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Review This Story || Author: Dave Haugen

Raping the Escort Girl

Part 1

"Raping the Escort Girl"

Copyright Dave Haugen 2003

M/f rape humiliation toys

If you are under the age of 18, or if erotic literature 
focusing on rape, humiliation and non-consentuality is 
personally offensive to you, please do NOT read any 
further!  Thank you!

For Keri, it all started innocently enough, only three 
months ago.

Working through her third year of University presented a 
lot of challenges for Keri.  A difficult academic 
schedule combined with the need for money in order to 
keep herself in her own apartment and out of her 
parents' home kept her busy.  Keri desperately wanted to 
complete her four year arts degree program without 
having to move back home.  Her mom never seemed to see 
eye to eye for her, and her father was much too blue 
color for her tastes.

At 20 years old, Keri was brimming with confidence, 
attitude and energy.  She was an honors student since 
elementary school, and had found success with amateur 
outings in track, swimming, dance, and tennis.  Keri's 
outgoing personality made her very popular, although 
most of her friendships were sometimes difficult, mostly 
because of jealousies that other women would develop as 
a result of simply being around her.  Keri never dated a 
lot, as most men found her intimidating to be around, 
which was ironic because of her small stature.

Physically, Keri was hot, and she knew it.  At only 5 
foot 2 and just barely tipping the scales at 99 pounds, 
Keri certainly fell into the petite category.  Her tiny 
34B tits and size 1 waist was enough to turn the heads 
of any man.  As icing on the cake, Keri had soft and 
silky brown hair that cascaded to just below her 
shoulders, a tiny upturned nose, and a beautiful pair of 
lips.  Her face was completely symmetrical; some would 
say perfect in every way.

From the age of 12 or 13, Keri never failed to notice 
how easily she could draw the stares of men wherever she 
went, including school, church, the mall, you name it.  
Privately, Keri's self-attractiveness thrilled her, just 
knowing that every man she met, strangers or not, lusted 
after her.  She was aware of the gift she possessed, and 
she used it to her advantage quite often.  If there was 
any potential disadvantage to being attractive, Keri 
certainly never gave the idea any thought at all.

Keri lost her virginity at the age of 16, to an 18 year 
old senior quarterback at her high school.  The 
experience, although not totally unpleasant, was more of 
a disappointment to her, and as a result, she had 
abstained from sex since then, keeping it at a very low 
priority in her life, at least, thought Keri, until she 
had graduated, established herself as an artist, and was 
ready to start thinking about marriage.

The only real issues in Keri's life were financial ones.  
With the rising costs of tuition seeming to spiral out 
of control, Keri was starting to feel pressured to come 
up with some extra sources of income.  She waitressed at 
a 4-star hotel restaurant close to campus and made 
enough money in wages and tips to cover most of her 
academic costs, but with her rent going up in the past 
months, and energy costs going through the roof, Keri 
was beginning to realize that her waitressing job was 
simply not going to be enough.

The thought of getting a second job was something that 
Keri wanted to avoid, as her study time was already 
being pushed backwards to the brink with all of her 
other daily activities.  However, as her savings account 
started to dwindle almost daily, Keri knew that 
something had to happen.

Budgeting carefully, Keri realized that she needed money 
to come from somewhere.  The thought of asking her 
parents for a loan gave her abdominal pains, and she was 
too proud to ask any of her friends for money.  The 
situation was beginning to look grim, and Keri felt 
forced to look at some more alternative ways of raising 

A few months earlier, Cassie, one of Keri's classmates, 
gave her a full description of the job she had been 
doing for almost a year...working as an escort in an 
escort service.

At first, Keri was curious as to what Cassie's job 
entailed.  Cassie explained that she was not a 
prostitute, despite the reputation of most escort 
services, and that the agency that she worked for was 
very protective of their female "workers" and paid 
exceptionally well.  Keri winced when Cassie told her 
that although she had sex with only a handful of her 
dozens of clients, that the sex was consensual, done on 
her terms, and involved thousands of dollars in cash 
being privately exchanged between her and the client.  
Cassie suggested that with Keri's incredible face and 
body, that she would make a killing at the agency, and 
gave her the agency's card, but Keri merely buried the 
card in a mountain of paperwork on her desk, not 
interested in dating paying men, no matter how much 
money she could make.

