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Review This Story || Author: JensenDenmark

The Smell

Part 2

Amsterdam March 2001 – Fritz’s new work

Amsterdam March 2001 – Fritz’s new work.


It has been some years since we visited the farm. What have happen since?


Ann learned Dutch and it turned out that she had a talent for accounting. So she ran the books at the farm. They were still low on cash. After some years, it was clear that the farm needed more income so Fritz had to get a job.


There were not many jobs for a former soldier, but one day he received a letter from Günter. He had opened a boarding school for American teenagers and he needed help. Günter was so sure that Fritz would help him that he even had send a plane ticket along for Jamaica. Ann said that she could manage the farm for some months and Fritz left the next week.


Fritz flew to Miami and from there to Kingston, where Günter greeted him. While they drove to the school, Fritz asked what kind of school, it was.


“It is a school for troubled teenagers. When the war was over, I needed to lie low for some time and Joe had a house here, where I could spend some time.”


“Across the some Mormons had created a similar boarding school and I bribed one of the local so-called qualified staff-members and found out that the students were treated even worse than our victims back in Bosnia.”


“They use some kind of grade level system and for the students count that even the right to raise once look from the floor and look a teacher in the eyes is something that the student had to earn. Most of the students lie on the floor on their stomach for all day for weeks – sometime even months. Their food was uneatable, there were maggots in it, and the water was certainly not clean.”


Fritz was shocked. “That’s sound horrible.”


“Yes, but the best part is that the parents don’t care. They pay up from 25.000 to 40.000 $ per year just to get rid of their own kids for up to 5 years.”


Fritz dropped his jaw “What kind of parents are we talking of?”


“As we have discovered, it is just ordinary middleclass American people in a double income society. It is not like they come from a special part of the states. The Mormons does only have one problem. That is that they trick some of the more naïve parents into the illusion that their kids are educated.”


“Is it not a school?”


“Yes, but they have created a scam association in Idaho that accredits the diplomas. There is no real education going on there.”


“So you decided to go into the business?”


“Yes, and I have done a bad thing or two in my time. But cheat parents and batter the children just for money is not my style. In our school we give the children real education, so they are able to go on in life.”


“But would the children not be better of going to school at home?”


“Yes, they would. But their parents have so many things of their own going on in life, so they have no surplus so they can understand the modern world, their children live in. They just want to escape from their responsibility and all the worries having a teenager in their home could create.”


“You called it a boarding school for troubled teens. Don’t they have some special problems like drugs, alcohol or unprotected sex?”


“Yes, about 25 percent has problems with drugs. The rest of them have acted out like normal teenagers. We have been teenagers ourselves and don’t you remember how it was?”


“I had my share of booze and women.”


“As I see it we are doing those parents a favour. We would see to that that the teenagers don’t get tempted by drugs, alcohol and the other sex. We will protect them from all the temptations normal teenagers are up against. We offer them a structured environment where they can focus on their studies and work with themselves towards adulthood. And when they are either 18 or 21, they would be ready to go on to college.”


“How do you prevent them from doing normal things and what is my job?”


“You will soon discover what kind of precautions, we have taken and your future job is being a teen escort.”


“What does that job consist of?”


“Going to the teens home and bring them to the school. It sounds simple and it sometime is. But some time the children are not informed by their parents that they are going to attend school here and means use of force. There is the school.”





Black River, Jamaica September 2001 – The boarding school.


When they came to the gates of the school, Günter greeted a guard so he could open the gate. A wall, which was eight feet tall, surrounded the campus and the only exit besides the gate was the ocean.


When car was parked in a secured garage, they got out in the yard. Then it was that Fritz saw a student and the sight was with an easy word bizarre.


The student had a corset looking outfit on that reached down just above his knees. He was barefooted and had leg-irons on. Around his waist he had a leather belt with chains going to some cuffs on his wrist.


It was only as they approached the students, that Fritz saw that the student was – a boy.


“Why do you have a boy wearing a corset?”


“Because the corset causes their lungs to be compressed, so they can’t run very fast. Look at the neck part. It is very rigid so they also have to keep their posture straight.”


“Is corset mandatory for all students?”


“Yes. That is the only type of force used here to maintain discipline. New students are put in a discipline corset and restrained, when they arrived. In fact, we have a new student waiting in a holding cell. You can take part in fitting her in her new school uniform. Meet me at the lacing room. Just follow the signs.”


