This is a transcript of an interview for a FemDom magazine with Carol M, a twenty three year old female, born in the United Kingdom but now residing near Sarasota in Florida where she is employed conducting research into renewable forms of energy, particularly wave energy.
She resides with a nineteen-year-old male named Paul, although their relationship is somewhat unusual.
Interviewer; “Thank you for talking with me today. I understand you were born and educated in England but now reside in Florida?”
Carol; “Yes that's correct. I went to university in Cambridge, England but came to the States to do my PhD in physics, specialising in renewable energy forms. I liked it so much here that I decided to stay.”
Interviewer; “From our earlier conversation, would it be fair to describe you as a dominant female in a sexual sense?”
Carol; “If you mean do I run around dressed in leather with a big whip insisting on being called ‘Mistress', then no, I'm most certainly not. I would say that I am perhaps assertive in my outlook and I believe in doing things certain ways, but I am not the classic dominant female.”
Interviewer; “Can you expand on that?”
Carol; “I believe that women should have a fulfilling sexual life and enjoy sex, it isn't something they should be ashamed of or feel they have to do simply to please their partner but it should be something they do when they want to. Although I am totally heterosexual, I consider most men are pretty useless at sex. The idea of sex to most men is a five second grope followed by an attempt to ram their cocks into whatever orifice is available and after two minutes of thrusting away, they cum then turn over and fall asleep thinking they are the worlds greatest lovers. That is not my idea of fun!”
Interviewer; “So your idea of fun is?”
Carol; “I enjoy myself in all sorts of ways but sometimes males have to be taught the right way to do things, to think of others rather than themselves for once.”
Interviewer ; “So, have you taught Paul, the man you live with, to be a good lover?”
Carol; “No, Paul is not my lover, nor has he ever been. He shares my home, but we do not have a traditional sexual relationship. That was something I made very clear from the outset when he first moved in with me. He could move into my home but he was not going to screw me, that was not part of the deal and Paul now fully understands that. If he lives with me then he has to abide by certain rules and that is one of them.
Interviewer; “So can you describe your relationship with Paul?”
Carol; “Paul was introduced to me by a friend. He's nineteen, tall, slim, blonde haired and blue eyed. I would certainly consider him good looking and he also comes from England like me. He had come to the States, like many others, seeking his fortune. Needless to say, he had ended up totally broke with nowhere to live so he was looking for a roof over his head. We seemed to get on well, so, I said he could stay with me, but I made it plain that there would be no sex. I also said that if he was going to live with me rent-free and expect to be fed as well, I would expect him to pull his weight and do housework, cooking and the garden – generally help out. If I was to be out at work, then he could look after the house. He agreed with me and moved in about nine months ago.”
Interviewer; “And have things worked out?”
Carol; “Yes, they have now I have things the way I want them, but at first we had a few problems.”
Interviewer; “Go on….”
Carol; “Well, for the first couple of weeks, things were great. I used to come home on an evening and a meal would be ready for me, the house would be clean and tidy, laundry done etc. It was great, I didn't have to lift a finger, but it didn't last. After a few weeks, I noticed Paul wasn't really pulling his weight, things that needed doing were being left and he basically became lazy. It came to a head one day when I went to change the sheets on his bed because he hadn't done them, and under the bed I discovered a pornographic magazine and a huge pile of used tissues. I knew enough about male habits to realise he had obviously been masturbating a great deal. Instead of getting on with the housework, he had been spending his time in his room, looking at pictures of naked women and playing with his cock. I wasn't disgusted at all, but I was very annoyed.”
Interviewer: “What did you do?”
Carol; “I confronted him about the book and the tissues and he admitted what he had been doing – he could do little else really as the evidence was overwhelming. He was quite subdued really, maybe embarrassed at being caught out. I pointed out what our agreement had been and that he hadn't been pulling his weight recently and I asked him outright if he wanted to stay? He said ‘Yes' so I pointed out, quite clearly, what I expected of him in terms of his work. In respect of his behaviour, I said that I did not want him looking at lurid magazines and masturbating all day. I would not tolerate that and it would have to stop. To my surprise, he put up little argument and agreed there would be no repetition.”
