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Review This Story || Author: Jackpot

Ms. Calypso and the Vanishing Act

Part 1

Ms. Calypso and the Vanishing Act



Here are all the usual disclaimers.  You must be over 18 to read this!  This story is pure fiction!  Any resemblance to names or characters in real life is purely coincidental.

These characters are fiction.  You have been warned!  This is for adults only!

(From an idea while talking with Llabmik)

       Ms. Calypsos heels carried her willowy legs across the floor like a velvet touch marching along a wind swept, satiny breeze.  Her strides were always careful and calculating.  It was a march she had done many times over.  She was always confident and always sure of the outcome.  She had planned this for more than half a year now.  The office was empty and she knew her wait would not be long.  She wore a tight, black form fit dress which clung to her thighs and ass cheeks.  Her entrance was rather amazing as she also wore a long black, hooded cape and a black mask.  The masks outline was surely feminine; and still its contours were smooth and inescapable, perfectly hiding her face to anyone seeking a view.  Striding along in back of her was a rather large trunk, apparently part of her special magic show.  It had convenient wheels to make it easier to pull along on the floor.  Still it was quite large, black, and formidable.  She approached the receptionists desk with poise and grace,

       “Hi, I have a two oclock appointment with Ms. Grayson.”  Her eyes seemed to twinkle

       “Yes, I must say that is one heck of an outfit, Ms.?”  Carrie looked her up and down.

       “Ms. Calypso.”  She smiled underneath her mask.

       “I see, please have a seat.  You dont have to keep that mask on in here if you like.  I know it is a bit warm in here.”

       “No, dear, that is quite all right.  I always stay in form.”

       “Very well.”  Ms. Calypso sat down and Carrie looked at her clock.  She was instructed to always make potential clients wait for at least fifteen minutes, but Ms. Calypso was in no hurry.  She had planned this for some time now.

       Claudia Grayson ran a powerful consulting firm.  She had bumped heads with many clients over the years.  Her ability to pick and choose her friends placed her in an enormous position of authority.  She was smart as well as savvy.  Her credentials placed her right up there with other firms.  Her tactical maneuvers were a mix of self-assured reliance on all she learned and drew from her experience with people.  Her communication skills were second to none.  It is odd that her downfall would be trying to help her nine year old niece, Christy.  She was an exacting woman; always on time and always wearing a sharp business suit.  Even in her casual wear she seldom let her guard down and often wore a suit and skirt.  “One never knows where the next business venture will come from,” she would say very often continually building upon her own self confidence.  She had shoulder length, blond hair and pretty green eyes.  Her five foot ten inch frame always intimidated the women standing beneath her.  However short Ms. Calypso stood, her long heeled shoes surely helped; but this was not a woman who could be intimidated.  With jet black hair, and piercing green contact lenses, no gaze was going to outdo her own.  This was going to be an interesting meeting, if not one sided.

       Fifteen minutes having passed, Carrie pressed her intercom and said, “Ms. Grayson there is a Ms. Calypso here to see you.  She is the magician you offered to see?”

       “Oh, yes, send her right in, Carrie.”

       “Well, Ms. Grayson, she does seem a bit eccentric.”  She made a bit of a frown.

       “Thats okay she is after all a magician.  Send her in.”

       “Yes Maam.”

       “Ms. Calypso, you may go right in.”

       “Thank you, dear.”  She pulled along her trunk and went right into Ms. Grayson office.

       “Well, it is very nice to meet you, Ms. Calypso.”  Claudia extended her hand.  It was a daunting sight.  Ms. Calypsos mask seemed to stare back at her in a most intimidating way.

       “Oh no, dear, the pleasure is all mine.”  She returned the warm handshake.

       “You dont have to keep the mask on.  I get the point.”  She smiled.

       “Oh but I always believe in staying into character.  Tell me, dear, what do you see when you look at my mask and into my eyes.”  Both ladies sat down and Ms. Calypso handed out her card.  It said Ms. Calypso, Mistress of Magic.  Elicit at your own peril.”

       Claudia looked back up and said, “Your self quote seems rather harsh, doesnt it?”

       “Oh that is sort of a joke.  When I was younger, and just starting out, I kind of fumbled a lot in my act so it became a joke of sorts.  It was like…be careful what you are getting when you hire this magician.”  She chuckled.