Fritz placed his luggage in his room and went to a lacing room. In the room a 15-year-old clearly angry girl was hanging naked in her suspension cuffs and she was stretched out because her feet were bound in similar leather cuffs.


“Let me loose. I will tell my parents. They will sue you for all you got. This is not fair!”


Günter replied “What a temper. I have to introduce myself. I am the head master here at Meditation Inlet where you are going to study until you are 18. It is a school of your parent’s choice. They know that this is a school with a Victorian age theme where purity is in seat of honour. Your parents told me you has been with boy and have participated in drinking alcohol. So in order to save you from going down the toilet, they have placed you here. Accept it sooner than later.”


“Oh my god - It can not be true. They couldn’t.”


“Yes they have. You have to earn their trust again by studying hard and learn how to obey house rules. If you do well, perhaps you will go back before you are 18. But for now, you are going to be put in your uniform.”


Günter took out some stiff canvas. “You will be wearing this.”


“What is that? Are you sick? I am not going to wear something from a horror movie.”


“That is not for you to decide. It would improve your stooped-over posture and make you behave like a lady. Give me a hand, Fritz!”


They started to lace the corset. The girl cried and yielded but eventually she lost her air and when the corset was almost entirely laced she could only manage to produce small grunts when they tugged at the laces. Once finished they lowered her to the ground and when her feet were on the ground Günter buckled the shoulder straps on the corset in place causing her shoulder to be pulled back. It seemed that it was somehow a little painful as she made a wry face.


“Now for the waist belt: We buckle it on their back and place their wrist in leather cuffs which is chained to the waist belt. Their feet are also placed in cuffs with a 20 centimetres chain between them so they can walk but not run. We have promised their parents that sex must not take place the corset has a thick leather flap going between their legs, just in case so they can not abuse themselves when we are not watching.”


The girl almost stumbled when he took the flap and pulled it between her legs and fastened it on the back of the corset. The girl was now broken and just looking down in the ground.


“And now to the difference between our boarding school and the Mormon nightmare across the bay: Our students shall keep their heads up.”


He took out a strange thing. It was a neck corset made of leather. He laced it on the girl, which forced her head up. She looked straight but Fritz could see in her eyes that her spirit was gone. They had created something looking like a human but acting like a robot. Günter called a guard.


“Take her to her room. Remember to put gloves on her so she doesn’t tamper with her laces during the night.”


Günter and Fritz went back to his office where they ate dinner before Fritz went back to his room in order to sleep.
Black River, Jamaica September 2001 – A typically school day


The morning at about 6 a.m. he woke and ate some breakfast in the kitchen. 30 minutes later he helped the staff getting the students up.


The students had to be helped to the toilet because the strap prevented them from using the toilet on their own. When he asked one of the staff what would have happen if the students needed to go to the toilet often, the reply was: “They have to plan ahead or use a diaper.”


The student had 30 minutes to eat breakfast. The breakfast consisted of soup. Fritz tasted it and it was good. “Why are they having soup for breakfast?”


“Most of the teenagers needs to loose weight in order to achieve an attractive body. In fact all their meals are soup. It contains fresh vegetable and the finest meat we can buy here. No maggots here.”


Oddly there were about 300 students in the dinning hall and no one spoke. They seemed very concentrated.


“Don’t you have trouble makers from time to time?”


“Yes and we have some special discipline corsets with an electrical unit built in it. Those students would receive a shock of two second, which would send them to the ground. We also use isolation hoods. But for most students being corseted is doing the job.”


A clock sounded and the students went to their classes. “What kind of stuff are they studying?”


“They study normal high school things. They have monitored Internet access. We approve every site they want access to. However, all email must be read by our staff before its leave this facility. Our firewall prevents the use of web-mail and only mails that it necessary for the studies and a single email every week to the parents are allowed. Not even email to other family members is allowed unless the parents pass them on.”


They looked into a classroom. It did not look like an ordinary classroom, more like an office with cubicles for every student. Günter could see the question coming and he replied in advance. “It is not a chat club. There is no reason for them to talk with each other.”


Suddenly they heard some noise down the hall. One of the guards dragged a boy out. When Günter asked what the problem was, the guard explained that he could see that the student was sweating a lot and noticed a small bulge at the leather flap between the legs. It was clear that the student had become aroused for some reason, and he needed to get a relief.


Günter helped the guard and they dragged the boy down to a male relief room. Inside there was a special contraption. It was a massage bed with a hole to the head of the student, but also with a second hole just where the genitals would be when the students were placed on the bed on his stomach.