As her bills began to mount, and with her financial 
situation becoming bleaker by the day, Keri changed her 
mind and decided that it wouldn't hurt to check out the 
agency, as she trusted Cassie a lot, and believed her 
that it was not a sleazy company at all, but quite 

The initial interview impressed Keri beyond belief.  She 
was thrilled to learn that she could clear $50 an hour, 
plus tips, and that all of her encounters could be in 
public places, with her transportation being provided by 
bouncer-like drivers from the company, and that she 
could turn down any potential client advances for sex.

Surprising herself, Keri took the job.  The clinching 
factor was Cassie's reminder that the agency was on the 
up-and-up, and that she would never have to make love to 
any of her clients.  With the amount of money she could 
make, there was no way she could possibly turn down such 
an opportunity.

During her first month, Keri cleared well over $5000, 
and all of it was easy work.  Most of her clients were 
middle aged men, both married and single, who simply 
wanted to spend some time with a hardbodied female 
companion like Keri.  The majority of men wanted her 
company for one-on-one dinner dates at restaurants and 
clubs.  Keri always refused clients who wanted to meet 
in a private place, for pure safety reasons.  A few of 
the men had tried to make some private deals with her 
for sex, a situation that Keri knew would eventually 
happen.  She turned them all down, although one offer 
from a particularly handsome 50 year old man made her 
think twice.  She could have made $5000 on the spot had 
she chosen to go with him back to his place for vanilla 
sex, yet she ultimately decided to turn him down.  It 
wasn't that she was unattracted to him, it was just that 
she was already making great money and didn't see the 
need to do anything outside of the dinners, reunion 
parties and dancing that she was presently doing.

Everything seemed perfect!  So perfect in fact, that 
Keri dumped her waitressing job altogether.  Keri wished 
she had decided to join the escort service sooner, 
things were going better than she had ever hoped!

However, Keri's world was about to change...

It all started when she met Al.

Al was just an average 30-something man, about 6 foot 1, 
195 pounds, and in great shape.  On their first date, 
Keri had found him to be pleasant enough.  He was well 
educated, had a decent job as an accountant, unmarried, 
no children, and with a good sense of humour.  
Privately, Keri wondered to herself why he was paying an 
escort service $80 an hour just to have dinner with an 
attractive female, when it seemed obvious that he should 
have no trouble at all dating.  Of course, Keri never 
asked him that question, and their conversation covered 
mostly external topics, leaving both of their personal 
lives untouched.  That in itself was unusual as Keri 
found that most of her clients tried to probe their way 
into her life, asking personal questions that she would 
always decline to answer.  But with Al, they had 
conversations that she found fascinating.  After a few 
dates, Keri thought to herself that she would actually 
want to marry a man like this one day, he seemed so 

After ten meetings, each one becoming more enjoyable to 
Keri than the last, she found that she had looked 
forward to seeing Al than any of her other regular 
clients.  She was tempted to tell Al that she would love 
to start seeing him outside of the agency, as friends, 
as Al had completely charmed his way into her heart, 
with his sweet disposition and his cheerful personality.  
When Al told her that he felt terrible about having to 
end their sessions together because he simply couldn't 
afford to meet her anymore, Keri felt her heart sink.

Instantly, without any thought at all, Keri began to 
negotiate with him, telling him that she would still 
agree to see him outside of the agency but for only $20 
an hour.  It took a little bit of convincing (or so it 
seemed to Keri), and Al agreed to meet her again.

For Keri, their next meeting had been as interesting and 
enjoyable as the first ten.  Taking the bus, Keri met Al 
at their usual restaurant, they had dinner, and 
afterwards, Al paid her the $40 dollars for two hours as 
they had agreed, and even put in a $20 tip.  Keri 
thanked him, and accepted without question when he 
offered to drive her home, seeing as how her agency 
transport was nowhere around.

A small ping of conscience went off in Keri's brain as 
she stepped into Al's BMW, but by now, she trusted him 
completely, and on their way, they became engaged in 
even more conversation.  So much so, that it took Keri 
five minutes to realize that they were not heading 
towards her apartment at all.