       “I see, well I already have the card that my niece gave me.”

       “Oh, then I am sorry for giving you another one.”

       “No, no, it is okay.”

       “You never answered my question, dear?”  She looked into her eyes with a very steady glare.

       “Ms. Calypso, I would prefer if you called me Ms. Grayson or Claudia.”  Claudia exerted her power.

       “Very well dear, if you insist, Claudia.  Now tell me what do you see when you look into my eyes and at my mask.”

       “I…well…it is rather cold and icy.”  She felt uncomfortable.

       “And the more you look deeper into it the more icy and cold you feel isnt that right?”  Her voice had a soft lull to it. 

       Claudia blinked for a moment to clear her eyes and said, “Um…yes, what are you getting at?”

       “Oh nothing, Claudia, I just wanted an honest response to my look.”

       “Do you have a first name I may call you?”

       “No, dear…I mean, Claudia, you may call me Ms. Calypso.”  Her voice was stern and unflinching.  It lilted when she said Calypso.

       “I see, Ms. Calypso, well I promised my niece I would try to find you some work with our clients but I dont really think we have any at the moment?”  It was a power move.  Ms. Grayson didnt like being called dear or Claudia when she could not even call the woman by a first name.  She handed back her card and started to stand up.

       “But your niece was such a nice girl.  I gave her my card hoping she could help drum up some business for me with her friends and such.  I really didnt expect such a formal meeting like this anyway.”

       “How did that magic act come about anyway?”

       “Oh, I was just doing some traveling road magic and she was nice enough to stop playing with her swing and came over to me.  I told her to ask her parents if we could perform and we did so in her backyard.  It was all rather impromptu.  It was a huge success.”

       “Yes, I know, she told me.  So you really are a struggling magician right now, yes?”

       “I am afraid so.  I need all the business I can get these days.”

       “Well I really do hate to disappoint you…”  She cut her off.

       “Nonsense, my dear, you have not even seen my performance yet.”

       “It is not necessary.  I really am rather busy today.”

       “Yes, I saw from the all the people outside your office before.”  She was being sarcastic since there were no other people in the office while she was sitting out there.

       “I have uh…other things to do.”  She rattled off the lie.

       “I have come all this way.  The least you could do is watch my performance and then decide.  Please, Ms. Grayson, give me a chance.”  Her tone turned to one of despair.

       She sat back down, “Well, okay, but what are you going to perform?”

       “I am going to make you disappear!”  She said in a brisk voice.

       “Very funny, how do you intend to do that?”  She asked cynically.

       “Well first I want to try a card trick on you.”  She reached into the trunk and pulled out a small suitcase and some cards.  She fanned the cards out and pointed them to Ms. Grayson.

       “Am I supposed to pick a card?”  Claudia said in boring fashion.”

       “Of course you are you stupid bitch!”  Ms. Calypso thought to herself.  “Yes, Claudia, please pick a card, any card.”  She picked one out.  “Now turn it over.”  She did so and was rather shocked.  It was not like a regular deck of playing cards.  The card showed a woman with a long black dress and a whip in hand.  There was another woman in chains on her knees beneath her.  The card said Queen of Enslavement at the bottom.

       “What kind of a card is this?”  Claudia asked in confusion.

       Ms. Calypso took the card from her hand and looked it over before handing it back to her and said,

       “Oh, I am terribly sorry, I brought the wrong deck.  You see there is a show I do in Vegas periodically and I have different decks for different occasions.  It doesnt matter, just put the card anywhere back in the deck and I will mix up the deck and find your card.

Ms. Grayson did so and Ms. Calypso carefully shuffled the deck and tapped on the top card of the deck and said,

       “This is your card.”  She had a huge smile under her mask.  Claudia picked up the card form the top of the deck and turned it over.  It was not the right card.  Instead it said Enslavement Forever on the bottom and had a picture of a woman chained to a wall in a spread eagle fashion.

       She looked up at Ms. Calypso, “but what is this?”

       “Oh, I am a bit off today, sorry, my dear.  Try the second one.”  The second one was the correct card.