Interviewer; “But I assume there was?”
Carol; “Yes, about two weeks later, I came home unexpectedly and Paul was in was in my bathroom, doing it again, in my bathroom! I heard the noise from upstairs and when I got to my room, I could hear Paul in the shower, muttering to himself. The water was still running and he had his back to me but I could see his hand pumping away. He was actually having a wank in my bathroom. I was both disgusted and furious with him. I yelled at him and he almost jumped out of his skin, as he obviously had not heard me coming into the house. I demanded to know what the hell he was doing, but I already knew what he was doing. He kept his back to me and looked over his shoulder at me but he could hardly speak, so I just turned away and sat on my bed for a moment. I was very annoyed, but didn't really know what to do next.
All his clothes were on the bedroom floor, so almost in a rage, I scooped them up and threw them into an empty suitcase I stored under the bed, determined that he wouldn't get them back for now at least. As I put his clothes away I began to think things through. To me, it seemed Paul was a compulsive masturbator and as a result he was not doing the work in the house he should have been Somehow, I thought, Paul must be taught to leave himself alone and get on with his work. He lacked control and discipline in his life, but not for much longer if I had my way.”
Interviewer; “Please continue.”
Carol; “Paul came out of the bathroom after a couple of minutes, just with a bath towel around his waist, and began to apologise. I informed him that I thought it best he leave my home immediately as he couldn't abide by my rules and he seemed incapable of not playing with himself. Secretly, I was hoping he wouldn't. Again, he apologised and begged me to let him stay, but I could see he was looking around for his clothes, which I had hidden in the suitcase! I let him blabber on for a minute or two whilst he remained standing in front of me, and then, with my heart pounding a little, I simply told him to remove the towel. That just stunned him into momentary silence and he explained he had nothing on underneath. I said to him, ‘Good, because I want to see what you have under that towel which you find so totally irresistible, so lose the towel or get out of my house now.'
I assume I must have sounded quite assertive because a moment later, he loosened the knot in the towel and allowed it to fall to the floor so that he stood quite naked in front of me. Now amongst females, I am perhaps in a fairly small majority, but I do like the sight of males and I actually find the sight of their genitals very attractive. I think I've said Paul was fairly slim and fair, so he had very little body hair that was visible and even his pubic hair was trimmed short, but as the towel fell to the floor, what caught my eye was his penis. It was simply beautiful. It was now almost limp and not huge, but a lovely shape and very nice size, and most importantly, he was circumcised with a nice large knob to his cock. Thank God, he was circumcised I thought.
Can I make a plea to your listeners here? For God's sake girls, get your male cut, get rid of that useless foreskin and have him circumcised! Its much more hygienic, much healthier and any penis looks so much better with the glans exposed. A nice sized circumcised cock between a guy's legs does it for me and Paul had a stunning example of what a cock should be like.”
Interviewer; “So you tore your own clothes off and leapt onto the bed with him did you?”
Carol; “Oh no, we were going to play this the way I wanted to! I just reached out and took hold of his penis, gripping it quite firmly and holding onto it as if it was the most natural thing to do.
Interviewer ; “Did he try to pull away or resist you?”
Carol; “No, he didn't, which surprised me. He was remarkably compliant really. He just stood there in front of me looking shamefaced. I don't think he knew what to do at all.”
Interviewer; “Please go on.”
Carol; “Well, I had a pretty firm grip of his cock and I wasn't about to let go! I was enjoying myself too much! I started to belittle him, saying things like, ‘So this is what you can't leave alone is it?' or ‘Like touching your little cock, do you?' He mumbled and muttered a few things but was lost for words. I admit, the situation was giving me a real buzz. I was exited, on a high. At that moment Paul was completely under my control and I really enjoyed the power trip.”
Interviewer; “What did you say to him?”
