "Dear M", but then surprised me by continuing:
"I humbly beg you to allow me to postpone the slave session we have arranged for
next weekend, and I hope you will consider the following reason adequate. I have
been asked at short notice to make a presentation to management next week, and I
need the whole weekend to prepare for it. Please do not think that this means I
do not want to spend the weekend as your slave, or that I have something else on
- it's just that I want to do as good a job as I can with this presentation. I
remain, Your humble slave."

This surprised me enough that I didn't interrupt John as I often did, and when
he'd finished I thought for a few moments before replying: "You realise, of
course, that there is a penalty attached to this sort of thing?"

John nodded and I continued: "I don't intend to waive the penalty even for the
reasons you've given, but I am prepared to postpone the session. Will you really
need the whole weekend? ... I was looking forward to having you serve me, but if
you have to work, well I'll just have to take my frustration out on you later!"

I accepted John's plea that he really didn't know how much time he needs (he
intends to start at 9 on Saturday morning), and that he didn't want to make
promises to me that he can't keep, and I ended the `dictation' period by telling
him that I would give him a written reply stating when I expect him to appear
for the postponed session.

Later I had a bright idea! I left John a note suggesting that we could combine
his work with a slave session: "I'll supervise and advise and maybe even give
you some help," it continued, "You needn't reply to this note. I'll knock at
your office door at 9:30 on Saturday, and I'll expect you to be waiting, naked
and ready for work! If not, you will report at 7 the following Friday evening,
and I will then apply the full `postponement' penalty".


The following Sunday:

Yesterday morning I knocked on John's door, as promised, at exactly 9:30.

"Who is it?" he asked, and at my reply "Your Mistress! Who do you think?" he
invited me in. To my delight he was waiting for me, stark naked and standing
stiffly to attention beside his desk. His cock was equally stiff, so I gave it
and his balls a firm squeeze before outlining my plans.

I proposed to John that he work tied to a chair - "to keep your mind on the
job!" - and that I was quite happy to fetch any papers and files he might need.
He agreed readily and I soon had him bound to my satisfaction, not in his plush
swivel chair - "I want that for myself!" I grinned - but on a hard,
straightbacked chair from the typing pool. His knees were spread wide and his
ankles drawn back and up quite uncomfortably, and his waist and chest were
strapped firmly to the chair back.

My final touch was to tie two strong cords to his cock, one around its base and
the other with a couple of loops around its shaft and head; the former I passed
between his legs and under the chair to join the other in my hand as I lounged
comfortably in his chair in front of his desk. From where I sat I could see his
poor cock, and I quite enjoyed keeping it hard and, I guess, a little
uncomfortable by pulling on one cord or the other ... or both!

We settled down, John to his work and I to some light relaxing reading. When
John, after a while, asked me to fetch a file for him, I replied cheerfully,
"Yes of course, slave - you can't get it yourself, can you? But I think if I,
your Mistress, have to fetch and carry for you, I think you should be prepared
to pay a demerit or two for my effort, don't you agree?"

John gave me a long look, but then agreed with good-natured resignation. "I'm
hardly in a position to argue, am I, Mistress?" he smiled. We agreed on one
demerit for each `fetch' and two if it involved going to files in other offices;
I used part of the white-board on his wall to keep a tally!

Later in the morning I gave John a break by releasing him from the chair and
sending him out, naked as he was, to fetch me a cup of coffee. I allowed him to
have one too, then it was back to work for him - this time sitting on the chair
with his legs crossed tailor-fashion (hardly more comfortable but a change for

The rest of the day passed pleasantly - for me, at least! I went out to get us
some lunch, leaving John working hard and helplessly tied; and after we ate I
tied my slave upside down in his big chair and made him eat me, which he did
very satisfactorily. During the afternoon the tally of demerits mounted steadily
as John continued to work; and twice more he had to risk being discovered in the
outer office, naked and shackled, as he fetched coffee for me (he didn't know
that I had made quite sure nobody would disturb us!).

Late in the afternoon I asked John how he was progressing; he replied that there
was no way he could finish that evening but that it shouldn't take all next day.
So I suggested that we go back to my place for dinner and a good night's sleep,
and he agreed readily, even when I added: "Maybe we'll even work off some of the
demerits you've earned today ... or perhaps I'll feel like a bit of fun and

He was still stark naked when I led him down to the garage; the leash I held was
attached to two clamps pinching his nipples tightly, and his wrists and elbows
were strapped firmly behind his back, with a cord passed between his legs to his
cock (which was pulled back sharply enough to make him walk slightly
bow-legged!). He was understandably a bit nervous as he followed me, but he
clearly felt a lot more secure with me than the first time we did this; I
reminded him of that evening with a smile and he grinned in return.

We actually spent a rather quiet evening. John was obviously fairly tired from
working hard all day, so I only made him bathe me and take a shower himself
while I prepared a TV dinner. We watched a movie, John kneeling quietly at my
feet, and before going to bed John gave me a pleasant orgasm with his tongue and
I allowed him to bring himself off while I watched. John spent the night on his
sleeping mat in his `prison', with only one ankle shackled to a ring in the

This morning it was back to the office quite early. For the drive in, I tied
John in the back seat of my car and covered his nakedness with a rug, then led
him back up to our offices (having ensured the coast was clear) by means of a
leash passed between his legs and tied to his wrists which were crossed behind
his neck.