The boy was placed on the bed and the leather strap between his legs was removed. Several wide leather straps secured his body to the bed and a last strap went over his head, so he was lying with his face looking through the hole down on the floor.


When they removed the leather strap, they saw that they were right. The boy was aroused and his penis was very stiff and pre-cum was floating from it. The guard flipped the bed so the boy was now placed vertical instead of horizontal.


The guard came with some small leather item. It was a ball stretcher. “We are going to teach you that ejaculation is only allowed Saturday morning. All other time you must maintain self-control.


The guard put the ball stretcher on. It consisted of a leather part with was wrapped about the base of the scrotum making the ball being displayed very clearly and the tight scrotum was also must purple. The boy groaned when the stretcher was tightened. There were two other straps one went around the base of the penis and another worked as a ball divider. The boy was in pain but his ordeal increased as the guard attached a weight so his scrotum was pulled down.


“No. Please stop. I can not take the pain.” He whined.


“Your parents were too tired of you abusing your self every day. They had found leftovers from your semen all over your room. They have sent you here so you can be content with jacking it off once a week.”


“It hurts. Please. I would behave.”


“Do you promise to control you self until Saturday? Then we will grant you relief and you will get off with 3 hours in an isolation hood so you can your thoughts together.”


“I promise.”


The guard took an aneros and lubricated it before he inserted it in the student’s rectum. Wearing a latex glove he also gave the student a hand job. The boy began to tremble and he came with a small cry. The guard continued to massage until the last drop was milked.


Then they released the student from the bed and buckled the leather flap back on. They took the student to a chair where they secured him to the chair. The guard came with a leather helmet. Once they had put it on the student’s head they laced it tight. The only opening in the hood was for the nose.


“Now he can not hear us and he would stay here for 3 hours.”


“What is the longest a student has sat here?”


“20 x 8 hours with a 1 hour break so they can eat and drink. When they are confined to the chair for such a long time, we wheel the chair over a toilet and remove the leather strap so they can use the toilet whenever they need. They even sleep in the chair. Trust me, they behave in the future.”


They continued their walk around the campus. Between the palms they saw a group of students that rested on sun lounges with earplugs obvious hearing some music. “What are they doing?”


“That is level 4 students. They rest for two hours before they continue to study. They are almost ready to leave. Opposite students on the other levels they have no chores. It is not actually music they hear. It is only the sounds of waves. We do not allow any kind of music. According to our client – the parents - music is the root of all evil and promotes intake of alcohol and drugs.”


“For how long do they study every day?”


“10 hours every day at level 4. All the other levels study less. However, they don’t waste the day. Students on level one or in mistrust spend a half the with the isolation hood. The other levels have chores enabling us to run this place in a proper manner.”


About 6 p.m. the students ate dinner and went back for 3 hours of study before it was time to sleep. Television was not allowed, but during weekend the students were allowed to watch Disney and Teletubbies movies. News was available on an intranet site, where the staff selected what kind of news the students could read.

Oxnard, California December 2001 – Picking up Jack


Fritz was in a company car with John – one of the staff members.


A worried mother had called Meditation Inlet because her 16-year-old son’s grade had dropped and he had begun to argue with her. She had found out that he dated a girlfriend living at a trailer park. It was not a girl from the social standard; the son had grown up in. The mother did not want a son around that could endanger her family from keeping up appearances.


It was about four a.m. in the morning, when their car pulled up in the driveway of their client. The worried mother greeted them silently and they sat down in her living room and spoke about what was suppose to happen.


“Does he have some weapon up in his room?”


“No. We don’t have weapons in this house. I don’t know about his trash girl friend. But I searched his room yesterday and he did come home alone, so you should be safe.”


“Does he suspect you of doing this?”


“No. He is so in love with the tart that he has no eye for anything else and that is the sole problem. He doesn’t care for school either.”


“Did you read our manual?”


“Yes. I introduce you and leave the house until you have driven off.”


“Shall we proceed then?”


“I just have one question. You don’t use maze or something like that? One of my neighbours had a teen escort service using pepper spray and it stuck in the wallpaper so she had to have a paintjob.”


“No. We use a stun baton, but only when things get tough.”


“Oh. That is a relief. Let’s go then.”


They went to the child’s room where the mother woke the child.


“Jack. Waky.Waky.”


The very sleepy teenager woke up and starred in disbelief on the two men in his room.


“Jack. These two gentlemen are here to take you to a boarding school of my choice. I want the best for you and I want you to go with them. Now I have to go to work. Bye. See you later.”