       “You know you are not going to make any headway with mistakes like that.”  Claudia said feeling the situation was trite at best.  Ms. Calypso then moved the trunk to the center of the room so Ms. Grayson could get a clear look at it.  She tilted it up to let her look inside.  The trunk contained form fit padding which looked like knees could fit comfortably inside of it.  The rest of body would have to be bent backwards to fit someone inside.  It also had straps to fit the ankles and wrists to hold them in place and larger ones for the thighs.  These straps were attached to the sides of the trunk inside and there were locks with them.

       “You really dont think I am getting inside of that do you?”  Claudia said filled with apprehension.

       “But of course you are, my dear, I told you I am going to make you disappear!”  She threw her hands and arms up in a magical way.

       “I dont think so.  I know I would feel claustrophobic in there.  This is out of the question.”

       “But my assistant could not make it with me today and I need someone to assist me in this trick.”

       “Forget it.  I think we have gone far enough today.”  Ms. Grayson squeezed herself tighter to her own chair in a tense manner.

       “I have something else which can relax you before getting inside the trunk.”

       “I really dont think so.”  At this point Claudia wanted this to end but Ms. Calypso went over to her small suitcase.  She took out a round cardboard wheel.  It was red and white in color.  It had a retractable leg stand attached to it so it could be mounted.  The red colors were like a swirl next to the white colors on the wheel.  She took it and adjusted the legs and put it on Claudias desk and pressed a button.  It was battery operated and the wheel started spinning in a rather slow fashion.

       “I have had enough of this, Ms. Calypso!”  Ms. Grayson started to stand up.

       “No…wait, just humor me a bit more, please.  I really need the work.  I am telling you this will help you to relax...just sit back down.”  She sat back down to humor the woman some more.

       “Are you really serious?  This is some stupid, hypnotic parlor trick!”  Claudia grimaced.

       “Just relax, dear, and look at the swirl.  The more you look at it the more relaxed you are going to feel.”

       “Oh, this is so stupid.  It is no wonder you are a failed magician.”  She stared at the wheel anyway.

       “Thats it, just keep looking at the wheel and take in a nice deep breath for me.”  She did so.

       “Good, I am sure you are feeling a lot better now.  Take in some nice deep breaths for me and just keep looking at the wheel.  See the beautiful white and red swirls as they go around and around…now faster!”  She increased the speed of the wheel slightly.  “Thats it…dont look away, just stare deep into the swirl and relax.  Breathe in deeply, yes, thats it.”   Ms. Grayson started to feel herself being drawn into the swirl.  Her gaze became more intense and her breathing much deeper.  She was taking in nice deep breaths as Ms. Calypso suggested.  Her eyes were beginning to lock in deep on the target.  She was falling deeper and deeper into the hypnotic pull of the swirl.  “Wonderful, my dear, just keep looking deeper and deeper into the swirl.  It feels so lovely to just let go; and go deeper into the swirl.  You can feel it pulling you in more and more.  You find that your body just cant move anymore.  Your arms and legs are feeling very heavy now.  It is almost as if they are attached to the arms of your chair.  You would like to move them but you cannot.  They are so peaceful and heavy now.  The swirl is taking your eyes and pulling you into it deeper and heavier.  You cannot look away.  You cannot pull away.  All you want to do is look deep into the swirl.  The deeper you look into swirl the more heavy and relaxed your body becomes.  Your body is very heavy now isnt it, my dear.”

       “Yes.”  She said in a rather monotone voice.  She was sinking deeper and deeper into the swirl.  It was pulling her body down further and further.  It became heavier and heavier.

       “Yes, you feel very heavy now, my dear.  You could not move even if you wanted to…so very heavy now.  You are so relaxed and peaceful now.  The deeper you look into the swirl the more heavy and relaxed your body becomes.  Now go deeper for me.  You must go deeper and deeper into the swirl.  The deeper you look into the swirl the more heavy and relaxed your body becomes.  Thats it, so very deep now…so very deep.  You can feel your eyelids getting heavy now.  You have a need to close your eyes; they are so heavy and sleepy now.  You feel so heavy and so sleepy.  You are heavy now.  You cant keep them awake any longer.”  Her eyes began to flutter.  She was having a hard time keeping them awake.  Eventually she just gave in to it and let them close.  “Very good my dear, you just have a nice rest.  You are so very heavy now.  You can still hear my voice, Claudia.  My voice is so soothing and relaxing.  Soon you will never need the swirl again.  You can feel my voice penetrating deep into your subconscious mind.  You will let me in there and you will obey all that I tell you to do.  You cannot move.  Your arms are like steel attached to the chair.  In fact they feel like they are one with the arms of the chair.  Your legs are so very heavy.  Its as if the legs of the chair have become your legs and they cannot move.  Your entire body is heavy and sinking deep down into the chair.  You want to sink deep down into it, dont you, my dear?”