The first thing John did was to ask if he could work at the word processor,
because he wanted to enter all the material he had prepared the day before and
be able to rearrange it easily. I soon had him set up in front of it, but it
quickly became obvious that he was so unaccustomed to it that the work would
take him hours; so I made a suggestion to him.

"If you have something else you can work on," I said, "perhaps it would be
better if I did this stuff instead. Of course, there would have to be a penalty
... let's see ... no, I'll think of a good one later, if you want to take that
risk. Well, how about it?"

After a moment's hesitation, my slave agreed. He wanted to prepare quite a lot
of charts and diagrams, so I shackled him by means of a long chain padlocked to
a tight cock-ring and a short one between ankle cuffs. As I worked at the word
processor, I tried to think of a good penalty for this ... and at last the
perfect idea occurred to me!

With this arrangement we made very good progress all morning, and by lunch time
John was ready to start putting his presentation together. But first we had some
lunch, which I made my slave eat `slave-style' (as I call it!) from a bowl on
the floor at my feet, and during the meal I outlined my proposed penalty for my
morning's work.

"I want to come to your presentation," I said. "I'm sure you could bring me
along to assist you with charts and so on. Also," I continued with a mischievous
grin, "I want you to agree to wear whatever I order under your normal clothes
during the presentation (I promise it won't show, but it will probably be
somewhat uncomfortable!). And finally, I demand that you take me to lunch
afterwards - somewhere classy!" John wasn't quite sure whether he could do all
this, but after some discussion (and my alternative of a large number of
demerits!) he agreed to try.

After lunch we got back to work, with me at the word-processor again but now
with John indicating what he wanted done with the rough text I had entered. For
this I made him kneel beside my chair and to give him something to do with his
hands (and to give me a bit of fun!) I stripped off and made him caress me as we
worked. His fingers stroked my tits and belly and pussy, and several times I had
to stop working while I had a climax (usually helped over the top by my slave's

The presentation was completed to John's satisfaction by late afternoon. I
brought him home for the evening - once again leading him stark naked through
the building on our way to the garage - and he's now working off some of the
demerits he earned yesterday. He's tied very tightly to the post in his
'dungeon' (he's been there for the last hour and a half), and in a few minutes
I'll go in and give him some whip strokes across his chest and belly ... and
watch his cock stand out like a flagpole as I do it!

I do hope my other penalty idea works out!


The following day:

My boss/slave called me in for a dictation this afternoon, and told me that it
will be OK for me to attend his presentation on Thursday! Now I need to work out
exactly what I'll make him wear!


Three days later (Thursday):

Great fun today!

I took a small bag of gear to work this morning, and about half an hour before
John's presentation I went into his office and shut the door after setting the
"In Conference - Do Not Disturb" notice.

"OK slave," I said briskly, "Off with your clothes! Time to get into harness for
your performance!"

John gave me a wry grin, but stripped meekly enough. Before his cock had time to
get hard, I grabbed it and forced it into a tightly constricting pouch; but by
the time this was done, it was quite erect and trying hard to burst its bonds!
Next I fitted a sort of corset which held his prick in its pouch flat against
his belly, tightly enough that when he put his trousers back on there was no
obvious sign of anything unusual. Straps at the base of the corset went around
his balls (which were allowed to hang free!) and under his crotch to be pulled
very tight and fastened to the back of the corset.

When he had dressed again, John and I took the materials for his presentation
and set them up in a conference room. John was a bit worried that a certain
stiffness in his movement would be obvious to everybody, but I assured him that
it really wasn't so noticeable ... "and anyway," I grinned, "I like it! It's
good to know that you are being reminded of your place, and of all the work I
did for you over the weekend!"

The presentation was a great success! John gave a detailed and skilful analysis
of share trends in a certain sector, and only I knew that his few hesitations
were not due to nervousness (although he was a bit nervous too!), but mainly to
my catching his eye and glancing significantly at his crotch!

Afterwards he was thanked and congratulated by the Managing Director himself
(which I'm sure did no harm to his career prospects!); and then he was asked
what he was doing for lunch! I held my breath for a moment, but my slave was as
good as his word: "I promised my assistant here that I would take her to lunch,
in appreciation of the enormous amount of work she put in over the weekend
helping me with my presentation."

Imagine my surprise when several of John's colleagues (and superiors!) actually
asked if they might join us! John hesitated for the merest moment (just long
enough to catch my tiny nod) and said they were very welcome.

I enjoyed lunch very much indeed! Thanks to the extra people, we had to squeeze
together at a table that was really too small ... but this meant that I was
able, without being noticed, to reach under the table occasionally and give
John's balls a firm but not ungentle squeeze! "Just to remind you of your place,
slave," my eyes told him, and he responded with a slight nod of understanding.

Now it's not only the girls in the secretarial pool who think that John and I
fancy each other!

Go on to Part 3

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