Carol; “I told him that if he wanted to remain in my house, then there would be new rules he would have to follow. He said nothing and my confidence was growing by the second. At that time, I didn't know where the hell this was going but I loved the feel of his cock in my hand and my heart was pounding at the prospect of controlling this young man. I'm sure I was rambling because at that moment I didn't really know what I wanted from Paul but I knew I wanted to control him, and I also wanted to control his cock! I wanted to make it mine, to own it and to own him.
Without thinking about what I was saying, it was if it was someone else talking, I told him that in a moment I would let him go and when I did, he would go to his room and bring to me every scrap of clothing he owned. If he wanted to stay in my home, from now on, he would be naked, totally nude at all times so I could see if he was behaving himself. Also, from now on, he would not be permitted to touch his genitals, no matter what the reason, he could not touch himself, not even for a moment. From now on, his cock would be completely under my control.
I asked him if he understood and when he said nothing, I pulled his cock really hard. He gasped and nodded furiously. He understood then all right! I let him go and he immediately went to his room to gather his clothes. I really felt quite faint at this time. My heart was pounding and at the same time, I was so incredibly turned on sexually.
A few moments later, Paul came back into my room with a bundle of clothes in his arms. He was still naked and his cock swung from side to side so delightfully as he walked towards me, I tried so desperately hard to keep my voice steady when I asked him if that was all of his clothes. He nodded and we put them all in the suitcase under the bed, and locked it shut. He now had absolutely nothing to wear, not a stitch, and as I had the key to the case that contained his clothes, he had no chance of getting them. Now was not the time for great speeches from me so I just told him to go and get my meal ready and I reminded him to keep his hands to himself and away from between his legs.
That really was the start of our current relationship.”
Interviewer; “And what developments have taken place since?”
Carol; “Well, I very quickly got used to having a naked young man around the place! I am very fortunate as I live in a fairly remote area outside of Sarasota with quite a lot of land that is not overlooked, so Paul can even be naked in the back yard. In Florida its warm almost 365 days a year so he doesn't actually need clothes so he therefore stays totally naked 24/7 so I get to look at his body, and his cock, all the time. It's wonderful!”
Interviewer; “And do you only look, or do more than that?”
Carol; (Laughing) “Oh I do much more than that! Now I touch and play with his cock a great deal, not masturbate him you understand, just take hold of it and play with it whenever I want which is very regularly. I don't think he particularly enjoys my attention, but its so much fun to tease him.”
Interviewer; “I understand you designed your own chastity device to ensure he remains under your control?”
Carol; “Yes, I have. I looked at all those commercially available ones, but they were just not suitable. They were too big and awkward and they completely hid the penis from view, something which I did not consider desirable, and of course, they were not escape proof.
Interviewer; “And your device is?”
Carol; Oh yes. Young Paul's cock is very firmly under my control. There's no crafty wanking for him, even if I'm not around. I can leave him alone to get on with whatever tasks he has been set quite certain that he will not play with himself, even if I go out of the house. I can say with absolute certainty that Paul has not touched his penis for over four months now, not once.”
Interviewer; “I'm not doubting your word, but surely he must have done so, even if it's only to pee or to wash himself when having a shower?”
Carol; “No, not even then. Look, a male does not need to touch or hold his penis when he's having a pee. He simply has to stand still and allow his bladder to empty. When he's finished he can flick his cock back and forth by moving his hips to get rid of any drops that remain. That can be a little messy sometimes which is why Paul always performs his bodily functions outside the house. I don't allow him to use the bathroom in the house, so if he needs to go, he asks my permission and I allow him to go outside where he has dug a hole in the ground. He stands facing the rear of the house, so I can see what he is doing, and then he pees into the hole. I even find that quite erotic knowing he can't even have a pee without my permission. If he's annoyed me, or I'm feeling bitchy, after he asks to go, I sometimes make him wait for a while before I allow him to pee, which is always amusing watching him fidgeting, desperate to wee.
He showers every morning and evening, washing himself all over, except for his genitals. When he's ready, he calls me and I go into the bathroom and soap up his cock and balls for him and wash them, usually none too gently. If he's been doing a real dirty job outside, I may take a nailbrush to him and give his cock a really good scrub. That always makes him wiggle and squeal like a little girl, especially if I give his knob a good scrubbing, which he absolutely hates, but which I enjoy immensely. He always begs me to stop, but I never do until it is all rosy pink and clean and perhaps a little sore as well.”