"Ummmm, Al, I think you're going the wrong way.  My 
apartment's back that way." commented Keri innocently as 
she looked around to see where they were exactly.

"Oh, I'm sorry," replied Al, "I wasn't paying attention.  
Sorry Keri."

Al turned the vehicle around, and continued chatting 
with Keri, although in minutes, they pulled into a 
private driveway, and through a garage door that quickly 
closed behind him.

In a split-second of realization, Keri knew that 
something was terribly, terribly wrong.

"Al what are you doing?" Keri asked, feeling her heart 
rate starting to rise quickly.

"What the fuck do you think bitch?" replied Al coldly.

Keri's world suddenly came crashing down around her as 
her worst nightmares felt like they were unfolding right 
in front of her.  Before she could make a sudden move 
for the passenger door handle, Al's hand flew over to 
hers and grabbed her wrist, causing Keri to gasp in 

"You're not going anywhere CUNT!!!" shouted Al in a tone 
of voice that Keri had never expected to hear from the 
man whom she had started to know and trust over the past 
few months.

"Al, please!  This isn't funny, I know you don't mean 

"Shut the fuck up cunt, or I'll shove my fist down your 
fucking throat!" interrupted Al as he yanked her roughly 
out of the car and into what Keri could only begin to 
assume was his home.

Keri didn't say a word as Al dragged her into a well 
decorated home, that was certainly more expensive than 
something Al's accounting position would be able to 

Pushing her down onto a plush couch, Al began to fix 
himself a drink, while Keri sat there in total shock, 
still not registering completely what was happening to 

"As you've probably guessed by now bitch, I've lied 
about everything I've been fucking telling ya up to now.  
I've been acting my ass off to get you to trust me, and 
it looks like I've been successful in that.  Fuck, for 
such a smart girl, you're pretty fucking naive." 
chuckled Al, as Keri started trembling uncontrollably, 
wondering how she could have been so careless to let 
this happen.

"At any rate," continued Al, "You might as well get used 
to the fact that you're here for as long as I want to 
keep you here.  And, don't expect a tip slut."

Keri couldn't believe that this sweet man, or whom she 
thought was a sweet man, was actually speaking like this 
to her.  Strangely enough, she still felt hope that she 
might be able to talk her way out of this horrible 
situation, simply because she felt that they had really 
bonded over the course of their time together.  Of 
course, if he had been acting all along, then she knew 
she was really in trouble.

"Take your fucking clothes off bitch, but keep the 
panties on." said 

"Al please, let's talk about..." was all Keri was able 
to say before Al yanked her kicking body over his lap 
and began to spank her ass over the summer dress she was 

"Don't you...(spank)...ever...(spank) 
again...(spank)...unless I...(spank)...give 
you...(spank)...permission to...(spank)...understand 

When he was done, Al pushed Keri to the floor, watching 
her body fall with a thud.  Keri immediately started to 
rub her sore butt, more shocked than hurt.  She was 
about to say something, but decided to keep her mouth 
shut this time around, taking Al seriously.

"Now, get those clothes off, and make it sexy." chuckled 
Al as he poured himself a scotch with ice and sat back 
on the sofa to enjoy the show.

For a few seconds, Keri had no idea what she should do.  
She thought about running, but she knew Al would be able 
to tackle her in moments.  With trembling hands, Keri 
reached behind her to unzip her summer dress and she 
slowly stepped out of it, standing only in her bra and 

"Get that bra off." warned Al menacingly.

Quickly and submissively, Keri reached behind her and 
unclasped her bra, letting it fall to the floor beside 
her dress.  Al watched her standing in front of him, 
without moving.  He felt his cock starting to stir in 
his pants as he stared at the perfectly curved petite 
form in front of him, with her two nipples pointing out 
into the air, her skin covered in goosebumps.

"Very nice." said Al as he stood up and walked over to a 
drawer, taking something out that Keri couldn't see.  
Walking back to her, Al started running his fingernails 
up and down her back, making Keri stand up completely 
straight, inhaling sharply at his touch upon her.

"Now, if you move during this next part Keri, I'm gonna 
fucking hurt you you understand?" asked Al.  
Keri nodded, willing herself not to move.

