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Review This Story || Author: Liz

My Kidnapped Hell

Part 4

Part 4

Part 4


Bending over to put weight on my neck, I lost my balance and my heel instinctively fell to the floor, the barbs sunk into the soles of my feet, shocking me into jumping up, and then falling again, only heavily hanging myself. It was then I decided to not bother trying to save myself. This was my only way out. I bent my knees and let my legs fall limp. The rope around my neck made my eyes bulge as it tightened unbearably. Before I shut my eyes I saw the driver shaking his head and walking towards me.




Opening my eyes, the first thing I felt was my cunt still in much the same state. The mice had given up their fight though and were no longer ruining me from the inside, although the speculum was still there and going strong. I was laid in the middle of the main garage with my hands cuffed behind my back, my energy had left the building, and I wanted to sleep so bad. The driver returned into my view and gently pushed me onto my back. I did not resist. My legs fell numbly wide apart, the huge outer part of the speculum clunking on the concrete floor. He set to work getting it out of me, firstly unwrapping the gaffer tape, then removing the two dead mice who had suffocated inside my cunt, but not after trying to dig and eat their way out of me. I moaned in a low tone as he yanked the device out of my gaping hole. His worried face was the last thing I saw as everything faded away.


When I woke up this time, the first thing I noticed was the smell. Instantly I recognised it as a hospital smell, but to confirm this I needed to open my eyes and they appeared to be taped down by two separate pieces of tape. Even so, I could sense the lights were bright, and I felt as if I was in a different place entirely. I didn’t dare think about why. Things had been gradually spiralling further out of control since I was snatched off the street many nights of agony ago. I wasn’t even sure if this was real anymore, although if it wasn’t, I was having a hell of a long dream. A door into the room I was in opened, and I jumped slightly, realising for the fist time that my wrists were restrained together to the top of the bed, and my legs were lashed into stirrups, holding them wide open.


A male voice I didn’t recognise spoke up. ‘I’m going to add some more restraints to your body now Liz, just relax, you’ll be fine’ His bed side manner was gentle and polite considering my situation. ‘What’s going to happen to me? Please let me go now – please’ I croaked weakly. He didn’t answer, only placed tight straps over my hips, stomach, chest and then forehead.


I felt him move between my legs, as he moved closer towards my vagina which was unrecognisable, he softly prodded the opening, viewing the damage. It didn’t hurt as much as I anticipated, and that thought made me wonder how long I had been unconscious for. I heard the unmistakable sound of mental implements on a metal tray. I started to say ‘No no no, please no….’ He cut me off: ‘Stop’ The door opened and someone stood by my head and held my nose, forcing me to open my mouth. It was then stuffed with tissue paper, until my cheeks bulged obscenely, packed in and crushing my tongue. It was secured by some tape. The doctor went back to work.


Yet another speculum was selected and forced inside me. He opened it up as wide as he could and then all I could hear was a series of notes being scribbled until he removed the speculum and left the room. Before the other person departed, he stabbed a needle into my arm and I instantly passed out before I could even contemplate what it was.


I could hear screaming. Who is screaming? Noise filled my ears, my mouth wide open and for the first time I realised it was me. The pain in my cunt oh fucking fuck. Blackness again.


‘Liz’ He slapped my face hard and it only felt numb but I grunted and that was enough. I opened my eyes. The pain in my cunt was still apparent but I felt dizzy and out of it. The driver stood over me in the white room I was in, strapped to the bed. ‘We’ve made your cunt tighter so we can fuck it up again. You were a lucky bitch really, we didn’t want you unconscious during the whole thing so we woke you up and you fucking passed out straight away! You’ll have to pay for that one dear’ I shook my head not quite believing what I was hearing. My cunt throbbed and I shuddered at the thought of anyone touching it ever again. Sadly I knew I should probably accept it now rather than later. The driver released the restraints and just left my wrists cuffed together in front of me. ‘Sit up’ I did what I was told, slowly to avoid any further trauma to my now reconstructed cunt. He pushed a plate of food in front of me. As if I could eat. I shook my head and he instantly burst out laughing. Pushing a button on the wall, he stood smiling with his arms folded across his chest. I got a very bad feeling and immediately grabbed the knife and fork, scooping food into my mouth… ‘Too late whore’ He swooped across with his arm, knocking the tray of food all over me and the wall, I recoiled into the bed, anticipating more blows from him to hit my body, but instead the room filled with two more men dressed in white, one was holding a full set of restraints – the type you see on mental patients. I was quickly tethered to the bed again, whimpering and moaning as one of the orderly’s lifted my head off the bed with the back of my neck, and grabbed my hair forcing it back down to the bed.


I struggled and kicked, I still did not know what they were going to do as my head was held in this position, my chin in the air, my mouth unable to close. I saw the other orderly approach me with a plastic tube which he quickly forced down my throat and then released my head. The feeling was horrible, I wanted to gag but couldn’t. The driver looked on at me. He looked thoughtful and I knew this wasn’t a good thing at all. Before the orderly’s left he told them he wanted to talk to the doctor about an idea he had. He added that he wanted to experiment with something. I couldn’t say a word as I was force-fed.