       “Thats right you must sink deep down into it.  Whenever I say the word heavy you will want to sink deep down into it and go into trance.  Remember, whenever I say the word heavy you will want to sink deep down into it and go into trance for me.  What is the word that makes you want to sink deep down into it for me?”


       “Thats right the word is heavy; and what does that word make you want to do?”

       “It makes me want to sink deep down into it.”

       “Thats right, my dear, you will want to sink deep down into it.  However, when I say the word open you will immediately feel alert and fully awake.  You will no longer be in trance.  Now what is the word to break your trance?

       “The word is open.”

       “Thats right, my dear, the word is open.  Whenever you hear that word it will break your trance and you will be fully awake.  Now I am going to count from five back to one.  When I reach one you will open your eyes and feel fresh but incredibly relaxed.  You will still be unable to move as you have become one with the chair.  In fact it is like you are the chair now.  You will be able to look at me and talk to me.  You will acknowledge your situation and be conscious of everything but you will not be able to move.  Do you understand me, Claudia?”

       “Yes, I understand you.”

       “Very good, now take another deep breath and relax.  You are about to wake up.  I am going to count down from five to one…now five, feeling loose and relaxed.  You are getting ready to open your eyes.”  She turned off the wheel.  “Four…your mind is clearing of its slumber.  Three…you will open your eyes and realize your surroundings again.  Two…you feel wonderful, as if you had a pleasant sleep.  One…eyes wide awake now and feeling refreshed but unable to move. You are wide awake now, Claudia.

       “I fell asleep.”  She said softly.

       “Yes, you did.”

       She began to panic, “What have you done to me?  I cant move my arms!”

       “Relax, my dear.”  Ms. Calypso pulled a gun out from inside her suitcase.  It had a silencer on it.  She moved over to Claudias desk and hopped on it.  She was on her knees right in front of her on the desk.  She pointed the gun right at Claudia and said, “If you cry out I will shoot you right in the head and then I will go out and shoot your secretary as well.  Do you understand me?

       “Yes, what do you want?  Why cant I move?”

       “Hypnosis can be quite effective, dont you think?”

       “What do you want from me?”  Again Ms. Grayson tried to move but could not.  It was as if she was tied to her chair.

       Ms. Calypso undid her hooded cape and let it drop to the floor.  She shook her head and let her long black hair flow nicely.  Then she slowly removed her mask and dropped it down into the open suitcase revealing her face.

       Claudias mouth opened wide and said, “Cong!”

       “Yes…Madame Cong to you, my dear.”  Lili Cong smiled like she had just eaten the canary.

       “Please…I know why you are here!”  Claudia said in panic.

       “So you do remember what you did to me?”

       “I never thought Barbara would win the case.  She had been pestering me for days about it.  She would not back off.”

       “So you gave your best attorney the case to embarrass me?”

       “No, I swear, it was just business!”  She became desperate.

       “This too is business, my dear.  Did you think I would not hold you accountable for what you did to me?”

       “How did you find out it was me?”

       “My organization has many arms.  It was foolish of you to think you could tangle with me and get away with it.  As you know, Barbara Young did not get away with it.”

       “I know, she was never found.”

       “Indeed, and neither shall you…ever be found.  Take a good look at your surroundings here, Claudia, because it is the last vestige of normal life you are ever going to have.”

       “Please dont do this to me.  I never pursued any leads in finding her or crossing you since.”  Ms. Grayson was begging from fear.

       “You did nothing because you were scared.  You were scared the same thing would happen to you; well now it has!”