With a quick motion, Al reached around her and planted 
two chain-linked nipple clamps squarely on her nipples, 
squishing them almost completely flat, and causing Keri 
to drop instantly to her knees.  Al's quick reflexes 
caught her hands before they could reach up to rip off 
the clamps, and he pulled them behind her, duct taping 
her wrists together.

"Oh my God, it hurts!!!  Please Al!!!" screamed Keri, 
causing Al to quickly flip her over his lap again to 
administer 20 more hard smacks over her reddening ass.

"I told you not to fucking say a word cunt!!!" said Al 
as the palm of his hand came crashing through the air to 
land on Keri's perfectly rounded ass cheeks.

When he was finished, Keri moaned from the pain 
emanating from her spanked bottom, and quickly zipped 
her lip, not wanting to be spanked again.

With deft accuracy, Al flipped Keri over onto her back 
and tied Keri's legs to the ends of a long coffee table, 
effectively keeping her legs spread widely open, not 
allowing her to escape from her position.  With her 
wrists trapped behind her back, Keri was rather 
immobile, only able to wiggle and squirm a little.

"Now, lets see what you've got under that cunt holder of 
yours." said Al as he yanked Keri's panties upwards with 
such force, that it pulled her body off the floor by a 
foot, and tore completely off her.

"Al please!" said Keri before she could stop herself.

"That's it cunt, I warned you." replied Al as he took 
off one of his socks and crammed it fully into her 
mouth, then placed a large strip of duct tape over her 
lips, keeping the sock wadded tightly into Keri's 
stretched out cheeks.  All Keri could do now was sob and 
moan through the sock, with her nostrils opening and 
clothing to bring in air.  Al liked how innocent and 
helpless she looked this way.

Taking another strip of duct tape, Al firmly pressed it 
down from Keri's belly button, over her pubic hair, to 
her ass below.

"Way too much hair down there for my liking.  I like 'em 
bald." said Al as he waited to see whether his hint 
would register in her overloaded brain.  Keri simply 
stared at him with eyes wide open, breathing in and out 
quickly, not taking her eyes off of his face.

Reaching down, Al yanked the duct tape off with a 
sickening ripping sound, effectively tearing several of 
Keri's hairs right off of her pussy.  Keri howled a 
muffled scream into the sock, and her body started to 
thrash around, as she tried to alleviate the pain 
emanating from her stinging crotch.  Al loved the way 
the clamps on her nipples waved back and forth while she 
moved, thus torturing her nipples even more.

"Time for round two." said Al as he again placed another 
strip of duct tape over her pussy.  A minute later, he 
ripped it off, this time drawing several tiny droplets 
of blood from where Keri's pubic hair had been literally 
torn out from their follicles.  Al laughed at how bald 
Keri's pussy was starting to look.

"Hmmm, I'll have to get the rest out later, maybe I'll 
use the pliers next time." thought Al aloud, causing 
Keri to thrash her head back and forth wildly.

Leaving the room briefly, Al returned with some fine 
grade sandpaper.  Keri watched with total fear as he 
knelt down beside her shivering, trembling body, and 
began to sand down the outer layer of skin from her 
inner thighs, causing Keri to again close her eyes and 
attempt to scream out in pain.

"Awwww, don't be such a pussy, it doesn't hurt that much 
slut...not as much as this is going to hurt..." said Al 
as he took his leather belt off from around his waist 
and began to whip it down over the area of her thighs 
that he had just sanded.  Over and over, Keri screamed 
out in pain, but only her muffled sounds could be heard 
through the sock and her flared nostrils.

After 10 solid hits, Al was satisfied in the redness of 
Keri's inner thighs, and thought about how they must 
feel as though they were on fire to his little slut 
underneath him.

Reaching for the middle of the chain that connected the 
two clamps together, Al yanked them upwards, causing 
them to pull harshly on Keri's already hurting nipples, 
almost lifting her upper body upwards from the floor.

"Did you like that slut?" asked Al as he yanked on the 
chain a few more times.  Finally, he released the clamps 
and watched as Keri's flattened nipples began to slowly 
refill with blood, returning to their original shapes, 
but this time, in a much darker shade of pink.