She kissed him on his forehead and left.


“Jack. Please stand up. We want you to understand that our job is to take you to the school – not to argue whether you are going. We are ready to use every force necessary so just undress and place your hands on your back.”


The boy slowly did what he was told. When he was finished John moved behind him. Very fast wrapped a leather piece around the forearms on the boy and fastened leather straps to two leather cuffs on the upper part of the arms. The boy was now unable to use his arms. He started to protest when John pulled an isolation hood over his head. Fritz joined in holding him still. John put a diaper on the boy and each took the boy under his arms virtually carrying to the car. They strapped him with a custom-made 4-point seat belt and went to the airport where a private plane waited for them.


Well arrived in Jamaica, they drove on to the school. Jack was still in restraints and the transport version of the isolation hood had a detachable mouthpiece so they could give Jack something to drink and eat. Of course he had a lot of questions but the policy was not to inform the students of their destination before they were hooked up to the lacing bar.


Once on the school they unbuckled the restraint and placed cuffs on his wrist and feet so they could hoist him in the lacing bar. When his body was almost stretched entire out, he wailed from the pain.


Jack removed the isolation hood and gave him the welcome speech. When he showed him the uniformed him complained at once. “That is girls wear. You can not have me wearing that.” He cried. Jack was not a man of many words. He quickly wrapped the fabric around the boy’s waist and began to tug. The boy yielded and tried to pull the restraints, but the result was certain. Yields became groans and the groans ended up in small grunts whenever Jack pulled the laced. He placed his foot on the boy’s back and pulled the laced to tight that they had to use smelling salt when Jack passed out two or three times during the process.


Again it was a broken student they could lower to the floor.


When he was fully placed in restraints they took him to the room with isolation hoods. He was placed in a chair on a 5 x 8 hour isolation period, which was mandatory for reluctant students.


 “Another job well done.”



Black River, Jamaica may 2002 – Exit plan


Fritz was worried. Paula was an 18-year-old girl, which had been placed at the school for 8 months ago. Her parents had a divorce and as a result of the broken up home their normally overachieving daughter had begun to date boyfriend and having sex.


So she was sent to Meditation Inlet, but her treatment was not finished when she turned 18 and according to the law they could not held her here if she did not want it herself. Paula entered the office.


Fritz started: “You are here because I first of all want you to congratulate you with your birthday and secondary because we are going to offer you a voluntary treatment plan until you are 21.”


“Forget it. I want to go home. Put me on a plane and I am out of here.”


“Of course. If it is what you want. However. Your parents would not receive you. You will get 50 dollars, your passport and a plane ticket to Miami. From there you can go where ever you decide.”


“What. But I live in Monterey, California. How am I going to ride home from Florida to California?”


“That is your problem. And I also have to inform you that your parents would not pay for any further education if you decide to leave this school now.”


“That is blackmail! Forget it. I am going anyway.”


“Fine. Leave the office. We will meet here so you can get some clothes so you can travel.”


The next morning they stood in the office. Paula was naked and she was noticeable weakened because her body was not used to go without a corset.


Here are your clothes for your journey. If you remember how you were brought here, you did not have a lot of clothes with you, so I have convinced your parents to sponsor a suit out of pure kindness.


“I can not travel like that. People would think that I am a hooker.”


“That is the only clothes we are able to buy from our supplier at the present time.”


“I just want to go, so I have no choice I guess.”


“Well. It is your choice. Here is the plane ticket and your money. Dress into your clothes. I will send in a female guard to help you with the corset.”


When he returned 10 minutes later, Paula was finished and stud in her new clothes. She wore a red PVC corset and had net stockings with 6-inch high heels. Besides that she only had a black PVC jacket. She looked like a tart. No one would hire her looking like that. She would be living in the streets or at a shelter for the homeless. Fritz handed her a small handbag.


“Here this is for your plane ticket and money. You will also find a calling card with a number you can call anytime, if you rethink your decision. Before you go, I also have a phone call for you.”


He pushed a bottom on the phone and Paula heard a familiar voice. It was her father.


“Hey! Pumpkin. I just want to bid farewell to my daughter before I loose her. I know bye my heart that we won’t be seeing each other any more. Your brother also has a word to say to you.”


Her brother was crying sounding as he was very convinced that his sister now was about to die. Finally an obvious tear-wetted mother said farewell to her once bellowed daughter. In his mind Fritz send a grateful thought to the parent’s manual and some of the courses the school held in the state. Paula was emotional touched by the phone-call and Fritz knew that they had successfully planted a little doubt in her mind.