       “You feel heavy, Claudia, so very heavy now.”  Her eyes began to flutter like she wanted to sleep.  The trigger worked perfectly.  “Close your eyes now, Claudia, you feel heavy.”  She closed her eyes and went into trance.  “I am going to allow you to move now, Claudia.  You will find that all your bodily functions are working perfectly and you will no longer be in trance.  When you open your eyes you will feel completely normal again.”  At the word open she opened her eyes and came right out of it.  She looked right into Madame Congs eyes and thought about making a dash for it.

       “Dont be foolish, my dear, you are not faster than a bullet.  Now you are going to stand up and go over to the door and lock it.”  Madame backed away from the front of her desk and waved her over to the door.

       “Why dont you just lock it yourself?”

       “I want you to feel every step as you willingly lock yourself in this room with me.  If you make a break for it I will kill you.  The choice is yours.”

       Slowly, Ms. Grayson made her way to the door.  Every step felt like she was sinking into quicksand.  She had one chance and one chance only; would she make a run for it or not?  She sealed in her own fate as she locked the door, and Madame Cong applauded.

       “Very good, Claudia, I knew you didnt have it in you to play hero.  Your life is still too precious to you.”

       “So, you dont intend to kill me?”

       “I have other plans for you.  How late do you usually work here?”

       “I often work late to seven or eight but my secretary leaves at five.”

       “Perfect, but I think we will be done way before five oclock.  Now come back over to your desk and tell your secretary you must not be disturbed for at least two hours.  If you try any tricks, even a flutter in your voice, I will put a bullet in your head…got it, bitch?”

       “Yes.”  She came over to her desk and pressed the intercom.  “Carrie, I dont want to be disturbed for the next two hours.”

       “Very well, Ms. Grayson.”

       “Good, Claudia, now sit down again.  You feel very heavy, Claudia, so very heavy.”  She felt a wave of heaviness throughout her body.  She immediately went into trance.

       “Good girl.  Now just as before your arms are heavy and lazy.  You cannot move them and your legs feel attached to the chair as well.  Your entire body feels as if it is part of the chair.  When I awaken you, you will feel normal except that you cannot move from the chair.  Now, open your eyes, Claudia, open!”  She opened her eyes and was in the same state as before.

       “Please let me go.  I wont tell anyone that you were here, not ever!”

       “I love to hear you beg, my dear, but I am afraid that is not possible.”  She put the gun on the desk and knelt down in front of Claudia.  She began to roll up her skirt.

       “What are you doing?”

       “Oh, just some fun before we go, bitch!  Ill bet you never had another woman play with your pussy before, now have you?”

       “No, stop it, stop it!”  She tried to move her arms and legs but they would not budge.  She attempted to squeeze her thighs together to stop the invasion of Madame Congs fingers but it was useless.  She slid down her panties and wormed her way up to her clit and started to play with it.

       “I love to tease my girls just like this!”  She took her finger and began to roll her clit around and rubbed it.  She was trying to get it to juice.  She rubbed it up and down then stretched it out with her fingers.  She squeezed the vaginal lips together and manipulated them with her fingers.  She stretched and pulled on it; and stretched it over and over again.  Then she stared to rub it up and down again with the palm of her hand.  After a few minutes of this treatment it was beginning to have its affect on Claudia.

       “No…ewe…stop…please just stop now.”

       “Do you love the way I play with your sweet, little jewel.  I bet you do. It is always amazing to me how any woman when sufficiently stimulated can just begin to gush out all over the place.  You are getting so very wet for me my dear; am I bringing out the slut in you?”

       “Ohhhh…stop…stop playing with it!”  Claudia began to beg.

       “I think you are starting to enjoy this, slut!  You are soaking wet now.  I think you need something inside, dont you?”  She pulled up on her chin and looked right into her eyes.”

       “I…cant…stop…just fucking stop now!”

       “Beg me!  Beg me to put something in your pussy.  Come on beg me bitch!”

       “No, fuck you…”  She shouted out.”

       “You better not get too loud, bitch, or I will have to silence you for good!”  She continued to manipulate her clit and pussy with her fingers.  Ms. Grayson started to move her crotch closer.   She was getting sexed up and she could not stop.  “You know what to do…beg me bitch!  Say please, please, Madame, put something in my pussy!  Come on bitch, beg me…beg me to fuck your pussy!”