Keri stared at Al in horror as he began to take off his 
pants and boxers, exposing his cock to her for the first 
time.  At 8 inches in length, it certainly wasn't the 
longest cock ever created, but it had a good two inch 
thick girth to it, and Al bounced it up and down over 
Keri's stomach, just to watch her reaction.

"Fuck yeah, this is going to be good Keri, I've been 
wanting to fuck you since the first time I paid for your 
whoring ass.  Hope you enjoyed spending the money I 
dished out for you slut, cause this is payback time." 
said Al, hoping his comments would sink as deeply into 
her psyche as his cock was about to deeply sink into her 

Positioning himself between her legs, Al started to rub 
his completely hard cock head up and down over Keri's 
wet pussy lips.  He liked that the recent and rough 
action that Keri had just experienced was making her 
pussy aroused against her will.  All women seemed to 
react like that, thought Al, as his mind quickly perused 
the other victims he had gone through before.

Keri looked up into his eyes beggingly, shaking her head 
back and forth, trying to beg him to reconsider raping 
her, but her movements only aroused Al even further.  
Making sure that the entire head of his cock had been 
covered in cunt slime, he wedged it forward until it 
pushed her tiny pussy lips inwards, lodging itself 
inside the opening of her young nearly virginal cunt 

"Oh yessss, fuck yeah!" muttered Al as he savoured the 
feel of her lips sucking and clenching around his cock, 
heating it up and making it even harder and more rigid.

Bracing himself for the "grand slam" as he liked to 
refer to it, Al grabbed a gentle hold of Keri's still 
swollen nipples in between the fingers of each hand, and 
looked down into Keri's eyes as he readied himself for 
the plunge.

"Here I come slut, get ready for this..." chuckled Al as 
he felt Keri's cunt start to tense up around his 
cockhead in preparation to attempt to stop the 

With a huge slam forward, Al was able to bury his cock 
completely into Keri, eight full inches forward in under 
one second.

"Fuck yeah!!!!" yelled Al triumphantly as he looked down 
at Keri's adorable face below him.  Her eyes widened as 
large as saucers and a muffled scream soaked into the 
gag in her mouth, while her entire body tensed and shook 
at the violent sudden intrusion of Al's large cock into 
her most delicate, secretive of all places.

Not moving an inch, Al savoured every little move and 
feel of Keri's shocked pussy spasming and clenching 
around his cock, heating it up with the tight tension of 
its elastic velvety walls squeezing him on all sides.

Just to increase the sensation, Al began to cruelly 
squeeze Keri's nipples in his fingers, alternating back 
and forth from left nipple to right nipple.  Keri again 
cried out, her eyes closed tightly, and her hair 
thrashing all around her face.  With each rough squeeze, 
Al was rewarded with further tightenings and 
ministrations from Keri's helpless pussy rippling 
uncontrollably around his cock.

"Oh yeah babe, you were worth every penny.  I can't 
believe how fucking easy it was to get you into my car 
bitch.  You are one fucking ditzy airhead, slut." 
laughed Al as he began to withdraw his cock ever-so-
slowly, only to rapidly slam it back home again, filling 
her pussy with his full girthy cock once more.

Al started fucking her with an increased pace now, 
enjoying the sensations of her slimy pussy being ripped 
apart in all directions as he plundered his way through 
her.  He enjoyed watching her nipples almost turning 
completely white whenever he held a particularly tight 
grip on them for a few seconds, and then released them 
to watch the angry red color return quickly to them.

Releasing her nipples, Al held Keri's squirming head 
still so that he could hork a huge wad of spit onto her 
face, disgusting her even further while he continued to 
violently rape her poor pussy for a solid half hour.

Unable to last a single second longer, Al slammed home 
as deeply as possible while he let go with a torrent of 
white ropy sperm right up around her cervix.  Mashing it 
into a frothy lather, Al jerked and rutted his cock 
around in big circles, completely hammering his cum as 
deeply as he could get it.

"Yeah bitch, take that fucking cum right up your does it feel being filled with cum, I've been 
saving it for a week for you babe!"

Al loved the degraded, humiliated look on Keri's face as 
he finally pulled his cock out with a loud plopping 
sound.  Ripping the duct tape off of Keri's mouth, Al 
reached in and pulled out the saliva soaked sock that 
filled Keri's mouth, and planted a huge kiss on her lips 
before she even had a chance to speak.

