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The Steel Collar

Chapter 3 A Walk in the Garden

Chapter 3 - A Walk in the Garden

"Come in"

Carl entered the room pulling Lisa behind him. Lisa stumbled, in her ankle chains, into the room. She had learnt to not lift her feet too high and take small quick steps. She had nearly lost her balance twice, by catching her trailing foot in the ankle chain, as Carl had pulled her through the corridors of the estate. Malik sat writing behind an ornate wooden desk. He looked up and pointed in front of his desk, before resuming his work. Carl pulled Lisa forward and then gave two downward tugs on her leash. It was difficult to get down wearing the chains and despite her best efforts she fell heavily to her knees onto the thick carpet. Marco rattled the lead, looking down at her expectantly. Lisa spread her legs as far as her skirt would allow. She did not want to provoke him again. Carl had made her practice this posture and leash commands in the hall before entering the room. When she had at first refused to kneel but Carl had slapped her hard on her buttocks. Lisa could still feel the sting of the blow as she knelt, eyes down, in front of the desk. Malik put down his pen and looked at Lisa kneeling a few feet from his desk.

"Carl how do you expect me to talk to the girl, when she has a ball in her mouth?" he said good-naturedly.

"She's been learning talking is a privilege," replied Carl.

"Is that so, well then I can take it as read, when I remove her gag, she'll talk, only with permission or when asked a question. Isn't that so girl"?

Lisa nodded obediently; she hated the gag the most of all her restraints. It made her jaw ache but that was far from its most unpleasant affect. The front of her jacket was wet with the streams of drool that run from her mouth. She tried again to stretch her mouth further around the ball to remove pressure on her jaw but it was just too big. Another line of drool dribbled down her chin. Malik went over to Lisa and loosened the gag's buckle behind her neck. Lisa pushed the ball out with her tongue. It fell loosely around her neck, the ball hanging down against her collar. Malik left the straps still buckled behind her neck. Lisa took a deep breath and resumed her position.

"Excellent, straight back in position without instruction. How long have you been training her?"

"She's had none at all, a couple of pointers."

Malik stepped back to look at her.

"You don't think her breasts are too small?"

"No they're firm, nice body, just needs a bit of toning. We could put her under the knife but I think they're fine. I saw some shots of her in the shower"

Lisa gasped.

"We've been watching you for while woman, the landlord never sent those repair men, we did. They installed cameras all over your apartment."

"Why me? I don't understand"

Lisa realised her mistake a soon as she finished the sentence. Lisa put her head further to the floor

"Sorry, I won't speak again, sorry."

"Do you want her beaten?'

Lisa shivered.

"No, I'm in a hurry and I always like a chat with a new girl when she arrives."

"She has an appointment at the Doctors. Opal says the Doctor's been complaining about the amount of overtime lately."

"I'm going that way. I have a business on the other side so I'll take her and we'll talk on the way."

Malik lifted Lisa's chin up and looked hard into her eyes.

"Yes cute, very cute, I'm pleased."

Lisa did not know whether to be horrified or pleased by his approval. . She wanted to lower her eyes but he continued to hold her chin.

"Would you care for a walk through my gardens?" He said suddenly.

Without waiting for an answer, he took the leash from Carl. He let the chain slip through his fingers until there was about 3 feet between his hand and the collar ring. Malik pulled the chain forward. Lisa pulled back against the leash trying to keep her balance. She was unsure whether to shuffle forward on her knees or whether to try to stand. Malik stepped forward and grabbed the centre of the chain. The collar pulled tight under her chin as he pulled her by the leash to her feet.

"Stupid slut, pay attention."

"Fuck you" Lisa looked at him defiantly

"And fuck your rules, how dare you do this to me?"

Lisa tried her best to sound strong but she could feel the tears coming.

"Still some spirit... excellent, come!"