       “Ohhhh…um….oh…”  She was beginning to grind herself on Madame Congs fingers.  “Please…oh…please put something in my pussy.”  Madame turned towards her desk and took a fat marker from it.

       She waved it in front of her mouth and said, “Suck it!”

       “Got to hell!”  Madame smacked her in the face and repeated it.  Slowly she opened her mouth and let her push the marker into it.  Madame pushed it in and out like she was making her suck on a little cock.

       “Thats it slut!  Get it nice and wet for your hole.  I want it dripping with your spit!”

       “Mrrrph…putthhz….emmm…”  She sucked it in and out.  She got it nice and wet.

       “Tell me…where is this marker going?”


       “Tell me where this marker is going, bitch!”  She prodded her some more.

       “Oh…it is going into my hole…”

       “Where is it going, bitch?”  She made her slurp on the marker some more.

       “It is going into my hole…oh…fuck…it is going into my hole!”  Ms. Grayson seemed to be giving in now.  She could only feel her crotch on fire.  Madame Cong popped the marker out of Claudias mouth and slipped it into her wet vaginal hole.  She broke off the clip end on the top to the marker.

       “Why did you do that?”  The desperate, wet woman asked.

         “I can get more of it into your hole that way.  Then she started to undo Claudias buttons on her blouse.”

       “What are you doing?”

       “Why I am going to play with your tities now, dear!”

       “No…”  She struggled futilely.  Madame Cong opened up her blouse completely and then stepped in back of her and knelt down.

       She whispered in her ear, “You are such a hot, horny little slut.  You are going to do well in my stables.  I think you need to open up even more to me, slut!  Open your heart and soul to your new Mistress!”  Claudia felt wide eyed and buggy.  Madame squeezed her breasts from behind and started playing with her nipples.  She pulled them forward and rubbed them around a few times.  She playfully squeezed them together and nibbled on them with her teeth and mouth.  She whispered again in her ear, “Pop, pop, in and out…pop, pop…in and out…oh dear thats it.  Oh my god…you are suck a little slut…thats it.  There you go…humping all over that nice marker.  Come on slut!  Hump Mr. Marker and give him a good fuck!  Pop, pop, in and out…pop, pop, in and out…”  She whispered to her again and again as she popped the marker in and out of her now open vaginal lips.  Every time she popped it in and out she would whisper it in rhythm with her new sex toy.  Claudia was on fire and about to come any minute when Madame stopped playing with her breasts and came back around in front of her.  She slowly lifted up the bottom of her dress and sat down across the arms of Claudia as they rested on the arms of the chair.  She straddled her and took down her own panties and moved up closer near her breasts.  She pointed to her wet pussy with her finger and said, “Lick now, bitch!”  Ms. Grayson could not control herself any longer.  She went to work on Madames pussy lips like they were nectar from the gods.  She even tried humping her crotch with her boobies.  She rubbed her tongue up and down the slit and bit into her clit.  Madame then took her head and moved it up and down over and over again until she had a nice juicy orgasm.  Meanwhile, Claudia had not yet come and the marker remained dangling from inside her pussy.  Madame had stopped playing with it and stood up.  “You feel very heavy, slut, you feel so heavy now.”  Claudia again went into a daze and then suddenly closed her eyelids.  “In a few minutes you are going to begin your march into a new world and say goodbye to this one.  You will never again be the power princess that you were before.  You will learn to enjoy your new station in life.  You will be giving up everything for me.  I will soon awaken you again.  You will remember all that happened here today but your arms and legs will be working again and you will feel normal.  Now, open for me, bitch, open!”  Immediately Claudia opened her eyes and felt normal again, except for the highly sensitive spot between her legs. 

       She looked directly into Madame Congs eyes and said, “Please, Madame Cong, please dont do this to me.  Think of all the advantages of having me as your personal slave.  You can own my business and make lots more money off of it.”  She was begging and appealing to her as best as she could.

       “You dont seem to understand, my dear, I dont need your money.  I am quite wealthy on my own; and as to using you as my slave, I am going to do that in my own good way.”

