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Review This Story || Author: Tawni Katherine Bonds

The Night

Final Chapter


In the morning Heather did not appear at the brunch. Alex went to back to the suite to find her gone. Only a note lay on the bed that Heather had been sleeping in.

Alex sat down on the bed, all ready knowing what it said without reading it: She had left and would not return. Thanks for the fantasy but it wasn't her, him. Love, so on and so on, bla-bla-bla. It had happened before.

Not just anyone could actually handle the change. "Be careful what you wish for because it might come true". Being a woman was harder than any mere transvestite might think. Harder than a cross-dresser could ever imagine. Even harder than a real woman could dream before she grows into one.

Alex understood and was sad only because Heather made such a magnificent woman. So striking and sexy. Only lacking the confidence to pull it off with the power that she had. She could have had any man willing to do her bidding. To be showered with riches just to be seen with them.

And the sex... yes, the change brought heightened sexual ability. Deeper more profound orgasms. And that intense sexuality never failed to ignite the passion in any partner - man or woman. A true gift. And the only thing which was more than any genetic woman had.

"Oh well," Alex thought, "Win some, lose some. There would be more Heather's to add to her stable. There were many more cross-dressers and transvestites out there than anyone imagined. The number of business suits which hid bra and panties underneath. The secret dreams and fantasies of the masses were many and amazingly similar in the end. Yes, plenty more Heather's to come.

"By tomorrow night Heather would be just another guy with a secret. Running through his life, looking for those moments when he could dress again and fantasize, because you never stop. Oh you always tell yourself that you will, and you might for a span of time. But you can never get away from the dream.

"And to have lived it! Too have actually lived it and turned it down. Alex could not understand how anyone could not regret that decision. But that was Heather's problem not Alex's. A great gift had been given and rejected."

Alex sighed and stood up. She straightened herself in the mirror. Fixed her lipstick. Struck a sexy pose for herself, laughed and walked out of the room, leaving the remnants of her Heather creation rumpled on the bed.

In another part of the city, Heather, wearing a short, black-knit, sleeveless, turtleneck dress with a belt, sheer silky stockings and high-heel patent-leather pumps, walked down the street with a happy sexy swing to her step. She carried several bags of new purchases.

She smiled at the men who stumbled into things as they stared at her. Ignored the whistles and wolf howls yelled out from the passing cars. She was feeling her power and glory as a handsome man ran to catch up with her carrying several more bags of new clothes and things.

"Heather. Would you like to get some lunch now," he asked.

She put her arm though his and drew herself close to him. "Francesco, we still have a few more stores to see before they close for lunch. Be a dear and put the bags in your limo and meet me in Tiffany's. I have always wanted a few little baubles from there," she paused to look at him. "You are so wonderful to me. We've hardly known each other and you buy me all these presents! Well when we get to the hotel I'll just have to make it up to you some how, my Darling."

Francesco watched her go. That walk of hers. That body. An Angel from heaven. He would give her anything in the world to keep her with him. She was so incredibly beautiful and sexy. And the way she made him feel… it was like a drug!

He tossed the bags to the chauffeur and went into Tiffany's. While Heather was busy choosing a ring he secretly purchased her a $200,000 dollar diamond pendent he would hide under her pillow tonight.

Heather chose a matching bracelet, ring and earring set. Kissed Francesco as they left. This was going to be easier than she had imagined. Much easier.

And she smiled as they drove off to brunch and her new life.

˜ The End ˜

Review This Story || Author: Tawni Katherine Bonds
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