Days passed as I spent the most of the time in the hospital like room. I ate and drank what they told me to, and didn’t kick up too much of a fuss, at least they were leaving me alone to recover. I wondered where Psycho and Choker were. I have no idea how long I spent in that bed, getting out only to relieve myself using the bucket provided. That morning I was taken for a shower. It was crude and humiliating, my hands chained to the ceiling while both the blank faced orderly’s sprayed jets of cold water onto me and scrubbed me using long handled sweeping brushes. When one of the orderly’s went for my cunt, jabbing the bristles into my stitches, I wailed loudly and the doctor was in the room like a flash looking very angry at the guilty orderly. When the doctor left, I saw the first hint of emotion on that orderly as he smiled at me menacingly.


After some further torture with the bristles, I was marched back to my room, my skin red raw. My room was filled with people and my bed had been made, restraints hanging from every part. I turned and attempted to run, but the orderly’s caught me by the arms and tossed me onto my bed, the stirrups were back too. Terror filled my eyes and I felt like a wild animal as they bound me down – I kept fighting till I was unable to move a muscle. ‘What the fuck are you going to do to me! Fucking tell me!! Please don’t do it please, whatever it is, please just don’t!’ I begged and it fell on deaf ears. The driver, leant up against the wall watched on. When he saw me look at him he brought his finger up to his lips, but didn’t say the ‘shh’ sound. I heard it anyway.


Before they strapped my head down, the orderly’s came at me with the tube. My whole body tensed up as my head was positioned, I still cried out ‘No! I’m eating my food, you don’t have to do this!’ But they did it anyway and once again I was rendered silent.


The doctor moved between my legs, which were tightly secure in the stirrups, the bottom of the bed was dropped so that my cunt and ass were on full show. I felt him prodding at my stitches first, then moving up towards my clit, but not quite. I looked at the faces in my room to get some kind of hint at what was going on. Nothing. My hands balled into a fist as I felt a sharp stab and a sudden urge to piss. He inserted the catheter into my bladder, and turned a little tap so that I couldn’t urinate. I felt more pulling and tugging, until I felt something large and plastic insert into my ass. The doctor seemed to be pushing the tube in forever until he reached the huge inflatable plug that was to keep the tube secure in my ass. He pumped it up till I screamed. He still carried on between my legs though. I found out later that he had attached the catheter tube hanging out of my pee hole to one going into my ass. The plug securing the tube in my ass had a tap on it too, so that I could only let liquid out when the tap was released manually, only the liquid wouldn’t come out of the tube and back into my bladder, they had make shifted the tube to split into two, so it came out of a separate one. I pretty much assumed that would spill out into a bucket. How humiliating. The driver stood and grinned.


A plastic bag was hung and attached to the tube going down my throat. The doctor told me it was water. I felt it draining into my stomach, and when the bag was empty, they replaced it with another. I watched that one drain too, and the next one. It wasn’t long before I started needing to piss. The doctor stopped the flow of water into my stomach and left the room, as did everyone else. Why are they leaving me? Don’t they want to see me humiliate myself by pissing into my own ass? I thought. But that was only part of the fun. The good bit was watching me dying for a pee but unable to go. At first it was uncomfortable, and I was happy because I knew I could handle it. But when they noticed I wasn’t as uncomfortable as I should be, more water was drained into me down my throat, and I could feel my bladder swelling under pressure. I didn’t know that the longer they left me like that, the worse it would get. But it did, and soon, uncomfortable was becoming unbearable, and then unbearable became something else entirely until I was jerking about on the bed, tears streaming down my face. The doctor returned, he pressed firmly on my stomach, making me squeeze my eyes and wish for death. He was smiling at my discomfort. Wasn’t anybody round here not masochistic? I was trying so hard to pee, but the catheter tap wouldn’t allow it, I didn’t care if I pissed myself right then, I just need to go so bad. The doctor finally released the tap, and the relief was huge. At that time, I had no idea the piss would be going straight into my ass, and as soon as my urine started to flow, I felt my bowels fill with my own piss. There was more than I anticipated, and it just kept coming. While my bladder felt relief, my bowels began to stretch with the pressure and I was already cramping before my bladder was empty. This wasn’t good as I began to squirm again, this time with a new type of discomfort. The tap on the plug in my ass was tightened so I couldn’t relieve myself, and the doctor departed again, leaving me alone with my cramps.


It had been longer than 2 hours when he returned. The cramps from my bowels were becoming excruciating, and my humiliation knowing my own piss was filling my ass was about to get much worse. The doctor ran another tube from the one coming out of my ass, he ran it straight from my ass, and into the tube running down my throat. I couldn’t voice my disgust, but I tried as hard as I could to show it. The doctor said nothing as he released the piss from my ass and it travelled straight back down my throat and into my stomach again. I stopped watching and closed my eyes as I saw the yellowy brown water go back down my throat and into my stomach, to start off round two, as the process was repeated.


Review This Story || Author: Liz
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