       Claudia Graysons perfect business and perfect life was about to be completely destroyed.  Events of the past sometimes cannot be avoided.  It all seemed like a dream now…or more appropriately put…a bloody nightmare.  The infinite levels of good and evil continue to grow each and every day.  We neither know nor do we want to know of the evil that is more evil than the next.  One womans past is about to haunt her for the rest of her life.  She begins to feel remorse over the nature of her own past crimes.  She knows she has stepped on many toes and pushed many people aside to get where shes at; and now she is about to be pushed aside by someone stronger and more evil than she is.  Oh, it is not that Ms. Grayson did not do good things with her life.  It is just that for money and status she did bad things.  There were much worse things than her good acts and she knew deep down in her mind that she was about to pay for her worst mistake.  This mistake was not out of evil or malice, but it was a mistake nevertheless.   She crossed horns with the wrong woman this time, and she was about to pay with the very freedom she held so dear; the freedom of her life and existence.  There is no money that can buy you out of a jam when someone wants you out of the way, and is richer than you.  This is the hierarchical society.  It measures itself on money, power, and control.  When one has more than the other, the one with more inevitably wins.  One may score a tiny, almost, impossible victory over the other; but these incomprehensible wins are like digits lost in time to the immeasurable power of the hierarchical climb; even among good and evil, or evil and evil.  We may even separate the good and put in on a latter just as we do the bad.  Sometimes wealth is no match for corruption and sometimes corruption is no match for wealth.  The two will go on fighting and struggling, but only the outcome is what brings about change.  It is not always change for the better.  Even in battles of good vs. bad the outcome doesnt always paint rainbows.  Perhaps rainbows are best left in heaven.  On Earth they seem to be a tattered reminder of all the good that is possible and all the wicked that is still to come.

       “Isnt there anything I can do to change your mind?”  Claudia gave it one last try.

       Madame took the gun back from the desk and waved it back at her, “No, my dear, nothing; but you could take solace from the fact that you will be making money for me, now isnt that ironic?  It just wont be in the way you were inclined.  You will do it as a complete slut and whore for me, just as all of my girls do.  Now, enough of this chit-chat and stand up!”  She did so.  “Go on now, walk over to the trunk.  I want you to remove your skirt and blouse.  You may leave the marker in your slut hole.  In fact I think you are going to need a couple more to make you feel it properly.  I will see to that shortly.  Put your panties back on and pull them up nice and tightly to your crotch.  We wouldnt want that marker falling out, my dear, now would we?”  She tossed her bra over, “Put it back on.  I want your breasts feeling nice and wet on your journey.  It is going to be very hot in this trunk.  Now, kneel down into those two forms in the padding.”

       “Please, Madame, I am begging you!”  The poor girl had tears in her eyes.

       “I said, kneel, slut!”  She kneeled into the padding and positioned her knees for a nice, perfect fit.  Madame quickly pulled up the straps for the thighs and then the ones for her ankles and locked them into place.  She then pulled on her hair and made her go back as far as she could.  With her arms now back she secured them to the straps in back of her head and locked them.  It was almost like she was hog tied in the trunk with her pussy sticking up obscenely but under her panties and her breasts resting backwards along with the tight arch of her back and spine.  Madame then went back to her suitcase and pulled out a strange looking ball gag.  It was large and had a hole in the center of the ball to allow a tube to be fitted inside.  She attached two, double-finger size tanks to the tube and they had a valve to them.  The tube stuck out two inches and would push a bit to the back of Claudias mouth as the ball gag went inside of her mouth.  “You are going to be given knock out gas to help you sleep while we are on our ground journey.”  She secured the ball gag in place and cut out the crotch end of her own panties with scissors from a drawer inside Ms. Graysons desk.  She pushed the small section of panties into the remaining space in her mouth.  “I hope you like the taste of my panty juice, dear.  I got them wet just for you!”  Claudia began to gag.  “No gagging, slut, if you do you may die in your own vomit.  You will be given oxygen in your nose to help you breathe.  She took out two attached tubes and pushed them deeply into her nostrils.  After you are out from the gas I will attach two canisters to these tubes and the oxygen will help you breathe.  We dont want my slut passing our or dying from lack of oxygen, now do we?”  She patted her on the head.  “Oh I almost forgot.”  She went back over to her desk and took two more markers from it.  “It is a good thing you keep many colors here, slut.  Now you have to be a good girl and open wide for me.”  She pointed to her vaginal lips and pulled down her panties.  She licked the ends of the markers with her own spit from her mouth and got them nice and wet.  She carefully maneuvered them into Claudias vaginal hole after breaking off the clip ends.