Standing up, Al walked over to the dresser drawer in the 
room, totally ignoring Keri's pathetically repetitive 
pleas to let her go.  Pulling out a nice large 2 and a 
half inch thick studded rubber dildo, he walked back to 
Keri, giving her a close up view of the huge toy.

"Oh no!!!!!  Please don't hurt me!!!!" Keri begged as Al 
grinned widely.

"Oh yes!  In he goes!" replied Al as he forcefully 
shoved the entire thick dildo up Keri's sore tight cunt, 
as brutally as his own smaller cock had gone in.  Keri 
screamed so loudly, that Al had to plant the palm of his 
hand over her lips just to give his ears some 

Al rutted the cock in and out of her tiny pussy as he 
watched her begging eyes looking up at him.  He would 
push the dildo inside of her as deeply as possible, and 
then with all the force he could muster, Al would yank 
the dildo completely out, making her pussy quickly 
collapse in on itself, and her pussy lips to gape 
outwards as the dildo completely left her body.  Keri 
really seemed to dislike that, so Al repeated it about 
50 more times, until his arm started to ache.

By the time he had finished, Keri's pussy lips were 
completely bright red and enflamed.  Keri's body was 
limp, exhausted from struggling, and it looked to Al as 
though she was trying to preserve her strength for 
whatever else he was going to inflict on her.

After forcing her to suck her frothy juices and the 
remnants of his cum from the sticky dildo, Al proceeded 
to play with her tightly krinkled asshole, which looked 
so cute and innocent just under the swollen mess that 
her pussy ended up as.  After pushing his finger two 
knuckles deep inside Keri's tight little asshole, Al 
curled it up so he could push upon the thin wall that 
separated her pussy from her ass, and enjoyed watching 
the skin being pushed up just inside her gaping vagina.

"Hey Keri, I can see my finger pushing up from your ass 
by looking into your cunt, cool huh?" asked Al, but Keri 
simply laid still in terror, not wanting to answer him.

Al pushed two fingers way up into each hole, and began 
to attempt to feel his fingers on the other side of the 
thin dividing rectal/pussy wall of muscle, clearly 
making out his other fingers.  He loved how quiet Keri 
was being now, as if she had resigned herself to her 
fate of being nothing but a sex toy for him to play 

Excited about getting his cock up what he knew would be 
an incredibly tight and hot hole, Al yanked his fingers 
out of her and forced her to lick them off while he went 
to get an enema kit ready for her.

"Ok slut, I'm gonna clean that ass out for you so I 
don't get my cock too dirty from ramming it up your 
little back door." said Al as he started to feed the 
enema tube deeply up her rectum.

"Now, if you spill one drop of this out of your ass, I'm 
gonna beat the shit out of you, and don't think I won't 
do it!" warned Al as he started the flow of water inside 
of her.

Keri screamed and groaned as Al forced a good two liters 
of water up into her bowels, before shoving a medium 
sized, two inch thick butt plug up her tiny hole.  Wow, 
did she ever hate that, thought Al as he listened to her 
bloodcurling screams when the buttplug stretched her 
sphincter open to get inside.

Al loved how cute her belly looked as it was slightly 
bloated from all the water trapped up inside it.  To 
experiment, Al pushed down on her tummy, just under her 
bellybutton, and as a reward, he heard a long gurgling 
sound coming from deep inside of her, causing Keri to 
cry out in pain, begging Al to take the plug out so she 
could expel the enormous amount of water that was 
currently cramping up her guts.

The begging instantly started to arouse Al, as he felt 
his cock hardening once again, just knowing how much 
discomfort Keri was currently in.  He decided that he 
just had to see how his cock felt shoved into her pussy 
with all that water gushing around in her ass.

Getting back into position, Al jammed the dildo into 
Keri's mouth and held it there, so he wouldn't have to 
hear any more screaming and complaining from that 
particular hole.  Keri gagged and coughed around the 
huge dildo that now filled her mouth, and Al had fun 
adjusting the depth and angle of the huge cock in her 
throat, allowing her to breathe and choke in succession.