Malik pulled her stumbling forward out a door leading to the garden. Lisa looked out at the perfectly manicured and flower beds, her eyes straining in the bright sunshine. She looked beyond the tall walls surrounding the garden at the endless expanse of ocean. The garden was obviously the centrepiece of the villa, white plastered walls and buildings stretched around it. Malik led her along one of the small paths that stretched around the grounds.

"I'm going to allow you three questions, I will answer them truthfully. First question?" Malik asked absently. Lisa remained silent, unsure what to do.


He tugged her leash. Lisa felt the collar ring and the attached padlock lift up beneath her chin. She lengthened her step to regain some slack in the chain.

"What's going to happen to me?" Lisa blurted out.

"Right now, I'm taking you to the Doctor to be examined. After that you'll be taken back to your cage where you'll begin your training."

Lisa thought carefully about her next question.

"What do you want with me?"

"Isn't it obvious, what do you think your status is here? We are training you to be a slave, a pleasure slave."

"LET ME GO YOU FREAKS" Lisa screamed.

Lisa pulled back against the leash but Malik kept a tight grip on her. Lisa leaned forward fighting against the pull on her collar. She was screaming at the top of her lungs. The collar pulled against her chin and the back of her neck.

"Calm down!" said Malik in a calm steady voice.

Lisa stopped screaming and tried to take a deep breath but continued tugging defiantly against the chain.

"Now examine your position you are not going to get free of the leash. If I had to, I could drag you up this path. I'm hoping, for your sake, that you decide to take the easier path," Malik said smoothly.

The pain in her neck soon grew stronger than her anger and fear and she stopped pulling. Standing upright, Lisa stared directly at her captor. "I still have a question."

"That you do"

Malik smiled and continued walking down the path, as if nothing had happened. Lisa felt the familiar tug of the leash and stumbled after him.

"That little outburst should have forfeited your question but I will give you some slack, as it's your first day."

"Saff, come here"

Malik called to a woman just entering the garden from a door in the far wall. Lisa stared at the half naked redhead walking gracefully towards them. Lisa looked in envy at the woman's long legs and hourglass figure. Sapphire wore a shoulder-less white silk halter-top that exposed her breasts, jutting them out proudly in front of her. Both her nipples were pierced with large metal rings, from each hung a small bell. The bells jingled as she walked. Her diaphanous silk pants clearly showed her shaved sex. Lisa was alarmed to see the woman wore the same cuffs and collar that she herself wore, the only difference was a large red gem embedded in the centre of her steel collar. She walked over to Malik and stood silently, lowering her head submissively.

"Saff, I'd like you to take our new pupil to the Doctor, tell the kind Doctor two rings and a clean."

Malik handed the leash over to the woman.

"Hey, I still have my question" Lisa said insolently.

"Well?" Malik returned her gaze.

"Why me?" Lisa said quietly.

Malik laughed and walked away.

"That's easy, I need an accountant"

He laughed again and continued to walk towards the door the woman had entered from.

"You think I'm going to be your accountant after this" Lisa spat.

He turned and shouted over his shoulder

"Saff, she needs to learn when to keep that mouth of hers closed. If she speaks gag her and give her five lashes."

He left the garden.

Lisa stared at the woman holding her leash. She gave Lisa a kindly smile and then gave the leash a gentle tug, indicating Lisa should follow.

"Please don't speak. I'll have to give you those lashes. People are always watching here. I'd be forced to," said Sapphire hurriedly.

"He didn't say anything about me talking, so no one can report me for speaking to you. You see we each receive five lashes every week, but if you can prove one of the girls did wrong she get two of yours. So, people are always telling on each other. Opal, the bitch, never gets hit, just cause she's favourite and is always spying on us."

Lisa staggered behind the woman trying to digest the rapid dialogue. She sounded like an office girl welcoming a new staff member to the office.

"Oh I'm being rude, my name is Sapphire, but everyone calls me Saff. You'll have to call me mistress, as you're just a dungeon girl, but don't worry I'm sure you'll be in the house before you know it."