       “Emmmrrph…”  She cried out into the ball gag as the other two markers went inside.  Madame then went back to her suitcase and took out some duct tape.  She wrapped it around her mouth and head, not even worrying about her pretty hair.  Claudia gave her an angry look.

       “You are going to have a lot more to worry about than your hair, darling, I can assure you.”  Madame laughed and stepped back to admire the proceedings.  “We are almost done here, just a few more odds and ends.”  She went back to Ms. Graysons desk and along with some other items she carefully returned them to her suitcase along with her gun.  She looked around her office to find Claudias hand bag.  It was in her closet.  She took it out and dumped its contents into the trunk along with Claudias clothing.  “My, my, that does look like an uncomfortable position, but its no use struggling, my dear, you are not getting out of it!”  She brushed her hand sensuously across the belly and chest of Ms. Grayson.  She was admiring the tightness of her arched position.  It was like a sexual work of art.  “Look at that clock.  It is only a quarter to five.  I sometimes astound myself.  Oh no, this suitcase might not fit in the trunk like before.”  She fiddled with it and forced it in.  It was now tightly pressed in front of Claudias thighs.  That may work out fine.  You can even hump your little pussy against the handle of the suitcase when you get horny.  It is right up against your crotch, wasnt that nice of me?”

       “Emmm…eh…errrmph.”  It was all Ms. Grayson could say.

       “Just think how much fun it will be as I wheel you out of this room and right across the floor of your secretarys desk.  She will have no idea you are inside.  Does the thought make you wet?”  She rubbed her hand lightly against her cheek and looked directly into her eyes.  “I know the thought makes me very wet!  Oh, by the way, I am going to ship you to Bangkok.”  Claudias eyes opened wide in horror.  “Wont that be fun?  Now it is time to be on our way.  Oh dont worry; you will be getting the gas later.  I want you moaning and wiggling in there as I wheel you across your own office unnoticed by anyone; isnt that nice of me.  I told you I was going to make you disappear!”  She waved her arms and hands out like before in a show of magic.  She closed the lid to the trunk and locked it securely.  She went back over and picked up her hooded cape and mask.  She put them on.  She came back over to the trunk and picked up the handle.  She tried to make it look like the weight inside was very light.  She opened up the office door and then re-locked the knob on the inside so it could stay locked before she left the building.  She strolled, mask and all, right up to Carries desk and stopped there for a minute.

       “That was a long meeting.  Did everything turn out all right?”

       “Oh yes, Carrie, thank you.  Ms. Grayson and I just chatted and chatted away.  I think she is going to enjoy working for me.”  She paused for full effect.  The moaning was getting a bit louder and she could barely hear it from inside the trunk.

       “Working for you?”  Carrie asked, seemingly astonished.

       “Oh, I am sorry.  I meant working for her.  I get goofy working behind this mask after a while.”

       “What is that funny noise inside your trunk?  It is almost like a whine?  I hear it very faintly.”

       “Oh that…no worries, my dear.  I have this little laughing machine and it sometimes gets stuck in the on position when bouncing up against other things.  She is a very strange toy.”  Madame smiled inside of her mask.  “Well it was nice seeing you…oh, incidentally, Ms. Grayson told me to tell you she is not to be disturbed for at least another hour.  She is on a private call with a business client.  So you are to just lock up and leave.”

       “Thanks for telling me.  Sometimes she makes me work some overtime.  I cant wait to get out of here.”

       “Ill bet.”  Madame Cong gave another sinister smile.  If only Carrie could see it under her mask.

       “So what was the magic trick?”

       “Oh, it was a vanishing act, my dear.  B…bye now.”


       Madame Cong wheeled the trunk out of the office and out of the building.  She had a long ride ahead of her.  She hoisted the trunk up into her black van.  She locked the doors and got into the vehicle and started the engine.  As she pulled out she patted herself on the back for another job well done.  Ms. Claudia Grayson was never seen again.

The End



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