Once again placing his cock against her sore pussy lips, 
Al gently pushed forward, loving how tight she felt, 
probably from the internal swelling of her pussy caused 
by the dildo, and of her bulging rectal walls pushing up 
against the bottom side of his cock, Al thought.

It was a much tighter squeeze this time, but Al was able 
to push his cock fully inside Keri again, feeling his 
balls bump up against the base of the butt plug under 

For another pleasurable (for Al anyways) half hour, Al 
fucked Keri's pussy feeling her twist and turn in 
combined pain from his huge cock and her cramping bowels 
wreaking havoc over her tight little body.  Finally, Al 
gave in and unleashed another dumping of milky white cum 
inside Keri's pussy and verbally abused her once again, 
telling her how filthy and disgusting his cum was making 
her on the inside, coating her pussy walls and soaking 
up into her uterus.

After pulling out, Al untied her completely and half 
dragged her to the bathroom where he forced her into the 
bathtub and told her that she could take out the huge 
butt plug from her asshole.  Al laughed and laughed as 
he watched her make several attempts at pulling out the 
plug from her little butt, stopping several times 
because of the severe pain she was feeling as her 
asshole began expanding around the huge girth of the 
plug's widest circumference.  Finally, Keri was able to 
pull it out completely, and a torrential flood of brown 
water came gushing out of her ass, all over the bottom 
of the tub.  Al quickly washed the filthy water down the 
drain with the shower head, and cleaned Keri up as best 
as he could.  He repeated the enema several more times, 
until he was satisfied that her asshole was completely 

Al then forced her onto her hands and knees, and started 
to fuck her pussy again with the large dildo, while he 
fingered her asshole, feeling the knobs from the dildo 
rubbing against his finger from the other side of her 
pussy wall.

"Fucking little slut, you were born for this.  Betcha 
wish you never started working at an escort agency, huh 
cunt?" laughed Al as he pulled his finger out and lubed 
up a smaller, 1 and a half inch thick studded dildo with 
ky jelly.  Once it was all slick, Al started to roughly 
push it up her asshole until it was in a good seven 

"Now lets try some dual hole fucking.  You try and stop 
me, and I'll fucking kill you." said Al as he started to 
alternate the dildoes in and out of her.  Keri couldn't 
seem to take the pain or something, as she tried 
repeatedly to stand up in the bathtub, causing Al to 
carry her body to the bed where he proceeded to dump her 
onto her back, and to tie her wrists to each side of the 
headboard with velcro wrist straps.  He then placed a 
pillow underneath her ass to raise it up a few inches, 
and then pulled her legs backwards so that her feet 
touched her wrists.  He fastened them there too, and 
then stopped to look back at his handiwork.  Keri was 
perfectly unable to escape as her knees were pressed on 
top of her shoulders, and with her legs spread 
completely wide, both holes were at his complete mercy.

"Oh yeah, that's perfect bitch." said Al as Keri 
continued to beg him to let her go.  Al placed a large 
ball gag into her mouth and fastened the straps around 
her head so that she was forced once more to breathe 
through her nose.

Taking the dildoes once more, Al shoved the smaller one 
back inside her puffy asshole, and then jammed the 
larger one into her cunt again.  He began to saw them in 
and out alternately for about ten minutes or so, and 
there wasn't anything Keri could do about it but cry and 
yell through her gag.  He then started to pull them out 
and push them in at the same time, loving how her holes 
would try and suck the dildoes back in whenever he was 
on the out stroke.  Al then decided to start yanking 
them out of her holes concurrently, watching as her once 
tiny holes gaped open for a few seconds and then 
collapsed again.  Al repeated the move over 200 times, 
loving how nicely Keri's holes gaped open for those 
brief seconds.  They gaped open longer over time, and 
once again, his cock grew hard.

"Time to fuck that ass that I've been dreaming about for 
weeks Keri." said Al as he yanked the dildoes out of her 
holes for a final time, and then jammed his cock inside 
of her ass.  He loved how much drier and hotter her 
asshole was compared to her pussy.  Al began to 
alternate in between Keri's pussy and her asshole, with 
about a dozen strokes in one before moving to the other.  
After a while, he would then shove his cock into one 
hole for a few minutes while raping her other hole with 
the larger of the two dildoes.  He loved how he could 
feel the large dildo pressing against his cock, 
downwards against him when it was in her pussy, and 
upwards against him when it was in her ass.