Sapphire hardly took a breath as she prattled away.

"I'll give you some advice. Just do everything they say and make sure you learn your lessons quickly. It gets easier after the first few weeks, especially if you can get to be a house girl. Oh here we are."

Sapphire opened a door in the garden wall and stepped inside. Lisa looked around the room. The plain stone walls contrasted starkly with the white tiled floor. A heavy wooden cupboard was the room's only furniture. Sapphire gestured Lisa into the centre of the room. Lisa was pleased she did not use the leash to direct her. Her neck was sore from being led around like a dog. Lisa thought Sapphire a bit dim, she knew she could use that.

"Now I'm going to have to unchain you, so you can take your clothes off."

Lisa shrunk away, shaking her head. Sapphire let go off the neck chain and moved over to the cupboard. The leash jangled down between her breasts, the end hanging down to her knees. Lisa was surprised to be released. She thought about running, but decided to see if Sapphire was really going to unchain her.

"You can run but you won't get very far, and I promise, you don't want to be caught. I've never seen it, but some of the other girls talk about this girl from way back who escaped and they kept her in a punishment cage for weeks. She was taken out everyday just to be beaten."

Sapphire unfastened the cupboard's combination lock. Lisa saw the many keys hung from the inside of the door as Sapphire pulled the cupboard open. Lisa gasped at the array of whips and paddles hanging inside. All kinds of metal and leather restraints filled the dark wood shelves. Lisa was relieved when Sapphire only took a key.

"Please don't get me into trouble, they'll come in and strip you, if you don't do it. Don't even think about running, all the doors out of the villa are locked. They'll only catch you and we'll both be punished"

Sapphire unlocked the padlock connecting Lisa's collar to the leash, letting the steel chain fall to the floor. Sapphire moved behind her and Lisa felt Sapphire lift the padlock holding her two wrist cuffs together. Lisa felt the pressure on her wrists lessen as the padlock clicked open. Feeling flooded back as Lisa brought her arms slowly forward. Sapphire allowed Lisa time to stretch and rub feeling back into her arms.

"Please remove your suit now" Sapphire said timidly.

Lisa realised then, that Sapphire was actually nervous. Lisa was unsure whether to comply. Running was impossible while she still wore the ankle chain. She decided to wait for her greatest advantage. She calmly removed her jacket, folding it carefully before angrily giving it to Sapphire. Sapphire seemed unsure what to do with it and laid it, with great care, on the floor. Lisa slowly undid each button of her white blouse, before removing it and handing it to Sapphire.

"You can fold it," snapped Lisa.

Sapphire seemed unsure at this turn of events, but quickly nodded and started folding the shirt. Lisa did not wait to be told and slipped her arms through the straps of her bra. Twisting the bra around so the clasp was in the front, she removed it. Sapphire took the bra and laid it carefully on top of her other clothes. Lisa blushed and covered her breasts with her arms. She hated being naked in front of other women. She felt as if she were always being judged. Lisa gasped as she felt the cool metal of the cuffs press against the soft skin of her breasts. . Sapphire seemed to take heart at this sign of weakness.

"Now the skirt and your panties"

Lisa lifted up one leg and shook the ankle chain.

"Oh yeah silly me you won't get your knickers off with those on. I should probably put your hood on first."

Sapphire went back to the cupboard, returning with what looked, to Lisa, like a leather flying helmet. Lisa shuffled back in the ankle chain, shaking her head vigorously. Sapphire smiled kindly.

"It's not so bad, I've worn it loads of time, and it's quite sexy actually. I know I shouldn't be like this but sometimes when I'm chained down wearing this I think I'm going to explode."

