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Review This Story || Author: Llabmik

The Snuff Movie

Chapter 1 The Audićnce Arrives

Snuff Movie  by Llabmik

	Chapter 1 - The Audience Arrives

	The rich, very upscale members of The Snuff Club arrived to view the latest
snuff movie from California. It was billed as a triple slaughter. They and their
camp followers were eager for a sniff of dying quiff. Each had brought his or
her own supply of toadying suck sluts, flatbackers and Anal Annies for quick
reference. The star-struck fuckmeat, as always, was totally enchanted at the
prospect of absorbing some celebrity slime or slurping up some rich bitch's cunt
scum while enjoying some of the perq's of wealth and privilege like watching a
screaming beauty snuffed hard.  

	Some of the audience were recognizable celebrities, for example actors who
always starred as the bad guy because there were exactly zero people in the
universe who would believe they were good guys. A lot were movie people.
Actresses who found it easy to portray evil bitches from hell because they were
simply playing themselves. Sleazy producers (is there any other kind?) and their
slimy director suck-ups stepped out of stretch limos to enter the foyer of the
elegant theatre. Their thoroughly corrupt personal toadies and professional
ass-lickers slithered in with them, eager for rich boy and rich bitch thrills on
penny-ante salaries. 

	It was a high strung, sweaty sort of audience. They twitched and shuffled in
nervous excitement until the lights dimmed. Each had his or her own booth with a
view of the big screen stocked with a good supply of leather couches, baby oil,
vibrators, hot babes and vicious studs. The big screen made the suffering larger
than life which is how everyone liked it. 

	The screen flickered eerily before the title credits began to roll. The
production company was mentioned first, spelled out in bamboo sticks lashed
together, dripping blood: YAKUZA CRIMSON DRAGON PRESENTS. The next shot was an
extreme close-up, side shot of two fabulous breasts projecting proudly upwards
capped by cherry nipples. On the underside of each, tattooed in black gothic
script, was one word of the title: Snuffed Fluff. A dirty snigger of
appreciation arose as the camera panned back and up. 

	The two breasts, freshly severed and still leaking blood, were resting atop
a silver platter.

Review This Story || Author: Llabmik
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