Interviewer; “So, how does your chastity device differ from others that are commercially available?”
Carol; “I looked at what was on the market and gave the matter considerable thought before I started. In order to masturbate, the male must manipulate his penis until erection and subsequently, orgasm is achieved. Most devices tend to concentrate in making the penis unavailable by fastening it in a cage or a sheath etc. so that the wearer can't touch it. I tried to do things differently and come up with something to ensure the male did not want to touch his penis, even if he were physically able to. The device I designed is fairly simple, although it took a fair few attempts before I got to this stage. It consists of a cylindrical piece of metal, about 20mm long, so it looks like a wide metal ring, the internal diameter of which can be adjusted by a special key. The ring fits over Paul's penis and is positioned around the shaft, just behind the knob or glans of his penis where the cock is usually the narrowest. On the inner surface of the ring, a number of collapsible barbs are fitted so that the ring can be pushed over the flesh one way, but if you attempt to pull it off, the barbs stick deeper and deeper into the flesh, preventing it being pulled off. The barbs also tend to stick in if the penis swells, so erections become quite painful. I do take it off every week for cleaning, but it goes straight back on again afterwards.
To fit it, I usually have Paul sit on top of a plastic bucket we have, with his genitals hanging down into the bucket, which is then filled with cold water and ice until his genitals are totally immersed, something he certainly doesn't like. I then leave him for about twenty minutes, adding ice as required to keep the water really cold, until his cock is totally shrivelled and numb. Then, once I am sure his cock is as small as possible, he stands up and I push the ring over his knob, get it into the right position and tighten the adjuster so that the metal ring grips his flesh firmly. It can't be too tight to stop him peeing or the blood from flowing, but I want him to experience some degree of discomfort and be constantly aware that his cock is very much under my complete control. Should he become in the least aroused, his penis starts to swell and the sharp little barbs dig into his flesh and that's why he doesn't like me playing with him.
The cleaver bit though is on the underside of the ring. This is where there is a small capacitor for storing an electrical charge. All of the technology is quite complex, but using my experience of renewable energy trials, I adapted the technology so the capacitor is charged up through movement, just like the waves in the sea produce energy, this device works in a similar way. Every time Paul walks around, his penis swings around from side to side. He can't help it; it's just the way the male anatomy is. As it swings around, the capacitor charges up and stores the electrical energy. About five minutes of walking will charge up the reserves from nothing, to fully charged.
Now, Paul also has a metal band fastened securely around each wrist which each contain a minute transmitting type device. Now if the transmitter in the wristband comes within about a foot of the capacitor around Paul's penis for more than a second….then, Whack – an electrical charge is zapped into Paul's penis! He says that when that happens, it feels as if his penis has been hit with a hammer. Apparently, it really stings and it certainly makes him yelp and gasp when it happens. I find it quite amusing to watch!
When we first started with this model, Paul got zapped a lot because he kept forgetting to keep his hands away, but now, he automatically keeps his hands well away from his penis. Additionally, I also keep a small remote control, which also activates the capacitor within about a thirty metre range, so for training a discipline purposes, I can zap his cock when he deserves it and cause him pain almost at will.”
Interviewer; “Wow, it sounds wonderful. Have you used the device for punishment as well as erection control?”
Carol; “Oh yes, but not too frequently as Paul does not usually require it. However, once a month or so ago, he was in a bad mood for some reason, was careless and broke one of my dinner plates, so I zapped him. He made the mistake of immediately swearing at me, for which he got zapped three more times in quick succession, one after the other, as a punishment. After the forth electrical shock to his cock, he was on the floor, tears in his eyes and in real pain, pleading with me and apologising. He's never sworn at me since that day, so you could say the device is quite effective! More recently, I have simply had to pick up the remote control as a threat and there is instant obedience.”
Interviewer; “Can you give an example?”