Sapphire was caught completely unaware as Lisa lunged toward her. Lisa grabbed a large lump of hair and, with surprising ease, pulled Sapphire down into a headlock. Lisa was amazed at how easily she had the better of Sapphire. She had never had a fight before. Unsure of what to do next she continued to hold Sapphire in a headlock. Lisa's indecision allowed Sapphire time to reach up Lisa's skirt. Sapphire gave Lisa's inner thigh a vicious pinch and twist. Lisa squealed and loosened her grip around her opponent's neck. Sapphire quickly pulled backward out of the headlock, at the same time, pushing Lisa forward. Lisa's right leg tangled in the ankle chain as she tried to regain her balance and she fell forward heavily. Sapphire jumped on her before she was able to recover. Lisa lashed out, twisting, trying to get Sapphire off her back. Sapphire knelt on Lisa's arms forcing them to her side. Lisa screamed as she was plunged into darkness. Sapphire had skilfully looped the hood over her head. Despite Lisa's struggling, a wide leather strap was buckled shut around her neck. Lisa tried to bite at the unseen hand but could not stop the third strap being fastened under her chin. Sapphire reached back, managing to still stay on the back of her twisting and struggling captive and picked up two small padlocks. Lisa screamed again, unable to prevent the two padlocks clicking shut. Sapphire jumped up and stepped away. Lisa got to her feet, pulling at the hood. It covered her head and eyes leaving her nose and mouth exposed. A wide leather band was buckled and padlocked shut over her steel collar. A smaller strap was buckled and padlocked shut under her chin. She tried to pull it off but it was too well fastened on her. Lisa heard something removed from the cupboard. Lisa could hear Sapphire as she moved, the bells hanging from her nipples jingled at the slightest movement. Lisa threw a wild slap when the jangle of nipple rings grew closer. Lisa stumbled forward as she lashed out at thin air. Sapphire was moving quickly now, dancing around her. Lisa tried to keep her in the front but the hood and the ankle chains allowed her only a clumsy stagger. It was then that she felt it. The broad band of leather slapped across her backside causing Lisa to almost collapse on to her knees. Lisa tried to kick out, but the ankle cuff quickly pulled her leg short unbalancing her. Sapphire saw the opening and brought the leather paddle down hard at almost the exact place as the last blow. The pain exploded through Lisa's body, her eyes watered, wetting the inside of the hood. She fell to her knees, covering her backside from the next blow. Sapphire struck her again, this time across the back. Lisa could hardly catch her breath as the air was almost blown out of her lungs. She gasped in pain, unable to get the breath to scream.

"Stop Mistress, please stop mistress, I'll be good, please mistress" Lisa could only sob out her plea,

"Strip slut now" Sapphire said angrily.

Lisa quickly undid her skirt and stood up allowing it to slip to the floor. She shook in pain, not believing what Sapphire had done to her. Lisa slid her panties off, pulling them over the ankle cuffs and on to the chain. She stood up straight, leaving her panties tangled around the ankle chain. She tried to cover herself, as she stood naked in front of Sapphire. Lisa blushed as she wondered what she looked like naked, hooded, in ankle chains.

"Telling me to stop beating you broke the Master's no speaking rule, put out your hand."

Lisa shook her head.

"Do it, I'm not going to hurt you."

Lisa thought Sapphire's tone seemed to soften a little. Lisa slowly lifted her hand. Sapphire snapped a thin metal bracelet around her right wrist. Lisa pulled back her hand and felt the new bracelet. It was a contoured round bangle, little more than a steel ring. It hung loosely above her cuff. A bell hung from a small ring looped onto the bangle. The bell jingled as it hit against the cuff below.

"That's a punishment bracelet, it's worth five lashes. They put the bell on it as a reminder of your disobedience and what is to come."

Lisa put her hands to her hooded head and sobbed in despair. Lisa flinched but Sapphire only put her arms around her and gave her a gentle hug.

"I know it's difficult, just remember what I said and do what they say. It gets easier I promise."