Paula left the office with tears running down her chins. He saw her taxi go off for the airport. How many days would it be before she called in and wanted back?


Black River, Jamaica October 2002 – Delivery problem


Fritz was summoned to Günter’s office where a very worried manager greeted him.


“What is the problem?”


“We had a power failure yesterday and our uninterruptible power supply did not work as intended. We lost our supplies of this month semen.”


“I did not know that we kept semen. What purpose serves the semen supply?”


“I have not told you about it. We are a subcontractor to one of the largest sperm banks in the states. Of course no one knows from where we get the semen. When a new student enters the school, we test him for all kind of sickness. If the tests are good, all the semen collected during the mandatory masturbation session on Saturdays would be stored here and send to the states every month.”


“And the school earns extra money!”


“Yes. The best of the all is that no one is hurt. Long-term denial at males means a higher risk of prostate cancer, so it is good for the boys. A lot of people up in the states can’t have a baby of their own. Those people we help too. But of course it is a secret because it could look wrong in the eyes of our customers – the parents.”


“It is always nice to know that we help out with making this world a better place to live. But how can we produce almost a whole month production?”


“We have to milk the boys every day.”


“Would it not be unhealthy?”


“Not if we care extra for them regarding food intake, minerals and vitamins.”


“Let’s go then!”


The first three boys were led into the “cow-stable”, as the milking room was named and fastened on some gynaecology treatment tables. Ones they had straps strapped around their body and their feet were bound in the stirrups, a nurse carefully removed the leather flap covering his genitals and teased his scrotum so the penis became erect. It was never a problem with these kids.


Being the victim for long-term denial meant that they were so sensitive towards every touch to those areas of their body. Also the fact that most of them were hardly experienced in sexual activities combined with the rather strange and bizarre surroundings, contributed by making them being on their toes. The sensation in their young bodies was for most of them a new strange feeling they did not know how to handle.


As soon as the pre-cum was visible a special masturbator were force on them. It was transparent so the staff could see when they have milked the boy. In order to increase their senses an isolation hood were pulled over their heads.


Now they were ready. The masturbators were started and it caused a visible reaction by the boys. Their bodies tensed up and the nurse checked the restraints. Of course there was no problem. After a minute the first boy came and the nurse checked every table helping a little with her hand.

The whole process had not taken more than 5 minutes and normally the next step was to release the first set of boys and send in the next team, but due to the shortage of semen, every team was to be milked twice.


It was obvious that it was more difficult for the nurse to ensure the erection the second time. She had to use a cock ring on two of the boys. Once prepared, the process started over again. This time sobbing sounds were heard from inside the hoods and the nurse knew that she had to be careful when she massaged the scrotums because they were tender.


The second batch was released from two of the boys but the last one had difficulties. The nurse lubricated the prostate massager and inserted it gently. She was very skilled and after 30 seconds the last boy reached his climax.


The boys were cleaned and when the leather flap was in place, they were released. They had to be supported and were visible weakened. None of them dared to ask why they were milked twice. As it the rules in Meditation Inlet stated talking to the staff was only allowed when a student was addressed.


It took the rest of the afternoon to milk all the boys and during the entire week every boy was milked twice.


At the end of the week most of the boys were so emotional worn down, that they cried when the staff came to take them to the “cow-stable”.


On Friday one of the boys panicked when he entered the “cow-stable” and passed out. Nevertheless, they milked him while he was unconscious.


Fritz was rolling the boy out on a stretcher while he was conversing with the nurse.


“Are we close at the target?”


“Yes, we have reached the normal volume; we would normally produce during a month.”


“What about tomorrow? We do milk them every Saturday.”


“I have talked with Günter and we have decided to give them this week off. Milking is also a kind of security measure against the students having sex if they should succeed in tampering with the leather flap but now we have milked them twice for five days. Their genitals are now so tender that they don’t want to do anything with it for the next week. I don’t think that anyone of them would even think of sex, so we skip the next milking session.”


Black River, Jamaica May 2003 – Graduation


It was a day of celebration at Meditation Inlet. 20 students were ready to leave the school and all were busy.


Graduation was held in a secluded area at the campus. In order to graduate the students had made it to level 4 before marts. Two nights before the graduation the guards in the middle of the night waked them and escorted them to the secluded area.