Carol; “Well, as I'm sure you must have guessed, Paul may not be able to get sexual pleasure himself, but he can certainly provide it. I do not allow him to touch my body with his hands, but he has a very effective tongue if you follow what I mean.
The other evening, we had sat watching television together and I had spent quite a bit of time touching and fondling him during the film we were watching. I play with him most evenings, just touching and fondling him and feeling the tight metal band around his cock signifying my control of him. He doesn't like me doing it because it naturally excites him and any swelling becomes quite painful for him. Sometimes, it gets too much and he will even ask me to stop. Sometimes I do, other times, I just ignore him. After all, it's my property I'm playing with and I do enjoy it.
Anyway, toying with his penis always turns me on so when we went to bed, I said I needed some attention. Within moments, his tongue was working it's magic and I was very happy indeed. In fact, he brought me to three quite delightful orgasms in just under forty minutes during which time he had licked me almost without rest. Now, that is a long time to lick pussy and I'm sure his mouth and tongue were tired, but I fancied one orgasm more before I went to sleep, so I instructed him to continue. He started again, but not with sufficient vigour or enthusiasm.
I reached over and took hold of the remote control and made sure he could see that I had it in my hand. I pointed it down towards his penis and suggested that he make a little more effort or else his cock would be caused considerable pain. He obviously had no desire at all to have his penis tortured, so his work rate increased dramatically, and in a little over ten minutes he brought me to my forth very satisfying climax. So you see, he just needs a little encouragement from time to time and the remote is the most suitable way of providing that encouragement.”
Interviewer; “Does Paul not try to remove the wristbands, perhaps at night when you are asleep?”
Carol; “No. Paul actually sleeps with me in the same bed, although his hands are secured to the top of the bed by a chain. This serves two purposes. It firstly stops him touching me, accidentally or on purpose, and secondly, it prevents him bringing his hands close to his genitals when he's asleep which of course would trigger an electrical shock to his cock.
I like to cuddle him when I go to sleep, to feel his naked body against mine. I will nearly always wrap my arm around him and drop off with my hand gripping his penis. It's just another way of reinforcing the message that his penis may be attached to his body, but it's mine. It's my property and it belongs to me. In the morning, Paul is always awake before me, so when I wake up I will unlock the chains and let him get out of bed and go outside to pee before he makes my coffee. Every so often, I will leave him fastened up for a while and go and make my own coffee and have a shower. I know he always wants to wee first thing so I leave him there and make sure he can here the water running when I have a leisurely shower, just to tease him. He has to stay there with a full bladder until I decide to let him go. I'm a bitch aren't I?”
Interviewer; “Some people may consider you are rather cruel to Paul. Any comments on that?”
Carol; “I certainly wouldn't agree at all. Paul is staying in my home, being looked after and well fed free of charge. As a bonus, I am training him to be domesticated, to be a good cook and housekeeper and to become a wonderful lover for some lady in the future. He is simply learning that his cock is not just for his own pleasure but is ther to please others as well. I think he is very lucky indeed.
As an aside, my mother is due to arrive from England next week and she will be staying with me. Now although I consider her to have liberal views, I don't think that she would accept a naked male trotting around the house all day with his genitals on display! So, Paul is going to stay with a very good friend of mine, Suzanne, a short distance away. She is well aware of the arrangement Paul and I have and she has met him quite a few times. I think she's got a thing for him really, but she is a real tease.
She has already informed me that she has obtained some ‘adult' films for them both to watch as following the discovery of Paul's magazine, we think he quite likes pornography. She tells me that at teatime she will administer a double dose of ‘Viagra' to Paul and then in the evening sit down next to him to watch the films showing lots of sucking and fucking while she enjoys herself and does the same as I do and play with Paul's poor fastened up cock. Somehow, I think Paul could be in for a very uncomfortable evening as his cock tries to swell under the influence of the medication, the films he is watching and Suzanne's manipulations which will make that nasty sharp ring dig in all the more.
Interviewer; “Poor Paul.”
Carol; “Yes indeed, poor Paul and poor cock!”
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