Lisa sobbed against Sapphire's shoulder. Sapphire gave her another quick hug and then pushed her away.

"We need to put your gag back in and get you yoked, otherwise the Doctor will punish both of us, Open your mouth"

As Sapphire moved behind her, Lisa reluctantly opened her mouth. She hated the idea of wearing the gag again. She blinked behind the darkness of the leather hood. The shock of this whole experience left her feeling numb. She knew she had to follow the instructions or feel that strap again. Sapphire pushed the ball into Lisa's mouth. Lisa was relieved to find Sapphire did not buckle it as tight as Carl.

Lisa began to panic when she heard Sapphire return to the cupboard.

"I'm going to put you in a wooden yoke. It locks around your neck and wrists."

Sapphire pulled out a square of wood that was stored between the cupboard and the wall. Sapphire passed it to Lisa to feel. The weight of the yoke almost made Lisa lose her grip. Sapphire helped her lower it to the floor. Lisa felt around the yoke. It was about three feet square and over an inch thick. A circle of wood had been cut out of the middle of the block and two smaller openings were spaced out either side of the centre hole. Lisa gave a muffled cry as she realised the purpose of the three openings; one for her neck the other two for her wrists. It would hold her hands immobile beside her head and it would leave her body at their mercy.

"You'll have to kneel and lean forward so I don't hurt you when I put it on."

Lisa sank to her knees and leant forward, defeated. Sapphire held the open yoke steady on the floor.

"Put your head in first, use your hands to make sure your collar is sitting above the wood."

Lisa leant forward and placed her neck in the semi-circle. The wood was worn smooth; it was obviously not the first time this had been used. Sapphire pushed the collar higher on Lisa's neck. The collar scraped against the top of the wood. The collar was going to be on top of the yoke, forcing it tight under her chin.

"Now put in your wrists. Put your forearms in and then pull back, when you feel the cuffs pull on the wood, hold position. Make sure you're fully in, it really hurts to get pinched by this thing." Lisa slid her wrists into position and Sapphire gently closed the yoke. As the identical semi-circles closed behind her neck and over her wrists, the cuffs and collar pushed tighter. She tried to get more comfortable but she could hardly move. Sapphire closed the hasp of the yoke and secured it with a padlock.

"On your feet"

Sapphire held Lisa under one arm and helped her up. Lisa swayed under the weight of the heavy wood.

"I'm going to take you in to the Doctor, do what you're told. Don't give her any excuse. We need discipline, I know that, but she seems to take too much delight in hurting us. Between you and me she's a complete bitch …."

The door in the far wall suddenly slammed opened. Sapphire whirled around to stare in shock at the new arrival.

"I didn't realise I had such a good reputation."

The Doctor dressed in a lab coat and high heels moved over to stand in front of Sapphire. Dark hair surrounded a round, but pretty, face. Her ample figure squeezed into the tight lab coat. Sapphire fell to her knees, kissing the Doctor's shoes.

"Please mistress, forgive Sapphire, Sapphire didn't mean anything, Sapphire loves her mistress"

"It's good that a slave loves her mistress. I love you to Saff. Bring the new slut in. Come on hurry, bring her in."

Sapphire visibly relaxed and rose to her feet.

"Oh Saff, because I love you, why don't you take two punishments from the cupboard, before you come in?"

"But mistress, being rude is one bracelet" Sapphire pleaded.

"Why don't you get a third one? Would you like to question me again, perhaps we can start a new fashion and have two on each wrist."

Sapphire fled to the cupboard and pulled out one of the bracelets, locking it quickly on her wrist. Lisa heard two more clicks as Sapphire locked on two more.

"Get in" The Doctor pushed Lisa angrily forward. Lisa heard the sound of her own punishment bracelet. She did not know if she could take five blows, not if they were like the strap she was hit with earlier.

"Slide her into the rack and we'll get her sorted out, if you're good Saff maybe I'll remove one of your bracelets."

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