Speaking of graduation was strictly forbidden. It could distract the attention of the students from the studies. Often the rest of the students woke in the morning with an empty bed beside them. Günter had put a lot of research into that subject when he started the school and they had chosen this approach because they would spare the students left behind for the emotional stress of saying goodbyes to the graduates.


The next day they had to try on dresses. Because the school was run with a Victorian theme the gowns the girl wore, were replicates from that period. They were also issued corsets without shoulder-straps, but their corsets were laced just a tight as the old one.


The boys wore under-breast corset and a dress suit and on their head they had a top hat on.


The most difficult task for the students was however to walk up to podium where they would be given their exam papers. Both male and females had a pair of locking high heels on. So besides fitting gowns and dresses also walking practice took time preventing the students from doing naughtiness throughout the day. It was a matter of keeping them busy. The parents for the majority of them were already on their way from all over the states and Europe. It would be difficult to explain the parents that their travel would be in vain.


In the evening they were strapped in their bed for the last time. Tomorrow they would be welcomed back into a family – their own family.


At six a.m. they were waked by the guard and began to prepare themselves. All the morning went with bath, makeup and styling the hair. Most of the girls had not worn make-up since they came to school. Make-up was forbidden. The only hairstyle allowed for the students male or female was rat-tales.


The boys got a well-needed haircut and for the first time in month’s even years for some of them, they looked as young men again.


When they were ready they were lead to the graduation hall where they were placed in a chair where they were buckled to the chair with cuffs to the armrest and a wide leather strap around their waist.


A facemask, which covered their eyes and mouth, was also put on them and earplugs were inserted, so they could not hear what was going on.


Slowly the families entered the hall and took their seat. When all were present Günter mounted the podium where he started the ceremony by welcoming the families and made a speech about the lack of values youth in the western world live by and how these families should fell so lucky that they were able to save their children from certain death.


When the speech was done, he called the family to the podium one by one and when a student’s family was standing there the guards freed the student and remove the earplugs and blindfold. First they were a little confused by the assembly in the hall, but soon the recognised their own family and there was a lot of tears and hugging.

Every time a student came up to the podium the process was the same. First the family hugged the student and welcomed him or her back in their family. Then Günter asked the student to kneel on a spanking bench. A guard lifted the gowns on the girls so their underwear was visible. The boys just had to drop their trousers.


The father or mother was handed a cat-o-nine-tale and their task was now to administer one blow corresponding to the student’s age.


This part of the ceremony served two purposes.


  • The kid was to enter the adult world and move on in life. Their past had now been forgiven and they were about to re-enter a normal family life. Sometime a kick is necessary to move forward in life. The spanking represented a symbolic kick.
  • No anger in the parents towards the kid must remain in the parents. If they still held some grudge back their relationship would be difficult to fix. They had to let bygones be bygones. By spanking their kid they could get the anger out of their system.


Most of the student received about 16 to 21 blows. Of course – it was a celebration after all - it was a light whip, so there was no blood even if it seems that some of the parents had to blow some steam off. In some cases some of the siblings were encouraging their brother or sister during the whipping. Some of the students were quietly sobbing at the end, but as soon as the last blow had been administered, the family hugged and comforted their child.


Günter then handed the exam paper to the student and wished good luck in the future and the family with their new old member went back to their seats.


When all students had been joined together with their family they went to the dining hall where all joined in for a banquet. A local band had been hired and for the students it was the first music they had heard since they had sat their feet on the school campus.


It was also the first time they had enjoyed alcohol, and as the evening progressed the atmosphere became more and more merry. It became very plain that alcoholism was a sickness that could be inherited.


Bonds were formed between the families and it was past midnight before hired busses collected the families with the former students for a drive to the motel Günter owned further up the coast, which parents normally used during visitation days. Günter also used the motel to lure children of European clients to Jamaica on a fake holiday because Teen Escort Services were forbidden in Europe. But tonight the motel would be solely reserved for the former students and their family. Tomorrow they would go back to their homes in normal clothes.


Fritz sat in a chair with a bottle of wine. He thought of how strange it must be for the student to sleep without a corset and with their hands free instead of the gloves. He knew that Günter and some staff members would go to the motel and offer the students corsets for a fair price so they could continue to be laced for a period until they their bodies had adjusted to do without a corset. Some the students would never go without corset for the rest of their lives. A trim body would be their key to society.


But also another feeling overwhelmed Fritz. The wine, female companionship made him think about Ann and the twins. In the morning, he went to Fritz and quit the job. Later that day he flew back to Holland.


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