That gave him an idea, and he left her briefly to grab 
his largest mammoth vibrator.  This monster was three 
inches in diameter and was shaped like a huge cock, 
complete with a crown, veins, and all.  After lubing up 
the mammoth vibrator, Al shoved his cock back into 
Keri's sore gaping asshole, and then began to press the 
huge vibrator into her cunt, which really caused Keri to 
thrash around and scream into her gag.

It barely fit, and Al's cock felt as though it was 
getting strangled by the double penetration of such a 
petite female body.  Turning on the vibrator to its full 
setting, Al moaned out loud as the fantastic thrumming 
vibrations began to shake the entire bed.  Keri's body 
was literally vibrating, as was his.  Damn, thought Al, 
that is one mother fucking intense vibrator!

As difficult as it was, Al began to saw his cock in and 
out of her asshole, feeling the vibrations of the 
mammoth vibrator quickly bringing his cock to yet 
another release.  This time, he flooded the inside of 
her ass with his sperm, feeling the vibrations coaxing 
it quickly out through his cock.  Pure paradise.

When he pulled out his quickly deflating cock, Keri's 
ass barely returned to double its normal size, 
completely red, dripping ky jelly, and all puffy.  Al 
kept the huge vibrator jammed up inside of her cunt and 
then pushed the butt plug back up inside of her asshole, 
which really caused Keri to make noises from behind her 

With both of her holes filled to the brim, Al began to 
make a sort of duct tape diaper around her, to ensure 
that the sex toys would stay inside her.  Al knew from 
previous testing that the vibrator batteries would last 
for six hours, giving Keri that much vibrating time.  
How fun for her, thought Al.

His next agenda was to dig out an invention that he had 
developed with inspiration from the website that he frequented from 
time to time.  This machine had three open ended 
testtubes that were connected to a large vacuum like 
machine, which sucked in air at an incredible pressure.  
Al placed two of the test tubes around Keri's nipples 
and flicked the machine on.  At random intervals, the 
machine would suck air in through the tubes with such a 
vacuuming force, that Keri's nipples would get sucked 
right upwards, elongating them by an inch, and making 
her squirm out with discomfort.  The final testube went 
on her clit which was poking out from a gap in the duct 
tape diaper which Al was careful to leave open.  The 
tube sucked Keri's clit upwards into the tube and Al 
stepped back to look at the situation Keri was locked 

"Fucking fantastic babe." commented Al as he watched 
Keri's body wiggling and squirming around, being 
stimulated from nearly every erogenous zone that she 
had.  Keri looked at him quickly, then turned her head, 
too busy trying to fight the horrible sensations 
traveling through her body to pay much attention to him.

"I've got to go now doll.  I'll be back in eight hours 
or so.  I'm going to be getting some horse and dog sperm 
from a buddy of mine who is collecting it for you as we 
speak.  After all, what kind of a host would I be if I 
didn't feed you while you were a guest in my house.  See 
ya soon Keri!" chuckled Al as he walked out, leaving 
Keri in total darkness, feeling her body being so 
horribly violated by the suctioning and vibrating.

Al got into his car and started to drive out to his 
buddy's farm to pick up the several liters of animal 
sperm that he had ordered.  He was also excited to try 
out some of his electrical and medical toys that he had 
ordered on Keri's beautifully petite and sexy body.  
Yes, he thought, he was glad he had checked out that 
escort service when he had.


Thanks to the many readers who have sent me emails about 
my stories.  Your comments, criticism and feedback are 
always welcome and appreciated.

Once again, to all authors out there, thanks for your 
great contributions.  And to all readers out there, 
hopefully you'll be inspired to contribute stuff too.  
I'm certainly not a polished writer by any means, just a 
layman trying to give a little back.  My belief is that 
even poorly written erotic literature is better than 
non-written erotic literature.  And writing this stuff 
is not only surprisingly simple, but it's also a lot of 
fun.  So keep writing out there!

Best wishes,

Dave Haugen, , msn messenger

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